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[email protected] year, said Miranda Lawver, dents. and currently makes up 26 per- munity colleges offer early col- program. IRONWOOD — Gogebic Com- assistant registrar and institu- Part of GCC’s growth comes cent of the college’s total enroll- lege programs. GCC students will build a munity College’s Board of tional researcher at GCC. from students in the Early Col- ment. Last year was the first fall for garage with above living quar- Trustees at its meeting Tuesday “Gogebic is the only one up — lege program, which allows high However, college officials also GCC’s program with Calumet ters this year, and trustees heard the college’s enrollment actually Henry Ford (Communi- school juniors and seniors to take said its off-campus operations the only school to participate. approved Forslund Building Sup- has grown by about 2 percent ty College) is too — up both in college courses that apply to an has grown by 4.3 percent in cred- This year, the college added ply’s bid of $29,727 to provide from last year to 1,122, one of head counts and credits in the associate’s degree if they attend its taken excluding the boost Lake-Linden, Dollar Bay and materials, Lindquist Electric’s only three community colleges in whole state of Michigan,” Lawver GCC for a year after high school.