H. No. 106, Sector-14, Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) I '11103333 Tel

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H. No. 106, Sector-14, Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) I '11103333 Tel Branch Office : H. No. 106, Sector-14, Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) I '11103333 Tel. : 91-130-2233762 11 11()21111 Fax: 91-130-2218011 I III ,[email protected] Email: [email protected] The Director(S), overnment of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Northern Regional office, ys No.24-25, Sector 31-A, Dakshin Marg, Q,b.andigarh-160030 . Sand Quarries (Minor Mineral) Project of M/s S. S. & Company located in village(s) Khurampur, Dahisara, Bankipur, ..Ihundpur, Pabsara, Manauli, Jajal, Garhi Mirakpur, Barauli,Palra, Basaudi, Bega, Bakhtawarpur, Zainpur, Pipli , Khera, river bed and 3 canal beds(Bhalot sub branch; Butana sub branch and Bhiwani sub branch) Tehsil(s) Ganaur,· Safidon, Gohana, Rohtak, Maham and Sonepat, District -Sonepat, Haryana environmental Clearance -regarding. 1, MoEF's letter no. J-11015/86/2009-1A.II(M) dated 20.05.2010. 2. Our letter no. DIR/MoEF/CHD/2014/656 dated 09.07.2014. " A stipulated under General Condition No. (xiv) of the Environmental Clearance I by the MoEF vide letter under reference 1, we enclose herewith six monthly lit r r the period 01.04.2014 - 30.09.2014 showing current status of the compliance t I tlpulated conditions including results of monitored data and other documents II,ln hard copies as well as CD) for your kind perusal. A explained vide our letter under reference 2, we submit that no directions/ On our appeals in the Hon'~le Supreme Court of India have yet been passed. As 1wlng the half year period 01.04.2014-30.09.2014, our mines operated only during 14 -22.04.2014. However, the DMG permitted us to transport the ~ . ". ,.~...... (Sonepat Unit) , 111 ( J'licc : Branch Office: I I .1'Wi..lr Nagar, H. No, 106, Sector-14, w Ilc;\lli. Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) ,I ! j" 11-40723333 Tel. : 91-130-2233762 H I 11-41621111 Fax: 91-130-2218011 Ill, "I ~:~;[email protected] Email: [email protected] II Nfl. Z?lo/l:i;fE./c.:I.tP/,89/o//¢'tb IJated .:J..~!/.r.-&??J.'.~........ produced materials up to 29.04.2014. As such the present report relates to the above mentioned period . We shall apprise your office of any directions I orders passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in our appeals. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For S.S. & Company (Sonepat Unit) Encl: AlA CC with enclosures 1. The R. 0., HSPCB, Sonepat. 2. The DMG, Chandigarh. 3. The AME, Sonepat. / (Partner) ..• \ ' . 't :\ '. :\' '.. CURRENT STATUS OF POINTWISE COMPLIANCE OFTHE STIPULATED .. CONDITIONS j SAFEGUARDS UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAUJ\NCE ,. A. Specific Conditions Conditions Status (I) Environmental clearance is We undertake to abide by the directions • granted subject to final of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, • outcome of Hon'ble Hon'ble High Court of Punjab and Supreme Court of India, Haryana and any other Court of Law, as • Hon'ble High Court of may be applicable to this project. .. Punjab and Haryana and .. any other Court of Law, as may be applicable to this .. pl'OjP.r.t. ." "­ .. (IJ) The environmental We are working as pet riorms laid down clearance is subject to by the State Government _of Haryana in npproval of the State Land­ this regard. - lise Department, Government of Haryana for <1lversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural liSe. (III Th(~ project proponent After obtaining 'Consent to Establish', we have ~hall obtain Consent to been obtaining 'Consent to Operate' regularly. Est(1l>lish and Consent to The one valid from 01.04.2014 to 22.04.2014 Operate from the Haryana was granted by HSPCB vide letter No. State Pollution Control HSPCBjConsentj:2811914AONCTOHWM480352 Board and effectively dated 29.03.2014. We undertake to implement Implement all the effectively all the conditions that have been conditions stipulated stipulated therein. therein. (Iv) 'fhe project proponent shall Most of the concerns raised during the undertake all the public hearing related to the fonowings: ­ commitments made during (a) Traffic Management • the public hearing and (b) General Health effectively address the The current status is as follows:­ concerns raised by the (a) We have been maintaining all the mine haul • locals in the public hearing roads, mineral transportation roads as well • as well as during as 'Phirni Roads'. consideration of the Regular and effective sprinkling of water is • project, while done on all the roads to keep dust • Implementing the project. suppressed and contain air pollution. ......:::::.....:-.~:=::=--=------------===---=..--;::=-======Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil!i~4I .. , .. \ ... .. ..,--------------,r-------------­ During 01.04.2014 - 22.04.2fU ~., we have .. worked in Bega, & Zainpur only. .. For the Sonepat Unit we have deployed the .. followings water tankers which are distributed mine wise as required. • HR 38 H- 2105 20 KI HR 47 - 6936 12 Kl • HRiO N - 2736 05 Kl • HRiO N - 2739 05 Kl HR 42 - 5539 4.5 Kl • HR 10 N- 2740 3.2 Kl • Photographs of water tankers are enclosed. • Wherever possible alternate roads have •• • been made for mineral transportation to ease traffic congestion and enhance safety. • Tree plantation has also been done along • the roadsides in village Bega and elsewhere ~ .. with the consent of land owners. This has -~ -'~I - .......­ t helped in dust suppression raised during traffic movement. For photographs of ~ plantation, please refer to point no.XII. (b) So far we have organized three 'Free Medical Camps' in the mining areas in Sonepat District. The latest one was organized on 21.04.2013. Details of this camp including photographs have already being submitted to your office. During the above camp, all the employees working in our project in Sonepat district including the needy people from nearby villages were also checked for medical fitness. 1- ---------------j---.:~~:.:.=.=..:=-=.::.::..:....::=..:.:....:-=-=--.:.:..::...::....:.:..:..=..:..:..:.=~---___! (v) The project proponent shall We undertake not to expose more than not expose more than four four areas for mining at any point oftime areas for mining at any in accordance to the contract agreement point of time in accordance between us and the State Government to the contract agreement and follow the conditions as stipulated between the proponent and therein effectively. the State Government and follow the conditions as stipulated therein effectively. (vi) The project proponent in You permitted us to commence mining operation the initial phase shall in the initial phase in the four villages namely; (i) commence mining Bega, (ii)Jajal, run Basaudi and (iv) Barauli. t ' , " '. \ ' • operation in the four During 01.04.2014 - 22.04.2014, we could work • villages namely; (i) Bega, only in the following villages: (ii) Jajal, (iii) Basaudi and 1. Bega • (iv) Barauli. In case there is 2. Zainpur. • any change in the above However, at any point of time we have llot • villages, the proponent worked simultaneously in more than 4· villages. :-;hall inform the Ministry of In case of change of village we have applied to • Environment and Forests the MoEF and its Regional Office at 'Chandigarh • as well as its Regional at least 3 months in advance and have Office at Chandigarh at commenced mining only after being permitted • least 3 months in advance. by the MoEF, as was done in the case of village • Zainpur. .. ~; ~~_. In future also iri case there is any 'change in the • above villages we shall inform the Ministry of • Environment and Forests as well as its Regional • Office at Chandigarh at least 3 months in advance....----------------{ '" • (vll)'T'he specific schedule of During 01.04.2014_ - 22.04.2014 we worked in • w(lrking shall be worked villages Bega & -Zainpur only. We .always out after ascertaining the restricted workings to not more than 4 villages. • ilvailability of land from the at any point of time. We availed lands in all the • land owners for mining and villages where we worked. Photocopies of old shnIl be informed to the agreements with the land owners have already • Ministry of Environment been submitted before the MoEF . In future we • IIld Forests and its shall ascertain availability of land before I{' ional Office at planning to work in other villages and inform the • Ch ndigarh at least 3 Ministry of Environment and Forests and its • months in advance. Regional Office at Chandigarh at least 3 months in advance. Non - availability of land and seasonal working in riverbed are constraints in achieving the enVisaged production of 12 million tonnes per annum. During 01.04.2014 - 22.04.2014, we have extracted 2,68,358 tonnes of sand over an area of 8.5161 ha. in the riverbed. (viii) The' mmmg operations We restrict mining operations to one meter shall be restricted to one above ground water table in all the working meter above ground water areas and it has not intersected the groundwater • table in all the working table in any area of mining so far. areas and it should not • Intersect the groundwater • table. • • • t' . :,. ... ------------r---------------------, • (ix) The project proponent shall Modified mmmg scheme is already submitted • modify the ultimate before the competent authority. working depth in different We are pursuing the matter. Approval I:; llwaited. • villages as provided in the As soon as the approval is accorded, we slwll • approved mining plan of submit a copy of the same to the Ministry of November, 2008 in view of Environment and Forests and its Regional Office. the commitment made for • restricting ultimate • working depth to at least one meter above the water • table in conformity with the Notification No. 1/7/2­ • . ;;'.: ~-. - 2H3"II~2010 dated 11·,01.2010 issued by the • Government of Haryana for - ~ ~.- '. the Aravalli Range and get • the modified mining scheme approved from the "- . ..", -.;.. ..... ~ " - " :...... .,") ('ornpetent authority and " . ........ : -. ­ RlIbmlt a copy of the same to this Ministry and its H'Rlonal Office within three lIlonths. (x) Tho project proponent shall We ensure that no natural watercourse t IlStlr~ that no natural and/or water resources are obstructed watercourse and/or water due to any mining operations.
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