ricuhural Schoo. - FIAT LUX


N. Y. S. A. FROSH BANQQET FIAT FAIR DECEMBER 33TH ALFRED OUTCLASSES MANSFIELD AND 14TH Large Number Present at Annual Event — Most Enjoyable IN 40-7 ARGUMENT Big Preparations Underway — Affair Hope to Clear Paper of Debt

The Freshmen held their ban- December 13th and 14th are the quet last, Tuesday evening, Nov. 9, j VARSITY HAD EVERYTHING-COMPLETELY dates set for the placing of the 1915, at Firemens Hall. Covers DEMORALIZED THE NORMAL TEAM- Fiat upon a sound financial basis. were laid for one hundred and SPECTACULAR PLAYS ABOUND These are the days that have been fifteen guests. The tables were settled upon definitely for hold- most brilliantly decorated with "We have met the enemy, and sive and during the last session ing the annual Fiat Lux fair. the class colors of orange and ;hey are ours—six touchdowns the Varsity crossed the red and The committees have b:ven green, while palms and chrysan- and four goals." This is the black line for 20 additional chosen and active work has al- themums were artistically arrang- message that greeted strangers uarks. ready been started as it is realiz- ed about the dining halls. who encountered the crowd re- The first score came from d that a great deal of work must 1 MENU turning from the Varsity's latest straight , Kirke being the be done to accomplish the task of Bouillon Wafers 'ictory — over Mansfield State man who accompanied the ball learing the Fiat debt, which the Pickles and Olives Normal on the Alfred field, last acrpss the line. The initial Fiat board has undertaken. There Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes Friday afternoon. The score was French Peas quarter left Alfred in possession will be the same old stand-by Chicken Salad Wafers 4-0 to 7, but one might have of the ball on Mansfield's 16 yard booths such as the candy, fancy Ice Cream Cake thought it was only 8 to 7 by the line. In the beginning of the. sec- work, grab bag, and ice cream Coffee enthusiasm which the students ond period Maure was pulled back while novelties have been added in 1 TOAST LIST showed. The rejoicing was of into the right half position and in the way of a tea room, police Ray W. Wingate, Toastmaster hat grim variety that exhibits court and many other things that Dr. Boothe C. Davis "Aggies in 1910'' four consecutive plays crossed the Albert W. Booth, class president itself only by gritted teeth, 3halk for six more points. Again will furnish a new surprise every "Aggies in 1915" sparkling eyes and a general air of Alfred approached the red and minute. Director W. J. Wright satisfaction. black goal, "Mac" tried a place In the way of entertainment "Aggies in 1920" The result of the game was a but the ball wobbled, Mans- there will be the Footlight Club Class song and cheers. Lawrence J. Burgott cheer leader soothing balm, a panacean powder field was downed with it on her 6 tryout play one evening while the The Freshman class of 1915 that healed the old open sore of yard line. Wilcox punted but other evening the Ag school will wish to extend their most hearty thirty-four stitches acquired on little Conderman was too fast for present a farce, the Glee Club will thanks to all of those who served Mansfield's gridiron last year. him, the pigskin went only as far make its initial appearance and and honored them. The scar is still present but all as his arms and Buck fell on it as another number as yet undevelop- pain has left the injured portions it jumped wildly about behind the ed, will comprise an unusually at- MANSFIELD CHEER MEET- and the patient rests in peace. goal line. tractive program. ING Again the Alfred team showed Mansfield took a brace in the The chairmen of the committees Another mass meeting more itself to be above the average third quarter and outplaying the are as follows: fancy work, than justified. Thursday night in small college eleven in endurance Varsity, ran the ball to within a Marion Elliott; candy, Leighton Kenyon Memorial was the meet- and knowledge of football. She yard of Alfred's goal line only to Boyes; entertainment, Harold ing; Friday was its justifica- rushed the Mansfield men from lose it when Rockwell fumbled Nash and Cyrus Bloodgood; ice tion. In the absence of cheer the blow of the first whistle and and an Alfred man turned a pos- cream, Stanton Davis; fish pond, leader Wingate, Randolph led the she continued to them sible touchdown into a . Elliott Wight; program, Edward cheers and there was no lack of throughout the game. A study he Normal men were in earnest, Saunders; advertising, Ernest noise to register accurately the of the score by periods, given at however, and after recovering the Perkins. fate of Mansfield. Down town the end of this article, best ex- ball in mid-field, Baxter com- the Mansfield team gathered to plains the true spirit of the game. pleted a 25 yard and FOOTLIGHT CLUB PLAY gether in groups must have felt Alfred scored 7 points in the first a few plays later, Sweeley, All College students who desire too, the determination that lay quarter, in the second she taLlied after a 20 yard , lodged to enter the contest for a place on behind the outbursts that swep 13 more. In the third the Nor- the yellow ball where it counted the caste of the " Out" play, mvn the hill. It was no longe mal boys came back with a rush 6 points. Wilcox kicked the are requested to hand their names the novelty that prompted th. and not only held the purple and goal and the possibility of putting to the committee immediately, as spirit; that had had time to wea gold scoreless but swept hy her a coat of whitewash on the Mans- the play has been chosen and work off. It was the steady pressure for one touchdown and nearly for field team disappeared like a must commence at once. of a determination to succeed, and a second. This onslaught, so cigarette when the Coach happen: The committee are Robert to bend every talent toward tha bravely executed, left the men around. Greene, Harold Clausen, Harold end. We won. from Pennsylvania weak and pas- Continued on page six Nash. FIAT LUX

(XiCOQQOQaQQQOOOQQQQOQQQQOOQOQOQQQQQQQQOQQQQQQQQQQOOQQ FELLOWS! We Are Showing Just The I N. Y. S. .A. Coat For Days Like These OCXWXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO " Robin Hood " is what the makers call it. "Society Brand " is what the label says. Its about the smartest thing in the way of a fall overcoat you've ever seen; made up in the N. Y. S. A. CAMPUS N. Y. S. A. JUNIOR SOCIAjL newest materials. —Leland Dennis '17, spent the On Wednesday evening the Won't you come in and try it on ? week-end at his home near Can- class of 1917 N. Y. S. A. held their You'll also find Furnishings HERE that are different. isteo. first "get-together." Through TUTTLE & ROCKWELL CO. —Elliott Wight '16, spent Wed- the kindness of Prof. Thomas the Grange Hall was procured. Games ' Separate Men's Store '' nesday afternoon with his friend, 103-111 MAIN ST. HORNELL, N. Y. Tom Barry '15, at Almond. were played the first part of the evening after which everyone —Miss Lillian Hodge of Horse- went to the dining room where a heads returned to her home last light luncheon was served. Toasts ing and were greatly enjoyed by But our's is not such a hard lot Monday evening after spending were responded to in behalf of all. after all. The Children of the Sunday and Monday with her officers of the class by Mr. Eaton. The attendance was as large or Soil and Kitchen as a whole, re- friend, Miss VanDuzer, Ag '18. Prof. Pontius was then called on larger than that of any previoui ceived us with welcome arms and meeting and it is hoped that the very few of them shed many salty —The Ag Frosh caps are and this ended the speeches. students will continue the good tears over the prospect of being "some" caps as we have mention- Everyone again turned to the hall work already started. branded for one whole year as to ed elsewhere in this issue and we proper where a little of the Terp- sichorean art held sway ably ex- their real standing in Alfred's are glad to see them take to the "social 400." It can be said to new custom with so little corn mo- pedited by the melodious tunes of "WE HAVE ARRIVED" the victrola. the credit of the class as a whole, tion. that they have taken their medi- Ag Frosh Make Their Debut— —The Ag freshmen certainly At the close of the evening's en- cine like true men and women and Their Salutation extended themselves when they tertainment the Alma Mater was that they can look forward ID ex- planned their recent banquet. It sung and each repaired to his re- pectatijon to next fall when as has been said that the affair was spective abode satisfied that the '' We have arrived and we shall stalwart Juniors they will be the superior in every way to any Ag Juniors were by no means stay, till the jolly time is at an ones whose hearts will be rent former class doings ever held by asleep in the line of entertaining. end." Who are We? Why- we with sympathy for that new and an Ag freshman class. The com- Prof. Pontius and Miss Bark- are the new freshmen caps who tender class, the Ag Freshmen. mittee deserve full credit for their house were the chaperones. arrived at Bassett's store last careful work in planning the Thursday. Did we stay there evening's entertainment. long ? Well, not all of us anyway UNIVERSITY BANK COUNTRY LIFE CLUB for within five hours after our The weekly meeting of the debut into Alfred society at least forty of us were adorning those N. Y. S. A. CHAPEL TALKS Country Life Club held in Agri- Students are cordially Invited to open ivory vacuums commonly known The chapel talk last Tuesday cultural Hall Nov. 11th, consisted a' counts with us. The Banking Habit Is • as the Freshman Domes. good habit to cultivate. The Bank stand* morning was given by Prof. Ponti- of one of the most interesting pro- Some of the Ags feel real proud for security and convenience in money us. His well written paper on grams held so far this year. Be- of "us and why shouldn't they? matters. "The Student's Relation to the cause of the mass meeting held Who would not be proud and yes School" was listened to with in- previous to the Mansfield game, even feel honored to have that terest by those present. Among the program did not start until complex conglomeration of wood, D. 8. BURDICK, President the numerous points brought out 8:15. The following program was rendered: ivory and bristles, decorated be- E. A. GAMBLE, Cashier. in the talk were the reasons why yond recognition by a most ex- a student comes to school, and Paper on Poultry Ethel Barnhart Gleanings Laurence Burgott quisite example of the hatter's ALFRED UNIVERSITY DE- what the school offers in return art. We really are quite stun- Read by Kenneth Trescott PARTMENT OF MUSIC in the way of courses, athletics, Recitation Fabian Fisher ning don't you know, oh yes; etc. Vocal Solo Marjorie Blanchard quite strikingly noticeable, for Courses in All Branches Prof. Pontius laid particular The paper on poultry by Miss with our bright yellow cow-catch- stress on the friends that the stu- ers, our green bodies and little Not too late for Students and Barnhart was especially interest- Townspeople to register for dent makes as an important part ing as it was an account of an yellow whistles, we railroad our of the student's life, both in school amateur who began the poultry way into the very soul of the col- chorus and in later years. business intending to make $1,000 ^e and townspeople whose FEE—$2.00. BOOKS FREE a year from 30 hens. hearts fairly break with sympa- Call at the Music Studio and Thursday morning Miss Julia The Gleanings were excellent, thy and bemoan the fact that let us arrange your course. Wood read from "Review of Re- having many items that would be such beautiful creations as we RAY W. WINGATE, Director. views" a portion of an article re- of interest to farmers throughout should be compelled to ride atop garding the publication of activi- the country. One article gave nich nutty pates. Yea, verily, NEW CAMPUS SONG BOOKS ties in the present conilicl of some idea of the development of Eor a whole year excepting holi- great nations. To explain the the farm tractor. lays and Sundays must we pro- On Sale at the Music Studio. worthlessness of some reports and The recitation by Mr. Fisher trude our yellow noses into every All the latest College and Ag the inaccuracy of others was her and the solo by Miss Blanchard nook and corner of the University School Songs. chief object. gave evidence of plenty of train- campus. Ten Cents Each FIAT LUX

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IN- ate consisting of five members, three from Section 3. Three members shall con- SENIORS the Senior class and two from the Junior stitute a quorum in these meetings pro- COMPLETE class. There shall be in addition to these vided both Junior and Senior classes are All Seniors who have not se- one consulting member from each of the represented. cured their Caps and Gowns con- lower classes who shall have no vote. Article VIM. Powers St Bonaventure Cancelled—No Section 2. The Senate shall have a fer with Ford B. Barnard before President, Vioe President, Secretary and Section 1. The President shall preside Team Secured As Yet at all meetings of the Senate, of the As- purchasing. Treasurer, and such other officers as It sociation and at all mass meetings. In may deem necessary. The President, Vice his absence the Vice President shall pre- President, and Secretary and Treasurer side. Owing to the fact that St. Bona- shall also act as officers of the Students' F. J. KENNEDY & SON venture cancelled at the eleventh Association. Section 2. The Secretary and Treas- urer shall keep the minutes of all meet- hour, we are without a game for Article V. Elections ings of the Senate, of the Association and this week. Mgr. Whitford has Section 1. On the second Tuesday In of all College Mass Meetings; he shall at- May of each year the Junior and Sopho- tend to the correspondence of the Associ- FLOEISTS approached several schools in more classes shall meet and nominate ation and perform such other duties as view of a game but has been un- candidates for the Student Senate. are usually performed by the Secretary of Section 2. Bach class shall place in such an organization. He shall also have able to schedule one, to date. Thiel nomination twice as many candidates as it charge of such funds as are voted by the Special attention given orders for and Hobart were the likely ones, is entitled to members on the Senate for Association. the following year, namely, six for the Section 3. The Senate shall have dances and other occasions. but both refused with "thanks." Junior class und four for the Sophomore authority over all college customs and tra- Efforts are being made to provide class. Nominations shall be made tiy form ditions ; it shall organize and conduct all Seneca St. Hornell, N. Y. al ballot. A list of the nominations shall college Mass Meetings ; it shall regulate and a contest which will present a be placed on the bulletin board immediately supervise student activities as stated in the Century Phone 550X «'ood exhibition of football, and be after the nominations are made. constitution and regulations of student acti- Section 3. On the following Wednes- vities ; it shall have complete charge of all thoroughly in keeping with the day the election shall take place in a meet student elections, except such as are in- TRASK & TRUMAN present athletic policy. ing of the Student body. This meeting corporated in the other constitutions; it shall be presided over by the President of shall represent the Associatoin in all its Tonsorial Artists Mgr. Burdick is negotiating for the Senate. He shall appoint tellers to relations with the Faculty, Alumni, Trus- a game for the Varsity Eeserves take and count ballots. and other exterior bodies ; it shall be Basement — Rosebush Block Section 4. Elections for each class shall authorized to use discretionary power in all Alfred, N. Y. with Corning North Side High be held separately. Ballots shall be pro- matters requiring immediate action. School. It is highly probable vided for each with the names of the can- Section 4. The Student Senate shall that this game will be staged be- didates writteu thereon. Each student is have power to take cognizance of violation entited to vote for as many candidates as of the Campus Rules and shall be a- Court of TAILOR SHOP fore Thursday. Corning has a there are members to be elected from each Last Resort in the interpretation of these fast team this year and should class, which ;s done by marking off the rules as provided in the Campus Rules. and names of those for whom they do not Section 5. The Senate shall deal with TELEPHONE OFFICE keep the "Reserves" busy every wish to vote. all cases involving violations of the Honor System as stated in the Honor System minute. Section 5. The three candidates in the W. H. BASSETT Junior class and the two in the Sophomore Constitution. class having the largest number of votes Section 6. It shall be the duty of the MORE SWEATERS respectively, providing each has a ma- Senate to condemn any practice which may jority of all the votes cast, shall be de- be deemed not in accord with the true col- The number of sweaters donat- clared elected. lege spirit; to summon to its meetings in- H. C. HUNTING ed, to date, is nine. Burdick Section 6. In case the required number dividuals indulging in such practice or of candidates do not receive a majority of violating Campus Rules, and in case of Portrait Photographer Hall has pledged two, the Brick all the votes cast, balloting shall continue proven misconduct, to inflict penalties girls one, C. S. Hurlburt one, and until an election is made, the lowest be- which it shall deem expedient. ing eliminated at each ballot. Section 7. In all cases its power may Amateur Supplies and Finishing F. L. Titsworth '08, of Plainfield, extend to public censure of individuals or Section 7. The Freshman class shall groups of individuals for misconduct. N. J., one. Let the good work go elect its consulting member some conveu Article IX. Meetings lent time prior to May 25th of each .war. on. If enough are not donated Section 1. All meetings of the Associ- Section 8. The incoming class of the soon we may have to go begging. ation, called for the purpose of elections The 20 Guage Shot Gun Has folowing year shall elect its consulting and amending and revising the Constitu- member some convenient time prior to tion and By-Laws, shall be called !>y the Come To Stay October 1st. CONSTITUTION OF THE STU- President through a notice in the issue of Section 9. The President shall !>e elect- the Fiat Lux preceding the meeting. All For Prices and Quality Set DENTS' ASSOCIATION OF ed on the Wednesday following the elec- ALFRED UNIVERSITY items to be considered shall he included in E. E. Fenner Hardware tion of the Senators at a joint meeting of the announcement of the meeting. the retiring Senate and the newly elected Article I. Name Senate, presided over by the retiring Presi- Section 2. Special meetings may be held at the call of the President. The name of this organization shall be dent. Section 3. Fifty members of the Associ- WETTLIN'S "FLOWERS" the Students' Association of Alfred Uni- Section 10. The new Senate shall com- ation shall constitute a quorum at these versity. plete its own organization. meetings. Both 'Phones Article II. Purpose Article VI. Eligibility Realizing that the faculty have supreme Article X. Amendments WBTTLIN FLORAL COMPANY Section 1. The President of the Senate Section 1. This Constitution and By- authority over all matters connected with shall be a Senior and he shall have served Hornell, N. Y. student life and yet knowing that they Laws may be amended at any regular on the Senate either as a Representative or meeting, provided such amendments have are -willing to co-operate with the students as a Senator prior to his Senior year, pro- to promote the welfare of the school, the been read before the Student body; and vided individuals so qualified have been published in the Fiat Lux one week ahead ; students have organized themselves into elected to positions in the Senate. the Students' Association of Alfred Uni- and have been passed by a two-thirds vote H. L. GIFFORD Section 2. Members of the Senate shall of those present. versity in order to develop a wise and in- PIANOS AND SHEET MUSIC be eligible for re-election. Section 2. The Athletic Association telligent self-control, to preserve and regu- Section 3. No member or representative NEW EDISON DISC PHONOGRAPH late beneficial customs and traditions of Constitution, the College Womans' Organi- of the Senate shall lose his seat on account zation Constitution, the Honor System Alfred, to have charge of and control all of a change in his college ranking. 36 Canisteo St., Hornell, N. Y. college elections and to assume, whenever Constitution may be amended as stated in Section 4. Three consecutive unexcused the different Articles under their respec- expedient, the control of student affairs, absences from meetings by any member tive Constitutions. all subject to the further provision of this shall terminate his membership. Excuses Section 3. The Campus Rules shall not constitution. shall be presented to the Senate for ac- Article III. Membership be amended except during the month of ceptance or rejection. May and prior to the date set for nomi- W. W. COON, D. D. S. Section 1. All persons enrolled as stu- Section 5. Any member is liable to im- nations and only in the manner herein- OFFICE HOURS dents in the College of Liberal Arts and peachment for misconduct in office by a after provided. in the New York State School of Cer- two-thirds vote of the Senate and can be Section 3a. The Junior and Sophomore 9 A. M. to 12 M. 1 to 4 P. M amics of Alfred University shall be con- removed from office by a two-thirds vote classes, on recommendation of the Student sidered members of this Association. of the entire Students' Association. Senate, shall each appoint a committee Section 2. No tax shall be levied for Article VII. Meetings of the Senate consisting of three members for the pur- the support of this organization except as Section 1. The Senate shall hold regu- pose of amending or suplementing these may be voted by the Association tor any lar meetings each week at a time set by the rules. Such measures as they adopt shall purpose that the Association may deem F. H. ELLIS Senate at the beginning of each year. All become a part of said rules when adopteo Pharmacist necessary. of the regular business must be performed by the association. Article IV. Organization at this time. Section 4. This Constitution shall go Use Ellis' Antiseptic Shaving Lotion Section 1. The iStudents' Association Section 2. Special meetings may be into effect upon its ratification by the shall be headed and represented by a Sen- called by the President at any time. Student Body. Parker's Fountain Pen« FIAT LUX

be, however, unless it is changed a constructive character would be GET TO KNOW THIS STORE soon. Aside from the Ray, Ray appreciated. A special column BETTER FIAT LUX yell and the Aggie cry, our only will be devoted to such letters and. medium of expression was through it is our most earnest hope that PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF ADLER-ROCHESTER SUITS ALFRED UNIVERSITY the form of hashed over prep this invitation will be heartily re- school yells, that are older than sponded to. Let yourself be a Exemplify the highest grade in Alfred, N. Y.; November 16, 191-5many of us can- remember. We factor in determining Alfred's ought to retain them until some- every detail of workmanship, cut, policy in her various activities. style and finish—and it is guaran- Editor-in-Chief thing better comes to light, but Letters do not necessarily have Hubert D. Bliss. '17. then, such ancient borrowings as teed fadeless Associate Editors to be signed with 'the writer's Edward E. Saunders, '17 the sky rocket and rickety axe, name, although the value of any Today there are sizes and pro- Marian Elliott, '17 and who are, who are, who are we, opinion is, of course, greatly en- portions for every type and Harold S. Nasli, '18 Leigbton Soyes, N. Y. S. A. '17 should be buried abruptly and in hanced by such information. In physique. Elliott Wiglit, N. Y. S. A. '17 strictest silence. case anyone does not wish his We have selected the Adler- Alumni Editor Who are we indeed, that Ave name published we would be gl-ad Rochester Line of Clothing be- Aarou MacCoon, '15 should be compelled to purloin the Reporters to accommodate him in that re- cause of their high standards of Stauton H. Davis '17 productions of prep schools or spect. In respect to letters, the quality, materials and workman- Eriing E. Ayars '17 even other colleges? Who are originality of which the Fiat is ship. Managing Editor we that we should be compelled not acquainted with, we do, how- Ford B. Barnard, '16 to take the taunts of outsiders to Assistant Managing Editor ever, retain the privilege of re- GUS VEIT & CO. Ernest Perkins, '17 "change the record," knowing in jecting any such letters as we may our hearts that the criticism is deem advisable. TERMS: $1.50 per year. Corner Main and Broad Streets keenly just. Is our duty clear; Hornell New York Address all communications of a busi- do we feel the obligation which It would seem that in our last ness nature to reaches to every one of us in the issue the part played by the fac- FORD B. BARNARD student body? We have brains, ulty ruling as affecting the cancel- let us use them. We are Alfred W. W. SHELDON Make all checks payable to Fiat Lux, and lation of the Buffalo game was LIVERY, SALES, FEED, all money orders to Ford B. Barnard. University; therefore, in every- overemphasized. We were told and thing let us be distinctly Alfred Entered as second-class mail matter at the by the management that it was EXCHANGE STABLES Post Office in Alfred. N. Y. University. We need bow to no cancelled because of too niany Bus to all trains one either in athletic skill, or in games so that our assumption was the other things which make up The last vestige of doubt has that the faculty ruling was the our ideal of character. We are a been removed. Alfred can have thing that stood in the way. It peculiar people; and we want to AT RANDOLPH'S a winning team when she is will- has been called to our attention be. We want to develop a culture Our line of Candies ing to work for one. Even before that while this entered into the and an individuality which shall Always fresh and of the best the season's end we have proved question there were also other Corner West University and Main Streets proclaim an Alfred man from what a good coach, an enthusi- reasons equally as decisive, the Portland to San Francisco. astic student body, and a fighting most important of which was that RALPH BUTTON, ALFRED, N. Y. team can do for a college. It Then let us make our own yells. there were too many games with- Dealer In has swept us all off the dead level Let every member of the Uni- in a limited time (this was before All Kinds of Hides of residence in a place into a versity send two or three Uni- St. Bonaventure cancelled) to al- Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, proud appreciation of it and the versity yells to the editor of the low the management to feel justi- Oysters and Oyster Crackers In season spirit for which it stands. Fiat, in order that they may be fied in playing them all under Call or phone your order It is the coach who has made a submitted in a comparative way the present financial condition of team; it is the team which has to the school. This is not simply the Athletic Association. The made us victorious; and what a request; it is a demand which faculty has been very active in EMERSON W. AYARS, M. D. have we done ? We have built big the college makes upon you. Are their support of football this year fires, and painted huge signs, and you loyal enough to answer it? and we are glad to correct what we have marched to the thrilling Be sure to send in something. was an injustice to them. "IDEAS" IN PRINTING music of a band. Yes, we have It's the "Idea" that makes the Pro- done these things, they are worthy What are the opinions of the PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION TO gram, Menu Card, or piece of Printing of praise, but why did we do students and alumni about college CLASS OF 1919 "snappy" you know. them ? Was it not the team, who, affairs? Every Alfred man or Invitations were sent out dur- There are lots of good printers you by their magnificent conduct, woman wants to see his or her ing the past week for President know, but few concerns with clever forced us to? They furnished an college pursue the best policy; the and Mrs. Davis' reception to the "ideas." inspiration to which we simply one that will enable them to be the Freshman class which will take We furnish the "ideas." readied. Then, have we, the stu- proudest of their Alma Mater. The place Thursday of this week. This FULLER, DAVIS CORPORATION dent body done nothing of our (Fiat unlike most other student reception to the "baby" class is Belmont, N. Y. own volition to claim our share publications, does not receive any an annual affair and as such is Succeeding Progressive Print Co. at of the reward. We have cheered reflection of such opinions ex- one of the most enjoyable events Belmont on the football (field; we have cept in an indirect way. It is during the college year. Every . urged the men to success. It is for communications upon uni- ALL KINDS OF SHOES year, that freshman class has the Cleaned, polished, half-soled, -whole- to our credit that we did cheer, versity affairs that the Fiat now "best time ever" and it is certain soled and heeled. Pine repairing of but with what did we cheer. We asks. It seems needless to state all Leather and Rubber goods a speci- that this year's entertainment will ality. can scarcely be held responsible what spirit should dominate such follow the usual course in that Across from town clock. at present for the answer; we shall communications for only those of Respectfully, respect. G. A. STILU4AN. FIAT LUX

WILL SWEETLAND RETURN CAMPUS DR. THOMAS PEACE PRIZE REMEMBER ANOTHER YEAR? —Miss Fanny Whitford '11, of CONTEST Belmont was a caller in town The best meal in Hornell for the Sunday. Announcement Made of Fifth money Mgr. Whitford Thinks So—Salary —Miss Leggett of Cuba was the Contest — Preliminaries Increase Necessary, How- guest of Louisa Ackerly '19, over January 13th ever ,he week-end. Peck's The first announcement of the —F. Olive Thomas visited 33 Broad Street Will Coach Sweetland return friends at North Cohocton, Sat= fifth annual "Dr. Thomas World another year is the biggest ques- urday and Sunday. Peace Prize Contest" was made a la-Carte Service tion now that the football season —Elmer and Mary Hunting at Assembly last Wednesday, day and night is nearly at a close. That he has spent the week-end with their when all Sophomores and Juniors accomplished wonders this year is aunt at Alfred Station. who are interested in this contest only a mild form of stating it, but were requested to hand their —Miss Catherine Rogers of Al- it suffices to infer that he has ac- names to Prof. Porter at once. The THE NEW YORK STATE mond was the guest of Mable first draft of orations must be in complished what many had claim- SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE ed was impossible. From the Hood '17, over the week-end. the hands of the committee before first it was realized that Sweet- —Prof. L. C. Whitford spent the Christmas holidays. The pre- At Alfred University land was a far better coach than the weekend with Coach and liminary contest will be held small colleges could ordinarily Mrs. Sweetland at Dryden, N. Y. January 13, and the finals will offers strong practical courses in Agri- take place as soon thereafter as hope to secure and that it was due —Harold Kirke '16, visited his culture and Home Economics, to- possible. gether with a broad general training. to a combination of circumstances parents at Chicago, 111., over the The "Dr. Thomas Contest" was that Alfred was so favored with week-end. Kirke, who played a founded in 1912, by Mrs. Vandelia Three year courses for graduates of the lucky horseshoe as to obtain star game against Mansfield, gave Varnum Thomas, an alumna of the common schools his services. way to Williams in the last quar- Alfred University, in honor of her As it was he appeared on the ter in order to catch his train. Two year course for high school scene and has in one short year late husband. The first prize is graduates made athletic history for Alfred. —Now that the Assembly $50, the second $25 in gold. First There remains, however, a big room has been improved with new prize last year was awarded to Special short winter course task ahead. The work so ably window shades, we think a plaster Erling Ayars '17; second prize to done this year needs the continu- statue to grace the vacant niche Edna Jackson '17; while honor- For catalogue, address—• ance of th'e same coach at the helm on the stairs, is the next most able mention was voted William another year or else what may needed object in the way of dee- Stevens '17. perhaps mean a dropping back to oration. The man winning highest W. J. WRIGHT, Director the old way. —The K. K. K's entertained place is eligible to participate in Alfred, N. Y. Graduate Manager Whitford, last Monday evening with a game the State Intercollegiate contest when seen in regard to the coach's dinner consisting of pheasant, which will be held at Syracuse return said, "I think you can say partridge and rabbit. A very en- some time in the spring. Last that the coach will return. How- joyable time was had under the year Mr. Ayars represented Al- ever, we cannot hope to retain pleasing chaperonage of Dr. and fred at the State contest. Alfred Cafe him without a substantial increase Mrs. Paul E. Titsworth. It is hoped that a large number in salary. There was a combina- —Pres. Davis goes to Adams will enter the contest, as a great tion of circumstances that en- Center and Syracuse the last of deal can be gained from a study abled us to secure Sweetland this this week. From Syracuse he of the subject of "World Peace,' year which won't be operative for will go to the State Teachers' Con- even if all are not able to win the next year. So while it evolves it- vention at Rochester, thence to prize money. self much into a question of pay- New York and Philadelphia to at- Just Received a Fresh Supply of ing considerably more money I tend the convention of the Associ- Y. M. C. A. Johnston's & Pirika Candies think that some method will be ated Colleges and Preparatory Sunday evening Willard Sutton found to solve this problem and Schools of the Middle States and spoke on "The History of the Y. Good things to eat at all hours that Sweetland will return next Maryland. M. C. A. He then led a discussion year to complete the work he has on activities that Avould create Banquets a Specialty started." Daughter, what are you sew- more interest in our association. Every Alfred person is acquaint- ing? Next Sunday we will meet with ed with this situation but they A dainty work bag, mother, of the Agricultural students in their agree with Mgr. Whitford that pink and lavender, is it not love- hall. in some way or other sufficient ly? money will be raised so that in- Beautiful, child, and of ex- After the Movies Stop at the Cafe so-far as this matter has any bear- quisite niceness, but why so much Y. W. C. A. ing upon Sweetland's return it pains, and why so much care? The Y. W. C. A. was led by Alice will be satisfactorily met. At any Because, mother darling, I Baker and Mildred Place, the rate, there is at present only one shall hang it up to be sold with topic being, "I will be square." choice for next year's coach and others as rare to folks of the Uni- The chairman of the missionary that one is B. R. Sweetland, Cor- versity and from everywhere who committee secured a few pledge; C. S. HURLBURT, nell 1899. shall meet at the Fiat Fair. for the association work in Japan Proprietor FIAT LUX

ball on Mansfield's 16 yard line later Sweeley ran 20 yards to a Mansfield 0 Alfred 7. touchdown. Wilcox caught the Second Quarter out and kicked the goal 7- RIGHT DRESS 20. Capt. Maure Rushes Line For Touch is not a difficult problem—in fact it is no problem at all down—Conderman Blocks Kick— Mansfield kicked to Alfred when you wear styles originated by Buck Falls On Ball Behind Mac receiving the ball, gave it to Goal Line Maure on passing him and Capt. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER carried it up the side lines to his Maure as right half in four 45 yard line. Kirke carried the Suits and Overcoats $18, $20, $22, $26 plays rushed the Pennsylvania line of scrimmage ten yards fur- Wonderful values in Suits at $15.00. team for the second touch down ther but on the next series of Kirke failed to kick the goal. 0 plays Cottrell was forced to kick. 13. The teams lined up on Mansfield's King kicked, Sweeley running 30 yard line, Conderman broke up B. S. BASSETT the pigskin to his 35 yard line. Al a pass, a second went to the' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS fred was fined 15 yards for inter ground and even though Alfred ALFRED NEW YORK fering with Baxter as he attempt was set back for offside she got ed to catch a pass. Mansfield the ball on downs on the red and made one first down but was black 43 yard line. Kirke and forced to kick. Alfred dupli- Cottrell earned 7 yards. Maure cated this act but "Mac." had to made first down and then some. ALFRED VS. MANSFIELD Normal fellows waged a hard go them one better by recovering Buck pounded right three Continued from page one fight. the ball on the Normal school's Continued on page seven The game by quarters: 46 yard line when Sweeley fumbl- ed. (Conderman was substituted First Quarter During the last quarter the at left guard for Dorrance). Kirke ALFRED BAKERY Kirke After Big Gains Scores First swung in for a 20 yard run and on Mansfield team was a beaten Full line of Baked Goods Touchdown — Maure Completes Mansfield's 20 yard line Kirke bunch. Kirke secured another Booth's Chocolates Short Kick Off tried a place kick. Rockwell was touchdown. Decker fell on the Purity Ice Cream ball which Rockwell fumbled on Mansfield kicked to Alfred at downed with the ball, which went the next kickoff and Maure soon the south goal, Kirke ran the ball wide, on his 6 yard line. The red H. E. PIETERS carried it over again from the to his 36 yard line. As soon as and black were set back half this twenty yard line. Buck was the he was up, King used him for 3 for holding and Wilcox kicked. ! 1857 PHOTOGRAPHS 1915 next and last man to tear up the yards, Cottrell in two plays made onderman blocked the play and sacred sod behind the red and a generous first down, King twice Buck fell on the elusive leather. black goal line. This was made bucked the line in the wake of his Kirke kicked the goal. 0-20. Enlargements and Kodak back field for another 10 yards. possible by a 20 yard pass from Wilcox received Alfred's kick Finishing Twice more the linesmen had to Cottrell to Buck, and a 3 yard off and was just halted in mid- move but Sweeley intercepted a plunge. 'ield when the half ended. forward and the Normal boys The field was quite soggy but SUTTON'S STUDIO tried their offensive strength, Mansfield 0—Alfred 20. the snappy wind and clear sky only to have to kick. Alfred was 11 Seneca St Hornell, N. Y. made it seem like real football Third Quarter fined for holding and although weather. From the point of Rockwell's Fumble Loses One Touch- she completed a ten yard pass she view of "Alfred's revenge" the down—Sweeley Runs 20 Yards to was forced to punt. Sweeley pull- game was interesting. The way Goal Line—Mac and Maure ed a 15 yard run but King threw W. J. RICHTMYER King ran the team, the manner in Work Exchange Pass on Coronway for a loss, Wilcox hit which Kirke made a record of 110 Kick Off the stone wall and then kicked. yards gain, the work of Maure Coronway returned the kick Down the field from her 44 yard and Buck when pulled back into )ff 40 yards to Alfred's 35 yard Sole Agent For line the purple and gold went, half back positions, the veteran- ine. Wilcox and Sweeley se- RICHELIEU PURE FOODS Kirke taking 10 and 15 yards at like nerve shown by young Cot- ;ured a first down, Rockwell and a lick and the other backs helping trell in kicking, passing and play- Joronway made the referee wave until the ball stopped on Mans- ing the safety position and the he linesmen along again with the field's 2 yard line. King worked 8 Seneca St. Hornell ability of Conderman to find a •all on Alfred's 5 yard line. The up a yard further. Mansfield was way through Mansfield's offen- purple and gold held them to a fined 18 inches for being offside sive line gives Varsity supporters wo yard advance for two plays and Kirke went over for the additional reason for the justifica- md on the next action Rockwell first score. He later kicked the SHOES REPAIRED WHILE tion of their trust in their team. umbled and an Alfred man fell goal. 0-7. YOU WAIT The work of Dorance, a new man, n the ball behind his goal line for at left guard, deserves much "Mac" kicked off to Mansfield a touchback. credit as well. Also the fine with a short kick, Maure picked Cottrell kicked after Alfred work of Sweeley as end runner up the ball and ran it to the red ailed to- advance from !the 20 DAVE'S and halfback commander of the and black 27 yard line. Just ard line and Mansfield settled Send them on the Bus Mansfield team, and Duffy in the after "Mac" had gained 5 yards grimly to work on the Varsity's A/ill be delivered C. O. D. on return line, was noticeable and with the and Cottrell 6, the quarter ended 0 yard line. Wilcox passed to trip exception of the last quarter the : with Alfred in possession of the Baxter for 25 yards and two plays Rubber work a specialty FIAT LUX

Head Linesman—Prof. Whit- STUDENT VOLUNTEER CON- THE NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OP ford, Alfred. VENTION AT ROCHESTER, Linesmen—Hiscox, Mansfield; DECEMBER 3-5 CLAY-WORKING AND CERAMICS Bass, Alfred. The Student Volunteer Conven- AT ALFRED UNIVERSITY Substitutions— tion will be held in Rochester De- Courses in the technology and art of the Clay-Working Industries Alfred—Williams for Buck, cember 3-5 inclusive. This will Buck for Williams, Conderman be a very inspiring and instructive for Dorrance, Williams for Kirke. conference and it is hoped that Young men and women who are looking for interesting work should Mansfield—Hiscox for Schu- Alfred's Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. ask for Catalogue man. A. will have a large representation Attendance 600. CHARLES F. BINNS, Director. there this year. The proceeds of the lyceum box social of Saturday AS THEY LINE UP NEXT evening will be given in part to- SATURDAY ward defraying the expenses of Pordham vs. Carlisle Indians, at New the delegates to the convention ALFRED VS. MANSFIELD yard line, and Buck plunged these York. while other means of raising funds Georgetown vs. Colgate, at Washing- Continued from page six ! three in the next action. Cottrell will soon be initiated. ton. kicked the goal. 7-40. Harvard vs. Yale, at Cambridge. Coronway ran Alfred's kick New York University vs. Bucknell, at VIOLIN STUDENTS WANTED times for a total of 12 yards and off to his 35 yard line. A for- New York. the quarter ended with Alfred ward failed, Conderman threw Stevens Tech. vs. Rutgers, at Hobo- Wanted, Students of the Violin. over the ball on Mansfield's 19 Coronway for a 6 yard loss and ken. For further information see yard line. Wilcox punted. Cottrell ran the Syracuse vs. Dartmouth, at Syracuse. Miss Helen Ryan, Brick. U. S. Military Academy vs. Springfield, Mansfield 7—Alfred 20. ball back to Mansfield's 45 yard at West Point. Fourth Quarter line. King ripped through for 27 U. S. Naval Academy vs. Ursinus, at OUR AIM yards. Mac gained a couple and Annapolis. Varsity Lets Loose—Capt. Maure Runs a forward had just failed when U. of Rochester vs. Buffalo, at Roches- is to 20 Yards for Touchdown—Cottrell the whistle blew and the game ter. PLEASE and Buck Work Long Pass was over with Alfred over the OUR The ball was rushed along and ball on the red and black 15 yard ATHENAEAN PARTY PATRONS straight over in 6 plays. Kirke line. An Athenaean party was held making the last run and kicking Tuesday night in the upper class Mansfield 7—Alfred 40. the goal 7-27. parlors of the Brick. Plans for Now Alfred let loose. Decker Line up: the year's work were formed and V. A. BAGGS & CO. fell on the pigskin on Mansfield's Alfred Mansfield an- enthusiastic lyceum rally plan- 35 yard line when Rockwell tried Left End ned. The hostesses of the even- in vain to perform as a juggler. Buck Carpenter ing were Edna Jackson '17, Hazel Left Tackle ALFRED UNIVERSITY Kirke made 2 yards, Buck 2, Eells Adams Perkins '17, Wilhelmina Jackson Maure 5 and Kirke closed up the Left Guard '18, and Alice Baker 18. deal. Maure started the new Dorrance Baker In Its Eightieth Year Endowment and Property series of downs with a 5 yard Center Y. W. C. A. CONVENTION gain. Buck pulled up 2 yards Boyd Duffy $800,000 Right Guard Miss Nellie Wells '17, went to closer and Maure ran 20 yards to Bliss Albert Rochester, Friday morning to at- a touchdown. Conderman caught Thirteen Buildings, including two Right Tackle tend the Western New York Stu- Dormitories the punt out but Kirke failed to Decker Schauman dent Conference of the Y. W. C. kick the goal and the score stood Right End A. Faculty of Specialists 7-33. Maure (Capt. ) Baxter Quarter Back The sessions which took up most Representing Twenty of the Lead- Williams took Kirke's place King Rockwell of two days, were held at the Y. ing Colleges and Universities of and King kicked to the Normal Right Half Back W. C. A. building. school team. From this 35 yard Kirke Coronway America Full Back ,line Sweeley made 15 yards. Con- MacClelland Wilcox (Capt.) For an instant his heart stopped Modern, Well Equipped Labora- derman sifted through and threw Left Half Back short and he shivered with in- tories in Physics, Electricity, Wilcox for a loss. King broke a Cottrell Sweeley tense delight. Then he ventured Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Bi- pass, little Williams thought it a Score by periods: another glance and turned a most good stunt, so he did it himself 12 3 4 Total serene pink the while his artless ology. and although an elaborate passing Mansfield 0 0 7 0—7 toes continued to meet and his Catalogue on application. play worked, it netted only a Alfred 7 13 0 20—40 conscious thumbs to twirl. Musi- yard and Alfred took over Mans- Summary: cally, and with subtle cadence, field's bankrupt business and be- Touchdowns—Mansfield, Swee- breathed a heavenly voice upon BOOTHE C. DAVIS, Pres. gan to make it pay. Williams ley Alfred, Kirke 2, Maure 2, the air. He murmured "yes'm" gained 8 yards. King one and Buck 2. desperatery and then they car- Cottrell made first down. Wil- Goals—Mansfield, Wilcox ried him out. "Angels,'' he mum- OUR INSURANCE liams in two plays pulled along 7 Alfred, Kirke 3, Cottrell. bled, and "Paradise," and "Nec- IS RIGHT more and Buck made the balance Officials- tar of the Gods," but he was all of the required ten. Cottrell pass- Referee—Furman, Wellsville. wrong. It was the tea room of WE CAN SHOW YOU ed to Buck for 20 yards, to the 3 Umpire—Brown, Cornell. the Fiat Fair. F. W. 8TEVEN8, General Agent 8 FIAT LUX

OFFICERS AND STANDING LYCEUM BOX SOCIAL COMMITTEES OF THE "Good fun," "good eats" and ! FACULTY ' good entertainment" are some of the things that characterized the Correct Clothes Official List Published box social of Saturday night. Al- though only about fifty people I ressinsj well means wearing Correct Clothes— were present, a very enthusiastic Below is published an official clothes that are suited to your particular individuality. list of the officers and standing- audience applauded the program committees of the faculty for the composed of the following num- Good Clothes are not of necessity expensive ensuing university year. The bers : clothes. members of the Advisory Com- Devotions Katryne Vander mittee for the class of 1919, an- Reading Miss Weed Even all our moderate priced garments are Violin Solo Helen Ryan nouncement of which was made in Accompanied by Elsie Swallow correct in style and well tailored. Assembly last Wednesday, will re- The Japanese Girl main in that capacity until the Mable Hood, Mildred Taber end of the class' Sophomore year. "Rubber Boots" a very amusing farce At that time the committee re- was given by the cast: ports to the faculty the choices of Pauline Mildred Taber Lou Genevieve Hart the students in regard to majors: Sophie Hazel Perkins Boothe C. Davis, President Tramp Harold Clausen STAR CLOTHING HOUSE Alpheus B. Kenyon, Dean of the Col- Next came the selling of the N. Y. lege boxes and the patronage of the Arthur B. Main, Dean of the Theologi- cal Seminary candy booth, both of which add- Charles F. Binns, Director of the State ed considerably to the Y. W. 0. A. School of Clay-Working and Cer- Conference Fund. After lunch ASSEMBLY FOR HIGH CLASS PORTRAITS amics stunts as "Cross Questions and William J. Wright, Director of the Crooked Answers," " Clothes Wednesday, November 10th, BY PHOTOGRAPHY State School of Agriculture Race" and "Virginia Reel," were Dean Main gave to the student Waldo A. Titsworth, Registrar body a "Discussion of Some Cortez R. Clawson, Librarian entered into by the entire crowd. William C. Whitofrd, Secretary The inevitable '' Tucker-wants-a- Stories of Origin," in which he Curtis F. Randolph, Treasurer wife" followed by the "Alma presented theories of creation as TAYLOR Ruth' L. Phillips, Secretary to the Mater" closed a very enjoyable found in the old ethical myths of President and successful evening. India and -Egypt. Dean Main Committee on Degrees— Dean Kenyon, Director Binns, Prof. gave us something to think about 1122 Main gtreet Hornell) N Clawson RIGHT CONSTITUTION THIS by stating that '' What we think i Committee on Catalogue— TIME of God, determines what we think Dean Kenyon, Mr. Mix, Prof. Clarke In this week's Fiat we are run- of ourselves." SANITARY BARBER SHOP Committee on Absences— ning the College Student Govern- Dean Kenyon, Prof. W. A. Titsworth, All Tools Thoroughly Steralized ment Constitution. In one of the POLLY —ANNA PARTY Prof. Porter And, prices no higher Committee on Student Life— early issues we made note to the The Sophomore Girls surprised High grade work Prof. Norwood, Prof. Hart, Prof. P. effect that we were publishing Pauline Babcock and Anna Sav- E. Titsworth said constitution but in fact it age, Thursday night with a birth- Committee on Assembly Addresses— Prof. P. E. Titsworth, Prof. Norwood was the constitution of the Fiat. day celebration. After a general Committee on Commencement Pro- These constitutions are left stand- good time refreshments were serv- JOE DAGOSTINO gram— ing at the Sun Office so that they ed, consisting of punch, wafers Hornell, N. Y. Prof. P. E. Titsworth need no proof reading and appear and birthday cake. Committee on Program of University only in the editor's proof. Due Faculty Meetings— . Prof. Clarke, Prof. W. C. Whitford, to some inexplainable reason this CERAMIC NOTES mistake was not seen by him until CONFECTIONERY, CANDIES Mr. Banta, Mr. Milligan, Miss Fos- The Studio Tea Wednesday dick too late for correction. As the ICE CREAM Committee on Athletics— Student Senate has desired its afternoon was in charge of the Prof. W. A. Titsworth, Prof. L .C. publication we now do so as the Freshmen girls. About twenty- Whitford (graduate manager), first opportunity since then we five attended, reporting a pleas- Prof. Bennehoff, Prof. Pontius, ant hour. YOST'S Prof. Norwood have had. HORNELL, N. Y. Committee on University Loan Fund—• Prof. W. C; Whitford, Prof. P. E. ASSEMBLY POSTPONED Challie, Challie please, a few Represented by C. S. Hurlburt Titsworth, Prof. Clarke INDEFINITELY more evidences of acceleration. Alfred Class Counselors— Who is that—hush, here he comes For the class of 1918, Prof. Norwood, The first university assembly Prof. Porter which was postponed last week, again. What a forehead, what a For the class of 1919, Prof. Clarke, until this evening, has been post- dignity, what an excellent com- Prof. Hart, Mr. Wilson. poned indefinitely. As a football plexion ; and yet, my dear Charles, For Prompt Service Order Your game will probably be arranged does he not seem to you to be " 'Fools' names' " is an old for this week, the management very rapid? I am grieved at you BOOKS story but it repeats itself every thought it best to postpone it to Challie; you should have conceal- year," notes an exchange, to a time when the football men ed your ignorance. All rapid Of the Campus Book Agent, which we lend assent. I would be able to attend. people attend the Fiat Fair. R. M. COON