12, 2009 OUR 119Th YEAR – ISSUE NO
We’ll Help Your Business The Westfield Leader www.goleader.com sales@goleader.com (908) 232-4407 Get Back On Track Continue to the next page ==> Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 12, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 07-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com press@goleader.com SIXTY CENTS Chambers vs. Westfield Lawsuit Settled; Details Not Revealed By MICHAEL J. POLLACK “The matter is resolved at this time. being consummated,” he added. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader That’s all I can say at this point.” When asked if the settlement con- WESTFIELD – The Town of Mr. Gildea would only say that the tained a confidentiality agreement, Westfield, last Friday, reached a settle- town would “respond appropriately” Mr. Gildea said he was not at liberty ment agreement with Westfield po- to an Open Public Records Act re- to say. lice officer Sandra Chambers, for- quest filed on Tuesday by Ms. Chambers’ attorney, merly a detective, and her attorney on The Leader. Eric Pennington, only re- a sexual-harassment lawsuit filed “There are issues in the ferred calls for comment to against the town, the Westfield Police settlement agreement that Mr. Gildea. Department (WPD) and former po- still have to be finalized to Ms. Chambers has been lice chief Bernard Tracy in late 2006. make it complete,” Mr. employed by the WPD since Town Administrator Jim Gildea, Gildea said. “At this time, 1995. The six-count lawsuit, commenting Tuesday after a town this is all we can share.” served on the town on De- council executive session in which When asked what those cember 14, 2006, alleged the matter was discussed, would not “issues” were and if they Sandra Chambers that “during a two-year pe- reveal any details regarding the settle- were the reason the town riod, then-Chief Bernard ment.
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