








I ,,


I?aga DEATHSA~CR~EDEA~ mTES...... 7.l2 Grofiof tiere@ation mea...... J...... ------...... - 7 Extent of there@tration meak1911. -. . ..-- . . . ..-. -.. -.- ...... -. -.. -.- ...... -. -... --- ...... -. -..-..' ------...... 8 .Dea&s. bycolor mdage of decedent ...... -...... 9 Deatirates oftiere@tration area.-.-.. -.-.. -... -.- . . ------...... ’ “9 Deitirates ofre#shati6n states. . . ------. ------...... 10 Deatira&s oflqecities ...... ------. ..----- . . 11 Deatim&s of fore@ comties andcities ...... ------...... ,11 SPECIFICAND STANDAR&EDDEA’JiHRATES...... ------. .. ---- .- ...... 12-22 SpecScdeati rates...... +...... 13 Stindm&ed (orcomected) deatirabs ...... -. ..- . . ..-. ..- . . ..-. -.-- ...... - ...... 18 S@dm&ed deatirates, bycolor andnatitity. .-. -.. - ...... -. ------. .. ---- . . ----- ...... 20 I~AN~AND C- NORTmY ------...... 22-26 Impor@ce ofrepofig ~deatis ofitimts bomtive ...... ------. ------...... 24 CAUSXSOFDEA~ ...... "...... 1 . ..-...... 26-34 Det~edand abtid~ed International &ts...... ------...... 26 ‘ T~hoidfever . . . ..~ ...... - 27 ...... ~ ...... - 28 Scmletfever ...... ~ ...... - 28 ~%oophg cough ...... ` ...... - 29 Diphtierh mdcroup ...... 29 Otherepidetic disemes. . ..- . . . ..---- . ..----- . ..----- .-. --. ----. - . . . ..--.. -.. -... -.. -.-. - . . . ..-.`------29 . PeUa~a ...... - 29 Tuberctioti (~ fores) ...... ' ...... 30 Oancer...... 31 Acute mtefior poEomyeEti (~antflep aralysk) ...... 32 Orgatic &asesof theheati ...... 32 fiemofi (aHfoas) ...... 33 Dtiheamd enteritk (under 2years) ...... - ...... =.L.L... J3b- Tiolent (exclutig sticide) . ..-.. --. -... - . . ..-.. -... -.. --- ...... -.. -.- . . ..- . . ..-. -- . . . ..-1.. -. YE ------34 ACCURACYOF STATISTICSOF CAUSESOFDEATZ...... - 34-36


Table l.—Population, deaths (exclusive of stillbirths) distributed according to color and”age of decedent, and death rate, for the ‘ registration area and its subdivisions: 1911...... 38 Table 2.—Deaths (exclusive of stillbirths) in the registration area and its subdivisions, by color of decedent and : 1911.: ...... 48 Table 3.—Death rates per 100,000 population in the’registration area and its subdivisions, from principal causes.of death: 1911. . . . 74 Table 4.—Deatis (exclusive of stillbirths) from each cause and class of causes, by age of decedent, for the registration area: 1911. -~ 100 Table 5.—Deaths (exclusive of stillbirths), and death rates per 100,000 population, by causes, according to the Detailed Interna- tiond Lkt. fortiere@tiation mea: 1908to1911 ...... - 104 !l’able 6.—Deaths (exclusive of stillbirths) horn certain important causes, by months, for the registration area, registration states, sad cities of 250,000 population oroverin 1910: 1911...... 1 ...... 108 ,Table 7.—Deaths (exclusive of stillbirths) horn important causes, during each of the iirst three days of life, the remainder of the iirst week, weeks of the fist month, months of the fist quhr, and remAing quatiers of tie fist year, for tie regfi-, tration area, registration states, and cities of 250,000 population or over in 1910: 1911...... 123 ---

MAPS. Gro&hof theregistration area for deaths: 1880to1911 ...... 6 . (3)


DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS, Wmhington, D. (7., March 15, 1913. SIR’: I have the honor to transmit Census Bulletin 112, in which maybe found some of the most important facts concerning the deaths recorded in the registration area of the United States for 1911. . This area is increasing yearly, and for 1911 included 63.1 per cent of the estimated midyear population of the country. The ,states of and Missouri appear in the registration area for the fist time. The total”number of deaths reported in this area was 839,284, or i4.2 per 1,000 population, the lowest’ death rate since the series of annual reports. was begun and.probably the lowest rate that has ever occurred in the United States. Specific death rates are presented, by sex, for important age groups, and also standardized or corrected rates which maybe compared with the corrected rates of foreign countries. The present bulletin was prepared under the direction of Dr. Cmssy L. Wilbur, ckef statistician for vital statistics of this ‘bureau. ~ Very respectfully,

Director of the (?ensb. Hon. WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, J 8ecrekzry of Commerce. .- 5

. .

. . . , j.,


1880 1890

:R GENT OF UNITED 8TATi-?i-”&J “\,, POF’ULATIO” ..,.


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1900 !91t


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No’rE.-In addition to the registration states (shaded in the cartograme), the registration area includes certain cities in nonregistration states. /




The total number of deaths returned for the registra- The growth of the registration area, with respe?t to tion area of the United St5tes for the year 1911 was the population included and the extent of land area, is , 839,284. The estimated midyear population of this shown in the following table: area was 59,275,977, or 63.1 per cent of the total popu- lation of the United States, And the death rate for the UNITED STATES. REGISTRAmON AREA FOR DEATHS. year was 14.2 per 1,000. This is the lowest death rate ever recorded for the registration area, as appears from Population. Land ma. . YEAR. — the following statement: P;?#k+ Lrmd aree (Symre Per Per rmfes). sent s~;ey rmt of te- ‘f to- Death Death tal. tal. YEAR. rate per l#lTynp. YEAR. {;~tigp — . 2,973,890 63.1 ,106,734 37.2 2,973,890 58.3 997,978 33.6 2,974,159 56.1 765,738 23.7 loll ...... 14.2 1903...: ...... 16.0 2,974,159 52.5 725,117 24.4 - 1910...... I&o 1902...... 15.9 2,974,159 49.2 603,151 20.3 1909...... 14.4 1901...... 16.5 2,974,159 48.9 603,066 leas...... 20.3 > 14.8 1900...... 17.6 2,974,159 4!).4 212,744 7.2 1907...... 16.0 19CK11...... 17.8 2,974,159 40.4 212,744 7..2 1X)6 ...... 15.7 18901...... 19.6 2,974,159 212,762 7.2 1905...>...... 16.0 V3801...... 19.8 2,974,159 M 27.2,762 7.2 1904...... 16..5 2,974,159 40.3 212,770 7.2 , 1! 1 2,974,159 40.5 212,621 7.1 37.9 1:$ ;3: 5.9 I Censusyear ending May 31. 2,973,965 :}: 2,973,965 16;481 N GROWTH OF THE REGISTRATION AREA. . 1 Net reduction of 269 square miles as Corn ared with area stated by Census of The series of annual reports began with the calendar 1900,due to drainage of lakes and swamps in 81inois md , building of the Roosevelt and Laguna Reservoirs, and overflow of the Colorado Riyer fnto the year 1900, following the series of decennial reports, SaItOn Sea fn California. Z Ending May 31. which began with that of the Seventh Census for 1850 ., and terminated with the Twelfth Census report for the While a large proportion of the population and a year ending May 31, 1900. The earlier decennial still larger proportion of the land area of the United reports on mortality were based upon an enumeration States are still without effective registration of deaths, of deaths at the time of the enumeration of the popu- and hence are not included in the annual compilations lation, hence the rates were fiir from accurate and can of mortality statistics made by the Bureau of the xwt be compared with rates based upon the immediate Census, the registration area has grown until it maybe . registration of deaths. The “registration area, ” considered representative in many respects of the which comprises those states and cities in which the country as a whole. Birth registration is in a much registration of cleat@ is returned as fairly complete less satisfactory state; it is probable that not much (at least 90 per- cent of the total) and from which more than 25 per cent of the population of the country transcripts of the deaths recorded under the state is represented by. records of births even approximately laws or municipal ordinances are obtained by the complete. The remedy for this condition, wtich is the . Bureau of the Census, wa~ established by the Tenth extension of effective registration of both births and Census (1880). For that year it consisted of only 2 deaths throughout the entire United States, depends states—Massachusetts and New Jersey-and certain primarily upon the enactment and thorough enforce- cities in other states, the aggregate population of the ment of adequate laws by the states. The Bureau of area being only 8,538,366, or 17 per cent of the total the Census has long been cooperating to this end, with population of the United States. The land area repre- the active support of many national organizations, sented formed an insigdicant fraction (six-tenths of notably the &nerican Medical Association, the 1 per cent), and the rates can not be considered repre- knerican Association, and the National sentative of t>e country as a whole. Federation of Women’s Clubs. The recently organized 7“” 8 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

Children’s Bureau of the Department of Commerce’ laws of Kansas’ and Nebraska. Laws of the type of will bring additional suppor~ to the movement for the “Model Bill” have recently gone into effect in better vital statistics and especially for the registra- Idaho, Mississippi, and Virginia, and are now under- tion of births, inasmuch as ●that bureau is charged going the test of practical experience under the with the investigation of and the diverse conditions in those states affecting the admin- birth rate. istration of registration laws. The (‘Model Bill, ” a generalized draft of a bill for the registration of births EXrENT OF THE REGISTRATION AREA IN 1911. and deaths based on the practical experience of regis- The states included in the registratitm area fol tration officials in this country, has been thoroughly deaths for 1911 are the following: revised recently by a special committee of the Council California. Missouri. . on Health and Public Instruction of the American Colorado. Montana. Pennsylvania. Medical Association, in consultation with committees - Connecticut. New Hampshire. Rhode Iskmd. or representatives of the American Public IHealth Indiana. New Jersey. Utah. Kentucky. New York. Vermont. Association, the American Bar Association, the Con- Maine. North Carolina (mu- Washington. ference of Commissioners on Uniform State La%%, Maryland. nicipalities of 1,000 Wisconsin. Wssachusetix. population or over the Children’s Bureau, and the Bureau of the Gensus.s Michigan. in 1900). Minnesota. This bill has been introduced in the legislatures of several states, among them , Iowa, North Of these 23 states, or 22 states if the partial regis- Carolina (to extend the present system of death tration in North Carolina be disregarded, Kentucky registration to the entire state and to provide for and Missouri appear in the returns for the first time. the registration of births), 4 and . 4 Other The registration states formed less than one-half of states are in need of such legislation. In some the the total number of states in the Union. Together state authorities are not yet prepared to cooperate with the District of Columbia, which is included in and time is being wasted in experimenting with totals for the ~group of registration states but is else- fundamentally defective laws, which can never.. -be where treated as a registration city, they comprised expected, however faithfully administered, to afford sat- (inch-dingthe North Carolina municipalities referred isfactory results. On the whole, however, the pros- to) somewhat more than one-half of the total esti- pects were never brighter, nor was there ever before ~ mated midyear population in 1911 (54,385,234, or as much genuine public interest in the registration 57.9 par cent). of vital statistics or as full recognition of the important Following is a list of the registration cities in non- practical uses subserved by such registration. Look- registration states: ing back upon the long history of registration, or Alabama: Illinoti-Continued. Tennessee. rather attempted registration, in the United States Birmingham. Evanston. Knoxville. Mobile. Jacksonville. Memphis. and remembering that the direct control of the Montgomery. Quincy. Nashville. collection of births and deaths is entirely in the Springfield. Texas: Delaware: hands of the states, and that 48 separate and, in Wilmington. Kansas: El Paso. Florida: Kansas City. Galveston. this respect, entirely independent state legislatures Leavenworth. San Antonio. Jacksonville. must be brought to see the wisdom of such registra- Key West. Wichita. Vir “ ia. Louisiana. A~xandria. tion and to provide adequate and uniform means Georwia: New Orleans. Danville. At~anla. Nebraska: Lynchburg. therefor, including reasonable financial support, it ‘ Savannah. Lincoln. Norfolk. would perhaps seem that if uniform and accurate Illinois: Omaha. Petersburg. Aurora. Oregon: Richmonc?. vital statistics that shall cover the entire country Belleville. Portland. Roanoke. and be comparable with those of other civilized Chicago. South Carolina: West Virginia: Decatur. Charleston. Wheeling. nations are to be obtained, at least within the lifetime of the present generation, some means must be adopted These registration cities in nonregistration states whereby more effective cooperation may become pos- may be regarded as forerunners of effective registra- sible, not only among the numerous national organiza- tion. They will in time, doubtless, be brought under tions 5now actively engaged in promoting the extension state laws instead of the local ordinances or regula- of adequate laws, but also among the state sanitary and tions now, for the most part, in force. Delaware has registration authorities charged with their enforcement. a law that would be effective if a sufficient number of local registration districts were provided, a matter 2This defect in the Kansas law has been removed by an amend- ment (1913). entirely within the control of the state board of health. ~Pamphlet on “Why Should Births and Deaths be Registered,” In a similar way the insufficient number of lot@ reg- published by the American Medical Association,535 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, III. istrars cripples the operation of the otherwise excellent 4 Psssed (1913). 6A conference to consider the coordination ‘of the work of 1Transferred to the Department of L~bor on its organization national organizations engaged in various March 5, 1913. welfare work was held in New York on Aprl“rhMes12, 1913.‘f ‘e”* and . . ,. DEATHS AND CRUQE DEATH ‘RATES. 9

DEATHS, BY COLOR AND AGh OF DECEDENT. was the rate shown for 1911, is practically tbe same as the rate of 1.59pm 1,000, according to the other mode Table 1, beginning on page 38, gives the estimated of expression. It might be preferable to state rates for population of the registration area, its main subdi- all causes and for individual diseases upon a dorm visions, the registration states, and registration cities basis per 10,000 population without a decimal; the of each state, for 1911, together with the death rate decimal po~ion of a rate per 100,000 and even the last per 1,000 estimated population, the number of deaths integral figure are of doubtful validity. ‘Computed in of white persons, of negroes, and of Indians, Cl$.nesej this way the death rate of the registration areafrom all Japanese- considered together, and the deaths of per- causes in 1911 would be 142 per 10,000 inhabitants khe sons in certain age groups. Out of the total of 839,- rate for tuberculosis (all forms) would be 16, and that 284 decedents, 779,770, or 92.9 per cent, were w~tes for typhoid fever would be 2 (instead of 21per 100,000), and 56,431 were negroes (the latter including all etc. $ut it is difficult to become accustomed to mixtures of white and negro blood), while only 1,359 changes “mconventional modes of expression, so for the were Indians, 1,060 Chinese, and 664 Japanese. The present the usual methods of statement will be em- percentage of deaths of white persons and of white ployed. population is higher in the registration area than in The following table shows the death rates of the reg- the United States as a whole, because none of the’ istration area and its main subdivisions for the years Southern States where the greatest proportions of 1908 to 1911, inclusive, and also for the periods 1901 negroes are found is as yet included as a’ whole in the to 1905and 1906 to 1910: registration area.

The age groups shown in tbjs table are somewhat DEATH RATE FROM ALL CAUSES 1 PER 1,000 POPULATION. . more condensed than those shown in former annual bulletins; the full statement of deaths by individual Annual years for the &t five years of life and quinquennial ABEA. average. periods for the subsequent years up to the age of 99 1911 1910 1909 1908 1::6 1~:1 will be given in the annual report. Out of the, total * / 1910 1965 of 839)284 deaths at all ages, 1,296—an unnecessarily — _ — — — - large number—were of unknown or unstated age. TheregistratiOn area...... 14.2 15.0 14.4 14.8 15.1 16.2 _ _ _ _ _ No less than 1,o54 of these were reported from the Registration statesz ...... 13.9 14.7 & : 14.7 ;; j 15.9 Cities h registration.states 2...... 15.1 15.9 15.9 17.4 rural part of the registration states, a condition sug- Rural part of registration states... 12.7 13.4 13:0 13.3 13:4 14.1 gestive of carelessness on the part of local registrars Registration cities in~~other states.. . . . 16.9 16.9 15.6 15.”4 15.9 16.6 in rural districts in accepting certificates of death Allregistration cities ~...... 15.3 16.1 15.4 _15.7 16.2 17.0 “1I“I without the statement of the ages of the decedents. 1Exclusive of stillbfrtbs. 2Includes District of Columbia. Dec@cting the unknown or unstated ages, there re- For the re~stration area as a whole and also for ‘ main 837,988 deaths at known ages, of which 149,322, each of its main subdivisions, except the registration or 17.8 per cent, were of under 1 year of age, cities in norwegistration states, the death rates for 209,482, or 25 per cent, were of chil&en under 5 1911 were lower than the rates for any other year or “years of age, and 222,579, or 26.6 per cent, were of period shown in the “table. The rate for the period persons 65 years of age or over. 1906 to 1910 showed a decrease as compared with that The percentage which deaths of infants under 1 for the preceding quinquennial period for each group. year of age formed of the total deaths at known ages It should be remembered, however, that the regis- for the year (17.8) was somewhat less than that for tration area has not remafied constant in its come 1910 -(19.2). This ratio, however, is not a reliable position nor in the distribution .of its population one for the comparison of infant mortality. among the main subdivisions. The states of Kentucky and Missouri were added to the group of registration * DEATH RATES OF THE REGISTRATION AREA. states for 1911, and the cities of those states from Direct comparison can not be satisfactorily made, as which returns were received prior to the operation a rule, of the numbers of deaths registered from year to of the present state laws were transferred from the ‘ year for a given area, owing to the fact that there are group of registration cities in other states to the ‘changes in population. It is therefore necessary to group of cities. @ registration states. These sub- reduce the data to the form of death rates, or the num- division are therefore of a tempor~ character, ber of deaths, from all causes or individual causes, in a being employed merely as headings under which to selected unit of population. Usually death “rates for summarize the distribution of the returns for the all causes are stated as rates per 1,000 inhabitants and current bulletin or report. The increased proportion death rates from indkidual causes as rates per 100,000 of rural population due to the admission ‘of new inhabitants. Of course a death rate of 158.9 per registration states.tends to reduce the death rate for the 100,000 population from tuberculosis (all forms), which registration area as a whole. Hence it is desirable” 10 MORTALITY

to examine the changes in death rates for a large DEATH RATE nOM ALL 12AusEs 1 PER 1,000 portion of the registration area, embracing both POPULATION. urban and rural, in which no changes occurred except those due to natural increase and balance of migration. Annual - . STATE. average. The following table shows the changes in death rates 1911 1910 1269 1268 for the group of registration states al constituted for 1906 [;:1 . the calendar year 1900: 1;:0 MM — — I Re@trations tates2 ...... l 13.9 14.7 14.2 14.7 15.0 15.9 DEATH RATE FROM ALL CAUSES 1 PER 1,000 _ . POPULATION. California ...... 13.7 13.5 13.4 14.1 G Colorado ...... 12.9 13.8 14.2 14.5 14.3 T 11, r,, Connecticut ...... 15.4 15.6 15.0 14.8 15.6 15.7 Annual Indiana ...... 12.9 13.Li 12.9 12.8 13.0 13.2 AREA. 1 1 I 1 IIaverage. Kentucky ...... 13.2 (3) (a) (3) (a) (3) 1911 1910 1909 1908 Maine...... 16.1 17.1 15.6 15.7 16.2 15.9 12$6 12$1 Maryland ...... 16.8 16.0 15.5 15.8 16.0 $ss-~ Massachusetts...... 15.3 16.1 15.4 15.9 16.1 1910 1905 Michigan ...... 13.2 14.1 13.1 13.4 13.6 13.3 ‘ Minnesota ...... 10.5 10.9 (8) (3) (4) (s) — — . — — — Missouri...... 13.1 gs6 (3) (a Registration states 2 (1903)...... 14.9 15.6 14.9 15.1 15.5 15.9 $~5 . - - - _ _ Montana ...... 10.2 & f] f61 ~ Cities a (of 8,000 or more inhabitants New Hampshire ...... 17.1 17.3 17.2 fn 1900)...... 15.4 New Jersey ...... 14.7 16.5 14.7 14.s 15.4 16:1 16.2 15.6 15,9 16.4 17.4 New York ...... 15.5 Rural ...... 14.3 14.7 13.9 14.0 14.2 14.1 16.1 15.7 15.9 16.4 17.1 I 111111 North Caroliuc G...... 18.3 1s. 7 f;) ~ a I Exclusive of stillbirths. Ohio ...... 13.1 13.7 );,1~ !1 a j Inoludes District of Columbia (city of Washington). Pennsylvti ...... 14.2 16.6 14:7 15.5 {} Rhode Island ...... 15.5 17.1 15.6 15.9 16;7 ;7. 8 The states included in the registration area for the Utah ...... 10.3 10.8 $:)7 $)9 }:! ~ yj * Vermont ...... 15.8 16.0 calendar year 1900 were Connecticut, Indiana, Maine, Washington ...... 8.9 10.0 (4 (aj Wisconsin ...... 11.5 12.0 1?; 1?! (41 (8) Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jer- — . — sey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The 1Exclusive of stillbirths. zIncludes District of Columbia. District of Columbia was also included. This group 3Not admitted to registration area until a later date. 4Figures for deaths not available for the entire period 1906to 1910. diflers from the regist~ation area of the Twelfth Cen- b Figures relate only to municipalities having a population of 1,000 or over in 1900. sus (year ending May 31, 1900) by the addition of Indiana. As constituted for the calendar year 1900 In all the states for which comparisons can be made, the group comprised a population of 19,960,742, or 26.3 except California, the death rate for 1911 was lower per cent of the total for the ?Jnited States in that year, than those for the preceding year, and for the period and in 1911 a population of 24,627,761, or 26.2 per cent 1906 to 1910, and in aU but two (Maine and New “ of the total. Thus the population is sufficiently large Hampshire) it was lower than that for the period 1901 to give a good idea of the movement of the death rate to 1905. It should be remembered that these are in an area not affected by additions of new registra- crude rates, which make no allowance for differences tion territory. in the sex and age distribution of the population, and The dleath rate of thk group of registration states Lhat variations in the proportion of colored popula- ‘ (14.9) was slightly higher than that of the registration tion and possible deficiencies of registration in certain area as a whole (14.2) for the year 1911. A reduction states may also affect comparisons between thes tates. from 15.9 to 15.5, or 2.5 per cent, is shown between For North Carolina the rates are based on figures de- the periods 1901 to 1905 and 1906 to 1910; the cor- rived from municipalities of 1,000 population and rep- responding reduction in the registration area as a :esent a high proportion of colored population. It whole was from 16.2 to 15.1, or 6.8 per cent, and of the E possible that the registration of deaths is less com- group of registration states, without regard to addi- plete in Washington 1 and perhaps in certain other tions, from 15.9 to 15, or 5.7 per cent. In the original 1The followin extracts from the Ninth Biennial Report of the registration states of 1900 the death rate for the StateBoard of 2 ealth of Washington relate to the completeness of urban population (places of 8,000 inhabitants or more registrationin that state: ‘

DEATH RATE FBOM ALL CAUSES 1 PER 1.000 residence “or the place where the disease that caused POFWLATION. — death was contracted, it should be remembered-that Annusl the apparent mortality of some cities may be unduly . CrTP. average. increased by the inclusion of deaths of persons who 1911 1910 1006 1908 have come to them as invalids. In the hospitals of 1%6 lo# 1910 1205 all large cities many deaths occur among persons who have come from the surrounding country for BkmiD@rn,A la....’ ...... 18.2 19.5 18.2 17.8 g)8 yj d treatment .or operation, and such deaths are repre- Los An eke Cal ...... 14.5 .140 13.7 OaMarr%,Gd...... 1.2.7 12.7 14.2 2! 15:4 13:3 sented in the death rate of the city. , S~F~c=coj Cal...... 15.2 15.1 15.0 15.5 16.1 20.3 Denverj Colo...... 15.5 16.4 17.0 18.3 17.5 17.2 DEATH RATES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND CITIES. Bridge ort, Corm...... 13.9 15.2 14.4 14..5 15.5 16.0 New$&m,Oonn....l ...... 16.7 16..5 16.9 16.4 17.3 17.3 Washington,D. C...... 18.7 19.6 19.0 19.1 19.6 20.5 For comparison with ‘the death rates of American Atkmta, Ga,...... 19.8 18.9 17.2 18.1 19.4 a. 1 chieago,m ...... 1A 5 15.1 146 14.5 14.9 14.5 states and cities shown in the two tables preceding, . hlie,na 0~ Id ...... 14.7 16.3 14.3 14.2 15.2 15.4 international statistics published by the Registrar- Louisv’d e,~y ...... = ...... 16.1 16.7 15.5 17.0 17.4 19.0 New Orleane La ...... 20.4 a. 3 20.2 22.3 21.7 22.4 General of England and Wales in his latest Annual Baltimore ~d...... 18.4 19.2 18.7 19.0 19.6 20.0 Boston,l&...... 17.1 17.2 16.8 18.3 17.9 18.8 Report (1910) and Summary (1911) are presented in Cambridge, Mass...... 15.2 15.0 14.7 16.0 15.1 15.1 th; following tables: Fall Rivw, Msas...... 17.4 18.4 19.1 20.5 19.7 20.3 Lowell, Mses...... 17.7 19.7 18.0 19.2 19.4 g; Worcester Mass...... 15.7 16.9 15.5 16.7 17.1 —, Detroit, ki!ich ...... 14.4 15.9 14.0 13.7 14.8 15.1 ~~ CQUDE DEATH RATE F=R 1.000PERSONS De- Grand Ra ids, Mioh..,...... 13.6 14.6 11.9 12.7 13.3 13.5 Minue~&Mirm.4 ...... 11.5 12.3 10.7 10.7 11.0 10.2 — — — — St. Pa ?xfirm ...... 10.9 11.9 11.4 10.5 11.0 10.0 Krmsaa/lity Mo ...... 15.4 15.9 14.4 14.1 14.6 15.9 15.8 St. Louie, tie ...... 1.5.4 15.8 14.7 15.6 17.9 COUNTRY. Omaha Near ...... 14.3 15.1 14.7 13.2 13.8 11.5 19# 1:$6 1;:1 m:l Jeraeydim, N. J...... 15.8 16.3 16,8 17.4 17.7 1910 1902 19.3 19!)5 1900 1895 1885 iiewark, N. J...... 14.8 16.5 16.5 16.2 17.2 18.7 .Patemon N. J...... 14.6 14.7 15.3 15.5 15.7 16.9 Albany, fi. Y ...... ~; 19.4 17.6 18.6 18.6 18.4 Butralo, N. Y ...... 16.3 15.2 15.3 16.0 15.5 — New York, N. Y ...... ~:; 16.0 16.0 16.3 16.9 19.0 Broux Borough...... 15.9 15.9 17.0 17.4 20.9 Unitad States (regis- BrooMyn Borough...... 14.8 15.6 15.4 15.6 16.3 18.2 trationarea) ...... 15.0 14.4 15.1 16-2 (1) (1) (1) (9 (9 Manhattan Borough...... 16.0 16.5 16.6 16.8 17.4 19.5 QueensBorough...... 13.7 13.8 14.2 14.1 14.9 16.1 Australian Common- Riehmond Borough...... 16.7 17.0 18.1 18.4 18.6 19.0 wealth ...... 10.4 10.3 10.7 11.7 12.7 13.3 14.8 15.7 31.8 Austria ...... 21.2 22.9 22.3 24.2 25.6 27.9 30.1 p9 Roohsatar N. Y.4...... 14,4 14.6 14.4 13.7 14.7 14.6 Belgium ...... 15.8 17.0 18.1 20.1 $:: 20.6 Syrseuae,h. Y ...... 14.3 15.4 14.5 15.7 15.2 14.5 Bti aria...... #3 26.6 J 1g 22.5 23.9 27.8 17.7 1 Ciuoinnati, Ohfo...... 16.5 17.4 16.5 18.0 18.1 19.1 CeyfOn...... 31.0 26.7 27.0 28.3 2s.1 (1) {11 Clevels.nd,Ohio ...... 13.8 14.3 12.9 13.3 14.1 14.9 . Columbus,Ohio...... 14.3 15.4 14.0 15.2 15.1 15.4 Came ...... 32.5 31.5 31.3 30.2 28.8 32.6 35.2 26.9 216.4 Denmark ...... 12.9 13.2 13.7 14.8 16.4 18.6 18.7 18.4 26.5 Dayton, Ohio...... 13.7 14.8 15.4 14.i 1.5.5 15.1 E land and Wales... 13.5 146 14.7 16.0 17.7 18.7 18.9 19.4 242 Toledo, Ohio...... 14.9 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.9 14.3 Fiend ...... 16.6 16.7 17.4 18.6 7.9.0 20.5 20.0 22.2 21.6 Portland) Ore ...... 10.9 11.0 9.9 10.3 10.2 I?rmce ...... 17.9 19.3 19.2 19.6 20.7 22.3 22.0 22.2 13.5 PhLadelphis $ a...... 16.6 17.4 1}: 17.3 17.7 18.1 Pittsbnrghj f’a ...... 14.9 17.9 15.8 17.3 18.0 19.9 German Empire ...... J)6 17.2 ~~o 19.9 .X 2 23.3 24.4 25.3 Hungary ...... 25.6 26.4 27.9 31.8 32.1 33.1 Sertmton,Pa.L ...... 14.8 16.4 16.3 16.4 16.3 16.2 Ireland ...... 17:1 17.1 17.3 17.6 18.1 18.5 17.9 18.0 Providence R. I.- ...... 15.6 17.7 16.1 16.6 17.6 18.8 Italy ...... 19.6 21.5 21.0 21,9 22.9 25.5 27.2 27.3 Memphis, 4 en.* ...... 21.3 21.4 20.1 20.1 20.6 19.4 Jamtiea...... 23.1 21.7 24.4 22.6 22.1 22.0 23.5 (1) NsehviEe, Term ...... 20.5 18.7 18.1 19.4 19.3 21.5 ...... (1) 22.0 & 20.9 20.7 21.1 20.6 #4 $$ s 21.0 22.6 20.7 21.7 22.5 23.4 Netherland s...... 13.6 13.7 1:: 17.2 19.6 20.5 10.0 10,0 9.3 9.8 9.3 New Zealsmd...... 9.2 9:7 10.1 9.9 10:9 11:0. 1$: l% o 12.6 13.4 12.8 11.3 Norway ...... 1%1 13.4 13.8 14:5 1::: 16.8 17.0 17.2 I 19.8 11.9 13.8 13.7 12.7 13.7 W 2 Ontario, Province of.. 14.0 14.6 14.0 13.0 11.6 10.6 11.0 11.4 922.8 Pmssia ...... 16.0 17.0 17.3 19.6 21.0 22.8 24.0 25.4 1Exclusive of stillbirths. ‘ Roumania- ...... 25.2 27.8 26.0 25.5 27.4 31.0 28.7 26.2 ZFigures for deathsnot available for the entire period 1906to 1910. Russia (European). . (1) 30.9 31.9 35.8 33.2 35.4 aNot admitted to registration areauntil 1908. Scotland...... 1:?3 1$?9 16.1 17.0 18.0 19.0 18.8 19.6 4Rates too low, some deaths of infants being omitte~ seep. 26. Serbia ...... & 29.3 #3 22.4 24.8 28.9 25.9 24.5 Spain...... 24.0 26.0 28.8 30.1 30.9 32.6 J3’or 41 of the 50 registration cities that had 100,000 Sweden...... 14.0 13.7 14.3 15.5 16.1 16.6 16.4 17.5 Switzsrlaud ...... (1) 16.1 ,(1) 17.5 18.1 19.8 20.4 21.3 or more inhabitants in 1910, the rate for 1911 was lower — than that for the preceding year, and for 28 of the 49 I Fignrea not available. 12 MORTALITY STATISTICS. . of the two countries for which increased death rates \ ANNUAL CRUDE DEATH RATE PER 1,000 PE1 30NS De- LIVLNG. ;rease are shown (Chile and the Province of Ontario) it is . — — per cent possible that defective registration during the earlier be- I weeu period may have been responsible for the apparently CITY. 1881 1%6 19CJ11::6 1%# 18$6 1::1 lower rates as compared with the later ones. The 1911 1910 lk5 19101905 1900 1895 1890 1885 and Netherlands and Prussia showed the largest percent- 1~~6 ages of decrease between the two periods (33.2 per , 1910. cent and 31.9 per cent, respectively),followed closely I — — — — — — London...... 15.013.7 14.916.418.519.819.720.9 28.7 by the Australian Commonwealth (31.8 per cent), Ednbur/;h...... 16.015.7 16.817.819.019.719.719.6 14.3 where the rate for the period 1881 to 1885 (15.7)was GISSO’W...... 17.717.1 26.9 Dubh (registration lower than that of any other country except New area)...... 21.419,9 21.623.325.625.726.627.5 21.5 Belfast...... 17,218.6 19.620.823.425.124.424.7 20.6 Zealand (10.9) and Ontario (11.4). The rate of the 12.7 r),9 14.015,516.721.020.1 35.8 10.4 10.511.412.114.317.920.8 49,5 latter may be disregarded cm account of admittedly 22.4 226 23.323.125.326.731.0 27.1 21.3 18.216.314.615.220.120.7 12.1 defectiveregistration. The citiesshowing the great- 16.7 17.517.919.121.122.924.4 28.3 est relative decrease in the death rate are Sydney Brussels...... 139 13.6 39.7 (49.5 per cent), Amsterdam (47.8 per cent), Rotter- Amsterd~m...... 12.412.2 13.114.716.719.222.425.1 47.8 Rotterdam...... 12.112.2 L3.4 15.618.020.822.024.2 44.6 TheHague...... 12.712.5 13.214.416.218.720.823.3 43.3 dam (44.6 per cent), Prague (44.3 per cent), The Copenhagen...... 14.s 14.2 32.3 Hague (43.3 per cent), and IWun.ich(42.4 per cent). Stockholm...... 12.714.6 15.116,113, 37.9 Christiania...... 13.511.9 12.915.317,519,022,319,9 35.2 The lowest percentages of reduction for any of the St.Petersburg...... 20.824.1 25.623.725.825,627,032.9 22.2 Moscow...... 27.226.9 27.626.629.729,233,633.3 17.1 citiesare for Toronto (12.1 per cent) and Edinburgh Berlin...... 15.614.7 15.517.018.120,522,526,6 41.7 (14.3 per cent). I?or the American citiesgiven in E~mbur&...... 14.714.2 14.816.317.324.225.325.2 41.3 Dresden...... 14.613.8 14.717.619.020.622.125.o 41.2 this table, the rates for which are based chieflyupon Breslati...... 19.519.1 20.823.726.327.82S.8 31.3 33.5 Mmich...... 1.5.815.9 17.521.023.925.828.330.4 42.4 municipal reports, the percentage of decrease ranges Viema...... 16.416.6 39.4 from 38.2 per cent for New York to ZO.6 per cent for Pra 0...... 16.315.5 16.118.619.822.726.128.9 44.3 Bu a est...... 19.41s,4 19.519.821.625.530.831.5 38.1 Philadelphia. Tries0 ...... 24,022.9 24.526.327.529.830.431.1 21.2 Milan...... 20,117.1 19.322,123,227.430.430.3 36.3 In comparing the rates for these foreign countries and citiesitshould be borne in mind that the figures, Turin...... (1) 14.9 17.519.619,821,623,527.2 35.7 Venice...... 22.819.0 22.924.225.827.830,229.1 21.3 like the rates given for American states and cities, Bucharest...... 26.125.6 24.723.324.6 (’) (’) (1) (1) New York...... 15.116.0 17.018.920.324.625.827,5 38.2 are crude rates only, uncorrected for differencesin Chkao...... 14.615.1 14.514.215.220.619.521.5 32.6 Pkila%elphia...... 16.516.8 17.718. ~20.6 the composition of the population with respect to Boston...... 17.117.2 17.918.821.123.523,424.? 27.5 RiodeJaneiro...... 20.420.6 22.520.329. 26.2 sex and age. The population of certain cities is — — — — fa~orably affected by large accessions of persons in lF@resnota’vailable.ZFurnishedbytheBureauoftheCensus. early or middle life,which would tend to make the Between the earliest quinquennial period shown rates of such citieslower than those of citiesdepend- (1881 to 1885) andthe most recent (190Gto 1910) a ent to a greater extent upon natural increase. The marked reduction in the general death rate took proportion of aged persons in the population has place in nearly all countries and in all the cities usually a greater influence in raising the general included in the tables, the percentages of decrease death rate than the proportion of young children, for most of the citiesbeing considerably greater than and rapidly growing citieshave comparatively small those for the majority of the countries. In the case populations at advanced ages.

SPECIFIC AND STANDARDIZED DEATH RATES. / All the death rates given in the preceding text and sents the natural incresse of population. Crude rates also those in Tables 1, 3, and 5,and in the annual re- will always be used, at leastas a firststep to the more ports and bulletins heretofore published, are general, refi.ned analysisof mortality statistics. gross, or crude death rates. These terms do not sig- There may be unfairness,however, in the compari- nify that the rates were computed without due care, son of crude death rates derived from populations or that they may not properly be used for many im- very differentlyconstituted. It is known that the portant purposes, but indicate simply that the rates death rate of females is much lower than the death are based upon the total deaths and the total popula- rate of males, and that the death rates of cbi.ldren tion, without regard to the age and sex constitution under ~ years of age and of elderly persons are much of the latter. For populations similarly constituted, higher than those of children over 5 years of age the crude rates afford valuable comparisons. The and of persons in early and middle adult life. Thus, total loss by death in proportion to population is cor- if two populations are numerically equal and the rectly shown by such rates, and the difference between death rates are the same for each age group, by sex, the crude birth rate and the crude death rate repre- the population with a larger proportion of males, of SPECIFIC AND , STANDARDIZED DEATH RATES. 13

~oung chil$ren (under 5 years of age), and of elderly dents and, perhaps, by incompleteness of registration. persons, wd.1have a larger number of deaths and hence The rates shown for the state of Washington: and, will show a higher crude death rate. In some cases perhaps, for some other states, may be somewhat below the sap.itary conditions might be precisely the same the truth, owing to the difficulty of procuring complete and yet the difference in the crude death rates might returns of deaths from very sparsely settled territory. lead to ,the conclusion that one area was much more The rates for the cities, however, should be accurate. healthful than the other. Therefore it is desirable There is no reason why all deaths should not be regis- to study the mortality by means of more precise tered in a city of considerable size. ratios than the crude death rates. The instructions under which the returns are made to this bureau require the reporting of all deaths, even SPECIFIU DEATH RATES. those occurring during the first few days of life, A “specific death rate” may be technically defined whether the children were prematurely born or not. as a death rate based upon a specfied or limited Unfortunately deaths of children prematurely born . group of population. As the age is the most important were not returned for Rochesterj and the absence or single factor affecting mortality, specific rates are small number of deaths of infants under 1 day old in ‘ primarily those of certain age groups. Sex should Scranton and Memphis indicatw that some deaths of - also be taken into consideratioti, and the most useful infants were not reported. Hence the death rates of specific rates are those showing the relation of the children under 1 year of age for these cities, and to a deaths, by sex, of certain age groupsto the correspond- less extent those of children under 5 years of age, and ing population. the total de,ath rates, are not comparable with those In the table on pages 14 to 15 speciiic death rates of cities for which all deaths are returned.2 f~r 1911 are shown, by sex, for the 11 age groups In this preliminary study of specific rates no attempt ~mployed in the annual reports of the Registrar- is made to differentiate the mortality by color. Ref- Gep.eral of England and Wsles, begbning with that erence to the subject is made upon another page, a’nd comprising dikl.ren under 5 years of age and ending in a, subsequent report it will be possible to present ~ with that comprising persons 75 years of age and extended comparisons of the specific death rates of the over. The crude death rate at au ages is also shown, white and colored population. The death rate of the and the specific death rates of infants under 1 year colored is much higher than. that of the white. In of age (not the true infutile mortality) and of children the tables of this section of the bulletin states and from 1 to 4 years of age. The areas for which rates cities in which the colored population formed as much are given are the registration states for 1911, with as 10 per cent of the total are designated by qster- aggregates for the group and. also for the group of isks (*). The rates shown relate to the total popu- states included in the registration area in the calendar lation and ipdicate the effect of the incidence of mor- year 1900, and the cities having 100,000 population tality upon each age and sex group of the population or more in 1910. as a whole. .. . The death ratesin the table on pages 14and 15, except Nor some years pasty among other valuable tables those for all ages, are specific rates based upon the of international statistics in the annual reports of :the death, by sex, iQ each age group and the population Registrar-General of England and Wales, there ha~e ~ e@mated as of July 1, 1911, distributed in each age been included tables showing the specific death ~ group according to the proportions shown by the census of males and females in certain countries for 11 ag~ of 191o. As usual, population of unknown ages is groups. These data, which as a rule are based on the distribut~d accordiag to proportions shown for known mean of the deaths registered for a period of threa ages. years, of which the median year is thaf of the latest The group of re~stration states for the year 1911. avaflable, census (1900 or 1901), are reproduced in the includes the District of Columbia (shown as the city table on pages 16 and 17,with similarspecific rates corn- of Washington jn the list of cities) and does not in- puted by the Bureau of the Census for the registration clude the municipalities of North (?arolina, population area of the United States, its main subdivisions, and. data not being available for the latter. Specific rates, the registration states for the calendar year 1900. , like general rates, are affected, in some cases to a marked extent, by the inclusion of deaths of nonresi- 1Seenoteonp. 10. 2Seep: 26.



[Statesor citiesin which 10per cent or more of the inhabitants . DEATH RATE 1 PER 1,000POPULATION: 191~

Both sexes. Males. ABEA,

10to 1;: 20J 252 35@to 45uto 55Mto 6;? All Under lt04 ~~; 5t09 1* y::re All Under lto4 ages. 1 year. years. ages. 1 year. years. Yems. years. years. yearn.years. years. years. years. yews. years. ~ye:. — — . . — — . — — . — . — . — . REGISTRATIONSTATESZ...... 13.9 112.9 11.8 32.9 3.1 2.2 3.6 5.2 6.4 8.9 13.6 28.2 55.2 138.9 14.7 124.6 12.2 — — — — — — — . . — — — . California...... —13.7 Y T —24.2 2.8 2.3 3.9 5.8 6.9 10.0 14.5 27.0 .55; ;;: : 15.2 90.9 Colorado...... 12.9 10Ls 10.0 29.1 3.1 2.7 3.6 7.2 9.1 9.9 13.6 243 14.5 112.1 1;: -ormectlcrrt...... 15.4 130.9 13.3 38.6 3.3 2.4 3.2 4.8 6.0 9.2 14.7 29.6 59.3 140.i’ 16.2 145.9 13.2 Indiana...... 12.9 94.7 9.6 26.9 2.8 2,2 3.9 5.6 6.0 7.8 10.8 22.2 51.4 137.2 13.4 1047 10.1 Kentuc@* ...... 13.2 87.2 12.6 28.1 3.0 2.4 5.3 i’. 3 8.1 9.3 12.7 22.3 49.7 131.7 13.3 w. 1 IS.7 Maine...... 16.1 110.9 30.7 :; 2.1 3.9 5.5 6.1 11.6 24.4 ;;: 142.6 16.6 12S.6 10.5 Maryland...... 15.8 142.1 1:! 40.0 4.5 7.9 1: ~ 15.8 29.1 154.5 16.8 150.3 15.0 Massachusetts...... 15.3 143.3 13.1 41.1 2:9 :: 3.3 :: 5.9 14.2 29.8 6Ci5 141.2 16.2 158.8 13.6 Michigan...... 13.2 111.4 9.4 30.6 3.0 :. :; ,5.0 5.7 6.9 11.4 21.8 50.8 137.1 14.0 126.8 9.7 Minnesota...... 10.5 83.4 6.9 22,4 2.5 4.5 5.6 6.9 10.8 20.6 44.3 122.7 11.2 93.6 7.5 Missouri...... -. 13.1 95.7 12.2 29.3 3.1 2.2 3.9 5.: 6.8 8.7 13.4 242 51.8 134.0 13.9 1:$ ; 12,4 bfontrma...... 10.2 86.4 8.6 .24.6 3.1 2.8 3.6 8.8 13.3 23.7 45.1 122.4 11.1 Newlfampsbire ...... 17.1 150.3 12.0 41.1 3.3 2.4 ;. 4.; :! 7.9 12.9 24.5 51.2 1448 17.6 160.9 1:; New Jersey ...... 14.7 131.5 14.2 38.9 3.5 2.1 5.2 9.6 15.0 30.7 61.8 141.8 15.6 145.5 14,8 New York ...... 15..5 128.8 1~ ; 3%9 3.6 2.2 3.5 :: ;; 10.7 16.7 31.9 62.4 147.2 16.6 140.1 15.3 Ohio...... 13.1 99.0 28.2 3.0 2.2 3.4 7.9 12.0 22.5 50.6 135.9 13.7 108.8 10.3 Pemnaylvania...... 14.2 1248 13.5 37.3 3.3 2.1 3.6 5.2 6:2 :; +:; 26.9 58.1 1449 15.0 ;:: : 14.1 Rhode Islsmd...... 15.5 13S.6 13.7 40.8 3.6 2.0 3.1 4.9 6.3 . 31.7 65.0 152.2 16.4 . 14.5 Utah ...... 10.3 72.9 7.7 21.2 2.8 2.3 2.9 3.8 5.7 8.1 11.7 20.9 48.3 122.9 11.1 8.5 Vermont ...... 1;: 102.0 7.9 27.8 :. ;; 3.8 4.5 5.8 12.3 25.9 542 141.1 16.2 1:: ; 8.4 Washington ...... 846 6.9 18.6 3.5 4.3 4.8 2: 10.3 19.0 43.6 :gll ; 9.3 7.1 Wisconsi n...... U. 5 98.4 7.6 26.1 2.4 1:9 2.8 4.2 5.3 6.4 10.1 19.6 45.7 12.3 10S.8 3.1 St;];;,{nclrrded inregktration areain 14.9 125.5 12.8 36.6 3.2 2.2 3.5 5.0 6.3 9.4 14.6 28.4 58.3 143.0 15.8 138.6 13.3 _ — ______- . _— . - . CITIESOF100,000POI’ULATIONOROVER IN 1910. Birmingham, Ala.* ...... 18.2 136.1 24.2 47.4 4.8 3.4 7.4 lL 3 lz: 16.6 23.3 37.6 72.3 1s3.o 18.9 146.6 26.9 Los An eles,Cel...... 14.5 100.1 11.5 30.1 2.8 2.8 4.2 6.7 10.6 16.2 27.1 57.1 131.9 16.7 112.0 11.3 Oaklan5,Cal ...... 12.7 87.2 10.2 26.6 3.1 L 7 2.6 5.1 5.1 12.7 27.0 55.7 138.1 13.3 96.4 10.8 SrmFranrcsco,Cal...... 15.2 1048 11.4 3L 1 “3.2 2.7 3.3 5.0 6.5 1;; 21.2 38.9 69.4 169.8 16.8 116.2 12.4 Denver, Colo...... 15.5 131.9 12.7 37.0 3.5 3.0 3.6 7.2 10.3 12.3 16.4 31.7 63.2 158.6 18.1 143.7 13.4 Bri~e ort, Corm...... 13.9 138.4 12.5 40.5 2.5 2.0 3.4 3.9 5.7 9.6 ::; 29.3 65.2 148.2 14.4 155.4 13.7 Naw%?av@n,Corm...... 16.7 133.9 14.9 41.0 3.5s, 6 :; ;: :; i’.9 11.6 39.7 74.6 140.0 17.2 ~;: : 14.9 Washington, D. C.* ...... 18.7 170.0 15.9 47.6 8.7 13.3 19.3 36.1 71.6 ;$ ; 21.2 14.7 AtIanta,Ga.* ...... 19.8 13s.1 242 4s.7 49 3.7 8:8 11:4 12.0 17.3 26.9 39.6 79.4 19.s 135:0 26.2 Chicago,?ll ...... 14.5 123.3 16.0 39.5 4.7 2.6 3.7 5.3 6.9 H. 4 19.3 35.1 62.6 144:2 16.4 142.7 17.1 Indiana olis Id ...... 14.7 105.8 11.1 30.5 3.2 3.5 5.0 6.6 7.1 10.4 16.7 31.1 66.7 151.3 16.0 116.6 13.0 Louisvl“8e, ItY.*...... 16.1 115.5 16.4 36.2 3.7 2.6 5.4 7.0 9.1 13.0 19.2 35.4 65.3 141.3 18.0 135.5 16.6 New Orleans La.* ...... 20.4 ]52.6 17.9 46.7 3.7 3.2 5.9 10.2 12.5 18.9 27.5 48.4 72.4 149.1 23.1 166.4 18.6 Brdtimore i+dd.*...... 18.4 189.2 18.2 51.s 40 2.8 47 6.4 9.4 12.4 21.0 35.9 71.9 16L4 203 199.4 19.7 Boston, tisss...... 17.1 160.9 16.9 47.6 3.7 2.1. 3.8 4.7 7.5 12.1 19.6 37.9 71.0 141.7 18.4 177.3 18.2 Cambridge, Mass...... 15.2 125.6 15.4 39.1 4.3 3.5 4,6 3.8 :. 10.0 29.4 04.0 148.8 15.9 156.9 16.4 Fell River, Mass...... 17.4 239.5 23.2 74.0 2.8 2.3 2.7 4.6 :: 12.3 32.0 6L 2 123.9 18.6 ~g, : 21.4 Lowell, Mees...... 17.7 203.4 19.6 60.6 3.3 2.0 3.5 4.8 6.8 10.6 16.2 34.6 75.4 150.5 18,6 20.0 Worcestw Mass...... 15.7 136.0 11.5 38.9 3.4 :: ;; 4.; 5.; 10.2 16.3 33.4 73.6 167.0 16.8 154.3 10.8 Detroit, Irhch...... 14.4 168.8 14.6 47.7 4.5 8.0 15.7 27.7 59.3 1448 15.2 188.6 14.8

‘4 Grand Rapids, Mich...... 13.6 107.2 11.6 32.3 3.3 2.6 2.6 4.9 5.8 7.2 12.7 28.1 60.4 152.0 14.6 122.7 12.3 4! ?dinnea ohs, hffrm ...... 11.5 106.4 30.0 3.3 :: :: :; ;; 3.4 13.5 26.9 49.1 133.5 12.3 120.9 4( St. Pal f Mime...... 10.9 115./5 :! 31,2 3.4 7.9 13.1 25.7 59.8 122.8 lL 9 127.9 l! ~ & Kanses6ity Ho...... 15.4 145.7 11.1 38.9 3.8 2.8 ::$ 6:9 8:2 12.3 17.6 35.2 64.4 154.4 16.8. 158.7 ‘4 St. LoLfis>~0 ...... 15.4 123.8 16.0 3s.3 4.6 2.7 . 5.8 7.7 10.8 20.6 35.4 6a 1 148.1 17.5 139.6 16.6 4{ Omaha Near ...... 14.3 103.3 9.5 28.2 4.3 4.2 4.8 6.0 7.9 H. 4 18.5 35.4 66.1 104.0 16.2 131.0 10.9 5( Jerseybity, N. J...... 15.8 143.4 18.0 445 4.0 2.4 3.6 5.5 ;: 12.3 19.9 ;:: ;;: 132.6 17.3 161.4 18.0 Ei Newark,N .J...... 14.8 122.3 149 W 7 3.5 1.6 3.5 4.9 11.7 18.1 137.7 16.4 137.9 16.0 5: Pat%rsonN. J...... 14.6 117.7 12.2 339 4.4 3.0 3.1 5.6 6:7 11.0 17.6 39:2 67:1 138.7 16.0 123.2 12.8 & Albrmy,h.Y- ...... 20.4 162.9 11.1 4L 6 6.2 2.6 5.0 5.8 9.9 14.6 23.3 45.0 74.7 173.6 22.5 17s.3 11.5 Bufialo, N. Y ...... 14.5 140.6 11.9 39.2 3.0 2.5 3.8 5.3 6.3 10.1 16.9 34.4 66.1 142.4 15.9 159.2 12.4 New York, N. Y ...... 15.2 130.6 17.4 42.0 3.8 2.1 3.5 4.8 7.1 1;: 19.9 38.6 72.0 145.3 16.6 140.1 1s.2 Rochester N. Y ...... 14.4 105.5 16,2 35.0 4.3 2.7 3.1 4.7 5.4 16.3 29.1 68.7 161.4 15.2 125.5 16,4 Syracuse,’N.Y ...... ’...... 1*.3 146.9 13,4 41.9 3.7 2.7 2.5 3.7 5.9 14.0 29.3 ~: 140.0 15.1 181.0 13.5 Cincinnati, Ohio...... 16.5 113.1 15.1 35.6 4.7 2.3 4.2 7.6 8.7 1:; 20.4 33.7 . 152.0 19.2 125.7 15.4 Cleveland, Ohio ...... 13.8 123.7 14.7 ;f : 4.5 2.4 3.2 4.6 6.3 10.6 16.1 ;; ~ 60.4 135.9 15.0 136.8 15.6 Columbus,Ohio...... 14.3 121.8 9.0 4.4 3.5 5.2 5.6 7.3 10.8 16.7 67.2 {:! : 15.0 136.6 Dayton,Ohio ...... 13.7 118.3 30.7 2.2 1.8 5.0 5.7 5.5 8.8 15.2 29.i 57.8 14.4“ 120.8 ?: Toledo, Ohio...... 14.9 119.3 1:; 32.6 3.9 3.0 3.5 5.2 &1 10.9 15.6 34.7 68.1 ~$ : 16.8 131.8 12.2 I?ortland, Oreg...... 10.9 101.9 8.7 29.0 4.5 L 4 3.9 4.0 5.4 7.3 11.2 27.0 58.2 . 11.5 120.7 9.8 Philadelphia Pa ...... 16.6 141.9 18.8 45.3 4.3 2.2 3.7 5.9 7.4 11.4 18.2 35.0 68.4 150.0 17.9 155.8 ;;; Pittsburgh +a ...... 14.9 141.4 17.3 43 2.4 3.7 6.0 ;; ~]; ~:: ‘3; : 70,8 145.9 16.3 152.7 Scranton,fa ...... 14.8 112.4 13.7 %; 2.6 2.6 16.7 123.9 12.3 Providence R. I ...... 15.6 137.5 14.0 40.9 3.8 2.0 2: :: 6:7 ;:; :;: ::; Xj~ ‘; 16.8 165.6 15.5 Mamphis, ~erm.* ...... 21.3 152.6 21.4 4S.6 6.8 47 9.6 13.6 14.2 . . 23.2 15s.1 22.7 Neshville,Tenu.* ...... 20.5 15s.3 30.8 57.6 4.9 4.: 7.5 10.6 13.0 14.6 ~; :;: 74,3 157.2 21.6 150.2 35.1 Richmond, Va.* ...... 21.0 197.6 20.4 61.5 ;. 7.0 9.2 11.5 16.4 76.0 155.4 22.9 216.0 21.7 Seattle,Wash...... 8.8 78.6 8.1 22.4 1.9 3.2 3.8 4.6 6.4 ~~ ; 22.5 47,9 106.9 10L2 9.5 s Okane,wceh ...... 11.6 28.6 2.4 3.4 3.6 6.5 6.3 ;. 27.4 62.8 141.5 ;: ~ 1046 8.3 ~lwaukee,Wis ...... 11.9 $:; 1?: 3s.9 3.0 2.0 2.5 4.4 5.3 11.9 24.5 52.2 126.3 154.9 12.5

1Exclusiva of stillbirths. ~Includes District of Columbia, but exchrdesNorth Carolina. SPECIFIC AND STANDA13DM3D DEATH RATES. 15 .


in 1910worecoloredare indicated by ssterieke(*).] . . I DEATH RATE 1 PER 1,000POEULATION: 1911-continued.

MaleS_C!ont3nued. Ferneks. — — — — . — — — — — — — 75 Un- 5$2 IIJo .yo HIP !5to )5 tc 4;p 5;? 6;~ Un- 1P 5t4 .l)Jr 15Jr 10t( 25t !5 t( 75 der t 34 yeer An 65t 44 der: d“wn 9 .24 34 44 74 y&~ years years ears ears ears rears and Lge.% ears ears years. Tears year Wul year rem ears ‘ear: ,eart gear em year ovel over. — — — — — — . — — — — — — — — 35.8 3.2 2.3 3.8 6.7 100.! 5.4 9.8 15.1 28.5 58.3 142. 13.0 11.3 30.1 3.( 2.1 3.5 5.0 6. 7.{ 12.( 23. ‘ 52.( 136.1 G G 3.9 6.2 11.5 16.6 ~ ~ = 11.7 75.! G x -z G GG ZG 6.C ~ 11.5 31.3 2.7 22.0 48.2 118.5 1 2: 4.0 8.1 1:: 11.2 15.8 136. 11.0 91.: 10.1 26. 3.z 2.8 3.1 7.2 8.{ 10.5 18.4 45.3 131.6 42.0 3.3 2.8 3.6 5.2 6.4 10.2 16.4 32:6 62:8 ;% 14.6 115.‘ 13.3 ~: 3.: 2.1 2.8 H 5.5 12.8 29.3 2.8 2.4 8.5 26.6 56.1 237.1 : 3.8 5.4 5.8 7.8 11.1 23.7 52.8 12.4 34.! 9.1 2.i 2.0 4.0 5.8 6.1 ‘7.! 10.5 20.5 49.e 236.2 29.5 3.0 2.3 4.5 7.1 7.7 9.2 13.3 23.2 51.0 128. 4. 13.0 60.: M. 5 26.( 3.c 2.5 6.0 7.5 8.6 9.: 12.1 21.3 43.3 334.8 5 35.2 2.5, 2.5 5.9 6.0 22.2 24.i 50.9 145.I 15.5 92. 26.; 1.8 3.6 5.2 6.2 8.1 10.9 24.0 140.4 42,7 3.3 I 2.7 6.4 50.1 :: 8.7 1;; 17.2 31.6 S&; 159. 14.9 133.‘ 1? i 37.; 2: 2.3 4.6 5.9 9.f 14.2 26.5 55.1 150.7 44.9 3.0 2.1 6.2 9.9 15.7 32.7 148. 14.5 127.; 12.5 37.: 2.z 2.1 3.2 3.8 2; 34.0 3.2 8.( 12.8 27.1 54.: 136.1 2.6 ;~ 2: 5.6 7.0 12.0 23.2 12.4 95.( 9.0 27.1 2.5 2.9 5.1 6.C 10.7 20.1 230.1 25.0 2.6 2.0 4.7 72.! &8 7.1 11.4 22.6 %: is. 9.6 6.2 19.! 2.2 HI 3.1 4.2 5.3 :: 10.0 18.2 38.9 116.4 31.7 3.2 2:4 3.8 5.6 6.8 9.3 M. 7 26.5 W. 12.2 34.! 12.I 26.{ 3.c 2.1 3.9 8.t 11.8 21.5 27.2 3.4 49.4 3.5 4.2 5.8 9.8 15.5 24.9 %; ;:; 79.: 22.I 3.0 3.7 2: 2: 6,{ 3.7 21.1 E: ,j+ 4.8 5.4 12.8 27.0 56.8 1;: 139.( % 38. H 2.4 3.4 4.4 7.{ 2!2.9 22.0 %2 2: %: 135.0 H ,5.7 6.9 It: 16.8 33.6 65.1 144:, 13.7 117.( 13.5 35.: ,3.4 2.1 3.1 4.7 2; 8.1 13.0 27.8 58.6 139.5 42.1 3.8! 2.4 3.9 5:4 7.4 12.3 19.1: 35.3 65.6 151. 14.4 117.: 13.9 33.i 3.3 2.1 3.2 4.6 30.5 9.c 14.3 28.6 59.4 144.1 15 3.2 I 2.2 3.4 5.3 6.4 8.7 13.4 24.2 53.0 135. 22.4 g! 3.4 4.9 :: 7.( 10.6 20.6 48.1 136.7 40.9 3.; 2.3 5.5 16 3.9 6.5 25.6 30.1 62.1 147. 13.3 1% i 1; i t: H 3.2 5.0 5.8 7.: 11.6 23.6 54.3 142.4 45.6 1.9 3.0 5.2 6.6 1;; 17.9 17 38.6 69.2 164.: 14.7 120.{ 13.0 36:( 3.0 2.1 3.2 4.7 6.0 8.2 13.2 29.9 61.3 148.6 18 23.8 2.9 2.3 3.3 4.4 5.9 9.3 lz. 9 23.1 47.0 62.: 18.! 2.7 2.2 2.5 3.1 5.6 6.5 18.3 49.5 117.6 29.4 2.8 1.6 3.5 4.6 7.9 12.3 27.9 56.5 % i 1: g 94.: :: 26.! 2.0 5.9 20.3 2.5 $: 23.9 51.8 139.3 2.1 3.6 4.3 :: 6.6 11.0 20.3 44.4 116.; 56.i 6.7 16.\ 2.3 H H 2: 5.1 16.8 42.5 100.8 23.6 2.5 1.9 4.5 H 3.1 5.5 6.9 11.2 ; 21.3 50.1 130.: 1:; 37.i 7.2 23.! 2.4 2.0 2.5 3.9 5.0 5.$ 8:9 17.7 40.9 123.4 39.8 3.4 2.4 3.7 5.3 6.7 10.4 16.1 30.9 61.6 147. 14.0 112.1 12.2 33.: 3.1 2.1 3.3 4.7 6.0 8.3 22.9 25.0 55.1 139.2 2.3 . _ . & . . . - - . . . = — . . . _ ,

52.1 4.1 7.2 25.1 IS.4 75.4 170.6 24.9 !1.5 42.5 2.7 7.6 32.8 33.0 i; 3.4 ?1.o 36.7 69.7 191.5 ?4 3.6 4.7 H ;; t: 18.3 10.6 34.0 147.1 $; g: 27.1 H 2.0 3.8 ‘H 13.4 4.0 2.2 g. 3 7.5 23.5 50.,2 117.8 ?5 3.2 5.6 6.2 7.8 13.5 ;7.5 147.1 ;: X.5 2.3 L 3 2.1 4.7 H 7.5 u. 7 26.9 52.9 129.6 2: 3.9 2.6 3.0 5.7 6.8 3.2 24.8 B.4 r6.9 E%2 ?6 :;; 92:6 27.5 2.3 3.5 4.0 ;; 1.3 [5.8 33.9 61.0 153.4 37 42.0 2.9 3.3 3.7 7.7 3.2 4.3 19.5 0.2 r6. 4 172.1 ,2.9 .19.2 2:0 33.1 ;: 2.8 3.4 6.7 ).2 D.7 >2.6 50.7 147.2 ?3 45.2 1.7 2.1 3.8 8.2 5.3 0.8 21.4 12.8 R 9 149.5 .3.3 .21.2 35.8 3.2 L 8 3.0 4.5 6.1 3.2 [5.0 25.9 62.3 147.3 4.0 3.6 46 4.5 9.0 3.4 17.3 10.4 r9.5 132.9 .6.2 .31.0 H 39.9 3.1 L 5 3.0 6.7 & 3.3 4.0 5.5 ).6 ~6.1 39.1 70.3 145.2 5.0 8.5 0.6 6.8 23.2 u.2 38.5 175.3 .6.4 S’3.1 45.4 3.9 2.6 5.1 7.8 15.8 )1.8 50.4 4.6 3.7 0.3 ).2 58.0 154.1 7.7 0.4 8.2 31.0 ~?.6 }1.6 162.2 .9.7 .42.4 2: 47.0 3,7 9.7 2.3 1$! 5.3 ?3.3 m 4 $9.6 155.6 44.6 49 2.8 42 6.0 7.6 r2. 3.8 23.4 U.8 2 147.7 2.5 .03.6 4.9 24.3 2: 2.4 3.2 4.7 6.0 3.6 ~4.6 28.0 55.6 141.6 34.3 4.0 3.5 4.2 6.6 7.7 19.8 14.8 r7. 7 151.1 2..4 9.0 26.6 3.5 5.8 6.6 6.5 40.2 3.8 3.0 3.5 B.5 27.3 56.3 151.4 w 4.9 7.4 0.1 H 33.9 r5. 5 147.8 .4.3 W 6.3 32.1 ;: 2.2 5.9 6.7 8.1 50.4 4.1 3.9 6.1 ).2 b. 5 18.8 57.3 136.7 15 5.6 :2.3 E :; i8.2 )5.5 163.1 .7.9 38.6 7.1 43.0 3.4 2.5 5.8 3.8 ?1.5 55.2 4.4 3.3 4.4 H 5.6 w. 1 62.9 141.0 16 4.2 24.7 Il. 6 32.9 176.1 .m.7 43.4 3.6 2.3 5.0 5.7 :; ).7 17.5 30.9 63.4 152.2 52.4 3.9 2.1 3.8 5.3 :: 4.5 22.1 kl.o n. 1 147.6 17 2: .43.3 ‘H 42.7 3.6 2.1 s.9 4.1 3.8 [7.2 35.2 63.4 138.1 18 45.9 2.9 4.3 $: 5.4 0.3 16.6 12.4 v, o 154.5 .4.5 94.4 4.3 32.0 :; 4.1 4.9” 4.8 “5.7 79.8 2: 2.0 2.7 7.8 E. 6 27.0 57.5 145.7 )9 5.2 9.5 11.3 !6.8 57.3 126.7 .6.3 !12.5 5.0 66.1 2.7 2.8 4.6 ;: 13.2 65.7 3.4 3.2 3.9 5:8 3.5 27.8 55.9 121.6 10 7.2 1.9 16.8 &8 )7.2 162.6 .6.7 .78.5 55.3 ).9 3.0 3.9 1.3 35.3 66.5 143.6 42.7 2.7 2.9 B.8 5.0 6.2 17.7 E. 8 u u.o 7.0 )02.9 .4.6 .16.6 H 34.9 2: 3.0 2.7 4.5 5:3 3.7 L4.9 ?6.3 70.7 142.9 52.0 4.8 2.8 4.2 5.1 5.9 :; 18.1 !9.3 M 7 162.8 D 3.6 43.7 4.4 43.2 4.2 2.3 3.0 5.4 6.5 5.9 13.1 ?6.O 54.7 131.1 B 36:5 3.3 2.7 2.9 4.0 5.2 8.0 13.7 !9.o i8.5 17Lo 91.6 28.2 3.3 2.5 2.1 32.8 3.4 2.1 5.6 5.4 [1.6 z?.2 52.7 135.7 k4 5.6 4.0 5.6 8.6 13.8. il. 2 ;9.7 145.1 $: 92.1 i: 27.1 3.1 2.1 3.0 5.0 :: 13.2 21.8 35.6 3.7 L 8 2.7 4.7 3.3 38.5 223.9 M 5.9 8.6 14.0 !8.5 i8.5 KA6 02.0 7.5 26.7 3.0 2.2 3.1 3.4 4.5 7.2 u. 9 22.5 40.7 4.4 3.5 5.3 r. o 9.0 18.6 51.3 223.4 6, 4.0 Il. 6 ‘o.7 154.-6 :; 32.2 2.4 37.0 3.1 2.0 4.3 6.9 7.4 ).4 16.4 27.8 58.4 ;&. : 42.0 4.9 2.8 L 4 6.5 8.7 3.2 25.2 D.7 ‘9.6 164.9 1? 3.2 07.7 5.3 34.5 4.2 2.6 3.6 5.2 6.6 3.3 ~5.6 38..1 58.0 w 84.8 3.7 4.9 5.5 8.1 7.2 20.9 K 2 r9.6 175.6 .2.2 75.6 8.0 21.6 4.9 1.5 4.1 3.8 8.7 L 3 46.2 4.6 2.4 3.6 9.6 [5.4 )5.2 50.6 153.6 19 5.9 :! 23.1 B.5 ‘8.O 129.9 .4.3 .24.8 8.0 40.7 3.4 2.5 3.5 5.1 3.6 i6.2 43.5 3.7 1.9 B.7 4.9 7.3 3.9 21.7 !6.4 57.7 124.5 0 u.7 ‘4.6, 141.3 05.9 3.8 33.9 3.2 L.2 3.3 4.9 E ).4 .4.2 )1.4 j6.8 135.3 35.5 $: 2.5 3.6 5.8 75 2.4 21.3 il k?.4 ‘3.2 MO.5 .;: .12.1 1.6 32.4 4.0 3.5 2.7 4.6 5.9 3.5 !3.9 {1.9 jl. 7 129.6 . 44.6 3.2 &1 7.0 L 7 7.3 27.3 il. 6 19.3 171.9 i2 8.5 .47.3 0.7 38.5 7.0 2.1 LO 4.6 8.4 L 1 .9.7 )9.1 j2.6 174.8 iz 43.8 3.2 3.0 4.6 5.9 19.9 Il. 1 )7.8 146.4 3.0 .21.5 1.3 2.-o 3.1 4.6 5.3 3.5 .3.7 0.3 34.7 139.7 44.9 4.1 2.2 3.9 5.1 :: :! 22.3 4 B.8 ‘7.o 149.4 3.8 20.7 6.5 k: ?; 2.1 3.1 4.5 ). o .6.2 )3.6 57.6 142.3 39.9 4.9 3.0 3.2 4.6 5.9 8.9 19.8 il. 4 ‘2.9 179.8 i5 3.6 30.2 3.7 2.4 3.0 4.8 :; 1.3 .2.9 )7.1 j5.4 i6 49.9 3.2 2.5 2.4 3.9 6.7 9.6 15.8 143.4 il. 5 i?.7 [57.9 3.4 .E. ! ?: .4.2 2.9 2.5 3.5 5.2 7.7 l?.4 W 3 38.2 5.1 2.7 4.5 9.1 1.1 7.3 26.2 !0.9 ‘8.4 162.5 123.6 i? 3.9 00.4 4.8 %? 4.2 2.0 3.8 6.3 6.4 1.9 :2: ?7.3 49.3 145.5 8 42.2 4.6 2.3 3.7 4.9 6.9< 2.0 19.3 i6.4 i?.4 [56.3 2.6 10.3 3.8 35.3 4.5 2.9 34.4 4.9 3.9 4.2 5.7 ).o 2.5 !7.2 x 5 lm. 4 i9 5.5 5.5 7.8 17.3 ;1.7 ‘3.3 [50.7 3.6 07.3 8.1 3.9 :; 5.0, 5.6 6.3 30.9 2.3 2.5 &3 5.9 5.7 ).9 .6.0 )7.3 >2.1 116.0 o k: 16.3 :0.2 i6.6 [71.1 3.0 15.7 8.1 R: 3.8 5.4 5.4 36.6 5.0 3.0 3.9 6.3 9.4 r.2 .41 !8.O 49.9 144.0 il 2.6 18.4 19.0 ‘9.7 [48.4 3.0 06.1 9.0 n. 5 ?: 2:9 3.2 4.2 ).o 10.3 . 34.3 4.2 1.2 3.7 4.7 5.1 7.7 12.9 !0.2 i2.3 [32.4 ;6.8 148.9 ;2 0.0 82.0 ?.5 23.5 4.7 1.5 Lo 3.2 k: i.5 “2: )2.o $2.5 132.7 8. 49.3 4.5 2.3 4.3 6.0 7.8 3.3 21.4 40.1 ‘5.4 [55.8 5.4 27.7 7.7 42.2 4.1 2.1 3.2 5.9 47.3 4.7 2.4 4.4 6.7 7.5 L5 ,5.0 io.4 )2.9 146.4 & 2.5 21.2 37.7 ‘7.7 152.3 29.5 6.9 41.2 4.0 2.4 3.1 5.2 :: 3.5 38.0 3.0 2.0 i’.1 ?.4 9.7 4.5 1.0 !8.6 34.7 141.6 i5 22.9 50.1 ‘9.4 123.1 :; 95.5 5.0 32.5 32 2.3 4.8 :: L7 6.6 !9.8 43.3 4.6 2.0 3.2 6.5 7.5 1.7 19.9 36.4 149.0 }7.5 149.8 ,6 ‘o.7 4.4 09.8 2.4 33.7 ;; 2.0 3.7 44 ).5 .4.3 :2.1 )2.9 134.1 50.9 7.4 k.1 D.1 3.9 5.8 1.9 33.7 51.7 ‘3.1 [90.7 9.4 46.8 )7 0.0 46.2 5.2 3.0 3.4 u. 4 r.3 23.4 L7.1 il. o 128.5 ,8 6&2 5.4 4.1 i’.3 1.7 3.4 4.6 24.3 41.2 [66.3 ‘8.1 9.6 67.3 55.0 4.3 4.8 7.7 9.6 12.6 L6 3.0 rl. 1 67.1 3.5 2.6 5.8 9.7 2.4 7.6 26.9 &2 150.1 ‘9 62.9 13.0 ~96.9 9.3 79.1 H 55.9 4.3 2.7 r.1 5.7 lg.: i. 27.9 2.4 1.7 2.3 3.6 4.3 3 !6.5 D.4 i2.8 2.29.3 o 13.5 26.6 i2.4 L32.5 55.9 6.6 16.3. 2.6 2.1 L 1 4.0 ;.o 30.0 2.8 3.9 4.0 6.8 6.1 E 15.8 24.7 iz.2 127.3 D.6 91.8 ‘1 .:: 90.8 8.3 27.1 3.0 3.1 6.1 ).0 .;: I!i i2.4 156.2 43.5 2.9 2.2 2.9 5.0 6.8 8.6 13.7 27.3 i2.1 118.5 0.3 30.5 2 9.6 34.1 :! 1.8 2.1 3.8 H ;.1 .0.1 !1.7 K 5 132.3 3 - — — — — — — . — — — . — — ~Includes Cormecticut,the Distilct of Columbia, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts,Michigrm,New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.



[Dats for foreign conntries chiefly from annual report of the Registrar-General of England eud Wales, 1910; — DEATH RATE PER l,OCKIPOPULATION.2


15to 20to 26to Under 5 bto9 1;: 35to 45to 55to 6~~ 75aydms All ages.j 24 34 44 years. 54 64 Yws” yams. yel%. years. years. years. years. yaars. yesrs. over. . — — — _ . _ _ _ _ _ Rmsia(Europem) (189&1898)...... 23.61 134.50 El.74 5.42 b.82 7,59 8.48 11.1s 17.21 32.40 66.06 116.65 S ati(190&1902)...... 9.23 ~j: # , ;;:: 32.45 78.33 210.71 #ungmy(189%1901)...... g; %; $% ~$ ~: :;; &70 170.5s Austiia(189%1901)...... 7.46 8.26 10.85 16:75 E% ;? z 167.84 Bulgmia(lS9>1901) ...... 20:92 76.87 12:53 6.26 7:12 10.59 10.12 U. 57 15.13 23.12 42.43 S9.65 Ita1y(190@1902)...... 20.23 74.84 6.25 3.45 5.05 6.S2 7.26 &65 12.38 ~ gj 65.55 179.50 Pmw1a(M9%1901)...... 19.70 73.95 5.00 2.81 3.95 5.24 6.18 9.23 14.91 159.56 Germany (1901)...... 19.52 74.19 4.52 2.67 3.89 5.21 6.29 9.15 14.57 23:53 %1:# 157.79 Ftilmd(189%1901) ...... 19.12 63.77 H. 05 5.58 5.69 7.09 7.36 9.02 12.47 24.54 59.73 146.11 Scotlmd(190&1902)...... 17.61 48.04 4.56 3.02 4.66 5.66 7.39 10.83 17.44 33.84 64.96 148.9S 11 Wme(190@1902) ...... 17.50 47.64 4.75 3.28 5.18 7.97 10.31 15.07 27.80 83.79 172.35 12 EnglmdandWties(190&1902) ...... 17.16 53.52 4.11 2.34 3.35 i~ 5.89 9.86 16.38 30.89 64.01 149.5s 13 Smtzerland(1898-1901)...... 16.86 46,07 3.84 2.55 4.17 6.6S 6.60 9.41 15.67 31.09 69.74 160.56 Belgium(189%1901)...... 16.78 54.77 4.08 2.34 3.90 5.56 6.20 s. 45 13.76 26.28 60.39 155.34 H heland(190&1902)...... 16.69 37.22 4.35 3.38 5.41 6.91 8.77 10.72 15,29 29.69 65.09 168.58 Wwtem Amtralia (190&1902) ...... 15.83 48.03 2.24 2.05 3.53 6.78 7.30 If;; ;$ :: 28.40 57.41 154.90 NetherkmcLs(1898.1900)...... 15,40 51.24 3.59 2.39 3.84 5.11 5.79 23.43 55.68 140.58 Sweden(189%1901)...... 13.88 37.48 5.68 3.87 5.10 6.49 6.72 7;88 11,02 19.47 45.53 129.97 Denrnark(1900-1902)...... 13.63 38.31 3.69 2.89 3.89 4.93 5.53 7.59 11.76 21.62 50.68 140.52 Queensland(190&1902)...... 13.29 29.92 2.09 L 96 3.96 6,38 7.66 9.93 14.54 26.20 56.98 126.21 New Wuth Wa1es(190&1902)...... 13.10 32.52 2.10 1.87 2.99 4.30 5.57 8.33 12.94 24.63 65.09 144.48 Victoria(190&1902)...... 13.08 31.66 2.68 2.02 3.03 4.49 6.15 8.61 13.53 2S.81 54.20 ;;; :3 3outiAustialb(190@1902) ...... 11.73 29.68 2.42 1.74 3.1s 4.17 5.27 7.48 ;: g 21.10 43.96 Tmmmia(190&1902) ...... 11.44 24.41 L 98 1.99 3.32 4.41 4.53 7.49 20.90 52.09 148.37 New Zealand (190&1902)...... 10.80 23.25 2.13 L 76 2.94 3.81 4.65 6.73 11:16 20.83 48.47 131.44 United States(1900): 26 Theregistmtionarea ...... 18.05 51.86 5.08 3.25 5.19 7.36 8.74 11.21 16.5S 29.58 60.22 146.82 27 IteghtratiOn states...... 17.04 50.02 4.66 2.99 4.85 6.34 8.23 10.32 15.03 27.35 56,61 142.61 28 Connecticut...... 17.37 52.76 4.53 2.92 4.91 6.34 7.62 9.68 15.35 29.12 57,79 148.46 29 DfstrictofColumbia ...... 24.36 so.73 5.23 8.09 ;:: 10.55 y.;: ;!:; 37.55 77.20 167.08 30 Indfana ...... 14.37 37.18 i% 3.03 5.43 7.34 21.83 51.34 139.09 31 Maine...... 14.85 44.07 4.06 2.91 5.60 7:04 7.00 s: 30 10.73 21.89 48.22 135.13 32 Massschnsetts...... 18.13 57.55 5.20 2.97 4.83 6.61 ;:; m: ;I ~: ;4 29.29 59.89 145.70 33 Mich” an...... 13.90 38.27 3.68 2.79 4.61 6.2-4 20.94 49.58 136.84 34 New % ampshire...... 16.31 52.20 4.61 3.61 4.68 6.74 7:11 8.54 12.24 .24.09 53.48 137.56 35 New Jersey...... 18.20 54.76 4.85 3.09 4.68 6.65 8.53 10,94 15.97 30.31 61.53 149.05 36 NewYork ...... l.%26 53.30 4.98 2.94 4.54 6.96 9.15 11.96 17.57 30.21 59.12 142.77 Rhode Islamd...... 20.87 68.83 5.75 3.07 5.46 7.67 ;. 11.40 18.34 32.72 68.33 160.41 !! Vermont ...... 13.80 36.01 3.19 2.61 5.11 6.03 s.97 10.86 22.74 47.57 137.42 39 CitiesinregiatratiOnstatss...... 20.14 60.66 5.43 3.13 5.02 ‘i: :; 9.19 12.37 18.94 34.45 68.22 155,04 40 Rural part ofregistration s$atas...... 13.79 37.12 3.79 2.84 4.68 6.84 7.72 10.97 21.36 4S.85 135.96 41 Registration cities in other states...... 20.14 66.33 5.83 3.73 5.80 S.25 9.58 12.77 19,69 34.80 69.82 160.61 42 Allregistratiou oities...... 20.15 58.04 5.63 3.44 5.42 7.73 9.39 12.57 19.31 34.62 69.00 157.60

lForeigncountries arrangedfntheorder of their standardized orconecteddeathrates forperspns of both sexes. 2Theratesfor foreigncounties arebwedonthe mean of thedeaths regktered foraperiod of three years (specfied for each country in the stub) ofwhich the median yearisthat of thelatestavailable censusandthepo ulation menumerated atthatcensus; therates fortie Uni~ed SWtwar$ bmedon Wenumbw ofd9athsre~medfor thecakmdar year 1900and the population enumera/’ed June 1, 1900.




BY SEX. FOR CERTAIN FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA OF THE ~ITED STATES, ITS 1900 OR ‘NEAREST YEAR FOR WHICH DATA ARE AVAILABLE. ratesfor the United Statesand specfic ratesfor foreigncountries(both sexes)added by the Bureau of the Census.] z

DEATH RATE nm 1,000PowmrroW=eOntfnued.

Malea. Females.

mxto 25J0 35$ 4:Je 75gdm A~~ U~der 52 lop l;JO 2;p 2;4ti 35$ G5J0 5;J0 6;~ 75Y&&s All U~der 5P lIIJO 1:: 5:4ti 6;J0 ages.~ ages’s years. years. years. yeare. years. years. years. years. years. years. over. yeare. years. years. years. years. years. years. yeare. years. years. over. . — . . . — — — — . — . — — . . . — — — — . . . 29.80 144.25 12.88 5.37 .5.59 7.45 8.14 11.18 18.44 32.31 65.66 116.59 27.49 l%. 05 12.61 5.48 6.04 7.74 8.81 11.10 16.07 32.54 66.52 116.83 27.37 109.85 8.49 4.02 6.93 10.07 9.07 11.76 18.04 35.07 80.43 210.22 25.74 98.29 8.70 4.60 7.31 8.70 9.38’ 10.60 13.99 30.02 76.36 211.06 24.96 98.40 U. 13 4.90 5.,98 8.55 7.61 10.78 17.80 34.00 70.69 169.05 24.79 35.54 11.40 6.25 7.73 9.42 9.75 11.36 15.86 34.11 74.36 172.10, 23.88 93.95 6.88 3.52 4.39 7.47 7.35’ 11.10 18.68 34.54 72.53 170.53 22.42 79.59 7.43 4.23 5.57 7.46 8.66 10.62 14.96 31.18 72.51 165.88 20.89 .80.45 12.74 5.94 6.67 10.15 8.67 10.55 16.06 23.87 41.35 85.58 20.96 78.19 12.31 6.60 7.58 11.04 11.53 12.61 14.18 22.12 48.75 93.30 20.09 76.86 5.98 3.15 4.68 6.73 6.73 8.44 13.59 26.99 65.56 177.30 20.36 72.93 6.55 3.76 5.43 6.92 7.77 8.87 11.24 24.13 65.72 182.17 21.08 79.34 4.94 2.69 4.19 5.74 6.13 10.38 18.32 28.28 69.47 164.11 18.45 68.08 5.06 2.94 3.71 4.76 6.23 8.11 11.79 25.37 62.16 156.19 20.78 80.33 4.47 2.59 4.06 5.57 6.16 10.10 17.69 32.49 67.56 161.97 18.34 68.07 4.58 2.75 3.72 4.86 6.43 8.24 11.73 25.13 60.60 154.67 19.98 68.02 IL 18 5.% 5.45 7.48 7.34 9.27 14.30 27.96 64.28 152.00 18.32 59.44 10.97 5.93 5.95 6.69 7.37 8.78 56.07 141.87 18.56 52.13 4.34 2.82 4.64 6.14 7.55 11.68 19.50 37.95 71.61 159.22 16.73 43.91 4.77 3.23 4.69 5.59 7.25 10.04 15.56 30.47 60.17 142.78 18.56 51.74 4.69 3.00 6.08 8.10 8.19 11.56 17.54 31.50 69.50 123.78 16.51 43.55 4.81 3.55 5.27 6.88 7.75 9.08 12.72 24.35 58.81 163.58 18.37 68.29 4.06 2.28 3.49 4.77 6.38 10.94 18.67 34.80 70.25 158.18 16.04 48.76 4.16 2.40 3.21 3.84 5.44 8.84 14.20 27.4.559.03 143.48 17.57 50.62 3.80 2.39 3.90 5.75 6.58 10.40 18.83 34.30 70.79 160.83 16.20 41.50 3.87 2.71 4.45 5.62 6.61 8.46 12.80 28.32 68.85 150.35 17.80 59.39 4.02 2.19 3.72 5.34 6.17 9.14 16.37 30.11 66.52 162.40 15.82 50.11 4.14 2.49 4.08 5.49 6.24 7.76 11.25 22.70 54.98 149.89 16.25 39.36 3.90 2.86 4.33 7.19 8.96 10.62 15.63 29.52 63.07 169.19 16.90 35.01 4.82 3.92 5.99 6.65 8.58 10.81 14.98 29.65 67.16 168.01 17.80 53.81 2.47 2.00 3.66 7.24 7.54 10.93 17.82 32.03 65.07 169.16 14.00 42.38 2.03 2.05 “3.42 6.18 6.88 9.29 10.44 21.56 41.18 126.17 16.03 55.43 3.59 2.28 3.96 5.82 5.70 7.60 W 92 25.40 59.15 142.15 14.81 47.01 3.59 2.52 3.71 4.42 5.86 7.82 10.29 21.69 52.22 139.31 14.45 40.30 5.62 3.52 4.96 6.93 6.91 8.28 12.42 21.95 43.98 134.95 13.36 34.58 5.75 4.21 5.24 6.00 6.52 7.51 9.78 17.35 42.71 126.30 14.41 42.13 3.67 2.52 3.55 5.34 5.52 8.10 13.54 24.71 55.43 148.53 12.90 34.21 3.69 3.25 4.21 4.52 5.53 7.09 10.05 18.74 46.36 133.97 14.88 31.34 2.21 2.11 5.24 8.55 8.95 10.83 16.49 29.31 61.97 132.36 11.80 27.69 1.92 1.76 2.55 3.75 5.83 8.32 10.98 20.60 47.81 117.25 13.79 34.22 2.18 2.02 3.46 4.76 5.62 8.86 14.71 27.86 60.82 151.02 .T2.44 30.58 2.01 1.69 2.51 3.84 5.48 7.58 10.43 20.15 46.49 135.63 21 13.99 34.01 2.69 2.10 3.11 4.90 6.27 8.82 15.38 29.88 61.58 141.57 EL22 29.06 2.63 1.92 2.92 4.10 6.00 8.33 11.46 21.50 44.64 122.82 22 u. 33 32.18 2.81 1.85 2.90 4.21 5.24 7.61 11.96 24.76 54.71 122.31 11.16 27.25 2.03 1.62 3.47 416 5.30 7.35 9.34 17.03 48.33 118.06 23 11.5s 26.50 1.71 2.34 2.66 4.11 4.23 7.36 11.27 23.32 52.52 156.07 11.33 22.13 2.30 1.62 3.97 4.78 4.86 7.74 9S3 18.28 51..52136.03 24 11.u .25.02 2.35 1.72 2.89 3.90 4.55 6.88 11.94 22.04 51.34 137.86 10.51 21.36 1.93 1.80 2.87 3.74 4:74 6.56 10.11 18.95 43.48 122.87 25

18.91 56.26 5.18 3.29 5.28 7.74 9.05 12.05 18.15 31.95 84.27 151.44 17.16 47.39 4.98 3.21 5.11 7.02 8.42 10.31 14.92 27.2$ 56.44 142.87 17.60 54.19 4.70 2.91 4.87 7.01 8.29 10.83 15.80 28.89 59.61 146.12 16.47 45.78 4.62 3.06 4.84 6.68 8.18 9.79 14.23 25.84 53.77 139.50 % 18.08 57.59 4.30 2.74 4.69 6.48 7.93 10.42 16.26 31.54 59.80 156.52 16.65 47.90 4.76 3.10 5.12 6.21 7.28 3.89 14.48 26.95 56.02 142.23 28 26.12 86.18 5.80 4.19 8.26 11.31 11.71 13.87 23.67 42.36 88.95 185.19 22.64 75.28 7.15 6.19 7.95 8.96 9.56 11.62 17.09 32.57 66.26 154.64 29 14.15 39.74 4.17 2.87 4.67 6.72 6.48 7.67 11.67 22.59 54.36 141.02 14.55 34.52 4.24 3.19 6.20 7.96 8.29 8.33 11.28 21.00 4s.12 137.09 30 14.69 47.26 4.03 2.46 5.39 6.49 6.24 7.48 9.96 22.36 50.62 140.49 15.00 40.33 4.10 3.42 5.82 7.56 7.77 9.20 11:56 21.41 45.51 130.38 19.00 68.18 5.27 2.85 5.20 7.09 7.80 10.46 16.26 31.28 64.14 150.35 17.30 51.34 5.13 3.08 4.48 6.02 7.68 %3 14.67 27.55 56.46 142.27 :; 13.98 41.72 3.79 2.33 4.70 6.06 6.22 7.20 10.34 22.04 51.50 139.15 13.80 34.73 3.56 2.74 4.S3 6.42 7.85 8.07 11.01 19.71 47.40 133.77133 16.38 57.24 4.64 3.60 3.55 6.75 6.35 7.64 11.58 24.97 57.00 127.06 16.20 47.16 4.58 3.68 5.78 6.74 7.89 9.48 12.93 23.21 50.16 138.00 34 19.34 59.71 4.99 3.07 5.13 7.23 8.94 11.93 17.54 83.68 65.95 157.49 17.03 49.75 4.71 3.11 4.03 5.91 8.12 9.35 14.3S 27.04 57.51 142.14 35 19.11 57.37 5.06 2.90 4.71 7.38 9.79 13.24 19.04 31.92 62.18 146.36 17.39 49.17 4.90 2.98 4.39 6.59 8.51 10.59 16.07 28.58 56.31 139.63 36- 21.57 75.33 5.87 3.34 5.57 7.23 8.47 12.17 18.62 35.26 69.35 153.51 20.19 62.32 5.57 2.80 5.30 8.11 8.38 10.64 18.06 30.42 67.05 165.56 37 13.71 41.22 3.04 2.66 4.62 5.39 5.18 8.07 10.20 22.75 52.65 139.51 13.90 30.79 3.28 2.49 5.69 6.75 8.72 9.87 11.52 22.73 42.48 135.67 33 21.32 65.95 5.52 3.12 5.31 7.30 9.75 13.47 2Q.80 37.57 73.65 160.80 18.88 55.31 5.34 3.14 4.75 6.68 8.64 11.22 17.09 31.58 63.82 150.85 39 X3.77 40.02 3.79 2.69 4.42 6.04 6.25 7.53 10.35 22.02 51.46 138.40 13.77 34.15 3.80 2.99 4.94 6.67 7.48 7.93 11.10 20.69 46.19 132.29 40 21.62 60.17 6.04 4.00 6.04 8.98 10.31 14.10 22.78 39.10 77.14 170.32 18.61 50.42 5.62 3.46 5.59 7.60 8.82 11.25 16.34 30.59 63.34 153.20 41 21.48 63.H 5.79 3.58 5.68 8.41 10.04 13.79 21.80 38.32 75.38 165.39 18.31 52.91 5.48 ‘3.31 5.13 7.14 8.73 11.24 16.73 31.11 63.59 151.91 42 “. sThe standardized or correcteddeath rate is the death rate at aII agesthat would have resultedfrom the ratesfor the various age groupsif the sex and age constitution of the population’of the given areahad beanidentical with that of England and Wales, ae enumeratedat the censw of 1801. . TS089°-Bul. 11~13---2





It will be observed that in the table on pages 16 and term “corrected rate,” is employed to signify a rate 17the :rates for the total population are standardized or in the computation of which allowance has been made “corrected” rates instead of general or crude death for di.fTerences in age and sex constitution of the popu- rates. The following table, based upon that in the report lation, Specific death rates are exceedingly useful, of the lRegistrar-General for 1910,presents standardized but on account of their number and the complexity of or corrected rates for various foreign countries and for the relations sometimes shown by them, it is difficult the registration area, its main subdivisions, and the to obtain from them a general idea of the mortality of registr~tion states of the United States for 1900. s a given country, state, or city. Hence there has long been a demand for some statistical expression which, DE.k’THRATE PER 1,000POPU1.A’TION. Ratio while not ignoring the dissimilarities of the constitu- cor- rected tion of different populations, might reduce them to a Both sexes. Females. d;$~h Males. common denominator as it were and thus render com- I II 1 I 1 (both parisons readily possible. In obtaining “corrected” death rates the usu~ AREA AND YEAR OR PERIOD method is to select a standard population, definitely OF YEARS.1 distributed into certain groups with respect to age, or age and sex; the specific death rates of any area and as computed for the same groups are then applied to jv;:: corresponding subdivisions of the standard popula- 1%0. tion, the result being the number of deaths which \ — — — would have occurred in each group of the standard Ruesia (European) (1896- population had its death rate been the same as that 1898)...... 28.61 32.80 29.80 34.59 27.49 31.09 1667 25.50 S ain(1900-1902)...... 26.53 27.M 27.37 28.97 25.7.426.36 1546 28.48 of the same group of the given area. The summation Elmgary (1898-1901)...... 24.87 26.34 24.96 26.87 24.79 25.81 1449 26.98 Austria (1898-1901)...... 23.12 24.63 23.86 25.80 22.42 23.90 1347 27.50 of the deaths that would have occurred in all the Bulgaria (1S98-1901)...... 20.92 23.26 20.89 23.47 20.96 23.03 12pJ 25.72 groups of the standarcl population gives the total num- Italy (190+1902)...... 20.23 !32.72 20.09 23.13 20.36 22.31 1179 28.53 Prussia (1698-1901)...... 19.70 21.0s 21.03 22.42 18.45 19.77 1146 26.84 ber of deaths in the standard population correspond- Germany (1901)...... 19.62 20.64 20.78 22.10 18.34 19.61 1138 27.14 Finland (1998-1901)...... 19.12 20.54 19.98 21.26 18.32 19.84 1114 27.58 ing to the observed specific death rates in the given Scotland (1900-1902)...... 17.61 17.91 18.66 18.50 16.73 17.36 1026 27.2Q area, and the division of this total by the standard France (1900-1902...... 17.50 20.80 18.56 21.95 16.51 19.69 1020 32.2S England and W ales (1900- population yields the corrected death rate. 1902)...... 17.16 17.16 18,37 18.37 16.04 16.04 1000 27.50 Switzerland (1899-1901). . . . . 16.86 18.22 17.57 18.99 16.20 17.48 983 28.90 The term “corrected death rate” might be under- Belgium (1899-1901)...... 16.78 18.53 17.80 19.55 15.82 17.52 978 2S.69 Irelmd (1900-1902)...... 16.59 18.27 16.25 18.31 16.90 18.23 967 29.22 stood to imply that the crude rate was incorrect and Western Australia (1900- that allowance hacl been made for defects in the 1902)...... M. 83 13.72 17.80 14.68 14.00 12.21 922 26.42 Netherlands (1898-1900). . . . 15.40 17.32 16.03 18.06 14.81 16.60 897 27.’74 ret urns. A better designation would be standardized Sweden (1899-1901)...... 13.66 16.78 14.45 17.24 13.36 16.35 809 29.83 Denmark (1900-1902)...... 13.63 15.80 14.41 16.66 12.90 14.9s 794 23.38 death rate, signifying a rate based upon a standard Queensland(1900-1902). . . . . 13.29 11.89 14.w 13.61 11.80 9.74 774 25.08 population. The standardized or corrected rate New Sbuth Wales (1900- 1902)...... 13.10 11.72 13.79 13.01 12.44 10.29 702 25.59 based upon the population of Sweden in 1890, recom- Victoria (1900-1902)...... 13.08 13.12 13.99 14.80 12.22 11.43 762 26.98 $30uthAustralia (1900-1902).11.73 11.02 12.33 11.78 11.16 10.23 664 26.01 mended ‘by the International Statistical Institute in Tasmania (1900-1902)...... H. 44 10.88 11.55 11.59 11.33 10.11 667 25.28 New Zealmd (1900-1902). . . 10.80 10.01 11.12 11.05 10.51 8.86 62S 26.41 1895, is known as the “index of mortality.” The pop- United States (1900):4 ...... 1...... 26.33 ulation of Sweden for 1890 was divided into only five The registrationarea. 3.8.0517.55 18.91 18.57 17.16 16.53 1052 28.19 Registration states. . . . . 17.04 17.19 17.60 17.93 16.47 16.46 993 28.66 groups, without distinction of sex, as follows: Under Connecticut...... 17.37 18.02 18.08 ls. 59 16.65 17.44 1012 29.41 District of Columbia 24.36 22.25 26.12 24.63 22.64 20,11 1:;$ 29.52 1 year (25.5 per 1,000), 1 to 19 years (398), 20 to 39 Indiana ...... 14.37 14.19 14.55 1404 27.51 Maine...... 14.85 17.11 14.69 17.11 15.00 17,11 865 31.25 years (269.6), 40 to 59 years (192.3), and 60 years Massachusetts...... 18.13 18,25 19.00 19.05 17,30 17,49 1057 29.24 M:ti,ti an...... 13.90 14.03 13.98 14.52 13.80 13,52 810 28.01 and over (114.6). The eleven age groups, by sex, as New k ampshire. .. . 16.31 18.55 16.38 18.41 16,26 18,68 950 31.52 New Jersey...... 18.20 17.75 19.34 19.01 17,03 16,49 1061 27.85 used for many years in the English reports, afford New York ...... 18.26 18.21 19.11 19.28 17.39 17,15 1064 28.60 Rhode Island...... 20.87 20.45 21..57 21.06 20.19 19,87 1216 2s.77 greater precision; moreover, the frequently unreliable Vermont ...... 13.80 16.56II13.711.- .M. .56 13.90 16.56 804 31.25 Cities in registration rate for infants under 1 year and the obj actionable states...... 20.14 18.93 21.32 20.17 18.99 17.74 1174 27.72 Rural part of regietr% divisions upon years ending with a cipher—years tion states...... 13.79 15.20 13.77 15.45 13.77 14.93 804 29.74 Registration cities iu upon which population and deaths are prone unduly otherstatis ...... ]20.14118.211121.62119.76118.61/16.6JII 1174 27.31 to concentrate—render the English grouping pref- All registrationcities. . . 2015 1657 2148 19.96 18.81 1720 11111 I 1++’52 erable, at least for this preliminary study designed 1Foreign countries arranged in the order of their standardised or corrected death ratesfor ersonsof both sexc.s. to bring the advisability of standardized rates for this 2The stan$“ardued or corrected dsath rate is the death rate at all ages that would have resulted from the ratesfor the variousagegroupsif the sex and agecon- country into serious consideration. stitution of the population of the iven area had been identical with that of Eng. land and Wales asenumeratedat f he censusof 1901. An additional advantage in the use .of the English sIu this computation personswhose age was not stated were excluded. 4Correctedratesfor the United Statesadded by the Bureau of the Ceusus. basis for corrected or standardized rates is the fact, as shown in the preceding table computed on this basis, STANDARDIZED (OR CORRECTED) DEATH RATES. that the rate for the registration area in 1900, and In the English tables and in those of similar form more particularly for the group of registration states, for American areas. presented in this buIletin, the shows little change in passing from the crude to the

1 .

SPECIFIC AND STAIIARDIZED DEATH RATES. 19 cotiected form. The crude rate of the “groupof regis- I DEATH RATE PER..,.,,, PoPULATION: Plm CENT COE tration states in 1900 (17.19) was practically identical 1911 RECTED 1 DEA’PH RATE REPRESENTS with the rate of England and Wal& (17.16), the pop- 1“ OF CRUDE DEATH Imhs,xes. Males. ~ Females. RATE. ulation of which in 1901 is the standard population AREA. l— upon which all these corrections are based. The cor- Cor- COr- Cer- rect kud reet cect- kude toth Jales FeF rected rate shows only a slight ‘reduction (17.04), ed 1 ate. ed 1 ed 1 rate. 3X* Lalee, while the crude rate for the registration states in 1911 rate. rate. rate. — — (13.9) would be reduced to a corrected rate of 13.7 on utsJ1...... 11.0 10.3 11.7 n. 1 10.3 107 105 110 the English standard or raised to 14.1 if compared Vermont...... -. 12.6 15.8 12.7 16.2 12.5 li ; Washington...... -_ 9J8 8.9 10.1 9.6 8.3 1!: 1:: 1!: with the constitution of the registration states in wiscO- ...... --. 11.0 11.5 W 6 1?; 10.5 10.5 96 94 100 1900. It is not so important what standard popula- States included in reg- trationareain 1900~.14.6 14.9 15.3 15.8 13.9 14.0 98 97 99 tion shall be used as that some standard shall be CITIESOF 100,OIX 10P- adopted for all countries publishing mortality statis- ULATION OR OVER m 1910. tics, since, otherwise, corrected rates would be as in- Birmingham, Ala.*--- 21.3 18.2 21.6 18.9 20.9 17.5 117 114 119 comparable as crude ‘rates. The chief objection to Los An elesj Cal...... 14.3 14.5 16.0 16.7 1.2.7ls.3 .99 96 103 Oaklag%,Cal...... -. -cl5 E?.7 EL o 13.3 12.0 11.9 101 the general use of the Englk,h standard population is San Francrsco, Cal -.. 15.9 15.2 17.7 16.8 14.2 13.2 1% 1% 108 Denver, Cola...... 16.5 15.5 ls.8 18.1 144 12.9 106 104 m. that heretofore it has been the practice of the Regis- Bridgeport, corm .. . . 15.4 13.9 16.2 14.4 M. 7 13.3 111 113 m trar- General to use the proportions of population New Haven, Corm.. . . 17.1 16.7 17.6 17.2 16.6 16.2 102 102 102 Washington, D. C.*.. 18.9 18.7 20.8 21.2 17.2 16.4 101 105 shown by the tatest census, which necessitateed the Atlanta, Gab.*...... 22.0 19.8 22.1 19.8 22.0 19.7 111 1!; 112 Ckicago,lll ...... 16.4 14.5 18.4 16.4 14.5 IS.5 113 112 116 revision of the corrected rates every 10 years. With b&DSipOhS, Ind.._ . 15.3 14.7 16.4 16.0 14.2 13.4 104 103 106, the discontinuance of this plan and the adoption of Louisville, KY.* ...... 17.0 16.1 18.8 18.0 15.3 14.3 106 104 107 New Orleans La.*... 21.8 20..4 24.6 23.1 19.1 17.9 107 106 107 the standard million of 1901 as the permanent basis Balllrnore, IA’d.*- . . . . 19.4 18.4 21.1 20.3 17.7 16.7 105 104 106 Boston, Mass------17.9 17.1 19.4 18.4 16.5 15.8 105 105 104 of standardized or corrected rates, as now contem- Cambridge, Mass. . . . . 15.4 15.2 16.5 15.9 14.5 14.5 101 104 100 plated by him, it may be deemed advisable tQ adjust Fall River, Mass.. . . . 18.4 17.4 19.4 18.6 17..516.3 106 104 107 LoweU, Mm<. -...... 18.S 17.7 20.0 18.6 17.6 16.7 106 108 105 American rates so that they will be comparable with Worcester Mess...... 16.2 15.7 17.5 16.8 14.9 14.6 103 104 102 Detroit,l&h...- . . . . . 16.0 14.4 17.1 15.2 14.9 13.6 111 113 110 the statistics for England and the other countries Grand Rapids, ~ch.. 13.7 13.6 14.4 14.6 13.0 12.7 101 ’102 prepared by the Reg@rar-General, whose recent adop- Minneapolisj Mum... 1.2.9 11.5 13.9 E. 3 12.0 10.6 112 1% 113 10.9 14.0 11.9 11.8 118 118 122 tion of the International List of Causes of Death &#fiiyy-M.&-::: : g: 15.4 18.0 16.8 15.9 1?: 110 107 ::: 15.4 18.9 17.5 14.8 13.2 109 108 has been of great service in promoting the uniformity St. Louis, M&- ...... 16.8 Omaha Near ...... 15.8 14.3 17.8 16.2 13.9 12.2 110 110 114 of mortality statistics throughout the world. Jersey dity, N. .7. . . . . 17.6 15.8 19.1 17.3 16.2 14.3 m 110 113 Newark, N. J._...... 16.2 14.8 17.9 16.4 14.7 13.3 109 109 m It- will therefore be of special interest to examine Paterson, N. J...... 15.9 14.6 17.2 16.0 14.6 13.3 109 108 110 Albany, NAY ...... 19.7 20.4 21.6 22.5 18.0 18.5 97 96 97 the. corrected and crude death rates of the registra- . BmIslo,N.Y ...... 15.8 14.5 17.3 15.9 14.4 13.0 109 109 m tion states and great cities of the United States as New York, N. Y..-.. 17.2 15.2 18.5 16.6 16.0 13.8 113 m 116 Rochester, N. Y...... 15.1 14.4 16.2 15.2 14.0 13.6 105 107 103 obtained by the application to the standard popula- Syracuse, NAY ...... 14.9 14.3 16.2 15.1 13.7 13.4 104 107 102 tion of their specific death rates, by sex, according to Cincinnati, Ohio...... 16.9 16.5 19.5 19.2 14.4 13.9 102 102 104 Olemlend, Ohio ...... 15.3 13.8 16.8 15.0 14.0 12.6 m m m the age groups shown in the table on pages 14 to 15. Columbus, Ohio- . . . . . 15.2 14.3 16.1 15.0 14.3 13.6 106 107 105 Dayton, Ohio...l . . . . 14.0 13.7 147 14.4 13.4 13.0 102 m 1o3- Toledo, Ohio ...... 15.6 14.9 17.2 16.8 14.0 13.0 105 102 108 [StatesorcitiesinWtich 10per cent or more of the inhabitants in 1910werecolored are indicated by asterisks (*).] Portland, Oreg...... 12.6 10.9 13.5 u. 5 11.7 10.0 116 117 117 Philadelphb, Pa. . . . . 17.4 16.6 18.7 17.9 16.1 15.4 105 104 105 Pittsburgh, Pa ...... 16.9 14.9 18.3 16.3 15.5 13.5 113 m 115 DEATH RATE PER 1,000POPULATIOSW PER CENT COR- 111 117 1911 Scranton, Pa ...... 16.7 14.8 18.5 16.7 15.1 12.9 113 RIsc’rnn 1 DEATH Frovidemce, R. I..... 16.2 15.6 17.7 16.8 14.8 14.4 104 105 103 I ?.ATE REPRESENTS 113 MempbM, Term.*. . . . . 23.4 21.3 25.1 23.2 21.9 19.4 110 108 -1 OF CRUDE DEATH Both sexes Males. Females. EATE. Nashville Term...... 22.1 20.5 22.7 21.6 21.6 19.6 108 105 110 Amm. I Ridunon& Vs.* ...... 23.2 21.0 25.4 22.9 21.2 19.3 110 111 110 Seattle, Wash ...... 10.4 11.6 9.6 9.3 7.8 118 121 119 COr- COr- Cor- Spokme, Wash ...... 13.7 1?: 13.3 11.5 14.1 Ii.6 118 116 122 rec+ rect lude reck Crude loth Fe- Milwaukee, Wie ...... 13.3 11.9 145 13.1 12.1 10.8 112 m 112 . ed 1 ed 1 roles rate. ed 1 rate mles. I — rate. rate. rate. 1 Corrected on basis of standard million of England and Wales, 1901. — —l—l— ZInclndes Connecticut, the District of Cohunbla, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Miohigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. REGISTRATION S!L4TESZ...... 13.7 13.9 14.4 14.7 13.1 13.0 101 _ . California..l ...... 12.8 13.7 13.9 15.2 11.8 11.7 101 The actual amount of difference -between the Colorado ...... 13.6 12.9 14.9 14.5 12.4 11.0 113 Connecticut ...... 14.8 15.4 15.7 16.2 14.0 14.6 96 standardized and the crude rate is not of speeial im- Indiana ...... 12.3 12.9 12.4 13.4 12.2 12.4 Kentucky ...... 13.4 13.2 13.1 13.3 13.6 13.0 1% portance. For states or cities with populations more . favorably constitute? than the standard population, Wine-...... 13.0 16.1 13.3 16.6 12.6 15.5 Maryland*.:...... ”. 15.9 15.8 16.6 16.8 15.2 14.9 1; the corrected rates are higher than the crude rates. Ness~huzetts...... 15.0 15.3 16.0 16.2 14.1 14.5 ...... 13.2 ;~: 14.0 12.0 12.4 For states or cities less favorably constituted, the %%$-:%..,...... ::; 10.5 11.2 10.2 9.6 1% corrected rates are lower than the crude rates. There Missouri ...... 13.1 13.1 13.5 13.9 E. 7 12.2 104 Montana ...... 11.6 10.2 E?.5 11.1 10.8 8.9 1.21 is thus a tendency to equ+ization of rates. . New Hampshire ...... 14.2 17.1 14.7 17.6 .13.3 16.6 New Jersey...... 15.1 14.7 16.1 15.6 14.3 13.7 Iti For the group of re~tration states, 1911, the New York ...... 15.7 15.5 16.7 16.6 14.8 14.4 103 difference between the crude rate (13,.9) and the cor- Ohio ...... 12.4 13.1 12.9 13.7 12.0 12.4 Pennsylvania ...... 14.4 14.2 15.3 15.0 13.6 13.3 1:; rected rate (13.7) k slight. That the low crude death Rhode Islmd ...... 15.7 15.5 16.8 16.4 14.8 14.7 101 1Corrected on basis of standard million of England and Wales, 1901. rates of California, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wis-, 2Include$sDistrict of Columbia, but excludes North Carolina. .

\ .— —.-—- -- 20 MORTALITY s’1AJ’M’1’lw.

consin are not due to unusually favorable age and sex In both 1900 and 1911 the population was slightly distribution of population is evident from the fact less favorable than the standard population with that their standardized rates are even lower. In respect to age and sex constitution, hence the cor- other states, namely, Colorado, Kentucky, Minnesota, ‘iected rates are somewhat lower than the crude rates. Montana, Utah, and Washington, low crude rates are The difference is so small, however, that the crude only slightly raised by correction for age and sex rates for this group, though not for the individual distrilmtion; and yet the specific death rates for stat es composing it, may safely be used in comparing Washington, even if no allowance be made for pos- changes in mortal.it y from 1900 to 1911. A compari- ‘ sibly incomplete registration, differ little from those son of the corrected rates for 1911 and 1900 for the of New Zealanc{ (1900 to 1902) over 10 years ago, group shows a decrease during the 11 years of 14 per before the period of phenomenally low death rates cent for both sexes, 13 per cent for males, and 16 per began. Not a death rate in the table, except those cent for females. The relative female mortality (the for a few cities with large colored populations, would percentage which the corrected death rate of females have been regarded as even remotely credible by vital represented of the corrected death rate of males) statisticians a quarter of a century ago, and the declined from 94 in 1900 to 91 in 1911. highest rates shown are only about the average rates The specific death rates for both males and females at that time. of all age groups under 45 decreased between 1900 and For states like Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, 1911, the greatest relative decrease being that for in which are unusually large proportions of persons at females 1 to 4 years of age (35 per cent). The death the more advanced ages, the corrected rates are far rate of male infants under 1 year of age decreased 22 more representative of the true sanitary conditions, per cent and that of female infants under 1 year 23 per as compared with those of other states, than the crude cent. For both sexes the greatest percentage of de- rates. Cities have usually a large proportion of popu- crease was for the age group 1 to 4 years, the percent- lation at the more favorable ages, hence nearly all ages of decrease being less for each. succeeding group cities show standardized rates higher than the crude of ages until, for the age groups 55 to 64 years and rates. The only exceptions in the list are the cities 65 to 74 years, small percentages of increase are shown. of Los Angeles, Oakland, and Albany, in which the The mortality above 75 years was practically the population is less favorably constituted than the same in 1911 and 1900, although a slight increase (1 standard. per cent) is shown for males. The following table shows the changes in mortality Similar comparisons may be made of the changes in that have occurred in the 11 years from 1900 to 1911 the speciiic death rates and of the relative male or in the group of registration states as constituted in female mortality in each of the states for which rates 1900. This area embracecl about one-fourth of the are available for the years 1900 and 1911. The fol- total population of the United States in 1911 and lowing table shows the correct ed death rates hf these hence the results are of much significance as sh?wing states, by sex, for 1900 and 1911. the general tendency of mortality for the country as

a whole. CORRECTED 1 DEATH RATE PER 1,000 POPULATION. PER CENT DEATH RATE IN 1911 FWPRESENTS OF ,-I DEATH RATE 1 PER 1.000 POPULATION THAT IN 1800. AREA. FOR STATES INCLUDED IN REGISTRA- PER CENT DEATH 1911 II 1900 TION AREA IN 1900.2 iATE IN 1911REP- I ,, II ,, , II !, ! RESENTS OF THAT Both ~l~. Fe- Fe- Both ~al=, F& IN 1900. mak. sexes.Both I‘lW, maleR sexy. AGE GROUP. 1911 sexes. I 1!)00 _ — — —1 . — . . .

Both ~alw Fe- Stat+ includedin ‘ales Fe- sexes. males Uak9 registrationarea j.n1900...... 14.6 15.3 13.9 17.0 17.6 16.5 86 87 84 _ _ –1—11—1— _ _ _ _ . . I. (JO~e~ticut...... 14.8 15.7 14.0 17.4 18.1 16.7 85 87 84 D@trict of Columbia.. 18.9 20.8 17.2 24.4 26.1 22.6 77 80 76 16.5 88 85 Indiana...... 12.3 12.4 12.2 14.4 14.2 14.6 85 87 64 16,5 87 84 . Maine...... 13.0 13.3 12.6 14.9 14.7 15.0 87 90 64 M~~hwtts ...... 15.0 16.0 14.1 18.1 19.0 17.3 84 82 74 Mi~hi ri,n...... 12.4 12.9 12.0 13.9 14.0 13.8 R 1$:: % New h amp=drire .. . . 14.2 14.7 13.8 16.3 16.4 16.3 % : 19.1 ;! 84 New Jemp,y...... 15.1 16.1 14.3 18.2 19.3 17.0 :; 83 4.6 67 New York ...... 15.7 16.7 14.8 18.3 19.1 17.4 ;: 87 # 3.1 E 68 RhOdeIslud ...... 15.7 16.8 14.8 20.9 21.6 20.2 4.8 76 69 Vermont ...... 12.6 12.7 12.5 13.8 13.7 13.9 91 :; 90 6.7 70 8.2 U ,1,,,’1,’, !, 2 1Correctedon basisof standardmillion of England and Wales, 1901. 11: 1:1 25.8 107 1% 104 103 1::: 101 100 STANDARDIZED DEATH RATES, BY COLOR AND NATIVITY. 11 — 1Exclusive of stillbirths. A difficulty that does not enter into the treatment ~Group includesConnecticut the Diatrictof Columbia Indiana, Maine, Maasa- ohusetts Michigan, New Hampskre, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and of European statistics affects the comparability of Vermont. 3Based on the standard million of England and Wales, 1901. American death rates, namely, the ddlerences in the . . SPECIFIC AND STANDARDIZED DEATH RATES. 21

populations of states and cities with respect to color, tion during the years 1896–1900 was c.biefly derived— tiativit y, and parent nativity. How such differences the corrected death rates would be as follows: may affect the crude -and corrected death rates for the aggregate population may be inferred from the DEATH RATE 1 PER 1,000 POPULATION, REGI< TRATION STATES 1900 following table: -

Snx. ‘ativewtite t I DEATH RATE2 PER 1,000 POPULATION,REGISIT.A- For- Total TIONeTATES: 1900 One or eiaQ- Col- Native both born ored. , l%% Total. par- &zlWl white. Native white. ents. I born.. sEX AND AGE GROUP.l - > Total cOl- . )red. Both SOXeS: —l—l—l— %%:. (huderate ...... -. ----- 17.2 16.5 15.7 17.8 18.9 Corrected rate z...... 17.0 16.0 14.5 ,9.1 {,;~; } X _ - - . z .“ —11-1-1— Male2: Crude rate ...... Both SSXe2 (Sll agW) . . . . --- 17.2 16.5 15.7 17.8 18.9 25.0 17.9 17.3 16.0 19.4 19.2 25.6 — . — — Corrected rate2 ...... 17.6 16.7 14.8 20.3 {s;:j } 29.9 .Under5year/.: ...... 49.9 49.1 42.8 55.8 - 4:; 106.4 5t09years ...... 4.7 4.5 4.2 4.9 8.9 Females loto14years ...... 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 2:9 9.0 Crude rate...... 15.3 16.2 18.6 24.4 15t019years...... 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.5 11.4 16.5 15.6 20t024yesrs ...... &8 6.8 6.2 6.2 11.6 Corrected ratet ...... 16.5 15.4 14.2 18.1 {a;~~ } 28.3 . 25t034years- ...... 8.2 6.4 1!: 12.2 35t044yEars ...... li i 9.6 12.8 1:! 15.0 1: i 16.2 45te54years ...... 15.0 12.7 18.6 24.5 1 Exclusive of stiflbfrths. 27.3 22.0 27.0 55t064yems ...... 22.6 34.4 42.5 2 Bssed .on standard mfflfon of England and Wsks, 1901, for each element of 65ta74ywws...... 56.5 50.4 49.6 60.8 66.4 69.5 75yearsand over ...... 142.4 138.5 136.1 175.8 I 151.1 143.3 . ‘ie%%%&kiig this corrected death rate an assmned death rate of 85 per 1,000 for foreign-born males under 5 years of age and of 75 per 1,000 for foreign-born females Md@(alI age) ...... 17.9 25.6 . under that age was used. Under 5years...... 54.1 53.3 46.5 60.5 42.7 z 5t09years ...... 4.6 4.3 4.9 .8.9 The differences between the death rates of the native 1ot014years ...... -. $; 2.8 2.8 2.9 :: 15t019y?ars...... 4.9 4.7 4.5 5.0 4.8 1$: white population of native and foreign parentage and 2oto24 years ...... 7.0 6.1 6.6 12.3 25t034years ...... :: 5.9 4: 12.6 the foreign-born white population should not be inter- 35t044yesrs ...... 1$: 10.1 14.6 It: 14.3 45t054yeam ...... 15.8 13.1 1:; 17.6 19.8 24.9 preted as essential racial differences, but rather as due 55t064years ...... 28.8 24.1 23.4 28.7 35.9 42.5 65t074Ysars ...... 59.5 53.9 66.2 66.9 72.3 to economic and other social causes. The same reasons - 75yeazs andover ...... 145.9 I&; 140.6 lsl. 2 151.3 156.3 _ _ - - . - may explainthehiigher death rate of the colored or negro Femaks (alleges) ...... 16.5 15.6 15.3 16.2 18.6 24.4 —11—1— lL— population as compared with the white population. Under 5ysars ...... 45.7 ~; 39.1 51.1 3;; 98.5 5tn9years ...... 4.6 4.2 4.8 The death rate of the colored population of the regist- lot014years ...... 2:9 3.0 2.9 2.8 It: 15t019years . . . ..’ ...... M 4.8 &J $: 4.2 11.4 ration area as a whole in 1911 (23.7 per 1,000), al- 2ot024yWs ...... -. 5.9 11.1 25t034yeareY ...... :; :! 7:0 11.8 though much higher than that of the white population 35t044years ...... 9.8 lt ! M 15.7 45t054yesrs ...... 14.2 11 ‘i It: 14.9 17.3 24.1 (13.7’), is lower than the rates of the great majority of 55t064yetwe ...... 25.8 21.3 20.6 25.2 32.8 42.4 65t074yesrs ...... 53.7 46.3 45.5 55.7 66.9 European countries up to the last quarter of the nine- 75years andover ...... 139.3 134.5 .132.2 171.0 J! I 1343 II I 1 teenth century and could undoubtedly be reduced to I Population and deaths at unlmown age not distributed. a figure which would more closely approximate, if not z Exclusive of stillbirths. equal, the death rate of the white population. Death Among the colored population, which is chiefly negro, rates based on total population (white and colored) af- bigher death rates aro shown for both sexes and for all ford evidence as to the gross effect of sanitary condi- age groups than among the white population, except in. tions on mortality. The death rate of the white pop- the case of females 75 years of age and over. The ulation alone for an area containing a considerable death’ rates of the foreign-born whites are in the ma- proportion of colored population, is a selected rate, just jority’ of cases higher than those of the native whites as a death rate exclusive of the mortality of the foreign born of either native or foreign parents, although im- born would be, and hence can not be compared tith’ . ~ portant exceptions will be noted, some of which may rates based upon the total population. be due to transfer of deaths from one class to another. It is of great importance from a sanitary point of The low death rate of foreign-born children under 5 view, however, to study the mortality of the negro years is almost certainly understated. On the basis of population in detail, as contrasted with that of the , an assumed death rate of 85 per 1,000 for foreign-born white population. The following table shows the spe- males under 5 years of age and 75 for foreign-born fe- cific death rates of the whites and negroes, by sex, males under that ag+rates which are probably lower in three cities having large proportions of colored . than those for the countries from whichthe immigra: population. 22 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

rates, in which the differences of age and sex consti- DEATH RATE PER 1,000 POPULATION: 1911 I tution between the white and negro population of l— I these cities have been eliminated by the application 01’ITAND AGE GROUP. White. Negro. of the specific rates to ,the standard population: Both Fe- Both Fe- Males Males. sexes. males sexes. Daks. DEATH RATE 1 PER 1,000 POPULATION 1911

WASHINGTON, D. C. I ,, Crude. CITY AND COLOR. Alleges ...... ] 15.5 17.8 13.4 26.6 30.3 23.5 I “Jrrw’ed’II —. —— —. I . —. Under 5years..., ...... - 32.5 35.1 29.8 38.0 90.3 85. + R- Both Fe- 310.8 327.1 Males. Undorlyear ...... 119.3 136.2 102,7 294.4 males. sexes. males. lto


The mortality of bfants and children under 1 year of for individual areas will show where special efforts age, from 1 to 4 years, and for the total under 5 years may be made to restrict the causes to which such of age may be studied in the table showing specific deaths are chiefly due. death rates for the registration states and large cities There has been a marked reduction in the infant ‘ in 1911 (pp. 14-15). For the group of registration death rate in recent years. The following table .shows states as a whole the death rate of infants under 1 for the calendar year 1911 and the census year 1900’ year of age per 1,000 infants under 1 year in the pop- the death rates per 1,000 population under 1 year of ulation was 112.9, or about eight times the death rate age as computed for the states included in the regis- at all ages. The death rate of children from 1 to 4 tration area in 1900 and for cities of 100,000 popula- years of age (11.8,per 1,000) was equal to about one- tion and over in 191o, with the percentage of decrease tenth of that of infants under 1 year. The death rate of or increase. It will be noted that the death rate of children in the fist 5 years of life (32.9) was about ten infants under 1 year of age decreased nearly one- times that of children in the second 5 years (3.1), and fifth (I9 per cent) in the group of registration states was greater than that for any age group until we reach during the period of 11+ years. that of 65 to 74 years (55.2). These figures show the

great preponderance of infant and child mortality 1 Figures from report on Vital Statistics, Part 1, Twelfth Census, and a study of the death rates of infants and children p. lxxx. . .

,. “ INFANT AND ~HILD MORTALITY. 23 ‘ . (43), Indianapolis (39), and Washington, Patersori, and . . DEATH RATE 1PER 1,000 POPU- LATION UNDER 1 YEAR OF Memphis (each 38). It must be remerqbered that this AGE. - comparison relatesonly to two individual years and that - AriEA. P:!?&t the data may be vitiated, &i certain cases, by failure Census 1911 year- crease, to’ return all deaths of infants under 1 year of age. 1900 l&&t: Even if it were justtiable to assume that all deaths .— of infants under 1 year of age we!e, reported, ‘the . States. included in registration area in 1900t. 129.: 159.3 1- number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per Conecticut ...... 130.$ 156.8 Matie ...... 110.! 144.1 1,000 population under 1 year of age (infant death Massachusetts ...... 143.3 177.8 Miohi an...... 111.4 121.3 rate) would not be a satisfactory basis for the study New5 ampsbire ...... 150.3 172.0 of .$xfant mortality. This is ‘best measured by the NewJersey ...... 131.: i67.4 NewYork ...... 128.[ 159.8 ratio of deaths of infants under 1 year of age to every RhodeIsland ...... l ...... 138.t 197.9 Vemont- ...... 102.c 122.1 1,000 living births, designated infantile mortality, as CITIESOF 100,000POPULATIONOR OVER IN 1910. recommended in the recent Report of the Special Birmingham, Ala ...... 136.1 :$5 ~ Committee on Infantile Mortality of the Royal Sta- LOSAR ales, CaL ...... 100.1 Oaklan%,Cel ...... 87.2 116.4 tistical Society. (Journal of the Royal Statistical - San Franc~co, Cal...... 104.$ 152.2 Denver, Colo ...... 131.s 162.3 Society, December, 1912,p. 44.) Brid e ort, Corm...... 138.4 172.2 Infantile mortality.-For the purposes of this report: infantile - New w aven, Corm...... 133.9 154.0 Waehfngton, D. C...... 170.0 274.5 mortality has been defied as the ratio of deaths dining the first Athnta, Ga...- ...... 13s.1 306.0 year of life to births. Such is the usual baeie of calculation, but chfcagO, Dl ...... 123.3 146.6 in a few countries the estimated number living at ages under I Indiana OliS Id ...... 105.8 173.5 Louisv d e,tiy ...... 115.5 173.5 year replaces the births. The ratio so obtained can only be de- New Orleans La ...... 152.6 ’22$: s;ribed a5 most unsatisfactory and even illusory. The proPer . Baltimore Mad...... 189.2 Boston, M'ass...... 160.9 194:1 estimation of numbers living is laborious and the results unreliable. Cambridge, Mass ...... 125.6 186.5 Fall River, Mass...... 239.5 304.7 Unfortunately, owing to the generally incomplete Lowell, Mass...... 203.4 275.5 Worcaster M&...... 136.0 164.7 registration of births in the i%i.ted States, it is im- Detioit. ~ich. . ..' ...... 168.8 201.2 possible to present satisfactory rates of infantile moi- , Grand Ra ids, Mich ...... 107.2 140.1 Mfnnea ol?s Mire ...... 106.4 1::: tality for the great majority of the states and cities. St. Pa~, Mi& ...... 115.5 Even for the registration states-that is, the states in Karrsss City Mo...... 145.7 1S6:8 St. Loufe, M'o...... 123.8 162.4 which the registration of deaths is regarded as at ‘. Omaha Near ...... 103.3 151.9 .Jersey~it ,N. J...... 14?.4 196.4 least approximately complete-and for many d the -, Newark ~. J...... 122.3 182.0 Paterao~, N. J ...... 117.7 190.5 cities of 100,000 population and over this can no! be Albany, N. Y ...... 162.9 199.6 done: BuMo, N. Y ...... 140.6 150.9 New York, N. Y ...... 130.6 189.4 [Births for provi.cional birth regiskation area, which comp,@eed COUUCC~CU~,Maine, Rochester N. Y ...... 105.5 108.7 Massschusetk., Michigan, New Ham shire, Permsylwmia, Rhode Island, Ver- Syracuse, $T.Y ...... 146.9 132.5 mont, District of Columbia (city of #’sshir&on), and New York City, based on Cincirrnati, OhiO ...... 113.1 174.3 transcripts returned. to the Bureau of the emus; for other areas, stata or city compilations or offimal statements were used.] Cleveland, Ohfo ...... 123.7 p:; .Colmnbus, Obio ...... 121.8 DaytOn, OtiO...... 118.3 124.6 ~fati* “ Toledo, Ohio: ...... 119.3 157.4 Portland, Oreg...... 101.9 92.3 fants under 1 Philadelphia Pa ...... 141.9 201.9 Popula- year of Pittsburgh *a ...... 141.4 179.8 tion nude af;:~ Scranton, $a ...... 112.4 170.9 AREA. 1 year of Provide~ce, R. I ...... 137.5 214.9 age, Apr. births Memphi$, Tcnn ...... 152.6 247.1 15,1910. (inl$i- Nashville, Term ...... 158.3 228.9 Richmond, Va ...... 197.6 300.7 t;lii)mOr- Seattle, Wash ...... 78.6 102.6 S okane, Wash ...... 97.8 136.1 &waukee,Wfs...... 143.2 190.2 —l— l— I Registration states 2-...... I 1,156,7256 124 - 1Exclusiye of stillbirths. ~ j A plrmsup.(+.) denotes increase. California...... 40,386 116 81uchrdes =trmt of Columbia. . Colorado...... 17,124 147 j Not admitted to registration area untif a later date. Connecticut ...... 24,197 127 5 Figures fo~daathsnot available for both years. Indiana ...... 56,098 106 =n~c~...... r 61,106 888 The largest. percentage of decrease in the death Maine...... -. 15,010 15,578 2>108 140.4 135 Maryland ...... -. 27,864 & ;:: 4,239 152.1 .905 rate of infants ”under 1 year of age shown for any of Massachusetts ...... ;$ ’77; 11,377 160.8 131 Michigan ...... 6$566 7,912 127.5 124 the states compared was that for Rhode Island (3o Minnesota ...... 46; 111 4,9,840 4,261 92.4 97 per cent) and’the smallest that for Michigan (8 per 1 Re tration of bhthe incomplete for all areas. The most incom lete returns (cases wr ere the reported number of Mrths was lass than the popula%on under 1 cent). In all the large cities included .in that table, year of age and conse uently the ratio of infantile mortality shown greater than the s#etic death rate~ denoted b$~taz,e$bmtrea (cases vzhere~reported “ texcept Minneapolis, St. Pa@, Syracuse, and Portland, mm er of bnths exceeded the, PO ulation under 1year. of age by 10 er cent or more and consequently the ratio o mfant?h mortahty gmon ISprobab y approxi- the infant death rate was lower in 1911 than @ the mately correct) in bold face. I Includes District of. Cohunbm (city of Washington, see below) and excludas census year 1900. -Thelargest relative decrease was in. North Carolina, where there is no etate law govwnfn birth m ‘stration. 8 Figures forbirths and deaths are for 1911, the &t c&u&m year of operation Atlarita (55 per cent), followed by those for Los Angeles of the state law. ..,---- ...... 24 lV1(JM’1’AL1’1’ )! ST.4TISTICS.

The preceding table shows the population under 1 )eaths Death )fin- year of age enumerated at the Thirteenth Census, >eaths rate of fants fexr.lu- infants rider 1 which was taken asofApriI 15, 1910; the living births Births Sivv:f under 1 ear 0f year of 1910 ti%%~e exclusiv age per ge per for the year as returned to the Bureau of the AREA. 1 year 0] of still- birtba) 1,000 age, Apr, births): mder 1 1,000 )lrths Census from the provisional birth registration area, 15, 1910. 19101 Vearof popula. infan- tion of tile which comprised the states of Connecticut, Maine, %o same mor- age: Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsyl- 1910 illt,~): vania, Rhode Island, and Vermont and the cities of

Mf.aSonrf ...... 73,929 274,130 ~7,150 s 96.7 Z96 New York and Washington; births, exclusive of still- Montana ...... 7,902 z 6,1.24 714 90.4 117 New Hampshire ...... 8,32.5 9,335 1,373 164.9 148 births as far as ascertainable, for the other states and New Jersey ...... 56,198 6$,94.2 8,363 148.8 166 large cities on th~ basis of official reports or statements New York ...... 191,553 213,235 27,503 143.6 129 Ohio...... 98,776 100,969 11,445 115.9 113 by registration offices; and the deaths of infants, ex- Pennsylvania ...... 189,502 2;3 O& 28,377 149.7 140 RhodeIslamd ...... 11,728 2,129 181.5 158 clusive of stillbirths, under 1 year of age as published Utti...... 10,885 10,$7.2 896 82.3 for each area in the annual bulletin on mortality sta- Vermont...... 7,233 7,351 791 109.4 1% Washington ...... 22,079 19,$?11 1,862 84.3 tistics for 1910. Upon the basis of these figures have Wiaconsm...... 52,027 50,847 5,621 108.0 1!? been computed (a) the infant death rate, or number CITIESOF 100,000 POPULATION OR OVERIN 1910. of deaths of infants under 1 year of age per 1,000 pop- Birmingham, Aid...... 2,939 %’,777 391 133.0 141 ulation of the same age, and (b) the infantile mortal- Los An les, CaI...... 4,798 5,458 531 110,7 OakIanr ,Cal ...... 2,669 $’,407 253 94.8 1% ity, or ratio of deaths of infants under 1 year of age Sanl?rancIseO,Cal ...... 6,153 6,482 699 113,6 108 Denver, Colo...... 3,445 .2,844 404 134,7 16$ to 1,000 living births. Bride ort,Conn ...... 2,360 2,976 367 155.5 123 As the number of children under 1 year of age in New$/’aven, Coin ...... 3,009 3,772 406 134,9 108 Washington, D. C...... 5,489 7,016 1,068 194,6 152 Lhe population represents the difference between the Atlanta, Ga...... 3,355 2,460 521 155,3 21$ number born during the year preceding the census Ohicago,lll ...... 49,073 4.24,$68 6,844 139.5 281 Indianapolis Ind ...... 3,846 4,522 557 144,8 12s and the number born and dying during that year, it Louiavd e,J/y ...... 3,754 ~3,458 503 134.0 145 New Orleans La ...... 6,848 86, 66f 1,001 154.9 163 is evident, assuming that the number of births in $he Baltimore Mad...... 10,239 9,858 2, 146 209.6 518 Boston, ld’ass ...... 13,570 17,758 2,246 165.5 126 census year was substantially the same as in the calen- Cambridge, Mass...... 2,323 2,462 293 126.1 110 dar year, that the number of births should always con- _ Fall River, Meas...... 3,291 4,591 834 259.5 186 Lowell, Mass...... 2,326 2,621 607 261.0 231 siderably exceed the population under 1 year of age, Worcester Mass...... 3,190 3,921 536 16S.O 137 Detroit,k/ich ...... 10,442 11,960 2,138 204.8 179 and hence that the infant death rate based on popu- ,. 2,440 2,693 329 134.8 122 lation should considerably exceed the true infantile R%&%%:::::::::::: 5,435 5,686 T62I ~114.3 7109 St. Pa M.inn...... 3,808 3,778 498 130.8 1s2 mortality. Where this k not so, as in the births and Kansasdity Me., ...... 3,839 4,234 654 170.4 154 St. Lotis, tie ...... 12,439 14,712 1,689 135.8 115 infantile mortality rates printed in italics in the table, Omaha Nebr ...... 2,093 2,330 293 140.0 128 it k certain that the deficiency in the registration of Jersey &y,N.J...... 6,229 4,681 954 153,2 204 Newark,N.J ...... 8,519 10,023 1,242 145,8 124 births is so great as to render the figures for infantile Paterson N. J ...... 2,584 $,667 379 146.7 148 d even where the births and Afbany, iN. Y...... 1,529 1,$69 249 162.9 182 mortality valueless; an Buffalo, N. Y...... 8,973 10,008 1,623 180.9 162 population under 1 year of age are approximately NewYork,N.Y ...... 110,524 129,355 146.2 125 Rochester N.Y...... 4,032 4,999 16f~ ~109.9 789 equal, the rates of infantile mortality are probably Syracuse,’N.Y ...... 2,534 2,797 447 176.4 160 Cincinnati, Ohio...... ,.. 6,120 7,003 917 149.8 131 considerably below the truth.

Cleveland, Ohio...... 13,814 15’,696 2,03-3 1472 160 IMPORTANCE OF REPORTING ALL DEATHS OF INFANTS Colmnbu&Obio ...... 2,827 3,281 397 140.4 121 Dayton,Ohlo ...... 2,214 2,521 325 146.8 129 BORN ALIVE. Toledo, Ohio...... 3,216 3,289 402 125.0 122 Portland, Oreg...... 3,086 3,249 325 105.3 100 Comparability of statistics of infant mortality, Philadelphia Pa ...... 32,889 38,667 5,334 162,2 136 Pittsburgh *a ...... 12,578 16,0s9 2,259 179.6 160 whether based upon the ratios to population or living Scranton, #a ...... 3,355 3,512 752o 7155,0 7148 Providence R. I ...... 4,760 5,727 827 173.7 144 births, requires that all deaths of infants under I year Memphie,’i’enn ...... 2,234 1,881 7345 7154.4 T189 of age that were born alive should be included. This Nashville Term ...... 2,139 1,669 289 135.1 1?3 Riclunon&,Va ...... 2,687 ~ ;;; 616 229.3 225 demands a distinct line of demarcation between still- Seattle, Wash ...... 3,466 348 100.4 S okane, Wash ...... 2,051 2:284 292 142.4 1% births and children born alive and dying soon after i&vaukee,Wis...... , 7,955 9,414 1,368 172.0 145 birth, such as is provided in the Rules of Statistical I Registratio nofbicthsincornple teforallareas. Themost incomplete re~s Practice adopted by American registration officials (ssaeswhere thereported number of birthgwasless tianthe popubtionunderl yearof a eandconse uentlytheratioof infantile mortality shown greater than in 1908 and prescribed in the instructions for making thes eci c death rate‘1 denoted. byitulics; beet retums(eases where thereported num iierof births exceedad the population underl year of age by10 er cent or returns to the Bureau of the Census: more andconsaquently theratioof infantile mortality given isprobab ryapproxi- matelvcorrect)m boldface. ~~igures f& births anddeat@ are for 1911,the!irst calendar year of operation STILLBIRTHS (AS RELATED TO DEATHS). of.. the.—------.sint,o----law... 8Includes stdlbirths. Rule No. 4.--Stilfbirths should not be included in deaths. 4 Estimated as 95per cent of returns from Cook County. 6Whether or not stillbirths are excluded is not known. Rule No. 5.—Children born alive and living for any time what- OFignre represents number of births reported during 1911, A new law was quieted Mar. 16 1911. In 1910 only 3,733 births were recorded; this number ever, no matter how brief, after birth, should not be classed as still- mcludedseveral kundredbfrths whichoccumed priortothetyear. births, even though reported by the attending physicians or mid- 7Rehums to the Bnreau of the Census incomplete, a considerable number of deathsoffnfantsunder lyearofagehaving beenomitt@d. wives as “ stillborn.’~ . \


Rule No. 6.—Whenever age, in days, hours, or minutes, is re- Concerning w~ch, in the discussion that followed, Sii ported for a “stillborn” child, or indicated by a difference between Athelstane Baines very naturally observed that- dates of birth and Qeath, the registrar should secure a statement that will enable the case to be classed with certainty either as a Our country was undoubtedly at a disadvantage on this point [reg- , ? stillbirth or as a death. If no additional inforrdation can be ob- istration of stillbirths], but he did not think that Dr. Dudfield was tained, the statement of age should govern, and the case be com- handicapped more heavily than France, Holland, and the United piIed as a death, not as a stillbirth. s~~s, as to which kst a footiote to the paper conveyed information regarding the basis of calculation of infantile mor@lity which” PREMATURE BIRTHS. astounded him.

Rule No. 7.—Premature births (not stillborn) should be included The statement quoted by Dr. Dudfield is incorrect in total deaths (classified under International Title No. 151). not only as regards the states, but also the individual Rule No. 8.—Premature births (stillbo.m) should be classed un- cities (with few exceptions) in the United States. All der stillbirtlq and should not be included in total ‘deaths. returns to the Bureau of the Census are certified to be Rule No. 9.—When a premature birth is reported as “stillborn” and an inconsistent statement of age (days, hours, minutes) is also complete and correct, according to the rules of sta- given, the registrarshould endeavor to secure a statement that will tistical practice previously stated, and replies from the enable the case to be classed with certainty either as a %J.lbirth or registration officials of all the states in the Union that as a death. If no additional information can be obtained, the state- possess systems of registration, including some that ment of age should govern, and the case be compiled as a death; not are not yet embraced in the registration area, d&y as a stillbirth. Rule No. 10.—When a premature birth is reported with no state- that deaths of infants under one week of age are now ment of age (space left blank), the’local registrarshould endeavor to or have at any time been excluded from the number of “ obtain a statement of age, or at least that the child was born alive; deaths in making up the state compilations. The but: in the absence of any further data, the case should be compiled same is true for the great majority of cities, although ‘ as a stillbirth. in .a few instances deaths that occurred soon after The Special Committee on Infantile Mortality of the birth have been excluded from the local reports: Royal Statistical Society recommended ~{‘That the in- MINNEAPOLIS: “The monthly reports of this department [depar& f antile should be calculated from (a) ment of heal~] issued during 1910 and prior showed a death rate the births of children born alive, including, {f neces- based on all deaths, excluding only stiUbirthe, as well as a rate sary,those born ali+e but registered dead, and’(6) the based upon deaths after nonresidents, infants under a week old, number of~deaths of children born alive during the and such deaths as were caused by accidents or violence were de- ‘ ducted. This practice hss not been continued since 1910, . first year of life, including, if necessary, the children however.” ‘presented dead.’ “ These recommendations are in NEW YORK: f’In calculating infmkile mortality rates we do not accordance with the accepted practice of American exclude the deaths of children under one week. This statement registration oficia~, so fm as the registration of b~t~ is correct for our latest report with this exception, if it might be is complete enough to permit any rates of infantile called an exception, that on page 3 of the w“eeldyreport there is a footiote which reads: ‘If the deaths under 1 month be deducted mortality to be calculated. The deaths of infants re- from the total deaths under 1 year, the resultant rate would be t turned to the Bureau of the Census should include, .’ In 1902,we began to print in our weekly report, in addi- and for practically aIl areas do include, the deaths of tion to the actual deaths occurring in the city, a table showing the all infants that were born alive. Deaths of infants weekly mortality with the deaths of children under 1 week and nonresidents of the city excluded; the practice was discontinued that were prematurely born alive are, of course, in- in 1911. Deaths of children born afive, even though the duration cluded, even though they may have survived only a of life maybe 1 second, are included in our compilation of deaths.” moment after birth. There were 23,539 deaths of ROCHESTER: “In calculating our mortality rates we include the, infants from premature birth in the registration area death of every child born alive at’ term. We have not departed in 1911.,of which 10,794 (45.9 per cent) were of infants from this custom in many years. Permaturebirths arenot included in our infant deaths. A statement of the number of -premature, less than a day old and 18,606 (79 per cent) were of births is published in both the monthly and anrnd reports. NO infants less than a week old. other deaths are excluded born our records.” . In presenting the report of the-Special Committee No matter what the local practice may be in this ~ on Infantile Mortality to the Royal Statistical Society respect, it should not lead to the omission of the Dr. Reginald Dudfield, chairman of the committee, deaths of any children born alive from the trans- commented upon the lack of comparability of the data cripts returned to the Bureau of the Census. As relating to infantile mortality “on account of the vary- shown in Table 7, out of 149,322 deaths of infants ing practices with respect to stillbirths and the exclu- under 1 year of age in 1911, no -less than 18,074, or sion of certain deaths, and added, in a footnote, the 12.1 per cent, were aged less than 1 day. ~-en. the fo’Jlowingstatement as to the United States: ratio of deaths of infants under 1 day of age is mark- I have been informed quite recently that in certain of the states edly less than 10 per cent of the number under 1 within the Union (North America) the deaths of children aged under one week are excluded from the data used in calculating infaiMe year, it is suggestive that either some deaths of mortality mtes. I have not had time to verify that statement, but infants have been omitted from the returns or pos- I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of my informant. sibly, as was more likely to be the case before, the 26 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

adoption of the revised standard certificate of death, year. The deaths of infants under 1 year of age for with its provision for precise statement of age in I91O and previous years, together with all rates hours or minutes for infants” dying under 1 day of -. based upon them, as published for that city in the age, that some deaths of infants under 1 day of age annual reports and bulletins of the Bureau of the have been reported as aged 1 day. For this reason Census, must be accounted as incomplete. The same attention was called to the returns for certain cities is true for the fiagures shown for Rochester, Scranton, as shown in the following table: and Memphis for 1911 and previous years.1

1Since the present bulletin was compiled supplemental reports 1911 1910 for 1911 have been received from the Btate authorities of New York

II and Pennsylvania, from which it ap ears that 136 deaths of infants CITY. W&s D&z$ D~;;; D&&s under 1 year of age (68 under 1 day !’ should be added to the num- ber of deaths originally returned for Rochester, and 69 deaths under 1year. 1day. 1 year. 1 day. 1 1 year of age (47 under 1 day) should be added to the number of deaths ori r.nally returned for Scranton. These additional returns Mimeapolis, hlinn ...... 601 621 . 30 increase tt e total number of deaths in Rochester from 3,271 to Rochester,N. Y ...... 443 !i 443 3 3,407; the death rate from 14.4 to 15; the death rate of infants under Scranton,Pa ...... 387 ...... ii. 520 Memphis,Term...... 348 345 ...... ! 1 year of age per 1,000 population under 1 year of age from 105.5 to I II I 137.8; and the infantile mortality per 1,000 births from 84 to 109. For Scranton the corresponding changes would be as follows: Marked improvement is shown in the returns from Deaths, 1,974 to 2,043; death rate, 14.8 to 15.3; death rate of infants under 1 year of age, 112.7 to 132.8; infantile mortality per Minneapolis for 1911 as compared with the preceding 1,000 births, 99 to 116.


Tables 2 to 7 of this bulletin, are devoted to the occurred during each of the first three days of life, exposition of the causes of death returned for 1911 the remainder of the first week, weeks of the first from the registration area as follows: month, each of the first three months, and the re- Table 2 presents the number of deaths, with dis- mainder of the ii.rst year of life by three-month periods. lincti.on of white and colored when important, in the DETAILED AND ABRIDGED INTERNATIONAL LISTS. registration area and its subdivisions according to a condensed list of causes based upon the Abridged In examining the statistics of causes of death com- International List. piled according to the International classification, it Table 3 gives, for the same causes and areas shown is necessary to bear in mind the distinction between in the preceding table, the death rates per 100)000 the Detailed International List and the Abridged population estimated as of July 1, 1911, as stated in International List. In the latter, for example, tuber- Table 1. culosis of the lungs includes acute miliary tuberculosis, Table 4 shows the number of deaths by single years which is show-n separately in the extended list. The of life under 5 years of age, for the age group 5 to condensed tables shown in this bulletin, and also the 9, and for decennial age groups above the age of 10 short list employed by the Registrar-General of England years, according to the Detailed International List of and Wales, are based on the abridged list, to which Causes of Death. reference is made by numbers in the tables. The Table 5 compares the deaths and death rates per following table shows the Abridged International 100,000 population for each of the years 1908 to List in full, with the title numbers of the Detailed 1911 and the quinquennial periods 1901 to 1905 and International List included in each title of the abridged 1906 to 1910 from each class and title of the Detailed list, together with the number of deaths from each International List of Causes of Death, as revised fiause, the death rates per 100,000 population, and the for use beginning with the year 1910. Attention is percentages which deaths from each of these causes called to changes of classification as compared formed of the deaths from all causes, for the registra- with the system in use for the years 1900 to 1909 tion area in 1911. and to cases where the data become incomparable on The small number of deaths returned or the some- account of such change. what indefinite character of certain titles will explain Table 6 shows the distribution of deaths according why they were omitted from the more condensed list to a condensed list of causes, by months of occurrence, of causes given in Tables 2 and 3, thus permitting for the registration area, its main subdivisions, regis- terms of greater importance to be included. In the tration states, and cities of 250,000 inhabitants and condensed list deaths from of all forms, over in 1910. This table is valuable as illustrating including bronchopneumonia, is entered under the the seasonal prevalence of certain diseases. heading of “Pneumonia” in agreement with the short Table 7, in somewhat more condensed form than list adopted by the Registrar-General. In general, the corresponding table in the bulletin for 191o, differences from the strict form of the Abridged shows the number of deaths under 1 year of age, ac- International List are indicated in the tables by cording to a condensed list of causes of death, which placing the reference numbers in parentheses, this /

) CAUSES 03’ DEATH.-, 97 t . method of expression being ecmivalent,- to the state some of the changes in classification that must be ment that the causes are seme~ated./. from the inter taken i&o account~the first column shows the titles of national title of which the number is given. the second revision under which these causes are now assiagued;the second column shows, in terms of the DEATHS -IN REGISTRATION AREA: 1911 secondrevision, the classification of these causes under the first revision 1900to 1909;the third column gives Per cent the titles of the first revision under which these causes leaths from were formerly included. 0AU3E OF DEA’I!EL1 ta~o$: }peci- N&l.- fied muse TITLE OR CLASS W& ‘Orrns 17itleof . (SECOND RE- iret re- le%s VISION) UNDER vision fr~~ CAUSE OF DEATH. Wmcrr under lNCLTJIEP—— which- auses. [Titlesin romq terms in itafics.] _ .fOr- merly 1900- in- 839,2841,415.9 ,1910 Allcaascsz.. -...... l _ 100.0 1909 Juded. — - - Typhoidfever (l) ...... 12,451 21.0 1.5 Tvohuefever (2) ...... (s?o (4L ~ ~e@m ...... I “24 124 M-daria(4).. -~.'- ...... 1,805 Benben (newtitle) ...... 27 19 smaupox (5) ...... 130 (4~”~ Tuberculosisof the turynr (old title discontinued) ...... 28 v. MeesIes(6)...... 5,922 1::3 Acute nrilierytubermlosfs( newtitle) ...... 29 28 Scarlet fever (7) ...... 5,243 8.8 0:6 Scrofrikz(oldtftledi scontiimed)-...... 34 ~OOpiR~COU. h(8) ...... 6,682 11.3 0.8 Ri&ek (newtitle) ...... "...... :4: Di phthenaan i croup (9)...... n, 174 18.9 1.3 xkumatti (~-q~ed) ...... / %. . 43 J.niluensa(lO) ...... 9,294 15.7 1.1 @yruepidemic @seases (3,11,14,15, 16,17,18, 19).. 5,775 9:7 Endocarditis(ana-mMed, 60 years of age and over) ...... 79 H TubercnIosk 81,796 133.0 .—.softhelange-,-_. L-- ,...(28,29) ...... l 9:7 Myocarditi8(unquafid~.,60years of age and over) ...... TUbelOO1OUSimuurgmui?uJ...... 5,237 8.8 0.6 Anky10sto7masis newtitle)...... Ii: 1% Other forms of tubercafosrs (31, 32,33, 34,35) ...... 7,172 12.1 0.9 Chyluria(new’h & e) ...... 121 122 Ce.mer and other mslimant tumors [39. 40,41,42. PICicenta “Tseviz-...... 135 136 43.44.45)...... "... '...... 44,024 74.3 5.2 ChiZdbirSz~rturitio~ etc., (notothemviee defined)...... 140 17 Simple mem@Mis(61)...... 7,285 12.3 0.9 Puerperal. emorrhe e...... 4 H: ...... 18 Cerebral hemomhage and softening (64, 65)...... 45,309 76.4 Otiermutits Ofla.Or ...... 4136 ...... Orgfmicdieeeses of theheart(79) ...... ~ .55; 140.9 1?: Pgerpemf phlegrnasm afba dolene, embolaej sudden !/:Acute bronchitis (89)...... 10.9 0.8 Wath ...... -. 21 Cfrronicbronchitis (90)...... 5;077 8.6 0.6 Foflowing childbirth (not otherwise defined) ...... \ : ;!; ...... 22 Pneumonia ...... 52,868 89.2 6.3 ,~~~~~~~mn from diseme, mtil~m) ...... f’ 151 ...... 23 Other diseases of the respiratory system (tuber- ander3months); 1900t01904.- ...... 153 153 culosis excepted) (86, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, {ander3months); 1905to 1903...... 151 151 97,98)...... 35,223 59.4 4.2 3montheandover); 1900to 1909...... 189 179 24 Disesees of the stomach (cancer excepted) (102, fromdisease, lto69yeare)- ...... 189 189 179 103)...... 10,917 18.4 1.3 {from, diseaze, 70 yearx snd over) ...... ~154 189 179 25 and enteritis (under 2 years) (104)...... 45,868 77.4 5.5 ~J,4.tihm;o.~$...... 26 Appendicitis andtyphfitis (108) ...... 6,896 H.6 0.8 ,, Atrop~#JJ...... l(wderl year) ...... ------...... Hernia, intestinal obstruction (109)...... 7,061 11.9 0.8 “Debilit@’...... rmder3rnoni5hs) ...... j ...... Ml 151 ;: Cirrhosraof the fiver(113) ...... 8,310 14.0 1.0 ,~~r~aui~im>~---- 3montimd over) ...... :. -... 189 179 29 Acute nephritis and Bright’s dmaee (119, 120). . . . 57,303 97.5 6.9 “kfahmtrition”.. IIlt.069veare) ...... 1s9 189 179 30 Noncancexons tumors and other diseases of the ~~~=fl:::](70yem%and”over)...... l 5ti 139 179 female genital organs (128, 129,130, 131,132). . . . 3,767 6.4 0.4 31 Puerpersl,.. ”. septicemia (puerperal fever, peritonitis) .4tdecta* (under 3monthe) ...... 152 151 151 (Lol) ...... 4,376 7.4 0.5 Injury at bitih(vanow fore) ...... 152 (6) 176 32 Other puerperal acmdents of pregnancy and labor “Astlwmia”...... (134, i35,136,138,139 140,141) ...... 5,080 0.6 “Atm@y”-. . . . Congenital debifity and malformations (150, 151). 46,899 7:i’ 5.6 “Debility’’ ...... SenOity(154) ...... 13,974 23.6 1.i’ (70yeaxx Andover)...... 5154 189 179 Violent deaths (suicide excepted) (164, 165, 166, ::;~hh:$;:~’’...... 167,168,169,170,171, 172,173,174, 175,176,177, ‘‘ Mslnutn.tion”.. 178,179,180,181,132, 183,134,185, 186)...... 5$:3; 91.1 6.4 “ Mam.wnus”. . . . 36 Saiolde (155, 156,157,158,159,160, 161,162, 163)... 16.2 1.1 “ Wez?+m-ss’’.. . . . 37 Other dfseeses (20, 21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 36,37, Po&otig by foodI(newtitle) ...... ~ 164 165 175 38,46,47,46,49,50,51, 52,53,54,55,56, 57,58, Coufla~ation (new titl% separately compiled by Bu- 59,60,62,63,66,67,68, 69,70,71,72,73,74,75, reauofthe Censaasimce 1903)...... 166 168 174 76, 77,78, 80>81,82,33, 84, 85,99, 100, 101, 105, T:a@tfsm by cutting or piercing iostramenta. (neW 106,107,110,111,112, 114,115,116,117,118, 121, nrle) ...... 171 (7) 166 122,123,124,125,126, 127,123,142,143,144, 145, Traarnatfsm by fsll(newtitle) ...... , 172 166 146,147,148.,149,152,153)...... 124,642 210.3 14.9 Traumatfsm by other crushng (new title) ...... 175 ~ 166 38 U’nlmown or N-defied diseeses (187, 138, 189). . . . 7,213 12.2 0.9 Iujuries byanhnals (new titfe) ...... 176 166 Electricity (f.i htning excepted) (new title) ...... 181 186 176 Hornicideby & earme (newtitle) ...... 182 (6) 176 . I Abridged International List of Causes of Death. The title or titles of the “De. by cutting or piercing instruments (new title). 183 (6) 176 tailed International List” that are included under each headii are shown by Hornieideby other means (newtitle) ...... 134 (6) 176 nnrnber in parentheses. 2 Exclusive of stillbti. g Less than one-t-cmthof 1 Per 100,000. ‘ 1Transferred from Diseases of nervous sys@m (Clsss II) ti General diseases 4 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. Class 1), beginning with 1910. 2 D=continued se a separate title and included with Tubereufosis of the lunge 1909 beginning with 1910. The International Classification was revised in 8 DisconW”ued se a separate titIe end included with Tubercalo@ of other organs beginning with 1910. for use beginning with the year 1910,and there are ,4ilr addition to the chsmgesspecified in the table, it should be noted that in the case of the causes clessided under titles 135,136,139,and 140,numerous changes were numerous di.fi!erences,some of considerable importance; made from one title to another in 1910,as the result of which, statistics entered between the syst$ms in use for 1900 to 1909 and for nnder_these titb+ fox 1910and, 1911are not compmable with those for earlier yeare. 1910 and subsequent years. Some of these changes involve differences in classification according to the ages of decedents. It is unfortunate that the annoy- ing distinctionsxof assignment according to age should TYPHOID FEVER. haye been retained, and even extended, but for the most part the causes affected are in themselves in- ‘There were 12,451deaths from typhoid fever in


ceding vear. The death rate for 191.1 was 21 per places, control of typhoid carriers, and the use of anti- 100, O~O”populationJ somewhat less than the rate >or tj@hoid wherever feasible. 1910 (23.5) and slightly less than that for 1909 (21 .1), The necessity for more effective action in many being the lowest death rate from typhoid fever since localities is clearly shown by examination of the death the institution of the annual reports and probably rates and especially the death rates of the colored the lowest on record. This fact and the progressive population, as given in Table 3 (pp. 74 to 99). The reduction in the mortality from thw disease, from 32 death rate of the colored population of the registra- per 100,000 population for the period 1901 to 1905 to tion area (44.9 per 100,000) was more than double 25.6 for the period 1906 to 1910, indicate that the than that of the white population (19.9), and in states public health officials of the country and the people with considerable proportions of negro population (Ken- who support their efforts are awakening to the neces- tucky, Maryland, Missouri and the North Carolina sity of wiping out this filth disease. The mortality municipalities) the rates were high for both white and from this cause in the United States is still far in colored. excess of that of progressive European countries; if it The cities of 100,000 population and over having could be reduced by three-fourths, so that it would be the highest death rates from typhoid fever in 1911 only 5 per 100,000 as in England and Wales, the were Atlanta (66.1), Memphis (65.4), Nashville (53.9), Netherlands, and Prussia, for 191.0, it would represent Birmingham (45.5), and Spokane (35.6)—all but the a saving of nearly ten thousand lives, at the period of last cities of the South; while the lowest rates, valuable their greatest usefulness as a rule, in the registration as evidence that the typhoid mortality of American area alone. cities need not exceed that of the well-regulated Dr. Allen W. Freeman, assistant commissioner of European cities, are recorded for Cambridge (2.8) health of Virginia, in a recent paper’ before the South- and Bridgeport (3.8). Chicago and New York had ern Medical Association, forcefully says: the same rates for the year (10.9), and several cities, . We have learned by sad experiencethat the measure of typhoid besides Cambridge and Bridgeport, had rates under fever in any community is the measureof the distribution of human 10 per 100,000, namely, Worcester (6), Paterson (7), tith in that community, and that the dissemination of human Jersey City (7.2), Lowell (7.3), and Boston (8.7). excrement will inevitably result in the spread of typhoid fever % * “. The problem [of the prevention of typhoid fever] is no MEASLES. longer an investigative or scientific problem, but a problem of Measles caused 5,922 deaths in the registration area adminkkration. When the people of the United States wish to pay for absolute protection against typhoid fever it can be bought during 1911, equivalent to a death rate of 10 per with the full assurancethat the goods can be delivered. As physi- 100,000. The number of deaths from measles was cians and sanitarians, we are most interested in the practical ques- seven-tenths of 1 percent of the total number of deaths tion, Can typhoid fever be prevented? We know that it can. We from all ‘causes. The death rate was somewhat less lmow that our methods are certain, that they will yield the desired than that of the preceding year (12.3), but exceeded result in every case where they are properly applied. The problem remaining for solution is how to convince the American people that those for 1909 (9.6) and 1908 (9.9). The average protection from typhoid fever k something worth spending money annual rate for the period 1906 to 1910 (10.8) was for. somewhat higher than that for the preceding .quin- Dr. Freeman estimates that in the northern part of quennial period 1901 to 1905 (9). Undoubtedly suffi- the _tJnited States the purification of water supplies cient attention is not given by the health authorities would result in, the reduction of the annual typhoid and by the public to the restriction of this disease. rate to a figure usually less than 20 per 1,000, while in The death rate of the colored (11.1) slightly exceeded the South, the purification of the water supply alone that of the white population (9.9) in 1911. would seldom reduce the rate to less than 50 per 1,000, Kentuc& had the highest death rate from measles other measures, such as perfect sewering or rigid (19.7) of all the registration states, Missouri the next screening and supervision of dry closets, being re- highest (18.7), the North Carolina municipalities quired to bring down the rate to the point which could (15.5) coming next in order. Of the large (100,000) be reached in the North by watey purification alone. cities, Nashville had the highest rate from this dis- Below this point, in North and South alike, reduction ease (53), followed by Fall River (37.5), Memphis must be attained by the thorough supervision of cases (27.8), Louisville (25.5), and Atlanta (25).

of illness, which means the requirement of morbidity SCARLET FEVER. / returns and the prompt notification of all suspicious cases, protection of milk and other foods from typhoid Scarlet fever, with 5,243 deaths, or 8.8 per 100,000 contamination, elimination of flies and thsir breeding population, was considerably less fatal than during the preceding years, in which (1908 to 1910) the death 1The Present Status of Our ICnowled e Regarding the Trans- rates ranged from 11.4 to 11.9. This disease shows a mission of T hoid Fever, Public Healtk Reports issued by the United States% ublic Health Service, Jan. 10, 1913. low mortality among the colored population, that for / * CAUSES OF DEATH. 29

the year being oily 1.6, as compared with a rate of 9.2 Island (25.6), Kentucky (24.8), Utah (22.1), and for the white population. Connecticut (21.9). The cities of 100,000 --population The states reporting the highest mortality from and over having the highest mortality were Rochester scarlet fever in 1911 were Utah ‘(14.5 per 100,000 (41), Cambridge (39.4), Chicago (38.2), Detroit (33.9), population), New York (12.6), Rhode Island (10.4), and St. Paul (32.9). -. and Ohio (10.3). Among the large cities, Cleveland , OTHER EPIDEMIC DISEASES. had the highest death rate (33), followed by St. Louis ., (27.7), Syracuse (26), Rochester (22), and Chicago Among the epidemic diseases shown as separate (21.9). titles in the Detailed International List are some WHOOPING COUGH. which are represented by only small numbers of deaths. Typhus fever caused 5 deaths in the regis- Of the three children’s diseases—measles, scarlet tration area during 1911, all of which occurred in the fever, and whooping cough—the last mentioned caused city of El Paso, Tex.; relapsing fever, 2 deaths (1 in more deaths during the period 1906 to 1910 than either Andrew County, Me., and 1 in New London County, of the others. For 1911, there were returned for the Corm.); Asiatic cholera, 2 (1 in Boston, Mass., and 1 registration area 6,682 deaths, corresponding to a in Auburn, N. Y.);1 bubonic plague, 1 (Contra Costa death rate of 11.3 per 100,000 population. This dis- County, Cal.); and leprosy, 7 (3 in Alameda County, easehas an earler age incidence than either of the other Cal., and 1 each in San Francisco, Minneapolis, Free- children’s diseases, 3,687 of the 6,682 deaths (55.2 born County, Minn., and Manhattan Borough, N. Y.). per cent) being of children under 1 year of age; the Of the persons who died from leprosy, 5 were whites, 1 corresponding percentages for measles and scarlet was Chinese, and 1 was Japmese. Beriberi was fever were respectively 22.3 and 4.6. This indicates returned as the cause of 7 deaths, distributed as fol- the importance of more effective measures for the re- lows: 1 each in the city of Sacramento, Marin County, striction of whooping cough as a means of reducing and San Joaquin County, Cal., Brooklyn Borough, the infant mortality. The death rate of the colored N. Y., and Seattle, Wash., and 2 in Charleston, S. C. (31.5) was over three times that of the white p~pula- One hundred and ninety-three deaths were re- tion (10.4) from this disease. turned as due to the various affections classified The states showing the highest death rates from under ‘ ~Other epidemic diseases,” as represented by whooping cough in 1911 were Rhode Island (21.7), title No. 19 of the Detailed International List. These and Kentucky (19). The North Carolina munici- deaths were ascribed to the foJJowiugcauses: Chicken palities had a high rate (46.2), and of the cities of pox, 83; mumps, 61; German measles, 35; filariasis, 100,000 population and over in 1910, the highest rates 1; milk sickness, 1; , 2 (1 in Savannah, for 1911 were those of Nashville (33.2), Richmond Ga., and 1 in Leslie County, KY.]; glandular fever, 2 (31.7), New Orleans (28.1); Atlanta (24.3) and Cam- (1 in Whitley County, Ind., and 1 in Otsego County, bridge (22.5)—all except the last being southern cities N. Y.); Rocky Mountain spatted fever, 8 (1 in Gar- with large neegropopulation. field County, Colo.; 1 in Carbon County, Mont.; 4 in Ravalli County, Mont.; and 2 in Mkkoula City, DIPHTHERIA AND CROUP. Mont.). To some extent a chil&en’s disease, but with a PELLAGRA. wider range of age incidence than measles, scarlet A large increase in the mortality from this disease fever, or whooping cough, diphtheria caused ‘nearly was shown for 1911, 659 deaths being reported as twice as many deaths in 1911 as any of the other three. having been caused by pellagra in the registration The death rate was 18.9 per 100,000 population, the area during that year. During the early part of the lowest since the beginning of the series of annual decade. 1900 to 1909 the reported mortality from this reports in 1900. The rate for that year was 43.3, but disease was insignificant, two deaths being returned it has fallen steadily, with only slight fiterruptions, for 1900, two for 1903, and one for 1904. For 1908, until it’ is now less than one-half its height at the 23 deaths were returned, all of which occurred in beginning of the last decade. This is as it shotid be, southern cities. A large increase was shown for 1909, for diphtheria, which term includes the comparatively during which 116 deaths were returned, and a still few deaths from’ ‘croup,” is a preventable and curable greater increase for 1910, when 368 deaths were re- disease. High mortality from this ‘cause indicates ported as due to this disease. The mortality for 1911 lack of efficient sanitary supervision or failure to make timely use of antitoxin. 1In addition,therewere 10 deathshorn Asiatic choleraat‘Swin- burne Island (Ney York Station) of ~ersone who Among the states with the highest death rates frog arrived on steamslupsfrom.tiected ports.. These d;aths are not diphtheria in 1911 were Pennsylvania (27), Rhode included among the deaths m New York City. . 30 MORTALITY STATISTICS. e

(659), as compared with that for 1910 (368), indi- for the original group of registration states (as con- cates an increase of 79 per cent. It is questionable, stituted in 1900) for 1911 and 1901: however, if this should be considered as representa- ,< tive of the actual increase in the mortality. Un- DEATH RATE FROM TUBERCULOSIS (ALL FORMS) PER 100,000POPULATION OF doubtedly this disease has for years caused many TEE STATES INCLUDED IN THE REGIS- PER CENT WHICH TRATION AREA IN 1$100.1 RATE IN 1911REP- deaths in certain parts of the country, but ‘it has es- RESENTS OF THAT AGE PER1OD. IN 1901. caped recognition and such deaths have not been re- 1911 1901 ported as due to pellagra. Moreover, the fact that the registration area does not include the greater part S%. M~= I&C. S%%. M’les.~%:s.::;:.Males.~:~., of the territory in which this disease prevails should l— II—I—II—II—I—II—II—1— Allages: be taken into consideration in the study of pell.agra Cmderate ...... 158,9 179.4 138.0 188.8 199.9 177.6 84 78 Corrected rate S... 150.1 167.0134.4 181.3 139.3173./? 83 ;: 77 statistics. It is probable that, as the registration area _ _ _— _— _— _ _ _ _ is extmded and the disease becomes more familiar to Under 5 years ...... 126.7 133.3120,0 138.2 147.7128.6 90 5t09 years...... 31.1 31.4 30,9 31.0 31,6 30,4 physicians in general, the number of deaths returned 10t014 years...... 35.6 27.6 43.7 39.4 26.6 52,4 1;: 15 to 19.years...... 115,3 99,9 130.4 144.2 118.1 1691 85 will increase from year to year, unless the disease is 20t024 years; ...... 188.0 180.9 185,2 251.9 247,3 256,2 2.5t034 years...... 217.8 230,4204.6 282,6 287.0278,2 u stamped out. 35t044 years...... 229.4 278,5175,5 254,7 m. 9 221.6 45t054yeRrs ...... 191.0 253,5124.6 203,8 336.5159.() u As in previous years the excess of deaths of females 55t064years ...... 193.6 253.0133.4 220,2 207.3173.9 95 65t074 years...... 194.3 229.9160.6 253,5 2.34,3224.3 51 over those of males was very large, 464, or 70.4 per 75 years and over . . . . 158.6 177.1143.1 241.0 256,3227.5 69 cent, of the deaths being of females. 25years and over: Crude rate...... 209.3 249.1 168.1 251.0 277,I 223.7 83 90 The distribution of the deaths from pellagra was as Corrected rate z.. 206.5 248.8 168.6 249.1 277.6 223.6 83 90 % follows in the registration states: California, 12; colo- ,,, ,,,, , ,,,, , 1Includw Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Indiana, Maine Massachu- rado, 6; Connecticut, 1; District of Columbia, 1; In- setts, Michimm. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode island, and Vermont. - ‘ I diana, 3; Kentucky, 65; Maine, 1; Maryland, 11; ~Corrected on basis of standard million of England and Wales, 1901. Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 3; Missouri, 18; New The specfic death rates from tuberculosis (all forms), Jersey, 2; New York, 2; North Carolina, 177 (repre- as shown in the above table, for a population compris- senting only the returns of municipalities of 1,000 ing about one-fourth (26.2 per cent ) of the total popu- population or over in 1900); Ohio, 2; Pennsylvania, Iation of the United States, were less in 1911 than in 5; Rhode Island, 7; and Wisconsin, 5. In registra- 1901 for each sex and age group, except those of girls tion cities in nonregistration states the mortality was aged 5 to 9 years and boys aged 10 to 14 years. The I as follows: Birmingham, Ala., 21; Mobile, Ala., 16; largestpercentages of reduction occurred at ages cf 75 and Montgomery, Ala., 25; Jacksonville, Fla., 8; At- years and over, both for males (31 per cent) and fe- lanta, Ga., 106, and Savannah, Ga., 13; Chicago, Ill., males (37 per cent), next in order coming those for 9, and Decatur, Ill., 1; New Orleans, La., 28; Charles- males aged 20 to 24 years (23 per cent) and females aged ton, S. C., 30; Knoxville, Term., 12; Memphis, Term., 20 to 24 yaars and 65 to 74 years (each 28 per cent). The 13; and Nashville, Term., 12; El Paso, Tex., 1; Gal- corrected death rate at all ages decreased 12 per cent VeStOIIl,Tex., 6; and San Antonio, Tex., 7; Danvi.Ue, for males and 23 per cent for females, although the Vs., 4; Lynchburg, Vs., 3; Norfolk, Vs., 5; Peters- initial rate for females in 1901 (173.8 per 100,000) was burg, Vs., 3; Richmond, Vs., 12; and Roanoke, Va., 2. considerably lower than the corresponding rate for TUberCUlOSiS (ALL FORMS). males (189.3). The marked relative decrease of the death rates of females above the age of 35 years may be The total number of deaths from all forms of tuber- compared with the increase at those ages of the death culosis in the registration area during 1911 was 94,205, rates of females from cancer, as presented in a table , the death rate being 158.9 per 100,000—slightly lower of like form on page 31. than the rates for the preceding years (160.3 and 160.8 The most important form under which deaths from for 1910 and 1909, respectively). The rates for tuberculosis were reported was tuberculosis of the the past three years are considerably lower than the lungs. In the Abridged International List, which is annual averages for the quinquennial periods 1901 to taken as the basis of Tables 2 and 3, deaths from 1905 (192.6) and 1906 to 1910 (168.7). There would miliafy tuberculosis are included under tuberculosis of appea]r to be a marked reduction in the death rate from the lungs, the total number of deaths charged to the “ this disease, although the rate for the past three years abridged title being 81,796 or 138 per 100,000. Tuber- has remained practically unchanged. CU1OUSmeningitis caused 5,237 deaths (8.8 per 100,000) Comparison of the death rates from tuberculosis for and other forms of tuberculosis, 7,172 (12.1 per the registration area as a whole is affected by the ad- 100,000). Tuberculosis (all forms) caused 11.2 per ditions to the area, with possible changes in the com- c~nt of deaths from all causes. position of the population. It will therefore be of ~. The incidence of mortality from tuberculosis is terest to examine the speciiic and standardized rates vastly higher upon the colored than upon. the white

e . .


population, the death rates per 100,000 from tuber- that the mortality is affeeted bv deaths of ~ersons culosis of the lungs in the registration area being going to city hosp&Is for surgical-operations. ‘ 405.3 and 126.2, respectively. In other words, the The following table presents spe-tic and corrected death rate of the colored population from this d~ease death rates from cacer for the group of registration wds more than three times the death rate of the white states,-of 1900, the two ‘years 1911 and 1901 btig population. The rate of the ~olore~ compared: from tuberculous meningitis (15.4) was not quite twice . . . !, that of the white population (8.5), owing probably to DEATE RATE FROM CANCEE (ALL FORMS) PER 100,000POPULATION OF the less careful diagnos@ of causes of death of the THE STATES INCLUDED IX THE REG15 PER CENT WEUCK lXATION AREA IN 1900.1 RATE IN 1911 colored persons. For other forms of tuberculosis BEPRESENTS OF AGE PER1OD. 9!EAT DT 1901. the death- rate of the colored (30.1) was nearly three 1911 1901 times ;hat of the white population ~(ll.3). The high II

mortahty of the colored population should be borne Bofi J.faa. ~*- ~BwO~Males. &+a g::. Males Sexes. . . .rusks.pe- in mind in considering the death rates of states and — — — . — — . _ _ cities in which there is a large proportion of colored Aff ages Crnderst%------83.9 64.2 104.0 65.8 48.7 83.0 E8 132‘ 12; population. In the case of certain states and cities Cmceotedratez.. . 77.6 56.7 97.2 62.2 43.6 79.7 B5 130 122 _ _ _ . _ _ _ — _ with high death rates from tuberculosis, it should be Under 5yesrs...... 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.4 :; 3.1 S8 — ‘ 5t09yeam ...... 1.2 Lo l% 1% remembered that the returns include deafjhs of non- Ioto14yem ...... 1.3 :; ?: 0.9 0:9 !: -?: 111 ,167 15t019 years...... 2.3 2.9 1.7 2.1 L 9 2.2 110 153 residents who went to such places for climatic ad- 2ot024yeaIs ...... 4.8 4.9 4.6 3.3 4.5 122 l;! . ;;~ 25t034yesm ...... 13.9 8.7 19.4 12: 9.4 17.5 104 .vantages. 35t044years ...... 61.0 31.1 92.5 ml.2 32.5 89.6 101 96 102. 45t054yem ...... 166.3 109.2 227.0 146.5 90.0 205.4 114 I-21 111 The highest death rates from tuberculosis (all forms) 55ta64 years...... 352.4 283.4 422.3 268.3 203.8 331.8 131 139 f27 65t074 years...... 566.7 512.8 617.8 418.8 366.0 46&9 13.5 140 ..B2 shown for the states in the registration area were those 75years and over.. . . . 794.7 730.5 643.7 557.6 520.8 589.8 143 140 144

of Kentucky (229.3), Colorado (218), California (206.8), 25YSWS end OVSE Cruderata...... 155.7 117.7 195.0 ‘m. 5 90.9 158.7 K&j ’129 123 Maryland (203.3), and the lowest rates were those of Correotedratez . . . . . 159.0 117.9 195.9 127.2 90.4 160.3 125 130 X22 Utah (46.7), Michigan (96.1), Wisconsin (103.8), Wash- ,, ..,,,, ,,,, , 1Includes Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Imlism Maine, Massschus8tts, ington (106.7), and Montana (107.1). The high death Michfgan, New Hampskure,New Jersay,New York Rhode !fsIend,and Vermont. rate for the group of North Carolina municipalities j Correctedon bssisof standardtilon of Englan/ and Wales, 1901. (256.8 per 100,000) was due to urban conditions and Employ@ the corrected rates based upon a stand- the large colored population. ard distribution of population by sex and age, cancer The -cities of 100,000 population or over in 1910 increased just one-fourth (25 per cent) from 1901 to having the-highest death rates from tuberculosis of 1911. The increase for males (30 per cent) was some- all forms were Denver (292.7), Los Angeles (277.5), what greater than the increase for females (22 per Albany (269.4), Cincinnati (265.3), and &TewOrleans cent). Up to the age of 25 years the mortality from (260.5); while those with the lowest rates were cancer and other maJignant tumors is slight and Milwaukee (106.4), Portland, Oreg. (106.9), Spokane fluctuations of the rates have little significance. (109.4), Grand Rapids (110.3), and Scranton (112.7). Above that age it is notable that the death rates

CANCER. increased for each sex md age group, except those for males aged 25 to 34 yeaxs and 35 to 44 years. Pos- Cancer, which term includes malignant neoplasms sibly the increase of a selected class of recent immi- of ill kinds, caused 44,024 deaths in the registration grants chiefly male, at those ages may contribute area in 1911. The death rate (74,3 per 100,000) was to this exceptional reduction. The corrected cancer slightly lower than that for 1910 (76.2), but higher rate at all ages for 1911 (787 taken to the nearest than that for any earlier year for which records are integer) may be compared with the rates corrected on available. A comparison of the death rate for the the same basis for certain foreign countries in 191o, periods ~901 to 1905 and 1906 to 1910, as shown in as given in the last report of the Registrar-General of Table 5, indicates an increase in the registration area England and Wales: The Netherlands, 93; England for each form of cancer reported, except ‘tCancer of and Wales, 97; Austria, 73; Ireland, 68; New Zea- other organs or organs not specified.” The decrease land, 84; Prussia, 77; Australian Commonwealth, in the latter is due to more deiinite specification in 87; Spain, 45; Hungary, 45. The accuracy of cancer recent years of the seat of the disease. Although rates depends not only upon cpmplete registration of cancer is generally found to be increasing, as measured deaths but also upon the degree of care with which the by the total number of deaths and the crude death medical certificate of cause of death is made out. rates, detite conclusions should not be drawn as to The highest crude death rate from cancer among the the amount of the increase until careful study has been registration states, was for Vermont ‘(101 per 100,000 - made of the incidence by sex and age. It should be population), a condition due to the relatively high remembered also, in considering the rates for cities, age &ttibution of the population and the negligible ,


amount of immigration. Other states with high rates in Providence); Utah, 3; Vermont, 11; Washington, 19 - were Maine (98.6), New Hampshire (96.8), Mas- (3 in Seattle and 2 in Spokane); Wisconsin, 31 (3 in sachusetts (94.4), and Rhode Island (88); while the IkGlwaukee). lowest rates are shown for Montana (40), Kentucky The deaths from this disease in registration cities in (42.7), Washington (46.1), Utah (51.9), and North the nonregistration states were as follows: Birmingh- Carolina municipalities (54.8). am, Ala., 8 and Montgomery, Ala., 3; Wilmington, Among the cities of 100,000 population and over in Del., 2; Atlanta, Ga., 2 and Savannah, Ga., 1; Chicago, I91o, in which many deaths from cancer occur in Ill., 13; Decatur, Ill., 1 and Springfield, Ill., 2; Kansas hospitals of patients brought there for operation, City, Kans., 4; New Orleans, La., 3; Omaha, Nebr., 2; those having the highest death rates from this disease Charleston, S. C., 1; Memphis, Term., 2 and Nashville, were Albany (122.8), Boston (111 .2), San Francisco Term., 1; El Paso, Tex., 1 and San Antonio, Tex., 2; (110.6), Oakland (105.3), and Cambridge (104.1); Lynchburg, Vs., 2; Norfolk, Vs., 1; Petersburg, Vs., 1; those with the lowest rates were Memphis (51.9), Richmond, Vs., 1; and Roanoke, Vs., 1; and Wheeling, Seattle (57.4), Atlanta (61 .2), Detroit (65.1), and W. Vs., 1. Jersey City (65.5). ORGANICDISEASESOF THE HEART. “ The mortality of the colored population of the registration area from this disease (57) was much lower Organic diseases of the heart caused more deaths than that of the white population (75), a difference (83,525) than any other disease or group of diseases due in part perhaps to less efficient diagnosis of the shown in the Abridged International List (see table on disease causing death. p. 27), although the number of deaths from tuber- Many deaths from cancer, especially in rural chs- culosis of all forms (94,205) was considerably greater. tricts, are reported as due to “tumor” of various The title “Organic diseases of the heart” includes a organs or unqualified, or the deaths may be hidden somewhat miscellaneous collection of affections, and under such terms as “chronic stomach trouble, ” the tendency to increase has been more marked in “hemorrhage,” “debility,” and the like. Such re- recent years. The death rate for 1911 (140.9) was turns are sometimes due to a disinclination on the part slightly lower than that for the preceding year (141.5), of physicians to report cancer as the cause of death. but the rate for each of these years was much higher than the rate for 1909 (129.7), and the rates for the AcuTE ANTER1oR rOLIONfyELITIs (INFANTILE quinquennial periods 1901 to 1905 (124.2) and 1906 to PAR.4LYSIS). 1910 (133.2). The excess of the rates for 1910 and 1911 over those There were 1,060 deaths from acute anterior for earlier years is explained in part by the fact that, poliomyelitis in the registration area during 1911 as beg~g ~th 191o, deaths of persons 60 years of age compared with 1,459 in 1910 and 569 in 1909. Prior or over from endocarditis and myocarditis, when these to 1909 th disease was not segregated from other terms were unqualified, have been assigned to this diseases of the spinal cord (International title 63). group of diseases instead of to acute endocarditis, as The death rate for 1911 was 1.8, a decrease from that formerly. This fact, however, does not account en- of 1910 (2.7), but greater than that for 1909 (1.1). tirely for the increase shown in the rates for these two- - The deaths from acute anterior poliomyelitis in the years as compared with earlier years or for the excess registration area in 1911 were distributed as follows: of the rate for the later five-year period over that for California, 31 (including 3 in Los Angeles, 4 in Oak- the earlier five-year period. However, it will be land, and 2 in San Francisco); Colorado, 6 (Denver, 2); noted that there has been a marked increase in the Connecticut, 15 (New Haven, 3); District of Columbia, general death rates from the group of diseases of the 5; Indiana, 69 (4 in Indianapolis); Kentuc@, 61 (1 in circulatory system, as shown in Table 5. It is prob- Louisville); Maine, 13; Maryland, 34 (10 in Baltimore); able that there is some degree of inexactness in the Massachusetts, 55 (2 in Boston, 3 in Cambridge, 4 in assignment of heart disease as the cause of death in Fall River, 4 in Lowell, and 2 in Worcester); Michigan, many cases, although the terms most questionable, 46 (6 in Detroit); Minnesota, 59 (4 in Minneapolis and such as heart failure, cardiac paralysis, and the like, 8 in St. Paul); Missouri, 60 (4 in Kansas City and 5 are not included under this head at all, but are classed in St. Louis); Montana, 5; New Hampshire, 11; New among the ill-defined causes. Jersey, 46 (9 in Jersey City, 4 in Newark, and 3 in The mortality from heart disease is largely that of Paterson); New York, 166 (3 in Albany, 2 in Buffalo, persons of middle and advanced age; hence the age 101 in New York, 2 in Rochester, and 1 in Syracuse); distribution of population is an important factor in North Carolina, 15; Ohio, 137 (41 in Cincinnati, 15 in the rate. Cleveland, 4 in Columbus, 2 in Dayton, and 3 in The death rate of the colored population (211.8 per Toledo); Pennsylvania, 93 (11 in Philadelphia, 6 in 100,000) was much higher than that of the white Pittsburgh, and 2 in Scranton); Rhode Island, 14 (2 population (137.8). .,


Among the registration states those least affected (222.6), New Haven (21.2.1), New York (209.6), and . by immigration and with the largest proportion .of Pittsburgh” (207.2). elderlv nersons would naturally show higher death ..L DIARRHEA AND ENTERITIS (UNDER 2 mmrts). rates. The states with the hig~est rates a;e Vermont (211.8), New Hampshire (197), Massachusetts (183.5), The most important preventable cause of infant ~ Maine (179.8), and California (178.7), while the lowest mortality is represented by the group of affections rates are shown for Montana (80.8), Utah and Wash- summarized under the International title ‘cDiarrhea ington (each 82.8), Kentucky (86.5), and Colorado and enteritis.” Ii 1911 there were, in the registration (89.4). area, 45,868 deaths from this cause of infants under 2 Among the large cities the ‘highest rates were shown years of age and 8,108 deaths of persons above this age for Albany (237.7) j Worcester (228.8), San Francisco limit. The death rate from diarrhea and enteritis (227.9), Nashville (220.8), and Washington (214.5). (under 2 years) was 77.4 per 100,000 population of all - The lowest rates are shown for Scranton (93.9), Min- ages, a rate neariy one-fourth lower than that for the neapolis (95.1), Milw?ukee (95.6), Seattle (96.9), and preceding year (100, 8) and lower than that shown Spokane (99.6). ~ for any previous year since the annual mortality PNEUMONIA (ALL FORMS) . reports were instituted. ,. The low mortality from infantile diarrhea indicates The total number of deaths from pneumonia of all a genendly favorable condition of infant health during forms in the rebgjetration area in 1911 was 79,233, the the year. Of course, the comparison of the deaths of death rate per 100,000 population being 133.7. The children under 2 years ~f age with the total population, ~ death rate of the white population (128.4) was about as in the computation of the general death rate, is not one-half that of the colored (252.2). The ,figures for satisfactory, although it shows the influence of the pneumonia (all forms) shown in Tables 2 and 3 d.ifTer mortality of the selected group of children upon the from those for “pneumonia” in the table giving the general death rate. To some extent the relative distribution of deaths according to titles of the general death rates of various areas from diarrhea Abridged International List, because, in agreement and enteritis (under 2 years) depend upon the birth “ with the Medical Superintendent of the Registrar-Gen- rates and the number of children under 2 years of age eral’s Office, it was deemed advisable to unite bronqho- in the population: pneumonia and pneumonia in the list shown in Tables The death rate of the white population from this 2 and 3. The total number of deaths from pneumonia cause (75.9) was considerably lower than that of the of all forms in 1911 included, as shown in Table 5., colored population (111)’, which fact should also be 26,365 deaths caused by bronchopneurnonia (44.5 per taken into consideration in comparing the death rates 100,000 population), 28,553 caused by lobar pneu- shown, for different areas> monia (48.2 per 100,000) and 24,315 reported as due Among the registration states in 1911 the highest to, - “pneumonia” without qualification (41 per death rate from diarrhea and ente&is (under 2 years) 100,000). per 100,000 population at all ages was in the munici- On account of the large number of deaths returned palities of North Carolina (150.1), followed by Penn- :as due to “pneumonia” (undefined), which forms sylvania (104.1), lMassachusetts (103.2), New Jersey about one-third of the total from all forms of pneu- (99.7), and Maryland (98.4). The lowest rates were monia, it is better to treat the deaths from this group for Washington (25.4), Montana (36.2), California .of causes as a total. As shown by partial investiga- (36.4), Utah (37.4), and Minnesota (40.1). tion, about one-third of the deaths reported as due to Among the large cities maximum rates appear for “pneumonia” (undeiined) proved to be deaths from Fall River (318.9), Lowell (201.8), Scranton (173.5), bronchopneumonia, and a considerable proportion “of Richmond (158.6), and New Orleans (136.9). -the deaths reported from the various forms of pneu- SUICIDE. monia is actually due to infectious diseases, in the ,course of which pneumonia appears as a complication The total number of deaths from suicide in the regis- ,or terminal condition. tration area for 1911 was 9,622, an increase of 1,032 Among the death rates from pneumonia (all forms) over the preceding yew. The death rate, however, in the reetitration states in 1911, the highest were increased only from 16 to 16.2 per 100,000 and was those of New York (177.8), Massachusetts (153.8), lower than that for 1909 (16.5) or 1908 (17.8). ~Connecticut (153.5), Rhode Island (152.1), and New As the registration of deaths improves the statement Jersey (151.4), and the lowest those of Washington of the causes” of deaths increases in precision and thus ,(64.8), Wisconsin (85. 7), Montana (90.2), Michigan deaths may be transferred to suicide from the titles . 1(90.4), and Minnesota (96.1). included under “Accidental or undefined violence.” The large cities showing the highest death rates There is, therefore, a tendency to apparent increase from this cause were Atlanta (227.8), Nashville in the death rate from sujcide, even though the actual ~ 78089”—BuI.11*1= , 34 MORTALITT STATISTICS. rate may have remained stationary, also in compafig tenths (5o, 121.) were of an accidental or undefined the rates for various states and cities it should be character, the remainder being due to homicide. noted that the precision of statement varies to a con- The death rate from accidental and unspecified vie- ~ siderable degree and hence, the state or city in which ]ence was 84.6 per 100,000 population, which k slightly , the statement of the accidental, suicidal, or homicidal higher than the rate for the preceding year (84.3), character of violence is most precise, unfortunately, but lower than the averages for the consecutive peri- may appear to have a higher death rate from suicide ods 1901 to 1905 (84.9) and 1906 to 1910 (86). Homi- than other states or cities in which the causes are less, cide was reported as the cause of 3,9o7 deaths in 1911, accur~ately returned. the rate being 6.6 per 100,000 population. Statis- The death rate of the white population in the regis- tics as to deaths from various forms of violence are . tration area from suicide (16.5) was higher than that given in Table 5, with comparable figures for each of the colored population (10.3). Among the regis- year from 1908 to 1911 in cases where the changes in tration states the highest death rates from this cause classification permit. were in California (30.1), Montana (27.8), Colorado Of the death rates from violence (exclusive of sui- (21.7), Washington (20.7), and Vermont (20.1), and cide) shown for the registration states, the highest among the cities of 100,000 population and over, San were those of Montana (126.9), California (110.5), Francisco (39.4), St. Louis (37.7), Los Angeles (37.2), Pennsylvania (106.2), Colorado (102.2), and Wash- Denver (35.6) and Oakland (35.1). ington (96). The cities of 100,000 population and VIOmNT DEATHS (EXIXJJDING smcDE). over having the highest rates were Memphis (191 .7), Under the heading of “Violent deaths (suicide ex- Scranton (177.3), Birmingham (151.9), Albany cepted) 7’ are included all deaths from extecual causes (131.7), and Boston (125.3). The lowest rates among which were not reported as caused by suicide. Of the states were in Wisconsin (64.3), Minnesota (70.6), the total number of deaths in the registration area in and Missouri (74.6), and among the cities, Fall River 1911 classified in this group (54,028), more than nine- (46.5), Grand Rapids (54.3), and St. Paul (58).


The difficulties inherent in the task of reducing to greatly complicate tabular presentation to attempt to compact statistical tables the vast number of state- show all primary and secondary terms in relation, ments of causes of death received by a large registra- although it might be possible to do this for a limited tion office are seldom fully appreciated by those who list of the most important terms. For example, the have not engaged in the work of compilation. Even number of deaths from the combination i‘ Measles- if each certificate of death out of the 839,284 that con- bronchopneumonia” might be given separately, so stituted the material of the present bulletin bore only that the number might be added to either the number a single cause of death, the process of classifying the of deaths compiled from” Measles” or the number com- thousands of different terms—some of them of a very piled from ‘‘ Bronchopneumonia.” It is evident that, indefinite or unsatisfactory character—under the 189 there would still be a wide margin of error because in titles of the revised International List of Causes of many deaths reported only one of the terms would be Death would present many difficulties. Condensation used. At present all deaths from ‘‘ Measles-bronc~o- is necessary and unrelated terms must, to a certain pneumonia” are compiled under “Measles,” which iy extent, be grouped, because it is quite impracticable regarded as the primary cause. to present statistical tables giving all the original forms Some degree of uncertainty attaches to the statis- of statement. The labor of compilation would be tics of causes of death because of the possibility that greatly reduced and the statistics as compiled would the statement of cause by the attending physician was more nearly represent the actual causes of death if incorrect. Of course, if a large proportion of deaths. physicians would use only accepted terms in describ- were not certified by medical men, as in some coun-. ing causes of death, especially the definite terms of the tries, the probability of error would be still’ greater> International List.’ but in the United States, where physicians are nu- But many certificates of death bear statements of merous, comparatively f ew deaths are certified except two or more causes instead of one, and a system of by physicians. Even so, however, the accuracy of selection, according to methods which should be as statement must depend upon the ability of the average: uniform and as well adapted to the character of the physician to make a correct clinical diagnosis, unas- terms as possible, must be adopted. Practically all sisted, as a rule, by the results of a post-mortem exam- statistical compilations of causes of death are based ination by means of which the diagnosis could be con- upon the selection of a preferred term. It would firmed or a different cause established. The general ability of physicians to make correct diagnoses of dis- 1Copy of the Physicians’ Pocket Reference to the International eases must be based, to a considerable extent, upon List of Causesof Death will be sent upon request to any physician in the United States. their medical training and experience. ACCURACY OF STATISTICS OF C.4USES OF DEATH. 35

A study has recently been made by Dr. Richard C. causes of death as compiled. It should be understood, Cabot,: of 3,000 clinical diagnoses in an up-to-date of course, that each definite cause of death as com- American hospital that were subjected to the test of piled stands for a minimum number, and that this subsequent post-mortem examinations. While the number would be increased if deaths from such cause results were confirmatory of the original diagnoses to that were not properly’ reported, and hence were clas- a. @h degree IIIcertain classes of causes, such as sified under various ill-defined titles, could be included. diabetes mel.htus (95 per cent), typhoid fever (92 per Circular letters were sent to physicians in various parts cent), aortic regurgitation (84 per cent), in others the of the country requesting more precise statements of percentages of correct diagnoses were very. low: causes of death in cases reported by them as due to Acute nephritis (16 per cent), chronic myocarditis “men@gitis,” “paralysis,” “contisiow,” ‘(pneumo- (22 per cent), bronchopneumonia (33 per cent), acute nia,” and “peritonitis,” together with copies of the endocarditis (39 per cent), chronic interstitial ne- Physicians’ Pocket Reference to the International phritis , (50 per cent), miliary tubercrdosis (52 per List of Causes of Death, which calls attention to the cent), and active phthisis (59 per cent). According unsatisfactory nature of such returns. It is not feasi- to these figures , assuming that the diagnoses thus ble to make such inquiry for all inde&ite returns, nor tested were at least not inferior to those made by the is the number of cases specially investigated sufficient average medical practitioner, there is only an even to warrant absolute conclusions, but some light was chance that a death reported as due to chronic inter- thrown on the nature of the errors incident to these stitial nephritis was actually caused by that disease, unsatisfactory returns. about three chances to two that a death ascribed to Out of 354 replies relating to “meningitis,” the assi~- ~” active phthisis was due to that cause, and more than ment of cause was changed, or made more definite, in five chances to one that a decedent reported to have 304 instances (85.9 per cent), the chief additions being died from acute nephritis did not have acute nephritis to cerebrospinal fever (lo4), tubercrdous meningitis at all. And even if he had, for statistical purposes (54), diarrhea and enteritis (36), traumatism, by the cause of the acute nephritis should be stated, as various means (14), and lobar pneumonia (11). for example, scarlet fever. l?&’ ‘paralysis,” the assignment was changed in 176 Inquiry as to “pneumonia” (not otherwise defined) cases out of 235 (74.9 per cent), the chief increments resulted in a change of assignment in 416 out of 1,013 being to cerebraJ hemorrhage, apoplexy (113), other cases (41.1 per cent), and confirmed the diagnosis of diseases of the spinal cord (30), general paralysis of the lobar pneumonia in 518 cases (51.1 “per cent), leaving insane (10), syphilis (6), and Bright’s disease (5). only 79 deaths still undetied. The fact that broncho- Inquiry into 268 deaths from “convulsions” resulted pneumonia is a separate title of the International List in 151 changes “(56.3 per cent), 69 deaths being added implies that deaths from “pneumonia” are chiefly to diarrhea and enteritis, 17 to injuries at birth, 12 ‘to lobar pneumonia, but the large proportion of deaths puerperal albuminuria, and the remainder to other credited to bronchopneumonia through the additional sauses. information contained in the replies from physicians If the percentages of change resulting from this (319 or 31.5 per cent) show that tl+s assumption is not investigation, which, though limited, may prove to be entirely justified. Other causes increased by transfer Fairly representative, be applied to the numbers of of deaths from “pneumonia” are influenza (29), deaths compiled from the various causes for the measles (15), and whooping cough (11). registration area for 1911, the deaths classified under “Peritonitis” is not accepted as a cause of death by “meningitis” and C‘cerebrospinal meningitis’ 7 (both some registration offices without explanation. out of unqualified) will be reduced from 6,745 to 951, or 102 cases investigated the assignment was changed in 85.9 per cent; “paralysis” from 6,359 to 1,596, or 79 (77.5 per cent), additions being made more par- 74.9 per cent; “convulsions” from 4,417 to 1,930, ticularly to appendicitis (18), diarrhea and enteritis or 56.3 per cent; “pneumonia” from 52,868 to 31,139, (11), puerperal septicemia (8), intestinal obstruction or 41.1 per cent, and “peritonitis” from 2,349 to “529, (7), salpingitis (5), gonococcus (4), and or 77.5 per cent. At the same time, some of the defi- ulcer of the stomach (4). nite causes would be increased as follows: Typhoi,d Assuming, however, that the physicians who sign fever from 12,451 to 12,588, or 1.1 per cent; smallpox the medical certificates of causes of death are informed from 130 to 178, or 36.9 per cent; measles from 5,922 as to the nature of those causes, some inquiry may be to 6,319, or 6.7 per cent; whooping cough from 6,682 made as to the possibility of securing more precise to 7,016, or 5 per cent; influenza from 9,294 to 10,103, statements in place of indefinite returns and the effect or 8.7 per cent; tubercrdous meningitis from 5,237 that such additional information would have upon the to 6,284, or 20 per cent; syphilis from 3,821 to 4,092, . . ,. or 7.1 per cent; gonococcus infection ‘from 222 to 314, Ai~:r$t~?t[~~~~;~%&;~d~:~;~;?&~?$ or 41.4 per cent; cerebrospinal fever from 54o to 1912. 2,522, or 367 per cent; cerebral hemorrhage, apoplexy

. 36 MORTALITY STATISTICS. from 44,274 to 47,373, or 7 per Gent; bronchopneu- of female genital organs from 1,401 to 1,535, or 9.6 monia from 26,365 to 34,011, or 29 per cent; diarrhea per cent; puerperal septicemia from 4,376 to 4,560, and enteritis (under 2 years) from 45,868 to 47,703, or 4.2 per cent; puerperal albuminuria and convul- or 4 per cent; appendkitis and typhlitiji from 6,896 sions from 2,094 to 2,293, or 9.5 per cent; injuries at to 7,337, or 6.4 per cent; salpingitis ahd other diseases birth from 4,573 to 4,975, or 8.8 per cent. .





[Deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions are included. Minor areas contaiig state insane asylums are designated by asterisks (*). The term ,f~ities!>~Moates m“mOiPalities having IO,000inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor rural subdivisions (counties, exclusive of munfcipa2ities hatig 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted.]

DEATHS: 1911

Distributed by color Distributed by age of decedent in completed years, of decedent. Popula- tion e8ti- Ratf — -— REGtISTR.4T10N AREA mated aS per il- of July 1, 1,00( it un- 1911. Total, ?Opl ian, nown !hi- Jn5deI age. White legro ese, Jnde] year lt09 .0 to 15 to 20 to %5 to ;5 and tf% Lyeal 14 19 ,nd ,ea rs. 24 44 over. tpa. we, — —.— —— sUMMARY.

The registration area 59,275,97 839,28 14. 779, 77( 56,43 ,08 .49,32 31,36 !09,48 [8, 11 2,337 21,154 32, 30t 68, 6& 76,09 177,2( 222,57 1,296 . — . _ Registration states 1...... 54,385,23 756,77 13. 716, 7& 37,Oc F .34,94 27,93 .+3,35 !6, 13 .1,020 18,646 28,01: 59, 76I 66,53 158,& 208,60 1,240 Cities in registration Q, 53 states ...... 27, 4%, 45 413,92 15. 389,55 22,2C , loi 77,41 16,46 ,08,64 8,93 5,596 9,655 15,90: 36,42 94,54 91,49 186 Rural part of registra- tionstat+ ...... 26,899,77 342,85 12. 327,201 13,Se , 7s 57,53 11,46 79,71 7,19 5,424 8,991 12,10$ 23,33’ 24,OC 63, tO 117,10 1,054 Registration cities in other sates...... 4, 8$s3,74 82,50 16. 63,00 19,37 13( 14,37 3,42 21,12 1,97 1,317 2,508 4, 28[ 8,90 9,55 18, % 13,97 56

AD registration cities 1...... 32,376,20 496,42 15. 452,56 42,57 , 29! 91,79 19,89 29,76 [0, 91 6,913 12,163 20, 1% 45,32 52, Of 113,3< 105,47 242

California...... 2,486,757 34,010 13. i 32,205 457 348 3,524 687 4,927 427 800 1,415 3,438 3,92 8,484 10,048 20 Colorado...... 830,755 10,740 12. s 10,427 28$ 25 1, 81s 372 2,503 ;: 199 .264 591 1,405 1, 2(X 2,2% 2,013 21 Ccmnecticut...... 1,140,003 17,552 15.4 17,153 392 7 3,243 4,439 338 236 327 534 1,177 1,51: 3,784 5,163 38 12. $ T.ndiana...... 2,723,441 35,210 33,877 ~,32f 7 5,362 1, E: 7,492 745 563 1>018 1,425 2,575 2, 7Z 7, 09( lj ’44; Kentucky ...... 2,307,369 30,407 13.2 24,580 ), 827 . 5,373 1,546 8,350 831 608 1,283 1,595 2,763 2, 5oi 5, lx 3%

Maine ...... 746,233 12,031 16.1 12,014 13 4 1,681 285 2,280 167 139 257 345 679 78i 2, 4H 4,980 34 Maryland ...... 1,308,476 20,694 15. s 15,147 i, .541 6 4,003 877 5,564 426 328 587 769 1,650 1,731 4, 30/ 5,262 Massachusetts ...... 3,454,813 53,003 15.3 52,122 841 0,412 1,899 3,880 878 605 994 1,486 3,628 4, 58( 11,59! 15,315 :; Michigan ...... 2,867,794 37,993 13.2 37,417 399 1$: 7,065 1,142 9,325 838 624 899 1,343 2,651 2,55? 7, 49( 12,211 Minnesota ...... 2,099,451 21,988 10.5 21,662 13C 196 3,899 615 5,162 550 435 726 978 1,928 1,775 4,31( 6,066 ::

Missouri ...... 3,321,094 43,4.34 13.1 39,794 3,625 7,150 1,761 0,686 1,059 736 1,307 1,835 3,654 3,753 8,81, 11,383 20: Montana ...... 392,293 4,009 10.2 3,058 49 3:: 717 118 991 111 87 113 192 475 51: 89( 617 New Hampshire ...... 432,894 7,391 17.1 7, 3s0 . 1,260 2!23 1,637 121 139 172 4X 1,474 2,857 46 New Jersey ...... 2,634,583 38,617 14.7 36,636 [, 9$; 7,678 1,658 0,781 882 5:! 812 1,350 2,% 3,662 8,28: 9,367 U New York ...... 9,372,954 145,654 15.5 42,024 3,447 18: !5, 407 5,623 6,054 !, 939 ,809 1,079 4,833 1,466 4,471 3.3,374 37,619 10

North Carolina2...... 374,314 6,859 18.3 3,519 ), 339 1 1,313 522 2,170 165 122 276 432 681 642 1,18$ 1,150 32 Ohio ...... 4,841,710 63,402 13.1 61,024 2,365 9,941 1,950 3,764 .,335 942 1,532 2,349 4,931 5,246 13,092 20,161 50 Pennsylvania ...... 7,831> S90 111,292 14.2 07,220 4,033 :: :4,195 5,098 3,788 !, 630 ,,553 2,629 4,024 8,331 3,241 U, 624 27,453 19 Rhode Island ...... 558,108 S, 671 15.5 8,422 246 3 1,675 302 2>273 182 99 166 272 620 79C 1,95$ 2,308 2

Utah ...... 365,171 3,960 10.3 3,894 25 41 822 147 1,154 132 94 114 146 364 345 68C 923 8 Vermont ...... 357,403 5,661 15,8 5,631 29 741 113 956 79 49 120 131 308 351 1,222 2,444 W@ingtOn...... 1,218,330 10,845 8.9 10,323 94 42; 1,531 273 2,172 256 216 374 567 1,204 1,124 2, 4EC 2,393 5; Wisconsin.,, ...... 2,359,863 27,030 11,5 26,895 53 102 5,184 78o 6,761 608 479 68.5 948 1,900 1,833 4,986 8,776 74


Registration cities . . . . 227,414 4,711 20.7 2,045 ), 666 . . . 704 253 1,143 107 90 196, 316 650 576 98C 647 6 — Birmingham ...... 136,253 2,480 18.2 1,172 1,308 . 412 164 693 --Z -Z 304 308 Z&5 ...... Mobile ...... 52,684 1,267 24.0 553 714 . . 150 38 216 30 28 :; 178 154 E 216 4 Montgomery ...... 38,477 964 25.1 320 644 . . . 142 51 234 14 22 43 108 114 223 146 2


Registration cities. 1,331,061 19,627 14.7 1S,.538 323 766 2,o31 403 2,843 271 225 430 2,050 2,405 5,250 5,343 2 Alameda ...... 24,229 265 10.9 257 T 14 7 25 -Z 2 Y 12 58 108 ...... Bakersfield ...... 13,296 307 23.1 287 12 2 54 5 5 ;: 54 ..... Berkeley ...... 43,743 375 8.6 365 8 8 7 3 : i; :; 146 ..... Eureka ...... 12,397 211 17.0 210 22 ; ?% 4 2 2 54 62 ..... Fresco ...... 26,007 354 13.6 314 37 64 3 80 16 6 1; 18 36 73 68 1

Long Beach ...... 19,712 301 15.3 298 2? 7 39 5 9 111 ..... Los AnKeles ...... 342,819 5,001 14.5 4,745 10: 518 114 741 6: 117 23: 5;! 1,3:? 1,274 ..... Oakland ...... 156,684 1,984 12.7 1,861 71 243 51 349 :: 19 34 81 163 496 613 ..... Pasadena ...... 32,342 429 13.3 414 5 26 7 40 7 5 6 15 44 107 151 ..... Pomona ...... 10,779 152 14.1 151 1 18 . . . . . 20 1 . . . . . 5 10 56 ,..-. . Redlands ...... 11,140 152 13,6 . 18 25 5 : 4 24 # 41 ..... Riverside ...... 16,097 260 16,2 ;g 1; ; 11 32 ..... Sacramento ...... 46,581 828 17.8 725 :; 1% 13 lti 8 1:, 22 i; 88 1:! 2:; ..... SanBernardiio ...... 13,589 266 19.6 260 4 26 35 3 2 38 05 56 ..... San Diego: ...... 42,254 817 19.3 793 San Frunclsco ...... i 6 U :: 217 275 1 425,982 6,495 15.2 6,142 11? 6~ 136 9:: i: 70 109 238 1,601 . . . . . San Jose...... 6% 1,929 32,607 413 12.7 388 23 48 7 62 8 6 9 25 24 102 148 . . . . .

Santa Barbara...... 12,279 215 [7. 5 208 15 5 23 3 6 s 19 71 Santa (Jruz ...... 11,816 178 15.1 175 : 2 : :) Stockton* ...... 23,956 m 20.4 426 54 ;? ; & 4 1; 2: ;: 175 1: ..... VaRejo ...... 11,752 136 11.6 183 1 9 4 16 2 ! .3 13 14 35 ..... 1Includes District of Columbia. ~Includes only municipalities havhgapopulation ofl,OOOor over in 1900. ~Nonregistmtion state; cities shown below on]y those with effective local ordinances. DEATHS, BY COLOR AND AGE OF DECEDENT. 39

TABLE 1.—POPULATION, DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO COLOR’ AND AGE OF DECEDENT, AND DEATH RATE, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS: 1911—Continued. ~eaths of nonresidentsand deathsin hospitalsand institutions are included. Minor areas containing state insane asyhuns are designated by asterisks(*). The term ~~citiw>,fidimtw ~~ei fitiw hstig 10,000 Mbitmk or rm-er in 1910.Minor rural subdivisions(counties, exclusive of municipalities hving 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted.Y

DEATHS: 1911

)istilbuted by color Distributed by age of decedent.in completed years. Popula- of decedent. tion esti- Ratf — REGISTRATION AREA. rusted as of July 1, l& it nn- 1911. rota p;~ d%, chi- rnde] 7n5del age. Vhw3. [egro. neee, 10 ta i6 and tion yeal year I and rears 24 over. Japa nese, - — . . REGISTRATION CITIES-Contd.

COLORADO. I Regisfz%tioncities. . . . 308,991 4,6.52 15.1 4,452 189 11 704 144 74 104 239 — — 269 3 Colorado Springs...... 29,835 16.2 3 16 .....- Drover ...... 222,038 3,% 15.5 3,% 4; 69 1$ 4% 6% P&;eii ...... 46,320 602 ls. c 568 34 _! 16 31 74 ; ...... 10,798 126 11.7 lzo 6 . . . . . 3 5 , 7: 15 ...... CONNECTICUT. I Registration cities. . . . 773,180 12,024 M. 1? U, 706 313 5 230 392 893 2,923 X4 — — - hsonia ...... 15,454 -iii G ,204 7 . . . . . 11 Bridgeport ...... ----- 105,854 1>472 13.9 1,437 34 1 63 1; 3! 4: 11! 3:: 2 Bristol...... 13,974 1s0 12.9 ...... 14 2 3 2 .----- Danbury towm...... 23,995 336 14.0 :E 2 6 17 1% 2 Greenwmhtown ...... -. 16,9= 2.58 15.2 246 : . ...? 4 3 4 1: lz 64 1 Hartford ...... 101,247 1,249 18.3 1,860 48 58 2.s 26 : 149 441 1 Manchestertown ...... 14,012 11.8 1 ...... - Meriden town ...... 32,478 % 16.5 % 4 . . . . . 1! 1; 1! 29 5! 12: .-...- Middletown town* ...... 21,147 476 22.6 466 10 . . . . . 10 3 14 8 31 144 ..---- Naugatuck ...... 12,988 118 113 .- . ..- . . . . . 2 5 . . . . . 23 ,....- NewBritain...... 45,338 593 1;: 592 1 . . . . . i ‘A 1 New Haven ...... 136,734 2>231 16.7 2,& 1:: . . ..- 91 3: 4; 68 Ii! 5: . . ..- New London ...... 19,916 337 16.9 1 4 1 6 11 31 95 5 Norwalk town...... 24,734 383 15.5 367 16 . . . . . 10 3 8 14 ,...-. Norwich town ...... ~;; 464 17.0 472 lj ;<::: 14 6 i 22 % ,..-.. Oran etown ...... 141 12.0 137 I 1 ,----- Wau#ordtown...... -. 30;058 50s 16.9 469 19 . . . . . 4 9 7 $ 2? &8 ..... Torrington town...... 17,376 174 10.0 172 2 . . ..- 5 ii 5 18 39 ..... ‘iVallingford town...... 11,418 10.8 ...... : ...-. 75,333 1,% 15.0 1,H 11 6; 2; 1; 49 9; $ 1 %%&yii%”::: ::::::::: 12,905 266 20.6 262 4 . . . .. 17 .4 9 12 18 62 ----- DELAWABEJ Wibnin@”on...... 8+3,745 1,446 16.3 1,217 229 . . ..- 77 M 41 50 103 356 ....- DISTEUCT OF COLUMBLA.

W&hington ...... /.-.... 337,475 6,304 18.7 3,739 2,559 6 209 33 145 286 586 1>662 1 Er,oRrDA.1 I Registration cities. . . . 83,152 1,819 21.9 203 1,013 3 96 31 62 110 . — 249 209 8 Jaclmonville...... 63,346 1,367 G 524 341 2 & 303 25 27 46 94 216 Key West ...... 143 3 19,806 452 22.8 279 172 1 31 203 9 4 16 16 33 66 ----- GEORGIA.1 , 1 Registration cities...-l 225,785 5,091 22.5 2,286 t>794 1 230 1,287 1.23 90 — — 206 371 643 692 2 Atlanta ...... 160,2S5 ~ ;;: G 1,677 1,494 480 155 51 129 z x -z- Savannah...... 65,580 > ,39.3 619 1,300...... 231 75 R 39 67 144 243 221 , rLLrNoIs.1 I Registration cities. . . . 2,465,009 E,852 14.5 4,605 [,213 34 ;,690 .,491 9,753 549 . — 880 ,519 $339 6,346 Aurora ...... - . . ..- 31,250 jzj 409 4 ...... 96 7 ~ ~ Belleville ...... 28 144 21,126 % 306 4 ...... i % 108 Chicago...... 2,249,265 12,531 14:5 1,478 [,019 9,1;: 9+ 497 780 ,333 i,075 Decatur...... 7,7Z 5,;;; 32,426 400 1.2.3 378 22 . ...:. 81 .8 10 21 37 88 E~ton ...... 25,677 231 10.9 31 ...... 57 14 5 7 26 52 Jacksonville*-...... 15,356 ..... 380 24.7 %’ 23 ...... 3 1; 27 94 1% 1 Qufnoy...... 36,627 660 18.0 4& ...... 1:: 1: E 52 232 . . . . . Springdeld.. ~~...... 53,282 877 16.5 & ...... 179 18 ~ ~ 50 79 % 230 . . . . . INDIANA. I Registrationcities. . ..l 343,39o .s,833 14.0 0,911 924 3’ 2,628 193 — — 234 338 559 .,100 2,665 2,947 7 - Anderson...... 22,756 306 301 5 ...... 10 11 East Chicago...... - 31 87 .---- 21,016 294 293 7 ; 26 6 ....- Elkhart ...... - 19,782 208 206 : :::::: 1$ 9 Elwood ...... 10,779 106 106 ...... Evansville ...... % El ..... 70,886 1,087 932 155 ...... 28 6! 2 225 24a ..... 1Nonregietration statq citiesshown below onIy those with tieetive Iocal ordinances. 40 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions are iucluded. ,, ~~w n fi@ates m~~i afities bfing 10,000inbabitrmts or Over,iu 1910. Minor areas containing state insane eayhrms are designated by asterisks (*). The term Minor rural subdivisions (counties, exclusive of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Y

DEATHS: 1911

)fatribnted by color Distributed by age of decedent hr completed years. Popula- of decedent. tion esti Rat~ . REQ1STRATION AREA. mated a per )f July 1 At un- Total, 1,00[ 1911. p;~ J%, mown Un5der age. cm”Unda 25 to 45 to tion Vhiti legro year i to9 :n~ 1 yam years. 84 64 Japri- ncse. — — — .— REC+L3TRATION CITIES—Contd. rNDrANA--contd.

FoWtiyWayne...... 66,01! 815 12.3 802 13 . . . . . 111 137 20 6 43 ...... 116,80 290 17.3 271 17 2 106 i 14(= 1 14 .5 Eammoncl ...... 21,901 27.5 12.6 27: 3 . . . . . 70 10 8! 1$ 2 16 ...... Euntfngton ...... 10,33( 126 12.2 12( ...... Imlianapolie...... 240,08( 3,530 14.7 3,02$ 500 1 4;: 6; 52 5: 8.$ 16: 1 Jeffers0nv61e...... 10,36! 186 17.9 30 . . . . . 30 6 8 ...... Kokomo ...... 17,70. 210 11.9 % 6 . . . . . 42 % i : ...... Lafayette ...... 20,32( 330 16.2 3X 7 . . . . . 26 ! 34 8 1: ...... Laporta ...... 10,94: 169 15.4 16$ ...... 7 34 3 ; . . . ..- Logausport ...... 19,39/ 249 12.8 247 2 . . . . . ?7 9 44 5 4 1! 1 3&’iOn...... 19,45{ 254 13.1 24s . . . . . 4 5 14 ...... Michlgam(city ...... 19,50( 251 12,9 241 :; . . . . . :! 1; % 7 8 14 ...... Miahawaka ...... 12,65: 157 12.4 157 ...... :; 47 5 2 ...... Muncie ...... 24,26! 314 12.9 304 10 . . . . . 1: 81 5 5 1: ...... New Albemy ...... 20,62{ 317 15.4 276 42 . . 39 8 56 2 7 12 ...... Pen...... 11,04{ 151 13.7 143 . . . . . 19 . . . . 2 2 4 ...... Richmond ...... 22, 77( 285 12.5 256 2: . . . . . E 8 ...... Sonth Bend ...... 59,25( 758 12.8 74s . . . . . 1:: i: 239 i 1: 41 ...... Terre EIaute...... 59,31: 913 15.4 856 57 . . . . . 126 2s 179 14 15 43 ...... Vbmermea...... 15,4W 257 16.7 250 7 . . . . . 25 12 50 4 9 16 ......


Registration cities . . . 103,37: 2,393 14.6 2,008 333 2 415 64 64( 60 50 134 6 . — KansasCity ...... g 85,67$ 1,405 16.4 1,145 ~ 2 279 53 370 26 47 92 139 32: 234 3. Leavenworth ...... B22,11( 315 14.2 238 77 ...... 25 123 ; Wichita ...... a55,5W 673 12.1 625 48 . . . . . 1% : # 1: & i] 6s J 138 K ENTUC7iY.

Registration cities . . . 409,402 6,934 16.9 4,937 1,997 . . . . . 338 252 1,362 103 246 360 712 1,674 1,435 39 — — Covington ...... 53,53: 809 15.1 ‘ 716 93 . . . . . 104 26 150 15 44 Iw 193 Frankfort ...... 10,584 206 19.5 138 . . . . . 19 7 33 5 15 :! 41 : Henderson...... 11,59! 229 19.7 133 ;: . . . . . 40 7 42 :: ‘2 Lexington ...... 36,loi 827 22.9 459 368 . . . . . 84 ~ &o 6 2: i: 22( 182 19 Louisville ...... 227,44$ 3,661 16.1 2,597 !,0:: . . . . . 441 12.3 683 51 172 390 92[ 786 12 Newport ...... 30,554 383 12.5 364 . . . . . 55 6 25 S6 89 ...... Owensboro ...... 16,355 352 21,5 280 . . . 75 ; 1% 7 24 : 7’4 ...... Padncsh ...... 23,164 467 20.2 270 1% . . . . . 70 22 106 6 :: 58 95 75 1


New Orlems ...... 346,433 7,055 20.4 4,208 !,824 13 1,071 251 1,5s3 104 372 788 1,720 1,261 3 MAINE.

Registration cities . . . 168,926 3,114 18.4 -3,103 10 1 520 88 682 44 99 253 692 925 12 Auburn ...... 15,322 13.2 202 . . . . 1 34 6 47 -Z 3 7 53 ...... Augusta ...... 13,397 :~ 25.5 340 2 . . . . . 30 9 40 5 24 1!; 2 Ban or* ...... 25,164 519 20.6 514 5 . . . . . 62 9 2! 48 1:: 164 5 Bid Jeford ...... 17,192 317 18.4 317 ...... 76 2$ 1:; 6 25 1 Lewiston ...... 26,550 608 19.1 508 ...... 93 126 1$ 47 1:: % 4 Portland ...... 59,602 1,062 17.8 1,059 3 . . . . . 183 ;: 23: 1: 29 91 244 327 ...... Wderville...... 11,699 163 13.9 163 ...... 42 11 3 8 10 25 41 ......


Reg6etration cities . . . . 614,308 .1,355 18.5 8,567 !,782 6 2,142 457 2,958 151 427 ,040 2,627 2,537 1

Baltimore ...... 564,544 .0,407 18.4 7,757 :,644 6 1,960 43: 2,728 138 383 955 1,oor5 2,434 2,303 ...... Oumberband...... 22,415 416 18.6 375 41 . . . . . 81 103 8 22 50 44 85 82 ...... Frederick ...... 10,54 219 20.8 168 51 . . . . . 38 5 46 18 19 45 66 ...... Eagerstown ...... 16,863 313 18.6 267 46 . . . . 63 5 81 i 1’? 17 28 73 S6 1 ldASSAC~SElVY3.

Regfetration cities . . . . ,683,475 11,010 15.3 0,283 693 24 8,720 ,045 11,704 481 ,161 ,894 1,733 9,061 ,0,470 ld . — Adams town ...... 13,158 186 ~ 1S6 ...... 67 85 4 10 25 . . . . . Arlington town ...... 11,557 147 146 . . . . 23 4 13 44 . . . . . ~~i~yrongh town ...... 17,071 187 11:0 ; . . . . :: 63 6 5 ...... 19,485 262 13.4 % ...... :: . . . . . Bc@Qn...... 688,911 1,765 17.1 1,393 355 17 2,22 3, J: 32; !,3:2 2,918 ,- . . . I Population enumerated April 15, 1910. ~Nonregistraiion stat.q cities shown below ouly those with effective local ordinances. $ Population enumerated at state ceueus of March 1, 1911. .1

DEATHS, BY COLOR AND AGE OF DECEDENT. 41 ., TABLE 1.—POPULATION, DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) DISTRIBUTED ACCORDING TO COLOR AND AGE OF DECEDENT, AND DEATH RATE, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS: 1911-Contirmed. ~Deathsofnonresfrkmtsand deathsin hospitals and institutions areincluded. Minor ereescontainingstate insane &ylums are designatedby ssteriake(*). The term trdtiwJ,~~M@ ~u~~ Wtiw ~~ 10,~ ~bit~k or over h I91o. Minor rural subdivisions(eeunties,exelnsiveof municipalitieshm’h% 10,00oin-habitantsor overti 1910)areomitted.?


Xstilbuted by color Distributedby ageof deoedemtincomplete years. Popula- of deoedent. tion esti- REGISTRATION AREA. mated as of :::1, At un- Total. d=ti, mown Chi- ~nder Un5der 1:443 45Mt0 65and age. mite ~e~O. n:$ 1Ym, year, Fite9 years. over. Japa- I . nese. — — . — REGISTRATION CITIES-Contd. I ?dASSACFtOeE!2T+e0ntd.I

Brockt?n...... 10.8 636 4 . . . ..- 111 154 14 21 21 42 ...... Bmokf?netown...... % 11.9 341 ; ...... Cambridge ...... 1,617 15.2 1,518 9: :::::: 2:? g 4! 3: 2 2 1;: ...... Chelwa...... 622 19.9 606 16 ...... 100 12 13 14 52 ...... Cbicopee...... 389 146 389 ...... - 144 187 4 6 8 10 20 1

. Clintontown ...... 13,068 .-183 14.0 ...... 23 31 2 . . . . . 6 16 --.... Everett...... 34,549 377 10.9 % 1: ...... : ...... Fsll River...... 122,592 2,134 17.4 2,131 ...... 8;; 1,0$ 3! : 3: 57 13 ...... Fitchburg..: ...... 38,996 499 12.8 497 1: 161 8 23 .----- Framin@amtown...... 13,285 185 13.9 124 i :::::: 39 3 3 3 7 14 ......

Gardnertowm...... 15,252 193 12.6 192 1 ...... 52 ...... Gloucester...... 24,006 347 14.5 347 . . ---- ...... ;: ‘% : i : : x ....-. . Greenfieldtowm...... 10,736 155 14.4 154 44 4 10 1 Haverhill...... -...-. 45,646 653 14.3 1: :::::: : 1: 46 ...... Holyoke...... - 59,598 902 15.1 M ...... ------3% %0 2 10 13 2 54 1

Hyde Parktown ...... -. 15,749 191 12.1 191 . . . ..- ...... Lawrence...... - . . ..- 89,752 1,405 15.7 1,399 6 ..--.. 4% 5: 2 2! 2: 3: 10: ...... Leominstertown...... 18,379 220 12.0 217 3 ...... LoweU...... 1:} ;:; 1,925 17.7 1,921 4 . . ..i. $f’i$ 649 3: 1: 3: 5: 1% ...... Lynn...... , 1,152 fz. 5 1,139 12 208 262 12 22 33 96 ......

Maiden...... 45>955 551 12.0 546 4 35 1:; 13 ~ L; 32 ...... Mmlbrt’ough...... 14,702 223 15.2 222 1 ...... 28 .2 11 ...... Bedford...... 23,993 275 11.5 269 j ;::::. 31 45 3 : 9 5 16 ...... Melrose...... -. 16,060 178 11.1 177 18 22 .- ..., I 2 2 11 ...... lfetkuentowm ...... 12,123 m 11.6 141 ...... 35 4 1 5 2 4 ...... ‘1 29 Muford town 13,285 214 16.1 214 ...... 22 ...... NewBeMord~u~IIIIIIIII~lE 102,098 I, 741 17.1 1,685 55 1 6% 7E 3; 1: 2!2 5: 96 2 Newburyport...- ...... 15,015 230 18.6 ...... 33 4 20 1 Newton...... 40,531 463 11.4 E: 6 ...... 1; : 9 1: 21 ...... Nortk Adams...... 21,983 317 14.4 314 3 . . . ..- :; 2 2 9 8 25 ...... Nortkarn tan* ...... 19,335 3?5 19.4 373 2 ...... 61 4 . . . . . 9 lz 23 ...... ;m;~d i’own.. ..-. ..-.. -.. 16,360 227 ~~ : 227 ,. -...... : 1 1 16 ...... 33,856 552 540 10 2 1{ 1; 1! 36 ...... Plymlouthtown...... lz, 390 204 16:5 200 4 ...... 45 ; : 3 ...... Quince...... 33,754 383 u. 7 395 . . . ..- . . . ..- 39 fzs 2 7 1: ii 2 , Reveretown.._--...... 19,573 ;9J 191 1 ...... 3 L Salem...... 45,177 1;: 1 ...... 1% &8 1: 3 1: 1$ 3i ...... Some@le._ ...... 79,177 1,031 13.0 1, # 3 .. ---- 163 222 .17 9 12 22 71 ...... 12,979 131 10.1 ...... ---- ...... ~%’~e%l’.!!-~~;:;;;;;; 92,675 1,417 15.3 1,393 23 1 2%. 32 1; 1: i 5: 10! ......

9!aunton* ...... 25,061 7L5 20.4 715 ...... 157 135 8 8 25 46 2 Wakefieldtowm...... -. 11,680 lz. 3 143 1 -- . . . . 21 27 . . . . . ; ...... Waltkam...... 23,212 $$! 13.8 388 1 ...... 1; 13 19 1: $ 1 Watmtowntowm-.-- ...... 12,238 137 10.3 ~3 ...... :: % 5 ,. ..- ...... Webst%rtown...... 11,871 156 13.1 ...... 1 52 60 8 2 2 5 1: . . ..-.

Westileldtovm ...... 16,626 284 17.1 ;:: 2 ...... 53 65 8 3 16 2: 31 1 WeyrnOuthtown_. .._...- 13,214 187 ;$ ; .1 ...... 26 28 3 17 1 Wmthroptowrr- ...... -. 10,886 114 114 . . ..-...... 4 1 i : 2 7 ...... Woburn ...... 15,528 Ii 4 8 ...... % ...... Worcester ...... 150,336 2,% 15.7 2, H 19 ...... ‘i% 581 G 3; : k 1~ 1


Registrationeitiez..-. 1,080,232 15,355 141 [5, 108 289 8 3,235 4,262 370 226 372 635 1,278 9 — — — - Adrian...... 10,7s0 152 141“ 149 3 ...... 15 T 11 62 ...... Alp%na...... 12,768 215 16.8 215 ...... :: 6 ...... Arm Arbor...... M, 361 338 22.7 322 16 ...... $ !3 4 11 3 :8 ...... ~;;i~sek ...... 25,894 399 15.4 389 10 ...... 11 38 126 ...... 48,096 563 122 562 1...... 1% 1% 22 36 139 ......

Detroit...... --- . . . . . 493,040 7, no 14.4 6,972 137 1 1,669 2,462 165 5:; 1, 3;; 2 Escanaba...... 13,624 182 13.4 182 ...... -. ..-. 4f 7 1 Faint...... 42,417 397 1 1% 100 ...... GmudRapids...... 116,026 1,% 1; i 1,;;: 2? ‘1 g 376 ;; q 472 .. ---- HoUand...... 10,803 115 10.6 ...... 34 4 34 ......

Ironwcqd...... 13,396 113 8.4 1 ...... 33 4+3 3 12 9 ...... IshM&rl&_...... &g & . . . ..- ...... 34 5 10 ...... % 1:: 398 12 ...... g 68 25 l% ...... Kalamazoo*...... 41;422 719 17.4 707 1; ...... 93 1; 70 ;;: Lansing...... 33,431 342 10.2 239 ...... 51 68 21 :

Maniet.ee...... 12,3L5 158 128 158 ...... 23 13 50 ...... muetti ...... 201 17.2 198 2 1 E 6 1: 39 ...... MNmrufnee...... :t% 13.1 ...... 2 40 ...... Muepgon...... 24,712 % 14.8 % ...... 65 83 1: E l% ...... Pontiac*...... 15,,179 316 20.8 307 9 .-- . . . 31 37 2 35 95 1 42 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Deaths of nonresidentsand deaths in hospitals aud institutions are included. Minor areas containing state f.ueaneasylnms are designated by asterisks (~). The term ‘, citiesu ~dica~s ~~ei ~ities hav~g 10,000tiabitauts or over m 1910. Minor rural subdivisions(counties,exolmive Ofm~iclP~ties ha~~g 1o>ooo~abltan~ ‘r over in 191o)are omitted.Y —

DEATHS: 1911

)ietilbuted by color Distributed by age of decedentin completed years. Popula- of decedent. tion esti- Bate — — REQ1ST12ATION AREA. mated m ~p:;o of July 1, Ltuu- 1911. Total. d%, nown P::u age. Chi- ~ndel Uy5der l:JO !5 to 5 and to 9 10to 4~t0 tion. Vhite. iegro. nl~ ~ year year. 24 84 over. years. Japa- nese. .— —l—l— REGISTRATlON CITIES-Contd. . mcmcmN--continned. I Po~HuroII ...... 18,624 300 16.1 300 ...... 5 10 26 ...... Sagulaw...... 51,312 704 13.7 698 5 1: 1; l% 1: lt 1: 29 : 52 1% 2?! 3 SauMSte. Marie ...... 12,855 162 12.6 158 2 ; 62 5 1 13 16 37 23 ...... Traverse City* ...... 12,295 249 20.3 247 1 1 20 3 24 .5 2 . . . . . 1; 24 21 75 87 ......

M~EsQTA. I Registration cities. . . . 672,598 7,732 11.5 7,611 115 6 1,371 189 1,790 178 117 240 398 810 802 1,771 1,625 1 . — — Doluth ...... 81,817 960 G 955 2 3 183 231 x x 22 58 125 121 222 133 . . . . . Marrkato..:...... 10,210 155 15.2 155 ...... 1 . . . . . Minneapobs...... 311,182 3,572 11.5 3,509 61 2 61 S;; 7: 48 12$ 18$ 3$ 3% 8$ 7% . . . . . St. Cloud.., ...... 10,891 136 12.5 136 ...... 34 3 1 4 8 6 14 30 36 . . . . . St. Paul ...... 219,136 2,;:; 10.9 2,335 50 449 587 80 36 66 115 241 237 537 506 1 Stilly?bsr...... 9,645 12,8 121 2 ...... 15 M . . . . 2 8 12 33 35 . . . . . Virgma..., ...... 11,567 154 13.3 154 ...... 50 2 6 : 3: 16 18 . . . . . Winona ...... 18,150 246 13.6 246 ...... 33 :; 8 1 9 1: 14 15 60 88 . . . . .

MISSOURI. I Registration cities. . . . 1,179,141 17,874 15.2 5,7?5 ?,088 11 2,627 3,792 393 252 478 305 1,855 !,016 4,431 3,836 10 . — Hannibal..,...... 19,031 263 13.8 215 4s . ----- 50 60 --Z 7 9 19 > 61 75 Jeffe~sonCity...... 12,117 158 13.0 121 37 -.. -.. 17 37 1 John...... 32,261 14.4 453 1 ;: 1;! : i :: 18! 1 Kansas CLty...... 257,512 3,:$ 15.4 3,340 6i; 4 587 759 68 114 209 ‘& 5X 976 8% . . . . . Soberly ...... 11,278 148 13.1 119 29 ...... 20 29 7 2 8 12 18 34 36 1 St. Toseph...... 178,926 1,001 12.7 930 69 2 110 151 37 100 116 268 259 6 St. Lores ...... 700>707 10,765 15.4 9,591 1,170 4 1,573 2,350 Z& 2% 456 1,077 L,158 2,742 2,301 Sed?lia...... 18,138 366 16.9 243 63 . . ..-. 14 H 32 28 : 619 16.9 576 43 . . ..-. 1: lx 2: 16 31 58 56 1% 1;: 2 %%%?!d.:-.::::::::::::::: ?28 188 15.0 187 1 ...... 42 63 7 10 6 30 14 28 26 . . . . . M o NTAXA I Registration cities. . . . 101,394 1,470 14.5 1,417 31 22 233 322 36 33 68 198 228 373 182 2 _ — _ — -anaconda...... 10,217 124 G 123 1 ...... 26 7 . . . . 6 2 5 5 5 18 ...... Billings...... 10,863 149 13.7 138 6 29 5 :: 4 s % 1?3 ...... Butte ...... 39,349 635 15.9 619 Ii 83 16 114 1+ 12 2; 1; 1:1 168 1 Great Falls ...... 13,829 211 15.3 210 1 . ...;. 48 10 64 5 : 3 13 54 ;; ...... Helena ...... 12,727 184 14.5 170 12 3C 5 42 5 5 5 19 1: 44 40 ...... Missoula...... 13,909 167 12.c 157 6 4 18 3 25 8 1 3 1: 18 28 51 20 1 NEERASKA.2 I Regisi,rationcities. . . . 171,219 2,42.5 14.2 2,301 124 ..--.. 348 53 479 55 52 72 111 .285 253 603 535 ...... _ — . — Lincoln...... 44,488 613 13.: 11 ...... 127 177 17 133 153 ...... Omaha...... +.. 126,731 1,812 14.2 l,% 113 ...... 221 302 :: # 94 2:; 2% 470 382 ......

hyEW HAMPSHIRE. I Regisi,rationcities. . . . 177,001 3,156 17.$ 3,151 5 ...... 740 971 34 71 89 198 226 625 865 12 _ — . Berlin ...... 12,134 187 15 4 187 ...... 75 15 103 4 5~ 12 10 2 Concord*...... 21,724 436 20.1 435 1 ...... 4 1: 28 33 1:! l% Dover ...... 13,251 248 18.7 248 ...... :: :; ; 7 5 11 16 92 i I@sne...... 10,178 181 17.8 1s1 ...... 28 ! 35 2 6 1 5 6 !: 91 . . . . . Lsconia...... 10,444 154 14.7 154 ...... 33 11 Manchester...... 71,662 1,302 18.2 1,302 ...... 4:; 7; 630 ii 2; 4? :: 2?: 2% Nashua...... 26,262 428 16.3 428 ...... 35 22 118 6 13 18 % 31 91 106 Portsmouth ...... 11,346 220 1Q4 216 4 ...... 34 7 46 3 7 6 11 18 56 69 NEW JERSEY. I Rogistcationcivies.... 1,702,736 25,821 15.2 !4,477 1,339 5 5,572 ,,262 7,882 337 547 933 !,117 ,655 5,714 5,002 2 IL___ — — — Asbnry Fark ...... 11,172 146 13.1 112 34 . . ..i. -j 28 . . . . 5 --j --Z . . . . . Atlantm City ...... 48,270 796 16.5 630 165 1% 159 14 93 2% 1:: . . . . . Bayonne ...... 58,836 815 13.9 790 25 ...... 270 53 367 1: $ 61 65 139 89 . . . . . Bloomfield ...... 15,912 146 9.2 138 8 . . ---- 26 38 11 34 45 ----- Bridgeton ...... 14,354 247 17.2 232 15 ...... 29 : 44 3 6 16 1: 64 93 . . . . . Camden...... 97,307 1,626 16.7 1,465 161 ...... 353 81 501 27 41 114 157 337 349 ..... East Ormge ...... ;~ $5 332 9.1 313 19 ...... 13 .18 141 ..... Elizabeth...... 1,202 15.7 1>158 44 ...... 2X 67 4% 1: 2: 107 1% 2;; 215 ..... GardeId...... 11:461 136 11.8 136 ...... 57 10 . . . . 2 ..... Hackensack...... 14,781 217 14.7 196 21 ...... 43 5 :: . . . . 2 2: ;: ;; 4: ..... I Estimatebasedon Federal censusesof1890and 1910. ZNom’egistr’ationstate; cities show below only thosemtheffective lwalordmnms. DEATHS, BY COLOR AND AGE OF DECEDENT. 43


pkatha of nonresidentsand deathsin hospitals and institutions are included. Minor areas containing state insane asylums are designekd by e.sterish (*). The term . , t,citiw >,iufica~ ~~ei liti+ hsfig ~~,~~~fi~bit~~ or over fi ~910- -or ml ~b&~O~ (oO~ti~, e~~lmi~e Ofm~e@@& ~fig 1o,ooo~abit~fi or over in 1910)are omitted.T I 11– DEATHS: 1911 Dietriiutedbycolor Distributed by age of decedentin completed years. of decedent. tipO\p%’i- Rat REGISTRMCION AREA. mated as itrm- of ::~ 1, l%: Total p;$ nown Un.da 85 age. it09 to ;5 and tie; white year 34 over. years.

. — — ——. — REGISTRATION . C’ITIES-Oontd. NEW JERSEY-eOntd. I II Harrison...... 14,912 194 13.( 191 3 ...... 55 ...... Hoboken ...... 71,527 1,26( 1,262 4 ...... 228 8; 2; 1: l+i ...... Irvingtcm...... 13,040 15{ xl 157 2 . . ..-...... Jersey City ...... 2;} :4; 4,381 15.} 4,249 ls; :..... 9% 24? 11: + 6% 2 ICearny...... , 26( 13.4 284 . ..-. 46 13 6 113 ...... Long Breuoh..- . . .._ . . .._ 13,573 284 20.{ 240 44 ...... 39 5 9 3 75 1 Wllville ...... 12,591 166 13.: 154 12 .-.. -. 25 5 7 ...... Montckbir...... 22,333 314 13.i 27o 44 ...... 68 6 : % ...... Morristown...... -.. -. 12,596 2g~ 23.: 269 24 . . ..-. : 7 ...... New Brunawiok ...... 23,451 475 20.: 433 22 ...... lE ;; 9 6 :: ...... Newark ...... 33 ;g & 395 14.$ 5,083 310 2 1,091 272 120 51 i, 046 ..... Orange...... 535 17.i 469 66 ...... # ..... ;=$.;...... 58;970 14.1 815 15 ...... ; # :; % ...... 129,087 1,x: 14.f 1,239 51 ...... 312 55 36 412 ..... Peith Amboy ...... 33,664 468 13.$ 3 ...... 1:; $ 1: 9 ....- PhiUi sburg...... 14,039 13.c E ,. . ..-...... : .....- Plad elf ...... 21,085 % 14.1 45 1 11 i ....-. Trenton * ...... 99,945 1,843 18.4 1,% 85 1 & 68 4: 18 & ...... Union ...... 22,018 ‘ 10.6 233 -...... 37 2 54 ...... West Eoboken ...... 36,969 % 10.9 404 ...... 90 E ;! 2 80 ------;V; %d&ork...... 16,136 17{ 11.6 174 2. ----- ~ 15 -4 2 29 ...... 11,749 10I 9.0 105 1...... 2 5 .-- . . . 16 ......


Registration oities. . . . 7,019,013 108.464 15.5 65,442 2,929 117 20,971 4,962 2,426 1,394 21,456 6 - - — . Albany ...... 16#;;: 2,Oei 20., 2,&9 2’j ;::-.. 251 31 319 46 20 43 591 558 1 Amsterdam ...... 43i 13.: . . . 17 123 4 B 104 .....- Aubuq ...... m; -i& w 18.{ 629 ; :::.:. 1% 26 167 :: 2 7 1:! 184 ...... Batavm ...... ’- ...... 20: 17.: . . . . 2 ...... Bin@arnton*...... 49;767 93( 18.{ ?2 11 .--:.: 1% 1$ 1% 10 9 Ii 2% 3;: .....- Btialo...... 425,315 6,294 14.: 6>23: 50 10 1,267 214 .1, 7@3 117 99 165 1,530 1,315 ...... Chhoee 24,868 481 19.: . . ..-...... 128 21 166 1~ 11 7 105 ...... Corning:::::::::::::::::::: 13,801 186 13.t 184 2 ...... 32 5 41 4 45 : ...... Portland ...... 11,580 208 17.f 206 ...... 30 40 3 1 : 54 ...... Dunkirk ...... 17,722 26& 15.1 268 ...... -- . . . . 69 1: 95 9 3 13 45 54 ...... Elmira ...... 37,535 562 15.C 652 10 ------1; 79 13 3 17 i39 201 ...... I?ulton...... 10,890 173 15.$ 173 ., ---- ...... :: 2 38 ...... Geneva...... 12,516 161 ~. $ 158 3 .. . ..- i? i ~ 42 % .....- Gl~Ba& ...... 15,389 295 19.2 295 ...... E 1: 61 9 i 68 .....- C+loversville...... 21,153 235 15..! 323 2 . . . ..- 30 6 39 2 3 5 80 1% ...... ::~5;::...: . . . ..- . . ..--... 13,723 213 15.6 ...... ------5 30 7 5 2 59 79 ...... 11,678 ~o 18.$ % 5 ;..... : . . . . . 2 47 ...... Lihaea...... 14,877 19.2 %7 20 : % : 90 l% ...... Jamestown...... 32,608 414 12.7 3 -::::: 81 10 107 9 ,+ : 89 109 ...... Johnstown ...... 10,615 152 14.3 148 1 22 . . ..- ...... Kingston ...... 26,031 502 19.3 477 ; ...... < 1? 1;: 12 ...... Laokawanna ...... 15,349 380 24.8 373 2: 3!; : ...... Little Falls...... r... - 12,578 210 16.7 209 1 ...... 5 ,59 . ..-. 1 5 ;! E ...... Loc ort 18,104 315 17.4 313 I6 55 3 8 122 ...... Mid% eto%~.-:~~~~:::::::: 15,222 388 25.5 373 1: :::::: 5 1; 1% 134 ...... Mount Demon ...... 32,463 416 12.8 399 17 ...... # $ 6 1$ 84 105 ...... New Rochelle...... 30,968[ 237 10.9 296 41 ------117 12 6 4 59 86 ...... Nev York ...... 4,956,864 75,329 15.2 ~ ;:: 3,432 98 a, 028 i,868 !2,202 ,755 938 1,659 ~7,761 ,2,706 5 Bronx Borough...... 13.3 97 1 1,134 265 1,673 169 160 1,517 1,105 4 BrooJrl~ Borough. . . . . 1,%$% 2$:; 14.8 %;528 8 4,701 !,257 7,049 849 S&$ 541 5,944 4,706 ,-.... Manhattan Borough. . . . 2,W& ~:~ 38,236 16.0 6,528 !,5:: 87 8,032 ?,183 .1,%9 y: 401 322 8,j~ 5,726 1 QueensBorough...... 4,182 13.7 4,076 106 -...i 253 133 1,kio 71 779 ...... Richmond Borough. . . . 89;197 1,486 16.7 1,454 30 257 50 371 37 17 31 338 390 ..... Newbur ...... 23,173 549 19.5 528 21 .-..;. 100 11 120 176 ..... Niagara 9 folk ...... 1 31,440 590 18.8 580 8 1:: ;; 228 13 1: 2: 86 82 ...... North Tonawanda...... 12,406 156 E. 6 156 ...... ---- ...... 0 densbnrg* ...... 16,210 399 ?4.6 ;% . . . . . 2 %’ ; # : : lJ 1;: &o ..... o&n...... : _... 15,155 209 !3.8 4 ...... 36 11 4 3 34 63 ...... Omening...... 12,.%9 15.8 10 ...... 31 3 37 4 4 3 40 ...... Oswego 2# ;g g; 15.2 :$ 1 .-.-.. 63 85 3 3 86 1:! ...... Peekskiii::::::::::::::::::: 16.4 :: 9 ...... 1; ; 56 ...... Plattsburg ...... 11;391 182 16.0 .. . ..- ...... % E : 4 : 43 # ...... Port Chester...... ls, 207 204 15.4 200 4 ...... 54 12 80 6 3 1 35 .....- 44 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Deaths of nonresidentsrmd deaths in hospitals and irrstitntions are included.’ Minor areas containing state insane asylums are designatedby asterisks(*). The term ,/cities,,~dica~s ~~ci Wtie5 havfig 10,000mabitmts or over in I91o. Minor rural subdivisions (counties, exclusive of MtiCiPtditieS having Io>ooo~abit~ts Or over fn 1910)are omitted.?

DEATHS :1911

Distilbuted by color Diatributcd by age of decedentin completed years. Popula- of decedent. I tion eeti. Ratt \ l— REGISITLA’YION AREA. mated z per of ;:;? 1 1,00( At un. I!otd. p:O& known L7~deI 10 ;5 and age. White to 2;4to tiorl year 14 over. gears.

— — — — — REGISTRATION CITIES-Oentd. NEW yorsK-eontd.

Poughkwpsie...... 28,62 :;; 19.6 544 18 ...... 82 13 107 1; 47 180 ...... Rensselaer.., ...... 10,711 13.9 149 ...... 52 ...... Rochester...... 227,1(3 3,271 14.4 3,253 18 ...... + 12; 6:! 116 2~ 943 ...... Rome ...... 21,281 493 490 3 ...... 17 89 29 33 149 ...... Saratoga Springs...... 12,61: 270 2: 245 25 ...... 24 4 33 12 17 100 ......

Schenectady...... 76,& 12.4 936 10 ...... 201 35 262 22 224 ...... Syracuse...... 142,11( 2,:$ 14.3 2,000 2$ 386 616 57 1% 528 ...... Troy ...... 76,9G 1,621 21.1 1,605 16 . ...?. 226 % ;2 43 130 423 ...... Utica ...... 77,03$ 1,442 18.7 1,433 9 ...... 322 71 29 109 367 ......

Watertown ...... 27,09( 451 16.6 ...... 86 1: ;; 185 ...... Watervliet ...... 15,2% 263 17.3 % 3 ...... % ; 74 65 ...... whit#3P1airls...... 17,012 290 17.0 264 26 ...... 31 57 ...... y Yonkers ...... 84,36( 1,204 14.3 1,160 44 ...... 3% 8% a: .% 98 211 ...... -


Registration cities. . . 155,77: 3,246 20.8 1,585 (,660 1 571 216 937 227 367 524 7 — — . — Asheville ...... 19,13f 338 17.7 x 104 35 5 29 41 ...... Charlotte...... 34,78i 517 14.9 273 244 ...... 84 32 42 :: 86 3 Durham...... 19,561 351 17.9 155 196 ...... 55 22 33 40 50 Greepeboro...... 16,611 297 17.9 157 140 ...... 57 17 35 60 ...... ! Ralel$h* ...... 19,34 ;;; 31.3 32s 278 ...... ;; 61 150 ...... Wilmington ...... 26,331 29.5 306 472 ...... 1% 84 :8 109 Winston ...... 20,042 359 17.9 133 226 ...... 80 25 34 i! 38 ......

Oreo. I Registration cities. . . 2,216,741 11,293 14.1 39,713 ,569 11 5,390 1,030 1,366 2,971 7,139 16 — — . . — Akron ...... 72,2S9 958 13.3 -XI 8 ...... 199 34 37 21 19 56 73 218 ...... Alliance...... 15,857 163 10.3 157 6 ...... 22 2 2 2 2 51 ...... Ashtabula...... 18,929 242 12.8 242 ...... 50 7 6 3 5 1: :; 44 ...... Bellaire...... 13,193 165 12.5 155 10 ...... 32 2 5 10 11 42 ...... Cambridge...... 11,704 132 IJ.3 127 5 ...... 22 : ! 1 5 7 10 44 ...... Canton...... 51,996 569 10.9 565 4 . . ...”. 107 13 10 16 23 143 ...... Chillicothe...... 14,695 15.6 208 21 ...... : 9 3 9 ;; 76 ...... Cincimmti...... 378,003 6,% 16.5 5,627 596 2 7;: 177 12S 154 3;: 627 1,442 5 Cleveland...... 579,013 7,999 13.8 7,784 210 : 1,766 364 236 1!: 176 295 742 1,393 Columbus...... 187,255 2,671 14.3 2,415 255 356 64 61 49 89 117 282 627 . :

Dayton ...... 118,301 1,624 13.7 1,523 100 266 ;; 21 16 53 71 127 441 ...... East Liverpool ...... 20,802 309 14.9 299 10 ...... 54 8 6 10 20 46 Elyria ...... 15,563 163 10.5 155 8 ...... 2 3 2 5 16 E ...... Ffndhy...... 14,521 229 15.8 226 ; 7 z 89 ...... Hamilton ...... 36,688 468 12.8 451 1? . ...!. 1: 7 i 10 21 J 123 ......

Fronton...... 13,302 280 17.3 210 20 ...... 34 18 3 13 14 19 63 ...... Lakewood ...... 16,627 190 11.4 190 ...... 10 : 2 4 4 47 ...... Lancaster...... 13,594 149 11.0 147 2 ...... % 1 5 1 i: 50 ...... Lea ...... 31,309 388 12.4 377 1; ;::::: 1: 7 12 i 38 99 Loran...... 30,455 337 11.1 334 1:: 16 1! 7 5 22 38 47 ...... Mansfield...... 21,150 258 12.2 256 2 ...... 36 4 4 5 8 10 21 94 Marietta...... 12,871 187 14..5 183 4 ...... 21 7 3 5 12 72 ...... ! Marion...... 19,011 230 3.2.1 225 5 ...... ;: : 4 5 1: 24 n ...... I&ssillon...... 14,114 137 9.7 132 5 ...... : . . . . . 3 8 51 ...... Middletown ...... 13,633 175 12.8 169 6 ...... 45 1; 1 4 : 5 9 45, ......

Newark ...... 26,192 311 11.9 302 9 ...... 56 4 6 16 28 81 ...... Nor’wood...... 17,371 157 157 ...... 27 : ; 21 2 8 10 47 ...... Pique ...... 13,536 118 158 7 ...... g 1 54 ...... Portsmouth...... 25,667 E 15.7 378 26 ...... 2! Ii 7 li 2$ ;: 76 1 Sandusky...... 20,027 289 14.4 287 ...... 35 26 Springdeld...... 47,784 620 13.0 7: ...... 93 1: 1: 1: 1! ;: 46 1; ::.:..? Steubenville...... 23,374 325 13.9 E; 13 ...... 72 15 12 15 42 Thin...... 12,004 157 13.1 156 1 ...... 22 . . . . : ; 4 4 12 72 . .-i Toledo ...... 172,983 2,578 14.9 2,532 45 3;!? 66 60 43 58 92 263 630 ...... Warren ...... 11,356 150 13.2 149 1 ...... 55 ...... Youngstown ...... 82,960 1,206 14.5 1,158 48 . . . . . 315 66 4; 3: 4 5: 1:? 146 ...... Zanesvilfe ...... 28,578 504 17.6 476 28 ...... 78 10 14 9 14 26 41 153 ......

Portkmd...... 219,915 2,39o I 10.9 2,300 26 I 841 334 37 59 18 68 107 286 545 3 I Nonregistmtion state; cities shown below only thosewith effecti~e local ordinances DEATHS, BY COLOR AND AGE OF DECEDENT. 45


~eaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions are included. Minor areascontaining state insaneasylums are designated by asterisks (*). The term (.ci~e~>, ~~ates ~~c. fi~~ Mtig 10,000 mbitmts or over in 1910. Minor rnral subdivisions (connties, exclneive of municipalities hatig 10,OoOinhabitmmsor over in 1910)are omitted.7.

DEATHS: 1911

Distributed by color Distributed by age of decedentin completed years. Popnk+ of decedent. tion eeti- Rate — F.EGISTRANONAREA. mated fiS ~pgo ,. of :;;[ 1, Ltun- I!otal. d%, novm pbpu- Chi- ~ndw U;der age. my !0 to ;5 and ;:n White. [ezro. Jm& 1 yeu- year. it09 years. 24 over. Japa- neae. . — — — . — — — REGISTRATION CITIES-Contd. PENNSYLVANIA.

Registration cities. . . 3,739,670 57,909 15.5 54,769 3,105 35 11,8W 2,655 16,945 1,387 767 !,248 4,846 5,602 12,469 12,243 4 _ — Allentown ...... 53,653 :2J 15.4 822 2 ...... ;g 24 253 : 158 ...... Altoona ...... 53,235 11.7 614 7 . ----- 16 162 ?2 132 ,. -.. . Beaver Falle ...... 12,452 166 13.3 165 1 . . . ..- 12 55 2 21 27 . . . . . Bethlehem ...... 12;090 181 13.8 177 4 . . . ..- :; ...... :; . . . . . Braddock ...... 19,810 352 17.8 339 13 ...... 126 3: 1$ 2 2 . . . . . Bredford ...... - . . ..-. -. 14,485 212 14.6 209 3 ...... 4 ,.-.. . Butler...... 22,055 241 10.9 239 2 ...... :: 5 ;: :; ..... Carbondale...... 17,467 294 16.8 p9 ...... -. . . . . 48 6 35 55 ....- Carlisle...... 10,335 171 16.5 253 23 45 ...... Carnegie...... ----- 10,336 92 8.9 88 4 ...... 46 .: : 8 ..... Chambersbnrg...... 11,890 195 16.4 182 13 ...... 2 ...... Chester...... 39,092 603 15.4 511 92 ...... 1:: 3 4; 1% ...... Coate9vilIe...... n, 740 127 10.8 104 123 ...... 34 1 12 ..... Columbia...... 11,341 12.7 133 11 ...... 26 1 10 : ..... Connelleville...... 13,352 !$ 14.2 179 10 ...... 34 ...... 2.3 37 ...... Dubois...... 13,019 133 10.2 15 ,.-.. . Dunmore...... 18,230 319 17.5 ;7 ; :::::: Ii: ; 17 ;g ,..->. Duqneene...... 16,545 181 10.9 3 -. . ..- 67 12 ..... Eeeton...: ...... 2j ;# 16.8 43 1:: ....-. Erie ...... > 1,$! 16.2 1,$! 1! :::::: 2;: 2 93 214 ...... Greenaburg...... 13,232 208 15.7 204 34 ...... Harrisburg ...... 65,650 990 15.1 902 8; :::::: 1% 1! 90 2: ....-. Hazleton., ...... 25,831 237 X4.o 337 .----- ...... 27 78 ...... Homestead...... 19,423 230 11.8 16 ------:: 1 16 ...... Johnstown...... 57,758 830 14.4 # 14 ...... 234 8 79 B? 1 Lancsater 47,932 694 14.5 677 17 ------81 6 46 152 1 Lebanon.:::::::::::::::::: 19,487 ~g; 15.8 305 2 ...... 55 6 20 71 . . . . . McKeee Rocke...... 15,728 10.5 164 1 McKeesport ...... 42,607 634 14.6 609 < :;:::: 111 1: 9: 1: . . . . . - Mahrmoy City ...... 16,233 278 17.1 277 . . . . . 97 2 16 . . . . .

Meadville ...... 12;961 174 13.4 169 5 ...... 20 25 6 14 5; ..... Moneesen...... 12,947 X49 10.7 $2 2 ...... 88 1: 97 1 ..... Momrt Can.nel...... 18,082 191 10.6 ...... -. ..-. 65 10 5 i: 29 ..... IWntieoke...... 19,703 286 14.5 %8 .-- ...... -. 17 &o 4 18 56 ,-.... New Ceetle...... 37,189 534 14.4 lz ...... 1% 31 180 9 47 96 ,-....

Nomistown* ...... 28,561 624 21.8 605 19 ...... 3 46 175 ,.-.. . . ~c#~t~raddock .. . ..-- .. . . 12,470 142 11.4 7 -.... - : 2 3 14 14 ...... 17,666 213 12.1 g: 2 . . . ..- 42 1 13 ,-.... Old Forge ...... 12,020 167 lz. 9 ...... - . ..- :? ..... Philadelphia ...... 1,580,243 ?6>276 16.6 24,251 2,605 20 4,72 29; 2,1% 6,127 1 Ph wmxvilfe...... 10,931 192 17.6 4 . . ..-...... Pittsburgh ...... - 542,430 %,099 14.9 7,k: 422 11 1,88 11: < 1,6: ------Pittston ...... 16,720 230 16.7 ~: ...... -. 2 ..... Plymouth ...... ;j g 2.52 14.5 ...... - . ..- 3 13 ..... Pottotown ...... , 211 13.3 209 2 ...... :: 2 17 x ...... Pottmfllo ...... 20,789 387 18.6 384 ...... Reading.., ...... 98,188 1,408 14.3 1,393 1: :;:::: 2% 2: 1% 3:: ,----- Scranton...... >..-.. 133,126 1,gf 14.8 1,961 13 . ...T 387 3: 190 452 ,..-. . Shamokin...... 2#65: 12.5 249 1 55 ~ 12 63 ,....- Sharon...... ~ 190 12.0 489 1 ...... 42 5 18 26 ..... Shenandoah ...... 26,’44 19.1 506 ...... 187 44 6 22 60 ..... South Bethlehem...... 20,766 :% 14.8 ;:: 1 ...... 139 15 ;+ 3 23 37 ..... South Sharon...... 10,190 li2 11.0 1 ...... 52 10 2 11 ..... St8elton...... 14,497 188 13.0 178 10 ...... 14 4 1: ..... Smb~ ...... --...... 14,254 181 l!l 7 181 ...... :: 4 % 3 12 42 ..... l#ri:y ...... 16,577 217 13.1 190 27 ...... 40 11 57 3 3: 29 ...... - ...... 11,414 102 102 ...... 2 $ 26 ..... Washington ...... 19,182 260 1:; 236 24 ...... :: 7 : 37 52 ..... Wect Cheetm...... 12,041 237 19.7 192 45 ...... 35 5 50 7 12 41 ..... g$ilBm& ...... _ 68,986 1,072 15.5 1,059 Ill . . ..-. 223 31 279 21 1!: 244 ...... 19,656 12.8 240 39 4 49 4 ..... Winiameport...... 32,239 % 16.1 496 : :::::: 9 44 131 .... . “ York ...... 46,091 659 14.3 641 ...... z E 1% 9 39 151 ..... 46 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


LDeaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and f.ustitntious are included. Minor areas containing state insane asylums are designa~d by asterisks (*). The term (~Oities~~~dfea~s tici alftiw Mving 10,000inhabitants Or over fu I91o. Miuor rural subdivisions (counties, exclusive of muuioipalities haviug 10,OO4inhabitants or over iu 1910) are omitted. ?’


Distributed by color of decedent, Distributed by age of decedent in completed years. Popul& I tion est — . —. REGISTRATION AREA. mated e Rat of July 1 pel At un- 1911. Total 1,00 d%, Imom p;~ Chi- ~nde 3n5de] 26wtl 65 sud age. White Negro n:’$ 1 y= year it09 yg tion gears over. Jap> nese. — —— REGISTRATION CITIES—Contd.


Regietmtion cities . . . 460,86 7, O& 15. ( 6,832 217 3 1,38! 239 1,83 147 85 145 53 70. 1,727 2 — — — — —— C8ntm1FeJle ...... 23,67 3X 13. { 328 ...... 102 -z 13( 4 2 61 ...... Cranston...... 22( 24.< 219 . . . . . 4 8 5: 3 ; 1 State iuatitutions . . . . . 1 gj: 3U (2) 302 1: . . . . . 2: l% Cumberland town ...... 13$ 13.4 138 ...... 2: I i : . . ...?. 1, 31 ...... ! East Providence town . . . . . 16;31 Zof 12. f 195 11 . . . . . 3s 6 51 7 1 1 64 ......

Newport ...... 27,67 364 13.5 328 35 1 5 31 117 ...... Pawtucket ...... 53,66 15. .! 826 1;! :; 2?: 2! 217 ...... Providence ...... 288:3 3,%: 15. c 3,456 Ii ; 674 119 91$ 74 :: 2 828 ...... Warwioktowu ...... 475 17.5 485 10 . . . . . 20 12$ 13 3! 121 ...... Woonsodmt...... 39;59: 575 14.5 575 ...... 1:: 29 231 :: 5 3 112 ...... SOUTHWROLNA.g

Charleston...... 59,20: 1,770 29.9 518 1,252 . . . . . 334 72 470 29 35 22! 216 ...... TElmrEseEE.3

Registration cities . . . 281, 22( 5,787 20.6 2,903 2,324 . . . . . 770 245 1,256 139 101 78( 868 8 — — — — Knoxville..,, ...... 36, 79! 666 18.1 440 226 . . . . . 26 130 11 -i 108 ...... Memphis ...... 132,03( 2,836 21.3 1,330 1,506 . . . . . 3:: 534 ?: 45 4% 355 7 Nashville ...... 111,39 2,285 20.5 1,193 1,092 . . 342 Iti 592 48 45 26! 405 1 TEXAS.S -1

Registration cities . . . 181, 75! 4,097 22.5 3,600 487 10 775 247 1,130 75 66 501 — — El Paso...... 41, 91[ 1,248 29.8 1,194 9 234 98 440 29 18 35 35 21: Galveston ...... 37, 93( 18.6 509 13 1 137 181 San Antonio ...... 101,911 2,% 21.0 1,897 248 . . . . . 2! 13 603 :1 4! :: 12 434 UTAH. I Registmtion cities . . . 123,W 1,461 11.8 1,424 19 18 2Kl 51 314 46 27 54 62 312 316 /.. _... — — . — Ogden...... 26,71: 316 11.8 306 14 10 14 4: 68 ...... Salt Lske City ...... 96,914 1,145 11,8 1,118 1: 1: l% 37 2;; z 17 40 2oi 248 ...... VERhfON’r.

Registration cities . . . 45,50( 813 17.9 308 5 . . . . . 153 22 193 14 10 26 183 234 ...... —— — — . — . — Barre...... 11,01: 158 14.3 158 ...... ~ 2 3 43 37 ...... Burhr@n...... 20,691 20.6 421 5 . . . . . 1;! 1:; 6 113 ...... Outland ...... 13,796 % 16.6 229 ...... 23 5 34 ! 1 s 84 ...... V’EWINLA.3

Registration cities . . . 336,534 6, 92A ?0. 6 3,429 3,502 3 1,358 288 1,930 129 105 1,567 1,055 2 — — — — — — Alexandria ...... 15,4X 309 178 131 . . . . . 51 7 3 4 -G 33 86 61 ...... De.nvflfe...... 19,202 395 238 157 . . . . . 24 1!: 8 19 31 49 29, 8% 567 307 . . . . . lR 2s 153 : 1!: 99 ...... ! y~g;;::::j;;:::::;;:: 81,701 1,756 721 1, a 3 ;;: 62 :6 E 33 1!; 2E’ 377 235 ...... 24,409 628 2.74 . . . . . 48 15 3 31 61 148 Richmon ..:.: ...... 129,290 2,718 1,372 1, g . . . . . 539 724 43 145 299 &52 2: ...... Roanoke ...... 36,510 561 339 . . . . . 124 % 185 15 E 33 42 103 71 ...... WASHINGTON.

Registration cities . . . . 557,171 5,451 5,293 & 95 769 134 1,070 104 96 287 610 1,374 1,083 I s — — — — Aberdeen ...... 14,872 114 114 ...... 26 7 38 3 2 8 Bellingham...... 25,917 239 235 3 1 28 4 3 6 ;: 1: +: :: } Everett ...... 26,891 240 239 ...... 1 36 : :: 4 2 14 13 25 47 ...... North Yakima ...... 15,418 212 204 2 6 32 9 46 6 4 5 29 24 R 34 1 fettle ...... 252,782 2,234 2,142 f: 59 293 50 411 41 29 114 293 279 581 423 ...... 1:223 1,299 1,280 217 30 28n 20 27 164 136 307 245 2 %%%?:::::::::::::::::::: 893 884 11 1: 111 18 105 25 23 E 103 90 216 192 3 Walla Walla ...... 20:403 220 215 1 4 26 6 36 1 6 12 28 27 54 48 ......

WEST VIRGINL4.3 wheeling...... 41,978 737 714 23 . . . . 111 23 100 27 8 42 83 83 149 1671 ...... 1 Includes opulation of etate institutions. 21ncluded?n figure for Cranston. ~Nonregistration state; cities shown below only those with effective local ordinances. DEATHS, BY COLOR AND .4GE OF DECEDENT. 47


[Deaths of nonresidentsand dezths in hospitals and institutions are inoluded. Minor aress containin state fneanekeylums ere designatedby aeteriske(*). The term ,, ~itie5,,~~catw ~~oi ~tie~ hav~g 10,000iuhabitau~ OrOVerj.ulgl& tier rural subdivisions counties,exclusive of municipalities hatig 10,600iuh+bitantsor ?“ overin1910)are on@ed. Y

DEATHS: 1911 .,. 1 )iatributad by color of decedent. %%’:;- Rate REGISTRATION AREA. mated as of July 1, 1:0% In- M un- 1911. rotel. dian, nown p;~ U}dor ~i- Under ~ 15to ;5and age. mite. “egro. nws~ ~Ymr. year. 5t09 tion. years. 34 over. Japa- nese. . — — REGISTRATION J 1 CITIllS-Contd. WIscormm.

Registration cities. . . 783,668 9,941 12.7 9,903 27 11 2,136 334 2,307 250 132 232 866 788 2,392 8 — — . — —— ...... 16,718 216 12!9 216 ,. ..-...... 26 4 33 13 ...... &’&%::: ...... 10,369 209 19.2 206 ,----- 3 36 48 ~ 13 ii ;: 3 2 ...... 15,687 10.5 161 3 .-- . . . 24 : 30 3 8 20 43 . . ..-. Eau Claiie...... 18,265 % 15.5 282 . . . . . 25 2 29 6 ;: 32 92 1 Fonddu Lab ...... 19,171 273 14.2 272 1 ...... 36 4 46 9 1; 20 21 89 1

Green Bay ...... 25,825 524 20.3 521 I 172 19 213 2; 2; 44 29 120 ...... &myll ...... 13,924 219 15.7 gf 1. ._l 18 26 15 1 ...... 22,600 301 13.3 ...... - . ..- 90 1$ 1; 4 11 ‘% 1 Lacrosse ...... 3# ;7; :: 13.6 419 . . . . . -- . . . . 46, 17 % % 123 ...... I&dison...... , , 11.8 36+3 4 1 46 :: 63 1: 9 22 26 100 .. ..-. Manitowoc...... 13,099 155 U. 8 154 1’ . . ---- 20 3 25 4 5 11 14 60 ...... M&eW...... 14,427 194 13.4 194 ...... 1 Mflwatie ...... 395,567 4,727 11.9 4,712 13 2 1,$; 1;! 1,5:; 10; li~ 3% 3?$ 1,& ...... Oshkosh..-...... 33,678 462 13.7 461 1 ...... 16 111 13 10 37 36 133 .. . ..- Racing...... 41,917 11.0 438 1 ...... 35 ~; 116 1: 21 41 37 125 ...... Sheboygan...... 26,9S5 % 11.4 308 ...... 64 12 33 82 ...... Superior.. --.. --,------41,333 472 11.4 469 1 2 83 16 l% 21 24 66 ;! 63 ...... Wausau...... 17,0S0 251 14.7 251 .. . ..- . ----- 40 15 63 9 14 16 18 62 1 / I

!. .




[Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions onCywhen the colored population of the subdivision formed at lesst 10 per cent of the total, or of municipalities having 10,000fnbabitants or over in 1910)are omitted, F7umbers .


Diph 2!uber Othe] Whoop 2’ube] REGISTRATIONAREA. Tpig Mala. Scarle theriz mlosi Cucolx ronm Rhel Measles of tu- All ria. spmo;!J- fever. and E. Ipe w men- ma. Cou . enza ‘T of th[ >ercu causes % :roup Iungs klgitis tism losis.

1 8 4 5 6 7 s 9 (12) 13 14 15 (87;


The registration area (total) ...... 839, 28! 12,45 1,802 130 5,922 5, 2’X 6,68: 11,17! 9,294 2, 51( 81,791 5,231 7,17: 4,32 White ...... 779, 77( 11,32 1,305 115 5,843 5,20< 5,891 10,92! S, 69: 2,43: 71,61 4, 84S 6, 41( 4,06 Colored ...... 59, 51! 1,12 497 15 279 3: 791 24: 601 7: 10,18: 38: 75( 26 _ . - - . .

Registmtio nsta}es l(total) ...... 756, 7X 11,09’ 1,322 95 5,395 4,64 6,102 9,95[ $595 2,291 73,2? 4, w 6, 52{ 3,94 Whlta... ! ...... 716, 7E 10,35 1,154 88 .5,211 4, 61E 5, 56C 9,78: 3,21C 2,24 05, 71( 4, 5B 5,931 3,74 Colored...... 40,01< 74 168 7 184 31 542 17( 386 51 7,52 333 59$ 19!

~ities in registration states 1(total) . . . . . 413,92( 5,12. 328 46 2,776 3,024 2, 93s 5, SE 2,854 1, 32S 42,301 3,316 3,4$ 2,04 White ...... 389,55< 4, 81( 258 42 2,673 3, 00( 2,674 5, 77! 2,664 1, 28/ 36,91: 3,086 3,032 1,92 Colored...... 24, 36( 31: 70 4 103 24 Z@ 10{ 19C 3< 4, 38/ 229 36 lx

~klrrd art of registration states (total).. 342,85: 5,97. 994 2,619 1,622 3,163 4,07: ~,741 97( 31,93’ 1,543 3, 11( 1,90 W~te ...... 327,20! 5,54 896 % 2,538 1,616 2, 88e ‘& 0:: >,546 95{ 2$:; 1,439 2, 87! 1,81< Colored...... 15642 4$ 98 3 81 i 277 195 li ,: 104 231 81

Regktration cities in other states (total) . . . . 82, 5LX 1,;? $; 35 527 591 58C 1, 21( 69$ 21; 8, 55! 379 64 38 White ...... ! ...... 63, 00i 27 43; 58~ 331 1, 14; 483 19( 5>89/ 324 4E 31( Colored ...... 19, 50( 38: 329 8 $ 24s 6{ 216 2: 2,86 55 15[ 6!

kll re istration citiesl (total) ...... !96, 427 6,47 808 81 3,303 3,621 3,519 7,09: 1,553 1,534 49,85! 3,694 4,062 2, 42! Vlbe ...... !52, 561 5,78 409 3,105 3, 58S 3, go5 6,921 1,147 1,47$ 42,81( 3,410 3,53? 2,24 Colored..., ...... 43, 86e 69 399 !; 198 32 014 17.! .406 5( 7, 04! 284 525 17/ . — — — REGISTRATION STATES.

lalifom ia(total). .j ...... 34,010 43{ 100 9 80 89 159 162 210 6f 4, 49( 256 390 16: White ...... 32,205 39’ 91 7; 89 152 16( 205 64 4, 10( 236 355 14[ Colored ...... 1,805 3( 9 ; ...... 7 2 5 2 39( 20 35 1,

;olorado (total) ...... 10,740 25: 3 . . . . . 125 82 9: 102 1, 6S+ 57 6( White ...... 10,427 24< 3 ...... 125 81 :: 97 102 ; I, 60( 35 :: 6( Colored ...... 313 I ...... 1 3 1 ...... n 2 2 . . . .

lormecticut (total) ...... 17,552 154 22 ...... 94 103 160 25C 268 58 1, 45( 125 123 84 White...... 17,153 15( 22 ...... 93 103 153 244 262 58 1,392 115 118 7{ Colored ...... 399 ...... 1 ...... 7 6 6 . . . . . 6< 10 5 j

tidiana (total) ...... 35,210 72/ 110 3 262 179 272 3% 499 115 3,57[ 216 19( White ...... 33,877 71: 103 3 259 178 256 374 484 113 3,334 204 ?2 181 Colored ...... 1,333 1( 5 ...... 3 1 16 11 15 2 24! 12 28

@ine(t Otal) ...... 12,031 13! 3 ...... 73 75 189 872 119 white...... 12,014 13: 3 ...... % :: 73 75 189 ‘: 871 ;; 118 : Colored ...... 17 ...... 1 ...... 1 . . . .

dcr lmd (total) ...... 20,694 491 1: ...... 130 66 192 168 217 50 2,33$ 12J 206 82 white ...... 15,147 361 ...... 107 63 108 140 150 44 1,422 127 64 Colored ...... 5,547 13C 8 ...... 28 3 84 28 67 6 91; 30 79 Is

&ssachusetts( totaJ) ...... 53,003 311 15 3 306 197 506 581 345 169 4, 46~ 373 211 White ...... 52,122 3of 15 i 3 306 197 486 579 343 167 4, 31s 2! 357 Zoi Colored ...... 381 3 ...... 20 2 2 2 147 19 16 4

Iichi Sn (total) ...... 37, S93 54i 29 6 139 205 244 472 524 144 2, 33C ~;~ 314 201 #&e ...... 37,417 53C 27 6 194 205 241 469 521 141 2,224 3;; 201 Colored ...... 3 576 Y 2 ...... 5 ...... 3 3 3 106 2 6

I’irmesota (total) ...... 21,988 2 111 189 172 315 178 96 2,107 162 253 124 white ...... 21,662 H 2 : 111 189 166 315 176 96 2,017 155 250 122 Colored...... 326 ...... 6 . . . . . 2 . . . . . 90 7 3 2

&20uri(totil) ...... 43,434 1,059 508 31 621 322 430 678 859 155 4,558 175 382 253 white...... 33:x 983 480 27 613 315 404 666 808 150 3,814 158 322 227 Colored...... 74 28 4 8 7 26 12 51 5 744 17 60 Zf

fontana (totfbl)...... 80 ...... 37 27 30 15 12 358 20 42 26 White ...... $$% 75 ...... ‘$: 37 24 30 15 Ii 260 13 3; 24 Colored...... 351 5 ...... -JI ~ . . . . . 3 ...... 98 7 2

~ewHampshire (tota3)...... 7,391 ...... 40 16 68 115 453 29 44 White ...... 7,380 % ...... 40 16 :! 68 11: i: 451 29 44 :; Colored...... H ...... 2 ......

rew Jersey (t@J)...... 38,617 315 26 283 221 331 296 125 3,989 297 301 White ...... 36,636 294 24 i 272 217 311 :: 283 124 3, :;; 2;; 267 $: Colored...... 1,981 21 2 ...... 11 4 20 11 13 1 34

rew York(total) ...... 45,634 1,320 989 1,181 791 1,960 ,354 509 4,523 1,196 936 722 whit...... ’ 42,024 1, 2;: % : 980 1,176 7:: 1,936 ,335 500 3,746 1,158 891 722 Colored...... 3,630 3 ...... 9 5 24 19 9 777 38 45

10rthCar02ina2(t0tal) ...... 6, S59 87 4 58 8 173 39 10 &59 28 30 White ...... 3,519 ?~ 39 3 35 26 :: 396 :: Colored...... 3,340 48 1 23 ! 1% 13 38 : 463 ;: 42 1: 1 Includes District of Columbia. DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 49


nmbewfl +0,000 or wer @ 191O. The term “.oiiies’? indica@ rnuniei filitias having 10,000 *.bitants or oyr ~ 1910. ~or ro@ s,ublivi$o-q(co-y+% ,@ueiv6 rmder+pmy pfdqry+corr.ypoqtothoseoftpe.$bridged~~,ptiop$ %-,pt@3 p.27).1 .

,, CAUSE OF DEATE-ContiUued. 1 — — — I Diar- Con- rhea Tiolent )ther “emia, )ther enital k&s m- i !erebral rganic Pneu- and cir- N’e- ‘uer- BgitZ All etied ~pira ntes- lbritis, &3r- WI& Dia- enin hemO?- seasef %ron. Uonia torj mie.- ~ppen kinal hesis Wal &ral other and etes. itis. hageanc Ifthe hitis. (all‘ ntii Witis. f,tie ri’*tk lull+ !ide. P&-j-. Istnw wek. hffec- mal- auees. un- )fterdligE@. )qne). under wer. ismse. Uown. tion. oKnlS- w). 2 Iions. ears). (9?) 17 18 19 !!,21 ;2,(Z% (y) 25 26 2? ~ 2? 31 82 33 35 36 (37) S8 - — . . — -

1,s05 45,@ 3,525 ,1,539 79,288 8,83S 5,868 6,896 7,061 i,310 .57,803 i,080 L6>899 ;4,028 1,622 48,791 7,2$3 1 1,;2# $ 43,193 8,203 .0,n5 r?$8 8,140 $024 $,597 6,648 ‘,968 53,521 .:g 4,745 1$;% 50,259 1,302 33,773 S,815 ,2 450 2,116 5,222 844 71s 2,788 299 418 342 ‘“4,232 335 3>669 259 K??p ~ 3 . . . _ ~ _ _ - -

0,229 },173 1,514 42,292 6,43 .0,833 Jo,461 8,S@ 0,018 6,018 6,291 ;,392 51,162 ,eso i,589 K+,081 !3,341 1,625 2$,532 6,312 4 9,183 1,;3 ~234 ,y& 2,718 p,254 X5,145 7,505 B,190 5>w 6,030 ,;:: 46,571 ,670 $,363 41,214 !6,398 i,415 y$J 5,476 5 1,046 280 , 3,695 584 4,336 444 1,828 134 261 ‘-2,591 210 226 1,867 2,443 220 > 836 6 !2,515 L,674 20,651 0,772 ,6,095 42,236 4,246 ~,lH12 4,025 3,628 k,564 30,974 ;202 z,341 i3,781 25,807 ~,256 1,567 7 !1,828 L,590 i%: 1$,766 8,266 5,636 y ~ 3,942 !8,868 3,890 3,g k,427 y ~; @37 2,.2K1 ?2,541 z$4& ,,116 ‘z!?% ;,~: : 687 34 147 8$-5 2,504 409 ,, 803 1,139 185 137 , 115 131 1,240 J 140 “3,631 ,7,714 ),499 :,964 21,642 5,641 4,743 28,248 3,763 ,5,016 1,993 2,563 !,828 20,188 ,,678 2,248 19,300 2.3,024I279 .:;g 4,725 10 .7,355 1,455 !,331 21,088 ;*$5! 4,:% Z6,302 ~,!2J .4,327 1,944 2,567 !,7’44 19,368 >% 2,:53 1S,673 21,972 ;299 $,CN& # 359 122 554 > 1>441 639 49 96 64 820 95 627 1,662 30 “2;558 3,795 771 3,016 7,112 721 8,752 849 5,850 878 770 918 491 3,818 5,137 987 14,259 901 13 3,‘4& ?2 2,339 5,465 461 6,753 575 4,890 762 613 797 2E ,& 2>966 3,961 948 1W,48J) ;;; j: 52 M 677 1,627 260 1,W/ 274 960 115 157 121 1>691 % 352 1,226 39 ‘3,779

!6,310 i,306 :,321 28,667 [7,884 6,816 ;0,390 5,095 10,852 4,8Q2 4,398 i,482 37,615 1,698 2,832 17,599 30,994 i,248 79,902 2,-& 16 !5,238 i,170 :,g 22,105 ~ ;5J 6,147 !6,006 4,518 !8,752 4,653 4,076 ;,2% 34,153 !,455 2,592 ?5,507 y%; ;,004 72,442 1,717 17 1,072 136 1,502 669 4,894 577 2,6S9 250 322 258 3,462 !2+0 2,092 , 179 7,,460 77J 18 - . -

f O& 404 283 1,302 323 2,524 279 313 504 2,291 142 183 1,176 2,747 749 5,794 58 19 401 301 1,751 & 311 2,382 :: .% 203 291 434 2,198 13; 175 1,122 2,;7J 702 5,520 5: g. ’60 8 32 51 172 12 1+4 24 56 11 22 20 93 13 34 47 274 459 112 117 276 742 G 130 137 470 120 81 92 664 73 74 349 18Q 1,032 30 22 45: 111 115 369 n9 :{ 1,10 132 466 127 80 90 631 ?: 72 E 8:? 177 1,567 30 23 1 2 7 24 2! 5 ~ 3 1 2 23 2 1s 3 q ...... + 895 197 229 1;206 1,819 1,750 167 104 163 165 1,240 72 207 2,657 106 25 W&) 194 22: 1,190 1,73% M 1,713 181 % 101 159 163 1,314 $ 71 t% k% 2: 2,793 100 26 3 16 8 37 6 14 3 + 2 26 1 26 17 .ly 6 27 1,948 396 241 !’2,193 3,901 45 2,714 1,676 236 334 343 2,303 296 183 1,782 2,200 455 6,296 47 28 1,9~ 389 285 2,lx 3,721 40LJ 2,573 E 1,6;! 274 3g 228 2,214 26: ml 1,741 2,125 443 ‘6,118 46 29 7 6 68 MfJ la 11 11 . 15 89 $ a 75 7 17s ~ 30 980 158 509 952 1,995 361 2,282 24( 1,157 166 229 200 1,521 174 233 1,803 1,793 201 ~,;: ;,147 31 859 145 .& 778 1,522 273 1,748 264 1,yl 145 191 169 1,252 131 200 1>593 1,856 191 921 32 127 13 174 472 83 53’/ 82 21 23 31 269 43 33 210 +? 10 1;014 226 33 738 178 133 1,Ow 144 472 101 92 46 354 29 71 557 588 101 2,610 !18834 737 178 & M & 18; 1,039 144 473 101 92 40 652 q 71 556 587 101 2,606 133 26 1 ...... - 5 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 1 ..... + ...... 36 955 167 180 1>048 1,868 296 1,921 1,;; 107 157 165 1,675 111 1,290 1,:: 149 3,538 372 37 154 142 1,309 212 1,285 % 121 148 1,254 G 74 951 139 2,652 214 38 E: 13 38 H: 499 a+ 036 62 311 2 3~’ 17 421 18 37 839 2’42 10 p6 15p 39 3,262 6E5 503 3,426 6,288 839 5,313 429 3,564 378 420 339 2,996 210 3011 3,036 3,195 449 9,108 ~ ~ 3,230 676 495 3,396 6,263 827 5,210 431 3,526 37i 225 2,922 208 292 3,@o 3,142 444 8,970 32 7 8 42 75 12 103 ‘! 83 7 % 4 74 2 8 36 52 5 138 ‘9 42 2,137 413 252 2,145 4,215 728 2,593 504 239 378 888 1,926 2.59 2,658 2,408 420 s,571 2,128 412 250 2,123 4,143 720 2,541 493 kg 336 37; 235 1,905 q .%6 2,627 2,378 43 ,8,$:: 14 1 2 22 67 8 52 11 3 3 21 3 31 30 7 1,423 253 178 1,009 1,391 275 2,018 214 341 343 209 179 1,230 153 147 1,322 302 $&lo 1,41: 25: 176 1,002 1,372 275 1,983 21: 831 342 205 .17$ 1,313 153 145 1,316 ig 298 2 7 19 ..---- 23 I 10 1 + 1 17 ..... 2 6 $ ‘.43 1,974 413 452 1,73$ 3,402 3,975 44 2,020 371 3EJI 465 2,8% 278 2,277 2,476 589 7,58s 760 49 1,392 406 437 1,664 3,055 5? 3,580 4X 1,;;; 336 343 48i 2,583 2;: % 2,152 2,217 584 7,02n 676 50 ,. 32 7 16 12C 847 395 .% 15 17 “3! 24e 18 125 259 15 5~ 64 51 157 41 32 127 317 :; 354 4$ ;: 74 42 44 204 38 40 2s 498 109 71 52 J 15: 40 31 M 305 314 4 72 40 ~ 197 38 35 277 474 102 % 44 53 ‘ 1 1 e 12 .....- 40 4 5 2 “2 + 7 ..... 5 6 “24 7 .63 27 54 49 102 94 510 853 149 630 w 8$4 47 57 51 486 18 41 421 405 56 1,590 51 55 49 102 94 510 851 149 630 97 38$ 47 57 51 478 18 a 43? 405 55 1,588 51 ‘;: ...... 2 ..---- ...... ,-...... 2 ...... ----- .-.... 1 2 ....-. 1,966 250 364 2,330 3,775 48.5 3,989 454 2,627 238 246 398 3,069 202 222 2,289 2,466 4.15 5,588 147 58 1,889 242 3:: 2,244 3,;;: 46J 3,764 42C 2,;% 228 280 392 2,920 188 211 2,176 2,355 407 5,%9 138 59 , 77 8 8C 225 34 lg 16 q 149 ‘.14 ~1 113 llo 8 . . 9 m 8,091 1,734 L025 8,067 15,522 2,1’1116,L?@@ 1,24i 7,6n 1,113 1,134 1,689 12,275 522 783 ~ g2+J 8,563 1,537 22,UN 174 61 7,988 1,771 L,012 7,950 15,Z& 2,077 16,153 1,222 7,491 1,093 1,102 1,670 12,081 595 7?; 8,fOJ [,518 21,623 168 g 103 13 13 117 ,$4 516 2.! 180 20 21 19 294 27 ‘209 19 486 205 267 509 74 504 54 y; 40 31 242 32 338 23 .1,286 78 : 144 1% i: 156 27 205 33 % 24 181 : 209 ~ 21 707 61 4 25 111 % 47 359 21 243 12 16 ;! 163 ;8 129 2 579 167 6s - qInclud@ on]y municipalitieshavinga populationof1,000oroverin1900. 78089”—BuL 112—134 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


@?igrrrmfor whifx and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 her cent of the total, or ‘ ofmunicipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers - .


Diph I’ube] I’rrbe) Other whoop In- forms %hti XEGL9TEATION AR?L4. T&q&yi W.&+ k?dei therii Er - xdosi Culou Meszk flu- of tu- ma- AU ria. fever. nnd ipeL: of till men. Co:&. enza berc:- ;i am , Zoup lungs ngiti

1 s b 7 8 9 (12) 13 14 16 (87) . — ,. REGISTRATION STATES---Ckntinued.

Ohio total) ...... 63,402 1,101 44 312 500 552 1,057 1$+ 6,16! 35 637 33. Mfrite ...... 61,024 1,Oa 41 3oi 498 51{ H 1,031 1S2 5,64 3; 603 32 Colored...... 2,378 % 3 5 2 33 1: 2t 52 34 1: Perms lvania(total) ...... 111,292 1,71f 604 749 99$ 2,111 1,149 2% 9, M 56 804 5ti White ...... 107,22Q 1,66i M 781 74: 641 2,092 1,m 2% 8,47: 5% 744 55< Colored...... 4,072 4$ 1 23 .57 1: 24 : 76 4 60 1. Rhode Islemd (total) ...... 8,671 53 6 23 56 121 14 53 1( 81( 7 70 3( White ...... 8,422 52 6’ 23 57 111 14 52 1/ 73 7: 64 3, Colored...... 249 1 ...... 1 lC ...... 1 5! ,, 6 Jtah(total) ...... 3,960 74 . . . . . 42 56 @ 25 12 14( ( 28 41 White ...... 3,894 73 ...... 42 55 ;: 84 24 12 13( ( 28 4( Colored...... 66 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 . . . . . 1( ...... lermont(total) ...... 5,661 44 5 38 5 27 24 157 13 3< 3: 46 21 white ...... 5,631 44 5 38 5 27 @ 157 12 34 3: 45 2{ CrJored...... 30 ...... 1 ,. ... ( Wezhingti’n(total) ...... 10,845 223 3 68 56 70 104 110 31 1,02! 12: 150 ‘ 5[ Whrte ...... f...... 10,323 203 3 67 56 63 10C 107 31 89[ lU 141 K Colored...... 522 20 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 7 4 3 . . . . . 12{ 9, ~ ,’ mzconsin(totd)...... !...... 27,050 311 221 32( 304 2,07f 121 245 20: WhitEl...... 26,895 309 5 % 221 3: 319 304 & 2,04: 12( 240 m Colored...... 155 2 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 1 .. . . . 1 31 5 REGISTRATION CITIES. { ALABAMA.l

Re’tration cities (totel) ...... 4,711 172 103 55 44 22 33 4 55C f la ~ $&l...... 2>045 33 2.5 30 i 28 13 11 16C : Colored..., ...... 2,666 64 78 25 ...... 16 9 —22 : 39C 7 1 )irmingham(totel) ...... 2, 4Kl 3; 30 2 28 13 12 7 308 i ; -i Whd-e...... 1,172 :; 20 2 m 9 4 1 89 4 . . . Colored...... 1,308 27 23 10 ...... 4 1 217 ~ 2 fobile Qot@)...... 1,267 97 41 2 1! l? 168 . . . . . 3 i /’ White ...... 553 46 : 2 6 ! ; ...... 2 1 Colored...... 714 52 :; ...... 5 3 . . . . . 1:: ...... [ontomery (tetal) ...... 964 13 30 1: ...... 5 3 1! 1 1 : 2 T&its ...... 320 8 ...... 2 . . . . . Y 1 2 2 Colored...... 644 5 2 1: ...... ! ; 8 1 54 . . . . . 4 . . . .


Re istrationcities (total) ...... 19,627 223 18 66 38 72 89 2,545 163 238 112 l$hite, ...... ~... 18,538 200 14 63 38 69 89 % + 2,294 147 215 102 Colored...... 1,089 23 4 3 . . . . . 3 . . . . . 3 251 16 23 10 —. . —

265 . . . . . 1 . . . 1 2 . . . . .1 2 3 307 ; 1 ...... 1 ...... ;; . . . . . 2 375 4 ...... 2 ...... 1 3 211 ...... 1 ...... 1 ;: 2 354 If 3 1 ...... 1 1: : 1 45 i . . . . 42 ,ong Bezch ...... 301 3 2 1 . . . . . 43 ,OsAngeles (total) ...... 5,001 40 4 i 1; 2; 2: & 3: 3: 44 White ...... 4,745 35 3 8 : 17 22 21 : 789 32 31 45 Colored...... 2 ...... 4 46 Mdand...... l,E: 2; ; 18 2 6 11 : 9 l!i 2; 9 47 hzadena...... 429 2 ...... 1 4 4 . . . . . 85 1 . . . . ‘omona...... 152 2 ...... 3 . . . . . 15 2 1 Ledlands...... 152 . . . . . 1 3 ...... 2 ...... - Riverside(totc,l)...... 260 Ii ...... 3 1 1 1 ;: ; i white ...... 238 8 ...... 1 3 1 1 1 50 2 1 Colored...... ,...... amarnento ...... 3% 1; 1 ...... 2 ...... 3 4 1 1 8! 11 1 an Bernard,ino ...... 266 11 ...... 1 ...... 3 . an Diego...... 817 . . . . . ; ...... 1! . . . . . 1!! 4 1: anFrancism(total) ...... 6,495 J 5 ...... !. 3; 15 29 2; 12 15 675 62 3! white...... 6,142 55 2 ...... 30 15 28 22 11 13 591 % 58 35-- Colored...... 353 10 3 ...... 3 ...... 1 . . . . . 1 2 84 7 4 2 snJOse...... 413 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 50 2 antaBerbzra ...... 215 3 ...... ’ ...... i 1 29 1 : .....? anta Cruz...... 178 1 ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... 16 ...... W7dnn...... 48a 5 ...... 1 3 2 3 1 60 ‘i : “illejo ...... 136 1 :::::1::::::::1...... 2 1 ...... 13 . . . . . 2 . . ...! 1Nonregiztmtion state; cities shown below ordythose with effwtive local ordirmnces. Y DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. . 51


numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term “dies” indicates muniei alftieshapin 10,OOOinhabitik OrOver in 1910. I.HIIOr~ ~~bfi~~Om (OoUHeS, exclusive under causesof death correspondto thoseof the Abridged International ? ist (seap. 27).5- = CAUSEOFDEATE-eoniirmed. —

cO.n- Eerni Viole] pe&rr hgan Pneu. c3r- Ne- Othe nl- intes. mm puer Ej$$ death All Oen- Dia- [enirl Useas! Bron- monii APper rhosi phritis Jmek sui- iemtidef eer. ]etes gitis. Imge am of* chitis. (all tind peml other dicitis )bstru of th{ Fright oide. ioftetig heart brms) liver Wease ever affec Inal- causes. .un- tion. tiom sni- f:~ tide). Tears:

16 (87) 17 18 19 20,21 22,(23 26 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 35, S6 (87) 38 . -

3,69! 698 476 4,314 7;062 .&w& 4,930 495 2,8-X 423 51: 722 3,750 365 3s 3,162 $2$ 77~ 11,115 296 3,624 679 4:: 4,199 6,7~ 4,719 & 2,624 473 5oi 76.! 3,61C 2.$4 34 3,025 753 10,7n 281 : 75 19 115 281 43 211 1[ 7: 10 $ 17 134 11 1( 77 ‘ 16! 2f 344 15 3 5,Ni 1,036 ;:J 6,236 10,10: 1,667 10,962 1,581 3,15( 664 85: 1,07C 7,195 573 7!2 7,!287 8,31! pgm; 17,799 1,081 4 5,0% 1,024 6,120 9,73$ 1,593 10,478 +51: 7,8S 666 82: 1,OQ 6,@$ .554 ?@ 7:@5y 8,07: 17,235 1,051 5 114 U 16 .116 364 74 434 a w 18 3: z 306 19 1{ 24( ‘ 11 564 30 6 491 Uo 73 534 882 154 8C 4% 73 m 693 29 61 499 471 65 1,42.5 ; 47$ 119 ’72 525 85: 151 i%: 77 G : 13 71 81 678 23 6{ 466 . 46( 62 1,3:: % 1 1 9 u 3 21 3 ( 2 ...... 2 15 1 ...-. Ii 3 4 9 20[ 39 144 3X -. 71 426 64 14 -z 19J ,? 230 m 44 29S 33C 70 768 ‘ 68 .0 : 38 143 3= 7: 420 64 14 ,$ ~ ;: 227 19 4( 297 314 66 76! 6~ .1 1 .. ..- 1 1 f 6 . . . . . 1 1 ...... ----- 3 1 . . . . . 1 y 4 2 ,, 361 72 30 474 75i 103 221 ’69 51 41 378 16 x 307 72 + ;:; 22 3 w 72 30 473 754 10: & : 231 69 51 41 378 16 % % 298 69 22 4 2 ...-...... 1 .3 2 ...... ,------,. .-...... -. 9 3 :4 -. ..., 5 662 123 54 1,009 82 789 31[ 154 113 73 670 11: 635 1,170 252 1,786 164 654 122 51 % 988 ?& 731 E 302 153 In 71 648 :; 114 631 1,08$ 2-U 1,720 135 ! 8 1 3 8 21 . 58 4 f 1 ...... 2 22 1 4 32 11 66 29 8 1,763 316 1,404 2,610 +11 2,6$3 2-53 1,21( 319 279 293 1,515 150 15f 1,783 1,517 5,640 24 9 1,754 :$ 312 1,398 2,coo 441 2,O!: 352 1,204 318 278 293 1,508 147 15f 1,775 1>507 E 5,617 y 0 9 .. . . . 4 6 10 ,. .-. . I c 1 1 ...-. 7 3 .. . . . 10 10 .2 23 1 )’ .,

,- . *, 154 30 203 345 23 316 40 264 73 65 33 407 26 2$ 248 321 27 225 2. .?i 14 113 157 56 139 14 16 130 122 24 . % 3 :! 7 16 1:: M 1: 203 z 107 - 17 2 :! 218 12 13 118 199 3 478 1% 4 120 ..... 219 47 34 < la ~ > 14!J 207 7 348 146 5 i’; 54 ..... R! 36 24 9 77 B 16 180 6 36 .--.. 1; 11 10 7 l!? 1 163 1% 7 41 ;: x 15 : 1% 5 i : 57 7 261 27 8 28 26 ! 21 26 10 :: 3 69 2 9 20 5 i 1 39 :: “! i% 2! 0 % ~ Ii 56 # 1! 1: 7 Ig 3 4 57 3 , 246 52 1 1 18 22 1: 5 4 2 1 $! 3 2 7 14 1; 4: 21 9 3 57 1 3 25 ;: . . . . 1% 4: 3

1,328 1,038 197 1,473 516 189 178 328 1,419 34 104 721 1,320 3,252 7 4’ 1,28J 1,0:: 188 1,386 494 179 166 314 1,346 80 96 692 1,24A ‘% 3,102 ~ 5 9 87 22 10 12 14 73 4 8 29 76 23 150 6 — — \ M 3 2 1 14 2 4 5 2 2 2 31 3 50 ...... 7 2 4 . . . . . 2 . 33 Ii 4 2 1: 34 42 ...... !3 ;; 9 4 ; 3; : ~ : 1 15 32 : 62 ...... 9 . . . . ; ; 4 2 1 : 24 6 37 1 0 11 3 : 1 21 22 7 5 6 4 3 z 26 7 60 ...... 1 4 ...... 1 2 ...... 2. 3Z 6: i 3;; 5: 11: 37 i 2 31 % 3:! 12~ @ 2 3 323 66 # 44 319 47 115 33 43 64 3 30 189 3g US 81J 2 4 .. . . . 2 32 -...... 5. 12 ‘-1: 2 2i 1$ 2: 5; J : 26 7 : !35 122 55 2S3 ...... 6 38 3 3 .26 7 4 5 9 ...... 9 1 81 ...... 7, .9 2 1 1 1: 4 3 ...... 2 10 ls 2 29 ...... 3 7 . . . . . -. ..-. 1 : 1 i ...... l!f .. -., 20 ...... 3 ; 6 7 1 14 ; ...... 1 1 : 2 46 ...... 1 ii 6 61 ; 6 I 12 2 ...... 1 1 11 -q 1 45 ...... L ...... -...... -...... - ..., . ..-. .-...... -. 2 31 ...... 43 5 9 2 15 i 5 8 12 ,2 3 31 70 1: 18! 1 3 . 13 1 3’ 2 .20 2 11 ; 4 -2 . ..-. 8 ...... & 6 ; ;!! .:; 13 ...... S 4$! 11: 2 9; 5$ :; 1:: 75 17! 3t 31 407 13 996, 1 } 4!; 110 46 539 49 158 74 % 168 30 3: % ! 3g 160 953 1 r 3 4 .8: 27 3 4 1 2 10 . . . . . 5’ 8 43 ...... % 33 3 3 33 4 10 2 1 5 1 4 18 ‘; ) 15 : 3 ...... 15 1 6 2 1 2 . . . . . 3 ;: ! % ) . . . . . 1 5 ...... -. 5 .. . . . : 5 2 ...... L z i 4 .: 3! . . . . . 6 ; 3 1 .2 3 x u; ...... ? 5 1 1 ...... X3 1 1 1 ...... 1 22 ; ...... 1



TABLE 2.—DEATHS (EXOLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) IN THE REGISTRATION AREA AND 1’/!,S ‘ j_l?iguresfo]rwhite end colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the total, Qr of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are qriitted. Nuq?+xp .


>iph- uber- uber- )ther V;I;P Iu- Er - I.losis Ldous Orms ;heu. REGISTRATION AREA , ypb.oid lale- lcarlet #yn$ Eu- )f tu- ma- AU ‘mm-’ Meeslee fever. hhlee. f the nen-’ bver. ria. pox. tough. nza. wrcu- ism. I roup. Ings. Igitis. [Osis.

1’ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 13 14 16 (87) — . — REGISTRATION CITIES—Contimred.

COLORADO. Re ‘trationcities (total) ...... 4,652 59 3 ...... 56 21 25 49 30 11 865 39 38 27 $%% ...... 4,452 y 3 ...... 56 20 22 48 30 11 805 37 38 27 Colored...... 200 ...... 1 3 1 ...... 60 2 ...... — — hlOredoSprings ...... 7 ...... -i ..... 167 7 I Denver...... 3, L? 4: ...... 47 1! 1; 3: 16 11 600 4 4 18 pueblo...... 602 13 ; ...... 7 7 11 9 . . . . . 82 10 6 6 Trinidad ...... 126 2 ...... 2 ...... L : ...... 16 1 1 .. . . .

coNNEcrrcuT. Re@ration cities (total) ...... 12,024 131 16 ...... 75 117 177 153 41 994 89 82 white ...... 11,706 127 16 ...... 74 ;: 11: 171 41 944 79 77 :: 11 Colored...... 318 4 ...... 1 ...... 6 .l% . . . . . 50 10 5 4 ~ — _— — hernia...... 211 ...... 1 Bridgeport ...... 1,472 4 1 ...... 19 3 8 1? 1; 3 li! 7 4 1 Srietol ...... 180 2 ...... 5 2 2 ...... 13 . . . . . 1 Danbury town ...... 336 2 1 ...... 4 5 1 30 : 1 1 3reenwmh town ...... 238 1 ...... 2 $ : 2 5 ...... 17 1 1 1 Efart!iord...... 1,649 20 ...... 3 23 17 43 12 l? 119 q 6 1 W?.qchestertown...... : ...... 1 2 6 1 1 !derlden toym ...... :E 2 ...... ; 2 7 7 lj 2 1;: 2 476 9 1 I ...... 2 9 5 37 i 1 1 Middletowntown ...... 2 Naugatuc~ ...... 118 ...... I 2 2 ...... 2 ...... 7 ...... 2 New Britain ...... 593 2 ...... 2: 20 ...... 2 New Haven ...... 2,281 3: 4 . .... 3 14 18 26 4 9 1:: 1; J 2 New London ...... 337 2 ...... 1 2 2 5 ...... 31 . . . . . Norwalktown ...... 333 3 2 -.--.,.1 ------...... 6 ...... 13 ...... 25 3 2 : Norwichtown ...... 484 3 1 ...--... I------4 7 2 18 1 32 3 2 Orenge town ...... 141 1 ...... 1 2 ...... 3 : %rmfordtown...... 508 ...... 7 ...... 2 6 5 2 H 2 : 2 ‘f!orringtontown ...... 174 16 ...... 1 4 4 ...... 26 1 2 WaKmgford town ...... 9 .. . ..- : 3 Waterbury ...... & li ~ ...... 1! 17 12 4 6 : 9 f 3 Windh+mtown ...... 266 6 ...... 1( 1 ...... 2 4 z % 2 1


3 Wifnoington (totaf ) ...... l,44f 25 ...... 12 7 8 20 4 lm 13 12 3 Flute...... 1,217 16 ...... 11 6 ; 16 : 4 91 11 $ 3 Colored...... 324 9 ...... 1 1 4 1 ...... z 2


Waehin@n(total) ...... 6,304 76 < 4 25 19 8 73f w 21 Wlnte ...... 3,739 47 . . . . 4 18 16 x 32( 12 Colored...... 2,5ti 28 ...... 12 3 26 ! 41C z f


3 Re “tration cities (total) ...... 1,81$ 66 3[ 5 26 7 18 2 1!% 18 2 3 +%ite ...... 38 6 5 1 f 4 Colored...... 1,%! 18 3! 1? 2 1: 1 1!; J . . . . . Jaeksoriville(total) ...... l,3m 43 T 5 3 7 -ii 1 151 : 11 i White ...... 524 5 3 3 1 1 6 : Colored...... SK R 3: ...... 2 1; ...... 1$ ...... ii ..... Key West(total) ...... 45$ 13 ...... 33 2 2 1 4$ 1 7 ..... White ...... ~< 10 ...... 2 2 ...... z . . . . . 2 ..... Colored...... 173 3 ...... 1! ...... 1 2! I 5 .....


4 Re “stration citiex (total) ...... 5,091 134 @ 7 77 34 41 9 42: l) 30 x 3 15: [ 13 [ 4 Trite ...... 2,29f 81 31 25 < 4 Colored...... 2,79! 63 $ f 46 9 1; 6 27( ( 17 Atlanta (total) ...... 3,172 106 7 39 24 19 m 1[ 23 -ii ‘whim...... 1,677 18 17 11; ( 11 I Colored...... 1,49[ z : 21 1: 16( 12 , Sav*~~(~tal) ...... 1,91$ 28 ...... 38 1? 22 14[ 7 ...... 61$ 19 ...... 13 8 2 Colored...... 1,3of 9 ...... 25 2 1: 1?; 5 . . . .


R@etration cities (total) ...... 35,332 507 68 91: 206 3,5% 21: 268 21( white ...... 34,60: X 503 62 904 199 3,3% 301 254 sol 14 l:olored ...... 1,247 10 4 6 11 — 7 264 1: lNonregietration state; citieeshown below ordythose witheffective lwalordkm. DEATHS FitOM P~INCii?~L OiiJSES.


~@$&d’10.@6 +’, ~v~r~ 1$’6. ~,Thq,ke“r” “++fJ&~ i&Wt$&I&fM&ti& hztig’ IO,IM i%iiWti’ & ;v4; in ki~ Onder&Ju”keeof death correspondto thoseo the Abriiged International List (s& P.27).]

CAUSEOr DEATE-continued.

I Iernia, ~- Other Fiolent rganic kl- Other N+, ieaths ni- %rebral espira intes- ‘ner- puer- A1l !efined Can- DiaL [tin henio~ israses Bron- Lpperl rhosis )hritis; Sui- nonia t&O& !erd peral other and cer. betes. gitis. hagean( bfthe chits. (all hem. b~~l@ ;;% ‘right’s l$*g tide. . kart. :Ver. alTee- tauses. Llftening )rms). eases. irease. tions. c%). m“onk

ii (87) 17 1s 19 20,21 2,(23 (23) 26 27 28 29 31 32 35 86 (37) 3s = — — — —— — —

$ :1 221 57 63 178 338 49 451 51 173 61 31 52 345 27 250 244 33 726 217 5; 56 175 319 .? 443 49 170 59 31 50 319 2$ 236 233 86 698 ,3 ‘2 4 2 3 19 8 2 3 2 ...... 2 26 2 14 11 2 28 ...... 3 — — — ,, .35 I 1 7 -~ 4 ...... 1;! .&$ 5; 2$ 277 1 3% 47 2 4 ,$ 2% 1: G 1% 1; 7: 5!! Z ; 24 18 : 69 2 % 6 34 3 7 44 6 88, 1 6 6 : ...... 8 5 12 1 20 . . . . . i ...... 4 1 ...... 8 8 1 19 ...... , 7

691 122 166 712 1,147 181 l,m 138 691 87 116 921 43 57 733 720 146 1,919 75 8 577 18; 162 698 1,120 17$ 1,241 133 677 25 lfl ly 43 5; 765 707 145 1,8$ 70 9 1’$ 4 14 n 30 5 14 2 3 17 . . ... 18 13 .1 5 10 . — . - — . — ...... 15 13 3 ...... -...... 20 13 ‘ 37 8 Ii T; 16 14 53 13 15; 2; 1% 11 1; 2: 14% 8 95 95 ‘i 238 4 12 10 4 4 10 12 ...... 27 16 .. . ..- a .g 1 $. 13 11 2 26 2 13 11 8 26 58 m 2 11 2 “1: . . .. 1 21 6 62 1 14 13 : 5 14 16 1 26 3 16 2 2 :3 23 3 1 22 ;; 2 43 i ,15 1: 16 88 1;: 1: 243 17 69 22 19 16 146 11 6 1;; 139 33 311 3 16 :: 4 ...... 2 1 ...... 3 ...... 17 17 6 4 3! 48 9 H 1; ;: 1 5 ; 2 1 E 6 ; ...... ,S8 25 4 4 42 91 6 42 6 14 1 : 1 13 2 2 :: ’25 3 !3 y9 1 fl 2 ...... 1 8 9 2 21 ...... 13 . ..- . . ..-. 7 4 ...... 18 1; i! 1; 2 ; ,2” 1% 3; i l% @ 3; i: m 96 2 22 + Iii 5 1: 1% +6 $ 3X 32 *22, 24 1 2 35 5 30 5 19 3 3 37 2 2 17 1 50 ...... 23 4i 40 6 29 11 .. ..-...... -. 4 41 . . . . 22 24 2 55 1, 24” 31 18 1: 36 51 5 2 2 8 3 36 2 .; 28 25 1 89 2 ,25 7 2 16 ...... < :; ...... 3 10 ...... 6 23 4 26 ; 5 4 % 45 68 1 2: 5 3 3 60 .1 4 4 4 7 80 1 27 11 2 “2 14 3 14 1 5 ...... 2 ; . . . . 1’ 17 5 21 ...... 28, ...... ;: 13 ...... - : .-. . ,...... : : .- . . ..- 4: 18 66 82 ,2 + Ii 9; 8 ? .9 80 ~7 A 67 1% 7 2’ 8 : 8 14 23 10 2 15 1 2 17 -: 13 14 3 43 . . . ..-. 31

78 16 193 19 65 5 12 7 m: 3 ,5 126 14 2%4 21 32 % i “z 70 1; 12 1;: 18 58 4 9 7 2 10J % 13 2g 20 R, 4 ...... 4 8 20, 4 1 7 1 3 ...... 13 1 .: 9 1 1 34

283 36 415 724 70 555 ml 273 36 51 40 531 G 32 42s 269 88 1,178 19 25 !220 ; 23 275 435 37 233 137 22 32 42 334 18 20 241 7.6 734 7 36 73 13 140 239 33 302 E 136 8 19 4 167 7 12 134 :2 i2 444 12 37

, 39 6 19 46 m -9 10J 22 170 1; 16 13 149 1: ~: 76 127 376 88 38 27 3 13 18 54 10 94 11 10 57 26 ;: ““E ~52 15 39 12 2 6 27 57 : 58 12 76 5 5 3 92 .5 6 50 2 224 73 40 . — — — . — -E 4 15 33 83 7 7 > 15 10 116 8 64 114’ ~~ 273 88 ‘ii 20 2 10 11 36 i 32 % 10 9 39 3 20 43 ““88 15 42 12 2 6 22 47 2 51 1: 43 5 5 1 g 5 44 1 185 73 43 7 ~ 4 12 26 2 26 2 96 ...... 1 3 2 1: !: 3 103 ...... 7 ; 18 1 19 2 68 ...... 1 1 18 2 64 ...... g ------...... i 10 1 7 ...... 28 ...... 2 15 . . . . 6 : i 39 ......

27 72 195 262 43 562 77 249 49 40 ~ 465 33 236 m 23 1,~; 120 47 Hj 21 27 102 131 13 183 123 21 25 24S 14 123 119 27 31 43 6 46 93 131 30 379 8 126 18 21 .12 217 19 113 152 1 728 89 49 - . . — — — . — 93 13 19 127 163 27 365 37 163 # 31 13 317 24 31 145 135 21 737 44 30. 73 13 11 80 86 144 17 90 19 3 192 3.2 16 33 92 2a 21 51 25 ...... 1: 221 20 15 12 125 1: 1 M 23 52 42 14 5: % x 16 197 40 :: 9 15 1: 143 :: % x 7 520 76 32 298 22 11 33 6 3 56 2 6 40 ;% 10 54 14 6 ;! 46 % i & 29 53 3 ; 7 92 7 4 51 :: . . ...? 66 55 I 2,005 236 273 1,US 3424 m 4,765 3,087 410 305 513 2,731 222 158 1,443 2,313 .534 5,096 43 36’ 1,266 326 203 1>092 3,260 213 4,581 H 3,051 397 295 5;; 2,645 210 155 1,423 2,247 522 4,801 39 57 40 9 10 36 144 7 184 7 36 13 10 86 12 3 25 66 . 12 195 4 5s 1- —— — —4



[Figures for white and coloredare shown separatxdyfor minor subditi,ons only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at leset 10par cent of the total, or of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Number’s .


!Xher >iph- ‘uber. uber- ;Car,et :Orrns heu. whoop LIW& Ulosfe 11OUS REG1STRM70N AREA. rala- Small- Measles i% ‘~- of tu- All ria. pox. lever. ~;:g~ ,nza.sipdas. )f the rlan- ]ercu- iem. causes. roup. mm. gitis. 10S2.

8 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 13 14 15 :87) — —

REGISTRATION CITIES—Continued. m,mom-continued. Aurora +...... 413 ...... 1 ...... 7 3 ...... 26 : 2 .5 Bellevflle...... 310 2 ...... 2 Chica O(total) ...... 32,531 24! 8 3 13; 4s2 5: 4 17: 9; 3,3E 201 23: 18; T#hite ...... 31,47~ 24 7 2 126 4s8 47 850 174 97 3,095 1~~ 226 186 Colorefl ...... 1,053 1 1 4 4 6 10 6 2 218 12 3 Decatur...... 400 ...... 4 4 12 4 ‘; 27 2 3 5 Evanston...... 231 ...... 6 2 1 8 ...... 1 2 2 2 1 Jacksonvdle...... 380 ~: ...... 2 6 1 % 1 Quhrcy...... 660 2 ...... : ...... 1 12 7 1 6 Springdeld...... 877 1! 2 ...... 6 6 12 : ‘1 % . . . . . 1: 1 . INDIANA.

Re .strationcities (total) ...... 11,W se 56 71 87 157 101 34 1,181 79 157 60 l?hita ...... 10,911 E 25 i 53 70 73 14e 91 1,021 74 184 52 927 1: 4 ...... 3 1 14 11 10 . . ...!! 160 5 23 8 colored...... — Anderson...... 306 .... 4 ; ...... 33 7 5 ~ East Chicago...... 294 ( .. . ; 6 : 1 23 ...... Elkhart...... 208 1 14 . . . . . 2 4 E1wood...... 106 ...... : ...... ! .. ..-...... 2 ...... Evansville...... 1,087 1! : 23 1 12 11 4 12 4 13 : Fort Wayne ...... S15 ( 1 ...... 4 6 3 64 7 10 4 Gary...... 290 . . . . 2 ; 4 1 ...... Hammond...... 275 [ . . . . 2 1 1 2; ; ~ Huntington ...... 126 ...... i ...... 12 i 2 Indianapolis (total) ...... 3,5s0 & 7 3 9 18 23 9 370 20 63 White ...... 3,029 5! 7 3 9 12 19 2S4 16 48 :; Colored...... 501 ...... 6 ; .: . . . .. 86 4 15 Jeffemonville(total) ...... 186 1 ...... 4 ...... 28 . . . . . 1 WhW3...... 15e 1 ...... 4 3 ...... 18 . . . . . : . . . . Colored...... 3C ...... -...... 10 . . . . . 1 1 Kokomo ...... 21C 2 ...... 2 1 2 ...... 26 . . . . . 4 . . . . Lafayette ...... 33C 2 ...... 1 ...... 7 1 36 3 2 Laporla ...... 16! ...... ------1 3 . . . . . ; Log~~port ...... 249 . . . . 3 2 1 i ...... ;! : . . . . ManOn...... 254 1 1 ...... 6 4 ...... 21 ; 4 3 Michigan City ...... 251 ...... 9 ...... 2 ]...... 31 2 ...... 2 Miiawaka ...... IN 1; . . . . 3 4 ...... 3 2 Muncie...... 314 1 . . . . 1 10 2 2: : 5 3 New A.lbsny...... 317 3 1 1 3 4 ; 38 3 . . . . Peru ...... 151 1’ ...... ----”’.l.------” 1 1 13 1 : . . . . Richmond...... 28 ...... 3 2s 3 .. . . . Sonth.Bend...... 75: 2: . f : 1 77 9 ! T?me.Eaute ...... 1 4 5 13 : Vrncwmes...... % 1 4 1 ...... ! % : 1 3


4 Re “Wrationcitk+s(total) ...... 2,39? 6 9 6 211 6 39 12 4 I$M.e ...... 2,ON i’ 5 9 6 ;; 155 6 25 11 4 Colored...... 38: 1: 1 ...... 3 56 . . . . . 14 1 .— . — KaneeeCity(total) ...... 1,40: 5 --G 4 4 149 5 2: White ...... 1,14: 4 1 4 4 ;: m; 5 1! ...... 2 41 . . . . . 1( Colored...... 26( 1 ...... ~ Leavenworth (total) ...... 31: 4 2 ...... 2 9 23 . . . . . white ...... 23f 4 2 ...... 1 i 16 . . . . . 1 Colored...... : ...... Wichita ...... 6;~ 2 . . . . 3 2 i 6 4 3; 1 1;


5 Registration citiea(total) ...... 6,93, 13 39 19 28 n 21 S24 80 5 white ...... 4,W 9 19 17 1; 612 % 50 6 Colored...... 1,99 4 ;2 ...... 11 f? 312 9 30 ~ Co@,ton (tOtrJ)...... 2 ...... 6 7 4 1;: 5 6 . T&&...... } 1 ...... 6 e 4 : 5 4 6 Colored~...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 17 . . . . . 1 .. . . . Fmnkfor’t (total) ...... 3 ...... 39 1 1 4 white ...... 3 ...... 21 ...... 1 ,tilored ...... 18 1 1 3 Henderson (total) ...... 1 : ...... 1 1 2 ...... 37 1 2 4 ...... 1 1 1 1 3 White ...... : ...... Colored...... ‘ ...... 2 ...... ~ . . . . . 1 Lexintion (total) ...... 1 ...... : 1 1 ; 3 95 Ij W&&...... 1 ...... : 1 1 42 : ! ...... 7 ...... ! 52 6 i a lNonregistmtionstate; cities~hownbelowonlythose witheffectivelocalordinancw. DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 55 SUBDIVISIONS, BY, COLOR OF DECEDENT AND CAUSE OF DEATH 1911--Oontinued. . numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term ‘[ cities7> indfcai%s munici elities having 10,000 inhabitants or over fn 1910. Minor rural snbdivfehrs (counties, exclusfve under caue: of death correspond to those of the Abridged Wernational I?& (seep. 27).]

OAUSE OF DEA’m+30ntimred. — — . I Dfar- I rhea Othe Cerebr I?neu and Other respil C* Can- Dia :enb hemox Bron- monf ente- Appen Pue puer- torg rhos pi% M- de%d cer. Ietei ~tishage w Chitfs. *S ritis dioitfs. peral suf- dir- of tb Bright tide. other and , ;Oftenb (nn2der f%% affee- eesa livel fisease Bums. tione. lu%l. yelus).

16 (s7) 17 18 20,21 22,(2 (28) 28 29 ‘ 31 32 86 (87) 8S — — — — — — — .

z 2( 3 15 1 50 14 2 3 3 9 ...... 1 .- . ..-. ? 1, 79! 31 3, 1:[ 4,5! 2, 9;5 34 46 2,4% 20 143 1,4 4;: 1,761 30 !S 3, 03( 4,35 2,950 ~ 4,3i 1: : 357 2,233 19 146 .1,26 471 3: 12( 16 4,19 9 4 33 11 1( 72 1 2 2 ‘8 15 1 5 24 2 4 15 14 10 7 5 33 1 1{ 3 3 2 13 8 9 ‘6 12 4 2 14 1 1 2( .... z E ...... 4 1 7 3{ 5 . . . . . 1 “: 77 6( 2 ,s 2: 14 g 3 2 5: 6 1: 03 7f : i: 23 1: 16 2 4 . 1s 17 1?)l?J

I 66! 142 31 1,218 922 S80 ;4J 130 792 10 305 634 130 75 1,095 8E y 2,03 19 11 1;; 73J 10 : % 139 3( 6 6 123 11( 1,92 1; # 8 3 ,2 — — 6 11 7 7 Y 3 Zf *1 ...... 3 7 19 1 15 1 5$ 2 : : . . . . . ii .----- 1 14 5 ...- g 1 21 17 : ------15 1 5 ...... ; 4 9 3 16 2 ------16 ...... 6 . ..--fi. 1 ...... 1: 1: 90 1: 10$ 2 ------17 13 81 : 9 7; 5 6; 8 ------18 u 4 76 11 6f 8 10 8 67 9 16 11 3 . ------19 ; : 1 3 .: % 15 3 ;: 3 ; 1: ------x 7 -... 6 6 ~ 1: ...... X3 1 4 ...... 1 1 9 3 :-’ 2 ...... 23 45 2s 422 31 254 136 55 m 19 39 26 201 70 2 z 349 24 !2Lx E 112 z ‘E 48 198 2 18 q 177 6; 2 73 7 61 3 24 24 8 7 23 24 : .... 20 2 .- ...... 16 ...... !. 1 20 : 1 1 .... 16 : : 9 2 1 g 2 15 ------1 : 18 1 1 ...... 4 1 I 8 2 1 27 ...... 1 ...... 2 ----- .. ..-. 1 ,...... 28 2 22 3 12 2 : . . . . . 2 1 17 ...... 43 5 Ie f : ...... “B : 2 i % 2 34 1 .... 22 1 10 .! ------30 5 1 1 : ...... 1. :: . . . ..------31 4 4 3 : 21 2 1 1: :: : u 3 4 : 10 1 32 1 4 3 3 13 .Z 3 33 4 4 29 . . . . . 32 2 21 2 5 ...... 16 1 1 2 1 1 22 5 ...... 34 3 4 14 1 2 1 $: 3 ;: ...... 3 Ii i : 22 ; ...... 43 9 17 4 : 4 % ...... 15 3 : 1 25 2 3 2 ... 18 8 7 26 ...... 4 ...... 2 1 11 2 1 14 ; --. --.: E 4 2 34 3 . . . . . 2 ...... 3 . . . . 17 79 :: :: 1 39 1: 2 ; 9 2 11 : 44 .1: 35 : 76 1: 38 ...... 2 : 6 7 20 16 6 ;; 22 3 24 .. . . . 37 5 g 8 7 3 10 4 . . . . . 4 1 43,

-u 169 ;: 214 26 ~ llz 19 11 149 13 .7 137 2: 1$: 186 201 .;: 19 43 24 94 ;: 115 11 7 3 6 ?.19 173 1; ~ 28 2 18 - 1: 4 i 34 2 . — . .. ..- — 18 28 11 T ~ x 17 -ii 87 3 11 ~ 86 13 6 84 20 6 46 U 9 73 7 4 ‘; 6 74 20 6 :: :: 2 14 1 ; : : : % 1 ...... 6 3 ...... -. 4 19 3 : ...... i; 3 49 q 6 ...... 2 I 11...... 1 ...... 2 3 50 8 ...... ; ...... 8...... 6 49 1 9, ...... 22 11 13 3 44 5 1 s 10 il

59 ml 627 lzz lzs 187 53 82 25 26 375 415 140 f. 66 l(:g 75 53 6 21 $! 71 g 18 16 ‘ 309 6: -44 54 212 49 % 47 18 U 7 10 66 386 31 56 -j 1 — — — — — : 103 ~ s 19 8 s *I g 3 51 7 in ; 7 ... 1: 8 5 3 50 ...... - ...... 7 96 ...... 1 . . . . . 14 2 13 4 : 1 ... 2 . 1: .J...... 7 2 2 3 3 ; ... 1 2 y . . ----- ...... 7 ...... : 1 ...... ; ...... - ...... 2 ..- 8 2 11 3 2 7.2 ...... ; .1: 1 tl- 1 :; .2 “46 6 62 2 2 ...... 3 -.....-. 1 2 21 2: 63 6 2 ...... : 1 2 . . . ..-...... -4 64 3’ 1: 6, : : 4; “2 4 2i E 11 66 2 i: .... : 24 11 i 13J : 1 40 ,: 6 : 3 ...... !. ,4 16 .: .; 17, .1 SColored population less than 10 per cent ?f tolaL . . .



[Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the tobl, ,or of municipalities having 10,000 irrhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted. Numbers .

CAUSE OF DEATH. I I Othj?r 2iph- !uber- ~uber. Vhoop In- fofms Zheri. EEQIStiAT1bN AREA. ~:):d Idala. gmall- karlel ,ynl$ Ery- ,Ulosis :Ulous [easles flu. of tu- All ia. pox. fever. ipelas. >f the men- >Orrg‘% . mza. 3ercu- t%%. ToUp. Ungs. ngiti3. losis.

1 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 1$ (37) — REGISTRATION CITIES-Continued.


1 Lrmisvilie(told)...... 3,661 12 ...... 58 8 17 27 30 479 15 43 Whit, $...... 2,.597 :: .5 ...... 35 8 9 25 17 ;;; 13 30 Colored ...... 1,064 21 7 ...... 23 . . . . . 8 2 13 2 13 Te ort(total) ...... 382 11 ...... 1 1 5 3 58 . . . . . 5 pita ...... 364 10 ...... 1 ...... 5 2 55 . . . . 5 Celoredl ...... 19 1 ...... 1 . . . . 1 3 ......

)worrsboro (total) ...... 252 6 2 ...... 34 1 . . . . . 1 16 2 3 2 3 white...... 260 4 1 . . 32 1 ...... 10 2 Z 3 2 2 Colored ...... 92 2 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... ?aducah (totai) ...... 467 14 18 . . . . . 3 1 1 : :! 3 9 ; White ...... 270 11 ...... 3 1 . . . . . : 3 2 25 3 3 Colored ...... 197 3 1: ...... 1 1 2 32 . . . 6 i


$’ew Oilerme (totai) ...... 7,055 107 37 2 39 4 97 25 92 8 835 18 47 34 white ...... 4,208 59 . 35 4 17 60 7 404 13 23 11 colored . . . ..~ ...... 2,847 48 x 2 4 . . . . . ;: s 32 1 431 5 24 23


R;e$isstioncities (total) ...... 3>114 52 1 ...... 18 4 19 22 23 9 240 22 34 10 ...... 3,103 52 1 ...... 18 4 19 25 23 9 240 22 33 10 Colored ...... 11 ...... 1 . . . — .— Auburn ...... 203 2 1 4 5 1 13 ...... ; Nrgusta ...... 342 ; . . ...1 2 ...... 1 2 1 3< 2 21 . . . . . 2 2 :: 4 Ian or ...... 519 1 i ~ 4 ; % 2 ...... 31 2 lid~eford ...... 317 2 : 4 ~ 6, 2 .ewrstcm ...... 508 3 ...... 4 5 3 35 ...... > ‘ortiand ...... 1,062 21 ...... k 7 7 4 1 75 J 1: 6 24 Vatmville..- ...... 163 1 ...... 4 ...... 1 . . . . . 18 2 ......

ldAIWI,AND. .% R ktration cities (total) ...... 11,355 1% 3 85 54 7e 83 31 1,271 84 123 51 2; fj$:i.: ...... 8,567 153 70 3s 70 58 26 804 02 76 28 24 ...... 2,788 35 . . ...3 15 19 e % 5 467 22 47 13 . — laltirtiore (t?tal) ...... 10,407 156 81 46 68 73 29 1,198 81 115 48 White ...... 7,757 124 : 67 28 63 49 24 749 59 71 36 Colored...l ...... 2,650 32 . . . . 14 18 5 24’ 5 449 22 44 12 :umberland (total) ...... 416 23 . . . . 2 3 5 1 23 2 2 White ...... 375 21 ...... 2 3 5 1 20 2 1 + ColoredL ...... 41 2 ...... 3 . . . . 1 ......

h’ederick( tetel) ...... 219 5 ...... 2 2 2 ...... 19 1 4 ...... White ...... 168 4 ...... 2 2 7...... 9 1 2 ...... Colored ...... 1 ...... , ...... 2 ...... Iagemtmim (totai) ...... 3!: 4 . . . . . 3 ; 1 ;! . . . 2 White ...... 267 4 . . . . . : : 2 s 1 26 . . . ; 1 Colored ...... 46 ...... 1 1 1 ...... 5 ...... 1

MASSACFIUSETW. Rep’istrationcities(total)...... 41,010 259 9 259 :$ 490 192 141 3,232 2.s4 285 157 tihite ...... 40,293 256 259 488 192 140 3,176 367 273 153 Colored ...... 717 3 . . ...!. 16 2 . . . . 1 106 17 12 4 —— —— Ldamstiwbrr...... 186 2 ...... 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 M@Ontown...... 147 ...... 1 ; ...... 1! ...... ittleborough town ...... 187 1 ...... 1 3 . . . 2 ...... 13 : 4 ...... Beverly ...... 262 7 ...... 1 3 ...... 19 2 2 ......

loston(totsl) ...... 11,765 3 71 102 136 32 52 1,051 134 71 32 Whit...... 11,393 .%’ 71 96 135 32 51 997 124 6: 30 Colored ...... 372 2 . . ...!. . . . . 1 54 10 2 hockton...... 640 1 ...... : : 13 48 7 7 7 lrooklinetown ...... 342 2 ...... 2 2 3 i 13 1 2 1

Cambridge ...... 1,617 3 1 10 24 42 8 178 15 14 9 )helsea ...... 622 4 1 5 : 43 5 ...... hicopse...... 389 1 . . ...!...... 7 : ; ...... 27 : 4 3iritmrtown ...... 183 1 ...... 3 2 1 3 : . . . . . Everett ...... 377 2 . . . . . 2 4 7 2 1 :: 2 1 1

~@lRnpr ...... 2,134 18 . . . . . 46 22 27 2 5 167 7 11 7 ;* 3 :..... i...... 16 16 ...... 32 2 4 4 ‘ltOhb%””-””””--”---”””-”kammg mown...... 1 3 i 10, 1 . . . . . }ardnqr tewu ...... 193 i !...... 4 i ...... 1 i ,.....: Gloucester ...... 347 2 ...... 3 4 4 1 2 :; . . . . 2 2

:ree~eldtown ...... 155 2 L...... 4 ...... 7 ...... 1 Iavarhili ...... 3 ...... i 2 3 45 8 : Iol eke ...... ;; 5 7 : 11 5 ...... 67 9 5 ; Iy J eParktown ...... 1 . . ...!...... ,mvnmm...... 1,405 11 ...... 24 1; 1; 7 : 1; Ii 1$ 5 lColored population less thrm10 percent of total DEATli@ FROM PRI~CIPAL CAUSES. 57 suBm7kml@, BY CO”LOk-otiDECEDE-N* M@ c~usti o~ DEATH: icd-ckktiida. Iihior iukd suhi~ions (cohies, exciiii+e mjin!ikd Id,oli),ji jyer d +9io. . The term ‘:I$ti&” intfiehti.rnibiti liti&,hahng 10,W Ahbiiants or o+er in i9io. uudef causesof death correspondto thoie of the Abridg&d Int8rd.iorM r Lkt (see p. 27).]

— — )iar- iolent ,... @he~ hea Iff- @( ?.m.u- qd cm. . Ne-. leaths All . ? ,,, s@ra- .... k?S- ~ui- .e5rx3d 1* 3ss3 ron- aorna pte- :Pp- hosfs pI@is,, other and leltls. inal >fthe Bright’s L%& ide. A the iti$. (au itfs huc WJses. un- art. )rms). ‘%R’rider iver. “.iiwase. sui- 310wn. Sses. ion. :ide). 2 ] tione. ars). I 7“) ii ;,21 2,(23) (;3) 2% 2; 2i ‘2& 29 a 39 33 35 36 (87) 38 — . — _ —

I -ii : 278 lj 13 190 3s 725 ;$ ~; 173 37 152 %S 90 M 37 % 135 57 64 2 27 36 222 8 159 %Ei 37 511, 144 32 ; 121 1 2M ~ ;3 31 23 119 33 21 4 10 5 56 .4 5 31 29 .5 2 1’ 22 21 47. g !4 7 10 10’ 29 4 13 3 3 9 28 18 9 23 1 1 22 14 ; 46 3 ;5 18 7 10, % 10 27 4 1; 3 3 ‘6< . . . . . 2 ...... ,-...... 1 ...... - . . . . . 7 .. . . 1 ...... 4 22 ----- 2’ ii 6 . .. . g !7 9 2 7’ 12 4 19 1 24 3 ‘2 ii 4 8 13 1 17 3 1 3 18 ..... 1 23 . .. . E 8 2 6 9 3 3 :’ ...... 2 . . ... 1 ; ..-. ld .. - 2 2 i; 39 3 76 ‘--”i; 10 ;; 4 ‘; 9 1: 11 10 1; 4 ; 7 2 15 2 ; 20 24 3 + & W_ 3 5 7 30 7 9 4 1 7 lg ~12 8 ...... 1 . . . .. 8 ----- 7 15 . .. . 32 1 1 4 2 14 15 3 1

. .. ..” ...... L %0 1 ii3 290 92 359 43 4ti 49 & 120 A ii 212 396 274 47 52 M 213 z 799 ..; ..i - # 38 34 212 50 260: 29 327 37 # 23 E 22 35 208 n 183 1 551 66 9 18 78 42 299 19 146 12 17 35 356 22 18

...... 12 G 152 166 23 661 32“ ik 161 & 34 ml 35 29& 33 143 48 z i 242 32 17 298 38 143 48 z 8 242 12 12 151 165 23 658 161 41 34 201 25 3 ...... 18 ...... -...... ----- ...... 1 1 . ..- . . . . ,...... — — ,. . — 7 43 y - i9. 21 4 -Tj > ...... - - 21 .. . . . - 2 ~ u T 4 4 ,4’20 5 2 : % 3 14 1 . ..- - z 14 21 2 42 ; : 29 ,: ...... 27 3 1%! 3: 6 2( 16 62 1 23 : 6 E 3 2 2 . . . . . $ m ...... $ 43 < 2 4.? 4 5 31 : 3 2+ : 7 :: 2:: 6 ,% 1:: 1! 98 34 1? 1( z 99 1 2 62 ? 6+ 1; 8 76 6 : 24 3 ;25 1 1 15 z 4 23 13 2 : . ..- . E 1 1 , ?, gg~ 10$ 12g %, 175 1,197 622 89 ‘S li4 h 5? 5G I, ??i 56$ 1(X 103 53( 1,03! 1,36; 75! l% 797 512 70 7: 102 76 35 .40 409 10; 5X 9[ 40 47: 116 1 41( : :3 F ~ 18 11< 27( 49 400 m 19 1[ 11 232 10‘ 17 — — — 430 Ioi 1,604 11739 102 541 T 163 1,120 127 53$ 79 % 102 < 38 51 711 x 3 46$ ;;; 341 94 1,21! ~ 30 47: 91 64 42! 6S 116 96 61 6( 91 ?Ol 30,2J. 2g 31 4i 31 Ilg 18 r 11 21( ~,, ~ 109 5 18 11: m :: .? 1 ;: 2( 2 5 37 8 24 3 7 3! 27, 53 1! 2 24 51 6( 2 I( 21 4 23 8 24 3 7 2$ 4 - 1 1’ 3 ,2 .. . . : ‘“””. -i- 34 ...... 1 9 ...... ,.~...... 11 ...... -. $& f 2 2 .2 2 2 M 7 4 . . . . x 2 4 16 % ~ 36 1! 1 10 : i 2 2 1( ...... 16 3 . . . . z . ...-?. .. . . ~ ~ ,3? . ..- ...... ,...... 623, 5 i 5 3 3( 1 3 2 i: 1 4 3 4 ,: & 39 3 > 19 4 15 4 3 z 1 ; 19 14 1 . . 4 7 1 ...... $. 40 ...... ; 5 1 .. ..-. 1 ,. -...... - . .i ..- . f i~3 i ~ ;41 25 6;801 4,69 64$ 4,236 33i 3,0% 346 34 261 2,32 Ml 2;454 2,52$ 2,47 52 409 2,46 2,494 34 6,69: 13$ ~g. 51H 2,42 4,62 w 4,199 33( 3,ax 339 34 25: 2,26! 191 234 2,423 2,44 403 61 2 ,7 31 41 11: 2 6 2 5 1: 87 i 3’ 7 -,’ L_ — - I 2 ---Z 1( ..... -...... ~. k 1 ~ 9 4 3( 1 .2 ...... 1 ...... -. 1 1 I ; ...... --”. ”f ‘% ;: : 5 1 ...... 4 1: ...... 18 : : ...... 47 2 2 16 1 1( ! 1 1’ . . . . .- . . ..-. l,8ti .flj, 4B 1,4% 34 7X 104 11 38 68 & & 592 8@ lx 7( 14 84 520 34f 125 I,aq 3g 49 74 14 84 1,37( 7( 71. 9? 11 86 64 63 66 L 50 5 2 4 2 E z 3 2 .. . . . 1! 1: 6 151 ~ 2 ( 3 4 3 5 1; 38 3( 1 6 I 71 ...... /52 < x 1 : 2 1 1 1 16 1: 1 1 ~ /53 94 lM E 9 f I 4 9 8 11 84 11 1 7 23 z ! 9 54 5[ 3< 4 3 8 6 I 35 ,. .-. . 6 ...... -. 2 : 2 1 36 x . . . . . E 4 2 s 56 It ...... 1 ---- -. n .. . . 3 1 ; 2; 1: 1 ...... 57 7 3( 1 1 .-- . . . 1 5“ 18 Iq 5t 22 1! :~ ( 1 f; % ! 39 14 1 13 11 3$ 2 : 1 2 3. 6 31 t 5! M z ----- . ..60 z : 3 I ...... : z 11 1 ...... 61 i i 2 1 ...... 1 11 21 ...... 6z 2 ; 1 i 6 I 3 .: ...... ~ . . . . . ilj ,$, 2 1 1 ...... ‘.. ...’ . . . I 4 .3 4 .i . 4( i i 2 z 4 < ~ $., i 11. 1: 2 4 6 ...... 5 ...... 1 # .. . .. 11 5 4 Ii 30167 23 1$ x 19 x 1 7 : ~Nonregistratlon state; cities S&n Mow onfy those wfth effeetive local ordkmmes. 58 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the total, or of mnufoipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers .


Diph. Cube] l!uber- X,her !vpOop In- 01TU9 REGISTRATION AREA. ypnoi tfala- Scarlet Lhey xdosi Culous Rhen AII fever. ria. Measles. flu- of tu- fever. C:;g% . npe‘x ~ of the men- ~yg causes. xoup mza, hrngs 7arcu- rrgitis. 10s1s.

1 3 5 6 7 8 9 (1!2) 13 14 16 (37) .


?AASSACHOSETTS-30ntin ued.

220 ...... 1,925 ; 13 5 17 17 ! 6 3; 12 12 I,;:f 4 19 13 5 5 13 5 ; 3 : ...... 3 2 4 ~ ! 223 1 ...... : 5 4 ...... 2

Bedford ...... 275 ...... 1 ...... 6 .. . . . 1 1 3 . . . . . fe3r0se...... 178 ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 fethuentown ...... 141 ...... 1 1 1 ...... 1 . . . . . dilford town ...... 214 ...... ; ; ,Jew Eedford ...... 1,741 z? 12 1 3: 1: 7 i 2 10 13 Newbnryport...... 230 5 ...... 6 2 3 ...... 4 ...... Newton ...... 4 ; 3 1 7 4 North Adams ...... :2 i 1 ...... 2 : ? 1 i . . . . . Northampton ...... 375 3 ...... 1 7 3 ...... ; 3 . . . . . Peabody town ...... 227 1 2 ...... : ...... 3 ...... Pittsfield...... 552 5 10 ...... 4 7 1 2 3 5 3 Plymouth t,owm...... 204 2 ...... 1 1 ...... 3 ...... iqliucy ...... 395 3 3 7 ; 6 5 2 4 ...... Revere towm...... 192 ...... ; ...... k33em...... 745 3 5 $ 1: Ii : ...... ;, 4 4 , 21 >ome+le ...... 1,031 6 2 4 11 18 7 5 15 7 4 22 ;ou,tibnd e town ...... 131 ...... 2 ...... i 1,417 1} 12 3 1? 9 i 5 19 ‘; z %%:::..-.;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 715 ...... f : 5 2 25 Wakefieldtovm ...... 144 ; ...... : ...... 2 : ...... Waltham...... 389 5 ...... 1 3 5 2 7 14 ...... Watertcmmtown ...... 137 : ...... 1 1 ...... Webstertown- ...... 156 ...... 1 ...... 4 4 ...... Westfieldtown ...... 264 1 1 2 ...... 7 ...... 1 ; ...... Weynmuthtown ...... 187 1 ...... 3 2 1 ...... 3 ...... Winthwp town ...... 114 ...... 1 ...... 2 2 ...... 1 ...... Wobnrn...... 193 ...... 5 ...... 2 ...... iVOrcsster...... 2,362 : 5 1; 1! 3: 9 8 29 9 12 MrcmGAN.

Re iqtrationcitias (total) ...... 15,355 84 90 258 67 129 82 white ...... 15,108 E 83 ;% 89 255 E ; :; 125 78 Colored...... 247 .5 1 ...... 1 3 . . . . . 1 4 4 152 1 ...... ; 5 ...... 215 1: ...... i ; -...... : ...... 338 2 ...... 1 : 8 ...... 399 i 2 ...... i i ; 4 563 19 1 2 : 7 13 2 3 4 Detroit...... 7, ]j; 78 46 64 27 167 20 2; 32 43 44 ,scanaba...... 6 ...... 2 2 5 ...... 2 lint...... 2 4 3 4 : Jrand Rapids ...... 1,%: 3: 18, 6 6 1; ; 6 ; 18 1; EIolkmd...... 115 ...... 1 ...... konwood ...... 113 1 ...... 1 2’ 1 ...... 1 ; ...... bh eru.ing...... 2 : ...... 2 ...... 1 lscEson...... g : ...... ; 5 7 ...... 3, . . . ..- Kefapw-oo...... 4 : 2 8 : ammlg...... 343 5 : :) 4 1 6 8 1 : : Kanistoc...... 158 ...... 4 ...... 2 &arquette...... 201 11 ...... z 8 : . . . . . 1 1 ...... tienominee...... 136 ...... 1 ...... 2 2 ...... ~ ...... Muskegon...... : 2 ...... 12 5 2 ?ontisc ...... :2 7 ...... 1 ...... : 5 9 2 : ;

,.?ort Hnmn ...... 30Q ...... 3 ...... 4 ...... ,agmaw ...... 704 1; ...... 3 2 1: 3 4 8 3 ,an3tSte. Marie...... 162 ...... 4 ; ...... 1 ?raverse City...... 249 i 4 ...... 3 ...... 1 7 1


61 Re#& ti0ncitic9 (tOtal)...... 7,732 91 7 80 164 29 68 94 62 ...... 7,611 91 7 :: 79 164 28 :: 5: 9; :: 63 Colored...... 121 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... —. —. —. 64 Duluth...... 960 19 1 6 1 14 5 7 8 15 14 65 nmkatb...... 155 ...... 1 . . . . . 66 [inneap03ie...... 3,572 3? 4 Ii 48 71 7 1; A 2 10 67 t.Cloud...... 136 2 2 ...... 2 1 1 2 2 . . . . . 2,386 23 ...... 35 22 72 12 14 21 29 10 3 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 . . . . . ;Z 2 ...... :: ...... 1, ...... 246 1 ...... 1 7 5 1 2 ...... 1 i 1 DEA’J33S FROM PRINCIPAIJ CAUSES. 59

SUBDIVISIONS, BY COLOR OF DECEDENT AND CAUSE OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. numbered 10,000,or &er in 1910. The term ‘

CAUSEOF DEA’rH-mntinued. — — — — Diar- .olent )ther rhea [ermial ther erebral Pneu- and 3r- Ne- buer- ?aths Au ~;d %@ Spira. ntes- )hritis, ‘rrer- hli- ;an- Dia- enin mrnor- wise Bron- nonia mte- 10S.S :ex- )ther md t&O& J&’??: tinal )eraI Ieral lding ide. etes. itfs. ~ge and }f the :ilitis. (all ritis [the light’s NIses. w. )Strlm war. ffeb sui- un- lftaung. Leart. Jm@. under Ver. We. [ens. 1OW’-II . . 2 tion. ide). ears).

16 (87) 17 18 19 20,21 !2,(23) (23) 25 26 2T 28 29 81 3% 85 86 (87) 3s — — — —

2+J .... 2 1 2“ 2! d 6: 1:! 24 l! 2i 1! 1: li ,2 ;: 3 13 17 102 60 13 7 8 9 78 2; 2CJ 8 8 1: 3 3 42 20 6 2 1 * ...... 4 42 . . . . . 4 6 7 4 1 18 8 4 2 . . . . 1 . . . . 10 ..... 32 . . . . . 5 . . . . 3 26 5 3 ...... ; .18 ...... 1: .-... 65 . . ..- 6 3 . . . . 2 10 3 ,. -.. . 17 ...... 2 42 . . . . . 7 4 . . . . 4 : ...... 8 ...... 1 . . . . 26 2 :: ; ...... ~ 1 1: : 1; 2: 4; 134 2: 9 1? 1; 7 62 1: $; :- “if ,0 6 3 3 ...... 2 . . . . 56 1 .1 4 2 2 6 2 2 2 ;: 7 ; ; ...... ,. ..- :: 7 23 ...... 5 4 9 27 16 : 1 23 1 3 5 12 2 ; 1 22 1 : 26 : 1:: 1 .; .: 3 6 E 12 2 4 . . . . 13 1 1 17 . . . . 40 1 12 11 5 40 36 6 6 38 1 6 g 3 96 . . . . . 6 2 ; 4 3 25 4 7 6 3 . 2 6 E # : i ;; ; 3 ~ 3 76 . ..-. 8 2 .. . . . 26 ,...... -. . . . . 12 4 24 . . . . . s! 10 6 4 70 58 4 10 3 47 : : 32 3 97 1 !1 1: 4 16 96 ;: 7 5 3 49 3 U 2 Ml ...... -.., 1 !: . . . . . !2 23 1: 11 12 $33 1; 1; : Ii 11 91 & & . . . .. B 13 89 30 2 : 29 8 15&3 ; !4 10 5 1 : 3 15 7 ...... 1 . .. . 4 ...... 7 . . . . 6 5 4 33 18 4 2 1 19 3 .. . . . 31 3 80 1 .. . . . 1 10 ...... 2 ...... 27 1 3 : $ 15 ,...... 2 1$ ...... 1! ; 23 1 3 1 : 25 ,. . . . . 2 2 19 .. . . . 1 13 26 . . . . . 4 2 1; 8 . . . . . 1 1 16 2 1 10 1 29 1 10 1 11 3 ...... 6 2 1 8 .. . . . 1 8 21 . . . . . : ...... ; . ..-. 12 13. 2 X3 2 2? IX 2 2; 1: 1$ 9 10 1:: 20 4;: 7

147 273 1,270 771 178 168 142 751 :g 99 901 199 3,429 105 ly :% 2e6 1,246 764 176 165 140 73: 9s 890 1$ 3,391 104 4 22 7 2 3 2 1 1 H 48 1 — .—. . . . — 2 4 2 12 3 2 ....- ..... 5 -6 --i Y )7. 1 1: 9 11 4 ? 2 ; 3 2 :: 3 IS : 3 14 4 5 9 1 5 R! 1: : iv2. 2 )9 2 % 37 4 101 0 1; 5 H 4 11 7 6 C# 7 19 6 44 9 1: 9 : 2 43 :; 6 145 .: u 61 109 259 143 .69J 9: 71 68 76 56 4! 692 435 ml 1,440 42 12 4 1 10 2 3 3 ...... 12 10 3 28 4 !3 .. . . . : 23 14 2! 13 1;: 3: 1:; 2; q + 1: ; 1! 1;: 63 2 &g 18 !.5 2 7 5 2 2 ...... -. 12 6 2 26 . . . . . 46 .. ...< 1 ‘2 ...... 3 9 16 3 26 3 17 1 . . . . .: s 2 2 . . . . . : 10 16 1 !3 7 : 20 : : . . . . . 4 2; 16 ; 0 : : 47 7 : 10 5 ; 25 25 9 2!% ; ;0 : .1 1? 5 15 6 5 1 3 i 18 24 3 ,74 8 ;1 ...... 5 1 1 3 1 4 . . . .. 1 3 :; 2 ;2 1 1 9 5 1: 5 3 3 3 . . . . . 1 1! - ;: . . . . . 33 1 2 8 2 4 3 2 14 i . . . . . 54 4 8 i g 2 8 : 3 : 24 2: 5 :: j6 3 1 1% 3 7 : 1 . . . . . 2 1 15 14 6 116 ! 56 2 1 15 20 3 1 .. . . . 23 1 1 25 1! 62 1; 1? 1! 5 4 5% 56 6 lR 6 : : 4 16 ...... 1 : 10 14 .. ..- 36 . . . . . 2 1 1: 4 11 1 ; ; . . . . . ; 5 9 1 79 . . . . .

86 71 325 w 703 .55 147 7s 81 45 H& 126 1,377 86 70 323 w 6;; 14; 7! y :+ 44 & 125 1,360 :; 2 ...... 1 . . . . . 1 4 6 1 17 . . . . . — ...... — 1 13 6 89 5 14 7 y 65 9 .s 70 74 16 1 M ...... 10 ...... ----- 55 2 32 2 2; 71 3; 4$ d: 21 25 2J 4: 6! 1 16 1 1 9 ...... 3 2 7 1 . . . . . 12 2 4 4 ;7 28 23 203 19 46 21 18 136 18 12 172 127 35 3 B ...... 59 . . . . 6 2 ...... 1 % 1 ...... 3 : ...... ; 1 . . . . . : ----- .. . . . 12 3: 70 ,-..- 3 H ...... 2 1 10 1 .. . . . 14 25 i 2 n



~ignres for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 percent of the total, or ofmunicipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers .


Other Wpoop Diph- In- Tuber REGISTRATION AREA. ‘p:: 3carlel th~~ forms Iheu 3~’1- Messles flu- Ery- Cnlosfi WJ of tu- AH pox. fever. Cou . enza. ;ipelas. of the && cause.% ‘n& crou’p, Iungs, ingitk berl.

1 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 13 14 15 (i7) — _ — REGISTRATION CITIES-Continued.


Re “ tration oities (total) ...... 17,874 301 10 142 218 83 206 218 1,676 W 149 % %L&...... 15,775 266 139 213 79 196 197 ;: 1,302 84 109 m colored ...... 2,099 35 : 3 5 4 10 21 374 1: 40 Q — — RumibaL...... 263 4 ...... 1 1 2 ...... 6 ...... 4 Y “effersonCity ...... l ...... 158 ...... 1 ...... ;! ...... : . . . . . Olin...... 465 1; ...... : ...... Gulmscity(total) ...... 3,961 8 : 2: 32 5: 21 3% 13 i 1: white...... -. 3,343 ~~ ;$ 25 29 47 21 256 Ic 22 13 Colored...... 621 ! ...... 8 1 3 11 ...... 130 3 12 2 Soberly...... 148 4 ...... ; 3 2 . . . . . 24 ...... 2 k. Jmeph ...... 1,001 ...... 13 k.hlis( total) ...... 1} ;:: 1?: .... 11; 192 2 14 1;: 4 9[i 7; 60 5: white...... 104 ...... 111 190 2{ 119 107 27 754 62 53 Cared...... 1:174 ...... 3 4 4 6 2 201 10 ,% 6 ied~la ...... 306 J 1 . . . . . 30 4 3 619 40 1 14 : : 2: .! ; ; 2 1 K%?!d::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: 188 3 . . . . 2 1 3 5 2 x . . 3 . . . . . MONTANA. Registration cities (total) ...... 1,470 29 . . . . 10 16 6 4 7 133 8 18 8 White ...... 1,417 27 . 10 ;: 13 6 4 7 123 7 18 8 Colored...... 10 53 2 ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... maconda ...... 124 ...... 3 .... 4 1 ...... Hidings...... 149 1 ...... Mate...... 635 + i ; 4 & 2 : 4 ;reat Falls ...... 211 3 ...... 1 5 . . . . [Elena...... 1!34 4 ...... 1: 2 4 3 [issonla ...... 167 1 . . 1 1 9 2 2 1 NEBRASKA.] Regis@atiou citics (total) ...... 2,4% 9 22 15 12 145 10 20 17 White ...... 2,301 9 22 15 12 111 9 18 17 Colored...... 124 ...... 34 1 2 . . . . inco~...... 613 2 3 5 5 2 Imaba ...... 1,812 i! : 1 19 10 7 lfi 8 1; h-Ew HA14P5mE. 32 Registration cities (total) ...... 3,156 28 4 27 38 27 7 206 19 19 33,! White ...... 3,151 28 4 27 38 27 7 205 19 19 34 Colored...... 5 ...... merlin...... 187 . 1 ...... 4 11 1 ...... ,onmrd ...... 436 : ...... 1 ...... 2 4 1 3; 1 ...... cover ...... 248 3 ...... 4 . . . . . 1 4 . . . . . 26 2 4 1een6...... 181 2 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 ...... : . . . . . 7 ; 2 . . . . . Tacoma...... 1 tanehcster ...... 1>% $ .. 2 3 1; 1; Ii :! 1; 13 7 Wshuq...... 428 3 ...... 5 ...... 2 5 : 29 1 1 2 Portsmouth ...... 220 3 ...... 3 ...... 1 5 : 1 11 1 1 . . . . .

NEW JERSEY. ‘g Regist@ion cities (total) ...... 25,821 205 . . . . . 203 162 244 3s5 144 96 2,365 214 213 13( White ...... 24,177 194 ...... 196 157 232 378 136 9: 2,440 231 186 154 45 Colored...... 1,344 11 ...... 7 3 12 7 8 223 13 27 e . — kb~Park (tota3) ...... 146 2 ...... 2 1 ...... 15 ...... ---2 g White ...... 112 2 ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... 8 ...... Colored...... i 49 Ltlantfc City(total) ...... 7:: 8 2 8 10 1 2 6; 1 7 50 White...... 030 8 2 6 1 2 44 1 3 : 51 Colored ...... 166 ...... ; 4 ...... 18 ...... 4 1 52 layoune...... 815 5 11 8 15 2 5 57 8 2 53 3100nnie1d...... 146 2 . . . . . 7 1 2 : 5-4 3rid don...... 247 i ; : : . . . . . 55 )atnL...... 1,626 ; J 3; 3 1% ; 1; 1; 56 Osstorange...... 232 : 4 5 . . . . . 34 7 . . . . Hizabeth...... 1,202 6 14 12 16 1 2 98 10 5 9 kwdqi...... 136 ...... 8 3 . . . . 1 11 2 ...... Ieekenssck ...... 217 2 1 ...... 3 ,. ..., 24 2 ...... Mason...... 194 ...... 8 $ & ~~ 3 Ioboken ...... 1,266 13 9 7 2! 1 i 1: 9 rvin@on...... 159 4 ...... ersey City ...... 4,381 2A 3; 31 58 16 y 4ti 3; G 2; Lxwxly...... 266 ...... 7 3 ~ 21 4 2 . . . . mngBramch ...... 284 9 1 2 ...... 20 1 3 fiWi13e...... 166 1 2 9 ...... 17 . . . . . 2 $ I Nonregistration stat~ citfes shown below only those with effective 10CSIorditinces. . DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL ~AUSES. 61 sm3DJv?sIgiJ3,BY COV03tOF DECEDENT&MW? ,CM?SEOR PEAT??:!?3k@@wd-

MUm OF DEATH-eOntiUed. —

)ther iolent Iu- ther Hernia, Cu: Saths !erebral gsni( Pneu- N~-. mer- All .eiined iplrs ‘uer- (ex- mi- an- ,* * minor- Seasl?i Bron- motip epw- eral )eral other and m’ ‘tiwa~~%&!~$g{~ Ildfng Iide. er. @s. ltls. lage and f the’ diitrs. “(all Cltls.obsti~ Iyer. auses. u3l- ,, lis- liver-, ~sem. ffec- sui- )ftanqy em%. f+me). ions nown. ks. tion. : ide).

I +9 20,21 22,(23 28) 25 26 27 ~ 28 , 29 31 32 35 86 (37) 38 16 17) 17 ~,1s . — — _ - . .

~’ ,

3,.040 61 I 145 727 1,834 297 191 8S9 208 154 ; 271 ~ 1,474 109 79 1,205 387 867 1,033 377 2,7& 49 2 917 1$ 659 1,$; 261 169 S2U 200 149 248 I,29J Jol 7] 63 36‘ 22 69 8 !5 22 ; 8 172 10 . 12 3 m . — . . - 10 2 24 1 -j 7 4 ------2 ,“ 14 ‘1 1 28 2 46 4 14 5 g 1 5 . . . 3 12 4; 7 3 !2 ; ; 9 ...-...... 1 ..:. J 2 [ 11 81 737 2: $ 3$ ; 3% 4;: 3: 15 5: ! 36 : ;; : 2:; $ L 22 77 643 ;; 8 % 37 39 289 41 33 128 50 33 ! 213 3: 21 196 3 56 ~! 6 1: 3 3 ! y 3 22 4 94 13 ,. .-, 2 23 5 J $ 2 1 6 1 3 , 1 : ; ~ ..-. 1 7 3,4 ~ 12 ;8 I 4 11 53 12: 8 39 6$ 1,0% 6: 94 , 96 212 ~ 1, OK’ 5: 3: 2$ 1,% s 12 592’ 12 1,630 8, 13 66 879 ;:; M 562 89 l% ! 1;: I ;:: q~ 24 2: 260 560 121 .4 178 32 4 2 14s 25 13 49 5 I .38 .----2 ;g 32 1 3 \ 1 :...... ’ 24 2 : 2 11 2 6 s 1:; 3 16 26 2 46 ; 2i 9 ; 2 31 2 ‘; 2 : ! ‘2+ 1 $7 2 1 : 9 j 7 17 2 ! . . 12 ;2 ;9 . 1

50 239 13 X8 77 21 16 122 9 19 54 44 19 17 1s 10 92 y 119 9 17 54 44 ; 19 16 S 18 10 92 45 235 13 19 7; 21 !, ‘5 ‘4 ...... 3 ...... 2 .. ..-...... : 1 2 . ..- .. -.: . . .’.-. 20 . — — — - — ...... 4 6 “: 9 21 1 .... ~3 20 3 3 6 . . . ..-. . 2 10 .... : “s 2 : ...-. 7 1 22 17 4 59 : 2 1: : :9 2 11 i: 91 ...... Ii 11 z % 3 4 ...... 1s 2 7 : ~ 3 12 16 1 ‘i : 18 : 9 ...... 11 2 7 2 il 10 . . . . 2 17 % 1 25 3 26 2 1 7 .-- . . . . 14 3 6 9 5 ‘1 10 2 . . . . . 3 17 ------26

434 23 27 32 36 101 16 22 ‘&& 59 39 27 150 23 115 152 96 1.5 % 2i 59 33 “ 145 2 q 110 149 47,0 y g 31 35 14 1 1 5 1 19 . ..-. 3 ...... 1 ‘....? ., 5 3 ‘5 .3 - . . — :— - 24 7 T 14 ‘2 ----- 46 130 1s (30 i: .? 1 1% 23 69 1;: 354 15 31 ,.1!! 2! 3: 77 1; 2; 11 61 45 .,

196 600 2U 32 149 169 274 4 259 29 16~ 11 242 Y5 274 4 259 29 2; 16 ;: 11 241 195 598 20 33 149 : ‘$ 169 ,2 ...... ------...... 1 ...... - 34 ...... — — — -i 7 2 24 25 1 ..... 21 2 35 ; ,; 31 i A i 3: ; 4 u : 4 36 : 5 1$ 1 37 13 6 ; 12 24 ; 3 ...... - ...-. ----- 22 16 4 2 1? 1 13 3 2 ------. . 1 18 ..... 2 1! 7 1 3s ...... 14 ..... ----- 3 39 10 7 40 47 If 3; 6; 2 d 15! 1; w,, 5 ; 7 3 d 7: 2$ 3s 26 . . . . . 6 31 37 2 41 23 4 5 ; ...... 13 f .. . . . 15 11 9 ; 2 :: 1{ 1 1 E 18 42 )

89 43 321 2,871 1,941 191’ 177% 4 2,o% 16[ 184 1,61( 1,644 1,267 234 287 1,301 .~ g 1,217 23[ 1,24! 3;; 2,70{ :, S&5 183 If ; 1,98! 3.5X 156 l,52i 1>564 5< 165 80 8 6 9[ ‘ lC -8 31 78 50 4 .% _ — ..... 4 - 1.- . . 2 14 ...... 1 46 ..... 3 1 ...... 2 ..... ----- 1 k7 ...... ------...... ----- ...... i -:: j A 6 ,1 3 6 f 3 ~ 12 4 10 i 2 1 50 ...... 2’ 3 . . . . .:-’ ; 1 1 61 3 52 12 14 1! 6 5 ..... i 2 .. ..- .. -. -.. . . . ;’ ..... ,-. . . . 1 ’53 3 , 1 64 3 3 2 .... 21 :. 9 1: x 1: 6 55 s ...... 56 2 ~ ...... 1 6 -. ... 2 { 3 6? 12 2 7 6 13 14 ...... -i...... ~ .... 1 2 5s 1 ; 2 ii...... 4 1 ...... 2 ...... < 1 61 z; 2; Ii 6 4 2 ...... 4 J ------~-’ ~ ...... 3; 2! 12 % a 62 3i 1 g 4 ...... 1 3 : 3 ; ; 5 ; ...... 66 . ..-. 1 ...... 62 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[p?iguresfor white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisioxra only when the oolored population of the subdivision formed at !east 10 per cent of the total, or ofmunicipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers


‘uber- lrber- W,her Vhoop )iph- rorms theu ‘&?d carlet :=11 E.ry- ulosis :Ulous oftu- ma- All [easles ever. ing R pelas. )f the men- :ough. ~nza. )ercu- ;ism. causes. ungs. ngitis. Iosia.

1 6 6 7 8 9 (19) 18 14 15 (37)

REGISTRATION CITIES-Contimred. NEWJErmEY--continued. Montclair(tdal) ...... 314 1 ...... 7 1 5 ...... 24 2 2 2 White...... 270 : ...... 6 1 4 ...... 17 2 2 2 Colored...... 44 ...... 1 ...... 7 ...... ~. torrfstown ...... 4 ...... : i 1 ; 4’ewBnmawick...... :2 4 ...... : 8 ; 1 ...... $: : 2 5,395 38 25 24 44 57 33 25 653 45 54 29 1 1 4 7 5 3 45 18 2 :: : 12 ...... 11 1: 1,890 9 2 13 1: ;: 1: : 2!; 9 9 1; ?erth Amboy ...... 468 4 6 8 20 3 2 30 2 2 1 ?hilli sburg...... 182 ...... 1; ...... 5 2 6 ...... 8 1 2 ?laini eld ...... ; Newton...... 1,?2 4: 31 ; 2+ 2; 11 3 1:! 1: 16 1; 30 1 Anion...... 233 1 ...... 11 2 ~ iVestFIoboken...... 404 1 3 : 12 4 ; 49 : : VestNewYork ...... 176 1 ...... : 2 4 . . . . . 1 20 1 1 2 VeatOra.nge ...... 106 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 14 ...... 1

NEW YORK. Re#~~~oncities (total )...... 108,488 1,011 809 1,026 607 1,706 604 414 11,607 1,091 51( 1,056 E: 51( ...... 105,442 991 801 1,021~ 589 1,744 592 405 10,948 Colored...... 3,046 20 8 18 22 12 9 859 35 40 ( 2,063 19 ...... 26 26 8 242 19 11 437 3 ...... : 3 35 2 633 2 2 2 : : 2 ; ;; : 205 4 1 7 10 ...... : 939 2 : 1 7 F 1: 2 60 2 4 6,294 109 8 78 39 109 24 13 530 ; 44 481 28 1 3 9 4 1 . . . . . 41 5 186 3 1 . . . . . 6 ...... 206 5 1 3 . . . . . : 2 3 268 3 ,. ..,.. 1; 6 : i . . . . . 18 ...... 3 562 5 7 2 2 c 8 . . . . . 21 2 6 173 4 ...... 1 4 ...... 1 ...... 161 4 1 . . . . . 1 1 5 1 1; ...... 2 295 1 5 1 4 3 . . . . . 22 2 4 335 1 ...... ; . . . . . 1 1 23 2 1

213 2 ...... 5 i 3 . . . . . 1 ...... 220 ...... 1 ...... ;: 3 ...... 285 3 1 1 2 2 414 1: ...... 1 i 2 ! . . . . . ;: : 1 21 rOkstOwn ...... 152 ...... ~...... 2 Kingston ...... 502 7 ...... 1; 1 58 i Ii Lackawarma ...... 380 3 1 3 1( ...... 2 Little Frills ...... 210 : 1 1 ...... 1 i 2 # 2 1 f Wyert...... 315 ...... 5 . . . . . 3 Klddetown...... 388 : ...... 2 : 2 :; ; 6 kfount VemOn...... 416 ; : 1 $ 5 7 fewl%ochelle ...... 337 ; 2 3 ...... i 5 ; % ; ...... Tew’fork (total) ...... j ...... 75,329 53$ 855 747 372 1,27( 343 321 8,967 877 421 Bronx Borough . . . .. f...... 6,251 37 12( 27 793 35 Brooklyu Borough ...... 25,174 219 1;; 2:; 391 1% 2,724 2i! 160 MauhattsnBorough ...... 38,236 246 436 35& 28! 67: 127 2% 4,859 514 199 QueensBorough ...... 4,182 27 25 18 9 437 ;: 21 Richmond Borough ...... 1,486 9 $ 11 20 x 13 3 154 6 White ...... 72,799 530 847 742 38f 1,251 332 313 8,~~; 848 388 Brenx Borough ...... 6,153 3t 12( 27 Brooklyn Borough ...... 24,528 2;: 1:: 2:: 3s( 1% 2,605 2;! 1% ManhattanBorough ...... 36,538 241 431 352 1: 66( 121 1% 4,451 492 182 Queens Borough ...... 4,076 27 32 22 6t 416 27 20 RichmondBorough ...... 1,454 9 ii 11 2C 2( 1: : 148 13 6 Colored...... 2,530 8 $ 5 1: 1( 11 8 571 29 33 Bronx Borough...... 1 1 ...... Brooklyn Borou& ...... 6;; 3 ; .5 ...... 11; : 1: Manhattan Borough ...... 1,648 5 ; 2 : 1: 6 8 408 22 17 Queens Borougb ...... 106 ...... 9 ...... 21 3 1 Richmond Borougb ...... 32 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 6 ...... Hoffman IslandI] ...... 67 ...... 25 1; ...... 1( ...... 5 ...... Swirdmm elslandq ...... 60 1 1 ...... 5 1 2 lThesedeaths arechiefly ofimmigrants sent from quarantine who had not entered the ~nited States; they are not included in any total. DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 63

SUBDIVISIONS, BY COLOR OF DECEDENT AND CAUSE OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term “cities” indicates muniei alitiae having 10,000inbabltants or over in 1910. Minor nuaI subdivisions (counties, exclusive underoaueesof death correspondto those of the Abridged k@rnatfonal %/”Et (seep. 27).]

CAUSEOF DE.4TE-continued.

Diar- rhea Tiolm )rganic )ther :ernia, Ne- ieatlx kebral Pneu- and ntes- cir- ‘uer- -ill hemor- nouia Spira 3nk- .ppm phritii, sui- ,+$ can- Dia- enin @eases Bron- t&y tinal hosi3 )eral other Car. (all [icitis. f the hlght’s cide. itie. hageanc of the !Mie. fitis )Strlm wer. [%lf causes. un- DftJ311illgheart. )33US). un2der iver. Mes.se. sui- !WseS. lion. cide). mown ears).

16 :87) 17 18 19 !0,21 :2,(!23 (23) 25 26 27 28 29 81 35 36 (87) 38

16 2 2 28 1 26 5 14 8 4 5 23 2 4 21 20 56 1 15 2 2 ; 28 1 23 3 7 4 5 21 1 3 18 17 : 47 1 ...... 2 ! ...... 2 1 1’ ...... 2: 2 1 26 2 2 ; 3 2 . . . . 6 2 2 ...... ~ 2 19 4 6 2 51 ; 46 2 +: 7 1 7 :: ...... 26 30 4 2 %4 60 45 299 479 85 565 59 42s 46 3; 60 492 3: 35 3;; 329 72 621 13 6 $ 46 7 3 10 41 ‘5 4 J Iz B: 1; 32 70 ;: l% i 1: 1; 31 83 2% 1: 177 d 13 1! 4 1% 14 J 98 124 4 270 10 20 2 8 8 24 7 30 5 81 1 2 4 x 2 4 50 1 62 ; 3 2 17 1 27 1 14 . . . . . 1 1 11 1 ...... 10 7 3 25 31 % . . ..-...... 2 73 1: 4 77 1: f2 2?! 23 1:4 1; 1: 1; 1% 1: ~ 1?: 1; 1? i: 3 16 13 13 4 37 2 .7 ...... 2 20 ...... 30 18 : $ 16 34 8 46 3 23 ...... 4 : : : 2 i : ‘~ :; ; 10 . . . . 8 23 6 23 2 10 ...... 6 2 9 ...... 5 2 3 9 u ,.. . . . 17 ...... 9 ...... : . . . . 8 ...... 6 : 3 8 ......

5,8$1 .,326 760 4,363 10,596 1,559 [3,539 915 6,629 954 899 ,,354 9,598 502 587 6,013 6,196 1,180 14,869 ;:; 5,789 .,314 751 4,77J 10,316 1>509 [3,093 895 6,469 :,936 8S3 .,341 9,346 430 571 5,830 6,078 1,164 14,:;; 92 12 9 230 50 446 20 160 18 16 13 252 22 16 183 118 16 6

124 31 18 113 24; 11 143 23 52 19 20 ‘ii 196 3 21 100 133 22 3;: 5 24 3 4 14 ‘xl 1 42 5 2 4 5 29 ...... 38 : 85 8 52 4 62 5 5 z 3 i & 19 1; f13 ...... 16 ! : 14 . . . . . 15 2 ? . . . . 14 1 ------23 ...... 54 12 3 62 1% 9 93 1? % 9 9 10 98 6 6 3! 60 10 1% .3 416 75 25 239 739 7: 642 55 473 77 73 7: 413 20 2$ 327 381 50 1,024 3 10 3 6 28 44 13 5g 2 2 31 . . ..- 27 19 5 70 ...... 16 3 . . . . 11 ,. . . . . % . . . . . 3 3 20 3 14 13 3 31 1 15 1 . . . . 21 -:; 3 15 2 : . . . . 24 : 3 12 10 4 1 8 2 3 8 23 3 21 i ; 2 4 1 22 3 27 22 ...... % ...... ,. 40 3 1 31 80 3 46 3 16 9 4 5 34 4 2 18 37 15 101 ...... 11 . . . . 4 11 24 4 1 13 1 2 1 . . . . . 1 12 7 ...... 45 1 13 2 5 14 3 ;; 1 2 2 1 1: . ---- .. ..-. 8 1 21 ...... 26 33 ;; 3 28 5 1: 8 3 3 14 2 3 1[ 5 46 ...... 20 : $ 23 47 4 23 3 11 3 5 4 18 1 2 11 2; 5 76 ...... 17 1 3 29 4 18 1 ...... 3 . . . . “ 18 1 ...... 10 57 ...... 12 4 2 1: 23 6 16 J 1 1 2 21 1 1 d 11 z 41 ...... 23 2 3 38 2 L; 6 4 1 2 16 42 1 31 5 9 26 % 7 % 5 2? 9 : 5 E . . . . . 4 3; 35 4 66 ...... 13 3 2 11 14 1 , 1 3 1 1 1 13 ----- 1 12 . . . ..- 26 .- . ..- 3: 6 39 59 ;; 5 4 9 7 29 3 1 24 3: 6 77 1 1 i 10 d 24 2 li? .. ..-. 1 1 35 . ..-. 1 42 16 r 78 ...... 4 1 2 1: 23 ...... 21 . . . . . 16 3 5 5 11 2 2 20 25 3 21 ...... 30 2 19 44 4 29 4 4 3 6 1 1 3 17 27 4 58 1 20 ~ 2 32 45 3 41 3 4 8 8 E ...... 25 3 34 ...... 19 1 29 40 4 39 5 $’ 3 4 3 32 3 3; 27 4 60 1 16 3 1 18 29 3 Z7 4 26 3 4 3 80 : ...... 20 23 4 70 ...... 3,927 924 474 2,809 6;946 1,1: lo,:3& 593 4>590 615 549 969 7,079 375 40$ 4,305 4,177 323 9,m 71 369 107 352 575 369 681 8 1,291 273 1% l,W 2,% 583 3,503 $ 1,63s 2:: l% 3: 2,337 13 1,122 1,% 2% 3,138 1,960 464 26# 1,224 3,g: 431 5,494 303 2,166 264 %7 461 3,544 177 RJ 2,45: 2,320 443 4,;; 4; 217 60 210 61 472 42 299 44 34 $2 217 90 20 15 58 107 5 178 11 14 10 3 1: 7 63 81 % 204 : 3,;g 915 467 2,751 6,726 1,0;; 10,002 577 4,456 603 527 961 6,364 356 3% 4,144 4,031 819 8,911 66 107 346 562 386 672 1,270 m 1% 1,?2 2,%! 563 3,L? m? 1,644 n% 1% 3:2 2,234 1% 137 1,034 l,R 2% 3,048 : 1,914 458 259 1,193 2,918 411 5,229 294 2,094 288 282 454 3,407 163 17J 2,357 2,256 4,475 42 211 60 26 208 283 59 460 41 ~ 44 32 79 :;: 18 255 217 %? 514 4 19 15 58 102 5 170 11 14 10 28 10 7 62 80 10 202 4 75 9 7 58 ~ 42 388 16 13; 12 12 8 215 19 1; 161 96 14 317 5 ...... 19 ...... 3 ...... 9 ...... 2! 2 i 20 : 41 6 5 1 # 5 2: ...... 46 6 ~ 31 1% 20 4: 9 72 6 5 7 137 11 5 X 64 1; .2 5 3 .. . . . 2 8 2 12 1 15 ...... 2 .. . . . 10 . . . . . 1 10 ------...... 12 ...... 1 1 ...... 5 .. ---- 8 ...... ---- .. --., .. . . . 2 3 . ----- 1 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... 1 . . . . . 3 ...... ,. ..-., ----- ...... 1 .. . . . i ...... 6 ...... 1 ...... 1: ...... MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Figures for whita and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per sent of the total, or ofmunicipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. ~u+bers .


Mher Diph- Mber- ‘uber- ‘Onns V-hoop In- Er - mlosis Ulous Lheu BISGISTRATION ABE-4. yphoic J.al& Measles. !carlet yny 6.u- M tu- ms- All ria. i% iperas. of the men. ~ever. iever. cough. mza. )ermr- ism. Causes. :roup. hlrlgs. lgitie. losic.

1 8 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 1s (87) — — REGISTRATION CITIES-Coutinued. I NEW YoRK+ontinued. I Newbur h...... 549 1 3 5 9 4 ...... 2 2 Niagara 3?ala...... 590 % ..... 7 3 1; 2 4 E 2 i North Tonewanda ...... 156 12 ...... 1 3 ; 1 12 ...... ; 1 O dfmsburg...... 399 5 ...... a ...... 12 : ...... 46 2 4 . . . . . Okay ...... 2(I9 2 ..... 1 ...... 3 2 ...... 9 2 ...... 193 ...... 1 2 2 ...... 2 3 359 ; ..... 4 ...... 1 2 ...... ;; . . . . . 259 3 ..... 1 ...... 5 1 2 4 30 : : 2 182 ...... 2 ...... 1 2 ...... 17 2 : 2 204 3 ..... 4 2 ...... 3 4 ...... 13 2 . . . . . Porrgbkeepsie...... 562 4 ..... 5 3 4 2 1 41 3 1 2 Rensselaer ...... 149 ...... ; ...... Rochester...... 3,271 ; ..... 13 50 2; 9: 13 li 2A %2 24 Ic Rome ...... 493 ..... 13 2 ...... 16 ; 1 68 2 1 SaratOg? Springs ...... 270 6 ...... 33 i 2 1 16 946 ..... 14 6 c 17 2,027 2: ..... 3; 3: : 1!! 1: 9 18 1,621 21 ..... 23 ~ 1: 5 179 1! 19 1,442 9 ..... 1 U 8 6 96 1: 1! 3 XJ Watertown...... 2 1 ...... 2 4 29 1 5 2 21 Watervliet ...... x 1! ..... 3 4 4 7 ...... 23 ..... 22 White Plain s...... 290 4 ...... : : 2 23 Yonkers ...... 1,204 8 ..... 7 Ii 1! 1: ; 5 i!: 14 6 6 NOETH CAROLINA. I Re ietrationcities (total) ...... 3,246 lea 32 20 3 97 18 51 4 433 17 ;; 14 2 white ...... 1,535 15 13 2 25 11 28 3 215 1; 8 26 Colored...... 1,061 :: 17 7 1 72 7 23 1 218 19 6 — . 27 Asheville (total) ...... 338 . . . . . 2 ...... 1 11 ...... 117 6 ..... 28 ‘FJhiie...... 233 : . . . . . 2 ...... 7 ...... 95 4 : ..... 28 Colored...... 105 ...... 1 ...... 22 ...... 30 Charlotte (total) ...... 517 1: 4 ...... 9 3 2$ ...... 47 : 6 6 ‘White...... 12 + 5 3 11 ...... 14 3 ...... 3 :; Colored...... ZI 4 ! ...... 4 ...... 11 ...... 33 ...... 6 2 Durham (total) ...... lg 1 4 3 4 ...... 58 1 7 2 . . . . . ‘White ...... : ...... 2 2 ...... 3 . Colo~ed...... 1 ...... 1 : 1 .....- :: 1 4 Greensboro (total) ...... 1: 1 1 ...... : 1 44 1 1 i White...... 8 ...... 2 1 24 1 ...... 3 Colored...... 2 1 1 ...... 1 ...... 20 ...... 1 . . . . . Ralei h(total) ...... 11 E ...... 15 2 1 49 ; 6 3 ‘~hite ...... 8 5 ...... : 2 ...... 23 3 2 Colored...... 1: . . . . . 3 1 Wibnir@On(tOtal) ...... 3; 1! 1 63 ‘5 7 $ ;! ; ; ..... White ...... 20 e 1 3 2 2 ...... IC!olored...... 13 ...... H 2 5 ...... H 3 4 .....

4 Winston (total) ...... 16 ...... 6 2 2 ...... $: 1 2 1 4f wq~ ...... ; ...... 5 ...... 2 ...... 1 1 ..... 47 (Colored...... 1 2 ...... 47 ...... 1 1 OHIO.

4f Re istrationcities(totrd) ...... 31,363 506 If 124 364 277 432 311 S3 3,283 269 318 157 4g $’hfte ...... 36,713 486 17 121 36; 254 421 302 85 2,916 1;; 298 15C 54 Colored...... 1,580 20 1 3 33 11 9 3 367 20 ‘7 Akron ...... 958 31 1 1 27 15 32 4 --5 T 7 7 7 Allimce ...... 162 6 . . . . . 2 1 2 ...... 12 1 2 1 Ashtabnla ...... 242 ...... ; : 1 ...... 16 1 . . . . . Bellaire ...... 165 ; . . . . . 1 2 6 1 ...... H ; . . . . . Cambridge...... 132 3 2 ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... 12 2 : . . . . . Canton ...... 569 7 ...... 1 9 5 ...... 60 3 5 3 Chillicothe ...... 5 . . . . . Cinc,innati( total) ...... 6,?2 4! ; 7; 19 5: 1: 8:: 4; 4 21 White ...... 5,627 41 5 7; 16 f! 53 15 736 35 57 17 Colored...... 598 2 . . . . 3 2 2 1 160 8 7 4 Cleveland ...... 7,99! 82 , 40 191 85 129 62 28 751 46 57 57 Colurubus(tatal) ...... 2,671 26 :. 21 8 22 24 298 39 9 White ...... 2,415 25 : 21 8 16 21 i; : 250 ii 3~ 8 Colored...... 256 ...... Dayton ...... 1,624 2; . . . . 1 1 1! 1? 17 4 1% 12 q 1; EastLlverpool ...... 30$ 20 1 3 1 3 6 1 3 3; ; 6 2 Elyria ...... 3 ...... 2 Fimdlay...... E 8 1 2 1 ...... 22 ...... i ; Hamilton ...... 2 { k ; 3 51 ; f 4 Ironimn...... E 11 . . . . . 1 1 3 3 .. ---- 26 ----- DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 65 ‘


numbered 10,060 or over in 1910. The tmm “ oities’> indicates munici alities having 10,000 inhabitants or over ti 1910. Minor rural subdivisions (counties, exelusive under caqses of death correspond to those of the Abridged I@+mational 1“Et (seep. 27).]

CAUSE OF DEATH-Continued. ‘1 — . I))a. %- V,olent Dther hrnia Dthe] p.ekret$ Pneu- and cir- N-e- -~1 deaths ‘m- espira intes- ?uer. puer- d~;d cam Dfa- [enb2 Bron- monia ente- Appen ,hosis )hritie, ~e~yty (e=. tinal peral perd Sili. otheru cm. )etes. $tis. chitis . (all @& ritii iicitis. )f the h-lght’s Cludiq tide. hageanc yrnuc ever. affec- mal- Causes. iofterdrrg tmns). :@nda iver. iiseaee. sui- roses. tions. :ornm-* G’& 2 tide). tions. ,, rears) 16 (37) 17 18 20,21 22,($.?3: (23) 25 26 !27 28 29 31 82 33 35 36 (37) 3s — — — . — l—l

37 1 12 72 7 17 5 44 .2 2 26 36 SI :-... -.. 1 22 3 10 32 : 2 72 4 ; : 26 .4 4 42 44 1! 12 1 15 1 13 ...... 2 ...-. . . . . 2 . . ..-. % ...... : 25 : 2s 2 12 5 3 4 2 1 li .1: ...... 9s ...... 4 7 2 -: 24 i 3 12 4 ; 2 11 1 2 13 1s 2 35 ...... 5

2 14 ...... 7 1 ; 25 1 3 25 2 34 ...... 6 2! 1; 3 3 6 : 27 2 3 # 27 3 64 ...... 7 12 .2 2 1; ; 3 4 16 1 3 20 41 ...... 6“ ,. 8 : 19 : 1 4 3 1 1 1 15 12 : 39 2 9 9 ; 2 14 9 1 $ ...... 1 1 i 1 1 15 17 3 26 2. 10

31 1; 2 61 11 29 9 2 6 41 5 3 34 .24 3 .91 ...... 11 : ...... ,. ..- 33 ...... ls 2;! 48 Ii 3:: 52 34 21! 3; 2 { 26; 20 l! 5; 19: 5i 5:; ...... 13 5 \5s 9 2 Xl 3 43 . . . . 15 34 4 3 14 ,15 ! 1 17 3 2 4 s 3 4 39 1 . . . . . 7 12 2 40 ...... 15

10 13 11 10 4 4 11 154 1 16 1;; 26 J 2:; 39 15 lU 2: i 17 1:: 3 1% 1% 29 344 2 17 110 22 25 1s7 16 16 63 12 19 32 6 1! S1 9 222 3 1s 62 16 19 146 1s 19 75 17 20 15 in 3 9 1!; 6S 7 269 3 19

33 3 5 65 5 2 ;1 7 9 4 1 2 20 5 107 ...... 20 12 5 4 24 7 5 1 . . . . . 2 R . . . . 11 18 . . . . . 1 21 14 1 4 z 5 . . ..-. - 17. 2 .: 19 32 3 i~ ...... 22 62 9 13 lx 1: s 151 7 1: 13 10s 6 7 62 74 6 140 1 23

87 s g 262 40 ~: 233 33 21 10 176 lfi 21 151 177 637 92 24 62 107 114 y 14 7 79 ;: 252 20 2.-5 25 i 13 155 # 11 119 7 3 .% G J 72 :; ...... 235 72 26 — — . 13 . . . . . Y 17 3 15 5 1 . . . . . 7 7 1 — 6 : 1 47 8 27 10 . . . . . 2 11 : 7 4 1 . . . . . 9 ,- . . . ----- 6 10 1 34 2 28 ...... i ,. :...... 1 ...... ;. g 1: 3 g l! 4 3: i 1 1 2! . . . . ; 25 3; i: 13. i 3 : 4 1 1 12 ...... 23 14 .: 3 31 ...... ; 25 9 1 1 ...... 13 . . . . 2 2 16 . . . . . E 1s 32

11 .25 2 : 20 1 ,. .-...... 16 5 3 13 10 -2 82 17 33 8 : : 11 ...... 13 ...... s . . . . 6 4 2 36’ 2 34 3 . . ..-. . . . . 2 1 ...... 5 ; ...... 48 15 35 1 5 : 1 1 1; i 3 $ 1 1 1: 1: 1 5s 12 36 E 1 3 1 1 3 : 3 12 1 1 1 3 37 6 ...... 2 J ...... ,. -.. . 18 1 2 . . . . . 11 ...... 1: : . . . . . :; . 9 3s z. 9 3 4 56 11 44 8 3 36 5 6 27 46 153 9 39 ...... 3 28 5 : 5 : 2 g 14 23 2 ; 3 2s 6 2 # 3 3 i $ 13 23 ,. .-. . .!: : 2 . 16 ...... i- 6 6 7 : 45 3 41 49 1 120 6 42 9 ...... % 3 5 32 i .: 14 1 2 43 7 ...... i 44 3 1 45 ! 2 2 :$ “; 2 27 H ...... :; 4 44

2 ;: 3 4 31 3 ...... 15 . . . . 3 21 17 1 49 19 45 : 1 z ...... 16 ; ,. -...... 11 1 20 ? 46 3 1 4 22 3 4 15 ...... 2 . . . . 3 4 6 ,- . . . . 29 ’12 47

1,767 317 3,065 54s 215 1,301 315 266 373 1,999 199 172 1,609 2,293 449 5, 27S 62 46 1,719 307 M 2, /33; .517 209 1,752 307 259 3;: 1,921 193 165 1, 55s 2, ;;: 432 5,061 5; :: 48 10 12 31 6 49 8 7 7s 6 7 51 17. 217

43 7 10 . S9 6 59 X3 4 2 52 19 7 64 i’s 11 156 1 51 1 ...... 1 2 2 9 ...... -. 11 3 32 2 52 1: 1 % 1 1; 3 4 3 6 4 1 33 :; 45 ...... 53 10 .: 1 20 ...... 9 1 ...... 11 16 : 23 ...... 54 6 ...... 7 2 7 4 3 2 1; 1 2 9 7 3 25 ...... 155

;: 5 2 “ 50 25 4 7 2 21 4 4 2s 49 10 9s ...... 56 i . . . . . 24 33 ...... 57 370 ‘J 14: 4;: 39 d 4: 5: 101 2 2 Al 4# 7; 9S6 10 5s 350 38 122 42; 37 222 47 53 99 ‘ %! 32 23 212 7: 914 9 59 20 2 19 2 21 2 1 2 37 . . . . . 2 ls 4s 72 1 60

425 51 221 556 56 7;; 542 46 23 417 531 11s 1,:& 11 61 163 35 22 227 16 :! E % 146 26 17 133 1s7 45 1: g 15: 29 21 205 16 62 3: 21 26 139 24 15 122 39 474 . . . . . ~ % 111 1: 1: la 7 6: 19 1: 2$ d ‘: 1; 97 99 3; 2% _..?. %

14 7 2 2s 4 17 2 2 4 lj 2 3 1: 25 2 53 2 66 9 2 13 1 6 4 . . . . . 2 1 2 3 : 6 3 ,. ..-. . . ..-. U E 2 ; __.:. :; % 10 ; ;: 2 1: ; 2 7 2 3 5 46 5 1 69 11 2 34 1 9 4 1 2 8 1 1 ,: 14 2 36 1 70 78089”—BuI.112--l&5 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

TABLE i? .–DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) IN THE REGISTRATION AREA AND ITS lFigums for white and coIored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the total, or of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers .


>ther Diph- Puber- ‘uber- Vhoop ln- ‘Orms REGISTRATION AREA . ‘yphoid Mala- smau- Warlet theria Er - mlosis Lheu feesles flu- Ulous rdtu- All fever. rla. px. fever. ing and iperas of the men- me- 0 causes. }ough. lungs. ]ercu- iem. xoup. lgitis. loeis.

1 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 13 14 15 (87) —l—l— —— — REGISTRATION CITIES—Continued. om~ntinued. ;akwvood ...... 190 ...... ------3 4 6 1 2 ...... 16 2 1 2 Lancaster...... 149 ...... ------1 ...... 19 ,. ..> ,Jma...... ------388 8 ...... 1 6 ; : 1 47 i : ,orain ...... 337 1; ...... - 2 6 4 7 4 ...... 2 6 ; tsnwlold ...... 258 1 ...... 1 2 1 3 1 & 1 3 2 Jarietta...... 187 6 ...... 6 4 2 10 ...... 12 1 1 lemon ...... 230 3 1 ...... 1 1 2 1 18 1 : 1 tassillon ...... 137 1 ...... - 1 1 1 2 : ...... 2 .. . . . Jiddletown ...... 175 3 ...... -..... - 2 1 6 1 4 2 1: 3 5 1 Newark...... 311 7 1 ...... 4 ...... 2 8 12 1 18 1 4 2 Jorwood ...... 157 1 ...... 2 2 1 ...... 2 ‘iqua ...... 165 2 ...... 3 ...... 2 ...... & . . . . . ; 1 Portsmouth...... 404 19 ..--... .-. -... 8 ...... 13 11 6 ...... 45 9 7 1 @@k ...... 289 14 ...... ------...... 4 1 ...... 23 2 2 4 ,prm@&d(total)...... 620 9 ...... 1 ...... 7 2 Ii 1 63 5 ...... 541 8 ...... 7 2 !i 11 1 46 ; 3 . . . . Colored...... 1 .-... -...... ! ...... 2 . . . . !teubenville ...... 3% 9 ...... ------...... 3 ...... 7 2 1 E 2 1 .. . . .

M?3!11...... ’ ...... 157 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Poled...... 2,578 40 1 ...... : 28 43 z 8 d; 13 24 1: Warren...... 150 1 ...... 2 ...... 2 ,......


24 ?ortland (total) ...... 2,390 42 ...... 19 13 6 27 7 187 19 29 25 White...... 2,300 39 ------19 13 6 27 i: 7 162 17 27 ; 26 Pldoredz...... 90 3 ------...... 25 2 2 1 . PEIJx’SYLVANIA Re .strationcities (tital) ...... 57,909 891 ~: 4 473 424 380 1,127 417 139 5,262 392 447 286 %&3...... 54,769 859 4 452 421 344 1, 1;; 462 135 4,698 356 402 276 Colored...... 3,140 32 1 ...... 21 3 36 4 564 36 45 10 — . . 30 Ulentown ...... :7 25 ------...... 3 25 ~ 7 62 6 9 < 31 Iltoona ...... 15 ------3 4 4 2 44 3 5 3 Beaver Falls...... 166 9 .-... -. ------6 3 5 ...... 10 2 1 1 % Bethlehem...... 181 11 ...... -. -...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 12 1 ...... 34 Braddock ...... 352 2 ...... ------15 1 9 3 ...... 21 1 1 35 Bedford...... 212 3 ...... : 1 36 Butler...... 241 8 ...... 3 6 1 ...... ;: 2 4 . . . . . 37 %rbondale...... 294 4 ...... -...... 1 7 1 12 1 1 2 lzrlisle(tetal) ...... 171 1 ...... 3 ...... 16 1 2 1 white ...... 143 1 ...... 3 ...... 12 1 2 1 Cored...... 4 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1 ~-eP---””-”--”--”””-”””””””-”””””--”””~harn ersburg...... 1%! 3 ...... ------...... 1 1 i 1 2: i 2 . . . . .

603 7 ...... 1 1 6 6 2 8.? 2 . . . . . 511 4 ...... 1 1 5 4 1 77 1 : . . . . . 3 ...... 2 1 1 ...... 1% ...... : 1 ...... 1: . . . . . 3 . . . . . 104 ...... 3 1 ...... 14 . . . . . 3 . . . . . 23 ...... 4 ...... 49 2 ...... 4 . . . . 1 10 3 4 . . . . . 5C 7 ...... 1 3 2 1 8 5 1 . . . . . 51 6 ...... 2 ...... 1 . . . . . 0 ...... : ...... 8 2 2 1: 1 1 . . . . . : 1 ...... 1 6 4 . . . . 1 18 ...... 64 486 10 .: ...... 10 2 2 2 29 7 5 55 1,102 130 ...... 5 1: 8 4 81 : 4 2 5E 208 12 ...... 1 5 1 . . . . . 57 990 11 ...... 1 i 18 Ii 1 11~ 5 7 e 6: 337 1 ...... 1 2 7 ...... 16 1 2 3 5$ Homestead ...... 220 ...... 9 6 19 2 ...... 2 . . . . . 6( Johnstown ...... 330 14 1 ...... 6 17 1 2 1 9 Ii 2 61 Lancaster...... 694 9 ...... 2 ;: 2 57 6 8 3 62 Lebanon ...... 307 5 ...... i ...... 17 ; ...... 18 1 2 . . . . . e McKees Rocks ...... 165 1 ...... 2 2 2 1 8 1 1 . . . . .

64 McKeecpor~...... 634 14 ...... 3 4 2 ...... 40 3 5 4 65 Mahano C@...... 278 1 ...... 8 8 1; 2 3 8 ...... 3 66 !hadvdef ...... 174 7 ...... 3 ...... 2 1 11 2 1 . . . . . 67 klonessen...... 139 1 ...... 6 2 ...... 7 ...... da Flfountcmnel ...... 191 1 ...... 1 5 : ...... 4 ...... 1 2 INonregistrations tate; cities sbownbelow only those witheffective local ordtices. ●


numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term I{OitieS>Yindiso@s muniei &ties having 11),000inhabitants or over in 191o. I&nor rural subdivisions (counties, exclusive under causes of death correspond to thow of the Abridged Intimation a? List (see p. 27).] ,

CAUSEOF DEATE-9011t’iUUed, - — — Dim . ,. rhea Iernie Othe Vioir )rgm Pneu and Ne- Cir. Puel puer death A21 can- Dia- feti issas Bren noni ente- intes- hos. Dhrith qw tinal pera #& Sui other cer. Jet8s. gitis of the Slitis (a22 ritis Imiti )f th Mght oide bsos f%: affec causes un- heart )rms uncle .im hseas( sui- 2 tions cide). 7ears;

16 (87) 17 19 20,21 2,(2 25 26 27 28 29 81 82 85 86 (87) 38 .

11 j ..,.... 1 ---- 1 E 2: ...... 1 11 : ...... -...... > 2 2 24 g t 2 ; < 2 1 3 U : 1 { : : ...... 4 1$ 2 1 2 5 ...... ;: 31 ...... 5

-15 ...... < ...... 3 lf ‘% ...... 6 .... . : 2 f ..-. 4 1 7 i ; ...... -. ; . :! 24 1 8 6 : 1 ...... 16 z ...... 9

: 4 4 : 19 5( 4 : M i . . . . . ,...... ----- 5 11 ...... 17 .1 1 ; 1 z ...... 2. ~ ...... 17 2 2 ; i : 4 6{ ...... 3

20 2 1 3 3 , 1 1 8 ? 4 i 6 - :; 1: ; : ;: 7 i 4 { 6 a 2 ii ...... ,. . . . . -2 7 : . . . . . 1 15 i 2 4 . 2 3: 5 1 8

...... 9 1:: 3; 11 23 31 2: ; 1< U 17: 5:! ...... 0 ...... 2 1 2 1$ :; 1; 1: !-i : ; 14; 1:{ i 2 !2e : 2 : 1 : : e 44 9: 4 3

167 33 32 2( 11 2 132 44i 4 4. la :: : 32 ; 32 1: 11 z 180 421 4 5 2 ...... -...... 2 1[ . . . ..- 6

2, WE 302 -775 m %04 6!2 33 361 3,955 8, 58! 300 2,753 593 %! 722 47/ 478 6W 3Z 344 3,778 8, 16( 2!36 92 9 11 52 x 26 1[ If 17 177 42.! 14 - — x ~ 7 8: 6 6 i 7 --i 115 18 1 29 2 3! 1 1$ ; 4 [ 5 .: 114 1 1 4 H ...... ,. ..-...... ; 3 20 .-. . 26 3 2 6 2 1 2; : .2 1 ...... : 1 . . . . 5 5 38 . . . . . 3 2 2 4 j J 3 . . . . . 3 7 4 27 2 36 . . . . . 1: . . . . . 1 4 1 . . . . 19 5 42 ...... ; ; 2 2 i’ 1 2 19 J 34 5 : 3 1 6 9 ; 4 7 ; 6 36 ; 34 1

14 4 14 2 4 . . ..- 2’ 1 1 ,. -.. 7 1 34 1 1; -+ 13 4 2 4 . . . . . 1 1 1 ,. -.. 5 1 29 1 ...... -. 1 ...... r ...... ,. -.. 2 . . . . 5 ...... ) . . . . . 4 1 ...... 2 .. . . . ,. .-. 5 . . . . ,. -.. . 1 16 1! . . . . ; . . . . . 4 1 1 ...... - 1 6 2 2 2 2 23 6 24 9 6 4 4 5 89 5 1 25 6 : .22 5 4 .: 4 ; : :: 5 71 5 4 ...... 2 ; ...... ,- . . . 1 4 . . . . 18 . . . . . ; : 2 . . . . 3 ; ...... - .-. . ,. -.. 1 8 -...... 1 4 2 . . . . 3 1 2 ...... ,. ..- 1 .-. . +! ,- . . . . r 1 ...... ----- ...... ---- ...... ; .-. . 4 . . . . . 1 5 2 ? 2 -...... 22 ?2 1! i 2 i i 3 : 1 8 4 28 4 1 i : 2 1 ; 1 2 1. 14 30 . . . . . 1: 2 1 14 1; 3 1 . . . . 1 16 : 7 1 1 3 2 3 . ..-. 1 : ---- 1 11 ---- :; ; 29 3 46 5 3 49 12 2 6; 1: 56 1! 7 1! 1: Ii : 59 g I : 1 : 46 : J .55 li ~ 6 :6 1; Ii : 1; J 4 12 169 7 20 3 1 17 12 ~ . 7 2 2 4 U 2 60 ...... 2 . . . . . 2 4 . ----- 3 2 6 2 1, 6 2 2: 4 1: ; 61 9 3 .! 4 1% 1: E I 8 57 8 4 3 3 5 x 119 17 ! 32 3 7 2 ! 1 . . . . 1 22 : 10 4 1 i 3 2 ...... 1 3 1 1 13 .-. . ‘n 2 27 5 2 22 1: 6 l? 7 3 69 10 102 ‘3 8 . . . . . 1 1: 1 ; 2 .-. . 57 5 8 2 . . . . 1; . . . . . 2 : 2 1 -.. . 1 E 4 36 . . ..-...... 1 4 2 . . . . . ,. ..-. . ..- .- ...... -. . 6 . . . . . 1 7 . . . . . 5 1 4 1 2 4 ;; 3 ;: : ~Colored popuktion less than 10 per cent of total. MORTALITY STATISTICS. 1


[Figuresfor white and coloredam shown separatelyfor minor subdivisionsonly when the ~olored.pq~ation of the sgbdi.~ign f$mnedat least 10per cent of-th:jota], or otmurmxpelmesnavnvg lu,uuumnatxtants or over m Iwu) are ommea. N namers


)ther Diph- NMr. C’uber. Nhoop Orms REGISTEATION AREA. yphoic [ala- lmall- lowIet >hey :ubmis mlous mases. in i% of the men- )f tu- ma- All fever. ria. pox. [ever. Coug% . mza. :roup. hugs. ngitis, lercu- ,ism. bsis.

1 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 (37) . REGISTRATION CITIES-Continued.

PENNSYLVANIA-C0nthIUf3d. Nanticoke...... 286 ...... 1 1 New Castle...... 534 Ii .... : li 2: ...... ; Morristown...... 624 11 .... 4 4 9 1: 2 4 North Braddock...... 142 3 .... 2 5 ...... ; 1 Oil C1t,y...... 213 3 ...... : 1 ...... Old Forge ...... 167 ...... Philadelphia (totaI) ...... 26,276 23: 11 24 19: 109 49! 133 3,05i 22? 18~ 12; White ...... 24,251 218 10 274 192 93 480 173 !: 2,642 199 160 122 Colored...... 2,025 12 1 15 3 16 11 10 416 22 24 5 Phoeuixville...... 192 . 1 ...... Pittsburgh (total) ...... 3,099 13: ... 5: 10; 12: 64 25 5% 4; 8: 3: White ...... 7,656 13-3 .. 46 H :3 126 63 25 513 42 76 34 Colored...... 443 6 .... 5 . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . 62 7 10 2 280 1 ... 3 1 ...... 14 5 ...... 3 252 2 1 2 . . . . . 3 10 2 1 1! 1 ; 211 ...... 2 3 2 1 ...... 387 i ...... i 1 ;! 4 . . . . 1,408 23 .. 14 1: 8 ;: 8 1 101 7 7 xzanton...... 1,974 19 .. . 3 9 6 17 15 3 10 7 13 3hamr.Mn...... 251 8 .... 7 ...... 9 . . . . . 1 1 ...... 2 Sharon...... 190 3 ...... 2 2 ...... 2 Shenandoah...... 506 1 ...... 5: 2 ‘J 1 1 ...... i 3outhBethlehem...... 308 i .... 2 1 1 s 1 2 ...... 2 3outhSharon...... 112 2 .... 1 ...... 7 1 1 . . . . Walton...... 188 ...... i 2 1 ...... 1 Wnbury...... 181 .... 1 1 1 ...... 1 . . . . Uniontown...... 217 2; .. ; 1 1 ...... 1 2 1 . . . . Warren...... 102 2 ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... Washington...... 260 13 ...... 1 8 4 4 1 22 ...... 3 WestChaster(total) ...... 237 6 .... 1 . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . . 12 1 3 ; White ...... lg 3 .... 1 . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . . 10 1 2 2 Colored...... 3 ...... 2 ...... 1 . . . . Wilkes-Barre...... 1,072 8 1 3 2 6 8 2 58 3 5 7 Wilkimburg...... 252 . . . 5 ,. ..,. 3 3 Williamsport ...... 519 1: 1 2 + ...... 6 1 :; 3 ; York ...... 659 11 ...... 7 4 4 54 3 1! 4


Re istrationcities (total) ...... 7,052 48 13 42 95 118 39 13 701 59 60 29 white ...... 6,832 47 13 41 35 118 39 13 654 58 54 28 Colored...... 220 1 .... 1 10 ...... 47 1 6 1 — GentralFalI s...... 328 2 1 1 1 5 3 1 30 2 1 Cranston...... 220 ...... 1 1 2 1 ; 12 3 9 Stateinstitutions...... 317 i ...... 2 74 ...... 2 Cumberlaqdtown ...... 138 1 1 . . . . . 3 . . . . . 13 . . . . Esstl?romdencetown...... 206 1 . . . . 1 6 : ; . . . . . 18 ; 2 4: Newport ...... 364 4 ...... 2 . . . . . 28 3 . . . . 4( Pawtucket...... 830 ...... lf . . . . . 4 Providence ...... 3!5%2 2: 1 10 3! E 17 4 3: 2; l! 4! Warwlcktovm ...... 475 2 . . . . 1 4 2 2 104 4( ‘Woorrsocket...... 575 4 . . . . 1 1 1; . . . . . 2 51 1; . . . .


5( Charkston(total)...... 1,770 24 19 ...... 10 5 16 3 1 1 5 Wbite ...... 51? 10 ...... 4 1 1 5: Colored...... 1!252 14 12 ...... : 1 1$ i ......


Re istration cities (total) ...... 5,787 164 127 104 64 35 80 14 597 ‘ 28 57 18 +kite ...... 2,963 94 31 72 : 35 24 26 247 16 29 9 2,824 70 96 32 1 29 11 64 : 350 12 28 9 Colored...... —— Knoxville (total) ...... 666 17 . 8 ...... 6 4 5 5 1 White ...... 44( 13 .... 6 .. 4 3 3 ; :! 3 1 Colored...... 22t ...... 2 .. . . . Memphis (total) ...... 2,83f 8; 112 3; 3 2; 2; i 6 2;; 8 4 White ...... 1,33( 43 26 23 3 10 13 3 103 6 2 Colored...... 1,5of 44 ~: . 9 3; 3 190 Nashville (tetal) ...... 2,284 69 H 4 ;; 9 40 226 1: 1: V7hite...... 1,193 38 43 3 21 8 20 ! 101 7 6 Colored...... 1,091 22 1! 16 1 16 1 20 2 125 8 7 I Nonregistration statq cities shown below on]y thosewith effective local ordinances. DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. . SUBDIVISIONS, BY COLOR OF DECEDENT AND CAUSE OF DEATH: 1911-Oontimed.

numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term “cities” iudicates rnnniei a2iti-es havin 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. M3nor rural subdivision (countiw, ~clusi~e urrdy m.rses of death correspond to thase of the Abridged IrIterrratIomJ 2?Ist (see P. 27).? .

CAUSE Or DEATH-COntih.UIed. - — Diar- rhea COn- 7iolen .( Other Wrnie Othe] kebral )rgtmi Pneu- and cir- ieath espira intes- Puer puer- L%R Au Die- [eti haraor- liseme Bron- nonia en% APper :hosis && sni- Igj toao tinal y$-i$peral peral other leks. gitis. hageam of the chitis. (%33 ritis dicitis ]f the eide, M&r affem %d- Dftenfrrg heart. :unde] liver. lirease ever -- causes. =). eases. tiorls r;Om& 2 c:d%), id%+; ?ears)

(87) 17 1s 19 20,21 ;2,(28 (28) 25 26 27 2s 29 81 32 33 36 36 (87) 38 .


1 10 46 4 39 ~ 4 2 2( . . . . 21 ...... 6 54 5 18 9 8 2 : 4C ; 5 2 2 $ E & 4 ; 26 74 4 17 4 4 : : 2 21 2 151 ...... 5 : 26 1 19 ...... 1 2 ...... : 2 12 1 5 1: 13 1 19 1 8 3 4 : 1: . . . . 1 1! H .. . . . 48

...... 2 2$ 1 6 282 10: 1,15: 414 2, 5;! 34i 1,3:: IN 218 264 2,59; 14+ 1, 2+! 1,41C 27; 3,% 7 27: 95 1,113 368 2,272 311 1, ;;; 186 198 2s2 2,427 % 135 1>167 1,31$ 272 3,380 2 8 7 42 46 240 37 13 20 22 172 12 12 107 92 4 255 : 9 2 ...... f 5: 22: 19? 1, lM 14 7:$ i 5$ 13i 4$ 56 4 4 5$ Ioi 1, l% lE :1 50 318 190 1,047 118 677 71 5; 128 371 56 46 523 543 100 1>121 17 2 . . . . . 2 14 7 77 7 30 2 3 24 ----- 2 25 3t 3 54 1 3 “1 3 42 3 19 2 2 2 10 1 . . . . . !2n 57 2 36 in ...... 2 : : 21 7 5; ...... 4 4 3 3 23 2C . . . . 32 3 2 . . . . 23 3 23 1 1 : . . . . 2U 1 32 1 31 28 : 3: 8 ; \ 15 2: ...... 3; 1: 2% J 75 1? 93 1? 1: 14 w 7 10 82 8S 4 2% 34 33 15 113 48 267 y 231 19 2; 2j 68 19 1$ 42 236 12 298 “3 5 15 2 13 ...... 12 2 18 2 50 . . . . . ; H % 3 2 ...... 8 1 : 3 i 5 5 18 1: 44 1: 7[ . . . ..- 5 3 : ii 54 3 : 10 6 3 12 2 19 4 63 ...... 3 H . . . . : 37 12 3 53 1

. . . . . 2 2 4 12 1 . . . ..- . . . . . 6 ---- 1 14 5 2 18 2 1 ...... 15 2 ~: -- . . . . 2 : -...... 27 8 1 ...... ; 2 A 2 4 3 . . . . . li 2 2 1 H ...... 1 { : 3 5 3 2 13 2 7 E ;; 3 30 1 3 i ‘2 1 3 2 ...... - ..., 2 4 1 .- ..., 7 8 1 *26 1 1 3 27 10 3 ...... 2 16 3 1 ; 1 J 2 16 i 4 i .. . . . : 3 ; 14 % 2 1 2 1 14 2 11 4 3 : 4 .. ..-. 19 2 ~9 20 : ;; ...... 2 ...... 5 1 ...... 3 ; . . . . . 3 . . . . 1 10 53 24 108 18 91 22 13 82 10 10 62 143 3 165 1; 3 4 : 20 26 9 ,----- : 2 4 4 35 i 48 .: 53 : : 6 4 2 5 6 z H 2 5 1: i 5/ 22 43 4 :: 4 5 8 58 1 9 40 34 ; 1;: ...... 3

98 63 407 121 662 67 393 67 83 66 564 22 50 393 53 i, 164 45 7 97 62 400 118 661 6: 39: 65 63 54 550 21 50 E 382 50 1,132 4; 3 1 1 7 3 21 2 . . . . . 2 14 1 . ..-. 10 11 3 32 ) 4 5 20 2.2 34 3 33 2 25 .... 2 30 11 .... 40 4 . . . . . 2 22 2 13 2 14 .... 1 14 10 2 $ 1 ii 2 13 2 1 1 13 ...- ---- 5 1 2% ...... [1 : 10 1 13 ...... -. ...- 1 1: 5 . . . . 3 5 2 9 4 17 . . . . . 1! 1 1; ,..-...... 14 7 3 : ...... 9 4 34 35 5 11 5 28 3 2 18 72 2 2; H : 123 4; 2; l% 55 J: 3; 1?: 3: 3:; 1; 3; 2% 223 35 569 2; 8 28 26 40 29 ---- 31 62 1? 2 20 1: &f ; 61 1: 42 1 4 a 25 : 74 1

5 18 94 11 123 17 9 m 4 19 160 68 3 360 31 ) 6 33 6 27 % 4 23 3 t . . . . . 1: 61 5 96 1!/ 67 5 1!! : 11 1!: 45 . . . . ii? 2 2

23 171 72 562 35 277 36 340 52 36 235 437 46 1>145 123 3 19 x Zf# 26 N-5 25 19.4 143 189 38 644 45 4 4 30 % E 57 92 u 146 :: H 90 248 8 501 78 5 5 7 15 51 7 24 156 12 5 6 4 31 : H 17 ! 102 5 ...... ,3 23 42 ;; 2% 4$ nij 13 9; 2; 5:: 10: 1; 22 102 14 7 58 22 2W 33 21 : 161 29 6 203 69 22 246 33 1: 1;; ii 9 . . : 13 - 1! 22 k!! 1 9 1: 2% 2 52 9 46 2 1s4 i



[Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions ordy when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the total, or ofmuuicipzdities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers .

c SE Ol?DEATH. —— — I

1 )ther )iph- In- ‘uber- uber- lrms heu [al* carlel VhooP henp Er - ulosis 11OUS REGIS~RATIONAREA. yphoid [easles ing flu- Iftu- na- All ‘ever. ria. ever. pe/’as. ]fthe nen- :Ough. !nza. ercu- ism. muses. roup. Ungs. lQtis. osis.

1 3 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 15 :87)

REGISTRATION CITIES—Continued. ~EX.AS.] 1 Registration cities (total) ...... 4,097 79 31 29 10 9 20 9 711 12 28 13 2 White ...... 3,600 67 24 28 10 8 20 :: 8 833 12 23 12 3 Colored...... 497 12 7 1 . . 1 . . . . . 3 1 78 . . . . . 3 1

4 El Paso ...... 1,246 18 5 5 8 2 8 4 262 7 4 5 5 Galveston(total) ...... 704 7 4 1 4 ; 3 1 59 . . . . 2 2 6 White ...... 509 7 : 3 1 3 5 3 1 31 . . . . . 1 7 Colored...... 195 ...... 3 1 . . . . . 1 ...... 28 ...... 2 1 8 San~.;~ifo (tOtal)...... 2,145 H 18 20 1 3 8 50 4 390 5 22 e ...... 1,897 14 20 1 3 8 47 4 351 5 21 e 1: Colored ...... 248 11 4 ...... 3 . . . . 39 . . . . 1 . . . . UTAH. Registration cities (total) ...... 1,461 28 . 27 28 9 29 9 72 5 18 16 White ...... 1,42$ 27 . . 27 28 9 29 9 ; 69 5 18 It Cohered...... 1 ...... 3 ...... Ogden...... 316 .... 16 3 3 . . . . . 2 Salt I,ake City ...... 1,145 2 .... 2: 12 6 26 i 2 ; 3 1; VERMONT. 16 Registration oities(total) ...... 813 9 4 1 4 7 10 2 72 5 6 17 White ...... 808 9 i 4 1 4 7 10 2 71 5 6 18 Colored...... 5 ...... 1 ...... — Barre ...... 158 5 ... 2 . . . . 2 3 35 . . . . . Burlington ...... 426 3 1 2 ...... 4 18 ; 4 Rutlend ...... 229 1 . 1 2 . 19 ...... 2

VIRGINIA.l 22 Registration cities (total) ...... 6,934 127 41 24 15 137 50 736 38 74 23 White ...... 3,429 79 16 14 4C 40 283 26 42 24 Colored...... 3,505 48 ;: 8 1 97 10 453 12 32 25 Alexandria(total) ...... 309 3 2 . ... 2 2 41 . . . . . 1 26 White ...... 178 3 2 .... 2 1 26 ...... 27 Colored...... 131 ...... 1 15 ...... Danville (total) ...... 395 11 1 . ... 3 36 . . white...... 238 4 .... 2 22 . . Colored...... 157 1 ...... Lynchburg(total) ...... 567 1; ...... 1( : : 2 White ...... 307 8 1( 7 29 1 Colored...... 260 4 . . . 2 39 1 ... Norfolk(total) ...... 1,756 44 f . . . . . 6 189 7 white ...... 721 25 : . . . . 5 7 Colored...... 1,035 19 1 . . . . li! . . . . . Petemburg (total) ...... 628 13 1 . . . . : 2 white...... 274 10 . . 3 !! 2 ,... Colored...... 354 3 1 . . . . 1 34 . . . . Rkhmond(totfd) ...... 2,718 23 11 13 272 23 1 White...... 1,372 16 i 12 107 15 Colored...... 1,346 < 165 8 ( Roanoke(total) ...... 561 2: 1: 64 4 Whit%...... 339 13 > 10 19 Colored...... 222 8 i . . . . 3 45 : WASHR?GTON. Registrationcities (total) ...... 5,451 110 2( 3( 43 508 79 3 White ...... 5,393 106 2{ 3( 43 482 73 3 Colored...... 158 4 ...... 26 6 — — Aberdeen ...... 114 .... 1 . 11 . . . . Bellingham ...... 239 : ...... : Everett..., ...... 24C 5 . . 1 2! 2 . . . . NorthYakuna...... 211 9 1 ... 1 2C 2 Seattle ...... 2,234 26 1 1: 1{ 22 233 33 1 Spokane ...... 1,29! 40 . . . . i 9 1 Tacoma ...... 8fM 15 1 9 1!; ;; Walla Walla ...... 22( 8 ...... 1 17 3


whe~g:btd) ...... 7% 15 ... 12 6: 4 ...... 714 14 . ... 12 5[ 4 Colorado...... 2: 1 ...... 1 ...... 1Nonregistration state; citiisshown below onlythose witheffective 1oceIordiaances. DEATHS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. ‘7-1


n~~ed 10,0110or overin I91o. The term ,Ceitiesyjindicatesmuniei a2ities havin 10,OTJOinhabitants or over in 1910. ~Or rural, sub~visions (counties, eXChISiVe under emrsw of death crmwpond to those of the Abridged Intmnationa2 2?ist (seep. 27). ?

CAUSE OF DEATH-COntiImed. . — . . — ‘- con. ‘iolen ( Xher Iernia, Dthe] nl- ,_ %rebral IWeni( Pnen- Ne- leath: )Spira cir- Puer. puer- A22 D2a- Menin hemor- lreese Bron- monie inmn ,hosi ilritk: Rij: f& em~ crm- tgol ‘gy$ psrzd paral sui- other 00r. >etes. gitis. hage an ~f the mitis . (a12 )f the 3right’ cide. &le. fever tiec- mal- :auses. un- ‘oftenfnf leart. Orms) roses. lver. lisease tione. :Orma. ;d:j. nown tio.m.

16 (37) -17 18 19 20,21 X2, (28 (23) 25 26 27 2s 29 31 32 33 35 36 (37) 88 . — — — . . .

135 49 89 134 .52 293 39 381 26 20 296 21 237 221 .53 805 71 1 125 % 47 76 150 43 260 33 361 26 1; ?229 H 20 221 l& 52 68$ 56 2 .10 1 2 13 34 4 33 6 20 . . . . . 67 1 1 16 3 1 117 15 3 . — 32 1 1~ 26 141 10 122 3 3 1: “a 7 12 253 4. 23 H u 12 Ic 18 . . . . . ;: 158 +; 5 1: ; If 12 % z 8 23 : : 9 . .. . . : 26 ;: 110 6 ...... 6 19 13 4 6 . . . . . 2 1 :; ----- . ..-. 3 . . . . . 48 7 7

84 i6 18 102 95 224 21 11 24 147 9 10 14; 31 394 40 8 76 1: 18 :; 79 :: 211 21 1; 20 118 8 137 31 335 33 9 4 ...... 6 ;: 16 2 13 . . . . . 4 29 1 ? . 12 . . . . . 59 7 0 . . .

90 68 122 135 22 .57 29 19 12 99 8 12 56 42 276 ‘2j 1 89 11 ;: 63 119 131 22 57 29 19 12 97 8 12 55 39 269 2 1 ...... 3 4 ...... - . . . . . ,...... 2 . ------1 3 7 2 3 — — 12 4 5 35 ..... 5 2.5 ...... 4 78 8 9 i{ 87 1: Ii! 1: 2 2: 1; Ii L:: ‘“8 7 81 3: 2!: 25 5

49 9 4 03 88 10 49 10 70 29 5 6 53 . . 5 38 10 139 6“ 49 9 4 62 8: 10 4s 10 70 29 5 6 53 -; 5 37 10 139 -: 7 ...... :.-.:...... 1 . ...- ...... -. 1 ,,-..... - ...... -., ...... -. —. 1 —- .—- ——. 8 — — ...... 1 ...... T 10 ----- 1 8 -j ;: ; 1 2 .5 3 3! 3 : 6; 2: 2 3 26 2 3 1 14 4 1 24 38 ...... ; 6 6 3 1 17 1 1 2: 4 39 1 1

246 44 365 566 118 Ij; 495 49 65 48 622 50 393 49 1, f5 132 2 180 36 % 196 294 29 32 35 33 320 ?: 206 $ g 3 66 8 17 169 271 89 86 % 17 30 15 302 15 -% 187 611 4 — — .— - - 3 2 14 26 -U .23 7 < 1 7 T 32 ...... ----- X2 ..... 57 7 5 3 1 5 16 3 4 9 1 1 2 17 ...... -. 7 ..... 31 4 6 ...... 1 9 10 8 :? 4 7 . . . . . ------. . . . . 15 ...... - 5 ..... 28 5 7

1 14 14 34 8 37 3 24 3 ...... 1 20 1 4 19 86 7 B“ 1 1; 8 24 4 18 1 18 ...... ---- 1 11 1 4 15 : 51 4 9 ...... 2 3 ...... -...... D 3 3! x 1~ :; : 3; 1 9 1 3: 4 1 2! 3 188 .4: 1 -$ : 21 24 2 1 . ..-. 1 3 2 . . . . . 12 25 8 ;; 3 :; . . . . . : 1 % : . . . . . :: .. . . . :: ;! 3

4 11 164 39 , ‘ES 42 111 13 23 20 138 13 15 106 9 343 10 $ 4 :: 12 1: 159 5 . ..-. i’ 0 3: :: :; % ; 1: 8 z : z ? 184 i B 2 7 i: 42 6 42 50 3 6 111 1 5 36 4 88 7 7...... 3 21 19 2 10 4 22 2 2 2 47 1 4 18 3 ;: B 2 4 18 28 4 32 5 23 1 3 3 64 . . . . . 1 18 1 : 9.

If 191 221 205 2;; 15 250 13 166 478 3; 0 E 100 I 7.26 $ !: ~ ?; 13 142 8 $ 88 ;; 1 91 95 31 1~ 37 110 2 m; 5 78 ?2 2 : : 8 29 3 5 .56 1: 6 4 1 30 94 ;: 3 4 7 5 15 1 18 1 37 10 5 3 25 : 1 2: : 4 . . . . . 1 3 14 2 22 4 19 ...... 1 8 ...... --., . . . . :: 1; 5

65 293 515 31 402 45 158 92 56 43 397 3; 163 881 45 5 6! E 287 5;: 28 364 42 154 9: 56 y 381 32 :! % 153 8;; 45 7 2 6 3 18 2 4 ,.----- 16 1 ----- 2 5 -- . . . . 3 — L 7 ...... - ...... -i ...... 19 a 2; 2 1! $J 4 1; 4 : 4 : 5 2 . ..-...... 1; 5 : ) 20 2 . . ...! 13 1 10 2 9 3 3 2 18 . . . . . 19 3 % 5 1 5 1 ...... 6 15 2 19 . ----- 8 4 6 4 20 . . . . . : 14 6 34 ...... 2

M; 32 11 127 245 1: 134 21 60 31 18 14 160 ~ 132 76 349 3 1 62 Ill 139 1: 31 : 1: 1; 219 1 08 ;; : 43 6 03 $ 10 % 10 E ~ 137 2; j 11 2 22 14 1 11 ?. 9 4 2 17 1 5 10 5 36 ;

47 5 11 23 53 9 84 13 36 8 7 9 45 Li 9 36 11 128 . . . ..- r“ 47 5 10 23 6; 9 82 13 36 8 7 8 43 6 9 34 11 12: ...... 1...... 1 ...... ,...... 2 ...... 1 2 . . ..-...... 2 ...... ) zC&red populationlessthan 10per cent of the tutal. MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[Figuresfor white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivision formed at least 10 per cent of the total, or of municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted. Nurubers . —


REGISTRATION AREA. T phoid Mals- SmaU- ~ew]w, W&t .

m%!s. ‘Ver” ‘a” ‘“x” “ ~z ‘1 e$:. ‘gTs” E: $: ~g :~”

~ 1 8 4 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 15 (87) — —.— — — . — — . — .



Re trationoities (tetal) ...... 161 2 ...... 30 94 158 62 36 782 57 86 69 #&e...... Hi 160 2 . . . .% 158 63 36 776 8? 6! Colored...... 1 ...... 80...... 94. 1 ...... 6 . . ...5.. — — . — — . — . _ . _ . _ _ _ ip Iefxm ...... 216 2 1 ...... 1 ...... 2 20 2 kS4 and ...... 209 9 ...... --...... !...... ; 23 : ; 3e10it ...... 164 ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... ?. ; ; 3 lauolawe...... 283 2 ...... 1 ...... 4 ...... H ...... i ?onddu Lsc ...... 273 2 ...... 2 ...... : 2 ...... 16 1 4 ; . sreen Bay ...... 524 5 ...... 7 5 7 4 1 25 8 2 1: .mesvdle ...... 219 1 ...... 6 ...... 3. 4 3 17 1 3 2

~anitowoc ...... 155 3 ...... 1 ...... 14 2 4 2 Jarinetta. 194 10 ...... 6 1 ...... J.ilwaukee:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4,727 75 . . . ..- . . . . . 23 6; 9 83 13 1: 3;: 1; 2! 2 )Wweh...... 462 5 . . . ---- ...... 17 3 3 4 1 4 30 1 4 4

twine...... 459 10 ...... 4 8 11 48 5 3 ;hebo~gan ...... 308 1 . . . ; : 1 ...... 1. 30 3 4 ...... ,Upenor ...... 472 Ii ...... ; 1? 2 3 34 f 8 Vausau ...... 251 4 ...... i 8 ...... 6. 10 3 1 15 2 5 —




nnmbered ‘l0,00i1 or over in 1910. The term “cities’! in~cakk moniei alities having 10,000irrhabltants or ovei in 1910. Minor rural subdivisions (count ies, exclusive under causm of death correspond to thase of the Abridged Int&national E-]st (see p. 27).] ,.

CAUSE OF DEATH-continuSd. , Daw- I .ioleni )ther ‘Hernia Iu- Cerebral lrgani ?neu- and [eaths 3spir& cir- Ali iemfi:d can- Dia- [enin- herrmr- iseaset Bron- aonia ent@- hosis J%+, ‘~~~i (ex- t&ol Lppen- l&~ sni- other cer. gtis: rhhge ant >f the chitis. (alf ritis iidis. Obstiuc !fthe Bright’s gver. :nding :ide. kmses. un- . Softmfng lark )rms). onder iver. disease. sni- rises. tion. 2 :ide). nloyn. wars).

16 (87) 17 18 19 20,21 2,(23; (23) 25 26 27 28 29 31 85 36 (87) 38 I —1 I I 129 128 467 173 745 119 622 164 122 122. 59 44 663 603 148 1,953 48 1 129 127 465 173 742 119 620 164 122 122 % 44 661 600 14; 1,948 48 2 . . . . 1 2 ...... 3 . . . . . 2 ------1 -$----- . . . . . 3 . . ...9 ...... 2 3 5 ...... 3, — — . . — — 18 3 25 10 2 7 4 2 3 8 1 .... 48 6 4 10 2 18 16 6 ...... 4 ...... ; 1 1: 1 41 ...... 12 2 : 6 2 1 2 1? ...... 11 . . . . 45 1 i ,’ 4 H! 1: . . . . . 1 20 i ...... 10 3 68 17 4 24 17 4 J 1: : 1 13 2 1 10 2 61 : :.

27 23 63 44 2: “s 2 29 6 ...... 50 5 - 96 17 : g 18 : 2 ...... ----- 4 45 _.:. ~~ 2 ‘3 3i 12 H ...... 2 2; 6 % 9 35 : 6 12 1? 13 18 ~ 8 : 1 i’ : 2 12 29 4 25 16 2 7 2 ...... 19 ...... 23 4 3 13,

13 2 1 8 13 7 3 6 1 9 2 ...... 4 2 3 14 : ...... : :: 2 15 + 6! A 2J 3% 3~ d 391 ; 49 6; 2;: 2 +. A: 7: 919 8 16 2 4 2-3 39 12 12 7 8 -27 1 9 105 2 17

5 9 35 42 11 27 8 3 4 16 5 22 10 7.5 2 18 ~ 5 % 22 3 1 4 23 : 22 5 42 ...... 3 1: 21 43 :: i: ; 5 : 24 ; ...... 33 19 77 1 RI 10 6 6 15 17 24 ; 9 4 2 14 2 ...... 14 4 43 1 21 — — -


. ,-


. .



[All death ratesare basedupon the total deaths,iucludiug deaths of nonresidentsand deaths in hospitals and @st!tptions.. Minor areas containing state insane asylum at least 10 per cent of the total, or numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term “ cities” indicates mummpahtles having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910. Miuor the Abridged International List (see p. 27),] .


Other Diph- ruber Tuber Whoop forms theu RIZG1STRATION AREA. All pyid Mala- half- Scarlet theria Ery- mlesi$ 1U1OU Mea31es ing of tu- causes. ria. pox. fever. and & ;ipelas of the men- cough. enza. ]ercu RX. xoup. lungs. Ugitfs losis.

1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 1s (87) — — SUMM,tR>-.

The registrationarea (total) ...... 1,415.! 21.0 3.0 0.2 10.0 8.6 11.3 18.9 15.7 4.2 138.0 8.$ 12. J 7.3 White ...... 1,373.i 19.9 2.3 0.2 9.2 10.4 19.3 15.3 4.3 126.2 8.[ 11.: 7.5 Colored...... 2,369,( 44.9 19.8 0.6 1?; 1.6 31.5 9.8 23.9 2.9 405.3 15.4 ~ 30.1 10.5 _ . . . Registration statesz (total) ...... 1,3915 20.4 2.4 0.2 9.9 8.5 11.2 18.3 15.8 4.2 134.7 8.f 12.[ T White ...... 1,364.C 19.7 2.2 0.2 9.9 8.8 10.6 18.6 15.6 4.3 125.1 8.f IL: Colored...... 2,180.1 40.6 9.2 0.4 10.0 1.7 29.6 9.6 21.0 2.8 409.8 18.1 32.I 1::

Citiesin registrationstatesZ(total) . . . . 1,506.C 18.6 1.2 0.2 10.1 IL o 10.7 21.4 10,4 4.8 150.3 12.1 12.4 7.4 White ...... 1,471.2 18.2 Lo 0.2 10.1 IL 3 10.1 21.8 10.1 4.9 139.4 11.i 11./ 7.3 Colored...... 2,418.2 31.0 6.9 0.4 10.2 2.4 26.3 10.8 18.9 3.4 435.5 22.i 36.< 11.5

Rural artofregistration states (total)., 1,274.~ 22.2 3.7 0.2 9.7 6.0 11.8 15.1 21.3 3.6 11s. 7 5. i U. I 7.1 W%ite...... 1,255.C 21.3 3.4 0.2 9.7 6.2 11.1 15.4 21.3 3.7 110.5 IL ( 7. c Colored...... 1,890.2 52.3 11.8 0.4 9.8 0.8 33.5 8.1 23.6 2.1 378.4 1:; 27.{ 10.3

Registration citiesin other states(total) . . . . 27.7 9.8 4.3 7. i 1,687.0 0.7 10.8 12.2 11.9 24.9 14.3 175.0 . 13.1 7. E M’bite...... 1,495.2 23.1 3.6 0.6 10.3 14.0 27.2 H. 5 140.0 11.t 7.5 Colored...... 2,881.4 56.4 48.6 1.2 14.0 1.2 3:: 10.2 31.9 H 393.2 Li 23.: 9. e

Allre~istratfOn cities~(total) ...... 1,533.3 20.0 2.5 0.3 10.2 11.2 10.9 21.9 11.0 4.7 154..0 11.4 12.t 7.6 tihite ...... 1,474.5 18.8 0.2 10.1 11.7 9,8 22.5 10.3 139.5 11.1 IL t 7.3 Colored...... 4L 2 d: $ 24.1 16. $ 2,604.3 0.7 11.8 1.9 30,5 10.6 ?: 418.5 31.: —10.6 REGISTRATION STATES.

19 ORfiiormia(total) ...... 1,367.6 17,3 0.4 3.6 6.5 8.4 2.7 180.8 10.3 15. ; Xl White ...... 1,362.5 16.7 ;: 0.3 ::; 3.8 ::: 6.8 8.7 2.7 173.5 10.c 16. ( H 21 Colored...... 29.2 4.1 1.6 16.2 26. < 11.4 1,465.9 1.6 4.1 ...... 5.7 1.6 321.6 . 22 blOrlldO (t&al) ...... 1,292.8 30.3 0.4 ...... M. o 9.9 6.7 11.8 12.3 3.0 202.7 6.6 8.< 28 white ...... 1,279.9 30.0 0.4 ...... 15.3 9.9 6.5 11.9 12.5 3.1 197.1 6.8 8.3 :! 24 Colored...... 1,944.1 49.7 ...... 6.2 18.6 6.2 ...... 484.5 12.4 12.4 . . . . .

25 Connecticut(total) ...... 1,539.6 13.5 1.9 ...... 8.2 9.0 14.0 21.9 23.5 5.1 127.7 11.0 10.$ 7.4 26 white ...... 1,526.3 13.3 2.0 ...... 8.3 9.2 13.6 21.7 23.3 5.2 123.9 10.2 10.t 7.0 27 Colored...... 2,465.7 24.7 ...... 6.2 ...... 42.3 37.1 37.1 ...... 395.5 61.8 30.$ 30.9

Indiana (total) ...... 1,292.8 26.7 4.0 0.1 9.6 6.6 10.0 14,1 18.3 4.2 131.4 7.9 15. i 7.0 White ...... 1,272.6 26.7 3.9 0.1 9.7 6.7 14.0 18.2 125.2 15. ( 6.8 Colored...... 2,172.7 26.1 8.1 ...... 4.9 L 6 22!’ 17.9 24.4 :; 397.7 1:: 45. e 14.7

Kentueky(total) ...... 1,317.8 46.3 10.3 0.2 19.i’ 3.7 19.0 24.8 17.8 3.3 200.4 9.6 19.3 7.5 WhitO...... 1,202.6 43.7 0.2 19.9 4.1 17.2 26.8 16.0 3.4 170.6 9.1 17. c Colored...... 2,211.0 66.8 2:: ...... 18.6 0.8 32.6 9.1 31.5 1.9 432.2 13.7 37. z li :

Maine(total)...... 1,607.9 18.0 0.4 ...... 4.1 2.1 9.8 10.0 25.3 3.7 116.5 9.6 15. ~ 7.1 White ...... 1,610.8 18.1 0.4 ...... 4.2 2.1 9.8 10.1 25.3 3.8 116.8 9.7 15.8 7.1 Colored...... 716.4 ...... 42.1 . . . . . 42.1 . . . .

Mar kud(total) ...... 1,581.5 37.5 1.1 ...... 9.9 6.0 14.7 12.8 16.6 :: 178.8 8.8 15.7 6.3 white...... 1,410.2 33.6 0.6 ...... 10.0 5.9 10.1 13.0 14.0 132.4 7.9 lL E 6.0 Colored...... 2,366,7 55.5 3.4 ...... 9.8 1.3 35.8 11.9 28.6 2:6 391.2 12.8 33.7 7.7

Massachusetts(total) ...... 1,534.2 9.0 0.4 0.1 8.9 14.6 16.8 10.0 4.9 129.3 13.1 10.8 6.1 M,hfte...... 1,527,4 9.0 0.4 0.1 9.0 ?: 14.2 17.0 10.1 4.9 126.6 12.7 10.5 Colored...... 2,075.4 7.1 ...... 47.1 4.7 4.7 4.7 346.3 44.8 37.7 :i

(total) ...... 1,324.8 19.1 1.0 0.2 6.9 7.1 8.5 16.5 18.3 5.0 81.2 3.9 10.9 7.2 “!%%e ...... 1,316.4 18.9 0.9 0.2 6.8 7.2 8.5 16.5 18.3 78.2 3.9 10.7 7.1 Colored...... 2,265,4 43.3 7.9 . . . . . 19.7 ...... IL 8 11.8 11.8 11: 416.9 7.9 39.3 19.7

Mmrcsota(total) ...... 1,047.3 13.5 0.1 0.3 5.3 9.0 8.2 15.0 8.5 4.6 100.4 7.7 12.1 5.9 we@ ...... - 1,040.0 13.6 0.1 0.3 5.3 9.1 8.0 15.1 .4.6 96.8 7.4 12.0 Colored...... 1,958.8 ...... 36.1 . . . . . 11: . . . . . 540.8 42.1 18.0 1::

Missouri(total) ...... 1,307.8 31.9 15.3 0.9 18.7 9.7 12.9 20.4 4.7 137.2 5.3 11.5 7.6 whit...... 1,258.8 31.2 15.2 0.9 1;; 10.0 12.8 21.1 E: 120.6 10.2 Colored...... 2,278.9 46.3 17.5 2.5 4.4 16.3 7.5 31.9 :: 465.8 1;: 37.6 1::

Monte.na(tetal) ...... 1,021.9 20.4 ...... 12.5 9.4 6.9 3.8 3.1 91.3 5.1 10.7 6.6 Whit...... 972.5 19.9 ...... 10.1 9.8 2: ‘LO 2.9 69.1 Colored...... 2,175.5 31.0 ...... 68.2 ...... 1:: ...... 6.2 607.4 4;: i 3?: 1::

NewEampshfre(total) ...... 1,707.3 14.6 ...... 9.2 3.7 12.2 15.7 26.6 3.0 104.6 10.2 7.4 w~t~ ...... 1,707.4 14.6 ...... 9.3 3.7 12.3 15.7 26.4 3.0 104.3 :: 10.2 7.4 Colored...... 1,649.2 ...... 149.9 . . . . . 299.9 ......

Newlersey (total) ...... 1,465.8 12.0 10.7 8.4 12.6 21.7 IL 2 151.4 11.3 11.4 Wrote ...... 1,442.5 11.6 )! $1 10.7 8.5 12.2 22.0 11.1 :; 144.0 10.9 10.5 ;? Colored...... 2,090.9 22.2 ...... 11.6 4.2 21.1 11.6 13.7 1.1 349.4 22.2 35.9 11.6

New”York(total) ...... 1,554.0 14.1 0.7 0.1 10.6 12.6 8.4 144 5.4 15’A9 12.8 10.0 7.7 Wrote ...... 1,540.0 14.0 0.6 0.1 10.6 12.8 RI 14.5 5.4 149.1 12.6 9.7 7.7 Colored...... 2,406.1 18.6 2.0 ...... 6.0 3.3 1:: 15.9 12.6 6.0 515.0 25.2 29.8 6.6

North Carohna4(tetal) ...... 1,832.4 70.0 23.2 15.5 2.1 46.2 10.4 24.3 2.7 229.5 19.8 8.0 White ...... 1,451.3 67.2 16.1 ::; 14.4 21.9 10.7 21.9 2.9 163.3 H! 13.6 colored...... 2,533.5 75.1 36.4 0.8 17.4 :: 91.0 9.9 26.8 2.3 351.2 9.1 31.1 li ? IExclnsiveof stillbirths. 2Includes District of Columbia, L . . -



are designs.ted.by astirkk ~). Figures for w~@ and colored are shown se rately for minor subdivisions ofi when the colored population of the subdivision formed rural subrhvmons (coumties,excluswe of mUZU~pa3itiC.Shaving 10,000fnhaFItants or over in 1910)are omitte?. Nnmbemunderoausas of death correspond toth.se.f . DEATH RATE PER 100,000POPUT,MTON m?o~-continued. — — Diar- con. Other rhea Iernf 7ioler Cerebr’i )rgan 3?nerr. and Ne- espirs inks. oir- Ieath Can- Dii% [errir hemor- Wsal Bron- monk ente. Lpper rhosi pbri+is !%$ i$~ A33 1%$ tg~ tinal end sui- other gitis. rhagean of the chitis. (W ritis dicitis Dfth, 3@ht~ cide . . :tr& ma3- causes }Oftellill{ heart iorms) :unda 3iver Msease suf- un- 2 ~iyna cide), mown ?ears)

16 (87) 17 18 19 20,21 22, (Z3 c23) 25 26 27 28 Z9 33 35 .36 (37) 38 — —

14.$ 74.: 12.3 76.< 140.{ 19.5 133.i 14.9 77,4 11.f 11. \ 14.( 97.: 79.1 g: 16.i 242.( 22.2 1 76.( 15.5 12.0 76.1 137.i 18.9 128.4 14.3 75.9 11.( 11.‘ 14.( 94: 77,[ 16,t 235.i 10.2 2 57.I 7.( 17.9 84.Z 211./ 33.6 252.2 22.6 111.0 11.$ 16.( 13.( 170.4 * . 146:~ 10.: 398.$ 55.6 3 - . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ . - 74.( 15.c z 77.$ 140.! 19.9 129.t 14.7 73.6 11.1 11.I 13.( 94.1 79.5 89.1 15.{ 238.$ 11.6 4 74( 15.2 11.9 77.i 138.< 19.5 125.< 14.4 72.7 11.1 11.! 13.( 92.~ 78.! 1$: 16.( 234.( 10.4 5 57.( 6.8 15.3 78.~ 201.: 31.8 236.2 24.2 99.6 10.( 14.: 12.( Ml.: 101.i l% ( 339.s 45.5 6 gl. f 17.( 12.9 75.1 148.: 22.2 153.7 +: ‘j 91.0 14.f 13.: 16.( 112.i 86.5 93,{ 19.1 238.E 5.8 82.< 17.: 22.9 74.i 144.! 21.5 148.f 90.1 14.i 13.: 16.i 110.: 84.1 92.: 19.: 234.( : 68.i 8.2 14.6 87.$ 243.! 40.6 337,~ 30:1 113.0 13.4 16.< 13.( 175.[ 123.1 137.: ~.{ 365.: 2:: 9 65.( 13.c 11.0 80.t 132.: 17.6 105.c 14.0 55.8 7.4 - 9.$ 10.: 75.( 71.7 35.( 12.t 237.5 17.6 10 66.( 13.3 10.9 80.f 132.1 17.5 102.E 13.9 55.0 7.: 9.t 10.: 74.: 71.e 3.2.i 235.2 15.7 11 Q ~ 66.{ 1.43. { 5,c 16.1 21.1 1741 17.0 83.2 5.: 11.( 10.1 99.1 . 75.i 1% 9.i 309.c 75.7 12

77.( 22.9 15.8 61.i 145.< 14.7 178.C 17.4 119.6 18.C 15.: 18.t 235.[ 78.I 106.1 20.: 291.5 1]: 13 go.{ R c 14.3 55.E 130.: 10.9 160.2 13.6 116.0 18.1 14.: 18.! 117.E 70.4 94.( 22.: 14 56,{ 243.? 7.7 25.1 100.( 240.< 38.4 295.4 40.5 141.9 17.c 23.: 17.$ 349.< ~5. $ 181.: 5.$ 558.4 82:0 15

81.: 16.4 13.3 73.1 3.47.\ 21.1 157.5 15.7 95.3 15.1 23.( 16.$ 116.2 35.2 95.i 19.3 246.2 7.7 16 82.5 16.S 13.0 72.( 142.I 20.0 150.2 14.7 93.7 15.2 13.: 17.( 111.3 92.: 19:8 236.C 17 63.f 8.1 18.8 92.i 245.: 39.7 290.5 343 124.6 14.f 19.1 15.2 205.t u%: 254.[ 10.e 442.$ 13 — — — — — . ‘U

82.C 16.4 13.4 72.5 178.i 13.0 101.5 14.8 36.4 Il. 2 12. ( 92.1 5.8 7. t 47.3 19 84.~ 20.3 110.[ 30.1 :;: 2.3 17.0 12.7 74.1 180.i If; 100.8 14.6 35.9 11.3 12.: 20.5 93.0 5.8 7.! 47.5 109.1 29.‘i 2.2 20 46.i 6..5 26.0 42.4 139.i 115.3 19.5 45.5 8.9 17.{ 16.2 75.5 5.7 10.( 43.9 137.2 38.2 222:5 4.1 21

55.: 13.5 14.1 45.3 89.{ 12.5 236.0 16,5 56.6 15.6 11.1 79.9 8.! 80.2 102.: 21.i 196.6 22 55.t 13.6 14.1 45.3 88.2 12.4 125.9 16.2 57.2 25.6 :/ 11.c 77.5 t: 8.i 79.5 1~. ~ 21.7 194.8 .;; 23 43.t 6.2 12.4 43.5 149.1 18.6 142.9 31.1 24.8 18.6 6.5 22.4 205.0 18.6 12.4 111.8 192.t 18.6 285.7 :. .,... 24 78.: 17.* 20.1 105.8 159.[ 153.5 16.4 79.1 14.: 14.5 117.5 6.: 94.7 91.t 18.2 250.6 9,3 25 78.3 17.3 19.9 105.9 158.i 2: 152.4 16.1 79.0 :; 14.1 14.5 116.9 :: 6.: 93.9 91.c 18.2 243.5 26 82.7 18.6 30.9 98.9 216.2 49.4 228.6 37.1 86.5 18.5 24.i 12.4 180.7 6.2 6.: 1545 105.1 18.5 395.5 3;; 37 . 71.3 14.6 80.5 142.2 15.2 99.6 61.5 10.5 12.2 12.6 84.6 10.9 85.4 80.s 16.z 231.2 1.7 28 71.4 14.6 ::: 79.8 139.: 15.0 96.6 ::: 60.7 10.3 12.1 10.8 t: 65.4 79.: 16.8 229.8 1.7 29 66.8 11.4 9.8 J1O.8 293.4 24.4 229.8 17.9 99.4 17.9 ~7.< 2! lZ: : 14.7 6./ 66.8 222.2 11.4 290.1 1.6 30

22.1 41.3 86.5 15.6 98.9 15.0 50.1 8.7 65.9 10.1 73.1 77.i 233.3 49.7 31 2: ?; 21,7 23.1 74.3 13.4 49.3 H :: 61.3 :: 9.[ 77.9 66.3 :; ;;: ‘j 45.1 32. 48.2 4.9 24.7 66.0 179.5 33.4 2E : %: 56.5 8.0 14.4 Iii 102.1 16.3 12.: 79.7 165.8 3.8 85.8 33 98.6 13.4 221.4 179.8 25.1 141.7 19.2 13.5 22.3 5.3 114.1 9.{ 74.4 78.C 13.5 343.8 25.1 34 98.8 K: X3.4 221.7 179.7 ~.; 142.0 19.3 %2 13.5 12.3 5.4 1144 ?: 9.t 74.5 78.5 23.5 349.4 25.2 35. 42.1 ..-...... 210.7 42.1 ...... - .-...... 42.i ...... 42.1 42.1 .. ..- 16S.6 .-...... 36 73.0 22.8 13.8 so.1 142.8 22.6 146.8 20.2 98.4 8.2 12.0 12.6 128.0 5.4 8.~ 88.6 76.6 11.4 270.4’ ::; 37 78.0 14.3 13.2 77.5 127.5 19.7 119.6 18.8 91.0 11.3 13.8 116.7 4.9 n.? 12.9 243.9 38 49.9 5.5 16.2 92.2 212.9 35.8 271.4 26.5 132.7 1:; 15.4 7.3 179.6 7.7 lk : 12.: 99.a 4.3 378.0 67:4 39 . 94!4 19.8 14.6 99.5 163.5 24.3 153.8 7.2.7 102.2 10.9 12.2 9.8 86.7 6.1 87.9 92.5 13.0 263.6 7.4 10 94.7 19.9 145 99.5 183.5 24.2 152.7 12.6 102.3 ;:: 12.1 9.8 85.6 6.1 & 87.9 92.1 13.0 262.9 41 75.4 16.5 18.8 98.9 176.7 28.3 242.6 18.8 89.5 .14.1 9.4 174.3 4.7 18.$ 84.8 322.5 11.8 325.1 2:; $2 74.5 14.4 22.3 74.8 147.0 25.4 90.4 17.6 57.0 U. 8 13.2 11.8 67.2 8.5 9.c 92.7 84.0 14.6 298.9 13.9 !3 74.7 14.5 12.3 74.7 145.9 25.3 89.4 17.3 56.5 11.8 13.1 11.8 67.0 8.5 92.4 14.5 298.0 13.6 M 55.1 3.9 7.9 86.5 263.5 31.5 204.5 43.3 114.1 11.8 23.6 22.8 82.6 3.9 1?! S21.9 IE : 27.5 397.2 43,3 M 67.8 12.3 8.5 43.1 90.1 13.1 96.1 10.2 40.1 16.3 10.0 8.5 63.3 7.3 7-0 63.0 70.6 14.4 195.4 14.9 48 67.9 12.3 48.1 89.9 K?.2 95.3 10.2 39.9 1:; 8.5 63.0 7.3 63.2 70.3 143 194.7 13.4 47 54.1 6.0 M 42.1 1142 . . . . . 198.3 6.0 .60.1 ,2; 6.0 102.1 . ..- 4: 36.1 114.2 24.0 283.4 192.3 23 59.4 12.4 13.6 53.9 102.4 ;!: 119.7 13.4 60.8 11.2 10.8 14.0 3S 2 :; 8.6 88.6 74.6 18.0 228.5 22.9 23 59.8 12.8 13.8 :$; 96.6 113.2 13.1 60.1 11.3 10.8 13.6 81.6 (33: 70.1 18.5 222.1 2..: ;0 51.3 44 10.0 217.2 36:9 247.3 20.0 75.8 9.4 10.6 21.3 155.3 10.0 1$ i 162.2 9.4 355.6 }1 40.0 10.5 8.2 32.4 80.8 90.2 36.2 18.9 10.7 11.2 52.0 10.2 72.1 126.9 27.8 168.5 18.1 ;2 10.6 8.2 32.2 81.1 ;: 83.5 %+ 36.4 10.6 11.2 52.4 1;! 73.6 126.0 27.1 159.0 11.7 X3 E: 6.2 6.2 37.2 74.4 .. -.., 247.9 24.8 31.0 ~. i 12.4 12.4 43.4 ----- 3:; 37.2 148.8 43.4 390.5 167.3 i4 96.8 23.6 21.7 117.8 197.0 34.4 145.5 22.4’ 3s.t’ 10.9 13.2 11.8 110.9 4.2 89.6 93.6 12.9 367.3 12.8 i5 96.9 23.6 21.7 118.0 196.9 34.5 145.7 22.4 88.8 10.9 13.2 11.8 110.6 4.2 U 99.5 93.7 367.4 11.8 ;6 ...... 269.9 . . . . . ,...... -. ,. .-.., . . . . . ---- .%. 9 . ..-. -.. . 149.9 . ..-. E; 299.9 ...... i7 74.6 13.3 13.8 143.3 18.4 151.4 17.2 99.7 9.0 9.3 15.i 116.5 8.4 86.9 83.6 15.8 212.1 5;6 ,8” 74.4 13.5 13.9 ~~ 141.6 18.2 148.2 16.5 99,0 15.4 U5. o :: 16.0 208.2 j: ,9 81.3 8.4 11.6 188.9 243 237.5 35.9 119.3 1:: 1:; 6.3 157.3 14.8 1$: 1%: 1%; 8.4 315.6 . . 10 86.3 19.0 10.9 86.1 165.7 22.8 177.8 13.3 81.8 11.9 U. 6 18.0 132.0 6.6 8.4 82.4 9.2.4 16.4 235.9 L 9 ‘1 86.6 19.2 1;: 86.2 164.9 22.5 175.2 13.3 81.2 11.9 W 6 18.1 131.0 8.3 81.5 91.2 16.5 234.5 2 6s.3 8.6 77.6 218.1 42.4 342.0 16.6 119.3 13.3 13.9 l?. 6 184.9 1:: 11.3 138.5 107.4 12.6 322.1 k: ‘3 54.8 5.9 19.5 71.3 136.0 19.8 MJ.: 14.4 150.1 16.6 10.7 8.3 91.9 17.I 90.3 91.1 343.6 4 59.4 19.8 96.1 11.1 13.6 130.7 20.6 7.0 74.6 H 14-0 86.2 66.8 :$ 291.6 W 5“ 46.3 2: 19.0 %; 209.4 35.7 272:3 15.9 185.8 9.1 2: 10.6 222.6 16.7 )2.8 97.8 135.8 1.5 439.2 126.7 6 9T&s thau one-tenth of 1 per 100,000population. ‘ 4Includes ordy municipalitieshaving a popuktfon of I,OIWor over in 1900. MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[All death rates are based upon the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions. Minor areas containing sta~ insane asylkrns at least 10 per cent of Jhe total, or numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term 1,cities’> indicates municipalities having 10,OOOinhabitants or over in IWO. MDOr the Abridged International List (see p. 27).]


Diph l?ubel Tuber Dthel forms REGISTRATION AREA. ryphoi \laIa- hua3l- :carle tht?~ Er - xrlosi OldOut W2asIes of tu- All fever. ria. pox. fever, ipef’a! of th( men- causes xoup hrngs ingitis >ercu. losis.

1 II 4 5 6 8 (1?) 1/3 14 15 (37) . —-. - REGISTRATION STATES—Contd.

1 Ohio total) ...... 1,309. a 22. ; 0.9 0.1 6.4 10.: 11. < 15.( 21.f 3,{ 127., 7.3 13.z 6.! 2 Td hite ...... 1, 290.( 22. ( 0.9 0.1 10./ 11.( 15.1 21.f 3.{ 119.: 12.f 6.; 3 Colored...... 2, 086.% 29.( 2.6 . ... . 2: 1.1 29.( 11.< 22.t 3. t 462.c 2k : 29.$ 9.

Penne lvania(tOtaJ) ...... 1,421.1 21.: 0.5 0.1 10.3 9.( 12.i 27.( 14.i 3.; 117.! 7.2 10.3 7’., W L tea ...... 1,405.: 21.[ 0.5 0.1 10.2 9.[ 12.: 27.~ 14.i 3. i 111.( 6.9 9. E Colored...... 2,019.. 24.: 0.6 .. .. . 11.4 1./ 28.Z 8.{ 11.$ 2.: 377.‘ 21.3 29.g i; Rhode Islaud (total) ...... 1,553.( 9.: 1.1 ..... 4.1 10.4 21.i 25.( 9. E 2.< 145.: 13.3 12.5 6.! White ...... 1,537.‘ 9.: 1.1 ..... 4.2 10.+ 20.: 26.1 9. i 2.; 138.< 13.1 11.7 6’ Colored...... 2,394. I 9,( ...... 9.( 96.1 ...... 9, I 500.( 19.2 57.7 19:; lC Utah total)...... 1,028. 19.i . . . . . 2.3 10.9 14./ 6.$ 22.1 6.! 3.1 37.! 7.3 10.‘ 11 lNL “tea ...... 1,029. I 19.: . . . . . 2.4 11.1 14.! 6,{ 22.{ 6.3 3.i 36.( ;:: 7.4 10.( 12 Colored...... ”..... 947.! 1.4.~ ...... 14.( ...... 14.4 . . 143,( ...... 13 Verruont(total) ...... 1,5s3.’ 12.: 1.4 ..... 10,6 1.< 7.f 6.; 43.~ 3. f 97,: 8.7 12.9 7.[ 14 White ...... 1,582. I 12.4 L 4 ..... 10.7 1.4 7.( 6.; 44.1 3.; 96., 8.7 12.6 7.: 15 Colored...... 1,801. / ...... 240.: ...... 60.1 . . .

16 Wasbin@0n(tote3) ...... 890.: 18.t 0.2 0.2 5.6 4. t 5. i 8. t 9. c 2.: 84.: 10.1 12.3 4. I 17 W3ute...... 872.z 17.2 0.3 0.3 5.7 4.; 5,~ 8. t 9.0 2.( 75.{ 9.5 11.9 4. [ 18 Colored...... 1,490.: 57.1 ...... 2.9 . . . . . 20.c 11.< 8.6 . . . . . 3W.: 25.7 25.7 2. [ !wecw&&@3ta3)...... 1, 146,; 13.2 0.2 0.1 10.7 9.4 8.7 13.f 12.9 3.$ 88.( 5.4 10.4 8.; ...... 1,146.: 13.: 0.2 0.1 10.7 9.4 8.7 13.t 13.0 3.$ 87.; 10.2 Colored...... 1,152,: 14.$ ...... 7.4 . . . . . 7.4 7.4 . . . . 7.4 23o.t 1:; 37.2 J; REGISTRATION CITIES. ALABAW4.Z

22 Registration cities (tot.al)...... 2, 071.( 75.e 45.3 0.4 24.2 1.8 19.3 9. i 14.5 1.8 241.f 3.5 &3 1.\ 23 White ...... 1,562.; 67.? 19.1 0.8 22.9 3.1 21.4 9,$ 8.4 L 5 122.i 3.8 2.: 24 Colored...... 2,762.1 87.C 80.8 ..... 25.9 . . . . . 16.6 9.3 22.8 2.1 404.1 :: ‘? 7.3 1.(

Bfrmingharu (total) ...... 45.E 23.5 0.7 22.0 1.5 20.5 9.5 L 5 224.6 5.1 2.2 T Whrte ...... 42.4 10.9 1.2 2.4 24.2 10.9 :: 1.2 107.E 4.8 . . . . Colored...... 50.3 42.8 ..... E! . . . . . 14.9 7.4 14.9 1.9 403.$ 5.6 ::: Kobile (total) ...... 184.1 77.8 . 11,4 3.8 20.9 11,4 20.9 1.9 318.G . . . . . 5.7 ;:: White...... 133.1 34.0 ..... 17.0 6.8 20.4 10,2 17.0 3.4 166.i . . . . . 3.4 Colored...... 223.3 133.1 . . 4.3 . . . . . 21.5 12.9 25,8 . . . . . 510.< . . . . . 2! . . . . Wont omery(tntal) ...... 33.8 78.0 . . 43,4 . . . . . 13.0 7.8 26,0 2.6 197.i 2.6 15.6 5.2 1# bite ...... 42.2 31.6 . . 26.4 . . . . . 10.5 5..9 10.5 . . . . . 116.C 5.3 10.5 10.E Colored...... 25.6 123.0 ..... 71.8 . . . . . 15.4 10.3 41.0 5.1 276.S . . . . . 20.5 . . . .


Re istration cities (total) ...... 16.8 1.4 0.5 5.0 2.9 5.4 6.7 5.9 2.7 191.2 12.2 17.9 8.4 I$hite ...... 15.7 0.5 4.9 3.0 5.4 7.0 6.0 2.7 180.2 11.5 16.9 Colored...... 39.6 2: 1,‘1 5.2 . . . . . 5.2 . . . . . 5.2 3.4 431.8 27.5 39.6 1?: $ Alameda...... 1,093 i 8.3 ...... 4.1 . . . . . 4.1 8.3 .... 4.1 82.5 8.3 16.5 G Bakersfield...... 2,309. c 67.7 7.5 ...... 7.5 ...... 353.5 . . . . . 30.1 15.G Berkeley...... 857.3 ...... 4.6 ...... 52.6 2.3 11.4 hrreka...... 1,702.C 32: ...... 8.1 ...... 8.1 16.1 209.7 8.1 40.3 12! ?resno...... 1,361.2 42.3 11.5 ...... 3.8 . . . . . 3.8 42.3 11.5 :; 173.0 7.7 26.9 . . . . 42 ;ong Beach ...... i, 527.C 15.2 10.1 . . 5.1 5.1 10.1 10.1 20.3 . . . . . 157.3 15.2 43 .OsAngeles (tOtal) ...... 1,454.t 11.6 1.2 1.7 2.3 2.6 5.5 6.4 6.4 1.2 24s. 1 1:; 19.2 Ii: 44 W’hte ...... 1,442.7 10.6 0.9 2.4 2.7 5.2 6.7 6.4 1.2 239.9 18.2 45 Colored...... 1,715.2 33.5 :. k; ...... 13.4 ...... 428.8 2!! 40.2 2;: 46 Oakland...... 1,266.2 14.0 . . 11.5 1.3 3.8 :: 5.7 104.7 13.4 14.7 5.7 47 %sadena...... 1,326.4 6.2 ...... 3.1 1;: : 12.4 . . . . . 262.8 3.1 15.5 . . . . ‘Mona ...... L,41O.1 18.6 ...... :;: . . . . . 139.2 18.6 18.6 9.3 tedkmds...... 1,364.5 9.0 ...... 9.0 26.9 ...... 412.9 26.9 9.0 riverside (tetal) ...... 1,615.2 62.1 ...... 6.2 18.6 6.2 6.2 6.2 347.9 1:: 12.4 6.2 White ...... 1,665.3 56.0 ...... 7.0 21.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 349.8 14.0 7.0 7.0 , Colored...... 1,218.8 110.8 ...... ;:: ; 55.4 . . . . aerarnento...... 1,777.5 40.8 2.1 ...... 4.3 . . . . . 6.4 8.6 2.1 2.1 23.6 w 2.1 64 ,mBernardrno ...... 1,957.5 80.9 ...... 7.4 ...... 14.7 . . . . . 485.7 . . . . . 36.8 22.1 !hnDiego ...... 1,933.5 16.6 . . . . . 2.4 2.4 4.7 ...... 1: 23.7 . . . . . 274.5 23.7 14.2 % ,au Francisco (tota3) ...... 1,524.7 15.3 1.2 ...... 7.7 3.5 6.8 5.2 2.8 3.5 158.5 1[ : 14.6 8.i’ 5? White ...... 1,502.7 13.5 0.5 ...... 3.7 6.9 5.4 2.7 144.6 15.9 14.2 58 Colored...... 1,047.0 58.0 17.4 ...... 1:2 . . . . . 5.8 . . . . . 5.8 1! i 487.1 40.6 23.2 lt : ,anJ02e...... 1,266.6 3.1 ...... 3.1 ...... 3.1 3.1 163.3 6.1 21.5 6.1 1% antaBarbara ...... !, 751.0 24.4 ...... 8.1 8.1 236.2 8.1 24.‘t . . . . 61 snta Crnz...... (,506.4 s. 5 ...... 8.5 ...... 16.9 . . . . . 135.4 8.5 8.5 . . . . 62 tOcl@n* ...... ?,037.1 20.9 ...... 4.2 12.5 8.3 12.5 4.2 333.9 8.3 20.9 20.9 63 ‘allejo ...... ,,157.2 8.5 ...... 17.0 8.5 ...... 110.6 ...... 17.0 ---- COLORADO.

64 Repiatration citiw (total) ...... ,505.5 19.1 1.0 ...... 18.1 6.8 8.1 15.9 9.7 3.6 279.9 12.6 12.3 65 TtVdte...... ,487.5 19.4 1.0 ...... 18.7 6.7 7.4 16.0 10.0 3.7 269.0 12.4 12.7 :: 66 Colored...... !,060. 6 10.3 ...... 10.3 30.9 10.3 ...... 618.2 20.6 ...... — — 1 Exchmiveofstillbirths. 77 DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL ‘CAUSES. / . . AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS, FROM” I?RINCIPAL CA?JS~S OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. - “’ are designated by asterisks (*). Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdi&ions only when the coIoredpopulation of the subdivision formed rural subdivielons (counties, exclusme of munkipalitics having 10,OOOinhahltents or over ih 1910)are omitted. Numbers under causesof death correspondto those of

DEATH RATE PEE 100,000POPIJLATION ko?.—contirmed.

rmra- L COn- Xolent )ther [ernia ;edal III. rgani ?neu- and leaths Cerebral xpira. ntes- cir- Ne- Mer- uer- e$nLJy All .%~;d Can- Dia- Yerdn- hernor- iseas~ Bron- nonia ente- Appen- hosi.s )hritis, (ex- sni- other tplg tinal ]eral ]eral .Uding ~ide. cer. Wtes. @ie. rhagead ~fthe chitis. (all ritis dicitis. bfthe might’s 3ver. @ec- mal- :auses. un- leart. Irene). under )Struo iver. Lie&Me. sui- softening. >ases. tion. ions. orma- nown 2 tions. ide). , rears).

16 (37) 17 1s 19 20,21 2,(23: (28) 25 26 27 2s 29 31 32 38 35 36 (37) 38 — — —

76.4 14:4 9.8 89.i 19.1 101.8 10.2 59.8 10.0 10.6 14.9 77.5 7.5 7.3 65.3 90.6 16.1 229.6 6.1 76.7 14.4 18.6 99.8 10.3 59.7 10.0 10.7 14.9 76.5 7.3 65.3 89.3 15.9 227.8 ;. 65.8 16.7 12: 1%.: 37.7 185.1 8.8 62.2 8.8 7.0 14.9 117.6 :7 8.8 67.6 144.8 22.8 301.8 12: 3 66.4 13.2 9.0 79.6 Zi. 3 140.0 20.2 104.1 8.7 10.9 13.7 91.9 7.3 9.2 93.0 106.2 13.2 227.3 13.8 g 66.6 13.4 9.1 80.2 20.9 137.3 19.9 103.4 8.7 10.8 13.7 90.3 9.2 92.4 105.8 13.4 225.9 ~; 56.5 6.0 7.9 57,.5 36.7 240.0 30.7 130.4 8.9 16.4 I-2.9 151.8 ‘E 9.4 117.5 122.0 5.> 279.7 6 21.5 KJ.1 95.7 27.6 152.1 14.3 63.3 13.1 EL4 14.9 124.2 5.2 10.8 ::; 85.5 11.6 255.3 10.6 7 3.: 21.7 ls.1 95.9 27.6 151.2 14.1 86.9 13.0 12.6 14.8 123.8 5.1 11.0 84.0 11.3 253.6 10.0 125.0 9.6 9.6 86.5’ 28.S 201.9 28.8 57.7 19.2 ...... 19.2 144.2 9.6 . ..- 96:1 163.4 28.8 346.1 38.5 : 51.9 11.2 10.1 37.4 18.4 110.6 16.6 37.4 16.4 13.8 59.7 5.2 10.4 77.4 35.7 ;: g 199.4 17.7 10 - 52.6 11.4 10.0 37.8 18.5 111.0 16.9 37.8 16.4 14.0 H 60.0 5.0 10.6 33.0 200.9 17.5 11 14.4 .. . . . 14.4 14.4 .14.4 86.2 . . . . . 14.4 14.4 ...... 43.1 14.4 ,---- H 229.8 57.4 114.9 28.7 12 101.0 20.1 8.4 132.6 28.8 129.0 12.6 61.8 19.3 14.3 11.5 105.7 4.5 9.2 77.8 85.9 20.1 309.7 6.2 B 100.9 20.2 8.4 132..9 28.7 129.0 12.6 62.1 19.4 14.3 11.5 106.2 4.5 9.3 78.1 19.4 310.0 6.2 14 120.1 ...... 60.1 60.1 120.1 ...... -...., ...... ,. -.. -- . . . . 52: 180.2 240.2 ...... 15 46.1 10.1 4.4 :;: 6.7 64.8 7.6 25.4 12.6 9.3 6.0 55.0 5.1’ 52.1 96.0 20.7 146.6 13.5 16 46.8 10.3 4.3 61.8 25.5 12.9 9.5 6.0 54.8 4.s U 53.3 91.9 20.4 145.4 11.4 17 22.8 2.9 8.6 22:8 12 i 165.6 It: 22.8 2.9 ...... 5.7 62.8 14.3 2.9 11.4 234.1 31.4 136.4 82.8 18 74.7 14.5 ;;.; 59:5 18.7 85.7 15.0 51.3 18.5 11.8 12.4 64.2 6.4 6.6 7.5.6 64.3 12.7 239.0 10.2 19 74.8 14.6 59.6 18.8 15.0 51.3 12.6 11.8 12.5 64.3 6.3 6.6 75.6 13.7 239.4 10.2 20 66.9 . . . . . 29:7 44.6 ...... lE : 7.4 44.6 7.4 7.4 . . ..- 52.0 32.3 ,-. . . 74.3 M 14.9 m. o 7.4 21

I ;3 ; 9.2 13.2 89.3 10.1 138.9 17.6 116.1 32.1 28.6 14.5 179.0 11.4 12.8 109.1 141.2 11.9 373.3 93.9 32 10.7 10.7 73.3 86.3 119.9 42.8 32.1 lz. 2 144.4 10.7 X4.2 93.2 18.3 283.4 34.4 23 58:0 7.3 16.6 110.9 1; i 210.3 _E.: 110.9 17.6 23.8 17.6 225.9 32.4 13.5 1%: 206.2 3.1 495.2 186.5 24 68.3 G — 88.1 .- ...- 160.7 11.7 l%. 8 34.5 g: 13.2 103.5 .m.z G 105.7 151.9 ‘EL5 251.7 107.2 69.1 1: !4 ...... 101.8 10.9 X32.1 4J.: 10.9 93.3 13.3 15.8 109.1 103.0 19.4 218.1 43,6 67.0 7.4 1:; &l: ...... 251.3 13.0 141.5 18:6 16.8 119.1 yg 16.8 100.5 227.1 -1.9 302.4 204.8 77.8 11.4 18J.: 17.1 77.8 28.5 68.3 23:5 32.3 315.1 5.7 110.1 108.2 13.3 495.4 51.2 95.3 $; 10.2 71.4 17.0 88.5 24.0 44.2 X: 234.7 17.0 421.9 10.2 55.8 12.9 115:9 3:: 42.9 42.9 21.5 17.2 416.5 1?$ :; 1%! 1%.: 8.6 538.2 103.0 52.0 7:8 15.6 78.0 36.4 12: 23.4 111.8 23.6 36.4 259.9 10.4 119.6 148.1 7.8 636.7 135.1 66.5 15.8 64.3 10.5 10.5 116.0 5g.; 26.4 R 226.7 1:; 110.7 15.8 W&; 31.6 35.9 M 15.4 71.8 61.5 2$$? 35.9 107.7 46.1 15.4 292.2 5.1 1:: 123.2 1%.: . . . . . 235.8

14.2 78.0 14.8 110.7 15.8 38.8 14.2 1.3.4 24.6 108.6 6.3 7.8 54.2 99.2 35.2 244.3 0.5 34 lg ~ $; 14.3 108.9 15.2 38.8 14.1 13.0 105.7 97.7 35.0 243.7 0.5 35, , &: M 15.5 149.7 27.5 37.3 17.2 20.6 a: 125.6 2: 1;: 2; 130.7 39.6 258.0 1.7 36 . — - x -EJ 4.1 %X 16.5 16.5 ~ 107.3 % 33.0 127.9 206.4 ...... 37 60.2 3::: JR ...... 248.2 Ii: 142.9 L31:2 3!:; 127.9 3?: 15.0 WA s 255.7 % 323.4 ...... 38 82.3 20:6 9.1 68.6 82.3 l%? 11.4 16:0 45.7 2.3 34.3 20.6 141.7 ....-. 39 129.1 ...... 8.1 127.1 :! 64.5 % 16.1 32.3 16.1 104.9 1;: 88.7 1% z 48.4 298.5 8.1 40 42.3 11.5 15.4 69.2 3.8 80.7 23.1 88.4 26.9 1:; 23.1 53.8 1%; 11.5 84.6 76.9 26.9 230.7 ...... 41 - I . 116.7 20.3 20.3 ~;; 15.2 86.2 15.2 20.3 .- . . . . . 15.2 L5.2 197.8 5.1 10.1 60.9 96.4 25.4 243.5 ...... 95.4 19.2 17.5 . 13.1 98.0 15.7 34.3 10.8 1.2.5 18.6 93.4 7.3 58.5 93.1 37.2 2’S. 7 0.6 98.2 20.1 17.3 13.4 97.0 M. 3 35.0 10.0 EL8 19.5 93.6 H 57.5 92.4 38.9 247.5 0.6 33.5 ...... 20.1 g.; 120.6 46.9 20.1 26.8 . . . . . 87.1 2! 6.7 80.4 107.2 . . . . . 274.7 ...... 105.3 16.6 16.0 1} 2 107.2 18.5 35.1 1%; 16.6 62.3 4.5, 5.1 60.6 S3.4 35.1 160.6 ...... 117.5 3.1 9.3 w: 4 9.3 80.4 21.6 1.2.4 12! 12.4 27.8 l%. 7 ...... 27.8 55.7 3.1 250.4 ...... 83.5 1;.: 9.3 74.2 9.3 129.9 37.1 18.6 27.8 ...... 9.3 .. ..-. 18.6 92.8 139.2 13.6 269.0 ...... 62.3 ...... 98.7 ...... 26.9 9.0 44.9 9.0 9.0 2: ...... 9s:: 107.7 . . . . . 179.5 ...... 37;3 37.3 87.0 6.2 43.5 6.2 87.0 M ...... 105.6 6.2 6.2 80.8 1.2.4 298.2 ...... W 42.0 42.0 7.0 42.0 7.0 14.0 ...... 112.0 7.0 7.0 77.0 84.0 314.9 ...... 1%: ...... 55.4 ...... 1!$ : ...... - *5J.; ...... ,-...... 55.4 2: 166.2 ...... 92.3 10.7 6.4 96.6 19.3 X35.2 32.2 85.9 10.7 17.2 25.8 4.3 6.4 66.6 150.3 38.6 383.6 2.1

95.7 22.1 66.2 14.7 ;47.2 14.7 80.9 14.7 29.4 14.7 103.0 .. . ..- 14.7 73.6 .132.5 58.9 184.0 . . . . . 54 113.6 ‘M 18.9 111.2 11.8 97.0 42.6 45.0 21.3 14.2 14.2 170.4 7.1 7.1 52.1 1.23.1 56.8 368.1 ...... 55 110.6 26.5 11.7 n. 4 21.6 132.9 12.2 38.0 17.6 14.1 40.6 122.8 7.0 7.3 46.8 95.5 39.4 233.8 0.2 56 111.1 26.9 11.3 72.9 21.3 131.9 lz. o 38.7 18.1 14.2 39.9 120.4 7.3 7.3 49.7 93.9 39.1 233.2 0.2 57 98.6 17.4 23.2 34.8 29.0 156.6 17.4 23.2 5.8 11.6 58.0 179.8 ...... 5.8 29.0 133.4 46.4 249.3 ...... 53 101.2 82.8 9.2 101.2 12.3 30.7 3.1 15.3 98.1 3.1 lz. 3 55.2 52.1 18.4 177.9 ‘j. : 59 122.2 M 2: 195.5 ...... lzz ; 8.1 48.9 1:; 8.1 16.3 122.2 .. . ..- 24.$ 1.22.2 32.6 228.0 60 93.1 8.6 ...... 110.0 8.5 42.3 ...... 42.3 10L6 ...... Ii: 110.0 16.9 380.8 ...... 61 96.0 8.3 1:; 167.0 R m: 4 ...... 25.0 E. 5 4.2 121.1 8.3 4.2 lz. 5 175.3 33.4 526.0 ...... 62 , 42.6 8.5 .- 102.1 ...... 110.6 8.5 8.6 :: 8.5 . . . . . 93.6 .----- . . . . 8.5 187.2 25.5 110.6 ...... 63

71.5 18.4 18.8 57.6 M. 9 146.0 16.5 56.0 19.7 10.0 16.8 111.7 8.4 s. 7 79.0 235.0 64 7’2.5 18.7 18.7 16.0 148.0 16.4 56.8 19.7 10.4 16.7 106.6 R: 77.9 %! 233,2 i: 65 41.2 10.3 20.6 E: 10.3 82.4. 20.6 30.9 20.6 ,-. . . . 20.6 267.9 i: 22: 144.2 113.3 23.6 286.5 . . . . . 66 — — - 2Nonregiefration state; citiesshown below only these with effeciive local ordinances.



[All death rates are based u on the total deaths, including deaths 01 nonresidents and deaths in hocpitak and institutions. Minor areas oontainfug state insane asylums at least 10 per cent ot t%e total, or numbered 10,000 or over in 1910, The term <{cities >} indicates municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).] =


Other All Diph- l’uber. I!uber. Whoop Iu- ~frm; REGLWR.4TION AREA, causes. ] !pili( Nah %rle pny my- xdosis Y.dous Rheu. sgxy” Measles in flu- ria. fever. ;ipelas. of the men- Coug% . mza. bmsu- roup. hngs. ngitis t%%.

I 1 8 6 7 s 9 (12) 18 14 15 (87) . —



3olorado Springs ...... 1, 618.9 13,4 3.4 ...... 10. I 3.4 20.1 ...... 559.7 13.4 16.8 10.1 Denver ...... 1,549.7 18,0 0.5 ...... 21.2 5. c 5.4 1$; 5.0 270.2 10.8 11.7 8.1 Pueblo ...... 1,299.7 28.1 2.2 ...... 15.1 15.1 23.7 19.4 Iii ...... 177.0 2;: 13.0 13.0 I’riufdad..., ...... 1,166.9 18.5 ...... 18.5 ...... 9.3 9.3 27.8 ...... 148.2 9.3 . . . . .


5 Re “trationcities (tatal) ...... 1,555.1 16.9 2.1 ...... 9.7 9.3 15.1 22.9 19.8 5.3 128.6 11.5 10.6 5.9 6 Jvhite ...... 1,537.6 16.7 2.1 ...... 9.7 9.5 14.7 22.5 19.4 5.4 124.0 10.4 75.8 5.5 7 Colored...... 2,677.4 33.7 ...... 8.4 ...... 42.1 50.5 42.1 ...... 421.0 34.2 42.1 33.7 - . — 8 lnsonia ...... 1,365.3 ...... ,::::::, ...... ZZ G ...... 122.9 ...... Bridgeport ...... 1,390.6 0.9 17:9 2.8 14.2 12.3 2.8 103.6 8.5 6.6 3.8 1: 3rist01 ...... 1,2$38.1 Ii! ...... 3:: 14.3 14.3 ...... 93.0 14.3 14.3 . . .. . 11 Xmbnryto wn...... 1,400.3 8.3 4.2 ...... 8.3 16.7 20.8 42 125.0 4.2 20.8 4.2 12 keenwichtown ...... 1,518.7 5.9 ...... 11.8 Ii; 23.5 11.8 29.4 ...... 100.1 17.7 5.9 5.9

Zartfoti ...... 1,826.2 19.8 ...... 22.7 16.8 42.5 11.9 9.9 117.5 8.9 11.9 .5.9 dauchestertown ...... 1,177.6 21.4 ...... 2?: 7.1 14.3 42.8 14.3 7.1 114.2 . . . . . 7.1 kferiden toum ...... 1,647.3 3.1 6.2 ...... 12.3 6.2 21.6 21.6 43,1 403.3 21.6 :: liddletmvnt own* ...... 2,250.9 42.6 4.7 ...... 9.5 42.6 14.2 ‘2$; 175.0 14.2 14.2 N

?auga~ck ...... 1 15.4 15.4 . . . . . 15.4 ...... 53.9 ...... VewBrltarn “-”...... ”----...... ””--”. . . . .-”---. . . . .””””. . . .-----’-””...... l,LY? 10.9 4.4 :::::::, .. ...2.2 ...... 4;: 42.6 15.3 ...... 89.4 13.1 4.4 JswHaven ...... 1,668.2 24.9 2.9 10.2 13.2 19.0 21.2 6.6 123.6 1: i 13.2 &o Jew London ...... 1,692.1 10.0 ...... 5.0 10.0 10.0 2s. 1 155.7 15.1 15.1 . . . . .

21 ~orwslktown ...... 1,543.5 12.1 :::::::,:: ...... 24.3 . . . . . 52.6 ...... IOL 1 4.0 12.1 8.1 22 Jorwich town ...... 1,702.1 10.5 k: ...... 14.1 24.6 63.3 3.5 112.6 7.0 10.5 23 km teen ...... 1,195.4 8.5 ...... 2; 17.0 ...... 93.3 25.4 E 24 $tamYordtcnvn...... 17690.1 ...... 1--23:3 ...... 6.7 ’20.0 16.6 6.7 136.4 1:: 6.7 10.0

25 Poningtontown...... 1,001.4 92.1 ...... 17.3 ...... 5.8 23.0 ...... 115.1 . . . . . 5.8 5.8 26 FaMngford towm ...... 1,077.2 8.8 ...... 43.8 ...... 28 . . . . 17.5 78.8 17.5 . . . . . 8.8 \ 27 Watarbnry ...... 1,495.4 23.7 2.6 ...... 18.5 22.4 15.8 26.4 113.4 13.2 #; 7.9 28 Wndhamtown...... 2,061.2 46.5 ...... 77.5 7.7 ...... 15.5 3!: 1,$: 193.7 31.0 7.7


23 Fihnfngton( total) ...... 1,62S.4 28.2 ...... 13.5 7.9 9.0 22.5 10.1 4.5 135.2 6.8 14.6 13.5 30 White ...... 1,530.7 20.1 ...... 13.8 20.1 10.1 5.0 114.5 11.3 31 Colored...... 2,478.1 97.4 ...... 10.8 11: lt : 43.3 10.8 313.8 2? I 5: 32.5


,VaAin@m(to tal)...... 1,868.o 22.2 1.2 ...... 6.5 1.2 7.4 5.6 20.1 2.4 218.1 12.4 14.8 6.2 Whlti...... 1,553.4 19.5 ...... 6.6 1.7 5.4 6.6 17.4 2.9 135.4 10.8 12.0 Colored ...... 2,650.4 28.9 4.1 ...... 6.2 ...... 12.4 3.1 26.9 1.0 423.6 16.5 21.7 t~ ,


35 Re “strationcities (total) ...... 2,187.6 67.3 45.7 ...... 20.4 31.3 8.4 21.6 2.4 239.3 4.8 21.6 2,4 36 I?hite ...... 1, 76S.2 83.7 13.2 ...... 28.6 lt 8 19.8 11.0 13.2 156.3 6.6 17.6 4.4 37 Colored ...... 2,692.2 47.7 34.8 ...... I 10.6 . . . 45.0 5.3 31.8 ?; 339.2 2.6 26.5 . . . . . “aclmonville(totrd) ...... 2,158.0 67.9 60.0 ...... 7.9 4.7 7.9 25.3 4.7 17.4 3.2 White ...... 1,664.7 90.0 19.3 . .... %i 16.1 9.6 9.6 12.9 k; 9.6 19.3 6.4 Colored...... 2,614.6 46.5 99.2 ...... 12.4 ...... 6.2 ;;; ...... 15.5 . . . . .


Re “stration cities (total) ...... 1,454.4 12.1 0.6 0.1 6.0 20.6 2.8 37.1 8.4 4.9 145.8 8.6 10.9 8.5 I%lite ...... 1,436.5 12.0 0.5 0.1 5.9 20.9 2.6 37.5 4.9 138.4 8.3 10.5 8.6 Colwced ...... -. 2,223.1 17.8 1.8 1.8 10.7 7.7. 10.7 19.6 Ii! 3.6 463.5 19.6 %.0 7.1 —l— hmora...... 1,321.6 22.4 ...... 3.2 ...... 22.4 9.6 ...... 33.2 12.8 Id. o 3eUeviUe ...... 1,467.4 28.4 9.5 ...... 4.7 9.5 9.5 18.9 9.5 127.8 4.7 ;{ 4.7 ;hicagO.(tOtaf) ...... 1,446.3 10.9 0.4 0.1 5.8 21.9 2.3 3t ; 8.0 4.4 147.3 8.9 8.4 Wlnte ...... 1,429.7 10.9 0.3 0.1 5.7 22.2 38.6, 4.4 140.6 10:3 8.4 Colored ...... 2>213.2 8.4 2.1 2.1 8.4 8.4 1;: 21.0 J : 4.2) 458.2 k! 25.2 6.3 lExcluciveof stillbirths. DEATH RATES FROM PRIN~IPAL CAUSES. . - 79,

AND’ ITS SUBDIVISIONS, FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911-Oontinued. rlgums for white and coloredare shownsepmaf-ely of the eubfivfsion fO~ed am desi~~dby asterisks(q. for m~or subdi~ons O~Y whenNumbersthe coiors~under caurezPOP~a~Onof deathcorrespondto thosaof rural su dmrnons (connties,exclusive of municipalitieshaving 10,000inhabitantsor over in 1910) are omitted.

DEATH RA’J2SPER 161XO06POPULATION =o~-continued. — Dim. GOn- rhea :olent )ther :ernia: Itier ?nWl 3ath2 .m- erebral rganic ‘neu- and Yi- ~uer- )bili& Au jiined Spilw ntes- krer- :ex- hri- !an- Di% enm k3n0r- keeses 1rOn- Lonia mte- ~ppen- Iosis &s, )erel !eml end other md taol tind :the pg?lt’i IdiUg ide. :er. etes. itis. @geand )fthe Ms. (all ritis Iieftis. )Strlm wer. ffec- tnal- Irn- rms). under leease. ylf- lftming. L&Wt. ases. tion. [One. )rms- lown. 2 ions. (de). ems).

81 32 33 .35 36 (37) 88 16 :37) 17 18 19 0,21 2,(23) (23) 25 26 27 28 29 — I —.

37.1 80.4 201.1 ...... 67.0 13.4 50.3 117.3 110.6 23.5 30.2 10.1 13.4’ 126.7 y; 77.5 79.7 3:: 251.3 0.9 ; 77.0 19.4 % 61.7 121.6 M 151.8 2:; 41.4 20.7 11.3 18.9 122.1 :: 15.1 95.0 75.6 13.0 190.0 2.2 3 -- 51.8 15.1 M. 1, 38.9 60.4 1$: 149.0 116.6 13.o B. o . . . . 74.1 74.1 9.3 176.0 ...... 4 .55.6 37.8 . . . . 74.1 46.3 111.1 9:3 135.2 ...... 12: . . . . . z.: H /

6.2 7.4 101.3 93.1 18.9 243.2 9.7 5 76.4 17.2 21.5 92.1 148.3 23.4 164.4 17.8 89.4 11.3 16.7 15.0 119.1 7.4 Ku). 5 92.9 19.0 243.4 9.2 6. 10.1 17.3 21.3 91.7 147.1 22.9 133.0 17.5 11.2 16.6 15.1 118.7 6.3 151.6 109.5 8.4 429.4 42.1 7 227.3 58.9 252.6 42.1 1%: 16.8 25.3 8.4 143.1 ,---- 8.4 117.9 8.4 33.7 117.9 — — —1 — ...... -. 17’6.4 34.1 = 239.4 51.8 8 5 . . . . . G 34.1 116.5 19.4 58.2 12.9 252.4 ...... 25.9 12.9 x 89.7 89.7 22.7 224.8 3.8 9 15.1 13.2 50.1 120.9 18.9 143.6 19.8 123.8 10.4 14.2 20.8 137.9 7.6 14.3 7.2 1?: 93.0 78.7 14.3 186.1 14.3 10 ;. ~ 28.6 28.6 71.6 85.9 . . . . . 193.2 7. ‘z 114.5 ...... 7.2 57.2 4.2 87.5 25.0 233.4 $ 4.2 11 12.5 33.3 1:] : 24: ; 29.2 45.8 12.5 75.0 . . ..- 17.7 5.9 129.5 1% :“ 11.8 233.1 5.9 12 76:6 5.9 29.4 5.9 1%: 1%; 94.2 1: i 1?: 17.7 L25.4 10.9 5.9 110.6 137.3 32.6 307.2 3..0 13 95.8 18.8 15.8 97.8 176.8 17.8 MlJ.: 16.8 21.7 18.8 15.8 144.2 7.1 ,---- . ..- 71.4 71.4 Z1. 4 214.1 .-... - 14 71.4 21.4 28.5 36.0 92.8 14.3 /%: ...... 14.3 50.C 61.6 6.2 3.1 46.2 73.9 13.5 m. o .- . ..- 52.3 18.5 ff?. 3 92.4 147.8 2;; 135:5 33.9 67.7 3.1 155; 9.5 9.5 75.7 118.2 14.2 430.3 14.2 ;: 118. Z 18.9 lg. 9 183.6 430.3 26.4 203.3 28.4 66.2 4.7 k: 85.1 . . ..- . . . . 30.8 . . . . 138.6 7.7 17 . . . . . 61.6 69.3 15.4 161.7 123.2 ...... 100.1 f3. 1 12 ‘! 32.9 13.1 ma 10.9 18 3.2 1:: 74.2 67.6 19.6 106.9 2:; 106.9 # 15.3 74.2 4.4 109.7 90.0 16.8 24’/.2 23.4 19 91.4 2; 20.5 90.7 1646 26.3 212.1 14.6 70.2 1::: 16.1 134. f 185..$ lt i 1;: 35.4 30.3 5.0 251.1 ...... 20. 120.5 “5.0 10.0 135.7 175.7 25.1 136.6 25.1 95.4 15.1 15:1 23.1 ,, 12.1 97.0 8.1 222.4 4.0 21 113;2 32.3 32.3 W. 8 161.7 24.3 117.2 44.5 ...... 16.2 165.$ . . . . . 7.0 1%. : 87.9 313. c 7.0 22 109.0 35.2 38.7 123.1 179.3 33.7 109.0 17.6 .%% 7.0 28.1 10.5 126. t 7.0 ...... 25.4 50.9 5; i 237.4 33.9 23 76.3 59.3 17.0 84.8 135.7 . . . . . 110.2 ...... 33.9 ...... ~; 3.3 13.3 126.4 96.5 23.3 266:2 3.3 24 66.5 16.6 13.3 99.8 149.7 16.6 226.2 3.3 86.5 16.6 10.0 1%; ~-: . . . . . 5.8 97.: 34.5 23.3 ...... 63.3 11.5 H. ,5 69.1 80.6 17.3 5.8 28.8 ...... 11.5 11.5 34.: ...... - ..- 70.1 35.0 113. $ ...... 2 52.5 ...... 113.9 113.9 35.0 18. ! 78.8 -...... 1:; 10..! 9.2 1%.: 10.5 232.1 9.2 27 60.7 28.7 108.1 141.1 1?: 121.3 10.5 13.8 1$: 7.7 7.7 102.1 1%.: 23.2 371. < ...... B 62.0 2$: 62.0 1%; 178.2 % 193.7 15.5 116.2 7.7 7.7 15.5 131. i

H?. : 3.4 5.6 142.( 76.6 13.8 286.: 23.7 29 71.0 7.9 32.7 87.9 136.3 18.0 217.5 21.4 78.2 5.6 13.5 7.9 2.: 74.2 16.4 239.5 25.2 30 74.2 8.3 31.4 38.0 127.0 15. I 198.7 22.6 73.0 11.3 8.8 114.: 10.$ lk : ~{ 97.4 10.3 432.{ 10.8 31 43.3 .- ... 43.3 86.6 216.4 43.3 378.7 10.8 75.7 lk : 32.5 . ..- 140.:

7.4 9.5 ~.{ 79.7 23.1 349.1 5.6 32 86.8 16.0 10.7 m. o 214.5 26.7 m4. 5 32.6 30.9 ;!; 15.1 13.6 f57.: 100.1 69.8 31.6 304. { 2.9 33 91.4 2;: 114.3 180.7 15.4 105.1 29.9 56.9 13.3 17.4 138.{ 7. t 7.2 E! 190.1 104.4 lz. 4 458. [ 12.4 34 75.4 1%! 144.7 288.6 34.1 312.O 39.3 140.5 8:8 19.6 4.1 203. (

15.6 12. ( 21. t 91.’ 152.7 18.0 452.: 105.8 25 46.9 6.0 22.8 54.1 133.5 10..$ 131.1 26.5 204.4 19.2 179.: 11. ( 26.4 57.: 118.9 23.6 334. ; 33.0 36 59.5 6.6 28.6 39.6 118.9 13.2 112.3 22.0 207. c ~ %8 24.2 22.0 325. ! 243. \ 13.: ~. $ 132. ! 193.4 5.3 593. ! 193.4 37 31.8 5.3 15.9 71.5 151.0 7.9 162.7 31.8 201.4 13.2 13.2 7.9 15.8 183.: lz. I 101. I 130.0 G 431. ( G&- ;; ’50.5 6.3 23.7 52.1 131.0 G -m x 116. f ;:; 23.7 64.: 144.7 35.4 232.! 64.3 6.4 32.2 35.4 115.7 16.1 102.9 23.7 32.2 28.9 125., 9. I . 15. ! 136. ! 214.0 573.: 226:4 : 37.2 6.2 15.: 68.2 145.8 153.2 37. z 18:[ 15:5 15.5 238. / 166. I 10.1 60. I 65. C 1: i 520.1 ...... 35.3 5.0 20.2 60.6 141.4 Ii; 131.3 10.1 434. ? ...... 5. c It i 125. ! 14. ( 62.9 14.0 447.: .. ---- 42 43.9 7.0 21. ( 48.9 125.3 7.0 I&: ~ 14.0 475.: ...... 7. c 2.72. ! . . . . 1$9: ! 72. $ 18.2 709. ; ...... 43 ...... 18.2 , 91.0 181.9 18.2 ...... 509.4 ...... -. . ..- 2.:


205. ! 14. ( 104.8 EQ.c 12.4 556.; g.; 4& 62.4 31. < 86.4 116.C 19. ( 243.9 34.1 no. : 21.7 20.4 10.2 9.< 18.1 178.: 10.: 19.5 381.1 73.7 $: 19. t 73.7 94. E 132.1 20.2 .63. / 22.4 234. ! 21. f 1% 1% L 1 101:9 ,46 44.7 51. t 106.5 150. c 34. < 434.1 56.1 144.: 20.6 24.1 1:; 243. < 459. ! 197.: x 90. ! 5 z ;:: ; g 61.2 ~ 79.2 -m 16. [ 227.3 23.1 23.0 130. 78. I 36.4 18.8 363. ! 68.6 10.: 75.1 80. .! 8.! 135.3 16. C IN 232. %{ 115.: 1.72.< L 9 650.1 42.8 49 46.5 14. { 87.4 143.1 33. ! 4f0. 8 37.2 R .... 13. ; 138. ! 1:;2 10.7 793. ! 116.0 50 65.6 21.4 80. { 103.8 151.1 24. ! 300.4 61. C 13.7 .225.: 6.: 125. I 21.9 446.: 31.2 51 25.0 68.7 140. e 12. ! lzl. 3 34.4 18.7 174. ‘ 90.6 ~. J 152. ! 176: i ----- [,130.’ 196.9 52 4. s 17.9 % 137.2 161.1 35. [ 4171.4 86.: 9.0 274.<

., 8.{ 9.! 58.’ 93. $ 21.7 206.’ 1.7 “53 81.3 13.6 11.1 138. $ 193.3 11.4 16.6 110.: 109. 59. 93.: 21.7 203. 1.6 54 31.6 13.5 1~{ % 136.2 190.2 11.4 16.5 &< 44. ll?.i 21.4 347. 7.1 55 71.3 16.0 17. t 34.2 256.7 Ii: 323.0 12.: 23.2 I&. 22. ~ MC&. 3’. . 6., 99.: x x 294. ,- . . . . . 89.6 9.6 22. < 86.4 64. ( G 4. ‘ . . . . . 113. $ 66.: 47.2 340.: 9.5 .% 66.3 38.1 39.9 94:7 66.3 23. i 12: 16.4 109: 9.: 6.( 56.’ 94. ! 21. ? 193. 0.4 58 30.0 12: 10.1 g; 140.: 200.7 10. ( 93. f 108. 8.; 57. 21.4 190. 0.4 59 30.3 13.9 10. ( 137. ( 197.6 10.7 16.2 151. 21.( :! 42. 119. / 16. S 334. 2.1 60 67.3 13.9 14. i 67:3 264. [ 346.8 8.4 23.1 2Norrregistrationstate; citiesshownbelow only thosewith effectivelocal ordhrances. 80 MORTALITY STATISTICS. /


[All death rates are based upon the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions. Minor areas containing state insane asylqs at least 10 er cent of the total, or numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term “cities>) indicates municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. M@or the Abridge % International List (see p. 27).]


Othel Puber 7uber- Whoop In- forms ?heu BEG13TRATION AREA. p;: Mtm.- Small- lcarlel ?;#:; Er - ml OW )Ulous kfes31es in ffu- of tu- ria. pox. fever. iipe Tas of the meu- Coug% . enza. mrcu croup. lungs. ngitis. t%% Iosis.

1 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 (12) M 14 15 (37) ——


lLLrNols $+ontimred.

...... 12.3 12.3 37.0 12.3 9.3 83.3 6.2 15.4 2:! 23.4 7.8 3.9 31.2 . . . . 3.9 58.4 3.9 26. ( . 13.0 . . . . . 13.0 ;;: 6.5 234.4 6.5 :: 30.( 5.5 . . . 24.6 . . . 2.7 3!$ ; 19.1 163.8 2.7 16.4 2s.! 3.8 11.3 11.3 22.5 i. 5 13.1 167:0 ...... 1.9


27.: 3.4 0.1 6.6 8.4 10.3 18.6 12.0 4.0 140.0 9.4 7.1 27.: 3.1 0.1 6.6 8.7 9.1 18.2 11.4 4.2 127.4 9.2 6.5 26,: 9.5 . . . 7.1 2.4 33.3 26.2 23.8 . 380.7 11.9 19.0

17 ( . . . . . 17.6 17.6 22.0 13.2 33:: . . . . . 145.0 30.8 22. c 4.4 28.! . . . . . 23.8 28.5 4.8 9.5 4.8 109.4 ...... 9.5 15.: . . . . 5.1 15.2 15.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 70.8 . . . . 10.1 30.2 46.4 9.3 . . . . . 18.6 . 46.4 ...... 83.5 18.6 . . . . . 9.3 21.2 8.5 32,4 1.4 16.9 12.7 15.5 5.6 172.1 5.6 18.3 7.1

13.f 1,5’ ...... 9.1 6,1 18.2 9.1 4.5 96.9 10.6 15.1 8.1 23.$ . . . . . 11.9 11.9 23.8 71.4 6.0 . . . . 53.6 . . . . . 11.9 . . . . 36.1 ...... 9.1 4.6 22.8 4.6 4.6 105.0 4.6 9.1 19.4 ...... 9.7 29.0 ...... 116,2 9.7 lk i 9.7

25.s 2.9 1.2 3.7 7.5 171 9.6 3.7 154.1 8.3 26.2 5.4 25.2 3.2 1.4 4.1 5.5 15.2 8.7 4.1 130.5 7.4 22.1 31.2 ...... 26.7 35.6 17,8 . . . . . 382.9 17,8 66.8 lk ! 19.3 9.6 . . . . . 38.6 19.3 28.9 270.0 ...... 3.S.6 9.6 22.e 11.3 . . . . . 45.3 22.6 33.9 . 203.7 ...... 33,9 ...... 653.2 ...... 65.3 a. 3

28.2 11.3 .... . 11.3 5.6 22.6 11.3 . . 146.9 ...... 22.6 . . . . 19.7 9.8 ...... 4.9 ...... 4.9 34.4 4,9 177.2 14.8 4.9 9.1 ...... 9.1 27.4 18.3 9.1 9.1 109.7 . . . . . 12: 18.3 5.2 . . . . . 15.5 10.3 5,2 20.6 20.6 . . . . 123.7 5.2 15.5 . . . . 36.0 5.1 5.1 . . . . . 30.8 25.7 20.6 . . . . . 107.9 10.3 20.6 15.4

20.5 ...... 46.2 ...... 5.1 10.3 . . . . . 159,0 10.3 . . . . . 10.3 79.0 . . . . 23.7 31.6 ...... 15.8 ...... 23.7 15.8 24.7 ...... 4.1 41.2 ...... 8.2 4.1 18:: 12: 20.6 12.4 33.9 14.5 4.8 4.8 14.5 38.8 19.4 9.7 184.2 14. 19.4 . . . . . 172.0 ...... 9.1 9.1 9.1 117.7 9,1 18.1 . . . . .

3, Richmond ...... 13.2 ...... 4.4 13.2 26.3 22.0 4.4 127.3 13,2 30.7 . . . . . 3: South Bend ...... 33.8 ...... 10.1 13.5 1.7 25.3 3.4 3.4 130.0 15.2 6.8 1.7 3( Ten’eHaute ...... 30.3 6.7 ...... 8.4 10.1 13.5 11.8 8.4 155.1 10.1 21.9 15.2 3 Vincennss ...... 26.0 6.5 26.0 6.5 32.5 26.0 6.5 246.6 19.5 6.5 19.5


34 R istrationcities (total) ...... 48.4 3.7 5.5 3.7 14.7 13.5 6.7 129.2 3.7 23.9 7.3 3( $!’bite ...... 45.2 ;. 6.1 4.0 14.2 12.1 7.4 104.6 4.0 16.9 7.4 4( Colored ...... 78.9 ...... 19.7 26.3 ...... 368.4 ...... 92.1 6.6

4 59.5 2.3 4.7 4.7 19,8 10.5 7.0 5.8 29. $ 8.2 4 55.3 1.3 5.3 5.3 19,7 7.9 7.9 6.6 19. i 9.2 ‘4 92.6 10.3 ...... 20.6 30.9 ...... 102.$ . . . ..-. 4 36.2 18.1 9.0 ...... 9.0 4.5 4.5 . . . . . 9.c 9.0 36.3 20.8 10.4 ...... 5.2 ...... 5.2 . . . . . 5.2 : 35.3 ...... 35.3 33.3 ...... 35.3 32; 4! 36.0 ...... & 4 3.6 9.0 21.6 7.2 1.8 21.6 5.4

34.0 9,5 23.9 4,6 6.8 12.0 17.3 5.1 8.8 19.5 9.8 29.3 4.4 21.6 5.6 5.0 l?: IL 8 5.6 8.0 14.8 56.1 33,7 35.1 ...... 15.4 43.5 2.8 12.6 42.1 1;;

29. { 3.7 11.2 13.1 14.9 7.5 5.6 9.3 9.3 11.2 29. ( 2.0 11.9 11.9 15.8 7.9 5.9 9.9 7.9 11.9 34.: 34.2 ...... 34.2 ...... 34.2 . . . . . 85. ( ...... 18.9 28.3 ...... 9.4 9.4 37.8 90. $ ...... 26.0 39.0 ...... 13.0 69.4 ...... 34.7 34.7 .04.1

86. $ 43.1 ...... 8.6 8.6 8.6 17.2 ...... 17.2 34..5 82. ( 35.1 ...... 11.7 11.7 ...... 1$! 11.7 35.1 98.2 65.5 ...... 32.7 65.5 ...... 32.7 32.7 52. ~ . . . . 8.3 2.8 5.5 22.1 8.3 22.1 35.9 16.6 43.4 . . . . 12.1 4.0 2: 8.1 4.0 12.1 8.1 20,2 12.1 61. t ...... 61,6 ...... 52.8 70.4 26.4

Louisville (total) ...... 23,7 5.3 25.5 3,5 7.5 11.9 13.2 3.5 6.6 18.9 & 7 White ...... 17.7 2.7 18.8 4.3 4.8 13.4 9.1 3.2 7.0 16.1 Colored ...... 51. c 17,0 55.9 ...... 19.4 31.6 4.9 4.9 31.6 lt : Yewport (total) ...... 36. C ...... 3.3 3.3 12: 9.8 ...... 16.4 6.5 White ...... 33.4 ...... 3.3 ...... 16.7 6.7 1::: ...... 16.7 6.7 Coloreds ...... 174.2 ...... 174.2 ...... [74. 2 ...... 1 Exclusive of stillbirths. ~ iNonregietration st’ati; cities showrr below only those with effective local ordinances.. DEATH RATES FROM’ PRINCIPAL CAUSES. “81

AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS, FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911-Oontinued. are designated by aaterisks(*). Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor subdivisions ord when the colored population of the subdivision formed rural subdivisions (mUnties, exclusive of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitte~. Numbers under causesof daath..rracpondt. thmeof

DEATH RATE PEE 100,040POPULATION FrtoM-continued. . . — Diar- COn- rhea ioleni )ther :ernia, )ther enital nl- kcbral rganic Pneu- and h-e- eathr spira- ntes- cir- ‘uer- ?uer- miitJ An 3XJti;d Dia- hmnor- keasw Bron- nonh hosis Ihri@, (cx- 3ui- can- enin tog 3nte- Pm tfnal Ha,l ?eral and other jtia. hage am (aU icitis. f the right ‘s lyg !ide. cer. ,etcs. )f the :h.itis. ritie )strllc- wer. ~ffec- nml- auscs. nn- oftening umrt. n-m). under iver. iscase. :ases. tion. ions. Drma- Llown. ‘ 2 :d%). ‘ears).

16 (37) 17 18 19 10,21 !2,(28 (23) 26 26 27 28 29 81 32 33 .36 36 (37) 38

86.4 12.3 -55.5 46.3 24.7 43.2 6.2 30.8 21.6 18.5 1;: 117.2 12.3 3.1 77.1 107.9 40.1 274.5 ~: ; ’74.0 1?: 11.7 74.0 128.5 3.9 lso. 7 11.7 46.7 15.6 35.1: 34.5 3.9 70.1 70.1 . . . .. 167.5 16%3 19.5 . . . . 175.8 260.6 ,-. . . . 149.8 19.5 32.6 32.6 . . . . . 188.9 J: 6.5 32.6 71.6 19.5 359.6 13:0 3 106.5 16.4 98.3 210.2 35.5 163.8 2: 57.3 24.6 16.4 38.2 120.1 8.2 8.2 57-3 51.9 21.8 376.8 24.6 4 97.6 1!: 35.7 52.6 118.2 ‘20.6 142.6 18.8 52.6 24.4 16.9 30.0 146.4 7.5 3.8 32.6 118.2 33.8 328.4 18.8 ‘5

79.2 16.8 9.6 75.4 144.4 14.6 109.3 10.6 80.6 17.1 16.7 15.4 93.9 l% 6 72.4 94.1 24.3 24L2 2.3 6 79.6 17.0 73.6 136.6 13.9 101.3 79.1 17.0 16.2 14.8 92.0 ls. 5 :; 73.4 92.7 24.8 239.7 2.2 7 71.4 14.3 Ii: 109.5 292.7 23.6 261.8 2:: 109.5 19.0 26.2 26.2 130.9 14.3 7.1 54.7 lx 4 14.3 268.9 2.4 8 - 57.1 8.8 G 96.7 123.0 13.2 3.27.4 4.4 x 26.4 x 4.4 33.5 ~ x 65.9 35.2 210.9 4.4 9 23.8 ...... 28.8 47.6 4.8 ?/47.4 404.5 4.8 23.8 . . . . . 22.8 ...... l%: 80.9 4.8 13&o ...... 10 65.7 25.3 . . . . 35.9 161.8 5.1 106.2 R 25.3 . . . . . 10.1 20.2 45.5 15.2 15.2 40.4 80.9 10.1 166.8 ...... 11 37.1 18.6 74.2 102.1 55.7 ...... 55.7 . . . . . 64.9 . . . . . 111.3 37.1 13.6 1!2S.9 ...... 12 98.7 14.1 2?! 43.7 127.0 2:: 146.7 18.3 114.3 M. 5 Ii; 2: 110.0 1:; 7.1 762 86.1 11.3 261.0 ...... 13 90.9 18.2 6.1 72.7 115.”1 16.7 103.0 12.1 21.2 31.8 15.1 32.1 101.5 13.6 7..6 93.9 24.2 283.3 ...... 14 41.7 6.0 23.8 65.5 17.9 l%; ...... 380.9 29.8 11.9 6.0 41.7 17.9 17.9 u%! 327.3 47.6 178.6 ;..... 15 36.5 1!? 27.4 68.5 13.7 13.7 127.9 w 3 13.7 27.4 22.8 9.1 118.7 155.3 45.7 159.8 ...... 16 96.8 6%; . . . . 96.8 125.8 9.7 38.7 . . . . . 9.7 19.4 9.7 9.7 z. i 29.0 9.7 43.4 77.4 19.4, 251.7 ...... 17 82.5 18.7 11.7 96.6 175.8 12.9 110.0 11.2 56.6 13.7 25.8 22.9 92.1 :; 4.6 < 70.8 62.7 29.2 277.0 0,8 18 g; 17.9 11.9 92.4 160.4 H. o 93.3 11.0 51.5 13.3 34.8 22.1 91.0 4.6 7L 7 81.3 3; g 27!3.2 0.9 19 26.7 8.9 138.0 325.0 31.2 271.5 13.4 106.8 17.8 35.6 31.2, 102.4 4.5 4.5 62.3 106.8 284.9 ...... 96:4 . . . . 115.7 192.9 48.2 43.2 19.3 134.3 . . . . . 9.6 19.3 192.9 9.6 86.8 86.: 19.3 221.5 9.6 E 101.8 1;! . . . . 90.5 181.0 45.3 45.3 22.6 169.7 . . . . . 11.3 22.6 203.7 11.3 It: 90.5 90.6 22.6 248.9 11.3 22 65.3 ...... 261.3 261.3 65.3 65.3 . . . . . 65.3 ...... 130.6 ...... 65.3 65.3 ...... 130.6 ...... 23 90.4 11.3 67.8 124.3 16.9 67.8 5.6 50.8 11.3 ...... 67.8 11.3 5.6 90.4 96.C ...... 197.7 ...... 98.4 39.4 2: 211.6 24.: 787 9.8 19.7 29.5 9.8 1:; 113.2 4.9 9.8 44.3 167.: 4.9 3445 ...... E 164.5 18.3 . . . . la: 201.1 164.5 9.1 91.4 9.1 9.1 9.1 64.0 9.1 . . . . . 82.3 82.Z 274.2 ,.....:26 113.4 25.8 118.4 82.5 5.2 67.0 . . . . . 41.2 30.9 15.5 10.3 123.7 10.3 56.7 92.f 2:: 226.8 6.2 27 . 61.7 20.6 2?: 97.6 164.4 15.4 71.9 15.4 61.7 20.6 5.1 20.6 51.4 15.4 1:: 56.5 66.f 10.3 221.0 15.4 28 . 30.8 20.5 20.5 61.5 148.7 . . . . . 112.8 10.3 107.7 10.3 25.6 . . . . . 82.1 5.1 5.1 30.8 112.f 25.6 215.4 .:..... 29 15.8 15.8 7.9 39.5 142.2 7.9 102.7 23.7 55.3 7.9 3;: 7.9 110.6 7.9 7.9 79.0 n. 1 28.7 221.2 ,.i6:K:; 90.7 .8.2 4.1 61.8 103.0 12.4 115.4 12.4 57.7 16.5 20.6 90.7 16.5 . . . . . 86.5 90.i 16.5 7,23.~ 92.1 ...... 111.5 208.4 43.6 62.4 . . . . . 72.7 14.5 4.8 121.2 145 33.s 97.( 33.9 227.E ...... 63.4 18.1 . . . . 81.5 162.9 27.2 63.4 . . . . . 36.2 . . . . . li I 9.1 .99.6 Ii [ 9.1 63.4 126.< 18.1 2m.2 ...... % 96.6 17.6 8.8 83.4 149.3 13.2 65.9 ...... 13.2 109.8 . . . . 4.4 52.7 74.f 35.1 219.5 4.4 34 . 67.6 13.5 ‘3.4 45.6 133.3 11.8 75.9 6.8 IE : 15.2 11: 15.2 92.Z 18.6 15.2 81.C 74.: 20.3 204.2 ...... 35 82.6 16.9 3.4 65.7 143.3 8.4 128.1 16.9 64.1 30.3 10.1 11.8 134.9 27.0 10.1 80.$ 96.1 37.1 271.4 8.4 36 97.4 13.0 19.5 64.9 15-5.8 . . . . . 175.2 19.5 51.9 32.5 45.4 19.5 64,g 26.0 . . . . . 45.4 103. [ 26.0 279.1 6.5 37

83.2 15.3 20.8 62.4 115.7 12.2 131.0 15.9 66.6 11.6 15.3 6.7 91.2 8.0 4.3 ~. ~ ls3. ( 22.0 281.C 11.6 38 87.7 ’14.8 19.6 60.1 99.9 9.4 1255 16.2 63.4 12.1 14.2 4.7 77.f 4.7 80.3 116.[ 2.3.6 263.: 11.5 39 39.5 “19.7 32.9 85.5 269.7 39.5 184.2 13.2 118.4 6.6 26.3 26.3 223.7 1: t . . . . . 118.4 134.: 6.6 453.$ 13.2 40 - 82.9 G ~ 59.5 126.1 19.8 158.7 12.8 101.5 9.3 12.8 8.2 100.4 9.3 7.0 98.( 143.( 23.3 264.{ 7.0 43 89.5 17.1 57.9 101.4 15.8 152.7 11.8 96.1 . 11.8 34.3 9.2 7.9 97.4 134.: 26.3 244.$ 7.9 42 30.9 10.3 41:2 319.1 51.5 205.S 20.6 144.1 1; f 20.6 4?:; 226.: 10.3 . . . . . 102.! 216.i ...... 432.1 ...... 43 81.4 13.6 4.5 lg. : 144.7 9.0 167.3 27.1 13.6 . . . . . 18.1 4.5 85.$ ...... 49.: 108.: 18.1 312.1 13.6 44 77.8 15.6 5.2 93.4 3.24.5 166.c 31.1 5.2 . . . . . 10.4 5.2 57.1 ...... 41.5 108.{ 20.8 249.( 15.6 43 NJ: ...... 176.4 282.2 3:: 176.4 . . . . . 70.5 . . . . . 70.5 ...... 282.2 ...... 105.f 105.i ...... 740.t ...... 46 14.4 10.8 50.4 3$.2 L 8 73.8 16.2 39.6 19.8 38.0 5.4 79.5 9.0 1.8 75.f 97.: 21.6 293.$ 18.0 47 I 70.3 14.4 74.3 153.1 29.3 130.s 31.3 45.7 12.$ 20.0 122.< 6.1 6.4 91.e i13.I 16.1 319.7 18.3 48 72.2 15.i w 66.[ 122.7 21.0 100.( 25.S 41.4 14.2 w 21.0 118.3 5.3 4.7 91.4 91.1 18.3 273.C 13.0 49 61.7 8.4 29.4 109.4 297.3 68.7 277.i 60.3 65.9 7.c 25.2 15.4 144.4 9.8 14.0 92.f 217.< 5.6 541.3 43.5 5& “ ZE7 G G 61.f 192.4 20.5 123.3 14.9 35.5 14.g 9.3 20.5 158.i 11.2 -G 95.2 93.< 13.1 209.5 61.3 13.2 15.8 .59.2 185.7 21.7 96.$ 13.8 31.6 15.: 9.9 21.7 152.1 9.9 5.9 98.$ 73.1 13.8 193.e 34.2 ...... 102.f 307.8 ...... 581.4 34.2 102.6 ...... 273.( 34.2 . . . . . 34.$ 444.t ...... 478.$ 47.2 . . . . . 18.9 56.i 122.8 37.8 103.c 28.3 47.2 18.9 9.4 141.i ...... 66.1 179./ 18.9 406.2 51.9 . . . . . 26.0 26.C 103.9 39.0 90.$ 39.0 51.9 1:: 26.0 13.0 168..! ...... 90.$ 168.[ .- .:.. 363.f 34.7 ...... 138.i 173.4 34.7 138.5 . . . 34.7 ...... 69.4 ...... 208.1 69.4 520.3 60.4 . . . . . 60.4 60.4 103.5 25.9 162.$ 17.2 94.9 23.$ 17.2 17.2 103.[ .. . . . 8.6 146.( 103.: 17.2 345.c 58.5 . . . . . 82.0 58.i 70.2 11.7 163.C 23.4 93.7 23.4 ...... 11.7 35.1 . .. . . 11.7 140.: 105.< 23.4 345.$ 65.5 ...... 66.i 196.5 65.5 163.i . . . . . 98.2 32.i 65.5 ;;; 294.i ...... 183.i 98.; ...... 622.1 64.5 177.( ;%: 22.I In. 4 27.6 35.9 16.6 24.9 110.f 5.5 11.1 77.4 193.: 19.4 564.c 92.7 M g; \125.c 129.C 16.1 40.3 24.: 20.2 12.1 96.i 4.0 157.: 2;: 523.( 79.2 . . . . . 8.8 290.5 352:2 5:: 264.I 52.8 26.4 . . . . . 35.2 26.4 140.$ 8.8 2;: 18: 272.{ 642.i 76.1 16.3 22.0 66.$ 150.8 26.8 125.3 39.6 37.4 11.c 16.3 18.0 122.2 5.7 5.7 32.5 106.f 16.7 318.8 7.9 63 77.3 17.2 18.8 65.C 115.4 20.4 89.1 30.6 34.4 11.3 14.5 19.3 119.2 4.8, 4.3 &5.4 88.I 19.9 274.3 8.1 64 70.4 12.1 36.4 75.3 310.9 55.9 239.0 80.1 51.0 9.7 24.3 12.1 136.C 12.1 75.3 189.< 2.4 519.7 7.3 63 22.9 32.7 117.8 32.7 94.9 13.1 42.5 91.6 H 3.3 72.c 63.; 22.9 153.8 9.8 66 .%! 28.3 33.4 R! 116.7 .33.4 90.1 13.3 40.0 1:: 1;; %: 93.4 3.3 73.4 46.; 23.3 3.53.4 ’10.0 67 ...... 174.2 . . . . . 346.4 . . . . . 174.2 ...... 171; . . . . . -. ..-. ,219.: . . ..-. 174.? ,. -.-.. . 88 . . ., a Colored ~pulationless than 10par cent I the total. 78089”—BuI. 112—13—6



[All death rates are based u on the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents aud deaths in hoepitals and institutions. Minor areas czmtaintig state insane asylums at least 10 per cent of &e total, or nnmbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term’{ cities)] indicates rnunioipelities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).] .


)ther )iph- ubar. ‘uber. i-hh:p- ln- Orms :heu. yphoic Ksh- SmeU- ,carlet heria E- uloeis Ulous REGISTRATION AREA. bfeeeles. flu- )f tu- ma- and ipe7 as. If the nen- All lever. ria. pox. hver. nza. )ercu- ism. ough. mgs. Lgitis, %Nlses.1 :Oup. !Osis.

1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 1s 87) . — —



1 Owensboro (total) ...... 2,152.2 36.7 12.2 ...... 207.9 6.1 6.1 97.8 12.2 262.9 18.3 12.2 18.3 2 White ...... 1, 97s. 9 30.4 7.6 ...... 242.9 7.6 . . . . . 75.9 15.2 212.6 22.8 15.2 15.2 3 Colored ...... 2,890.4 62.8 31.4 ...... 62.8 ...... 31.4 88.5 . . . . . 471.3 ...... 31.4 4 Paduceh (total) ...... 2,016.1 60.4 77.7 ...... 13.0 4.3 4.3 13.0 21.6 240.1 ,13.0 28.9 8.6 6 White...... 1,587.6 64.7 29.4 ...... 17.6 5.9 ...... 11.8 17.6 It; 147.0 17.6 17.6 6 colored ...... 3,199.6 ‘4& 7 Z1l. 1 ...... 16.2 16.2 32.5 . . . . . 619.7 . . . . . 97.4 1:;


7 New Orleans (total) ...... 2>042.4 31.0 10.7 H. 3 1.2 28.1 7.2 26.6 2.3 w. 7 &2 Ij : 9.8 8 White ...... 1,656.0 23.2 6.7 . ...?.. 13.8 1.6 28.7 6.; 2.2.6 2.8 159.0 5.1 9 Colored ...... 3,117.6 52.6 21.9 2.2 4.4 . . . . . 26.3 35.0 1.1 472.0 &6 26:3 2$;


Registration cities (total) ...... 1,843.4 30.8 0.6 ...... 10.7 2.4 11.2 13.0 13.6 5.3 142.1 13.0 20.1 5.9 White...... 1,844.5 30.9 0.6 ...... 10.7 2.4 11.3 13.1 13.7 5.3 142.7 13.1 19.6 5.9 Colored ...... 1,589.6 ...... 144.5 . . . . ------1 ------— 13 Auburn...... ,...... 1,324.9 6.5 ...... 13.1 ...... 6.5 26.1 G ...... Augusta* ...... 2,552.8 2; i ...... 14.9 ...... 7.5 12 i 22.4 7.5 ;: Ban or* ...... 2,062.5 &3. 5 ...... 4.0 ...... 7.9 7.9 7.9 li : 15.9 7.9 16 Bid~eford ...... 1,843.9 11.6 ...... 11.6 23.3 2:; 22.3 29.1 ...... 11.6 34.9 5.8 17 Lewiston ...... 1,913.4 11.3 ...... 15.1 18.8 18.8 11.3 30.1 . . . . 18 Portland ...... 1,781.8 3:; ...... It; ...... 11.7 11.7 1.7 2;; 21.8 10.1 19 Waterviile ...... 1,393.3 ...... 34.2 ...... 2: ...... 17.1 ......


Re etrettoncities (totai) ...... 1,848.2 30.6 0.5 ...... 13.8 7.2 8.8 12.4 13.5 13.7 m o 8.3 +/&h...... 1,633. C 29.2 0.6 ...... 13.3 7.8 13.3 11.1 i: 11.8 14.5 Colored ...... 3,106.1 39.0 ...... 16.7 3.3 2?; 6.7 27.9 5.6 24.5 52.4 11:

23 Baltimore(total) ...... 1,843.4 27.6 0.5 ...... 14.3 7.8 8.1 12.0 G 5.1 14.8 Zci x 24 White ...... 1,621. ( 25.9 0.6 ...... 14.0 8.6 6.9 13.2 10.2 5.0 12. a 14.8 25 .Colored ...... 3,080. S 37.2 ...... 16.3 3.5 20.9 5.8 27.9 5.8 25. C 51.2 1;: 26 Cumberhmd (total) ...... 1,855. $ 102.6 ...... 8.9 13.4 22.3 4.5 8.9 8.9 4.6 27 Vvhite ...... 1,758. $ 98.5 ...... 9.4 14.1 23.5 4.7 9.4 4.7 28 Celoreda ...... 3,744.3 182.6 ...... 9?; . . . .

29 Frederick(total) ...... 2,076. t 47.4 ...... 19.0 19.0 19.0 ...... 9.5 37.9 . . . . 30 VVhite ...... 1,854.: 44.2 ...... 22.1 22.1 11.0 ...... 11. c 22.1 . . . . 31 Colored ...... 3,425.1 67.2 ...... 67.2 ...... 134.3 . . . . 32 Hegerstowrr(total) ...... 1,856.1 28.7 ...... 23.7 ...... 23.7 17.8 17.8 5.9 . . . . . 11.9 11.9 33 VVhite ...... 1, 699. { 25.5 ...... 19.1 ...... 19.1 12.7 19.1 6.4 . . . . . 12.7 24 Colored $...... 3,979.2 ...... 86.5 ...... 86.5 86.5 ...... 8;: MASSA CHUSETTe. 1 35 Registration cities (total) ...... 1,528.: 0.3 0.1 6.4 14.9 18.3 7.2 5.3 14.2 10.6 5.9 l~hite ...... 1,521. ( :: 0.3 0.1 ::: 6.6 14.5 18.4 7.3 13. $ 10.3 36 47. $ Colored ...... 2,021.1 8.5 ...... 45.1 5.6 . . . . :; 33.8 1:! 27 — — 3E Adsme tom ...... 1,413. ( 15.2 ...... 22.8 ...... 30.4 22.8 Y 7.6 45. e 15. ? 7.6 7. e Ariingtontown ...... 1, 272. ( ...... 8.7 ...... 8.7 26.0 ...... 121.1 8.7 ...... $ Attloborough town ...... 1, 095. ! 5.9 ...... ;; 17.6 . . . . . H. 7 ...... 76.2 17. f 23.4 . . . . 4f Beverly ...... 1,344. ( 25.9 ...... 1:! 15.4 ...... 97. t 10.: 10.3 . . . .

Boston (total) ...... 1,707. [ 8.7 0.4 0.1 10.3 11.2 148 19.7 4.6 7.5 152. f 19. t 10.3 4.( Whit...... 1,691.: 8. ~ 0.4 0.1 10.6 11.4 14.3 20. c 4.8 7.6 146. ( 18.4 4. E Colored ...... 2, 432. ( 13.1 ...... 39.2 6. t . . . . 6.5 353. ( 65. < 32; 13.1 Brockton ...... 1,063. ( L 7 ...... 5.1 8.5 8. Z 22.0 1.7 81.2 11. [ 11.8 11. f Brookiinetown ...... 1,185.: 6. S ...... 3.5 6.9 6. S 10.4 3.5 45.1 3. t 6.9 3. [

Cambridge ...... 1,516,: 0.9 ...... 2.: 22.5 39.4 166. $ 14.1 13.1 8.4 Chelsea ...... 1,988.: 12: 3.2 ...... :; 19.5 16. C 12. & :: Ii: 137. t 3.: 16.0 . . . Chicopee ...... 1,458. I 3. i ...... 3. i 26.2 18.7 7.5 ...... 101. i 7.: 15. ( Clinton towm ...... 1,400.’ 7. i ...... 23. C 15.3 7.7 130.1 23. ( 3; i . . . . 2.< Everett ...... 1,091.: 5.$ ...... 5.8 ...... 11. e 20.2 5.8 2.9 95. f 5. t 2.9 Felll?iver ...... 1,740.: 14. i -.. ---1------37.5 17.9 22. ( 4.1 136.: 5.: 5. i Fitchburg ...... 1,277.: ..;,-.,:.:..:: ...... kl 41. c 41. ( ;: ...... 82.1 5.1 It I 10.: Framingham town ...... 1,392.: 3( i . .. 7.5 ...... 22.6 7.: 7.5 ...... 75.: 7.! 7.5 . . . Gardner towm ...... 1,257.: 6.! ...... 26.1 13. ( ...... 91.: 6.! 19.5 ,. ... Gloucester ...... 1’,445. ! 8.: ...... 12.6 4.5 16.7 16. ; 4.2 8.? 132.: . . . . . 8.3 8.:

Greeufieldto wn...... 1,443.: 18. f ...... 37.3 ...... 9.: ...... 65. i . . . . . 9.3 ,. ... Haverhill ...... 1, 430. ( ...... 21. ~ 13.1 4.4 6.( 98. ( 17. ! 13.1 2.: Eolyoke ...... 1,513., :: 1.7 ...... 11.7 6.1 k: 18. { 8.4 ...... 112. ! 15. I 8.4 3., Hyde Parktown ...... 1,212.: 6.: ...... 12.7 6.: . . . . . 12.7 69. [ ,.. . Lawrence ...... 1,565.. 12. ; ,...... 26.7 3.: M. f 20.1 7.& 3.2 139.: 1!; 1;; 5. I 59. { Leominster town ...... 1,197.1 16.: ...... 10.G ...... 10. ! ...... Lowell ...... 1,766. 7.: ...... 11.< 4. I 15.6 15. ( 3.7 5. t 114.: 27. ! 11.0 11. I Lynn ...... 1,247...... 4% .5.< 20. t 14.1 5.4 5.4 95. [ 14.: 5.4 6.! 84. { Maldon ...... 1, 199. ( J / ...... 6: ~ 10. { 19. ( 4.4 8.$ 8.7 Marlborough ...... 1,516. { 6.$ ...... 20.4 3:; 27.: 149. t . . . . . 6. t 1; i 1 Exclusive of stillbirths. 3 Nonregfstmtions tatq cities ehownbelow only those wftheffective local ordinmcw. DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES: 83


amdasi nated by asteris~ (*). Figures for w~.k apd CJJ1OU+Iare show separately for minor subdivisiorq only when the Celotid population of the snbditision formed rural su%“””dwmons (countms ,exoluswe of munmpahtles having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are onntted. Numbers under causesof death correspondto those of

\ DEATH RATE PEE 100,000 POPULATION &oM-continued. . . — -— I Disr- Con- Other rhee )t.lm Pnital iolent and Wrnia cir- Ne- eaths srsbral G@ ‘neu- espira irltes- Puer- ?uer- C&iii An le~* 2an- >is. lemor-, seass 3r0n- lonia rnte- .ppen. hosis Ih’itis (ex- [enin t~v DWd peml sui- other Cer. hitis. ,right~ uding !ide. etes. ;Mis. [ageanc Ifthe (au ritia Iicitis. b&c f the EieG lnak un- ftoning cart. under iver. iseaae. sui- ~). !Sses. ions nown. 2 lions. ide). ears).

16 :87) 17 18 19 !0,21 Z,(!28: (28) 25 26 27 28 29 81 82 88 85 86 (87) 88 8 - — —


55.0 12.2 42.6 78.4 1;} : 245 116.2 6.1 146.7 16.8 12.2 30.6 134.5 .. . . . 12.2 201.8 55.0 .... 379.1 ’24.5 1 60.7 15.2 45.6 68.3 98.7 7.6 129.1 22.8 2Z 8 136.7 . .. . . 232.6 53.1 .... 334.0 30.4 : 31.4 . . . . . 31.4 314:2 2! 166.6 ...... 219.9 . . ..-. 3:: 62.8 12J.: . . . . . 3?! 157.1 62.8 .... 565.5 . . ...’.. 51.8 17.3 38.9 H 86.3 194.3 43.2 17.3 8.6 30.2 8.6 116.6 ;~: : 13.0 328.1 82.0 4 64.7 17.6 29.4 41.2 41.2 %: 176.4 41.2 W 23.5 41.2 lt : 117.6 17.6 258.7 35.3 5 16.2 16.2 65.0 32.5 211.i 227.4 243.6 48.7 129.9 . . . . . 1:; .. . . m:; . . . . . It: 113.7 243:6 . . . . 519.7 211.1 6

79.3 13.6 15.1 84.0 202.6 ;:; 161.8 13.9 136.9 14.2 18.2 34.7 243.2 12.7 15.3 61.4 114.6 13.6 390.8 0.3 7 81.9 15.0 13.4 83.4 164.9 102.3 11.4 323.7 14.6 18.1 33.4 190.5 13.$ 55.5 18.1 314.4 ...... 72.3 9.9 19.7 66.4 307.7 46:0 327.4 20.8 159.9 13.1 18.6 38.3 389.8 2: 19.2 77.7 2%.: 1.1 603.4 L 1 :

95.3 24.3 20.1 ;;% ; 194.8 20.7 176.4 22.5 25.8 28.4 13.0 4.7 143.3 7.1 90.0 98.3’ 13.6 391.3 ;:: ]; . 95.7 24.4 20.2 192.6 20.8 177.1 22.6 86.2 28.5 13.1 4.8 143.8 :1 7.1 89.8 98.1 13.7 391.1 144.5 144.5 433.5 ...... 722.5 ...... - ...... 12 78.3 26.1 26.1 m. o 26.1 97.9 ...... 137.1 ..... 13.1 280.6 6.5 13 67.2 37.3 14.9 179.1 22.4 201.5 5;? I&: 37.3 .... 164.2 7.5 12i 2: 671.8 29.9 14 127.2 27.8 23.8 79.5 7.9 166.9 15.9 31.6 51.7 1:: 4.0 115.2 1;: . . . . . 1;: : 11.9 523.5 55.6 15 69.8 17.4 34.9 104.7 17.4 250.1 11.6 116.3 11.6 ...... 1;: 116.3 ..... 360.6 5.8 16 105.5 30.1 26.4 113.0 22.6 188.3 30.1 169.5 ~; 15.1 ;:% : 15.1 1:; 116:8 lk ; 857.8 11.3 17 107.4 2:: lf: 125.8 21.8 164.4 18.5 57.0 16.8 3:4 3.4 104.0 11.7 359.0 10.1 18 .34.2 123.2 34.2 196.6 34.2 111.1 17:1 17.1 . . . . 83:4 M 8.5 51.3 17.1 205.1 25.6 19

92.6 16.8 17.6 95.4 28.5 194.8 23.0 102.9 14.5 146 18.6 182.6 7.3 9?.. 85.5 17.7 289.2 21.0 20 97.6 18.7 17.2 90.0 151.9 20.8 97.6 13.3 13.7 19.6 146.2 78.0 19.4 260.6 18.7 21 63.5 5.6 20.1 -127.0 W 446.6 36.7 133.7 21.2 20.1 12.3 2.58.5 1:: J; 128.2 7.8 456.8 34.5 22 28.9 22.5 93.9 ~ 18.1 95.8 167.7 104.2 14.0 14.7 18.1 162.1 6.7 T . 79.7 G 284.1 20.7 28 98.8 17.6 142.3 24.2 20.1 98.0 12.7 13.8 19.0 147.3 6,3 71.3 19.6 254.7 18.4 24 66.3 20.9 1%: 309.2 54.6 36.0 138.3 !20.9 19.8 12.8 244.1 J: 126.7 8.1 447.6 33.7 25 34.8 1;: 8.9 89.2 124.9 22.3 35.7 107.1 13.4 17.a 31.2 151.7 1;: 4.5 236.4 8.9 316.8 4,5 26 39.1 18.8 9.4 89.1 122.0 18.8 37.5 112.6 14.1 18.8 32.8 107.9 18.8 4.i ;:: : 9.4 309.6 ...... -...... 91.3 182.6 91.3 ...... ,004.6 ...... 456.6 91.3 z 75.9 ...... 16i.2 203.6 37.9 75.9 19.0 19.0 19.0 189.6 19.0 19.( 66.4 37.9 407.7 47.4 28 88.3 1!: . . . . . 176.7 198.7 44.2 11: 77.3 22.1 11.0 22.1 176.7 . . ..- 22.1 33.1 44.2 353.3 44.2 30 ...... 67.2 268.6 ...... 67.2 ...... 67.2 . . . . 268.6 134.8 . . . . . 283.6 .. . . . 788.8 67.2 31 71.2 11.9 g: :;; 225.3 17.8 29.7 71.2 29.7 6.9 17.8 177.9 5.9 17.i 89.0 11.9 349.9 35.6 32 76.4 12.7 216.5 12.7 25.6 76.4 25.5 6.4 19.1 146.4 6.4 12.i 89.1 12.7 318.3 38.2 33 ...... 346.0 86.5 26.5 . . . . . 88.5 ...... 605.5 . . . . . 86.: 36.5 ...... 778.5 ...... 34

92.2 19.6 15.2 91.8 175.0 24:2 12.6 114.9 12.9 12.9 9.7 86.8 7.2 9.( 94.5 13.1 253.6 7.3 33 92.4 19.4 15.2 92.0 175.1 12.5 115.2 12.8 12.8 9.7 94.2 13.1 252.8 7.1 36 81.7 19.7 16.9 78.9 163.5 %.; 19.7 95.8 19.7 16.9 8.5 1%: R 1:: 115.6 14.1 318.5 19.7 37

83.6 ~ 30.4 76.0 162.0 22.8 30.4 223.0 7.6 22.8 m 68.4 . . . . . m 121.6 76.0 ..... 20s.2 ...... 38 95.2 8.7 1:; ; 216.3 34.6 51.9 ...... 121.1 ...... 26.0 77.9 8.7 181.7 ...... 41.0 . . . . . 134.7 17.6 1:; 1%:29.3 64.4 . . . . . 23.< 82.0 76.2 5.9 205.0 5.9 :; 118.0 1;! 10.3 97:5 230.9 15.4 .5.1 %: 22 i 10.3 5.1 97.5 ...... 92.4 123.3 15.4 159.1 ...... 41 111.2 21.2 12.2 90.9 189.9 20.3 11.6 106.4 15.1 16.5 12.8 98.9 125.3 18.6 274.3 5.8 42 110.7 20.9 12.5 91.1 190.2 20.0 11.3 106.0 14.7 16.3 12.8 95.2 U :; g; 124.7 18.6 272.1 5.8 43 130.8 32.7 . . . . . 78.5 176.5 32.7 26.2 124.2 32.7 26.2 13.1 261.5 Ii: 13.1 150.4 19.6 372.6 6.5 44 74.5 10.2 1; g 69.4 120.9 15.2 10.2 .55.8 8.5 6.8 55.8 18.( 50.8 11.8 218.3 10.2 45 169.8 34.7 117.8 214.9 20.8 3.5 13.9 J: 3.5 6.9 55.5 3:5 3.E %: 52.0 3.5 242.6 ...... 46 164.1 14.1 172.5 244 12.2 86.3 11.3 3.8 88.1 10.: 78.8 88.1 266.3 0.9 47 147.1 25.6 3!: 1%: 316.5 38.4 9.6 121.5 13: 16.C 9.6 118.3 21J 19.i 73.5 118.3 1:: 300.5 2:; :; 60.0 22.5 86.2 52.5 U2. 6 22.5 ...... 258.7 ...... -. 93.7 3. i 185.0 75.0 ...-. 165.0 122.4 .. ..- ;~ : 122.4 137.7 30.6 23.0 61.2 ...... 7.7 :: 68.9 ...... 66.9 130.1 15.3 183.7 38:3 :; 95.5 20.3 89.7 208.4 20.3 5.8 34.7 2.9 8.7 .. . . . 46.3 2.9 2; 03.7 43.4 2.9 173.7 ......

74.2 14.7 17.9 62.8 137.G ;}: J: 318.9 11.4 13.I 10.6 93.8 4.i 14.i 123.0 46.5 17.9 247.2 13.1 52 74.4 23.1 3?: 61.5 156.4 7+.g 15.4 2.6 53.9 7.7 15.~ 100.0 79.5 15.4 169.2 10.3 53 112.s 22.6 60.2 188.1 15:1 15.1 2: i 15.1 127.9 . . . . . 105.4 112.9 15.1 195.7 ...... 54 66.1 19.5 32:6 130.3 26.1 13.c 84:7 6.5 M 117.2 . . ..- J; 143.3 71.7 175.9 ...... 55 54.2 29.2 8.3 1$. ; 191.e 25.0 4.2 70.8 2.; 8.3 !2S.o 58.3 12.5 4.: 70.8 87.5 1:: 258.3 ...... 56 93.1 18.6 18.6 74.5 167.i 18.6 111.8 27.9 .. . . . 55.9 . . ..- . . . . . 55.9 102.5 .. . . . 316.7 93.1 57 103.( 13.1 108.6 186.5 11.0 R 48.2 23.5 1?: 8..S 2.2 87.6 15.3 278.2 ------58 62.1 11.7 3;: 67.1 125.f 23.b 11.7 184.6 20.1 11.i lE : 8.4 ;! S: 68.8 239.9 1.7 59 127.( 12.7 . . . . . 44.4 165.1 12.‘7 6.3 ...... 3:; . ..-. 6.f 57.1 120.6 1?; 209.5 31.7 6$ 63.5 8.9 25.6 70.2 ill. ~ 22.3 14.5 2E : 14.5 14.[ 7.8 E; 12.3 5.( 98.0 112.5 12.3 202.8 33.4 61

59.$ 32.6 97.9 119.i 21.8 27.2 5.~ 27.2 130.6 5.4 5.4 81.6 87.1 .. . . . 206.8 10.9 62 75.Z 19.3 :: 91.7 m. i 56.0 & 201.8 1;; 19.: 11.9 82.6 9.2 10.1 124.8 116.5 20.2 306.5 2.8 63. ~. 4 13.0 14.1 8S s 158.1 1:: 6.t 05.0 14.1 72.6 8.7 9.: 67.1 64.5 216.6 8.7 g 104.4 30.6 62.7 213.{ 4.< 43.5 li ; 4.< :: 74.0 ----- 8.! 65.3 91.4 1:; 180.6 ...... 122.6 47.6 2$: 176.$ 217.t 6.8 20.~ 54.4 27.2 13.[ . . . . . 74.8 6.8 . . . . . 47.6 68.0 .. . . . 224.5 ...... 66 aColored population lessthan 10per cent of total. 84 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[All death mtes are based upon the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions. Minor areas containing state insane SSylmus at least 10 per cent of the total, or numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term ‘[ cities’> indicates munimpsdities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).]


Othe] Diph Tube rube forms theu REGISTRATION AREA. Mala- SmaU- the% !tiosi :Ulou & of tu- ma- I All ria. pox. )f thl men mzs ;lpf‘Tvi ~~;: tfsm causes crou~ ngiti I 5 6 8 9 (12) 13 14 15 (37) . — . — — — REGISTR.4TION CITIES-Continued.


Medfmd ...... 1,146...... 4.2 . . . . . 25, I ,... 4.! 87. 4. 12. ( . . . . . Melrose ...... 1,106...... 6.! ...... 12. ! . . . . . 62...... 6.2 Methuen town ...... 1,163...... 8.? 8.! 8’ 8.: . . . . . 115. 8. 8.; . . . . . Milford town...... 1,610. 15.: ...... ,,,8,...... 37. I 7:; 15.1 128. ~ 15.1 15.1 New Bedford ...... 1,705. 22. ! ...... 1.’( 32. ! 9. I 6, ~ 1; 134,: 2; 9. [ 9. E

Newburyport ...... 1,884. < 33.: ...... 6’., 40. ( 13.: 20.( . . . . . 126. 26...... Newton ...... 1,142. 2.: ...... 9.9 7.< 4,( 2.{ 44. 17. 2. t 9.9 North Adams ...... 1,441.’ 18. Z ...... 4.5 . ...4.{ 9.1 1.$ I 22.i 4.! 91. I 22. i . . . . . Northampton *...... ,.. 1,939., 15. { ...... 5.: 5. i 36.: 15. ! . . . . . It 15. ( . . . . . 1 Peabody town ...... 1, 387. ( 6.1 ...... 12.2 ...... 30.f ...... 18. ; % ; 6......

1 Pitt

Somerville ...... 1,302.: 7.{ 1.3 13.$ . . ... 2.5 5.1 22.: 8.$ 6.{ 101. ( 18. { 8.$ Southbridge town ...... 1,009.: ...... 15.4 15. ~ . . . . T.; 30.I ...... 12; Spriugiield ...... ;,:WJ.( 11; 2.2 . . . . 12.9 3.: 11.9 9.7 5.< 5. 20. [ Tannton* ...... ‘ 14. ? ...... 25.7 J i 14.3 14. ; J;: 5.7 2:! Wakefield town ...... 1: 232:; 17.1 ...... 34.5 8. f ...... 128.‘ 1: 34. ; . . . .

2 Waltham ...... 1,378. I 7.1 ...... 17.7 . . . . . 3.5 10.6 17.7 74.‘ 24.: 49.6 . . . . 2: Watertownt own...... 1, 032. ( 15.1 ...... , ...... ;: i 45.: 7./ ...... !Z Webster town ...... 1,314.1 ...... 8.4 ...... 33. i 33.7 . . . . . 134.[ ...... 2. Westfield town ...... 1,707.1 6.0 . . .. 6.0 12. c ...... 42.1 ...... 498.{ 6.{ 12: . . . .

Weymouthtown ...... 1,415.; 7.6 ...... 22.7 15.1 7. f 121.1 . . . 22.7 . . . . Winthroptown ...... 1,047.: ...... ::::::,:: ...... 9.2 . . . 18.4 18.4 . . 36. i 9.: ...... Woburn...... 1,242.{ 6.4 ...... 6.4 12.9 19. ~ 32.2 ...... 12.9 . . . . Worcester ...... 1,571.1 6.0 ...... 3.3 8.6 7.3 23.9 6.0 5.2 1!! ; 19.: 6.0 8.0


.% Reistration cities (total) ...... 1408.: 22.8 1.2 0.3 7.7 9.2 8.3 23.7 7.7 6.1 93. i 6. I 11.8 %db...... 1’400.: 22.6 1.1 0.3 7.7 8.2 7.8 90.t 11.6 :! : Colored ...... 2:171. $ 44.0 8.8 ...... 8.8 . ...9.? 8.8 ::! . . . . 1:: 334.1 !:! 35.2 35.2 — — Adrirm ...... 1,410. c 27.8 ...... 9.3 9.3 ...... 46.4 G . . . . . 55.7 .... 37.1 . . . . Alpena ...... 1,683.9 94.0 . . . . 7.8 23: ; ...... 125.: .... 15.7 . . . . Anu Arbor ...... 2,274.4 20.2 6.7 13.5 . . . . . k; 6.7 6.7 114.4 13. ! 53.8 . . . . Battle Creek ...... 1,540.9 15.4 ...... 11.6 7.7 . . . . 3.9 15.4 7.7 3.9 73.4 3,: 19.3 15.4 Bay City ...... 1,221.4 41.2 2.2 . . 2.2 4.3 4.3 15.2 21.7 4.3 80.2 6./ 2.2 8.7

Detroit ...... 1,442.1 15.8 0.6 ...... 9..3 13.0 33.9 4.1 5.9 98. E 6. t & 7 8.9 Escanaba ...... 1,335.9 44.0 ...... I 14.7 12$ 36.7 . . 7.3 80.7 . . . 7.3 14.7 Flint ...... 18.4 ...... ,. 4.6 9.2 11.5 6.9 53. c 9.: 6.9 GraudRapids ...... 1,!::: 26.7 1.7 . . . 15.5 5.2 10.3 2: 5.2 87. c 7. f 1!: ; 9.5 Holland ...... 1,064.5 18.5 9.3 ...... ::: 9.3 9.3 . . . . . 74.1 9.: ......

[ronwood ...... 843.5 7.5 7.5 14.9 7.5 7.5 . 59.7 7. [ 14.9 . . . . [sh eming ...... 982.8 7.9 7.9 15.9 47.6 . . . . 15.9 39.6 . . . . 7.9 rac i son ...... 1,254.1 27.5 6.1 3.1 15.3 21.4 . 85.6 3.1 ::: . . . . Kalamazoo* ...... 1,735.8 4.8 12.1 4.8 19.3 12.1 113,5 2.4 16.9 2.4 Lansing ...... 1,024.5 1?: : 6.0 11.9 3.0 17.9 6.0 53.8 3. c 14.9 3.0

Manistee ...... l 1,283.0 8.1 40.6 32.5 16.2 ...... L38,O ...... 16.2 Marquette ...... 1,721.8 94.2 34.3 68.5 25.7 . . 8.6 137.1 8.6 . . . . Menominee ...... 1,309.3 67.4 ...... 9.6 . . . . 19.3 19.3 . . . 57.8 1::: ...... Muskegon...... 1,477.0 2m.2 4.0 . 8,1 . .“. 48.6 4.0 20.2 8.1 117.4 8.1 8.1 Pontiac ...... 2,081.8 46.1 . . . . . I...... I 6.6 . . . . 19.8 12.9 59.3 98.8 J:: 19.8 13.2

52 PortHuron ...... ;,:;j.; 48.3 ...... 10.7 16.1 21.5 ...... 96.6 . . . . 53 >agumw...... 23.4 3.9 ...... 5.8 3.9 35.1 1.9 5.8 83.8 8.0 15.6 54 kmltSte.Mme...... 1;260:2 54.5 7.8 ...... 31.1 7.8 . . . . . 155.6 . . . . . ?: 55 lhaverse City* ...... 2,025.2 32.5 ...... 32.5 . . . . . 24.4 . . . . . ,...... 170.8 8.1 56.9 8.’1


56 Registration cities (total) ...... 1,149.6 13.5 0.3 0.4 1.0 10. r 11.9 24.4 4.3 5.6 !25. 9 8.6 14.0 5.2 57 white...... 1,143.0 13.7 0.3 0,5 1.1 10.2 11.9 24.6 4.2 5.7 D2. 1 14.0 5.3 58 Colored ...... 1,799.8 ...... 14.9 14.9 . . . . . ;05.7 $ f 14.9 . . . . . — — — — 59 Nluth ...... 1,173.4 23.2 1.2 ...... 1.2 7.3 L 2 17.1 6.1 8.6 .43.0 x 18.3 G Kaukato ...... 1,518.1 39.2 9.8 . . . . . 9.8 9.8 9.8 88.1 9.8 19.6 . . . . . 8 Kiieapolii ...... 1,147.9 11.9 0.3 0.3 1.3 6.1 15.4 23.8 2.2 4.5 .33.7 12.9 3.2 62 ;t. Cloud ...... 1,248.7 18.4 ...... 18.4 ...... 18.4 9.2 9.2 .10.2 Ii: ; 18.4 . . . . .

62 ;t...... 1,068,8 10.5 0.9 ...... 16.0 10,0 32.9 5.5 6.4 .11.8 9.6 13.2 .4.6 ltillwater...... 1,275.3 31.1 ...... 20.7 ...... 0.4 . . . . .65.9 10.4 31.1 . . . . . % @Inca...... 1,331.4 17.3 ...... 17,3 . . . . 8.6 95.1 ...... 66 F%ona...... 1,355.4 5.5 ...... 38.6 27.5 5.5 .s. o ...... 15.7 5.5 1?: ; 5.5 1 Exclusive ofstfllbutlm DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 85

AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS, 3?ROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. ‘ are desi ~...ated by asterisks (*).. Figures for white and celored we shown separately for minor subdivisions only when the colored population of the subdivfsionformed rural su dwmons (counties, axcluswe of municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted. N umbera under causes of death correspond to those of .

DE.WE rum’ ma 100,000 POPULATION rrio~-eontiuued. — — — ,, xar- COn- iolenl rhea kber mital nl- )thar ?aths erebral rgani ?neu- and cir- uer- mer- >bilf~ All ;~ded X+pim ntes- hosia :ex- Sui- xa- [enin- Seaa2 Bron- nonia Dte- PJE #iei,eral )eral and tooy inal other ritii bfthe ,1-iglw adfq ;ide. ser. Ertes. g@s. age ant f the dlNfa. (all Struo ver. ,ffe@ !eUses. un- iver. iseese. sui- ftening .eart. mm). mder ions. nma- nown. laws. ion. ide). 2 ions. ears).

35 36 (s7) 38 16 :37) 17 18 19 20, 21 2,(23; (23) 25 26 2? 28 29 31 32 33 —

54.2 . . . . . 229.2 . . ..-. 1 116.7 2~ 8 ..... 91.7 195.9 12.5 108.4 12.5 20.8 12.5 . . . . . 8.3 75.0 ...... 50.0 12.5 261.5 ...... 74.7 18.7 ..... 137.0 180.6 lz 5 62.3 24.9 66.0 18.7 . . . . . 6.2 105.9 ...... 18.7 31.1 66.0 ...... 214.5 16.5 : 57.7 3?; ..... 99.0 115.5 ;:; 123.7 57.7 . . . . 24.7 .. :-.. 57.7 . . . . 8.2 82.5 128.0 233.3 ...... 105.4 15.1 143.0 90.3 ?55.9 1::: 22.6 15.1 . . . . . la. 1 150.5 128.0 263.4 26.4 ; 65.6 li 7 25.5 81.3 140.1 46:0 180.2 21.5 257.6 8.8 8.8 10.8 62.7 1?: E 123.4 60.7 li : 99.9 . . . . 373.0 6.7 “ 6 153.-2 26.6 1%3 159.8 233.1 40.0 119.9 53.3 86.6 20.0 20.0 106.6 . . . . 13.3 66.6 74.0 1:; 217.1 ...... 31.4 14.8 96.2 172.7 103.6 4.9’ g; 17.3 17.3 ;: 59.2 ...... 91.3 104.6 245.6 4.5 i 100.1 It; 131.9 141.0 4;: 122.8 13.6 36.4 4.5 68.2 100.1 1345 20.7 527.5 5.2 9 98.3 %$ 15.5 170.7 212.1 25.9 113.8 25.9 62:1 10.3 lt : 5.2 1;: g ?! 1:: 93.1 244.5 6.1 10 61.1 18.3 128.4 189.5 30.6 128.4 12.2 73.3 12.2 24.4 . . . . . 6.1 6.1 67.2 103.9 . . . . . 130.0 ,8.9 283.6 ...... 11 35.4 32.5 115.2 206.8 14.8 118.1 2: ~ 106.3 17.7 1;; 20.7 112.2 3.0 14.8 91.6 24.2 201.8 32.3 12 1:.: ~: 2$; 80.7 201.8 16.1 96.8 m. 1 24.2 16.1 80.7 8.1 32.3 129.1 33.8 13 05.2 127.4 17.8 71.1 17.8 88.9 14.8 8:9 3.0 -65.2 5.9 8.9 74.1 80.0 8.9 225.2 ...... 20.4 122.6 ..yi. +!j 92:0 20:4 . . . . 66.4 137.9 5.1 132.8 . . . . . 76.6 ...... 61.3 5.1 46.0 76.6 .214.7 99.6 22.1 13.3 110.7 228.0 26.6 i 154.9 17.7 128.4 3.9 22.1 6.6 104.0 11.1 11? 152.7 73.0 6.6 61. ~ 2.5 228.6 ...... 16 89.7 22.7 128.8 202.1 18.9 121.2 8.8 ;. 61.9 3.8 13.9 138.7 ...... 17 61.6 46.2 3;: 6L 6 100.2 ...... 92.5 1:! 1%: . . . . . Ii: 15.4 ..-. 7.7 123.3 .:; Ii; 249.3 ...... 18 90.6 24.8 10.8 99.3 150.0 11.9 156.5 90.6 15.1 11.9 16.2 160.8 11.9 6.5 ;:3 c 22.8 427.8 8.6 19 82.7 28.5 17.1 139.8 138.2 37.1 253.8 2;: 196.8 20.0 14.3 5.7 85.6 5.7 8.6 82.7 214.0 8.6 20 42.8 8.6 42.8 281.2 102.7 25.7 128.4 8.6 59.9 . . . . . 8.6 . . . . . 34.2 . . . . .- ..-. 17.1 59.9 . . . . . 10.6 ~; 3.5 21 120.5 21..3 17.7 102.8 127.6 14.2 117.0 ...... 63.8 14.2 3.5 67.3 10. e . . ..-. 70.: 1:; ; 82. $ 7.5 22 90.4 . . . . 7.5 67.8 196.0 120.6 7.5 75.4 . . . . . lk i . . . . . 45.2 .-. . . ----- . . . . . 193:7 8.4 28 33.7 25.3 ;: l;j ; 59.0 li : 143.2 8.4 126.4 ...... 16.8 10L1 ...... -. 134$ 82:7 :: 78.1 163.3 ...... 24 78.1 18.0 ,. 193.3 30.1 126.2 6.0 150.3 . . . . . 12.0 12.0 114.2 . . . . 6.0 54.1 219.5 7.6 2.5 98.4 30.3 121.1 219.5 .15.1 128.6 15.1 60.5 ----- 7.6 12L1 15.1 7.6 53. ( 75.7 7.6 192.9 ...... 26 101.0 2?: 1;: : 110.2 ...... 82.7 27.6 . . . . . 45.9 1:: 73.5 . . . . 9.2 36. i 73.5 li : 23L 8 ...... 27 68.7 12.9 1:: 115.9 12.9 14L 7 6.4 70. ‘$ 12.9 12.9 1;: 77.3 ...... 77.: 96.6 13.3 314.0 4.7 28 79.2 18.6 8.6 7i 5 228.8 28.6 164.3 18.0 79. E 16.0 14.0 7.3 72.5 6.( 6.7 115. I 92.5

18.3 315.-4 9.6 29 76.2 13.5 ~; y 66.2 126.6 25.0 116.5 18.9 70. ‘7 16.3 15.4 13.0 63.9 9.: 9.1 114. ( 82.6 9.6 30 76.4 13.5 66.3 125.2 24.9 115. i’ 18.6 70.8 16.3 15.3 13.0 9. t 113. ! 82.5 18:0 314.3 440 422.1 8.8 31 61.5 8.8 . . . . . 61.5 255.0 35.2 193.4 440 61.6 17.6 26.4 17.6 lPi : 8..! :: 158.: 96.7 — — 352.5 27.8 32 .“ 102.0 18.6 37.1 55.7 1848 18.6 111.2 27.8 37.1 18.6 9.3 37.1 ...... 46.4 G g: 23.5 X3 94.0 15.7 86.2 94.0 70.5 86.2 31.3 111 .! 7.8 15.7 7.3 23. t 15.7 203.( 54.8 422.9 13.5 34 201.9 z.: 33.6 1::: 195.1 20.2 94.2 26.9 33. e ;:: 60.6 3;: 942 6. i 13.5 121.1 107.7 33.6 753.7 7.7 35’ 96.5 42.5 19.3 230.8 15.4 42.5 27.0 34. $ 23.2 28.2 1043 7. i 7.7 104.: 100.4 15.4 390.1 314.6 2.2 36 75.9 10.8 15.2 41:2 112.8 13.0 95.5 19.5 47.7 23.9 19.5 6.5 34.7 4.: 4.3 93.: 80.3 13.0 11. ~ 140. ~ 292.1 8.5 37 65.1 10.3 22.1 52.5 113.4 29.0 140.8 19.9 98. t ;f ; -13.8 g; 65.1 9.9 88.2 20.3 205.5 29.4 38 - 66.1 29.4 7.3 73.4 154.1 14.7 88.1 14.7 102. $ 22.0 88.1 . . . . .- ..., 83. J 73.4 22.0 228.0 9.2 39 53.0 13.8 . . . . . 50.7 18.4 32.9 34.5 9:2 2.3 41.5 2.: 6.9 ,105. ! 66.8 8.6 4J ;:; 17.2 11.2 82 ~ I$!l : 25.9 117.2 li ; 62. C 14.7 19.8 1?: 78.4 10.: 10.3 94. [ 54.3 2?.? 297.3 240.7 ...... 18.5 18.5 120.3 46.3 46.3 18.5 27. E 9.3 9.3 13.5 27.8 ...... 111.1 55.5 18.5 ~. ~ 194.1 22.4 42 . . . . 7.6 149 22.4 29.9 .59.7 ...... 59.7 ...... 22.4 7.5 67. $ 119.4 22.4 126.8 7.9 43 H . . . . . 87.2 103.0 31.7 95.1 15.9 03.4 15.9 7.9 15.9 23.8 . . . . 63. < 79.3 302.8 9.2 44 79.5 2:; 9.2 82.6 128.5 1;; 61.2 21.4 33. t 18.4 . . . . . 12s. 5 3.1 11: 79. / 48.9 lt : 7.2 45 96.6 12.1 154.5 217.3 113.5 16.9 41. C 16.9 2: I 12.1 99.0 12.1 W < 845 21.7 514.2 221.0 23.9 46 71.7 11:9 3.0 50.8 164.3 Ii 9 44.8 17.9 35. E 14.9 3.0 9.0 4L 8 3.( 12: 53. [ 71.7 9.0 211.1 16.2 47 129.9 ...... 40.6 170.5 8.1 56.8 8.1 40. e 24.4 32.5 105.6 . . . . 8.1 56. .! 89.3 244 334.1 ...... 94.2 8.6 77.1 42.8 154.2 42.8 111.4 25.7 2:+ g: 85.7 . . . . 8.6 119. $ 85.7 17.1 279.2 ...... : 67.8 It! 77.0 %. i 9.6 115.5 19.3 77. c 38.6 28.9 43.1 19.: 134. f 67.4 2$.; ;; 89.0 1:; 3:: 97.1 129.5 129.5 43. e 24.3 12.1 i.o 72.8 12.1 12: 97.1 85.0 2t : 307.5 65.9 19.8 79.1 210.8 1$: 98.8 ‘& 46.1 26.4 6.6 . . . . . 131.8 13.: 6.6 98. t 92.2 32.9 764.2 5. J 349.0 6.4 52 91.3 10.7 8~~5 187.9 32.2 107.4 16.1 59.1 10.7 21.5 16.1 145.0 . . . . . 145. ( 123.5 97. < 11.7 53 99.4 15.6 1: t 63.2 142.3 25.3 120.8 19.5 13. c 21.4 21.4 9.7 546 7. f 7.8 109.1 1:; 306.0 .54 23.3 31.1 15.6 101.1 31.1 124.6 ...... 54 E 15.6 15.6 7.8 545 23. t 77. .! 108.9 . . . . . 280.0 ...... 56 lz ; 16.3 8.1 154.6 234.7 32.5 89.6 8.1 24.4 16.3 16.3 . . . . . 105.7 16. ~ 1:; 40. i 73.2 3.1 642.5

1.6 56 77.5 12.8 10.6 4s. 3 98.4 11.9 104.5 8.0 47. c 21.9 11.6 12.0 71.7 6.7 74. f 74.0 18.7 204.7 ;: 1.7 57 77.5 12.9 10.5 43.5 97.2 12.0 103.9 46. C 21.9 11.6 70.7 74. [ 73.9 ‘;R; 204.2 .58 74.4 .. . . . 149 29.7 228.1 ...... 163.6 12! 59.5 14.9 14.9 a: 163.6 . . . . 12: 59.5 89.2 252.9 . . . . . 190.7 L 2 59 63.6 15.9 -&z = 7.3 108.8 z-i 17.1 x 17.1 79.4 G 9.8 85. ( 90.4 19.6 29. ~ 244.9 ..i.i .:: 166.5 2i i 19.6 107.7 156.7 ...... 127.3 97.9 19.6 137.1 ...... 127.3 19.6 1$i . 214.7 77.8 10.6 ;; 443 95.1 1:: 113.4 8.4 4!: 22.8 12.2 1;: 76.8 8.0 67. [ 20.2 !& 202.0 36:7 62 S2. 6 18.4 27.6 229.6 82.6 ,...... 36.7 27.5 18.4 64.3 . . . . . 110.5 %: 36.7 16.0 185.3 1.4 63 7.5.3 16.0 l!l 8 4s. 4 10L 3 16.1 92.6 ,8.7 43.8 21.0 62.1 8.5 5..5 78. { 58.0 4L : 51.8 ...... 352.5 ...... 64 103.7 20.7 ...... 93.3 114.0 10.4 62.2 20.7 10.4 . . . . . 1;: 2;? 82.9 10.4 .. ---, 328.5 129.7 ...... 17.3 25.9 95.1 25.9 121.0 ...... 164.3 17.3 ...... 25.9 . . . . . ,. .--., 138.: 34.6 137.7 11.0 281.0 11.0 $ 132.2 2;: . . . . . lZ : 104.7 16.6 88.1 ...... 27.5 6.5 1:: 6.5 55.1 5. t . . . . . 77.1 . MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[AU death rates are bsmd u on the total deaths, includiug deaths of nonresidentsand deaths in hos itals and institutions. Miior areascontaining state insaneas lnms at least 10per cent of t{ e tetal, or numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term; 1cities” indioa% s mnnicipalitiaz having 10,000inhabitants or over hr 1910. %iinor the Abridged Intemational List (seep. 27).] . DEATH RATE PEE 100,OOIIPOPULATION PROM— —

Othp ~oop Diph. I!ube] rube] REG1STRATION AREA. r:$llld Mala p=y lu- Ery- mlosi !Xllou form All ria. spyxu-Meaeles flu- of tu lever. ca%;h. ipelss of th< men. Im& causes. :roup mza. hugs ngitfi iam

1 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 1+5 (87) I REGIsTRATION CITIES--Continued.

Re .strationcities (t,etal)...... 1,515./ 25.5 4.8 0.8 f.z.o 18.! 7.0 17.t 18.5 5.1 142.1 8’., 12.I 7.I white...... 1,440.( 24.3 4.2 0.6 12.7 19.t 7.2 17.G 18.0 5.2 118.! 10.1 Colored...... 2,495.: 41.6 13.1 3.6 3.6 5.5 4.8 11.$ 25.0 3.6 444.( 1:; 47.( 1;:! . — — _ Hannibal...... 21.0 ...... 5.3 5.3 10.5 . . . . . 31.5 . . . . . 147.1 21.I 10. G JeffersonCity ...... 66.0 ...... 8,~ ...... 189.[ . . . . . Joplin...... 37.2 6.2 . . ;: . . . . 24.8 24.z 27.9 . . . . 210.f . . . . . %; i~:l KaneasCity(total) ...... 29.9 3.1 3.1 5.4 10.1 12.4 22.5 8.2 149.s 5.I 13.: 5.I white...... 28.8 ::! 2.1 3.4 5.6 10.7 12.4 20.2 9.0 109.f 5.I Colored...... 40.7 12.2 12.2 ...... 4.1 12,2 44.8 . . . . . 523.1 1: i 4:: 8.: Soberly ...... 35.5 ...... Ii; 26.6 17.7 . . . . . 212.[ ...... 17.; 31.7 8.9 ...... L 3 6.3 8.9 8.9 17.7 5.1 90.( 16.< 7.I 16.1 5.4 . . . 16.3 27.7 4.0 17.6 16.1 4.1 136.i 1:! 11., 8.‘ 15.9 5.3 . . 16.9 29.0 4.1 18.2 16,3 4.1 115.1 9.1 8.: 19.8 . . . 6.6 8.8 8.8 13.2 4.4 442.: 2: [ 46.! 13.: 82.7 1$: 5.5 ...... 5.5 2; 27.6 33.1 165.4 5./ 2; 16.I 109.1 & 2 2.7 ;fl: ; 5.5 16.4 60.0 21.8 li : 171.f 10.\ 2.: 24.0 . . . 8.0 24.0 40.0 16.0 8.0 223.$ . . . . 24:i .. . . MONTANA. I I Re Istrationcities (total) ...... 28.6 ...... 15.8 15.8 5.9 3.9 6.9 131.2 7.( 17./ 7.{ ; +hitm ...... 27.2 ...... $? 16.1 13.1 6.0 4.0 7.1 124.0 18.: 8.1 Colored...... 90.2 ...... ~.....I ...... 135.3 ...... 430.9 2; ...... — _ 21 Anaconda...... 46.9 29.4 ..... 9.8 39.2 9.$ ...... 22 Billings ...... 73.6 ...... 9.2 18.4 9.2 9.2 92.1 . . . . 18.< .... 23 Butte ...... 22.6 ...... 2.5 17.6 10.0 ?; 5.0 10.0 220.8 5.c 12.: 10.i r 24 GreatFalls ...... 36.2 ...... 14.5 21.7 7.2 ...... 50.6 36.i . ... 25 Helena...... 23.6 ...... 39.3 3+.; ...... 117.9 It; 31.4 23.t 26 Missoula...... 28.8 ...... 14.4 2?; . . . . . 7.2 7.2 64.7 14.4 14.< 7.2 NEBRMUL4.Z

Re .strationcities (total) ...... 19.3 ...... 9.9 5.3 1.8 12.8 8.8 7.0 84.7 5.s 11.i 9.s X +?hite ...... 19.9 ...... 10.3 5.4 1,8 13.3 9.0 7.2 66.9 10.! 10.3 29 Colored...... 633.0 Ii: : 37.: . . . . . — 30 Line.eln...... 22.5 . . - 7 2.2 4,5 11.2 l;: ; 47.2 4.5 ’31 Omaha...... 18.1 ...... 3.9 6.3 0.8 1$: 7.9 97.8 6.3 1$: 1:: NEW HAMFSFORE.

32 Registration cities (total) ...... 15.8 ...... 9.0 2.3 15.3 21.5 15.3 4.0 115.8 10.7 10.1 7.9 33 Whit...... 15.8 .. . . . ,. ..,.. 9.1 2.3 15.3 21.5 15.3 4.0 116.0 10.8 10.t 7.9 34 Colored...... , ...... — _ 245 Berlin...... 49.4 .. . . . 8.2 ...... 33.0 SO.7 ...... 57.7 ...... 36 Concord...... 13.8 ...... , 4.6 ...... 9.2 4.6 138.1 4.6 ...... 37 Dover ...... 22.6 ...... 30.2 ...... 7.5 30.2 ...... 196.2 15.1 30.2 Za Keen...... 19.7 ...... 9.8 ...... 9.8 ...... 68.8 2;: 19.7 . . . . 39 Lsconia ...... 5...... 9.6 ...... , ...... 19.1 ...... 134.0 19.1 . . . . . 9.6 40 Manchester...... 9.8 ...... 4.2 22.3 11: 113.0 14.0 18.1 9.8 41 Nashua...... H. 4 .. . . 1?: ...... 7.6 19.0 lt : 1;} : 3.8 3.8 7.6 42 Portsmouth...... 26,4 ...... 26.4 ...... 8.8 44.1 8.8 8.8 8.Z . . . . 1 NEW JERSEY. 43 Re istrationcities (total) ...... 12.0 1,1 ...... 11.9 9.4 14.3 22.6 5.6 156.5 12.6 12.5 44 #bite ...... 11.8 1.1 . . . . 11.9 9.5 14.1 23.0 5.8 148.3 12.2 H. 3 :: 45 Colored...... 19.0 1.7 . 12.1 5.2 20.7 12.1 1.7 388.5 22.4 46.6 10.4 . — — — 46 Asbury Park( total) ...... 17.9 9.0 ...... , 17.9 ...... 9.0 ...... White ...... 22.1 11.1 ...... 22.1 ...... 11.1 ...... z Colored...... 49 Atla~&ity (total) ...... 16.6 ...... 2.1 4.1 16.6 20.7 2.1 4.1 2.7. 14.5 :; ...... 21.1 ...... 2.6 5.3 15.8 15.8 2.6 5.3 2.6 7.9 Colored...... 19.3 38.6 ...... 38.6 52 Bayomle ...... 8.5 ...... 17.0 18.7 13.6 25.5 8.5 13.6 3.4 58 Bloomfield...... 6.3 ...... 6.3 12.6 12.6 li: ~ ...... 6.3 12.6 54 Brideton ...... 27.9 . . . . 7.0 7.0 20.9 20.9 ...... 7.0 27.9 55 Cami en...... 13.4 4.1 Ii: 2 38.0 6.2 3.1 15.4 56 EostOrange ...... ;: . ..::O...... 8.2 10.9 8.2 13.6 ...... 1:: 8.2 57 Elizabeth...... 7.8 1.3 ...... 1 9.1 18.3 15.7 20.9 1.3 2.6 13,1 6.5 68 Garfield...... 69.7 ...... 26.1 .. .. 8.7 17.4 ...... 59 Hackemack...... 13.5 ...... 81,2 6.6 ...... 20.3 6.8 ...... 13.5 ...... 60 Harrison...... 13.4 .. . . . 53.6 33.5 m. 1 61 Hoboksn...... 18.2 ...... 39.1 12.6 9.8 35.0 1.4 1$ i 2;: 2:; 62 Irvington...... 7.7 ...... 7.7 ::: ...... 15.3 23.0 63 JerseyCity...... 7.2 . 15.2 11.6 11; 8.7 11.2 11.9 64 Keem r...... 1:: I ...... 5.0: 35.2 15:1 1::: 5.0 20.1 10.0 65 Long i ranch...... 66.3 ...... 14.7 . . . . . 7.4 ...... 7.4 23.1 66 Millvilla ...... 7.9 . ..?.4...... Ii: : ...... 71.5 ...... 15,9 I Exclusive of stillbirths. . DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 87 / AND ITS SuBDIvISIONS, FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911-Oontinued. are deziguat.edby asterisks (*). Figures for wwlte and colored areshown ~arately for minor subdivisions only when the crdored population of the subdivision formed rural subditilons (counties, exclusive of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers under causesof death correspond to those of

DEATH RA!cEPER 100,020OF POPULATIONlmoM-continued.

:ga. 1 )ther [ernia Tiolen C&b&f lrgmi( Pneu- and Na- leaths Ill- Bron- monia ~spira A~pen W.es- ?uer- mer- Au Mi# Can- Dia- isease ente- tinal h%% ?hritis, sni- :hitfs. (all I&v pml Nral other cer. y&ea&;:)f the ritis dloitis. Wtruo )f the Bright>f r3ec- %0{ tide. un- farms). un2der iver. liaeasa. svar. sui- >auses. ?asas. tion. ione. novrn tide). ,ears). 16 (87) 18 19 10,21 22,(23; @3) 25 26 27 28 29 31 82 85 86 (87) 88 — —

82.0 16.0 12.3 61.7 138.6 2i 2 142.4 16.2 75.4 17.6 13.1 R; i25. O 9.2 6.7 72.8 102.2 32.8 257.8 5.2 68.7 16.8 12.8 60.2 127.9 23.8 130.9 15.4 749 18.3 13.6 118.6 9.2 71.6 943 34.4 246.8 4.5 : 59.4 5.9 5.9 80.8 277.0 42.8 ,282.5 26.2 82.0 9.5 5.9 26:2 208.1 9.5 lt $ 89.2 2045 11.9 401.8 143 3 73.6 G G 52.5 126.1 89.3 %X 36.8 21.0 ...... 10.5 73.6 5.3 5.2 147.1 115.6 10.5 241.7 52.5 .4 57.8 .. . . . 57.8 99.0 3:: 107.3 16.5 57.8 24.8 16.5 41.3 74.3 ...... 8.3 140.3 . . . . . 239.3 8.3 5 55.8 12.4 %.: 46.5 f.17.8 6.2 120.9 9.3 105.4 6.2 15.5 43.4 15.5 2;; 71.3 83.0 34.1 254.2 3.1 6 91.6 &: 16.3 66.4 134.0 18.3 148.7 15.1 55.9 2?: 14.0 12.4 101.4 13.6 84.7 1243 31.5 286.2 9.3 7 95.7 16.7 124.1 17.6 130.9 14.2 ::; 21.5 14.2 11.2 91.4 13.7 84.1 114.2 33.1 276.0 8.2 8 52.9 . . . . . 12.2 % 227.9 24.4 317.4 24: 12.2 12.2 24.4 NJ. : 12.2 1; $! :;; 219.8 16.’3 332.5 20.3 70.9 17.7 8.9 106.4 53.2 17.7 106.4 62.1 26.6 8.9 17.7 .. . . . 8.9 97.5 17.7 208.9 443 1; 67.2 13.9 5.1 77.3 120.4 15.2 98.8 10.1 36.‘7 15.2 10.1 96.3 10.1 g; 69.7 22.8 287.6 11 84.5 17.8 9.6 58.8 146.6 31.3 148.3 16.7 87.2 E; 13.7 30.3 147.1 ;; 4.3 97.5 37.7 2: 1!! 86.5 18.5 -56.8 134.1 29.6 138.4 15.9 85.8 13.6 14.3 30.2 140.1 89.7 39.7 %:: 1.2 13 70.5 U 88.1 325.8 56.0 290.6 28.6 107.9 11.0 4.4 30.8 246.8 8:8 g. ~ 2; 209.2 391.9 ,. -.. . 14 60.6 1;; 33.1 66.2 176.4 5.5 170.9 22.1 38.6 16.5 5.5 .. . . . 132.3 11.0 132.3 82.7 1:; 275.7 22.1 15 70.9 16.4 57.3 125.5 21.8 152.7 19.1 70.9 24.5 5.5 8.2 846 5.5 5.5 125.5 92.7 16.4 308.2 8.2 16 16.0 8:0 40.0 48.0 71.9 8.0 87.9 56.0 135.9 16.0 16.0 16.0 71.9 16.0 16.0 135.9 143.9 8.0 199.8 8.0 17 I 75.9 20.7 15.8 43.4 120.3 8.9 128.2 18.7 16.7 16.8 89.7 17.8 90.7 126.2 49.3 235.7 12.8 18 72.6 21<2 16.1 444 120.0 9.1 1240 17.1 19.2 16.1 89.7 18.1 1:? 92.8 123.0 237.0 13.1 19 225.4 ...... 90.2 125.3 ...... 315.6 90.2 ...... 45.1 90.2 ...... ,-. . . . 2E : 180.3 ...... — — 270.5 20 x 9.8 .... 58.7 68.5 29.4 195.7 29.4 29.4 48.9 ...... 19.6 97.9 . . . . 39.2 58.7 19.6 234.9 38.1 21 ..... 27.6 119.7 18.4 73.6 36.8 82.9 9.2 18.4 92.1 $.: .. . . . 138.1 ::; 267.0 9.2 22 9?: 2:: 27.6 42.7 125.5 10.0 146.1 12.5 E: 40.2 20.1 22.6 87.8 27,6 ,15.1! E: 138.0 228.4 .. . ..- 28 94.0 21.7 28.9 115.7 ...... 130.2 14.5 50.6 28.9 21.7 14.5 115.7 7.2 14.5 $&. ; 130.2 28:9 282.0 14.5 24- 23.6 2: 70.7 185.0 ...... 86.4 55.0 7.9 15.7 7.9 78.6 . . . . . 15..7 133.6 31.4 235.7 i’. 9 25 $: 14.4 7.2 50.3 107.8 .- . ..-. 100.6 E.: 43.1 64.7 35.9 7.2 71.9 14.4 .. . . . 21:6 122.2 50.3 186.9 ...... 28

88.8 18.7 21.0 59.0 &8. ; 9.3 172.3 51.4 34.5 22.8 15.8 8?.6 1.3.4 13.4 67.2 88.8 28.0 2&7 13.4 27 87.4 18.7 21.1 ::; 9.0 166.4 H! 51.3 33.6 22.9 16.3 87.4 .U.1 13.3 66.3 89.8 28.3 2.%3.4 13.3 28 130.3 18.6 18.6 297:9 18.6 353.7 . . . . . 55.9 ...... 18.6 . . . . . 93.1 55.9 18.6 83.1 55.9 18.6 260.7 18.6 29 . 89.9 13.6 13.5 53.9 116.9 173.1 247 60.7 31.5 22.5 77..9 . . . . . 9.0 103.4 ~: 18.0 292.,2 40.5 30 88.4 20.5 22.7 60.8 146.0 1? 2 172.0 8.7 48.1 35.5 22.9 It: 93.1 18.1 15.0 54.4 31.6 279.3 3.9 31

84.2 24.3 27.7 95.5 139.3 36.7 154.8 26.6 146.3 16.4 15.3 9.0 104.0 6.2 9.0 136.7 110.2 12.4 339.0 11.3 32 84.3 24.3 27.7 95.7 189.0 36.8 155.1 26.6 148.6 16.4 15.3 9.1 104.1 6.2 9.1 136.4 Ho. 4 11.9 338.5 11.3 33 ...... 307.7 ...... 307.7 . . . ..- 307.7 6L5.4 ...... 34 — — . — 16.5 q 74.2 16.5 197.8 49.4 288.4 8.2 8.2 ..... 173.1 90.7 16.5 197.8 16.5 35 115.1 2: i 1%: 854.4 3;: ;%: 32.2 13.8 1: i 1:: 12; 9.2 18.4 55.2 105.9 4.6 529.4 18.4 36 98.1 37.7 15:1 90.6 203.8 7.5 % I 22.6 ...... 148.4 ...... 166.0 7.5 324.5 7.5 :: 157.2 39.3 19.7 167.0 176.9 9.8 127.7 19.7 29.5 19.7 ...... 9.8 176.9 . . ..- 19.7 L%: 66.8 39.3 353.7 9.8

95.7 19.1 d;: 66.2 114.9 19.1 67.0 9.6 57.4 9.6 ...... 134.0 . ..-...... 76.6 67.0 38.3 480.9 23.7 39 65.6 22.3 89.3 154.9 58.6 174.4 23.7 213.5 18.1 18.1 n. 2 9.8 188.4 97.7 11.2 307.0 9.8 ~ 87.6 15.2 19.0 175.2 30.6 1447 45.7 99.0 15.2 26.7 1;: 91.4 . . . . . 2k : 118.0 140.9 3.8 2s9.4 7.6 114.6 52.9 . . . . 1%; 308.5 8.8 105.8 8.8 79.3 17.6 17.6 17.6 167.5 8.8 8.8 g2.2 158.6 8.8 361.4 ...... 42 . 74.4 13.7 16.9 76.4 139.6 19.4 168.6 17.1 114.0 11.2 10.4 17.3 f22.3 9.7 94.6 96.6 17.0 205.8 43 74.0 14.0 17.1 75.8 137.8 19.1 164.7 16.2 112.8 11.1 10.0 17..5 120.6 9.5 t: 95.2 17.3 201.2 H 44 86.3 6.9 10.4 93.2 191.7 29.4 279.7 44.9 143.5 13.8 22.4 10.4 169.2 17.3 13.8 1%! 134.7 10.4 336.7 6.9 45 —l— —l—.———— 53.T 17.9 .... 116.4 179.0 35.8 71.6 26.9 53.7 9.0 ...... 17.9 125.3 ...... 35.8 80.6 259.6 46 55.3 22.1 .... 143.9 177.1 33.2 77.5 22.1 33.2 11.1 ...... 22.1 99.6 ...... 33.2 66.4 1:! 254.5 11: 47 46.8 ...... 187.3 46.8 46.8 ;:: 140.4 ...... 234.1 ...... 46.8 140.4 ..... 280.9 ...... 46 82.9 33.1 4.1 87.0 184.4 24.9 105.6 87.0 12.4 26.9 12.4 165.7 16.6 99.4 99.4 33.1 329.4 4.1 92.4 42.2 5.3 102.9 192.6 31.7 89.7 13.2 344 10.6 26.4 15.8 168.9 16.5 u 105.6 1:? : ::; 306.1 2.6 $’. 48.2 ...... 28.9 154.2 ...... 163.8 19.3 96.4 19.3 23.9 . . . . . 154.2 9.6 9.6 77.1 414.5 9.6 51 40.8 10.2 20.4 61.2 81.6 23.8 159.8 27.2 181.9 10.2 8.5 91.8 . . . . . 11.9 l%. 8 m;; 20.4 171.7 15.1 :;: 12.6 18.9 100.6 75.4 100.5 6.3 50.3 ...... 1:: 69.1 ...... 37.7 K!. 6 157.1 6.3 :: 7.0 20.9 167.2 236.9 %; 83.6 20.9 7.0 13.9 7.0 167.2 ----- 13.9 -R 9 229.9 7.0 54 79:1 102.8 152.1 9.2 ~ 191.1 22.6 1%$ 8.2 9.2 13.4 143.9 13.4 1:; 1%; lE ! 20.6 284.3 6.2 55 76.4 1; i ‘% 70.9 133.7 5.5 73.7 21.8 19.1 ...... 2.7 16.4 103.7 . . ..- 43.7 21.8 3.3.6 117.3 ..,. ..7 56 74.5 16.7 15.7 83.6 132.0 11.8 180.3 32.7 146.3 9.1 7.8 17.0 79.7 11.8 18.3 116.3 .7.29.3 20.9 220.8 10.5 57 34.8 1;: 8.7 34.8 61.0 17.4 165.5 8.7 ;j: : ...... ----- . . . . . 52.3 . . ..-. 8.7 130.7 52.3 130.7 17.4 58 .. . . . 74.4 135.3 6.8 1421 27.1 6.8 6.8 146.8 6.8 6.8 81.2 67.7 2; i 175.9 13..5 59 %; 40.2 60.4 20.1 100.6 13.4 140:8 . ..??...... 26.8 87.2 6.7 13.4 98.9 107.3 1.3.4 134.1 ...... m 82.5 Ii; 3;; 79.7 156.6 40.5 284.2 25.2 86.7 8.4 &6 30.8 1440 “5.6 7*:I 103.5 7.0 28.0 185.9“ -.. 1.4.. . 61 - 92.0 ...... 115.0 184.0 30.7 53.7 15.3 53.7 . . . . . 30.7 107.4 .. . . . 61.3 30.7 30.7 i15.o . ...”. 62 85.6 10.1 Z-La 145j.8 22.4 198.9 12.7 109.6 li : 12.7 23.1 129.8 1!; 10.1 96.2 112.8 13.0 215.2 4,3 90.4 30.1 20.1 E; 35.2 175.8 15.1 35.2 ...... 15.1 80.4 5.0 10.0 75.3 50.2 10.0 ‘ 286.3 5,0 E, 162.1 22.1 22.1 154.7 lE : 1$; 1;:. : 29.5 103.1 14.7 3:: 1$; 176.8 7.4 14.7 58.9 169.5 ;; 464.2 ...... 87.4 7.9 . . . . 47.7 158.8 31.8 71.5 7.9 ...... 143.0 15.9 .. . . . 103.2 55.6 206.5 ...... : ~Nonregistiatilonstats; cities shown below only those with tiective local ordinances. MORTALITY STATISTICS.

TABLE 3.—DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION IN THE REGISTRATION AREA [All death rates are based upon the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and instiitutiorq. Minor areas captaining state insane asylums at least 10 per cent of the total, or numbered 10,000or over m 1910. The term “cities” indicates municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).] . DEATH RATE PER 100,000POPULATION FROM—

Other Diph- In. I’uber. REGISTRATION AREA. All ;:$;$ ;carlet tlqfi Er - Culous fofm: Lheu causes. [ever. flu- ipe1’af men- ma- lroup. urr,a. ngitis bwu. ;ism.

1 5 6 8 9 (12) 14 15 (87)


Montclair (total) ...... 1,375.2 13.1 4.4 ..... 30.7 4.4 21.9 .... 8.8 8.8 8.8 White...... 1,338.0 14.9 ...... 29.7 5.0 19.8 . 9.9 9.9 9.9 Colored...... 1,658.5 ...... 37.7 ...... 37.7 . . . . 37.7 ...... Morristown...... 2,326.1 31.8 ...... 23.8 39.7 55.6 39.7 7.f 39.7 39.7 15.9 New Bmnewick ...... 2,025.5 17.1 12.8 34.1 8.5 4.3 . . . . 4.3 12.8 8.5 Newark ...... 1,4s4.7 10.5 6.9 6.6 12.1 15.7 9.1 6,{ 12.4 14.9 8.0 Orange ...... 1,753,9 13.1 3.3 3.3 13.1 22.9 16.4 9.$ 59.0 26.2 Pe,ssmc...... 1,407.5 6.8 2: g . . 6.8 23.7 6.8 18.7 17.0 1$; Paterson ...... 1,464.1 7.0 10.1 12.4 16.3 10.1 ;: [ 7.0 7.0 9.3 10 Perth Amboy ...... 1,390.2 11.9 5.9 17.8 23.8 59.4 8.9 5, f 5.9 5.9 3.0 11 Philli sburg...... 1,303,5 . . . . 71.2 . . . . . 35.6 14.2 42.7 . . . . 7.1 21,4 Plain #elf ...... 1,409.9 23.7 ...... 4.7 4.7 9.5 33.2 . . . . 11; 14.2 14,2 ;; Trenton* ...... 1,844.0 44.0 31.0 7.0 21.0 27.0 11.0 5.( 17.0 15.c 11,0 14 union...... 1,058.2 4.5 ...... 18.2 500 9.1 4.5 4.5 15 West Hoboken ...... 1,092.8 2.7 8.1 18.9 24.3 32.5 1%: 8.1 ii 5.4 8.1 16 West New York ...... 1,162.8 6.6 ...... 13.2 1:.: 26.4 . . . . . 6.( 6.6 6.6 13.2 17 WestOrange ...... 902.2 8.5 ...... 6.5 ...... 8.5 NEW YORK.

18 Re”tration cities (total) ...... 1,545.6 14.4 11.5 14.6 8.6 25.2 8.6 5,$ 15.5 7.4 19 bite...... ;...... 1,528.9 14.4 11.6 14.8 8.5 25.3 8.6 5.{ 15.3 ::: 20 Ck40red...... 2,487.1 16.3 6.5 4.1 14.7 18.0 9.8 7.: 28.6 32.7 :; 2,043.2 16.8 1.0 ...... 24.8 26.8 7,< 18.8 10.9 6.9 1,319.6 9.1 ...... 27.2 12.1 6.0 9. I 3.( 3.0 6.0 3.0 1,798.4 5.7 5.7 5.7 14.2 14.2 5.7 5. i 8.5 19.9 2.8 1,714.2 38.4 8.4 8.4 58.5 83.6 41.8 ...... 16.7 8.4 1,886.8 4.0 10.0 2.0 14.1 16.1 22.1 4.( 4.0 8.0 6.0 1,445.8 25.0 1.8 17.9 9.0 25.0 5.5 3.( 9.9 10.1 7.8 1,934.2 112.6 4.0 12.1 36.2 16.1 4.0 . . . . 12.1 20.1 8.0 1,347.7 21.7 7.2 ...... 43.5 ...... 1,778.9 43.2 8.6 8.6 23.9 8.6 8.6 . . . . 17.3 25.9 17.3 1,512.2 16.9 62.1 33.9 22.0 22.6 ...... 16.9 5.6 1,497.3 13.3 18.6 5.3 16.o 21.3 . . . . 5.3 16.0 2.7 1,588.6 36.7 ...... 9.2 3::: ...... 9.2 ...... 1,286.4 32.0 . . . . . 8.0 8.0 39.9 8.( . . . . . 16.0 8.0 1,917.0 6.5 3;: : 6.5 6.5 26.0 19..5 . . 13.0 26.0 6.5 1,583.7 4.7 ...... 9.5 . . . 4.7 4. i 9.5 4.7 14.2 36 1,551.0 14.6 . . . . . 36,4 51.0 21.8 . . . . . 7.3 ...... 14.6 37 1,883.9 ...... 8.6 ...... 25.7 ...... 1,915.7 26.9 20.2 6.7 40.3 13.4 6.7 1;. ; 6.7 % 1,269.6 39.9 :: 1:; 6.1 6.1 . . . . . 6.1 3.1 rohrwtown...... 1,431.9 ...... 37.7 18.i 9.4 18.8 Kingston ...... 1,928.5 26.9 19.2 ...... 46.1 3.$ 15.4 4;: i’. 7 Lsckawenna ...... 2,475.7 6.5 19.5 19.5 65.2 6.5 ...... 13.0 . . . . Little Falls ...... 1,669.6 31.8 8.0 2; & o 31.8 15.s 15.9 8.0 . . . .

44 Lockport ...... 1,739.9 22.1 ...... 27.6 27.6 44.2 . . . . . 5.5 16.6 45 Middletown+...... 2,548.9 59.1 6.6 6.6 ...... 13.1 19.7 13.1 13.1 39.4 1:: 46 Mount Vernon ...... 1,2S3.8 18.5 6.2 9.3 3.1 24.7 15.4 3.1 12.3 21.6 3.1 47 New Rochelle ...... 1,088.2 6.5 6.5 9.7 ...... 22,6 16.1 6.5 6.5 ...... 6.5 48 New York (total) ...... 1,519.7 10.9 15.1 7.5 25,6 6.9 6.t 17.7 8.5 7.7 49 Bronx Borough...... 1,328.6 12.5 %.5 6.8 5.7 16.8 7.4 Brookl~ Borough ...... 1,477.7 12: 17.1 k: 23.0 9.0 4. t 14.1 9.4 u ;; Manhattan Borough ...... 1,601.0 10.3 14.8 8.5 28,2 5,3 8.4 21.5 8.3 52 QueensBorongh ...... 1,3G9.3 10.5 8.2 21.3 5.9 2.9 6.9 ;; 53 Riohmond Borough ...... 1,666.0 1;: 12.3 22.4 23.5 14.6 3.4 li : 6.7 9.0 54 White...... 1,499.2 10.9 13.3 15.3 7.4 25.8 6.8 6.4 17.5 8.0 7.7 55 Bronx Borough...... 1,321.0 7.9 11.4 12.5 25.8 6.9 5.$ 16.7 7.1 7.1 56 Brooklyn Borough ...... 1,461.1 12.9 17.2 !: [ 22.0 8.8 4.8 14.2 8.8 9.4 57 Memhattan Borough ...... 1,575.9 10.4 li : 15.2 8.4 28.4 5.2 8.3 21.2 7.8 6.9 58 QueensBorough ...... 1,350.5 3.6 10,6 7.6 21.5 6.0 3.0 6.6 6.0 59 Richmond Borough ...... 1,653.4 1:; 27.3 12.5 22.7 22.7 14.8 3,4 11: 6.8 9.1 Colored...... 2,506.4 7.9 7.9 .5.0 11.9 18.8 10.9 7.9 28.7 32.7 5.0 Bronx Borough...... 2,078.0 . . . 21.2 212 21.2 ...... 21.2 42.4 . . . . Brooklyn Borough...... 2,598.3 12.1 4.0 8.0 4.0 20.1 20.1 . . . . . 12.1 52.3 12.1 Manbattem Borough ...... 2,478.1 7.5 7.5 3.0 12.0 19.5 9.0 12.0 33.1 25.6 3.0 QueoneBorough ...... 2,943.6 ...... 56.5 ...... 83.3 27.8 . . . . Richmond Borough ...... 2,541.7 79.4 ...... 79.4 ...... Newkrh...... 1,948.7 10.6 17.7 10.6 31.9 14.2 . . . . . 7.1 7.1 3.5 Niagma%ails...... 1,876.6 22.3 9.5 35.0 25.4 6.4 12.7 6.4 19.1 12.7 North Tonawenda ...... 1,257.5 ...... 8.1 24.2 16.1 8.1 8.1 . . . . . 16.1 8.1 Dgdensbur@ ...... 2,461.4 ...... 74.0 37.0 . . . . . 12.3 24.7 . . . . Dleen...... 1,379.1 6.6 i ...... 19.8 13.2 . . . . . 13.2 ...... 1Exclusive of stillbirths, ,. DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 89

AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS, FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. aredesi nated by e.sterisks (*). Fi+wres for white and colored am shown se arately for minor subdivisions 0U2 when the colored population of the subdivision fckmetl rural su%“””dmmons (counties, exehmve of municips2ities .havirrg 10,000 inha %“rtants or over in 1910) are omitte ~ Ffumbers rmder causes of derkhconespond toth.se of


Diar- rhea 7i01en Other Iemia )the] kebral )rgani Pneu- and cir- Ne- ieaths espim intes- ?u’er- ]uer- d;~dec IX& renin hemOr- Bron- nonia mte- hosis @ritis, sni- A21. can- issase t;l ~PP= tinal p3reI wral other gitis.trage am of the lritis.(a22 ritis ieitis. )f the Bright’\ $&f tide. cer. :&lc ever. tlem !auses. Dft8DiIlg heart. )rms). render iiver. &ease. sui- roses. ions. kr%&n 2 jide). ears).

16 :s7) 17 18 19 :~,21 S ,(23 (23) 25 26 27 !28 29 31 32 35 36 (37) ’38 - — —

J I 70.1 8.8 8.8 109.5 122.6 12.2.9 21.9 61.3 35.0 17..5 21.9 100.7 17.5 92.0 37.6 17.5 245.3 74.3 9.9 9.9 109.0 2.38.8 t: 114.0 14.9 34.7 19.8 24.8 104.1 H 14.9 89.2 19.8 232.9 ‘M 37.7 .: .-...... IIJ.; ...... 113.1 75.4 1%: 37.7 ...... 75.4 37.7 :;; 113.1 1%? ...... 339.2 ...... l;: : 10.9 206.4 3:: 262.0 15.9 87.3 15.9 23.3 15.9 119.1 ...... g;; 182.6 . . . ..-. 349.3 15.9 17.1 :.: 108:6 217.5 196.2 8.5 319.8 29.8 4.3 29.8 140.7 ...... ,. .-. 127.9 17.1 311.3 8.5

78.2 16.5 12.4 82.3 131.8 23.4 155.5 16.2 117.8 12.7 16.5 135.4 9.9 90.0 90.5 19.8 170.9 3.6 6 95.1 l!: 16.4 78.7 157.4 22.9 222.9 9.8 137.7 22.9 1; i 32.8 134.4 16.4 1:! 113.0 101.6 13.1 193.4 3.3 42.4 22.0 22.0 17.0 228.9 222.1 17.0 13.6 6.8 49.2 20.3 11.9 118.7 gf 13.6 181.4 6.8 i 87.5 10:1 24.0 64.3 18; 13.9 137.1 1;: 70.5 10.1 10.8 13,9 131.7 10.8 7.7 75.9 17.3 209.2 7.7 9

59.4 28.8 23.8 71.3 20.8 89.1 14.9 240.6 3.0 5.9 U 9 71.3 5.9 11.9 148.5 lzo. 7 184.2 20.8 10 49.9 2;: : 14.2 25.5 121.1 7.1 192.3 7.1 99.7 . . . . . 7.1 7.1 78.4 7.1 ,. -.: n. 2 6$:1 2!; 178.1 :: 11 1#. : 19.0 94.9 118.7 ...... 94.9 . . . . . 66.5 14.2 4.7 113.9 28. a 99.7 237.4 L2 16.0 It; 77.0 156.0 22.0 217.0 23.0 231.0 10.0 16.0 1$: 149.0 1:: 5.0 113.0 1%. : 11.0 292.0 3:0 13

72.7 18.2 59.0 81.8 18.2 168.0 9.1 31.8 . . . . . 9.1 22.7 90.8 ...... 27.3 40.9 18.2 X36.3 4.5 14 43.7 It; 32.5 43.3 92.0 21.6 224.4 8.1 62.2 . . . . . 10.8 13.5 Ho. 9 D.4 5.4 67.6 13.5 10.8 140.7 15 66.1 . . ..- 33.0 52.9 152.0 39.6 152.0 13.2 66.1 . . . . . 6.6 39.6 &.: 6.6 13.2 59.5 59.5 19.8 125.5 . ...?.! 16 42.6 17.0 25.5 76.6 102. i ...... 144.7 ...... 76.6 . . . . . 17.0 ...... ----- ,---- 51.1 34.0 25.5 68.1 -- . . . . . 17

83.8 18.9 10.8 69.3 151.0 22.2 192.9 ‘ 13.0 94.4 13.6 12.8 19.3 136.7 7.2 B&; 25.3 16.8 211.8 1.6 18 . 83.9 19.1 10.9 69.3 149.6 21.9 189.8 13.0 93.8 13.6 12.3 19.4 135.5 7.0 :: 88.1 16.9 209.9 19 75.1 9.8 7.3 69.4 223.6 40.8 364.2 16.3 130.6 14.7 13.1 10.6 .205.8 18.0 13.1 149:4 96.4 13.1 323.3 k: so . ‘GG 30.7 17.8 111.9 237.7 10.9 22.8 51.5 18.8 19.8 ~ : 194.1 3.0 G 99.0 131.7 21.8 = — 21 72.5 12.1 141.9 42.3 3.0 126.8 15.1 6.0 99.7 15.1 3.0 54.4 87.6 12.1 214.4 ...... ! 22 108.0 2: t 1%! 241.5 22.7 11.4 176.1 14.2 25.6 14.2 116.5 8.5 11.4 108.0 54.0 34.1 321.0 ------28 133.8 ~; 1:: 117.1 125.4 ...... 25.1 83.6 16.7 8.4 . . . . . 117.1 8.4 . . . . 50.2 192.3 292.7 ...... 34 108..5 16.1 124.6 241.1 18.1 22.1 74.3 13.1 18.1 20.1 196.9 22.1 12.1 62.3 120.6 $: 369.7 6.0 25

95.6 17.2 5.7 66.4 169.8 16.5 12.6 108.7 17.7 16.8 17.0 94.9 4.6 5.5 75.1 87.5 11. 5* 237.5 0.7 26 40.2 12.1 24.1 112.6 176.9 20.1 52.3 209.1 3.0 8.0 20.1 124.7 ...... 108.6 76.4 20.1 Z&: ...... 27 115.9 21.7 ...... 79.7 123.2 ...... 43.5 21.7 7.2 21.7 144.9 7.2 2:: 101.4 94.2 21.7 7.2 28 129.5 ...... 1~. f 164.1 25.9 8.6 51.8 17.3 25.9 . . . . . 207.3 25.9 103.6 86.4 34.5 362:7 29 43.1 lk : 16.9 129.8 16.9 5.6 39.5 11.3 22.6 5.6 U-4. 1 H 16.9 152.4 124.1 ...... 338.6 . . . .s7: 30

106.6 8.0 82.6 213.1 8.0 42.6 24.0 10,7 13.3 223.8 10.7 5.3 48.0 98.6 40.0 269.1 ...... 101.0 . . . . . 3;; 10L o 220.4 3:: 9.2 119.4 18.4 9.2 84.3 ...... 9.2 110.2 64.3 ...... 42.3.2 103.9 16.0 39.9 111.9 111.9 24.0 8.0 24.0 1%: 16.0 8.0 103.9 ...... 55.9 62.9 8.0 167.8 . ...?.? 169.0 39.0 26.0 214.4 149.5 19.5 32.5 91.0 52.0 19.5 19.5 91.0 13.0 19.5 104.0 58.5 32.5 2?J8.9 ...... 84.5 37.8 22.6 108.7 222.2 18.9 14.2 52.0 14.2 23.6 18.9 65.1 4.7 9.5 52.0 104.0 28.6 359.3 :......

123.8 21.3 58.3 211.2 7.3 . . . . . 21.8 . . . . . 131.1 7.3 . . . . 36.4 72.8 14.6 415.1 ...... 102.8 3:.: 17.1 119.9 239.8 3~ 17.1 13: 8.6 8.6 17.1 179.8 8.6 8.6 128.4 94.2 17.1 g;; ...... ;; 154.6 13.4 20.2 Z&J.; 208.4 13.4 47.1 20.2 40.3 6.7 26.9 235.3 6.7 13.4 53.8 107.5 26.9 38 95.1 15.3 27.6 110.4 21.5 15.3 64.4 27.6 9.2 15.3 3&9 ...... 12.3 98.1 107.3 36.8 202.4 ...... ! 39 “

122.5 28.3 18.8 103.6 131.9 9.4 28.3 9.4 K22.5 ...... 9.4 113.0 37.7 ...... 263.8 ...... 46 142.1 23.0 26.9 149.8 226.7 1:: 19.2 57.6 15.4 3:: z~ : 111.4 11.5 3.8 92.2 146.0 g: 295.8 3.8 41 6.5 6.5 32.6 19.5 65.2 71.7 13.0 728.2 . . . . . 228: ; ...... 273.6 104.2 508.2 ...... 42 31.8 8.0 15.9 79.6 182.9 ...... 127.2 23.9 3; i 39.8 15.9 1: z 159.0 198.8 23:9 167.0 ...... 43

‘ 165.7 33.1 & : 104.9 243.0 22.1 22.1 22.1 16.6 33.1 66.3 5.5 16.6 93.9 149.1 22.1 320.4 5.5 44, 131.4 19.7 2;: ; 295.6 19.7 19.7 39.4 26.3 52.6 52: 164.2 ...... 59.1 164.2 19.7 551.3 ...... 58.6 27.8 3:1 122.4 12.3 15.4 83.3 9.3 12.3 24.7 98.8 9.3 9.3 120.4 83.3 12.3 185.2 z 51.7 9.7 3.2 58:1 93.6 9.7 12.9 34.0 9.7 12.9 9.7 96.9 3.2 ----- 64.6 74.3 12.9 226.0 . ...3.. 47

79.2 18.6 9.6 56.7 140.1 23.0 12.0 92.6 12.4 11.1 19.5 142.8 7.6 86.8 34.3 16.3 136.2 L 4 48 78.4 22.7 9.6 57.6 137.9 13.0 6.0 74.8 9.6 12.1 15.7 122.2 3.5 It i 82.7 71.0 14.2 .144.7 +7 49 75.8 16.0 61.4 161.5 34.2 12.3 93.9 12.8 9.5 19.2 137.2 7.5 8.3 65.9 71.9 14.8 184.2 0.5 50 82.1 ~:; 1;? 51.3 127.6 18.0 12.7 90.7 12.3 12.0 19.3 148.4 7,4 7.4 103.3 97.1 18.5 195.9 2.0 51 71.1 68.8 128.0 20.0 13.8 97.9 14.4 11.1 25.9 139.5 10.5 86.8 71.1 20.0 172. Z 62 100.9 22:4 1;: 65.0 120.0 5.6 12.3 98.7 15.7 11.2 31.4 220.9 11: 7.8 70,6 90.8 11.2 228.7 H 53

79.3 18.8 9.6 56.7 138.5 22.6 11.9 91.8 12.4 11.1 19.8 141.4 7.3 8.1 85.3 34.0 16.9 183.5 1.4 54 78.4 ~: 9.7 58.0 136.5 13.1 74.3 12.2 15.9 220.7 8.6 9.9 82.9 70.6 14.4 144.3 1.7 55 75.7 60.9 160.1 33.5 1:; 97.9 11: 9.3 19.4 136.1 7.4 8.2 71.4 15.0 181.6 56 “ . . 82.4 19:7 1!:: 51.4 125.7 17,7 12.7 90.2 12.4 12.1 19.6 146.7 7.0 12; 97.2 18.5 192.7 ?2 57. 70.9 19.9 68.9 126.9 19.5 13.6 94.1 14.6 10.6 26.2 137.8 J; 34.5 71.9 20.2 170.3 1.3 58 101.2 21.6 1;: ! 66.0 116.0 5.7 12.5 100.1 15.9 11.4 31.8 221.7 1:: 8. C 70.5 91.0 H. 4 229.7 4.5 59

74.3 8.9 6.9 57.5 217.9 41.6 15.9 132.8 11.9 11.9 7.9 213.0 18.8 11.$ 159.5 95.1 13.9 ;14. o - 5.0 60 34.8 ...... 27..2 275.7 ...... 21.2 127.2 ...... 275.7 ...... 21.2 63.6 106.0 ...... 190.8 ...... 61 84.5 8.0 *; 96.5 261.4 80.4 m. 1 164.9 24.1 20.1 4.0 213.2 8.0 20.1 152.8 104.6 362.0 ...... ;3 69.2 9.0 46.6 194.0 30.1 13.5 108.3 9.0 10.5 206.0 21.1 163.9 96.2 It; 306.8 83.3 . . . . . 27:8 55.5 222.2 55.5 27.8 416.6 ...... 5: i . . . . . 277.7 ...... 2;; 277.7 ...... 333.2 ...... 64 79.4 79.4 ...... 397.1 ...... 158.9 238.3 . . . . . 79:4 79.4 ...... 158.9 ...... 65

131.3 3.5 42.6 142.0 255.6 24.8 24.8 60.3 17.7 10.6 24.8 156.2 7.1 92.3 127.8 17.7 2s7. 5 ...... 70.0 9.5 31.8 57.3 101.8 9.5 6.4 229.0 12.7 19.1 15.9 82.7 22.7 12; 136.8 139.9 35.0 ‘276. 7, ,22.3 96.7 32.2 lzo. 9 3.1 16.1 1;: ; ...... 16.1 . . . . . 40.3 ...... 16.1 56.4 64.5 ...... 241.8 ...... ( 154.2 1:; 3?: 166.6 172.7 6.2 30.8 30.8 6.2 18.,5 141.9 22.3 111.0 98.7 ...... 604.6 ...... 46.2 13.2 26.4 122.2 158.4 6.6 19.8 79:2 26.4 19.8 13.2 72.6 6.6 1$: 85.8 118.8 13.2 280.9 ...... MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[All death mtes are based u on the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and de~ths ,in hospitals an,d.ins~i;utions.. Minor a;eas containing state jnsane wylums at least 10 per cent of t Ee total, or numbered 10,000 or over in 1910. The term” cltles” mdloates munmpahtles having 10,000 mhabltants or over m 1910. Miner the Abridged International List (see p. 27).] .


Other Diph. Puber Cuber. ,Vhoop In- :fyus ihet REGISTRATION AREA. Mala- 3maJl- !carle yny Ery- :ulosi 3UIOUS bfeasles fhl- All ria. pox. lever. ipelw of the men- ma- Ooug‘n% . 3nza, bw~;. tauses. moup lungs ngitis ism

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 15 (87) . REGISTRATION CITIE&..00ntirmed,

NEW yomt-sontinued. . 1,575.6 ...... 8.2 16.3 24. t 16.3 . . . . 98. [ ...... 16.3 24.: 1,520.4 1:; ..... 16.9 ...... 21.2 . . . 110.1 16.9 . . . 1,644.3 19. c ..... 6.3 . . . . . 31.7 6.: Ii! 25.4 190. / 19.0 lt i 12.: 1,597.8 ...... 17. f ...... 8. i 17. e . . . . 149.: 17.6 35.1 17. I 1,544.6 22.7 ..... 30.3 15.1 ...... 22. i 30.3 . . . . 98. ! 15.1 7.6 . . .

1,963.2 14. c ..... 17.5 10. E 14. c 7.( 21. a 3.: 143.: 10.5 3.5 ?. ( 1,391.1 18.7 ...... 9.3 37.2 18.7 9.2 56. ( ...... 1,440.3 10. e ...... 5.7 22. c 8.8 41. ( 5. i 111. < 9.7 10.6 4.! Rome ...... 2,316.6 4.7 ...... 61.1 9.4 ...... 75. i 1;: 4. i 319. ( 4.: 3aralt0ga Springs ...... 2,139.8 47.6 ...... 47.6 . . . . . 261. i 2: 11: 7.{

1,237.5 ...... 1.3 11,8 9.2 18.3 ::; 90.: 7.8 1,426.4 lt : ..... 11.3 2;: 12.0 25.2 4.2 95. i 11: :: 2,106.6 27.3 ...... 2.6 29. g 22.1 18.2 19.5 6.! 232. f 6.2 1$: 16. $ 1,870.6 11.7 ..... 36.3 L 3 5.2 31.1 10.4 7. f 124. { 19.5 22.1 3.:

1,664.8 33.2 ..... 7.4 3.7 . . . . . 7.4 14. f 107.1 3.7 18.5 7.! 1,728.0 72.3 ..... 19.7 26.3 26.3 46.0 . . . . 151.1 . . . 1,704.7 23.5 ...... 5.9 41.1 47. c &9 . . . . . 105. [ 2:: 1?: 11.1 1,427.2 9.5 ..... 8.3 21.3 13.0 21.3 3.6 5.$ 116. ; 16.6 7.1 5,\


19 2,083.8 64.2 20.5 12.8 1.9 62.3 11. f 32.7 2. f 278. ( 10.9 19.3 9.( 20 1,651.0 67.7 15.6 13.5 2.1 26.0 H. 5 29.2 3.1 223. ! 10.4 11.5 8.: 21 2,779.1 58.6 28.4 11,7 1.7 120.5 11.7 38.5 1.7 3fM. i 11.7 31.8 10. (

22 20.9 ...... 10.5 ...... 5.2 57.5 . . . . . 611.< 31.4 15.7 ... 21.9 ...... 14.6 ...... 51.2 . . . . . 695.1 29.3 21.9 ... 2 18.3 ...... 18.3 73.2 . . . . . 402.: 36.6 ...... 25 46.1 11,5 2.9 25.9 8. f 63.3 . . . . . 135.: 8.6 17.3 14. < 26 52.8 4.4 4.4 22.0 13.2 48.4 . . . . . 61. ( 13.2 ...... 13.2 27 33.3 25.0 . . . . . 33.3 . . . . . 91.6 . . . . . 274, ( . . . . 50.0 16. i

51.1 20.4 5.1 20.4 15,3 20.4 . . . 296.4 5.1 35.8 10.: 41.0 24.6 . . . . . 8.2 16,4 16,4 . . . . . 204. { . . . . . 24.6 . . . 67.9 13.6 ...... 13.6 40.7 13. e 27.1 . . . . 447. s 13.6 54.3 27.1 60.2 6.0 6.0 ...... 18.1 204. ! 6.0 6.0 18.1 75.2 ...... 18.8 :: 225.: 9.4 ...... 28. ; 33.5 16.8 16. S ...... 16.8 . . . . . 335.1 . . . . . 10,8 . . . .

34 56.9 41.3 31.0 . . . . . 77.5 20.7 10.3 5.2 253.2 10.3 31.0 15.5 35 67.1 4L 9 25.2 . . . . . 25.2 25.2 16.8 . . . . . 192. S &4 25.2 16. t 36 40.4 40.4 40.4 . . . . . 161.7 13.5 . . . X3.5 350.3 13.5 40.4 13.6 125.3 57.0 41.8 3.8 239.3 19.0 26.6 7.6 212.7 11.4 19.0 . . . . X 143.5 43.1 57.4 7.2 78.9 21.5 14.4 14.4 136.3 . . . . 7.2 . . . . 39 104.9 72.6 24.2 . . . . . 419.5 16.1 40.3 . . . . . 298.5 24.2 32.3 . . . .

79.8 ...... 29.9 10.0 10.0 . . . . . 309.4 5.0 10.0 5. c 82.6 ...... 45.9 . . . . 18.3 . . . . . 137. c 9.2 9.2 . . . . 76.6 ...... 10.9 21.9 ...... 514.1 . . . 10.9 10. $

43 22.8 0.8 5.6 16.4 12,5 19.5 14.0 4.0 146.1 9.4 14.3 7.1 44 22,6 0.8 5.6 16.9 11.8 19.6 14.1 4.0 135. s 8.9 13.9 7. c 45 28.8 1.4 4.3 1.4 33.2 15.9 13.0 4.3 529.2 24.5 28.8 10.1

46 1,325.2 42.9 1.4 1.4 37.3 20.7 443 5.5 6.9 92,7 9.7 2.8 47 [,027.9 37.8 ...... 12.6 6.3 12,6 1$: . . . . . 75.7 6,3 1;; ~ 6.3 48 1,278,5 5.3 ...... 1;; 26.4 . . . . . 84.5 5,3 . . . . 1,250.7 22.7 ...... 7.6 15.2 46..5 7.6 . . . . . 83.4 15.2 L5,2 . . . . :: 1,127.8 25.6 17.1 ...... 8.5 . . . . 17,1 . . . . . 102.5 17.1 25.6 . . . .

51 1,094,3 13.5 ...... 1.9 . . . . . 1.9 17.3 9.6 . . . . . 115.4 5.8 9.6 5.8 52 L 558.4 40.8 . 13.6 13.6 ...... 34.0 6.8 13.6 204.2 20.4 34.0 . . . . 53 [, 646.6 11.4 0.5 a. 4 20.9 5.0 12.2 14.5 4.2 237.0 11.4 16.9 5.6 54 1,573.5 11.5 0.6 3.4 2L 8 4.5 12.3 14.8 4.2 205.8 9.8 15.9 65 >,923.9 9.8 ...... 4.9 4.9 14.7 9.8 9.8 4.9 732.3 39.1 34.2 1?;

1,381.5 14,2 0.5 6.9 33.0 14.7 22.3 10.7 4.8 129.7 7.9 Q.8 9.8 :; 1,426.4 13.9 1.1 11.2 4.3 IL 7 12.3 14.4 2.1 159.1 10.7. 4.8 58 !,387.5 14,4 1.1 12.1 4.6 9.2 12.1 14.9 2,3 143.6 10.3 ;:; 4.6 59 1)938.7 7.6 ...... 45,4 22.7 7.6 . . . . . 363.5 7.6 37.9 60 1,372.8 18.6 . 0.8 0.8 9.3 9.3 14.4 3,4 143.7 10.1 16.9 1[ !

61 .,485.4 96.1 4.8 14.4 4.8 14,4 28.8 4.8 14,4 153.8 14.4 28.8 9.6 62 .,047.4 19.3 ...... 12.9 57.8 6.4 6.4 12.9 63 .,577.0 55.1 6.9 13.8 6.9 13.8 6.9 27.5 . . . . . 151.5 . . . . 20.7 13.8 .,276, 3 19.1 ...... 5.5 35.5 10.9 13.6 8.2 139,1 24.5 10.9 10.9 & .,729.1 97.7 . . . . 7.5 7.5 30.1 22.6 22.6 . . . . . 195.5 ‘7.5 7.5 . . . .

66 .,142.7 . . . . . 18.0 24.1 36.1 6.0 12.0 . . . . . 96.2 12.0 6.0 12.0 ,096.1 ...... 7.4 ...... 7.4 14.7 . . . . . 139.8 7.4 . . . . g ,239.3 25.6 ...... 3.2 19.2 16.0 3.2 150.1 9.6 2::: 3.2 .,106.6 36.1 . . . . . 6.6 19.7 13.1 2!: : 13.1 . . . . . 55.8 6.6 19.7 6.6 70 ,219.9 33.1 4.7 ,...... 4.7 9.5 4,7 14.2 4.7 94.6 4.7 14.2 9.5 1Exclusive of stfflbirths.

, >,



me desi ated by astarisks (*). Figures for white and colored are shown separately for minor snbdivisiom only when the colored popluation of the sub~lvision fmmed rural sur“””dwwons (counties, exclusive of municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted. Numbers under causes of death correspond to those of

DEATH RATE PER 100,000 POPULATION FROM-OOIMRUed. - L)hb&. COn- ‘iolenl )ther Hernia lther mitil >erebral Pneu- and cir- Ner baths rgank Xpiw >uer- mer- )bility Alf &ded ippen- *my hosis )britis, sni- Can- Dia- Ienh hemor- ieeese: Bron- nonfa ente- ~ral ~eral mid other t$y )f the 3right’s $&g >ide. cer. gitis. hageam )f the hitfs. (au ritis iicitie. ~b~tio 3ver. ,ffec- mal- un- Oftaing leart.. Drrns) under iver. Esease. rises. tion. )- nown . 2 2Tej. ions: . . rears). 16 (87) 17 18 19 !0, 21 !2 , (23 (2s) 25 26 I 27 28 29 31 32 33 35 86 (37) 38 — — I

49.0 16.3 16.3 65.3 114.3 ...... 1:; ; .. :.., 57.1 8.2 24.5 8.2 204.1 8.2 24.5 73.5 204.1 16.3 277,6 ...... -97.4 42.4 12.7 160.9 190.6 12.7 2D.4 29.6 21.2 ! 114.3 8.5 12.7 114.3 114.3 12.7 27L o ...... ; 76.2 19.0 120.6 120.6 44.4 146:0 12.7 76.2 It: It i 25.4 I 101.6 6.3 19.0 95.2 127.0 260.3 ...... :: ~ $; 26.3 1;; ; 166.8 35.1 105.3 8.8 43.9 35.1 26.3 8.8 I 79.0 8.8 8.8 131.7 105.3 1?: 254.6 17.6 : 15.1 15.1 106.0 68.1 159.0 7.6 181.7 ...... 7.6 7.6 ! 98.4 7.6 7.6 113.6 123.7 ’22.7 196.9 15.1 5

108.3 41.9 7.0 178.2 213.1 38.4 241:0 21.0 101.3 31.4 21.0 ~ Ifl : 17.5 10.5 118.8 10.5 317.9 ...... 6 84.0 28.0 9.3 121.4 158.7 140.0 46.7 56.0 ...... &: 18.7, . . . . 1:. ; 74.7 %: 308.1 ...... 7 92.5 21.1 108.8 170.0 2?; 116.2 15.0 92.9 14.1 14.5 19.4 117.6 8.8 22.5 87.2 2; i 243.5 ...... 98.7 28.2 2$1 108.1 272.5 42.3 155.1 94.0 14.1 14.1 23.5 225.6 . . . . 9:4 70.5 159.8 18.8 418.2 14.1 : 118.9 39.6 358.5 134.7 23.8 285.3 1$: 31.7 63.4 23.8 31.7 309.1 7.9 ..-. 55.5 95.1 15.9 317.0 ...... 10

56.2 13.1 92.9 124.3 17.0 162.2 14.4 90.3 10.5 13.1 36.3 5.2 5.2 81.1 66.7 14.4 201.4 1.3 11 82.3 18.3 1$2 95.7 167.5 2i’. 4 119.6 10.6 79.5 12: 15.5 3.2.0 97.1 2.1 97.1 89.4 20.4 242.1 1.4 12 1:; : 32.5 122.2 242.0 20.8 236.5 20.8 81.9 15.6 %.7 41.6 174.1 7.8 1:1? 97.5 105.3 11.7 238.5 3.9 13 M 24.7 1.20.6 189.4 22.3 206.2 24.6 97.3 22.1 25.9 19.5 132.3 3.9 11.7 144.0 38.2 9.1 248.9 3.9 14

121.8 ~ 11.1 19.5 107.1 239.9 18.5 107.1 77.5 :.: 33.2 14.8 70.1 3.7 7.4 73.8 330.7 18.5 395.0 ....-. 78.8 32.9 26.3 W. 5 157.7 46.0 285.7 3; t 92.0 ...... 13.1 98.6 . . . . 6.6 72.3 65.7 . . . . 197.1 6.6 !: 82.3 11.8 70.5 152.8 l?. 6 164.6 23.5 141.1 29:4 17.6 ...... 99.9 11.8 17.6 1:: ~ 188.1 17.6 252.8 ...... 73.5 It: 11.9 71.1 145.8 142 164.8 9.5 179.0 8.3 15.4 15.4 m. o 7.1 8.3 87.7 7.1 166.0 1.2 +: .

55X9 18.0 73.8 163.2 25.7 M&. ; 16.7 149.6 21.2 13.5 6.4 113.0 9.6 X3.5 96.9 113.6 7.1 406.9 59.1 19 64.6 N 15.6 66.7 111.5 13.5 15.6 118.7 25.0 14.6 7.3 86.5 3.1 82.3 90.6 11.5 366.7 20.8 20 41.8 6.7 21.8 85.3 259.3 43.2 314:5 18.4 199.1 E. 1 U. 7 5.0 155.6 20.1 M 1.20.5 150.6 . . . . . 476.8 120.5 21 — — 67.9 . . . . . 10.5 52.3 83.8 36.6 z 1;; 78.4 26.1 ;: ...... 8-3.6 5.2 5.2 31.4 67.9 5.2 245.6 41.8 22 73.2 . . . . . 14.6 65.8 80.5 21.9 65.8 51.2 29.3 ..---- 65.8 ...... - 43.9 73.2 7.3 248.3 14.6 22 54.9 ...... 18.3 109. T 73.2 347.5 ::; : 146.3 I&3 . ...5.6, ...... 128.0 18.3 lti. 3 ...... 54.9 . . . . . $:; 109.7 24 37.4 2.9 31.7 120.9 28.8 132.4 ‘86.4 14.4 2.9 72.0 ,- . . . 5.8 72.0 86.4 60.5 25 57.2 .$.4 H 39.6 74.8 70.4 13.2 105.6 17.6 4:4 4.4 52.8 ...... -. 101.2 61.6 1:: 325:5 13.2 26 ...... 16.7 16.7 208.2 7?: 249.9 8.3 50.0 8.3 ...... 108.3 . . . . 16.7 16.7 133.3 . ..-. 448.8 149.9 27 I 56.2 5.% 15.3 46.0 127.8 10.2 173.8 1:; 102.2 5.11 ...... 81.8 2-5.6 15.3 66.4 51.1 10.2 419.1 86.9 28 65.6 8.2 246 65.6 90.2 ...... 73.8 106.6 ...... 65.6 . . . . 49.2 32.8 16.4 295.1 16.4 29 ...... 13.6 190.0 27.1 339.3 13.6 95.0 L3. 6 ...... 108.6 67.9 2;; 95.0 81.4 . . . . . 6243 203.6 30 1% i 6.0 30.1 138.5 6.0 114.4 96.3 24.1 42.1 18.1 138.5 6.0 6.0 103.4 72.2 6. C 349.2 72.2 31 112.8 9.4 28.2 H 9.4 75.2 :: 56.4 28.2 47.0 28.2 112.8 9.4 9.4 75.2 65.8 9.4 291.3 23.2 32 100.5 . ..-. 33.5 67.0 2E ? ...... 134.3 . . . . . 167.6 16.8 33.5 . . . . . 184.3 ...... 167.6 33.8 . . . . . 452.4 150.8 33

46.5 15.6’ 20.7 144.7 289.4 56.9 180.9 31.0 227.4 41.3 31.0 15.5 186.1 2.5.8 31.0 139.5 237.8 10.2 790.8 $.! :: 50.3 . . . . . 25.2 176.1 234.8 41.9 142.5 33.5 .134.2 41.9 25.2 16.8 201.2 8.4 33.5 1.17.4 192.9 16. S 788.2 40:4 40.4 13.5 943 377.3 80.8 242.5 26.9 377.3 40.4 40.4 13.5 161.7 53.9 26.9 175.2 fg ; . . . . . 794.9 107:8 36 60.8 . . . . . 19.0 163.3 254.5 22.8 269.6 22.8 292.4 26.6 g; 11.4 170.9 11.4 19.0 135.7 3. t 455.7 22.8 37 64.6 . . . . . 78.9 165.0 21.5 157.9 35.9 229.6 42.1 100.5 21.5 100.5 129.2 7.2 452.1 14.4 38 56.5 . ..-. 3:: 258.2 355.0 24.2 395.3 8.1 363.0 8.1 16:1 1:? 250.1 It; 16.1 217.8 250.1 . . . . . 459.9 32.3 39

34.; 10.0 29.9 29.9 159.7 15.0 239.5 20.0 154.7 15.0 ...... 74.8 . . . . 15.0 104.8 84.8 5. c 244.5 94.8 40 - ;;; 18.3 18.3 91.7 ...... 110.1 . . . . . 146.8 18.3 ...... 36.7 ...... 73.4 100.9 9.5 133.5 64.2 41 It: 43.8 43.8 240.6 32.3 393.8 4.X8 164.1 10.9 ...... 120.3 . . . . . 32.8 142.2 65.6 . . . . . 317.2 131.3 42

79.7 14.3 11.4 78.4 138.3 24.7 112.1 9. i’ 81.2 14.2 ~; 16.8 90.2 9.0 72.6 103.4 20. ~ 233.1 2.8 43 fro. 1 14.3 11.2 77.8 133.6 2&1 108.5 9.7 81.6 14.3 16.9 89.5 9.0 H 72.6 101.4 20.1 235.7 2.6 44 69.2 14.4 17.3 98.1 234.1 44.7 220.6 8.7 70.7 11.5 10:1 15.9 112.5 8.7 10.1 73.5 165.8 24. t 31.2.9 10.1 45

62.2 13.8 9.7 58.1 116.2 13.8 -GG 8.3 81.6 18.0 2.8 71.9 G T 83.5 107.9 G 1.4 46 56.8 12.6 82.0 ...... 88.3 ...... 12.6 6.3 1:: 1.2.6 56.8 ...... 69.4 107.2 3.6.9 12.6 47 84.5 15.8 3?: 58.1 1%: 5.3 116.2 5.3 68.7 15.3 21.1 15.8 31.7 21.1 5.3 68.7 190.2 ,...... 48 75.8 j 22.7 83.4 197.1 7.6 151.6 ...... 68.2 7.6 ...... 15.2 ,- . . . ..-. ;;: 121.3 22; ...... 51.3 M ...... 68.4 59.8 ...... 59.8 17.1 59.8 34.2 25.6 17.1 94.0 8.5 17.1 59.8 25.6 ------::

61.6 13.5 9.6 942 117.3 3.8 96.2 13.5 67.3 13.5 3.8 40.4 7.7 7.7 53.9 94.2 19.2 ...... 88.5 13.6 95.3 204.2 20.4 74.9 13.6 34.0 2;; 6.8...... 163.3 13.6 13.6 68.1 95.3 13. E ------!; 97.9 14.8 1:: 84.9 185.7 37.3 125.9 10.3 64.3 l% o 14.3 26.7 144.9 8.5 6.6 60.8 112.9 20.4 2.6 53 97.9 14.8 10.6 34.4 173.9 $341 117.7 10.3 62.1 13.1 14.8 27.7 142.9 8.9 6.4 59.3 106.0 20. ? 2.5 54 97.8 14.7 9.8 92.9 391.2 92.9 268.9 9.8 102.7 9.8 4.9 9.3 180.9 . . . . 9.8 %. o 234.7 14.7 4.9 55

73.4 14.2 64.4 118.3 38.2 96.0 9.7 133.3 13.1 10.5 16.1 93.6 7.9 4.8 72.0 91.7 20.4 1.9 56 87.0 15.5 1:; 93.5 146.3 11.7 121.2 8.5 37.4 16.6 12.3 16.0 78.0 13.9 9.1 73.7 99.9 24. C 5.3 57 90.8 16.1 16.7 92.5 134.4 12.1 117.8 9.2 35.6 17.2 12.1 14.9 79.9 13.8 73.0 94.8 22.4 4.6 58 37.9, :$$ 106,0 302.9 166.6 ...... 60.6 15.1 30.3 53.0 15.1 1;? 33.3 166.6 45.4 15.1 59 93.8 1;: 84.5 183.2 ~ 1:: 121.7 5.9 55.8 12! 13.5 22.8 71.0 7.6 13.5 82.0 83.7 27.9 ...... 60

67.3 14.4 33.7 14.4 129.8 133: 19.2 81.7 9.6 19.2 52.9 9.6 14.4 76.9 120.2 9.6 61” 57.8 12.9 12.9 51.4 218.5 1:: 38.6 25.7 . ..i..;, 12.9 32.1 6.4 EL 9 57.3 115.7 1:; 6.4 62 1;; ; 27.5 27.5 130.8 137.7 6.9 96:4 4; ~ 27.5 6.9 20.7 48.2 ...... 75.8 103.3 13.8 ...... 27.3 65.5 100.9 5.5 79.1 46.4 10:9 19.1 111.8 8.2 X3. 6 84.5 109.1 13.6 2.7 !!? 82:7 1:; 15.0 90.2 155.4 7.5 235.6 7:5 67.7 3: i 7.5 15.0 60.1 7,5 7.5 97.7 105.2 15.0 7.5 65

66.2 12.0 6.0 72.2 120.3 12.0 78.2 18.0 78.2 . . . . . 66.2 6.0 6.0 ;}; 102.2 12.0 ...... 88.3 36.8 ...... 110.3 110.3 14.7 73.6 14.7 36.8 29.4 51.5 ,---- . . . . 22.1 1$; : 76.7 12.8 16.0 60.7 102.2 12.8 67.1 12.8 47.9 12.8 67.1 16.0 12.8 70:3 1%: 16.0 52.5 36.1 55.8 98.5 3.3 1:$: 52.5 6.6 6.6 3$.; 12#: 16.4 ...... 69 65.1 :: :$ 132.4 141.8 12 i 99.3 9.5 Ii! 89.3 ...... - 18.9 ...... 70 MORTALITY STATISTICS,


[All death ratea are baaed u on the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidents and deaths in hospitak and institutions. Minor areas containing state insane nsylmns at least 10 per cent of tx e total, or nnmbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term ‘(cities” indicates municipalities havfng 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged Intamational List (seep. 27).]


Othe] ?ubel Tube Whool Diph- In- forms theu- REG1S’PRATION AREA. ;$&dll Mala- SmaU X3arlet Cnlou: [easle: ing theria flu- Ery- ulosis ria. fever. and men- oft u- rDa- All pox. cough. enza. ipelas >fthe >ercn. )ism. cause-s. xonp. rings. ingitis losis.

1 8/4 5 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 15 (87) — — REGISTRATION CITIES-Contimred.

1,452.$ 46.6 ...... 46.6 31.1 15.5 77.7 ...... 93.2 7. E 7. f 1,209. [ 15.8 5.31 ...... 5.3 5.: 10.5 36.8 5.3 cr4.7 5. ‘3 26.3 ;! 970.7 7.1 7.1 14.2 21.3 ...... 42.5 ...... 14.2 .. . . . 1,283.( 22.0 :::::::1::::::: 12 i 7.3 2; “7.3 29.3 14.7 73.4 22.0 36. i 7.3 1,187.4 26.7 3.81 ...... 15.: ...... 7.( 30.5 45.8 3.8 68.7 3.8 15.a 903.E 5.8 ...... 11.5 11.t 5.8 ...... 109.4 ...... 1:: 1,219. C 14,8 ...... 22.i ...... 14.[ ...... 14.8 ...... 147.8 ...... 11 i 1,574. c 74.0 ...... 31.i ...... 39.( 42.9 23.4 ...... 1753 35.1 27.3 :: Sandusk ...... 1,443.1 69,9 ,.----- ...... 20.( 5,0 5.0 ...... 114.8 10.0 10,c 20.0 Sprl~ti:l T (tetal) ...... 1,297.5 18.8 ...... 2.1 . . . . . 14.6 4.i 23,0 23.0 2.1 131.8 8.4 10.5 ...... 1,265.6 18.7 ...... 2.: ...... 16.4 4. i 25.7 26,7 2.3 107.6 7.0 7. c ...... Colored...... 1,56X.7 19.9 ...... 337.6 19.9 39.7 ...... Steubenville ...... 1,390.4 38.5 ...... 12.8 ...... 29.9 8.6 4.3 107.0 8.6 4.3 ......

1,307.9 ...... 8.3 ...... 8.: 8,3 ...... 66.6 ...... 141.6 ...... 25.0 1,490.3 23.1 0.6 ...... 5,2 15.[ 24.9 14.5 4.6 165.3 13.9 5.8 1,320.9 26.4 8.8 ...... 17.6 17.f ...... 105.7 lk ; ...... 1,453.7 44.6 ...... 7.> 4.8 19.3 48.2 9.6 6.0 102.5 14.5 1,763.6 157.5 ...... 21.( ...... 28.0 21.0 ...... 147.0 ::: 28.0 1; i

OREGON.a Portia.nd (total) ...... 1,096.8 19.1 ...... 8. L2 5.9 2.7 12.3 8.6 3.2 8-5.0 8.6 13.2 3.2 White ...... 1,089.3 18.5 ...... 9.c 6.2 2.$ 12.8 9.0 3.3 76.7 8.1 12.8 2.8 Colored s...... 1,026.6 34.2 ...... 23.5.2 22.8 22.8 11.4


Rogiatration citiee(t.otal) ...... 1,548.5 23.8 0.4 0.1 12.6 11.3 10.2 30.1 11.2 3.7 140.7 10.5 12.iJ 7.6 White ...... 1,5?5.3 23.9 0.4 0.1 12.6 11.7 9.6 31.0 11.2 3.8 130.8 11.2 7.7 Colored...... 2,106.5 21.5 2.0 24.2 10.1 10.1 2.7 378.4 2:: 30.2 . 0.7 —...... 14.1 6.7 Allentown ...... 1,535.8 46.6 ...... 5.6 5.6 46.6 1.9 117.4 11.2 .16.8 18.6 Altoone ...... 1,165.4 28.2 ...... 7.5 1:: ! 3.8 82.6 5.6 9.4 Befwer FaUs...... 1,333.1 72.3 ...... &! ...... 22: 40.2 ...... 80.3 16.1 8.0 ;: Bethlehem ...... 1,382.7 34.0 ...... 7.6 ...... 7.6 . . . . . 91.7 7.6 ...... 1,776.9 10.1 ...... 7.5.7 5.0 5.0 45.4 15.1 . . . . . 106.0 5.0 5.0 1,463.6 20.7 ...... 96.7 ...... 1;:: 6.9 1,092.7 36.3 ...... 13.6 27.2 4.5 . . . . . 90.7 18.1 . . . . . 1,683.2 22,9 ...... 22.9 ...... 5.7 40.1 5.7 68.7 $+ 5.7 11.5 Carlisle (total) ...... 1,846.6 9.6 ...... 154.1 19.3 White ...... 1,545.3 10.8 ...... 3:: . . . . . 129.7 1:: ; 21.6 1:: ; Colored...... 2,475.7 ...... 353.7 ...... Carnegie...... 8s0.1 ...... 19.3 9.7 9.: 9.7 . . . . . 58.0 9.7 Clmmbersbnrg ...... 1,640.0 25.2 ...... 8.4 33.6 8.4 168.2 :: 1::: . . . . . 1,542.5 17.9 2.6 ...... 2.6 15.3 15.3 5.1 212.3 5.1 12.8 . . . . . 1,493.7 11.7 2.9 . . 2.9 14.6 11.7 2.9 225.1 14.6 . . . . . 1,834.9 61.5 ...... 20.5 41.0 20.5 122.9 2;: : ...... 1,081.8 ...... 25.6 8.5 . . . . . 153.3 ...... 25.6 . . . . . 1,026.7 ...... 29.6 9.9 . . . . . 138.2 ...... 29.6 . . . . . 1,428.6 ...... 248.4 ...... 1,269.7 17.6 ...... 35.3 . . . . . 8.8 88.2 26.5 35.3 . . . . . : 1,415.5 52.4 ...... 7.5 22.5 15.0 7.5 39.9 37.4 7.5 . . . . . 46 1,021.6 46.1 ...... 15.4 ...... 69.1 ...... 7.7 . . . . . 47 1,749.9 ...... 31 i 11.0 ...... 43.9 11.0 11.0 82.3 5.5 5.5 . . . . . 48 1,094.0 6.0 ...... 6.0 . . . . . 36.3 24.2 . . . . . 6.0 108.8 ...... 1,681.0 34.6 ... ..I...... 34.6 3.5 6.9 20.8 6.9 100.3 24.2 17.3 :! 1,615.6 190.6 ...... 2.9 7.3 16.1 11.7 :; 118.7 1!: ? 5.9 2.9 51 1,571.9 90.7 ...... 7.6 . . . . 7.6 68.0 37.8 . . . . . 52 1,508.0 16.8 ...... 1.5 4.6 6.1 27.4 1;:: 1.5 131.0 7.6 1::! 63 1,304.6 3.9 ...... 3.9 ...... 7.7 27.1 i ...... 61.9 3.9 7.7 1!: : 54 Homestead ...... 1,184.2 ...... 46.3 ...... 30.9 97.8 10.3 . . . . . 97.8 10.3 10.3 . . . . . 55 Johnatmmr...... 1,427.0 24.2 1.7 . 10.4 22.5 29.4 22.5 3.5 112.5 15.6 17.3 3.5 56 Lanc&ster...... 1,447.9 18.8 ...... 2.1 6.3 4.2 54.2 1;: ; 4.2 118.9 12.5 16.7 6.3 57 Lebanon ...... 1,579.5 25.7 ...... 20.6 ...... 87.5 15.4 . . . . 92.6 5.1 10.3 . . . . . 58 McKeea Rocks ...... 1,049.4 6.4 ...... 12.7 12.7 12,7 6.4 50.9 6.4 6.4 . . . . . McKeesport ...... 1,453.9 32.1 ...... 6.9 . 11.5 4.6 . . . . 91.7 6.9 11.5 Mahano City ...... 1,712.6 ...... 49.3 49.3 4::: 73.9 12.3 18.5 49.3 ...... 1::: Meadmle“T ...... 1,342.5 52: ...... 23.1 . . . . . 15.4 7.7 84.9 15.4 7.7 . . . . . Monessen...... 1,073.6 7.7 ...... 46.3 ...... 15.4 54.1 ...... 54.1 ...... Monnt Carmel...... 1,057.4 5.5 ..... 5.5 . 22.1 27.7 16.6 ...... 22.1 . . . 5.5 11.1 Nanticoke ...... 1,451.6 ...... 5.1 40.6 . . .5.1 76.1 5.1 Newcastle ...... 1,435.9 i: i ...... 2.7 1:: i & 64.5 10.8 . . . 80.7 . . . . . 1: i 1:: ; Morristown* ...... 2,184.8 38.5 ...... 7.0 14.0 14.0 31:; 42.0 7.0 >06.6 3.5 10.5 1;: NorthBraddock...... 1,138.7 24.1 ...... 32.1 16.0 ...... 123.3 16.0 Oil City ...... [,205.7 17.0 ...... 3::8 5.7 . . . 50.9 Iii . . . . . 1Exclusive of stillbtihs. $Nonregiatration state; cities shown below only those with effective locrd ordinancea, DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES. 93


am designated by asterisks (*). Figures for white and ordored are shown separately for minor subdti]ons only when the erdoredpopulation of the subdivision formed rural subdivisions (counties,exclusive of municipalities having 10,000 inhabitants or over in 1910) are omitted. Numbers under eanees of death oormspond to those of

DEATH RATE PER 100,000 PoPur#rIoi+ mto~-eoitimued. — _

Diar- Con- rhea ‘iolent )ther krnia, )ther enitel erebral rgeni ?neu- and Ne- eaths spfrs ntes- cfr- ‘uer- ?ner- ;buit~ Au ie~~ded 3an- Die- errin temOr- mase 3$m$- nonfa mte- hosis Ihritie, (ex- 3ri- too? pp~ mal Krrel &ral other ger. etes. itis. !age am if the (all ritis PWls. f the higlm ,Udb38 )ide. ,sknb wer. ~ffec- nml- auses. un- ‘ftming Eat. )rmS). .m2der [ver. sr7.i- iseasa. ions. orrna- ases. ion. ide). mown. -).

16 :87) 17 18 19 (), 21 2, (23 (23) 25 26 27 28 29 81. 32 33 35 36 (37) 38

116.5 .... 31.1 132.’1 147.6 15.5 62.1 . . . . . 54.4 15.5 15.5 . ..- 85.5 15.5 7.8 85.5 93.2 15.5 22.5.3 ...... 1 42.1 21.0 10.5 73.6 136.8 10.5 73.6 10.5 42.1 15.8 21.0 . . . . 78.9 5.3 10.5 78.9 105.2 10.5 242.0 :: ; . 85.0 21.3 . . . . 5$.7 127.5 23.3 63.8 . . ..- ,7.1 7.1 1:: . . . . . 7.1 70.9 14.2 163.0 44.0 7.3 22.0 51.3 66.0 7.3 132.0 7.3 lJ ; ...... lE ! 7.3 . . ..-. 2; 117.4 14.7 168.7 ...... 4

52.6 11.5 118.4 106.9 38.2 ~f : 1::3 38.2 11.5 15.3 72.5 7.6 19.1 72.5 72.5 30.5 213.8 15.3 5 86.4 2.: . . . . 80.6 109.4 5.8 51.8 5.8 ...... It: 86.4 ...... 748 28.8 17.3 103.6 ...... 6 12-5.6 7.4 125.6 146.4 66:5 12.: 51.7 7.4 ..-. 88.7 . . . . . 81.3 59.1 148 169.9 ...... 7 “.66.2 7.8 11$ 70.1 179.2 2;: 168.1 7.8 89.6 M 7.8 7.8 50.6 3.9 1:; 93.5 133.0 15.6 233.8 ...... 8

~99.9 10.0 109.9 248.7 20.0 69.9 15.0 15.0 15.0 25.0 74.9 5.0 69.9 154.8 10.0 224.7 5.0 9 48.0 16.7 1?: X31.4 159.0 14.6 102.5 8.4 60.7 & 12.6 10.5 83.7 1$: 6.3 73.2 67.0 16.7 215.6 6.3 10 W-5 16.4 16.4 126.3 156.7 14.0 93.6 9.4 58.5 14.0 14.0 84.2 7.0 79.5 63.5 14.0 208.2 4.7 11 . . . . . 19.9 . . . . 79.4 178.7 19.9 178.7 . . . . . 79.4 ...... 3:.? 79.4 3:: . ----- 19.9 79.4 39.7 278.0 19.9 B 64.2 12.8 12.8 47.1 642 .12.8 188.2 8.6 98.4 8.6 17.1 12.8 64.2 32.8 8.6 119.8 162.6 38.5 218.2 4.3 13

91.6 25.0 -. ... ‘ 108.3 233.3 33.3 125.0 . . ..- 43.7 25.0 16.7 33.3 ...... 50.0 . . . . 216,6 ...... 14 88.4 19.1 6.4 ‘ 87.3 125.4 23.7 113.9 13.3 68.2 17.3 $! 17.3 89.0 67.1 15: 24.9 315.6 ...... 15 88.1 . . . . 61.6 132.1 17.6 158.5 17.6 35.2 52.8 88.1 1;: 2:: 61.6 61.6 8.8 2642 8.8 16 44.6 10.8 11: 89.2 22.9 229.0 7.23.7 12.1 2?; 38.6 8.4 14.5 74.7 179.6 2#: 192.9 4.8 lZ 91.0 10.5 7.0 1%: 157.5 10.5 84.0 1?; &3.o 38.5 12$ 10.5 94.5 7.0 21.0 84.0 154.0 346.4 14.0 18


75.9 15.5 8.2 60.0 118.2 9.5 76.8 15.0 23.2 15.5 14.6 60.0 5.0 10.0 72.3 82.8 34.6 203.3 1.8 19 78.1 15.2 8.5 62.5 117.9 77.7 15.6 29.4 15.2 3.5.2 :: 58.7 5.2 10.4 73.4 ~; 34.6 204.1 1.9 20 22.8 22.8 ...... 125.5 it 2 57.0 ...... -. 22.8 ...... 11.4 91.3 ...... 45.6 342 182.5 ...... 21

76.1 16.1 9.0 75.4 142.9 25.2 160.6 20.7 118.4 13.2 13.5, 16.6 118.0 9. a 91.0 105.8 15.6 229.5 8.0 22 76.7 16.5 9.1 76.4 140.3 24.5 156.4 20.1 117.4 13.2 33.3 16.8 116.1 9.0 M 89.7 105.2 16.0 227.4 8.0 23. 61.7 6.0 7.4 51.0 206.6 43.6 262.3 34.9 1436 11.4 17.4 ~ 32.1 164.4 10.7 11.4 124.1 118.7 4.7 280.4 9.4 24 — G ZG = 152.8 104.4 x x 7.5 111.8 16.8 11.2 G 113.7 5.6 145.4 83.9 5; 6 214.3 33.5 25 54.4 22.5 3.8 65.7 132.6 1.9 129.5 22.5 37.5 11.3 7.5 15.0 95.7 11.3 ;: 93.8 80.7 5.6 23.3.9 1.9 26 32.1 ...... 46.2 80.3 8.0 lo# ; . ..’.. W 3 ...... 48.2 72.3 16.1 24.1 128.5 160.6 .. . . . 208.8 24.1 27 4&’3 15.3 7.6 160.4 122.2 38.2 15.3 91.7 7.6 ...... 22.9 322.2 7.6 ----- 84.0 38.2 38.2 290.3 ...... %“

35.3 10.1 10.1 30.3 20.2 383.6 15.1 307.9 . . . . . 15.1 10.1 70.7 35.3 20.2 141.3 326.3 10.1 1.81.7 ...... 110.5 *: 13.8 117.4 lE ! . . . . . 145.0 13.8 34.5 6.9 6.9 27.6 103.6 6.9 ----- 55.2 131.2 345 290.0 ...... i% 40.8 9.1 31.7 81.6 9.1 99.7 18.1 90.7 13.6 18.1 95.2 13.6 81.6 86.1 .154.2 22.7 31 51.5 17:2 5.7 131.7 97.3 34.4 280.5 51.5 103.1 11.5 22.9 ‘M 91.6 11.5 3: i 91.6 206.1 1?: 194.7 5.7 32

134.8 38.5 134.8 154.1 19.3 154.1 38.5 77.0 . . . . . 19.3 9.6 154.1 . . . . . 67.4 9.6 327.4 9.6 33 129.7 1:: 43.2 140.5 118.9 21.6 140.5 43.2 64.8 . . . . . 10.8 10.8 140.5 1:; . ---- E: 54.0 10.8 313.4 10.8 34 176.8 ...... 88.4 442.1 . . . . . 285.3 . . . . 176.8 . . . . . 88.4 . . . . 265.3 ...... 176.8 . . . . . 442.1 ...... 35 . . . . . 38.7 9.7 29.0 58.0 . . . . . 96.7 . . . 174.1 ...... 19.3 43.4 ...... 135.4 48.-4 . . . . . 96.7 ...... 36 134.6 8.4 . . . . 100.9 168.2 . . . . . 168.2 33.6 33.6 8.4 8.4 . . . . 188.2 . . . . . 8.4 84.1 50.5 16.8 353.2 16.8 37

71.6 15.3 61.4 163.7 23.0 184.2 15.3 120.2 10.2 7.7 10.2 34.4 3.2.8 117.7 92.1 12.8 227.7 12.8 38 7$1 17.5 N 643 140.3 20.5 166.6 14.6 122.8 11.7 8.8 11.7 84.8 ;: 11.7 114.0 93.5 14.6 207.5 14.6 39 61.5 ...... 41.0 327.8 41.0 307.3 20.5 102.4 ...... 82.0 . . . . . 20.5 143.4 82.0 . . . . . 368.8 ...... 42.6 17.0 . . . . 25.6 170.4 8.5 51.1 17.0 93.7 ...... 102.2 . . . . . 8.5 119.3 68.1 . . . . . 144.8 ...... : 39.5 19.7 . . . . 29.6 118.5 9.9 59.2 19.7 98.7 ...... 108.6 . . . . . 9.9 108.6 69.1 . . . . . 128.3 ...... 42 62.1 . ...’...... 496.9 ...... 62.1 ...... 62.1 ,- ...... 186.3 62.1 . . . . . Z@. 4 ...... 43

79.4 8.8 8.8 44.1 176.4 17.6 114.6 8.8 8.8 8.8 1;; 17.6 79.4 17.6 . . . . . 148.9 88.2 . . . . . 194.0 17.6 44 82.4 7.5 ?. 5 44.9 52.4 M. o 89.9 22.5 30.0 22.5 67.4 15.0 142.3 314.6 30.0 209.7 30.0 45 38.4 7.7 38.4 69.1 1:: ! 61.4 7.7 35:4 7.7 38.4 15.4 :; 107.5 107.5 7.7 230.4 ...... 46 71. ~ It i 5.5 76.8 98. i ~: 2R ; 16.5 246.8 5.5 5.5 76.8 . . . . . 5.5 137.1 87.8 16.5 340.1 5.5 47 42. ? 6.0 6.0 18.1 42.: 181.3 18.1 175.3 . . . . . 6.0 2: 30.2 . . . . . 6.0 139.0 66.5 . . . . 133.0 12.1 48

100.; 20. s 10.4 159.1 169. t 20.8 152.2 17. ? 62.3 31.1 ;:; 117.6 17.3 10.4 93.4 169.5 41.5 200.6 6.9 49 93. [ 20.5 11.7 82.1 164.5 16.1 133.4 10.2 126.1 19.1 2;: 92.4 5.9 89.4 86.5 11.7 222.8 1.5 50 68. ( 15.1 83.1 60.: 15.1 151.1 7. f El. 1 52.9 30:2 52.9 7.6 :.: %.6 ::: ; 22.7 219.2 83.1 51 88. f 1:! 9.1 94.4 161. i 15.2 115.8 25-s 62.5 72.2 I&2 J: lx. 9 6.1 106.6 18.3 257.4 10.7 52 77.4 11. e 3.9 65. f 96. [ 46.5 II% 3 23. $ 92.9 27.1 19.4 7.7 100.7 7.7 M: 5 96.8 131.6 7.7 232.3 ...... 53

10.: . . . . . 10.3 5.1 56. f 20.6 7.33.9 20. ( 226.5 5.1 ...... 15.4 51.5 10.3 5.1 82.4 30.9 10.3 184.8 :;: ;: 58. { 10.4 45. [ 72. ! 6.9 187. C 17.: 135.0 12.1 10.4 15.6 62.3 5.2 121.2 126.4 6.9 252.8 91. [ 18. & It; 118. $ 189. ! 16.7 83.4 8. Z 50.1 6.3 12.5 6.3 137.7 J 2 6.3 75.1 77.2 I-2. 5 248.3. 2.1 56 10. ~ 87.: 164. f 102. { 15.4 92. ~ 36. ( 61.7 10.3 20.6 102.9 ...... 5.1 97.8 113.2 15.4 324.1 51,4 57 .25. < 6.4 1; i 19.1 44. i E. 7 171.7 . . . . 203.5 . . . . . 6.4 1:; 6.4 6.4 6.4 133.6 82.7 . . . . 159.0 12.7 58 61. { 11.: 4.6 50.: 30.: 32.1 194. $ 11. ! 133.0 13.8 34.4 16.1 73.4 11.5 112.4 158.2 22.9 233.9 6.9 59 49.: . . . . . 6.2 30. [ 67. [ 37.0 221. E 110. { 197.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 37.0 12.3 12: 110.9 92.4 .. . . . 351.1 30.8 60 61.: 15.4 . . . . . 108. ( 185.: ...... 115. ; 15. < 38.6 23.1 15.4 7.? 61.7 . . . . 7.7 77.2 92.6 30.9 277.8 ...... 61 ...... 7.7 23.: 69. i 30.9 108.1 G. 4 254.9 ...... 23.2 ...... -. 100.4 . . . . 108.1 ;:: g 33.: . . . . . 5.5 38. [ 66. < ...... 110. i 27. ! 149.5 5.5 22.1 5.5 55.4 11.1 22.1 72.0 lx: 16.6 160.5 ., 613.\ 10.: 5.1 45. i 40. I .50.8 233.5 20.: 197.9 EL 2 20.3 10.2 10L 5 ...... 10.2 106.6 187.8 . ..- 167.5 10.2 84- 75.: 10. [ 16.1 67. i 82. ‘ 16.1 145.2 48.4 24.2 21.6 48.4 16.1 ~$ 107.6 91.4 1;: 266.2 61.8 65- 87. ! ’14. ( 24.5 91. ( 255. I 17.5 259.1 E; 59.5 17.5 14.0 12: 178.6 10.5 72.5 122.5 5;} ; ...... 8.( . . . . . 16.0 40.1 24.: 24.1 208.: 8.( 152.4 . . . . . 8.0 48.1 16.0 . . . . . 72.2 104.3 16.0 8.0 %. 79.: 28. t 67.9 73.( 101. ! 5.7 107. ! 5.7 45.3 -17.0 22.6 1:: 90.6 ...... 5.7 79.2 73.6 . . . . 243:4 22.6 Sa . 8 Colored population less thrm 10 per cent of the total.


TABLE 3.—DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION IN THE REGISTRATION AREA [All death rates me bs.zed upon the total deaths, including death$ of nonresidents and deaths@ hospitals and, ins~i~utions.. Minor areas containing state insane asylnrmj at least 10per cant of the tot?l, or numbered 10,000or over m 1910. The term ‘~mtles>7mdmates mnmclpahtles having 10,000 ifiabita~ts or over in 1910. M~or the Abridged Internatlona,l Lwt (see p. 27).] . DEATH BATE PER 100,000POFWLATIONFEOM— —.

Diph- Mber. l’uber. 71hoop In- iheu EEI.WJTF!ATION AREA. F~@Qd Kala- Smalf theria Er - wlosis Xrlous AU pox. Leask. ;&?;t @ and flu- sipe?’as. ma- ria. cough. 3nza. of the men- causes.~ lroup. ngitis iism.

1 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 (12) 18 14 (37) . — REGISTRATION CITIES-Contimred. PENNSYLVANIA-COLItiIIUed. Old Forge ...... 1,389.4 ...... 25.0 ...... 66.6 ...... 66.6 16.6 8.3 PMladelphia (total) ...... 1,662.8 12 i 0.7 0.1 1:: 12.3 6.9 31.1 11.6 3.9 193.5 14.0 1? i White ...... 14.6 0.7 18.4 12.9 ;:: 11.6 177.0 13.3 10.7 j:; Colored...... 2%:; 13.7 1.1 . ...!.: 17.2 3.4 Ii: IL 4 t: 476.2 26.2 27.5 5 Phoenixville ...... 1,756.5 36.6 ...... 9.1 9.1 46.7 ...... 137.2 9.1 27.4 1s.3 6 Pittsburgh (tetal) ...... 1,493.0 25.6 ...... 9.4 It: 18.8 23.4 11.8 4.6 106.0 9.0 15.9 6.6 white ...... 1,483.2 25.8 ...... 17.2 24.4 12.2 4.8 99.4 8.1 14.7 6.6 : Colored...... 1,683.7 22.8 ...... 1:: . ...::? 49.4 3.8 3.8 ...... 235.6 26.6 38.0 7.6 1,674.6 ...... 17.9 ...... 29.9 ...... 53.8 ...... 17.9 1! 1,447.9 1? z 5.7 ...... 11.5 . . i;.:. 17.2 %; 11.5 5.7 80.4 5.7 1?: 34.5 11 1,332.8 12.6 ...... ,. .,.... 19.0 12.6 6.3 6.3 llz. 7 ...... 25.3 &.3 12 1,861.6 19.2 ...... 33:7 ...... 91.4 4.8 4.8 120.3 19.2 19.2 . . . . 13 1,434.3 23.4 ...... 14.3 15.3 8.1 38.7 8.1 1.0 102.9 7.1 12.2 7.1 14 Scranton...... 1,482.8 14.3 ...... 4.5 12.8 11.3 2.3 99.9 5.3 15 Shamokin ...... 1,251.4 39.9 ...... 3:; . ..i..;...... 44.9 .. . . . 5.0 74.8 :: ...... 13: 16 Sharon...... 1,202.5 19.0 ...... 12.7 19.0 12.7 ...... 75.9 ...... 12.7 17 Shenandoah ...... 1,913.7 3.8 ...... 219:4 7.6 1:~ : 3.8 3.8 64.3 ...... 1’? ! 18 South Bethlehem ...... 1,431.1 3k : ...... 9.6 4.8 4.8 4.8 9.6 110.6 ...... 9.6 South Sharon...... 1,099.1 19.6 ...... 9.8 19.6 ...... 68.7 9.8 0.8 . . . . Steelton ...... 1,296.8 ...... 13.8 2:: 165.6 6.9 ...... 131.1 ...... 6.9 Sunbmy ...... 1)269.8 28.1 ...... 7.0 7.0 21.0 7.0 ...... 112.2 ...... Uniontown ...... 1,309.0 1;: : ...... 2.? 6.0 6.0 12.1 ..... 6.0 66.4 12.1 k: . . . . Warren ...... 893.6 ...... ‘.”.-”--l””---- ...... 26.3 26.3 ...... 26.3 8.8 ...... 24 Washington ...... 1,355.4 67.8 ...... 41.7 20.9 20.9 5.2 114.7 ...... I&6 25 Weat Chester (total) ...... 1,968.3 49.8 ...... 8.3 . . ..!.?. 16.6 16.6 16.6 ...... 99.7 8.3 24.9 It; 26 white...... 1,897.6 29.7 ...... 9.9 ...... 19.8 19.8 19,8 ...... 98.8 9.9 19.8 19.8 27 Colored...... 2,340.1 156.0 ...... ,...... -. 104.0 ...... 52.0 . . . . 28 Wilkes-Barre ...... 1,553.9 11.6 1.4 ...... 4.3 2.9 & 7 20.3 11.6 2.9 84.1 10.1 29 Wilkinsburg ...... 1,282.1 40.7 ...... 5.1 ...... 5.1 25.4 ...... 81.4 $; 1;: 10.2 Williamsport ...... 1,609.9 46.5 3.1 ...... - 6.2 3.1 ...... 18.6 8.1 103.6 15.5 9.3 ;: York ...... 1,429.8 23.9 . . . . . 2.2 ...... I&2 3;: 8.7 8.7 117.2 6:5 26.0 8.7 RHODE IsLAND.

32 Re istrationoities (total) ...... 1,564.1 10.6 0.7 -.. -... 2.9 9.3 21.1 26.2 8.6 2.9 155.5 13.1 1.3.3 6.4 33 l$hite ...... 1,545.3 10.6 0.7 ...... 2.9 9.3 19.2 26.7 8.8 2.9 147.9 13.1 34 Colored...... 2,569.7 11.4 ...... 11.4 114.1 ...... 536.2 11.4 E: 1?! . — Central Falls ...... 1,391.4 4.2 ...... 4.2 4.2 21.2 12.7 4.2 4.2 127.3 8.5 12.7 CranstOn~...... 2,442.8 1;: ...... 4.5 9.1 4.5 18.2 391.2 13.6 27.3 It; Curnberkmdtown...... 1,341.5 9.7 9.7 ...... 2: i ...... 126.4 19.4 .... EastProvidencetown ...... 1.262.5 6.1 ...... 6.1 36.8 3;:’ 1}: ...... 110.3 12.3 2: 12.3 Newport ...... 1,315.5 14.5 ...... 7.2 7.2 14.5 ...... 94.0 10.8 I&1 .... 40 Pawtucket ...... 1,546.i’ ...... 24.2 37.3 20.5 ...... 128.6 16.8 13.0 ljj Prwfdenee...... 1,560.1 Ii: 0.4 ...... 4.3 1:: 19.5 24.7 13L8 12.6 ii Wamicktown ...... 1,753.5 ...... 3.7 14.8 11.1 :: $1 383.9 1: i 11.1 18:5 43 Wooneocket...... 1,452.2 1;? ...... 2.5 2.5 E; 63.1 . . . . 5.1 128.8 30.3 5.1 ....


44 CbmlestOn(tOtal)...... 2,989.8 40.5 ;;; ...... 16.9 27.0 5.1 312.5 45 White ...... 1,854.1 35.8 ...... 3.6 12: 14.3 3.6 125.3 k: ;! k: 48 Colored...... 4,004.6 44.8 44:8 ...... 28.8 3.2 38.4 6.4 479.8 ......

Re iatrationcities (total) ...... 2,057.8 58.3 45.2 0.4 37.0 2.5 22.8 12.4 28.4 5.0 212.3 10.0 20.3 6.4 *kite ...... 1,616.2 51.3 16.9 ...... 39.3 3.3 19.1 13.1 14.2 4.9 134.7 15.8 4.9 Colored...... 2,884.7 71.5 98.1 Lo 32.7 1.0 29.6 11.2 55.2 5.1 357.5 1;; 28.6 9.2 — — — — Knoxville(total) ...... 1,809.8 46.2 ...... 21.7 ...... 16.3 G 5.4 212.0 White ...... 1,513.9 44.7 ...... 20.6 ...... 13.8 10.3 6.9 147.9 Colored...... 2,921.8 51.7 ...... 25.9 ...... 25.9 12.9 ...... 452.5 Mem Ma(total)...... 2,131.8 65.4 84.2 0.8 27.8 2.3 15.8 16.5 4.5 220.2 #kite ...... 1,667.8 53.9 32.6 ...... 28.8 3.8 12.5 16.3 3.8 129.2 Colored...... 2,626.2 82.6 161.4 L 9 26.3 ...... 16.9 5.6 356.6 Nashville (total) ...... 2>051.3 53.9 13.5 ...... 53.0 3.6 %; 5.4 202.9 white...... 1,600.9 51.0 6.7 ...... 57.7 4.0 2S.2 1:: ; 5.4 135.6 Colored...... 2,961.6 59.7 27.1 ...... 43.4 2.7 43.4 2.7 5.4 339.0 1Exclusive of stillbkths. ~Includes state institutions. DEATH RATES FROM PRINCIP’kL ~AUSES. 95

AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS, FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. amdesi~tqdby saterisks“ (*). Figures for white e,ndcolored are shown separably for minor subdivisions ouly when the coloradpopulation of the subdivfaion formed . . rural su dwmons (counties,exclu.wveof municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitted. Numbers under causesof death correspondto those of . DEATH BATE PEE 100,000POrrJLAmONmo~-contfnued.

I Diar- Other rhea Tiolen Cerebral kgarri Pneu- end Ne- S2pim cir- Puer- hrithf Dia- [enin- hamor- iaease Bron- morda ente- intes- ,hosis phritis, All carl- tmlol tinal J:& sui- Cer. )etes. $tis. rhagean< Dfthe Slitie. (all ritis ]f the Bright’~ paral other prnuc ever. cide. softening heart. forms). ases.:j.mde] Ever. MeaSe. sni- causes. 2 tide). 7ears).

16 (37) 17 18 19 20,21 22, (23: (23) 25 27 c 28 29 .21 82 36 86 (87) 88 — — — — .133

49.9 ...... 25.0 23.0 ...... 216:3 S3.3 141.4 ...... 49.9 16-6 8.3 124.3 183.0 199.7 87.3 17.8 6.5 73.1 26.2 159.0 22.0 118.0 M. 6 13.8 16.7 164.5 8.1 9.3 80.6 39.2 1%i 230.0 ‘H ;: ~ 18.6 6.4 74.6 24.7 152.’2 20.8 114.3 ~: 13.3 16.9 162.6 78.2 88.3 18.2 226.4 “ 2.8 5.7 8.0 43.1 52.7 274.7 42.4 179.7 22.9 X3.7 196.9 1:: M 122.5 105.3 4.6 291.9 5.7 73.2 18:3 36.6 62.3 18.3 155.5 27,4 128.1 ::: 64.0 ...... 18.3 146.4 113.9 36.6 292.7 ...... :5: 9.4 9.6 61.2 36.3 207.2 22.0 1.20.3 2:; 2.; 73.7 10.3 8.8 10Lo 106.5 19.0 216.6 3.3 9.9 9.7 61.6 36.8 202.8 22.9 131.2 13.8 10:7 24.8 71.9 10.8 8.9 101.3 105.2 19.4 217.2 3.3 38:0 ...... 7.6 53.2 26.6 292.6 26.6 114.0 7.6 7.6 11.4 110.2 ...... 7.6 95.0 133.0 11.4 205.2 3.8 41.9 6.0 17.9 35.9 53.8 251.2 17.9 113.6 E. o L2.o 12.0 59.8 ...... 119.6 340.9 12.0 215.3 59.8 51.7 ...... 11.5 17.2 I.So.7 4;: 298.8 . . . . . 23.0 23.0 1: ~ 17.2 132.2 114.9 . . . ..- 133.9 17.2 18 75.8 12.6 ...... I&! 19.0 176.9 1: i 1.2.6 56.9 .- . ..- 126.3 56.9 6.3 202.1 6.3 11 52.9 144.3 149.1 9:6 15; M 24.1 38.5 132.3 38.5 2:: 72.2 139.5 < 4.8 288.6 ...... 12 78.4 3;: 1;: 124.3 1:: 76.4 17.3 94.7 E. 2 18.3 14.3 39.6 7.1 10.2 88.5 86.6 28.5 226.2 34.6 13 70.6 24.8 11.3 34.9 36.I 200.6 18.8 173.5 14.3 16.5 18.0 74.4 14.3 10.5 31.5 177.3 9.0 223.8 14 24.9 24.9. 15.0 74.8 10.0 119.9 29.9 64.8 . . . . . 5.0 15.0 59.3 10.0 5.0 89.7 69.8 10.0 249.3 2:: 15 ...... 12.7 69.6 25.3 126.6 25.3 44.3 19.0 l$i 7 ...... 50.6 6.3 107.6 145.6 19.0 12.7 16 %.: 13.9 13.9 63.1 41.6 166.4 41.6 295.0 . . . . . 13.9 11.3 g: It: 166.4 204.2 11.3 27: ; 37.8 17 38.5 2$.9 14.4 57.7 9.6 91.4 19.2 302.9 ...... 14.4 ...... 11: 177.9 57.7 14.4 254.9 4.3 18 68.7 ...... 1;: 19.6 39.3 117.8 9.8 176.6 ...... 58.9 ...... 9.8 137.4 49.1 19.6 176.6 19.6 19 27.6 41.4 ...... 103.5 EL8 213.8 . . . . . 13.8 1;: 13.8 ...... ’ ...... 186.2 55.2 6.9 131.1 .. . ..- 20 42.1 1:: 14:0 140.3 14.0 35.1 14.0 70.2 28.1 21.0 ...... 98.2 14.0 14.0 231.5 .- . ..- 21 12.1 ...... 12.1 lz 1 6.0 120.6 18.1 48.3 30.2 18.I 12.1 78.4 12.1 42.2 l??. : B:; Ii: 181.0 6.0 22 61.3 26.3 17.5 43.8 8.3 26.3 26.3 17..5 ...... 17.5 35.0 8.8 ...... 61.3 8.8 227.3 8.8 23

130.3 26.1 5.2 26.1 15,6 140.7 5.2 52.1 15.6 5.2 ...... 62.6 10.4 125.1 15.6 234.6 5.2 24 157.3 16.6 8.3 132.9 16.6 132.9 33.2 33.2 24.9 ...... 182.7 24.9 lt : IE : 191.0 33.2 343.8 3.3 25 158.1 19.8 9.9 138.4 19.8 108.7 29.7 39.5 29.7 W ...... 187.8 19.8 89.0 197.7 39.5 306.4 ...... 26 156.0 ...... 104.0 ...... 260.0 52.0 ...... 156.0 12.: ...... 260.0 156.0 . . ..-. 572.0 52..0 27

14.5 11.6 76.8 3:: 156.6 26.1 131.9 31.9 13.8 13.0 118.9 14.5 14.5 91.3 207.3 239.2 15.9 2a Ig : ~: 15.3 101.8 10.2 45.8 ...... 15.3 56.0 10.2 g: 31.4 76.3 2~ : 178.1 15.3 29 6.2 143.9 27:9 ::: M. 5 52.7 2k ; 18.6 12.4 117.9 15.5 74.4 111.7 297.3 6.2 91:1 28:2 8.7 128.0 26.0 . 8.7 80.3 8.7 10.8 17.4 325.8 2.2 19:5 99.3 73.3 8:7 227.3 ...... :! .

37.6 21.7 140 90.3 26,3 151.3 14.9 87.2 14.9 14.0 14.6 125.1 4.9 11.1 90.9 87.2 11.8 258.2 10.0 36.4 21.9 14.0 90.6 26.7 149.5 14.5 88.2 14.7 14.3 145 m. 4 11.3 90.5 86.4 11.3 256.0 143.3 11.4 11.4 79.9 34.2 239.6 34.2 34.2 22.8 ...... 22.8 159.7 IH ...... 114.1 125.5 34.2 365.0 31! — . G —61; T x -zG 12.7 140.0 8.5 8.5 106.1 ...... 8.5 127.3 46.7 . . ..-. 169.7 8.5 35 “– - lg. ~ 22.7 122.8 13.2 163.8 18.2 63,7 4.5 4.5 1:: 122.8 ...... 4.5 77.3 68.2 R 6 755.1 29.2 97.2 9.7 126.4 ...... 48.6 9.7 9.7 ...... 68.0 .- . ..- 9.7 106.9 48.6 ...... 2:; :! 73:5 3; i 12.3 55.2 24.5 104.2 ...... 67.4 . . . . . 91.9 ...... g: 42.9 18.4 %; ...... 38 68.7 32.5 14.5 1.22.9 25.3 126.5 18.1 39.8 10.8 12; 1} i 101.2 10.8 7.2 61.4 3.6 260.2 7.2 39 67.1 16.8 1:; l!u. 1 39.1 137.9 11.2 72.7 13.0 16.8 137.9 3.7 109.9 100.’6 229.2 40 . . 95.4 19.5 83.7 g; 166.0 16.9 77.6 19.1 lk : 14.3 137.4 6.9 j:; 86.7 98.8 R 246.6 L i 59.1 11.1 29:5 107.1 25.8 147.7 11.1 107.1 ...... 96.0 114.4 228.9 11.1 :; 70.7 42.9 5.1 50.5 30:3 1%: 7.6 154.1 2.; 1? i 25.3 106.1 2.5 10:1 88.4 63.1 2.: 1%.9 2.5 43 I 81.1 30.4 158.8 18.6 207.8 28.7 153.7 13.5 23.6 15.2 356.4 6.8 32.1 270.3 114.9 608.1 52.4 44 65.9 1?: 10.7 113.1 21.5 96.6 21.5 26.1 10.7 14.3 %6.~ 3.6 107.4 82.3 Ii; 461.7 10.7 45 76.8 ...... 48.0 195.I 16.0 307.1 35.2 2E ; 3.2 35.2 16.0 9.6 M 415.3 143!9 ...... 738.9 89.6 46

66.8 25.2 60.3 25.2 199.8 & ; 93.5 28.1 21.7 12.8 120.9 18.5 155.4 16.4 407.1 43.7 47 73.6 1:; 22.4 56.7 U. o 124.9 100.9 27.8 3.7,5 13.6 105.8 10.4 103.1 20.7 351.3 24.5 43 54.1 30.6 63.4 50.1 340.2 58.2 28.6 94.0 29.6 11.2 149.1 33.7 . — 253.3 8.2 .511.8 79.7 49 13.6 16.3 65.2 x —138.6 24.5 51.6 32.6 19.0 24.5 111.4 21.7 19.0 65.2 125.0 16.3 423.9 32.6 60 17.2 20.6 61.9 13.3 106.7 17.2 37.8 ~: 17.2 24.1 106.7 17.2 58.5 113.5 13.8 350.9 17.2 61 ...... 77.6 142.2 258.6 51.7 103.4 25.9 25.9 129.3 38.8 2: 90.5 163.1 25.9 698.1 90.5 52 32.3 54.1 27.8 197.7 32.3 90.2 31.6 21.0 12.0 157.I 16.5 9.3 71.4 191.7 19.5 414.2 76.7 53 2: 27.6 56.4 15.0 127.9 17.6 1;: ; 31.3 15.0 15.0 140.4 11.3 8.8 72.7 119.1 27.6 361.1 41.4 54 5.6 ::: 50.7 46.9 302.1 54.4 31.9 30.0 7.5 182.0 24.4 11.3 69.4 300.3 493.5 12:: 65 - 4.5 67.3 1;: 222.5 29.6 123.9 22.4 23.3 9.9 80.8 19.8 14.4 104.1 122.1 :;: 393.2 56 5.4 17:4 55.0 12.1 115.4 20.1 20.1 68.4 6.7 9.4 93.9 81.9 340.9 57 2.7 24.4- 92.2 35:3 M; 65.1 141.0 27.1 29.8 Ii: 105.8 46.1 24.4 124.8 203.4 5:4 499.0 k: 58 . ~Nonregistration state; cities shown below only thosewith effective local ordinances.



[All death rate-zwc based u on the total deaths, including deaths of nonresidentsand deaths in hospitals and institutions. Minor qeas containing state insaneasylums at least 10per cent of t%e total, or numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The tarm “cities” indicates municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).] . DEATH RATE PER 100,000POPULATION FROM—

Diph- Tuber Tuber Other Vhoop In- forms theu RRG1STRATION AREA. All Mala- Small- Warlel they E- oulosis Cdous causea.1 ria. pox. Meaeles fever. ing flu- of tu- ma- >ough. enza. ipe7as of the men- woup. lungs. ingitis 3ercu- tism. losis. . 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 (12) 1$3 14 16 (37) — -— R]? C+ISTRATION CITIES—Continued. I TEXAe.2 I Regfstrationcities (total) ...... 2,254.1 43.5 17.1 13.8 16.0 5.5 5.0 11.0 33.6 50 391.2 6.d 15.4 7.2 White ...... 2,246.2 41.8 15.0 13.7 17.5 6.2 5.0 12.5 36.2 5.0 395.0 7.5 15.6 7.5 Colored...... ——2,313.1 55.9 32.6 14.0 47 ...... 4.7 ...... 14.0 4.7 363.0 ...... 14.0 4.7 4 Ell?aso ...... 2,977.2 42.9 -m 57.3 11.9 19.1 4.s 16.7 19.1 9.5 625.0 16.7 9.5 G 5 Galveston(total) ...... 1,856.1 1s.5 21.1 ...... 10.5 2.6 10.5 13.2 7.9 2.6 155.5 ...... 5.3 5.3 6 White ...... 1,717.5 23.6 16.9 ...... 10.1 3.4 10.1 16.9 10.1 3.4 104.6 ...... 3.4 7 Colored...... 2,351.1 ...... 36.2 ...... 12.1 ...... 12.1 ...... 837.6 ...... 24.1 12.1 s SanAntonio(total) ...... 2,104.8 53.0 17.‘i 1.0 19.6 1.0 2.9 7.8 49.1 3.9 3S2.7 4.9 2L 6 6.9 Whito ...... 2,096.0 47.5 15.5 ...... 22.1 1.1 3.3 S.8 51.9 4.4 387.8 5.5 23.2 6.6 1: Colored...... 2,174.3 96.4 35.1 8.S ...... 26.3 ...... 341.9 ...... 8.8 . . . . .


Re “strationcities (tmtal)...... 1,181.8 22.6 . . . . . 1.6 21.s 22.6 7.3 23.5 7.3 L 6 58.2 4.0 14.6 12.9 $&e ...... 1,171.1 22.2 . . . . . 1.6 22.2 23.0 7.4 23.8 7.4 1.6 56.7 4.1 14.8 13.2 Colored...... 1,S22.7 49.3 ...... ,...... 147.s ...... 14 0 den...... 1,182.9 18.7 . . . . . 7.5 3.7 59.9 11.2 11.2 3.7 ...... 26.2 ;; 18.7 G 15 SatLakeCity5 ...... 1,181.5 22.7 ...... 26.S 12.4 6.2 26.8 8.3 2.1 67.1 13.4 13.4 V2EM~liT. I 16 Re ctrationcitiee(total) ...... 1,786.8 19.8 2.2 ...... 8.8 2.2 8.8 15.4 22.0 4.4 15s.2 11.c 13.2 13.2 17 $&e ...... l 1,781.5 19.8 2.2 ...... 8.S 2.2 8.8 15.4 22.0 4.4 136.5 11.c 13.2 13.2 1s Colored...... 3,472.2 ...... 694.4 ...... Barre...... 1,434.7 45.4 . . . . . 18.2 ...... 18.2 27.2 . . . . . 18.2 317.8 18.2 ...... 18.2 X Burlington...... 2,058.9 14.5 4.8 9.7 ...... 19.3 33.s ...... S7.o 14.5 19.3 21 Rut2and...... 1,659.9 7.2 ...... 7.2 14.5 ...... 21.7 ...... 137.7 ...... 14.5 lt : VIRGItilA,z

Re “stratfoncities (total) ...... 2,060.4 37.7 12.2 7.1 4.5 40.7 14.9 19.3 218.7 11.3 22.0 9.8 T&to ...... 1,564.3 36.0 5.9 7.3 6.4 18.2 18.2 13.2 H 129.1 11.9 19.2 6.8 Colored...... 2,987.4 40.9 23.9 6.S 0.9 82.7 8.5 30.7 1.7 386.1 10.2 27.3 15.3 Alexandria (total) ...... 2,003.1 19.4 6.5 13.0 ...... 13.0 13.0 ~$ ...... 265.8 ...... 25.9 6.5 White ...... 1,589.0 26.S . . . . . 17,9 ...... 17.9 8.9 ...... 232.1 ...... 17.9 .. . . . Colored...... 3,10L3 ...... 23.7 ...... 23.7 71.0 ...... 355.1 ...... 47.3 23.7 DalLVille(tOtal)...... 2,057.1 57.3 26.0 5.2 ..... 104.2 ;:. ; 26.0 5.2 187.5 ...... 20.8 5.2 White ...... 1,840.1 30.9 7.7 ...... 3s.7 23.2 . . . . . 170.1 ...... 23.2 7.7 Colored...... 2,504.8 111.7 62.8 16.0 ...... 239.3 16:0 31.9 16.0 223.4 ...... 16.0 . . . . Lynchburg (total) ...... 1,890.3 40.0 6.7 ...... 33.3 20.0 30.0 6.7 6.7 226.7 26.7 3.3 White ...... 1,507.6 39.3 4.9 ...... 49.1 19.6 34.4 9.8 M2.4 2; 34.4 4.9 Colored...... 2,699.3 41.5 10.4 ...... 20.8 20.8 1:: . . . . . 404.9 10.4 10.4 . . . . Norfolk (total) ...... 2,149.3 .5-2.9 28.2 7.3 . . . . . 52.6 7.3 15.9 3.7 231.3 8.6 20.8 White ...... 1,405.5 48.7 9.7 ...... 13.6 15.6 5.8 93.6 13.6 21.4 :: Colored...... 3,404.5 62.5 5:: ; 3.3 ...... l%; ::; 16.4 . . . . . 463.8 ...... 19.7 16.4 petBrSbWg(tOtal)...... 2,572.8 53.3 24.6 4.1 ...... 16,4 49.2 . . . . . 270.4 s.2 16.4 8.2 White ...... 2,065.6 75.4 22.6 ...... 15:1 22.6 15.1 . . . . . 241.2 15.1 22.6 . . . . Colored...... 3,176.6 26.9 26.9 9.0 . . . . . 152.5 9.0 S9.7 . . . . . 305.1 ...... 9.0 17.9 Riohmond (total) ...... 2,102.3 17.8 1.5 8.5 2.3 31.7 10.1 17.s 2.3 210.‘i 17.8 22.4 11.6 White ...... 1,674.6 19.5 1.2 8.5 2.4 19.5 14.6 13.4 2.4 130.6 18.3 13.4 11.0 Colored...... 2,s42.2 14.8 2.1 8.4 2.1 52.8 25.3 2.1 348.4 16.9 38.0 12.7 Ro.anoke(total) ...... 1,5-26,6 57.5 5.5 s.2 5.5 16.4 3;: : 13.7 . . . . . 175.3 11.0 21.9 13.7 White ...... 1,201.7 46.1 7.1 7.1 14.2 35.4 7.1 . . . . . 67.4 17.7 3.5 Colored...... 2,674.4 96.4 . . . . . 11; ...... 24.1 36.1 36.1 . . . . . 542.1 32: 36.1 43.2 WASHINGTON. I 46 Registration oities(total)...... 978.3 19,7 0.5 5.2 5.4 7.7 7.7 7.9 3.1 91.2 14.2 15.6 5.9 47 White ...... 976.4 19.6 0.6 5.3 5.5 7.7 7,9 7.9 3.1 88.9 13.5 15.7 5.9 48 colored...... 1,049.2 26.6 ...... 6.6 . . . . 6.6 . . . . . 172.7 39.8 13.3 6.6 49 Aberdeen...... 766.5 6.7 ...... 6.7 23.6 26.9 . . . . . 6.7 .. . 74.0 6.7 ...... 50 Belliughem...... 922.2 23.2 ...... 3.9 ...... 15.4 7.7 27.0 11.6 15.4 7.7 61 Everett...... 892.5 18,6 ...... 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 ...... S9.2 37.2 . . . . 52 North Yakfma ...... 1,375.0 53.4 6.5 ...... 32.4 ...... 2: t 6.5 6.5 . . . . . 129.7 1$: 19.5 25.9

53 Seattle...... &2. 8 10,3 0.4 0.: 5.1 2.8 7.5 8.7 l.; 92.2 13.1 15.8 4.7 54 3 okane...... 1,155.4 35.6 . . . . . 5.3 6.2 8.0 :; 85.4 s.9 15.1 9.8 55 &coma ...... 1,009.6 17.0 1.1 ...... 3.4 9.0 k; 10.2 10.2 5.7 113.1 28.3 3.4 56 WaUa WnUa...... 1,078.3 39.2 ...... 4.9 9.8 4.9 4.9 . . . . . S-2.3 14.7 3:: 4.9


Wheeling (toteI) ...... 1,755.7 35.7 ...... 16.7 7.1 16.7 2S.6 3L O . . . . . 134.8 9.5 14.3 White ...... 1,751.7 34.3 ...... 17.2 7.4 17.2 29.4 3L 9 . . . 142.3 :: 9.8 14.7 Colored...... 1,88S.3 82.1 ...... 574.7 ...... 1Exclusive of stillbirths. 2Nonregietration state; oiticsshown below oniy those with effective local ordinances. — .


AND ITS ‘SUBDIVISIONS,- FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH 1911-Oontinued. sredesignated by asteris2rs(*). Figures for white and colored are showns rtilyform~.rsubti~i.m.tiyw~en kcoLmedpepn2ation of thas.bdfvisffnfmnmd - mral subdivisions (wnntfes, exclusive of municips2ities having 10,OQOinhs ltants or over m 1910)are omitted. Numbers under causesof death correspondto thoseof

DEATH RATE PEE 100,600POPULATIONFBOM-COntiUUed. I .,, I I II II COn- TioIent Eferrda, other enital *nit Pneu- % Ne- ieaths A22 d~ded ! %ebral intes- Pner- puer- W&iii hlf- an- Dia- Merdn hemor- eases )ron- nonfa lPP= 10ss pbritie, peral peral )ther km. tinal :the Bright’: :l%%g ide. er. betes. gitis. Imgeand the titfs. (a22 bstrno’ fever. afle~ mel- Nises. un- inns). ver. disease. sui- Lmown. +. Dftening. tion. tions. tide). tione.

35 86 (37) 38 ‘,. 16 (87) 17 ls 19 0; $21 !2,(23 :28) 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 38 — — . — . —

~. 6 161.2 21.5 269.6 14.3 11.0 87.0 162.9 11.6 130.4 221.6 39.2 442.9 39.1 1 74.3 12.1 27.0 49.0 01.2 429.3 ;:: ; 93.6 29.9 162.2 20.6 325.2 16.2 10.6 26.8 142.9 1; $ E. 5 127.9 114.8 32.4 78.0 13.1 29.3 47.4 172.2 4.7 ,544.5 . . 4.7 9.3 60.5 58.2 18.6 153.6 27.9 93.1 ...... 14.0 37.9 311.8 4.7 4.7 74.6 46.5 — 26.6 40.6 4 2.4 42.9 . 45,3 G 45.3 = 23.9 3;: : ‘i.2 ET .105.0 19.1 11.9 140.8 181.3 . 13L8 26.4 36.9 5 ‘3.2 84.3 47.5 47.6 ls. 2 150.3 ;?; :: 15.8 26.4 276.8 ...... 15.8 76.5 24.8 10.1 143.5 77.6 6.7 13.5 30.4 246.3 ------20:2 87.7 135.0 23.7 23.6 6 &9 40.5 40.5 ---- 84.4 7 . . . . 12.1 72.3 29.1. 24.1 156.7 43:2 .----- 24.1 22.1 285.8 ...... ,-. . . . 36.2 120.6 27.5 93.2 16.7 2%: 20.6 10.8 23.5 144.2 8.8 9.8 146.2 %.2 30.4 39.2 8 5.7 12’.7 5L o 00.1 9 00.5 23.7 87.3 16.6 233.1 23.2 11.0 22.1 130.4 8.8 9.9 L5L4 82.9 34.3 36.5 6.6 19.9 50.8 17.5.3 -.. . 61.4 10 8.8 ...... 62.6 96.4 17.5 140.3 17.5 114.0 .. ---: 8.8 83.1 254.3 8.8 8.8 165.2

33.7 34.0 328.3 20.2 11 . 9.7 11.3 51.0 98.7 12.9 109.2 18.6 46.1 15.4 ; 9.7 80.1 6.5 9.7 45.3 72.8 45.2 80.6 32.1 221.2 18.9 12 73.2 9.9 j}; 51.8 97.9 12.3 107.7 18.9 46.9 2: 15.6 ! 9.9 79.8 6.6 9.9 .. ---- . ----- ! . . . . . 98.5 . . . . .----- 49.3 294.I 47.8 344.8 98.5 13 49.3 ...... 47.8 49.3 197.0 ...... - _ ,, — — — 93.6 83.7 228.4 .M.ti ;:-, 44.9 5.0 18.7 62.6 ZJ ~ 131.0 18.7 % 15.0 ,:; ; ! G 62.6 ...- 18.7 52.4 42.3 33.6 84.1 221.8 30.5 8.3 9.3 47.5 108.2 18.6 .25.8 11.4 34.6 8.3 7.2 ,

16 ,93.4 107.7 153.8 63.7 11.0: 13.2 116.5 6.6 11.0 94.5 33.5 22.0 305.5 6.6 07.i !9.8 8.8 188.5 81.6 22.0 306.5 &6 17 !9.8 8.8 136.7 .9L8 a: 105.8 %: 154.3 62.9 11.0 : 13.2 116.9 6.6 11.0 94.8 .08.C ...... 594.4 ...... 18 . . . . ,---- ...... 694.4 i94.4 . . . . . 394.4 ...... - ...... ------...... — — 19 xix 18.2 G 18.2 = ----- . G ---- & 81.7 27.2 245.2 x 63.( ,-...... -. 352.8 4.8 m . !4.2 14.5 1%.: ,78.8 88.7 120.8 2; 299.6 96.7 14.5 %; 9.7 14.5 2%: 72.5 14.5 35.: 65.2 101.5 29.0 232.7 7.2 22 .01.: w.o 7.2 174.0 !75.4 . . ..- 101.5 14.5 43.5 42.5 2:; 7.2 123.2 7.2 7.2

372.6 g [3.1 17.5 loa.5 .67.9 25.1 150.9 37.7 147.1 14.6 19.3 14.3 134.8 9.8 14.9 116.8 107.9 14.6 $; 72.1 15.1 20.1 293.3 82.1 [6.4 19.2 89.4 ,34.1 13.2 23.7 106.3 14.6 16.0 251 146.0 2E ; 223.3 14.6 25.6 22.8 257.4 2: 14.5 E%! 1%; 4.3 520.8 76:7 24, 56.: 6.8 14.5 144.0 !31.o 75.9 72.3 — 6.5 13.0 207.4 .. ..- -.. . 77.8 116.7 ...- 369.! G -25 ti. 19.4 13.I 90.8 7L: 149. 51.9 103.; 6 35.7 26- 8.! 26.I 107. 35.7 80.: 8:; 8.9 17.9 151.8 ..--- . .. . 62.5 116.1 .... 276.‘ 98. 26.8 118.4 118.4 .... 615.! 118.4 27 47...... 23.: 2%: 139., 260. 94.7 105.? ...... - .- ..-. 355.1 ,. ..- . . . . 88.5 15.( 36.5 28 5.2 72.! 72-$ 4L 8 192. 15.6 125.f 15.I ...... 5.2 104.2 5.2 20.3 98.9 61.$ 30-! .. ----- 7.7 7’.7 30.9 116.0 2s.! 30.9 ~. 7.7 100.! 139.: -139.: ...... 30 303. 3?: 95.! 4; ~ .. ----- .. ---- lE : .. . .. ----- JIi ; ..-. 47.9 . . . . . 16.~ 95.7 63.! 10.1 156.7 31 110.c 23.: 166. 13.3 Ho. ( 30.0 3.3 126.7 13.3 3.3 E: 90.0 :: 10.( 78.6 14. 78.6 32 9.~ 103.1 ~ 39.3 ------4.9 63.7 Jj 103.8 114.2 .. . . 321.8 28 . . . . . 10., 124.f lE ; 3:? lR ; ...... 10.4 10.4 22: 2:; ----- 129.7 106.5 11. 419.: 67. 4.9 13.! 80.s 47.0 156. 5L 4 B&! 15.‘ 26.2- 24.5 163.9 15.9 18.4 13.I 21.4 11. 9.? 23.4 117.0 9.7 23.4 81.9 74.1 15. 79. 7.8 15.( 70.2 161.2 .%$ i 105.: 3E : 162.0 253.i n. I 59.2 26.3 256.6 26.3 210.s 3. 46...... 9.! 98. 81.9 8.2 28.‘ 159.f 24.( 172.: 36.9 2044 22. 20.5 20.5 454.7 4.1 2%: 147.5 69. 185.7 67.8 E 278:; 67...... 153.? 15.: 75. 30.2 165.f 15. 15.1 15.1 354.3 7.5 30.2 35.! I .. . . . 9.0 161.5 98.7 9. 457.I n. 17.9 %{ 161.E 287.: 44.9 251.: 9. 26.9 26.9 574.3 15$ 42.3 158.( 13. ;;: 11.6 192.4 10.1 18.6 128.4 114.5 19. 369. 17.8 10.i 147.? 31.‘ 303. 12.! 23.2 115.! 14. 13.: 172.3 13.4 107.4 33.0 26. 20.7 122.1 16s.9 6. 12.7 A+ 192.2 05.! 276~ 78.1 282.: 2.2. 16:9 228.C 1:: 27.5 164.7 fl, < 8.: 122. 1:; 153., ~ 12.7 11.0 93.4 2.7 2.7 226.0 E7: : 11.0 21.‘ 109.9 % W3. 17.i 131.: 17.7 10.6 8%6 3.5 3.5 % 14.2 24.: 22\ 12Q.7 ..-. 457.: . . . . . 12. 36.1 2% 46:2 223.! ...... ELo 96.4 ...... ---- 96.4

7’f.~ 10.6 59.4 78.8 29. 158.: 8.1 46 62. 11.7 :1 52.f 5.( 72. 2a.~ 16. 10.1 5.9 52.{ H 28.~ 16. 10.3 ;; 70+~ 5.9 10.9 66.7 29. 159.1 8.3 47 68. 11.8 6.6 ----- 12.3 z: 3s.: 126.: ...... - 43 23. 6.6 13.: 39.i lk : 1% 13.3 26.I 6...... 6.6 166.2 — — — 47.: 10J; ---- 6.7 49 46. 6.7 ...... 46.: . . . . . ~ ...... 47.: ...... 13.4 ------23. 6.‘ ----- 15.: 15.4 11.1 15. 19.3 19.3 92. .. . . ----- 46.: 19.: 3.9 w 81. 7.7 lL f 54.( 81.8 11.; 18.6 51 74. 7.4 .. ..-. 48.: 7.4 33., 11. 11.2 7.4 66. .. . . 3.7 .. . . 6.5 % ‘HO.3 38. .-.-... 52 32. 6.5 ...... 38.{ 2.( lE...... 51.! 25. 28.9 25.9 E?3. 52.I L 2 53 ~~ 50.: 22. 5.5 63,: 7.: 10.7 75.2 30. 57. 12.7 79.2 29. 3.0 54 67. 13.3 . 6.2 55.j $ 12 1;? 40.! E 11; 5’ 13.3 7:: 11.3 a; 64.8 39. 23.i’ 53 rj.; 5.i 48.~ 5.7 22.( 11. ;: % n. 4.g 24.5 49.I 32.3 24$ 24.5 56 53. 9.t 107.[ 4: E 4.9 24. 44. 1:: 9.8 S3

298...... 57 5A[ 21. 260. 31.0 33.! 19. 16.7 21.4 107. IL! 2L 4 35.: 159.6 26.! a m. 11.9 26.5 157.0 27. 294.4 ...... %. 24.: 56.! 22. 206. 31.9 48.: 19. 17.2 19.6 105. 12.: 22.1 33. 115. u. 3 164.! 246.3 .. . . 246.3 ...... 59 ...... ---- 32.1 .- .-..., . . . . . 164 ...... -. -. . ..- .-- . . . . 82.1 164. .. . . ,---- ~Colored popufatfon lessthen 10per cent of the totaL . 78089°—Bul. 112-1%7 98 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[All death rates are based u on tho t@@ deaths, including death? of nonresidents and deaths in hospitals and institutions.. Minor areas containing state insane aaylurd at least 10 per cent of tRe total, or numbered 10,000or over in 1910. The term’ [cities’; indicates municipalities having 10,000inhabitante or over in 1910. Minor the Abridged International List (see p. 27).]


Diph- In- REG1STRATIO,N AREA. T#&id Mala- Spylal- Me@es. Scarlet w@’p- t:np Er - %% %’5; g+ Rg:- All ria. fever. ~;:$ efi~, sips ?’as. of the rnen- causes.1 Croup. lungs. ingitis. bercu-~osis. tism.

1 a3 4 b 6 7 s 9 (12) 13 14 15 (87) .— — . — . . — — — REGISTRATION CITIES40ntirmed.


Re ietration cities (totel) ...... 1, 26S.5 20.5 0.3 ...... 10.2 12.0 7,7 20.2 8.0 4.6 99.8 7.3 11.0 8.8 T&ite ...... 1,267.8 20.5 0.3 ...... 10.2 12.0 7.6 20.2 10.9 Colored...... 1,494.3 39.3 ...... 39.3 ...... !?. . ...!.!. 2%: : . . ...3. 39.3 3:: — . — — — — — _ . AppIeten ...... 1,292.0 12.0 6.0 ...... 6.0 6.0 ...... 12.0 119.6 12.0 23.9 23.9 Ashland ...... 1,922.9 82.8 ...... 9.2 1:: 211.6 9.2 27.6 1s. 4 Beloit ...... 1,045.5 ...... 19.1 ...... 6.4 . ..ji.i. 11? 6.4 19.1 EauCJaiie ...... 1,554.5 11.0 ...... 5.5 ...... 22.0 . ...?.?. 1!! : . ..?2.. 22.0 FonddnLac! ...... 1,424.0 10.4 ...... 10.4 ...... 46.9 10.4 ...... 53.5 5.2 20.9 1;: Green Bay ...... 2,029.0 19.4 ...... 27.1 11.6 19..4 27.1 15.5 3.9 96.8 31.0 3.9 Ii Janesville ...... 1,572.8 7.2 ...... 43.1 ...... 23.7 21.5 14.4 7.2 122.1 2?; 14.4 11 Kenosha ...... 1,331.9 4s. 7 ...... 22.1 4.4 79.6 1;? 4.4 4.4 Ii Lacrosse ...... 1,362.7 13.0 ...... !%: 3;: : 1:: 3.3 110.6 22.8 E hladieon ...... 1,180.6 3.9 ...... 23.2 . ...6.. 7.7 ...... 27.1 7.7 65.8 li : 15.5 lt ; kianitowoc ...... 1,1s3.3 22.9 ...... 7.6 ...... 106.9 15.3 30.6 15.3 !&3rinette ...... 1,344.7 69.3 ...... i. 41.6 6.9 ...... 13.9 1;} ; 20.8 13.9 6.9 !&lwankee...... 1,195.0 19.0 ...... 1:: 20.2 3.3 3.8 2.8 6.6 ?. 1 Oshhoeh ...... 1,371.8 14.8 ...... 30:5 N 11.9 3.0 11.9 89:1 3.0 11.9 11.9 1$ Rsoine ...... 1,095.0 23.9 ...... 2.4 9.5 19.1 26.2 2.4 114,5 11.9 7.2 14.3 1$ 3heboygan ...... 1,141.4 n. 1 3.7 ...... H. 1 3.7 32: 3.7 . . ..+.i. 1;; ; 11.1 14.8 ...... 2C 3wMoT...... 1,141.9 33.9 ...... 2.4 4?; 4.8 12.1 19.4 21 Waueau...... 1,469.6 23.4 ...... 35.1 a . . ..!4?. 5s. 6 17.6 5.9 87.8 5.9 11.7 2;;

● 1Exclusive of stillbtihe.


AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS FROM PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF DEATH: 1911—Continued. ,- . aredesi ated by asterisks (*). Fignres for whit6 and colored are shown separakly for minor subdivfs~onsonly when the colored population of the Snbditilon formed rural sur“””dnmons (counties, exelnsive of municipalities having 10,000inhabitants or over in 1910)are omitkd. Nmnbers under causesof death correspondto thoseof


:;ya- . Violen kebral hgani Pnen- Other Ierrrk espira and cir- Na- deatlu can- Dia- [enir hemor- iseaseBron- monia ente- Appm intes- .hosis phritis, Puer- ‘Au +%> -.. ~i~ tinal peral (ex- suf- cer. )etes. $tis. hageant of the chitis. (all ritis ECitis. >fthe Bright>; dnd@ tide. other )ftening ixnls). bss fever. Canses. roses. :@nda liver. fisease. soi- 2 .oide). kr%m 7sars)

16 (37) 17 18 19 Zo, 21 W,(23 (23) 25 26 ’27 28 29 31 35 36 (37) 38

82. ~ 16.5 59.6 22.1 95.1 15.2 79.4 20.9 15.6 15.6 67.8 .5.6 64.6 76.9 18.9 249.2 6.1 1 62. ? 16.5 59.5 22.1 95.0 15.2 79.4 21.0 M. 6 15.6 67.6 5.6 64.6 76.8 18.8 249.4 6.1 .2 78.f .. . . . 78.6 ...... 118.0 . . . . . 78.6 ...... 118.0 ...... - . ..- 78.6 118.0 39.3 186.6 ...... 3 — 107.7 17.9 ;:; : 59.8 E o 4L 9 23.9 12.0 17.9 47.9 6.0 53.8 ...... 267.1 35.9 : 82.{ ;;; 2: I 147.2 46.0 55.2 ...... 36.8 .. . . . g; 9.2 119.6 lg. ; 9.2 377.2 ...... 76.t 62;9 57.4 19.1 38.2 n. 7 6.4 lz. 7 ...... 70.1 ...... 286.9 6.4 6 126.2 22:0 :$ 1044 . . . . . 22.0 33.0 27.5 5.5 109:9 .. . ..- 115:’4 16.5 93.$ 54.9 373.5 43.9. 7 20.9 E? 15.6 66.7 20.9 62.6 78.2 26.1 5.2 67.8 5.2 52.2 109.5 10.4 318.2 15.6 8 104.: 27.1 73.6 15.5 243.9 27.1 170.4 85.2 3L O 7.7 lf.z. 3 23.2 -- . . . . 193.6 108.4 19.4 :7J ; 19.4 9 122.1 21.5 79.0 144 f.29.3 2L 5 23.7 7.2 14.4 .. . . . 66.2 7.2 .- . ..- 57.5 143.6 28.7 ...... 10 57.: 48.7 8.8 53.1 13.3 15J.f 53.1 44.2 ...... 8.8 110.6 115.0 26.5 ;:: ; 4.4 11 126.f #; 45.5 29.3 74.8 19.5 4:: 5:; 26.0 42.3 16.3 3.3 58..5 22.8 A 6 12 112.: 69.7 11.6 61.9 15.5 27:1 7.7 19.4 .. . . . 73.5 3.9 ...... 89.0 lE : 15.5 236.1 11.6 13’ 99.2 15.3 61.1 15.3 53.4 22.9 15.3 45.8 7.6 15.3 -. . ..- 30.5’ 76.3 15.3 305.4 22.9 14 9041 ;;; 3’47 ...... 80.1 62.4 ...... 2:: lR : 13.9 6.9 117.8 62.4 13.9 263.4 13.9 15 52.8 29.3 94.3 lt ; 9&8 13.7 1:: 66.2 5.8 7.3 86.2 62.9 19.0 232.3 2.0 16 12L i 5:9 &?.3 8.9 82.0 35.6 35.6 32.7 %; 23.8 80.2 3.0 5.9 98.0 4L 6 26.7 31L8 5.9 .17 64.4 11.9 52.5 26.2 10Q.2 26.2 644 19.1 38.2 11.9 52.5 57.3 23.9 178.9 4.8 ;$ 114.$ 18.5 74.1 29.6 51.9 11.1 66.i’ 18.5 H 1!: 85.2 3.T lt ? 81.5 18.5 155.6 .. ----- 31.t 50.8 7s3 91.9 16.9 58.1 19.4 12.1 lz. 1 58.1 . . ..-. 79.8 12: 21.8 166.3 2.4 m 58.{ 3:! 87.8 5.9 140.5 17.6 5.2.7 23.4 11.7 5.9 82.0 11! ...... 62.0 117.1 23.4 251.8 ‘ 5.9 21 ,




TABLE 4,.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM EACH CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, BY AGE OF DECEDENT, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA: 1911. . yj 1+ DEATHS AT AGE OF— I — — — — . — z tic All ~? CAUSE OF DEATH. deaths Jnder 1 2 l:: Wto ~ 4 itog 20 tc w89h year. ear x 29 s la — — — — — — . Allesuses ...... l239.284 49,322 1,36 1,580 928 29C 1:112 1,491 6,555 2,980 3,979 8,153 )3,957 )3,92i i5,672 :,279 405 1,286 ~ _ . . . - - - ...... I.—General diseases . . . . . 228,602 14,791 922 i, 725 z 127 <,789 i,738 2,KU D,829 @ 6,966 !4,768 17,52( G 736 29 328 — — . Typhoid fever...... 12,451 65 G 159 iii E 747 !,551 @ t, 148 G 32; 43C 303 29 2 ...... 34 T husfever ...... 5 ...... 1 ...... ,...... 2 . . . . . 1 ...... FLLa:;:g fever ...... ,...... ,...... 1,80? 152 119 34 53 37 104 16t 22i 194 176 155 154 13; 44 2 ...... 13 SmaJ2pox...... 130 31 5 5 2 2 6 13 U 15 10 6 10 3 4 ...... Measles...... 5,922 1,319 761 807 440 237 501 303 195 134 102 42 41 29 8 ...... 3 Scarletfever ...... 5,243 56$ 760 702 524 1,435 620 21[ 94 17 ...... Whoo ingcmr h...... 6,682 3,% 611 598 317 159 243 32 11 1 ; : : 1 ...... ; 2’)i htiienaan croup...... 11,174 337 769 1,682 521 196 1,778 204 12! : ...... J&enza...... 9,294 OM 194 109 65 42 99 ‘% 34( 356 52 & 1,4:: 2,2;! 1,732 323 9 i Wllismyfever...... Asiatic oholers...... 1 ...... Cholernnostras...... 353 11 : 5 ...... 1 Dysentery...... 3,062 6:: 2 13: 6? 3: 55 23 ; :: 1;! l% 3$ 5:! 3:! 51 4 7 Plague...... 11 ...... 1 ...... Yellow fever ...... Leprosy...... 2 2 ...... Erysipelas...,...... 2,51: 744 49 15 14 2 20 5i 124 18: 275 281 235 280 154 20 Othw epldermodiseases...... 193 59 35 15 7 6 26 18 $ 11 3 2 2 ...... 1 ...... 3

!20 Pnruhxrt infection and septi- cemia ...... 1,913 244 48 28 28 18 92 146 225 203 224 219 19? 160 63 11 2 ‘6 21 Ganders...... 11 ...... 1 ...... 2 3 3 ...... 22 Anthrax ...... 1 ; 2 . . . . . 1 ...... 23 Rabies...... H ...... 4 5 4 25 16 i Ii 4 ; i 1 1 ...... Tetamrs...... 1,336 398 14 14 15 23 151 211 138 112 112 73 51 15 5 1 ...... 3 Mycosis...... - ...... Pellagm ...... & 3 4 2 . 1 11 2: 1; 15; 13: l& 7: 3i ; ...... 2 Beriberi...... 7 ...... 4 3 ...... Tuberculosis(total) ...... 04,205 2,600 813 .,045 725 497 .,613 !,679 3,855 1,131 1,043 9,077 5,689 2,783 479 28 3 145 28 Tuberculosisof the lunqs.. 78,514 865 504 298 199 124 579 ,,815 1,219 ), 157 !,694 &;;: 5,(s)0 2,426 404 24 3 131 Acute miliary tub?rcy~osis. 3,282 116 57 106 544 976 371 83 31 5 ...... % 5,237 1,166 9% 545 3:; 2H 606 490 356 E 148 ...... ? 31 H%%%HFe%%!#&:: 3,030 225 136 46 142 374 695 593 434 4g 3~ 1:: 3; 2 ...... 32 Pott’sdisease ...... 853 40 25 ;: :; 16 128 146 115 71 30 ...... ! 33 White swel*gs ...... 438 7 6 10 7 11 H 74 78 56 ,% 45 33 24 7 ...... 1 34 Tubereulosu 01 other or- gabs ...... 1,308 120 18 2.3 10 138 189 205 176 228 110 79 13 2 ...... 3 35 Disseminatedtuberculosis. 893 61 X 19 12 3 & 116 196 157 97 80 58 27 8 ...... 1 36 Rickets ...... 508 289 103 40 23 10 ...... 37 Syphilis ...... 3,821 1,787 104 30 15 10 2; 6: 35; 45; 42: 291 16: { Ii ...... : 38 Gonococcus infection ...... 222 Sa 6 2 . . . . . 2 14 53 29 12 8 5 ...... Cancer and other ma2fgnant tumors (total) ...... ‘y ;;; 43 36 48 37 26 80 211 782 !,775 I,968 3,623 1,473 $,154 2,505 217 41 39 Of the buccal cavjt y...... 3 ...... 4 188 401 454 397 177 19 ...... 40 Of the stomach, hve; ...... 17:365 1: 8 8 4 ; 9 3: Ii; 6% !,289 $,410 5,162 3,eo5 896 51 1: 41 Of tbe perltonenm, mte.s- tiies, rwtnm...... 5,824 3 2 2 5 4 10 31 157 365 784 1,302 1,626 1,206 289 161...... 1 2 42 Of the female genital Or- ~ gans...... 6,707 . . . . . 1 3 ...... 3 12 144 767 ,760 1,868 1,322 659 153 10 ...... 42 Ofthebreast ...... 4,264 ...... 2 375 971 1,056 9a3 624 254 25 5 OfthesMn ...... 1,619 2 2 3 1 . . . 5 Ii % 29 100 225 361 462 336 53 ; 5 2 Ofother organs or oforgans notspecftled ...... 6,518 24 20 32 27 16 47 115 248 477 876 1,361 1,625 1,201 398 43 ...... 8 46 Other tnmors (tumors of the female genital organs ex- ce ted) ...... 455 20 5 . ...2. Acn$’e artmular rheumatism . . . 3,;:: 30 2: 3: $ 4: 41i 6;; 3:: 3: 3i+ 3;? 4;; 3% 1% : Chronic rheumatism mrd mnt...... 2 1 . . . 3 11 31 64 132 179 219 89 ;: ...... 1 Wrrvy...... 35 ...... Diabetes ...... 8,8ti 24 1; 2; 2: 21 153 d 50; 603 872 1,79: 2,42; 1,502 345 22 3 6 Exophthahnfc goiter...... 7~7 ...... 4 3; 128 159 164 170 78 ;: 10 1 ...... Addison’s disease...... 235 ...... 62 ...... Leukemia...... 933 21 20 14 12 41 101 1:? 1$? 1% 1% 5 ...... Anmnfa,chlorosis...... 2,813 70 4 29 106 174 260 ;: 601 5:; 2:: 10 ...... : Other general diseases...... 1,182 k? 66 38 ;I H 51 77 65 66 60 73 66 E 6 ...... 3 56 Alcoholism (acute or chronic j.. 2,875 ...... 1 11 206 802 833 610 276 105 11 ...... 20 57 Chronic lead poisoning ...... 145 ...... 2 16 29 37 32 25 3 ...... 58 Othe: chronic occupation poi- sonm ...... ’ ...... 59 Otb.ercE mncpolsomngs...... 3;; ...... 5 2; 5? 6: 5: 5; 37 12 1 ...... 2 IL-Diseases ofthenerv- ous system and of the orgaus of special sense...... 81,428 7,334 002 ,013 630 435 ,272 ,740 !,279 ,063 ,814 ),759 5,956 7,473 3,652 867 37 102 792 x z % ~ ~ 40 3 ...... 2 7,225 2;% 050 5:: 357 230 62 4:: l% 86 ;: 1 1 4,690 1,561 641 303 213 138 368 302 251 226 139 77 23 1 1 ; 2,055 566 351 176 m; 74 240 217 121 53 13 9 2 ...... 1 540 130 58 42 18 66 72 58 16 6 ......

4s Locomotor ataxia ...... l 1,624 ...... ,...... 2 4 16 309 420 231 36 21 11 ...... ,- CAUSES OF DEATH, BY AGE. 101

TABLE A-DEATHS -(EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM EACH CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, BY AGE OF DECEDENT, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA: 1911-OontinUe& = g I DEATHS AT AGE 01-- ~~ — — —— kathc CAUSE OF DEATH. All Itun- death Tnder” 1 1:: ~ti g nown ~; e 8 4 6t0! 7f)9ti M8J yesr. rea ye% 22 age. - la ove — . — — — — — — 11.-Diseases of the nerv- ow SyStCI&and Of the organs of spe- cial senac-C.brr. M Other diseases of the spinal z. ~ cord (total).; ...... 3,93 25.5 23 14$ 110 5- 17: 17! 13 21 31( 49 84 20! [ A&tf; anterior po3iomy& 75} 13 ..-...... ----- 1,06 210 21! 12! 98 5 14 lW 3 1 1! ( Other d~esses of the 1 1( . ....” . .. . Ii @nalcordL...... 2,87 z 12 !2! 3& 74! 13 . ..- & Cerebrelhemorrhoge,apoplexy 44,27 6! . . 4$? : 25 z G 2 2 1,;; 3,26! 6,;; 11,51! n, z 6,3 832 2 4; Softening of the brain ...... 1,03 ....-. .. . 1 ...- 4 1 3, ‘4/ 11 23 35 2of : Paralysis without specified 25 ---- .. . . . rmrse...... 6,35 44 x 1( 10 { 2( % 7: 38( 71 1,44/ 2,02 1,22( 145 1( 14 “ a General paralysis of the fnsane. 3,98 ... ..- ..-...... 1 e 81 ;; 1,02 82 55( 6$ O\;& forma of mental aliem+ 52( 24( 26 : 11 ...... 1,37 ...... 1 ...... 1 !23 14 19{ 25( 26 23( 17! 6: 6 . .. . 8 8$ Epilepsy ...... --...... 2,32 62 2[ If 12 E % 315 45( 43: 31: 23 18( E?! 4( 2 .-.. “: 7C Convulsions (nonpuerperrd).. - ,.-..., ...... -.. 3: 26 4 ! 73 Cenvulsions of infants ...... 3 lf f M ...... 4,: 3,643 391 117 43 3: ...... -..-...... ,.. ..- 72 Chores ...... 6 3 ---- -.. . 1( 43 ,1 $ “f f I : 1 .. .. 1 .2 1 ....- .. .. 1 ~ 3 8( 3{ % 64 7 7; 7/ 3 ...... ‘- 189 8( 22 15 2/ 8( 145 19{ 75 30i Wi 29 25: 29 10[ 6 : 3 ~ 18 ...... ---- 2 2 .... 1 76 “-257 d 5: 2; J 9! 132 12: E 6f 71 5: 3; $ ...... -...... IIL—Diseases of the Cir- Cldatmy system. - 109,33( i,407 203 141 145 m 1,116 1,734 1,90{ 6,394 >,974 ;, 55( !4,54( t?, 551 4,0W ,705 51 107 7.7 7 T Y -F1 ~ x 6$ G 124 131 vi 3 . . . . . 78 4,::! 1% 3: 39 39 214 501 8;: 1,M 139 10< 32 2 . . . . . : 33,52J 352 l% 81 88 9C - #o ?,191 !,954 4,% 7,767 L,3M .9,861 ?1,07/ 3,70: ,012 35 9; E 4, 2K 4 1 1 2 .. .. 4 25 94 Isf 374 SW 1,21.5 1,034 381 81 25 1 13,78! 16 .-...... 1 2 22 w 247 517 [,19( 2, n4 4,6% 3,664 ,626 2U k 82 43 6 5 1 7 10 38 161 205 258 32! 392 3W 177 83 23 2 1 5 . . . 1 ...... 2 6 2$ 44 63 5! 51 5/ 37 84 4 ...... 152 32 16 10 8 14 23 11 13 10 15 i la , 65 1 ...... -. 145 4 ,---- 1 1 9 11 28 “26 15 z 32 44 27 4 ...... IV.-Diseases oftherespi- ratmy system . .. . . -99,W 2, 6S9 419 1,193 626 977 2,038 !,593 ,642 j, 195 r,410 1,721 0,793 .1,862 7,305 !,107 44 95 86 Dfsecses of the nasal fossae. . . . lx j ~ ~ -i 15 7 1 12 T ..Y.., ....- 87 Discasw of thelarymx ...... 824 2% 4; S: 3; ii 2?4 1; 4 16 2 .. . .. 3 % Dfseases of the thyroid body.. 26( ... . E 28 2 24 1 .. ..y . . . . . Aewtebrouchitis ...... 6,48; 3,A2 T$ 29; 101 ’77 m i! 22 4;: :; Chrorricbronchitis.. - ...... 5,on 1?/ 106 1 95 21 7 4 42 49 1:: Ii: 2% 42 867 1,% 1,282 238 9 3 91 Bronchopneumonfa ...... 26,36: 0,652 200 >391 671 354 392 467 659 97( 1,661 2,237 i,515 217 8 92 Pneumorria (tatal)...... 52,s6i 7,311 ,273 713 452 1,~ ,%6 ,554 1,835 [,563 $184 6,872 6,321 1,205 403 1: Lob&rpnenruonia ...... 28,5% 2,465 ~% MO 331 226 , on ,260 1,241 8,650 4,086 3,265 .,335 z Pneumonia (undefined) . . . 24,31[ 4,346 736 67# 382 226 s~ 833 ,294 .,6-44 ,915 & 2,786 3,056 ., 32n % 1: 52 93 Plerrrfsy...... -. ..__. 2, 1(X 99 111 37 25 109 221 245 220 313 350 236 97 n.. 1 . ...-= 94 2,341 483 59 26 10 12 19 ;: 91 124 153 247 466 451 99 3 95 lsi 2 4 2 3 % 1...... - 96 1,57E 2: 1? 9 7 9 4 32 H 1; 4: 3% 2 188 17 1 162 6 2 3 . ... ; 4 5, 7 13 16 38 38 13 2 ‘...... - !%

1;2M 99 17 9 3 5 11 41 124 144 199 210 i66 k24 ’47 6...... 2 V.—Diseases of the di- gestive system . . . . 98,601 2,711 051 ,851 B&i 597 1,652 ,693 ,987 :,974 ‘, 100 ,803 7,129 6,567 ,117 433 18 — — — — 53 99 224 g 10 16 .....- ;:lj 124 48 6; 2 1+ 5: 5! ii 3: :. J. 1 6 9 3 ‘1% 26 10 1...... 102 % 4 3 3 ; !231 34 3% 269: 75 103 7...... 1 (ecncer excepted) ...... 8,774 2,892 335 132 66 .51 121 279 391 649 1,242 137 4 104 Diarrheaand enteritis (uuder2 832 15 years) ...... -. -. 45,868 7,579 I 239 ...... ,-...... -...... -. ....- 105 Diamhea and enteritii (2years ...... Andover) ...... 8,108 ...... ,423 511 298 413 331 415 835 1,334 899 150 9 9 106 Ankylostomfesie . . . ..-. .-... -...... - ‘, ...... 4 ..--, 2 2 ...... - ...... -. 107 Cntestfnelparasites ...... i: 14 15 1: ...... - ...... 108 Appendicitis and typh3it3s. . . . . 6,896 32 27 :: 66 : W7 47; , 12? 52 144 35 3 1 7 109 Kernie intestinal obstruction (hE&&_..:_. ..__. 7,061 1,021 1:: 39 74 5; 150 457 581 947 1,010 433 53: .: ...... 2,369 178 6 162 428 430 187 16 .. ..:. Intestins3 obstruction . . . . . 4,692 121 S; 49 d 3% 419 519 530 fig 37 3 110 Dther diseases ofthe inteetir.ws. 1,735 %! 48 28 % 13 29 125 162 162 221 24 . . ..?. 2 1Exclusive of acute anterfor poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis). 102 MORTALITY STATISTICS:


DEATHS AT AGE OF— Deatba All at un- CAUSE OF DEATH. ieaths. ~. to go to 100 known under1 1 2 10tu !0to 0 to ,0 to ;0 to s 4 to 9 year. rear. mars 19 29 39 59 69 89 99 ~y:. am — —— V.—Diseases of the di- &~;u:r;tern-

111 Acute yellow atrophy of the livor~ ...... ~ ...... 302 26 2 2 1 6 10 .52 33 39 43 49 29 8 1 ...... 112 Hydatld tumor of the hver . . . . . ,...... 2 ...... 113 Cirrhosis of the liver ...... :,;?J 21 11 10 7 23 5; 14 89! 1,67: !,030 1,64; 1,22: 301 20 6 114 Biliary calmrli ...... 3 46 167 288 427 437 296 78 7 . ...!. 1

115 Other diseases of the liver ...... 3,076 150 22 20 15 9 29 79 !232 318 459 536 5;: 483 203 18 . . . . . 116 Diseases of the spleen ...... 124 3 1 3 2 . . 4 14 17 20 23 10 6 ...... 117 Simple peritonitis (nonpuer- psral) ...... 2,349 162 52 39 29 21 108 254 425 383 2&t 212 196 144 51 6 1 2 118 Other diseases of the dimstive svstem [cancer and tibercu- ~ l&Lsexcepted) ...... 467 11 1 2 3 3 24 38 76 98 92 60 44 9 ...... 1

VI.—Nonvenereal dis- eases of the gm- ito-urinary s ys- tern and annexa.. 67,348 954 273 220 165 131 507 L,215 ;,623 ‘,903 1,533 .,209 3,898 3,857 1,082 683 25 70 —— — — . . 119 Acutene britfs ...... 5,956 424 147 128 93 69 z 320 651 801 Y3i 807 651 539 210 120 Brigkt’s&aease ...... 51,847 332 102 63 65 56 239 707 ,913 ,782 i, 397 1,446 2,014 11,401 [,712 5:: 2; 6~ 121 Chyluria ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1...... 1.--...1 ------122 Other dffeases of the kidneys and?nnexa ...... 1,343 123 18 6 4 4 9 26 92 135 166 184 211 216 130 19 ...... 123 CS3CU11of the urinary psssages 361 3 1 2 1 4 10 20 40 51 67 70 69 22 1 ......

124 Diseases ofthe bladder ...... 1,532 33 2 1 1 1 4 27 41 51 120 215 532 438 62 3 1 125 Dfaewasoftheurethm ,-urinarv abscess, etc ...... 285 5 2 ,.. . 1 3 25 39 66 13 ...... 126 Di,w?ses of the prostate...... 2,175 ...... 10 7 30 1:: 4g 9;: 520551 4 127 Nonvenereal diseases of the . . male genital organs ...... 49 20 . . . . . 1 ...... 4 3 6 2 4 7 1 1 ...... 128 Uterine hemorrhage (nonpuer- peml) ...... 76 ...... 4 13 23 24 3 5 3 ...... 1

129 Uterine tumor (noncancerous) 892 . . . 1 ...... 52 201 345 155 80 42 13 1 ...... 130 Other diseases of the uterus . . . 770 ...... 4i 1s1 207 192 95 25 15 6 1 ...... 2 131 Cvsts–.. and other tumors of the ovary ...... 628 . . . 1 ...... 9 81 135 138 107 86 54 15 2 ...... 132 Sal fngitff and other diseases 1,401 3 . . 1 ...... 83 550 485 228 36 8 6 1 ...... ; ...... 133 N:~:~%%%%%%i breast (cancer excepted) . . . . 32 11 ...... 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 ......

VII.—The puerperal state ...... 9,456 ...... 785 1,316 :,593 741 9 ...... 12 — — . — . 134 Accidents of pregnancy ...... 908 ...... 33 380 434 7 ...... 135 Puerperal hemorrha e...... 851 ...... 36 404 1; ...... 136 Other accidents of lai or ...... 911 ...... 39 .% 393 101 1 ...... k 137 Puerperal septicemia.. . . . 4,376 ...... 402 !, 143 ,537 283 6 ...... 5

138 Puerueral albuminuria and 2,094 ...... 203 981 700 14C ...... 4 139 266 ...... 10 115 108 33 ...... 1...... 140 48 ...... 1 23 17 6 1 ...... 141 2 ...... 1 1 ......

VIII.—Dfseaaer of the skin and of the cellular tissue. 3,010 548 59 21 15 11 30 51 80 109 15C 266 408 630 565 113 2 6 . — . 142Gangrene...... 1,656 49 11 8 5 7 13 6 -’z 28 131 272 517 429 92 14? F-cle ...... 285 64 2 2 . . . . 7 18 21 :: 49 42 27 12 3 . ...?...... ? 144 Acute abscecs...... 456 157 2; 7 5 2 1: 26 26 33 35 43 46 21 14 4 ...... 14t Other diseases of the skin and aunexa ...... 613 278 17 4 3 2 3 12 13 27 33 42 48 65 50 14 ...... 1 IX.—Dfsesscs of the bonm and ofthe organs of 10 c 0- motion ...... 1,365 128 57 47 29 19 126 205 133 124 134 129 112 86 29 5 ...... 2 — — — — — — 14f 1,187 118 56 43 2.8 18 118 200 117 109 116 108 81 56 14 ? ------2 141

121 9 1 4 1 1 7 4 14 12 11 15 15 13 7 3 ...... 5 ...... ? ...... 2 1 ......

52 1 ...... 1 1 2 3 1 5 14 16 8 ...... -

X.—Malformations . . . . 8,465 7,879 239 65 45 27 77 82 30 9 i 1 2 ...... 2 — — — . 15f 8,465 7,879 239 $ 45 27 77 87 30 9 1 2 ...... 2 736 548 90 13 14 27 21 5 ...... ----- 5,069 4,801 94 27 19 8 46 5C 16 6 1 2 ...... I 2 DMions.; ...... 2,660 2,520 55 21 13 5 10 11 9 3 ...... CAUSE& OF .DEAT~ )BY AGE. :103

TABLE,4.—DEATHS {EXCLUSIVE OF, STILLBIRTHS)’ FROM’ EAOH ,CAIJSE AND ‘Cl&&3 OF CAUSES;, BY AGE OF I DECEDENT, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA: l$M1—Conthued.’J -’ = .,. , ,., ,, ,U .. ,,... 4: ,. -. , DEATHSAT AG”E OF- *+ maka~ CAUSF OF DEATH. i% de%u JO ~ Jnder 1 2 30J 4:90 6:90 70J0 loiod known g+ .,, !,. 3 5te9 year. year. year 4 99 age. Q over. — — — — — . XI.—Early infancy. . . . . 46,69: 46,69: ...... ,...... -...... - ...... - . ------. — — 15 38,48< 38,43! ...... ,...... - ...... 28,53s 28,53! ...... 14,89{ 14,89! ...... -...... -...... -...... ----- ...... - . . . . . -- ...... 8,ON 8,08 ...... ,...-...... - ...... 4,57: 4,57: ...... ,...... -...... -. ...-...... -...... ,-- ...... early infency-l...... - 3,514 3,51! ...... - ...... -...... - — 1s Laokofcme ...... -.y... 171 171 ...... ---- ...... -...... ----- ......

XII.-Oldsge ...... -. I& 974 ...... -...... 3 3 72 657 4,027 6,937 ,094 163 18 — — — — . 1.5 Senility ...... 13,97< ...... -...... 3 3 71 657 4,027 6,937 ,094 168 18

XIII.-ExtemsJ OtUISSS 02,65[ 1,93: 1,413 1,13! .,021 771 2,415 5,478 .1,16$ 0,430 8,905 ?,09: 4,856 3,637 2,353 .467 17 413 . — — — . Suicide(total) ...... 9,622 ...... 39[ 1,388 2,076 l,&9L 1,69i 1,013 114 -.: .: . . . . a Bypoison ...... 2,9% ...... 17$ 764 671 ‘M M 13 . ---- 7 HI Bymph~a.. -...... -.:.. 1,OH ...... 32 172 228 21( 126 ...... M Byhangingorstrangulatlor 1,372 ...... 32 144 E 302 223 :; ; ...... 10 15[ Bydrowmng...... , 53f ...... 22 >: log ...... 15{ Bydrearms ...... 2>&=J ...... 12C 5:; 6ti ~~ L5 3; . ..”...... 1; 16( By cutting or piercing in- struments...... G% ...... 3 78 144 155 115 75 39 , 12 ...... 2 161 By jumping from high plsezs...... 14C ...... 2 28 40 39 12 20 3 5 1 ...... ---- Bycrushin ...... 7C ...... 6 22 ...... 3 Other suici%eel ...... 72 ...... 2 1: 14 2 .:1 11 -: ...... 2 . 50,121 1,80f 1,400 1,12$ ,ol~ 757 2,334 4,758 7,970 7,344 6,431 5,11s 3,752 3,226 2,234 459 17 322 164 481 31 2: 44 4 ;; 21 8 ...... 1,399 : 222 12 2 51 It! 1$1 1$ 13 Sa .. ---- ...... ; w 869 3-? 29 27 $ 29 58 18 122 34 94 72 69 56 2: 1 1 14 167 4,567 177 530 558 52C 323 441 261 230 322 306 26C 222 195 80 9 5 m 8

2,143 5% 21 H 11 37 271 270 247 160 137 70 6 ...... 169 5>571 37 164 7C 4 470 1,;Z 1,134 805 059 % 131 67 26 . ..-...... 8$ 170 1,327 6 11 E 1: 18 101 494 279 165 107 66 25 8 1 . ..-...... 9 In . . . . . 1 ..-.E ...... 172 8,;& 13! Ii 9: i 6? 2 & 2 s? 9;: 9+: 1,04; l,d 1,475 349 10 173 2,372 ...... 5 189 800 675 443 la 54 12 ...... 4 2,256 ...... ,.. . 4 177 759 6543 429 176 49 9 ...... ---- 3 116 ...... ,.. . 12 25 ...... 174 1>239 ...... 1 2 1 2 1: 178 2; 299 2;: 12 4 1$ ...... -...... 175 13,572 48 67 96 126 135 n3 1,229 2,761 2,611 Z,116 1,6s7 1,105 598 146 13 ...... 126 7,696 9 25 18 11 20 142 672 1,957 1,749 1,282 355 515 259 61 5 ...... 116 .- 1,383 4 8 26 84 24 141 146 272 292 290 297 203 104 23 3 ...... ,1 sndinjmi@ ...... 1,291 4 6 9 18 20 189 173 175 178 172 152 116 63 14 1 ...... 1 Injwfes by other vehicles:...... 2,237 25 28 42 m 70 224 204 249 2S5 233 313 241 166 37 4 ...... 6 Landsllde. other crushing...... 465 1 . . . . . 1 3 1 17 34 108 107 89 70 25 6 1 ...... 2 176 Injuries byemimti ...... 520 3 13 3 9 37 75 ’76 55 y 66 49 2 ...... 177 ...... 94 3: 3 2 . . . . 1 ...... 1 7 9 : ...... 178 Excessive ccJd...... : 31 2 3 ...... 179 Effecta of heat...... 3,% 443 70 2: 10 8 2 35 lti 3E 490 +& 394 2:; .53 2 180 Lightning ...... 240 1 ...... 13 51 49 34 40 30 8 4 ...... 181 Electricity (lightning ex- cepted) ...... 513 ...... 1 2 14 73 199 127 60 23 9 . ..-...... 1 135 Fractures(caumnot speci- fied) ...... 363 . . . . 30 42 16 136 Other external violence.... 2,471 20; 8: 4 83 d 11? 22 412 413 z z? 1% ;; 4 . ...:. li

Wnicide (total) ...... 3,907 135 13 10 9 14 31 322 1,315 1,030 569 279 ~. 5 .. .. . -. ..-. 54) Bydrearms ...... 2,247 4 3 2 3 5 7 197 WI 548 246 184 :; 3 ...-...... 26 By cutting or piercing fn- strnments ...... 633 ...... 1 1 56 246 187 26 15 ...... 134 By”otber mee.ns...... 922 12: 10 7 ; 8 2: 69 189 195 12 89 2S 2 ...... 1: XIV.-lll-deflned d is- eeem...... 7,213 2,314 726 16.5 63 38 90 1.27 257 340 482 567 832 837 364 69 12 . — — — - 187 II-defied organic disease. . . . . 611 4 6 2 3 6 19 29 57 102 163 96 2 183 !uddendeath...... 377 6 6 1 . . . . 6 2 ;; 28 E 45 59 50 21 .? 3 : 189 ‘:kmq)T&;::::_:::: 6,225 716 153 62 35 106 214 2s3 363 6n 444 267 44 82 3,512 612 109 48 20 2 12a 179 254 :: 536 305 166 21 z Not speobiedor unlmown. 2,713 104 44 14 15 36 % 36 104 119 116 135 139 101 23 5 .:

LExehsive of injnriesat bfih. 104 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[The eansesof death origirmily classified according.to the 6rst revision of the Intermtional List, whti was iq effect for the years 1300to 1309,are rearranged, 8sfar as prro+ticable,to eorresp?ndwith the ~cond reymon, m effect January 11910. Changesdepending r+ponnew titles or markedly allecting the com~arebilityof the fi~ are mdfoated by aatensks(*) following the ttles, and referenceshould be made ta the statementsm the text (p. 27) relative to changesm elass@ation. ]


CAUSE OF DEATH. Anrnm Annrra Armua Annual avera e aver f 1911 1910 1s03 1008 1911 1910 1903 1308 averagf avera IX 1306f 0 18Ql? c 1906tc KIOl! o 1910. 1905. 1905. . — AUcarrsfa ...... 829,2@ 805,4X 732,53 691,574 714,93: 529,63 ,415. , 495.{ ,440. ( 478, 1,511. 1,619.7 _ _ _ — _ _ . & _ — I.—General disessw*-...... 228,602 215,6% 194,16 187,433 191,16 146,13 385. 400.( 381.: 4C0.( 404. 446.9 Typihoid fever...... 12,451 12,6X 10,72 11,375 12,12( 10,45 -K/ 21.1 24.; 32.0 Typlmsf ever...... 5 2 ...... 1 fj’ (1) (1) . . . . . (1 Relapsing fever...... (IJ , (; ~ ...... (J, (1 ...... 1,8; 1,16; 1,17! 1,1; [r ) I,zd 1,56; ., 2.: 2.~ $.: Srnaupox...... 130 202 7! S2 10/ 1,11! 0., 0:4 0.: o:: 0’. Heesles...... 5,$22 6,59$ 4>86( 4,611 5,0% 2,95 10.{ 12.3 9.f 9.{ 10.: Warletfever...... 5,2’43 6,2.x 5,7$ 5,677 5,03( 3,60; 3.: 11.t 11.4 11.! 10.( 1?: Whooping eon h...... 6,682 6,14t 4,9cH 4,969 5,44( 3,57: 11.: 11.4 9.( 10.I 10.9 Dipbtheriaan i croup...... 11,174 11,521 10,33 10,052 10,571 9,67’ 18.! 21.4 20.4 21.! 6,64! ;;: 29.6 Influenza...... 9,294 7,774 9,969 7,76( 6,50+ 15. 14.4 13.1 21.: 16., 19.9

Mifirqfever ...... 1 (2) ...... (1) (1) (1) Asiatmcholera...... (IJ , ...... Choleranostras...... 35: 41/ 492 484 1.1 1.( 1,4 \ Dysentery ...... 3,062 3,LY 2,871 2,930 3,07f 2,:: 5:: k: k: 6.: 6.I 8.6 Plague...... 1 1 : 5 1{ 1: (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 0.1 YeUcOwfever...... 2 1 s! ...... (1) (1) 0.3 Leprosy ...... (’) (~ ~ (), (~, (Ii : (1) Erysipelsa...... 2,51; 2,d: 2,co! 1,S;j 1,97; l,4d 4.: 4.5 Other epidemio dieesms*...... 193 198 154 133 156 7( 0.: 0:4 o.i o:; 0:: 0,2 , Purulent fiection and septicemia...... 1,913 1,877 I,6N 1,727 1,79s 1,99/ 3.: 3.! 6.1 Ganders;...... 11 (1) ($5 (33 (: ‘ (1) (1) o ~ Anthrax ...... 14 2 1: 2; 2! i (], (: ~ (1),~ (~ ~ (1L ~ Rabies ...... 83 64 5! 82 72 42 0:1 *...... 1,336 1,373 1,373 1,1:] 1,276 1,15( 2.: 2.5 2.t 2.: 3.5 Mycosea...... 36 14 0.1 0.1 ;: 0.1 (1 Peuagra...... 2: 3: lIE 23 12 1 (;] 0.i 10 (4) (/j ] ($2 $ Beriberi* ...... 7 (’) (’) (’) ($7 (8) (4) 1 Tuberculosis(total) ...... 94,205 86,309 81,835 78,403 79,792 62,97$ 153.s 160.3 160.8 167.6 168.; 192.6 Tuberculosisof thelnngs* ...... 78,514 73,214 70,844 68,074 69,436 55,80$ 132.[ 136.0 139.3 145.5 146.t 170.7 (& f)218 $)wE Acute tiLarytubercuIosis* ...... 3,282 1,997 g\89 5.: 3.7 (s/o (j ~ (4)9, (’) s ~ Tuberculousmeningitis- ...... 5,237 4,65=4 8.t 8.6 Abdominal tubercrdosis...... 3,O& 3,159 3:041 2:723 2;843 1:94; 6.2 5.9 6.0 5:8 6.[ 6:0 Pott%dEeaae ...... ! 740 746 692 492 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.t 1.5 White swellings ...... 438 L% 379 356 348 234 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 o.; Tuberculosisof other organs*...... 1,:g: 1,;:; 1,072 992 988 666 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.1 ;: Disseminatedtuberculosis...... 1,184 1,300 1,195 926 1.5 1.8 2.3 2.8 2.: 2.3 $)%8 $?;32 Rickets* ...... 508 456 $)wo f~35 0.9 0.8 q 6 $) t (4)54 (’) Syphilis...... 3,821 3,221 6.4 6.0 4.1 Gonemecusinfection...... 222 197 ‘ 141 ‘ 111 ‘ 121 ‘ 41 0.4 0.4 0:2 0:2 0.3 0.1

Cancw and other rnalkmanttumors (total) . . . .I 44,024 41,039 37,562 33,465 y ;~ 22,214 74.3 7:; 73.8 71.5 72.~ Ofthebuccalcaviiy ..- ...... 1,727 1,576 1,427 1,148 677 2.9 2.5 Ofthestomeoh,liver ...... 17,365 16,475 14,915 1$ g 13;395 8,091 29.3 30:6 2?; 27.9 2:: Of the peritoneum, intestines,rectum. . . . . 5,824 5,258 4,676 4,148 2,332 9.8 8.E Of the female genitrdorgans...... 6,707 6,147 5,714 5;250 5,118 3,263 11.3 1!:: 11; 1?: 10.8 Ofthebreeet ...... 4,204 3,730 3,585 3,023 3,070 1,845 7.2 6.9 7.0 6.5 Oftheskin ...... 1,619 1,459 1,492 1,282 1,268 740 2.7 2.7 2; Of other organsor of organsnot speo~ed.. 6,518 6,394 5,763 5,755 6,110 5,266 11.0 11.9 li : 1;; 12.9 Other tumors (tumors of the female genital organaexcepted) ...... 458 489 488 0.8 1.0 :g 1.0 Acute erticnlar rheumatism*...... 3,g 3,% 2,470 2,% 2,551 1,698 6.0 6.2 ;; 5.4 Chrcmfcrheumatismandgout* ...... 676 1,163 1,103 1,039 1>191 2:4 2.2 Wlrvy...... 2! t; 0.1 Diabetes...... _ . -8, 8% 8,0% 7,OH 6,2% .~ && 14.9 14.9 1:: 13.4 1$; Exo hthahnicgoiter...... 787 687 636 500 512 218 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 Ad8“son’sdisesse...... 235 220 234 199 200 149 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 :: Leukemia...... 933 864 689 728 394 1.6 1.5 Anemia, chlorrqs...... 2,813 2,614 2,2? 2,152, 2,293 1,578 4.7 2; i:; i:; 4.8 Other generrdd:seaaes*...... 1,182 1,359 263 252 476 156 2.0 2.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Alcoholism (acute orchronic)- ...... 2,875 2,S09 2,578 2,3;: 2,734 2,002 4.9 5.4 5.1 5.0 Shroniclead poisoning...... M; 136 86 101 87 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 :: Otherchroniooccupationpoisonings...... (~ s (r) b (r) b (~ s (1)0 b Otherchronicpoisonings ...... 309 25: 26; 22: 2& 16: 11.—Diseaaesof the”nervoussystem and of the organsof spwial sense*. . . . . ~ 81,428 77,991 73,283 69,921 72,470 53,890 137.4 144.8 144.1 149.4 153.2 180.1 EncephaUtis...... 792 355 452 517 630 0.7 Meniu@is(total)...... 7,285 7,::: 7,853 8,904 9,197 1$::: Ii: 1;:; 15.4 1>: Ii:; 31:: Simple meningitis...... 4,690 5,347 5,662 6,304 6,384 7.9 9,9 11.1 13.5 13.5 23.2 Cerebrospinalmeningitis (undefined) . . . . . 2,055 2,052 3.5 3.8 Cerebrospinrdfever...... %0 220 2,191 2,600 2,813 2,765 0.9 4.3 5.6 5.9 8.5 Loeomotorataxia ...... 1,624 1,435 1,386 1,198 1,249 786 2.7 ;: 2.7 2,6 2,6 2.4 Other diseasesof the spinalcord (total) ...... 3,932 4,101 2,905 2,412 2,736 1,589 6.6 5.7 5.2 5.8 4.9 Acute anteriorpoliomyelitis ...... 1,060 1,459 569 2,412 2,736 1,589 1.8 1.1 Other diseeaesof the spinal cord 5 ...... 2,872 2,642 2,336 4.8 2; 5.2 5.8 4.9 Cerebralhemorrhage,apoplexy ...... 44,274 39,701 36,403 32,467 33,913 22,756 74.7 73.7 7:: Y 69.4 71.7 69.6 1Less than one-tenthof 1per 100,COO. j Figures fordcatlre not available forthe entire period. ZLassthanl. ~Exclusive of acute anterior poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis). 3Not eempiled separately priorti 1910. DEATHS AND DEATH RATES, BY CAUSES. 105


[The causesof death originaUy olessidod according to the drat retilon of the Wcrnatfonaf List, which was fn cl%t for the Years 1900to 1W9, are re+rmnged, as far as practkable, to correspondwithlhmmcmd rcmsion, in effect January 11$10. Changesdependingnpon new titles or markedly arlecting the eomparabdfty of the figures, are indicated by asterisks(*) folfowing the titles, and referenceehonfd be made to the statements m the text (p. 27) relative to changesin classfieatffn.]

NUMBEROFDEA~S. DEATHBATEPERI(H),000 FW?ULATXON. - CAUSE OF DEATH. Amuraf Annual Annual average average: avera.gx 1911 1910 1909 1268 1911 1910 1262 1908 l~oto lso~to 1906 to 1910.

IL-DMascsof thenervouesyatemand of the organsof specialsene@-Con. 65 Soft,8ningof the brain ...... 1,025 1,066 1,126 1,087 1,163 1,198 2.2 2.3 68 Parqlyefe without apcoiriedcancel ...... 6,359 7,756 7,639 7,544 6,583 lH 121 15.1 16.1 lt ! 2;: Genorrdparalysisof theinsanel ...... 3,92+? 2>944 2,534 ~3&7 2% 2,234 6.7 5.5 5.1 5.5 ;: Other forms of mental alienation...... 1,371 1,761 1,717 > I; n9 1,170 2.3 3.3 3.4 :; 3.6 R Epilepsy ...... 2,329 2,287 2,066 1,~ 1,931 1,452 ;: 4.2 4.1 3.9 4.2 4.4 -; Convulsions(nonpue~eral) ...... 186 J91 0.4 Convulsiorrsof infants...... -. ----- 4,231 4,g 5,340 6>177 6,& 7>3$ 7:1 1:: 1:: &: 2;$ 72 Chow. -. . ..---...... - 116 117 102 103 . 87 0.2 :; 0.2 0.2 0.2 362 73 Neural’. anrlneuritii*...... 2,683 2,579 2,599 2,240 5.2 5.5 5.5 “6.9 74 O~er%meofthenm.m~stim* ...... 2,?: 2,0$; k; :: Dieeasesof the eyes and their annexa.. - .--... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 .% Diseasesof theears ...... 1,& 967 7% 7% 7% 43 1.9 1.a :; 1.6 1.6 1.3 ~.=Diseases of the eirculatery system.. l—169,330 160,106 90,456 80,607 84,046 52,696 185.3 185.9 177.8 172.3 177.7 161.2 Periearditis- ...... 747 660 677 1.3 1.3 1,3 Acute ondocarditis* ...... 4,489 4,%, 6,s06 5,:E 5,?4 3,665 ;: J: Orgmicdiseases of theheart* ...... 33,525 76,178 65,971 6} ~1: 62,985 y:~ lM 141.5 l!$: 1:: 133.2 A@napwtorfs...... -...... -... -...... +...... 1$ :;; 3,869 3,481 3,.2&f Dwmsesof theartenes,atheroma, anemmrn,etc. , 11,657 10,174 7;935 8,394 3:058 $: 2:; 20:0 1} $ 1!! 82 EmboUsmend thqmbosis ...... 2,016 1,990 1,981 1,907 1,866 1,367 3.4 3.7 3.9 4.1 3.9 4.2 83 Dfseasosof the veme (vmwes, heruerrhods, phlebitis etc.) 352 349 320 251 284 187 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 34 Drseaseso{ tlie l~p~ti~ _&&r- _(&tik&- gitie, ete.) ...... 326 255 154 126 144 65 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 - $5 Hgem&mma#qother diseasesof the cmulatory ...... 374 366 309 774 736 915 0.6 0.-7 1.6 L7 1.6 2.8 IV.-Dieec.ses o~therespiratory system.. 99,650 100,835 90,868 81,758 83,976 72,091 163.1 X37.3 178.6 174.7 U33.1 220.5 Diseasesof thenasal fossae... -~...... 125 109 0.2 0.3 y; ~ 0.2 0.2 Dfseasesof thelaryrr+ ...... 8~ 746 770 7% 7% 7R 1.4 2.3 Dfacaeesof the. thyroldbody ...... - 224 194 la :: &).. 0:4 . M Aoutebronefntw...... 6,%] 6,939 7,& 6,9% 10.9 It: 15.2 15.2 2: Chrenicbrenchitia ...... 5,077 :3% 5,133 5,043 k% 5,031 8.6 10.0 10.2 10.8 11.1 L5.4 Bronohopna&o~ ...... 26,365 25,337 21,026 16,758 19,130 10,768 47.1 41.3 35.8 32.9 Pneumonia (tidal).,.- ...... 52,863 54,187 49,007 44,501 48,713 41,644 & 100.6 96.3 95:1 &: 125.5 28,553 18,350 46.4 36.1 Lobarpn~urnOma...... 24,972 44,501 48>713 41,644 95.1 103.0 125.5 Pneumorua (undefined) ...... 24,315 29,215 30,657 ;! 54.3 60.3 83 Plem%y ...... 2,160 2,150 2,082 1,348 1,955 1,520 4.Q 4.1 3.9 4.1 4.6 94 Puhnonary congestion,puhnonary apoplexy ... 2,341 2,499 2>X5 2,596 2,636 2,802 3.9 46 5.0 5.5 5.6 Gangveneof thelrmg ...... 187 138 146 177 166 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 :: Asthma ...... 1,578 1,454 1,419 1,313 1,386 1,220 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 97 Pubnonaryemphyserna.= ...... 183 166 137 175 169 227 ;: 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 98 Other diseasesof tbereqmratory system{tnber- Oulosisexcepted)...... 1,208 1,179 1>226 1,249 1,302 1,393 2.0 22 2;4 2.7 2.8 4.3 191.3 195.2 V.—Disrases of the digestive eystcrn. . . . . 98,601 -104,801 91,663 89,513 91,377 63,334 166.3 194.6 180.6 193.2 Dieeasesof themouth andarmexa...... 366 356 324 349 242 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1%Dieeasesof thepbarynx ...... 952 Eo 792 ::! 735 473 1.6 1.6 1.6 101 Diseaecsof theesophagus...... 120 132 113 k; 0.2 0.3 k: 162 Ulcer of thestomacb ...... 2>R 2,263 1,% 1,523 1,680 964 4.1 M 103 Other diaeaseeof the stomach(crowerexcepted) 87774 8,403 8,In 7,830 7,939 5>736 11: 15.6 12 i 12; 16.8 ;% D@’rheaand enterit.k undor2 ycme)...... 45,868 54,266 y :g 44,521 y ;;; y g: 77.4 100.8 ~;: 95.2 ;:; 89.0

Dmrhea and enteritfe 2yearaand over) ...... 8,103 8,914 7,692 9 ~17 16.6 16.4 m. 2 [ (~ ~ 106 Ankyloetomiasia ...... 15 9 62 65 67 38 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 107 InteetinalpmWites*...... 0.2 108 Appendfcitia rmdtypbfitie ...... 6,8?!: 6,1~ 5,768 5,289 5,306 3,589 11.6 11:4 11.3 11.3 Il. 2 Il. o 109 Hernia, intestinal obstruction (total) ...... 7,061 6,678 6,3n 5,976 6,089 4,256 11.9 12.4 12.6 12.8 l?; 13.0 Hernia...... 2,369 2,192 2,018 1,867 1,927 1,364 4.0 4.1 40 4.0 4.2 Iuteetfnal obstrnctfon...... 4,692 4,436 4,353 4,109 4,162 2,p39 7.9 8.3 8.6 8.8 8:8 8.8 110 Other diaeasesofthe fntcetines...... 1,7s l,5n 1,411 1,248 1,311 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.9 . 111 Aeutoyellowatro hyoftheliver...... 302 224 211 1~: 189 131 .0.5 112 Hydati$ltumoro /’thelrver ...... 16 y~ o ~;; ~;; $; (1:: 113 Crqhosls of the fiver ...... 8,3ti 7,4E 7,01 6,709 6,734 4,6i~ ’114 Biharyealculi ...... 1,749 1,501 1,436 1,275 1,301 736 3:0 2:8 29 2.7 2:8 115 Other diaoasesofthe liver ...... 3,076 3,088 2,829 2,746 2,865 2,443 5.2 5.7 5.9 6.1 116 Diseaaesof thee@een...... 0.2 0.2 ;: 0.2 g.! 117 Simple eritonitre(non~ue~eral) ...... 2,:E 2,419 2,6![ 2,9% 2,81; 3,$1 4.0 4.5 5.1 6.4 116 Other #maces of.the dgcstlve systcm (cancer andtuberoulocw excepted) ...... 467 329 219 216 214 88 0:8 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 VI.–Nonvenereal dEcasesof the genito- ‘ urinary systornrmdmmcxa ...... 67,348 62,559 57,070 51,717 54,17f 37,584 113.6 116.2 1122 110.5 114.5 114.9 119 5956 5,018 4,773 3,138 10.0 10.5 9.9 10.1 120 $%%%&&:::-:-.--””--”-””-””””””””””””...... 51~84: 43,412 it&2 41,339 2s,565 87.5 83.5 3%: B. 8 87.4 8%~ (;~3 (Zj 6 121 Chyluiia * ...... - ...... 1,318 1,230 1,247 926 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.s 122 Other dimasesof the kidneys andarmexa ...... 1,343 m Cakufioftheurfnaryp assages...... 361 292 250 265 155 0.6 0:6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 1Paresfa (unqualhied) transferred rom Lii No. 66to No. 67beginning with 1911. 2Lece than onr+tenthof 1per 100,000. 106 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

TABLE5.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS), AND DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION, BY CAUSES, ACCORDING TO THE DETAILED INTERNATIONAL 1.1ST, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA: 1908 TO 1911— Continued. [The causesof death orfgirxdly classified according to the first revision of the Internation@ List,, which was in.effect for the years 19Q0to 1909,are rearranged, as far as practicable,to correspondwith the secondr?vision, in effect January 1, 1910. Changesdependrnqupon newtltles or ma~kedly affecting the cornpar?bff.ftyof the figures, are indicated by astenske(*) following the titles, and referenceshould be made to the statementsm the text (p. 27) relatwe to changeam classification.] — NUMBEE OF DEATHS. DEATH RATE PER 100,000 POPULATION. , —. CAUSE 0s’ DEATH, Annual Annual Amrual Annual average ~verage: Lverage: average. 1911 1910 1909 1908 1011 1909 1908 1906to 1901to 1910 1906tn 1901to 1910. 1905. 1910. 1903. — ‘VI.—Nonvenereal diseasesof the genitc- urinarysystemand armexa-(ion 124 Diseasesof the bladder...... 1,532 1,561 1,484 1,476 1,434 1,415 2.6 2.9 2.9 3.2 3.1 4,3 125 Diseasesof the urethra, urinary abscem,etc.. 235 234 190 204 136 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 Dfseasesof the,prostate...... 2,175 2,% 1,873 1,495 1,62$ 8!; 3.7 3.8 ;; ~. 3.4 J % Nonvenereal draeasesof the male genital organs 49 49 39 49 0.1 0.1 0.1 !$ 128 Uterm e hemomhage(nonpnerperal)...... 7G ;! 79 90 79 89 0.1 0.2 0:2 0.2 0.2 0.3 129 Uterine tumor (noncancerous)...... S92 933 8fi2 845 837 581 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 130 Other diseasesof theuterns ...... 770 774 75!7 717 734 564 1,3 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 131 Cystsand other tumors of tbe ovary ...... 628 500 518 454 472 430 1.1 k: 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 132 Sal ingitisand other disease.?of the femalegen- 1“2 l organs...... 1,401 1,298 I,14G 1,015 1,034 671 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.1 133 Nonpue eral diseasesof the breast (cancerex- cepted?’...... 32 31 2G 31 26 17 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 “VII.—The puerperal state...... 9,45G 8,455 7,791 7,344 7,330 4,643 10.0 15.7 15.3 15.7 15.5 14.2 .— 134 Accidents ofpregnaney ...... 908 877 834 772 800 549 1.5 1.6 1.G 1.7 1.7 135 Puerperalhemorrhage ...... 851 754 357 425 491 337 1.4 1.4 k: 0.9 1.0 13G Other accidentaof labor ...... 911 820 788 598 629 295 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 k: 137 Puerperal septicemia* ...... 4;376 3,892 3,427 3,27S 3,224 2,057 7.4 ?.2 6.7 7.0 6.8 6.3 138 I?uerperalalbuminnriaand convnwlons...... 2,094 1,824 1,70G 1,619 1,593 911 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.4 2.8 139 Pne eral hlegmasia alba dolens, embolus, m72den each* ...... 266 230 4 0.4 0.4 (1),s q d 0.1 (1) 140 Followin childbuth (not otherwisedeiined) *. 46 53 G% 6$ 5% 488 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.5 141 Puerperaf dmeases of the breast...... 2 6 G 3 3 1 (1) (1) (1) (Ij (1) (1) VIII.-Disecses of the skin and of the celhfartissne...... 3,010 3,C08 2,935 2,817 2,869 2,392 5.1 5.6 5.9 &o 6.1 7.3 —— C+angrene...... 1,656 1,748 1,G91 1,562 1,656 1,457 2.8 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.5 4.5 Fnmncle ...... 235 273 257 203 221 149 0.5 0.5 0.5 y. 0.5 0.5 Aonte abscess...... 456 ~:~ 534 514 512 473 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.4 Other diseasesof the skin and annexs...... 613 503 538 480 312 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 ,[X.—Diseusesof the boues and of the organsof locomotion...... 1,365 1,317 1,455 1,418 1,335 932 2.3 2.4 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.9 146 Diseasesof the bones (tuberculosisexcepted)*. 1,187 1,145 1,325 1,296 1,190 795 2.0 2.1 2.6 2.8 2.5 2.4 147 Diseasesof thejoints (tuberculosisand rhenma- tismexcepted) ...... 121 119 88 81 97 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.i 0.2 148 Amputations...... 7 13 :: (~* (~, ~ (~1 (~1 (’~ ~ 0.1 149 Other diseasesof the organsof locomotion. . . . . 5: 46 3: :: 36 27 0.1 X.—Malformations ...... 8,485 7,998 7,755 6,807 7,ode 3,978 14.3 14.9 15.2 14.8 14.9 12.2 150 Congenital malformations (stillbirths not in- eluded) (total) ...... 8,405 7,998 7,755 6,907 7,066 3,:;; 14.3 1$: 15.2 14.8 14.9 12.2 Hydrocephalus...... 736 685 664 681 669 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.6 Congenitalmalformations of the heart. . . 5,069 4,821 4,766 4,179 4,272 ~ ;:: 8.6 9.0 9.4 8.9 9.0 6.7 Other congenitalmalformations...... 2,660 2,492 2,325 2,047 2,124 , 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.5 3.9 XI.—Early bfancy ...... 46,692 39,3&3 36,782 35,384 35,436 24,167 78.8 73.2 72.3 75.G 75.0 73.9 151 Con enitaldebility, icternsandsclererus*(total 38,434 32,350 31,770 30,890 30,526 17,646 60.1 62.4 66.0 54.0 %’ematnrebirth ...... 23,539 20,276 18,286 16,441 16,899 10,062 2; 37.7 35.9 35.1 k: 30.8 Congenital debility, “atrophy:’ “ maraa- mus,’’ etc..., ...... 14,89.5 12,075 13,434 14,449 13,627 7,585 25.1 22.4 26.5 30.9 28.8 152 Other causespecuharto early infancy* (total) 8,087 6,966 4,906 4,376 4,765 2,499 13.6 12.8 9.6 9.3 10.1 Irrjnriesat birth ...... 4,573 3,725 3,508 3,110 3,138 1,634 7.7 6.9 6.6 6.6 Other causespecn3iarto early infancy !... 3,514 3,181 1,398 1,266 1,627 5.9 5.9 ‘$; 2.7 3.4 153 Lackof care* ...... 171 132 106 118 165 4,% 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3

XII.—Oldage* ...... 13,974 13,604 13,456 13,307 13,715 13,400 23.6 25.3 26.5 29.5 29.0 4L o 154 Senility ...... 13,974 13,604 13,456 13,S07 13,715 13,400 23.6 25.3 26.5 29.5 29.0 41.0 XIII.-External causes:~...... 63,650 57,196 52,029 49,31.1 51,058 33,251 107.4 106.2 102.3 105.4 107.9 101.7 %fcide( total)...... 9,622 8,590 8,402 8,332 7,534 4,548 16.2 16.0 16.5 17.8 16.0 13.9 155 Bypoison ...... 2,927 2,456 2,462 2,511 2,281 1,549 4.9 4.6 4.8 5.4 4.8 4.7 15G Byasphyxia ...... 1,013 941 989 878 785 1.7 1,7 1.9 157 By hanging or strangulation...... 1,373 1,263 1,215 1,171 1,035 % 2.3 2.3 2.4 ;: ;:; i; 158 ,By drowning ...... 536 517 507 415 231 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 159 By firesrms...... 2,~; 2,561 2,395 2,% 2,238 1,108 4.8 4.8 i! 5.3 4.7 3.4 lro Bycuttingorpiercin instruments...... 544 536 507 472 261 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.8 161 Byjnm ingfromhlg places...... 146 137 156 157 128 55 0.2 o:! 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 162 70 88 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 163 %%%%K.-.-:(:!::::::::::::::::::: 75 81 .% 1!8 1% 2;; 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.8 Accidental or nnde6ned (total) ...... 50,121 45,416 40,773 37,97G 40,702 27,753 84.6 84.3 80.2 81.2 86.0 84.9 164 l?oisoningby food* ...... 481 167 1,779 0.6 0.3 3.5 4.3 165 Other acntepoisonings...... 1,399 1,227 1,652 1,055 1,412 2.4 2.3 3.5 3.5 166 Conflagratio n* ...... 869 74s 637 G87 ...... 1.5 L 4 1.3 1.5 1.2 ...... 167 Burns (conflagration excepted) ...... 4,567 4,182 4,007 3,704 3,K 2,715 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.3 168 Absorption of deleteriousgases(eanRsgra- . tionexwuted)* ...... 2,143 1,379 2,604 1,709 1,766 1,519 3.6 2.6 3.9 3.7 4.6 169 Accidental-drotiing ...... 6,571 4,818 4,558 4,677 4,551 3,362 9.4 8.9 9.0 lk A 9.6 1$ 170 T{aumatism by fuearms...... 1,327 1,161 944 98G 1,012 1,109 2.2 2.2 1.9 2.1 2.1 171 Treumatism by cuttimgor piercing instru- merits...... 122 (’) (8) (’) (,) 0.2 0.2 (’) (4) 172 Tmnmatism by fall* ...... 8,905 8,3% W (,) (4) (’) 15.0 15.4 $~ ,3) (’) ILess than one-tenthof 1per 100,000. ! Exclusive of injuriesat birth. Not compiled separately prior to 1910. ~Figures for deaths not available r the entre period. . .


‘fAB&i &.-DE~TliS ‘(EXCLUSIVE OF, S?l~LBIRTHS , AND DEATH RATES PER 100,000 :POI?UZATION; BY ..CAUSES, iK&R~)NG TO THE DETAILED INTERNATI J NAL LIST, FOR TH33 REGISTRATION; AREA: 1908 TO 1911— ,,:.:,,,,,<: ., [The cau:es of death originallyclassifiedaccording.to ~hedrst revisionof the InternationalList, which was ~ effectfor the years1900to 1909,arere+~nged, as faras pra@qblej to correspondwith the secondWvmon, m effectJymery 1,1910. Changesdependinguponnewtn% or markediytiecting t@ comparabtityof thefigures, aremdrcatedby asterisks(*) followingthe titles, andreferenceshonidbe madeto the statementsm the text (p. 27)relatmeto changesm cki.ssticaticm.] -, II . . NVMBER OF DEATHS. II DEA’PH RATE PER 100,000POPULATION. t Annual Annual I Annnal Ammif iveragw averagrx 1910 \ 1909 190s Werage: avera~ 1911 191b 1909 1908 l~::oto W& 1911 Nwloto W&to —— .

2,372 2,434 1,997 p :]; 2,010 32o 4.0 4.1 . 4.2 1.0 3.9 2,256 2,366 1,863 2,010 32o { ;; 4.2 1.0 116 118 134 h): 1,239 1,299 1,174 1,002‘ 2S5 2.1 M 0.9 13,572 13,302 g)&9 $r\m $)076 (1) 22.9 (#, o q;: (i) 7,696 7;377 4,977 { “q:; 15.2 , 1,883 1,94: 1;723 1;;; 1:;74; } 3:7 i: 1.0 1,291 348 { :; 2.6 2,23!3 1,940 2 % 1,924 1,870 } 4.1 4.0” I (2) 556 ({) (1) (2) (1) 0.8 (r) (i

(1) (1) $) ~ (2( ~ (1)o~ 176 ~~;a:i;~~~irn~ *...... - ...... 520 502 (1) (’9 0.9 0.9 PJ~ 177 94 0.2 0.1 . 17s Excessivec&~...::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2!: 2!: 2% 2% 1:: 0.3 0:5 0:5 0:6 .179 Effectsof heat...... 3,%? 826 816 829 763 1,188 5.3 !$ t: 1.8 L 6 3.6 160 Lightning...... 240 156 150 161 154 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 181 Electricity(fightningexce ted)*...... 513 478 (1)=7 (1]34 f)351 0.9 ;. (1) (!/ ~ (,)2 ~ (1) 185 ‘Fractures(causenot speci%cd) ...... 363 623 $)7: :; 0.7 }86 $)therextemalviolence...... 2,471 3,391 10,896 9,6&5 8;554 6:527 . 6.3 21.4 20:6’ 18:1 k: Homicide(total)...... 3,807 3,192 2,%4 3,003 2,77f 950 5.9 .. 5.6 “6.4 5.9 I 2.9 , By firearms...... 2,347 1,%2 :: 3.4 R By cuttingor piercinginstruments...... 638 452 2,%4 3,003 2,771 950 1.1 0.8 5.6 6.4 ,5.9 2.9 .134 Byother means*...... 922 886 { 1.6 1.6 } XlT.-Ill-defined diseases...... 7,213 12,462 12,W 13,637 13,907 15,633 12.: 23.1 24.7 29.2 29.4. 47.8 . — . — —. . — ’187 Iil-dednedor#@cdisesse...... 611 622 725 8.52 342 1,311 1.( 1.2 :; 1.8 4.0 L 188 Suddendeath...... 377 271 202 123 0.( 0.4 k: 189 Nots ecfied or ill-defined*(total) ...... 11,56! 11,3: 12,583 12,W 14,199 10.: 2?: : 27.0 27.1 ‘M I&elined ...... ~;g 9,932 10,273 11,296 11,224 12,580 5,$ 18.4 ~.: 24.2 23.7 38.5 ,Notspecidedorunknown...... , 1,637 1,313 1,287 1,609 1,618 4.[ 3.0 . 2.8 3.4 4.9

I N-etcompiledseparatelyprior to 1910- ~Fignre.sfor deathsnot availizblefor the entireperiod. -..

:i ., .,.




[The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]

I I 1 DEATHS 0CCURRIN13 IN— Z*6 #~z AREA AND OAUSE OF DEATH. ~s.~ de#a. N~e;m- D~e;m- .&la January. ‘~$m- March. April. May. IJune. July. August. ‘e~~m- October. . SUMMARY. -

TIIE R~GISTRATION AREA. AUcauae3...... 839,284 79,777 72.331 1,023 74,854 70,048 iO,811 73>979 67,454 62,778 63,933 64,051 67,692 — ______. —, !&&h&d few...... ,f:;; 8~~ 734 711 638 649 787 1,176 ~ — 1;w 1,616 1,327 900 : ...... 128 152 208 Z&5 260 159 s 3fe4121c9...... 5;922 580 7;! 1,1!! 1,$: ;:; 61: 301 149 1:; 6 Scorletfever ...... 5,243 672 607 755 192 1:! 2;; & 310 , 7 549 790 811 610 g 551 450 337 335 D1@OOBm~muth--””.ht erraan croup.”””--”...... +!$ 1,!% 958 992 k!? 728 S35 6$ 802 1,321 1,382 l,% : Inl!uenza..: ...... 1,978 2,171 2,028 1,124 508 157 172 341 Tubemulowaof the lungs...... “ 81;786 7,698 7,258 8,377 7,885 7,438 > ;:; 6,51~ 5,913 5,5% 5,r33; 5,992 6,489 M& Other foqns of tnbereulosia...... 12,409 948 1,002 1,212 1,200 1,262 1,.l# 926 808 869 Wig:;- ...... 7,285 602 728 705 ‘ 625 ?; 523 516 Z& ...... 11,559 1,%! 1,508 l,Td 1,243 897 484 415 478 770 1,% 1,:$ Pnenmoma...... 62,868 8,591 7,165 6,384 4,286 1,:$ 1,528 1,436 1,667 2,696 4,186, 5,404 (;) Brormhopneomonm-...:...... -. ,26,333 3,884 3,469 j% 2,992 2,182 1,153 1,038 958 1,Ml 1,420 2,023 2,610 Diarrhea and ententm (under 2 yams) ...... 45,883 1,838 1,493 1,Wlo 1,902 2,411 3,348 9,243 9,664 6,999 3,888 1,8671 1,436 (37) Dmrhe& and enterlhs (2 yesrs and J over) ...... 8,108 477 375 515 721 1,26+3 1,314 958 (333 CcmgenitaldebWyl...... 14,895 1,0S5 957 1,$ 1,% 1,056 1,517 1,711 1,678 1,w 1,% 1,L? Violent deathe (excluding euicide).. -“64, 028 4,038 3,:!; 4,000 3,844 4,:% 4,473 7,930 + 75: 4,251 4,193 4,324 4,195 36 Suicide...... 9,622 939 820 788 702 768 A~[Other ee,w ...... 46L913 42,~ 39,008 13,?4 41,:!! 39,434 14,E: 18,587 35,414 34,433 36,749 37,108 39,;% r REGISTRATION STATES.2 AR Wmses...... 756,777 72,023 66,278 73,340 67,808 62,701 i4,178 58,880 61,074 56,801 57,617 57,467 W, 820 _ _ _ -1= _ -- T hoidfever ...... — 11,096 748 ao 848 5~ 586 649 979 1,365 1,;: 1,475 1,;; S;! M~aria ...... 1,322 101 155 174 183 Meshes...... 5,395 5!: 6!; 9$ 1,036 Sti 287 140 92 173 Scarletfever ...... 4,646 595 533 6!?6 599 587 f; 248 1?: 2;: 272 WOO lIl~COU h ...... 6,102 456 502 677 570 :% 416 320 :2 D1~Eht erlaan %croup ...... 9,958 1,065 864 ;% ;2 516 477 515 722 1,191 1,234 1,;! In uenza...... 8,595 1,791 2,044 1,808 1,:2 473 1.59 302 TWb3mIdOSiSof the lungS...... 73,237 6,911 6,541 7,509 7,107 6,655 5,& 5,9:? 5,3: 4,9:: 5,:;; 5,346 5,787 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 11,387 877 918 1,W9 1,096 1,170 1,033 1,075 908 854 738 Menin@tis...... 6,514 575 541 620 588 599 561 474 465 395 L? BronchM~...... 10,838 1,603 1,427 1,E 1,w 447 388 719 916 1,021 Pneumoma...... 46,764 7,587 6,437 6,S56 5,627 3,z: 1,%: 1,333 1,261 1,& 2,380 3,648 4,740 Bronchopnemmoniri...... 23,717 3,456 3,168 3,226 2,697 1,946 1,034 928 347 942 1,300 1,806 2,3845 Diarrhen and enteritis (mrder 2 years) ...... 40,018 1,334 1,236 1,489 1,523 1,833 2,860 8,361 8,824 6,307 3,423 1,586 1,188 (37) Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... 7,143 415 329 388 46+3 417 610 1,071 1,209 870 650 394 392 (333 Congenital debWyl ...... 13,576 1,018 868 1,017 958 835 926 1,395 1,M17 1,581 1,386 1,043 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 48,841 3,~; 3,134 3,587 3,481 4,048 4,005 7,205 4,350 3,884 3,757 3,871 3,% 36 Suicide...... 8,635 710 807 734 696 630 695 Another cfmecs...... 418,991 38,843 35,$! 19,526 37,:R 35,[1 11,439 M,962 32,~~ 31,252 33,294 33,506 35,!% CITIES I~TARTEE~I~TRATION

Auealrsec ...... 413.920, 38,672 35,472 19,619 37,220 34,804 ?9,5s2 S7,839 33,067 30,674 31,526 31,523 33,916 _ _ _ _ _ . — - T hoidfever ...... 5,122 389 373 343 281 284 3: 396 T — 631 613 626 3;; M%%aria...... 328 15 33 49 48 23 MossIw...... 2,776 3:: 4: 4% 4X 271 2;: 108 Scarlet fever...... 3,024 % 357 432 422 408 248 176 1:3 13 1$; 1:: 148 Whoo ingceu h ...... 2,939 249 3.59 378 358 261 281 275 205 121 107 140 Dmht%~enaan IXOUD ...... 5,883 H 656 551 525 457 352 308 328 406 590 610 :% Influenza...... 2,854 621 684 355 161 108 Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 41,300 3,916 3,w 4,134 3,971 3,733 3,3$: 3,Zi: 2,:; 2,8: 3,OM 3,094 3,393 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 6.734 52.5 534 652 715 618 612 489 476 448 488 Meningitis...... $ so 308 291 E 345 344 321 326 2.06 253 242 213, 235 Bronchitis ...... 6,095 759 678 482 258 233 259 401 613 Pnemnorua...... 26,828 3,:% 3,374 3,%! 3,281 2,320 1,w 926 818 928 1,516 2,:$ 2,773 Bmnehopneumoma...... 15,410 1,961 1,808 2,076 1,786 1,3S5 750 707 633 691 876 1,171 1,566 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years)...... 25,002 880 822 1,030 1,047 1,168 1,715 5,675 5,a81 3,571 2,026 (37) DmIa~:a aud euteritis (2 years and ...... 3,,508 218 171 203 192 205 569 575 383 203 219 (333 Congenitaldebilltyl ...... 7,689 555 459 548 508 436 974 941 ,5 569 533 Violent dmths (excluding auicirle).. 25,807 1,947 1,638 1,950 1,828 2,100 4,8: 2,125 2,021 1,983 2,006 36 Suicide...... 5,236 434 415 423 508 494 ‘ 361 422 Another cauaes...... 223,815 20,678 19,025 20,973 19,976 19,267 18,~! 16,$; 16,8: 17,972 18,@ 18,320_ RURAL PART OF REGISTRA- TION STATES. I Affcmw...... l342,857 33,351 30,806 13,721 30,388 27,897 )4,59.5 ?9,041. 28,007 26,127 26,091 25,926 26,904 - _ _ _ _ — . — _ T. hoidfever ...... 5,974 359 307 305 303 275 583 793 734 ;?; —7 690 Nllama...... 994 120 141 1: 60 Measles...... 2,619 2:; 3$ 5:: 5: 4:; $ 48 33 :; Scwlet~ever ...... 1,622 228 176 254 177 179 105 1;: 251 253 365 289 366 289 ;i 2:: 1:: 214 266 ~{~i$%!%kfi:::::::::::::: $? 308 325 228 188 169 187 316 601 624 504 ...... 1,8; 1,404 1,324 706 312 305 Tuberculosmof the hmp ...... 3$:;; 2,995 2,866 3,375 3,136 2,S& 2,6$: 2,32 2,1:; 2,1:: 2,k? 2,394 Other forms of tubercn OSM...... 352 3$4 455 444 463 363 365 345 2S0 322 Wlf;i; : ...... 2,904 267 250 269 295 273 255 221 223 182 206 ...... 4,743 757 668 837 489 $: J 189 155 189 318 393 408 I Excluding premature birth. z Includes District of Colmnbla. 1 DEATHS, ‘BY MONTH OF OCCURRENCE. ~ ‘ 109 ‘

TABLE 6.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIW OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM 42ERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MONTHS, FOR THE ‘ REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000,POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910:1911- Continued. [The cities inoluded in this tcble are arranged alphabetically by states.]


SlliTWIvfARY+!Onthmed. - RURAL PART OF REGISTRA- TION STATES-Continued. , Pneumonia...... 19,9% 3,60[ 3,663 3,10I 2,34 1,481 54 407 864 1,578 1,967 Bronehopneumoma... ?. . ..?. ..-- . . . 8,307 1,49: 1,360 1,IN 91 561 284 222 g 424 635 800 D$rrrr~ and enteritis (uuder 2 ...... 15,016 5B 414 46$ 47{ 6M ;, 14{ 2,6S6 3,526 1,397 587 3s5 Dia#)ea and ententm (2 years and . 3,637 1% In 1% 2a! 212 321 502 487 3iX 189 Cangeni-tidei&ji:::::::l:::::::: 5,387 ~g 46: 45( 399 37( 1% 474 :~bi~; deaths (excluding suicide).. !23,034 1,7% 1,%! 1,&i 1,6S 1,948 1,98/ 3,$: 2,.22 l,E% 1,$% 1,383 ...... 3,379 2E 216 . 32 3% 31: 26$ All-other causes-“”.----:”-”---”-----111S5,176 17,91X 16,683 1s,2 17,33: 16,%i’ [4,8s 16,%? 15,3si 14,% 15,3= 15,%: REGISTRATION CITIES IN OTHER STATES.

Allcauses...... 82,507 7,754 6.553 7,68$ 7.24( 7.345 6,631 7,0s9 6,38C 5.977 6,366 6.5S4 6,672 ,- . _ ~ ~ — 1,355 6( -% 13s 197 207 168 141 32 2W$W’?:::::::::::::::::::’:::11430 E 51 53 61 72 77 16 .:: 1A 81 47 10 ...... 6 H 74 57 ;; 3: 20 17 680 : :: 52 1,216 124 116 a : ,! 91 E 4: 699 187 120 8,539 787 866 7E 4; 6% 59: 7: 1,$% 69 163 92 85 35 64 100 35 k % 721 87 z % 6,104 1,z 4R 1:; 195 3% 2,648 408 ?2 ;: 111 120 5,850 258 301 E! 683 % 840 445 (37, over) ...... 963 62 46 55 9s Ill m 165 38 Congenitaldebility !...... 1,319 130 122 12 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 5,187 $& &g ;!! H 468 635 % 3% 436 Suicide...... 987 102 .72 ~o~wcau= ...... - .. ..--- . . . . . 42,922 3,9E 3,3: 3,% 3,752 3,4% 3,!& .3, 3!! 3,2% 3,455 ALL REGISTRATION CITIES.Z

Allcauses ...... -- ...... 496,427 46,&6 42.025 17,307 E, 149 6.216 4,938 39,447 37.892 38.122 46,783 _ ~ _ _ — .1 449 427 406 374 593 77s %4 ,460 3 a::.?:::::::::::::::::::::::- 34 66 125 5 MemIes...... 3% 5: 2E 1% & Scarletfever: ...... 3:621 2 431 501 & 225 135 1:: ‘ 184 237 296 425 445 352 327 . 138 $;; 159 Ij%#&&+%%ti:::::::::::::: 728 648 667 541 3:: 419 720 719 76? 196 Tubercul&”XtK; iiiiii:l:::: III:: 4$:: 4,’% 4,392 5,% 4,516 3,839 3,5% 3,n% 4,% Other forms of tubemulosie...... - 618 757 697 630 570 547 Magti ...... -- . . . ..- 4;321 % 352 466 %7 384 373 2s3 277 BronoMti. -.- ...... ------6,816 260 Pneumonia...... ;~ 9&2 4,% 4,%! 4,% 2,K 1,B! 1,013 1,g 3,% Bronchopneumonia...... , 2,369 2,10s 2,470 1,621 811 744 1,818 Diarrhea and enteritk (under 2 I 30,862 1>118 1,079 1,331 1,746 6,562 6,138 4,263 2,471 1,230 1,635 (37) D~

RE421STRAZT07S7STATES. I cALrFomiIA. II I Allrxmaes...... II 34.010 3.442 2,78a 2,705 2,582 2,548 2,644 2,S27 3,321 - . — _ — 1 T hoidfewr...... 430 33 26 23 43 45 3- MWaria...... Ig 3 16 15 Ml 5 Measles...... 5 1: 4 3 3 6 8cedet~ever...... __. ._... _- 1% : 1! 1: It 1: : g~:~::kiip:::::::::::::: 162 16 11 5 n 9 ...... 210 13 Tubercukmaofthelunge...... 4,496 4? 3$ 33$ 32 14-;; &arrtie of tuberculosis.-...... 52 47 45 BY 2$ 22 25 20-21 Bmncbitie ‘---” ””---- .-’--- ”------323 17 % 22 Pnerrmoti.:::::::l :::::::::::1:::: 1,685 1% ;? 123 (23) Bronehopneomonia...... 639 34 !% 30 42 25 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 pars).....:.....:. -..-: ...... 904 55 33 44 125 89 106 167 70 (37) Dmrrhea and enterltk (2 yearn and over) ...... 281 16 34 23 26 28 22 (33) Congenitaldebfliwl...... !: . 35 Violent deaths (excluding suioide)-. 2,g 205 {; 2X 2:: z% 23 21 36 Suicide...... 68 Allothercauses ...... 19,539 1,6% 1,591 1,5% 1,4:; 1,5% 1,6H 1,911 1Exeluding premature btih. 2 Includes District of Columbia.


TABLE 6.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM CERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MONTHS, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910: 1911- Continued. [The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.] — ( 1 II DEATHS OCCURRING lN— ~~ & Wz All 5E AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. “$32 deaths. iYOvern- D~e:n-. January. Febm- Mar~h, April. May. June. July. August. s@j&- October. 4dd aw. ber.



Allcauses ...... 10,740 1,225 957 1,091 843 867 864 916 758 764 820 _ _ . _ _ _ — l’y hoidfever ...... 25; 18 10 8 11 8 3: 41 30 34 11 Mzf arm...... 1 1 ...... ldeasles...... 125 10 23 29 29 22 2 ...... 1 2 Scarletfever...... 82 17 14 14 10 4 ...... 4 3 Whooprn~cou h ...... 2 5 i 5 7 ; Di htherraan %croup...... 5 1: 6 : 1 6 8 1~ 1: In&enza ...... ,: H ...... Naberculosisof the lungs...... 180 1;: Ii! 15: M; 12~ 12: 110 121 13; Other foqus of tuberculosis...... ‘ 127 13 13 15 10 16 7 7 10 Iwningitrs...... 117 16 12 15 9 10 11 7 Bronchitis...... 104 : : ; Pneumonia...... 851 # 1;8 li; :: 4; 18 ; ~ { 68 Bronchopnenmonia...... 279 60 40 33 25 24 9 6 2s Diarrhea rmd enteritis (under 2 years)...... 470 18 11 13 8 33 92 ml 54 32 11 (37 Diarrhea and entent~ (2 years and over) ...... 3 4 2 14 13 5 3 (3J CongenitaldebiMyl...... 2:: 2; 2; ; 26 Violent deaths (exchrdmg suicide).. 849 63 :; 60 6; 6! 96 :: 73 [ :: 36 Suicide...... 180 16 All othercauses...... 5,0s4 2 4:! 4:! 416 4: 4!; 4: 3;; 3s4 428

CONNECTICUT. 17,552 1,760 1,556 1,692 1,678 1,435 1.635 1,448 1,2s4 1,345 Allcauses ...... _ _ _ _ T hoidfever ...... 154 12 3 4 4 23 22 37 !&ria ...... 22 ...... 6 4 Meshes...... 1: 1: 1: 1? 3 ...... Scarlet~ever...... 1;: 10 14 6 6 2 .. 1643 19 H 25 ;! Diyrn$cou?ht erlamr cOUP...... ::““--”-”””-”’ .. 250 22 22 24 12 1: ;; ;! I usnza...... 268 ...... Tubemnlosisofthehm ...... 1,456 IH 1: In 1;: 101 10: 108 Other forms of tubere3’ osrs...... 248 16 18 22 27 12 20 M3nfng@...... 229 14 23 18 22 28 19 Bronchlt~ ...... 273 2! Pnernnonia...... 1,355 22 2;: 1:: 1% :: 2 74 Bronehopneumonia...... 395 56 66 52 28 9 14 23 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years)...... 902 26 24 22 31 239 136 56 2$ (37 Dmrrhea and enteritis (2 years and over ) ...... 134 26 16 12 13 Congenitaldebflityl ...... 415 $ 2; 3! 3: 58 53 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 1,046 61 68 77 83 so :: : Suicide...... 207 !: Allotbercauscs ...... 9,841 833 9fi 9Z 8: 7H 7:; 7;; 792

INDIANA. 3,086 3,371 3,2.45 2,830 2,776 2,526 2,780 , 2,S52 Allcauscs ...... —35,210 _ _ _ ~ _ T, hoidfever ...... 728 42 4: 30 108 90 99 Maria ...... 110 16 11 12 Measles...... 262 2! 4: 4 1 Scarlet~ever...... 179 19 U 1: Whoo w$cou h ...... 272 19 31 x 1: : Di h$ermrm %croup...... 38S 9 14 3: 76 J.r&enza ...... 499 1;: :: Tuberculosisof the lun ...... 3,678 324 3:; 3: 28! 21f 24! Other fry~ of tubercuPcm...... 51 59 51 55 59 Meuiu@s...... E 25 29 31 16 Bronchlt~ ...... 415 H 22 ;; Pneumoma...... 1,626 2$ 2:: lx 36 54 Bronchopneummua.:, ...... 638 139 115 47 29 32 E Diarrhea and enterlt~ (under 2 216 64 years)...... 1,676 49 57 65 2s2 252 (37 Dmrrhea rmd entmtrs (2 years and over) : ...... 411 22 2.5 19 59 49 38 Corrgemtaldebflityl ...... Violent deaths (exoludfng suicide).. -2, :; Ii: Ii: 1:$ 211 1:: Iii Suicide...... Another cwmss...... 20,207 1,d! 1,G 1,6;; 1,5$ 1,4%’ 1,6fi

KENTUCKY. 2,407 2,392 2,127 2,447 Allcauses ...... 30,407 _ 2,394 2,534 _ _ _ T@gym:::::::::::::::::::::: = 1,069 41 43 49 167 116 132 237 12 16 3; 36 31 Measles...... 455 52 Iil 59 3 6 Scarlet:ever ...... 7 . VVhoo mgcon h ...... 4!: H 2 42 2$ 2?! :: Di ht{ierlaau croup...... 572 39 10 25 61 125 li&enza ...... ~ ...... 410 H Tuberculosfeof thehm ...... 4,625 3:: 468 4!! 29!! 24 31: Other f~qnsoftnberc OASIS...... 668 54 55 70 44 61 45 Memng~Qs...... 38 41 40 34 44 Bronchltm ...... w 43 39 23 19 12 z 1Excluding premature birth. -.


“ TABLE 6.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE Ol? STILLBIRTHS) FROM GERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MONTHS; FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES 0F-250,000 POPIJLATION OR.’ OVER IN 1910: 1911— Continued. . [The citiesincluded in this table arearrsngedalphabetferdlyby statis.].

~~s DEATHS OCCURRING IN— t, gnz AND CAUSE OF DEA!!E. .z!s~ AREA de%k . Jamlary. Febm-~ ~r~h. April. May. N;_??-mT D~e;rn~. $i3 June.. July. August. ‘e%&rn- o~~~~. ,. 0 . -— - REGISTRATION S’I’&TES:&uMiiued. KEN!CUCKY-COnthlUed. ‘1 Pneumonia ...... 1,686 240 198 255 209 42 207 210 Bronehopneummia...... 596 88 85 62 14 .65 73 Dferrhea and enteritis (uuder 2 !% years )...... 1,157 27 17 26 25 279 102 41 20 Dmrrheaand enteritis(2 vearsrmd over) ..-l . . . ..-... ---l. ~-...... -423 24 20 66 .52 42 2@ Congenitaldebilityl...... 591 ;; 77 Violent deaths(excludingsuicide)-. 1,793 . 1% 1% 136 173 1: lE l% Suicide...... 201 16 Allot@ercanscs...... 14,530 1;1; 1,Iz 1,d: 1,3;1 1,%% 1>2E ~ 1,184 ,., MMNE. I Ancauscs ...... 12,031 1,114 1,126 1>239 1,090 822 964 986 906 912 841 972 _ — _ T hoidfever...... 135 10 11 13 12 8 9 11 14 12 12 . 14 M~aria...... 3 ...... ,: . . . . 3 ...... -’--. -...... Measles...... 2 2 2 3 4 3.1 ...... 1 1 5 Scerlet:ever...... :: 6 2 4 .-...... ~..-...... ---- ...... ~o$wou$...... 73 5 5 5 6 13 ; z ...... 1! : 4 2 8 8 3tae:::?..w.- ...... lx 21 3: 2 .__.: ...... 2 ii 872 82 77 . % 7! 58 61 64 61 74 %!iF&Eo%E*%-fQ::::::: 191 25 15 20 19 19 12 14 13 8 Meningitis...... 100 10 7 8 10 8 9 6 6 8 Bronchitfe...... 188 6 Pneumonia...... -. 824 Iii 1% 12 3; 1~ 1; % :? Bronchopneurnonia...... 236 38 36 26 5 ;: -12 23 Diarrhea end enteritis (under 2 ‘r years)...... 473 14 10 12 9 14 77 166 107 24 11 15 (37, Dwhca and enteritis(2 yearsand over)...... 110 3 5 24 (3& Oengeniteldebffftyl...... 229 20 d 2? 18 1: Violentdeaths(excludingsuicide).. ::; 40 35 $ 40 41 $ 36 Suicide...... Ml Othercauscs ...... 7,597 69: 67; 6~ 5:: 54 625


Allcauses...... 20,694 1,903 1,730 1,972 1,757 1,395 1,632 1>633 1,589 1,646 _ — _ _ LE-lJ& _ — . — 1 T hoidfever...... 491 22 11 23 18 19 Y— 78 89 84 73 27 &a.- ...... 2 ...... 3 3 1 .! Mce.else...... lit 14 28 3: 8 11 2 .-....-...... ; 1. 6 Sce,rlet$ever...... 1? 4 7 7 WO*WCOU$...... 1:! 1: J 19 1: 1: 1; 15 1: 8 16J3 E 18 11 9 5 10 11 18 ,H ~tia??..?.~p;;:::::; ;;:::~; 217 :: .....-...... ,. 2,g3 1~ 2$$ 2E 20: 185 168 17i 17: 1$) P$EE2:;f2GEf:G::::::. . . 29 20 22 30 26 38 25 23 Meningitis...... -. 180 14 16 1s 19 15 -; 10 Bronchitis...... i. . . 296 ii :: 16 10 H Pneumonia- ..- . . . ..- ...... -.l..- 1.290 2% 151 188 1: z 40 31 lE 97 65 79 33 H 20 21 :? ,, 90 ,. 85 33 20 25 23 64 375I 330 224 97 35 14 ., 14 20 3: 6: 4; 78 ,; ,, : 74 73 76 “; 66 7; Allothercauses...... -.. ~...... -1:11,110 9:: 1,06: d! 763 m: 9;: 979 lfASSACHUSE~l’S. “1 I Alfcauses...... l 53,003 4,768 4,720 5,071 4,720 3,514 4,045 3,819 3,790 ‘4,188 1= ~ - _ _ _ — ~ T hoidfever...... 311 12 13 20 16 17 49 43 42 31 MWatia.-..- ...... 2 ...... , 1. Messke...... 3/): 4 3; 4; 33 12 1: Scarletfever...... 197 E 30 32 21 10 12 .:$ mo~hgcouf ...... 506 37 50 64 34 2 28 28 Di h enaszr croup...... 581 62 64 $ 38 43 43 57 Ir&3usa...... 345 :: Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 4,466 419 ix 4;: ‘g 32 32: 31: 3;: Otherformsof tnberoulow...... 61 76 80 58 %: 36 46 H ;; ; 33 1: 1!: 3,% 482 598 4% # 1% . 2!: 256 3% 1,557 199 220 234 68 62 131 13s 3,584 98 59 118 151 155 .1,0Q6 570 266 119 97 (37 ,, 411 27 27 29 69 29 24 890 ‘E 1?: 3,195 2?: 1;: 2% 9E 238 219 1%’ 2% 30,% 2,7E 2,7?: 2,1% 2,2 2,4: 2,2#1 2,3% 2,% 1Excludingprematurebti.



-. DEATHS OCCURRING IN— %~o s~z .zm~ AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Ja~. de%s. January. Febru-~T March. April. May. June. July. 4HA ‘“~t” %:.m- O’tober. ‘Yw- ‘~rrn-



Alleauaes ...... 37.553 3,535 3,434 3, S44 3,544 2, 67! 3, 19s 2,967 2,935 2,808 2,864 2.939 ______547 40 42 50 44 3, 44 52 5: 64 4 R&id.?:::::::::::::::::::::: ...... 3 . . . . . 4 2 1 Messke...... Ii: 21 1; 3; 2( 2! Seerlet fever ...... 205 22 18 H 28 11 1: li 1: 2: Whq%eou$ ...... 244 14 22 37 29 2 25 12 18 10 12 Di ht enaan croup ...... 472 49 40 2: 27 % 40 66 7( In&enza ...... 524 13 1% Tuberculcsia of thehrngs ...... 2,330 2% 200 261 2% Ii lJ 14: 16? Ii: 1; Other forma of tnbereulow ...... 29 54 G 34 35 ‘< 29 Meningitis...... l $? # 4E 21 33 24 ;: 25 i; Brormhiti+ ...... 728 118 lti 1:: 2( 26 2( 34 42 ~: Pnemmoma ...... 1,834 279 320 296 & 5: 33 53 12$ Bronchopneumome ...... 759 119 136 113 87 2, 19 !; 19 k 4 Diarrhea end mteritis (under 2 yams)...... 1,634 72 63 67 59 8; 248 36f 322 165 6! 35 Diarrhea aud enteritis (2 years aud over) ...... 394 20 20 2[ 52 7i 39 2( 22 Congenital debilftyl ...... 972 : i: Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 2,408 163 11: 172 1: By 2% 22 12 lE la Suicide ...... 420 * Allothe reeuaes ...... 23,515 2,1% 2, C& 2, 2E 2,2; 1, 75[ 1,&4 1, 7:; 1, 7E 1, Sti I,&!


Allcauaes ...... 21,98$ 2,413 1,9s5 2,174 2,070 1, 66( 1,667 1,705 1,603 1,544 1, 61C 1, 6S9 _ _ . _ _ _ _ — T hoidfever ...... 21 18 23 20 11 17 24 23 37 52 27 MRr5a ...... 2% ...... 1 ...... Meaaka...... 111 21 22 3 1 ...... ; .%mlet fever ...... 189 3: 2! 33 15 2 + ; 17 Whoo irx$eouh ...... 172 1< 2; 1; 1: Di h &i enasn croup ...... 315 ;: ;: ;; H 1! 22 i: 2 21 Is ;: Ir&enr.a ...... 17s ...... 10 Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 2,107 2; 1% 2!! 1:; 18/ 16: 161 12? 14; 15! 162 Other forma of tubereulwia ...... 415 36 31 55 3: 41 39 18 24 28 31 Meningitis ...... 20 z If 16 14 11 16 8 Bronehitfa ...... W 63 :1 ;: 1( 17 20 2: Pneumonia ...... 1,164 274 152 1% 142 3( 2; 2: 23 49 S % 2( Bronchopneumoma ...... 854 164 138 97 111 26 16 2s 30 54 63 . Diarrhea end enbmitie (undw 2 years)...... ’ ...... 841 49 35 66 48 4[ 93 179 153 62 39 37 Diarrhea end enteritis (2 years snd over) ...... 147 7 17 23 6 Congenital debility l ...... 359 i: 2? :: 40 :: i; Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 1,432 128 91 121 9s mf 1% IE 115 1:; Suicide ...... 24 Another causes ...... 12, % 1,2$ 1,0% 1,2% 1,1% 97t 9% 9% 9!: 9%


Allcauses ...... 43,434 4, w 3,876 4.026 3,530 3,39f 3,823 3,270 3,085 3,317 3,491 3,431 ~ _ . _ 40 37 126 177 141 160 m Rl%d.!w::::::::::::::::::::: 1’: !! 52 66 83 76 46 . Measles...... ,. z IH 25 211 6 1 Scarlet ?ever ...... 42 21 $ 1; 1; Whmg%muf ...... 18 :: 54 i i: Di h enaan croup ...... 36 21 14 15 1% 1% InRrenza ...... a59 2% 69 4 Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 4,558 42Q 421 404 37: 30$ 3;; 32 Other forms of tubweuleme...... 556 49 49 Meningitis ...... 453 :: :! :+ g 30 20 Brrmchitis ...... 644 X 31 Pneumonia ...... 2,979 L; * 54 57 69 1:: 2% Bronchopneumcmw...... 996 140 22 22 19 44 107 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years) ...... 2, m 45 62 333 446 236 259 223 59 39 Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years end over) ...... mu 28 71 95 59 39 38 24 37 Congerrital debility l ...... 675 ;; 65 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 2,476 1:! 202 2% 3E 226 1$ IH 1:: 2% Suicide ...... 49 Allothercauses ...... 22, R 1,S% 1, 8!! 1,8~ 2, 0!$ 1,7% 1,717 1,7% 1,&8 1,8: MONTANA.

Alle+mses ...... 4. Oo?l 335 341 28Q 311 336 328 314 294 331 . _ . _ _ _ — T ~hoid fever ...... 7 3 5 7 8 9 9 14 5 6 Malaria ...... Measles...... 5 4 10 4 3 ...... 3 ...... Scarletfever...... 37 6 2 6 2 ...... 1 ; 2 : Whoo hl~COU h ...... 27 2 5 2 : ...... 2 Di ht !8eriaan croup ...... 30 4 3 2 1 ; 2 1 4 Ir&enza ...... 1 ...... ‘l?ubereulasis of the lungs ...... 3;: 3: 2: 49 24 27 32 22 3: Other f?r.ms of tuberculo.m...... 5 4 3 7 4 5 Menm@s ...... :; 5 5 ; ...... 2 2 ; Bronchitis ...... ; 2 ...... Pneumonia ...... 234 4! 2; 26 9 i 1; 15 17 I Excluding premature birth. .



DEATHS OCCURRING IN— -G~ar,?o ~ 5A AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. “~zz de%)% hT:e;n- D:lrin. qgfi January. F~m- March. April. May. June. July. August. Seg:m-. October.


MONTANA-COlltillUed. I Brohchopneurnonia...... 94 24 19 13 12 5 2 1 5 ...... 3 2 8 Di$rr)a -rmd enteritis (under 2 ~ .23 10 ‘3 4 ...... 142 10 5 10 2 9 15 “ 42 (37 Diarrheaand ententi (2 yearsand over)...... 24 ...... 1 3 ‘8 2 ...... Congenitaldebilityl...... ; -: Violent deaths(excludiugsuicide).. 4:: 3~ $ 38 4! il 6? 5: 5; 32 5; Suicide...... 109 B All Mhercamees._...... 2,0.%3 202 22 1:: 175 16? 1~ 15: 178 12 16; NEW -SH13E. I Allcauses ...... l 7.391 686 055 692 654 577 549 763 694 594 535 510 582 — _ _ _ _ - — - X3 5 2 5 3 . . ..-. 3 4 8 7 5 7 ...... -. -. ..-...... -...... - 3 6 6 5 7 3 2 1 1 2 3 ...... 2 i 1 2 2 4 ------1 ...... - 6 2 ; ; 7 5 4 5 4 9 9 6 3 2 2 : : 4 4? ...... ; ...... ; : z 43 :: 41 3: + d 34 32 $ 4 7 8 f 8 6 8 i 1: 9 3 lz 8 1: 1: 25 20 : ‘J 72 72 86 53 g 2: 1; l! 1! 32 40 22 13 15 19 10 3 4 9 7

L2 8 9 10 7 11 la 119 56 18 s 5 (37 over)...... - ...... _.. I.- . . . ..-. 2 2 4 Cong&titidebfi~ l.. -...... - . . ---- 1:! $ : E 1: 1: ~$V;; deaths(exoludiugsuicide).. 405 :! 30 25 % & 27 26 29 ...... Allothercause%...... -. 4,5:: 41: 39; 38: 3;: 3; 31: 37: 356 3: NEW .lERSEY. I Allcansw.- ...... I 38.617 3,563 3,i95 3,727 3,116 2,634 3,s57 3,383 2,896 2,795 3,036 _ — * * ~ _ ~ — — TI ~oidiever...... 315 22 28 1? 15 .23 15 3; 3: ~ 29 31 & rib...... 26 ...... 2 3 1 2 Me#es ...... 3; 40 38 4 4 rletfever.- .-,-- ...... 21 25 22 39 2 E 25 2; 1: : J :...... - ...... 331 26 49 43 42 21 $ ~:t~%i( cup...... 571 i; 64 56 45 34 % s 32 5[ :! ....-...... 1;! T@eroulosieof thflounge...... 3,KX 369 3% ‘iii 4E 3% 3$ d A: d %3: 3$ Other forms of tuberculosis...... 598 33 48 Oa 50 44 38 ., hk#&...... 364 25 20 42 33 % 45 2 36 ,$% .fl ...... 31 B 17 B PneumOnk...... 2,% 4!; g 4.% ,3% lti 98 “g 75 82 218 2% Brbnohopneumonia...... 1,284 183 170 164 97 55 56 43 81 134 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years)...... 2,627 64 54 77 33 60 133 755 656 .365 21s 85 55 (37 Diarrheaand er&;~<~-@~s%; ~d - over)...... 338 20 19 20 59 CongetiMdebfi-& ~11~11111IIIIuII 798 ;! 1;; 18: :: Violentdeaths(excludingsuicide)-. 2,:4 1% 176 1:[ 1$ 2 234 189 182 Suicide...... Allothercausesi ...... 20,506 1,9% 1,7% 1,7$: 1,5% 1,7t 1,6% 1,5;: 1,6% . / NEW YORE.

Alloauses- ...... 145.654 13.430 12.634 [4,501 13,538 .2,470 10,255 12,862 11,623 10,709 10,732 10,810 11,340 _ _ _ . - ~ — _ — —. 1 97 94 8! 7s 75 1]: 167 154 1$ 117 10; 3 Z2E!.Z::::::::::::::::::::::- 3 1 3 5 masks...... 989 12 152 17: 93 ;? 2: / 47 6 Scarletfever...... 1,181 1: 210 205 134 K 54 20 ;: ;: 7 W’qoopirx$eoun...... 1:; % $ ...... 198 2;: 1% 25 1;: q 125 1$ 1:; 1% 174 K%’%%W..Y:P.”...... 25 168 !lkbereulosisof the lungs...... 14,523 1,:; 1,%% 1,m 1,320 1,1% 1,167 1,08: 1,026 1,:; 1,l% & Otherformsof tub6rculosi%...... f;% 269 188 23J 223 187 172 149 1;; 14J ldepingitis...... 78 102 92 94 .94 104 80 Bronchitis...... 2:141 267 174 lg 201 223 Pneumonia...... 9,950 1,% 1,426 1,;J 381 3:; . J: 2%’ 3:! 524 751 999 Bronchopneumonia...... 6,n9 918 622 366 323 301 319 399 494 616 Diarrhea and entsritig (under 2 7,671 277 305 404 3~7 399 442 1,414 1,671 1,134 617 304 267 (37, 1,295 195 2..53 167 117 . 75 2,582 1;: 1:; 1:; Ii: 1% Ii: 325 326 305 214 J: 8,568 594 519 556 718 I 661 1.% 792 676 628 632 1,537 116 106 M 158 161 151 101 !?: 118 Allotbercauses ...... l 79,354 7,336 6,890 7,672 7,268 6,864 5,8s4 6,%’ 5,:2 5,8s 6,227 6,309 6,k? 1ExcludingpmUIStUrObirth. 7S089°—BuL 112—13+ .



2$6 DEATHS OCCURRING IN— g~z AREA AND CAUSE 0!? DEATH. ~$?z de&!s. +Sld January. F@Jm- Mamh. APriL May. June. July. August. Segeym- @~ber. N~m- D&e;m- aw.



AIIcauses ...... 6,859 544 494 .553 510 597 72+ 677 575 596 506 _ _ — T hoidfever..., ...... 262 4 5 1 ? ‘X 57 4f 38 10 J&La...... 2 i 9 12 24 5 Meealw...... ;: 2 : 6 1! 5 ,5 4 2 Scarlet fever ...... Wlmo m~cou b ...... 17: 10 20 4C % y 15 Dipht i%erwan orouu...... 39 ...... 3 2 ...... : Influenza..,...... J 2: 10 2 8!: 91 91 69 5: 8; 6: 6; 2EzF&E$f2;2iE4i:::::::: 102 3 14 9 8 1: 14 E 5 Merulngitfs...... 73 e 9 8 4 4 11 Menchitis...... 74 8 i 1! Pneumonia ...... 427 51 St 3! 1: 1$ 14 22 Bronchopnaumouia ...... 137 lC 22 :!! 18 7 4 7 Diarrhea and enteritis (nuder 2 ~ yews)...... 562 6 $ 13 76 lx 93 68 63 12 (37 Dnrrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... 100 4 1 3 4 5 1: 12 3 (3& Congenital debtiity ~...... 139 7 1; :: 17 Violent deaths (excludiug suicide). 341 :; 2: 17 28 i: ;: 37 36 29 3: 36 Suicide ...... 1 ...... ,All,oth?r causes...... 3,38 266 248 25; 27o 27! 31$ 309 25: 27: 269

Allcauscs ...... 63,402 5,575 6,218 5,591 5,263 4, 54i 5,203 4,914 5,065 5,079 _ _ _ — T hoidfever ...... 1,101 66 58 53 52 71 T 174 77 M&a...... 3 6 6 4 Measles...... 3;: 6; 5; 51 1: 6 6 1: Scarlet fever...... 500 60 60 59 42 4: 24 Whoo ingoou h ...... 552 76 70 :: 2 Dig{ht enaan 8 croup ...... 728 :: ;: 33 46 1$ 1: In uenza.., ...... 1,057 2E 1!! Tuberculos~ of the luugs...... 6,169 620 63o 5: 5ti 47: 4i; 436 443 Oth?r forms of tuberculosis ...... 990 89 105 110 82 94 65 35 Mean@@...... 476 50 38 38 28 :! 1.“: Bronclutq ...... 1% :: ;; Pneumonia ...... 2,:% 469 & :: & 70 1% 3:: - Bronchopneumonra ...... 1,984 256 204 67 :? .56 127 20s Diarrhea and enteritk (under 2 yews)...... 2,896 104 110 115 145 196 583 560 271 114 (37 Dwrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... 586 28 37 39 45 93 44 29 Congenital debflity2 ...... 607 :’! Violont deaths (excluding suicide).. --4,389 3; 2; 4ti 3;: 5:: 372 3: 3Z Suicide ...... 779 85 Another canses...... 36,362 3,46.5 3,1:: 3, on 2,740 2,9;; 2,8!.! 2,9g 3, OX


Allcanses ...... 111.292 10.299 .0.627 10.02a 8,997 7.559 9.353 9.369 8.581 ~ & _ ~ Typhoid fever...... 1,716 176 125 101 92 89 88 174 22; Malaria...... 3 Measles...... Sti loi 14: 17; 13: 4; 3? Scarlet fever...... 749 66 41 ;; ;! Who’opmgcou 11...... 1:: 1!: 1!; 1;: 75 Di htherraan croup ...... 2, ??! 188 199 150 115 98 18$ ;; 2$; In1$ueuza.., ...... 1,149 246 256 141 Tubereulos~ of tbe lungs.. ::-..:.:.: --~: 827 939 953 8~ 72 7;; 6*; 6% Other forpw of tuberculosis ...... 113 118 lji? 148 117 120 126 Menfn@s...... , ‘ 707 59 62 ;: Bronchit$ ...... 1,607 4! 139 1{! # ;; 107 Pnenmonra...... ,...... ,...... 6;819 940 1,:2 82.5 566 233 2;: 171 343 Bronchopneumoma ...... -.w, --4,143 .549 558 438 342 177 1.57 149 229 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 yews)...... ’ ...... 8,156 270 286 266 !w3 320 450 1,781 1,948 634 217 (37 Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... l,la5 143 180 116 (3&: Congenital debility ~...... 2,545 1;! 1;; 1{! 1% 1:; l!i 348 251 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).: - 8,318 633 559 636 664 712 700 1,:; 677 645 36 Suicide ...... 1,033 107 104 100 Another causes...... 58,631 .5,376 5>X 5,5!1 5, 2s9 4,!967 4, 2:; 4,790 4, 4;: 4, 7;:

RHODE ISLAND. Allcauses ...... 8,671 762 817 814 740 596 868 728 614 671 _ . _ _ — T hoidfever ...... 53 ...... 2 2 4 2 4 12 9 6 k&La...... 6 1 ...... 1 1 ...... Measles...... 1 ...... : 3 3 ...... 1 6 Scarlet fever...... $ 4 3 2 4 Whoo iugcou h ...... 121 9 11 li 2: 1; li Di ht%ierraan croup ...... 143 8 19 6 7 6 i 1; li Ir&euza ...... H ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 8!; 74 E $ 6; 6; 6: 56 51 7i Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 144 7 14 13, 15 12 10 10 1: Merdngftii...... 7 14 7, 2 3 : Bronchitis...... J..... 11! 25 22 1: : Pnenmouia ...... 607 86 94 1: 52 2! 2: 17 H 2 Bronchopneuruoma...... I 242 41 43 28 21 16 11 4 12 1.5 IIncludcs only municipalities hsvinga population of 1,000or over in 1903. ~Excluding premature bfrth. ..


TABLE 6.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM CERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MONTHS, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000 POPULATI(#N OR OVER IN 1910: 1911— . Continued. ., [The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]


$&j AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. m de%% R&m M~Ch. April. A;@t. seg:.m- OCtober. ‘“~m” $3Z , January. &y. June. July. =pe:m-


RHODE ISL mm-eentinued. I 25 Dfe,rrhea and enteritis (under 2 yeare) ...... 493 10 16 19 14 19 23 127 121 73 35 11 . (37 Iharrhea and ententls (2 years and aver) ...... 4 3 7 I 5 14 3 ...... Congeniteldebility l ...... 1% li ;: 1: 14 Violent deaths (excluding suicide)... 477 :: 3: :; :: 2 29 1: 3: i; 27 31 Suicide ...... Allotherrauees ...... 4,3% 43: 435 2 46; d! 36; 2 403 371 34 41: UTAR Allcauscs ...... 3,960 509 338 395 318 320 . 309 280 303 “311 228 232 313 _ — - - . _ _ _ _ — 9 3 4 4 4 2 3 10 15 9 4...... ----- . . .. ------...’...... 5 7 18 2 1 1 ...... 1 . ------...... - 9 6 3 5 : 3 2 5 ...... : 2 : ; ..-...., .: 8 7 9 2 : 4 7 : 8 : . . . ..-...... ! 2: 1: l! 4 : 13 7 5 : 3 : 4 4 4 3 1 z 2 ...... $ 5 2 3 2 4 ...... 1’ 19 1$ i ...... : 2 46 l.? - Ii 13 4 10 1; 2 3; :: 10 3 3 2 2 1 : 5

10 1 6 .5 10 7 20 32 28 15 5 5- (37 1 1 . . ..-. -. 4 ------3 4 ...... Si 3; & 2 3: 3: 3: 2: 2? 2 229 21: %4. 1A 19$ 17: 14 17: 4 VERMONT. Allcauscs ...... 5,661 548 6416 512 513 370 466 430 447 429 391 422 _ - - . _ _ — — 2 8 6 1 7- =~dfever...... -- 44 4 3 . . . ..-. 3 ...... -...... 5 ...... i . . . ..- 1 : . ----- ...... 1 ...... - McasIes ...... 6 -9 4 14 2 . . . ..-...... 1 ...... Scarlet pver...... -. i 1 ...... - ...... ----- 1 ...... 7 i 2 2 1 1 1 2 %i$ll~~%j-.j:::::::::::: j ; -: 1 . . . i 3 2 ...... 2 31 42 : 1 Tub”&mlosis of;h&ngs: ...... _. 347 30 34 43 :: ;; 3; + 27 2? 2 $ Other forms of tuberculome ...... 7 9 11 6 7 8 4 Meti~ti...... :: 2 5 1 3 5 1 Bronchitis ...... 103 1: 2? 1? ; 6 Pneumonia...... 349 43 55 65 % 3! 14 4 2: 31 Bronchopnemnofi.: ~~~::~~:::::::: 112 16 19 21 _ 14 12 5 4 6 Diarrhea and ententw (rmder 2 221 10 3 .7 10 7 8 26 50 28 13 Ki (37 D?a%% &&&i&”@;<~ ~; over) ...... 59 2 2 .5 2 10 8 1 Ckmgenital debfityl ...... -. -. “: Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 3:; 2: 2: 1: 25 & 2 2 3; Suicide ...... Allothercauees.l ...... 3,4: 3A 34 33? 33: 25; 32! 2;: 274 WASHINGTON. ‘ All causes 1,098 976 1,041 902 I 949 ~ 802 348 239 865 811 -“’--””-:-”----”ls _ — . ~ _ _ - _ Typhoid fewr...... -.l 223 23 14 7 5 14 22 19 22 30 10 Wmh ...... ,. . . ..-...... ---- 1 ...... -...... , ?&aslcs...... 6; 5 20 1: 4 2 1 2 ...... Sccrletfever ...... 56 l; ! 3 2 6 2E:~: ...... ! 10 1! 1; 7 : 4 ; 2 Di ht man croup ...... 1;: 16 8 12 ; 5 li 12 110 11 : : !? Tuberml&~of th; i=~:: ::::::::: 1,027 lt~ 1% 1!; 11: 78 6; 73 $ 6; Other forms of tuberculosis . . . ..-.-. 272 21 24 25 : 3: 24 22 23 1: 2;” :! Meningitis ...... 54 2 4 7 Bronchitis %...... 1: 1: 6 ; ------7 Pneumonia ...... 4% :! 58 55 .&l 20 2d $ 3: 4: Bronchopneumonia ...... - 294 62 47 41 .% 20 8 9 16 14 z Diarrhea cnd enteritis (under 2 pars) ...... 310 14 15 16 15 34 61 G 21 7 (37 Dm&ea and entwhe (2 yeare ~d ...... 102 9 11 @ngetitil debtiwl ...... 193 2? 1! ;: Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 1,170 92 92 1% 13 63 Suicide ...... Allothsrcauecs . . ..- . . . ..-- . . ..-. -.. 5,E: & & 4% 440 4:: WISCONSIN. 2,610 2,532 2,636 2,402 1,913 2,114 1,990 2,053 2,024 2,001 Alfmuees ...... -. ----- 27,050 2,709 _ .— -’ _ —— _ _ _ T hoidfever ...... 32 20 14 28 28 19 21 24 32 48 2s #&L&:: ...... ~ ...... 2 ------...... -...... ,------...... 18 2 49 3: 1; 3 2; Scarlet fever ...... 221 24 24 -% 20 %’ 10 8 Ii 1: 19 22 31 26 28 13 :; Y&w%l%%ii)-.-::::::::::::: % 40 31 28 22 19 19 14 ;: 40 2! i; I Excluding prernatnre bii.


TABLE 43.-DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) l?ROkf CERTAIN lMPORTANT CAUSES, BY tiONTHS, FOR mm REGISTRATION AREA, ~EGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000 POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910: 1911— Continued. [The cities includedin this table arearrangedalphabeticallyby states.]

l— I [1 DEATHS OCCUIW.lNG IN— ~$j 6 sez AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. dw?ki. -.= Fe?&m- Ma~h. $dz January. April May. June. IJuly. August. ‘e%~rn- ‘Ct”ber” ‘W’- ‘Em- REGIS!47RA’I’ION STATES—Continued.

I w1scoNsm+20ntinned. I II I Irr.fluensa ...... 304 3 ...... iG Tuberculosisof the lungs...... +, 076 1: 2: 2i!i 16: 162 1;: 14! Otherformsof tuberculosis...... 373 30 33 34 37 28 29 21 30 Meningitis...... 316 25 42 3J 19 17 10 21 30 Bronchitk...... 66 14 15 29 Pneumonia...... 1,2; 230 22 145 40 45 H 1?? 96 Bronchopneumonia...... 473 89 63 46 15 12 12 34 28 Diarrhea and enter]tis (under 2 yews)...... -1,210 87 67 I 74 74 76 136 205 200 Diarrheaand enter]tk(2 yearsand ‘1 5’ 239 10 10 11 33 37 42 669 ;: 52 75 1,517 3 1:: 111 1;: 183 147 1:1 324 39 33 16,242 1,42 1,5:: 1,549 1,420 1,3;; 1,2;: 1,1:;


LOS ANGELES, CAL. I A1lcauses...... 5,001 511 448 458 418 406 375 363 412 367 359 402 482 — — — .- T >hoidfever...... 40 4 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 6 5 6 3 aria ...... 2 1 1 ...... MewJes...... : 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 ...... 1 ...... Scarletfever...... 9 4 2 ...... 1 ...... -. 1 1 ...... moo in$cou ...... 1 2 3 2 ...... 2 2 3 ...... 1 2 Di ht%?erman crone...... ;! 4 ...... 3 1 ..... 1 ; 2 2 4 2 I&arrza..,...... i ..... 1 — 8~! 7: 7; 87 ‘ii 9; d 65 6; 2 5; 55 7!? &iti!HHZ;$ft%!H%s_iiIII?T ~ 101 10 6 12 8 9 ; 10 4 12 Meningitis...... 60 5 : 4 8 6 ; 2 3 4 Bronchitk...... 45 : : 4 1 1 Pneumonia...... 229 H ;! 26 13 1: 10 1: 8 13 1: - 3: 13+3 8 10 9 i: 5 10 9 5 4 12 12 118 7 4 3 7 5 12 19 17 I 12 u 4 3 ...... 2 2 5 3 :: ...... ! 320 3: 20 2; 3: 2: 2: 2! 27 128 11 H 13 2,828 2:$ 26o 26; 233 2:: 217 19; 21!

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, I Alicauces...... 6,496 616 505 571 501 556 502 428 470 520 540 595 691 ______65 8 5 1 3 6 ..... ; T — 5 ...... z ...... ; ...... 3; ...... 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 8 3 3 ...... 2 3 1 1 ...... ii : 1 4 2 3 1 ...... ; 22 ; ; 2 2 2 ; ; 1 1 ...... 2 4 ...... 1 ...... 6;; 69 5: 5i 2 4! 45 48 53 49 43 6; 134 5 5 9 11 :: 14 9 11 13 11 15 50 3 2 3 4 3 4 : 2 9 5“ 9 8 i 3% 2; :: 1: 28 # 2: 4 :8 3: 4 6! 171 if 21 13 6 4 9 8 12 18 14 32 162 5 3 7 9 2 14 14 14 25 32 19 18 35 1 2 3 5 3 2 3 5 ...... - & 3? 4 3: 3: 2: 18 3: 3; 168 9 3,983 3+: 3; 348 32 2:? 3;!! 2:: 3:; , WASHINGTON,D.C. Allcauses...... 6,304 534 536 I 585 551 505 -437 617 476I 446 539 505 523 — - _ _ . - _ . - 1 75 6 4 4 3 8 2 5 11 7 6 8 11 3 ...... 1 3 ...... 5 2; 1 ...... 2 2 10 6 ...... 6 ...... 1 ...... 7 2; i : i . . . . . 3 5 3 4 2 2 ...... 8 5 4 ...... 2 ...... 1 2 2 9 :: 2 1: ..... 1 ...... — 736 6: 60 i! 62 6; 80 7; 53 56 J; 5: 6i 14A 9 10 8 16 5 1; 6 : 3 :: 5 3 6 2 6 1 : ...... ! 4 21d 70 3 ...... 5 ~ 387 :: 5: ..4 4! J 1; 9 3: 3: ~: 168 28 13 17 11 i! 9 : 7 11 20 years).- ...... l ...... ,273 4 6 2 5 8 11 100 9 4 \ (37 Dmrhea andenteritis(2 yearsand over)...... 4 3 1 2 3 (j::Congeuitrddebilityl ...... 1% 1; 1: : ;; Violentdeaths(excludingsuicide).. — 269 22 1; ;: 20 3: 25 33 ;8 # 36 Suicide...... \ 9 Allothercmrses...... 3,%+ 34! 3of 33: 3;$’ 31: 259 33! 33; 3;; 1Excludingprematnmbirth. . .



[Thecitiesincludedin thfstablearearrrmged alphabetiwdly by states.]

~~~ DEATHS “OCCURRING LY— g~z AEEA AND C.KUSE OF DIzA2ZL ~s?g de~ti. J?ebm- +qA “ January. ~. ~r~h. April. MaY. June. IJuly.Au’ust.. ‘e%:.m-Oc@ber”‘?Ern-‘?:rn: REGISTRATION CITIES OF 260,000 POPIJZATION OR OVER JX 1910—Continued. .

CHICAGO, ILL. I 11’ Allcauees ...... 32,531 3,247 2,693 3,109 2,339 2,883 2,286 2, 36! 2,543 2,333 2,390 2,746 _ _ _ _ T hoidfever ...... Y 16 17 15 12 3U 17 2/ 27 ,2 26 26 M~aria ...... 1 ...... ---- 2 ...... 2 ...... M@es ...... 13: d 26 : ...... Scarlet fever ...... 492 H + : 41 66 , 49 2 A 1: 13 3; Di ht&naan cramp...... :: 8:; “ 9; 56 8; 4 6: 5: 6; S-i % 8; 8: Zu::?c::::::::::::::::...: .-. . 179 2: 3ii d; 3!; 27; 22; 2d 2d 2 Tubercolosrs cf the lun q:; : d Other fcrmsoftubemu%k””::::::: 44 37 47 44 32 34 2$ 30 40 Mfmingitii...... ::...... 327 13 22 29 28 17 2( $ 1( 11 8 Brcnchftb ...... 177 :: 3,016 4: 324 3g g 2: ‘$: lJ lli 12! 16; 3;: 1,499 227 184 266 143 56 6 65 4$ 76 133

2,983 II 173 156 152 169 215 lsz 471 523 411 234 L54 (37 262 22 9 15 24 4: .31 2G 18 21 199 E 2,125 # 1:; 1% 198 1: 3*I 1;; lg 1;: M% 479 ‘ 15,346, 1,5% l,4f: 1,3% 1,2$; 1,4: 1,2 1,1:: ‘1,1:: .1>2$; 1,4:;


AUcauses ...... 7,055 557 542 670 618 643 833 8 53! 538 53( 573 835 — . _ _ _ _ — 3 11 2 9 16 E 14 f 10 6 g;;.~::::::::::::::::::::: , 1; ] 2 3 . .. ---- 1 5 4 6 6 ...... 6 7 10 3 1 ...... ; ...... ~wletj;vbr..:.:::::::::::::::::::: ...... -- ...... : . ------..-- .. -- ...... 1 6 10 13 21 14 lC 8 ‘$ 3 ...... E~Jt;;~?iG~:::::::::::::: $ s; 5 1 .-- . . . 1 2 2 3 2 ...... A I Tubercrdcsq cf the lungs ...... + 64 7: z $ 7: 7i 75 6: 6; 7: ‘g Other forms of tubercu@a...... - 9 4 9 a 2 5 Meningitfa ...... 52 ~ 3 : 3 7 3 ! 5. Brcnohitie ...... i : : Pnenmcrda ...... 4? 50 2 i? 4: 22 13 1: 2! 24 2: 4; Bronahepnenmoma .: ...... 178 18 10 23 19 17 9 7 16 12 14 13’ Diarrhea ar!d entenfzs (under 2 years) . . ..b...... 473 11 27 44 52 67 74 30 35 41 32 33 (37 Dwrhea and enterltm (2 years end 33 ...... n 7 11 8 11 7 4 CZ~l&GiZeCZ$~-:l :1::::::::::: ; ; Violent deaths (exeludiug suicide).. 3% .; J 3: 3: 3: 3! 35 27 i 3: Suicide ...... Allothercauses ...... 3, 9$; 31: 33: 32 347 35? 3oi 30? 32; d &


Allcanses ...... 10,467 1,062 850 1,006 944 877 720 949 849 744 811 848 - — _ _ _ . _ _ — T!@&dfever ...... 156 11 3 5 8 7 8 4 27 29 27 8 ...... -...... ,. .--., ...... -. .- . . ..-. I 2 ...... Measles...... 8! 6 23 19 11 3 9 ,. . ----- ...... : 8 4 6 3 ...... Scarlet:ever ...... ~ ...... 3 4 2 5 5 4 5 ; ~cwYccu%h------: ”””: -:”””--- i ! 9 8 1 : 7 2 2 ~~ew?:?..?p.l;::.:.:::::: ~ ;7 ...... i : Tubereulosrs cf the lungs ...... 1:! 1:8 11: 11: 11: loi 87 86 91 O~rforms cf tuberculosw ...... ‘ 196 23 13 g ~ X4 13 z 12 13 Memngitis ...... - 8 ‘ 1: 16 8 9 9 Brrmchitk...... !% 2; 17 18 Pnenmcnie ...... - 2: 61 1:; U :; 2! 4 2! Brenchopnenmcni; :jj::::::::::::: E 53 40 62 51 z 19 16 17 15 # Diq’rhea and entwtw (under 2 years) ...... 533, 22 13 13 14 33 30 1$3 124 23 36 5 Dmrhea and entmbs (2 yeaq and “5 2 3 7 12 7 ti0~;kGfdeCZ5Y::: ~::::::::::: 3!1 20 40 3; % 3: Vi?lr+t death$(excludfng suicide).. ;5J 35 36 37 # +?: 54 2: 27 3 :. Surplde ...... Allothercaussz ...... 5,559 5i; 5A & 46: 4 43! 441 3J 47!


Allcauaes...... 11,765 1,063 1,034 .1,141 1,082 1,053 784 1,277 902 8’30 8&8 934 — — _ _ - —— .= — 3 4 11 T hoidfever ...... -. 60 3 5 3 3 . 8 2 $R& ...... 3 . . .._..2...... - ..-...... -...... : .-- ...... - ...... 71 6 4 14 12 3 : Scarletfever ...... 1; 1! 10 5 : 1 Whocr)inxccurh ...... 1:: 1! ‘H 18 ‘: Di 136 1: y :: H 11 ; 1: : 6 Trmuensa...... Tubemulos~~&iti& ::::::::::: 1, 0:? 103 11: 11: 8? 33 74 63 72 Other forms cf tuberculosis ...... 205 19 % 19 22 19 18 15 13 Meningiti ~...... - ...... l 8 7 H 8 f’ 4 11 6 Brcnch@ ...... - . . . ..- ...... i 1$ 11 5 1: Pneumonia...... 1, Co5 1;! Ii: ;; 1:: 113 5; 3; 48 Brcnchopnenmmm ...... I 422 4f 67 31 43 22 :; 19 25 1Exc dfug premature birth. .



~~~ DEATES OCCURRING IN— g~z AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. ~z~ de%s. +% January. ‘ebm-my March. April. May. June. July. Au~t. Se:~m- October. NOgrn- =grm- 1 R13UISTRA!PION c21T1JWor 250,000PoPUIIATION OR 0VJ313lN 1910—tirltirmCd .

BOSTON, JrAss.-eantimred. 25 Diwrhea and enteritis (under 2 738 24 Is 32 55 36 25 141 190 lx (37 D/&%& ;nd;ri~rit<(i y&s arid over) ...... 66 ...... 8 5 3 12 14 6 Congenital debiiity l ...... 9 .! Violent deaths (excluding suicide). ;: i!: i! 47 70 4: 2:; 5: H Suicide ...... 11 Allothercauses ...... 6,~% 534 634 57: 5E 4i: “ 612 41: 470


Allcwses...... 7,110 679 574 658 647 654 475 649 589 526 _ _ T fioidfever ...... 78 4 6 2 5 5 4 12 10 9 5 6 M%Lia ...... 1 ...... hksels...... 4: ...... 3 5 3 9 ; 3 6 Seerletfever ...... 5 7 5 8 1: : 3 5 : 2 Whoo ingcou h ...... %’ . . . . . 2 ...... ; Di ht~erlaan i croup ...... 167 2: 11 1: It 9 7 i 8 1; q 12 In&enza ...... 1 ...... ‘Pubereulosis of the lnngs...... a? 4! i 5: 4: 52 38 41 31 3; 40 39 Other for,rnsof tuberculosis ...... 8 1 6 7 6 6 Mcuin@ls...... lU 6 9 1: 1: 9 1! 1; 8 : Branch@...... 18 10 ! 4 18 X’ Pneumoma ...... % ~i E 56 50 3! 20 8 1! $ 41 Bronchopnemnoma ...... 317 49 48 46 28 36 8 5 10 8 ;; 2s Diarrhea and mb?ritii (under 2 years) ...... 466 16 12 11 12 31 32 118 117 75 16 9 (37 Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... 2 5 6 4 (3J Ckmgenitaldehilityl ...... 3; 31 22 2: 2i 3: 3; 4; Violent deaths (exchrdmg suicide).. 435 32 24 29 ;! :: 37 67 40 25 :! :; 36 Suicide ...... 100 Another causes...... 3,825 371 30! d: 3$: 3;: 26: 308 28: 2;; 2: d


AUcauees ...... 3,572 379 289 328 336 332 261 274 251 239 301 363 ______— Tyhoidfever ...... 3; 1 2 5 1 1 1 . . 2 2 12 5 Malaria1’ ...... 1 Mewles...... 4 ...... 1 1 ...... Scarlet fever...... 2 4 : : 2 ...... 1 2 WhOo irrgcou h ...... i: 3 6 5 11 i 4 2 ; i ...... 8 Di)h t%icrlaan croup ...... 74 3 4 8 11 12 2 3 6 4 8 6 : I~luenza ...... 7 1 ...... Tuberculosis of thelu s ...... 416 41 32 40 31 37 39 26 29 39 26 39 3: Other forms of tubereuY“ma...... 64 6 2 7 3 9 10 7 3 2 2 5 8 Menin@~s ...... 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 ...... 2 Brcmchltw...... 2 : 4 ...... ; Pnemnonk ...... 189 ii 21 25 1: 4 6 : : 5 1: 1: Branchoprreumonia ...... 164 29 22 ii 26 20 3 7 3 4 7 13 14 Diarrhea and enteritii [under 2 ~ years) ...... 137 5 7 9 7 8 26 37 13 7 6 7 Dwrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... 2 . . . . 1 2 5 4 ...... 1 2 (2J Congenital debility l...... : 2 : ...... Violent deaths (excluding suicide)., 214 17 1: 1; 3; & 1: 28 If 15 2: 15 1; 36 Suicide...... Allcther eases...... 2,OR 19! 15$ 18: 1S! 16’! 16; 15: 13; ld 15: 14 177


Allcauses ...... 10,765 1,176 897 976 925 912 649 966 839 730 724 891 866 ______...... 113 5 4 6 3 4 8 18 23 14 11 13 4 ...... 38 ...... 2 2 5 9 5 2 ...... ,.. 114 23 A 3: 2; : ...... 1s4 18 27 24 36 ii 21 6 1; 2 ; . 1 . . . . . 2 2 9 : ...... : . 1% 18 1; 20 9 ; 4 10 9 “: .... . 113 :: 9 2 ...... ; ...... 955 93 :: 81 7; 2 59 6? 1 S2 ..... 152 12 17 !; E 12 12 6 12 lf ...... 6 8 5 : 4 : 2 5 ...... 2;; ;; 28 11 2: Pneumonia ...... 698 18 34 !: 2; 19 J 2; ~; 79 : Bronchopneumonia...... 341 64 49 % 37 13 11 13 13 37 22 Diarrhea and entmt~ (under 2 years) ...... 611 34 27 23 28 102 141 8$3 60 46 30 11 (37 Diarrhea and enteritk (2 years and over) ...... 128 5 10 16 16 27 5 5 6 10 Congenital debility l...... 116 20 ;: 2 Viclent deaths (excluding suicide).. 6S3 5; 6: 6; ;: 94 : 42 ;: :; Suicide ...... 20 22 23 H Allothercauw ...... 5,% 4% 474 473 4H 509 436 4% 2 602 504 . lExcludfng premature bfrth. ,-



DEATHS OCCURRING IN— . . de~’k Febru- ~ .Apfl kmary. ~. May. June. July. August. ‘e%w- oc~b~’. ‘Z?- ‘%?---



Alleaures...... 4,331 403 364 432 426 334 293 457 343 335 337 297 360 I _ _ _ _ T hoidfever...... 20 ...... 1 ..... 3 1 5 3 3 Maria- ...... 171, 3 ...... ! ...... 1 ...... ------..------. ------...... 1 Measlas...... 7 9 : 8 ...... 2 ...... Sesrletfever...... 4 2 : 8 2 .. .. ---- 1 : 3 ...... 3 1 2 ...... ; F;&2::p&;;p.-.””””””””..”...... 8 : 5 3 2 3 5 3 IrJLenm ...... ‘: ....---- Tuberculosisof thelungz...... 3: 4: 4+ 32 41 30 30 38 26 2 Otherformxof tuberculosis...... 5 10 3 5 4 3’ I@ningitii...... -? : i 8 1: 5 6 5 1 3 Bronehkm...... ~...... Pneumonia...... 5: 5: ;! 1: Ii 1: 1: ~:: 3! ”.’ Bronchopneumonia...... 25 21 10 10 E 13 29 Diarrhea and enteritii (under 2 years)...... 10 5 6 21 59 54 39 32 12 6 (37) Diarrheaand enteritii (2 Yearsrmd over) ...... 1 2 ...... 6 5 (3J) Congenitaldebili&l ...... : Violent deaths(excludingsuicide).. . 2! 27 2 2: E z 36 Suicide...... Allothercauzes...... X1 21; 1; 1A 22 15:


AUcauses ...... 506 426 504 480 444 359 580 452 331 465 467 456 - _ _ _ _ _ — _ —— — !l!n‘- ‘-pid fever...... 28 “ 3 ...... 2 2 2 4 4 6 3 ‘4 dir m...... 2 ...... ------.--...... - ...... : ...... MeaAes...... 25 -. -...... 3 ; 3 4 5 3 1 ------...... 3 SCer]e~t~ever...,...... 24 1 : 7 3 s ...... - ...... Wheo ingmugah- ...... 44 7 : 5 1 5 8 5 1 1 ~pht%erriaandcroup...... 57 ; 4 ~ 2 5 1 5 6 6 ‘: wtluenza...... : ...... Tuberculosisof the lunge... ..-. ----- 6!: 5: 6: 58 4: 51 3: 36 41 5; Ej Other forms01tuborenloszs.-...... 99 5 11 , !; 9 9 6 8 11 6 9 tingitii ...... - . ....-. - . . . ..-. -. 2 6 4 2 4 3 5 3 R% nchitiz ...... l &II Ii 1? 12 3 3 Pnemgonia...... - . . ..--... 341 . 40 2: 1: 1; 4 2! ~ Broneholpnemnoma------224 - 17 .2 2 24 6 : 14 : 12 10 33 Diarrhea and enteritii (under 2 428 6 9 18 10 15 18 124 lcd 62 20 8 D~w<~i”g;$;

BUFFALO, N. Y. Ill Allcaueee...... 6,294 566 52s 618 ,502 569 506 510 480 463 436 476 499 - — — - - — _ — — T hoidfever...... 109 T 12 12 7 7 4 11 15 13 7 .12 3 Maria...... 1 ...... -. .--., . . ..------. .. ---- 1 ...... ----- ...... - Measles...... 8 ...... 1 1 .- ...... - Scarlet:ever...... i 1; 3 : 2 14 4 ,i : 5 2 3 : 1 : ~]~f;:~i;i;:::;:::::::::: 1(-IJ‘;’ ~ i 11 12 12 6 5 7 11 1 : . ------...... ’.... .------...... Tu&rmlosk-oi~~; i=--: ~::::::::: $ ‘ 5: 4 s: 4; : 40 40 41 43 OtierfomsoftiMWsis ...... ‘?! 4: 8 7 5 11 16 7 8 4 Meningitis...... 25 ...... 3 2 4 2 2 ...... : 3 4 Bronchitis...... 12 6 : 2 Pneumonia...... 3;; 46 3: 4: 4: 2 2: 11 4 2 Bronchopnemnonia...... 2.s2 30 23 31 54 31 11 ;: 8 8 E 17 Diaa#)a amd enteritis (under 2 t ...... 473 21 31 !25 30 29 59 74 75 61 31 x (37) Diarrheaand ententm(2 yearsand . . over)...... 59 7 3 2 5 3 8 5 (g) CongenitaldebilityL ...... : -. . ..-. : ; : Violentdeaths(excludinganicide)-. 3E * d 23 26 ‘d 2 44 3; 23 35 3: ,’36 Suicide...... Another cauzoa...... 3,5:: 314 29: 352 23: 31? 28; 27: 26! 22 r 24 31: NEW YORK, N. Y. I II Allcanees...... 75,329 6,548 7,480 7,159 6,576 5,298 6,796 5,908 5,343 5;616 6,Iffi — _ _ . _ _ — T hoidfever...... 538 21 23 1: 26 32 55 35 57 Miff._ .._._._. _... _.. 33 7 ...... 6 Mcaelm...... 5; 11: 105 75 . 3; Scarletfever-- ...... 36 2: Iz 133 36 ’31 ,36 z 45 : D]‘hwl?m$wu$h-”.--.ht enaan croup..”----...... ------”...... 1! Iii 150 147 1; 81 34 Inlkenza...... ’343 .22 ...... Tubercuhis of the lungs...... :. 8,967 8: 3!! 8: 822 678 6:, Otherformsof tubercukie...... -. 1,298 114 126 114 143 12J ?; Meningitis...... 474 42 48 Bronchitis...... 1,141 1% ‘1:: s “:! 51 Pneumonia ...... 5;734 681 769 506 2:: ml i$i Bronchopneurponia...... 4,656 48s E 368 465 292 2,43 234 1Excludingprematurebti. 120 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


. . %!$c . DEATHS OCCURBII?G IN— ~~z AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. All .Ga- deaths. a~.% Se tem- ~cbber, Nw#u- +Hl+ January. F&- March. April. May. June. July. August. D~e;m- &r. ~ 1 II I I I I I I 1 I I I I REGISTRA!JZON CITIES OIY $350,000J?OPULATIOPT OR OVER IN 1910—Continued, — NEW YORH. N. ~.-eontinued. I 25 Diarrhea and enteritie (under 2 years ) ...... 4,590 172 193 245 251 259 826 65( 390 172 170 (37 Dwrhea and enteritis (2 yeare and over) ...... 505 32 23 ~ 2i 33 101 5: 39 24 28 Congenital debility l ...... 1,565 115 190 19( 181 114 121 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. & 4,177 236 2:; 259 3: 804 30: 292 2$4 316 Sois] de ...... Allothercauaeg ...... 37, % 3,42 3,2 3, 5?; 3,2: 2, 7;; 3, 1!: 2,6: 2, 9!: 3, 0!! 3, 2;: . NEW YORK, N. Y. (BRONX BOROUGH).

Allcaue~ ...... 6.251 528 523 580 561 425 585 516 43( 460 435 _ _ _ T Boidfevcr ...... 2 1 ...... 3 3 9 i 4 4 J&Lia. . . ..l ...... 1 ...... Mda$les...... 2 ...... 6 15 8 6 4 ...... 1 Scwlet fever ...... 3 8 8 9 3 : 3 1 1 Whoe ingeou h . . . ..l ...... 3 : f ...... Di bt E!erlaan croup ...... 1; -: : 1: 1: 5 10 j : 13 I&ensa ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... E 7: 85 ;: 59 60 n 63 i Other forms pf tuberculosis ...... 9 9 12 11 10 $ 11 6 kf@ngitis ...... l ...... ll ...... 4 1 3 6 4 7 6 3 Bronchitis ...... 7 ...... : Pneumonia ...... :: 2 1: 1: M 28 ‘2 Brcmchopneurnonia ...... 263 27 % 17 i: 16 17 15 20 29 Diairhea and entiritk (~der 2 year%):.:...... 352 15 16 15 21 16 . 75 77 40 30 18 (37 Dqrrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ...... ’I: 4 ~on.&.., a-l.:.:.-...... 3 9 1 : : Viilk y 2! Slmlu...... l ~1 28 2: :; :; AIIQther caupes ...... I 3,235 267 & 36! 242 Zi: 24:


Allcauces ...... I 25,174 2,235 2,215 2,331 2, u% 1,792 2,223 1,883 1,823 1,917 1,958 . _ _ _ _ T hoidfww ...... 13 13 8 11 ? 18 30 25 26 2a M&ia ...... 1 1 2 ...... 2 1 1 ...... Measles ...... 2; 1: 6 2 Scbrletfever ...... E ;: % 53 # 3 : i whIDO in&!COU h ...... 8 ;: ,5 Di ht~erlaan t croup...... 3! 3: 4: 45 1: 29 2 2! 25 Ir&enza...... j ...... T bercrdosisofthelun s...... + .2 c1 + 23? 22; 213 218 266 O& fqqnsof tnberc Osls...... 36 33 39 ;; 33 35 Memngltls ...... 7 9 12 8 3 Bronchitis ...... i! # if 1,926 2: &2 2X lg 88 ;: 55 104 18 1,577 141 170 186 138 97 81 72 99 142

1,665 53 86 67 67 100 335 357 188 (37) 198 11 6 9 12 15 37 174 8 1,225 # g 1;1 1; 2! ;: 13, E: 1,1% 1,140 1,206 1, la 960 1,036


Allcarrsas ...... l 38.236 3,538 3,350 3,741 3,391 2,676 I 3,398 2,915 2,750 2,812 3,68-5 _ _ 14 5 8 13 20 31 42 27 — 23 ~ ...... 1 1 ...... 3 ...... 24 39 .50 $ 23 8 9 27 23 38 83 :: :! 5 9 12 15 20 20 26 23 ;: 4 76 87 90 46 45 :; 3; ti :! ...... 465 2 4:.! 43: 35: 35: 372 3:; 32 51 67 84 69 64 53 U 20 26 23 n’ E 2 2 :: 386 3;: 3# 2;: % 1% 207 2% 260 286 315 293 162 132 1% 174 18?

2,166 97 105 151 153 124 319 458 158

216 ls 12 1,170 3 g~ lt: 1% 2,320 171 $6 1% 152 451 165

18, % 1,7% 1,7% 1,5% 1,2% 1, 6Z 1,2% 1ExoladQr$ piWll@OR birth. DEATHS, BY MONTH OF OCCURRENCE. 121

TApLE 6.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIT?E OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM CERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MQNTHS, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000 POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910: 1911— (lohinued. [The cities included in this @ble are arranged alphabetically by states.] \

DEATHS OCCVRRING lN— g~d . gzz +R?i?AAND CAUSE OF DEATH. All “~%z deaths. F;&ro- March. April. May. June. JulY. Au*. ~{$-m- October., If~e;m-. Decem- 4EA January. her.



4,L82 387 350 362 375 341 292 426 330 333 305 298 333 - _ - . 27 1 1 1 ...... 3 2 5 6 1 5 3 ...... 1 ...... -...... -...... -- ...... 3 5 ,. .. ---- .-- ...... ---- . . ;; 3 ...... 6 : 2 : 3 .- . . . ..- ...... 25 1 3 2 2 i 4 1 ...... 65 3 6 4 5 1; 3 4 6 4 l! ...... - .- . . . ..- .. ----- ...... 4i: -3; J 36 42 27 3; 34 3s 33 3; 51 2 4 4 3 3 8 6 27 4 4 ...... 3 4 : ...... -. 61 “: : 2 .; 1 : Pneumonia...... 269 :: 3: ~ 39 7.0 1: 10 1: :; Bronchopnemnonia...... 203 26 23 28 13 li 11. 8 1: 11 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years)...... 299 7 7 14 11 7 13 77 78 45 23 11 (37 D~~es and enteritii (2 years and 36 2 2 2 3 1 1 Conge~~i~;b-~@:::~~:::: ~:::::: 4 Ii -1! 1: Violent deatQs(excluding suicide).. 2?! 1: 8 1[ 12 1: 4; 27 M l! Suicide...... -- ...... kllot.e reouses...... -..l 2,2% 21: 198 20: 20: 17: 187 17: 17? 175

WEV7 YORK, N. Y. (EIc&OND BOROUGH). I * All causes...... - . . . ..- . ...-.1 - 1,486 17* 106 116 112 117 113 161 m 107 174 113 115 - _ - _ — ...... ------1 .---- 1 ...... ,....- 2 2 1 ...... a~;!.?::::::::c:::::::::::q ...... ---- ...... - ...... ----- ...... ?deisles ...... 1 ..... 4 10 5 ------.. ----- ...... - Sear19tfever..4...... 3 5 z ...... ,. .- ..-...... g 3 1 .4 : 1 ...... 6 ,-...... gtg+w:;w-””--”-”””.”” ...... 21 3 ...... 1 ...... 1 : 2 2 i 5 1 ...... - . .. ---- ...... - . . . ..- ...... Tubcrcrdos]eof the lungs Z...... 1;: 1; 16 1: Ii 1: 10 14 11 1? 10 1; 1; Otlv+rforms of tpbcreulosis...... 19 4 ...... -. 2 ...... 1 .- ...... 2 5 ...... Merungitis...... 15 ...... 1 5 ; .. . ..-...... “? 2 ; 1 ...... Bronchitis...... 1 ...... -- ...... ----- . . . . . 1 ...... - ...... - Pnewonia ...... 11: :; 1; , li 15 10 2 3 4 6 li’ B~onchopne@onfa ._- ...... 67 2 8 4 4 3 5 5 : .-.....- : 7 Dwrhea and enteritis (under 2. & ...... 5 2 1 3 “6 m 16 18 11 4 D~;k ‘&d-&@ti;”{2 ‘~; ;;d” 10 ...... - .-...-. 1 . . . ..-. 1 1 3 2 ...... CZn~ii&idebti;{~ i:::::::::::::::: ...... -- . . . .. ----- . . . . . 4 ...... violent deaths (excluding suicide).. i: 3 ; 4 i 11 26 2 : t ‘3 Suicide...... -...... - ...... -...... Another carrse,s...... 8;] 66 56 A 7; 58 78 71 4; 5; 71 Crmm@!I, Oreo. I Allcauees,...... ~ ...... I 6,225 576 452 580 558 551 462 531 479 447 515 545 519 ------— ~h?idfever ...... Iv 3 3 4 1 1 3 .6 6 5 6 2 ...... -.....- ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Measles‘-’a”-----””-””--”””----”----”---l...... & ...... 1 3 -’f ...... - ...... Scrqietfever ...... l...... ?9 ~ 6 7 Ii 1: 8 li 5 5 4 3 ,1 I.J 2 f. 1 2 2 2 1 ...... 5 6 4 ; 2 I 4 4 9 ~ g~g;~P&6i$”-”--”””-””.””...... -. ~WtiOsk Of~elmgs ...... 8E 9i ; z 2 : 66 ; 5: 6; 03 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 107 M 13 11 10 13 6 Meningitis. . . ..l ...... ’..”- ...... l 40 4 2 5 ...... : ; 5 Bronchitis...... 141 2: 6 4 4 J 1; Pneurnonk ...... 265 42 ~ :: : 8 :; 24 Bronehopneumonia...... 211 25 22 6 1; : 1; 16 ?8 Diarrhea aud enteritis (under 2 8 6 X3 11 18 24 46 36 29 21 18 13 (37; .- 4 2 6 6 6 u 9 5 (S& cf~~ktiiti:btitii:: j::::: ~l::ljl % ...... ‘i ...... -$ V:olent deaths (excluding suicide).. 427 4! 1; 2$ 41 3: 6! 41 i 24 34 36 Suicide...... Another causes...... 3,4; 30!) 27; 30? 29; 25: 26$ 27: 23! 31: 31: CLEVELAND,Orno. 1- Allcauses ...... l 7,999 730 674 721 722 666 584 751 540 617 641 630 623 — _ _ - _ - _ — T hoidfever- ...... 8 4 9 5 8 3 18 8 7 2 M%ia-...... n ...... 1 ...... -. . ..-. 1 ...... Measks...... 6 ...... 5 Searletfever...... 1$! 1: 2 i: 2 21 1; J 7 17 7 8 6 17 16 6 gr&3a%P&;;p:::::::::::::: z 6 11 9 5 1: 10 J : 1+ 18 1? I Excluding premature birth. ,. , . . 122 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

TABLE 6.-DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM CERTAIN IMPORTANT CAUSES, BY MONTHS, FOR THE REISISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND OITIES OF 2s0,000 POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910; 1911— Con tinued. [The citias included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.] —

~*.& DEATHS OCCUKUUNG lN— g~z All AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. deatha. ~;”j ~$y~- March, April. May. January. Juue< July. August . ‘e%:m- ‘“’”be’” ‘Em- ‘w’- !


CLEVELAND,OHIO-continued. I Influenza.., ...... 12 ...... Tmberculos]sof the lnngs., ...... 7K :: 71 8! 75 A 61 5; 6; + Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 103 8 11 16 10 10 8 Meninzit]s ...... : 4 5 Bronchitis...... 2:1 3! 3; 2! 1: : 1: Pneumonia- ...... 334 47 42 45 X 19 10 1: 14 2 Bronchcpneumcnia ...... 222 27 20 22 18 17 10 8 17 18 Diarrhea end enteritis (under 2 years) ...... 772 35 29 43 49 62 170 127 82 44 (37) Diarrhea rmd enteritis (2 years and ever) ...... l. ~...... 62 3 3 6 4 9 6 2 (;;) Congenital debili@ l...... : 2 - 1; Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 5:; 3i 3: ;: 49 4! 4: 42 2 4 36 Suicide ...... 118 Another cauaes...... 4,191 41! & 356 3i! 2;; 37: 3;$ 31: 3~

F~LADELPHIA, PA. I Alfcauses ...... 26,276 2,354 2,315 2,442 2,182 1,817 2,424 1,839 1,820 2,268 — _ _ . _ _ _ _ — T hoidfever ...... 18 16 15 11 10 16 30 26 ?rf&ia ...... l ~ ...... 1 1 ...... Measles ...... 6; 49 8 2 Smrletfever...... 185 : : 24 21 18 6 6 1; Whoc irrgcou ...... 109 Di h&w]aan .$’croup ...... 491 # X i :: 2: ;: 1; 5: IILEuenza.., ...... 34 . . . . . TcJ.x3rculowiof the lun ...... 3,:: 2% 275 2; 25; 222 244 d 3$J Other fcrms cf tubarc$ CSN...... 405 19 40 46 30 Meningitis...... 102 2 4 10 .% 8 Bronchitis...... 414 H H 19 # Pneumonia ...... 1,421 1: 1: 166 1:8 51 ;; 166 Bronchopneumonia ...... 1,091 117 126 116 97 47 :: 45 173 Dim’rhea and entmtis (under 2 years) ...... 1,864 71 67 6% 101 163 465 325 2381 139 63 (37; Diarrheaand enteritis (2 veers and 1 over) ...... 235 15 19 9 20 21 25 41 21 24 18 (:;: Congenital debiMyl...... 17 28 22 61 Viclent deaths (excluding suicide).. I,%J 1% 107 1:: 83 94 2E 1: 83 1~ Iii 36 Suicide ...... 15 33 A1.lothe~causes ...... 14,108 1,270 1,2: 1,314 1,2:: 1, 0!; 1,1: 952 9% 1,210 1, 2!;


Allcauses ...... 8,099 821 717 679 659 539 761 630 574 637 676 _ _ _ _ . _ — —— — 16 15 8 4 12 8 11 14 8 12 &%i’zw’w::::::::::::::::::::::z ...... Measles...... 1 14 4 7 6 1 3 ...... Scarlet fever ...... X 2: 4 ...... 2 6 3 : 2 ,= ~c~ingccn~- ...... 102 15 ii 7 15 1; 2 Di h erlarm croup ...... 8 10 7 4 1: 1: 5 9 2; 2: Ird?uenza...... 20 ...... Tuberculosis of thehmgs...... 5% :: 65 6; 5Z 4; 43 31 2: 3; 4! Other forms of tubercufcsis ...... 135 11 8 19 M 5 9 17 11 8 8 Wmingitii...... 8 3 7 Bronchitis...... 1:? 3; 2: 2: Ii : 1; 7 5 12 Pneumonia ...... 586 89 59 11 Bmnchopueumcnk ...... 528 80 :: 64 :; E! ;: ;$ X 29 % Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years) ...... 707 34 34 33 30 31 173 125 22 (37 Diarrhea and enteritis (2 Years and over) ...... 7 4 6 5 6 18 8 4 Cc:ngenitaldebility l...... 12 21 Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 578 E 2: 3: 5! Y 87 :; :! Suicide ...... 103 Another cauees...... 3,356 32 3;; 3i: 33! # 30+? 2; 34$

MILWAUKEE, WKS. I Allcauses ...... 4,727 411 39C 464 448 323 405 380 353 374 343 — _ _ _ —— — T hoidfever ...... 6 8 6 3 10 8 4 3 4 MRrirk...... 6 4 ...... Measles...... 3 ~ 5 ...... Scorletxever...... 62 5 7 4 3 .3 3 6 ; Whoopmgccu ...... Diohtherlaan ? croup ...... J’ 8 : i 4 : 4 12 10 4 Influenza ...... 2 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 3E 3: 39 46 30 30 30 36 18 26 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 37 2 6 3 2 2 f 3 4 Meningitis ...... 8 3 6 i 1 8 Bronchitis ...... 1:; 1: 9 : Pneumcrda ...... 246 25 :: 2! 13 1: 1: 2 1: Bronchcpnecmcnia ...... 127 14 20 16 ; 3 2 11 Diamhea and entaritls (under 2 years) ...... 22 23 29 25 58 23 17 (37 l)iwrheaandenteritis( 2vearsand] 3’1 ‘1 31 over) ...... l. ~...... 3 ...... 4 6 Ccugemital debility l ...... Ii; 11 12 1: 1? Violent deaths (excluding suicide).. 249 16 ;; 3: 24 ;: 19 q Suicide ...... Allcther carrses...... 2,5~ ;: M8 2:; 17: 21: 20; 99 - 1 Excluding premature birth. DEATHS OF “INFANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHS. 123


[The cla$sifkationin this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeh, or months. The cities included in this table ar~arranged alphabetiw+y by states.]

., ‘z DEA!MS AT AGE OF— ~gl Total . ~w~z dmwd~ “z R? AREA AND CAUSE OF DE_&L Lees ~ 3 weeks 1 year ‘w 2 brl;&ss ~:gl 3t06 6t08 9 to 11 2ES , *M d;y. h:s. %Py:: ~t$~k weak. weeks. month moith. mo%s. months.months.months. A ‘fage’ 1 day. 1 month. “

SUMMARY. . —. I FE(E REGISTRATION AREA. I Alliances ...... -l49.322 18,074 ‘,54 4,863 LO,305 40>3a3 ),401 \7,024 5,584 62,892 14,483 11,767 16,320 19,134 14,726 ______— ~ —— _ _ . Waelea...... 1,319 7 2 1 5 15 20 .25 16 76 54 46 174 420 Smrletiever...... 243 ...... 2 1 4 ~ M ...... : 1 1? 2; 13: 2g 50; 48: $j 2: 736 xla:”Ouih-:-”----”-”-”””-’D] h enaan croup...... 3’XJ 1 1 2 1; 2J H 59 46 218 342 ...... 1 3 17 3; 3? I 132 99 146 117 Dysentery...... 626 ...... 1 8 17 46 3 18? 165 lx Erysipelec...... 7’44 1 ...... : % g 2U 158 33 142 101 4$ Tetanus...... 398 2 6 16 145 16; Ig 20 378 3 Tuherculoeisof the l~gs ...... 931 1 5 3 11 20 18 7 1$ 58 8$ 27; 22 Tuberculotumenmgrtm-...... 1,166 ...... - . . . . . 1 8 5 10 34 % 296 373 .% Other forms of tobarc.ulosie...... 4 ; 1: x 134 100 syphilis ...... 1,% 10: ‘J 39 256 lg 161 1;; 6% 3% 253 389 W3rringitia...-...... 2,?57 1: 350 187 174 550 k? 4% Convn19iona...... 3,643 13t 18; z? 536 1,% 425 J; 1% 1,928 334 242 516 350 2g Organic diseasesof the heart...... 353 107 54 62 113 336 497 n 57 Aoute bronchitis...... 3,589 7 20 30 119 176 2;! 2% 1:! 5:: 372! 8% Pneumonia...... 7,311 45 242 378 347 326 311 ‘?: 675 1,669 I,k? 1,% Brondopnenrnoni%...... 10,652 E 33 z 2& 428 405 477 446 1,8Z 958 2,483 2,197 1,993 Diseeeesof tbeetomach ...... 2,903 17 171, 241 202 184 174 ‘ 801 500 361 667 376 203 Diarrhea apdenteritia- ...... 37,579 ;; : 735 1,031 1,324 1,252 ~;% 4,346 4,332 w,~ 7,787 5,378 WJfonnat]ons...... 7,879 1,552 I 9!i 752 1,H 4,586 796 471 318 570 231 258 136 Pmrnature birth...... 23,339 10,794$ 1,700 1,572 2,540 13,006 z,155 1,079 22;477 667 195 Congenital debikty ...... 18,5S0 2,425 1,$; 337 2,018 6,531 1>;OJ 1,213 8: 10,368 2,333 1,887 2,% 9:: 44: k@riecatbirth ...... 4,573 2,156 468 ;;; 4,161 75 30 4,530 31 ,. . . ..- ...... - Extemslcaums...... 1,935 .599 n? # I 358 275 282 Allotber canaw...... 8,759 2X 2% 3% X4 1,% 7% 5;: 4: 3,283 1,599 1,302 991 38 Dfeeasw, ill-defined or unknown... 2,314 394 203 141 2-53 991 223 149 98 1,461 % 145. 271 140 79 RE@STRATION STATES.]

Allcaoses-...... 134,949 16,611 r,018 4,415 9,243 37,292 <,410 6,371 5,043 57,lsl L3,097 10,582~ !3,624 L7,175 _ _ . — _ _ _ _ _ —— _ ?&aslea...... 1,224 7 2 . . ..-. 5 14 20 25 51 44 160 392 505 SOarletfever...... 222 .. ----- 2 1 4 !:. 99 ~00 iIl~COU h- ...... 3,393 ...... : lf 2? 79 241 47; 40: 8~ 7% Di ht~erraan i croup...... 803 1 ; 1: 19 20 31 51 ;; ~ Ils 196 %? Iniuenza ...... : 2 15 18 26 28 1% q 135 110 Dysentery...... 2 ...... ---- 1 6 -7 50 I 183 143 1% Eryeipelas...... 703 1 ...... -. :; S; 1~ 1% 35 138 92 45 ~ Tetanus- ...... -- . . ..--- ...... 289 1 5 11 3: 1: 104 14 225 .3 Tubermlosk of the lunge...... 922 1 4 3 17 17 7 54 62 7; W5 22$ 22 Tubermdonameningiti%.- ...... 1,099 ...... -. 1 : 9 5 9 33 48 230 346 335 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 422 . ----- 4 40 x 118 89 8; 3? 32 21: 12! 11! 5# 274 22; 304 1?: P&%jG:::::;:::::::::::::::::; j% :1 115 174 503 499 3% COnvnIslOns-...... 3,386 12 18; 1:: 490 3H z 1,% 369 222 436 320 206 Organic diseasesof the heart...... 796 59 . 46 58 105 ,g 461 78 53 42 Aontebronchitii ...... 3,421 6 28 108 2:; 2.% 793 551 L? I 7% Pneumonia...... 6,490 .E 64 205 316 309 234 1,193 1,434 1,31 l,% Bronchopnerrmonia...... 9,354 : 47 235 3s4 424 ~4; 1,638 1,E7 2,193 1,9? l,g Diseasesof the stomach...... 2,73a 2 160 225 188 755 475 Y2 Diarrhea andententis ...... 32,677 # . 71 570 y8 l,&7 3,651 3,792 3,798 9,:: 6,% 4,789 Idalformations...... 7,324 1,4% 851 710 1,$%+ 4,269 5,730 526 262 237 123 Prarnatnmbirth~ ...... 21,839 9,941 !,414 1,433 2,315 17,103 1,963 1,005 20,664 612 176 131 Congenitaldebihty ...... 16,877 2,212 1,108 1;811 5,895 1,542 1,M 9,374 2,148 1,724 2,366 8:; 4Ll Ir#lni$tbi%i:-::::::::::;:::::::: ~;;; 1,973 742 % 843 3,808 240 69 4,144 ... ---- ...... 112 2% 17: 208 Alfothercsuws...... 8;040 J! 2!! 2% 811 1,H 6%’ ‘J? 3,% 350 628 1,%% 1,W7 895 3s Diseases,ifl-defiued or unknown... 2,113 369~ 187 137 227 920 26+3 137 1,347 191 133 243 122. 72 CITIES IN REGISTRATION STATES.1

Allcarlees ...... 77,419 8,597 i,907 2,442 4,322 19,768 4,343 3,569 2,821 30,501 7,674 6,327 ~ 10,570 8,211 _ _ _ _ - — _ _ _ _ _ Measles...... 697 2 ,. . ..- . . ---- 2 10 9 27 13 17 79 244 317 Scarlet:ever ...... ‘ ~4 ...... 1 1 : 1 .-- ...... -...... - i 88 19: 17? I %: 3% 3% wgf;;i;:p::::::; :;::: ‘%; ...... 1 . ----- $ : 22 ~ 21. ; 122 “220 152 ...... -. . .---- :“ 3 1 23 36 31 30 Dysentery..:.:... -...:.:.:.:.:...: 213 ...... - 1 ------1 15 ;i 69 59 37 Eryeipelas...... 44E 1 ...... ‘2?’ 1;; 98 5: 33 65 3; Tetanns. . ..$ ...... - . . . ..--.. > 126 ...... 4 ; 4+ 5: 52 120 ...... Tubercrdosieof the lungs...... 479 .- . . . . . 2 3 6 24 2; 13? 117 338 Tubepmlousmeningitis...... 726 ...... -. 5 6 : 19 23 %~ 135 232 237 Other forms of tnbercnbsie-...... 226 1 ...... 18 52 .53 SypbiIis ...... 1,260 6+ 33 ~ 47 16~ 10: 477 2% I& i 2% ~~nm; ;?G...... 1,033 141 255 2% 2% f ...... 1,75; 6; 9.$ 95 B? 4% lg 339 2 1; 284 197 127 Organic diseasesof the heart..-. -.. 4’ 22 24 56 150 Aoutcbroncbitis ...... 2,106 4 13 72 107 117 473 3% 213 4E 3% 2% Pneumonia...... 3,375 :! 156 137 549 334 266 776 730 Brunchopnenmonia...... 6,352 1: ~ ~ 48 2$ 249 233 938 1,435 1,382 1,: D~eessaofthe stomach...... 1,228 w % % 164 Diarrhea andentmitia...... 21,142 1: ~ U ;: 6% 2,%% 2,5~! 2,537 6,%2 4,448 2,977 Idalforrnations...... 3,805 708 2: 379 654 2,:; 381 2,946 145 227 137 1Includes District of Columbia.



[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states. ]

DEATIiS AT .lGll OF— z :86 Total d:;;: :% z 8 weeks . dy AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less ~ Less ~ 1 year 2 8 to 6. 2 by;;~ ~gl i 2 8tob 6t08 9 to ~1 ~izz of age. ;~y. day. days. days. ~t&k, week. weeks. month. months. months. months. months. 9 1 month. ‘“nth”


1 CITIES IN REGISTRATION STATES j—Contffued. I Premature birth ...... 12,00 5,216 1,971 84! 9, 32! 1, 09( 62 .96( 11,42( 36! 42; 1,33. 1,5; 5;; 24$ Congenital debility ...... 9,69 1,042 60! 2, 9il 76[ 59 4?3! 4,823 1: ...... U@iesatbirt h ...... 2, 56( 1,206 45’ 27< 2, .?4 14: 1: 2,551 ...... 94 46 2( 17’ 4f : 29/ 11. 132 Externalc auses ...... 44! Mlothercauses ...... 4,27: 102 1$ 14 77( 34 26 1:[ 1,5a i: # 477 2$ Diseases, ilf-defined or unknown... 34: 55 2’ 14 24 2 1( 19i 3( 3[ 14


3,111 1,972 17,52{ & 06i ?.80 2. 22i 16,82( 6, w 9, a< 6, O@ 5,139 Allcanses ...... 1-57, S3( 8,014 . . . = - —. —— _ — 52 5 2 . . . . . 1( lC 1( G 3; 8 14: Iw ...... 1 1 4; 1,2 ...... li d 16; 27i 3E 3; 33[ 1 . . . . . i 1: 2( $ 31 b! 74 451 ...... 1 2 1: ;: 2: 7: 9! 58 % 2( 9! $ ~ 33: ...... f 10 . 25/ ...... 3: 4[ 5d 27 11: 1 4: i: 1;.! ...... 4’4 1 ; i 11 10 30 2 12i 10; 102 14 9: 114 3Z ...... 3 . . . . $ 19( 1 . . . . . 4 6[ 42 :: $ m 2; 4 10 2 1;; 1,01$ 1 R 181 : 2: 2:8 1$ s; 1,612 12 5!; 217 1:: 924 16: 20: 123 :: 24 34 158 36 z 239 20 1,:: 2 6 ‘X 320 2;: # 2;; 3,11: ;; 1: 1!; 152 044 391 70[ 585 % 3,202 : !: 26 135 191 lZ 4X 70[ 583 493 1, 61( 9 126 2; 3X 173 Hz :: 3:: & 1, %’$ 3,54! 2,441 1, 81s? 11,73: 1: 19{ 3,51$ 4;! 331 2, k: 383 20( i% 241 100 5s 9, 03( 4,%0 1,438 588 7,774 867 37f 9,244 244 5< 7, 27~ 1,170 503 339 2,919 7% 504 4,551 814 86( 2E 15: 285 171 1,466 1,593 ...... 1, 61C 772 15: 30 132 : i: 107 134 41?3 3,!: 1:! Ifi 723 3:: 22$ 1,%; 401 6$J 511 1, 78.! 3:: 103 108 779 175 llt 1,149 161 19[ 92 58

REGISTRATION CITIES IN OTHER STATES. I 891 653 5,771 1,386 2, 69f 1,959 1,376 Allcauses ...... 14.373 1,463 623 448 3,591 _ _ . —— . —= . —. —— 1= 3 14 2; Messes...... 9t ...... 1 ..... 1 ...... 3 . . . . . Scarlet !ever ...... 1 ...... 31 8; Whoo mgcou h ...... 2:! ...... 1 9 12 ;: Di ht E%enaan croup ...... 84 ...... 2 2 . . . . : 1: 11 hluenza ...... 57 ...... 1 2 3 3 5 i 22 81 ...... 1 1 4 6 1 11 U ...... 2 6 12 4 9 2 l:i 1 5 59 66 8; 6 ...... ; . . . . 2 3 1 ...... 1? le i: :: ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 14 2: 15 7 14 41 A 30 2; d ;: 2Q5 . . . . . ; 1 7 13 :: E 275 13 22 46 ~ 2 2! 1: 15 4 4 ~ ~ 8 28 2 2 1:; ; : 2; 1:: 1:; 821 . . . . . 12 13 :; :; 38 2 2; 1% 275 232 1,698 1 9 g 44 41 4? 46 170 . . . . . ! 25 19! &54 1,3X 8: I)iarrheaa pdenteritis...... 4,702 2: 106 li: lif 18? 44 37 Malformations...... 555 11! i: 101 317 29 23 1,900 853 286 lti 22s 1,503 lZ 44 Premature birth ...... 23: 8! 1,703 213 123 93 207 036 167 1!! 7! 1: Congenital debifity ...... fnjuries at birth ...... 397 178 48 43 84 333 24 6 2: 108 11 14 8 External causes ...... :; 1:: 1?; Aflothercausec ...... 719 15 2 l;; 3; 3: 12 ;: 23 18 Diseases, ill-defined or unknown... 201 i: 16 4 E 71 23 8

.LL REGISTRATION CITIES J ,222 3,367 9,000 6,832 2,529 9, 58T Allcauses ...... l 91,792 o,C60 4,530 2.890 5.879 3,359 ‘,334 —— _ . ——. . - ——— 93 272 361 792 2 . . . . . 1 10 -Z 16 Measles...... 78’ 155 . . . . . 1 1 ! 2 ; Scarlet$ ever ...... 4# 4$$ 1,845 ...... 4 9 2 58 22: WhOO m$cou h ...... MJ z: ...... 1 . . . . . 4 3 14 7 28 Di h&$erxaan croup ...... 3? z ...... 4 15 26 [Juenza ...... $ 81 294 ...... i $ }: Dysentery ...... 1;! 87 74 q Erysipeles...... 489 1 ...... 2: 55 5! 235 1 11 12 133 16 l!etanus ...... 4 15; 13: 151 5.38 ...... : I 9 8 4 I!ubercnlosk of the lungs...... 201 259 256. l!ubermrlous meningitis ...... 793 ...... 1 6 5 5 1 24 1Includes District of Columbia. DEATHS OF INFANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND ‘MONTHS. 125


[The clsssfflcation in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, week, or month. The cities includedin this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]

I I II -a DEATHS AT AGE OF— en. Total ~~ g d~;~ AREAAND CAUSEOF DEA’lIf. Less Less ~ 8 weeks &Eti 1 year 3t06 2 by;;nes ~$~1 1 2 3t:5 6t08 9t0’11 +Bd diy. d~ys. days. ~t$~k. week. weeks. ‘f age” It%. month. months. months. mrmtbs. months. d 1 month. Youth”


ALL REC+lSTRATION CITIES– Continued. I 15 Other forms of tuberctdosis ...... -. (37) sypbilie ...... 1,%’ s; 29 61 21i u! 12 5;! 2% 222 2:: 1:; .E 17 Menin “this...... 1,238 169 .99 302 321 25s (37) Conv&ims.-.- ...... 2,03; $ 11: 2% 58 2% 1!: 1,004 219 & 314 227 142 19 Organic diseases of the heart ...... 56 28 178 34 258 20 ‘Acntabron&M4...... 2,274 5 20 : 1% 512 3:; 2% 5% 3% 3% 22 Pneumonia ...... 4,196 50 131 % % 174 71s $11 359 961 897 (23) .Bron&opneuotia ...... 7,450 2: 57 178 293 274 305 1,166 627 1,760 1,614 l,! “ 24 Dfeessesofthestomach ...... 1,398 8 21 115 105 380 173 .314 25 Diarrhea andenteritii ...... 25,344 33 471 713 9E $;:; 3, g 3, on 7,::3 5,ZZ 3,559 (33 Malformations...... 4,360 8;! 4:: & 755 2,496 265 164 158 78 (33 .Pmmatnrebirth...... 13,909 6,069 2,262 964 f f;: 1) 83; I,g 703 13:233 131 \ 86 (s3, 37\ ‘Congenital debility ...... 11,301 1,255 728 518 935 709 5,817 1,% 1,278 1,740 6% 29; (37) Injuries at birth ...... 2,963 1, 3s4 505 317 ‘ 439 2; 695 169 53 2,937 ..----- ...... 35 Ex*malcanses ...... 1,112 216 2: 10! 199 ;:: Allothercauses ...... 4,997 1!: 1% 1% 4% 894 3; “2$ 1,:% 522 396 912 H.! 38 Diseases, ill-dedned or unknown... 549 80 40 33 .59 212 34 312 57 36 75 48 21 — . REGISTRATION STATES: I cALmoRNrA. Allcauses ...... 3,524 19 136 233 1,079 176 134 1,62 368 280 ON 355 2s3 I 1-114 . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ 5 MWSI= ...... 11 . ----- ...... 1 .2 f ...... 1 1 2 5 6 Scarlet ~evar...... -...... ----- .. -.-...... ------...... -.-. . 7 whcom~cou$...... , ...... 96 ...... -. ..--...... 2 ,7 11 2: 18 1: ~ ~ipht$ena an croup ...... ---- 13 ...... ,.-.-...... 1 ...... 2 2 6 ...... -...... i ...... 1 1 ...... 3 f 6 1 Leery...... :: -...-...... $ 4 c pelts...... 17 . . . ..-...... -...... ; : 7 1 ; i 5 ...... 3 3 2 ...... 65 ...... $ 1 ...----- 16 12 1s 49 ...... -...... ,...... 1 ...... ; 11 16 12 22 ...... 2 . . . . . 2 2 1. 61 1 1 2 8 4 2 ! 79 ._...: 1 . . . .~. . 4 ( 2 ;: 1$ 1! 2 9 1? f ? 3 ’19’ ] Organic dieessea of the heart ...... :: f ,. ..-. : 1 ...... -. ; 2 :’ 20 1Acute bronchitis ...... 62 ...... ; 2 : i 2 24 4 22 Pnlemnonia ...... 185 ...... 1 2 8 11 14 1! 5 44 2?’ (23) ?Mnchopneumonia...... 218 2 . . . . . 2 J 11 15 11 9 9 % 41 24 ‘Diseasesof the stomach...... 93 ...... j . . . . . 7 5 :: Qiarrheaa.ndanteritii ...... 758 : 1: 2: 3: 224 13: + Llformatloqs...... 268 52 2: 27 47 1;! !23 % 10 16 g] $: ematurebrrth...... 646 292 92 68 491 53 2: 27 5$ 3 ...... (331:;) ~; lnzenitaldebilitv ...... 334 31 % 53 .163 40 21 14 2! 3 2 jfiwatbiih...... 124: 4( 29 1; 21 113 6 4 1 ,-...... 35 rExteruJ4,1causes...... 66 2 2 1 17 Allothercausee ...... 233 4 3 16 5; 2: 1; 6 $ J 52 ;: 3$ Diseaeq ill-derined or unknown -.. 9 3 . . . . . 2 .._.:?. 5 1 ...... ,.....-...... 3 ...... I cOLORADO. I 79 5s 138 559 151 71 62 132 133 291 221 146 ~lca------l—.l,q 2W . _ _ _ . . _ . - - Measles...... 2; ...... ---- .. . . . 1 ..----.. 1 2 3 1 Scarlet fever...... -...... ~OO ing COUh..-...... 37 ...... 2 . . ..-. . . 2 4 3 7 Di h%eriaan i croup... -...... :-...... - . ----- . . 1 ...... 1 ...... In&enza ...... 4 ::::::: ...... - ...... -. ; 2 2 Dvesntcrv . . . ..- ...... l ...... ----- . ..- 2 ...... i ; . . . . . ? Eiy&pel& ...... 1! :::::::...... 1 2 . ------3 4 2 ...... Tetanus...... ----- ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 12 ...... ------.. ..- ...... ---- ...... 1 --.... 8 2 Tuberculoue meningitis ...... 1: ::.::...... -..., ,...... 1 . . . . . 1 2 . ----- ...... : Othq forms of tuberculosis ...... - ...... -...., ...... 1 . . .. ---- 1 -. .-...... ! : ...... 29 - ‘i 1 . . . . . 1 3 3 . . . . . 3 9 5 4 Em%%::::::::::::::::::; ;:::: ;4 ...... - 2 3 2 1 8 -: 3 1: 8 ‘: Cbnv&iOns ...... 2 1 3 4 13 3 1 1 15 ...... ,-...-, ....-...... Organic disesaeeof the heart ...... Y.2 1 ...... 1 2 3 1 . . .. ---- 6 2 2 ...... -...- Acutabronchitie ...... 48 ...... 3 Pneumonia...... -. 146 ...... : ; : ; : i ;: 11 3: 2: If Bronehopnenmonia ...... -. 14J ;..:.:. 1 . . ..- ? 8 9 13 : 37 11 25 30 1% Diseaeesofthe stornaoh...... 1 . . . . . 1 2 ...... 1 Diarrhea andenteritis...... 358 “.-i ...... 5 1: 9 7 3: 3: loi~ 83 54 Malformstims-...... 110 10 11 2! 17 4 4 3 1 346 1: 34 14 44 2% 34 3:! : .....- 2:1 16 18 27 104 34 Ii 1: 165 27 2: 8 4 3; 7 2 ...... 41 ...... -..., 16 . . ...!. ! . . . . . ; . ..- 1 2 1 ...... 4 9; ...... 6 4 19 11 4 3 3; 7 5 1; 2; : 38 I 1 ...... 2 3 1 ...... ----- 4 ...... 126 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged aIphabeticalIy by states.]

DEATHS AT AGE OF— Total de#& Less Less ~ ;Je;w& ~ 1 year 2 Less 2 8t05 6t08 9 to 11 of age. *t:g. diy. da~s. !&6 ~tw~k, week. weeks. ‘ban 1 month. months. months. months. months 1 $%h. ‘onth”



Allcauses ...... 3,24; 370 208 113 210 301 17? 172 125 1,370 312 272 552 391 346 ——— . .— . —— == _ _ Measles...... 1 1 4 9 10 ,ocarlet“ fever...... Whoo in~oou h ...... 1 .. . . . 3 4 18 5 27 Ii 2; Di h&er]aau croup ...... 1 1 ...... 2 2 ...... 4 ‘7 10 h&enza. . . .. I...... 1 1 ...... 2 3 3 1 3 ...... Dvsenterv ...... l ...... ; 2 2 3 :Eiy’sipek&...... l ...... 1 2 3 6 2 2 4 Tetauns ...... ; 2 ...... : : ...... / Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 1 1 ...... 1 2 1 ...... 4 3 Tuberculous meuiugitis ...... , ...... 3 6 1! ,Dtheqforms of tuberculows ...... 2 : 4 2 ha...... 2 2 3 ...... 2 3 ...... Wningitis ...... : 2 2 3 1! 9 2~ 1: 13 Convniaions...... 3; 5 1: 11 7 Organic disessas of the hear t...... : ! : . . . . : g : ...... ; Acutabronchitis ...... 1 .... 3 7 2 1: 1: 17 Pneumonia ...... 2 9 1: 7 6 32 16 11 34 ;: 45 Bronohopneumonia ...... 2 2 ...... 6 5 3 18 13 34 2& Diseases of thestomach ...... 1 : +! ;: Diamhea andenteritis ...... ; 3 1: 3: 2; :; ; 88 223 lcx? ,1+ Malformation...... 2; 2 14 11 120 6 10 4 Premature birth ...... 1% 4: 4s 401 35 25 1; 478 ...... Omgenitddebtity ...... 17 52 140 47 38 37 262 ‘% 5k i 27 16 Iniuriesat birth ...... % 14 17 136 6 2 146 ...... 1 ...... E~t8rnalcauses ...... i A1lothercausea ...... : 2? 3: 10 19 +1 2: A 3: 2! 2i Diseasea,ill-dedued or unknown .. . 1 ; 2 9 3 4 : 18 2 4 5 ...... WIANA. I All causes...... 392 213 491 1,827 429 259 212 2,727 437 358 797 659 464 ,. _ . — _ . _ Measles...... 1 .... 1 3 ...... 3 4 2 11 11 16 Scarlet fever ...... Whoo in~couqh ...... 1 2 ‘i 4 Ii 22 l! 5; 3; 3: Di ht! enaaud croup ...... 2 i ...... 3 1; fnlnenza...... 4 4 2 .... } 7 4 2 : 8 Dysentery ...... 1 .... 3 1 3 15 9 7 E?ysipelsk ...... 1 1 1 : 4 2 2 4 4 Tetanus ...... 2 6 8 11 1 ...... 20 ...... Tuberculosis of the hugs...... 2 2 4 1 ...... 7 7 .2 13 14 ~ubercnlous meuiu


Allcauses ...... 5,373 232 167 370 1,708 430 235 196 2,569 46s 349 832 617 541 _ . _ . - — _ _ _ Measles...... 78 ...... 3 3 4 1 11 9 5 : 19 Y Warlet$ever...... 1 ...... Whoo mgcough ...... 21: 2 .... 1 3 3 10 2; 3: 2: 46 4: 4i Di ht{ enaand croup ...... 93 ...... 4 4 8 : 2 22 19 16 21 fn~uenza ...... 14 . . . . . 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 5 1 ...... Dysentery...... 54 ...... 1 1 . . . . 1 1 3 1 7 1: 1: 13 Erysipelas...... 21 ...... 2 . . . . 1 7 1 7 2 ...... I’etanus ...... ; J ...... 1: ...... f’ubercnlosis of the lungs...... :; . . . . . i 1 : 2 i 1 6 : 2$ 26 22 f’ubercnlous meniugftis ...... 52 ...... 1 . . . . 2 4 4 : 17 12 lg 2the~ forms of tnberculosfs ...... 1 ; 2 ~ 1 3 4 9 6 zfi i ...... 4 1 ...... : &%&K:::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 13 5 3; 2: 14 4: 4? $ JOnvu ...... 110 ; 2: :$ 2 8 ~ 76 8 2 13 6 kgauic disesscs of the heart...... : 3 9 1 11 1 1 Acut.ebropchitis ...... ;: 1 3 6 20 li 1; 2; 4 Pneumoma ...... 237 ...... : 1: 1: 1; :; Bronchopneumonia ...... 196 ...... 3 : $ 12 1; :: i; 2 % ’44 :: Dfieasesofthe stomach ...... 112 ...... 2 27 14 Diarrhea apdenteritis ...... 729 ...... 1: 2: 9 2! ;; 6; 2% 160 Iii Malfonnat]oqs ...... 222 21 Ii 31 1;3 30 1:; 1; 4 2 Pramatur’e broth ...... 969 108 42 88 794 89 2 1? 926 ;$ 7 4 1



[The classificationin this table is bsssd on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically “ by states.]

., , ‘a DEATHS AT AGE OF— .tj U. Total ;W; g d$;~ z u- AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less ~ ~ 3 weeks ,Q ga l&w&r ‘s 3t06 bu&ws t&l 1 2 3te5 6’to ?3 9tQ11’ - +*A * d~y. d$’s. days. ~tw’k week. weeks. month. months.months.months.months. A “ 1 day. ~ month. month.

REGJIYPRATION STATES—Continued, , - Kmr’rucKY-oOntiuned.

(88,37 Congonitaldebiiity ...... 708 140 33 35 284 86 .58 43 471 65 51 75 28 (3J Injnriesatbirth ...... 107 60 11 10 101 4 1 1 107 ...... --..... Extemmlcauses...... 2 . . . . . 10 4 22 11 17 Another umscs...... & z 2 1: i: 35 69 % ‘H 38 Diseasesill-dedned or unknown. .. . 490 103 i 2! 2% % 26 24 H 48 31 .53 26 15 M.4rNE. .kllcauses ...... 1,681 103 187 80 478 79 64 55 676 165 161 365 181 133 — . — _ Measles...... 6 ...... -..-. 1 2 2 1 Scerlet$e-ver...... 1 ...... -...... -...... -. .... 1 1 s 7 1+ 3 9 yu:gmu~h”-”-’””------”---”Di ht enaan croup...... % :::::::: :::::: ...... ,....-...... ------3 ...... 3 ...... 14 ...... - ...... 1 2 1 ...... - 4 1 2 4 1 2’ D~entary ...... 9 ...... ? . ..-...... 1 ...... 3 4 1 Erysipolcs...... 4 ...... - .....- ...... -. 1 ...... - 1 ...... -. ..-., 2 1 ...... Tetanus...... - ...... -...... ----- ...... -...... Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 10 ...... -...... ,. -.. . 1 . . ----- 4 3 Tuberculorrsmeningitis ...... 14 ...... - ...... 2 -....:, 6 3 ; Other forms of tuberculosis...... 9 ...... -...... ,----- 1 1 3 3 s MM...... :...... 2 1 1 4 . . ----- . ...’...... 2 1 ; 4 : 7 6 ?!l&J&W::::::::::::::::::::: # :;:;:;:: =2 ; 6 J ..-. 1 ...... If 4 3 3 2 ...... Organic dkeasesof the heart...... - 1 ...... 2 2 3 Acutabroncbitis ...... 39 ...... :..... 2 ...... 2 : 1 2 1: Pneumonia...... 106 ...... 2 4 6 1 2 .5 12 1: 1? 21 2 2 Bronchopneumonis ...... 59 ...... -...... -- ...... 2 5 6 20 17 8 Diseasw of thestomaeh ...... 72 ...... -...... 3 3 3 : 1: 10 2, Diamheaandentaritis ...... 398 ...... 3 4 3 1: 9 ;! :: 1:; 76 45 Malformations ...... : 3 ...... % 6 4 1 Pm-matumbirth ...... 2;: 6! 10: 26 2! 22 2; 257 : ...... Ckmgonitaldebility- ...... 287 38 20 38 113 22 12 1: 16J 2 27 i 8 3’ Injnrics at birth ...... - 36 1: 10 9 2 3; 1 1 ...... - ...... Extcmal causei...... 19 ...... ; 3 5 Another causes...... 93 4 ; 5 12 30 $ : 4: 11 9 1; : 7 38 Diseases,ill-defined or unknown ... 60 2 9 7 10 2a 7 : 4 42 5 2 ...... 4r, irARmAND.

Mcam ...... 4,003 365 147 118 194 824 244 154 164 1,336 49 398 793 533 — _ . . - . .— _ - _ 5 Mcaslss.., ...... 31 ...... 1 1 ...... 2 ...... 2 4 10 13 6 Scarletfever...... 3 ...... -...... ~oo ingcon h.- ...... 89 ...... 1 3 5 11 .14 17 28 12 &i . . . . . 1 2 : 1 3 9 2 3 2 2 9 S;eGF?-~..Y.?!.”.~:1l:: :::::: ;! ;::::::: :;::;; ...... 2 4 6 2 1 2 5 Dysentery...... -. 4 4 -: EryslPeles...... 15 ...... -.. . 3 3 2 5 ...... 1. ‘ Tetanus...... 17 ...... 1 5 7 : ...... lt ...... i .- ...... -. Tuberculosisof the b+qgs ...... 25 ...... 2 4 6 .7 Tuberculonsmenin@s. ....-’ ...... 28 ...... 1 1 .... 1 ...... 2 . . ..-. 1: Other forms of tubercdons ...... 9 ...... ? i s Jlil$ ...... 88 5 2 1 2 10 9 14 14 47 2: :7 : ...... 60 ...... 5. ;::::: ...... ~:’ . 12 $+%&S...... 1;{ 3 1; 2; 1! 5 1 4; i 1: 9 Organic disessesof the heart...... 2 2 8 4 2 1 15 ...... 2 ...---- Acut8bronohitis ...... 75 ...... !...... 2 7 2 16 Pneumonia...... 215 ...... 2 : 7 8 : :? - ;; i: 4! Bronchopneumonra...... 238 ...... 1 6 :: 5 30 ;! 32 46 33 Dissssesof thestomsch- ...... ’64 ...... 1 4 : : 19 Diarrhea andenteritis- ...... 1,;3; . . . ..ti. 1 .. . . . 7 8 1? 16 3; 117 13: 2+ 1; Malformations...... 23 1!: 9 4 Prereatumbirth...... 501 22L2 :; 42 :: 3:; :; +; 475 Cong@taldebili@...... m3 43 31 23 : 140 49 48 2 279 & 9: 5: Iujnru?satbirth...... 93 39 16 78 7 2 4 91 1 ,.-...... ---- Extemslcauses ...... 1 ‘l? i Allothercauses...... 1:: i 3 1; 2: lg 1: “; :: 2J J 5 : 1; 38 Diseases,ill-defined or unkuoum-.. 35 1: 6 1 8 25 8 3 41 9 -6 ,, tiSSACEUeEmS. Allcausca ...... 10,412 1,304 464 269 629 2,666 445 473 368 3,952 1,026 342 1,979 1,513 1,100 — — _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ -. -MCaslss...... 87 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 1 18 28 41 ScarletfFver..: ...... M ...... -.. . ..-...... -. .-- ...... 7 ~00 iU~COU h- ...... 4 11 19 29 2: 7; 6; D&&~m%moup ...... ?: :::::::: ::::;: ...... : ...... 3 3 17 2 ...... 21 ...... 2 3 5 3 ...... 2 ...... Dysentery...... 40 ...... 1 1 1 11 1: 7 Erysipelss...... 56 ...... ~i : 7 J 1; ‘; 5 10 1. Tetanus...... 12 ...... 2 4 3 ...... 12 ...... -...... Tuberculosisofthelurigs...... 67 ...... -..2 ...... 1 ...... 1 5 3 21 22 Tuberculms meningitis...... 130 ...... 1 1 . . . . 1 ...... 2 8 9, 35 40 :: Other ~ormsof tuberculos~...... 26 ...... 1 1 ...... 8 E@hWj; ...... ;9 2 .: .. . . . 4 7 4 7 6 2 1? 22 1: 11 ...... - ...... 6 1 21 12 16 45 46 40 ...... 123 3 5 6 1: 31 9 1! 6 56 15 5 21 17 8 \ 128 MORTALITY STATISTICS.

TABLE 7.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM IMPORTANT CAUSES, DURING EACH O,F THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF LIFE, THE REMAINDER OF THE FIRST WEEK, WEEKS OF THE FIRST MONTH, MONTHS OF THE’ FIRST QUARTER, AND REMAINING QUARTERS OF THE FIRST YEAR, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000 POPULATION OB OVER IN 1910 : 1911—Continued. lThe classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in compIeted days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arrariged alphabetically by states.J

DEATHS AT AGE OF— .JJ~ Total $&z d$ea;; .- AREA .8% AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less ~ Less ~ 8 weeks Less ~ 1 year 2 3t06 2 b;;~nss $2 3t05 6t08 9t01i $23 ~t$k week. weeks. ;ho:t:. month. months. months. months month% d ‘f age” J?&. ‘aJ’” ‘aJ’s” ‘ays” 1 month. ——


19 Orgtmic diseases of the heart ...... 2 21 8 18 2 27 4 20 Ac!utebronchiti s...... 2!; ...... 1! 1: 9 50 3; 2: 22 Pneumonia ...... 499 ; 4 1; 4 15 65 39 27 1% (!23) 13ronchopneumonia...... 635 1 6 22 11 ;; M 76 51 123 24 Diseases of the stomach ...... 156 ...... X 10 2s Diarrhea npdenteritis ...... 3,155 ...... 1 5 ;: 5: 1;; 1+; 2;; 3:; 3:; 413 521 ‘ 271 49 42 23 385 23 lg RI !R&HWWih:::::::::::::::::: 1,587 7$% 2!: 1$ 1,253 113 88 47 1,501 (33,37) Congenitsldebility ...... 1,140 176 78 437 89 81 54 661 1X 1:; 26 (37) Injuries at birth ...... 407 230 65 25 386 12 4 3 405 1 ...... 35 Bxternalcauses ...... 124 9 Ii 11 A.llothercauses ...... 589 9 1: 1: 1;: 3: 3: 3: 23! 52 ;: 7: 38 Diseases, ill-defined or nnknowrn... 74 5 3 19 7 ...... , 32 5 9 1 ‘MICHIGAN. I II Alloanses ...... 7,065 1,016 38-2 255 2.244 474 362 253 3,333 687 551 525 _ .- — . .— _ - 5 Mee,zles...... 49 ...... ,.-.., ,., ...... 31 2 ...... 5 2 2 9 1: 19 6 Scarlet fever...... 10 ...... ::::::, .. ...5 ...... 2 7 Whoo ingoon h ...... 171 ...... 1 7 13 24 25 46 36 2; 8 Di ht {fer]aan croup ...... 1 ...... i .. ..6 ...... i . . . .~. 3 ...... 3 4 9 In&enm ...... ;: ::::::: ...... 2 2 ; 1? 3 6 8 5 12) Dysentery ...... 16 ...... 2 3 4 3 3 {12 Erysipelas ...... 39 ...... 4 ; 1: 7 4 8 .5 1 371 Tetanus ...... 10 ...... 1 ... 5 6 4 . . . ..s ...... 10 ...... 13 Tuberonlosis of the hmgs...... 25 ...... ::::::, .....i 1 1 1 3 6 8 14 Tuberculons menfngitm...... 17 ...... 1 . . . . . 1 ! 7 (15 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 11 ...... 3 ; 37) s Mlis...... 1 1 3 3 8 3 1 4 16 1; 1! : (17 J&n “this...... 1!: ...... 6 H 4 15 37) CenvU&ions ...... 308 11 17 22 4! 3: 2: 1; 1;; & 2: 36 26 ~ 19 Organic diseases of the heart ...... 6 6 6 ;; 2 41 20 Acutabronchitis ...... 2;; ...... 2 9 11 1! 1: 49 4: 2; . 5; 32 ~ (22 Pneumonia...... 304 2 2 11 12 2 52 37 29 66 23) Bronchopnenmonia ...... 329 ...... 1 6 18 17 2: 13 63 38 36 i! 45 24 Diseeses of the stomach...... 5 16 18 :; [;;l y;:i~mntorit...... 1,3; 1 : ;; 46 ig ;: 1:: lE 1:! 4;: 261 1; ...... 446 :3 2!: 25 23 357 32 12 29 9 (33,33 ,Prematnrebirth ...... 1,208 6# 1;? 1:! 1,001 1% 44 23 1,176 18 ...... (37) Congenital debility ...... 1,155 ~z 71 39 129 391 108 75 54 628 149 11: 17: 5! 31 37) Injuries at birth ...... 180 27 25 28 162 11 5 1 179 ...... 35 External causes ...... 28 11 16 +lother$auses ...... 5:; 13 1: 1; 1 1;! 4; 3; 1: 209 56 3: ;; 7; $ 38 Ihseases, dkletied or unknown . . . 110 25 6 14 9 54 8 9 4 75 6 9 12 5

MINNE2QTA. I I II I A~canses.---.-. -...... -.-.l 3,89911 555 191 183 321 1,260 306 212 173 1,951 377 314 629 366 262 -11- - _ _ _ _ 5 Measles...... 30 -.... -...... 2 2 4 3 2 3 8 6 Scarlet:ever ...... 6 ...... 7 Whoo m$con h ...... 111 ...... 2 4 6 12 20 2; 2; 8 Di ht{%erlaan croup ...... 21 ...... 2 1 3 4 4 9 Influenza ...... 18 ...... 1 2 3 : 4 ~ &) :ysentery...... 11 ...... 1 ...... 1 2 ; 4 rysipelas ...... 33 ...... -...... 3 4 9 5 3 y 5 (37) Tetanus ...... 7 ...... -. 3 3 3 . . ...2 ...... 6 ...... 13 Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 23 ...... 3 5 8 14 Tuberculous meningitis...... 36 ...... 3 1 4 2 .3 ; 1! 6 1.5 Other ~ormsof tuberculosis ...... 9 ...... 1 3 3 (37) El highs ...... 36 ...... 2 3 4 2 10 3 ; 9 ...... 17 lemnglt~P .~~...... 56 ...... : i 4 1! (37) C)Onvu@iO~...... 141 3 7 23 3: 2; 3 H 1$ 1; ;; 11 : 19 Orgarnc dneases of the heart ...... 22 4 3 . . . . 2 . . ...5 2 3 2 Xl Acute bronchitis ...... 78 ...... 4 : 10 7 ;; 1! s : 22 Pneumorua ...... 2 1 8 12 ; 1: :: 14 (23) Bronchopneumonia ...... M .1 7 9 17 27 2; 1! i; 57 i: 98 i; 5: 24 Diseases of the stomach ...... 77 1 ? 10 16 25 Diarrhea andenteritis ...... 705 1 : 2; : 31 3! 1:: 99 ;! 209 103 73 g; ;dfornmtions...... 245 27 42 12 21 16 196 13 17 ; 5 matnrebirth ...... 830 3:: 67 526 :! 651 ...... (33,37) Congenital debility ...... 438 H 68 208 ;: :! 28 301 U 2.! 4: 15 x (37) h@riesatbirth ...... 116 ;! 14 18 100 10 112 4 ...... 35 Extamalcanses ...... 43 1 . . . . 8 2 ...... i Allothercauses ...... 265 11 2? 57 27 11 7 1;; 2; 4 :; 3; : 38 Diseases, ill-defined or unknown... 173 :: 12 18 91 15 15 8 129 14 6 17 6 MISSOURI. ‘Allcanees...... 7,150 2Q6 211 343 2,264 521 303 270 3,358 658 540 1,6s5 818 631 I _ I_ 1, . _ _ _ _ . _ 5 Measles...... 105 .... 2 4 3 4 14 6 5 12 34 34 6 Warletfever ...... 12 ...... 1...... 1 1: ; 36 4: ‘J 3! 87 III‘~”%h~wn%h”--””-”””-”””’-h enaan croup ...... 2! :::::;:: . . 4 4 : 14 2 10 10 21 9 I&enza ...... 69 . .... 1 1 ; 2 10 12 5 16 7 (12) Dysentery ...... 1 1 3 2 7 4 8 14 2! 13 DEATHS OF INI?ANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHS. 129


[The clsssidcationin this table is beaed on the age of the decedent in completed days, week?.,or months. The ~iti~ fmquded in this able are wrangecl‘W=+betkaly . by states.]

s . DEATHS Al? AGE OF— $gG Total W$ ~ d$;: ma AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. 3 weeks ~e~ x u+ Less -1 Less ~- % 1 year 3t06 bu&s ~hm ~ 1 i 3t05 .6t08 9 to 11 @ . g ‘fa%” lth$;. day” da}s. days. ~~k. week. weeks. ~onti- month. months.months.months.montly+., 1 month.

., REGI19KCRA’1’ION STAWES—Coritfuued. I huesoum-continued. I II 35 ...... 4 4 8 4 7 7 1 25 ...... 2 9 13 1 1 i ...... 57 ...... : 3 . .. . . 1 1 5 ~ 4 20 14 10 37 ...... 1 ...... 7 13 lg 18 ...... -...... 2 108 4 3 11 : 8 2: 2 2: 2: 140 . . . . n J 3 37 lC 7 38 .2: i; i 12 Ii 1: 10 5 1 56 6 1? 4 11 :; 4 19 ...... 24 . ----- 152 ...... 1: i 17 ~ 2e Ii 3: 2: 330 ...... ~ 1; 1: 22 15 21 27 63 66 \ 333 ...... 11 14 22 17 .8 z 38 73 58 154 ...... 1 8 ;:’ 1,491 ...... 2/ E 2 2 153 lti 1; “i; 3;: 351 3; 61 2:; 14 1,316 ;; 49 1’11 1,104 1:$ z H 1,% : 9 ...... - 771 38 s 313 104 51 56 330 71 67 7: “ 2: 10 187 86 18 3( 165 14 e ...... 185 ...... - Eiternalcauses ...... 101 1: $ 16 13 AUotheroauses ...... 543 1: 1; 5: 18 5: 2! 2; 1:! !51 43 1:$ 79 72 Diseases,fll-defined or unknown .-. 350 71 13 G 172 37 22 13 245 3C 20 32 18 5 MOIU%NA. ‘ I I II Allcauses ...... I 717II 117 34 65 261 67 37 26 391 6C 54 -90 70” 46 I _ - . . . . — _ . _ _ Measles...... 8 ...... 1 ...... ,2 4 1 Scarletfever...... 2 ...... Whoo ingcon h ...... 17 ...... 1 ...... 1 5 : 4 : 1 ~%”Di ht erlaan %croup...... 2 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Mensa...... Dysentery ...... 5 ...... 1 ...... 3 1 ...... - Erysfpelas...... 2 ...... 1 1 ...... Tetanus...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 ...... Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 12 ...... 1 ...... -...... 1 2 1 1 1 6 Tubercnlousmeningitis ...... 5 . . . ..-...... 1 ...... 1 4 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... s him...... 2 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... -. 1 ...... g&#ki:_.._...... 6 ...... 1 ...... 3 ...... 1 1 ...... 9 ...... 1 1 ; 1 2 1 : . . . . . 2 ...... Organic diseasesof the heart...... 6 ...... 1 1 4 ...... 4 I ...... Acute broncJMis...... 6 ...... 3 1 ...... Pneumonia ...... 41 ...... 2 2 4 2 . . . . . 6 d Ii 2 13 2 13ronchapneumoma...... 51 ...... 1 . . . . . 1 3 4 1 9 7 7 12 1: 5 Dfeeasesoftlmstomach ...... 6 ...... ---- ...... Diarrhea andenkxitie...... 114 ...... 4 6 : 1: 1? 13 3! 25 1; Malformations...... 54 16 : : ; 4 1 2 1 ...... Premature bfrth ...... 152 5 1! lE 16 10 3 1:: ...... Congenital debility ...... 102 ;! 9 10 46 16 9 1 72 : 1$ 10 ; .....- Tnjnriesat birth ...... 23- 9 4 6 22 1 ...... -...... Extemalcauses...... ‘: ...... 2 3 2 ~2 Allotheroauses ...... H ...... 2 : 1; 1; 2 : 27 3 5 38 Diseases,ill-derinedor unknown... 27 ...... 2 ~ 9 5 ...... 14 3 : 1 ,: 3 I NEW HAMPSHTRE. I II I ;., I Allcauses ...... ’...l 1,260 II 146 37 94 353 52 40 36 II 431 135 118 228 169 119 _ _ . . _ _ ‘Measles...... 10 ...... 1 ..... 1 4 4 Scarlet:ever ...... 1 1 6 2 6 12 1! D1yu’’a~ht enaan-i:’-”-”--’--”----””croup...... 2: :;::::;, 1 ..... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... ----- ; ...... ; Dysente~:...... “.-.-.”.-.-.-...-.-.-.”.-.-.-.-.”.;; 6 ...... ------...... 2 1 ...... 2 Erysipelas...... 1 ...... -- ...... Tetanus...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 ...... - TubereuloshIof theluugs ...... ------! 1------.-- . . . .- ..-. 4 1 ...... Tubercnloue meningitis...... 1~ ...... 1 ...... 1 3 5 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 1 ...... -...... 1 ...... 4 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 ,. . ..-. gti~;g.::::::::::::::::::::::: 23 ...... 3 3. . . . 29 3 : : 5 1 1 1: ; 3 f 5 : Organicdieeasesoftheimmt...... 5 ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... 4 1 ...... Acute bronchitis...... 46 ...... 3 . . . . . : 2 . . . . . 3 3 2 14 10 Pneumonia...... 63 ...... 3 3 4 1: 2 3 20 10 1; Bronchopnemuonia...... 50 ...... 1 1 1 1 4 4 9 11 8 1: Diseasesof the stonxuch...... 39 ------1 i Diarrhea andenteritk ...... 332 ...... : : 11 : 2: 4: 4! lij 7: 39 Malformations ...... 4 2 ; 2 1 1 ...... Premhurebii,...... -. 2ti 2 ii 1% 12 1$; ...... Congetital_deb:UiIq...... 218 ;: 11 30 6 11 9 109 3! 3: 3; 9 2 Injuriaz attmrtn..-...... 23 . . . . . 3 E 1 ...... ----- 23 ...... -.., ...... - ...... ,...... - Extarnlalcauses...... 2 Allothercauses- ...... ;! { $ : 1: ; : ; 2: 1; 8 1{ 18 : 3alDieeases;illdetied orunlmown... I . . . . . 2 ...... 3 ...... ,...... 78089°—BuL 112—13—9 130 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completerlydaa~~eeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetiealfy

3 DEATHS AT AGE OF— ~g& Total $% z dmm;& .an- AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. 8 weeks 1 year Less Less ~ ~ a %3 than :ah: b:;~ ttEl 1 2 8t05 6t08 9 to 11 +*A of age. d& da$s. . ~t&k, week. weeks. month month. months. montlm months. months. A 1 day. 1 month. “

RECJIS’J7RA!PION S’17A!l?ES-Continued.

I NEW JERSEY I Allcausw ...... 7,678 380 26S 225 422 1,795 421 3.55 215 2,786 711 598 1,514 1,195 874 ~ — — — — _ lJee91es...... 77 ...... 1 ...... 1 1 2 12 22 39 6 Scarlet fever...... 15 ...... 3 7 169 ...... 1 3 22 1: 3: 4: Di h%eriaan croup ...... 44 ..... i ..... ; 1 4 2 . fi 1; ; ~u;::~-.-::::::::::::::::...... ;:::::::: ,...... i : 3 ; (12) ;: 1 ...... 3 11 18 (12) ;Z:$%l:::::::::::::::::::::::: 45 ...... 2 9 ...... 11 1; 4 s s : (;:) Tetanus ...... 12 ..... ,.....!1 ...... 12 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 54 ..... i ; . . . . . 3 2 9 19 ...... 11 14 Tuberculous menmgitis...... 1 1 1 ; 5 4 3 20 :1 19 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... ;; ...... i ...... 1 4 13 6 3 ($ s hllis SI 1 ..... 2 11 9 5 3; 6 12 lllingitis::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1:! ...... : 1 1; 27 2i 2; (;;) Convukxons...... 221 10 ,9 12 3: 6: 1s 2; 5 lJ 26 1: 39 27 9 Organic disesses of the heart ...... 3 2 2 5 12 3 4 20 4 1 20 Acutabronchitii ...... 1%? ...... 3 11 42 3; 2; 2: Pneumonia ...... 460 2 3 1: 2: 1; ;: 72 54 35 1?: 1:; (;) Bronchopnenmoma...... 566 i 3 10 19 23 1s ;: 58 49 141 114 1% Dieeacesofthe stomach ...... 100 1 . . ...? 7 9 5 :: Diarrhea and enteritis...... 2,204 2 2 : 2: 41 7; 47 195 2;: 4: 6~; 5:; 3;; (%) N!alformatione...... l ...... 421 36 76 21? 34 3S6 16 19 12 6 Premature birth ...... 1,040 4% 1;; S7 114 S14 lx 42 ;; 936 ;: ...... (33;%] Congenital debdity ...... 953 10s 36 67 244 6S 49 38 399 12s # J; 9; 42 (jr !tujuriesat birth ...... 249 142 ; 1s 31 227 15 3 1 246 1 ...... External cauees...... 127 22 1; 25 22 Another cauces...... 377 1: 1; 2: 54 3; 3; 1; IE 45 :: 74 5; :: 38 Diseases, dl-defined or unlmown... 20 s . . ...? 1 ...... 9 2 4 1 16 1 . . . . . 2 ...... I NEw YORK. I AI(causes ...... I 25,407 2,630 1,412 7%2 1,512 6,306 1,341 1,171 960 II 9,778 2,669 2,024 4,547 3,519 2,870 I ______Masks...... 241 ...... 3 1 2 20 lfi 1:; Scarlet fever...... 51 ...... ‘1...... 7 ...... 6 Whoo in~con h ...... 438 ...... 1 1 ; 10 16 29 60 55 99 99 Di ht~enarm %croup ...... 204 ...... ;: 63 98 IJAensa...... 3 3 2 ; 10 1? 1! 1; Is 11 Dysentery ...... :: ...... 1 1 ...... 3 5 ;; Li Erysipeha...... 190 ...... 6 29 1: 4: 25 33 22 1: Tetanus...... 2 1; 1; 6 1 ...... ;: ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs...... 1;? 1 ...... 1 1 3 2 2; 3; 42 TnberculOue meningitis...... 268 ...... 2 ; 1 . . . . . 3 6 4 1; 68 8s 89 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 ...... 19 19 19 hi’ ...... 3:: 16 13 2 14 4; 33 3; 2 14! 6; 58 25 12 %%inftis ...... 289 ...... 15 25 ;: 88 61 Corw+iops...... 510 23 25 25 59 1;; 4; 3! 3! 2!: 55 :! s? 42 Orgaruc d]seasesof the heart ...... 102 11 4 34 s 5 ;$ Acutabroptiltis ...... 832 2 : 9 ;; 44 7: 55 2:? 1] 8! 1;: 114 11: Pneumoma ...... 1,054 2 33 4s :: 39 170 221 242 244 Bronchopneurnom a...... 2,809 7 1: 1? 5.5 101 106 1:: 416 3:: 2:: 624 605 642 Diseeses of thesto~h ...... ;: 269 ...... 8 17 14 ,:; Diarrhea andentintm...... 6,591 ...... 6 166 & 2+? 6;; 885 1,92: 1,38 + Jfalformatlons ...... 1,274 221 142 1;; 2;: 7;: 111 942 110 50 102 45 Premature bti ...... 3,770 1, 4s1 733 2S4 2,902 370 1:1 1:: 3, 5s3 117 ...... Congendal debtity ...... 3,302 -376 236 127 % 1,041 217 195 142 1,595 .500 4:! 5;; 19: 72 T.njnriesat birth ...... S70 424 1s0 S9 11s Sll 40 S67 3 ...... Extemalcauses ...... 245 2s i: 1; 29 27 .kllother causes...... 1,337 33 3: i: Ii; 2!: 11? S1 52 4;: 13; 8; 2:? 219 1:1 38 Diseases, ill-deiined or unknown... 24 4 ...... 3 9 2 3 ...... 14 2 2 4 I NORTHCAI+OL1iXA.1 I Allcauses ...... 1,313 25 79 276 96 51 49 472 107 9s 238 207 191 I — — . _ Measles...... 1 ...... 1 . . 1 4 1 3 Scsrlet fever...... Whoo tig COUh ...... 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 3 4 : 12 19 19 D,ipht~erla an3 croup ...... 1 i ...... 3 ...... 1 Iufluerma...... 1 ...... Dysentery...... 1 1 ; 1 i ~ 6 llrysipekw...... 1 1 ...... Tetanus ...... 9 9 1: 1 ...... 23 1 1 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 1 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 7 4 6 Tubercrdous meningitis ...... 1 3 Other forms of tuberculosis...... -...11...... ------...... ; 1 Syphilis ...... 1 4 1 1 ...... 1 1 ; ...... M.enincitis...... 1 ...... : ...... 1 1: 7 6 Convulsions ...... 1 2 3 : . . . . . 1 9 2 . . . . . 1 ...... Organic disesses of the hesrt ...... 1 2 1 1 ...... 4 ...... 2 ; 1 ...... Acute brormhitis...... 5 ...... Pneumonia ...... 3 3 : 4 1; 1: : 4 10 Bronchopneumonia ...... 3 i 10~ 2 12 :: 9 Disesses of the stomach...... : : ...... ; ; 13 Diarrhea and enter]t,s ...... 31 4 4 10 31 3: 73 7: 9? Malformations ...... 4 4: 20 2 : ...... ;: 2 4 1 4 ...... 1Includes only municipalities having a population of 1,000or over in 1900.



[Theclassificationin this table is based on the ageof the decedentin completed days, weeks,or months. The cities fncluded in this table arearrangedalphabetically by ,S@teS.]

/ G DEATHS AT AGE OF— ~g6 Total my z dmad~ T!s- AREA AND CAUeE OF DEATIL Less Less ~ .2 3 weeks Q -.3 1 yaar b:.ms Jgl 1 2 sto5 6 to 8 9 to 11 <$Q than d;y. %$s! of age. 1 day. d&. ~t;:k. week. weeks. month.months.months.months.months. A 1 month. m“nth”

REGISTRATION STATES-Continued~ , NORTHCAROmNA%ontfrmed. . I ! ‘1 (33) Prematurebirth...... 158 67 25 8 17 117 14$ ...... (88,37 Congenitaldebilit~-...... 16Jl 1: 10 2 q 48 1: 4 91 2; Ii 1: 1: 2 (371 Injuriesat birth...... 4 3 16 ...... 17 ...... 35 Externalcauses...... 22 ...... 1 2 ..... :3 .1 ...... ~other~uees ...... -. : ...... z 1: 2$ 10 1$ - 38 DISWSeS,111-delinerlor unknown--- 1!: Ii 6 6 1: 3! : 4 61 1! 1: 16 10 6. Oreo. I Allcauses...... 9,941 1,346 662 408 806 3,222 457 377 4.814 916 lQ 1.549 1,100 I _ . _ _ . — ~ _ 5 Measles...... 65 ...... ,. .-...... -...... ‘2 1 6 2 3 u 20 6 Scarletfever...... -. 1 . . . ..-...... 7 Whoo ingcou h...... -.. -. 3# ...... 1 i 5 Ii 2: 41 33 7: 7; 8 Di ht~enarm~oroup...... 3 ...... 3 2 12 9 In#uenza...... 77 ...... 1 -1 . . . . . 4 9 1: 2! 12 (12 Dysentery...... 36 ...... 1 1 . . . . . : 15 5 (12 Erysipelaa...... 2 : 1: : 2 9 5 (?,7I Tetanus,.. =.., ...... >...... ,!; ...... 7 1 16 ,...... 1 . . . . . ‘ii’ Tuberculosisof the lung...... 69 ...... 1 ; . ..-. : 8 8 2 13 14 Tubercnlonemeningitis-.:...... 1 .; 2 ...... 2 7 1 ;; 19 15 Othe; formsof tuberculosis...... :: ...... -. . ..-. 3 13 (37) s hdis...... 206 15 5 7 7 34 13 1: 4; 3! :: 17 ll%in “tie...... 145 ...... 7 4 :: 13 38 ;; (37) Convus]onsY“ ...... 13J 3 1: 1; 2 ;? 8 ’19-I Orcanicdiseasesof the heart...... 8 8 7 29 : 2 :; . II : : -.Zl I ACU1 tebronchitis.—----- ...... - 282 ...... : 11 49 .4J 48 3: 22 PneuU~,~ ...... $4J ...... : 13 .2: % :: (23) Bronchopneumoma...... 2 Ii 26 47 :; 38 1%! Iii l% 24 Dfseasesof the stomach...... 1 2 13 22 ;; :: 25 Diarrheaandenteritis...... 2,% 4 ! 66 :: :: 3E 2.55 279 6% 4X (33) Malformati~ry-...... 712 14! 75 1% 39 24 591 42 3: 2! (33 I?rernatoreltxrtn..: ...... 1,810 792 3% 132 189 1,:2 85 42 1,743 40 H (83t;; C##nital Ldebility...... -. ----- 3s1 175 71 47 130 58 37 86 59 75 14 1 riesgtbirth ...... 409 Ma 69 49 79 % 2 %: 2 ...... 35 Extcrnalcauses...... 177 10 11 : Ii Allothercauses...... 648 1: 22 3; 12 47 3; 2~ :: 45 l!l E 38 Diseases,ill-defied or unknown... 117 15 17 5 ;: 59 10 6 11 4 I PENNSYLVANL4. ~mmes...... ’24,195 2,434 ,018 729 1,554 5,’735 1,221 965 9,424 2,317 L 935 4,559 3.376 2,604 _ _ — . _ _ . _ ~ . ~ 5 Mefisles ...... 202 1 -...... -. 1 2 7 5 .3 21 g 107 $ Scarletfever...... 46 ...... 1 1 2 Whoo iH~COUh...... -. ..--...... - .- . ..-. .- . ..-. 4: 8; 6! 13! 13(J 1:: Di h&er]aan croup...... 1 1 2 24 .:; - li’uenza. . ..%...... %...... -. 1 1 2 J 5 21 J, yuysen* ...... 1 E 13 13 ~rysipelas...... 1% 1 ---- ..... i 3; 1; < 28 1; 9 (37 ‘l!etanus...: ...... 2 1; ~ 24 ...... 13 Tubercnlos~of the lungs...... 1:: ...... 2 1 ...... 10 11. 17 43 35 43 14 Tubercnlouemeningitis...... I&l ...... -...... 1 3 4 s 30 42 42 15 OtQe~~ormsof tuberculosis...... - ..., : 61 23 (37) Syphdu-...... 189 .Ii 4 .5 1; 35 3: 24 2! 42 1: .1: 17 Meningitis...... 349 ...... 16 62 53 (3711Convukions... -...... l 908 16 3; ~~ 12$ 21! &6 18 69 1:; 58 ’19’ I Organic dieeascsof theheart...... ‘- 23 26 104 H utebronchitis...... % 1 : E ;: :: 1:; 107 it 12 Pneumonia...... 1,275 ; ;: 57 H 143 117 ,306 247 221 (2J 13r&n&:~t~~;oni~...... l,:% i 1: 1: 41 69 295 ?92 157 412 364 344 ...... 2 31 150 25 Diarrhaa~d ent=itis-...... 6,710 13 1;; 752 7% 7: 2,:2 1,5% 1,0% (33) Malformations...... 1.2dl 21: 13: 2X 705 993 74 40 2; (33 Prematnrebirth...... ~...... 3;397 1,’44; 495 ;% 371 2,611 3,235 l% ‘% (33,37 Congenitaldebility...... 2,;;; 155 113 300 873 1,533 849 328 d; 20: 100 (37I Lnjuriesatbirth...... 262 96 53 86 497 547 4 1 ...... -. 35 Externalcausas...... Allothercauses...... 1,:E 4 E z lti 2% 4:1 1:: 1?: . n: 1:; 1% 38 Diseases,ill-de5ed or unknown... 292 48 25 26 31 130 179 30 17 25 12


All CMISCS...... 1,675 202 98 53 109 462 679 ~ 146 313 203 173 I . — _ . — . _ Measles...... = ...... - ...... ---- ...... - ...... -.., ...... 1 2 4 Scarlatfaver...... 1 ...... 1 ....-. .-.-...... - . . ..-...... ~00 ~COU h...... -. ..-...... 1 1 2 ..... 4 ; 5 H 13 Ii Di ht~enaan$eroup...... - ..., ...... 2 -. ..., 3 4 In&ensa ...... ------...... ------2 Dysentery...... 2 1 ...... Eryapeles...... 2 ...... 2 i . . . . . 2 ...... Tetanus...... 1 ...... ,. . ..-...... Tuberculosisof thelungs...... 1 ...... 1 1 .. -.., ...... ; ...... 1 3 3 3 Tubereulouemenirrgitii...... -...... - ...... -.., ...... 2 ,. . . . . 4 7 8 Otherformsof tuberculosis...... 1 ...... 1 ...... -. syphilis...... 5 . . . . 1 ; .. . . . 3 1 1? i 2 5 3 ...... Meningitis...... ’...... 1 $ 3 .. . . . 1 ...... 4 2 4 6 8 6 1Includesonly monicipafiticsha%g a populationof 1,000& over in 1900. 132 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[The olasshication in this table is based on the age of the decedent fn completed clays, weeks, or months. The cities fncluded in this table are arranged alphabetimlly by states.]

z z DEATHS AT AGE OF— -sgd Total gg z d;;:; AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. :$&e=y “zn~ Less Less ~ ~ Less ~ 1 year 2 8t05 6t08 9t011, than $22 of age. diy. da2p. %:;s! ~twk week. weeks. month. months, months months. months. : 1 day. 1 ;!;h. ~’~t~.


‘HODE1sLAND40ntinuedI II I I Convulsions ...... 1 f 4 1 17 : -1 6 5 Organic diseasesof the heart ...... : ...... 6 ...... Acute bronchitis ...... 2 i 3 2 [ 7 1: Pneumonia ...... ; 4 ...... : t 9 z Bronchopneumonia ...... 1 : 2 7 4 16 i 7 H 18 Diseases of the stomach ...... Diarrhea andenteritis ...... 6 6 11 1; 1: 5: 4! 62 6: 5; Malformations ...... 2 4 3 4 1 Premature birth ...... ;; 1:! 1$ ; 4 2 ...... Congenital debility ...... 25 71 10 !: 8 103 i 26 31 8 8 Iniuries at birth ...... 13 98 2 ...... 100 ...... Eiternalcausas ...... ; 2 ...... 9 Another causes ...... 1; ; 5 ; 3! i 15 12 7 Diseases, fll-dedned or unknown... : 7 . . . . . 2 10 2 ; 4 1 ......


Allcauses ...... 822 168 40 30 68 306 51 55 75 61 89 67 68 . — - _ . _ _ -41-!3 _ _ _ _ _ Measles ...... 8 ...... 1 1 ...... 2 4 Searlet fever ...... 2 ...... 2 ...... Whoo in$cou h ...... 14 ...... 2 ...... 2 3 4 3 ...... 2 Di ht%enaan croup ...... 3 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1- IrJ/uenm . . . ..’! ...... 5 ...... 1 i ...... 1 2 ...... 1 Dysentery ...... 4 ...... -...... 2 2 ...... Eryslpelss ...... 5 ...... 2 2 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 Tetanus ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Tubereubxfso fthelungs...... ~...... Tubercubms meningitis ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Other forms of tuberculosis ...... J ------.--...... s hil.is...... ; ...... : 2 ...... d%fnthis...... 1: :::::::: ::::::: :::::: ...... 1 3 2 ...... Conv&ions ...... 19 ...... 4 7 2 3 1 1! i 1 ...... 2 ...... Organic chseases of the heart ...... 4 ...... 2. 1 ...... 1 . . . . . 2 ...... Acutabropchitis ...... 36 ...... 2 5 6 ; Pneuruorua ...... 1 ...... 4 6 8 6 ;! 1: 1: ; : 10 Bronchopneumonia ...... :.! ...... 1 ; 5 4 12 11 4 10 Dfseasesofthe stomach ...... 13 ...... 2 ; ...... 2 2 ...... ! ; Diarrhea apdentwitis ...... 110 ...... 3 3 i 4 6 1$ 1; 13 19 27 d Malforrnatlons ...... 11 2 2 4 3 ...... 1 2 ...... Premature bfrth ...... 1:1 13 19 8 11 1:: 1: 4 5 1:: 4 ...... Congenital debility ...... 16 3 9 8 36 10 ; 4 58 8 : i 2 ...... Iniuriwatbirth ...... # 13 7 26 . . . . . 1 28 ...... Efiernalcaus%s ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... 1 2 Another causes ...... 68 1 ...... 3 J 1: ; 7 3: 4 4 1: : 9 Diseases, ill-defined or unlmown... 18 2 1 2 2 7 1 ...... : 11 1 ...... 2 3 1 VERMONT. I “1 AD”causes ...... 59 240 41 28 35 344 81 65 120 74 .57 ,- 741[]- 118IQIJ!2,—— . _ . _ . . - _ _ - _ Measles...... 7 ...... 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 2 1 Scarlet fever ...... 1 ...... ,. .,...... Who iD~COU h ...... 18 ...... 1 1 3 3 : 3 2 Di h$erman i croup ...... In&mnza...... 8 ...... 1 1 4 ...... 2 Dysentery ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... ErvSIDdSS...... 1 ...... ’...... 1 ...... !!eian-us ...... -...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... Tubereulous meningitis ...... 1 : 1 ; Other forms of tuberculosi s...... -.. i.ll ...... i...... 1 1 s Ililk ...... 1 2 ...... 1 !&%in tic...... 1 3 5 . . . . . 1 2 2 Con%ions ...... 2 5 1 1 ; 9 1 1 ; ...... ! 1 Organic diseasesof the heart...... 1 1 ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... Aeutebrrmehitis...... 1 ; ; 7 5 2 2 i Pneumonia...... 1 1 ; ; 6 2 ...... 8 9 : Bronchopneumotia...... : 4 1 6 7 5 Dfsessesofthastomach...... 3 4 i ; 1; ...... Diarrheaandentxwitis...... 2 2 4 ; 3: 3; 6; 3; 24 Malformations ...... ; 3 :: 4 4 1 2 Prematwrebirth ...... l! 1;: 1: 159 1? ...... Congenital debfljty ...... 20 6 : : 34 8 ...... 2 Inirrriesatbirth ...... 6 28 1 1 ...... 30 ...... Wttemelcauses...... 2 1 1 A~other causes...... 7 ; 1 i 6 : ...... D]seases,ill-defied or unknown... 1 3 : 1 ...... 51.. 1~ ...... ; 1 ...... WASHINGTON.

Allcauses ...... 1,531 195 114 85 163 557 103 81 53 794 140 117 229 131 120 - — — — . - — - _ —— _ - Meask3...... 18 ...... = ...... 1 ...... 1 2 3 3 2 7 ,~carlet ;ever ...... 3 ...... ,...... 1 ...... !Vf10 lW$COU h ...... 37 ...... 1 1 ~ 6 1: 6 10 “Di hx%maim croup ...... 1 ...... 2 3 3 InRmnza...... 1! :::::::: 7:::::::::::::: ...... 1 2. : ...... ,...... 3 1 DEATHS OF INFANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHS. 133


, [The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completedb~&w&hS, or months. The cities included in{his table are arranged alphabetic?aiiy

1 , ,, z DEA’THS AT AGE OF— .006 Total dmaj. 3’ z ‘z R- AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less Less ~ ~ 3 weeks $53 1 year than 8t06 but less ~L~l 1 2 3t05 6t08 9t011 ‘ ~ of age. 1 day. d;y. da~s. dav. lt’~k. week. weeke. month. months. months. months. months. 1 r%o%h. ‘“nth” . 1 . REGISTRATION STATES-Oontinued.

wAemGToN-contbmed. Dysentery...... ----- ...... ------.....-...... 2 Erysipeias...... 2 2 3 1 2 i 1 Tetanus ...... -...... -...... -...... Tuberculosis, of the lungs- ...... -...... - ...... 1 3 ...... Tubereulous meningitis ...... - . .-- . . . . . : 1 2 i Other forms of tuberculosis ...... -...... ; ...... - s m..- ...... 1 1 : 2 ...... 5 8 i ...... #nm#]:k ...... ,...... 1 ...... - : 1 ..... 3 .4 -...... ,..... 3 5 5 13 4 . . ..- ...... --- 1? ...... 1 3 2 1 Organicdiseasesof the heart ...... 2 2 1 4 2 ...... 1 12 1 ...... Acute bronchitis...--...... ,..... 2 . . . . 1 : 1 6 2 ..+ 2 3 Pneumonia .- . . . ..- ...... - . . ------,..... 1 .. . . . 2 : ; 6 i Bronehopnemnonia ...... 2 1 . . . . i 5 9 ; 2; 9 8 20 1: 1! Diseasesof the stomach...... 3 I 2 . .. . . 3 .9 Dirmheaand enteritis...... : 3 10 7 30 $ 3; E $ 3: Malformations...... 15 7! 1? 1 3 3 z Premalmrebirth;...... :: : E 23 1: 7 3X : ...... -. Congenitaldebiii@’...... ‘2$ 27 18 153 3: 23 4 8 2 Injnriesat birth...... 7 :$ .2 41 2 5 ...... 48 ...... -...... Externaleauses...... : 13 5 ; Ail Othercauses...... ----- : : 1: A ,: 2 44 9 2 14 1! 38 Diseases,ill-defied or unknown... 2 3 4 10 3 ...... 2 15 6 ...... -. 5 3 8 WISCONSIN. A1lcauses...... ~. -.. 5,184 725 356 214 394 1,883 362 275 189 2,515 494. 402 823 559 391 _ _ - _ _ . . — _ . - . - Measles ...... -. ------1 ...... - 1 2 3 2 1 8 5 3 22 19 Scarlet$ever...... :: ,..-.., ...... ,...- ...... --... ,....-...... --...... Whoo m$cou h...... 124 ,..... 1 ...... 1 ...... 12 14 2?) 1; ~iph&naan~cronp ...... ! ...... - 1 ..J!. 4 3 ...... ;: ...... 1 1 2 3 4 1; 6 4 1 8 —“..T...v------20 ,...... ----- 2 ...... 5 2 1. Erympelas..-...... 21 ...... , -..., .....-...... 7 3 1; ! ~ Tetanus...... -. 1 ...... 1 2 4 3 ,..-...... 7 i ...... Tubemulosisof the lurv+...... 1: ,...... - .--...:. 1 4 3 Tubercniousmeningitis...... 17 ....-. .--...... --, ...... ,...-...... -..--.... 1 ------7 ...... ,...- ...... -. ..-., ...... 1 ...---- .- 1 z -HmTw’!K:::::l 22 1 1 1 . .. ---- 3 ...... : 1 7 7 : ii%...... 1 2: 4 convuyxo~ ...... 3% 2: 37 15 5: J! < 1: 1% 3: E 31 14 Orgamc d~easesof theheart...... 40 8 ; 4 24 3 ....+ 28 1 .Acu%bronchitis...... 1 3 ;~ 1$ ; : Pmenmonia...... - ...... ~.... ?? : ...... 8 1: 1: ;; 18 :: 40 54 Bromchopneumonia...... 197 ; 4 5 32 26 21 44 % :~=~y~f theistorna.ch...... 156 2 2 3 1: ;? :! 16 - ,andmterlt~ . . . ------;.. 1,033 2 2 2 H 60 4: l% lfl $ 190 Ii: Malformations.-...... ::; ;: lE 22 167 20 5 4 Prematurebirth...... +% 1; :: 87 720 76 ;: 2: 852 23 2 .....!! C@etihldeb~~ ...... 779 130 53 354 78 47 510 89 ‘6! 19 11 p~uri::u$: ...... 154 64 29 24 % 143 2 ...... 152 2 -....-., ...... : 1 ...... - Allo@ercauses ...... 3% 19 11 1; 32 $ 30 19 19 1:; 3: Ji 5; : 38 Diseases,ill-definedor unknown. .. 26 6 ...... 2 2 ..... 2 1 1 ‘2 . . REGISTRATION CITIES OF 250,000 POP13’IiATION OR O~R IN 1910.

LOS ANGELES, CAL. . Alicauses...... 518 81- 13 26 47 167 33 20 22 247 55 39 89 43 45 _ - - — . _ . ~ —— —= . Measles...... 1 ...... - . ..--.. . ..-.. - ...... ------.- ..--...... -. ..-...... 1 Scarletfever...... -...... --...... -...... ------...... ~00 tig COUh: ...... 8 . ..-... - ...... ------...... 1 1 .....-. 2 1 2 Di h&erman8 croup...... --.-... 5 ------. . . ..-...... ------...... ------...... 1 1 2 . ...-.?...... 2 Ini!?uensa...... 1 ...... ------...... ------...... ------...... ----- ...... 1 Dysentqy...... :_.. 3 h...... - ...... -.- . . ..- ...... ,------...... ------...... 1 1 1. . .. A... lzpp 1e1~------[------,-l!------l------l------.l------, .-...-...... mnus...... 1 ...... 1 ,-----.-....-...... 1 ...... -. Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 15 ...... :.....: --...... 1 ...... 1 3 3 2 2 Tubercrdousmeningitis..:...... 5 ...... -....-. 1 ...... 1 .. ----- 1 ...... 3 ...... ! Othe~:ormsof tubercuios]s...... :. ------...-.------...... S hdu ...... 16 2 ...... -..-...... - 2 1 ------3 ““--”i-l-”-”--i 3 1 ,2 $&#i:..:::.::::.:: . ..._. 5 ...... -y .- . . ..- ...... ,-----...... ------...... ----- 13 1 1 ...... 5 1 ...... 6 ...... Organicdisea& o~theheart...--.. : . ..J J. 1 -1 2 ,------...... -...... 2 ...... Acuta bronchitis...... -...... 2 1 ...... Pneumoti- ...... ;? :::::::: ::::::: --’--~ ---”--i 3 4 1 -...--..3 3 ; : Bronchopnemnonia...... 5:’ . . ..--...... 3 4 3 ...... 1: 17 : ‘? Diseasesof the stomaoh...... ---- . .. ----- ...... ------1 . .. ---- ...... 2 i ...... !. 1 ...... Diar’rheaandentmitis. . ..-- ...... 96 ...... -.-... 1 ; 3 i 3 5 12 2: 19 12 Malformations...... 2 4 .x 1 . ..X Prematurebirth...... l% 5: 6 ; 1: ~ : ‘6 4 106 4 ; ...... 2...... _? Congenitaldebility...... 56 3 9 6 4 38 3 i ...... Iniuriesatbirth ...... 21 1: i 5 2 20 21 ...... Ebmalcauses . . ..- . .. ------8 ...... -...Y ...... ---- i ::::::::::::::::: 1 1 1 1 3 Ailothercauses_ ...... 27 ...... 3 3 -l ...... 7 i 1 7 4 4 Dfeemes,ill-de6nedormknown...... -? ...... ---- ...... -...l. - ...... l ...... +




[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The citie$ included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.] —

z DEATHS AT AGE OF— *a . Total $: g d~;;; .Za+ AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less 8 weeks Q &.xl 1 year <2A of age. month. months. months months months. . t~y. Jy” d~~” ~y~ I!$k. Welek” w~~” :jfh &$h. 1 ‘ 3t05” 6t08” 9ti11 —— / REGISTRATION CITIES OF 2.50,000 PO~C7LAT10N OR OVER IN 1910-Continned.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I Allcauses ...... l 665 34 295 75 57 128 34 56 _ .—— - _ .= 5 Measles...... 1- 1 1 ...... 1 . . . . . 2 1 6 Scarlet ~ever...... moogm$cou$h...... 12 1 2 1 2 4 2 1, Di ht erm.au croup ...... 2 ...... 2 ...... In&enza ...... 2 ...... 1 . . . . . 1 ...... Dysentery ...... 2 ...... 1 ...... J3rysipelss...... 4 2 : 1 ...... 1 ...... Tetanus ...... Tuberculosu of the lungs ...... 17 ..-...1 ---- ...... 2 4 6 Tuberculous meningitis ...... 12 ...... 11 ...... 1 : 4 4 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 II ...... 2 ...... Syphil+., ...... 1; ...... 3 . . . . 8 2 ...... 10 ...... 4 2 3 ‘enint~u””--”””””””-”-””””””’””””COnmr lone...... 9 II 1 1 ...... 1 Orgatic disesecs of the heart...... 1 ...... Acute bronchitis ...... 1! ...... 1 4, i ...... Pneumonia ...... 27 2 ...... 3 : 5 : Brouchopneumorua ...... 50 ; 1 1 2 4 li 6 15 Diseases of the stomach ...... 4 9 ...... Diarrhea andentritis ...... 1:; 4 1: 5 z Zi 49 J 9 Malformations ...... 5 6 2 1 5 1 Prematme birth ...... 1; ; 1: 7 ...... Congenitrddebifity ...... 62 ~ 4 4 : : 2 1 ...... Ininries at bfrth ...... 32 1 1 ...... Efiemalcanses ...... -...... 2 ...... 2 2 1 ...... Allothercauses ...... 3? 1 2 3 1: 4 5 38 Diseeses, ill-defined or unknown ...... WAS-GTON, D. C. I Allcanses ...... 955 57 38 18 3s4 89 75 168 130 99 - —— .- —— _ _ _ .5 Meeeles...... 5 ...... 1 2 2 6 Scarlet fever...... Whoo in$cou h ...... 1 1 ...... 2 8 2 Di h&ierlaan croup ...... ,. .:...... Ir&enza ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Dysentery ...... 1 ...... 1 Erysipelaa...... 1 ...... Tetarms...... : 3 ...... 4 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 2 ...... Tuberculons meningitis ...... 7 ...... 2 ; ;. Other forms of tuberculosis ...... ------...... Syphilis ...... 19 .... 1 1 8 3 1 ‘4 2 1 Menfn Ms...... 1 3 3 Cmm$ims ...... : ; 1 ...... 1: ...... 1 ...... 1 Organic diseases of the heart ...... 1 1 ...... 1 Acute bronchitis ...... 3 5 ...... 4 Pneumonia ...... i; ; 2 : : 2 19 Bronchopneumonia ...... ;: 1 ...... 2 6 ...... II 13 : Disesaesofthe stomach ...... Diarrhea and enteritis...... 231 ...... 8 1 1; 21 2; 7! 5: 4! Malformations ...... 11 ...... 3 ...... Prematumbirth...... 2;: : li 167 1: 8 2; 11 ...... Congenital d~bifity ...... 192 4 48 8 4 68 26 3: 2 12 10 Injuries at buth ...... :: 2 . . . ..!6. 23 2 ...... 26 ...... Externrdcauses ...... 1 ...... z! 1 2 2 Allothercauses ...... 52 : 4 Ii : 1 1 2 7 : 6 6 6 38 Diseases, gl-defined orunknown... 1 ...... ------...... 1

CHICAGO, ILL, I I Allcauses ...... l 6,252 222 469 1,50’3 411 326 274 2,614 598 518 1,117 ~ 625 _ == _ ._ _ _ ——— . —— -— .= _ Meesks...... 29 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 2 ...... 9 14 Scarlet fever ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... : 9 Whoo in~cou h ...... ;: ...... 1 ...... 4 9 : Di ht{%enaan croup ...... 51 ...... : 4 ...... 5 14 2; J.Juenza ...... i ...... 3 ...... 1 1 2 Dysentery ...... 2: ...... 1 ...... 6 i ...... 9 4 3 Ervsiueles- ...... 22 ...... 1 . . ...5 5 6 6 2 2 1 Tetariw...: ...... 2 2 2 ...... 4 ...... ‘: ...... !fhbaroulmn so fthehmgs ...... 2: . . . . 1 1 ...... 1 ...... 4 7 10 Tuberculons meningitis ...... 36 ...... 1.-”””.. .. 1 ...... 6 li 15 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 2 ...... Swhilie ...... 1:: 16 16 2: 12 12 Menfn itfs...... 4 3 5 3 1; 2 Convu!s”lops ...... % 2: 2 2 1 4 1 Organic dueaaes of the heart...... 8 2 2 ...... Acute bronchitis ...... ;; 4 .9 8 6 Pneumonia ...... 362 2; 3: 2 Bronchopneumonia ...... 679 30 # 72 73 1:; 1% 1!? Diseaaes of thestomach ...... 6 ...... Diarrhea andenteritk ...... 2,5% 128 12 32~ 304 707 40! 28; Malformations...... 312 178 :8 24 13 20 10 Prematurebfrth ...... 744 578 24 ...... 1 Congenital debflfty ...... 411 27o 42 19 1: 1: 6 t Injuries rkbirth ...... 28o 248 17 3 5 ...... DEATHS OF INFmTTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHs. ‘ 135


[The claes~cation in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The. cities included in this t;ble are arranged alphabetically by states.] ,.

z DllATHS AT AGE OF— .egd , Total K@ z d~ea~ ~m [ g~i Al?.E.!,AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less ~ ~ 3 weeks 3t06 but less t~l 1 2 8t05 6tot3 9 to 11 . +2A :::;; E: 1 % month. month. months. months. months. months. +J “ 1 day. day’” ‘J’s” days- lt$%k. week” ‘ee&” ~ ;$ti ,(

REGISTRATION CW171ES OF 250,000 POPIJ’LAll?ION OR OVER IN 1910-Continued. —— CHICAGO,xm.-continued. Extcrnalcauses ...... 2 7 3 ...... 12 Allothercauses ...... 2$ 5 6 9 5; 1: -Ii 1: 1; 2: 2; d : 3: Diseeses, S1-dedned or unknown... 2 . . ..-...... 1 ...... ?. 1 . . . ..- ...... - ......

NEW OFWEANS, LA. Allcauses- ...... 1,071 100 23 19 65 207 73 27 42 349 122 117 230 152 101 . — — — _ — _ - Measles...... IV . . . ..- ...... -...... 1 3 1 Searlet fever ...... ‘...... -...-, ...... 2 2 7 7 13 12 ~~~mc~~~%i;;p::::::::::::: 4; . . ..-...... ----- ...... ! ...... 2 ------.. ------. .. ----- .----- ...... -. 1 1 ...... 1 :...... -. Dysentery ...... 1 . ----- ...... -. -...-. ,------...... - ,..-.- ...... 1 ...... M&@&s..._. .._ . . . ..__...... -..-. ------...... ,----- ...... 1 ...... ----- ...... 5; 1 ...... 3 22 26 27 ...... 56 ...... 1 ...... Tuberculosn of the lungs ...... ,...... -. ,-----b...... ------...... - Tuberculou smeningiti$ ...... 1 ...... - ...... 1 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... ---- . . . . . ,..-...... ,. .’...... 2 1 s Mid...... 4: 2 ...... 1 1 4 .-.-. . 8 16 9 6 : 1 18 ,. ----- ...... - ..., 1 . . ...’!...... ; 2 6 ‘tinfP”””””---”””-””-””--””Corm Ions...... 22 1 1. ------1 3 4 2 ...... - ; 2 2 ; 6 1 Organic diseee& of the heart ...... ;::::: :::::::,::::::: .....? . . ..-...... ---- .- ..-...... Acute bronchitis ...... 22 3 ...... ---- 3 3 Pneumonia-...... 70 1 4 1 2 : 1: 1? 1; If , Bronchopneumonia ...... 82 2 ...... - .-. . 2 1 7 10 4 3; 19 J’ Diseases of the stomach... -...... , ...... 1 ...... ?. f ...... 1 ...... -. Diarrhea andenteritfs ...... 3:! 1 ...... 12 \ 1; 3: 5; 4; 125 7: 52 Malformations ...... ----6 .....;...... ?.....; 1: 4 . . ...? 1 2 3 ...... Premature birth 1% ...... 16 99 1; 6 1;; 1 ...... Congetitaldeb]%.~ ~::::::::::::::: 82 !’! 4 5 28 : 4 1! 2: 4 1 1 Injuries at birth ...... 14 9 2 1 . ..._!. 12 1 .--...... E 1 ...... Extemalcauses ...... 5 ...... i..-.i ...... - ...... - . ..------...... A~othercawsae...... 2 ...... 1 6 9 1 15 6 8 1? ; 4 Dmases, ill-delined orxnknown ...... !! . . ..-...... --...... ,----- ...... -

BALTIMORE, ?dD. I All causes...... _ . . . ..l 1,960 183” 70 64 88 465 104 37 99 765 231 164 374 274 ~ - _— - _ _ - - _ . bk3ia...... z ...... 1 ..-. -...... 1 ...... 2 2 9 Searlet;ever ...... 2 ...... ------...... ,- ...... ; ...... - .-...... 1 3 3 5 5 g:gBzikiGp::::::::::::: 2; ...... ----- ...... -. 1 ...... $ 4 ...... ,- ...... ; ...... ----- ...... - .-. . 1 ...... 1 ...... ,- ...... ’ Dysentery ...... 2 ------...... -...... - ..--:...... 1 1 ...... Erysipeles ...... -...- ...... -. 1 ...... 2 3 1 ...... 4 . . . . . 1 Tetanus .; ...... I 1 1 ...... - ...... : ....-...... ----- 2 ...... 3 Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 12 . . ..-. .. ---- .. ---- ...... 2 ; 4 3 l?uberculous meningitis ...... 21 :l::::l:::::::l:::::::l--”--”i” 1 . . . . . 1 ...... - 2 . . ---- 2 7 3 Other forms of tuberculosis...... 3 ...... --...... -. .- .-...... -...... - ...... -. 1 1 ...... 1 s hflfs ...... 4 .2 1 1 8 7 13 42 19 6 6 ...... kL%hl ‘tic:...... 74 ...... 2 J? ...... - . . ..-. 1 1; .8 1? “i; 8 4 Conv$ions ...... ig 1 3 7 2 f ...... ,. 8 7 Organic diseases of the heart...... i 1 . . ...?. 3 11 . . ..-. .. -..., ,...... 1 ...... Acute bronchitis ...... -.. - i? ...... : ; 1. i 6 5 4 11 Pneumonia ...... 103 ...... 2 : 4 3 2; ;; - Bronchopneumo&.-.-._-_ ;:::::::::: 137 ...... 1 2 ; 6 : 5 ;; 1: J % 26 Diseasas of the stomach ...... 26 ...... 1 5 Diarrhea apdenteritis ...... 488 ...... 1 . . ..ii i 3 4 8 2; 7: 5; lg 10: 8; Mafformatlons ...... 6 6 2 :; 3 3 1 Prematurebfrth_ ...... 2% lij 3; ;: 2: Zg 246 : Congenital debility ...... 414 15 z ;: 4 156 8: 60 7; 3; : Injurfesat birth ...... 52 :8 4 1: 4; 4 4 52 ...... - ...... External causes...... 18 ...... 1 ..+ ...... -5.,._.i .... .-. 2 3 Allothercauees- ...... 78 3 ; 14 4 2; 6 3 1: 2; : Diseases, ill-dedned or unknown... 6 1 ...... 2 ...... 2 1 ...... 3 ...... BOSTON,lfAW. I All causes. 246 110 44 136 536 107 1“ 101 79 823 240 202 405 325 251 . . . ..- ...... 1 _ 2,246 _ _ _ _ _ - - _ Measles...... 15 ....-...... -..-, ...... - ...... 2 5 8 Scarlet fever ...... -...., ...... -----...... 1 ~00 ill~COUh ...... 5! ....-...... -...... 2 2 1 5 5 5 17 Ii ~;$g::fy~: ...... 2, ...... 1 ...... 1 3 4 2 ; 10 ...... 2 ...... ----- ...... -...... 1 1 ...... - . .. ---- ...... Dysentery ...... ----- ...... -- . . . . 1 2 : 1 Erysipelaa ...... 1} ...... 2 3 5 2 1 ,4 ...... Tetanus ...... 1 ...... --... 1 ._: ...... 1 ...... ------...... Tubereulesis of thelungs- ...... -....- ...... ----...... 1 ...... 4 Tuberculous meningitis ...... i: ...... 1 1 ...... 1 3 1 s 1? 1/ Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 6 ...... --...... ,...-. ..---- 1 1 ...... ,...... 2 syphilis ...... 1 1 ...... 1 3 3 3 2 11 7 1: 5 ...... Idenin.gftis ...... 1 1 2 ...... i 9 5 Convulsions ...... 1 ...... ; 3 ,. ..-. 1 1 : 3 .. ----- 3 2 3 Organic diseases of the heart...... 2 1 2- Acute bronchitis ...... 2 2 3 14 5 Pneumorrfa...... J ...... 1 3 4 ; : 2 11 .: 5 2: ;: 3:



[Theclassiiication in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]

DEATHS AT AGE OF— ml . Total ;Wgg de;;: ‘CR* AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Lees Less !3weeks 1 z b;;~es Jayl 1 2 8 te”5 6t08 9 to 11 @ :fTg: I%& d;y. d$ys. %;s! ~t;:k week. weeks. ~onth. month. months. months month.%months. . 1 month.


I B09’ION, MAss.-eontimred. I (23) Bronchopneumonia ...... 182 ...... 2 3 10 m 27 18 3f 50 31 .24 Diseases of thestmry+ch...... 2 . . . . . 2 5 ...... 26 Diarrhea andenterltLs ...... 6;! ...... 4 10? 9; 19; 12; 91 (33 Malformations...... 153 22 1: i: 1:: 12 12 12 3 (33 Premature birtb ...... 325 45 2: 2:: 32 21 300 19 1 (33, 37 Cmgenitaldebility ...... 158 12 5 18 12 17 1~ 2! 6 : (371 lnjuriasat birth ...... 132 2s 1:: 2 1 1% ...... 1 ...... 35 External causes...... 2 .....8 ...... Another ~uses ...... 1;: 2 3 2 13 9 52 1: 2; 3: 2 2; 38 Diseases, all-defined or unknown... 7 ...... 1 2 3 ...... 3 1 ...... I DETROIT, MICE. I I Allcauses ...... 1,869 91 47 519 130 105 819 190 156 361 219 124 I . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ 5 I ~e~les...... l --14 . . . 2 2 ...... 4 6 Scarlet fever...... : ...... ~q$%wu$..- ...... 1: ...... 1 3 3 3 i 3 Di ht enaan croup ...... 3 ...... 1 2 Ir$uerrza ...... Dysentery ...... 1 ...... Erysipelas ...... 1: . . . . . 2 3 ; : 1 1 Tetanus...... , . . . . . 2 1 : ...... ,-.:- . ..L - ,.. ,Uiw,uu”s,s “, Las lull T3S...... 18 ...... 1 1 3 2 3 Tuberculous meningitis ...... 5 ...... 1 ...... 2 1 1 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 ...... Syphilis., ...... 2 5 3 12 11 Ii 2 45 5 : 11 1; 6 $:%%%:::::::::::::::::::::: 92 32 1: 5; 8 5 15 5 Organic diser+e: of the heart...... 2 1 1 .. ... Acute bronc-:hitis...... z 4 ; 10 ; 4 : ‘0.....-.-:- I .rUwull”lu??...... 1 : 3 i: Bronohopneumonia ...... 1% 1 3 8 3; 43 ;; 2? Diseases of the stomach...... : 17 i: : .Diarrhea. . . apdentent,s ...... 4%’ ; ; 11 1; 49 38 55 1;? 9! i! mauorrmatrons...... 11 2 4 ...... Premature birthI ...... 2:: 4; 12 2X ;# : ...... Congenital

MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. I I I Allcauses ...... 601 196 43 301 56 40 97 57 50 I 1= - ~ Measles...... 1 ...... Scarlet fever...... Whoo iugcaugh...... 5 1 9 7 Di h$enaandc romp...... 1 ...... 1 ...... J.rJuerma...... Dysentery ...... Erysipelae...... 5 . . . . . 1 2 1 ...... 1 1 ...... Tetanus ...... 1 . . . 1 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs...... ; ...... 1 ...... 3 Tuberculons meningitis ...... 4 ...... ; 2 ...... Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 Syphfi ...... 1; 2 1 1 ...... 7 ; ...... Menhr “this...... 11 2 . . . : ..... 1 2 2 3 Ccmv&imrs...... 10 6 . . . . 8 ...... 1 ...... Orgrmicdiseases of the heart...... 1 . . . . 2 ; ...... Acute bronchitis ...... 1 i ...... 1 Pneumonia ...... ; : ..... Bronchopneumorua...... ; 6 21 Ii 6 Ii 1; 1; Diseases of thestomach ...... 1 ...... Diarrhea Wdenteritis ...... 2 1: 16 2: 3! l! 14 Malformations...... 3: 2 1 1 Premature birth ...... 1; 1% 1 ...... Congenital debility ...... :: 4 34 i 1 ; 2 ...... Wuriesatbirth ...... 14 2 17 3 ...... External causes...... Another oanses...... 10 4 18 : 2 10 : 4 38 Diseases, ill-defiued or unknown... 1 . . . . 1 ......

ST.LOUIO, MO. \ Allcauses ...... 1.573 393 8.5 594 156 144 303 206 170 I _ _ Measles...... 20 ...... 1 2 ...... 11 Scarlet fever...... 2 Whoo in$’colrp ...... ; ...... 1 1 3 5 Di ht~erlaan croup ...... 3 Ir&emra ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... Dysentery ...... 1 1 . . . ; ; 3 Erysipelas...... i ...... 2 1 Tetanus ...... 12 4 5 6 Ii ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 7 1 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 2 2 Tubereulous meningitis ...... 12 ...... 1 ...... 4 : 4 Other forms of tubemxdosis...... 3 ...... 1 2 DEATHS OF INFANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHS. 137


[The classidcation in this table is based on the age of the decedent in complete$$.{mw~ke, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically .

‘= DEATHS AT AGE OF— -. ‘~gti Total ~g z dum;$ z ~~ AREA AND CAUSE OF DE~TH. Less ~ ~ 8 weeks .Qo~ 1 year ~a:s6 ~~ 1 9 b;;~ss t~=l 1 2 3t05 6t08 9 to 11 <~ . ~ we* week. weeke. ~onti. month. months. months. months. monthc. .H ‘f ~e” :2:. ‘aJ’ ‘ays” I month.

REC416TRATION CI~IES OF 250,000 POPULATION OR OVER IN 1910-Contfnued. I / ST. LOVIS, ~o.—continued. I I Syphilis ...... 57 2 1 3 2 8 3 1; 11 9 14 5 ...... 1 : ...... ? 1 . . . . . : ~n-%}$fi:~::::::::::::::;:::::: :; ,: ‘1 3 1 ,1 ...... 8 . . . ..-. 1 : ; 3 Orgauic dkascs of the heart...... ! ; ...... -...... Acute bronchitff ...... 5; ...... i . . ...!. ; 3 5 1 4 1: 7 16 10 Pneumonia ...... ’ ...... 2 . . . . . 18 6 10 : Bronehopneumonia ...... : z 2 : $ 15 8 2 1; 26 Diseases of the stomach ...... 1 ...... ! -1 : 3 -- . . ..-ij. Diarrhea andenteritii ...... 8 10 12 ,- ‘4 6: d 12 9; - 7: Malformations...... 1! 4 2 ...... Premature birth...... 1;; 2! 7 3: 1$ 2: 11 12 &2 : 1 ...... Congenital debiIity ...... 8 13 B 2: J 9 1 Injuries at bhih..- ...... i; 6 : 7 $ . . . . . 1 . . ...-.!?. % ?! ...... External cauaes...... 1 ...... Allothercauaes ...... 2 ...... : 1; : 6 ...... 2 7 11 2: 1: 1: 33 Diseases, ill-defined or unknown...... 1 . . ...?...... 1 ...... ,-...... 1 ...... -...... ,, - JEESEY OITY, if. J. - Allcauses ...... 923 94 2-5 28 37 184 60 35 26 305 105 70 180 L51 112 _ - - . . —— _ . — - _ - Measles ...... 14 ...... -...... 1 1 1 $ 7 Scarlet fever- . . ..’ ...... -...... :. . .. ---- 1 ...... 1 Whoo fU~COUh ...... 1; ...... -...... 2 5 4 =iutk’aDi h enaan %croup ...... : ...... -- . . . 1 2 ...... -- ...... ---- ...... 1 Dysentery ...... - ...... - ...... ,----- ...... Erysipekm...... 10 ...... - ...... 1 ...... 1 2 1 3 2 1 ,-’ Tetanus ...... ------...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 5 ...... - ...... 1 3 ...... Tubercrdous mcningitia..: ...... 1 2 ...... :“ Other forms of tuberculosis ...... : ...... - . ..- ...... 2 2 1 syph~ ...... 10 ...... ----- ...... 2 . . . . . 2 4 2 1 2 1 Meninglt=...... - . ..- ...... 4 Convulsions ...... i: ...... 4 3 3 2 1; : A 6 Organic diseases of the heart...... 1 1 ...... ;: . . . . . 2 ...... AcntebronoMtis ...... 4 ...... - . . . . . :1 2 2 8 5 $ .1 Pneumonia ...... 42 ...... 1 i . . . . . 2 11 Brronchopnenmouia ...... 93 ...... 1 ...... ? 1 : 3 4 1! 1; 2! 20 D:keaaesofthesto~ch ...... 7 ...... 1 ...... - ...... Diarrhea and enterltm...... 256 ...... ------6 5 2 2; 7: 6; 41 3 i 2 : 3 1 2 2 ii 9 1: 15 81 12 3 1: ...... 5 4 4 8 ; 41 ‘J 23 1; 8 ;: 4 1 2 2 2 2 ...... -? 33 ...... ------...... uses...... 19 ...... 3 ...... 3 .1 ...... 1 ...... 2 3 : 4 ...... 1; 5 4 8 6 6 38 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... -......

NEWARK, N. J. I Allcauses ...... 1,091 138 46 30 58 272 42 43 24 381 105 99 m 180 121 1= _ - - - _ - Measles...... -...... 2 Searletfever ...... -. .-...- ...... Whoo iU!$COUh ...... 4 ---7-- 4 Di h&erlaan %croup ...... 1 1 . . ---- 1 -..-.-, ...... 1 IrJ&enza ...... -...... Dyse@y...... ------1 1 ; ...... Eryslpelw ...... 5 4 1 .. ---- 1 1 Tetanus...: ...... -...... Tuberculos~ of the lungs...... ------...... - . ----- ...... 2 5 .-- . . . 2 Tuberoulous meningitis ...... 1 -. .,...... 1 4 3 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... - ...... ------.. -- ...... - ...... ,----- 1 .- ...... Syphilis ...... 1 ...... -...... 1 1 ...... 11 3 .. =..-. 1 ...... ----- 1 ...... 1 : 4 3 %Y%f::k;:::::::::::::::::::::: 1 2 : 1 2 1...... 1: ; 1 3 2 ...... Organic diseases of the heart...... 1 _.?. . ..J . . . ..- .- .-...... - ...... Acute bronchitis ...... 2 : ...... 3 ; ; Pneumonia ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 _...... : : ,1! Bronchopneomonia ...... 1 ...... 2 2 : 9 ...... 1$ 1$ 25 1: Diseases of the stomach ...... Diarrhea and enteritis ...... 2 ...... 4 : 13 4 ; 43 11: 87 Malformations ...... ; 2 4 1 2 ...... Premature birth ...... 8: { 1? 1$ 13 2 : 2 In ...... Congenitrddebility ...... 20 11 12 43 7 1 62 1! 23 15 5 Injuries atbirth ...... 16 .5 ~ 25 : ...... 28 . ----- ...... External causes...... 1 1 ...... 1 3 ...... 2 ...... 3 Allothercauses ...... 2 ...... 5 3 6 6 d 4 : 5 : : 38 Diseases, ill-derined or unknown... 1 ...... ! 1 ...... -...... 1 ...... ---- ...... 1 ......

BUFFALO, N. Y. I A-lleauses...... 1,297 199 52 39 8< 379 66 560 136 99 233 159 110 ~ _ - - - . —— Measles...... ’ ...... -’...... 3 ...... ------.....-...... Scarlet fever ...... 5 ...... ------1 Whoo ingcou h- ...... 24 ...... -...... -. 2 4 1: Diph&er]aan %croup ...... 12 ...... - --...- ...... 2 :



[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this tabla are arrrmgad alphabetically by states.]

z DEATHS AT AGE OF— ~g6 Total de;e: +% ~ Zn+ AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less ~ ;Jeg: 1 year 2 Lass ~ Less !$:s 8t06 2 8to S 6t08 9 to 11 ~ of age. ~tya;, day. days. daya. ~t~k, week. weeks. t’hau 1 mo;th. mo%ls. montha- months. months 1 ;’%h. m“uth

REUIS!PRAg710N CIZ’IES OF 250,000 PoPIJIIA!J?ION OR OVER IN 1910-Continued.

I BUFFALO,N. Y.-continued. I II Influenza ...... Dysentery ...... : ...... 1 1 ...... 3 : ...... Er sipelm ...... 6 ...... 1 1 1 ...... ; 5 1 ...... 1 Te1talus...: ...... , ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... Tubercnlooa meningitis.. ~...... I 2 2 ...... ; Othe~ ~ormsof tubercnloms ...... ,...... i ...... 1 2 2 Syphti~ ...... 1 3 5 9 11 6 7 ; ...... Men. ibis...... i ...... 1 ...... 1 ConvuwonsY ...... ]::::::: 3 1 3 ; . . . . 1 ::::::::: I 2; 2 1 ...... 2 1 Organic disea+esof the heart...... 1 ...... ,,...... Acute brormhltis...... 1 ...... 2 : 2 ; : .3 : : 3 PIneurnonia...... 1 ...... ; : Broncno)pgepmonfa ...... 2 3 1 . . . . . ; 7 6 9 2 1: 1; 2: 3; 2! Diseases or the: stomaoh ...... 5 ...... –Diarrhea....-_ -aapdentmitfe ...... 2 9 1; 1? 1; 1; ;: 5; 47 13; 7; y Malformations ...... 25 3 ...... Premature birth ...... 114 2: ;: E lE 1: : : J; .; 2 ...... Congenital debflity ...... 3 9 21 8 2 1 32 7 : 2 ...... Iniur’iesat bfrth ...... 2 1: 6 9 67 4 2 ...... 73 ...... IMmmlcauses...... 2 Another gauses...... 6 3 2 9 20 ; : 5 3: 10 ; 14 1; 8 38 Diseases, llf-defined or unknown ...... I NEW YORK, N. Y. I II I Allcauses ...... I 15,028 [1 1.147 873 423 820 3,263 773 675 575 5,236 1,603 1,184 2,782 2,246 1.927 — = _ _ _ _ .— . . _ _ _ ~ Measles...... 168 ...... 1 ...... 1 ..... 1 15 73 Scarlet fever...... 28 ...... 2. Whoo ingcou h ...... 198 ...... 1 1 4 8 13 2! 17 4: 4; 47 Diiiht erlaan !$croup ...... 157 ...... 1 ...... 7 19 40 87 In nenza...... 26 ...... 5 : 6 3 6 4 Dysentery ...... 22 ...... 5- Erysipebia...... 144 ...... : 22 1; 4: 3i 1; 2: 1; 9 Tetanu s...... 17 ...... 1 2 8 11 ~ ...... 16 ...... 1 ,. ..-...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 69 ...... 4 22 2.s Tuberculoua meningitis...... 200 ...... 1 1 1 . . . . . 1 a . . . . . ; 69 67 Other ;orms of tuberculoela ...... 46 ...... i ...... : 13 1; Syphihs ...... 228 11 1 12 31 1$ 20 1? 2 $ 3] Menin “this...... 128 ...... # :; 31 Convuelom.Y“ ...... 322 12 13 8 2; 5: 2: J 2; 1;; : 21 6: 40 28 Organic dieeaaesof the heart...... 1 1 ...... 2 2 Acute bropchh.is...... 5% 2 3: 3: 5: 40 168 8: 4: 100 7! Pneurnorna...... i 3 ! % 28 21 5( 119 1% IKmnchopneumonra...... 2,;E 6 46 62 ;: 70 :: 2: 20{ 1:! 461 % 522 Disanaesof the stomach ...... 6S ...... : 2 5 14 Diarrhea andenteritia ...... 3,950 ...... 1 6 9: 12? 13: 395 53( 43; 1,1% S31 5: Malformations...... 1%’ 3!: 38 26 54 29 56 27 14 Premature bwth ...... 2,;; # 4% 1% :; 1,544 $; 67 1,$1 6: ...... Congenital deoility ...... 2, M4 151 79 586 10S M 95 901 34f 2% 3;: 13: 48 Iniuriesat birth ...... ‘t3S 176 106 45 70 397 25 9 2 433 2 ...... Extenral causes...... 134 10 . 17 Another ~auses...... 673 i: 2! 1: 5: 1:; 58 3; 2; 2 :: :; 127 1: :; 38 I Diaeaws, 111-detinedor unknown... 10 2 ..... 2 ...... 4 1 2 ...... 7 ...... 1 1

mw yoRK, if. y. (BI+ONX I BOROUGH). I II Allcauaes ...... I 134 80 36 70 316 67 51 36 470 m 69 186 161 130 I I-113! . . . — _ . _ - 6 Measles...... 15 ...... 1 10 4 6 Scarlet Jever...... 1 ...... 7 Whoo D15C0Uh ...... 15 ...... 1 2 4 4 i 8 Di ht%enaan croup...... 9 ...... 2 7 9 Iniiuenza...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 12) Dysentery...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 12) Eryeipelaa...... 12 ...... 1 ...... 5 2 1 3 ...... {37) Tetanus...... 1 ...... 1 ...... i . . . . . ,...... 13 Tuberculosisof the lungs...... 4 ...... ‘4 14 Tuberculoua meningitis...... 1s ...... 5 6 7 15 Other forms of tuberculosis ...... ---- ...... (37) S Philip ...... 13 1 . . . . . 1 3 1 ...... 5 2 ; ...... 17 Meningitis ...... 14 ...... !...... ; ...... 3 ; 6 (37) Convulsions ...... 10 ...... 1 2 2 . . . . . 2 ; ...... 2 ...... 19 Organic diseases of the heart ...... 4 ...... !. 1 ...... 1 ...... 2 . . . . . ,...... 20 Acute bronchitff ...... 23 ...... i...... : 2 ; 4 ...... 8 : 1 4 i 1 22 Pneumonia ...... 2 3 1 3 (23) Bronchopneumoma...... 1$: ...... 1 1 6 : 2 Ii 1: 7 3: 2 2 24 D@easee of the stomach...... 4 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 25 Dmrrhea and enterltle ...... 2:; ...... 2 2 17 11 13 : 47 + 7: 58 48 IJ&#zuatio~...... 7 7 2 5 ...... g] atnmblrth ...... 216 9! 4 1;; 1: Ig 8 2!; ...... (33,37) Congenital debility ...... 155 ;: 17 46 8 10 5 69 2; 1! 32 1: 3 (37) Injuries at birth ...... 44 H 6 8 41 2 ...... 43 ...... 35 External cauaes...... 1 ...... 3 . . . . 2 : 2 3 All other causes...... : ...... ?...... 5 8 3 : 1 1! 4 ...... 1: 1: 4, 88 Diseasea, ifl-defined or unknown... 1 ...... 1 ...... DEATHS’ OF INF~TS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND ‘MONTHS. 139


[The clsssbicationin this table is based on the age of the decedent in completed daT&’&~ or months. The cities inelude~ in this table are arranged alphabetically

% DEATHS AT AGE OF— ~g! Total MS ~ d$;~; ~al AREA AliiCAUSE OF DEATH. 3 weeks * . a- L& bwtl&s ~h= ~ 1 % 3t05 6t08 9 to 11 :::;: than 3t06 ‘s 1 2 ~q%l d;y. da2F. &v. lt$& week. weeks. month. month. months.months.months. months. ~ “ 1 day. 1 month.



All causes..___.._l 4,701 348 291 154 295 1,033 262 201 208 1,759 415 346 860 703 618 _ _ _ _ _ . - — _ —— _ 5 Messles...... e.-. 26 ...... -...... 1 ...... 11 ,-.:... .. ----- 2 13 6 Scarletfevar...... 12 ...... - ...... -...... ------,----- ...... 7 47 ...... -. ....-...... -...... 3 3i 5 4 13 1: ~~gg:$i%;ti::::::::::::: 30 ...... ------...... -. 1 ...... 4 ...... Q ...... ---- 2 2 ...... : Dysentery...... -.....1 . . ------.-. ..- 1 ; 4 Erysiuelae...... -...... 1’ 5 6 1 “,7 2 1 Detains ...... ---- 1 1 1 ...... ; ...... -...... Tubermdosisof the lungs...... ------...... ,----- ...... 1 ...... - If 1$ 2; Tuberwdousmeningitis...... !. ..-. ------...... 1 ...... 1 . . . . . 2 8 Other forme of tuberculosis-...... ---- ...... ------...... 2 3 Syphiue...... 2 3 ...... 1 6 7 3 22 : 12 8 1: Meningitis...... - .! ,-...... 10 ,; Convulsions...... 3 3 4 $ 18 9 3 1; 2 15 11 2: 1: 10 Orgardc diseasesof the heart...... - ...... - Acute bronchitis...... -’ ...... 1 2 3 12 1: 4 3! 4 9; 4; 2; $ 32 31 . Pneumonia...... - 1 2 Bronchopneumonia...... -...... -. 3 3 2: :: .4 2; 4! lU :: i; 1% 1+ IE D@asee of the etomach...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Dmrrbeaandenteriti& ...... ------...... d 3; 5? 14 , 152 16! 44$ 3:: 233 Malformations...... 2$ :; 1?: 18 192 26 12 29 5 Premature btih ...... 1:; 18 69 474 ;: ;: 613 22 1 ...... Congenital d~biity...... 55 42 E 170 E 1; 8 218 26 2: 2: 6 1 ?miuriesat bwth ...... 70 49 :] 24 159 8 170 .. . ..- ...... Eitemalcansee ...... 1 1 ; Another $wwes...... 6 7 3 18 3i 1: 1; 8 , i! 11 4 3: 3; 4 38 Diseaaes,Wdefined or unknown...... - ...... 1 1 ... ---- 2 ...... - ..., ......

NEW YORK, N. Y. (?KANHATL4N BOROUGH). I AU causes -- ...... ] 8,032 560 429 199 394 1,582 380 I 373 301 2,636 960 692 1,521 1,214 1,060 _ - ~ —, . _ _ W3aalec...... -.. -.. -...... -...... -----11-”----- ...... 1 12 4s 61 Scarletfever...... ----- ...... ----- ...... t ‘M .- ...... ----- ...... - 3 4 21 1; 22 28 $&&!3W&:”””.”””””””” ...... ------.-- ... ------.. . ..- 1 ...... 1 2 ; 15 30 59 ...... ---- . . ---- ...... ----- 2 2 3 2 2 ...... Dymnk~::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ---- ...... -.-.. . ..----- ...... 1 : 2 Eryeipefaa...... - . ..-. . ----- ...... -.-.., 3 19 9 3i 17 1: 1; 1? 8 Tetanus...... 1 2 .5 8 2 . ----- ...... 10 .- .-...... -. --..... Tubsrculosiaof the lungs...... ------. ----- ...... - ...... -...... ----- ...... 3 17 20 Tuberculouemeningitie...... -...... - 1 1 ...... 1 2 ...... 5 2: 45 3; Other forma of tuberculosis...... ------. ------. . . . .-- ...... ---- 6 4 7 1 10 22 11‘ 1; ..5; 2; 2: 3: gu~g;;::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ------....-. 1 -:: 18 2: 2: 7 1: 3; 11 13 10 2 2! 1: 37 24 14 Organic de;iiih;~e;~.:::::: 1 .._:! - .J ...... 4 ...... Acutabronohitis ...... 8 1; 1; 2? 15 25 21 44 3: 47 Pnemnonia...... 2 ; 15 13 :: Bronchopnemnonia...... 4 3 3 H 31 2 3! 128 Ii! E 2X 2!8 3;: Dfsessesofthe 8tornach...... ------...... 3 1 . ...!! ...... Dbmhea=d m@riti~ ...... - 1 ; 1: 67 14 299 Zog 52: 38: 256 Malformations...... 15 13: # :; 157 15 19 10 8 Premature birth ...... 3?J 2;: 82 1?: 763 lzl 70 Ii 9s5 ...... Congerritaldebility ...... 86 48 101 330 72 8; 551 2:: Jii 27! 10: 35 In@riesatbtih ...... 68 39 19 30 556 !: 7 174 ...... Extsmal causes...... 17 26 12 10 AUothercausrs ...... 6 li 1: 2! 56 2 2: 2 2; 3: 2: 7! 88 44 Diseasec,iU-d8ftuedor unknown... 4 1 ...... 2 ...... 1

NEW YORK, N. Y. (QUEENS BOROUGH). I AUcaueac-...... ~.. S53 81 30 24 54 219 53/ 43 24 339 35 59 164 lso 86 _ - - . _ —— — . _ Measles...... ----- . ----- ...... ------...... - ...... -,...- ...... --...... 1 1 Scarletfever...... ! ...... -- ...... -...... -. . ..- ...... -.-..., ...... ,, wo~~$couy..-- ...... ------. ----- 1 1 .. . ..- 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 ...... ------. . ---- ...... -...... ------. ----- ...... 1 ; %ti:.?Y..Y:p:::::::::::::: ! ------...... - ...... -...... ---- ...... ------. ----- ...... 1 ...... -. . . ..-...... -...... - ...... -. ------.-----...... -. ;&Yp:lz:::::::::::::::::::::::: ------i .- ...... ---- 1 ...... 1 1 1 . . ..-. ...---- Tetanus...... 2 ...... -. 1 1 1 ...... ; .- .-. . -.-..!. . . ..-. .-- ...... ---- ‘lnbemulosie of the lungs...... 1 ...... - ...... -...- ..---- ...... -...... -. 1 ...... !fhbcmufousmeningitis...... 5 ...... - ....-...... ------. . ..-...... 3 1 1 Other forms of tuberculosm...... 5 ------.-- ...... -. .. ---- .. ---- ...... ------...... ------...... -...... 2 ...... 1 1 ...... 2 3 ...... - %E;iG:::::::::::::::::::::::: : ...... ----- .. . ..- ...... ----- ...... : 5 ...... Convulsion...... 13 1 ...... -. 3 4 1 1 2 8 -. . . . . 2 ...... 2 Organic diseasesof the heart...... -. .-. . .. ---- ...... 1 ; ...... 1 2 Acute bronohitia...... 3! ...... ; ~ 1 2 2 7 7 13 5 2 pneumonia...... 2C ...... - ...... -. . ..- 1 2 Bronchopneurrmma...... 9f ...... 1 ; 3 4 3 5 1: 7 1; 2: 2: Disessesofthestomaeh ...... - ...... - ...... DicJYIIw, andatentii ...... 26; ...... 8, 11 4 23 34 87 6: 3: 140 MORTALITY STATISTICS.


[The classification in this table is based on the age of the decedsnt in completed days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]

2 DEATHS AT AGE oF— .un. Total $$ g de:;;; .zla- AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH, Less ~ Less ~ ~;te;eg Less ~ 1 year. z 8t06 2 2 8t05 6t08 9 to 11 G;: weeks. t~n 1 month. months. months. montba. monthc. A days” lt:~k. week. ‘f age” It::. ‘ay” ‘ays” 1 %%. ‘“nth”


hww YORK, N. y. (J2wEENsBOR- ouGH)-continued. 1 I I Malformations ...... 4: 13 7 2 1 3 2 ...... - Premature birth ...... 13( 41 3! 1: :: 1; ...... 2 ...... Cengenita ldebilit y...... 117 14 12 . . ...9. 9 35 . 1! 10 19 11 7 Injuries at birth ...... 37 12 8 31 i: 1 ...... External canses...... 7 ...... 1 . . ...3...... ~. ....i ...... j ...... j ...... 2 2 Another causes...... 34 ...... 1 4 1: 1/ i 2 6 ; Disecses, ill-dsfined or unknown . . . . 1 ...... , ...... 1 ...... ?

NEw YORK, N. r. (R1cHbIOND BOROUGII). I Allcauses ...... 257 28 13 10 7 58 11 7 f a 25 18 51 48 33 _ _ _ _ — _ . _ Meaelcs...... I...... Scarlet fever...... 3 ...... WhOO ingcou h ...... 17 ...... 1 2 6 i’ 1 Di h$eriaan 8 croup ...... 1 ...... In&mm...... ; ...... 1 2 1 ...... + Dysentery ...... 1 1 ...... Erysipelcs...... ; ...... ,. . . . . ,...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Tetanus ...... ---- ...... 1 Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... ; .- ...... Tuberculous meningitis ...... 2 ...... Other forme of tuberculosis ...... - ...... S hills ...... 1 IJ&imzitis...... i ...... CkumMons ...... i ...... Organic diseaaesof the heart...... ,. ..., $cute bmonchitu ...... 2 ...... I ...... _)neumOnia...... Bronchopneumonia ...... 2: ...... 1 1 7 $ Dfseesesofthe stomech ...... 1 Diarrhea andenteritis ...... 7; ...... : 7 MaJformlatlons ...... 1 ...... Prematiurebirth ...... 41 1+ : i d 3; ~1 Coneeniitaldebility ...... 20 : 2 ...... Inju’les Iat birth ...... 10 : 1 1 ...... 1: Ii ...... Extenx.alcauses ...... ,, ..L...... ~uuuuer,cause9 ...... 15 ...... 1 ...... 2 2 ...... 3 5 1 38 Disezwes,dl-delined or unknowm. .. . 2 1 ...... 1 ...... !. 2 ...... ; ......

CINCINNATI, OH1O. I Allcauses ...... l 721 129 37 22 50 238 336 70 68 120 69 58 ______. - - . - 5 Mm.sles...... 5 ...... 2 1 1 1 Scarlet ~ever...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... ~...... Whoo mgcouqh ...... : ...... 1 1 1 1 Di ht{ eneandcmup ...... 1 I.&enza ...... ; ...... 2 ...... 1 Dysentery...... l ...... 1 ...... Ervsinelas...... l ...... 1 1 ...... Tdmis...... 1 ...... 1 ...... ! Tuberculosis of the lungs...... 4 ...... 1 ...... 3 Tuberculous meningitis ...... 6 ...... 1 1 ...... 1 1 ...... 2 ...... Ol,her forms of tuberculosis ...... 1 1 ...... 1 ...... 2...... 1 Syphilis ...... 3; 2 ...... 1 ...... 3 4 2 1 10 9 5 Menin ibis...... 4 ...... 1 ...... ~1 . . .? 1 ...... + Convr&ions ...... 8 ...... 2 ...... !. 2 2 ...... 2 ...... 1 Organic diseases of the heart...... 7 ...... 2 ...... 2 1 ...... 3 2 1 ...... 1 Acutabronchitis ...... 2 5 2 7 5 1 Pneumonia ...... ; ...... 3 2 , 3 6 Bronchopneumoma ...... 1 1 ...... 2 ; ...... 4 8 ; 1? Diseases of thestornqch ...... 2 ; 3 ...... ! Diamhea apdenterlt~ ...... :.. .ii. .. .. iti. .. ----- ; i ; Ii 4 2! 2: 31 67 Malformatmns...... 4 1 ...... 1 2 ...... Premature birth ...... 83 16 8 ;: 1;: 1: ; 5 1% 3 1 ...... Ccmgenitaldebility ...... 5 5 ...... 22 : 4 5 . 2 Injuries athirth ...... 2; : : :; 1 ...... 34 ...... External causes...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 2 1 ...... 3 2 Allothercausos ...... 51 2 13 4 2 2 21 6 3 : 8 4 38 Diseases, ill-defied or unknown . .. . 3 1 i . . ...2...... s. 2 ...... 2 1 ...... CLE1’ELANn,OH1O. Allcame’+...... 1.766 190 65 66 120 461 732 175 143 320 215 181 . - - - . . . — 5 M’wlsles...... 10 ...... 1 ...... 1 2 6 ScwIet~aver ...... 3 ...... 6 7 Whoo mgcough ...... 4: ...... 2 4 7 8 15 Di ht! enarmdcroup ...... 10 ...... : I&enza...... 3 ...... ! ...... 1 2 ...... 2...... 5 Dysentery ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... Erysipek+ ...... 6 1 ; ...... ; 1 ...... Tetanus ...... 1 ...... Tubercnlosfs of the lungs ...... : . . . . 2 ...... 2 ...... Tuberculous mcmingitfs...... 9 ...... 5 2 : DEATHS OF INFANTS, BY DAYS, WEEKS, AND MONTHS. 141 .

TABLE 7.—DEATHS (EXCLUSIVE OF STILLBIRTHS) FROM IMPORTANT CAUSES, DURING EACH OF THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF LIFE, THE REMAINDER OF THE FIRST WEEK, WEEKS C)F THE FIRST MONTH, MONTHS OF THE FIRST QUARTER, AND REMAINING QUARTERS C)F THE FIRST YEAR, FOR THE REGISTRATION AREA, REGISTRATION STATES, AND CITIES OF 250,000 POI?ULATION OR OVER IN 1910: 1911—Continued. [The classification in this table is beee{ on the age of the decedemt in cempleted days weeks, or moxtths. ‘Phe. citfes included in this table are arr&ged alphabetically by s{ates.]

s DEATHS AT AGE OF— mJ~6 Total dgea~ .-;; : ARE+.AND CAUSE OF DEATH. Less Less ~ ~ 3 weeks ~e= l&e;: 3t06 but less *h= ~ 1 2 3t05 6t08 9 to 11 q“q , t~ d;y. da;s. days. ~’!w~k. men= month months. montks. months. months. “ 1 day. week. weeks. ~ ::ym

REGISTRATION CITIES OF 250,000 POPUIIATION OR OVER IN 1910—Oentinued. — OLEVEL&TD, orrro-continued. I I . 15 Other forms of tubereulos!s ...... 1 (37) Syphilis ...... 7: 1 7 4 5 6 22 Ii 15 1: 5 4 17 M(.-—.enin~itis., ---...... 1 ...... 5 5 2 (37) 0311vumlufl...... :: 7 4 : 1 1? 2 3 2 1 2 19 Organic dieesses of the heart...... ; 4 ...... 20 Acute bronchiti%...... 9’! .... 2 f 2 .1: 12 22 14 22 22 Pneumonia ...... 35 .... 3 : 6 ; (23) Bronchopneumonia ...... 1 ; 5 1 3 1: 10 2 2: 1! 24 Dieesees of the stomach...: ...... :; ...... :? 25 Diarrhea andenteritis ...... 632 3 1: 2.! 2; 22 92 ~ 7: Ii 11; 3? [!42) ?J9alformations ...... 3 6 4 ...... (5 iztxrwyemrm....-. —. L.—. . t,-...... 2% :: 2% : 1: 1$ 2:: 4 ...... (33, 37) Congemteldebility ...... 106 56 5 6 84 9 1: 2 1 ,.....- (3J) g~g~;:u;:- ...... 86 i: 79 7 ...... 86 ...... ,. :...... ,....:...... 17 1 2 . . . . 2. 2; ...... 2 .: Allothercauses ...... 79 1 1; 6 7 3 8 6 1: 1; 3$ Disesses, ill-dedned orunknowm. . . . “3 ...... 3 ...... 3 ...... I PHILADELPHIA, PA. I ‘. Uoaww ...... l 4,769 147 262 964 264 220 158 * 409 955 779 617 I . . — _ _ _ . ~ 5 Measles...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 23 36 6 Scarlet fever ...... 1 ,..-...... 7 Whoopiu~conch ...... 1 ; 2 3 5 6 Ii 1$ ‘ 8 Diphtheria and croup ...... 1 1 . . . . . 6 3 16 “9 Influenza ...... 1 ; . . . . . 1 3 eatery ...... ; 1 1 [81 %%ipeks...... 1 1 3 3 .; 6 3 2 (37) l’etanus ...... 1 2 3 1 1 ...... 13 Tuberculosis of thehmgs...... 1 ...... 3 12 15 14 Tubereulous meningitis ...... 1 ...... 3 J 16 20 15 Other forms of tuberoulesis ...... 2 (37) S bilk-...... 1 5 13 ; 8 6 18 2; : 17 iV%ti&ti ...... 3 2 1! 4 (37) Cenvu Ions...... 3 10 17 2 : : 1: 15 7 19 Organic-diseases of the heart...... 4 5 13 1 3 : 20 Aeutebronchitfe ...... 2 4 6 6 1; 4 11 4: 3: 22 Pneumonia ...... 2 45 (23) Bronchopneumonia ...... 6 2: 1: 1: 1: % :8 99 24 Dfsesses of thestemach ...... 2 8 25 Diarrhea apdenteritie ...... 3: 5; 4: 2oi 51; 3:: g] :lf~frellh.: ...... 2 1% ;: 9 .12 10 ...... 47 449 % 2; ...... (33,37) C!engenitaldebflity ...... 25 137 43 30 20 5: .8$ .“ : 26 (37) hjuriesatbirth...... 16 97 a 2 1 ...... 35 Extemmlcmlses-...... 3 25 Is A110th3rcauses: ...... 5 :: 1: 1: 1: 2: 46 46 :: 38 Diseases, ill-defiued or unknown ...... 1 4 ......

. . PPM!SBURGH,PA. Allcsuses- ...... 59 101 447 105 82 70 704 169 152 337 243 202 ,= . — _ . . . _ -— 5 Measles...... 1 1 ...... 1 ...... 4 3 6 Scarlet:ever ...... 1 ~uj~~~~h...... -...... 1 9 4 9 1: 8; D1 ht erraan croup ...... 1 11 2 7 ...... : ...... : ...... *1 ...... -. 12) ‘Dysentery...... s...... 2 12 Erfsipelae...... $ ...... 2 ...... 1 3 2 ...... ; 1 )37{1Tstanus ...... ~ ...... 2 ; 1 1 ...... 4 ...... ‘B’ Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 1 x 3 14 Tuberculosis meningitis ...... 2 1 :“ 15 Other forms of tibereuloefa ...... 1 3 ...... 2 (37) syphilis...... 6 1 2 1 10 ; 6 ...... ,-...... : 1 .4 3 (N%K?lH%-::::::::::::::::::::::1 4 1; 5 2 1 ; “6 i 5 5 .19’ Organic disesees of the heart...... 1 ...... 1 ...... ; 1. 20 Acute bronchitis-...... 2 2 2 ...... ; : 16 12 iii Pneumo&a ...... 1 2 2 3 1 1: (23) Bmnohopneumorda...... 1 6 8 5 ; 2: J 21 5: 4; 33 24 Diseaees of thestomsch ...... 25 Diarrhea andeuteritis ...... 4 15 2; 12 : # .5! s; 14 12: 3$. ” (33) Malformations ...... 6 10 6 2 L?3il Premature birtL ...... l lti 2; 2% 3: 1; 16 3:? $ ...... (33;37j tingeuital debility ...... 23 61 8 16 14 99 ; “23 23 9 6 (37) -l.njuriesatbirth ...... 28 : 47 6 ...... 53 .....-...... 35 External causes...... 1 ...... 4 Allothercauees ...... 1 : 1; 6 8 4 3: 1; J 1: 1? 5 38 Diseases, ill-defined or unknown ...... ---- 1 2 ......




[The classidcation in this table is breed on the age of the decedent in completid days, weeks, or months. The cities included in this table are arranged alphabetically by states.]

--a DEATHS AT AGE OF— .dg& Total “!$!$~z de:;;; AREA AND CAUSE OF DEATH. ~uwt~ekJ “Cn+ Less Less ~ a~.n 1 year. 8t06 ‘m 1 2 2 8t05 6t08 97!011 & d& d;ys. week. weeks. t~ 1 month. months. months. months. months. ‘f age” l%% days., lt$~~. ,H 1 %%h. ‘“nth”


MILWAUKEE, WE.. I II I I I Allcauses...... 1,208 144 % 41 75 348 72 54 44 518 101 95 230 149 115 .= ~ _—— - - _ _ _ __ —— _ .= ~= . _ _ Mm.sles...... 11 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 ; 3 Scwletf ever ...... 6 ...... Wfloo ingoml~ ...... 3 ...... 2 1 ...... 5 Di ht&rmrm croup...... ::::::: ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 3 2 Inluensa ...... :;:::::: :;::::: :::::: ...... Dysen&y...... 1 ...... 2 1 Erysipelas ...... 2 ...... 1 ; ...... Tetanus ...... 3 ...... 1 ...... 1 1 ...... Tuberculosis of the lungs ...... 4 ...... 1 ...... 1 2 ...... Tubwculous meningitis ...... Other forms of tuberculosis ...... 2 ...... ------1 ...... 1 ...... 1 ...... Syphilis ...... 3 ...... 2 ...... 5 2 1 ...... dmin this...... 1 ...... 1 ; 6 Conv$%imrs...... d; ::::::;: -=-l; .-; 12 31 3 5 d ‘; 16 1: Organic disesses of the heart ...... 2 3 . . ...4 ...... 3 ...... ? ...... 1 ...... ? Aeutebronchitis ...... 46 ...... 1 ...... 2 3 9 3 ; Pneumonia ...... 41 ...... 1 1 2 : ; ! 8 1 18 i 1: Bmnohopneumonia ...... 2 1 1 5 1 ...... 7 7 5 15 15 13 Discsses of thestmuech...... :: ...... 4 6 4 ; Diarrhwand enteritis ...... 339 1 ...... 2 8 1: 13 :; 4; 3! 1;: 6; 4: Malformations ...... i ...... 1 1 1 Premature birth ...... --& .;;- # . . . $ 1;: 18 ---- 5- --- l:A : i ...... Cmgenitsl debility ...... 192 E —21- ‘- 95 X3 1; 130 17 19 5 3 fnjuriesat birth ...... 42 5 38 2 2 ...... O. 42 . . ...!? ...... Extmnelcauses...... 6 ...... ?...... !...... 1 2 1 ...... 4 ...... Allotheroause.% ...... 67 4 ...... : 7 5 5 25 6 9 9 13 Diseases, ill-defined or unknown... 1 ...... 1 ...... 1 . . ...? ...... 1 ...... ? ...... 4 /

0 ‘/ 2-
