Congressional Record—Senate S975
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March 2, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S975 The question is, Is it the sense of the the people who make this country or executive compensation explodes, Senate that debate on the nomination work were obvious to all of us—to the and wages stagnate, and the middle of Cecilia Elena Rouse, of New Jersey, Presiding Officer who is on the com- class continues to shrink. to be Chairman of the Council of Eco- mittee, to Republicans, to Democrats Building Back Better—that is what nomic Advisers, shall be brought to a alike. Joe Biden is about, building back. That close? After a year when Black Americans is what Cecilia Rouse is all about. The yeas and nays are mandatory have endured so many painful remind- Building Back Better means taking on under the rule. ers of the yawning gap between the that system. It means creating an The clerk will call the roll. promise of our founding ideals, it is economy, creating an economy where The bill clerk called the roll. meaningful that our committee’s first hard work pays off for everyone, no Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is nomination—our first nomination com- matter who you are, what kind of work necessarily absent: the Senator from mittee hearing in the Banking, Hous- you do, with a growing middle class Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN). ing, and Urban Affairs Committee— that everyone can aspire to; everyone The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there consider the nomination of two out- has a chance to join. any other Senators in the Chamber de- standing Black women who will take This won’t be the first time Dr. siring to vote? leading roles in our economic recovery: Rouse has helped us weather a crisis. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 94, Dr. Rouse, and my Congresswoman, my She served on the Council of Economic nays 5, as follows: Congresswoman in Cleveland, MARCIA Advisers in 2009, after the George Bush [Rollcall Vote No. 71 Ex.] FUDGE. recession, during the Great Recession. YEAS—94 This matters on so many levels. It is Dr. Rouse has spent her career focus- important for our future that little ing on workers and ensuring that this Baldwin Hagerty Portman Barrasso Hassan Reed girls, including Black and Brown girls, economy works for everyone. Her ex- Bennet Hawley Risch see themselves in our leaders, from the pertise, her leadership will guide this Blumenthal Heinrich Romney Vice President to our economic lead- administration and Congress, as we get Blunt Hickenlooper Rosen to work not only to recover from this Booker Hirono ers. It matters because of the perspec- Rounds tives and the life experiences these two pandemic but to build a better—just a Boozman Hoeven Rubio Braun Hyde-Smith Sanders women—these two Black women—bring better economy for the future. Brown Inhofe Sasse to these jobs. For too long, American workers Burr Johnson Schatz Cantwell Kaine Dr. Rouse has family ties in my haven’t had anyone on their side in the Capito Kelly Schumer State, roots deep into the Mahoning White House. That ends now. We saw it Cardin Kennedy Scott (SC) Valley and Youngstown, and a real un- on Sunday night, with the strongest Shaheen Carper King derstanding of the people who make statement from a President of the Casey Klobuchar Shelby Cassidy Lankford Sinema this country work—all people. United States in support of union orga- Collins Leahy Smith The Council of Economic Advisers nizing that we have seen in my life- Coons Lee Stabenow will also play a key role both in help- time. We see it in President Biden’s Cornyn Luja´ n Sullivan Cortez Masto Manchin Tester ing our economy recover and in build- choice of Dr. Rouse to help guide our Cramer Markey Thune ing a better economic system out of economy and guide this rescue. Crapo Marshall Tillis this pandemic. Dr. Rouse is exactly Cecilia Rouse understands we have Cruz McConnell Toomey whom we need at the helm. She will the power to change how the economy Daines Menendez Van Hollen help direct our Nation’s economic pol- works. It rewards work instead of re- Duckworth Merkley Warner Durbin Moran Warnock icy to put Americans back to work at warding wealth. We create more jobs at Ernst Murkowski Warren better jobs with higher wages. middle-class wages. We expand eco- Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse Millions of Americans are still out of nomic security and opportunity for ev- Fischer Murray Wicker Gillibrand Ossoff work. Those job losses have dispropor- eryone. And we create a better system Graham Padilla Wyden tionately fallen on low-wage workers, that honors the dignity of all workers. Young Grassley Peters Black and Brown workers, and women. I suggest the absence of a quorum. NAYS—5 Three million women—three million The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Cotton Paul Tuberville women have been forced out of the paid clerk will call the roll. Lummis Scott (FL) labor force. At the same time, essential The legislative clerk proceeded to roll. NOT VOTING—1 workers are risking their health to go to work, while corporations still Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask Blackburn refuse, in far too many cases, to pay unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas them a living wage. the quorum call be rescinded. are 94, the nays are 5. The minimum wage hasn’t been The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The motion is agreed to. raised in 14 years. Year after year— objection, it is so ordered. f year after year, Republicans in this UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S.J. RES. 7 EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Senate and the White House profess to Mr. LEE. Madam President, the care about the working people in the Minor Consent for Vaccinations The PRESIDING OFFICER. The heartland of this country, but they Amendment Act of 2020 is a measure clerk will report the nomination. refuse to give them a raise while they adopted by the District of Columbia The bill clerk read the nomination of funnel tax cuts to the CEOs. that would allow for children 11 years Cecilia Elena Rouse, of New Jersey, to My first speech in this body was in old and older to consent on their own, be Chairman of the Council of Eco- January 2007. Sitting in the chair that without their parents’ knowledge or nomic Advisers. Senator SINEMA now sits in was Illinois acquiescence or consent, to being vac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- freshman Democrat, Barack Obama. He cinated. They could receive a vaccine, ator from Ohio. was not even running for President at contrary to the wishes of their parents NOMINATIONS that point. Since we last raised the or without them even knowing. Mr. BROWN. Madam President, a minimum wage, he was President 8 Young children don’t necessarily month after Janet Yellen made history years and out of office for more than 4. know their own medical histories, their as the first woman to serve as Sec- That is how long. So while Republicans families’ medical histories, potential retary of the Treasury, today we are refuse to give raises, they funnel huge allergies, nor do they have the adult about to confirm another woman to tax cuts to CEOs. judgment that is sometimes needed to step into a leading role in our econ- It is part of the same corporate elite make an informed decision as to con- omy, Cecilia Rouse. mindset that treats American workers sent for a particular medical procedure When she came before the Banking as expendable instead of treating them or treatment or even vaccination, and Housing Committee, Dr. Rouse’s as essential to our country’s success. which is exactly why parents make knowledge of our economy and her pas- And we have seen the results: The healthcare decisions on behalf of their sion for service and her commitment to stock market goes up, corporate profits own children. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:46 Mar 03, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G02MR6.019 S01MRPT2 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 2, 2021 Parents play the most important role The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- it is a simple issue of basic fairness. in caring for the health of their chil- ator from Delaware. For a Nation whose founding mantra— dren. Moms and dads are at the heart Mr. CARPER. Madam President, I re- ‘‘no taxation without representa- of their children’s education and care, spect the views of my colleagues. I re- tion’’—inspired the longest running ex- and it is crucial that they be able to spect the views of this colleague espe- periment in democracy, we should all make decisions about what kind of cially, and he knows that. We don’t al- be concerned that today more than healthcare is best for them and about ways agree on everything or even, 700,000 tax-paying Americans, over two- the timing of it and certainly that they maybe, most things, but I think it is thirds of whom are people of color, con- be not only able to make the decision important we be able to find ways to tinue to be denied a vote here in this but also that they be aware of it in the disagree without being disagreeable. body. first place. I understand that the senior Senator Our Nation’s Capital is home to more The DC legislation that I referenced from Utah is here today because he dis- than just monuments and museums. It a moment ago goes so far as to hide agrees with a particular policy.