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1592640166-Scholarship-Notice.Pdf e„wË I óvB‡c‡Ûi wej-cÖv_wgK wkÿv mgvcbx cixÿv wU, Avi dig bs - 33 (Gm Avi 257 `ªóe¨) [wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I wVKvbv t wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv | ‡KvW bs 3 2 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 5 9 6 3 e„wË A_ev KZw`‡bi Rb¨ µ/ bs e„wË/óvB‡cÛ cÖvc‡Ki bvg óvB‡c‡Ûi gÄyi Kiv nBqv‡Q gšÍe¨ weeiY nB‡Z ch©šÍ †gv: ivwd` Aveivi 1. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 1876, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv Avmveyi ingvb bvwnb 2. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj:1890, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv †gv: Avj bvwnqvb 3. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj:1893, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv Avinvg web Rvwn` 4. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 1939, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv dvinvb Avn‡g` (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 5. 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv `qwb ‡ivj: 4422, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv U¨v‡j›Ucyj † †gv: gybZvwmi mvBd Gwgj 6. mvaviY 1-1-17 31-12-19 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 1935, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv mvw`qv mwjg (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 7. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-20 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 22642, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv Avn‡g` Kvmvd web Kvgvj 8. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-19 31-12-21 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 4328, Rvjvjvev` K¨v›U, wm‡jU| Avnbvd RvIqv` (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 9. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-20 31-12-22 Z_¨ Rgv †`qwb ‡ivj: 20304, wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv| 10. kvn& †gv: AvBgvb AvwRR (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 1-1-20 31-12-22 Z_¨ Rgv `qwb 20333, U¨v‡j›Ucyj † ‡ivj: wgicyi K¨v›U, XvKv| wgicyi K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR Rywbqi ¯‹zj mvwU©wd‡KU cixÿvq e„wËcÖvß †h mKj wkÿv_x© Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb Zv‡`i ZvwjKv-2020 e„wË / óvB‡c‡Ûi UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi e„wË A_ev óvB‡c‡Ûi KZw`‡bi Rb¨ gÄyi Kiv nBqv‡Q µ/ bs e„wË/óvB‡cÛ cÖvc‡Ki bvg ZvwiL gšÍe¨ weeiY nB‡Z ch©šÍ nB‡Z ch©šÍ ‡gvt Avãyjøvn Avj gyKZvw`i 1. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779096, cjøex, XvKv| ‡gvt dR‡j ivweŸ 2. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779156, cjøex, XvKv| Gm. Gg Iqvwn`y¾vgvb 3. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779101, cjøex, XvKv| bvwf` Avn‡g` 4. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779164, cjøex, XvKv| Gm. Gg. Zvnwdgyj nvmvb D`q 5. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779167, cjøex, XvKv| dv‡Zgv ZzRRvnvb 6. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779056, cjøex, XvKv| Avwdqv Avjg ggbv cÖfv 7. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779058, cjøex, XvKv| widvZ †Rwib Lvb wgg 8. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779025, cjøex, XvKv| Zvmwbg †gv‡k©` 9. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779095, cjøex, XvKv| ‡gvt gyimvwjb nvmvb 10. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779157, cjøex, XvKv| ZvgwR` wbjq 11. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779151, cjøex, XvKv| kvn wbqvR ivwd` 12. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779136, cjøex, XvKv| Avnbvd AvwKd 13. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779162, cjøex, XvKv| Avwmd †gvnv¤§` †Rvev‡qi 14. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779155, cjøex, XvKv| wU.Gg. AvwRRyi ingvb 15. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779126, cjøex, XvKv| dIRyj AvwRg ivnvZ 16. mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 779117, cjøex, XvKv| 1 e„wË / óvB‡c‡Ûi UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi e„wË A_ev óvB‡c‡Ûi KZw`‡bi Rb¨ gÄyi Kiv nBqv‡Q µ/ bs e„wË/óvB‡cÛ cÖvc‡Ki bvg ZvwiL gšÍe¨ weeiY nB‡Z ch©šÍ nB‡Z ch©šÍ Bidvb bIqvR †kL mv`x 17. ‡ivj: 779165, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡gvt kv‡n` ingvb 18. ‡ivj: 779154, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb D‡¤§ Avwidzb bvnvi †Rwb 19. ‡ivj: 779067, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb Rvqgv gvniæR Bmjvg 20. ‡ivj: 779029, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb Aviwgb gvqgybv 21. ‡ivj: 779073, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb AvkdvnvbvR f‚wgKv 22. ‡ivj: 779051, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb †ZŠwmd ZvRIqvi ûmvBb (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 23. ‡ivj: 779198, cjøex, XvKv| U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb Iqvwj` mvgx (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 24. ‡ivj: 779174, cjøex, XvKv U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡mŠif Avn‡g` (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 25. ‡ivj: 779182, cjøex, XvKv| U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb G.we.Gg dvwng kvnwiqvi (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 26. ‡ivj: 779183, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb BiwZmvg nvmvb b~i (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 27. ‡ivj: 779184, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb mvwenv Avn‡g` †Zvev (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 28. ‡ivj: 779093, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb wgdZvûj RvbœvZ (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 29. ‡ivj: 779083, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb Avwdqv mvBqviv †mŠwg (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 30. ‡ivj: 779085, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-18 31-12-19 1-7-18 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb RvIqv` Avãyjøvn 31. mvaviY 1-1-19 31-12-20 1-1-19 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 827500, cjøex, XvKv| G †K Gg AvwRgyj AvwkK Lvb (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 32. ‡ivj: 827628, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-19 31-12-20 1-1-19 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ivwgmv †nvmvBb (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 33. mvaviY 1-1-19 31-12-20 1-1-19 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 827490, cjøex, XvKv| ‡PŠayix bvkivn Kvgvj mvBwg (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 34. ‡ivj: 827482, cjøex, XvKv| mvaviY 1-1-19 31-12-20 1-1-19 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb gvqgybvn †di‡`Šm (Bs‡iwR fvm©b) 35. mvaviY 1-1-19 31-12-20 1-1-19 30-6-19 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: g-827469, cjøex, XvKv| 2 e„wË / óvB‡c‡Ûi UvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi e„wË A_ev óvB‡c‡Ûi KZw`‡bi Rb¨ gÄyi Kiv nBqv‡Q µ/ bs e„wË/óvB‡cÛ cÖvc‡Ki bvg ZvwiL gšÍe¨ weeiY nB‡Z ch©šÍ nB‡Z ch©šÍ nvexe ingvb 36. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-20 31-12-21 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: 557525, cjøex, XvKv dviwnb AvÄyg 37. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-20 31-12-21 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: g-557464, cjøex, XvKv jvwgqv Avn‡g` Lvb 38. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-20 31-12-21 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: g-557452, cjøex, XvKv Av‡qkv Rviv Lvb 39. U¨v‡j›Ucyj 1-1-20 31-12-21 Z_¨ cÖ`vb K‡iwb ‡ivj: g-557451, cjøex, XvKv ZvbwRgyj Avnmvb Zvnwmb 40.

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