Western University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter

Summer 1996 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 19, Number 3 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected]

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PreSident Mark Lowe, 505 Josephine St. Spnngfield , TN Ph 800-555-4021 Vice PreSident John E. Danielson, PO Box 1843 Bow1ing Green , KY 42102·1843 Ph . 502·782·0278 Recording Secretary Gail Miller, 425 M>dcrest Dr. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph 502·781· 1807 Corresponding Secreta ry Betty B. Lyne, 613 E 11th Ave. Bowling Green , KY 42101 Ph . 502·84:>-9452 Treasurer Ramona Bebbitt, 271 8 Smallhouse Rd . Bow1ing Green, KY 42104 Ph . 502·84:>-69 18 Chaplain A. Ray Douglas, 439 Douglas Lane Bowling Green, KY 42 101 Ph . 502·842·7101 Program Chairperson Barbara Ford , 545 Cherokee Dr. • Bowling Green, KY Ph . 502· 782-0889 Lon ghunte r Ed~ors Sue and Dave Evans, 921 Meadow1ark Dr. Bowling Green, KY Ph . 502·842·2313 Exc/Publicatlon Chairperson Barbara Ford, 545 Cherokee Dr. Bow1ing Green, KY Ph . 502·782·0889 Membership Ch airperson John Danielson , PO Bex 1843 Bowling Green, KY 42102·1843 Ph . 502·782-0278 Hlslonan. Chairperson Irene Constant, 364 Old Lovers Lane Bowling Green, KY Ph. 502-a42-8400 Telephone Ch airperson Arvilla Cherry, 1637 Catherine St. Bowl ing Green, KY 42101 Ph., 502·781·0045 Hosp.lSoclai Chairperson Grace Douglas, 439 Douglas Lane Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ph. 502·842·7101 FuollC RelatIons Chairperson Mildred Collier, ~644 Small house Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph. 502·84:>-4753 Sunshine Cha irperson Laurita Sledge, 835 Sledge Rd . Alvaton, KY 42122 Ph . 502-8042·9628 Llbr Liaison Chairperson Leroy Collier, 1644 Smallhouse Rd , Bowling Green, KY 42104 Ph . 502·84:>-4753 Immediate Past Pres>dent Barbara Ford, 545 Cherokee Dr. . Bowling Green, KY 42103 Ph ., 502·782·0889


Membership In th e Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society is open to all persons, especially to those who are Interested In research in Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Logan , Sim pson, and Warren Counties In Kentucky. Membership is by the year, 1 January through 31 December. DUES for indiv>dua l or famil y membersh ip are S15 per year and include a subscnption to the LONGHUNTER which is published qu arterly


The SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEAlOGICAL SOCIETY meets REGULARLY on the third Monday of each month at the Houchens Center, 1115 Adams Street, at 7 PM . A cordial welcome is extended to all vlS~Or.; and prospective new members. Announcements of date, time , and place of all meetings will be displayed on the Community Bu lletin Beard, Channel 6, and in the AROUND TOWN column in the Park City Dally News TIlE LONGHUNTER VOLUME XIX, ISSUE 3 July 1996 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Table of Contents, Out of Town Visiton 1 Longhunter, Queries, Back Issues, Book Reviews 2 Medicine in Kentucky, by Sue Evans 3 Medical Advice for the Frontiersman, Selected 5 Biographical Sketches of Early Doctors in Warren County, 7 by Sue Evans Public Health, by Sue Evans 15 Queries 18 Abstracts of Warren Co., KY Deed Books, by Leroy Collier 21 Ancestry, Pe~ , and Ahnentafel Charts: Wilma Viola Brown 26 George Wayne McKinney 27 Thomas William PCM"SOIl 28 Lowell Carey Bankhead 29 Archer Christian Bankhead 30 Mary Graves Chambers 31 WillWn Felix Green 32 William H.vniIton Lillard 33 Jacob Mason Rces (Rccsc) 34 Sarah Jane Barclay 35 Martha Jane Briscoe 36 Cynthia Jackson 37 Warren Co., KY 1791 - 1900 Manlagca, by Pat Reid 38 Membcnhip List 42 Bowling Green Slrcct Names 44 Index 45 Boob and Publications by SKGS Mcrnbcn Inside Back Cover ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

our OF TOWN VISITORS Out of town ...uitors ItY)' want to:

1. Visit the Kentucky Library and the SpccW Collections in the Kentucky Building, on the campus of Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. A competent sufi" is there to help with genealogical research. Officcn or chairpersons listed on the facing page may be contacted for further assistance.

2. Visit the County Court Clerk's office in the Warren County Courthouse, in downtown Bo"'q Green. Extensive court records, either the actual boob or microfibned copies dating from the tII'nC the county was fonned in 1796, are on file there and are in excellent condition.

• 3. Can one of the officcn or chairperson.! listed in thia Quarterly for help or visit with "" .11 . ... regular meeting at the HOUCHENS CENTER, III S Adams St., Bowling Green, KYat 7 ' '' ' ;., I on the third Monday in each month. THE 1.0NGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PO. 2


Th e LONGHUNTER IS published quarterly and is ma iled to approximately 180 Southem Kentucky Genealogical Society members and to 100 other societies in exchange for their publications. This quarterly contains 40 to 50 pages each iSsue and is indexed with a full name index. It is designed to give researchers information about the ancestors and descendants of members of the SKGS and other Information from tile South Central Kentucky and the North Central areas. Members are encouraged to submit articles for publication. Local newspaper clippings from the past, Census Records, Records of Court Proceedings, Bible and Cemetery Records, Family Histories, which you may have written, Pedigree Charts, and photographs (send copies only), will be ..... Icomed by our editors.

Articles written for publication should be typed or printed legibly and should not be <:Ner 10 pages in length. Sources for information you submit should be stated in the article or put In footnotes at the end. The rig ht to ed~ any material for presentation is reserved by the Longhunter Editor. Although it is the desire of the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society to publish reliable genealogical material, neither the Society nor the editors assume responsibility for facts or for opinions expressed by the contributors. Submitted material becomes the property of the LONGHUNTER and will not be retumed to the contributor.


All members are urged to submit Queries. These should be limited to about 80 words per Query, but there is no limit to the number a member may submit. Since the LONG HUNTER is read by people throughout the United States, you will be receiving maximum exposure and should be pleased with the results.


Current and back issues of the LONGHUNTER since 1978 are available for $4.00 each, postpaid. Orders should be placed with the Southem Kentucky Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1782, Bowilng Green, KY 42102-1782.


Th e SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEAlOGiCAl SOCIETY welcomes donated books for review in th e LONGHUNTER. After rfNiIIN all donated books are placed In the Special Collection at the Kentucky Libra ry, Kentucky Building, on the campus of Westem Kentucky University, in Bowiing Green, KY for all to use. Please include price and ordering instructions when you send a book in for rfNillN. ~ the person wtlo donates a book is a member of the SKGS, the tit1e and description of the book along with the price and ordering instructions will be placed with other members' books on the inside back C<:Ner of th e LONG HUNTER.


Membership dues in tile SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEAlOGICAl. SOCIETY, which are $15 per calendar year and include a subscription to tile LONG HUNTER, published quarterly, should be sent to SOUTH ER N KENTUCKY GENEAlOGiCAl SOCIETY, P.O. BOX 1782, BOWLING GREEN, KY 42102-1782. • THE LONGHUNTER. VOL XIX. ISSUE 3. PG. 3


As pioneers moved in to settle the Kentucky wilderness they were faced with numerous ailments and diseases - measles. mumps. whooping cough. scarlet fever. diptheria. smallpox. dysentery (bloody flux). influenza. typhoid fever. yellow fever, cholera, and diarrheal diseases. Alcoholism, milk-sickness (trembles), pneumonia, pleurisy, venereal diseases, and surgery which included the treatment of various wounds and fractures were also challenges. The settlers soon discovered that the Indians through centuries of trial and error had evolved a useful system of healing herbs and simple surgery and some of the earlier doctors found it profrtable to spend a year or two among the tribes learning their medical practices. Thus, the first medical practices in the area would be considered folk medicine.

Within ten years after Kentucky became a state the population topped 200,000. Lured by the promise of Kentucky many young professional men moved into the state. So along with the farmers came lawyers, distillers, and doctors . • The first doctors were true General Practitioners. Not only did they have to travel enormous distances on all but non-existant roads, but they also had to diagnose, treat, compound their own prescriptions, and often perform major operations under conditions something worse than crude. But, even with all these obstacles, Kentucky is able to boast of several firsts in the field of medicine.

Earty in the 1800's a medical school was in place at Trans!yvania in Lexington. At one time LOlJisvilie boasted of eleven schools of medicine.

Dr. Walter Brashear performed the first successful amputation at the hip jOint. Dr. Brashear was born on February 11, 1776 in Maryland and came to Kentucky as a youth. He and his wife, Margaret Barr, were the parents of seven children: Robert, Walter, Carwln, Mary, Rebecca, Carolyn, and Frances. He died in Louisiana on October 23, 1860.

Cr. Charles McClearly of Hartford performed the first excision of the clavicle.

Cr. Ephraim McDowell, Danville, is credited with performing the first successful ovariotomy. McDowell, born November 11 , 1771 in Augusta County, Virginia, came to DanVi lle in 1784. On December 29, 1802 he married Sarah Hart Shelby, daughter of Isaac Shelby, first governor of Kentucky. They had six children, fIVe of whom survived : Susan, Mary, Adall"e, Catherine, and William Wallace. McDowell died on. June 25, 1830. He is buried in Danville.

Cr. John McPherson Briggs of 8ow1ing Green performed the first vaginal • hysterotomy operation. Briggs, the son of WIlliam Thompson Briggs and Elizabeth Morehead Briggs, was bom April 9, 1798 in Nelson County. On THE lOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE :s, PO. 4

March 5, 1822 he married Harriett Morehead, daughter of Margaret Slaughter and Charles Morehead, III and sister of Governor Charles Morehead. They were the parents of three sons: Charles Moreh.. d Briggs, a LouiSVIlle lawyer, William Thompson Briggs, an eminent physician in NashVille, Tennessee, and James Albert Briggs aphys ician in practice with his father in 8ow1ing Green. John Briggs died April 26, 1882 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery.

Dr. Benjamin Dudley, was bom in Spottsytvania County, Virginia on April 12, 1785 to Ambrose Parson and Ann (Parker) Dudley. They moved to Kentucky in 1786. On June 9, 1821 Dudley married Anna Marla Short in Lexington. They had three children: William, Anna Marla, and Charles. He died on January 20, 1870, and was buried in the Lexington Cemetery. Dr. Dudley is credited with having performed the operation of lithotomy, removal of bladder stones, 225 times with only three deaths.

Kentucky can, also, boast of having had fourteen A. MA presidents. The first from Kentucky (1859) was Dr. Henry Miller from Glasgow. The son of Henry Miller, he was bom November 1, 1800. Dr. Miller was professor of obstretics and diseases of women and children at the Louisville Medical Institute and pioneered in the use of anesthesia, particularly ether, during labor and childbirth. On June 14, 1824 Miller married Clarissa Robertson. They had four children: George R., Edward, Caroline M., and Mary E. He died February 8, 1874 in Louisville and is buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. Two other A. MA presidents with roots in south central Kentucky were Dr. Elisha Hall Gregory (1887), bom near Russellville, and Dr. William T. Briggs (1891), bom in 8ow1ing Green.

Dr. Franees Coomes gives Kentucky the claim of having the first female physician and surgeon on the North American Continent. In 1775 she and her husband, WIlliam, came over the Cumberland Mountains with a party of Virginians headed by an Irish doctor, George Hart, to settle at Harrodstowo. From Maryland, her home, she brought a meager supply of medicine which she supplimented by making remedies from heros. Her treatments were sometimes heroic, and sometimes bom of genius. She is reported to have cured a case of severe clubfoot in one of her own grandchildren. Once a man came from Virginia to be treated for a chronic leg ulcer. Her procedure was crude, but she cured the man by pouring boiling lard in the wound.

Kentucky was the second state to set up a state-supported sY5tem of mental hospitals The system was established in 1826. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 5



HERE, In many places, are many remedies for each disorder, not only because all are not easily to be procured at all times and in all places; but likewise the medicine that cures one man will not always cure another of the same distemper, nor will it cure the same man at all times. Therefore, rt was necessary to have a variety, so if one fails, there is the other.


TAKE a handful of white oak missletoe, and nine star root, two teaspoonfuls of salt petre in a quart of rum, and drink of that as a bitter; this has cured many; or beat up a turkey-buzzard's skin of the craw when dried, to a po'-Nder, and take as much as will lie on the point of a case knife night and morning, and let your drink be mullen tea, and your diet light. I never knew this fail. Or take and mix the "ewers of a woman with wine, and take night and morning is good; or use the cold bath; or take a teaspoonful of vaierian root, po'-Ndered in a cup of water every evening.


BEAT red onions and apply to the groin and pit of the stomach; or beat mustard seed, wet it with vinegar, and bind to the pit of the stomach; or take a spoonful of lemon juice, and six grains of salt of tartar.


TAKE a young fat dog and kill him, scald him like a pig, then make a hole in one of hiS sides, then take out his guts, and put into his belly two handfuls of nettles, two ounces of brimstone, about a dozen hen eggs, and four ounces of turpentine, well mixed together, then SON up hiS belly close,and roast him, save the oil, and anoint the joints and weak limbs as hot as you can bear by the fire.


THE remedies proper for the belly ache, are peppermint water, tincture of opium, or paregonc elixir or the powders recommended in the case of the jaw fall; but the spints should never be used. If the tincture of opium be chosen for the purpose, not more than one fourth of a drop • ought to be given for the first dose, but it may afterwards be given and gradually enlarged I have known a child of two weeks to be convulsed by taking one drop at once. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. e


Drink a pint of cold water, lying down in bed: Tried. Or a spoonful of treacle in a half a pint of water: Tried. Or, to one spoonful of oatmeal, and one spoonful of honey, add a piece of butter, the bigness of a nutmeg: pour on gradually near a pint of boiling water: drink this lying down in bed.


MAKE a hole through a lemon and fill it with honey; roast it and catch the juice. Take a tea-spoonful of this frequently: Tried. Or, peal and slice a large tumip, spread coarse sugar betWeen the slices, and lit it stand in a dish till all the juice drains down. Take a spoonful of this when ever you cough. Or, lying down keep a little stick-liquorice like horse-radish between the cheek and the gums. I believe this never fails.


COVER the "cor of the room with leaves of alder, gathered while the dew hangs upon them; adhering to these, they are killed thereby. Or, powder stavesacre, and sprinkle it on the body, or on the bed.


GIVE a decoction of agrimony four times a-day: Or, rub the head several times a-day WIth vinegar: in which ground-ivy leaves have been infused .. Or, electrift: Tried.


Take tar-water moming and evening: Tried. Or, decoction of nettles: either of these WI ll probably renew the strength for some years: Or, be electrified daily. Or, chew cinnamon daily, and swallow your spittle.

(The abOve is a copy 01 the original artiCle.)

From VALUABLE VEGETABLE MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR THE CURE OF ALL NERVOUS AND PUTRID DISORDERS. By Doctor Richard Carter. FrankfOrt, KY: Gerard & Berry, 1815. (Kentucky l ibrary RC 81 .c32x); and THE FAMilY ADVISOR AND PRIMITIVE PHYSIC. By Henry Wilkins and John Wesley New York: The Metllodist Connexion, 1814. (Kentucky l ibrary, RC 81 , W68) THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE So PG. 7.



Born June 20, 1806 in Warren County, Kentucky, Thomas B. Wright was the son of Josiah McGehee Wright and Ann Briggs Wright (born in Leslie, Scotland, January 20, 1788). On November 16, 1836 Dr. Wright married Andromache Loving, daughter of Elizabeth and John Loving. They were the parents of several children, including Ashley Cooper, Daniel Webster, John J., Ann Elizabeth, Julia A., Ella Bowden and Mary Wright Andromache passed away in 1850 and Thomas Wright remained a widower until his death October 19,1888.

Thomas Briggs Wright, I graduated from Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky in 1834. He began his medical practice in Bowling Green with his mother's kinsman, Dr. John M. Briggs (see page 3). Their office was on the south side of the square.

Thomas Wright was recognized, not only as a good physician, but as a good business man, as well. He was the first mayor of Bowling Green, he established the first water system, and was the first President of Warren's Deposit Bank (later Citizens National Bank).


On December 7,1821 a son, W. B. Robb, was born to James W. Robb, a pharmacist of Woodburn, Kentucky and his wife, Alice Venable Robb, daughter of Joseph Venable, Sr. He attended local schools and the medical school of the University of Nashville. Dr. Robb was married twice. He and his first wife (name not given) had six children: Alice, Venable, Emma, Charlie, J. William and Maggie. After the death of his first wife he was married a second time January 16, 1860 to Elizabeth Kirby. One daughter was born to this union: Blanche who married Dr. E. N. Hall (see Longhunter. Volume XIX, Issue 2, page 5).

Dr. Robb passed away in 1896 and was buried with his second wife Elizabeth Kirby Robb in the Woodburn Cemetery .

• The University of Louisville, 1798, is the oldest municipal college in the United States THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG . •


One of the leading physicians of Bowting Green, Dr. Samuel K. Van Meter, was born March 24 , 1824 to Jacob and Martha Usher (Shrewsbury) Van Meter. He was the fifth in a family of four sons and four daughters. Jacob Van Meter was born at White Stone Tavern , Botetourt Co., Virginia in January, 1788 In 1818 he came with his family to Warren County where for over sixty years he was engaged in mercantile pursuits and farming. He owned between 4,000 and 5,000 acres of land and a large number of slaves. He built and ran the first steamboat that plied on the Green and Barren Rivers; with James R. Skiles he procured a charter and built the Bowling Green & Portage Railroad, the first railroad in the State of Kentucky. In 1833 he was elected to represent Warren County in the State Legislature. Although he had acquired much wealth, during the conflict between the North and the South he lost $75,000 worth of property. Jacob Van Meter died February 27, 1874 and his wife passed away the next day. The remains of both were buried in the same coffin.

Jacob Van meter was the son of Isaac Van Meter and Hattie Beck, daughter of Lydia Burden and granddaughter of Benjamin Burden, Sr., a distinguished citizen of Virginia. Isaac Van Meter was a son of Henry Van Meter, who with his two brothers had, before Washington's day, surveyed the Fairfax estate, an immense tract of land granted by George III .

Dr. Van Meter's mother, Martha Usher (Shrewsbury) Van Meter, was a granddaughter of Col. John Dickerson and Margaret Usher, granddaughter of Counselor Perry, of Dublin, Ireland. She was the daughter of Samuel Shrewsbury who was married to a Miss Dickenson.

Dr. S. K. Van Meter received his early education in Bowling Green and went in the mercantile business for one year at Rumsey. He then returned to Bowting Green and started the study of medicine with Dr. T. B. Wright. After graduating from the Louisville University he set up his medical practice in Bowting Green. He owned a 160 acre farm north of Bowling Green on the north bank of the Barren River.·

On May 5, 1860 Dr. Van Meter married Cessna J. Sharp of Muhlenburgh County. She was the daughter of John N. and Mary Ann (Usher) Sharp. They were born in Muhlenburg County and Virginia respectively. John Sharp, a Presbyterian minister and farmer, was the son of James Sharp and Sallie Cessna. James Sharp, born in Scotland, immigrated to the United States at an early age and became one of the early settlers of Kentucky.

Samuel K. and Cessna Van Meter had born to them five children: Martha Usher, Charles C., Mary U., William K., and Julia. J THE LONGHUNTER, VOL. XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 8


For four generations the name Samuel William Coombs was associated with the practice of medicine in Kentucky. Dr. Samuel William Coombs, I and his son , Dr. Samuel William Coombs, II , practiced in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Samuel William Coombs, II died at an early age in 1830 during a cholera epidemic. Shorftly after his death a son, Dr. Samuel William Coombs, III was born to his wife Elvira Morehead,

After her husband's death, Elvira and young Samuel moved to Bowling Green where he received his early education. He graduated from Transylvania University in' Lexington and read medicine with Doctors Briggs, Atkinson & Briggs of Bowling Green. In 1853 he attended and graduated from Jefferson College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On his return to Bowling Green he was associated with Dr. W. D. Helm and later with Dr. T. B. Wright in the practice of medicine.

In 1835 Dr. Coombs married Miss Martha Caroline Hampton, daughter of Phineas D. and Caroline Hines Hampton. Dr. and Mrs. Coombs lived at 1022 Adams Street. They were the parents of eight children: Charles Morehead, Lille, Caroline, Margaret Morehead, Dee, Samuel William, Edwin Hines and Phineas Hampton Coombs.

At the beginning of the War between the States Dr. Coombs organized General Buckner"s Division Hospital and had charge of it all through the occupation of Bowling Green. On the retreat of the army, he was detailed by General A. S. Johston to take over the care of the sick that were left behind. Later he was paroled by Union forces on the condition that he not further sustain the Confederate Ause.

Dr. Samuel William Coombs, III passed away October 16,1882 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery.

Cr. Samuel William Coombs, IV, son of Samuel William Coombs, III and Martha Caroline Hampton, was born November 26,1861 . He received his early education in Bowling Green and attended the University of Nashville Medical School. On his graduation in 1884 he was awarded the Founders Medical for attaining the highest standing in his class. He did post graduate work at Polyclinic Hospital in New York. On his return to Bowling Green he was associated in the practice of medicine with Cr. H. P. Cartwright for twenty-five years.

On November 10, 1886 Dr. Coombs and Miss Pearl Potter, daughter of Pleasant J. and Julia Frances Hill Potter, were married. Their home was at 1100 State Street (site of the,Christian Church parking lot today) . They were the parents of one daughter, Belle Coombs, who married Frank Moore .

• Dr. Samuel William Coombs, IV passed away in 1914 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery. THE LOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 10


Dr. J. F. McElroy, of Scotch Irish descent, was born in Marion County in 1832. His parents were William and Mary (Kirk) McElroy. William McElroy was born in Campbell County, Virginia in 1776 and immigrated to Kentucky in 1789, settling in Washington County. This was where J. F. McElroy grew up and received his common school education.

In 1862 Dr. McElroy began to read medicine with Or. M. S. Shuck of Lebanon. He attended the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On his graduation in 1886 he returned to Lebanon where he practiced medicine for the next three years.

In 1869 after his marriage to Miss Mary P. Chapman of Warren County, Dr. McElroy moved to the Bowling Green area. Mary Chapman was the daughter of David Chapman, the first white child born in Kentucky south of the Green River. His tomb­ stone in the family graveyard near his home on Drake's Creek gives his date of birth as October 25, 1791 .

Dr. and Mrs. McElroy were the parents of three children: William D., Lydia K., and Sallie R. McElroy.


Born July 11, 1835 in Holmes County, Mississippi, Or. S. B. Johnson was the son of Robert and Theodosia Baker Johnson. He graduated from the University of Nashville Medical School in 1857, and the following year on October 11,1858 he married Miss Lucinda Sulser. Three children were born to this union: Robert Henry, David A. and Nettie Johnson.

When the Civil War erupted Dr. Johnson enlisted in Co. F. 12th Kentucky Cavalry. After '. serving for two years he was honorably discharged. After the war he resumed his medical practice in Bristow and also became engaged in the sawmill business on Green River.

On November 2,1870 Dr. Johnson was married, secondly, to Miss Henrietta Benton. They were the parents of two children: James B. Johnson and Miss Georgia Johnson.

By 1876 Dr. Johnson had established his medical practice in Bowling Green where he remained until his retirement in 1882. Dr. Johnson died February 28, 1932 and was interred in Barren River Church Cemetery. • THE LOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX, IsaUE 3, PG. 11


Dr. Richard Curd Thomas, the son of Judge H. K. and Elvira Morehead Thomas, was born in 1838. He grew up at Hampton's Landing, attended local schools there, and was tutored by Professor Joseph Pillsbury. He attended Bethel College in Russellville until his junior year when he left to read medicine with Drs. Wright and Coombs. He attended Nashville Medical College for one year and then went to Jefferson School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1861 .

During the War between the States Dr. Thomas served with the South. He was assistant surgeon of a hospital in Nashville where he served with two renowned physicians: Dr. Paul F. Eye and Dr. O. W. Yandell. The greater part of the war he spent in hospital service in Atlanta at the Gate City Hospital and Roy Hospital where he succeeded Dr. Eye as chief surgeon. He was a member of the 2nd Orphans Brigade. In 1865 he returned to Warren County to resume his practice of medicine and surgery.

On January 17, 1866 Dr. Thomas and Miss Elizabeth Wright, daughter of Dr. Thomas Briggs Wright and Andromache Loving Wright (page 7), were married. They had three sons: Reverend Frank Morehead Thomas, 0.0" book editor of the Methodist Church South Publishing Company in Nashville, Thomas Thomas, lawyer and county judge and Richard C. P. Thomas, Federal District Judge for the Canal Zone, Ancon, Panama.

In 1878 when the Kentucky Legislature first formed a State Board of Health Dr. Thomas was appointed by Governor James B. McCreary to serve on that board, which he did until his death. In 1878-1879 he had charge of the yellow fever epidemic in Bowling Green.

In 1879 at the age of forty-one, Dr. Thomas passed away. He was interred in the Thomas plot in Fairview Cemetery.

SPIRIT OF TIlE TIMES Bowling Green, Kentucky January 20, 1827

Dr. W. B. Hendricks, Bo....ting Green continuo the practice ofMcdicine, Surgery. etc. in Bowling Green and the adjacent country. He boards at Washington Hall : his shop a few doon below Major J. W. Powdl's store, at one of which placo he • may be constantly found, o.cept when absent on Professional business.

N. B. All pern>ns who are indebted to him fo; their last years accounts are requested to call and settle them bv note or pavment. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 12


Dr. James Edwin Tucker was born October 11 , 1839 in Warren County, Kentucky. Of Scotch orgin. his father. J. M. Tucker. came to Kentucky from Virginia in 1827. He was a farmer and tanner. Dr. Tucker's mother. Elizabeth Shobe, was of German descent and a native of .

At the age of nineteen Dr. Tucker entered Union University at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He started his training for the medical profession at Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati. and later transferred to Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1864. After practicing medicine for two years in Louisville, Dr. Tucker returned to his hometown of Oakland in Warren County where he built up a large and profitable practice.

In 1864 Dr. Tucker married Miss Sallie D. Moore, daughter of John Moore of Columbus, . They were the parents of two children: Ettie "Betty" Lois Tucker who married Scott Claypool, and James Harvey Tucker.

Dr. and Mrs. Tucker are both buried in the family plot in the Smiths Grove Cemetery.


Prior to the Revolutionary War three brothers, David, George, and John Claypool came to America from Scotland. One of their descendants, Stephen Claypool, a great Indian fighter, came from Virginia to Kentucky during the pioneer days of the state. He was a colonel in the state militia for many years and represented Warren County in the Kentucky General Assembly in 1849-50. Stephen's son, Elijah Claypool, married Jane Burnett in 1840. To this union was born Dr. W. M. Claypool.

After teaching school for a number of years, Dr. Claypool began his study of medicine in 1859 under the direction of Dr. B. P. Claypool of Warren County. After the War between the States began Dr. Claypool enlisted in the Federal Army, Company A of the Thirty·third Kentucky Infantry. After his discharge in 1864 he was engaged in the planing-mill business for three years. During 1873-74 he attended medical lectures at Bellevue Hospital in New York and completed his medical studies at the University of Nashville in 1875. He then established his medical practice in Bowting Green.

In 1864 Dr. Claypool married Hettie Barclay, daughter of Samuel Barclay. The Claypools lived in the Barclay homestead on Adams Street between Main and Tenth Streets. They had six children: Samuel B., Elijah, William D., Bettie V" Sarrah P. and Woodford P. Dr. and Mrs. Claypool are both buried in Fairview Cemetery. • THE LONGHUNTER, I/OL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 13


In Bowling Green the name Helm is connected with both the hotel business and medicine. Dr. Thomas O. Helm was connected with both. Bom May 5, 1859 in Little Muddy section of Butler County, he was the son of John B. and Nancy Carson Helm. He attended Little Muddy Academy, Auburn Seminary, and Lincoln University, Lincoln, . In 1885 he enrolled at the University of Louisville Medical School. He practiced medicine in Auburn, Kentucky for about twenty-five years.

On December 4, 1888 Dr. Helm married Miss Eleanor "Nellie" Blakey, the daughter of G. H. and Mary Becker Blakey. They had four children: Margie, Blakey, Thomas Jr., and Herold Helm.

In 1910 Dr. Helm moved his family to Bowting Green. For twenty-nine years they resided in a residence at 522 Main Street which he purchased from Dr. H. P. Cartwright.

In 1905 Drs. J. N. and A. T. McCormack established St. Joseph's Hospital on 12th street. Ten years later when they moved to Louisville, Dr. Helm took over the operation of the hospital. Also, in 1905 Dr. Helm purchased the old Morehead House on the comer of Main and State Streets from Carl 0 , Herdman. This Bowting Green landmark had been founded by Charles D. Morehead in 1847 and was operated for a number of years by Mrs. Sarah Armirage and Mrs. Camilla Herdman. Soon after his purchase there was an oil boom in the area. Dr. Helm had the old building razed and built another, The Helm Hotel, which opened on Labor Day, 1924. After Dr. Helm's death the hotel was operated by his son, Thomas Helm, Jr., and later leased to C. W. Lampkin.

Dr. Helm passed away December 17, 1937. He is buried in Fairview Cemetery by the side of his wife who had died October 9, . 1920.


Born August 8, 1862 in Meade County about ten miles west of Fort Knox, Cinderella Susan Dowell was the youngest of the 12 children born to William and Nancy Dowell. At the age of 14 she came to Bowling Green to attend Southern Normal School. After teaching school for twenty-five years in Meade, Breckinridge and Warren Counties she went to Louisville to study medicine. She returned to Bowling Green as a homeopath doctor, a profession which she practiced for 46 years.

According to an article written about "Rella" on her 86th birthday she was still practicing , driving her own car, using glasses only when reading, and making trips to Florida and Arkansas to treat patients. She loved to work and was especially good at carpentry. She • had roofed a house, built a back porch, and made all the cabinets for her kitchen. Although, she had nc>children of her own, Dr. Dowell delivered hundreds of babies. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 14


Born near Richardsville on June 8, 1862, Or. E. A. Cherry was the son of Adam and Catherine Miller Cherry. After graduating from the Louisville School of Medicine February 28, 1890 and doing post graduate work at the University of New York, Dr. Cherry returned to Richardsville to begin his professional practice. On April 13, 1890 he married Miss Laura Phelps, daughter of James (Jim) and Mary (Polly) Phelps of Morgantown. Three children were born to this union: Eunice, Hugh B. and Preston Cherry. In 1904 Dr.Cherry moved his family to Bowting Green. He passed away May 1, 1931 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery. .


Dr. Morton McTyeire Moss was born February 1, 1867 near Rockfield, Kentucky to David John and Martha McDavitt Moss. He received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Vanderbilt School of Medicine in 1894. On October 17th of that same year he and Miss Maybelle Andrew were married at the home of her parents, Joseph Baker and Minerva Jane Malone Andrew, near Woodburn in Warren County.

Dr. Moss practiced in the Rockfield-Galloway vicinity and later in Woodburn. A son, Joe David Moss, was born in 1895 and a daughter, Irene Malone, in 1902. The family then moved to Franklin where Dr. Moss was associated in the practice of medicine with Or. W. A. Guthrie. He is remembered in Simpson County as being the first there to own and operate an automobile - a topless, doorless, red Maxwell.

In 1912, after completing a post graduate course in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at New York Polytechnic Hospital, Dr. Moss moved to Bowling Green to form a partnership with Dr. E. Rau. While in New York (April 14, 1912) the steamship Titantic sank. Dr. Moss, along with all other doctors in the area, was commandeered to take care of the hundreds of survivors who were brought to shore in small boats.

After returning to Bowling Green, Dr. Moss succeeded Or. Helm in the operation of the St. Joseph's Hospital on Twelfth Street. From 1917 until 1920 he served in the United States Army.

Dr. Moss passed away September 3.1939 and was buried in Fairview Cemetery. HIS wife passed away September 9.1947 and was interred beside her husband in FairvIew Cemetery. Bowling Green, KentuckY.



Three Kentuckians from the Warren County area are remembered for their contributions in the area of public health - Dr. Joseph N. McCormack. his son Dr. Arthur T. McCormack, and Dr. Lillian Herald South.

Dr. Joseph N. McCormack was born on November 9,1847 in Nelson County, Kentucky. His parents were Thomas and Elizabeth Brown McCormack. In 1871 he married Corrine Crenshaw of Glasgow, Kentucky. They were the parents of·one son, Dr. Arthur T. McCormack.

Or. McCormack is credited with dOing more than any other person in combating quackery and in creating better sanitary conditions in Kentucky. The Kentucky Board of Health was established in 1878. Or. McCormack was appointed to the Board in 1879. He served as its secretary from 1883 to 1912. He was instrumental in securing the passage of much of Kentucky's public health legislation. He is also credited with perfecting the Kentucky Sanitary Privy, a "1Iy-proof, self-cleaning· privy connected to a concrete septic tank which was widely accepted in the United States and abroad.

As Chief Sanitary Engineer of the Bureau of Sanitation, Or. McCormack was in charge of the water supply and sewage disposals of the state. Each year thousands of water samples were sent to his laboratOfY located behind the St. Joseph's Hospital on Twelfth Street. In this same building was the Bureau of Bacteriology supervised by Dr. Lillian South.

The State Board of Health while located in Bowling Green employed fifty-two people. The of'/ices were located at the Western Kentucky State Normal School as it was felt that teachers who were being trained would more readily understand the need for better health conditions and would carry that information back to their home communities.

Or. McCormack passed away May 4, 1922 in Louisville, Kentucky. His body was cremated and buried in Bowling Green.

Dr. Arthur T. McCormack, son of Dr. Joseph N. and Corinne Crenshaw McCormack was born August 21, 1872 at Howard's Mill, Nelson County, Kentucky. Shortly after his birth the fam ily moved to Bowling Green. After completing medical school Or. Arthur McCormack followed in his father's footsteps in the fleld of public health. He was Warren County's first public health of'/icer, 1897-1900, and was assistant state health of'/icer under his father. When his father retired, 1912, he became Secretary of the State Board of Health. • Arthur McCormack was married twice. First to Miss Mary Moore Tyler of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. They had two sons and a daughter, who died young , and a daughter, Mary T. THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIlt,ISSUE 3, PG. 18

McCormack, who married a Mr.Wilbur of Warrenton, Virginia. Dr. McCormack was married a second time to Mrs. Jane Teare Dahlman of Berlin, New Hampshire.

Dr. Arthur McCormack enlisted in the Army Medical Corps in 1917. He was sent to Panama during the construction of the Panama Canal. While there, he completed the construction of the Ancon Hospital. Because of his recognition in the field of public health, Dr. McCormack received numerous honorary degrees and was a member of many medical organizations. He died in Louisville, Kentucky on August 7,1943. Like his father, he was cremated and his ashes buried in Bowling Green's Fairview Cemetery.

Connected with public health work longer than any other person in Kentucky, Dr. Lillian South was the first State Bacteriologist in the country and the first person in Kentucky to receive a Master's degree in Public Health. The daughter of Dr, J, F, South and Martha Belle Moore South, she was born near Bowling Green on January 31, 1879.

South earned degrees from Potter College in Bowling Green, General Hospital School of Nursing in Patterson, New Jersey, Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia and studied at Johns Hopkins Institute, Mayo Clinic, Pasteur Laboratory in Paris, France, and Madam Curie's Radium Institute. When she returned to Bowling Green she formed a professional partnership with Drs, J. N. and A. T. McCormack. In 1910 she entered the public health service and was appointed director of the Bureau of Bacteriology and Epidemology of the Kentucky State Board of Health.

Dr. South was connected with many firsts. She is credited with the establishment of the first State Department of Health School of Laboratory Technicians in the nation. She was the first state bacteriologist in the country and was the first person in Kentucky to receive a master's degree in public health. In 1912 she conducted the first hookworm campaign in Kentucky, and during the 1937 flood, her laboratory supplied the entire state with typhoid vaccine. She fOlight twenty-five epidemics of small pox and a large epidemic of scarlet fever in Berea.

Dr. South contributed a great deal, not only to Kentucky, but to the scientific world through her work in bacteriology. She was a member of numerous medical organizations . and in 1963 was elected a member of the Royal Society of Health founded in England in 1876.

Dr. South was married to Judge H. H. Tye of Williamsburg, Kentucky. He passed away in 1948. Dr. South died in 1966 at the age of eighty-seven. She was buried in Williamsburg.

Transylvania College, 1780, was the first college chartered west of the Alleghenies. -, I I THE LONGHUNTER, VOLXIl(, ISSUE 3, PO. 17


In collecting information for the articles on "Kentucky Medicine", "Public Health", and the biographical sketches the follOwing sources were used:

Files labeled "Physicians" and "Medicine" from the Vertical Files in the Kentucky Library, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Kebler, John E., Editor in Chief. The Kentucky Encyclopedia. Lexington, KY: The University of Kentucky Press, 1992.

Toomey, Lawrence 0 ., M.D. and Irene Moss Sumpter. Medical Doctors of Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky 1796· 1985. N. Manchester, Indiana: Heckman Bindery Inc., 1985.

THE STOVALL FAMILY ASSOCIATION, INC. Triennial National Reunion Louisville, Kentucky August 16, 17 and 18,1996

This organization publishes a quarterly magazine, The Stovall Journal. It is currently consolidating the data from previously published Stovall genealogies into a new series, commencing with three generations in England and coming down to current generations . of children and grandchildren.

For information about the Stovalls, the Stovall reunion , the quarterly magazine, or the new genealogy series, write Lyle K. Williams, Editor, 5000 Rock River Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76103-1226. Phone 817·457·5383 .



Need information on David Manco (earlier speUed Mansco), bom 1811 in Virginia and his wife Sara (?) born 1816 in Virginia. They were the parents of Andrew Manco. They were in the 1860 Census of Warren County. Andrew married Sara Wilson and stayed in Warren County at Green Castle. The 1860 census is the only information I've found on David Manco. Contact: Virginia Vincent, 2366 Roger Cole Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101.

Need information on Kaspar Mansco (Manco) from around 1770. He was a German pioneer known in the forest in the Ohio vaUey. I would like information on any of his family. Contact: Virginia Vincent, 2366 Roger Cole Rd. , Bowling Green, KY 42101.

Need information on David Harris, bom around 1786 in N.C. or Virginia. Shows up in 1813 in part of Warren County, KY which became AUen County in 1815. He lived there until his death in 1853. Married Susan Neale in 1837. Lived at Middle Fork. His father was Moses Harris who died around 1832 in AUen County. Contact J. D. Harris, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 314, Boyd, TX 76023.

Information or questions on the foUowing queries should be directed to: Don Burris, 8550 E. Speedway, #151, Tucson, Arizona 857101, 520 - 298 - 5615.

Need the parents and siblings of David L. Burris - 1835 and William A. Burris, 1836 of Warren Co., KY. May have been bom in Warren or AUen Co., KY. Also interested in any Burris information of Warren and surrounding counties. WiU share aU information.

In search of the parents and siblings of Jonathan Neighbors bom 1798 - VA, died ca: 1853 - Warren Co., KY. Spouse: Elizabeth Sublett, bom 1804 - VA. Married - 1821 , Riverside, Warren, KY . Have extensive information on the earlier Elizabeth Sublett family.

Looking for the parents and siblings of James Skaggs, Sr. - died in Warren Co., KY ca : 1813. Sons Daniel, James Jr., and Joseph, other children unknown. Also maiden name of his wife Susanah. He is believed to be from Tennessee. Any Skaggs information from Warren County is welcome. Lots to share!

Searching for the parents of Abram Flora (1792 VA, ca: 1835/1840) of Warren Co., KY . Spouse· Elizabeth Miller (1784 VA, ca : 1860) Warren Co. , KY. Also interested in any of his siblings or of any Flora families in Warren Co., KY.

Seeking information on Rebecca Vernon, Bom ca: 1834 VA. Married Nelson A. Burnett ca: 1855 probably in Knox Co., TN. Lived in Warren Co., KY ca : 1868 · 1885. .. Any information is appreciated. THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 18

The contact person for the next four queries is: Ann P. Tyree, 1823 Woodhue Dr., Burlington, NC 27215, 910 - 513 - 0130,

I am seeking information on John Turner Porter who married Margaret Williams 8-18-1863, surety Pearson Williams. They had two sons, William Henry and Wesley. Margaret- John, Tom, and Sidney. They were married in Warren Co., KY.

Am seeking information on George and Fannie Hendricks Stagner. They had a daughter Frances (Fannie) who was bom in 1803 in KY. She married Daniel Huffines Oct., 1829 in Simpson Co., KY and is buried in BlackJack Cemetery in Simpson Co., KY. They had 16 children.

Am seeking information on Ralph and Eve (Eva) Freas (Fresh) Lowe. 80th born and married in Maryland. Eve (Eva) was the daughter of Francis Freas (Fresh). Who were Ralph's parents and where are they buried? Ralph died July 31, 1841 . They had six children: William, David, Frances, Flora Hughes, Mary Eidson and Gemima Elliott.

Am seeking the parents of Elizabeth (Betsy) Thurman (Thurmond). Elizabeth was born Feb. 5,1818. She married David Lowe. They had 10 children. She died June 25, 1907 and is buried in the Friendship Cemetery, Logan Co., KY.

Searching for Philip Hack and the Herrall ( HerrelVHaroldlHarral) family living in Warren Co., KY by 1810. Contact Phyllis McMichea/, RR1 Box 229HC, Seminole, OK 47868.

Contact person for the next three queries is: LauritlJ W Sledge, 835 Sledge Rd., Alvaton, KY 42122.

Need information on the parents of Angus McDonald who died in Warren Co. in late 1818 or early 1819. Wife Elizabeth was appointed guardian to seven youngest children, Fanny, William, Charles, Sarah, John, Henry, and Polly. Older son, Allen,asked that Reuben B, Stockton be made his guardian. Who were Elizabeth;s parents? Did she remarry?

Need information on the parents of John Derryberry, in Warren Co. 1810, in Simpson Co. 1820 and 1830. Descendants spelled the name DeBerry. John Dereberry married Mary Ann Lowe 15 Dee. 1800 in Warren Co. Daughter Elizabeth married John McDonald in 1830. (This date from Railey Bible)

Need information on parents of William Johns. William married Polly Spencer in Campbell Co .. VA in 1803 was in Warren Co. in 1830 and 1840. Died??

Seeking infonnation and descendants of John A1eunder b 1741 and d 1830 ofCwnberiand Co .. • KY. Robert Allen, Jr. d 1789 in V A. Thomas Nunn, Sr. b 1775 and d 1834 in Cwnberla.nd Co., KY. Contact MiltonJ. Alexander, 215 Cary Dr., Auburn, AL 36830. phone 334-82/·9.' 11 3 [email protected]. ------


Jesse Fore died July 1872. War 1812, b ca: 1785 SC, Married 1815, NC. Nancy (Davis?), married second Union Co ., GA Sarah King Garrett Nicks. She died 1885. Reuben Bolles married 1829 Susannah Lowery. Pleasant Bowles signed marriage bond. Susannah dau of William and Sarah Lowery, to KY by 1810, probably married NC. Children Wm. T. m Hamilton Davis; Robert m Hunton, Betsy m Patterson, Thoms m Breedlove, Susannah m Bolles, Sarah m Henry D. Smith, Winny m Woods. Some died Laclede Co. , MO. William Sr. d 1816, Warren Co. his wife Sarah was stililiving there 1830. No record deaths of Wm. T., Robert, Betsy Patterson. Contact: Ellen Byrne, Rt. 1, Box 59-1A, Juliaetta, 108353!>9608.

Need information on Reed - Raifsnider - Throop. Joseph C. Reed, married Jose A. (Josephine) Throop at Anderson, filed in Grimes County, Texas on 20-11-1881 . They had twin daughters, Emma and Bessie. Emma is my grandmother, Joseph is great­ grandtather. They lived in Grand Prairie, Texas-Dallas County at the time of Joseph's death. Emma married Robert Bradford Harston, Bessie married Joseph Stovall. Francis Marion Raifsnider b 3/30/36 in Hood County, Texas married my daughter Donna Carol Morrow 1-25-64 (Bobbie Morrow - mother of Oonna) . Francis' (Frank) father was Rush Raifsnider, mother was Mary Jane Martin. Need information on Albert Raifsnider and Allie Mae Pribble. Contact: UI/ian Harston Neumann, 3201 Sondra Dr. #419, Ft. Wortfl, TX 76107.

CORRECTION: In Volume XIX, Issue 2, page 21 the address for the query sent in by Mrs. Carla J. Kettell should read: 2411 Brown Street, Durham, CA 95938 (not 9593) .


Are you sometimes confused as to the cause of death of your ancestors? The following may be of some help.


Ague Malaria, fever, chills Blood Poisoning Scepticemia Bloody flux Dysentery/diarrhea Brain .fever EncephalitislMeningitis Childbed fever Puerperal fever Cholera infantum Diarrhea Consumption Tuberculosis • Creeping paralysis Syphilis THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PO. 21

WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED BOOKS, (Cont'd) Typescript at Kentucky Library WKU, Bowling Green, KY ***************************************************************************** Pg. 280 Wand, Thos. and wife. Rachel, to Edward C. McEwen. Consideration S550. 131 A. on Big Barren River, beginning at Stephenson's military survey of lOOO acres. Dated 12 Feb. 1816.

Pg. 282 Patterson, Wm. and Dovel', his wife of Scott Co., KY to John S. patterson of Fayette Co., KY. 400 a. on Big. Beaver Dam Creek. Dated 29 Mar. 1816.

Pg. 285 Harrison, John M. of Humphrey Co., TN to Meredith Catchings of Logan Co., KY. Consideration S150. 100 acres on Gasper River beginning at John Riley's line. Wits: Vel S. Harrison, and Bernard O'Neal. Dated 18 Apr. 1816.

Pg. 289 Harrison, John M. of Humphreys Co., TN to Meredith Catchings of Logan Co., KY. Consideration $150. 100 A. on Gasper River. to Adam Remors line. Dated 15 Apr. 1816.

Pg. 293 McDowell, John and Sarah, his wife, to Joseph Moore. Consideration $100. 60 A. beg. Andrew McWilliam's line to John Mulanthy's 200 A. survey to Abner Robin­ sons. Wits: Benj. Burns, David D. Robertson, and William Skiles. Dated 3 Jan. 1815.

Pg. 295 Dyer, Elisha ' to Manoah Dyer. livestock and tools for which sd. Manoah Dyer is to support sd. Elisha Dyer if need requires. Test: J. H. Smith. Dated 11 Mar. 1816.

Pg. 296 Renick, Wm. to Jas. Hardcastle. Consideration $600. 150 acres being part o f survey granted Abraham Chapline and conveyed to Levi Compton, from Comp­ ton to sd. Renick, on N. side of Big Barren River. Wits: Shadrick Hardcastle, Nehemiah Willoughby, and John Beakham. Dated 13 Apr. 1816.

Pg. 299 Howard, Henry, John Howard, Godfrey Smith, Chas. Howard, John Barnet. J0 hn A. Todd, and Joseph Howard legates of Chas. Howard, dec'd, and Geo. Ho"""rd of Butler Co., OH to Mordecai Conner. Consideration Sl00. 25 acres on Sin k In g Cr., being part of tract entered by Matthias Wal)<.er and pat. by Thos Pol u, r. Wits: Daniel Doughty, and Lewis ·Potter. Dated 26 Aug. 1815

Pg. 302 BrattOn, Wm. to Nicholas Quisenberry. Consideration S24. 6 acres on N. 61d .. ,r • Big Barren River, beginning at Henry Ewing's line. Dated 7 Oct. 1815 .

( Submitt~ by Leroy Collier, 1644 SmallhGuse Rd .. Bowling Green. KY 42104) THE LONG HUNTER, II'OL XIX, ISSUE :s. PO. 22

WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED BOOKS, (Cont'd) Typescript at Kentucky Library WKU, Bowling Green, KY ***************************************************************************** Pg. 305 Wickware, AJ p heus to Anthony Griffen. Consideration $24. 6 acres on Big Dirfi c ult, being part of headright where Johnson Ellis, Esq. now lives patented by sd. Wickware, adj. sd Griffen. Wits: Jas. Edmonds, John Ray, and Wm. Whealy. Dated 20 Sept. 1814.

Pg. 308 Rawlins, Jas. to Joseph Richardson. Consideration $85. 200 a' on Dry Sinking Cr. Wits: Jas. Thomas, Byrd D. Hendrick, R. Rawlins. Dated 2 Oct. 1815.

Pg. 310 Wilson, Wm. to Hines Farrents. Consideration $120. 65 A. beg. where sd Wilson lives. Wits: Thomas A. Covington and F. W. Covington. Dated 6 May 1816.

Pg. 312 Wlison, Wm. to Geo. Mercer. Consideration $100. 40 A. beg. at sd. Wilson's 200 A. aurvey. Dated 6 May 1816.

Pg. 314 McDowell, Samuel J. and wife, Ann I. to John Maxey. Consideration $1000. 6 a. adj. town of Bowling Green, KY beginning at Benj. C. Johnsons. Dated 8 May 1816.

Pg. 317 Briggs, Robert and Benj. Hampton to Samuel J. McDowell. Consideration $300. 50 ft. of Lot. No. 68 in Bowling Green, KY, Dated 29 Aug. 1815.

Pg. 319 Frazer, Jas. and Thos. Frazer of Livingston Co., KY to Joseph Covington. Consideration $100. 86 A. beg at 100 A. survey originally Moses Riley's to 200A. survey whereon Thos. Proctor now lives. Wits: J. W. Covington, Nathan Thomas and Geo. Frazer. Dated 5 Apr. 1816.

, Pg. 321 Lewis, Wm. and wife, Jane, to Elijah M. Covington. Consideration $1 350. 250 acres beginning at 200 acre survey of sd. Covington, assignee of Jas. Mahan; also 200 acre survey of sd. Covington as assignee of Elizabeth Covington. Another t rac t of 50 acres on E. side of Drakes Cr., be ginning at Thos. Reyn­ olds 100 A. s urve y. Dated 18 May 1816.

Pg. 334 Covington, Elijah M. and wife, Harriet W., to Wm. Lewis. Consideration $1 250. Two tracts, 250 A. beg. at Roaring Springs, with Wm. Berrymans line. The other beg. on line formerly claimed by Jas. Brown. Dated 18 May 1816.

Pg. 337 Stringfield, Jas. and Nancy, his wife of Barren Co., KY to Benj. Bo ydstDn. Consideration $150. 100 acres on N. side of Big Barren River to Ab raham Reed's corner" with Wm . Stringfield's line. Wits: Eli Saterlield, and J o hn HA le. THE LOHGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 23

WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED BOOKS, (Cont'd) Typescript at Kentucky Library WKU, Bowling Green, ICY ****'****'**'************'**'**************************'****'**********************'* Dated 1 Feb. 1816

Pg. 341 Mitchell, Wm. and Hannah, his wife to John Patrick. Consideration $45. 11 A. on Ray's Branch. Dated 24 Jan. 1814.

Pg. 343 Patrick, John, SR and Sally, his wife, to Wm. Mitchell. 5 A. on Ray's Branch. Dated 24 Jan. 1814.

Pg. 345 Dixon, John SR to Byrd D. Hendrick. 200 A. being 1/2 mile E. of Lawrence Smith' s Grove. Dated 22 May. 1816.

Pg. 346 McNeel, John and Betsy, his wife to John Harris. Consideration $416. 200 A. o n Drakes Cr. beg. Zachariah Morris' corner. Dated 23 May 1816.

Pg. 350 Gorin, Henry of Christian Co., KY to Richard Gladish. Consideration 50 cents per acre. 202 a. beginning on S. side of road from Bowling green to Russell­ ville in Joseph McHenry's line near Jas. Gladish's dwelling, it being the 202 a. land surveyed for Samuel Goode, assignee of Henry Bailey, including 2 a, out of survey whereon Isham Davis now lives. Wits. John Nash, Jesse Perkins, Thos. Turner. Dated 11 May 1816.

Pg. 353 Banks, Henry of VA to Thos. Bowles and Jas, C. Barnett. Thos. Bryan is attor­ ney for sd Banks. Consideration $150. 400&.. on Salt Lick Cr. beg. at Cheadle Burch's in original survey of Alexander Skinner's 1200 a. surve.y. Wit.: Alex H. Renick. Ack 13 May 1816 by Thos. Bryan, att for Henry Banks in Franklin Co., KY. Dated 13 May 1816.

Pg. 357 Catchings. Meredith of Logan Co. , ICY to Chas. Bunch. Consideration $525. 2 19 acres. Wits: John Ray, Jeremiah Hinton, and Denton S. Porter. Dated 10 June lR14.

Pg. 359 Ke y, Elizabeth. Adnr, and Simon Key of Gibson Co., Indiana Territory, Ad mr o f the e state of Wm. Hodge , deed. Consideration fo.r sum of $400 paid by WID . Hodge in his lifetime to John Key. 156 acres in Warren County on Bays Fork joining John Brown's and Mark Garrison's lines. Also another tract adj. to th .. other containing 112 acres. Wits: John Ray, Jeremiah Hinton, and De nton s. , Porter. Dated 10 June 1814. Pg. 363 Dixon, John to Solomon P. Sharp. Consfderation $1500. 600 ac res in t nr~~ tracts, o ne o n Barre n Ri ver. Dated 29 May 1816. THE LONGHUNTER. VOL. XIX, ISSUE 3. PG. U 1

WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED BOOKS, (Cont'd) Typescript at Kentucky Library WKU, Bowling Green, XY


Pg. 367 Donham, DenniB to Joseph Skaggs. Consideration $1000. 138 acres near Thos. Williams on Drakes Creek running to John Donham's line. Wits: Richard Neal and Wm. P. Neal. Dated 3 June 1816.

Pg. 370 Mitchell, Asa T. to Solomom P. Sharp. Consideration $1200. By decree of Warren Circuit Ct. in 1816, Lot No. , 29 in Bowling Green, KY conveyed from the heirs of Chas. Mitchell, decd, to said Mitchell, except part of sd. Lot No. 29 that was conveyed by Samuel B, Coker to Alexander Graham, and all of Lot. No. 37, Dated 3 June 1816.

Pg. 373 Mitchell, Henry, Betsy, Ass, John, Asher, Albert, and Mary Ann, infant heirs of Charles Mitchell, deed, to Asa T. Mitchell. Consideration $5. Lot No. 37 in Bowling Green, KY. Samuel J. McDowell and John Keel, CommiBsioners make deed. Dated 3 June 1816,

Pg. 375 Johnson, Francis and Jonathan Hobson, CommiBsioners appointed by deeree of Warren Circuit Court, to Gee. M. Bibb. Whereas sd. Geo. M. Bibb recovered of the heirs of John Hendricks, deed, land beg. Jas. Bell's survey, containing 225 acres on Drakes Creek, sd commll!aioners make deed. A suit on Court of Appeals Jas. Bell vs John Hendricks mentions ad land being adjudicated to Hendricks. Dated " June. 1816.

Pg. 378 Crump, Havilah of Barren Co., ICY to Thos. Middleton. Consideration $400. Land beginning at Jacob Smith'. Corner to Samuel McFadin'. Corner, to John McNeal's line. Dated 6 June 1816.

Pg. 380 Puckett, Ephraim to John Breathett and Wm. Shackelford. Consideration $800. 200 acres granted to William Gatewood, assignee of E. Puckett, assignee of Joab Watson, who was the assignee of Abraham Creek. Test: Benj. Buster and J oel Franklin. Dated 24 Apr. 1816.

Pg. 382 Donaldson, Lewis G. to Samuel J. McDowell. Consideration $800. Part of Lot. No 24 in Bowling Green, KY. Dated 7 June 1816.

Pg. 385 Puckett, Ephraim to Martin McM.han. Consideration $800. 200 acres entered by Wm. Gardner on Sinking Creek, adjacent to lands of Moses Mitchell and land known as Thos. Crawford's. Dated 22 Oct. 1816. •

Pg. 387 Hines, Jas. appeared before John Hines, Justice of Peace for Warren Co. . K Y and made oath that his r e moval to the S t.. , le of KY was wit.h altentio~ ' ., THE LOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX. ISSUE 3, PO. 25

WARREN COUNTY KENTUCKY DEED BOOKS, (Cont'd) Typescript at Kentucky Library WKU, Bowling Green, KY


become a c itizen t he reof and that he has brought with him no slaves a nd will bring none with the intent of selling them. Dated 4 Jan. 1817.

Pg. 388 Puckett, Ephraim to Wm. Shackelford. Consideration SlO00. 200 acres entered by Wm. Gardner on Sinking Creek, known as Gardner Place. Wits: Jas. Frank- lin, Martin M. Mahon, and Wm. Stovall. Dated 13 Dec. 1816.

Pg. 390 Campbell, Samuel to John Hendrick. Consideration $400. 200 acres on N. side of Big Barren river. Dated 13 July 1816.

Pg. 392 McNeel, John and Thos. Middleton. Articles of Agreement. Said McNeel has this day sold to sd. Middleton the farm on which McNeel now lives and to assign a bond jointly given by John Dixon, Sr. and Mary Dixon for S2800, to be paid as follows: Sd. Middleton is to pay debt sd. McNeel owes Asa T. Mitchell, admr. of the est. of Chas. Mitchell, decd, and the debt of Alexander Braham, and debt of Leander J. Sharp, and execution tha Robert Moore has against sd. McNeel. Sd. Middleton to pay sd. McNeel $600. Sd. Middleton to pay John Dixon any money McNeel owes him. Sd. McNeel has in part of consideration of the S2800, given 23 acres land adjacent to farm where Robt. W. Lucas now lives. Wits: Berry Haley and Robert W. Lucas. On 31 Mar. 1817 receipt for $2200 first payment of Land Th08. Middleton bought of me. John McNeel paid by Thos. Middleton. Dated 11 Nov. 1816.

Pg. 396 Meriwether, Valentine to Samuel Barclay. Consideration S500. 258 Ac res of Forks of Barren Rover and Drakes Creek to cover Alexander Parker heir's survey. Dated 20 Dec. 1816.

DEED BOOK 8 -1813-1819

Pg. I Armstrong, Robert and wife, Elizabeth to David Cullip. Consideration S700. Land beginning near Wm. Forkner's corner on Beaver Dam Creek to Anderson Car­ son's 200 acre survey including improvements thereon where Wm. Phelps, S r. lived. Dated 10 June 1816.

Pg. 1 Armstrong, Joshua to Frede rick Fort. Consideration S1000. 200 acres on Bea ver Dam Creek. Dated 10 June 1816.

Pg. 2 Stone, Daniel and wife Eliza to Thomas Middleton. Consideration $100. 86 acr e s • land north of Big Barren River beginning at Old Trace leading to Mc Fadin's Ferry on line of Dixon Brown's survey. Dated 17 June 1816. (Submittea by Leroy Collier, 1644 Smallhouse Rd., Bowting Green, KY 42104) THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. :ze


4 Jv ' 9\16 Chart 1'(1) . 1

a C7 W _ - '705-- .. --.. ·-·-.. -.... - .. · --· IICIUI: Abt '8'5 PlACE : " NC _: --2'2 4Will i. Edword _-9------·------PlACE : 1ICItIf: 4 J., ' 843 DIED: PlACE : Otattlt'OOJl.)WI, 1tel' , TW PlACE: _ : '874 --4 PlACE: 9 MA -'706------DIED : 7 Jv ' 920 IICItIf : Abt ' 8'5 PlACE : Ddc:t.s.ef, P, CIe, MFrrcil t~ PlACE : . , VA 2 'ini. EdMon! _-6------·------DIED : 1ICItIf : 27 J., '899 PlACE : PlACE : PIIr i s. l .... , TX _: 216 q '92' - -5 '0 L1 HUNT -'7'7------· PlACE : AdI,Pontotoc:,CIC 1ICItIf: Abt ,1!33 PlACf: " TN DIED: 7 Fob '911' _: .. 594 PUa: W; llcox, COChiH,AZ 5 Nomina El i zoboth HUNT- " ------PlACE: IICItIf : 2 Det , ese DIED: PLACE : "IL PlACE : DIED: ZII Jon '930 PlACE : St~ll . P«ttotoc,ca: " ' -'733------, WH. Viol. _-,------1ICItIf: Abt ' 534 1ICItIf : '7 $ep '937 PlACI: •• TI PLACE: Popul.r,Tullr, CA DIED : _: 4 q 1956 --I PlACE : PlACE : lucaon, Pi _ , AZ DIED : '2 E..... i ... LOIJ£f 1101'D-79 .. -...... PlACE: IICItIf : 216 """ , ID9 Goor9I ~ MCl INNEl -2------PlACf: .J~. TM _: Abt '861 --23 6 Joooph 'ronkl in 1101'D-67------PlACE: ,Jockoan,TI 1ICItIf: 29 q '861 DIED: 21 Jon ' 9216 -- PlACE: CocUvHI.,Put.-, TI PlACE : _,Put_,TII _: 27 Det'S --'7 PlACE: _,Put_,TII ' 3 ....i . JAIED-84------· · ·-······ DIED : '6 q '934 1ICItIf: '8 Det ,1D9 PLACE : $t~l' ,Pontotoc ,ex PL.Aa: ,J-*.ia"I, TlI 3 Monty El.yr. 1101'D-7------DIED: 7 JUn '9' 5 aatN: 20 Jul 1902 PLACE : --, Put ...., Tlf PlAa: .... Put.... TlI oI ED : 29 III, ,9IID '4 Jotn Col_ ..TSOHIIl .. -...... - .... -.. PlACE : Oca.el_, CCch i 1e,Al. 1ICItIf: 2 Jv'838 Pl.Aa: J_t"",OWrtCl'\, TlI _: 6 SOp '8n "'8 7 M8ry El illbeth W.TSOI ·64········--_······ PlACE : , ~,T. IICItM : '0 Fob ' 874 DIED : 29 JUn ' 920 PLACE: Dry vellry,M,.., 1111 PlACE : 5i 1~rp:t i nt ,Oe«.a l b, TN N~ .nd eddress of subaitter: DIED : 6.1u1 ' 944 Wil _ MdC i ITII"'f PlACE : Stc:newl l ,Pcntotoc: ,ac ' 5 Money Alorir. MIL LER -70------4545 W_ D.... t. 1ICItIf: '5.1u1 ' 854 TI.£SCI'I, Az • &5746 PlACE : ,Wh it.,TN DIED: ZII.luI'8II1 """'-: 521H1!3 -34 73 PlACE : ,0oKllb,TM

(Submitted by M~ _ George and Wilma McKinney. 4545 W. Dakota. Tucson, f>Z. 85746) THE LOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE So PO. 71


Cllart no . 1

5 COlvin ~ NCXINNEy · I9-················ 1tItII: 15 _ la16 PI.Aa: ,~II,T1I _: 7 J., lQ · ·4 4 J.... ~ NCXllNET ·4······ ············· PlACE : ,Col.,'" 1tItII: 1849 DIED: M>t 1561/1J16l PlACI: ,T PM,JIIl PlACE: CMa, T",)I) _: ZS _ la15 ··3 PlACE: ,r.... ,JIIl 9 ...... GILIIJIf·2l)·· ········· ········· · ··· DIED: _ 11199 ICIIIJ: 151a PlAa: e.; tW'C8 • ...,.."" Ie) PlACE : ,COl.,M) 2 AI .. ~ NCXI*EY·7··········· · ··· · · ··· DIED: ICIIIJ : 16 _ 11199 PlACE : • ,III) Pt.Aa: e.i 1'W'I:e, Sh....-.cn, Me _: 1920 · ·2 10 o.,i.1 a:o:·52· · ...... P1..ACI : e.i I'W't::e , stt.nan, III ICIIIJ: 2 Jon 11131 0181: 1943 PlACI: " CII PlAa: T~,PI*,AZ _: 2 Jul 1860 · · 10 5 seron ( J a:o:·3···· · · ··················· PI.Aa: Merr lsan,Monry, ON 1tItII: 211 FtII 1561 DIED: 20 Jon 1917 PlACE : .r;aa"t, 1trI'y, (II DIED: 6 _ 1930 PlACE: fIIil'W"lCe,~.'" II Cl ..ri .... AI.ire PlATT·i!6-······ ······ ··· 1 Gearve WOyno NCXIMNEY· l·············· ···· ICIIIJ : M>t 1836 ICIIIJ : 22 Ftil 19311 PlAa: "CIt PlAa:: TUC8CI'1, P t "', AZ DIED: ..f 1900 _: 4 q 1956 ··1 PlACE: Tuc:.an,'I*,AZ DIED: 12 ....ry" Littleborry 1JtMS·35············· PUCE: ICIIIJ: Sep 1154 Wil. Viol. _·6····· ··· ··········· P\.ACI: ,~." Sp>..e _: M>t 1815 ··a 6 J __'" .....36-...... PI.Aa: ,Dent,III 1tItII: 11 IW 1171 DIED: a !lor 1901 PlACE : Moore, ,*"-,,MD IIi't.ACE : Il' ' " Creet, s:twra'\, III) _: · ·7 PI.Aa: 13 IIety (Polly) IOU.LlM· 39- · · · ············· DIED: 25 Dec 1963 ICIIIJ: OCt 1ass PlACE : TI.£:Ia"I,' UM , AZ PI.Aa: ~i_,!IIamcn , 1II 3 SI-Qei. ~ (Hel.,) 1UIIS·5·········· · ·· · DIED: ~ 1953 ...: 26 !lor 19a5 P\.ACI: DIIll,"iuia.ippi,M PI.Aa: ~I_,~III 0181: 15 !lor 1967 14 ~ _Inaton 1INDlLI'It·40·· ...... P1..ACI : Tu:SCI"t,Pt*,AZ ICIIIJ : ZS Jul 1ass PI.Aa: ~1.,I~ldiI,1II _: 14 !lor 1519 · -9 7 seron _. 1_.) 1INDlLI'It·37· · ········ PI.Aa: L__ Crook,l~ldil,1II JIIJtII: 1 J., 1_ DIED: 3 liar 1~ PUa: It.irs Cr ••Sh...,.., , 1C) PUCE : Il.irs Creet,ShaTO'l,fII) N... 8nd address of sua.itter: DIED : 27 Jon 1~9 1Ii1. Mdl:lnney PL.Aa : T~.PI.,AZ 15 Merri.t Slf!r. MOOMEY." ...... 4545 II. Doltot. ICIIIJ : 6 Dec 1561 T~, AI . 85746 PlACI: : A;d,l... ~I . OM DIED: 1 !lor 1~9 PUC!: : It. i NCr • • 5tta'T"al, fII)

(Submitted by Mrs. George and Wilma McKinney. 4545 W. Dakota. Tucson. I'Z. 85746) THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3• PG 21 • _PEAUON __ PEAUON b: )12"1120 io Aa- _. ~ 4: 612211901 io ~ T1'I b: lIl'III" .. W.... Co .. KY d; OJI'JI19J I .. a..rioo Co .. MO "-Y t.IoIOodo S£ARS b: 1IfllllllJ ill W.,. Co.. KY d; Illdll'J" W.,. Co .. KY .~ RDy PEARSON. 50. b: 011\4'1116 .. W_CO..MO d: 0"'01 1947 iD ChwCat c". ..\tO ~HL'J.T b: Ilmi llOJ .. KY _LaauHL'J.T cI; 111411 .... ioa..rioo c....y. MO b: 6/21IIUJ .. MO d; 0'1'l4I19'2" a..rioo Co .. MO EIiD J. HAYES b: 6IlI1117" KY 4: 1If16i1192 .101m B...j_ PEAUON. Sr. b: 71]111910 .. _'-Co..CO Bmj.IBoI E.\DdONS. k . (III) b: 1'10 ioa...1otc....y. MO s.;-e L.iaI.aa E.\DdONS IV cI: 01lJ111"' io Lab c....y. CO b: 11117111051 .. Ik a..too MO cI: JIl2II942 .kIia CHAUVIN b: 112' __ EIIoD EIoD.IONS cI: 11l2lIm"!L a..too MO b: 0611111"' io!L a...1otCo,MO d; 0911111974 .. Ik a...1ot Co...MO "Felix" J.F. MUDO .__ MIJDO b: 911411160 io Ik CM100 MO cI: All 1940


_\V_PEARSON b: 1941 .. S...... , _Co.. TX

""""""'"b: All I'" OOMIIEI!. ~00NIlD. b: JII7III2' io MInoiIIo_ cI: 10Il0I119I io w...... WI "'- ? b: All I'" _OOr.GIER b: 1174ioT_ WI .. r.._ cI: 011lJ11"' io MftMIIo_, WI JoIm SEAaING b: All 1106 io o.-y _SEAaING b: In2" _eo..ry, o.-y d; 411111910 .. W. _ WI JW..i ? .. b: All 1I11 .. a.-y .Wee Elido GOMBEIt b: 1/1ld 9tlmGiDllll.Or:IDoCo. •W1

F~MACK b: .. W...... o.m...y Au_F. MACK b: OJII2II"1 .. Q/y1bap Co .. oti cI: 1924 .. MiIw ..... WI ...... BAUMANN b: " a.v.;. _IV-"MACI( b: 11311112 io!L a...1ot MO , cI: 611 11949 .. '""' Mooaaio loG F . ~ MOOItMAN b: ...... ,.... MOOIt."'-'N , ),. ~ 'kow I-Uvm.AI1«I Co ..rN THE LONGHUNTER, VOL.. XIX, ISSUE 3, PO. 21

A •• ,.e.. e~ ~a,., . q'/ Co,."II... L. Car!y Bankhead ,. r .. No. I .. uu.. dtut W dill • .,.. \. Archer p'uon .. ~o . __011 efta" :io. __ • Ch rht l ~ ~A1fKRi­ AGClr ... p , 0. 30.1: , 38 ~ . 15 Se!) 1833 ~=-:. :::.;. : Cfry . Stal. Higb ee, '1065257 • _ Jonn '.arren BAHKliEAD ?n ' 10 Jun 1857 - Om' 20 Oct 1979 lb. , ' -,,-~ G . 14 /'I ov 191 1 25 Feb 1859 "I Mary Graves Oj AM!!ERS ~!n-rnr~ -- 1, ,0. Pike Co .• ,., ...... _. :har les rch i e BANKliEAD rill. 4 No v 1886 o. 10 Agr" 1840 =...... :.. I' , 19 Oc t 1916 • 2 Aor 1906 ;p .d Pi ke Co. I MO \I Charles PIJ R(,AHN I"p. b. Ii. 2B Aug 1841 ~ -'-' . .._ :loo• ..., ...... _ ID. ... ::100." __ ,IL._", S e,-l~m!!a--,-P rC!e~s~c~~..... ,:P;lU~~~_~AH!lf.~~_IrI . 9 Ju 1 18 65 ~ _ .. ,- - - • )00 ... ~ d. ~ . B Mar I RM .. - ~ tel Pa" l j np 'J!MER ...... ,.' .. 12 ,~ay 1870 b. Jun 1844 :.. p.b. Pi ke Co .• '10 5 ~~,,;,:;. ­ 2 ·. owe 11 ~ a r'!y BANKH EAD 19 J un 1956 •. 11 SeD 1916 ...... - .... 'I .. ,"1arion Co •• MO 14 O. 1909 ,.' I. Jacob Mason ~EESE p .b. ' ; ke ). . "I) b. 10 Jun 1819 ! .. _. - .t o ; m. 30 J, 1937 1 0 ~ ..l!L~ ~.9,"n,--"R E~E~S~E==.--__l " · 10 Jun 1842 .- - ~- ~ :. . 11 ~a . 19 79 - , ~ _ • • _ It id. 13 0ct 1872 :,.d1 Randolph Co •• MO t 17 Mar 1843 u l Suah .J an' SAAe ! AY

,I 'Iera Viv i an REESE I ~~ ' Warren Co. I KY D. 22 Feb 1823 :-::.-~~.. ";..!:~ '---=:..::.....:..:.="'-"'. _=~."'_="',-----1 23 J.n 1868 •. 4 M.r 1893 .. I Feb 1886 I'· 4 S.p 1887 11 Hance JOHNSON i ke Co . • Me I. .. Pi k. Co .• MO !:':.~.:;;.!;, ...£ 5 May 1924 "I Ma rEI i lab.tn, ___ JOHNSON III m . 13 Apr il 1844 p.d. R.lls Co .. Me d . after 1866? .. 4 Sep 1845 13 1 Cyntb;a Ann !ACK"" ___SON " ~ . •. ' . Pike Co .• IL 25 Aug 1934 ill. 19 Jun 182 4 ':---.. ...: ~ \ L_l1 C.... y BAHKliEAD .. •. 28 AU9 185!' , .d, Pike Co •• IfJ •. 14 Oct 1947 " W111f am Feli, GR EEN p.b. Marion Co •• J«) ... 1826 1'---1l. : m. 15 S.p 1968 i2_--,J,-,ame~l.s..!N!!...~t2!On;.,!1 r,~RE¥.!EN~-~FL 13 J. n 184B '-----. I ~ I '_~-'''' i.1 • ,.4 •. 23 Mar 1858 .. ~Marv LACKLAND j ' ' EEN p .b. l ew i s CO •• 14) 1___ 11 . .1 "_'-._u,,.;:....:c,Cl d G.=.:...,,==,.....------l.. 9 May 1886 b. c-. - - - - ·; .!. , 1 'Fob 1&17' - d . 26 Aug 1915 •.

. IfJ .. ~ ~ , .. Shelby Co .• El1sh. PERRY , , ___ . J. j.tj ,••.b . B",wn C0 •• IL r ~' i ... 21 May 1906 Julia Ann PERRY :".2'J No v 181 8 :.---- .....:...: Ii! 5 Nov 1949 13 ,---'" · '12 J 1 1889 LI .. Mari on Co,. Me •. 12 S.p 1865 11 r·S u.hu PERRY c1oO ______• • ~~.: t':' J ,~ . I ".' , .b. Brown Co . • IL •. 27 M.r 182 2 !, I 7 M.r 1921 J.' I I EMIla Le. GR EEN .. • lb C ~ •. 12 Jul 1889 1-._11 •.•. S"e y 0 •• ~ ;lJ •. 4 Nov 1913 ZI Will i mHami l LIlLIH~: ~ !:-. I . 17 Seo 1838 ~ p.lI. Mari on Co • • ~ '!.::. .... :.:: -=­ !~; .. " Wi l li am Lee LILLARD ·20 Oct 1859 !, tlI , .4. I'" 24 Aug l a:.---'" n M r t'I Rc ____ COE -=- •. 10 M.y 1843 .'! rona Lee L1'.LA RD . , .' . Lewis Co., MO ·_l ~' i ,L "'--- ". ·-=~::...:..:..:::.,,_==.:-::_:-.:---~I m. 1 5 Feb 1888 d . 4 Mar 191 6 •. 1 Oe< 1888 I" 17 Apr 1912 10 !e i11idm o;A lSE R ~ . b . l !w i s Co. , MO IP.4 Adams Co. , Il 6. 182 5 ._-- t.. •. 26 Jun 1965 "I ,~ar El1 z.b.th KAISER • .14 Mar 1861 c_ -_... - - , .4. IIW rion Co .• J40 1914 6 May 1866.--- '" II El i 'abeth WE::LS:;C:;:H~~~_ Ch .rla Mar ie ROCKETI- .. p.b. Lewis Co .• Me ., 1837 ::,:"--:..!: - .. 7 Jul''''''-- 1950 '1 •. .. 25 Feb 1957 .. 1899 , .' . Ra ndo 1ph Co .• ,..;I •. p.cI . Marion Co . I MO THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 30

A.,,.(M e~ c ~~ . __2_ P,non ~o . 1 .. UtoUi c.n,r1 W ~ .... :'-I aml of C OIrIplt.r Carey Bankhead \1 Dr , James 9ANKHEAO ptrlorl &II !OIo. -1..6-on CI\IM Mo ...... 1....-. b . ,---, .... "del n" P, O. Box' 38 ~. 20 Aug 1738 .:: .... < -.;.. ~ C,!y . 51.I . Hi gbee. MO 65257 •. 1788 01" 11 Oct 19 79 "I Ellenor _ONROE VA .ow' 0 .... ( recop ied ' 16 feb 19 ~ b . : -.. , " " - • Ch arl e, Lew i s BANKHEAD , ...... _ 11 • .. 17 89 Charles LEWIS, ,_ ..-- . p .!) . Caro l i ne Co . I VA c..... •.... - _ ... :lIo." I I". \ 19 Sep 1808 ~...... :)0,0'\0< •• . .. ___t IN..... E' 19 J un 1833 .. ::...... :lIooe d . lIl_::;Lu:..:cLy_T",A",L;.:! A:::F.:.E:::RRO~ __--,- ___ ;o._, ...... c- ,II Albem arle Co ., VA ,. ,c:.. _. _.-<...... __-. John Warner BANKH EAD .. 1760 b . 1D ec 1sO S' ...... '1 20 Thomas Mann RANDOLPH •.•. Albemarl , Co., VA 1741 "c_..-_- ...... _,• .__ - l,m. 3 Nov 1832 m·1 8 Nov 1761 ,. . 21 Nov 1897 IOr ·lh=L ...... ! , 11 . 1~ n~o~AH93 I, .• Pi ke Co ., MO . 17 · 1768 c:--.--.. : .... _,., _ . ! .1 I" nay •• ...... ;.::An"n",e_c",ao.:.r.Ly-,RAN=!:'tiO~L,;.PH;;"'~ __-l I···· 2 3 Feb 1790 .. D. 23 Jan 1791"-·-' I;' 20 Jun 1828 n Thomas '} fEEEB~ON b. 13 Apr 11 43 , ___ II • p.b. Albemarle Co. 1 VA ,:4 Alb emarle Co . I VA • . 1 Jan 1712 c__ ._-. •. 11 Feb 1826 ,,1 F 1- ..... •. 4 Jul 1826 ,.' . Albemarl, Co., VA .. 27 Sep 1772 " Martha WAYlES ,.",. Albemarle Co .• VA •. 30 Oc t 1748 Archer Chris t ian BANKHEAD .. •. 6 Sep 1782 p.eI. Alb,marl, Co . , VA .. 15 Sep 183 3 ,.!). Albemar le Co. , VA 10 Jun 1857 14 Nov 1911 " ,-'oI.IIIllILJlJlllill.~I!:::=,-:-----r } .. 1-·-" A ! •.• Pike Co ., MO • I . :• . " j I .. • Archibal d CHRI STIAN "- I I-•.=-,=~~ , j~,-~·~-'"~ I : 10 SOP 180 11 I New Kent Co. _ VA II I I.··· !• .• !S. ! im. I l~red COLLIER ~ . 1 25 Jun 1817 ,.. _.- .. :4. ,c: .. ______11. _ 'p.4 New Ken t Co • • VA b. p.lI. "r. . 31 Eli zabeth Po indexter CH RI STIAI . ,.d. II •• Robert Cl enmon s WARRE~ b . 9 Mar 181'-·- " ,.11. ~ew Kent Co ., VA •. 23 Dec 1895 ",-,,-,,-=.:.-==.:.,J ames WARR EN ,,.,._=.;;;_=-- •.----L • . ,.d Pike Co. _ MO Jane/ Ann ie GORDO N .. "'--~~~~~~~_----,c.---____ ... _ , .11 . •• ,\L:..:::~c...::::::::o::::...,. Fa nny WARREN ~~----l m . .. .. • 17901 "- c ______-- 1 SHERMAN',1 __ ...... •. ca 1790 ,.11 . New Ken t Co. _ VA .. ,,1',_'_ :·__ --=S~H:.E~RMAN~;;1~=~--1,~O,~: ,___ " ... M i ch ae ,.d. •• 1___ · l.. Mary Graves,,....._ CH AMBE'. RS ,.b. .. <=--_ .. _- •. 10 Apr 1840 •. 2 Ap r 1906 •. "- ,.eI . Pi ke Co .• 1'40 , . eI . ~ . b · S t . Loui s. Me THE 100NGHUNTER. \/01.. XIX, ISSUE 3, PO. 31

A~e~t 1hud !'h. •• 0( Coe,u., Ca rev Ban P."~ I'fo. I ,rw taut WI aa. f~ ;Mnon .. ~o . __on e",M ~ . __ • AOC1 rtU P.O. Box f 38 C. ry , State Higbee. ~ 65257 Jw 13 Oct 1979 - -- ' -~''''.-'''"' .~.-'''-:-"- ( recopi.al~Te6l§8s-r- - I' ,,•. · • _:-J=Oh.::.n~CH.::.AM=B::.:E R.:;S=.==_ --JI'" . · ... -.. -" I" .•. .1'" :... ~~ ,·,t::. III. 5 Feb 1807 . :- ~: :~..... d. '------.,., ==~.~-""'.,-, -----, - ' ~ '''~ .111 b.

I I p.D. Adam Black CHAI'8E RS .. lb. 9 Jan 1808"-" ' " p.' P. boo Merce r Co. I PA Im . 2B Oct 1833 ,. Adam B.,.LA.::C:::K..,..,==.-_--1 " . 23 May 1854 r----- ,--'.- 1,.4 St. LouiS. f!t() I" 31 J an 1763 •.•. Adams Co., PA I ,I Eli zabeth BL.~._, I.m . 1787 •. 1816 I •. JOJu1 1787 p .4 Mercer Co • • PA1 , .b. Mercer Co •• PA •. 2B AU9 1818 l1,_~P"o-,-l1!.Lv~A!:.LL~E"GA;;: , _"N=... _... -- ~ I ,.d. Mercer Co .• PA I D. 1769 p.-. Ad ams Co., PA Mary Gra.es CH AMBERS •. 1841 p. d . Merce r Co •• PA .. 10 Apr 1840 p. D. St. Louis, Me m. 10 Jun 1857 12 _~Jo~sc!e~h~G~RA~V!,iE~S==:---r' l •. 2 Apr 1906 - 1 _4 ..... ! p.d Pi ke Co ., Me ! 1::. • _..:M:!aC!j_B~e~n~j!!a!!!mi~n~G~RA~V~E~S~--1 m. • b. 9 Apr 1773 ' _.- •. 12 May 1785 p.tt. Spotsyl vania Co., VA? p.d Spotsyl van i a Co .• VA '4o · !) l.m. 13 J an 1802 "Frances COLEMAN • 23 J an 18 13 ,---. ~ I I'P:d Battle of Rivers' Raisingb. 1744 ~: : I p.b. !. , j Eli ..beth Mary GRAVES •. Dec 1844 •• lJ ,_ ' 4_ 11 "d. Faye ttl! Co.. ICY .. .t •. 16Sep I810!11 " Rober t DUD LEY : , p.b. FayetU Co .• KY ••:, . -'=-"'="",,'-..lI!~¥-,-.-_---,t. Fe b : mt::.._~,:, . :: •. S ~. J ~~u ~: ~~tO tt l. . RO. Api>~~~gI!:£H!... II Joyce GAYLE II "t· c- .. __ _ ,. , .' . Fredericksburg. VA .--- .. . ', .. - 'L.:.P~o.!.11 !]1 y ~OU~D~L:!:E.;,Y==-:-- --1 m. 2 Feb 177 3 .. b. 6 Sep 1783---- 4. 1836 Will i am c___ _, p.D .Fayette Co • • KY p.' Fayette Co •• KY ,. ~. PARKE~_._ 4. IS Ann PARKER ... , .CI . . 12 Mar l n7 .---- 1'1 11 Su sanna WINSL OW •. D. c.- __ _ Arche r Christhn BANKHEAD ,.D. - -- .. ! ~.- ' I •. 15 Sep 1833 •. 14 Nov 1911 •. 7 Nov 1824 .. ,.b. Al bemarle Co.VA ,.4. Pike Co •• ,.., ,.d. Fayette Co .• ICY THE LONG HUNTER, I/OL XIX. ISSUE 3, PG. 32

rf.eutM e~t C!'Iart ~ . ..l9.- ~;un. 01 C=1I11,r Carey Bankhead Pinon ~o . 1 Oft U/.UI caart ~ tbe II..IIW jIe uon a. ~o . ~OD ehart !'fo. _1_. ".-..!!RJlJOb~.~r~t-'G

Aewe.. eWt !'IUD. at C ~Il. r Ca r ey Bankhead P inon ~o . I on thl.a e.bart: UI tbI .&II1II Chart ~o . 2.C...... ~uoa UI N' o. -'.a....on chart N'o. _ I_. ."dd t ... p a 801 f l Zg " ~~------. -'.c•~ _-=, _~. <~,... .~ ,..~, .--- .. _ CIty. St at. Jef ferson Ci ty . MO 65102 _~c~,~p~t_.~l o~hlln~I ~I ~I ~I A~R~O~~ ____~ m . 0"' ______.- ".-..,..., r b.ca 17 35 ,,' p.b. VA e _ _

p.d Gall atin Co .• KY .. ~C _ ....._ '._ oa&t'< .~I I. .. _ p.b. ca 17 15 d. 11 S",h N MOOR~ ... c-...... p.d. •. b. 1746 u ~~;! ~~. ;~9 6 p.". Or ang! Co • • VA c~1III-. _ _ ._",..I ..I . _ 1824 b. 1 Wl1 ] j~m ~ alD j] teo LI LLABC .p.d- Ga llat in Co . • KY b. 17 Sep 1838 •• 24 p.b. Lewis County, Me c(' ____l1li ._" ....11. _ m. 20 Oct 1858 Lewis Coun ty, Me 12 Samu,l cox p •• ('_III_lit p.d. 9 Jan 1910 b. p.b. ..E- {c-.._.__ ~ _ll. _ if b. i I Samue l COX ... o· • •• ~. j .-.- •• p.' C __ :M.t"I _ _ !l p.b. " ~. (,-,. _:,. ... A ... 1.1 " .- ... ,.. .. b. !7 ·~t •• p.b. c{ "'-._ .'~""...... _l J. _ " ~ b. 3 .. H,',r 1_._11 p.d. .. • a b. 20 AU9 1809 c__ _ ... _ _ ! ! 1 p.b. Grant Cou nty, KY (' ...... _ 1• . ~; . , . I 10 feb 1884 14 •• Wi S Co. , Me ('_. _ 1'1 ~ t, b. : . I :1 c, ~-._ __' ''_ ...... I ' . _ p.b. ! ~ J b. '"T7 C1 ' •• , " onl COl , m. .. b. .- ..... " .. 30 110.... , ...... 11. p.b. ,.' 6. c-. .. "...... _ .. m. , .d. " ._l1li .... " d. b. 31 Martha Jane BRISCO E Ic.-w-_ .,.<...... _I I. _ _ •""'._ 11 p.b. b. b. 10 May 1843 •. 4 Mar 1 9 ~ 6 .. p.b. lewi s Co . • Me p.d. l ew ; s Co . • Me p.d. •• THE LONG HUNTER, IIOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 30t ••

~.e ..,," e4Mt Cllart l'fO •.::: ....:..... ,.,... No. I a Ill",. c.aart ~ tbe .... ,...- .. No.£.Q...... cbart No. 1--. c-. ___ ~M __-R Bo~X ~38~ ______t '-~- ' · Ctty . S.,- __·,," .. 1.. i:... , ~.~.,-+_..,-,., ,-,<,,5,",,2,,5.. 7_ • 11_01_4 } c-. ____ _ ~~------.. ~tI _" ,.b. •• Jacob ?ees m. .. •• II C ___.. _ p .• {,_oI_ t , •p•,b . .. l:af Ky ~.- .. l"- •• .. • p.b. " .. -c- ...... - -" - .••... .. b. , .b. Kentucky •. after lB ~8 14 Cl.iborD. Li.btfQQC=-cr...... " p.d. J. c- _ _ _ .. ~.- . , .•. )runs.let Co . I VAT tt. ,\getL..;:=..:. ~••, _L!oi=cg~~:!.t:.:,;rt_.__o~ o~t==-=::-:- ____-1. . H Nov 1 7 16 (LI ca I.'1 d ) •• O• . •. c. 29 AU I UIt 1 1 •• -,-..LI""1IU 'L~ • 't.I.l'- ===c- _ _ .. ._ ,.tt. ,.d W.rren CD ., IY n;; I' ....· .. - , .. II 'ets,. Ira,. 1___ " • . 'runs.lek Co . . V4. , .d. .. S! Sarah J an'! Barelay •• c.. .. __ .. _ 1__ ._'1 .... •• .- "- .. 22 Peb 1/j23 d, La ~! ar lB93 .. .. •.• . Ky , .• . Pike Co •• ~ O .... THE lONGHUNTER. II'OL XIX, ISSUE So PO. :se

2: ,.,~~H~U~~~~~~~~· ~- • Hu h Barclav 176l II. 1729 ...... ~ . " Barclay (DAR Pat.) .. •• ,------?ebru':r"'~' 4. 1 S06 •• VA 11 :-. Ro ckingham Co. t VA .4 Lexington, 11 .... • .... ' • .. ";.1n VA 1n 1772 , Hanna ~--- - ltF.a. 20 October 183' ,. ~"J::., . .. f!' _ d,. ": . Warren Co •• KY .. ~.-'.~._ft 1::11 Barclay p.>. .... _ . .. ~."'I) 4- '" • 15 ~a , 17~6 . • ulbe t son .", Roekbr1dge CQ. VA ~ (1 _""' 10, ~ 25 Ja nuary 1 8 2~ S1mp .on CO , KY . . c. 18118 (7 children ) 10 00 e t Culb.~t on • E '~o .. ~cot~dt'O ­ Tr eland CR 16 70 ~~ " . ~ Warren co •• KY -. nT' 1692 ( ~ I''-"..-e-". . __---;=-....:..-- __ .1, , Sarah Cu lbert.on ~ .~-- ... ··1751'- . . . . 1762 ( wP) D, ~~----__~=- __-­ ~~ Lancaster Co., PA _ ..... 11 . ... 1850 - .---- ~ Warren Co., ~T .. • ,.1>. J;\ne 3arelay 4. WP Octobe~ 1769 .. c ~ S,~::-ah 4. ~· "1~-~.-bru;;r y- i 823 .~ H Ke nt uc kv ,+. ~._ u . .,.10 June iSl O - '«e.rren Co. K! ~. .- .... - .. l !.fareh 1893· IJ .. . . - . ? ! ke Co •• "0 .. -. ,,4 II. 21 C':;4'" II, ~ "froID Sngland" "".. ! Dn1d C. lark ---- - I ~.~· " .. ... 4. . 21 - l- ~ , IlL · . " IIIIIIl"_ Ll. ".. ~.*" .... - - 11 Co 11 ... ~ Bu llock ~~- ... ~ n P.,' .. ~~_ , 1, ~ ., , .. -- .... - .&.nn .~ Clark C. ! ,_. . . . - ~"''''''Q ~~ ~ !: ~2 January 1792

'"l 8 D ece~.I>er 1 8 67 ...... •. "f, Warren co., KY !'r-~~~~~_~~~ ~~.~.:s~~. 7 . --71~~- ~ c..oII. ______I.L . ~.- I " . ~

1'-,.,~_=c-===-. ~ """~" - -".. , ,-: .. ~ ~ , ", THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. :Ie

A~ (!J-J No Per_ ~o . I GIl UI~ CJIIU"l \a ~ ...... 1>'<' 2; ~l". of C ~d" Cdr! Y Bankhead l ' Or . John BRISCOt 111'-- ;>4Ir.on ... !'fo . ..1.9..an ( ft." 1'Io . ~ . b . ACId n .. _-.-!P~. ..J!.O'-' ..,B"o"xc...!f2 J 8"---_ _ ,_._1, : -...... 1". -- ~ a 1t er BRISCOE I V d . 1,1 El i ,abeth OECOU RCEY :... __ - ...... -

,. 17 No , 1771 CO MP TO N. JR. ~ p . lI . Vi rgini a 1709 i=:.~.:; ~ _ :... ~.:.".'~7':' :In. 1792 1732 17 ADr 18 55 1770 ( 1/1) :- ~ ::;::: .... d , HOWAJU) ...... , .. :>.- IP.d Lew i s Co . • Me . ("-"-'-.. <-".... - ;oon Henton BRISC OE .. o. .. 19 Jun 180i·... · · · ~ ... .. - Hud1n Co., {1" 10 John HENTON ,...... _.. , (-.- =.... - - : ). 14 Feb 1827 10 __ . 20 SeD 187 5 , D_"_i d_ . H_ E~ TO,cN,===~_---,~ ' •. L . C MO ...... _11 lei . 'JP 25 Mar 17 82 ', .d eW TS 0. . :11 . Cd 1750 I II Hester/ Es ther . Berks Co. , PA ? _ . __ 10 . ~ I Hes t er HEN TON 1",0. II. ~ -. - ..... - - L ':::'::':'::c...:.:.::.:..:..::::.".=;;-, •• __"'a --i i 1ft. d . d 1780 •. 9 Jan 1775 I . i n Ohi o Rher " Jacob VAN ME TE R p.lI. Ne 15 0n Co . • KY " ,d • 17 Mar 172 3 l::':':;~ ..i2.. d. 23 Jul 1858 11 -,M"a"-rL.:Vc::A",N...:M"ET=-'7.;E,,,R 1 74 1 I ,_._.==.--- 1:-·' 16 NQ' 1798 "d. Lewis Co. I Me •. 11 Jul 1757 " LetH,. STRODE STROUD p.". FredericK Co .• VA , 30 Aug 1725 r::~,"::.!.: jL 1 Martha Jane BRISC OE d. 29 Jun 1832 ,: 25 Dec 1799 ,.d. Nelson Co., KY •. 10 May l B43 11 ."1 . Lew ; s Co. I MO M . 20 Oct 1B59 H4 . ' "4ar 1916 I' II.J .. e.. i 5 Co . • MO I.- j' , .D. J~ I Joseph VAH METER,_.- -. , ! d . " i'lI_. I: :• . 15 Apr 17 86 ,.' i;;; -; i ... 16 Ma y 1812 Il Ma · i' d. 12 Sep 1872 Li , .d .. ' ~ . ;I.D, , I MahO]a VAN METER d . hi ,_ • • _ a d . ~ . J , .4. .. Henry VAN METER -, ~ . , 11 Aug 1812 !: , p.b,Hardi n Co • • iCY p' Jacob VAN METER t t:".-..:::;:.: _ · ' j d. 10 Dec 18 74 14 . -~~~~~~,i.~~~.~_~.-----~ , .

"_t... 8'-t Cun rto • ...f.l... '.non No. t 011 U".. cl'la11 II tile Utne ,c-. ______to _ per .... !'fo.ll...."" ct\at1 N'o.-L. \I ...... _...!Bo1£.!xU31J18c....----- Ctty, Slate Hlgbee 1,110 65'57 • ,._,,-.., ~ . ~~ 23 Sovember 1970 b . ,,t- Qurce: S. 'iest/L. Co cenhaver , ..... " .. 1. aul ~eese . ,.b. b . c- ...... - m. d. d . b . c ___.. _ __ p .d II .... - " -;;:;';'; -.-;: a. c... ••_ 'f---"b. ".. ..; .... " ,..,-.".,_ e . • ... d. • :- ::: ==--- ",,c ____ ", _ ... "",.,,~ .ct II ___ "p.b. . b. d. d. b. · ca1793 p .d .0 ,.lI. ct,_·__ ..... __M, •. 11 S.pt •• b.r 181S? ,0 m. . 6 NOve::lber 1851 . ~ . .dJ1kO Co, IL b. ---- .. ,.b. .. ~~!: - ...... ~._II. ,. •. • •d .. II ----- ~.- . .... c ___.. _ _ b. ur p ...... -._'1. b. d. d . p." c...., , ___ __ LJ , _ ntueky •• ~ .-- Aprll 18U Illinois - II August 1851 I -"-~ )I.• • c-___ _ or Hill, Pike Co •• Ill. .. II ...... ~"_ I '. • t_· __ .."' . .. .. (,_._ 1)" ••• c- • ...,._ - - •. .;. " ~.-. b. 21 •• ",-,,_c-_~ _1). _ f .... b. 1 iUc1nda/Lu.c ndla Beall. d. ,.d. d. ,b..... c-(._01_10...... _ . _ d. I< .,_",_Ji b. :J ~.-" . p.b. b . c- . ..."_ m. d . b. d . ,. , .b. p.d 0.- tto, ... .. _ . 1, _- , ___ Jt ,-_ ...... m. d . lS p." d . b. _

WARREN CO, KY 1797-1900 MARRIAGES BONDS, CERTIFICATES, CONSENTS AND RETURNS FOX, THOMAS, age 42 , b IRE & res Meade Co ( F & M b IRE ) , and MRS MARY GAYNO R, age 46, b IRE & res War Co ( F & M b IRE ) ; 16 Nov 1864 at Catholic Church; SoB H Cherry; [B-91, G-4.31]. FRAKER, JO HN, sl o (S:Michael Fraker Sr ) , and SALLY McCLEMONS, over 21; 01 Feb 1817 by James Keel; [A-75; T-B]. FRAKER, JO HN A and JULIANN A COVINGTON; 12 Apr 1832 by T W Chandler; her cons by F (Joseph Covington) wl b S:Thomas J Smith & David Chapman; [A- 76; T-B, L, R, Bc ]. FRAKER, MICHAEL ( JR ) and PEGGY PAGE; 24 May 1813 by Francis Travis; his cons by F (Michael Fraker Sr); her cons by F (S:Lindsy Page); [A- 75]. FRAKER, MI CHAEL (SR ) , over 21, and ELIZABETH COLEMAN; 09 Sep 1813; her cons by F (S:Thomas Coleman); [A-75]. FRANCEWAY, JOSEPH and KEZIAH SMITH, over 21; 27 Jun 1827; S:John Boon; [T-B]. FRANCIS, ENOCH, age 24, b All Co ( F & M b Bar Co ) ; and MARTHA E CLAYPOOL, age 21, b & both res War Co (F & M b War Co); 22 Dec 1870 at S:Stephen H Claypool Jr's; her cons by F in person; [L- 265]. FRANCIS, EPHRIAM and MARY THOMAS WHALIN; 25 Nov 1880 by L P Arnold at her father's ipo William Pasley & Frank Penner; SoD R Whalin; [R- 109; T-L,C]. FRANCIS, JAMES W (REV) and NANCY J POE, age 42; 21 Oct 1886 by John W Dixon ipo J WSmith & Calvin Lightfoot; her owo cons wlb J W Dixon; no surety; [T-8]. FRANCIS, S A and IDA MEWING; 19 Feb 1896 by T J Ham at his res ipo S:J M Gossom & M F Ham Jr; [Y-145]. FRANCIS, WILLIAM A and JULIA A (ISBELL) MASON; 28 Dec 1876 by Y Wi therspoon at Conley Freeman's ipo F F "To be , Rogers & S :Cal vin H Isbell; [P-98; F-L, T"'{;]. FRANKLIN, ALBERT C, age 42, b & res Sumner Co TN, and MRS SARAH J DOUGLAS, age 26, b & res War Co; 26 Oct 1854 by Samuel Y Garrison at C T Dunavan's ipo S:J E McClure & Lawrence Graham; [B-22, C- 172;T-L,C]. FRANKLIN, GEORGE C and BEDE ALICE WHITLOW; 09 Dec 1873; S:Wyatt Whitlow; [N-238]. FRANKLIN, J G and SALLIE HARRIS; 27 Oct 1896 by E V Baldy at Bowling Green ipo A F Bratton & G W Potts; S:W T Beckham; [Y-225]. FRANKLIN, JAMES H, age 25, b Bar Co (F & M b Bar Co), and MARY E HARDCASTLE, age 18, b & both res War Co (F & M b War Co); 02 Jan 1873 at S:John Hardcastle;s; [M-406]. FRANKLIN, WILLIAM and HETTIE DUFF; 06 Mar 1895 by B F Page at John Duff's ipo William Hall & Fred Stice; S:J F Hewitt; [X-424]. FRANKS, JACOB and SALLY BENTON; 05 Sep 1810 by Robert Daughety; S:William Hammett; [A-75i T-B,R]. FRAZER, ALEXANDER and MARY PRUITT [PREWITT]; 12 Aug 1823 by Doughety; her cons by Gdn (S:Thomas Bowles) in person; [A-76; F-B]. FRAZER, ALEXANDER and ZURIAH ATCHISON, both over 21; 01 May 1827 by John James; S:Hamilton Atchison; [A-76; T-B,L,R].

(Submitted by Pat Reid, 640 E. Main Ave, Bowtjng Green, KY .2101, used by permISSIOn ) , THE lONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, JaSUE 3, PG. st

WARREN CO, KY 1797-1900 MARRIAGES BONDS, CERTIFICATES, CONSENTS AND RETURNS FRAZER, JO HN and NANCY JONES ; 22 Dec 1804; S:Daniel Riley; her cons by Par (John & Elizabeth Jones) w/ b Giles Stewart & Daniel Riley; [A- 75 ; T-BcJ. FRAZ ER , JO HN , ov er 21 , and ANN JENSEY FRAKER, d/ o (S:Michael Fraker Sr); 13 Feb 1824 by John L Barger; [A-76; T-BJ. FRAZER , JO HN Rand HRS ADALINE B HOOD, over 21 ; 25 Jan 1881 by Thoma s Penick at Bowling Green ipo S H Matlock & E M Davidson; no surety; [R- 149; F-L, T-CJ. FRAZER, RO BERT and HOLLY JORDAN; 09 Nov 1805; her cons by P (Reuben & Charity Jordan) w/ b Frances Jordon & S:Ezekiel Stringer; [F-B,Bc J. FRAZER [FRAZIERJ, THOMAS and SALLIE SCRUGGS; 29 Dec 1892 by A D Litchfield at Mr Lock's in Smiths Grove ipo Ken Allen, Kattie Strange & Jessie Robards; S:William J Wade; [W-131J. FREEMAN, ABSALOM and NANCY SEAGRAVES, over 21; 01 Dec 1806; her age pr by S:Thomas Seagraves; [T-B,Be]. FREEMAN, GABRIEL, over 21, and ELIZABETH CASON, d/o (S:Edmond Cason ) ; 23 Fe b 1814; [T-B]. FREEMAN, JEREMIAH, over 21, and JANE CRAWFORD; 22 Dec 1812; S:Michael Crawf ord; her cons by M (Rachel Crawford) in person ; [A- 75 ; T-B]. FREEMAN, JO HN and NANCY CLASP ILL [CLASPELL]; 24 Nov 1831 by James Mitchell; S:Moses Lomax; ret is dated 1830; [A-76; T-B,R]. FREEMAN, JOHN, age 52, widower, b Greenbriar Co VA, and MRS MARGARET MARTIN, age 36, widow, b & both res War Co; 05 Dec 1854 by A Riley at his house ipo Jeremiah Cassaday & James L Johnson; S:James F Ewing; [B-23, C-187; T-L,C]. FREEMAN, JOHN ALBERT and STELLA GERTRUDE CLARK; 97 Har 1892 by J H Burnett at Pleasant Hill Church ipo J E Herndon & Hugh Price; S:J S Perkins; [V-406). FREEMAN, JOHN Wand MARY J ADKINSON; 08 Har 1882 by A C Dickerson at bride's ipo John B Rule, Perry Stamps, Frank & Newton Loafman & others; S:A T Adkinson; [R-302; T-C). FRENCH, E B and AMANDA LAY WATTS; 26 Har 1888 by M M Riley at Merchants Hotel ipo Thomas A Potter, W D Thurman, H A Sharrer & .others; S: William R Watts; [T-536, F-C]. FRENCH, IGNATIUS and AMANDA HEAVNER ; 12 Aug 1845 by William Hendrick; her cons by F (Samuel Heavner) in person; S: James Cowles; [A- 77; T-B,L,R). FRENCH, JOHN and MARGARET E WILSON; 21 Feb 1883 by James French at Stanford Wilson's ipo Milburn Miller & Giles Jordan; S:N J Wilson; [R-437; F-L,C]. FRENCH, RASE and ARENA TINSLEY; 05 Apr 1888 by James French at John Miller's ipo him & Calvin Miller; her own cons w/ b S:A C Miller; [T-548]. FR ENCH, WILLIAM and FRANCES A JENKINS; 05 Nov 1840 by Hines; S:William Jenkins; [A-76; T-B]. . FRENELL, ISAAC and MAGGIE JACKSON; 13 Sep 1900 by WC Cooksey ipo Frank Bowles, W A Cooke & R E Cooksey; no surety; [Z-401]. FROST, E G and ANNA SEARL; 22 Aug 1881; S:W H Natcher ; mar cert is blank; [R-211J.

(Submitted.by Pat Reid. &40 E. Main Ave .. Bowling Green, KY 42101 , used by permission) THE LONGHUHTER. II'OL XIX, ISSUE So PG. 40 WARREN CO. KY 1797-1900 MARRIAGES BONDS. CERTIFICATES, CONSENTS AND RETURNS

FRY, W H and EDITH Mc CONNELL; 12 Jun 1877 by S R Bre~er at Bo~li n g Green ipo S:Samuel Bissett & Mrs Josephine Evans; [P-163]. FRY, W H and SU SIE WMIT CHELL; 09 Oct 1888; S:J A Mitchell ; mar cert is blank; [U - 99]. FRYER. RICHARD H M and ELIZABETH J CURTIS; 20 May 1830; S:James W Tind l e; her co ns by Gdn (J A Hines ); [A-76; T-B,Bc]. FULKS, JOHN S and PERMELIA J GRINSTEAD; 22 Oct 1851 by T R White; S: Sack H Gee; [8-2; T-B,L,R]. FULKS, JOHN S, 2nd mar, age 35, b Monroe Co (F b VA, M b Monroe Co), and ARTIMISSA LOWE, age 20, b Bar Co; 10 Oct 1865 by Edmonds at John T Fulks'; S:Franklin La~rence; [8-100, H-239]. FULLER, JOHN H and SARAH ANN BURRISS; Monday 06 Jan 1845 by J BEvans; cons of (S :Andrew Burriss) in person; [A-77; T-B,L,R]. FULTON, SAMUEL, over 21, and PATSY WOODFORD [WOFFORD]; 19 Apr 1811; her cons by F (S:William Wofford); [A-75; T-B]. FUQUA, JOHN A and MARY A SLOSS; 30 Apr 1850 by Samuel Y Garrison; [A-77, T-R ]. FURY, CHARLES G and MARY A ROHMER; 29 Nov 1894 by Thomas J Hayes at Bo~ling Green ipo John Hogan & Annie Sherer; S:Hugh Armstrong; [X- 278].

GABLEN, JACOB and SOPHIA FISHER; 07 Mar 1859; S:Conrad Schrey; [B-55, E- 311]. GABRIEL, JACOB and SARAH ROPER; 07 Jun 1808; S:Charles Loyd; [T-B]. GADD, EM, 2nd mar, age 45, b PA (F & M b PAl, and ALVIRA SANDERS, age 34, b Sum Co TN & both res War Co; 11 Aug 1873 at Edwin Sanders'; S:D K Minor; [N-112]. GADD, J F and CARRIE E DAVENPORT; 27 Dec 1897 by L P Arnold at Mrs Davenport's ipo John B & Clint Floyd; S:R H Shelton; [Y-428]. GADD, JOSEPH E and MINNIE C MANOR; 29 May 1900 by L H Voyles at Horse Cave ipo Harry Lock & Fred Manor; S:Charles Manor; [Z-368]. GAFFIELD, C A and SINAI MAUPIN, both over 21, 27 May 1841 by P Hines; her o~n cons ~/b S:Samuel Cox; [A-93; T-B,L,R,Bc]. GAFFIELD, C A and ELLEN MOSS, both over 21; 30 Apr 1843 by James D Hines; S:William S D McGowan; [A-93; T-B,L,R]. GAFFORD, THOMAS and SALLY BAKER; 05 Aug 1830 by WWhitman; S:Jonathan Baker; [A-238; T-B]. GAGE, WILLIAM and RHODA BOYDSTON; 04 Sep 1806 by J H ~ens; S:James Bodyston; her cons by (Sarah Boydston); [A-89; T-B ,Bc]. GAINES, ALBERT and PARMELIA JONES; 22 Oct 1839; her cons by (Allen Jones ) ~ / b S:Fielding Jones; [A-92; T-B,Bc]. GAINES. CHARLES M and CAMERON WHITLOW ; 15 Dec 1885 by B F Page at S:Wyatt Whitlo~'s ipo Alfred Whitlo~ & James H Haynes; [S-359]. GAINES, EDWIN and NANCY M HUBBARD, both over 21; 21 Jul 1825; her cons, "being 22 years of age," by (Nancy Hubbard) w/b S:John Evins & William E Harreld; her age pr by John C Palmer; [A-91; T-B,Bc]. GAINES, EMANUEL, see GRIMES, ,EMANUEL. GAINES, FRANKLIN P and E F SMITH; 24 Jan 1882 by James Brooks at Louisa Jane Smith's ipo M T White & James W Dearing; S:E B Parker; [R- 280; T-L,C]. (Submitted by Pat Reid, 640 E. Main Ave. Bowting Green, KY 42101 . used by permission) THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE S, PG. 41 .. WARREN CO, KY 1797-1900 MARRIAGES BONDS, CERTIFICATES, CONSENTS AND RETURNS GAINES, GEORGE M, over 21, and SARAH ANN BECKHAM; 30 Oct IB51 by Isaac McM urray; S: Anderson Beckham; her cons by M (Elizabeth Beckham ) ; [B- 2; T-L, RJ. . GAI NES, H Wa nd HALLE E THOMAS ; IB Jan IB99 by J D Smith at Polkvill e ipo Dr G W White & Wood Hardcastle; S:E D Thomas; [Z-110 J. GAIN ES, JO HN W, age 24 , All Co ( F b All Co, M b Bar Co) , and ELIZA ANN GRAYSON, age IB, b War Co ( F & M b VA); 26 Sep IB67 by Adams at Nathaniel Grayson's; S:Thomas H Grayson, br's Gdn, & D H Thomas; [B-1 26, J-llJ. GAINES, JOSEPH R and BETTIE HERNDON; 29 Nov IB60 by W G Rice at Nathaniel Walker's ipo Sidney Currin, William Smith & Robert Covington; her own cons w/b N H Walker, S:John R Covington & W F Gaines; [8-67, F-IB7J. GAI NES, L Hand J ANETTA FRANCIS; 23 Oct 1889 by Virginius 0 Gee at Bristow Station ipo S: Dr W R, Dr W A & William Francis; [V-B J. GAINES, SAMUEL J and LILLIE BELLE HAYSEL; 06 Jan IB97 by B T Mayh ugh at S:James L Haysel's i po him & M E Harris; [Y-284; T-L,C]. GAINES, T H and ALICE A ROUNTREE; 24 Dec IB91 by T J Shannon at her father's ipo E B Burriss & Ellen Smithier; S:D S Rountree; [V- 360 ]. GAINES, T Wand ANNA HANES; 02 Oct IB94 by John Morrow at Bowling Green ipo P W Glen, A J & T F Lewis; S:E Hanes; [X-23B]. GAINES, THOMAS B and MARY ANN CORBIN, both over 21; 14 Jun IB45; S: James Corbin; [T-BJ. GAINES, THOMAS H and CATHERINE CHRISTIAN; 17 Apr IB44 by H C Evans; S:Albert F Christian; her cons by F (William Christian) w/ b C 0 Shields; [A-93; T-B]. GAINES, THOMAS H and MARTHA S BASS; 12 Dec IB54 by J H Chase at Robert Bass' ipo S:Robert B Bass and Miss Jane Harris; [8-23, C-IB9; T­ L,C ]. GAINES, WALTER BOYD and ELVIRA MOREHEAD HINES; 14 Jun IB93 by Fred D Hale ipo B F Proctor & W A Mason; S:L M Cox; [W-293]. GAINES, WALTER W, over 21, and LOUISA BURGESS; 12 Dec IB49 ~y Joseph Skaggs; S:Atwood G Hobson; her cons by Par (Hardin Burgess ) in person; [A-94: T-B,L,R]. GAINES, WILLIAM S and AFFINE JUDITH GARDNER; 25 Aug IB55; S:Woodford N Gardner; [8-2B, 0-35]. GAINES, WILLIAM S and SARAH F PARKER; 12 Sep IB76 by J W Hudnal l at his res ipo George Gaines & S: E B Parker; [P-32; F-L,C]. GAINES, WILLIAM T and LUCY BLAKEY; 09 Sep 1885 by R Jenkins at Morehead House ipo William P Ormsley & S M Matlock; [S-308]. GALE, PETE G and LOU E MERCHANT; 23 Apr 1900 by L E Campbell at Mrs Kate Bird's ipo J WHendricks & Mrs T Mitchell; S:D R Mayhugh; cons of Gdn in person; [Z-356]. GALLAGER, JO HN E and REBECCA . JOHNSON; 09 Mar IB91 by Z T Hazeli p at S:Joseph M Johnson's ipo Miles Holland & H G Johnson; [V-244]. GAL LOWAY, ABRAHAM M/ H, age 23, b Sullivan Co TN and MARY E DISHMAN, ag e l B, b War Co, both Sinjle; 21 Dec IB54 by H J Evans at S:James Dishman's ipo Harvey Dishman, George Walter & Nelson Galloway: [8- 23, C-194; F-R, T-CJ. (Submitted by Pal Reid. &40 E. Main Ave .. Bow1ing Green, KY 42101 , used by permission) THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX. ISSUE 3, PG. 42


Additions Since Vol. XIX, Issue 2

Airhart, Sue H. 2625 Calle De Feliz Gautier, MS 39553-0848 Bankhead. L. Carey P O. Box 179 Jellerson City, MO 65 102-01 79 Barksdale. Sarah E. 15706 Taiford Ave. Cleveland, OH 44 128-1 231 Bays Chester I. & Jean 500 Detour Road Bowfing Green, KY 4210 1 Brown. Jo Etta 1530 castleman Br. Rd Shepherdsville, KY 40165 Byrne. Ellen Rt 1, Box 69- 1A Juliaetta, 10 8353!>-9608 Carley, Clark L. P. O. Box 15n Bowflng Green, KY 42102- 1577 Catlett, Aileen L. 213 Byrd Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110-4553 Clemons, Marna L. 2216-B Hunting Ln. Redondo Beach, CA 90278-<1311 Cockerel, Tom E. & Carol 96 Chestnut W Apt lOA Randolph, MA 02JM.2351 Collier, Lauralei Lothridge RR 3, Box 5361 Bowdolnham,ME 04008 Compton, Nell Thomas 2452 Shamrock Dr. Bowfing Green, KY 421 04 Dearinger, Anna L. 3534 Huntertown Rd. Verslilles, KY 4038:>-9198 Demarce, Virginia E. 5635 N. 25th Rd . Arlington, VA 22207-1 403 Ell is, Rita 3881 Jackson Br. Rd Bowflng Green, KY 42 101 Estes, Peggy S. 800 W Mill Apt ~ CartlOndale, IL 62901-4909 Fink, Lonnie 4717 Buttontown Rd . Georgetown, IN 471 22-9721 Gammon, Jackie 3710 Saratoga Ave. Lake Havasu City, AZ. 86406 Pub Lib of Cinn & Hamilton Co 800 Vine St Cincinnati, OH 45202-2071 Head, Janet L. 16« Gold City Rd. Franklin, KY 42134-5169 Henson, Lucille C. 1102 Lavista way Louisville, KY 402 19-2618 HltZman, Rebecca W. 32 E 26th P1 Tulsa, OK 741 14-2420 Hodge, Mary E. 635 Love~ Ln Lebanon, TN 37087-4506 Johnson, Louise G. 233 Hawkeegan Park Frankfort,KY 40601-3912 Kappler, Betty 50 Femridge Ln Port Ludlow, WA 98365-9546 Keyser, John & Nancy 710 Wedgewood Way Bowfing Green, KY 4210:>- 1450 Likon, M~ . Ronald W. 6530 Grissom Pkwy Cocoa, FL 32927-313 1 Lowe, Paul Duane RR 2 Box 94 Moravian Falls, NC 28654-9522 Lowe, Veachel & Marilee 6299 Thompklnsville Rd Glasgow, KY 42141 McCown, Kathy 3413 Hutchens Ave SE Huntsville,AL 35801 - 1248 McKinney, George & Wilma 4545 W. Dakota Tucson, AZ. 85746-9459 Meredith, Donald & Cheryl 1711 Glendale Ave Bowfing Green, KY 42104-3134 Morrell, Betty R. 627 Loving Way Bowfing Green, KY 42104-301 1 Pearson, Thomas w. , DVM 5000 Green Meadow Dr Helena, MT 5960 1-690 1 Perry, Cortes POBox 4325 Huntsville, AL 3581>4325 Pogue, Cornelia O. 235 N Seminary St Madeonville, KY 42431-1937 Puckett, Sherry 285 Cottontail Cir Alvaton, KY 42 122-9694 Puckett, Hugh & Joanne 729 Morehead Way Bowf ing Green, KY 42 104-3006 Ragland, Lafelle 134 Seminole Tri. Frankfort, KY 40601-2531 Spurlock, John & Sue 537 L. C. Carr Rd. Bowflng Green, KY 42101 -9285 Symons, Glenna J. 907 SWanson Dr. Centralia, WA 9853 1-8827 Tomlinson, Elizabeth 4018 W Kane Ave Apt 3 McHenry, IL 6Q050.6308 Ulm, Audrey L. 4445 Minaker Rd Sumas, WA 98~8404 Western Ky. University Serials U n~ Helm-Cravens Bowfing Green, KY 42 101-3576 WinkenhOfer Willard & Margaret 2138 Cemetery Rd Bowflng Green, KY 42 10:>- 9001 State Hist Soc of Wisconsin 816 State St Madison, WI 53706- 1488 THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX. ISSUE 3, PG. 43


For some time the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society has been meeting at the Houchens Center on the third Monday of each month. The Houchens Center is a lovely old Warren County home which is used as a meeting place for various organizations in Bowling Green. It is very tastefully decorated and attractive. but the size of the rooms and the layout of the building is still that of a private home and does not accomodate a very large crowd. As some of you know. you often find yourself sitting in one room and trying to listen to a speaker in another room. .

The SKGS Board has looked into this matter and investigated the options of other locations for holding our meetings. The information was presented to the membership at the June. 1996 meeting. At that time the members voted to move our meeting place to the Kentucky Advanced Technology Institute (KATI). 1127 Morgantown Rd .. Bowling Green. Kentucky.

The July 15th meeting. our annual picniC. will still be held at the Houchens Center. On August 19th we will meet for the first time at the KATI. The program for that meeting. "Riverboats on the Green River: will be presented by Pat Frederick.


The Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society now has available maps of Bowling Green and Warren County showing the names of streets and residents in the city and the farms and residents in the county during the post Civil War period (1877). The map was drawn by Nell Thomas Compton.

The maps may be ordered from SKGS. P.O . Box 1782. Bowling Green, KY 42102-1782. The cost is $5.00 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling. THE lONGHUNTER, VOL. XIX, IsauE 3, PG. 44



North - Barren River South - 13th Street East - Resevoir Hill West - Gilbert Street

1870 Name Present Name

Barldey 12th Street west of R.R. Beauchamp 2nd Street east of Park Street Berger 1st Street east of Park Bond 13th Street College to Center Bridge College (had formerly been Summer) Briggs . 11th Street west of the R. R. Buena Vista Park Street (First Street to Cemetery Road) Chestnut Extension of Shanks St south, near Ogden College Court 10th Street between State and College Covington 12th Street from R. R. to Center Street Crosswait High Street, one block N.E. of Resevoir Park Green Center Street Grider 12th Street Center to State High High Street between 10th and 13th Hugh 12th west of R.R. Jackson 2nd Street to Park Jefferson 5th Street Madison 6th Street Mechanic Kentucky Street Monroe 4th Street Mulberry Park Street from Main South Palo Alto High Street from 2nd to Main Plain 10th Street west of R.R. to Elm Street River 1 st Street to Park Row Mill Road Scottsville Road Shanks Chestnut from 1 st to vicinity of Ogden College Shelby 7th Street Spring 10th Street east of Elm Stockton 1.1 th Street from R.R. east to College Tuttle 13th Street from R.R. east to Center Washington 8th Street Frozen Row West side of the Square

T.kenfl'om Med/cal Doc:fots 01_',. Q ..... _ W."." Counfy. K_/ry 17M - 1l1e6by l ...,,.once O. Toomey M.D . • nd Irene Mo .. ~ .... N. Manchnl.. , IndaNO: _ Bi~ Inc., 11185. THE LOHGHUHTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PO. 4a


ADKINSON BARNETT Carolyn. 3 BURRIS David L. 18 A. T . 39 Jas. C .. 23 DarMn. 3 Wi.am A. . 18 Mary J .. 39 BASS Frances. 3 ALEXANDER Marlha S . 41 Margaret Barr. 3 BURRISS Araff'N, 40 JoI'n. 19 Robert. 41 Mary, 3 E. B., 41 ALLEGAN Robert B., 41 Rebecca, 3 Sarah Am, 40 Poly. 31 BAUMANN Robert, 3 BUSTER AL LEN Regn8, 28 Dr. Walter. 3 Berjamin, 24 Ken. 39 BEAKHAM BRAnON CAMPBELL Robert Jr., 19 JoI'n, 21 AF , 38 L. E.. 41 ANDREW BEASLEY Wm .. 21 SarrueI, 25 Jos. Baker. 14 Lucinda, 37 BREATHETT CARTWRIGHT Minerva Jane BECK JoI'n, 24 Dr. H. p .. 9 Malone, 14 Ha1tie, 8 BREWER CARY Ma'yt>ete, 14 BECKHAM S. R .. 40 Anne. 30 ARMIRAGE AnderSOn. 41 BRIGGS CASON Sarah. 13 Elzabeth, 41 Ches. M. 4 Eanond, 39 ARMSTRONG Sarah Am, 41 Elzabe1h M. 3 Elzabetl, 39 Elzabe1h,25 W. T.. 38 James A 4 CASSADAY Hug"40 BENTON Dr. JoI'n M. 3. 7 Jeramiah 39 Jostu, 25 Hemetta, 10 Robert. 22 CATCHINGS Robert. 25 SaIy, 38 Wm . ~ M.-edth, 21, 23 ARNOLD BIBB 3. 4 CESSNA L. P .. 40 Gee. 104 .. 24 BRISCOE Sale, 8 ATCHISON BIRD Dr. JoI'n III. 36 Kate. 41 Jon Henton. 36 CHAMBERS Hamitoo. 38 Adem Black.31 Mah, 38 BISSETT Mar1haJ_. JoI'n, 31 BAILEY Sarruel. 40 29, 33. 36 Mary Graves, Am, 32 BLACK Wart6, 36 Adam. 31 WdIJ( It, 36 29, 30. 31 BAKER CHANDLER Jonahn, 40 Elzabe1h. 31 BROOKS T. W .. 38 SaIy, 40 BLAKEY James, 40 CHAPLINE BAlDY Eleanor. 13 BROWN Abraham, 21 E. V.. 38 G. H .. 13 C. W .. 26 Lucy, 41 Firis E

INDEX, Conrd

John. 30 Margaret More- E. M . 39 EDMONDS IMlam. 30. 41 head. 9 DAVIS Jas .. 22 CLARK Phneas H a~ Harn"on. 20 EMMONS Am L .. 35 ton. 9 Nancy. 20 Margaret Elen. 28 David. 35 Dr. Sarruel DEARING Ber;amn Jr . 28 Stela GemJde Wiliam I. 9 JamesW.. 40 Brj. Linton IV. 28 39 Dr. Sarruel DECOURCEY EVANS CLASPILL IMlam II . 9 EIzabetl. 36 J. B. 4O Nancy. 39 Dr. Sarruel DERRYBERRY H. C .. 41 CLAYPOOL IMlam " 1.9 John, t9 H. J., 41 Dr. B. p , t2 Dr. Sarruel DICKENSON JosepHne. 40 Bettie V .. t2 Wi'am IV, 9 Miss, 8 EVINS David, 12 Wilam, 4 DICKERSON John, 40 Eljah.12 CORBIN AD.. 39 EW1NG George, 12 James, 41 Cot John, 8 Ida M .. 38 John, 12 Mary Am, 41 DISHMAN James F .. 39 Martha E.. 36 COVINGTON Harvey, 41 EYE Sarruel B .. 12 Eijah, 22 James, 41 Dr. Pa\J F .. I I Sarah p .. 12 F. Joseph. 38 Mary E.. 41 FARRENTS Scott. 12 F. W .. 22 DIXON Hines, 22 Stephan, 12 Hamet W .. 12 John, 23 FISHER Stephen H., 38 J. W .. 22 John, Sr., 23 Soptia, 4O Vllliam 0 ., 12 John R .. 4' JohnW.. 38 FLORA Woodford P .. t2 Joseph. 22 DONAlDSON AIlram, 18 COKER JLAiama, 38 Lewis G .. 24 FLOYD Sarruel B.. 24 Robert. 41 DONHAM Clnt. 40 COLEMAN Thomas, 22 Derris, 24 John B .. 40 EIlabeth, 38 COWLES DOUGHTY FORE Frances, 31 James, 39 DarieI, 23 Jesse, 20 John, 31 COX DOUGlAS FORT Thomas, 38 Serrue/, 33, 40 Sarah J. 38 Frederick, 25 COLLIER Sara, 33 DOWELL FOX Am, 30 CRAWFORD Dr. Cinderella Thomas, 38 Mikted, 30 Jane, 39 SUsan, 13 FRAKER COMPTON MIChael, 39 Nancy, 13 John, 38 E1zabeth, 36 Rachel, 39 VIII'am, 13 MiChael Jr , 38 Levi . 21 CRENSHAW DOYLE. MiChael Sr .. 38.39 Mathew Jr., 36 CorTine, 15 FeUma , 34 FRANCEWAY CONNER CRUMP John F .. 34 Joseph, 38 Mordecai, 21 Havilah, 24 DUDLEY FRANCIS COOK CULBERTSON ArrbrOM Parson, Enoch' 38 Daniel, 27 Robert. 35 4 EpIY1am, 38 Sarah E. J .. 27 Sarah. 35 Ann Parl!er, 4 Rev. James. 38 COOKE IM'am, 35 Anna Maria, 4 Janette 41 W. A .. 39 CULLIP Charles. 4 S. A , 38 COOKSEY David, 25 Dr. Berjarrln.4 Dr. W . A , 41 R. E .. 39 CURRIN PoIy, 31 Dr. W . R .. 41 W. C .. 39 Sictley, 4 1 Rev. Arrbrose,3' IM'am 41 COOMBS CURTIS Robert. 31 . IM'amA.. 38 BeIe, 9 Elzabeth J.,4O' VIII'am, 4 FRANKliN Carolne. 9 DAHLMAN DUFF AtlertC" 38 Chas. Morehead Jane Teare. 16 Hettie, 38 GeorgeC .. 38 9 DAUGHETY DUNN J. G .. 38 Dee. 9 Robert. 38 Eleanor, 32 James H .. 38 EcMn Hines, 9 DAVENPORT DYER Jas.. 25 • Dr. Frances, 4 Cam e E .. 40 Bste, 21 JoeI, 24 Lile. 9 DAVIDSON ' Manoah,21 Wi.am, 38 THE LONG HUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. n

INDEX, Confd

FRANKS E~n , 40 J . M.. 38 HERRELD Jacob. 38 Franldin p .. 40 GRAHAM 'IVIlam E.. 40 FRAZER George, 41 AAlxander, 24 HARRIS Alexander. 38 George M , 41 Lawrence, 38 Da";d. 18 Geo .. 22 H. W .. 41 GRAVES Jane, 41 Jas .. 22 JOIYI W , 41 Elzabe1h Mary, 31 JOIYI, 23 JOIYI. 39 Joseph R , 41 JOIYI, 32 M. E., 41 JOIYI R.. 39 L. H .. 41 JosepI1, 31 Moses, 18 Robert.39 Sarruel J .. 41 Maj. Berj., 31 Sala, 38 Thomas. 39 T. H.. 41 GRAYSON HARRISON rhos .. 22 T. W , 41 Ella Am, 41 JOIYI M.. 21 FREAS Thomas B.. 41 Nahriel, 41 Vel S .. 21 Francis. 19 Thomas H , 41 Thomas H., 41 HARSTON FREEMAN W F., 41 GREEN Robert Bradford, AbsaIom, 39 Wafter Boyd. 41 Claude, 29 20 GaIJr1e1. 39 WafterW .. 41 0uIT, 32 HART Jererrian, 39 'IVIlam S. 41 Erma Lee,29 George, 4 JOIYI. 39 'IVIlam T.. 41 James Newton 29 HAWES JOIYI Allert. 39 GALE Robert, 32 El.riceJNicie. 31 FRENCH Pete G., 41 'IVIlam, 32 HAYDON E. B.. 39 GALEN 'IVI11III1 Feb, Lucy, 32 Ig1IItus, 39 Jacob, 40 29, 32 HAYES J8JMS, 39 GALLAGER GREGORY Ella J., 28 JOIYI. 39 JOIYI E.. 41 Dr. ElShe Hal, 4 Thomas J .. 40 Rase. 39 GALLOWAY GRIFFEN HAYNES 'IVIlam. 39 Abraham M., 41 ~ , 22 James H., 40 FRENELL NeIson, 41 GRINSTEAD HAYSEL Isaac, 39 GARDNER Permela, 40 James L.. 41 FROST Alftne JuctI1, 41 GUTHERIE Ute BeIe. 41 E. G., 39 Woodford N., 41 Dr. W.A, 14 HAZELIP FRY GARRISON HACK Z. T.. 41 W . H .. 40 SaITIJeIY .. 38, 40 Pt'ilp, 19 HEAVNER FRYER GATEWOOD HALE Amandll. 39 Rlctwd H. M., 40 'IVIlam, 24 Fred D., 41 SarrueI, 39 FULKS GAYLE JOIYI,22 HELM JOIYI S .. 40 Joyce, 31 HALL Nancy Carson. 13 FULLER GAYNOR Dr. E. N.. 7 Blakey, 13 JOIYI H .. 40 . Mary, 38 VVIIIIII1, 38 Dr., 14 FULTON GEE HAM Herold. 13 Sarruel.40 Sack H.. 40 M. F. Jr., 38 JOIYI B., 13 FUQUA Vlrgirius 0 .. 41 T. J .. 38 Margie, 13 JOIYI A .. 40 GILMORE HAMMETT Thomas Jr.. 13 FURY Rowena , 27 'IVIlam, 38 Dr. Thomas O . 13 Char1es G .. 40 GLADISH HAMPTON Dr. W D . 9 GAOD Rictwd, 23 Berj .. 22 HENDRICK E. M. 40 GLEN Csroine Hines, 9 B)1'd 0 , 22. 23 J . F., 40 P. W .. 41 Mar1ha Carolne,9 JOIYI. 25 Joseph E., 40 GOMBER Pt'ineas 0 .. 9 'IVIlam, 39 GAFFIELD Alee Elda, 27 HANES HENDRICKS C. A , 40 ClYis1opher, 28 Ama,41 J. W .. 41 GAFFORD Jacob, 28 E.. 41 HENTON Thomas, 40 MiChael, 28 HARDCASTLE Da";d, 36 GAGE GORDON Jas .. 21 Hester. 36 • 'IVIlam, 40 Jane/Arnie, 30 JOIYI, 38 JOIYI. 36 GAINES GORIN Mary E.. 38 HERDMAN Allert. 40 Heny, 23 Sha

INDEX, Conrd

MANCO Mar1he. 3O Fraridin. 40 HERNDON f>.Jat!W. 18 Bettie. 41 Thomas, 30 LEWIS JENKINS A. J .. 41 David. 18 J . E .. 39 MANOR HEWITT Frances A .. 39 Char1es, 3O Jane. 22 Char1es. 40 J. F . 38 R .. 41 'Mlam, 39 Mary Wamer. 30 Fred. 40 HINES Mime C .. 40 EMra Morehead. JOHNS T. F .. 41 Wm. , 22 MANSCO 41 'Mlam. 19 LIGHTFOOT Kasper. 18 J. A.. 40 JOHNSON David A., 10 Be1sy. 34 MARKHAM James D.. 40 Elzabe1h. 32 Ja5 .. 24 Francis, 24 CaMn. 38 Georgia, 10 Claiborne. 24 MARSHALL Join. 24 Am, 32 P., 40 H. G .. 41 LILLARD David. 33 Join, 32 HINTON Hance. 29 David Spencer.33 Mar1


INDEX, Conrd

IMlam. . 19 D. K . 40 NEALE Prof. JosepI1. 1 1 McDOWELL MITCHELL Susan. 18 POE Adaine. 3 Allert 24 NEIGHBORS Nancy J , 38 AmI. 22 Asa , 24 Jona1han. 18 PORTER Calheline. 3 Asa T .. 24 NICKS Denton S .. 23 Dr. Eplnim. 3 As/:w!K, 24 Sarah King Join Ttrner, 19 Join, 21 Betsy, 24 Garrett. 20 Wesltey, 19 Mary, 3 Charles, 24 NUNN IMlam Herry. 19 5aJrueI J .. 22, 24 Hamah, 23 Thomes Sr.. 19 POTTER Sarah, 21 Heny, 24 O'NEAL JlJa Frances Susan, 3 J. A. . 40 Bernard, 21 Hi', 9 IMlamW.. 2 James, 39 ORMSLEY Lewis, 21 McELROY Join, 24 IMlam P .. 41 Peen, 9 Dr. J. F. 10 MaryAm, 24 OWENS PleaSll1l J., 9 Lydia K , 10 M~ . T., 41 J. H .. 40 Thomes A. , 39 Mary Kir1<. 10 SusieW.. 40 PAGE POTTS Sale R .. 10 Wm .. 23 B, F , 38, 40 G. W .. 38 IMlam, 10 MONROE Undsy, 38 PRATT IMlam D .. 10 EJenor, 3O Pew!, 38 OelT1nda Amra, McEWEN MOONEY PALMER 27 EctMlrd C .. 21 Hamal Sanra. 27 Join C .. 40 PRIBBLE McGOWAN MOORE PARKER Ale Mae, 20 IMlam S. D .• 40 Francll, 33 Am,31 PRICE McKINNEY Frri, 9 E. B.. 40. 41 HLql, 39 /We. Way... ", 27 Join, 12 Sarah F .. 41 PROCTOR CaMn Wa' ne, 27 Joseph, 21 IMlam, 31 F. B.. 41 George w,yne,27 Miss Sale D .. 12 PASLEY PRUITT J_W~ yne , 27 Sarah N .. 33 IMIIIm,38 Mary, 38 McMAHAN MOORMAN PATRICK PUCKETT Mar1in. 24 F. Clsper, 28 JoIn,23 E .• 24 McMULLIN Soptia,28 SaIy,23 Eplnim, 24, 25 Mary Poty, 27 MOREHEAD PATTERSON PURGAHN McMURRAY CI1at1es D.. 13 ~, 21 Char1eS, 29 Issac, 41 EMra, 9 Join S., 21 Serna Presca, 29 McNEEL Gall. Char1es, 4 Wm .. 21 PYLE Betsy, 23 Hamel!. 4 PEARSON Eve, 36 Join. 23. 25 Mwgeret SIa~ ~Roy28 HarreI't, 36 MERCER ter, 4 Ea..ard Sni1h, 28 Mary Am, 36 Geo .. 22 CI1at1es III. 4 Join Ben. Sr.. 28 QUISENBERRY MERCHANT MORROW Thomes Wm .. 28 Nicholls, 21 Lou E 41 Dome GaroI, 20 IMlam, 28 RAJFSNIDER MERIWETHER JoIn, 41 PENICK AIlert,2O Vaiernlne, 25 MOSS Thomes, 39 RusIl. 21 MIDDLETON Da'o1d. 14 PENNER RANDOLPH Thos .. 24 , 25 Dr. Morton 1.4 .. 14 Frarl<, 38 AmeCary, 30 MILLER EIen, 40 PERKINS Geo. Wasting10n A. C .. 39 Irene Malone, 14 J, S., 39 27 CaMn. 39 MUDD Jesse, 23 Sarah Manora, 27 Caroine M., 4 ·Feb" J. F .. 28. PERRY Thomas Mann, 30 Dr. Herry, 4 Arrie Elzabe1h,28 Elshe,29 RAIFSNIDER Ea..ard, 4 NASH Sarah, 29 FranciS Marion 20 Elzabe1h, 28 Jam, 23 JlJa Am, 29 RAWLINGS George R., 4 NATCHER PHELPS Ea..ard, 36 • Mary E., 4 W. H .. 39 James, 14 Rebecca, 36 Mib.m. 39 NEAL Lall'll, 14 RAWLINS Nancy Amra, 26 Richard. 24 Mary (Poty), 14 Jas .. 22 MINOR Wm. p .. 24 PILLSBURY R .. 22 THE LONGHUNTER, VOL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 150

INDEX, Confd

RAY COIYlId. 40 E. F .. 40 TALIAFERRO JOhn. 22. 23 SCRUGGS EIlabe1h. 34 Lucy. 30 REED Sale. 39 Godfrey. 21 THOMAS BesSIe. 20 SEAGRAVES Herry D .. 20 D. H.. 41 Errma . 2O Nancy. 39 J. D .. 41 Dr. Richard ClI"d. Joseph C .. 20 Thomas. 39 J. H .. 21 11 REES SEARING J. W .. 38 E. D.. 41 Jacob. 34 Adelne. 28 Ke.ziah. 38 ElvIra Morehead. Jacob Mason. Jom. 28 LoUsa Jane. 40 11 34. 35 SEARL Thomas J .. 38 Hale E.. 41 Robert. 34 Ama. 39 Wllam. 41 Jas .. 22 REESE SEARS SMITHIER Judge H K . 11 Ei Ht41. 29 Nancy Melnda. 28 EIen. 41 Nahn. 22 Jacob Mason. 29 SHACKELFORD SOLLES Rev. Fra r/< Mor~ Vera Vrvian. 29 Wm .. 14. 25 Sarah. 20 head. 11 RENICK SHANNON SOUTH Richaro C. P .. 11 Wm .. 21 T. J .. 41 Dr. J. F.. 16 Thomas. 11 RICE SHARP Dr. Ulan. 15 THOMPSON W. G .. 41 Cessna J .. 8 Dr. Ulan Herald. E~re Looney. RICHARDSON James. 8 16 26 Joseph. 22 JomN .. 8 Mar1ha BeIe Joseph Fraridin. RILEY Mary Am USher 8 Moore. 16 26 A.. 39 Solomon P .. 23. 24 SPENCER Nancy enyra. 26 Dariel. 39 SHARRER capt. Joseph. 33 THROOP M. M .. 39 H. A. . 39 Pot(. 19 Jose A .. 20 ROBARDS SHELBY STAGNER THURMAN Je5Sie. 39 Isaac. 3 Femle Hermcks EIzabe1h. 19 ROBB Sarah Hart. 3 19 W. D. • 39 Alee. 7 SHELTON Frances. 19 TINDLE Alee Venable. 7 R. H. 40 George, 19 James w. . 40 Char1e. 7 SHERER STAMPS TINSLEY Dr. W. B.. 7 Arne. 40 Perry, 39 Arena. 39 Emma . 7 SHERMAN STEWART TODO J. Wllam. 7 ?3O GIles. 39 Jam A. . 21 JamesW . 7 Mict\llel. 30 STICE TRAVIS Maggie. 7 SHIELDS Fred. 38 Francis. 38 Venable. 7 C. 0 .• 41 STOCKTON TUCKER ROBERTSON SHOBE Retben B .. 19 Dr. Jas. Ea.;n 12 Clarissa. 4 Ellabell. 12 STONE Enle Lois. 12 David D .. 21 SHORT Deriel. 25 J. 104 .. 12 ROCKETT AIv. Mlria. 4 Ella. 25 Jas. Harvey. 12 Chana Marie. 29 SHREWSBURY STOVALL TURNER ROGERS Sarruel. 8 Joseph. 20 Thos .. 23 F. F. "Tolle". 38 SHUCK Wm .. 25 TYE ROHMER Dr. M. S.. 10 STRANGE Judge H. H .. 16 Mary A.. 40 SKAGGS Kanle. 39 TYLER ROPER Dariet. 18 STRINGER Mary Moore. 16 Sarah. 40 James Jr .. 18 Ezeldel. 39 USHER ROUNTREE James Sr .. 18 STRINGFIELD Margaret. 8 D. S .• 41 Joseph. 24. 41 Jas .. 22 VANMETER RULE Susanah. 18 Nancy. 22 CIlar1es C .. 8 Jom B.. 39 SKJLES STRODEISTROUD Dr .. Sarruet K 8 SANDERS James R.. 8 Lelita. 36 Herry. 8. 36 AMra . 40 Wllam. 21 SUBLETT Isaac. 8 • SATERFIELD SLOSS EIlabe1h. 18 Jacob. 8. 36 B . 22 Mary A.. 40 SYLSER Joseph. 36 SCHREY SMITH Lucinda . 10 JUia . 8 • THE LONG HUNTER, II'OL. XIX, ISSUE S. PO. 51

INDEX, Confd

Mahala , 36 WASH INGTON WHITMAN WOODFORD Mar1ha Ushef, 8 Mikred, 32 W. , 4O PalSy, 40 Mary, 36 WATSON WICKWARE WooLFOLD Mary U , 8 Joab, 24 ~,22 Ellabeth Nancy, 36 Join Coieman 26 WILLIAMS WRAY Nathan, 36 Mary Eizabeth 26 Join, 19 Betsy, 34 Rebecca, 36 WATTS Margere~ 19 JoIn, 34 ....,Iam K , 8 Amanda Lay, 39 Pearson. 19 WRIGHT VENABLE ....,Iam R.. 39 Sa-oey, 19 Araomaclle Joseph 51' .. 7 WAYLES Tom, 19 Lo..;ng, I I VERNON Mar1h8 , 3O WILLS Am Bliggs, 7 Rebecca, 18 WELSCH Am, 32 Am Ellabeth, 7 VOYLES Ellabeth, 29 Co, Herry, 32 AsHey Cooper, 7 L. H.. 40 WHALIN WILLOUGHBY Dariel Webster, 7 WAGNER D. R .. 38 NeI'1emiah. 21 Or, T, B,. 8, 9, 1 1, PalJine, 29 Mary Thomas, 38 WILSON 17 WALKER WHEALY Margaret E" 39 Ellabeth, 11 N, H .. 41 Wm,, 22 N. J .. 39 EIa Bowden, 7 Nathariel, 4 I WHITE Sera, 18 JoInJ,, 7 WALTER Or, G, W .. 41 Wm .. 22 Josiah McGehee, George, 41 1.1 , T.. 4O WINSLOW 7 WAND T, R" 40 Susama,31 JlAIa A , 7 Tho$,, 21 WHITLOW WITHERSPOON Mary, 7 Rachel, 21 AlIre,:!. 40 Y.. 38 YANDELL WARREN Bede Alca, 38 WOFFORD Or, D, W .. 11 Farny, 30 Cameron, 4O ....,Iam, 40 James, 30 Wyatt. 38. 40 Robert Oer Ii rlOt IS 30


THE LONGHUNTER. 40 pgs, 8 112 x 11 , 4 issues per year, stapled, $15,00 per year, pp, Back issues from 1978 are available at $4,00 each,

THE LONG HUNTER ANCESTOR INDEX, VOL I, 8 112 x 11, sf! bd. ndxd, lists over 10,000 ancestors and spouses of SKGS members, 246 pgs, $24.00 piUS $2.50 SH,

THE LONG HUNTER ANCESTOR INDex, VOL 11 , 8 112 x 11 , ndxd , hardbound, lists 8400 ancestors and spouses of 98 SKGS members, most of wnom ha .... joined the SKGS sinca Vol I was published in 1990 ' 9' pgs. $27 .50 plus $2,50 SH,

1810 WARREN COUNTY, KY CENSUS. 8 112 x " , 82 pgs, s1t bd, full name ndx. $17 ,50 pp,

These bockS may be ordered from the SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, P OBox ' .~: • Bowtlng Green, KY 42102-1782, Kentucky residents add 6% sales tax . : THE LONG HUNTER, I/OL XIX, ISSUE 3, PG. 52 •


HARDIN COUNTY, ILLINOIS DEATHS 1884 -1919 & NOTES FROM THE PLEASANT HILL CHURCH REGISTER, Hard Cover - 177 pages indexed. Price $25.00 PP.

The death records contained in this book were copied from the Hardin Co., IL Death Registers - 1 & 2 at the Co. Clerk's office, Elizabethtown, and include the years 1884 - 1919. These records include the deceased's date of death, age, place of birth, cause of death, physician and undertaker and the place of burial.

Annotations have been added to some of the text which provides the researcher with more facts on the deceased individual and his family.

Pleasant Hill Church Register notes give the date of an individual's acceptance, baptism , transfer and dismissal, and also a few early marriages and deaths.

Order from Marion Lavender Reynolds, P.O. Box 352; Harrisburg, IL 6294&-0352 (Phone 618-252-3442). : , Other books available from the same author: HARDIN CO., ILLINIOS NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS VOL. 1 1871 - 1889 and HARDIN CO., ILLINOIS NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS VOL. 111890 - 1908; EARLY NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS OF HARDIN CO., (From Uncle Geo. Lavender's Scrapbooks); and GASKINS FUNERAL HOME RECORDS OF HARRISBURG, SALINE CO., IL 1947-66 (With obits & annotations). Hard Cover $29.00 - Soft Cover $24.00. Postage Paid. Prices & availability subject to change.

RED RIVER COUNTY, TEXAS DEED ABSTRACTS; VOLUME ONE, 1835-1846 contains parts of areas which became Bowie, Cass, Famnin, Grayson, Lamar, Marion , Hunt, Hopkins, Morris, Franklin, Titus, Collins & Cooke. Compiled by Joyce Martin Murray.

RED RIVER COUNTY, TEXAS DEED ABSTRACTS; VOLUME TWO -1846-1855, Compiled by Joyce Martin Murray.

For purchasing inforr ' tion contact Joyce Martin Murray, 2921 Daniels, Dallas, TX 75205.


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