Mike Day Russell Moore II Co-sponsored by Co-sponsored by Ed Stetzer Paige $50 ⁄ person (includes 3 meals) February 15-17, 2007 February and R. G. Lee Center for Christian Ministry Christian and R. G. Lee Center for Carl F. H. Christian Leadership Center for Henry for information call 731.661.5160 call for information Jim Shaddix Thom Rainer featuring Frank Page Frank and Controversy Gregory A. Thornbury Convention, Cooperation Timothy George Timothy David S. Dockery David the most significant conference you will attend in 2007 will attend you conference significant the most welcomes you to to you welcomes university union PAID Jackson, TN U.S. Postage Permit # 608 Permit Non-profit Org. outstanding. Each key issue facing Graduate and professional programs: Graduate Business Administration (M.B.A.), Christian Studies (M.C.S.), Education (M.A., M.Ed, Ed.S, Ed.D), Intercultural Studies (M.A.I.S.) and Nursing (M.S.N., including Nurse Anesthesia). 11 to 1, with 83% 3,156 Baptist Identity II picks up another important discus- another important II picks up Baptist Identity related to convention, life sion in denominational and controversy. cooperation for needed conversation II is a much “Baptist Identity as we seek to betterSouthern our understand in order to build a new sense of history and heritage in the 21st century,” our shared service cooperation for Union University. president of S. Dockery, said David will be “The conference speakers to addressspeaker is prepared a at this time in our history.” Southern Baptists identity, campus in of faculty holding terminal degrees of Fall 2006 enrollment: Fall ratio: Student-faculty Programs of study: Undergraduate More than 100 and Jackson Energy Authority for their help in sponsoring the Baptist Identity II Conference. their and Jackson Energy Authority for 241 Union University wishes to thank Broadman & Holman Publishers, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Union University wishes to thank Broadman the past three years. the past three 2004 and was entitled “Baptist The first was in April Future?” More than 300 attendedIdentity: Is There a were led by leaders such as SBC the sessions, which Executive Committee Chapman, President Morris President R. Albert Mohler and Southern Seminary Emeritus James of Distinguished Professor Leo Garrett from Southwestern Seminary. Union University has become a national center for a national center has become Union University respect to Baptist Baptist issues. With exploring hosted second major conference this is the on body: Represented student in our 43 U.S. States and 30 countries Number of recipients of the Church and Convention Ministry Scholarships: a word about exploring baptist identity at union university union at baptist exploring about a word identity union university at a glance at union university 1050 Union University Drive University 1050 Union Jackson, TN 38305-3697

doubletree hotel Located down the 45 By-pass just minutes from Union’s campus, the DoubleTree Hotel houses a beautiful lobby and an award winning restaurant downstairs. King rooms and suites are available. All rooms are equipped with computer hookups. This hotel offers a special Convention, $59.00 rate for the Baptist Identity II Conference. Call (731)664-6900.

Cooperation jameson inn This newly constructed hotel is closest to Union’s campus. II Includes king or full-size beds, in-room computer hookups, workout facilities, free USA Today, local calls, and a free continental breakfast. The price is a special $60.00 rate for the Baptist Identity Conference. Call (731) 660-8651. and Controversy

country inn & suites Located one mile from campus. This hotel includes over- sized king or double-queen rooms in a country décor. The hotel also offers free Register online www.uu.edu/events/baptistidentity or call 731.661.5160 continental breakfast, an outdoor pool, and free local calling. There is a special hotel information hotel $55 rate for the Baptist Identity Conference. Call (731) 660-0077. thursday, february 15 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Mission Board,ishighlyrespectedfor hiscreativeleadership. Dr. Day, whopreviouslyservedwiththeNorthAmerican The SouthernBaptistTheologicalSeminaryinLouisville,Ky. Association, Memphis,Tenn. HeearnedtheD. Minfrom Mike Day isDirectorof Missionsfor theMid-SouthBaptist School of Missions,EvangelismandChurchGrowth. previously The a dozenbest-sellingbooks.HeearnedthePh.D. from and churchgrowth,Dr.Rainerhasauthoredmorethan One of the mostinfluentialscholarsinfieldof evangelism Thom RainerisPresidentof LifewayChristian Resources. in Taylors, S.C. ative Program,Dr.Page ispastorof FirstBaptistChurch Baptist TheologicalSeminary.Achampionof theCooper- Baptist Convention.HeearnedthePh.D. fromSouthwestern Frank Page currently servesaspresidentof theSouthern Thom Rainer Frank Page Mike Day 9:00 p.m. Southern BaptistTheologicalSeminary,wherehe served asthefounding Dean of the BillyGraham Open Bookstore Open Registration, Dinner and state conventions” associations“the futureof baptist Mike Day 4:00 p.m.| the southern baptist convention” the southernbaptist “evangelism andchurchgrowth in Thom Rainer 8:00 p.m.| cooperative program” “the futureof the Frank Page 7:00 p.m.| Hosted by Thornbury Gregory A. lively discussion. an informal timeof fellowshipand best-known bloggersinBaptist lifefor Bring yourlaptopandjoinsome of the Coffee House forBloggers Session II Session III Session I friday, february 16 Gregory A.Thornbury David S.Dockery Paige Patterson Russell Moore 11:30 a.m. is alsoSeniorFellow at The SouthernBaptist TheologicalSeminary.Dr. Thornbury Christian StudiesatUnionUniversity. HeearnedaPh.D. from Gregory A.Thornburyisfounding Deanof theSchoolof Colleges andUniversities. has servedastheChairmanof theCouncilof Christian the authororeditorof morethan25volumes.Dr.Dockery David S.DockeryisPresidentof UnionUniversity.Heis author of Theological Seminary,whereheearnedaPh.D. He is Professor of ChristianTheologyatTheSouthernBaptist Vice Presidentfor AcademicAdministration,andAssociate Russell MooreisDeanof theSchoolof Theology,Senior 8:00 a.m. is authorof severalsignificantbooks. Theological Seminary.Arespectedtheologian,Dr.Patterson Baptist Conventionaswellpresidentof Southeastern Seminary. Dr.Patterson hasservedaspresidentof theSouthern Paige Patterson isPresidentof SouthwesternBaptistTheological The KingdomofChrist Lunch Continental Breakfast “the ‘angry young men’ of the sbc” ThornburyGregory A. 3:00 p.m.| since 1979” convention “the southernbaptist David S.Dockery 12:00 p.m.| “t. t. eaton” (Founder’s Day Chapel) Russell Moore 10:00 a.m.| learn fromanabaptists” “what contemporary can baptists Paige Patterson 8:30 a.m.| Kairos Journal . Session IV Session VII Session V Session VI . Baptist friday, february 16 campus map at NewOrleansBaptistSeminary. Sermon. Heformerly servedasprofessor of preaching in thePulpitwithJerryVines, andThePassion Driven in Denver,Colo.Heistheauthorof twobooks,Power Jim ShaddixisSeniorPastor of RiversideBaptistChurch 6:00 p.m. 4 3 2 1 Jim Shaddix Union Building Barefoot Student Hammons Hall Complex Blasingame e d c b a Complex Penick Academic 13 Aquatic Center Center/Williams Palmer Activities Delay Gymnasium Summar Library Powell Theater Savage Chapel Academic Dinner traditional church” “the futureof the Jim Shaddix 6:45 p.m.| 12 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Session VIII McAfee Residence Complex McAfee Residence Hurt ResidenceComplex Complex Watters Residence Jennings Hall Miller Tower g f ounDnn Room Coburn Dining Fesmire Fieldhouse Facilities Management The Welcome House Fraternity Row Warmath Family Housing 6 Enrollment Services 11 (cont.) 10 8 7 5 9 4 F G E 2 3 1 saturday, february 17 Timothy George D Press. HeholdstheTh.D. fromHarvardUniversity. CommentaryonScripture The Reformation intheevangelicalworld,Dr.Georgeiseditorof rians Beeson DivinitySchool.Oneof hemostrespectedhisto- Timothy GeorgeisDeanandProfessor of Divinityatthe Seminary andaD. MinfromBeesonDivinitySchool. He earnedaPh.D. fromTheSouthernBaptistTheological Ga. andasCo-Pastor of LakeRidgeChurchinCumming,Ga. Director attheNorthAmericanMissionBoardinAlpharetta, Ed StetzerservesastheMissiologistandResearchTeam B Ed Stetzer A C a post-denominational world” identity“the futureof baptist in Timothy George 10:00 a.m.| “toward amissional convention” Ed Stetzer 8:30 a.m.| 14 Session IX Session X with InterVarsity

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Organization ______Convention, Street Address ______Cooperation II City ______State______Zip ______Phone ______and Controversy Email ______please return this completed registration form with a check t0 Union University Register online www.uu.edu/events/baptistidentity or call 731.661.5160 attn. Baptist Identity Conference 1050 Union University Drive Jackson, 38305