1698 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 7 / Monday, January 12, 2004 / Notices ACTION: Notice of Advisory Committee DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE washingtonaqueduct. Meeting Cancellations. nab.usace.army.mil. Department of the Army; Corps of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: SUMMARY: On Thursday, September 11, Engineers Questions about the proposed action 2003 (68 FR 53597) the Department of and the Draft Environmental Impact Defense announced closed meetings of Intent To Prepare a Draft Statement (DEIS) can be addressed to: the Defense Science Board Task Force Environmental Impact Statement for a Michael C. Peterson, (202) 764–0025, on Patriot Systems Performance. The Proposed Water Treatment Residuals
[email protected], meetings scheduled for January 7–8, Management Process for the Environmental Engineer, Washington 2004, were cancelled. Washington Aqueduct, Washington, DC Aqueduct Division, Baltimore District, Dated: January 5, 2004. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 5900 Patricia L. Toppings, AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. MacArthur Boulevard, Washington, DC Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Army Corps of Engineers, DOD. 20016. Officer, Department of Defense. ACTION: Notice of intent. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: [FR Doc. 04–506 Filed 1–9–04; 8:45 am] SUMMARY: The Washington Aqueduct 1. Background BILLING CODE 5001–06–M seeks to plan and create a water Washington Aqueduct operates the treatment residuals management process Dalecarlia and McMillan Water DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE that will comply with the standards Treatment Plants in Washington, DC, established in National Pollutant which provide potable water to over one Office of the Secretary Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) million persons in the District of Permit DC0000019 and will allow for Columbia and Northern Virginia.