The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands Developments in 2011 RIVM report 210021015/2011 T.M. van ‘t Klooster et al. National Insitute for Public Health and the Environment P.O. Box 1 | 3720 BA Bilthoven The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands Developments in 2011 RIVM Report 210021015/2011 RIVM Report 210021015 Colophon © RIVM 2011 Parts of this publication may be reproduced, provided acknowledgement is given to the 'National Institute for Public Health and the Environment', along with the title and year of publication. Editors: T.M. van 't Klooster H.E. de Melker Report prepared by: H.G.A.M. van der Avoort1, W.A.M. Bakker1, G.A.M. Berbers1, R.S. van Binnendijk1, M.C. van Blankers1, J.A. Bogaards1, H.J. Boot1, G.P.J.M. van den Dobbelsteen1, C.A.C.M. van Els1, I.H.M. Friesema1, S.C. de Greeff1, S.J.M. Hahné1, P. Kaaijk1, J.M. Kemmeren1, F. Koedijk1, A. Kroneman1, E.A. van Lier1, A. Lugner1, W. Luytjes1, N.A.T. van der Maas1, M. Mollers1, F.R. Mooi1, D.W. Notermans1, W. van Pelt1, F. Reubsaet1, N.Y. Rots1, L.M. Schouls1, I. Stirbu-Wagner3, A. Suijkerbuijk2, L. Verhoef1, R. Vriend1 1 Centre for Infectious Disease Control, RIVM 2 Centre for Prevention and Health Services Research, RIVM 3 Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, NIVEL Contact: H.E. de Melker Centre for Infectious Disease Control
[email protected] This investigation has been performed by order and for the account of Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, within the framework of V210021, Development future National Immunisation Programme.