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NL 4 11.Indd THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE’S CULTURAL ITINERARIES 4/2011 CARRIER NETWORK FOR TEXTILES ETNASSEMBLY OF EUROPEAN REGIONS EUROPEAN TEXTILE NETWORK “Rewind Personal Story”: Mailing address: ETN Secretariat P.O. Box 5944 D-30059 Hannover Tel. +49-511/817006 Fax +49-511/813108 Beili Liu/CN/USA (in front), E-mail: [email protected] Gao Yuan/RC (left), Kristina Čyžiūtė/LT Remis Scerbauskas© Remis LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE FIRST REPORT FROM THE KAUNAS ETN CONFERENCE Some participants of the 16th ETN Conference at the garden of the Čiurlionis Museum in Kaunas he theme of the 16th ETN 4.) Reclaiming textile identity – from her students from around be the single most useful deliv- TConference was „Rewind Craft identity, 5.) Technology and the world. Some of her major erable that an education focused into the Future“, with a number the hand, 6.) Local (sustainable). bojagi exhibitions were also to textile website could provide”. of long-time textile companions Louise Lemieux Bérubé talked be seen. She is planning a Bojagi Please answer by email to: Marie. asked what they thought would about textiles in her country, Conference for August 2012 in [email protected] be left to be done for the next Canada: As tendencies for the Seoul, South Korea. Sarah Braddock-Clarke gave an generation of textile curators, future she saw: Using unusual Diana Springall, UK, spoke overview of her work as a curator lecturers and artists. materials, making art – social about her work as a collector for the Kaunas Biennial exhibi- Cynthia Schira from the USA, concerns, using new technol- and showed textile art from 15 tion “Rewind into the Future”. the most experienced in years, ogy, using innovation processes, well-known British embroider- Except for the works of some of textile artist and former lecturer, innovative presentations, living ers. She was talking about the the artists exposed (a. o. Jane spoke about the constant re- with your art – new careers. necessity of “a faculty where by Harris/UK, Ainsley Hillard/UK, newal every artist should prac- Reiko Sudo, Japan, by her own an exchange of actual objects Christy Madson/USA, Barbara tice, no matter what age: “Devel- work, is a role model for the from lesser known collections Layne/USA) she showed many opments begin at a single point, future, integrating hand craft and could take place between coun- of the newest developments in be it an individual, a group, traditional techniques in today’s tries, thereby enabling under- this futuristic field. a pattern or a process” with the industrial processes. She showed standing and cooperation”. Paulina Ortiz from Costa Rica aim of “opening up a space to the different activities at Nuno Marie O’Mahony, UK, had her gave an account of the wherea- let something grow”. Works in Tokyo and a great speech sent per video, as she bouts of the association “Red Lia Cook, USA, had listened number of her innovative fabrics could not be away from Australia Textil Iberoamericana”, their carefully to her young textile that are considered art pieces. where she teaches Advanced aims, activities and hope for the art students and what they Chunghie Lee from South Korea Textiles. She gave an overview future, e.g. to establish ties with wanted, coming to the follow- is the ambassador for the con- of the newest developments in similar organisations and insti- ing conclusions: Young textile temporary transformation of the new materials and techniques tutions. She invited participants students are interested in : old bojagi technique from her e.g. that nature and man made to come to the North of Spain to 1.) Collaborative work of new country. She first showed tra- are now merging together. She a cooperative meeting with the nature, 2.) Social practice, ditional patchwork technique, had a question to the audience, Creadores Textiles de Madrid 3.) Crossing boundaries, followed by many examples not answered yet: “What would and ETN; end of the year 2012. Candace Edgerley/USA, President of the Surface Design Associations, gave an impres- sive overview of how this sister organisation is working, how its communication is flowing and Photo: Andrea Milde Photo: how its conferences are organ- ised including Facebook and Twitter activities. Carolyn Kallenborn, USA, the second SDA representative, spoke about “Touch in a Digital Culture”, about the internet Organisers as a wonderful tool for visual Virginija Vit- information a. o. to learn textile kienė and techniques via youtube! She said Beatrijs Sterk, things like: “Things grow expo- course leader nentially on the internet (29.000 Reiko Sudo clicks a day for the SDA)”, and jury member Opening of the Biennial at the “Our challenge as artists, teach- Sarah Braddock, Zilinskas Art Gallery ers and makers is to create Photo: Saori Matsuda THE EXCURSIONS interesting threads to allow the next generation to access to and appreciate for the world of the WORKSHOPS hand, of the making, of the cul- ture of textiles”. Vibeke Vestby at her Anne Wanner, the former Swiss Jaquard St. Gallen Textile Museum workshop curator, had some concerns regarding the internet, remind- Chunghie Lee ing us of two urgent issues: at her bojagi 1.) adequate copyright policy workshop held for information purposes, at the Balta 2.) Standardized terminology Gallery in for textile documentation (and Kaunas Linen lace and embroidery at the the need of a textile thesaurus). Rumsiskes Open Air Museum She spoke about her own online vocabulary with embroidery stitches in four languages and mentioned the work done by the ICOM Costume Committee. In her opinion textiles will remain important because of specific expression in art, expressions in our vocabulary borrowed from textiles, mental and physical health: haptic qualities. Gina Morandini from Italy Opening: The 7th Intl. Minitextiles was concerned that the global exhibition in Vilnius changes have made life easier yet more complex and that the simplicity of the essence was lost. “Textiles contribute to the understanding of the past his- tory and is an expressive means of contemporary visual art”. She wanted to hand on the baton via the Valcellina Award View on the Hill of the Crosses in Siauliei, Lithuania for young textile artists. (The deadline of the 2012 edition is the 30th of Nov. 2011.) Marina Blumin gave an overview Finally Vibeke Vestby from Ludmila Egorova from the of the contacts that had been es- Norway, had the closure lecture Ukraine spoke about 15 years of tablished between ETN and her with her enormous successful organising Scythia events (Bi- town St. Petersburg in Russia. development of the TC1, now ennial, Mini Biennial and the Than a student she visited the also TC2, the electronic Jacquard Fibermen exhibition). Her aim 1995 ETN Conference and loom for textile artists and de- was to make contacts between now is the textile curator of the signers. She showed numerous the Black Sea and the Mediter- Hermitage. She gave interesting works that would never have ranean region which she showed insights in developments in the been possible without the new via contributions from artists field of textiles with some future Jacquard loom. A very positive from Greece, Turkey, Romania, prints of joint activities regard- end of this lectures series, look- Bulgaria, Armenia and also ing the “All Russian Festival ing into the future! Dunes of Nida/Curonian Spit, France, Denmark, the USA, of Patchwork Mosaic”, held in Beatrijs Sterk spontanious textile performance South America and Japan. Ivanovo and Moscow. ETN Newsletter 4/2011 2 COMPETITIONS EXHIBITIONS PROFESSORSHIP IN TEXTILE THE 2012 HOLLAND PAPER WITHOUT BORDERS – THE 2nd 'TEXPOART'- AND SURFACE DESIGN BIENNIAL 3rd TEXTILE TRIENNIAL TRIENNIAL IN IA˛SI/RO At the Art College Berlin-Weis- The 9th Holland Paper Biennial This Triennial will be a tour- The Triennial of this year in sensee at the Textile and Surface will take place at the usual venue, ing exhibition carried out in Romania had 95 entries from 22 Design Department a life-long Rijswijk Museum, from 4th 2012/2013 in several countries countries, 35 from Romania, 10 professorship positions is now September to 25th November (a.o. Slovak Republic, Czech from the Czech Republic, 7 from open. They are looking for an 2012. The intention is to present Republic, Poland). The start Turkey, 5 each from Finland inspiring designer personality paper art in a pure and varied of the exhibition will be from and Japan, 4 each from France, with basic German language way. The Biennial has acquired 29 June to 2 Oct. 2011 at the Germany and USA, 3 each from knowledge. More information: a new partner, the Meermanno Gallery of M.A. Bazovský in Denmark and Moldova, 2 each Prof. Dr. Zane Berzina, email: Museum of The Hague. As this Trenčin/SK. The aim is to show from Italy, Lativa and Great [email protected] museum specialises in books, innovative artistic expression, Britain; further one person each Deadline: 14 October 2011 the event places emphasis on as a classic wall textile or as a from B, H, LT, NL, PL, E, S, the theme of books and letters. textile sculpture, object, instal- CH and CDN. The jury selected "NEW BEAT", INTERNATL. Applicants are asked to submit lation, piece of fashion as well 83 artworks to be exhibited. The STUDENT COMPETITION a CD ROM containing images as scenographic art. Three pieces show will take place from 1 until of recent work. Address: Museum can be registered, created be- 30 November at the „Nicolae For this competition, students Rijswijk, Holland Paper Bien- tween 2009 and 2012, maximum Tonitza“ and „Cupola“ galleries, who express their creativity nial 2012, Herenstraat 67, NL- 5 m² or 2 m³ for 3D pieces, both situated in downtown Iaşi.
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