
1809 E 13th St. Suite 100 -300 8803 S 101st East Ave. Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74104 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918)582-6800


Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-flammatory (NSAID’s), such as Motrin are very strong anti-coagulants which can cause bleeding problems in normal individuals.

In addition to these - like , Vitamins and many herbal supplements (such as Garlic, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Flaxseed, Ginger, Feverfew, Bilberry, Chamomile, ) can cause bleeding or adverse physiologic effects during surgery.

If you are on a blood thinner or antiplatelet such as Coumadin (warfarin), Plavix (clopidogrel), Pletal (cilostazol)Pradaxa or Xarelto, YOU MUST STOP 7 DAYS PRIOR TO SURGERY. Do not restart blood thinners until your physician advises.

Patients preparing for surgery must stop all sources of Aspirin, Aspirin like products, Vitamins and all Herbal Supplements or Diet Pills for 10 days prior to surgery and 5 days after surgery. Below are a FEW OF MANY Aspirin-like or Herbal Supplement products to be avoided prior to surgery.

Advil Daypro Lodine Relafen Aggrenox Magan Robaxisal Aleve Magsal Rufin Alka – Seltzers Di – agesic Marnal Ru - tess Anacin Dipridacot Measurin S – A – C Anaprox Dupyridamole Meclotenamate Salatin Anadynos Disalcid Meclomen Saleto Ansaid Dolobid Mefenamic Salflex APC Dolprn Argesic Dong Quai Root Mendomen Salocol Arthropan Dristan Melomen Arthrotec Duoprin Methcarbamol w/ Selenium Arthritis Formula Durgesic Aspirin Sine – Aid ASA Durasal Micrainin Sine – Off Sinus Ascriptin Easprin Midol Sinutab Asocdeen-30 Echinacea Mobic SK – 65 Aspergum Ecotrin Mobidin Soma Aspirin Emagrin Mobigesic Stanback Atromid Emprazil Momentum Backache Stendin Axotal Empirin with Formula St. John’s Wart Azolid Encaprin Monacet with Codeine St. Joseph Products Bayer Products Ephedra (Ma – Huang) Motrin B.C. tablets & powder Equagesic Supac Bextra Nalfon Synalgos – DC Bilberry Etrafon Naprelan Talwin Bufferin Products Excedrin Naprosyn Ticlid Buffets II Feldene Ticlopidine Buffinol Neocylate Tolectin Buf – tabs Feverfew Norgesic Fiorinal Novnaproxen Toradol Butazolidin Fish Oil Novodipiradrol Triaminicin Cama Products Flaxseed Nuprin Trigesic Oraflex Trilisate Cataflam Four Way Cold Tabs Orudis Celebrex Gaysal-S Oruvail Garlic (Allium Sativum) Vanquish Chamomille Gelprin P – A – C Vitamins Cheracol Gemnisin Pabalate – SF Vivarin Cilostazol Ginger Pabrin Buffered tabs Voltaren Clinioril Ginkgo (Biloba) Pamprin Warfarin Clopidogrel Ginseng Panalgesic Willow Bark Congesprin Chewable Goody’s Pamate Yohimbe Compounded Creams IBU Pepto Bismol Zactrin Contac Percodan Zomax Cope Indocin Persantine Zorprin Coricidin Indomethacin Persistin Cosprin Plavix Coumadin Pietal Damason P Lanorinal Darvon Lioresal Ponstel If you must take something for , menstrual cramps, arthritis, or other aches and you may take Tylenol (acetaminophen)