February 15, 2014

Kettering Adventist Church 3939 Stonebridge Road Kettering, OH 45419 ketsda.org

First Serv 9:30 a.m. ~ Sabbath School 10:30-11:30 a.m. ~ Classic Worship 11:45 a.m. Serv February 15, 2014 Steve Carlson, worship leader 9:30 a.m.

Kettering Life — Pastor Dan Stevens

Sermon — Pastor Karl Haffner

Part 7 in Series: Worship February 15, 2014 11:45 a.m. We Gather Together

Gathering Music: and ...... Grant Wareham, piano from “Piano Concerto in G minor” Felix Mendelssohn Jerry Taylor, organ

Introit: — Bryan Jeffery Leech...... Church Choir Make room within my heart, O God, that You may form in me the image You have shown in Christ, my very life to be. Inspire my thought, O lofty One, to reach the highest plane, that I may know the mind of Christ, and Him as greatest gain. We Come Into Christ’s Presence

Call to Worship...... Pastor Dan Stevens (congregation standing) You, Lord, are the way, the truth, and the life. Joyously we come together to worship. We raise our voices in song. We open our hearts to Your comforting word. We acknowledge that You walk before us. We thank You for forgiveness. We thank You for salvation. We praise You for life this day. We celebrate Your glory. In You we live and move and have our being. Praise the Lord!

Pass the Blessing of Christ’s Peace

Hymn No. 10: ...... tune: (congregation standing)

Invocation...... Pastor Dan Stevens

Psalm 67...... Madelyn Callender, alto, with Congregation

(All Sing Refrain) 1. O God, be merciful and bless us according to Your Love. Come to us through the light of Your face. 2. May Your ways be known throughout all the earth, and Your salvation to the nations of the world. Refrain 3. Let all the earth be glad and sing for joy because You rule with might and love. 4. Your justice is known in all the earth. All nations are in Your care. Refrain 5. O let the earth, its harvest yield, O God, our God, pour out Your blessing on all the lands. 6. May the people know Your goodness, O Lord, may all the earth join in songs of praise. Refrain Prayers of People...... Lorraine Beaven

We Present Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory: — arr. John Ferguson...... Church Choir I danced in the morning when the world was begun, and I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun. I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth, at Bethlehem I had my birth. (

I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees, but they wouldn’t dance, they wouldn’t follow Me. I danced for the fishermen James and John. They came with me so the dance went on. I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame. The holy people said it was a shame. They ripped, they stripped, they hung Me high, and left Me there on the cross to die. I danced on a Friday, when sky turned black. It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back. They buried my body, they thought I was gone. But! I am the dance, and I go on. They cut me down and I leapt up high.I am the life that will never, never die. I’ll live in you if you’ll live in me. I am the Lord of the dance, said He.

Doxology: (Hymn No. 694)...... tune: Praise God, from whom all blessing flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Church Life...... Pastor Dan Stevens

Children’s Lesson...... Pastor Dan Stevens

We Learn from God’s Word

Hymn: ...... tune:

Sermon: …………………………………………Pastor Karl Haffner

We Are Sent Out With a Blessing

Hymn No. 567: ...... tune:

Benediction...... Pastor Karl Haffner

Orison: (Hymn No. 66)...... Congregation & Choir God be with you till we meet again. By His counsels guide uphold you. With His sheep securely fold you. God be with you till we meet again.

Postlude: from “Enigma Variations” Edward Elgar...... Jerry Taylor, organ Worship Notes:

Participants: Dr. Karl Haffner, our senior pastor, presents today’s sermon from Luke 2:41-52. Dan Stevens, our pastor for administration, hosts today’s worship and tells the Children’s Story. Lorraine Beaven presents the Prayers of the People. Lorraine and Winton Beaven (who died in 2003), joined our congregation in 1970. Jerry Taylor, our minister of worship and music, is the organist/choir director for today’s service.

Music Notes: As we gather for worship today Grant Wareham, one of our youth, will play two movements of Mendelssohn's “Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor” (Op. 25), which was written in 1831. The two movements are in E major and in G major. Grant Wareham is a home school senior, who studies piano with Barbara Wasson.

is a short call to worship composed by Bryan Jeffrey Leach who grew up in England. At age 33, after a stint in the navy, he came to America where he studied theology, pastored two significant churches and edited hymnals.

is the original title of this great hymn that sold 6 million copies in 27 years. It was first published in “Sabbath School Book” of Scotland. The tune, probably originated as a folk song from 1825, also known as Spanish Hymn. It came to America and was copied with these words by Benjamin Carr.

will be sung in responsorial sequence. Madelyn Callender, one of our elders and a choir member, sings the text and we respond with a well-known musical phrase that is from Hymn No. 334.

is a Shaker hymn that tells of the life of Jesus, as though Jesus were a “kid” telling his own story. It is heard today in an arrangement for choir by John Ferguson who is at St. Olaf’s in Minnesota.

is one of the most popular songs in recent hymnals. The text feels like Christ is comparing our lives to His own. He was always there and will always be. It was composed in 1985 by John Ylvisaker, a pastor in Minnesota.

(Hymn No. 567) was inspired by an elderly woman's prayer in 1900. Adelaide Pollard, an itinerant Bible teacher and African missionary, took these words and developed them into this hymn. Her friend, George Stebbins, who was part of the Moody-Shankey evangelistic team, composed the tune for these words in 1907.

is from Edward Elgar’s “Enigma Variations,” composed for orchestra in 1899, a set of pieces that described his friends. The ninth variation was given the name 'Nimrod' after the biblical reference to Noah's great-grandson of the same name, who was a gifted hunter. It pays tribute to Elgar's great friend Augustus J. Jaeger, (whose surname in German translates to 'Hunter') who managed to keep Sir Edward's hopes up while he was still trying to make his mark in the world of music. Elgar attempted to capture Jaeger's nobility in the slowness of the piece and (allegedly) tried to make a musical reproduction of a conversation they once had late at night concerning the slow movements of Beethoven's slow pieces. Indeed, the first few bars closely resemble the very start of the second movement of Beethoven's Eighth Piano Sonata (also called ). Having said that, the piece also borrows from Mendelssohn at one point, as well. Confessions, Turtles, & Kingdoms Part 7 in Series:

I. Considering Kingdoms (Luke 2:1-7) And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (Micah 5:2, 5) "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel … and he will be the man of peace.”

“God is in charge. He uses all the cacophony of human frenzy. He laughs at our plans. Silently, unobtrusively, unseen, unheard, He works out purposes that shake and rattle and roll and turn our world upside down and inside out. We build our little kingdoms and call other people to come and look at them and see them and go “Wow!” And then, they crumble into dust, and God uses the rubble of human disaster to build a Kingdom of redeemed beauty and unimagined splendor. God is in charge. He is so in charge that He can use evil kings, even without their knowing it. And the foundation on which He is building His redeemed world is lying in a manger in Bethlehem. It is not about me. It is not about you. It’s about Jesus.” ~

II. Comparing Kingdoms (Luke 2:1-7) 1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

A. The kingdom of Caesar

B. The kingdom of Christ (John 18:36) Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

III. Building the Kingdom

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Reference: John Ortberg, “Another Kind of King,” December 19, 2004 at mppc.org. Our Church History in 1970

On the world front, 1970 was the year that the Beatles broke up their band, floppy disks were introduced to the American public and the Kent State shootings protesting the Vietnam War took place just a few hours drive from here. Closer to home, government-mandated busing of students to desegregate schools influenced people to sell their established Salem Avenue homes and move to Kettering and Centerville, and Stroop Road was paved all the way to Wilmington Pike.

For the Adventist community, an evangelistic campaign by the “” staff was held that year with speaking. The Far Hills Church celebrated their 75th anniversary as a congrega- tion. Kettering College was blossoming: Anna May Vaughan, head of the KCMA nursing department, was obviously a “mover and a shaker;” not only was she setting records at Kettering College, she was at Sinclair College helping to set up their nursing school. Winton and Lorraine Beaven moved to Kettering from Takoma Park, Maryland. Dr. Beaven would be the dean of education (today known as the President) for Kettering College and Lorraine would teach nursing. Marilyn Kiesz, a popular pianist and teacher from Lodi, Rio Lindo Academy and Pacific Union College, moved to Kettering. Roger McNeily, who had been with the Faith For Today Quartet in New York City before becoming an extremely popular choral/voice teacher at , moved with his family to Kettering.

Spring Valley Academy saw its first graduating class of 23 seniors. (Previously students had to attend Mount Vernon Academy for their Junior and Senior years.) The keynote speaker was Winton Beaven. The music department got a huge start when Don Bassett, former member of the John Phillip Sousa’s Band, donated his music files to the school and helped establish an award-winning band there. Robes were purchased for the school choir, the Citrus Fruit Program was started by Home and School and there was an active campaign to recruit bus drivers who would be paid $5.00 per trip. In order to meet state accreditation requirements, SVA tuition had to be raised to $800.00 for high school and $400.00 for elementary.

The cornerstone for the new sanctuary was laid on August 21, 1970, Friday night at 7:30. Steve Skahen, chairman of the junior board was in charge of the ceremony. Tours of the new site were conducted by the youth. This site was mainly a big pit approximately 10 feet deep, dug out for the heat and air- conditioning tunnels and foundations for the cement walls. Frequent committee and business meetings were held to decide if the congregation could afford to spend the extra money to turn the excavated space into a basement. (The church bulletins report a cost of $2000.) Sadly for us today, it was then decided that the additional debt just couldn't be added to a congregation already struggling to pay for both the new Spring Valley Academy and the new church facilities at the same time. So the dirt was pushed back into the hole (except for the 4 present rooms in the basement), cement was poured and the building proceeded to take shape. In July they announced the first services in the new building would be December 4-6, but construction delays prevented that from happening until the new year. Dr. Glenn Bylsma continued to lead the fund-raising campaign successfully. Our Church History in 1970 page 2

Interestingly, the current “Seasons Greetings” where, instead of sending Christmas cards to church members and friends, a donation of $10.00 is given to the church and the greetings are printed in the bulletin, was started in 1970, a tradition that has continued unabated for 44 years. And a bit of forgotten history reported in the bulletin: The grandfather clock that still stands in our Narthex was given by Mrs. Gladys Ryan in memory of her husband. If you knew the Ryans, please contact Jerry Taylor with any information to add to our archives.

When the fifth floor of the hospital was completed, $100,000 was left over. George Nelson and Virginia Kettering thought that this money could be rightly used in memory of Olive, wife of the inventor Charles Kettering and an avid organist, to install a great pipe organ in the church. So George invited C. Warren Becker, the popular organ professor from Andrews University, to come on March 21 to play for worship and an evening organ recital. He "unofficially" looked over the site and church plans with the hope of giving more suggestions about a pipe organ for the new sanctuary. Perhaps it is safe to put in print now after these 44 years that there were some “concerns” and “strong feelings” in the congregation by those who had mortgaged their homes and were up to their eyeballs in debt, about the prospect of purchasing an “expensive pipe organ” and adding more debt, even if this was a congregation that loved, valued, promoted and expressed themselves through music. It was the genius of Mr. Nelson to point out to the congregation that the proposed organ was a gift from the community and “would not cost the congregation one penny.” In addition, the Kettering family had donated the land for the church to honor their father with the expectation (and our promise) that it would be a “center for great music.” “Besides,” Mr. Nelson pointed out, "it would be very rude to tell Mrs. Virginia Kettering that her gift honoring her mother-in-law was not wanted by this congregation who packed the KCMA gym to hear organ recitals on the Allen electronic organ there." A contract was signed with Casavant Freres Pipe Organs from Canada for a 89-rank pipe organ. February 15, 2014

The Church at Study 10:30 a.m.

Lesson Quarterly Classes Other Adult Classes

Lesson 7: Pastor’s Bible Study...... S-3

Memory Text Taught by: Karl Haffner “The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, ‘Come, see a Man FreshBread……………………………….Fellowship Hall who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?’ ” Taught by: Elliot Smith

Conversations About God...... Kettering College Lower Lobby Lesson Study & Discussion...... S-1 Dave Evans, Joe Nicosia & Adele Waller Taught by: Lonnie Melashenko Next week: Chuck Scriven Discussion of Last-Day Prophecies Northeast Fellowship Hall Lesson Study & Discussion…….....Pastor’s Office Taught by: Don Sickler Next week: Randy Daniel Thoughts on Prayer: “ Then He went down to Nazareth Sabbath School Class...... …...... N-2 with them and was obedient to them. Taught by: Ted J. Shull But His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in Advent H.O.P.E.…………….……………Lower Level 2 wisdom and stature, and in favor with Taught by: Michael Wendth God and men.” Next week: Elliot Aguayo Luke 2:51-52 Coming Events

TODAY — February 15, 2014 TUESDAY — February 18 Flowers — To our dedicated and cherished Staff Meeting — 9:30 a.m. mother, Lillian McNeily, in celebration of her 88th birthday on February 24. With lots of love! — Candy WEDNESDAY — February 19 & Brian (Christenson) and Scott & Vickie (McNeily) First-time Visitors — You are invited to stop by Bells of Praise — 5:30 p.m. the Information Center in the narthex to pick up a Choir — 6 p.m. gift to welcome you to our church today. Table Life — 6:30 p.m. Worship Bags — Parents of small children can Praise Orchestra — 7:35 p.m. check out (honor system) worship bags for their Advent Ringers — 7:40 p.m. little ones in three different age groups: 0-2, 3-4, & 5-6 from the red cart in the north foyer. Please THURSDAY — February 20 return bags to the cart after the worship service. Thank you. Daytime Bible Study — 11:30 a.m. with Pastor Medical Evangelism Workshop — 2 p.m. at Dan Stevens Centerville SDA Church. Pathfinders — Family Fun Night 6-9 p.m. at FRIDAY — February 21 Spring Valley Academy Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra — Presents Youth Vespers — 6:30-9 p.m. Youth Room at 8 p.m. in the sanctuary. (Ad- Singing Bands — 6:45 p.m. Meet at Kettering mission) Identical concert Sunday at 3 p.m. Hospital outside the cafeteria on the lower level. Sunset — 6:12 p.m. Sunset — 6:19 p.m.

THIS COMING WEEK — NEXT SABBATH — February 22 Church Office Hours Pastor Dan Stevens will continue our sermon 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday series, , from Luke 9. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. First Serv in the Fellowship Hall 10:30 a.m. Sabbath School classes SUNDAY — February 16 11:45 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary Golden Buckeye Fellowship Potluck — 1 p.m. in the Kettering Church Fellowship Hall. All-Church Potluck — Bring food to share, enjoy Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra — Presents the fellowship and help clean up. at 3 p.m. in the sanctuary. (Admission)

MONDAY — February 17 Piano Concert —Eric Malson will present a piano concert Sunday, President's Day — Church office closed February 23, 4 p.m. in our sanctuary. Bring your friends to this free concert. That You May Know

KETTERING CHURCH FAMILY the school and meet the preschool teachers. We are now enrolling and welcoming all potty-trained Sympathy — To Diann and Ted Ring, Shannon, 3-4 year-olds with full day or AM 1/2 day options. Mark, Alex, Adam, Andy and Amy Velasco on the There will be a small classroom ratio with a fun, death of Diane’s mother and Shannon’s friendly Christian environment. We are offering a grandmother, Paulene Barnett, February 6, 2014. A FREE 1-day trial for all new students who come to service was held last week. the Open House. For more information, call the Memorial Service — Sabbath, February 22, join school at 433-0790. family and friends as we celebrate the life of Ella Annual Open House — Please join us on Sunday, Vorraso at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary. March 2, from 2-4 p.m. for our Annual Open House at Spring Valley Academy. This is for all new SPRING VALLEY ACADEMY students interested in enrolling for the 2014-15 school year in Preschool through Grade 12. Those Vegetarian Food by the Case — Purchase your attending will receive a special coupon for $100 off favorite vegetarian food by the case through SVA the registration fee per child for all new applicants! food service. To order, email vibudd@springvalley For more information, please go to our website: academy.org or call Vickie Budd between 3-4 p.m. www.springvalleyacademy.org or call the school Monday through Thursday at (937) 433-0790. (937) 433-0790 and ask for Vicki Swetnam. Service Project — SVA is inviting local churches to Elementary Musical — Saturday, March 8 at participate in collecting some specific things for the 6 p.m. in the SVA gymnasium, Kindergarten Good Neighbor House. We're collecting: through 4th-grade students will present “Oh Me, Canned Food Boxed Food Oh My, Oh Nehemiah!” Don’t miss it! Towels Diapers Spring Valley Academy invites you to join us Baby Clothes Formula "Over the Rainbow" for the most wonderful auction Baby Bottles Toilet Paper of all...The Emerald Gala to be held on Sunday, We will be collecting these items February 10-22 March 9, at The Mandalay Ballroom located at 2700 and will conclude on February 22 with a special E. River Road in Dayton beginning at 5:00 p.m. For service project Family Night planned especially for more information about the Auction, purchase our pre-school through 5th grade students. tickets and/or sponsorship interest please call (937) Family Fun Night — Saturday, February 22, we 433-0790 or visit our website at: http://www. will be hosting a P-5 Family Night in the gym. Here's Springvalleyacademy.org and click "On-line what it will include..... Payment" at the top toolbar. All proceeds will go Ÿ A fun worship service planned especially toward the SVA Chapel/Auditorium Building Fund for the P-5 age group and their families and Worthy Student Fund. So, mark your calendars Ÿ An introduction to a Cambodian child who now for a festive fun-filled adult evening out! we are sponsoring through World Vision SVA Preschool Summer Camp — Now enrolling Ÿ A yummy bake sale to raise money for the preschool children (ages 3-5) for SVA Preschool child we are sponsoring SUMMER CAMP 2014!! Theme for the summer will Ÿ A service project for the Good Neighbor be “Oh, the Places We'll Go!” Preschoolers are House invited to come travel this summer on a journey of Final details will be sent out as we get closer to the exciting discoveries, creativity, fun and learning actual event so stay tuned! This is an event for the through different means of transportation. We have whole family (yes, older and younger siblings too.) two sessions, June 2-July 3 and July 7-August 8. to attend. You won't want to miss it! Call SVA now at 937-433-0790 to sign up and SVA Preschool Open House — Sunday, March 2, reserve your spot or to schedule a tour. 2-4 p.m., all preschooler parents are invited to visit That You May Know

COMMUNITY Marlene are committed to providing Spirit-filled and Christ-centered music to listeners and audi- Golden Buckeye Fellowship Winter Potluck — ences throughout the country. They are delighted Tomorrow starting at 1:00 p.m. in the Kettering at the opportunity to share with you their testimo- Church Fellowship Hall. Bread, beverage and table ny, refreshing arrangements of the familiar hymns service will be provided. There is no fee for the GBF of the faith, and inspiring stories of how God activity, but please bring a nonperishable food item works in our everyday lives. Invite a friend, come for the Good Neighbor House in addition to your and enjoy an evening of sacred instrumental mu- potluck food. sic that will lift our hearts in worship to our Savior, Good Neighbor House — Is in need of help with Jesus Christ. stocking the shelves in our Household Department. Mark Schultz and Selah Concert — We desperately need blankets, pots, pans and dishes. (Gently used items would be fine). Please Mark your calendars for Friday, March help keep your community warm this winter! For 14. You are invited to a free concert by Mark more information contact Megan Clark at (937) Schultz and Selah at the Kettering SDA Church. 224-3003 Ext: 106. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the concert begin- Young Adult Spiritual Retreat — Next weekend, ning at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Kettering College. February 21-23 will be an Ohio-wide young adult Weekend to Remember — Cincinnati, spiritual retreat, “GODencounters.” Come join the 100-plus young adults coming together to pursue a Ohio March 14-16. This conference is for GOD who pursues them! Register, get directions, all married/engaged couples. Come see find the schedule, and much more on our website: why over a million couples have attend- www.ohiosdayouth.org/event/godencounters. For ed. Register with our group & save at questions, call Pastor Steve at 937-479-1317 or [email protected]. least $100. For discount code go to CHIP — Concerned about high blood pressure? www.WeLoveMarriage.com or contact: High cholesterol? Heart disease? Overweight? Donand [email protected] Health in general? Take charge now and join a or 937-395-3817. journey to prevent, arrest and reverse chronic 3rd Annual Celtic Celebration Concert — disease. Pre-registration is required for CHIP+ Sunday, March 16 at 7 p.m. The Kettering Praise (Complete Health Improvement Program) and Orchestra will present their annual Celtic classes start February 23 at the Centerville Seventh- Celebration Concert under the direction of Donald day Adventist Church. Contact 937-470-5311. Huff. Special guests this year include: Jarrod Jaime Jorge Vespers — February 22, at 6 p.m. at McNaughton, tenor; Cecilia Pomales, vocalist; the Centerville Church. Jaime's music ministry has Steve Martin, Irish whistle and banjo; Dan touched the lives of many. He has been featured on Zehringer, trumpet; Victor Firlie, cello, and the 3ABN and the . Come and enjoy his Spring Valley Academy Concert Band. Reception music and hear his testimony. immediately following this free concert. You do not Nicole Nordeman Concert — Friday, February want to miss this special evening! 28, you are invited to a free concert by Nicole Nor- Singles Outing — Sabbath, March 22, at the deman at the Kettering SDA Church. Doors open at Chillicothe Church, 510 Metzger Ave. Chillicothe, 6:30 p.m. with the concert beginning at 7:30 p.m. Ohio 45601. Please come for church service, lunch, Sponsored by Kettering College. afternoon activities, a Spring Fling, and planning Dave & Marlene Colburn Concert — Sabbath, meeting for this year. For more information call March 8, at 6 p.m. at the Centerville Seventh-day Marion Hidalgo @ 937-470-7821. Pam Bethel @ Adventist Church, Dave and Marlene Colburn, pia- 740-775-8708. Also mark your calendar for a nist and violinist, will be presenting a sacred con- Singles Retreat in Maryland. April 11 thru 13. cert. As recording artists, Dave and Marlene have a Contact Marion Hidalgo for more information. We current association with Chapel® Music and are look forward to seeing you there. frequently featured musicians on 3ABN. Dave and Church Staff Karl Haffner...... Senior Pastor...... 657-5384 Dan Stevens...... Pastor of Administration...... 689-3612 Elliot Smith...... Pastor of Young Adults, Interns & Outreach Ministries...... 369-1062 Kasper Haughton...... Pastor of Children & Youth Ministries...... 574-344-7818 Jerry Taylor...... Minister of Worship & Music...... 602-1514 Kay Starkey...... Church Office Manager...... 434-2780 Holly Macomber...... Earliteen and Young Adult Intern...... 513-500-1578 Brad Woodin...... Technology Intern...... 776-5222 Jerry Mahn...... Worship Leader for Serv...... 409-1111 Clive Wilson ...... Kettering College Chaplain...... 545-8756 Pastor-on-call...... 937-985-0068 Serving You Today Presiding Deacon...... James Casson Presiding Elder...... Chris VanDenburgh Deaconesses...... Darlene Wallace, 9:15-9:45 a.m. Susan Lord, 10:30-11:50 a.m. Marie Eugene, 10:30-11:50 a.m. Greeters...... Fred & Mary Kaye Manchur, North 10-11 a.m. Diana Aniton, South 10-11 a.m. Aric & Dawn Merrill, North 11-11:50 a.m. Deanette Sisson, South 11-11:50 a.m. Information Center...... Rohanna & Dusty Deal, 9-11 a.m. Vicki Davies, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Audio Technician...... Justin Fessenden Audio Technician...... Vern Starman Video Technician...... Tyler Starman Producer...... Randy Daniel Live Streaming...... Marty Purvis