List of Signed Financing Contracts First Call for Proposals Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Pr

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List of Signed Financing Contracts First Call for Proposals Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Pr List of Signed Financing Contracts First Call for Proposals Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Priority Axis 1 – Social and Economic Development 18 projects Date of signing the MIS-ETC Title Lead partner Partners Total budget Total IPA financing contract Integral development of tourism in Kladoovo and 372 Municipality of Kladovo Local Council Pojejena, Romania; 457.550,00 388.917,50 02 December 2010 Pojejena municipalities 374 The Town of Margum National Museum Pozarevac Banat Museum Timisoara, Romania; 485.400,00 412.590,00 28 December 2010 University of Novi Sad, Technical Sustainable development for banat region by means University Politehnica 385 Faculty Mihajlo Pupin Zrenjanin, 379.788,00 322.819,80 14 December 2010 of education Timisoara Republic of Serbia Health Center Zitiste, Republic of Development of Cross-border telediagnostic and 386 General Hospital Vrsac Serbia; County Emergency Hospital 1.148.252,00 976.014,20 30 December 2010 telecomunication network in health institutions Resita, Romania; Creation and promotion of the tourist route with Roman specific Via Danubii including the Municipality of Velijo Gradiste, 392 Baile Herculane Local Council 1.175.731,65 999.371,90 03 November 2010 reabilitation of the physical infrastructure "Roman Republic of Serbia Street" Drobeta Turnu Severin City 393 Modernisation and preservation of water castle Negotin City Hall, Republic of Serbia; 955.681,00 812.328,85 15 December 2010 Hall 401 Flavors and scents of Deliblatska pescara Municipality of Alibunar Euroland Banat Association, Romania; 308.925,00 262.586,25 16 December 2010 Regional center of Vitreo-Retinal Surgery and Emergency Clinical Municipal Municipality of Zrenjanin, Republic of 404 674.070,00 572.959,50 09 December 2010 Oftalmology-Oncology Hospital Timisoara Serbia; High Technical School of Professional Centre for increasing competitiveness of SME in Regional Chamber of 409 Studies Pozarevac, Republic of 381.354,00 324.150,90 28 December 2010 border region Commerce Pozarevac Serbia; Activity Foundation, Romania Home of Longevity for Cultural Treasury of Banat - 423 establishment of Regional Cultural Centre for Banat Municipality of Vrsac Banat Museum Timisoara, Romania; 999.925,00 849.936,25 27 December 2010 Heritage - "Konkordia" Municipality of Deta, Romania; Romanian Orthodox Church Deta, Romania; Romanian Catholic Church Deta, Romania; Romanian Orthodox Church Opatita, Romania; Serbian Improvement of CBC and Common Tourist Offer of Orthodox Church Municipality of 424 Municipality of Vrsac 865.855,32 735.977,02 31.11.2010 Municipalities of Vrsac and Deta Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; Romanian Orthodox Cathedral Church Municipality of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; Roman-Catholic Church Municipality of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; City of Pancevo, Republic of Serbia; Municipality of Novi Knezevac, 426 Increasing the Tourism Capacities in Banat Region Municipality of Kanjiza 570.195,00 484.665,75 03 December 2010 Republic of Serbia; Association Banat Ripensis Jimbolia, Romania; Cross-border network for advanced training and Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, 464 West University of Timisoara 1.000.000,00 850.000,00 07 February 2011 research in environmental protection Republic of Serbia; Judo Club Bor, Republic of Serbia; Mehedinti County Judo 466 Judo at the Iron Gate Drobeta Turnu Severin City Hall, 157.920,93 134.232,79 15 December 2010 Association Romania; Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kikinda, Republic of Serbia; Regional Chamber of Economy Regional Chamber of Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia; 507 Banatian entrepreneurship tradition Commerce and Industry 297.636,00 252.990,60 24 December 2010 Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Pancevo Agricuture Timisoara, Romania; Ioan Slavici Foundation for Culture and Education, Romania; Enterpreneurs General Association of SME development support Center of mucipalities the Municipality Plandiste, Republic 508 Municipality of Plandiste 350.740,00 298.129,00 14 December 2010 Plandiste and Deta of Serbia; Municipality of Deta, Romania; Increasing the degree of mobility in order to develop Local Council Pojejena, Romania; 512 economic and touristic exchange in the transborder Caras-Severin County Council Municipality of Kladovo, Republic of 1.019.400,00 866.490,00 24 December 2010 area Pojejena - Vojevodina Serbia; Valorising the touristic potential from Clisura Dunarii - building the attraction point and Association for Tourism Veliko 517 Pojejena Local Council 796.795,00 677.275,75 22 December 2010 information and tourism promoting center in the Gradiste, Republic of Serbia; Pojejena village area List of Signed Financing Contracts First Call for Proposals Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Priority Axis 2 – Environment and Emergency Preparedness 7 projects Date of signing the MIS-ETC Title Lead partner Partners Total budget Total IPA financing contract 396 Green Banat Municipality of Kikinda Jimbolia City Hall, Romania; 465.841,00 395.964,85 01 December 2010 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Timisoara, Romania; Public 410 Stop Ambrosia City of Pancevo 680.932,00 578.792,20 31 December 2010 Utility Company - Higijena, Republic of Serbia; The Tamis Institute Pancevo, Republic of Serbia; Caransebes City Hall, Romania; City of Zrenjanin, 411 Measure for protection of Tamis River STEP 2 Pancevo Municipality Republic of Serbia; Municipality of Opovo, Republic of 604.065,60 513.455,76 31 December 2010 Serbia; 414 Waste selective collection to the EU level Sisesti Local Council Mosna City Hall, Republic of Serbia; 673.564,00 572.529,40 26 November 2010 Modernization and rehabilitation center of 422 regional fast interventions and monitoring on Mehedinti County Council Municipality of Golubac, Republic of Serbia; 941.260,10 800.071,09 26 November 2010 emergency situations Ciresu, jud. Mehedinti Timis Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture; 445 Back to the Future City of Zrenjanin 536.500,00 409.360,00 15 April 2011 Romania; Monitoring and Alarming System in Cases of 476 Timis County Council Municipality of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; 1.150.000,00 977.500,00 26 November 2011 Natural Disasters List of Signed Financing Contracts First Call for Proposals Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Priority Axis 3 – Promoting “People to People” exchanges 21 projects Date of signing the MIS-ETC Title Lead partner Partners Total budget Total IPA financing contract Cross Border initiatives for social insertion of 371 Bethany Social Services Foundation Association of Citizens Duga, Republic of Serbia; 200.417,00 170.354,45 07 February 2011 disavantaged groups 383 Borders set us apart, culture links us Semenic Radio Association Literary Artistic Society Tibiscus, Republic of Serbia; 209.139,00 177.768,15 31 December 2010 Municipality of Zitiste, Republic of Serbia; 384 Roma social inclusion network Municipality of Nova Crnja Municipality of Novi Knezevac, Republic of Serbia; 103.544,00 88.012,40 17 December 2010 Intercultural Institute Timisoara, Romania; Cross Border Pollution on the Danube by mining Local Council Pojejena, Romania; Dositej Obradovic 398 Ecological Group - NERA Caras-Severin 60.930,88 51.791,25 16 December 2010 wastes, reality and media bomb also School Plus, Republic of Serbia; 407 Founding Banat Tennis Association Sports Club Tivoli Tenis Club Dinamo Pancevo, Republic of Serbia; 195.065,00 165.805,25 16 December 2010 Theoretical Highschool Mircea Eliade Resita, Romania; 417 Find out about life 2 NGO Kokoro Theoretical Highschool Traian Vuia Resita, Romania; 97.710,74 83.053,62 31.11.2010 NGO Youth of Jazas Pozarevac, Republic of Serbia; Mehedinti County Council, Romania; Mosna City Hall, 421 Folklore- the traditional item Godeanu Local Council 176.230,00 149.795,50 04 November 2010 Republic of Serbia; College Constantin Diaconovic Loga, Romania; Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life in the Border 428 Grammar School Borsilav Braca- Vrsac Theoretical Grammar School "Dositej Obradovic", 95.107,00 80.840,95 09 February 2011 Areas Romania; Caras and Nera Valley - Communication 430 Mountain Banat's Museum Resita City Museum of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; 143.020,00 121.567,00 16 December 2010 channels, civilization roads Cross-border resource centre for local public 431 Eftimie Murgu University Municipality of Vrsac, Republic of Serbia; 195.000,00 165.750,00 31 December 2009 administration 432 Cultural and linguistic interfaces Association Banat-Ripensis House of youth Kikinda, Republic of Serbia; 140.261,50 119.222,28 13 December 2010 438 Not so different Pre-school institute Zrenjanin Association Curcubeul Moldova Noua, Romania; 69.900,00 59.415,00 02 December 2010 Centre for numerical stimulation and digital Technical College of Applied Science in Zrenjanin, 440 Eftimie Murgu University 199.486,00 169.563,10 17 December 2010 prototyping Republic of Serbia; Center for Rural Development Novi Knezevac, Learn best Agribusiness practices - Improve 444 Educational center of Rural Development Republic of Serbia; Center for Development Serbian - 108.460,00 92.191,00 03 December 2010 Banat Rural Prospects Romanian, Romania; Moldova Noua City Hall, Romania; German Exchange of good practice through e-governance 458 Eftimie Murgu University Democratic Forum of the Caras-Severin County, 44.470,00 37.786,16 31 December 2010 in local public administration Romania; Alibunar Municipality, Romania; National Council of Valach (Romanian) National 471 Culture and
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