On the Inside , The Weather DlMalJqio'. Return Aida Ycaab, 5-, _ Fair cmd WCIIID8r today. TOIDarrow ••• Paqe 2 mody Ialr with pouINe dumdenhow· 'Baby' Fire Truck Gets Hecny WOI'k .. ID the att.moca 01' eYen1!lq. Hlqb ... Paqe 5 al owan tocLa., 88-95. low I.. Y.-...day'. hl9h Prof. Bartow 'AccumulatH' Stampa II. low 65. PredpltatiOIl rnterday .JJ ••• p~ I IDeb... r.t. 1868 - AP LeaMd WIre. AP Wirepbott>, UP Lea.-d Wint - fl". Cellts Iowa CIty, Iowa. Wednesday, June 29,1949 - Vol 83, No. 179 :New Labor · ~ill Has lnjunctions,·Seizures Discrimination Clause WA liIINGTON (AP) ...... In a stinging defeat for President Truman, the senate yesterday approved a Republican.written plan for dealing with national emergency strikes. It provides for both Taft·Hartley injunctions and for plati~-sd~re by the government. . The plan was adopted by a vOte of 50 1..040, and was thus In Housing Bill Killed \ll.8de 8 part of the administration'8 .bill to re~late the Tan·Hart· ley act with a new labor law. President Truman eampaigned House Readies Ashes to Ashes Disgust the Dust fo.r repeal. Hancher to Comply LONDON m-50me women na, all the time, buI one Glou- . Below galleries crowded with For Last Vote (flter woman carry!n&, thin&,s beyond "earthlY" l'"trem . JPeCtators, the senate did these Wood Request The will of Mr• . Mary Nichobon di~led the lovl' I Hers things In this order: With she received trom her I ,M husband be cremated WIth her and On Bill Today the ashes Rlttered oYer the rrave of her _lid hU5band, it was 1. Defeated, 5. to 37, an ameDd­ dJ.scIOAd yet terd.y. ment by Senator Holland (D-'Fla), For Textbook List WASHINGITON lIP) - The raee '" preserve the Tan-Hartley Issue w. mjected Into the hous. emergl:ncy Injunction provision. SUI has received two letters 'in, bLU batUe yesterday, but the The amendment would not have from the house d representatives' l'iou I' I' 0 m p t 1 y defelted an luthorized seizure of struck committee on un-Amtrican af­ amendm nt that would hive pre­ GOP Chiefs Back Scott plants. Neither does the Taft­ talrs, President Vlr.i1 M . Hanoher vented elrt:callon In publlcly­ said yesterday. tHartley act. I, owned hOU51R' projec . The vote ' !. ReJee&ed, 48 to 44, an amend­ Both letterll are like those re­ wll ]68 lo 130. After Assistant Resigns JIltnt by Senator Lucas (0-111), to ceived by other universities and With till m • J 0 r b .. nlle atrike the injunction provision colleles in which a list of the clare', !.be b ..1e /luH. PM'­ w campaign tratl'g) from Taft's injunction-plus-seil­ t ext boo k s and supplementary ponln, a. final YN untH Wa,. to P ~Atioll I ure plan. Under the Lucas pro­ teach in, materials employed in The race amendment, oltered posal, only seizure of plants the humanities and social science by Rep. Fulton (R-Pa) would would have 'been authorized. fields was requested, Hancher hl\l~ permitted whl~ Ind Ne,ro S. TurDed down, 51 &0 tI, a si~, tenants to occupy the sime pub­ proposal by Senator lves (R-N'Y), Be tndk.. ted SUI wollld eOlD­ lic housin, bUild In . It re.d: to have congress deal with na­ pb wUh Ibe Wood alllllllliUee'. "There shall be 1)0 dlscrlmlna· tional emergency strikes on 'a reque.t b,. turDlahlnr • Usl of All Smiles after Bendix Strike Settlement ticn aa8mst .ny periOn because case-by. case basis. The senate !.be &extbooltl whicb are ap­ of race, color, I' 11,Ion Qr n.tionll AF'l'Elt AGREEING &0 ,eUle the ?O. d.,.· old strIke at the South Bend, lnd., Bendh, .Jrcratt pl.nl, the defeated the same plan last week, ,roved for purehaee tor ve&er­ orl,1R In the rental or occupancy Hiss, Wile colt. above confereu were.n mile yesterda, I they polled In W•• bJu&on '. Pent.,on. They re (Idt to 87 to 13. a. IIIUIer the 01 ed_iJOIl pro· of any housln, constructed under Th. Itrat a committee vo d •. Approved, 50 t.o U, Ule TIIt­ ,ram. rl,.ht) M.lcolm P. Ferraton of Detroit.. Bendix preslclent: AIr ecretar, W. tuart S,mln,&On, and VAW the pr( vlslons of thb ICt." to .ccept Coltman', r ilnalion • President Walter Reuther. Earlier, .. lie vote ....-rowl, vice chairman but not com­ Donnell-Smith plan for keeping ''1Jl .complyin, with the request ..\Ie' r . TrlUlallll', boualD« bill Repeat Story mittee mem~r. Colem n told re­ the Taft-Hartley injunction fea­ of. the committee, we are doing from .. "home rule" amendment port... ttl'rward that he aWL IS ture and addinjJ a provision for no more thaJl providing an extra * * * government seizure ot struck !.bat 'IIuld h. barre' public­ NEW YORK - AIa~r HI resian n, from both. service in form ot' a prepared Russ Halt· Truck Fleet I,· owned hOUlla, In aa, cUT left the wline atand.t hi. per- The rnoluUoa commendJn,. pla~ts for up to 60 days. list. to a duly constituted com· Vole May End BERLIN IIl'I - Soviet author!------ual Ita "o&en fIrM a.,.roYed Jury trial yesterdAy I ftel' hour, 8eoh ~ "!.br c p ble man­ mlttee of our congress," Hancher U, hes yesterday halted. twck con- :r;ones remaint'd par ly~ b cau ~ ot er06l-examlnatlon on his de· Bft' In "hleb h~ ha tr.nsl ttd explalned. Republicans were vlrtuaUy 101- wy bound lor the wes~m rone the Sovlet-cc-ntrolied mana,~m' nt nial, that he stole ,ovcrnment In&o &eUon" r ommC'nd.Uon Wagner Quits Post; . "Hqwever r dep~ore the Impll­ Bendix Strike of Berlin In a move which threat. said tracks h.d been damaS d Id In their support (f the .'ulton cre .. for a Communltt spy rlnll, of the committee for formula- ca.~fo'n ~ whic~ this request carries ened to produce a new east-west durin, the walkout. amendment, but were aided by IIlI wile PrIICUIa .&eppe4 for. U- 01 "an l ure 1 e f mpa I'll" ts> 'the effect that the committee WA SHINGTON (UP)-Top un­ "blockade" crisis. The truck conyoy. which was only I scatterln, of Democrlts. ward immedlatel, .. • deft nae nr' )'tar. Demos Get Chance Ion and company otficials yesLer­ or others mlgh t, in these hysteri­ United States and British mil- brlnsln, vital equlpm nl to I Ther was no record vote, but willi and ,.PPOned ber JIll • Scott told reporte ... he hIS been day negotiated an aareement to Rep. Powell, Ne,ro Democr.t from cal times, lorget the principles Itary ,overnment officials Imme- power p~nt in the western clor band', ..telDtn" that tile, workln, 14 and 1 hOUri a dny end the 70-day-old Bendix avi­ 10 Pick Successor upon which this nation was diately protested lhe SOYle' ac- of $erlin, wal beld up at the So­ New York, WIS n ' tandln, for lteVU .-de InU_te In DIll I in bl, clpaclUu I. m mber of founded' and has progressed. ation corporation strike, subject Hon and demanded that the trucks viet checkpoint at Drellind n at the amendment, while the other Mr· aJHI Mn. WhlUuft' bam· conll'ts, GOP natlon.l chalrmln to a vote by Sooth Bend, Ind., Ne,ro member, Rep. Daw50n (D­ NEW YORK IIl'I - Senator Ro­ (, "'I'/IIe a~iJnnln, II4l&J'tlh f. and theIr cargoes ~ released. the outskirts of the city. ben. .nd chi rm.n ot the executive and bert F. Wagner, 72, resigned as ~UI thro",b e4l1e~loD muat United Auto Workers. The Soviet move came shorUy Accordiog to an esc.ped drIver, IU) stood a,alnst it Clmnben mlde the char,ta thlt ,lrattIY commltt 5. ,imior senator from New Yorit 801 NeJOLi ators returned at once to Speaker Ila,hurn, of 'rex.. , be .Oowell &0 falter for • after the 39-day~ld strlke of Ber- the Russians claimed thlt the Ifd ·to the perjury indictments At his IUllestion, the strate South Bend where the 6,100 mem­ ,.~sterday on the day the U.S. mvtaeJit. EdllGatioD _It .1'1"'" lin railroad worken ended om- convoy's travel and c.rgo .uthorl­ l lood b1 JlI' "&rUer predlcUolUI .,ainst Hiss. Chambers said H eommI ttee t up .. 10ur-ml'mber '.enate in effect virtuallY klUed Incla4e the examination 01 bers of iocal number 9 will vote dally. However, train traWc In zation k.t th hOIlH will PIA Mr. ,av, him .ec:ret ltate dep.rtment subcommittee to Inv till Ie lht' all, chance~ of revlvini the f ... I", . lIO,we&l' and othnwtR, in a secret baUot today at 3 p.m, Verlln ' lInd to we tern occupLtlOQ ' order" TrllIOaA', bOUlbl,. ... un "b, documents tor d.tlvery to I Com- postlblliLy or tablilhln. an e - mous new d~.l labor act bearlni wilb -..hkh ...... ,. ... .,. wf\;lher. to accw~ the 'freement...... Ial..,...." mun t .py nlll . cutfve chairmln for ijle .. trltea .bis name at thls session of con­ .,..... th~c, President Walter Reuther of the The sen.te passed It April 21 .Before latlnt U.S. Att,rne committee. ,rress. . "Ol)ly ~y sucll ex,minatlon can ('T() UAW and Bendix President Last Term Grades Beardsley Helps Stall by a ~7 to 13 vote. House .p­ Thoma. F . Murphy flnj.h~d with A,pollltment or n e cuttve Wagner resilned before. a July we seek the truth, and only by M.P. Ferl\lson led the discussions. proval woUld give the President Hiss, he was reprim.nded for uk- JlairmlD wonld have &0 be CAln- .11 deadline in ordtr to live his such examination can the fears They and oth.r negotiators were Ready Tomorrow DM's Transit Walkout the Im!t bill victory fOr his dom­ In, the cour~ to "instruct this flrme4 b, the GOP eucullve Democratic party a chance to wliich threaten us be dispersed." called here Monday by Airforce DES MOINES (IP) - A Itrik eltic pro,ram. char.cter to refr.in from malt!n, committee, I candidate In the ,eneral elec­ Secretary W. Stuart Symington. Last semester's grades will be of Des MoLnes streetcar and bU5 - Iny remarkJ to me" Scott Hid. subcommltf head. tions this !ali. It he had kept The negotiators announced the t t d I t I ht In II mlnldoH ot testimon,., ed by Gov. Arthur B. Lanalie 01 his post beyond the deadline, Gov­ Strike Threats Intensify a.... eement after nearly 24 hours avaHable tom ~rrow, Re,lstrar Ted opera ors was pes pone 1$ n, .. only a few hours before It was Soft Coal Operators )In. RbI dented in de&ail murh WuhlnJton called on Coleman ernor Thomas E. Dewey, who British' Economic Crisis of talks In the pentagon. here. Al-' McCarrel said yesterday. .scheduled to get under way, of the 1U'o1 MrL Chambers h.d who expr d hla "J;ratlflcatlon" ~ralsed Wagon as a "good and though government officials said Grades lor the liberal arts, com- The postponement followed a told 01 the frtertdlhip of tbe at the committe " "rlucl;:.nc .. to talthful public servant", would LONDON IlPI-Immihent threat they took no S)Brt in proceedings, merce and iraduate coUe,es may meetlnl of representatives the Veto Lewis Proposal ItJIve been able to appoint a suc­ oC a slow-down strike by 500,000 0' two falDlUa from 1.15 &0 In'7· accept h lG r ien.Uon, a grim alrforce warning that the be picked up In the Registrar's union and the Des Moines rall­ WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, &rey cessor, presumably a Republican. railroAd men and a walkout by The n, Bryn Mawr gr.du­ strike was afte ling jet plane pro- w.y, operator of the streetcan W. VA. {IP) - The le,al and other ale, '))Iakl", in low, cultured . Dewe,. can appoint oDb a 25,000 London dock workers In­ (luctlon a ptll t'~n tlY speeded a office. Grades for the colle,es of and buses, with Gov. William S, tepsUfed the BritiSh economic rlskJ involved prompted loft coal tones, denied , he ever called N rs. &emparar, luccelSOr te Warnft' settlement. engineenn, and pharmacy wlU be Beardsley. operators ()f the north .. nd we.t Chambers "Liza" or that M .... '10 liene unm • November elee­ criSiS last nl,ht. 100 Appointe TRUMAN ANNIVERSARY In the deans' offJces. Beardsley asked both sides to yesterday to reject John L. Lew­ Ch.mber. called her "Pross." tlon. Then the YOtera Will cb_ Del,lied B ' ,2-a-week pay in­ areas., railroad union leaders or­ WASHll'iGTON (IP) - Yester- McCarrel said litudeol.s must submit their problems to concH- Is' no-strike proposal based on • the sena&or to "rve "ut War­ three-day week. ner's &erm whlllh elQll1'es ba dered a slowdown on the gov­ day was the 30th wedding annl- show lhelr student number card iltlon, whUe holdln, the strike in .1851. ~tnment-pwned system e~ctive versary of President and Mrs. or last semester's Identification lbeyance. Both unicn and com- There were Indications, how­ Prosecution Labels SUI Professor ever, thaI the United Mine Work­ ,Dewey, if he wished, could re­ it mld~t Sunday. Truman. card to ,et their ,rades. pany allreed. sian and run for the unexpired ers' chief relu&ed to take "00" Judith 'Clever Spy Dr. T.Z. Koo has be n "ppomt -t as a final answer. ~rrn . If he did he milht fli)d profe lor of orienta I studl In hlmsel1 running a,.inst FnnklJn 'Sidewallc Superintendents' Lose Hair in Open Ai, MellbwhUe, southern soft co.l WASHINGTON UP) - Prose­ the colle.e of liberal uu h Tit, D, Roosevelt Jr., who has been operators who have been ~Ialled cutor John M. KeUey Jr., de­ and Prof. J.cob Van dl'r Zee h. mentioned amon, possible Demo­ In separate talks with the union nounced Judith Coplon at the been IIlven the hon~rary htle (I' cratic candidates. at Bluefield, W Va ., reported they end of her esplona,e trial yester­ oro,tssor-emeritWl, SUI Presld-nl Warner real,Ded hManle 01 had been lold their pits will be day as a "clever , py" for Russia Vlrdl M. Hancher announ... e - Illness. He had beeD a.Uiq fer clcsed by a strike next Tuesday and sald Moscow chose her be­ terday. more than 'we ,ean. unless a new contract is sl,ned. cause "she hated the United KAIO baa been a Pfht 100- tv.. r ID the lIe"aol nllJjon Wagner first was elected to the They, as members of the South­ States." ,r Ilenate in 1927 and was re-elected ern Coal P roducers association, "Don't think the Russian es­ darl.. tbe put year. 111 liP· ~erd win bftOtne dfecUYfI three times. His present term, his have not been offered the "no plonl,e ..ents picked JudJ~ tlar't...- tM IN'-51 on\ It .... fourth, will expire on Dec. 31, strike and three days a week" Coplon hulllT," Kelley told the .,.C Ise haa ~ .raoled a 1950. plan. jury in hls clOIin, araumenl. Production represented at the , ...... I... • 1 abae1tu. White Sulphur talks u.tals 297,- "You may be 'Un! they pene­ P'r.llowin, a roeaklnl( , Itr. Defense Rests in 733,674 tonI annuallY, ne,otlators trated th.t look of Innocence. will Itclure at the Uruv t I announced yesterday. The south­ They founct pre~y what they Florida durln« the Robert Noble Case erners produce about 97-mllllon wanted. They found a ,irl will­ ter. He elrpecu to go tons a year. IhI to seU out ht':- country - a next .WIlmer ~(ore , SOUTH BEND ftfI - Defense The 1948 contract, which ex­ 'irl who wu quick-witted, alert. SUI. testimony Willi completed ,eater­ Koo served as adviser 10 the pires tomorrcw at midnl~t, was The,. found a clever spy." day at the reckleR homicide trial si ined by operators whose output The jury of ei,ht men Ind four Chinette delegation at Ihe United Nation. conference In San 'ran­ ot Ro~rt D. Noble, SUJ's assistant totaled 460-million tons. Any 10tt women - six Ne,rou, six whites I'jsco and WAS secr?tary (If the ~lumni secret.ry. coal strike would start July 8, - wllI belln their deliberations The trial waa reeessed untU World'ii Student Christian feder:o­ wh~n the nation's 400,000 on EOft today on a verdict th.t could set tion from 193. untU 11141 . thia mornlnl, wl\en closln. .rl\l­ f;-ee coal miners eDd their current 10- Miss Coplon or contIne her 1'1IlI de Zee ~ Ibe flflh lIIents will be pre~ted. The cise day vacation. in priaon lor II lon, u 13 years. b expected to be in the jury's 8U1 IIeIIler of the professor­ h.nds by late mornln, or early elllft'l... tlUe Be retired &II ItTI)- afternoon. 1_ ., JIOlltlw .cll"'1ce Jun .1 after IIII'VlIIc more than :15 Noble hinu;el, was the last de­ lean ltD tile 8U1 tee1lit,., tense witness. He denied he was Romanian (Iergy : Report Other holders of the title ar driving recklessly when his clr VATICA..'1 CITY source said yesterday Dr. W.tter Bierrin" now dirtclor tan down • ,roup of students CAP) - A Vatican aU Catholic bisho!' have been suppressed in Communist Romania. of the ,tate depar meD t of h l~h crosslng a road ne.r the Notre and formerly f the dp.P8rtlll o nl barne campus ~fter the Iowa-Not­ This source said reports have reached here that the last two 01 internal medicine; Dr. Andrew re Dame .football lame of 19n. Roman Catholic bishops atiU ' WoodJ, former head of psychia ry; Two of the ,tudenta were killed free to perform religiou duties by Communist offidals in In effort Sam Sloan, formerly of the de­ lad he is bein, tried In connection have been placed under arrest. to break their alletlaDce to Pope par1JMnt or Enllish, and Zada ~Ith the deat" of one of them. Charges against them were Dot PIUI XlI. Cooper, formerly of the colleg~ explained. * * * of phlrmacy. Nationalist Sea Blockade They an! the Rev. Aaron Mart- Czech Press Charges IDI!JTA PASSES Draws Western Protest on, 53, bishop of Alba Julia, and Vatican Stopped Talks WASH!NGTON RP-Mrs. Perle the Rev. Antonio Durcovld, Ill. MAGUE. CZECHOSLOVAKIA yetta, the capital's top party-glv­ WAS H I N G T 0 ~ t1PI - The bishop of lid (Jass\). It wu re- lIP! _ The ,overnment-controlled er, was UDanlmously approved by United States and Brjtlin have ported Msrr· Marton waa arrested Communist press chlrged yester- the &enate foreign relations com­ tent Objections to the Chinese June 21, and MSII". Durcovlcl cS.y that Roman Cathollc Areb- mJtue ,..tenlay as this coun­ tratlon'allst ,ovenunent over the June 28. bUbop Josef Beran and his bish- trYl ftnt full-time mlntster to "blockade" 01 Conununlat - held 'The official preas in Rom.arn. CJpJ are enaapct in .... ntl-st.te Uttle Lwtembour.. ports on the ellt CIllna COlat, It recently reported both were re- aclivlty" on the dlreet orders of "11 rfvealed l ..t nl,ht movM from the church payrolls the Vatican. TUCItD TaIAL SET . Authoritative Qlllrten Hid the for tbreateaiDI e:xc:ommUDIcatioo The CommWllst paper IlIada ClUCAGO lUt - Pederal .fudge lwo powers trlnamltted seplrate of chureh members and inatipUni Pronta ICCUIfd the Vatican of dl- Walter J. Latbuy ,.esterday set ~t parallel notes warnln, ·N.tion· the peuanta apinat the aovem- rectint the church to break off Oct. • u trial dAte for Preliton Illata, In effect, ~It clOIln, of the (&I' ...... -, ment. DIIOtiattOlll with the CommuniJt Tuck.. and, eve n associate3 .....s to (orelln JIllpe ml8ht draw BAUER MURIAl' .\DAMS' Ol,mpla, W~, .,..temers kept Cr.D· chair out Oil' the IAdewalk 10 au S..... ,. (ID daair) a .. elber Five d.y,; alo a Vatican source relime just when talJu leadin;: cbal'led with mall fraud conspir­ retaUatory IctlM It the venela 181 &belr Melka to waleb Ibe 4...... vI tbe ....land bolel .er_ culomers .ald walch aDd eel tbeIr baIr ... at .... __ ..... Tbe llid two bishops of RomInlI', toward an aareemeat were pc-o- aCT In..operation of the flounder­ • perlOnQ'~ .board are' barm.d, Ibe *"" Ie • ,troIle el 1upIraUoa, Adalu neal Ht IdI berber botel w.. duaap4 ba all AJrll 11 earOl,uke. UDiate cburch Mel been tortured poeaiDJ amoothJT. 1DI Tuelter· lutomoblle company. \

.' PAGE TWO - THE DAILY IOWAN. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29. 19'9 .. Raimer Leads Pollet's Eight-HiDer ·c Across 7~ I , Sl~~d co' Blanks Chicago, 5-0; ,aD DiMaggio Homer Tips B NCAA Golfers JJill1t5- OSOX joII and Cards 1Game Behind Jatter h ST. LOurs (/P) - Howie Pollet By Alan Moyer------.. of mid-' Clipper's Debut 'Friendly' Fans Cheer Up Eddie Wt:Jitkus l AI Ames Meel pitched his second shutout of the h k I I stYles a year as his St. Louis Cardinal T e Un nown ICO lege Wor d Series' ,re bel AMES nPI - A Wake Forest teammates pushed across five A year ago college baseball officials were enthusiastic oYe storts· Aids Yanks, 5-4 golfer parred the Iowa Sta te col­ runs for a 5-0 victory over the the response accorded the NCAA baseball playoffs in the di[fel'!llt !unOn lege golf course yesterday to take last night. Pollet districts over the country and the interest shown at the finals. whlS, abPll "I BOSTON (JP) - After missing the lead in the ba ttle for medal allowed eight hits - three of adOpted 65 games, Joe DiMaggio celebrated honors in the National Collegia·te them doubles _ and struck out if your memory fails you, were held at Kalamazoo, Mich. ibiS sea his 1949 debut by homering the Golf tournament. five. Last week the third NCAA baseball lourney was completed at tured lr New York Yankees into a 5-4 Arnold Palmer, Latrobe, Pa .• The Redbirds' runs - all off Wichita, Kan .• but real f81t now, who won? Or if you can ansWer ers, she win over the last toured the course in 71 'after a Starter Bob Chipman - were that one, how about the first and second winners of the tournamet crepes· night before a 36,228 crowd. larg­ bunChed, two in the third inning that is supposed to be the "college "? J:ye1e est of ,the Fenwa:y season. and three more in the seventh. IIIPPIy Well, Texas university got around to winning the crOWD &lib year Joltin' Joe also handled six doubled home peeves chances and ended the game by How Iowa Scored .. and Chuck Diering for wblle up at Kalamazoo last year Soutl!erp California beat tit 1tbich gathering in Ted Williams' fly Skip Carlson, low scorer among the first two. Nippy Jones opened Yale. For really ancient blstory's sake, California unlversib wen Ia pastel, with the tying run on third base. five SUI golfers, tired a 76, the the seventh with a double. He '41. with Yale also the victim the first time. Floor Allie Reynolds, who needed help same as he shot Monday, to total scored on 's Single. It hasn't been that the results just don't get , in the paptt, prelerr' from Joe Page in the ninth, turned 1'!io2 Tor 36 boles. Then Marion took second on the We passed along just about all the tournament news that came are BVI In -his eighth win against one Gene Matth.ks has a 79-76-155, throw to the plate and scored on nylon "'', deteat. Rice'S single. our way. It all goes back to the age old problem college baseball Jim Rasley, 79-81-160, Bob Mc­ faces. namely, how to keep interest in a sport that is ' just get~ strapS I D1Ma ....lo·. homer came with Diering hit saflely and on Hank plpced Kirahan, 81-79-160 and Warren into high gear when the scnool closes. • one man on base aJld sparked Strout, 81-IH-162. Edwards' wild throw Rice went the New Yorkers to five early It is probable that Carl- home. Of coune, Iowa fans lost interest when lhe Jiawks couldn't play runs. three In the second and son will be the only Hawkeye Gene Mauch, Jteinie Reich and in the district four playoffs after finishing the season in n three-WIT two I,n the third Inning_ golfer in the first Tound of match Andy Pafko doubled for the Cubs tie for the 'Big Ten title. The necessary invitation might not have Maurice McDermott was the play, beginning tOm"Qrrow. but didn't get past second. Roy been put our way anyway, nnd even if it had been, it would have losing , the former Louis­ Smalley was the only Cub to , reach third. That was)n the fifth been imposSible to enter. ville hurler losing his first game sub-par 70 in the first round for of the season. He has won two. when he and Hal Jeffcoat each So Indiana, Purdue, Notre Dame and WestefJl Mlcbl,an acr ... a 141 total and the best score singled. bled for a berth in the finals. with the Irish .the .last to be eliminat­ Both Johnn.y Pesky and WI.­ so far. lIarrs chipped in with two bits, Chlco,o ...... 000 000 ~ 8 I ed. still quite a ways from the championship game at Lawrence Ted Payseur, cl1alrman of the St. Louis •. . .. . ' I ••• • Ot):! 000 :Wx~ Y 0 ae did Red Sox' Flrs* Base­ Chipman, La.de un .ad Novot.neYi stadium In Wichita. NCAA 1'011 committee, said only Pollet ud D. RI~,. LP-Cblpman. man BlUy Goodman. four competitors have not fin­ With lhat, olmost all Big Ten interest faded, along with the The Red Sox outhit the Yank .. Ished their qualifying rounds. publicity and scores of the learns remaining. At that rate it'll be 11-8. but couldn't make their ees, Those rounds will be completed Iowa City Cards Meet quite awhile before the NCAA tournament can rightrully be called hits at the rign t time. today and any ties for quaUly­ N.... York .. ... , . .•3Z 000 /I0O-I • 0 Rock Island Here Tonight the "college world series." Boston ...... lItO ZOO 0J1~ 1l 0 In, will be shot orr. Payseur Reynoldll. Pa,e (9) and Berra.; Mc­ said it appeared tbat 154 would The Iowa City Cardinals will The whole thing is run by a tournament committee, headed now D.rmolt an I Batt •. DItS-NV-B&.er, J. DIM'Hlo. LOS-Doerr. WP-R.ynold •. be the dividing line and aU meet the Rock Island lIawks in by Frank G. McCormic'k1 of Minnesota.~ Until this year the post was (AP WIr.pboto) ,olters at that score would have an exhibition softball game to­ held by John H. Kobs, baseball at Michigan Stall'. Both com­ CHEER UP, EDDIE. said tans yesterday when they brou!rht the PbUadelphia first baseman flowers to shoot III a playoff. night at Kelly field. Game time ing from Big Tell tchools. where college baseuall competition is about Browns Clip Sox, J-6, and !rIfts. Waitkus Is recoverlnlr from gunshot woun ds In a Chicago hospital, after being shot In the l1he first day leader, Harvie is 8 p.m. as good as can be found, both men undoubtedly are doing evtry­ chest June 14 by a fan. Ruth Steinhagen. who Is "commUtable to a mental hospital." Edward T. Breen. Ward Jr., North CarOlina, slipped The Cards lost a 1-0 decision to thing in their power to make the tourney a college world series. assistant state's attorney, says. The admirers are, leU to right, beida Eells, 20, Mrs. Jennje Linkus, to a three-over-par 74, and wound the Hawks last Wednesday at On 12th Inning ·Hit 35, and Irlne SimaUis, 9. up with a total of 143. Rock Island in a league game and Interest around Iowa City would have skyrocketed bad tile On his heels was Bill John­ will be out to avenge the loss. district four playoffs been played on the Iowa dlnlMlld, whlell CmCAGO (/P)-Johnny Sulli­ Maxim-Lesnevich Bout ston. University of Utah. who Expected to be on the mound was more than just an Ide,a. at the Big- Ten baseball meeting In Chi. van's double and Gerry Priddy's tired a par 71 yesterday Biter for Rock Island Is Horace Long, cairo last month. Lack of a sponsor, the necessary money and tile single gave the St. iLouis Browns Dodgers Edge Phillies, 5·3, on Set for Cincy, Sept. 19 a first round 73. voted the National F 3/S t bI a. 11 drawing power (with the students gone) llU\de it impractical. a 7-6 victory over the Chicago CINCINNATI ~/P) - A 15-round Early contestants started on league's most valuable player in Something new like that would certainly be a shot in the arm White Sox in 12 innings before return bout between Champion a rain - drenched course tbls 1948. to the event, though ... 9,456 persons here last night. Joey Maxim of Cleveland, and morninr, but a hot sun dried The victory, St. Louls' first in {J'U& the wooded, 6,000 yard lay­ • • • Snider's Homer; Slay in ,First Gus Lesnevich ot Cliffside, N.J., Ever wonder why the Iowa City Cardinals are. members of the eight games against Chicago this for the NBA-recognized Ameri- out. Most scores ran above season, ~nabled the 'Browns to PHILADELPHIA (AP)- Duke Snidel"s thl'ee-run homer can lightheavyweight box i n g openlnr rounds. National Fastball league, rather than Softball lea~e? Oarl JMnnett, sllap a five-game losing streak as off Pitcher in the seventh inning gave the Brook- crown was approved formally yes­ North Texas State apparently president of the loop explains thn t the new name for the gatne more Bill Kennedy received credit for lyn Dodgers a 5-3 victory over the Philadt'lphia PhiIlies last night terday by the Cincinnati boxing won t.he team title with a total MAJOR accurately describes what goes on the field, becllu;!e "fastpall is a very his first decision after six innings Sh'b k commission. of 590. Ten strokes behind were fast game as played by sOllle of the finest Mil plaYers 'in the country." of relief pitching on a yield of at 1 e par. THREE-I LEAGUE The bout will be staged by Purdue and Texas, tied at 700. Bennett also pointed out that besides the name swit'ch there just one scratch single. went the distance Danville at Terre Haute. rain Promoters Sam and Benny Beck- Michigan finished fourth with 602, have been three major rule changes. The pitcher's box has betn to record his seventh victory ot Qu incy 10. Waterloo 4 er at Crosley field, Sept. 19. Stiiiii/iiiit! Howie Judson, third Chicago shading the defending champions. the season for the league leaders. D_av_e_n.:...po_r_t_B_t_ S.:..pr_l_ng::.f_le_ld,.:.._ra_ln______moved from 43 to 45 feet away from home /plate, and "offensln pitcher, was the victim of the San Jose State, who finished Browns' late spurt to end the three Del Ennis led the Philadelphia with 603. Last rounds today were • W L PCT • substitution" has been IntrodUced. permitting a player to reton hour and 24 minute contest. Be­ attack witb two hits. one a home lJrooklyn ...... 40 25 .615 to the game defensively after a. substitution has been ma~e for hill. A 'Smashing' Quarter-Final Win not expected to change those team SI. Loul, ...... 39 28 .600 fore Judson arrived St. Louls tag­ run and the other a single, while standings. PbU,.dolpbl ...... , . g~ 3t .1144 at bat. Lastly, be safs there is tbe greatly Improved ball whit" ged starter Randy GUmpert for 1I0sion ...... ' .30 81 .1\.17 Bobby Blattner had a perfect night The low 64 qualifiers start New York ...... 32 32 .500 has been riven NatiOli:a Fastball learue sanction. four runs. and pulled into a 6-6 at the plate for the Phils with two match play tomorrow with the CinCinnat.I ...... l,n 88 .420 He reported a 3ct per cent increase in a'ttenollIlce after visit­ tie when Priddy and Dick Kokos hits in as many trips. Pltt,burrh ...... il3 89 .89l finals probabJy on Sunday. Oblcau ...... " .. il3 H .379 ing clubs in both the eastern and western divisions of tile league. frisked Max Su*ont for, succes­ The Dodgers got off to a one . ~ . Sive home runs in the eighth. TESTERDA \"S SCORES . t, . '. run lead in the second iJining, Priddy, round tripper was his Ne ... York 2, Bo.ton 1 (nl,bl) Glenn Dille, Iowa cagj!r who played one "Year" at OklahOllll then added another tally in the Hartung Hurls, Bats I lJ'ooklyn G, Pbll.delphl .. 3 (nlrM) fourth, Kokos' No. 15. Kokos also fourth, only to have the third St. LOuis G. Cblu .... 0 (nl,lIt) A & M under the defensive-minded Henry Tba, says that Iba tells collected two doubles and a sin- Cincinnati .. t PIU.bur,h. r&ID his players that it takes two 'years to learn defense; then it's time place Phils tie it up in the bottom TODAV'S PITCflERS , gle to pace the winners' 14-hit of the sixth with a two-run out­ Giants P,ast Braves enough to worry about an offense. No wonder fewer points were attack. BOllon at New Vor~-Blcklord (9-S) burst. NEW YORK (JP) - Clint Har­ VI. Jansen (0·9), scored on the Aggies thnn any other'major college five last season. S,. Loul. . ...•. 000 103 020 001-1 14 ~ Cblca,o ...... 001, 000 500 000-<1 90 Roberts was the losing pitcher, tung pitched and batted the New tenBrooklyn (11-9) orat lIarneyPhll.~.lphl. (3-~) (nl,hI)-Hat-VI. Holntsel- ___ -;;;;;~~~;--,~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;:;: • (I~ Innln,aI his record now being eight wins York Giants to a 2-1 three 'hit "'an (K-3). WESTERN LEAGUE Emb .... Ferrick (7). Kennedy (7) and Clnclnnall at PlltsbUrrb-ErOUH (8-6) LIncoln 5. Des Moln- 4 MOil, LoU.r UU; Gumpert, Surton" (8), and six setbacklS. triumph over the Boslon Braves " •. Lombardi (l-l). - Judson (10) &Dd Wb •• I.r. DRS-BtL-Ko­ CIII.a,o at St. Loul. (nl,bl)-Hacker Pueblo 6, Omaha 3 Itos, Priddy. WP-KenD.dy. LP-Judson. Brooklyn ...... 010 100 soo-tI 7 0 last night. Philadelphia " " "" .000 002 001-3 9 0 Hartung blasted ihis third ,homer (2·0 .s. Br.d. (0·3.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Roe and CampaDell1 i Jt.oberti, Kon~ Itanty (8) and Semlnle". HB.S-BKN­ of the season in the fifth inning AMEIUCAN LEAGUE 2 FIRST RUN HITSI Alex Kellner Wins No. 11, Snld.r. PDA-Ennb. LP-Rob.rtl. for what proved to be the de­ W L POT. GB Defeats Washington, 6-1 ciding run. Sid (;jordon clouted his ~~~IWI~r;:I" .. ::::::i i: ::g~ 4\~ .'1?\JJZ£i.,J.i'l"~Q!J.~ 12th four-bagger in the fourth for f'1 ....I .. nd ...... 84 28 .1148 0 _ .:..,; ~ 1 I' •• WASHINGTON (JP)-Alex Kell­ 1101100 ...... S5 29 .1\47 6 ner won his fifth straight game Junior Tennis Team the -Giants' first run. no"oll ...... S6 30 .(145 6 Bo.lon ...... 000 001 00II-1 S 0 Wasbln,ton ...... SO S4 .4V9 II NOW thru FRIDAY' and his 11th d the season last New York ...... IJOO 110 OOx-" 6 3 Chln,o ..... " ... 27 41 .397 16 • FRANCHOT TONE Spahn and S&lkeld; Hutun, and Wo.L­ at. Louis ...... 19 4Gt .292 22\ ~ LUCILLE BALL night as the Philadelphia Athlet­ rum. HRS-NY-Gordon HartuD,. ics defeated Washington. 6-1. f11he Defeats Clinton, 8-0 \'ESTERDAY'S SCORES 'HER 'HUSBANDS Now York 6, Boslon 4 (nl,hL) left-handed Kellner limited the The Iowa City junior tennis AFFAIRs' Little Hawks to Meet CI.~.land 4, D.lrolt 2 (nl,ht) Senators to seven hits. team, under the coaching of SUI Phlladolpbho G W... hlnrton I (nl,hl) Phllad.lpbla ...... , . ,Il00 001 ~ 8 0 St. Loul. ~. Chlca,o 0 (12 Innln,.) DI,M Wuhln,toD ...... 000 001 800-1' S Tennis Coach Don Klotz, defeated Burlington Here Tonight Kellner and Guerra.: lIaefDt:f, Illtile a Clinton junior team yesterday. The Iowa City Little Hawks face TODAV'S PITCllERS (6), and Cal • .,l (9). WeltoroUl (9) &nd 8-0, at the City park courts in Burlington in [\ double-header D.trol~ at CI •• eland (2-''f'I-hlrM)­ ERaDS. LP-H"efner_ Gr&1 (4-4) and N.wbouser (9-0) " •• Clinton. baseball game tonig'ht .at CJty Bearden (~-G) and FoU., (4-6). high field with the fir ~ t game New ),ork at 1I0slon-Byrno (~-4 •••. Plying its first match of the Rlnder (1-4). Cleveland Tops Detroit summer the Iowa City team won booked for 6 p.m. and the second Phllad.lphla at Wa.bln,t.n (nl,bt)­ for 8 p.m. Sc~l.b (2-6) vi. ScarbOrou,b (1-A). As Lemon Pitches, Bats five singles and two doubles Sl. Loul. at Cblcaeo-Garver (S-7) VI. CLEVELAND (JP) - Bob Lemon matches from the Clinton juniors. Yesterday's scheduled baseball Pier •• (2-5) • . pitched effectively in the pinches The meet was the fir5t of four game between lhe Little Hawks arid drove in what proved to be weeks of inter-city tournaments. and McKinley of Cedar Rapids Children Under 12 the winning run as the Cleveland Future meets will be held in was postponed beca~e of wet indians defeated the Detroit Ti­ Ames, Glinton, Cedar Rapids and grounds. tl·1~lD gers, 4-2 last night before about Iowa City, highlighted by the (AP R&dlo Wlrepboto. 50,000 fans. Mississippi Valley meet here July SMASHING TOWARD THE TOP at Wimbledon Is Jaroslav Drobny, WED. arid THURS. 18-24. Czech southpaw tenn.1s star. Yesterday he won his way to the semi­ HURRYI HURRYI ENDS TODA YI Lemon hit a · double to ~ ~ DAYS ONLJ' field to score Bob Kennedy in The results: fInals alralnst Geoffrey Brown of Australia. He defeated the Aus­ Jamie Andrews (lC) defeated Jack tralian star. 2-6. 7-5. 1-6. 6-2, 6-4, In a blistering ,ame. He meets the third inning with the .core Kreb.. 6-1, 6-2. tied, 2-2. Virgil 'Trucks was the Ted Dunnlnrton (IC) defeated Jim Australia'S John Bromwich In the semi-finals today. lOSing pitcher. McCulioueh 11-6, 8-10, 11-4 . S&I1rts "End, Arthur Andrews defeated Ron Sley. TO - DAY, Friday" Delrolt ...... 020 000 006-1' I 6-2. 6-3. Dooro Op~n l:t5 P.M. Cleveland ...... , . 210 001 00x~ 8 I Peter Berwick defealed Jack Klopp, STARTS Tracks, TrlDl ('7) aDd RebiD.on; lAm .. 7-5. 4-8. 6-4. TO-DAY The Biggest Musical! STARTS OD .ad Dela.. HR-CLE, Vernoa; Bob OBesen defeated John Lynn, 6-4. The Color by TechnicolOf' DET-Llpon. LP-Truokl. 8-2. ENDS SATURDAY Rulh Ashton defealed Dora1a Hartzell. Ifil1r:rmjj Hit of Hits THURSDAY 11-0. 6-1. 2 DAYS ONLY 'AMEItlCAN ASSOCIATION Doubles: Shows at - 1:30-3:06-5:11-7:16-9:20 Last Feature 9:50 Kansas CIty 6, Toledo 3 J. Andrews and O,esen defeated Sley MJnneapolls 7, Columbu. 0 and Lynn. 6-1. 11-2. NOW AT POPULAR PRICESI Milwaukee at Indianapolis, rain A. Andrews and Berwick dereBled St. Paul 7. LoulsvlUe 1 Klopp and Felderman, 6- 1. 6-4. "WAil nLL THA' OLD nail, CLIMINCIAU, am THIOUGH WI'H YOU, YOU WON" HAYI A IHII'Llnl" - , Fast~all, Game ' TONIGHT KELLEY FIELD N.v.r a pidurt 10 timely, 10 Iowa City Cardinals Iti,ring. 10 pro­ va. foundly to b. r.mem~e,.d I Qu.ad-City Hawks :l~tM~r ~~ml SYDNEY GRtENSTREET· DAVID BAlAN Rock Island "THE Also DONALD Duc~L~S "SEA SALTS" I DARRYl F, ZANUCK'~ See th... two National Fa.thoU Late World Popular Science Leaque Teama In Action r Newa ' AIR FORCE FIRE FIGHTERS MAN TONIGHT at 8 p.m. FROM SA rURilA tt.1 Start the holldaJ week-end rlp& WILSON EXHIBITION GAME Doors open 11:15 p.Ol. • ;" ~trlt¥-' FREE PRIZES ON LEAGUE NIGHTS TEXAS" ...... " HENRY KING _Io .. _"lAMAR TROTTI SPECIAL BUS SERVICE FROM CLINTON & STAlUUNG ~ 20... a",ullY roil !'I{I\HII COLLEGE ST. - BUS LEAVES EVERY 20 MINUTE8 JCUD.. CralQ Lynn Bart JoluWe Jolmatoa

\ DAILY IOWAX, wmN'I8DAY, I1TNE %1, IM1 - rAGI 'I'IIUa Nellie Snyder Wed MAaIlAGI U a I8SUU) Cool Pajama Styles Beat H eat Government Announces 'Electoral College' arrialle licmses were isIUeCI yesterday in the Johnson COIl.l1t1 Sleepy-time gals can be cool To Kenneth Vitosh dale's office to Gordon P8.l'J'1)t\ aDd comfortable these summer 'B .,. h R hAd To Be Discussed and Verleen BI'OOQ. both Of alIhts-thanks to American fash­ Mlu Nellie Snyder, daughter rl IS esearc war s 0 F · H Grinnell; Low U Thomas am IoD and textile designers. The of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Soy- n orenslc our Gl4Idys Thomas, both of Everly, latter have come to the rescue der of Kalona, and Kenneth Vil- A numl1t'r of 1\ rd for ar b on Briti h and to Manhall H. Alworth an'li of mid-western women with new osh were married Monday morn- omy \\ re rt'e utly ann uneffi by tb d p rtm ot of 'IlIe rU'St SUI speech de~rt- June Halvorson, both of DuluUl. It)'les and fabrics, many of which Inr in Sl Wen taus c:hurdl by ,tud"Dt J\d\'i' r Hi· rd. '""itz r id yt rday. men' round table dJseuulon 01 Minn. are being shown in Iowa City the Rev. Edward W. Neuzil ' m~titi"n ror th rd i n nly to d,· n I't'. the rummer on ~ will be ______~ .sores. Mr. Vilosh is the son of Mr. h h 1 h f ------broad on wsur. Fo-ftrlc - }.mong the best-sellers are the and Mrs. James Vitosh, 1303 First 111'(' 0 rs w pm t • • "".- Jb,ort "tommie-coats" which have avenue. i 1181 tl'llinin nd r r ri npt> Prof. Zopf AHends Forum Hour procram at 1 p.m. IIlopted a more feminine look Bridal attendanls were rI. (jualiry thl'lD for an !ndrpt"n. today, Prof. A C. Baird, speech DON T MISS IT! YOUR tills season. These are 'being fea­ completed It Leo Grenel, lon. · ler of the tl nf ~t\ldy of !'COnl1IDl pnlb· Pharmacy Seminar department. Aid y terdu. NfW IRONRITf IS HfPE' tured in roUon batistes, seersuck­ bride; Ro tta ~r, Iowa City, lrm . . . DIscusslons will be broadcast I I can ans_ ~, sheers, rayon knits and rayon tour nower ,irl, and Russell Zoolt, rin&- .The awards WIll IIlclud T?und- Prof. Louis A. Zopf. in dlUCI! e\'ery Wedn ay durm, the llameat crepes· bearer. Miss Peer is the daugh. tTlP travel to Eng! 00, a stipend. of drug r\'ice In the S I phar- ummer Ion. Eyelet, lace, riboons and bows ter of Mr. Ind MI"J. Merle Per, upplemmtal lh'ing allowance and m cy d par1m nt, Will I ve to- Six (nlduale d\'anced debate IIIPPly the trimming for the yates, Filitronrl'! route • and Ru ell is the $On an allO\l,'an~ for th purch of day for the Unlvef5i1y of Wm:on- udents \Itm dlsn1ss "Shall We sleeves and collars of these gowns of Mr. and) Ployd Zook, 614 nee ary book and equipment. ·n wh re he will attend a phar- Rave a Direct Election; Shall the 'll'hich come in a wide arra), ot IE.015TI.TI01 pastel colors. S. Capitol ,treeto ~ reh ~U1 M 11m I'" t.o macy teilCher'5 mmar whi h be- ~dent at the United States be Raymond VHosh, 530 N. Van ar.o p of 8rltbJI ~- ,an y terd y and ends July 9. Eleeted by a Direct Vote of the THURSDAY Floor-length nlghtIes ·are stlll Buren, was his brother's best "r economy whll'h Indud ed- Iu a member 01 th ching PPOple1 " (abandonment of the preferred by many coeds. They man. U hers were Robert VilOfh, ~ U nal IIIId admJnJ§tratlve ·taft of the minar, :lopf Will lectoral collece.) JUNE 30 available in tubbable cottons, are 1303 Fust avenue, and M rl PH Indlvldu I. luted tor pr n a paper ntitled "The Th y are Santord rtlcldnger, !lYlon knits, organdy and rayon. "0 MOll 5TANDINO, straps of lace or eyelet have re­ Peer, route -t. award ,,111 be It bed t.o 8I'Jt- Te ching 01 DlSpensln, In If pl- Mount PI asant; Forrest Brown, PUSHING, LlfTlNGI pl¥ced sleeves in these styles to A reception was held at the 10 un I vend t I r the par- tal Pharmacy." W t Branch; EUubeth ~rklns, home of the bride', parents fol- po!Ie or ndu tiD( their re- Sacramento, Calif.', John Sewell, provide coolness and comfort. Ah ella: r ld The eminar Is 'pOn red by liON SITTING DOW'" couldn't play Iow i n, the ceremony. ~ r~ , . " • Waterloo', Gary Gothberor. Pull- Here too, tlhe empress lines ot The. Inll IX! opportuniti for the Arnerie n Association of CoI- .. n three-w., dresses and evening wea'l' is evi­ the r rchers to consult Bnti h Ie, of Pharm cy and the Am- m n, Wash., and Josephine Sl- ight not ha~ dent. Full bodices above bigh av rnm nt oUi<'i 11 and 1(' de riean Council on Pharmaceutical monson, Cedar Rapids. would hayt waistlines are achieved in one de­ Persona' Notes 'n indu,lry as well as univel"Jlty Education. Owen P.!teJ'JOn, IJ)eeCb in true- sign by rows of smocking and In speclalis • r, will Ie d the discussion. another by narrow bands 01 rib­ Requ ts for further informa­ bOn whiCh tie in front. Mr. and MI'I. Cha.rl Wlieox, Iton or lor application forms SUI Graduate NurMS 10 W. Ifl:rison, If lhe parent ot 'Pajamas have also been abbre­ be University Theater a irl born Monday al Mercy should nt to th Commllt viated for summer wear. Espec­ on lnt mallonat Exchan e 01 To Hold Picnic, Swim Ially popular are the two - piece ho pital. To Play 7I1r;IIer' P('!'Son ,Contel·enc Board of AJI­ University ho pll.als Itradu Ie .Diddtf styles which mJaht double liOCi t d R Ilrch Council,. 2101 for bathing suits In desl,n. Silk II. 7-pound 1I1rl was born to Mr. our ea will have I m raa bord Tlcke are now available fol' Con Iltutioll IV nue, Wa hlfliton picnic anrl swlmmlnll party to- "Angel Str et," a mystery thrlller jersey, seersucker and rayon crepe COTTON NIGHTIES GO IOOB TYLE \hI l ummrt-preit:r rOt­ and Mrs. Fred Thomas, route 5, 25. D.C. nillht at City park, Vivian ne be, play to be pI' ted by U1e SUI appear in these outfits with elas­ mals and cool for the warm nl, h&a ahead. The Empire Jlne t carried at Mercy hospital Monday. chairman of araduat nurs J'I!('- drama tie art de~rtmenl at th ticized tops and trunk - style oo~ In ~bls handkercblef sheer cotton ,own with Ita wide lace J'Ul. Application mll'll be mallM reAtion ~mmitt ,II Id yesterday. Unlvt'rslly theater July 1,2,7.8, headed no" lie formln, 811 off-the-Iboulder neckline and cap lie ve • not I tel' than July 10, Swelu r shorts. A hundred nur art' expected and 9. the post was 4-H Girls' Health Clinic aid. , One pair of pj's combines a to nend thl' picnic which will SUI student.. may ,et tickets . Both COllI. toms" are featured In another sucker trlm. Set for This Afternoon That', ri.btl You'll tltil box - style jacket with boxer brgln at 7 p.m., Mi5 B eb said. by PI' nlln, their ~iltrallon tion is about shorts in a colorful plaid cotton ensemble of white seersucker thal Although plain pastels have the amuin. new Jronrit. d..... spotlight, polka dots, plaids and Johnson county 4-H girl. will Tht'~ will be II wimmln, brfort' ct'rtlflclte card at the Unlvel'llt,y . doing every. broadcloth. Pedal pusher "bot- has I pink batiste toD with scer- Clapp to Broadcast atnlted right in our .~ [ioral prints arc also belng feat­ hold their annUli health aml­ lind art r th picniC. th at r ticket omCt', Schlrrter ured in these fashions lor night nation clinic this afternoon in the 'Sonatina' Tonight hall. You, too, will be able to iron wear. Community building, Emm U Zimansky to Instruct Th ticket office Is open from qui kly, with 1_ f.ti~ Gardner, county xlen Ion direc­ A onalin compo:ed by P-ror, 9-12 a.m. and 1-4 p.m Monday and tum out tor, said yesterday. Philip , . lapp, dlr~lor or the In Army Staff School STUDENT CIlUItCIl OROUP throuah Friday and U-12 Satur­ lovely ironinp Ea .1 From 1 to 2:30 p.m. air) !rom SUI mu Ie d p rtm nt, will be days. General dml Ion lor non­ on your new The w ckly meetin, of the the ast Side ot Iowa river wilt bro dcat by WSUJ Dnci KSUl on Prot. Curt A. Zim n ky of the stud n I $1. .11//111 hly ChrlsUan Scien c Student organi­ be examined. Girls from the west the Wedn(' day venin mu Ie t;ngh h dl.'plrtm('nt, WIt! \)(' /I Ironrite! it zation will be h 10 tonight at 7 In for a sid or the river wUl take exoml­ hour tOIll 'ht at 8. Prof. Clapp 'acully m mber or th omm nd tuq Manledt today. the Liltle Chapel of the Congrega­ nnllol1s from 2:30 to 5 p.m., Gard­ said yc t rday. nnd Genernl Staff college, Fort tional church. n r .;ald. The recit I will b play Il by Leavenworth, Kan ., durin, tht W dding JACKSON'S .COOL Clapp, pianist, nnd Prof. Blmle cumm r. 8 Voxm n, rlorin U~t and h ,d of Zimansky, r rYe captain. InvUaiions It I\.nnaa.ne~n the woodwind . elion of the mu­ wUt be one of PPl'Clximat Iy 35 ELECTRIC 4th of luI Try and Stop Me sic d('partment. civililln educatol"J on the faculty at Wayn r', tht'r Ie tlOns ore "SoMta J1 of th 6Iaft collea . weekend in E tll.lt, Opu 120. No . 2." by "'"----By BENNETT CERF.-. -----' Johannes Rrohms ann IA on tin B WARD LLMA., hairmall of Ule Port of Nl'w York by Antoni R1.alow ki, a cont m­ authority, 8nd angl'l of a dozen Bro uway play hit , rl'turn d porary Polish compo r. A au RST OF PENNEY'S 81 G.. I from J<'ranet' Ilboard the Que n Mary r '('ntly, and 0 'cupieu a The \)roadrnsl wlll b in stUdio deck chair next to Reverance E oC til 11gin ring building. Millikin, the lev('/alld indus· trialist. Tnt'vitably, ullman after visit. steered the eonvt'I'Satioll rOllnd J. E. Briggs Returns the league. to his favorite topiC', th thrat r . "One project we have In mind," he said, "Is a revival of Plrandel­ From Easlern Trip ::I t Oklahoma lo's AI You Des Ir e Me. It Prof. John E. Briggs of the SUI that Iba tellt we could only persuade Mula political science d partm nt re­ then it's time Abba to com e back to the turned yest rday from Washlnll­ '"j" stage and play the lead, I'm con­ ton, D.C., where he attended a 1'1 1J, ",I.f!;III .... vioced we'd have a smalh. l'U l11eetlna of the nominations com­ never forget ber superb perform mittee of th American. Poll tical MEN'S SUMMER PANTS ance In Tovarlsh." Science a' oclation Men's cool summer pants - in rayons. As Mr. Cullman enlarged upon Whjle in Washington Brlaas Western style Slack Suits •. ..12.75 Rayon Slack Suits .•. ..•.•..9 .90 his theme, Mr. Millikin became Increasingly cordial, and tlnally re­ also visited his daughter, Shirley, ~n'r ..Un&' olon - lit II to 18 Tan, brown, blue - ., m, 1 corda, gabardines. All sizes - lpecial marked, "Would you like to meet Mrs. Millikin who is sitting on Who received her M.A. in art at prices. the other &lde of you? She was Marta Abba before I married her." SUI In 1040. She is now chief of Sharkskin-check Rayon Slacks .4.98 Ribbed rayon Sport Shirts ..•..3.9' (Wben Cullman told me this story, he added, "For once in my lite, il'aphics ot the reclamation bu­ Lon,·wearln, - :.ell U to 21 Plaids . 'b4l plain colon - I, III, I I said the right tbinaJ") reAu of the department of the Jacquard design Polo Shirts .. 1.9' and • • interior and Is also editor of the Ship'n'Shore Cotton Shirts1.98, 2.98 An eIliciency ex perl, called in to check operations In an Oklahoma bl - monthly magazine "Wood PI&I_ '" Plahlll - han leenl Oreen, blue, "..tne f\.rUred - .. m, \ City plant, reported, "My only suggestion Is that you bank the curve 1hrush'l published by the Dis­ Sun-loving Swimming Trunks trict of Col u m b i a Audubon Colorful Polo Shirts ...... •1.49 MEN'S COOL SPORT SHIRTS near the time clock." Plain colon .trtpt'l - I, m, I Colorful caUan twill . • • .Z." Connt"hl. 1840, b)' 8enn.tt Cerf. Dt-trlbutod bp KIn. ruturo!lo S:rncUctote. society. Short Ileeve meeh aport shirts in white, tan. Sun-loving Halten ...... ••1.49 lthl~ durable INkx • • • .1.91 blue. canary. Small. medium. large. Values PI&ln evlon all. 1II'I.1II to 3.SO. . Gay patterned Cotton Skirts . .3.98 Gathered 01' Oared 1~11es - U t.o It Out They GO!! Grand for the 4th-Short Sets •.2.98 MEN'S SUMMER SHOES- 8Uipecl cbambra1 mldrlK. • IrowD & while • Ventilated air- FOR YOUR -WbUe IwUt with cheek &rim - 11 .. I. MEN'S ' Long SI.eve SPO~1 SHIRTS • IrowD & tcm • Wona aty_ Rogue or button style. Plain c:>lors. Valuee . to 5.95 Your pair• HOLIDAY MEMORIES Out They GO!! Choice Hwry and buy now at a big .cmn~1 We have a complete line of film for SIll platy of bot weather tor .... WOIDea'a Pcmama Hata •••••• .$3 _ lIboealJ I 1·2 10 11. CD wldtU. COOL MESH DRESS SHIRTS all types and sizes of cameras. W OIDeD'a Short Cocsta • • • • .$5 10 $I Cool summer meeh weaves. WbIte WOIDeD·. SpriDq Form•••••• .$I plain colora. Valu.. to 3.95. ! Like Dad's Swimming Trunks .•.•• PHOTO·FINISHING by ex­ ...... 1.98 and 2 •• c.u.. twill Il l ..te7~ - • .. 1. BOYS' BOXER SHORTS Rayon Gabardine Slacks •••••2.98 pert tech~icians. Photos in Ked. 1ft1. ""WII, DaY7. 81se1 7 .. u Gay Polo Shirts • • • . • .69c to 1.39 Boxer shorts by Xaynee and Jackie Jump­ PIabI eelen ,. *,pes - , .. 1& in ...... Colorful Cotton Skirts er. cker. twill. denim. Values to 2.25. today are out tomorrow. Cool S.. nucker Playsult$ • • • .1.19 69 Cool Cotton BlouMs 81Rs , ~ • 1. For the best in camera sup­ Durable Blue Jeans Cool Rayon Slacks ••••••••••3 .• 81Rs 1... 11 NaY7 Denim with 0I'11III1 IUIeIlIQ plies irs SCHARF'S "at ,~e 8 .... , t.o 11 •• , .I." BOYS' T SHIRTS Sun-loving Elastic Halten Short..... vecl Sport Shirts • • • .139 Large aelection of Hanes blazer .biped T· 8 ...... 1. ahirts. Sizes 6·16. Special Price. sign of the PALLEnE." REDUCED - GIRLS' DRESSES Summer Wash Pants ••••••.2.98 8 ... 1. t.o II

BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS FOR THE FOURTHI FOR YOUR VACA TIONU "Special" Cotton knit bathing trunb. Small, MATCHED LUGGAGE medium. larqe. Special Price. • W.llUIbie P r)'l'X7Un eoMat • lturd7 ... 0001 __ II" Wardrobe1175 BREMERS "Quality First - 9 South Dubuque Shop With Nationally AciverttHCI Get your Art cmd Camera auppllea at the and "SlvD of the Pallette" Save

'. I . ,. -... The Daio/ Iowan McBride' But Aren't Dinosaurs Extinct? Basic ·Traynor Could Chip Angels By NORM TRAYNOR ESTABLISm:o 1868 For $.85 Hourly A !person's got to be plletty I hesitated for a moment and By BILL McBRIDE careful about trying to help some­ then asked her the very crucial WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1949 (former Daily Iowan Colum­ one because his good deeds can question . "Where is it?" ••bll..... bU,. ....pl Mea'." It,. • 1••• ,. ,. ,II. ... lor ••,.ltll •• II .. • , .. nist Bill McBride, aller dodging sometimes backfire . She tbrew me a ble ..sf I ...... t PubllcaUo.lt IDC •• 128 1o". AYe., lbe I.eal ..... p.I.'•• I. 1101 ...... 'a,. honest employment for nearly 28 I was standing at the Union lew. Clt'f. Ie.... EDhr.... •••OD' .....U II .U A.D.... olI ••"' ...... desk the other day minding my and banded me her pant. If ...... aU mailer a' 110. p ••,.III.. at years, is currently touring the Ie•• Cltf. Je.a, uDder tbe ut of eon­ country looking for a jao. His own business and trying to talk WOk me a whUe to reo:IVer W ,ro•• • 1 Marelo I. In•. Bea.. .1 Trail ••• : BI.b.r. DI... latest dispatch comes "from a club the clerk into selling me two three then I realized that U1e II"., 0 ••". Eut ••, Doa O.'IIr1e, 1I•• oa cent stamps for a nickel. was on the pane- ...... rI.II.D ..'_II, ..nl.. ID I .... Ladd, LeaUe O. Moeller, ra"l 01•••• car on the Santa Fe railroad. CII,...... , ...... 1,. •• " ,o. , ••• ID Ma:w: 80wers, ADDe 81D1tb. so mew her e between Colorado . Seemed like a ,ood buslnes8 l felt much better after makiDf ...... ; ah .o.tb. , •.85. tbreo mo.tI.. Springs and Pasadena. Calif.) deal to me. but the clerk this discovery and figured thlt ...... II,. mall III I .... n .1IO per ,ea.; couldn't see It a.nd I finally the job was much easier than I .1. • ...,... 18.". ,..... m...... '1. A •• RID II.• OWNALL, ••IIU.Io • Upon inquiring around I find • "'•• mall ...... rlpU ..... PO' '''''1 ... shelled out the six cents. had thought it to be. •••,... 14.161 , ..,.. • •• u.. ".16. A.THUIl WllIIEIl this is a typewriter-less train. It AI...... , .. III. ..bll..... is also a train which is eight As r waited for my change I r went at it like a man inspire4 T ...... Ire ..nl •••• (AP) ••a (UP) RABOLD II. A."OFr hours behind schedule due to a hea~d a girl's voice right behind but at the end of ten mlnutu Bu.lael. Maoa," had lost much of my inspiratidi plague 01 hot boxes ... whatever be and it said: r Ilallllia or THI AIIOOIATID .BIII OHABLIS r. CABBOLL "Would you fiX my zipper for and all of the contents of the Tlo. Au•• lal.. 'r_ ....III...... 1.- UII•• hot boxes are. purse. Actually, J del.n't belong in me?" the club car. My seat is on • • • We made quite a spectacle. r car 39 which Is a pullman called Now I 'knew she was talking to was busy tugging at the zipper Chlpendale or Sasparilla or me because there was no one else while the girl chased her compad, e d ; tor; 0·/ s around. 'but there was something comb. loose change, and otlwr 80methlnr of that 8ort. To nar­ row thin,s down to an even about the question that I didn't miscellaneous items around tile like. Union floor. tlner point. J belonlr In seat Mother, May I Go in Swimming? - number 4 on Sasparilla. Not that I dldn·t want. to help ••• However. an 85-year-old lady the youn, lady but I was wor- About this lime I was wishq occupies the lower berth in sea t ried about the position of the that Jimmy would walk in and Iowa City finally has & swimming pool alter a couple of years zipper. from some of the looks that Ibt number 4. and she refused to gEt of discussion and scratching for money. So Mom and Dad are happy They put those things in the girl gave me she must have. because Sis and Junior don't have to go to West Liberty to swim. out of bed. Therefore. seat num­ ber 4 exists only in theory. and strangest places and there was no wishing the same thing. :I'he kids are happy because they can go swimming every day that is why I have retired to the telling where this one was located. She had difficulty In retr~­ if they save ~heir pennies. club car with iis usual congenial There seemEd no way out of the ing a fitty-cent-piece from under Everybody should be 'happy. situation. so I tried to look father- one of those big chairs and when atmosphere. ly and turned around and told she got up from the fioor she But there's one rotten egg in the basket of joy. It seems you • • • her that I would try to fix it. decided to call it quits. Since my last report. I have just about have to be a swimmer to view the goillgs~on at the "Oh 1 just know you can fix ''1'11 find Jimmy." abe "'" in v e s ti gat e d the employment ,0 poo\. Non-swimmers need a life preserver to save themselves from it." she says. "Jimmy always can." bbln~ the purse. "He CIa characteristics of Denver and Col­ n .. bein~ floated away by the overflow. • •• a.lways fix It." orado Springs. It cost me $12.50 I didn't know who Jimmy was. With that remark slle gave me The fuller the pIOol ,eta. the more water slope over around in cab fare in Denver to learn the un-land'seaped ed,es. the more trouser cuffs are dirtied. the but I figured if Jimmy could al- a very contemptuous look BDd, that I could get a job in a tomb­ ways fix it then there was no with both hands full. stomped out more open-toed shoes are saturated. the more tempers are frayed. stone factory chipping angels oul reason why I couldn't, of the Union. City funds didn't quite hold out long enough to get the pool of granite for 85 cents an hour. grounds landscaped. T.he figures show the original bond issue ap­ Inasmuch as I am ;not fully proved by voters in 1947 was $112.000. The Community Dads col­ trained In angel chlpp!nlr. I left Interpreting the News- lected another $12.000. But by the tirst of this year. costs were for wha.t I thought would be This fellow didn't seem to want rreener pastures • • . Colorado to carry the bail at all. I'D RATHER BE RIGHt already $121.000 when the need for another bond issue of between Sprin,s. $10.000 and $25.000 was announced. I felt a litlie more at ease in Sizin, up the situation. J de­ City UCy." \ of some of our surpluses. which the Communists must do raw materials. It took us ten minutes to gel lost his fear of water since he's been wading around outside the NEW YORK 1m - The late It is a congress which has to attain tbeir distant goal of a Wage and profit scales aTe 10 that one straightened out. But it TIrE FANTASTIC legislative socialist state. the tools of produc- be arbitrated by the government. fence while others swim inside in the pool. President Roosevelt insisted Rus­ logjam in Washington is one of been investigating almost every­ was worth it. because ih the end. tion must be created out of pres- Labor unions are to have the pri­ sia maintain "freedom of religious the signs. Here we have a con­ thing and voting on very little lle was convinced that I was not and that. in itself, is a sign of ent poverty. mary job 01 boosting p~oducUOll a seller of insurance and that practice" during the 1933 negotia­ gress which is Lypical of OUr Age or Deadlock. how deep its quandaries go. The Communists inherit the instead ot acting as agencies tor my name was MacIntyre. tions that led to U.S . recognition wreckage of a co untry that bas collective bargainin g . Point Four: It's Round Two - When I lold him I was from It is a congress which is not • • • of the Soviet Union, Mrs. Eleanor quite certain whether it is the AND NOW. with the end of been at war for many years - Taking a lesson from the Rus- Iowa and that I was looking for Roosevelt. revealed yesterday. steadily so since 1937. sians. the Communists are dram- President Truman's "point four" has come up for round tw ~. a' job, he inquired earnestly. last conservative congress ot the the government's fi scal year In Mrs. Roosevelt, In the second It will take years to restore to atizing and glorifying all produc­ First announced as the fourth point of the administration's foreign "How's everything in Iowa?" postwar period. or the first lib­ sight. ma}dng it necessary that at I told him everything was just installment of her memoirs being eral congress of the post-postwar least the appropriations bills be their former capacites the com- tive labor. If a ditch-digger dicl policy in the Truman inaugural speech, it is a plan to stlmulate the jolly in Iowa when I saw it last. published by McCall's magazine. period. And so it is a congress Quickly passed. we stand in a munications and the main indus- ditches ene;getically enough. /It flow of American capital out to a dollar-hungry world. / to which he replied that that was described the "final conversations which. on many key questions. true crisis of this. our Age of trial centers of Manchuria. North can be a labor herD. 1'he ne'NI­ The second round opened a few days ago when Mr. Truman good. and then we sat and stared on the recognition of the SovieL simply can·t sefm to decide. Deadlock. China and the Yangtze river vall- papers are fu ll ot such explOits. formally asked congress to legislate "point four". Specifically. he at each other for a while. Union" between her husband and It is a congress whic.h doesn't But it isn't the calendar which ey. l ·he Communists already claim wants: • • • Maxim Litvinov. then special want to raise taxes and which • is making the trouble; the time The Communists face this task their methods have vastly boo~ A $45-mllUon fund to finance ADlerlean en&ineerlJlf and other "Well, how do you like ('plor­ Ru'sian envoy to this country. obviously, doesn't want to cut faelor is merely bringing to light with a nearly empty treasury and production. particularly in Man­ appropriations .. assistance to buUd up "baekward eountrles" of ihe world. ado?" I said I liked Colorado jusl Many of President Roosevelt·s the state of deadlock which has with military campaigns still to churia. but no independent ob-. It is a congress whos~ lower Authority for the export-import bank to cuarantee new Amer­ jolly,and he replied tha that friends opposed recognition of existed since congress convened be fought in the south and west. servers have been permitted to ,0 was good. and then we stared Russia. In addition. his mother house has booted around the is­ in January. They frankly state their need there to see. Ican private Investments In those countries lIo&aill8t the risk or again for a while. came to him beforp i.,p o":~;~l sue of Taft-Hartley act repeal. The time factor is merely a 1088 "peculiar" to forelJ1l tlnancln,.. "About th is job, sir." I finally announcement was made to warn and. after several inconclusive subcrisis in tpat state of deadlock Mr. Truman specified "parts {)f Africa. the near and far east. ventured. him of the consequences of Sl;"l VOllS ending in nothing at all. and muffled crisis. and certain regions of Central and South America" as areas where "What job. sir?" he retorted. a move, Mrs. Roosevelt sa id. has given lbe issue to the senate. If we operated our country un­ WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR the plan could be used on a &hare ~ost basis with local governments. der some sort of parliamentary 8:011 a.m. Morn> , Chapel 3:15 p.m. Excursion s in Selenee Congressional leaders met the proposal warmly. but indications system. we would perhaps call 8:15 a.m. News • .Kaufman 3:30 p.m. Sy mphony of Melody are that the plan will remain on Ice tor &orne time. It has lukewarm Quit Spoiling the Act :I general election. and go to th e 8:30 a.m. Morn h •• Serenade 4:00 p.m. Southland Singing 9:00 w.m. Europe Since 1~70 4:30 p.m. Teo 'I'lmo Molodl •• support from many would-be private investors. Many 'Others, how­ people for political refreshment 9:50 a.m. News, Danielson 5:00 p .m . Children'S Hour and instruction. 10:00 a.m. Tune Dusters & Hart ever, feel the government can be 'Of greater service by negotiating 10:30 • . m . The Book.hell 5:30 p .m . Up To The Minute. Wid""" for the removal of foreign investment barriers in many countries. Since we don·t. we can only 10:-45 a.m . Conversation Corn~r 5: 15 p .m. Musical Mood. wait it out, with a congress which 11 :011 a.m. News, Hockett 0:00 p .m . DJnner H our . AI forelrn policy planners and observe.. turn new attention n :tS a.m. Melody Mart 7:00 p .m . Universi ty Student Forum can't go home without taking up 1l:45 a.m . Voice of the Army 7 ~ 30 p.m. Souvenirs or Sons to the far east. Latin American and Africa. the plan wlU re­ key matters on which action was 12:00 noon Rhythm Rambles 7:45 p.m . Combo Capers 12 :30 p.m. News. Dooley 8:00 p.m . MlJ sic Hour eelve more IUPport. promised at the last elEction, and 12:45 p.m. Religious News RePOrter 9:00 p.m. CamDUS Shop Strengthening industrial and trade recovery by a score of Amer­ which obviously doesn·t intend I jOO p.m. Musical Chats 9:41) a.m. Sport Highlights 2:00 p.m. News. Ma,srroll 9:45 p.m . News, Reno ica's prewar commercial rivals will turn more and more U.S. busi­ to do much about a number of 2:10 p.m. 18th Century Music 10 :00 p.m. SIGN OFF these even if it stays in session 3:00 p.m. Ll$ten 10 L iebert nessmen toward "point four". until Christmas. Tbe program. after all, is a sound one. It Is in harmony with It can·t attend to them. and the Amerj\!an ·advocacy of freer world trade - based on the theory it can't not attend to them; of that 'Private U.S. investors need government help to aid In soften­ such is deadlock made. in, other ,overnments' investrnent restrictions. • • • The chances are excellent that, rooner or later, "point four" ollicial daily MEANWIDLE a gathering re­ will be a working part 01 our foreign policy. cession whimpers on the edges of . the scene, calling for maritag e­ H: ment and direction from a con­ gress which, above all, lacks a BULLETIN Democrats' 'Peck's Bad ioy' clea r sense of direction. But these few tense and strain- WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29. IH9 VOL. XXV. NO. !I'i ed weeks will be not wit'hout The current senatorial squabble about PresldeM Truman's choice value if they cause us to lift our ------,------for southern Iowa's federal judgeship casts Sen. Guy Gillette (0- eyes -above the individual issues. Iowa) in a familiar role. nnd to realize that deadlock it­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Fast !>e~om1ng "Peck's Bad Boy" of the »emocratic party, GiI­ self is the issue. lete has warned the President he will fight the appointment of If the President wanted to. he UNIVERSITY CALENDAR lielDl Ire aclIeduled III lb. Prelidllft Carroll O. Switzer for the federal bench job. could establish this issue. and go .ftleea. Old CapitoL GlUeMe claims that Switzer, defeated candidate in Iowa's gub­ to the people with a demand that the deadlock be ,broken, that ernatorial race last fall, "does not possess the training, experience so we could begin to plan our way. Thur..... '. June 30 \ FrIday. JuI, 1 or professional background to properly fit him" for the job. He could rise above the role of 12:00 noon _ The University 8:00 p.m. - Univers.ity plU. Gillete had sUiiested the names of William F. Riley. Des being merely one of the [·actors C~ub. Luncheon, Guest Speaker, "Ang.el Street." University thea\er­ Sa.'"rllay. Jul, " Moines, or Ed Halbach as his choices for the judgeship. He based in the deadlock. and t~·y lor the Iowa Union. 8:00 }l.m. - University \1\"; I his J suagestions on a poll of county bar associations and Demo­ role of being the man to end I "Angel Street," Unlvel'S1~y thea",. cratic state cOmmittee members. I and resolve it. I. When the President overlooked Gillette's choices and started (For Information recarcUIll dalea beyond tbi, aebecl1l1.. to push the appointment of Switzer, Gillette was obviously rumpled. lee 'eNPVlilon. In the office of the Prealdent. Old Ca,UeI.) -IT The fiaht has all the earmaf"ks of a knock-down-drag-out af­ New York Stock Market fair. U the note struck by Gillette 1& tOo bitter, he stands a chance Trading Takes Beating ot losing administrative patronage. N'OTICES Losing administrative patronafe wlll be nothing new to Gillette NEW YORK (JP) - Stock prices should it come about. took the worst mauling In two GBNERAL NOTICBS Mould be depoalted with the ell, editor .f nJ Back In the early days ~f the New Deal, Gillette opposed weeks yesterday. Dall, lowln In the newsroom In Eul Hall. Notlcea mas& be ..' Franklin Roosevelt's plan for packing the supreme court. His oppo­ The market headed -downward mUted It, 2 J.JD. the dar prececllnr lira' pUblication: tile, will HOf! .itlon was so fierce that orders went out to defeat Gillette in the at the start of trading and was be aceeptea by telephone, and mud be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WIl1'-' TEN and 8IGNED b, a rapoulble perlOn. 1938 Democratic primary in Icwa. unable to lind a bottom until Gillette won the primary, defeating New Deal candidate Otha early afternoon. ALL STUDENT8 who expect to vocation. Wearin by a margin of two-to-one. receive a delfee or certificate lit -- , The white-haired Iowa senator battled the party in the 1940 POLICE COURT FINES 27 the August, 1948. Commelleement, PHI EPSILON KAPPA. I~~ and 1944 elections when he opposed 'P'rankUn Roosevelt·. third and must fiile II thr~-part application Chapter, will tlold its re,uijl fourth tenm. Monday's police docket indi- for degree form In the Recllirar'. dinner meeting tonight at 11:30 If past performance Is any yardsUck, Gillette'. poJIQlarlt,. will cated 24 persons received tines office before 5 p.m., Wednesday. the Pine room, Reich's cafe-. ou ..~ J¥lt .utrer "rom the light over patroDale. A~te!r IUs other breaks totaling $31 tor parking and metH June 29. Applications for dearees.peaker wlll be Otto VOlel. ttI.­ Item the party Une, he wa. still able to emer,. from th. 1948 violations. There WIIS one dis- received after this date cannot be bers of this lind other chapt", electlOI\l a. the only Democrat to win a conaresaional leat. missal. Qonsldered I for the August con- are Invited. - , 'WmNl!SJ)A1'. 1t1NI2t. tNt - PAOI ri'ff Firemen theck 'Saby Truck J, W·lkinson Says Firemen's Workhorse - . N~w Rent Law LiHle Truck Does Most Work Get a Ride Home By KEN CARTER Not Fully Used Tl1e siren screSlll5, a lire truck rushes by and ped trains turn to bUnk in surprise. mall wond r ! Many landlords, petitionlng lor With a Want Ad rtnt increases, aren't taking:Cull 1 nstead of the long-a ted book and ladd r 8.! ciat d with fires. advantage ot a new ;ent law pro- by tanders see the little 1 V2-ton trips compare.! to OM ,.,. tile • Yision of expense allowances and " work horse" of the I owa City othH vehleln," uid Fire Chlef 11 • 1UtiUCiiOIi 81 Ithedule of allocation for listing fire departmen1- a panel truck 1. 1. Clark. "It .. umalJJ oper­ WANT AD RATES R w rd. Ballroom dan~ letlOlll. MImI repairs and replacements, T. J. which i u d in fighting ap· ated by two or three melt." • ______• YoudeWuriu. Dial 8ot1S. Willdnson, area rent director. proximately 70 percent of the !Four other fire trucks also are ,aid yesterday. ci ty , fires. used by the lWo Iowa City sta­ For conseculi ve Insertions Tutorlngln MathemaUcs and Ph,­ The new measure )s the "fair The little tire wagon was pur- tions. One has an aerial ladder 12 Oae Dar __ ._ Ie per word ales. Ph ne S-IG97. nel operating income" provision. chased in 1946 becau ~ e the de- wh ich can be ex tended to a beiibt Savin bonds CIID send your chll- "Since printing the fair net partmeni felt thai most fires a.re of 95 feet . Three Day. __... lie PH word Rooms fOr Renl 9l petition form there has been an too small to require use of a reg. The second is known as a "quad" dr n to school, build you a n w Ix Da .. _••• __ .... _. .•. lSc 11ft' wont amendment allowing landlords ular truck. truck. It Is equJpped with a pump, home, or buy your own farm. ODe .. 3 ~r word 3 cool double rooms for boYI op­ th fut ur expenses for work done them- The outfit It deslrued t.o OKht hose, ladder and a 12~ga llon tank Save lor with U.s. v- posit Woolworth'LU5 S. CUD­ 11\11 Bonds. ton, 3rd n oor . spectacle. I selves in janitor service and re- chimney fires, cru. and rub. the ziPPer pairs," he said. blsb blazes and other sma" fires. Aut08 for SCile _ Used"'---'2~1 On Day .. _ 75c per col. Inch her COIJIPltl Part {If costs such as for a new It Cllrrles much the same equip. ot water•. Two others are "triple Six Con. utiv d 5, outside painting, or heating ment as a replllr nre truck. combination" 0 u t t i t s carrying and ou.e; roof, 1930 'Buick .. p ~ r coupe. per day __ GOc per col. Inch around lilt plant improvements could be al- Included are hand extinguishers, pump, hose and water tanks. Good condition. Call Ext. 2.90. One Month .. 50c per col. Inch room. Pbon~ located to the test year - the masks, reels of hose and axes. Clark recalled that the city's (Ave. 26 Ins rt ons) .5. roost recent fiscal or calendar There is a 120·gallon water tank first motor truck was purchased ------year or any 12 months before an for use where water is unobtaln· in 1913. It was a "triple combin­ <:Melt your III \lie II ~ It _____--' _____ ---'

... The O.U, '"w." "be reo R I ....U ] Ph 4897 txpenditure - Wilkinson said, if able. ation" with chemical, hose and ._bl~ 10. onl), O /'oS SIMPL£ AS I'-DDlNG UP " Ironln, In my bome. Will pick.up W.;.;...an;.;;;;.;t_to;.;;....;;..B~uy______...;l;..;M~ ~·IN·ONEI and deliver. Dia l 8-1175. Guaranteed r patti for all maket HI1,....erlp--.WTf"'a-n'7lea..,.------"~l Home and Auto radios. We pick-

Co - up and deliver. Sullon Radio Serv­ Victor, lowo: on Hi,hway 6, .5 Ice. 331 E. Market. Dial 2238. m il s from Iowa City, needs two Home Economics teach rl; 'lrcmaportatiOll Wanted IIi BLONDIE lwo cia ot Home Economies with lwo other cIa s to be ar­ Rid to Mlnn s pOUs or vIcinity, r anged Apply Supt. F. E. Kutzll. Thur day or Friday, Ext. 2468. Seience Melody De ire rIde to Milwaukee or vicin- Where ShaD We GO Ity Friday. Shar expel\U•• A beautIful young thlna stood at Phone 6865. the curb. The wolf drove up In his convertibl e, I aned ou t and smiled: "I'm drivln, welt." "How IT'S YOURS TO RENT nice," she breath d. "Bring me back an orani/e." Yep, the ANNEX Do you want to haul I bed - hu ora nge pop, TOO. .Iove - refrlgerator - .and ... ashe. - furniture - or on. of • toai1& 71 thousand thlnpT ~~------~ UUU$$$ loaned on cam­ Do It the fa.t economical .., eras, iuns clothing, Jewelry. with "Handy Haul" uaUen. etc. By the hour, ~ or weel!:. Reliable Loan. 1011 E. Burlinltlon. LAFF-A-DAY IOWA CITY ftAILEE JUt., CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1ft S. Rlvenlda Drive All makes and modela Dlal A3I CARL ANDERSON THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL "'8, the Data" 1939 Ford Tudor $525 CAnL- f' A"'OEI"l~ON- EHRKE AUTO SALES 1132 S. LinD Ulal 8-1521 USE A WANT AD NOW MAHER BROS. TRANSFER TO FIND A RIDE HOME For efficient furniture FOB 111£ FOUBTH R Movinl , . and There', that lOll, Fourth of Bauale Tranat. July weekend coming up and you'll want to spend it at DIal - "" - Dial home. How? Run a want ad in tomorrow' DuUy Iowan TYPEWRITERS and fInd a ride to your home town. Or il you are drivln, Stop in and lee the new with room to spare. an ad in "pi Pet1Ule. the Iowan is your best bet for We repair aU makes of type.. finding riders. A call to 4191 writers.. Victor Addinl Machine. will place your ad In tomor­ for Immediate deUve!7. row's paper. ETTA KETT WIKEL TYPEWR1TER EXCHANGE Daily Iowan Want Ads 124" Eo Conep PIIone 1-1051 J Good Cleaning Pays oH You feel better, look better, work better, when,our clotbea areCO~ Fait. tborouah cleanlnC makes COD deanIna topa III IoWll. Call ~I

"U's a dam shame to waste your time cooking meat and veJetablea when you make lueb wonderful piea COD Cleaners and cakes!" 1... QIIeII 1-...... , . "', I ,," J J. , •• , ., ,I ~ i'" ". (AGI: SIX - THE DAILY IOWAN, WEDNESDAY, lUNa ZI, II'" / ,'., , f, Barlow SI a in p s Court.D~nie~ Light Stanley Calls UN 'Maginof Line ~ Th1~~,~ '; ~ ·Anli.Masking Nol a Co I Ie c;rto r, Either we get world govern- j Stahley oJtlth~d ' tt,irft ,pOInll to ment by peaceful means or the ~tart world " or en,t machiD- . . Co-op Re-tnal Plea, · next war will bring world govern- ery: • \ ,. '" .' Law' 'Passed St~mps on Scie~ce ment by force, David Stanley, 1. The Unl&ed ,' S",tii .... tt .. H~nkl~y ' Damage Suit Iowa United World Federalists it. . .. . Pnzed by Chemist executive secretary, told the local I. our eG...... -" .. Earl HirIkley's motion lor dou­ Kiwanis dub yesterday. amended so tJiis codhtry ~ By KEN ROSSMAN ble -damages in his j6dgment l>ull He spoke on "World Govrrn­ enter a world" overnDtebtfediri: By Alabama tion. " . Do you know any stamp against the Eastern Iowa Light ment or' World War III," urging and !lower cooperative wa,s over­ 3. A VJ( . eoar...... 'MONTGOMERY, A1LA. IlPI - mulators? Kiwanians to support a world or­ ruled yesterday in Johnson county ganization. called under the prII(I!nt UN cbarr. Alabama made it a crime yester­ Most people who are interested dJstrlct , court. Stanley caUed the United Na­ ter to write a world IOv~ day to wear masks or hoods on in what is properly termed phll­ constitution. the street. The cooperative's motion for a tions "Maclnl)t line tblnkiJIg." Only h 0 II day revelers and a tely call thEmselves stamp col­ new trial was 81~0 overruled by He said Ibe Malinot line wall chlldren will be allowed to wear lectors, but Prof. Edward Bar­ Judge lfarold p . Evans. Ineffective against the Nazis I,nd. Hinkley was awardrd $1,250 by the United Na&lons II eqUaJly ' Edw~~d ~~ R~ + masks or hoods under a law which tow, chemical engineering, is an a Johnson county jury May 19 Ineffective tn coplnl' wl&h world Going fishing - or OIl 'IOCM went th,rough the legislature and exception. was signed yesterday by Gov, for two crop failures he suffered problems. other klpd of \f~cWon - , If "One 01 my lrieo'" __ ya tllai James E. Fols(}m. when the cooperative allegedly He cited, however, the UN's so, bew~re -of bites, ilfrh .. · ' The first southern legislatlon to I am a atunp a.:eumalaWr," damaged a drainage tile near his specialized work such as the Mosquito bltesJ-'.:. IIIt " o. farm while constructing a power dllhood the Ku Klux Klan and Bar~i)W explalna. "T~t iJ, I World Health Organization and SUPER~ l\J06Qulto ~ to , sub-station. lmltator groups became eitective keep every lltamp tIIat c~ UiNESCO (United Nations Edu­ repel - ·also·,use 'oUr unds, physical education ci'epartment is stamp collection of this size? l1eading the swimming instruction Bartow has stamps valued ' all Photo-Finishing PAISAN program in the absence of Dr. the way from a few cents to many Gla!iys Scott. Dr. Scott is out of dollars. Three of his U.S. stamps 35c per r~" Is Coming the city for some time, ' are valued. at $18, ,30 , and $40. , ' S. C)_es are now closed wUIt However, these are considered ex­ In at 10 Out a& 5 Qver 1000 children enrolled in the pensive stamps compared to the Youngs Studio 3 S. Dub. July 8th pro;ram. average.

f ,r ~ :;' . " EWERS a !lYlItem that llt'l1'1ita inteMe eol4 I" ~ ~ . Freezer, and, at t/r.e f1J~ t'1tt!. i~y • .al~ ~Id I the normal Fqod Compartmt!!lt. N""~ control" dials to turn-nothillJ to "dj~t, ~~ SENSATIONAL SHIRT SALE of outside tempera~. humidity' 01 c~~ , CGP.J; FOUR DAYS ONLY - TODAY, THURS., FRI., & SAT. pletely all-Weather automltie! " " . * COLDER COLD ~.~ ,,_14", ~ ~ ;~; 40 Dozen Men's Colored I ' * COLDER COLD ".... ~ ..... ,...., • Wilson Bros. Dress Shirts New Beauty Completely new refrill8l'8tor de­ Nelson Paige sign. Horizontal stylinr blendl of 1 ·55 with modern kitchen deoora­ Ing Value! Values tive scheme. Taktll no more hou ~ space than former 'l ~ b. or 3.65 Other Mod.la 6 to 11 cubic 3.65 refrigerator. ,lvH mol. calel ~ II~ ~~ ....' ..... ~ . " We 3 .for $7.50 to ' teet - PrIced aa low aa * , At to '189.95 5.95 ''I 5.95 Tur her NEW GIANT ' SUPI. I'.111t1 COLDER COLD I, I .. POU.", ,ro Y9~' of , ., /' Beau~ifully tailored bfoadcloths and woven striped patterns FreeJt'II and atorea lafely' 86 pounda of . f~ terc High 100<1 ~ 4em1lll4 , ~ "'''~ ~ S Fused collal'l - Barrel cuffs and ice cqbel. DoublHoor protection: in­ aaving beneftta or COLPER cpLQ. W~ abo Bulated Super Freezer door ..tam COLDER boUle is able to brine yql;1 COLpllR CO~ Co~ ThE COLD-apeecia freezin,. ' lee traya bold 68 because of the IP'eater ~ty qf itA! ~ disc • Also a few dozen white broadcloths euy-to-remove ic* cub-. Economizer Mecbuilpa. 'I , , out

• On'. lot of white neckband shirts ; . '~ . . • And a f.w pastels with Fr,ench cuHs \ 11M ~stinghouse: _' _..... ~'~'~ . ~~,.: , S r..-.... plo: FOR FOUR DAYS PRE·WAR PRICES FOR YOU - por Act NOYiI Stop In and the.e great, new wet AND FAR BELOW PRICES FOR FALL SHIRTS ~ W.ltlng~oule Refrlg.fC~to,. ttcI~~~. ~: ., J bar OF THIS QUALITY. BUY NOW AND SAVEl· Un :JhomaJ Glec/ric CO. "'." ',·'· (Cl bal tnc I . 19 E. Washington ,IWIISell'the Best and Service the Rest" 111 E· ER S MEN'S TO IN Vi I S TUNE ,IN TED MALONI. , . ev,ry momlng, Monday through FricIcry,., Ale N-.. III 28 Sout h Clinton et 2 1 r ... •