Key Player Identification in Underground Forums Over
Session: Long - Graph Nerual Network II CIKM ’19, November 3–7, 2019, Beijing, China Key Player Identification in Underground Forums over Atributed Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding Framework Yiming Zhang, Yujie Fan, Liang Zhao Chuan Shi Yanfang Ye∗ Department of IST School of CS Department of CDS, Case Western George Mason University Beijing University of Posts and Reserve University, OH, USA VA, USA Telecommunications, Beijing, China ABSTRACT ACM Reference Format: Online underground forums have been widely used by cybercrimi- Yiming Zhang, Yujie Fan, Yanfang Ye, Liang Zhao, and Chuan Shi. 2019. nals to exchange knowledge and trade in illicit products or services, Key Player Identifcation in Underground Forums over Attributed Hetero- geneous Information Network Embedding Framework. In which have played a central role in the cybercriminal ecosystem. In The 28th ACM order to combat the evolving cybercrimes, in this paper, we propose International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’19), November 3–7, 2019, Beijing, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. and develop an intelligent system named iDetective to automate the analysis of underground forums for the identifcation of key players (i.e., users who play the vital role in the value chain). In 1 INTRODUCTION iDetective, we frst introduce an attributed heterogeneous informa- tion network (AHIN) for user representation and use a meta-path As the Internet has become one of the most important drivers in the based approach to incorporate higher-level semantics to build up global economy (e.g., worldwide e-commerce sales reached over relatedness over users in underground forums; then we propose $2.3 trillion dollars in 2017 and its revenues are projected to grow to $4.88 trillion dollars in 2021 [31]), it also provides an open and Player2Vec to efciently learn node (i.e., user) representations in shared platform by dissolving the barriers so that everyone has AHIN for key player identifcation.
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