Minutes for the Monthly Meeting of Llantrisant Community Council Held at Caerlan Hall, Llantrisant on 12 June at 6.30Pm

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Minutes for the Monthly Meeting of Llantrisant Community Council Held at Caerlan Hall, Llantrisant on 12 June at 6.30Pm Agenda Item 4. Appendix 1 Minutes for the Monthly Meeting of Llantrisant Community Council held at Caerlan Hall, Llantrisant on 12 June at 6.30pm Present: Cllrs A Matheson (Chair) A Crutcher M Davies B Farr R Hunt D Nicholas V Nicholas S Powell S Trask K Williams Also present: Clerk. Catherine Craven 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs J Barton and A Moss Absent; Cllr J Woodington Members noted the apologies. 2. Declarations of Interest Cllr S Powell signed the declaration of interest in line with the code of conduct. Agenda item 6 – ‘I am a Member of the RCTCBC Planning Committee’ Cllr A Matheson signed the declaration of interest in line with the code of conduct. Agenda item 6 – ‘I am a school governor at Tonysguboriau Primary’. 3. Minutes . (i) To confirm the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 8 May 2018 as a true record. Resolved: that the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the 8 May 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a true record. (ii) To confirm the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 8 May 2018 as a true record. Resolved: that the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 8 May 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a true record. 4 Action Table a) To note the Clerks report on actions from previous meetings. Members raised concerns over the lack of progress by RCTCBC of requests made as far back as May 2017, for new dog and litter bins and to replace lids of bins. Clerk to chase and copy in RCTCBC Member. Resolved: that the actions were noted. 5 Finance To confirm the income & expenditure accounts for June 2018. Plusnet Broadband/Landline £ 48.82 Xinn Ltd Web Provision £ 10.00 Barclaycard Ferry, padlocks hall fittings £ 245.14 Cllr Julie Barton Members Allowance £ 150.00 Cllr Kerrie Williams Members Allowance £ 150.00 Cllr Tony Crutcher Members Allowance £ 150.00 Cllr Arlene Moss Members Allowance £ 150.00 Cllr Jeff Woodington Members Allowance £ 150.00 Cllr Allan Matheson Chair's Allowance £ 500.00 Cllr Stephen Powell Vice Chair's Allowance £ 500.00 HMRC NI and Tax (May) £ 1,139.49 Wages Pay (May ) £ 4,837.70 Pensions Pensions (May ) £ 1,709.92 Cobra Workwear Uniform & PPE Summer Labourer £ 193.28 SLCC Membership Clerk £ 165.00 1 J Akers Mileage (May) £ 43.20 Plusnet Broadband - Llys y Cwm £ 17.49 RCTCBC Rates - Llys y Cwm £ 170.00 RCTCBC Rates - Caerlan £ 463.00 SSE Electric - Caerlan £ 85.54 Forest Park & Garden Battery for Mower £ 40.80 Forest Park & Garden Service Mowers £ 195.65 Leekes Postcrete, plumbing fixings £ 12.17 Cwm Rhondda Waste Skip - Penygcoedcae £ 250.00 Welsh Water Water Bill (Tynant) £ 14.41 Welsh Water Water Bill (Penycoedcae) £ 15.58 Trivalis Garage Rent £ 30.61 UK Fuels Fuel £ 142.45 Hollybush Tyres Repair & balance Tyres £ 12.00 Steve Bright New entrance & PVC Door to porch £ 1,200.00 Unity Trust Bank Charges March to June £ 38.70 OVW Community Planning Training £ 40.00 Bullring Stores papers, compost, refreshments £ 41.10 Total £12,900.05 Resolved: that the income and expenditure accounts for June were accepted and approved. Cllrs S Trask and S Powell agreed to authorise the on-line payments. 6 Planning To consider planning applications received since the last meeting Councillor S Powell did not take part in the discussions for this item. Ref: 8/0425/10, Single storey extension to side and rear of property, 8 TAN-YR-ALLT, CROSS INN, LLANTRISANT, PONTYCLUN, CF72 8PY Ref: 18/0422/10 Conversion of an existing freestanding single garage to create a new ancillary 'granny annexe'. 36 GREENLANDS ROAD, LLANTRISANT, CF72 8QD Ref: 18/0414/10 Two storey rear extension and entrance porch to front of property. 7 LLANTRISANT ROAD, BEDDAU, PONTYPRIDD, CF38 2BB Ref: 18/0539/10 Rear first floor extension above existing ground floor extension & porch 2 GELYNOG VILLAS, PENYCOEDCAE ROAD, BEDDAU, CF38 2RD Ref: 18/0554/13 Construction of 1 no. 4 bedroom house 9 CHALFONT CLOSE, BEDDAU, PONTYPRIDD, CF38 2SA Ref: 18/0497/10 Change of use from retail shop to tattoo studio. PROPERTY SHOP WALES, 36C TALBOT ROAD, TALBOT GREEN, CF72 8AF Ref: 18/0567/10 2nd storey extension to side, single storey extension to rear and bay window to front of property. 1 FOREST HILLS DRIVE, TALBOT GREEN, CF72 8JB Resolved: that no comments were made. ii) Notice of consultation received in relation to Llanmoor Development Co. Ltd amended proposal to build new houses at Ystrad Barwig Isaf. Closing date 5 July 2018. Resolved: that an objection is submitted to the proposal on the grounds of pressure to the highway infrastructure, and also on the schools and medical services in the local area. This Council requests that brown field sites are fully utilised for building projects before green field sites are considered. mm104 2 iii) Taff Ely Ramblers objection to application 18/0408/10 Land at Tal y Fedw. iv) Amended plans for 18/0187/10 Empire Garage, Lanely Road, Talbot Green. Resolved: that no comments were made. 9 Correspondence i) To receive a letter from Mick Anontiw AM and the publications An Enhanced Role for Community and Town Councils. To consider AM’s offer to attend future Council Meetings. Resolved: that the publication was noted and an invitation for Mick Anontiw AM to attend the July or September meeting be made. mm105 ii) To consider submitting a scheme request and assessment pro former to RCTCBC in relation to the 2019-20 Safer Routes in Communities schemes. Closing date 5 August 2018 Councillor A Matheson and the Clerk met with RCTCBC Road Safety Manager Jessica Lonegan to discuss the application submitted and turned down for the Llantrisant Ward in 2017. Members were advised that Ms Lonegan will take forward our request for speed calming zones and an improved route to Llantrisant Primary School from the Common be considered. Resolved: that Members noted the feedback. iii) To receive a letter from the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales inviting the Chair to a presentation on the 26 July, 2018 Resolved: that the Chair and Clerk attend. mm106 iv) To receive the Wales Audit Office publication Reflecting on Year One: How Have Public Bodies Responded to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015? Resolved: that the publication was noted. v) To receive correspondence from the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales. Resolved: that the correspondence was noted. vi) To consider a response to the Consultation on Diversity in Local Government by the Welsh Government Resolved: that no response is made. 10 Clerk and RFO Reports i) To nominate a representative to the RCTCBC led Destination Management Partnership Hub. Resolved: that the Vice Chair, Cllr S Powell, is the nominated. mm107 ii) To note the Election to be held on 14 June 2018 for the casual vacancy in Llantrisant Ward. Resolved: that the election is noted. iii) To consider the report on painting the exterior of the Parish Office and Caerlan Hall. Resolved: that the hall is to be cleaned first and later painted by staff in quieter times such as during the winter season. iv) To decide actions for the ‘red’ listed items on the asset register. Resolved: that the costs to replace items on the red list exceeds the allocated budget was noted. a) bin at Talbot Green is to be removed and not replaced. b) Ward Members will notify the RFO before the July meeting of the designs chosen for the two bus shelters, grit bins, benches and planters. Shortfalls in the budget can be met from the Ward projects money. Painting requirements shown on the yellow list should be carried out through the year. mm108 v) To arrange a site meeting at the Youth Shelter, Talbot Green to assess its condition. Resolved: that a site meeting be arranged. vi) To note the agreed NJC Pay Scales Report. Resolved: that the report was noted. 10 Staffing 3 No matters to report. 11 Health & Safety No matters to report 12 Committee and Members Reports i) Draft Minutes from the Staffing Committee Meeting held on the 4 May with its recommendation to appoint a Youth Development and Participation Officer. Resolved: that the Staffing Committee works with the Clerk to appoint a Youth Development and Participation Officer on a 12 month contract, pay scale 23 (£21,693 pro rata) for between 15-18 hours a week. mm109 ii) To receive feedback from the CTC Review Panel Pop In Session held on the 24 May 2018 Resolved: that the feedback was noted. iii) To receive a proposal regarding the old playground at Dan Caerlan. Resolved: that the Llantrisant Ward work with local residents to explore options for the site. mm110 iv) To note One Voice Wales Innovative Proactive Conference on the 4 July. Resolved: the Chair and Cllr D Nicholas attends the conference. mm111 Tynant Ward Members raised concerns over a serious road accident on Parish Road in which a car overturned. Members continue to attend the local PACT meeting to lobby for a speed camera to slow speeding traffic. Resolved: write to Superintendent Phil Ashby and Chief Inspector Marc Lamerton to voice concerns and request action is taken to address the speeding. mm112 The meeting ended at 8.20 pm 4 Agenda Item 5 Appendix 2 Agenda Action required By Whom Comments Item June Meetings 2018 112 Request Police Action for the speeding along Clerk Parish Road 111 12 One Voice Wales Innovative Proactive Chair and Booked Conference Cllr DN Feedback July meeting 110 12 To work with local resident on Dan Caerlan to Llantrisant iii explore options for use of former playground site.
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