Incident Overview

Steve Smith, and have been charged with a breach of Article 2.3.5 of the Australia Code of Conduct, namely that their conduct: a. was contrary to the spirit of the game; b. was unbecoming of a representative or official; c. is or could be harmful to the interests of cricket; and/or d. did bring the game of cricket into disrepute.

Smith, Bancroft and Warner have officially advised (CA) they have accepted the charges and sanctions.

General Overview

The CA Board has commissioned two concurrent and interrelated reviews to address the implications of the incident that occurred during the Cape Town Test Match, and its aftermath, and specifically to identify and recommend measures for improvement.

The first, overarching independent review will investigate whether any wider cultural, organisational and/or governance issues within CA, and more broadly within Australian cricket, should be addressed to ensure these events never occur again, either on tour or whilst playing in Australia. This review will investigate links between player behaviour (particularly on this tour of ) and the organisational, governance and culture within CA and Australian cricket.

The separate player review will, in consultation with a small panel of current and past players, consider a behavioural Charter for the Australian men’s cricket teams that balances the performance demands of elite cricket with expectations of all Australians in regard to on and off-field role modelling.

The separate player review will inform the findings of the first, overarching, review.

Expected Outcomes

CA wishes to understand the causes of events at the Cape Town Test Match and implement actions to:

. Ensure such events never happens again, . Re-engage fans with Cricket and with the Australian Men’s Cricket Team. CA wants children and adults to enjoy their cricket and be proud of our National Teams, and . Build a strong alignment of mutual interests between CA and the Australian Men’s Cricket Team to ensure the best outcomes for the game.

CA expects outcomes that are capable of being implemented with a preference for both short to medium term actions that can be implemented within 12 – 18 months, as well as outcomes and principles to be considered for longer term implementation.

The final report from the review will be made available to the CA Board on completion of the process.


The scope of the Review will:

. consider whether any cultural, organisational and/or governance factors within the Australian Men’s Team, CA or Australian cricket may have contributed to these issues, either directly or indirectly; and . recommend measures that CA and Australian cricket should consider to ensure that any issues are addressed and that these or similar events never occur again.


The review will commence immediately. We believe that it is appropriate to set a timeframe for this review to be completed prior to the 2018/19 cricket season. A schedule of interim updates and final report to be agreed.

Expected Approach

. The independent review will seek input via surveys and interviews from relevant stakeholders and will also integrate the directions and outcomes of the Rick McCosker Player Review. . It is expected that a cross section of representation from CA, State & Territory Associations, ACA and broader Australian Cricket would provide input. . It is also envisaged that important external Cricket stakeholders will be included.

This review should not be too broad for outcomes to be implemented, nor should it be too narrow to limit appropriate reflection and the opportunity for change.

Interaction with Rick McCosker Player Review

It is expected that at various stages the findings from this Wider Cultural, Organisational &/or Governance review will cross-check with the work of the panel that is exploring a Charter for the Australian men’s team – and where appropriate incorporate any findings or relevant information into its work.

Authority to Act

The Reviewer will be formally authorised to act as CA’s agent and with its full authority, while undertaking this review. CA will make available people and information to the full extent required. Where necessary, CA will release individuals or organisations from any actual or perceived duty of confidentiality that might limit their capacity to engage with the review with absolute candour.


The Review Terms of Reference will be made available to the public. Findings from the review will be made available on completion of the process.

All material and information gathered by the Reviewer and capable of identifying any person or their individual point of view, through the course of the review, will remain strictly confidential unless otherwise agreed with the person providing the material or information.

All announcements to the media will be facilitated by CA.