PLOTINUS AND THE PLATONIC METAPHYSICAL HIERARCHY G.S. BOWE Global Scholarly Publications New York, New York 2003 Published by Global Scholarly Publications Copyright © 2004 by G5. Bowe All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be dupli cated in any way without the expressed written consent of the publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for review purposes. Typeface: Garamond. Greek Typeface: Athenian Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data G.S. Bowe, 1969- Plotinus and the Platonic Metaphysical Hierarchy / G.S. Bowe. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-9724918-4-8 1. Plotinus - Metaphysics. 2. Aristotle -- Metaphysics. 3. Plato - Metaphysics. 4. Greek Philosophy. I. Title Distributed by Global Scholarly Publications 220 Madison Avenue, Suite llG New York, New York 10016
[email protected] Phone: (212) 679-6410 Fax: (212) 679-6424 For my buddy jlknur CONTENTS ACKl'lOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION iii CHAPTER I - THE PLATONIC METAPHYSICAL HIERARCHY CHAPTER II - iVIElliEXlS !li'lD THE PRINCIPLES OF EMj\NATION 33 t Positive Production 37 2. Non Convertibility 44 3. Indexed Unity 47 4. The Priority of the Simple 49 CHAPTER HI - PLOTINUS' RESPONSE TO ARISTOTLE'S UNMOVED MOVER 57 1. The Unmoved Mover as Substance 58 2. The Unmoved Mover as NolIS 69 CHAPTER IV - THE DIDASKAlJKOS AND NUMENIUS 87 1. The Didaskalikos 88 2. Numenius of Apamea 96 CHAPTER V - THE ONE OF PLOTINUS 105 CHAPTER VI - ErvlANATION AND THE SOUL 131 BIBLIOGRAPHY 155 INDEX 163 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I should thank a number of people who helped me do this.