August 2017

Prepared for: Abdoulaye Dia Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) Feed the Future Senegal Naatal Mbay Project Economic Growth Office, USAID/Senegal

Prepared by SEMIS for RTI International 3040 East Cornwallis Rd. Post Office Box 121294 Research Triangle Park, NC 277009-2194 USA +1 (919) 541-6000

DISCLAIMER The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES ...... 5

ACRONYM ...... 6


1 CONTEXT ...... 11


OBJECTIVES ...... 11













MAPPING OF PROJECTS ...... 31 6.5.1 Distribution of interventions in different areas of the country ...... 31 6.5.2 Typology of farms ...... 31 6.5.3 The areas of intervention of Naatal Mbay ...... 32




LAND PREPARATION AND PLANTING ...... 37 7.1.1 The facilities ...... 37

THE CROPPING OPERATIONS ...... 37 7.2.1 Maintenance of cultures ...... 38

CROP ...... 40




THE SOLAR ENERGY IN AGRICULTURE : TOWARD A HIGHER PENETRATION OF PV APPLICATIONS ...... 53 9.1.1 The pumping of water for irrigation ...... 53 Pumps of small power ...... 53 Pumps of average power ...... 54 Pumps of great power ...... 55 9.1.2 The conservation of crops ...... 55 9.1.3 The transformation ...... 56 9.1.4 The units of rearing of poultry (barns) ...... 56 9.1.5 General services ...... 56





Figure 1: Areas interventions of Nataal Mbaye ...... 13 Figure 2: Areas intervention of propjets and agricultural programs ...... 14 Figure 3: Distribution of stakeholders ...... 20 Figure 4:Distribution of Beneficiaries by region ...... 20 Figure 5:Distribution of beneficiaries according to the agricultural activity ...... 21 Figure 6: Distribution by Region Of Sites Visited ...... 22 Figure 7: Distribution by Region Of Sites Visited ...... 24 Figure 8: Level of responsibility of the persons met on-site ...... 25 Figure 9: Statutes of the farms of the sites investigated ...... 25 Figure 10: The main activities of the farms of the sites investigated ...... 26 Figure 11: Distribution of the types of crops in the farms of the sites investigated ...... 27 Figure 12: Distribution of speculation of sites investigated ...... 27 Figure 13: Evolution of average yields by type of speculation in the surveyed sites ...... 29 Figure 14: The source of energy used in agriculture of the sites investigated ...... 30 Figure 15: Mapping of all agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions ...... 31 Figure 16: Mapping of all agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions - type of operation ...... 31 Figure 17: Geographical Distribution of the use of solar energy (pumping) of the sites investigated ..... 32 Figure 18: Status of visited ...... 33 Figure 19: Involvement of interventions in the dissemination of the ENR ...... 33 Figure 20: Maps of areas intervention of propjets ENR in Senegal ...... 35 Figure 21 Surface: exploited vs source of energy used ...... 36 Figure 22: The percentage of the use of solar PV in function of the areas used ...... 36 Figure 23: Competitiveness between PV pumping and Diesel ...... 39



ANCAR National Agency of Agricultural Council and Rural ANER The National Agency for Renewable Energies ANEV National Agency of eco-villages ANIDA National Agency of insertion and Agricultural Development ASEPEX Senegalese Agency for the promotion of exports CILSS Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel Converter dc/ac Converters for continuous current(DC) in alternating current (AC) CV Horses vapors (power) ENR Renewable energy GE Generators The GIE Economic Interest Grouping GMP Motorpump Units of surface GPF Grouping of Promotion of Women GPL Liquefied Petroleum Gas HMT Height Total Gauge KW Kilowatt KWc Peak kilowatts Ngos Non-governmental organization P2rs Multinational program of strengthening the resilience of food nutritional and in the Sahel PADEC Program to support the economic development of the Casamance Support to agricultural supply chains project Program of support for the agricultural sectors PAIS Italie-Sénégal Program PAPIL Project to support the small local irrigation PAPSEN Program of support for the National Program of investment in agriculture in Senegal PASAEL Program of Support to Food Security and the Elevage PERACOD Program for the promotion of renewable energies of the Rural Electrification and The sustainable supply of domestic fuels PRACAS Program of Acceleration of the Pace of the senegalese Agriculture PRODAC Program Areas The Community Agricultural PRODAM Program of Agricultural Development of Matam PROGEDE 2 Second Draft Sustainable and Participatory Management traditional energies and substitution Pes Senegal Plan emergent PUDC The emergency program of Community Development PV Photovoltaics SAED National Society for the development and exploitation of the lands of the Senegal River Delta SENELEC National Society of Electricity of Senegal SODAGRI Society of Agricultural and Industrial Development of Senegal SUARL One-person company with limited liability UGPM The Union of groups of peasants Méckhé USAID The United States Agency for International Development Wc Watt peak



The chapter I made a reminder of the context of the study. This context being the framework of the pes, are intended to implement an integrated approach to promoting the development of value chain and the structuring of clusters. In this context also, the project "Feed the Future " Naatal Mbay Senegal funded by the USAID has initiated this study aimed to identify and map all the projects to agricultural vocation using the solutions of clean energies, that they be funded by the USAID or by other donors.

Chapter II is a reminder of the terms of references: - Overall objective of the study : it is to identify and map all the agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions and to draw the good practices for the possibility of replication in areas such as the agricultural potential is considerable. - Specific objectives : They are available in three points : o Identify all the clean energy projects initiated at the inside or outside of the zones of influence of feed the future Natal Mbay. o Provide clear guidelines on the way in which agricultural projects and in the future can incorporate clean energy solutions in their implementation strategies o Propose a plan on how these solutions can be extended in rural areas in the zone of influence of the future and beyond. - Expected Results : The expected results are divided as follows : o The state of the places of the different uses of energy in agricultural projects is established ; o The place of clean energies in agriculture is highlighted ; o The guidelines are formulated in view of the integration of clean energy solutions in strategies for implementation of future agricultural projects ; o A plan for the implementation of the identified solutions is developed

In Chapter III, the general methodology of the study is presented as well as its conduct. It is based on a participatory approach in the aim to arrive at a consensus on the results, the outcome of the study is performed through the main steps below: (i) collection of basic data (ii) field investigation with the beneficiaries identified (iii) Development of a scoring matrix (iv) develop a model or a grid (v) development of an interim report.

Chapter IV deals with the collection of basic data which consists of: (i) Meet the actors and or the responsible for projects and programs, (ii) constitute a database of agricultural projects with the data collected from the actors.

The stakeholders identified from the start of the mission with the support of Nataal Mbay have each provided data on their beneficiaries, their areas of interventions as well as their modalities of intervention. The database on 554 beneficiaries has been organized with the fields of following information : Category of intervener, areas of intervention, area of intervention, preliminary maps, etc.) on this basis a survey sample of 85 recipients with a geographical coverage and a diversity of stakeholders and of the types of exploitation is sufficiently representative of the diversity of projects and programs listed. It should be noted that among the beneficiaries of the sample are contained 14 private initiatives.


Chapter V, gives an account of the conduct of the field investigation and highlights the organization and the composition of the teams. For the achievement of the field visits, taking account of the multidisciplinary nature of teams of experts, it was deemed necessary to harmonize the methodological approach of the conduct of the investigation by conducting an investigation test on the pilot sites presenting a diversity of integrated farming operation. After this evaluation of the results of the investigation test, the field visits have been programd on the whole of the territory following the conduct below: - From 03 to 14 April 2017 by the team of the northern zone (region of , Thiès, , , Saint Louis and Matam); - From 03 to 18 April by the team of the southern zone (region of , Kaolack, Kafrine, , Shiou, It, , and Kedougou;

Chapter VI deals with the results of the collection of data. It is clear from this analysis that 42% of interviewees are the owners of the exploitation, 32% are managers and 26% of employees. The major part of the agricultural holdings is managed by groupings of economic interest GIE (39%), 21% by family farms, private initiatives, community projects and the associations represent respectively 13%, 12% and 11% of the forms of organization of farm management. Farms specializing in agricultural production cover 75% of the farms visited, livestock as the transformation is occupied by each 8% of the farms in our sample. The Horticulture encompasses the vegetable crops, and the arboriculture. More than half of the agricultural farms (51%) made the maraichage, arboriculture represents 13% of the farms visited, the cereal crop in other food Terms brings together around them 36% of the farms in our sample.

The energies of fossil origin (hydrocarbon) in agriculture at the level of the sites visited is the main source of energy (close to 54% of the farms visited). In this category, the use of generators powered by gas-oil remains the majority with 35% of the rates of use, including 22% with a exclusive use of GE and 9% with a use combining the GE with the electricity of the network of SENELEC or more rarely with solar energy.

The solar energy mark a high penetration with an exclusive use for 23% in the farms visited, and partial use in combination with other sources (GE and/or SENELEC) in 8% of the farms visited (use hybrid).

We note that 21% of farms visited are fed by the network of SENELEC. It appears also a marginal use of LPG (1%) - for the drying of products (activities of processing). Among the sources of renewable energy, only the solar energy is noted in 23% of the farms visited. The levels of installed power are located in a very wide range ranging from 250 Wc for lighting applications in the rearing of poultry to nearly 8 kWc for the solar pumping. the solar option is most often associated with farms in small size (1.5 ha). The energy expenditure, for the maintenance of the cultures are in averages of 583 571 FCFA. It has also noted the existence of an association of a solar system to a generator for exploitation of the Order 3.5 ha and up to 400 ha in doing an association of solar sources and electrical network.

Chapter VII deals energy in agriculture, it is analyzed under the angle of the chain of the values of the agricultural production. In the preparation of the soil and planting the use of renewable energy sources is not feasible in the current context of Senegal, where the use of biofuel in the engines is not popularized.

In the cultivation operations the potential for the application of solar energy for pumping in agriculture, particularly for the market gardening is an important opportunity that can apply to the

10 whole of the operators regardless of the size of the farms and in almost all the of Senegal.

In the harvest phase the use of renewable energy sources is not feasible in the current context of Senegal, where the use of biofuel in the engines is not popularized.

In the conservation of the production it should be noted that technological advances now allows for the use of renewable energy (wind, solar PV, solar thermal or bio-energy) to check the spaces of conservation.

The transformation is very énergétivore, it can go from 50 KW to over 150 Kw in function of its size. However it is possible to extract the line ends (heating and air conditioning) who have an application in power very low to put under renewable sources.

Chapter VIII highlights the outline of an analysis grid. Based on the results of the investigation in the field it is to define a matrix of notation to rank the projects according to the potential they have for the implementation of clean energy according to the criteria below : - The technical and financial feasibility, - The ease of implementation and the scale, - The potential impact , - The existence and strength of counterpart, - The sustainability of the model,

Chapter IX, provided the main directions on the prospects for the use of clean energies in agriculture. It is analyzed under the angle : (i) the solar energy in agriculture: toward a higher penetration of PV Applications, (ii) the operation of the wind energy potential in the area of the Niayes region, (iii) the development of use of biomass and crop residues.

- The solar energy in agriculture: toward a higher penetration of PV Applications For the pumping of water in irrigation with small pump, water needs are located between 20 and 30 cubic meters day - it is of pumping systems with low HMT (less than 15 m) installed on modern wells or surface slicks of low depths (séanes). The power of the requested pumps would be between 600 Wc and 900 Wc. The investment necessary for the part pumping equipment, including the solar generator, the electronic command, the pump, and the discharge piping would be between 1.8 million and 3 million FCFA, in recital A average cost of Watt-peak installed in three thousand (3000) FCFA obtained on the basis of the recent calls for tenders. The mode of financing could combine an investment grant and a contribution of the beneficiaries with the establishment of an innovative device, facilitating the access of farmers to finance.

For the pumping of water in irrigation with pumps of average power, water needs are located between 30 and 120 cubic meters day - the HMT are located between 30 and 40 meters. The power of the required pumps would be between 2000 WC to 6500 WC. The investment necessary for the part pumping equipment, including the solar generator, the electronic command, the pump, and the discharge piping would be between 6 million and 20 million FCFA, in recital A average cost of Watt- peak installed in the order of three miles (3000) FCFA obtained on the basis of the recent calls for tenders

For the pumping of water in irrigation with pumps of great power, the daily volumes that can thus reach 600 cubic meters per day (for 10 hectares without drip) - if one considers the heights of rehabilitation not exceeding 20 meters, the power of the pump can reach 20 Kwp. The basic 11 investments needed to reach 60 million FCFA (for 10 hectares - and 20 m of HMT) are possible only on the basis of economic studies further.

- The exploitation of wind energy potential in the area of the Niayes region

On the whole of the coastal strip of a width of 50 km between the national road and the coastline, ranging from Dakar to Saint-Louis, there is a potential for wind marked by wind speeds in annual averages of the order of 4 to 6 m/s. This potential indicates clearly the possibilities of use of wind energy, either for the production of electricity by wind turbines, either for the pumping by wind turbines mechanical.

- The valorisation of the biomass and crop residues

For this component, we recommend the achievement of a general study on the possibilities of recovery of crop residues in agricultural areas.



The agricultural sector is considered as one of the main levers of the national economy. In this regard, it constitutes a key sector for the economic and social development of the country, taking account of a share of the population that depends directly and on the other hand its strategic dimension in food security, and its contribution in the regulation of macroeconomic equilibria and social.

The agricultural sector is at the heart of the strategies and policies of economic development defined by the State of Senegal. Has this title is part of the Axis 1 of the PSE1 which aims "a structural transformation of the economy through the consolidation of existing engines of growth and the development of new sectors creators of wealth, jobs, social inclusion and to strong export capacity and attraction of private investment".

It is important to note that in the framework of the PES, the actions in the field agro-pastoral activities (agriculture, livestock, fishing and aquaculture, agri-food), " are intended to implement an integrated approach to promoting the development of value chain and the structuring of clusters ".

In this context, the project "Feed the Future " Naatal Mbay Senegal funded by the USAID has initiated this study aimed to identify and map all the projects to agricultural vocation using the solutions of clean energies, that they be funded by the USAID or by other donors. The main target areas are the 14 regions of the country. It is in this framework that intervenes The present study whose objectives and the main expected results are recalled below.


The objectives of the study are available in overall objective and specific objectives: - Overall objective of the study: it is to identify and map all the agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions and to draw the good practices for the possibility of replication in areas such as the agricultural potential is considerable. - Specific objectives : They are available in three points: o Identify all the clean energy projects initiated at the inside or outside of the zones of influence of feed the future Natal Mbay. o Provide clear guidelines on the way in which agricultural projects and in the future can incorporate clean energy solutions in their implementation strategies o Propose a plan on how these solutions can be extended in rural areas in the zone of influence of the future and beyond. Expected Results

The expected results are divided as follows : - The state of the places of the different uses of energy in agricultural projects is established; - The place of clean energies in agriculture is highlighted ; - The guidelines are formulated in view of the integration of clean energy solutions in strategies for

1 The Plan Senegal emerging (PSE) defines the vision of economic and social development to the Horizon 2035


implementation of future agricultural projects; - A plan for the implementation of the identified solutions is developed


The methodological approach initially planned includes the following steps:

- On the basis of preliminary data (list of projects and programs beneficiaries mentioned above), to administer the questionnaire prepared to this effect either by phone or through direct interviews to the beneficiaries identified.

- Develop a scoring matrix to rank the projects according to relevant criteria, including the technical and financial feasibility, ease of implementation and the scale, potential impact, the existence and strength of counterpart, sustainability of the model, etc. The Matrix filled should appear in the annex to the final report.

- Develop a model or a grid to synthesize the information collected during telephone interviews with a view to incorporate in the draft and final versions of the report.

- Develop a preliminary report. On the basis of the documentary research and telephone interviews with key stakeholders, the consultant will develop a preliminary report presenting the provisional results. The Consultant will make an analysis of these results and identify the key areas of opportunities for USAID in regards the clean energy in the agricultural sector

This approach has proven to be ineffective for the reasons that have been recalled in the preliminary report, the consultant had therefore proposed its rehabilitation. This has led to opt for a new approach which is to directly engage the collection of data on the field (projects or initiatives) from the beneficiaries. This translates to the methodological approach review as follows:

- Collection of basic data o Meeting with actors at the central level o Constitution of a database of beneficiaries o Draw a sample of recipients - Field survey with the beneficiaries identified o Collection of additional data on the beneficiaries of the sample o Analysis and Presentation of the results of the surveys - Development of a matrix of notation for rank the projects according to relevant criteria, including the technical and financial feasibility, ease of implementation and the scale, potential impact, the existence and strength of counterpart, sustainability of the model, etc. The Matrix filled should appear in the annex to the final report. - Develop a model or a grid to synthesize the information gathered with a view to incorporate in the draft and final versions of the report. - Development of an interim report which highlights the areas of opportunities for USAID in regards the clean energy in the agricultural sector



This first step of the data collection is based on a process of identification of beneficiaries which consists of: (i) Meet the actors and or the responsible for projects and programs, (ii) constitute a database of agricultural projects with the data collected from the actors

Meeting with the actors

In addition to Naatal Mbay, eleven main actors listed in the table below have been met.

Table 1. List of Structures, Projects, and Programs Encountered

Institutions Personne rencontrée Fonction Contact Ingénieur en Electricité Chargé de Agence Nationale des Eco-villages (ANEV) ; oroiet d'énereie Agence Nationale pour les Energies Renouvelables (ANER), Ingénieur en Génie Electrique Agence Sénégalaise d'ElectrifIcation Rurale (ASER) : Private Sector Projet Manager Programme pour la Promotion des Energies Renouvelables, de l'Electrification Rurale et l'Approvisionnement Durable en Combustibles Conseillé Technique du Projet Domestiques (PERACOD /GIZ) ; Ingénieur Genie Civil / Ingénieur Société de développement agricole et Industriel du Sénégal (SODAGRI) ; Electromécanique Programme des domaines Agricoles Communautaires (PRODAC) ; Directeur des opérations Directeur des Etudes Aménangemenst Agence Nationale d'insertion et de Développement Agricole (ANIDA) ; et infrastructures Programme multinational de renforcement de la résilience alimentaire et Chargé de projet nutritionnelle au Sahel (P2RS) : Programme Agricole Italie-Sénégal dénommé « PAIS » / PAPSEN ; Coordinateur Enda Energie Chef projet PROGRES-Lait Millenium Promise Chargé de projet

The maps below show the areas of intervention of these actors.


Figure 1. Areas interventions of Nataal Mbay

Figure 2: Areas intervention of propjets and agricultural programs


The stakeholders identified from the start of the mission with the support of Nataal Mbaye have each provided data on their beneficiaries, their areas of interventions as well as their modalities of intervention. These information have been organized according to a basic structure data in order to facilitate the later processing. As well the database has been organized with the fields of following information: Category of intervener, areas of intervention, area of intervention, preliminary maps, etc.)

A summary sheet of presentation of each intervener met has been established. These sheets are presented in the Annex.

Constitution of a database of beneficiaries

At the end of the prior collection of data from stakeholders, a database on 554 beneficiaries has been incorporated. The synthesis of the information in this database is presented in the table below:


Répartition des bénéficiaires, par Région, projet, type d'exploitation et Source d'energie Region Projet Type d'exploitation Source d'energie Nb Bénéficiaire Dakar ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1 ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solaire 1 Diourbel ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solaire 1 PAPSEN Maraichage GE 1

PRODAC Maraichage 1 Fatick ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 1 Maraichage / Pisciculture Solaire 1 Naatal Mbay Maïs Pluviale 6

RIZ PLUVIAL 3 PERACOD Maraichage Solaire 2 Kaffrine ANIDA Maraichage Solaire 2 Naatal Mbay Maïs Pluviale 2 Mil Pluviale 14

RIZ PLUVIAL 3 Kaolack ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 1 Naatal Mbay Maïs Pluviale 19 Mil Pluviale 14

RIZ PLUVIAL 14 PAIS maraichage 10 Kédougou ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1

PRODAC Maraichage 1 kolda ANIDA Maraichage GE 1

Kolda PRACAS 1 ANEV Maraichage Solaire 2

Enda Energie Elevage 1 Naatal Mbay Maïs Pluviale 56

RIZ PLUVIAL 50 PAIS Riziculture 50


PASAEL 2 PRACAS 1 PRODAC 1 Louga ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 2 Millennium Maraichage Solaire 1 Village PRODAC Production végétal, pisciculture 1 LOUGA UGPM MARICHAGE SOLAIRE 1 Matam ANEV Maraichage Solaire 3 Naatal Mbay RIZ IRRIGUE GE 11 transformation Reseau 1 Transformation Reseau 1 Saint Louis ANEV Maraichage Solaire 1 ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solaire 2 Naatal Mbay Prestation, Transformation Reseau 3 Production, Prestation, Reseau 3 Transformation

Distribution of beneficiaries, by region, project, type of operation and the source of energy

Region Project Type of Operation Source of Energy Recipient # Dakar ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solar power 1 Diourbel ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solar power 1 PAPSEN Maraichage GE 1 PRODAC Maraichage 1 Fatick ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 1 Maraichage / Pisciculture Solar power 1 Naatal Mbay Corn Rainforest 6 Rainfed rice 3 PERACOD Maraichage Solar power 2 Kaffrine ANIDA Maraichage Solar power 2 Naatal Mbay Corn Rainforest 2 Mil Rainforest 14 Rainfed rice 3 Kaolack ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 1


Naatal Mbay Corn Rainforest 19 Mil No (culture pluiviale) 14 Rainfed rice 14 PAIS Maraichage 10 Kedougou ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 PRODAC Maraichage 1 Kolda ANIDA Maraichage GE 1 Kolda PRACAS 1 ANEV Maraichage Solar power 2 Enda Elevage 1 Energie Naatal Mbay Corn No - (pluiviale culture) 56 Rainfed rice 50 PAIS Rice production 50 PASAEL 2 PRACAS 1 PRODAC 1 Louga ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 ANIDA Maraichage GE 2 Millennium Maraichage Solar power 1 Village PRODAC Plant production, fish farming 1 LOUGA UGPM MARICHAGE Solar power 1 Matam ANEV Maraichage Solar power 3 Naatal Mbay Rice irrigates GE 11 Transformation Network 1 Transformation Network 1 Saint Louis ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 ANIDA Maraichage / Pisciculture Solar power 2 Naatal Mbay Delivery, Processing Network 3 Production, Delivery, Network 3 Processing Network, GE 1 Production,Transformation Network 1 Rice irrigates GE 61 Transformation Network 5 Processing, Delivery, Network 1 Production SAINT LOUIS Enda Elevage Solar power 14 Energie Sedhiou Naatal Mbay Corn No (culture pluiviale) 15 Rainfed rice 50 PAIS Rice production 59 PRODAC Corn 1 Tamba ANEV Maraichage Solar power 1 Thies ANEV Maraichage Solar power 2 ANIDA Maraichage GE 1


Maraichage / Pisciculture Solar power 4 PAPSEN Maraichage Network 1 PERACOD Maraichage Solar power 4 THIES UGPM MARICHAGE Solar power 5 Ziguinchor ANEV Maraichage Solar power 4 ZIGUINCHO Naatal Mbay Rainfed rice 27 R Total 554

- Structure of the database The given database contains 554 rows and 14 columns whose fields provide information on the data below: 1. Line Number 2. Region 3. Department 4. Commune 5. Locality 6. Name of the project (ACTORS) 7. The name of the person to contact 8. Contact 9. Amount of Funding 10. Source of Funding 11. Type of operation : [market gardening, grain culture] 12. Speculation 13. Source of Water Supply : Rainfed farming or pumping). 14. Source of energy used :

The distribution of the principal stakeholders concerned is shown on the graph below:


Figure 2. Distribution of stakeholders



3.3% 3.1% 2.7% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9% 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%

Figure 3. Distribution of Beneficiaries by Region

Distribution of Beneficiaries by region


3.8% 3.1% 2.5% 2.5% 1.1% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.2%

22 Figure 4. Distributoin of Beneficiaries According to the Agricultural Activity

20% 18%

2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0%

The rainfed crop is an agricultural practice during the rainy season, usually from June to October. 27% of agricultural beneficiary are engaged in this type of culture. They are practically applied in the areas of interventions of Naatal Mbay and Pais.

Draw a sample of recipients

On this basis, a sample has been defined in a reasoned manner from the six (6) main criteria below: 1. Geographical distribution a. Region b. Department c. Commune d. Locality 2. Project (actors) a. Name of the project or actors b. Or private initiative 3. Type of operation: [market gardening, cereal crop, etc.] 4. Speculation [vegetables, rice, millet, maize, etc.] 5. Source of water supply: [rainfed farming or pumping] 6. Source of energy used [Solar, diesel, SENELEC network, etc.]

This approach has enabled to constitute a sample of inquiry of 85 recipients with a geographical coverage and a diversity of stakeholders and of the types of exploitation is sufficiently representative of the diversity of projects and programs listed. It should be noted that among the beneficiaries of the sample are contained 14 private initiatives.

23 Figure 5. Distribution of Sites Visited

Distribution by Region Of Sites Visited


5% 5% 4% 4% 2%


For the achievement of the field visits, taking account of the multidisciplinary nature of teams of experts, it was deemed necessary to harmonize the methodological approach of the conduct of the investigation by conducting an investigation test on the pilot sites presenting a diversity of integrated farming operation (maraichage, fruit orchards, and poultry and farmed) and using sources of fossil and renewable energy (heat engine at the diesel and solar energy).

This visit test, carried out on 14 March 2017, has enabled us to review, as well as the content and the orientation of the sheet of investigation, that the difficulties of access of the sites and the time to conduct interviews.

As a result of this test survey, it was proceeded to the revision of the questionnaire, with a view to make it more operational the collection of additional data from the beneficiaries of the survey sample. After this evaluation of the results of the investigation test, the field visits have been programd on the whole of the territory following the conduct below: - From 03 to 14 April 2017 by the team of the northern zone (region of Dakar, Thiès, Diourbel, Louga, Saint Louis and Matam); - From 03 to 18 April by the team of the southern zone (region of Fatick, Kaolack, Kafrine, Ziguinchor, Shiou, It, Kolda,Tambacounda and Kedougou;


The collection of additional data is held in all regions of the country. In total 85 recipients were visited and interviewed on the basis of the questionnaire prepared to this effect.

The analysis of the replies has helped to highlight the main results.

24 The geographical distribution of the visited sites is presented in the chart below.

Figure 6. Distribution by Region of Sites Visited

Distribution by Region Of Sites Visited


5% 5% 4% 4% 2%

- Level of responsibility of the persons encountered

The persons interviewed were as follows, according to their level of responsibility in relation to the exploitation visited. It should be noted that the notion of responsible refers to the case where the operation is managed in the form of associations or community level.42% of the people interviewed are owners of the farm, 32% are managers and 26% of employees.

Figure 7. Level of responsibility of the persons met on-site

Owner Employee Responsible

25 - Status of farms

According to the present study and following the sampling, it is noted that the major part of agricultural holdings is managed by groupings of economic interest GIE (39%). The family farms (21%) come in second place on the order of management of farms in agriculture. Private initiatives, the community projects and the associations represent respectively 13%, 12% and 11% of the forms of organization of farm management. The Sau, the GPF and SUARL are weakly represented.

The door of entry" agricultural farm" explains the dominance of GIE in relation to family farms. These are generally more numerous in Senegal but many of them have farms which are not of type farm.

Figure 8. Statutes of the farms of the sites investigated


e t i s i v

s m r





The GIE The Family Private Community - Associations VIP

- Type of Operation

Agriculture, livestock and processing are the main farm types encountered in the farms visited. Farms specializing in agricultural production cover 75% of the farms visited. This activity appears to be cost-effective and the techniques of production accessible to many of the world. It is this which explains the prevalence of this form of exploitation which today is coveted by the private investors with more financial resources.

26 Figure 9. The main activities of the farms of the sites investigated


m r Fa


8% 8% 8%

Transformation The benefits of services

The breeding as the transformation is occupied by each 8% of the farms in our sample. This an activity in development in almost all . The rearing of chickens of flesh and of laying hens knows an extraordinary develop in the peri-urban zone in the region of Dakar and progressing in the other regions. The feeder and dairy farming are developing well in the peri-urban zone in the region of Dakar, in the region of Thies around for and in the south of the country. In this last the mini- dairies are well developed some even put themselves in the production of cheese. The activity of farming requires the availability of energy according to the intensities very variable, ranging from lighting needs in the case of poultry barns to the driving force for the production of cold air in the units of conservation of the milk.

The transformation drains many women today, often grouped in association, GIE,

The products ranging from local cereals to fruits and vegetables are processed. These women are supported by state structures as ASEPEX, NGOS and projects in the strengthening of capacity, staffing and equipment and the implementation relationship. As an example we find the PADEC in the South who accompanies the women in processing, the local NGO FADEC if support also the women of the Department of Kébémer. The transformation requires machines such as the presses of the Roasters cold rooms which operate with energy.

27 Figure 10. Distribution of the types of crops in the farms of the sites investigated


Grain Culture Arboriculture (fruitière) Vegetable Production (vegetables)

The horticulture or the culture of vegetables in against season is an activity very widespread in the sense that it is practiced in all regions. The Horticulture encompasses the vegetable crops, and the arboriculture. More than half of the agricultural farms (51%) made the maraichage. This type of culture to high added value the fact, its yields and prices of its assignment which leveraging more quickly the investment is the first choice of operators.

The arboriculture which is also a culture with high added value demand more in terms of land availability of track in production and conservation of the product so that it represents only 13% of farms visited.

The cereal crop in other food Terms brings together around them 36% of the farms in our sample. It is because food is composed of coarsely rice produced in the Valley of the Senegal River and the basin of the Anambé, the mil in the groundnut basin and the corn between the groundnut basin south and the Casamance. The distribution of these speculation is summarized in the following graph.

28 Figure 11. : Distribution of speculation of sites investigated

Type of Culture céréaliére



Among the cultivated cereals, rice is present in more than half (51%) of the farms visited, while corn occupies 31% and the MIL is positioned in last place in terms of exploitation. The Food Choice of Senegalese (rice, mil), the explosive growth of the industrialization of the food of poultry justify in great part these trends. The peanut is also encountered in some farms. It is usually done in the rainy season in the groundnut basin and in high Casamance and in against the season in an ad hoc manner in the Niayes region, the valley of the Senegal River and the groundnut basin.

Area of the part currently being put in value

Table 2. Development Area of the sites investigated

Superficie cultivée (Ha) Pourcentage Moins de 1 9% De là 2 25% De 2 à 3 13% De 3 à 4 5% De 4 à 6 8% De 6 à 9 9% De 9 à 16 9% De 16 à 267 9% De 267 à 1200 9% 1200 et plus 5% Total 100%

The levels of yields

Remember that 21% of the farms in our sample are of the family type. Thus, the reading of the yields

29 obtained explains well the poverty level of the Senegalese population. For that agriculture can feed his man it must be efficient. This performance rhymes with high yields, which allows to be self-sufficient and have the capacity to sell. Almost all the speculation do not reach the levels of high performance. Several factors limit the expression of the potential of speculation between other the deficit of fertilization and the degradation of the soil, the non-renewal of the seed and the lack of adapted materials accompanied by a good choice of energy.

Figure 12. Evolution of average yields by type of speculation in the surveyed sites

40 36 34 35 32 30 25 21 20 20 17 17 18 16 15 10 11 10

Yield (t/ha)

- Current uses of energy

The energy choice mentioned above, is summarized in the figure below. If one takes the hypothesis that the energy provided by SENELEC is in large part of thermal origin (hydrocarbon), it can be considered that the use of the energies of the fossil origin (hydrocarbon) in agriculture at the level of the sites visited is the main source of energy (close to 54% of the farms visited). In this category, the use of generators powered by gas-oil remains the majority with 35% of the rates of use, including 22% with a exclusive use of GE and 9% with a use combining the GE with the electricity of the network of SENELEC or more rarely with solar energy.

The solar energy mark a high penetration with an exclusive use for 23% in the farms visited, and partial use in combination with other sources (GE and/or SENELEC) in 8% of the farms visited (use hybrid).

We note that 21 percent of farms visited are fed by the network of SENELEC. It appears also a marginal use of LPG (1%) - for the drying of products (activities of processing).


GE + solar), 1%

Hybrid source (GMP + solar), 1%

Hybrid source (GE + solar), 7%

Gas, 1%

Solar PV, 30%

Figure 14: The source of energy used in agriculture of the sites investigated

A more detailed analysis of the use of energy in agriculture allows to highlight the end uses of energy.

In agricultural activity at the level of the sites visited, the energy is essentially used for pumping the water for watering the surfaces in exploitation. The transformation of agricultural products presents only a very small part of the use of energy (3%). The other uses (phytosanitary and Drying) are still marginal with respectively 2% and 1%.

30 - Mapping of Projects

Distribution of interventions in different areas of the country

Figure 13. Mapping of all agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions

Typology of farms

Figure 14. Mapping of all agricultural projects in Senegal who use of clean energy solutions - type of operation


The areas of intervention of Naatal Mbay

- Projects using the ENR

Among the sources of renewable energy, only the solar energy is noted in 23% of the farms visited. These 23% of users of solar energy are divided geographically as follows

- Their geographical distribution of the use of solar energy (pumping)



12% 12% 12%

8% 8% 4% 4% 4% 4%

0% 0% 0%

Figure 17: Geographical Distribution of the use of solar energy (pumping) of the sites investigated The main use of this technology is intended to pumping. A large majority of these users of solar pumps

32 are located in the area of the Niayes region, in the regions of Thiès (25% and Dakar (5%). Follow the regions of Kaolack (15%), Louga (15%), Fatick (15%) and Shiou, It (10%).

The implementation of pumping solutions by solar energy is especially made in the framework of the structures under a mode of community organization or associative (Association, PIV) or in the by the private initiatives. The family farms which represent nearly 21% of farms encountered do not have access to this form of modernization of agriculture.

The GIE The Family Private Community - Associations VIP

Figure 18: Status of visited The ANEV is one of the players with the most experience in the introduction of the solutions for the use of solar energy in agriculture follow-up of the Peracod and ANIDA. Peracod has started an initiative in the area of the Niayes region. It should be noted that the majority of the stakeholders express an interest for the introduction of the solar applications with a view to the modernization of the dewatering of the water for the market gardening or for the conservation of the production.


13% 13%

8% 8%

4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%


Figure 19: Involvement of interventions in the dissemination of the ENR

The mapping of areas of use of renewable energy sources identified in the framework of the present study is presented below. It may be noted: - A marked presence of solutions using solar energy along the north coast (Niayes), essentially for the Pumping of water ; - A presence of solar systems in the - it is the first area where these solutions of solar pumping have been introduced by projects such as the program Regional Solar Energy funded by the European Union and of the oldest projects carried out by the associations such as Feddé Nangué ; - To the is also We note a breakthrough of the solar systems including in the vicinity of the reserve of Niokolokoba and in the area of Kedougou or the PUDC has introduced the solar pumping for drinking water supply and market gardening ; - In Casamance, with including the perimeters Maraichers in the intervention areas of Caritas.

34 Figure 20: Maps of areas intervention of propjets ENR in Senegal

- Technical characteristic of the solar systems encountered


From the point of view of their configuration, we encounter the same architecture made the pumping over of the sun including a solar field, a UPS and a submerged pump assembly. The solar modules used are all of the type a polycrystal.

Energy power and size of holdings

The levels of installed power are located in a very wide range ranging from 250 Wc for lighting applications in the rearing of poultry to nearly 8 kWc for the solar pumping. The graph below shows that the solar option is associated to the holdings of small size (1.5 ha). The investigation also shows that the energy expenditure, for the maintenance of the cultures are in averages of 583 571 FCFA for farms of sources of energy Solar. It has also noted the existence of an association of a solar system to a generator for exploitation of the Order 3.5 ha and up to 400 ha in doing an association of solar sources and electrical network.

Whereas the connection to the network SENELEC is more often preferred in the farms of large size (more than 500 ha).


Figure 21 Surface: exploited vs source of energy used

It is observed that nearly 85% of cases of the uses of the solar energy relate to farms whose sizes are included 0.6 ha to 4 ha.

Figure 22: The percentage of the use of solar PV in function of the areas used


It is known, the agricultural sector consumes energy. The consumption of energy is either direct in the case of production, processing and conservation, and, indirect when the energy is used for the construction of buildings, equipment or the manufacture of inputs. The present mission has made it possible to highlight the crucial role that energy plays in the development of the agricultural sector in Senegal.

It is in the treatment of the data in the present study to assess both the current level of use of energy as well as the needs expressed at all stages of the process of agricultural production ranging from the preparation of the soil to the final consumption. The objective of this exercise is to situate the feasibility of the use of renewable energy sources

- Land preparation and planting The facilities

In this sector, we meet a periodic use of large vehicles of BTP for the shape of sites of farm. It is the operations: - The slaughter and stumping of trees by bulls or loaders (150cv) for new sites. - Of earthwork by scrapers, loaders or pattern cutting graders depending on the topology of the land (150 to 200 CV) for the shape as a function of the types of operation targeted (crops to the furrow or flooding). - Leveling and fragmentation by laser graders or pattern cutting graders for the control of the areas and the separation of the properties in the case of holdings in the community. - These operations say first installation are often amortized over a period of 3 to 5 years for the private operators, or directly supported by programs of support is non-refundable for the village sections or associations of rural producers. Their financial costs are rarely mastered by the direct beneficiaries of the projects.

In this phase, 55% of the operators make use of a motorised equipment using gas oil as a source of energy. It is of tractors that have the powers included between 50 CV and 100 CV. The average duration of use of this type of gear is of the order of a half-hour to 2 hours by intervention.

In this segment the use of renewable energy sources is not feasible in the current context of Senegal, where the use of biofuel in the engines is not popularized.

- The cropping operations

It is the whole of the operations of the work of the soil, commonly called cultivation ways in which the costs are directly charged as operating expenses at the level of each speculation. It is: - Plowing operations carried out by tractors with tools to sweeps or allowing disks to return the arable surfaces on a depth of 25 to 30 cm with landfill of waste plants (strain of previous crops and manure from animals) for biologically enrich the topsoil layer. - Spraying operations or offset which are applied to overwrite the clods from the phases of labor. - Operations of ridging which allow to draw of the furrows on surfaces well planned to perform irrigations in skate on soil clay slightly to clayey.

37 - All three of these operations are carried out by the same tractors of power varying between 90 CV and 130cv. The quantification for energy will be made in the function of the specific consumption of the equipment used, its power and the time required for the implementation on one (1) hectare.

In this segment the use of renewable energy sources is not feasible in the current context of Senegal, where the use of biofuel in the engines is not popularized

Maintenance of cultures

After the phase of amenities, starts the operations of SEMIS (direct or nursery), passing by the vegetative development, flowering, fruiting and maturation. During this cycle, the producer must ensure a good availability of irrigation water, monitoring of plant and equipment maintenance. During this phase, for the cultures outside wintering, producers often use various energy equipment to ensure the availability of water at the level of the perimeters of exploitation. These equipments encountered during the visits are : - Of the pump units of surface (GMP) of output power from 3 KW to 45 KW , depending on the size of the operating system. - The small powers (3 to 5 KW) are used in the small farms in relai at the level storage pools to ensure a good pressure distribution. - By contrast, the GMP of power greater than 7.5 kw are very present in the northern areas, Saint Louis and Matam at the level of the perimeters of average size (between 10 and 100 ha) - Of submerged electric pumps with a range of power very varied depending on the source of the water, the area of production, the type and the size of the operation: - First in the areas of Dakar, Thiès, and Louga on the great coast, the powers of the pumps are located between 0.75 and 5 KW for dewatering at the level of the shallow wells ranging from 6 m to less than 40 m. These electric pumps are, in the majority of cases, fed by solar kits running over the sun. But, for more security, some producers have installed, to By-pass, small groups diesel fuel used during the time covered. - Then in the continental zones of Louga, Saint Louis and Matam (Ndeuk Kébé, Tatki, kaak) where the water supply is made by drilling deep, the electric pumps have higher powers to 10 KW and are fed more often by generators (GE) of 15 to 30 KVA. - And finally at the level of the banks of the River Senegal and its effluents, the electric pumps used by the groupings of producers have the powers generally above 90 KW and are installed in double or triple in the pumping stations supplied by the electrical networks.

In parallel to the equipment of dewatering, the producer may use of Motorized sprayers backend low power to the phytosanitary treatment of cultures. However, it is necessary to emphasize that in the maintenance phase of cultures, the agroindustrial and some private use of agricultural tractors with sprayers autoportés of large-scale to perform the fertilization and treatment foliar phytosanitary in plots of intensive production of crops.

The investigation reveals a segment priority for the introduction of renewable clean through the solar pumping over of the sun. The water needs and levels of Pumping Height (Height Total gauge) allow to consider a penetration of these solar pumping systems. In effect, to the favor of the reduction of the costs of the solar systems marked by a continuous decline of the price of the Watt- peak (less than 600 FCFA the Watt-peak installed) and the evolution of the interfaces

(CONVERTERS DC/AC), there is a strong potential for penetration of this technology in conditions of competitiveness with the diesel engines, as evidenced by the chart below:

38 Competitiveness Pumping between PV and diesel

90 80 70

60 ]

m 50 [ t 40 h g i 30 He

e 20 Diesel g u 10 Ga 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Application [m3/I] Figure 23: Competitiveness between PV pumping and Diesel

Data sources Program solar regional CILSS (updated)

Seen on this graph that the competitiveness of PV systems allows you to respond to a wide range of water needs and for HMT can ranging from a few meters to nearly 80 meters.

The potential for the application of solar energy for pumping in agriculture, particularly for the market gardening is an important opportunity that can apply to the whole of the operators regardless of the size of the farms and in almost all the regions of Senegal.

39 8.3 Crop

At the end of the cycle of development and maturation , agricultural producers are putting in place the procedures and techniques of crop. During this phase, in the major part of the speculation encountered, the crops are performed manually except at the level of the valley of the Senegal river with the producers of rice.

The survey shows that only 13% of farms are call to modern equipment using energy, it is essentially of the farms in cereal crop, especially rice.

For the harvesting of rice that can be done manually as practiced in the rice fields of the South and the small plots of the North, we have noted the use of two (2) types of equipment: The combined harvesters/threshers or the simple combine. - The combined machines combine/Thresher usually operate in plots greater than one (1) hectare. It is machinery which simultaneously perform the operations of mowing, of threshing and separation of the paddy rice. They are driven by heat engines of 120 to 130 CV running on diesel fuel. Their delivery is paid to 19% of the quantity or the value of the crop. - The harvesters, commonly referred to as "BORGA" are used after harvest and Implementation Manual grinder. It is of equipment Trained by thermal engines cylinder on diesel of 18 to 22 CV. Their provision and equal to 10% of the quantity.

Once harvested, the agricultural productions, regardless of the speculation, are either kept in conditions to keep all their nutritional characteristics or basic food for an implementation to proper disposal at the level of chains of distribution for direct consumption or, at the level of the chains of processing and packaging.

In this segment the use of renewable energy sources is not feasible in the current context of Senegal, where the use of biofuel in the engines is not popularized.

8.4 Conservation of the production

The conservation of agricultural products according to their nature and the objective targeted for its final use. The investigation has revealed a very low rate of use of the energy for the conservation of the products of crop (1.2%).

However, this a segment which is the subject of a significant demand. In effect, it has been observed in the course of these visits in the field, at the level of the area of the Niayes region (Kayar), of the producers who are trying to keep their potato crop under piles of straw to create a micro climate of freshness by lack of positive cold rooms. The demand for means of conservation, including by cold rooms is constantly income in the interviews.

It should be noted, at this level, that there is place to consider a program of support for the establishment or strengthening of rooms of conservation at the level of all areas of intensive production of products Maraichers, and this, both for the positive cold rooms intended for fresh products sensitive (potato, okra, etc..) that for the hangars of natural conservation for onions and similar products. For all cases, it should be noted that technological advances now allows for the use

40 of renewable energy (wind, solar PV, solar thermal or bio-energy) to check the spaces of conservation.

8.5 Transformation

The survey data show 8.2% producers of the sample carry out of the transformation. It is processing units which are all located in the north of Senegal in the production of rice. They are of different sizes and ensure the post-harvest treatment of paddy rice. At the level of the processing chain we find: - The storage tray of the Paddy which must be designed to maintain and put in good condition the raw material destined to return in the head of the line in the chain of transformation. At this level, we have seen that some units, to improve the rate of moisture of the paddy, have systems of thermal heating using the bale of rice as fuel. It is a good initiative that we are going to have to multiply. - The string itself composed of: - The pit trap door of discharge fitted with its elevator, - The pre-cleaner, stone trap with its elevator - Of the sheller with elevator - In the table, densimetric - The sorter separator - The launderer/polisher - And conditioning composed of the bagging machine, the rocker and the couseuse - The store of storage of the finished product This chain of transformation is very énergétivore, it can go from 50 KW to over 150 Kw in function of its size. However it is possible to extract the line ends (heating and air conditioning) who have an application in power very low to put under renewable sources.


Based on the results of the investigation in the field it is to define a matrix of notation to rank the projects according to the potential they have for the implementation of clean energy according to the criteria below: - The technical and financial feasibility, - The ease of implementation and the scale, - The potential impact , - The existence and strength of counterpart, - The sustainability of the model,

Once validated this matrix should allow to define guidelines with a view to a more strong involvement in the introduction of the ENR in the perspective of a sustainable development of agriculture in Senegal The grid outlined below should allow to engage in exchanges with Nataal Mbaye in view of the improve and adapt to the objectives of the present mission


PREPARATION OF THE FIELD Technic Financia Potentia Existence Sustainabilit Ease of Potentia al l l for of y of the Total implementatio l impact Level 1 Level 2 feasibilit feasibilit scaling counterpart model (N/20) n (N/2) (N/3) y (N/3) y (N/3) (N/3) y (N/3) (N/3)

Cutting of trees Sawing and slices 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 Stumping 1 . Remove the strains 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 1 . Manual 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 Clearing 2 . Tractors 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 1 . Labor 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 2 . Off-Settage 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 Working the soil 3 . Harrowing 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 4 . Bionnage 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6



Facilité Potentiel Existence Durabilité Faisabilité Faisabilité Impact de mise de mise à de du Total Niveau 1 Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4 Niveau 5 technique financière potentiel en œuvre réchele contrepar modèle (N/20) (N/3) (N/3) (N/3) (N/2) (N/3) tie (N/3) (N/3)

Semis et 1. semis 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 Repiquage 2 . Repiquage 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 6 eau de Surface Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Arrosage Source d eau eau souterraine Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Manuel Energie humaine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fertilisation Epandage Mécanisé / Motorisé Gasoil -Diesel Oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manuel Energie humaine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Entretien des Desherbage Motorisé Gasoil -Diesel Oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cultures Traction animale Force animale 1.1 Pulvérisateurs Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 /Atomiseurs Protection 1. Pulvérisation 1.2 Pulvérisation à Phytosanitaire Gas-Oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rampe 2 . Epandage Aérien 2.1 Avions Kérosène 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Facilité Potentiel Existence Durabilité Faisabilité Faisabilité Impact de mise de mise à de du Total Niveau 1 Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4 Niveau 5 technique financière potentiel en œuvre l’échelle contrepar modèle (N/20) (N/3) (N/3) (N/3) (N/2) (N/3) fie (N/3) (N/3)

2.1 Empilage Local Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 2.2 Magasins de Stockage 2.2.1 Eclairage et Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 ventilation 2 . Conditionnement 2.3 Hangars 2.3.1 Eclairage Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 CONSERVATION et Stockage 2.4 Chambres froides 2.4.1 Froid, Eclairage Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 2.5 Sechage 2.5.1 Chaleur Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 2.6 Emballage (mise sac ou 2.6.1 Couseuse et Solaire PV 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 sachet) Thermo soudure Lavage Force motrice 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8

Découape/hachage Force motrice Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8

Presses Force motrice Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8

Fruits et Légumes Cuisson Force motrice Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8

Pasteurisation Force motrice Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8

Mise en Force motrice Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 bouteilles/Emballage TRANSFORMATION Décorticage Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Riz Blanchiment Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Mise en sac Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Egrainage Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Décorticage Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Céréales Brisures Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Céréales sèches Mouture Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Enroleurs Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Cuisson Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8 Mise en sachet Système Hybtride 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 8


ELEVAGE Potentiel de Faisabilité Faisabilité Impact Existence de Facilité de mise mise à Durabilité du Total Niveau 1 Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4 technique financière potentiel contrepartie en œuvre (N/2) l’échelle modèle (N/3) (N/20) (N/3) (N/3) (N/3) (N/3) (N/3) Eclairage Energie électrique 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Poulailler Chaleur Energie Thermique 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Energie pour Pompage Abreuvage Eau 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 eau Volaille Alimentation 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Abattoirs Système de découpe Force motrice 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Chaleur Energie Thermique 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Déplumeuses Tourneuse Force motrice 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Bâtiements d'élevage Eclairage 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Embouche Abreuvoir Eau Pompage 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Alimentation Culture Fouragère Pompage 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Bâtiment d'élevage Elevage Abreuvoir Eau Pompage 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Alimentation Culture fouragère Eau 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Energie Système de Trait 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 électrique/Thermique Production Energie électrique ou Système de stockage Froid 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Laitière thermique Transport 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 9 Fromage 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Yaourt 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Transformation Lait Caillé 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Pasteurisation 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20 Bassin Eau Pompage Alimentation PISCICULTURE Récolte 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 9 Conservation Chambre froide 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 20

46 Potential for implementation of solution of renewable energy: Very Low


Potential for implementation of Potential for implementation of Potential for the implementation of solution of renewable Low energy: HIGH


Potential for implementation of solution of Potential for implementation of solution of renewable energy: Very Low renewable energy: HIGH


Potential for implementation of solution of Potential for implementation of solution of renewable energy: Very Low renewable energy: HIGH


The analysis of the data collected on the 85 sites visited allows draw some guidance on the prospects for the use of clean energies in agriculture. The chain of photovoltaic solar energy is the main not to say the single solution of type renewable energy currently implemented for the satisfaction of some energy needs in the agricultural holdings which have been visited in the framework of the present study (85 sites operating visited).

The other sectors that are the chain solar thermal (sensors plans, concentration, heliostats), wind (pathway wind turbines and wind multiple mechanical), biomass and biofuels have not made their appearance and remain however of the potential prospects for the satisfaction of energy needs identified. However, this lack of diversification must not overshadow the existence of real potential that can allow to consider the introduction of other sources of renewable energy in correlation with their potential in the areas considered. As well should we take into account the many possibilities and prospects below.

10.1 The solar energy in agriculture: Toward a higher penetration of PV Applications

As mentioned, it is the only application in the visited sites. The energy needs identified at the end of the visits of sites suggest prospects for deeper penetration of solar PV in various segments of the agricultural activity.

Taking into account the fact that the distribution of the solar potential is nearly uniform on the whole of the Territory, the Filière solar PV remains an alternative to encourage in future agricultural program. As this is clearly reflected on the analysis of the place of the ENR in agriculture in the previous chapters, a targeting of areas of application below constitute a strong recommendation for a program of modernization of agriculture with ENR.

10.1.1 The pumping of water for irrigation

This application appears with the most potential for the development of renewable sources of energy in agriculture. The energy for pumping constitutes a significant load in the operating account of farmers. Also its substitution by alternative sources technically and economically better adapted constitute a major objective for the agricultural policies.

10.1.2 Pumps of small power

They are intended to ensure the pumping of water for the perimeters gardeners in area less than or equal to one-half hectare. The needs for water are located between 20 and 30 cubic meters day - it is of pumping systems with low HMT (less than 15 m) installed on

52 modern wells or surface slicks of low depths (séanes).

Power of the pumps

The power of the required pumps would be between 600 Wc and 900 Wc. This request of pumping is found mainly in the area of the Niayes region. These are in general of the holdings of the family type or individual.

Level of Investment

The investment necessary for the part pumping equipment, including the solar generator, the electronic command, the pump, and the discharge piping would be between 1.8 million and 3 million FCFA, in recital A average cost of Watt-peak installed in three thousand (3000) FCFA obtained on the basis of the recent calls for tenders.

Mode of Financing

For these family farms, the mode of financing could combine an investment grant and a contribution of the beneficiaries with the establishment of an innovative device, facilitating the access of farmers to finance.

Zone and scale of implementation

- Zone of the Niayes region and on several basins conducive to market gardening - The dissemination of 200 systems in a first phase

10.1.3 Pumps of average power

They are generally intended to ensure the pumping of water for the perimeters gardeners in area included enters a (01) per hectare and four (04) hectares. This are of farms the most often carried out by small groups or of the GIE villagers. The needs for water are located between 30 and 120 cubic meters day - the HMT are located between 30 and 40 meters. The pumps are installed on modern wells or more rarely on the drilling of boreholes.

The experience in the perimeters Maraichers show that women are the most active in the framework of these farms in the community. Each woman has a dozen boards (each board doing 10 m2).

Power of the pumps

The power of the required pumps would be between 2000 WC to 6500 WC. This type of need of pumping is found in almost all areas of the country.

Level of Investment

The investment necessary for the part pumping equipment, including the solar

53 generator, the electronic command, the pump, and the discharge piping would be between 6 million and 20 million FCFA, in recital A average cost of Watt-peak installed in the order of three miles (3000) FCFA obtained on the basis of the recent calls for tenders.

Mode of Financing

For those farms associative type and/or the Community are carried out in areas where the management is ensured by the EIG or the association. The example of the project of the Millennium Villages (Millennium Village), allows to consider, the investment is carried out by the project and to ensure the sustainability, each beneficiary pays the hour of pumping.

Zone and scale of implementation - Extent of the territory, where there exists a dynamic market gardening (to identify) - The dissemination of 1000 systems in a first phase

Modalities for the selection of sites

For the selection of the beneficiary sites the approach should be based on simple principles: - The perimeter must have a vegetable vocation (predominance of market gardening by report to the arboriculture) - The Perimeter has a point of water (wells or drilling) with a sufficient water flow and a height of water column at least equal to 3.0 m . - The grouping or the EIG concerned must have a good level of organization and a strong motivation - The revenues generated will have to be important, which assumes a good marketing

10.1.4 Pumps of great power

They are designed to meet the needs of pumping to the areas to irrigate 10 hectares See more - the daily volumes that can thus reach 600 cubic meters per day (for 10 hectares without drip ) - if one considers the heights of rehabilitation not exceeding 20 meters, the power of the pump can reach 20 Kwp.

The level of organization required for this type of operation is much more important. Of even the basic investments needed to reach 60 million FCFA (for 10 hectares - and 20 m of HMT) are possible only on the basis of economic studies more relapses. However, the continuous declines observed on the price of the Watt-peak leaves consider conditions of competitiveness even for this level of power.

The need on the surface of land for the installation of the solar panels that can be in competitions with the arable land area, it will be necessary to investigate the possibility to elevate the panels or to deport the site of implantation of the solar field which will require a line of transport of current in BT up to the pump.


10.1.5 The conservation of crops

The needs identified essentially concern the establishment of positive cold rooms for fruit and vegetables. In the area of the Niayes region, the cold rooms are of type containerisé 20 feet constructed with insulating panels of 10 to 12 cm of thickener. They allow to maintain temperatures of 12 ° C to 17 °C. a storage volume of approximately 30 meter- cubes.

Power required

The power of the required pumps would be of the order of 10 Kwp

Level of Investment

The investment necessary for the part equipment, including the solar generator, storage battery and the electronic command would be in the order of 10 million FCFA.

Mode of Financing

The mode of management by delegation of management (affermage) of these rooms should be studied.

Zone and scale of implementation - Area of vegetable production (Niayes), Louga and in the area of lake Guiers - The dissemination of 100 rooms in a first phase

10.1.6 The transformation

It is essentially the transformation of fruits in period of overproduction in small industrial units -

Power required

The power of the required pumps would be of the order of 20 to 50 Kwp for small and medium sized industrial units. The installation of solar panels in the roof (hangar) would be considered.

Level of Investment

Could be between 60 and 150 million FCFA.

Mode of Financing

Financial mounting to study based on the approach developed by the Asher for the implementation of energy programs multisectoral. In this approach, a subsidy is granted to the energy component of the project.

55 Zone and scale of implementation

- To strong surplus of production of fruits or vegetables (Niayes, Casamance, etc..)

10.1.7 The units of rearing of poultry (barns)

The energy needs of this type of operation are for the most part the lighting of the barns. These are the power levels that are of the order of 1 to 2 KWP. The use of solar energy at the level of the barns is fairly widespread and should be encouraged by a facilitation of access to funding through innovative mechanisms.

10.1.8 General services

Linked to the agricultural activity: electrification of offices (lighting and computers), shops, etc. The installation of solar systems on the buildings of the farms located far away from the electrical networks should be systematically considered. The levels of investment is very low compared to the profits which are drawn from this convenience (internet connection, etc.)

10.2 The exploitation of wind energy potential in the area of the Niayes region

On the whole of the coastal strip of a width of 50 km between the national road and the coastline, ranging from Dakar to Saint-Louis, there is a potential for wind marked by wind speeds in annual averages of the order of 4 to 6 m/s. This potential indicates clearly the possibilities of use of wind energy, either for the production of electricity by wind turbines, either for the pumping by wind turbines mechanical.

- This last solution deserves to be relieved of the fact that its implementation has several advantages: (i) it is a technology whose manufacture is controlled locally with artisans who have acquired the technological know-how, (ii) the powers of pumping developed are adapted to the depth of pumping of the order a few tens of meters. - For the first application cited, it is a solution that has been experienced in the area of the Niayes region in the years 80 (draft Niaga Ouoloff and draft ) with the establishment of wtgs of small powers (5 Kw) for the production of electricity for to the pumping of water. More recently it should be noted the presence of the wind park project 150 MW (IPP project SARREOL) on the site of Taîba Ndiayenne whose development is in its final phase.

10.3 The valorisation of the biomass and crop residues

That this either in the area of the delta of the Senegal River or simply in the intervention areas of agricultural projects (rice, but and mil) We note the existence of an

56 important potential of biomass from the crop residue (bale of rice, stems of MIL, etc.) or aquatic plants (Typha) constitutes a perspective not negligible for the production of renewable energy.

For this component, we recommend the achievement of a general study on the possibilities of recovery of crop residues in agricultural areas. This type of study should be systematically required for all projects of a certain size (in the image of an environmental impact study).


Annex : Questionnaire


Geographical Situation 1. Number on the questionnaire

2. Region

3. Department

4. Commune

5. locality

6. Is this that the site is accessible by vehicle?

1. Yes 2. Non

7. If yes give the nature of the track?

1. Track drive 3. tarred road 2. sandy track

8. Longitude

9. Latitude

10. Name and surname of the person being surveyed

11. Phone number of the person being surveyed


13. Status of the site visited (status of the property) 1. Private initiative (individual) 4. Associations 2. The Family 5. The GIE 3. Community - VIP 6. Other

If other specify

12. Person encountered on the site

1. Owner 2. Employee

15. Specify the number of beneficiary, if it is of a type exploitation PIV, GIE or associative activities, etc:

16. What is the nature of the activity conducted on the site visited?

1. Agriculture 4. The benefits of services 2. Elevage 5. Other 3. Transformation

If aitre specify If, transformation or Services, go to Question No.

18. Start date of the operation

20. Size of the operation available (even not totally put in value) in (hectares)

19. What is the total cost of financing of the operation?

21. Area of the part currently being put in value (hectares)

22. Have you benefited from a support project?

1. Yes 2. Non

23. If yes, specify the nature of the support

1. Financial 3. Other

59 2. Coaching (training and follow-up) If

Other, please specify


25. If you have benefited from the support of projects, quote the(s) name(s):

1. PRACAS 5. Millennium Village 9. PASAEL 13. PRODAC 2. ANEV 6. Naatal Mbay 10. PASAEL1 14. UGPM 3. ANIDA 7. PAIS 11. PERACOD 15. PPDC 4. Enda Energie 8. PAPSEN 12. PRACAS1 16. Other

If Other, specify 27. What is the duration of accompaniment by the project?

28. What is the charge of the staff by the production cycle?

29. Is this that the administrative authorities and local authorities are involved?

1. Yes 2. Non

Speculation 30. What type of exploitation is made on the site?

1. Grain Culture 4. Elevage 2. arboriculture (fruitière) 5. Other 3. vegetable crops (vegetables)

If, Other Specify

32. If grain culture, specify

1. Rice 3. Mil 2. Corn 4. Other

If, Other Specify

60 The results of the exploitation of speculation Total annual production for the No. of cycles of speculation (Tonnes) Yield (t/ha) Unit Price (tonne) production

61 Mil





106. Do you currently use of energy?

1. Yes 2. NON

107. If yes, what is the source of energy?

1. SENELEC Network 4. Gas 7. Wind Turbine 2. GE 5. Hybrid source (GE + solar) 8. Other 6. Hybrid source (SENELEC + GE + 3. Solar PV solar)

If, Other Specify

109. If GE give the power?

110. If GE give the number of operating hours per day?

111. Solar if give the installed power (WC)

112. Give the total number of battery

113. Give the total number of battery in series

114. Give the total number of battery in parallel

115. date of installation if it is solar

116. Energy consumed (kWh) if it is Network

Watch the invoices of electrics


117. What is the cost of energy if it is Network

118. If it is gas What is the quantity used per cycle of production?


Number of bottles * unitary capacity in kg of a bottle Energie - Preparation of the Field: WORKING THE SOIL 119. What is the overall cost of the investment system?

120. Do you use of gear gear agriculture?

1. Yes 2. NON

121. If, Yes What is the power of the tractor (CV)?

122. If yes what is the number of hours of use by HA?

Energy: seedling and Operation Seedling and transplanting 123. Do you use motorized gear?

1. Yes 2. NON

124. If yes, which

1. Tractor 2. Rotary Hoe 3. Other


Power - # of hour

Power (CV) Number of Hours (per ha)


Energie: maintenance of cultures 130. Do you use of the energy for the maintenance of cultures

1. Yes 2. NON

131. If YES please specify for what phase?

1. Watering 3. Desherbage 2. Fertilization 4. Plant health

Energie: pump of the water 133. What is the source of the water supply for the phase culture?

1. River 4. Séanes 7. Rain 2. Drilling 5. SDE 3. Wells 6. The course of water

132. What type irrigation

1. Has the Raie 4. Just taste to just taste 2. Watering cans 5. Sprinkling 3. Flooding

134. Indicate the daily need of water to the exploitation (m3)

135. Do you have to pump?

1. Yes 2. Non

136. If yes what is the brand?

138. What the source of power for the pump

1. Senelec Network 4. Wind Turbine 2. GE 5. Other 3. Solar PV

If other specify 137. What is the country of origin?

66 Characteristics of the pumps

67 Number of Hours of Power of the pump Flow rate of the pump HMT (meters) Operation

Pum p 1 Pum p 2 If the pump is powered by a GE Specify the quantity of fuel per day? 148.

Energy: Harvest 149. Do you use of the machinery for the harvesting?

1. Yes 2. Non

If yes, give the characteristics of machines Number of hours of Power operation per ha Quantity of fuel per ha

Machine 1

Machine 2

156. What are your energy costs for the crop?


Con servation 157. Holidays you conservation?

1. Yes 2. Non

158. If yes what type equipment energy used?

Characteristic of the equipment for the Conservation

The operating time per Power cycle Quantity of fuel if GE by cycle

Accessory 2

165. What is the energy capacity installed in KW?

166. What are your energy costs for the conservation?

167. Holidays you of the transformation?

1. Yes 2. Non

168. If yes what are energy equipment used for the transformation?

Characteristic of the equipment for the transformation

The operating time per Power cycle Quantity of fuel if GE by cycle


Accessory 2

175. If it is processing what form?

1. Industrial 2. Semi-industrial

176. If it is processing what type?

1. Hulling 3. Cannery 2. Drying 4. Other

If Other, please specify


178. What are your energy costs for the transformation?