Lecture I 1

Lecture I: Collective Excitations: From Particles to Fields Free Theory:

The aim of this course is to develop the machinery to explore the properties of quantum systems with very large or infinite numbers of degrees of freedom. To represent such systems it is convenient to abandon the language of individual elementary particles and speak about quantum fields. In this lecture, we will consider the simplest physical example of a free or non-interacting many-particle theory which will exemplify the language of classical and quantum fields. Our starting point is a toy model of a mechanical system describing a classical chain of atoms coupled by springs.

. Discrete elastic chain

RI-1 φ I M ks

(I-1)a Ia (I+1)a

Equilibrium positionx ¯n na; natural length a; spring constant ks ≡ Goal: to construct and quantise a classical field theory for the collective (longitundinal) vibrational modes of the chain

. Discrete Classical Lagrangian:

k.e. p.e. in spring N z }| { z }| { X  m 2 ks 2  L = T V = x˙ (xn+1 xn a) − 2 n − 2 − − n=1

assume periodic boundary conditions (p.b.c.) xN+1 = Na + x1 (and setx ˙ n ∂txn) ≡

Using displacement from equilibrium φn = xn x¯n − N   X m ˙2 ks 2 L = φ (φn+1 φn) , p.b.c : φN+1 φ1 2 n − 2 − ≡ n=1 In principle, one can obtain exact solution of discrete equation of motion — see PS I

However, typically, one is not concerned with behaviour on ‘atomic’ scales:

1. for such purposes, modelling is too primitive! viz. anharmonic contributions

2. such properties are in any case ‘non-universal’

Aim here is to describe low-energy collective behaviour — generic, i.e. universal

In this case, it is often permissible to neglect the discreteness of the microscopic entities of the system and to describe it in terms of effective continuum degrees of freedom.

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture I 2

. Continuum Lagrangian

Describe φn as a smooth function φ(x) of a continuous variable x; makes sense if φn+1 φn a (i.e. gradients small) −  Z L=Na 1/2 3/2 X 1 φn a φ(x) , φn+1 φn a ∂xφ(x) , dx a → x=na − → x=na n −→ 0

N.B. [φ(x)] = L1/2

φ(x) φI


Lagrangian functional Lagrangian density z }| { Z L z }| 2 { m 2 ksa 2 L[φ] = dx (φ, ∂xφ, φ˙), (φ, ∂xφ, φ˙) = φ˙ (∂xφ) 0 L L 2 − 2 . Classical

Z Z Z L S[φ] = dt L[φ] = dt dx (φ, ∂xφ, φ˙) 0 L

N-point particle degrees of freedom continuous classical field φ(x) • 7→ Dynamics of φ(x) specified by functionals L[φ] and S[φ] • What are the corresponding equations of motion...? ——————————————–

. Hamilton’s Extremal Principle: (Revision) Z Suppose classical point particle x(t) described by action S[x] = dt L(x, x˙)

Configurations x(t) that are realised are those that extremise the action

i.e. for any smooth function η(t), the “variation”, 1 δS[x] lim→0 (S[x + η] S[x]) = 0 is stationary ≡  − ; Euler-Lagrange equations of motion Z t Z t 2 S[x + η] = dt L(x + η, x˙ + η˙) = dt (L(x, x˙) + η∂xL + η∂˙ x˙ L) + O( ) 0 0 = 0 z }| { Z by parts Z  d  δS[x] = dt (η∂xL +η∂ ˙ x˙ L) = dt ∂xL (∂x˙ L) η = 0 − dt

t Note: boundary term, η∂x˙ L vanishes by construction |0 Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture I 3

"#(x,t) ! !(x,t) x


. Generalisation to continuum field x φ(x)? 7→ Apply same extremal principle: φ(x, t) φ(x, t) + η(x, t) with7→ both φ and η periodic in x, i.e. φ(x + L) = φ(x) Z t Z L  2  2 S[φ + η] = S[φ] +  dt dx mφ˙η˙ ksa ∂xφ∂xη + O( ). 0 0 − t L Integrating by parts boundary terms vanish by construction: ηφ˙ = 0 = η∂xφ |0 |0 Z t Z L  ¨ 2 2  δS = dt dx mφ ksa ∂xφ η = 0 − 0 0 − 2 2 2 Since η(x, t) is an arbitrary smooth function, m∂t ksa ∂x φ = 0, i.e.− φ(x, t) obeys classical wave equation

General solutions of the form: φ+(x + vt) + φ−(x vt) p − where v = a ks/m is sound wave velocity and φ± are arbitrary smooth functions

φ+ x=νt x=-νt φ–

. Comments Low-energy collective excitations – phonons – are lattice vibrations • propagating as sound waves at constant velocity v

Trivial behaviour of model is consequence of simplistic definition: • Lagrangian is quadratic in fields linear equation of motion 7→ Higher order gradients in expansion (i.e. (∂2φ)2) dispersion 7→ Higher order terms in potential (i.e. interactions) dissipation 7→

L is said to be a ‘free (i.e. non-interacting) scalar (i.e. one-component) field theory’ •

In higher dimensions, field has vector components transverse and longintudinal modes • 7→

Variational principle is example of functional analysis – useful (but not essential method for this course) – see lecture notes

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture II 4

Lecture II: Collective Excitations: From Particles to Fields

Quantising the Classical Field

Having established that the low energy properties of the atomic chain are represented by a free scalar classical field theory, we now turn to the formulation of the quantum system.

. Canonical Quantisation procedure

Recall point particle mechanics:

1. Define canonical momentum, p = ∂x˙ L 2. Construct Hamiltonian, H = px˙ L(p, x) − 3. Promote position and momentum to operators with canonical commutation relations

x x,ˆ p p,ˆ [ˆp, xˆ] = i~,H Hˆ 7→ 7→ − 7→ Natural generalisation to continuous field:

∂ 2 1. Canonical momentum, π(x) L , i.e. applied to chain, π = ∂ ˙ (mφ˙ /2) = mφ˙ ≡ ∂φ˙(x) φ 2. Classical Hamiltonian Hamiltonian density (φ, π) H Z z }| { 2 h i 1 2 ksa 2 H[φ, π] dx πφ˙ (∂xφ, φ˙) , i.e. (φ, π) = π + (∂xφ) ≡ − L H 2m 2

3. Canonical Quantisation

(a) promote φ(x) and π(x) to operators: φ φˆ, π πˆ 7→ 7→ 0 0 (b) generalise commutation relations, [ˆπ(x), φˆ(x )] = i~δ(x x ) −N.B. [δ(−x x0)] = [Length]−1 (Ex.) − Operator-valued functions φˆ andπ ˆ referred to as quantum fields

Hˆ represents a quantum field theoretical formulation of elastic chain, but not yet a solution.

As with any function, φˆ(x) andπ ˆ(x) can be expressed as Fourier expansion:

 φˆ(x) 1 X  ˆ  ˆ 1 Z L=Na  φˆ(x) = e±ikx φk , φk dx e∓ikx πˆ(x) L1/2 πˆ πˆ ≡ L1/2 πˆ(x) k k k 0 P ˆ runs over all discrete wavevectors k = 2πm/L, m , Ex: confirm [ˆπk, φk0 ] = i~δkk0 k ∈ Z − Advice: Maintain strict conventions(!) — we will pass freely between real and Fourier space.

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture II 5

ˆ† ˆ ˆ† ˆ Hermiticity: φ (x) = φ(x), implies φk = φ−k (similarlyπ ˆ). Using

δk+k0,0 z }| { Z L Z L 2 X 0 1 i(k+k0)x X 2 dx (∂φˆ) = (ikφˆ )(ik φˆ 0 ) dx e = k φˆ φˆ k k L k −k 0 k,k0 0 k

2 mωk/2 z }|2 { X h 1 ksa 2 ˆ ˆ i 1/2 Hˆ = πˆkπˆ−k+ k φkφ−k , ωk = v k , v = a(ks/m) 2m 2 | | k i.e. ‘modes k’ decoupled Comments:

Hˆ describes low-energy excitations of system (waves) • in terms of microscopic constituents (atoms)

However, it would be more desirable to develop picture where • relevant excitations appear as fundamental units:

. Quantum Harmonic Oscillator (Revisited)

pˆ2 1 Hˆ = + mω2qˆ2 2m 2 Defining ladder operators r   r     mω i † mω i † 1 aˆ xˆ + pˆ , aˆ xˆ pˆ ; Hˆ = ~ω aˆ aˆ + ≡ 2~ mω ≡ 2~ − mω 2

If we find state 0 s.t.a ˆ 0 = 0 ; Hˆ 0 = ~ω 0 , i.e. 0 is g.s. | i | i | i 2 | i | i Using commutation relations [ˆa, aˆ†] = 1, one may then show n aˆ†n 0 | i ≡ | i 1 is eigenstate with eigenvalue ~ω(n + 2 )


Comments: Although single-particle, a-representation suggests many-particle interpretation

0 represents ‘vacuum’, i.e. state with no particles •| i † aˆ 0 represents state with single particle of energy ~ω • | i aˆ†n 0 is n-body state, i.e. operatora ˆ† creates particles • | i Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture II 6

† 1 † In ‘diagonal’ form Hˆ = ~ω(ˆa aˆ + ) simply counts particles (viz.a ˆ aˆ n = n n ) • 2 | i | i and assigns an energy ~ω to each

. Returning to harmonic chain, consider r   r   mωk ˆ i † mωk ˆ i ak φk + πˆ−k , ak φ−k πˆk ≡ 2~ mωk ≡ 2~ − mωk N.B. By convention, drop hat from operators a i~δkk0 z − }| { † i  ˆ ˆ  with [ak, ak0 ] = [ˆπ−k, φ−k0 ] [φk, πˆk0 ] = δkk0 2~ − . And obtain (Ex. - PS I)

X  1 Hˆ = ω a† a + ~ k k k 2 k

Elementary collective excitations of quantum chain (phonons) † created/annihilated by operators ak and ak

Spectrum of excitations is linear ωk = v k (cf. relativistic) | |


Low-energy excitations of discrete model involve slowly varying collective modes; • i.e. each mode involves many atoms;

Low-energy (k 0) long-wavelength excitations, • → 7→ i.e. universal, insensitive to microscopic detail;

Allows many different systems to be mapped onto a few classical field theories; • Canonical quantisation procedure for point mechanics generalises to quantum field theory; • Simplest model actions (such as the one considered here) are quadratic in fields • – known as free field theory;

More generally, interactions ; non-linear equations of motion viz. interacting QFTs. • Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture II 7

. Other examples? †Quantum Electrodynamics

EM field — specified by 4-vector potential A(x) = (φ(x), A(x)) (c = 1)

Z 4 1 µν Classical action : S[A] = d x (A), = FµνF L L −4

Fµν = ∂µAν ∂νAµ — EM field tensor − Classical equation of motion:

Euler Lagrange eqns. Maxwell0s eqns. z − }| { β ∂ z αβ}| { ∂Aα ∂ L = 0 ∂αF = 0 L − ∂(∂βAα) 7→ Quantisation of classical field theory identifies elementary excitations: photons

for more details, see handout, or go to QFT!

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture III 8

Lecture III: Second Quantisation

We have seen how the elementary excitations of the quantum chain can be presented in terms of new elementary quasi-particles by the ladder operator formalism. Can this approach be generalised to accommodate other many-body systems? The answer is provided by the method of second quantisation — an essential tool for the development of interacting many-body field theories. The first part of this section is devoted largely to formalism – the second part to applications aimed at developing fluency. Reference: see, e.g., Feynman’s book on “Statistical Mechanics”

. Notations and Definitions

Starting with single-particle Schrodinger equation,

Hˆ ψλ = λ ψλ | i | i how can one construct many-body wavefunction?

!λ nλ nλ 0 0 !4 1 1 !3 1 1 !2 3 1 !1 5 1 !0 fermions

Particle indistinguishability demands symmetrisation: e.g. two-particle wavefunction for fermions i.e. particle 1 in state 1, particle 2... state 1, particle 1 1 z }| { ψF (x1, x2) (ψ1(x1) ψ2(x2) ψ2(x1)ψ1(x2)) ≡ √2 − 1 In Dirac notation: 1, 2 F ( ψ1 ψ2 ψ2 ψ1 ) | i ≡ √2 | i ⊗ | i − | i ⊗ | i N.B. denotes outer product of state vectors ⊗ . General normalised, symmetrised, N-particle wavefunction of bosons (ζ = +1) or fermions (ζ = 1) −

1 X P λ1, λ2, . . . λN ζ ψλ ψλ ... ψλ | i ≡ p Q∞ | P1 i ⊗ | P2 i ⊗ | PN i N! λ=0 nλ! P

nλ — no. of particles in state λ; (for fermions, Pauli exclusion: nλ = 0, 1) •

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture III 9

P P : Summation over N! permutations of λ1, . . . λN • {required by} particle indistinguishability — no. of transpositions of two elements which brings permutation • P ( 1, 2, N ) back to ordered sequence (1, 2, N) P P ···P ··· In particular, for fermions, x1, . . . xN λ1, . . . λN is Slater determinant, det ψi(xj) h | i Evidently, “first quantised” representation looks clumsy! motivates alternative representation... . Second quantisation

† Define vacuum state: Ω , and set of field operators aλ and adjoints a — no hats! | i λ N 1 Y † aλ Ω = 0, a Ω = λ1, λ2, . . . λN pQ∞ λi | i λ=0 nλ! i=1 | i | i cf. ladder operators for phonons N.B. ambiguity of ordering? Field operators fulfil commutation relations for bosons (fermions)

† † † [aλ, aµ]−ζ = δλµ, [aλ, aµ]−ζ = [aλ, aµ]−ζ = 0

where [A,ˆ Bˆ]−ζ AˆBˆ ζBˆAˆ is the commutator (anti-commutator) ≡ − † Operator a creates particle in state λ, and aλ annihilates it • λ Commutation relations imply Pauli exclusion for fermions: a† a† = 0 • λ λ Any N-particle wavefunction can be generated by application of set of • N operators to a unique vacuum state e.g. 1, 2 = a†a† Ω | i 2 1| i of wavefunction under particle interchange maintained by • commutation relations of field operators e.g. 1, 2 = a†a† Ω = ζa†a† Ω = ζ 2, 1 | i 2 1| i 1 2| i | i (Providing one maintains a consistent ordering convention, the nature of that convention doesn’t matter)

a a a ... 2 1 0 F F F 0 a+ a+

. Fock space: Defining N to be linear span of all N-particle states λ1, . . . λN , F | i ∞ Fock space is defined as ‘direct sum’ N F ⊕N=0F † operators a and a connect different subspaces N F Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture III 10

General state φ of the Fock space is linear combination of states • | i with any no. of particles Note that vacuum Ω (sometimes written as 0 ) is distinct from zero! • | i | i . Change of basis: † † a˜ Ω λ| i aλ Ω z}|{ X z}|{| i Using resolution of identity 1 P λ λ , we have λ˜ = λ λ λ˜ ≡ λ | ih | | i | i h | i λ

† X † X i.e. a = λ λ˜ a , and a˜ = λ˜ λ aλ λ˜ h | i λ λ h | i λ λ

e.g. Fourier representation: aλ ak, a˜ a(x) ≡ λ ≡ eikx/√L Z L X z }| { 1 −ikx a(x) = x k ak, ak = dx e a(x) h | i √ k L 0

† . Occupation number operator:n ˆλ = aλaλ measures no. of particles in state λ e.g. (bosons)

† 1 + aλaλ † † n † z}|†{ † n−1 † n † 2 † n−1 † n a aλ(a ) Ω = a aλa (a ) Ω = (a ) Ω + (a ) aλ(a ) Ω = = n(a ) Ω λ λ | i λ λ λ | i λ | i λ λ | i ··· λ | i Ex: check for fermions So far we have developed an operator-based formulation of many-body states. However, for this representation to be useful, we have to understand how the action of first quantised operators on many-particle states can be formulated within the framework of the second quantisation. To do so, it is natural to look for a formulation in the diagonal basis and recall the action of the particle number operator. To begin, let us consider...

Second Quantised Representation of Operators

. One-body operators: i.e. operators which address only one particle at a time

N N 2 X X pˆn ˆ1 = oˆn, e.g. k.e. Tˆ = O 2m n=1 n=1 P∞ Supposeo ˆ diagonal in orthonormal basis λ , i.e.o ˆ = λ=0 λ oλ λ , oλ = λ oˆ λ | i | i h | h | | i 2 e.g. k.e., λ p and op = p /2m | i ≡ | i N ! 0 0 X 0 0 λ , λ ˆ1 λ1, λN = oλ λ , λ λ1, λN h 1 ··· N |O | ··· i i h 1 ··· N | ··· i i=1 ∞ 0 0 X = λ , λ oλnˆλ λ1, λN , h 1 ··· N | | ··· i λ=0

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture III 11

∞ ∞ X X † Since this holds for any basis state, ˆ1 = oλnˆλ = oλa aλ O λ λ=0 λ=0

i.e. in diagonal representation, simply count number of particles in state λ and multipy by corresponding eigenvalue of one-body operator P Transforming to general basis (recall aλ = λ ν aν) νh | i

X † X † ˆ1 = µ λ oλ λ ν a aν = µ oˆ ν a a O h | i h | i µ h | | i µ ν λµν µν

i.e. ˆ1 scatters particle from state ν to µ with probability amplitude µ oˆ ν O h | | i . Examples of one-body operators:

ˆ R † P † 1. Total number operator: N = dx a (x)a(x) = k akak ˆ P † ˆ 1 2. Electron spin operator: S = αβ Sαβaαaβ, Sαβ = α S β = 2 σαβ where α =h , | ,| andi σ are Pauli spin matrices ↑ ↓     1 0 z 1 0 1 + † σz = Sˆ = (ˆn↑ nˆ↓), σ+ = σx + iσy = Sˆ = a a↓ 0 1 7→ 2 − 0 0 7→ ↑ − 3. Free particle Hamiltonian

2 Z L 2 2 X p † Ex. † ( ~ ∂x) a a = dx a (x) − a(x) 2m p p 2m p 0

Z L  2  ˆ ˆ ˆ † pˆ i.e. H = T + V = dx a (x) + V (x) a(x) wherep ˆ = i~∂x 0 2m −

. Two-body operators: i.e. operators which address two-particles

E.g. symmetric pairwise interaction: V (x, x0) V (x0, x) (such as Coulomb) acting between two-particle≡ states N.B. 1/2 for double counting

1 Z Z Vˆ = dx dx0 x, x0 V (x, x0) x, x0 2 | i h | When acting on N-body states,

N 1 X Vˆ x1, x2, xN = V (xn, xm) x1, x2, xN | ··· i 2 | ··· i n6=m

In second quantised form, it is straightforward to show that (Ex.)

1 Z Z Vˆ = dx dx0 a†(x)a†(x0)V (x, x0)a(x0)a(x) 2

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture III 12 i.e. annihilation operators check for presence of particles at x and x’ – if they exist, asign the potential energy and then recreate particles in correct order (viz. statistics)

1 Z Z N.B. dx dx0 V (x, x0)ˆn(x)ˆn(x0) does not reproduce the two-body operator 2

. In non-diagonal basis

ˆ X † † 0 ˆ 0 2 = µ,µ0,λ,λ0 a 0 a a a 0 , µ,µ0,λ,λ0 µ, µ 2 λ, λ O O µ µ λ λ O ≡ h |O | i λλ0µµ0

1 X e.g. in Fourier basis: a†(x) = eikxa† can show that (Ex.) L1/2 k k Z 1 0 † † 0 0 0 X † † dxdx a (x)a (x )V (x x )a(x )a(x) = V (q)a a ak +qak −q 2 − k1 k2 2 1 k1,k2,q

k’,σ’ k,σ V(q)

k’+q,σ’ k–q,σ :

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IV 13

Lecture IV: Applications of Second Quantisation

1. Phonons: oscillator states k form a Fock space: for each mode k, arbitrary| i state of excitation can be created from vacuum

† † k = a Ω , ak Ω = 0, [ak, a 0 ] = δkk0 | i k| i | i k ˆ P † Hamiltonian, H = k ~ωk(akak + 1/2) is diagonal: † † ˆ k1, k2, ... = ak ak Ω is eigenstate of H with energy ~ωk1 + ~ωk2 + | i 1 2 · · · | i ···

2. Interacting Electron Gas

(i) Free-electron Hamiltonian

Z  2  (0) X † pˆ † 0 0 Hˆ = dx c (x) + V (x) cσ(x), [cσ(x), c 0 (x )] = δ(x x )δσ,σ0 σ 2m σ − σ=↑,↓

(ii) Interacting electron gas:

Z Z 2 (0) 1 0 X † † 0 e 0 Hˆ = Hˆ + dx dx c (x)c 0 (x ) c 0 (x )c (x) 2 σ σ x x0 σ σ σσ0 | − | . Comments:

. Hamiltonian is example of ‘free field theory’: involves field operators at only quadratic order... . (whereas) electron Hamiltonian is typical of an interacting field theory and is infinitely harder to analyze...

To familiarise ourselves with second quantisation, in the remainder of this and the next lecture, we will explore several case studies: ‘Atomic limit’ of strongly interacting elec- tron gas: electron crystallisation and Mott transition; Quantum magnetism; and weakly interacting Bose gas

Tight-binding and the Mott transition

According to band picture of non-interacting electrons, a 1/2-filled band of states is metallic. But strong Coulomb interaction of electrons can effect a transition to a crystalline phase in which electrons condense into an insulating magnetic state – Mott transition. We will employ the second quantisation to explore the basis of this phenomenon.

. ‘Atomic Limit’ of crystal

How do atomic orbitals broaden into band states? Show transparencies

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IV 14

E E " s=1 ! 1B 1 " "1 1A

! s=0 0 "0A "0 x "0B V(x)

!/ a E E

x 0 k a (n!1)a na (n+1)a

Weak overlap of tightly bound orbital states narrow band of Bloch states ψks , specified by band index7→ s, k [ π/a, π/a] in first Brillouin| i zone. ∈ − Bloch states can be used to define ‘Wannier basis’, cf. discrete Fourier decomposition

B.Z. N 1 X −ikna 1 X ikna 2π ψns e ψks , ψks e ψns , k = m | i ≡ √N | i | i ≡ √N | i Na k∈[−π/a,π/a] n=1



(n!1)a na (n+1)a

In ‘atomic limit’, Wannier states ψns mirror atomic orbital s on site n | i | i † † cns Ω c (x) Ω ψns(x) z }|| {i Z z}|{| iz }| { Field operators associated with Wannier basis: ψns = dx x x ψns | i | i h | i Z † † c dx ψns(x)c (x) ns ≡

P ∗ 0 0 and using completeness ψ (x )ψns(x) = δ(x x ) ns ns − † X ∗ † † c (x) = ψns(x)cns, [cns, cn0s0 ]+ = δnn0 δss0 ns

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IV 15

† i.e. (if we include spin index σ) operators cnsσ/cnsσ create/annihilate electrons at site n in band s with spin σ

. In atomic limit, bands are well-separated in energy. If electron densities are low, we may focus on lowest band s = 0.

Transforming to Wannier basis, X Z  pˆ2  Hˆ = dx c† (x) + V (x) c (x) σ 2m σ σ=↑,↓ Z Z 1 0 X † † 0 0 0 + dx dx c (x)c 0 (x )V (x x )c 0 (x )c (x) 2 σ σ − σ σ σσ0 X † X † † = tmncmσcnσ + Umnrscmσcnσ0 crσ0 csσ0 mn,σ mnrs,σσ0

pˆ2 ∗ where “hopping” matrix elements tmn = ψm [ 2m + V (x)] ψn = tnm and “interaction pa- rameters” h | | i 1 Z Z e2 U = dx dx0ψ∗ (x)ψ∗(x0) ψ (x0)ψ (x) mnrs 2 m n x x0 r s | − | (For lowest band) representation is exact: but, in atomic limit, matrix elements decay exponentially with lattice separation

(i) “Tight-binding” approximation: (  m = n (0) X † X  †  tmn = t mn neighbours , Hˆ  c cnσ t c cnσ + h.c. − ' nσ − n+1σ 0 otherwise nσ nσ B.Z. 1 X In discrete Fourier basis: c† = e−iknac† nσ √N kσ k∈[−π/a,π/a]

δkk0 N z }| { X  †  X 1 X −i(k−k0)na −ika † X † t c cnσ + h.c. = t e e c ck0σ + h.c. = 2t cos(ka) c ckσ − n+1σ − N kσ − kσ nσ kk0σ n kσ

(0) X † Hˆ = ( 2t cos ka)c ckσ − kσ kσ


- /a /a k


As expected, as k 0, spectrum becomes free electron-like: → 2 ∗ 2 2 k  2t + t(ka) + (with m = ~ /2a t) (ii) Interaction → − ···

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IV 16

Focusing on lattice sites m = n: • 6 P 1. Direct terms Umnnm Vmn — couple to density fluctuations: m6=n Vmnnˆmnˆn ≡ ; potential for charge density wave instabilities F 2. Exchange coupling J Umnmn (Ex. – see handout) mn ≡   X † † X F ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ 1 † Umnmnc c 0 c 0 c = 2 J Sm Sn + nˆmnˆn , Sm = c σαβcmβ mσ nσ mσ nσ − mn · 4 2 mα m6=n,σσ0 m6=n

i.e. weak ferromagnetic coupling (JF > 0) cf. Hund’s rule in atoms spin alignment symmetric spin state and asymmetric spatial state lowers p.e. 7→

F But, in atomic limit, both Vmn and J exponentially small in separation m n a mn | − | ‘On-site’ Coulomb or ‘Hubbard’ interaction • X † † X Unnnnc c 0 c 0 c = U nˆn↑nˆn↓,U 2Unnnn nσ nσ nσ nσ ≡ nσσ0 n

. Minimal model for strong interaction: Mott-Hubbard Hamiltonian

ˆ X † X H = t (cn+1σcnσ + h.c.) + U nˆn↑nˆn↓ − nσ n

...could have been guessed on phenomenological grounds

Transparencies on Mott-Insulators and the Magnetic State

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture V 17

Lecture V: Quantum Magnetism and the Ferromagnetic Chain

N 12 . Spin S Quantum Heisenberg Magnet spin analogue of discrete harmonic chain

N X Hˆ = J Sˆm Sˆm+1 p.b.c. Sˆn+N = Sˆn − m=1 ·

Sign of exchange constant J depends on material parameters c.f. previous lecture.

Our aim is to uncover ground states and nature of low-energy (collective) excitations.

. Classical ground states

Ferromagnet: all spins aligned along a given (arbitrary) direction • manifold of continuous degeneracy (cf. crystal) ⇒ Antiferromagnet: N´eelstate – (where possible) all neighbouring spins antiparallel • . Quantum ground states:

1 (Sˆ+Sˆ− + Sˆ−Sˆ+ ) 2 m m+1 m m+1 h z }| { i ˆ X ˆz ˆz ˆx ˆx ˆy ˆy H = J SmSm+1+ SmSm+1 + SmSm+1 − m

where Sˆ± = Sˆx iSˆy denotes spin raising/lowering operator ± Ferromagnet: as classical, e.g. g.s. = N Sz = S • | i ⊗m=1| m i No spin dynamics in g.s. , i.e. no zero-point energy! (cf. phonons) | i P ˆ− Manifold of degeneracy explored by action of total spin lowering operator m Sm ˆ+ ˆ− Antiferromagnet: spin exchange interaction (viz. SmSm+1) ; zero point fluctuations • which, depending on dimensionality, may or may not destroy ordered ground state

.Elementary excitations

Development of ordered state breaks continuous spin rotation symmetry ; low-energy collective excitations (spin waves or magnons) – cf. phonons in a crystal

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture V 18

Example of general principle known as Goldstone’s theorem: Breaking of a continuous symmetry accompanied by appearance of gapless excitations

However, as with lattice vibrations, ‘general theory’ is nonlinear. Fortunately, low-energy excitations described by free theory

To see this, for large spin S, it is helpful to switch to representation in which spin deviations are parameterised as bosons:

Sz = S n = 0 |Sz = Si1 |n = 1i .| − i. | i . . Sz = S n = 2S | − i | i i.e. a maximum of n bosons per lattice site (“softcore” constraint)

For ferromagnet with spins oriented along z-axis, the g.s. coincides with vacuum g.s. Ω , i.e. am Ω = 0 | i ≡ | i | i Mapping useful when spin wave excitation involves n 2S  . Mapping of operators:

(Setting ~ = 1) operators obey quantum spin algebra [Sˆα, Sˆβ] = iαβγSˆγ ; [Sˆ+, Sˆ−] = 2Sˆz, [Sˆz, Sˆ±] = Sˆ± ± cf. bosons: [a, a†] = 1 According to mapping, Sˆz = S a†a; therefore,− to leading order in S 1 (spin-wave approximation),  Sˆ− (2S)1/2a†, Sˆ+ (2S)1/2a ' ' In fact, exact mapping provided by Holstein-Primakoff transformation (Ex.)

1/2 Sˆ− = a† 2S a†a , Sˆ+ = (Sˆ−)†, Sˆz = S a†a − −

. Applied to ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin S chain, ‘spin-wave’ approximation:

N X  1  Hˆ = J Sˆz Sˆz + (Sˆ+Sˆ− + Sˆ−Sˆ+ ) m m+1 2 m m+1 m m+1 − m=1 X n 2 † † † † 0 o = J S S(amam am+1am+1) + S(amam+1 + amam+1) + O(S ) − m − − X  2 † †  0 = J S 2Samam + S amam+1 + h.c. + O(S ) − m −

with p.b.c. Sˆm+N = Sˆm and am+N = am

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture V 19

To leading order in S, Hamiltionian is bilinear in Bose operators; diagonalised by discrete (Ex.)

eikn/√N B.Z. † X z }| { † † 1 X −ikn † † a = n k a , a = e a , [a , a 0 ] = δkk0 k h | i n n √ k k k n N k Noting

δkk0 z }| { X † X 1 X −i(k−k0)m −ika † X † (a a + h.c.) = e e a a 0 + h.c. = cos k a a m m+1 N k k k k m kk0 m k

B.Z. 2 X † 0 2 Hˆ = JNS + ωka a + O(S ), where ωk = 2JS(1 cos k) = 4JS sin (k/2) − k k − k At low energy (k 0), spin waves have free particle-like spectrum → Terms of higher order in S ; spin-wave interactions

N 1 2 . Spin S Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

N X Hˆ = J Sˆm Sˆm+1, J > 0, p.b.c. Sˆm+N = Sˆm m=1 ·

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture V 20

Classical (N´eel)ground state no longer an eigenstate; nevertheless, it serves as useful reference for spin-wave expansion In this case, useful to rotate spins on one sublattice, say B, through 180o about x, i.e. Sˆx Sˆx , Sˆy Sˆy , Sˆz Sˆz B 7−→ B B 7−→ − B B 7−→ − B Transformation is said to be canonical in that it respects spin commutation relations Under mapping Sˆ± Sˆ∓ B 7−→ B X  1  Hˆ = J Sˆz Sˆz (Sˆ+Sˆ+ + Sˆ−Sˆ− ) m m+1 2 m m+1 m m+1 − m − In rotated frame, classical ground state is ferromagnetic ˆ− ˆ− but SmSm+1 ; zero-point fluctuations (ZPF) ˆz † ˆ− 1/2 † Applying spin wave approximation: Sm = S amam, Sm (2S) am, etc. h − ' i ˆ 2 X † † † † 0 H = NJS + JS amam + am+1am+1 + amam+1 + amam+1 + O(S ) − m ; processes that do not conserve particle number! (ZPF) 1 P ikm Turning to Fourier representation: am = N 1/2 k e ak, etc., and using

δ 0 k+k ,0 γ = cos k z }| { k N N z }| { X X 1 X i(k+k0)m ik X ik X 1 ik −ik amam+1 = e e ak0 ak = a−kake a−kak (e + e ) N ≡ 2 m=1 kk0 m=1 k k

† aka 1 k − 2 X † z}|† { † † Hˆ = NJS + JS [a ak+ a ak +γk(a−kak + a a )] − k k k −k k     X † 1 γk ak 0 = NJS(S + 1) + JS ( ak a−k ) † + O(S ) − γk 1 a k −k To diagonalise Hˆ , we must implement only operator transformations that preserve canonical commutation relations:  a  i.e. setting A = k (k index suppressed), we must implement transformations a† −k   † † 1 0 A Ae = LA such that [Aei, Ae ] = [Ai,A ] = gij, with g = 7→ j j 0 1 − Consider operator transformation A Ae = LA; we require 7→ † ! ∗ † † [Aei, Aej] = gij = LimLnj[Am,An] = (L g L )ij i.e. L belongs to the group of Lorentz transformations. For real elements,  cosh θ sinh θ  L = k k Bogoliubov transformations sinh θk cosh θk

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VI 21

Lecture VI: Bogoliubov Theory

Inverse transformation       −1 ak cosh θk sinh θk αk A = L Ae , † = − † a sinh θk cosh θk α −k − −k Applied to Hamiltonian,  1 γ   1 γ  A† k A = Ae †L−1 k L−1Ae γk 1 γk 1  cosh(2θ ) γ sinh(2θ ) γ cosh(2θ ) sinh(2θ )  = A† k k k k k k A e as− “12” as “11”− e

if tanh(2θk) = γk, off-diagonal elements vanish. 1 1 With cosh(2θk) = = (1 tanh2(2θ ))1/2 (1 γ2)1/2 k − k − diagonal elements given by (1 γ2)1/2 = sin k , i.e. − k | | X  † †  0 Hˆ = NJS(S + 1) + JS sin k α αk + α−kα + O(S ) − | | k −k k X  1 = NJS(S + 1) + 2JS sin k α† α + + O(S0) − | | k k 2 k

Ground state defined by αk g.s and spectrum of excitations| i are linear (i.e. relativistic), (cf. phonons, photons, etc.)


. Do ZPF destroy long-range order? Referring to sublattice magnetisation

1 X n z 1 X † g.s. ( 1) Sˆ g.s. = S g.s. a ak g.s. h |N − n| i − h |N k | i n k 1 X † † = S g.s. ( sinh θkα−k + cosh θkα )(cosh θkαk sinh θkα ) g.s. − N h | − k − −k | i k Z d Z 1/a 1 X 2 d k 1  2 −1/2  d−1 1 = S sinh θk = S (1 γ ) 1 k dk − N − (2π)d 2 − k − ∼ k k 0

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VI 22

i.e. quantum fluctuations destroy long range AFM order in 1d – spin liquid

. Frustration

On “bipartite” lattice, AF LRO survives ZPF in d > 1

For non-bipartite lattice (e.g. triangular), system is said to be frustrated ; spin liquid phase in higher dimension

Bogoliubov Theory of weakly interacting Bose gas

Although strong interactions can lead to the formation of unusual ground states of electron system, the properties of the weakly interacting system mirror closely the trivial behaviour of the non-interacting Fermi gas. By contrast, even in the weakly interacting system, the Bose gas has the capacity to form a correlated phase known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. The aim of this lecture is to explore the nature of the ground state and the character of the elementary excitation spectrum in the condensed phase.

Consider N bosons confined to volume Ld. If non-interacting, at T = 0 all bosons 1 † N condensed in lowest energy state of single-particle system, viz. g.s. 0 = (a ) Ω | i √N! 0 | i How is g.s. and excitation spectrum influenced by weak (repulsive) interaction?

(0) k HˆI z 2}| 2{ z Z }| { X ~ k † 1 d d 0 † † 0 0 0 Hˆ = a ak+ d x d x a (x)a (x )V (x x )a(x )a(x) 2m k 2 − k 1 X † † Hˆ = V (q) a a a a 0 I 2Ld k0 k k−q k +q k,k0,q

If interaction is sufficiently weak, g.s. still condensed N with lowest single-particle state macroscopically occupied, i.e. k=0 = (1) N O ˆ † † † Therefore, since N0 = ak=0ak=0 = O(N) 1 and a0a0 a0a0 = 1,  † − a0 and a0 can be approximated by C-number √N0

Taking (for simplicity) V (q) = V const., 0 d 0 i.e. a contact interaction V (x x ) = V δ (x x ), expansion in N0 obtains − −   V V X 1   1/2 Hˆ = N 2 + N 2a† a + a a + a† a† + O(N ) I 2Ld 0 Ld 0 k k 2 −k k k −k 0 k6=0

cf. quantum AF in spin-wave approximation

3/2 N.B. Momentum conservation eliminates terms at O(N0 )

. Physical interpretation of components:

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VI 23

† V akak represents the ‘Hartree-Fock energy’ of excited particles interacting with condensate • N.B. Contact interaction disguises presence of direct and exchange contributions † † V (a−kak + aka−k) represents creation or annihilation of particle pairs from condensate • Note that, in this approximation, total no. of particles is not conserved X N Finally, using N = N + a† a to trade N for N, and defining density, n = 0 k k 0 Ld k6=0   V nN X  (0)  V n   Hˆ = +  + V n a† a + a a + a† a† 2 k k k 2 −k k k −k k6=0

As with quantum AF, Hˆ diagonalised by Bogoluibov transformation:       ak cosh θk sinh θk αk V n † = − † , with tanh(2θk) = a sinh θk cosh θk α (0) −k − −k k + V n

k z }| {  2 1/2   V nN 1 X (0) X  (0)  2 † 1 Hˆ = ( + nV ) +  + V n (V n) α αk + 2 − 2 k k − k 2 k6=0 k6=0

In particular, for k 0, low-energy excitations have linear (relativistic) | | →  1/2 (0) (0) 1/2 V n dispersion, k = [ (2V n +  )] ~c k with ‘sound’ speed c = . k k ' | | m

At high energies ( k > k0 = mc/~), spectrum becomes free particle-like. | | † . Ground state wavefunction: defined by condition αk g.s. = 0 | i −1 Since Bogoluibov transformation can be written as αk = Uaˆ kUˆ where (exercise)   ˆ X θk † † U = exp  (a a aka−k) 2 k −k − k6=0

may infer true g.s. from non-interacting g.s. as g.s. = Uˆ g.s. 0 | i | i . Experiment? transparencies

When cooled to T 2K, liquid 4He undergoes transition to Bose-Einstein condensed state ∼ Neutron scattering can be used to infer spectrum of collective excitations

In Helium, steric interactions are strong and at higher energy scales an important second branch of excitations known as rotons appear

A second example of BEC is presented by ultracold atomic gases:

By confining atoms to a magnetic trap, time of flight measurements can be used to monitor momentum distribution of condensate

Moreover, the perturbation imposed by a laser due to the optical dipole interaction provides a means to measure the sound wave velocity

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VI 24

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VII 25

Lecture VII: Feynman Path Integral

. Motivation:

Alternative formulation of QM (cf. canonical quantisation) • Close to classical construction — i.e. semi-classics easily accessed • Effective formulation of non-perturbative approaches • Prototype of higher-dimensional field theories • . Time-dependent Schrodinger¨ equation

ˆ i~∂t Ψ = H Ψ | i | i ˆ X Formal solution: ψ(t) = e−iHt/~ ψ(0) = e−iEnt/~ n n ψ(0) | i | i n | ih | i . Time-evolution operator

0 0 0 − i Hˆ (t0−t) 0 Ψ(t ) = Uˆ(t , t) Ψ(t) , Uˆ(t , t) = e ~ θ(t t)N.B. Causal | i | i − Real-space representation: • Z dq q q | ih | Z Ψ(q0, t0) q0 Ψ(t0) = q0 Uˆ(t0, t) Ψ(t) = dq U(q0, t0; q, t)Ψ(q, t), ≡ h | i h | ∧ | i

0 0 0 − i Hˆ (t0−t) 0 where U(q , t ; q, t) = q e ~ q θ(t t) — or Green function: h | | i −   ˆ ˆ 0 0 0 0 i~∂t0 H U(t t) = i~δ(t t)N.B. ∂t0 θ(t t) = δ(t t) − − − − − Physically: U(q0, t0; q, t) describes probability amplitude for particle to propagate from q at time t to q0 at time t0

. Construction of Path Integral

Feynman’s idea: divide time evolution into N discrete time steps ∆t = t/N → ∞ ˆ ˆ e−iHt/~ = [e−iH∆t/~]N

Then separate the operator content so that momentum operators stand to the left and position operators to the right:

ˆ ˆ ˆ e−iH∆t/~ = e−iT ∆t/~e−iV ∆t/~ + O(∆t2)

−iHˆ ∆t/~ N −iTˆ∆t/~ −iVˆ ∆t/~ −iTˆ∆t/~ −iVˆ ∆t/~ qF [e ] qI qF e e ... e e qI h | | i ' h |∧ ∧ ∧ | i

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VII 26

Z Z 1 iqp/~ Inserting at resol. of id. = dqn dpn qn qn pn pn , and using q p = e , ∧ | ih | ih | h | i √2π~ ˆ ˆ −iV ∆t/~ −iT ∆t/~ −iV (qn)∆t/~ −iT (pn)∆t/~ e qn qn pn pn e = qn e qn pn e pn , | ih | ih | | i h | i h | 1 iqn(pn−pn+1) and pn+1 qn qn pn = e h | ih | i 2π~

Z N−1 N " N−1  # −iHt/ˆ ~ Y Y dpn i X qn+1 qn qF e qI = dqn exp ∆t V (qn) + T (pn+1) pn+1 − 2π ∆t h | | i n=1 n=1 ~ −~ n=0 − qN =qF ,q0=qI

p phase space

tn t

qF NN–1 0


i.e. at each time step, integration over the classical phase space coords. xn (qn, pn) ≡

Contributions from trajectories where (qn+1 qn)pn+1 > ~ are negligible − — motivates continuum limit Z Z t D(q, p) dt0 q(t)=qF ,q(0)=qI 0 pq˙ t0=t 0 n z }| { z }| { H(q, p t =tn ) | Z N−1 N h N−1 | z }| { i −iHt/ˆ ~ Y Y dpn i X z }| { qn+1 qn qF e qI = dqn exp ∆t (V (qn) + T (pn+1) pn+1 − ) 2π ∆t h | | i n=1 n=1 ~ − ~ n=0 − qN =qF ,q0=qI Propagator expressed as functional integral: Hamiltonian formulation of Feynman Path Integral

Action z }| { Lagrangian Z h Z t i −iHt/ˆ ~ i 0 z }| { qF e qI = D(q, p) exp dt (pq˙ H(p, q)) h | | i q(t)=qF ,q(0)=qI ~ 0 −

Quantum transition amplitude expressed as sum over all possible phase space trajectories (subject to appropriate b.c.) and weighted by classical action

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VII 27

p2 . Lagrangian formulation: for “free-particle” Hamiltonian H(p, q) = 2m + V (q) Gaussian integral on p z  t }| 2 { Z R t 0 Z Z −iHt/ˆ ~ −(i/~) dt V (q) i 0 p qF e qI = Dq e 0 Dp exp dt pq˙ h | | i q(t)=qF ,q(0)=qI −~ 0 2m −

p02 p2 1 z }| { 1 pq˙ (p mq˙)2 mq˙2 2m − 7→ 2m − −2 Functional integral justified by discretisation

Z  Z t  2  −iHt/ˆ ~ i 0 mq˙ qF e qI = Dq exp dt V (q) h | | i q(t)=qF ,q(0)=qI ~ 0 2 −

N/2 N−1  Nm  Y Dq Dqe = lim dqn N→∞ it2π → ~ n=1

. Connection of path integral to classical statistical mechanics Consider flexible string held under constant tension, T , and confined to ‘gutter-like’ potential, V (u)




i.e. u(x) is displacement from potential minimum Potential energy stored in spring due to line tension: extension z 2 }|2 1/2 { T 2 from x to x + dx, dVT = T [(dx + du ) dx] dx (∂xu) − ' 2 Z Z L 1 2 VT [∂xu] dVT = dx T (∂xu(x)) ≡ 2 0 R L and from external (gutter) potential: Vext[u] dx V [u(x)] ≡ 0 According to Boltzmann principle, equilibrium partition function of periodic system (β = 1/kBT ) Z  Z L   −βF  T 2 = tr e = Du(x) exp β dx (∂xu) + V (u) Z u(L)=u(0) − 0 2

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VII 28

“tr” denotes sum over configurations, cf. quantum transmission amplitude

. Mapping:

 t  2  ˆ Z i Z mq˙ q0 e−iHt/~ q = Dq(t) exp dt0 V (q) h | | i ~ 0 2 − t iτ imaginary (Euclidean) time path integral → − 7→ Z t Z τ Z t Z τ 0 2 0 2 0 0 idt (∂t0 q) dτ (∂τ 0 q) , idt V (q) dτ V (q) 0 −→ − 0 − 0 −→ − 0

Z  Z τ   0 −iHt/ˆ ~ 1 0 m 2 q e q = Dq exp dτ (∂τ 0 q) + V (q) N.B. change of relative sign! h | | i −~ 0 2 (a) Classical partition function of 1d system coincides with QM amplitude

Z ˆ = dq q e−iHt/~ q Z h | | i t=−iτ

where time is imaginary, and ~ play role of temperature, 1/β Generally, path integral for quantum field φ(q, t) in d space dimensions corresponds to classical statistical mechanics of d + 1-dim. system

(b) Quantum partition function

ˆ Z ˆ = tr(e−βH ) = dq q e−βH q Z h | | i

ˆ i.e. is transition amplitude q e−iHt/~ q evaluated at imaginary time t = i~β. Z h | | i − (c) Semi-classics R As ~ 0, PI dominated by stationary config. of action S[p, q] = dt(pq˙ H(p, q)) → − Z 2 2 δS = S[p + δp, q + δq] S[p, q] = dt [δp q˙ + p δq˙ δp ∂pH δq ∂qH] + O(δp , δq , δpδq) − − − Z 2 2 = dt [δp (q ˙ ∂pH) + δq ( p˙ ∂qH)] + O(δp , δq , δpδq) − − −

i.e. Hamilton’s classical e.o.m.:q ˙ = ∂pH,p ˙ = ∂qH with b.c. q(0) = qI , q(t) = qF −

Similarly, with Lagrangian formulation: δS = 0 ∂t(∂q˙L) ∂qL = 0 ⇒ − What about contributions from fluctuations around classical paths?

Usually, exact evaluation of PI impossible — must resort to approximation schemes...

. saddle-point and stationary phase analysis

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VII 29

Principle: consider integral over single variable, Z ∞ I = dz e−f(z) −∞

0 Expect integral to be dominated by minima of f(z); suppose unique i.e. f (z0) = 0

0 7→ z 0}| { 1 2 00 f(z) = f(z0) + (z z0) f (z0) + (z z0) f (z0) + − 2 − ···

∞ s Z 2 00 −f(z0) −(z−z0) f (z0)/2 2π −f(z0) I e dz e = 00 e ' −∞ f (z0)

= s! if s Z z }| ∈{ Z ∞ Z ∞ Example : Γ(s + 1) = dz zse−z = dz e−f(z), f(z) = z s ln z 0 0 −

0 s 00 s 1 f (z) = 1 i.e. z0 = s, f (z0) = 2 = − z z0 s i.e. Γ(s + 1) √2πse−(s−s ln s) — Stirling’s formula ' If minima not on integration contour – deform contour through saddle-point e.g. Γ(s + 1), s complex

What if exponent pure imaginary? Fast phase fluctuations ; cancellation i.e. expand around region of slowest (i.e. stationary) phase and use identity

Z ∞ r 2 2π dz eiaz /2 = eiπ/4 −∞ a . Can we apply same approach to analyse PI? Yes but we must develop basic tool of QFT – Gaussian functional integral!

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VIII 30

Lecture VIII: Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

. Free particle propagator: Difficult to obtain from PI, but useful for normalization,

ˆ ˆ and easily obtained from equation for Green function, (i~∂t H)Gfree(t) = i~δ(t), which in Euclidean time t = iτ becomes− a diffusion equation, −  2 2  ~ ~∂τ ∇ Gfree(qF, qI, t) = ~δ(qF qI)δ(τ) − 2m − Solution: (PS3)

 2  2  1/2 −ipˆ t/2m~ m i m(qF qI ) Gfree(qF , qI ; t) qF e qI θ(t) = exp − θ(t) ≡ h | | i 2πi~t ~ 2t

. Quantum particle in single (symmetric) well: V (q) = V ( q) − V


e.g. QM amplitude q

 t  2  ˆ Z i Z mq˙ G(0, 0; t) 0 e−iHt/~ 0 θ(t) = Dq exp dt0 V (q) ≡ h | | i q(t)=q(0)=0 ~ 0 2 − . Evaluate PI by stationary phase approx: general recipe

(i) Parameterise path as q(t) = qcl(t) + r(t) and expand action in r(t)

2 0 r 00 2 2 V (qcl) + rV (qcl) + V (qcl) + q˙cl + 2q ˙clr˙ +r ˙ 2 ··· Z t 0hm z }| {2 z }| { i S[¯q + r] = dt (q ˙cl +r ˙) V (qcl + r) 0 2 − 2 δS =0 δ S δq(t0) δq(t0)δq(t00) Z t Z t 0 0 z }| 0 { 1 0 0 z 2 }| 00 { 0 = S[qcl] + dt r(t ) [ mq¨cl V (qcl)] + dt r(t ) m∂t0 V (qcl) r(t ) + 0 − − 2 0 − − ···

0 (ii) Classical trajectory: mq¨cl = V (qcl) − 00 2 Many solutions – choose non-singular qcl = 0, i.e. S[qcl] = 0 and V (qcl) = mω const. Z  Z t  i 0 0 m 2 2 0 G(0, 0; t) Dr exp dt r(t ) ∂t0 ω r(t ) ' r(0)=r(t)=0 ~ 0 2 − − N.B. if V was quadratic, expression trivially exact

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VIII 31

More generally, qcl(t) non-trivial non-vanishing S[qcl] — see PS3 7→ Fluctuations? — example of a...

. Gaussian functional integration: mathematical interlude

2 2 One variable Gaussian integral: (R ∞ dv e−av /2)2 = 2π R ∞ r dr e−ar /2 = 2π • −∞ 0 a Z ∞ r − a v2 2π dv e 2 = , Re a > 0 −∞ a

Many variables: • Z − 1 vT Av N/2 −1/2 dv e 2 = (2π) det A

A is +ve definite real symmetric N N matrix × Proof: A diagonalised by orthogonal trans: D = OAOT

Change of variables: v = OT w (Jacobian det(O) = 1) ; N decoupled Gaussian T T PN 2 QN integrations: v Av = w Dw = i diwi and i=1 di = det D = det A

Infinite number of variables; interpret vi v(t) as continuous field and • { } 7→ 0 0 Aij A(t, t ) = t Aˆ t as operator kernel 7→ h | | i Z  1 Z Z  Dv(t) exp dt dt0 v(t)A(t, t0)v(t0) (det Aˆ)−1/2 −2 ∝

0 i 0 2 2 (iii) Applied to QW, A(t, t ) = mδ(t t )( ∂ 0 ω ) and − ~ − − t − 2 2−1/2 G(0, 0; t) J det ∂ 0 ω ' − t − where J absorbs constant prefactors (im, ~, etc.) What does ‘det’ mean? Effectively, we can expand trajectories r(t0) in eigenbasis of Aˆ subject to b.c. r(t) = r(0) = 0 2 2 ∂ ω rn(t) = nrn(t), cf. PIB − t − 0 nπt0 nπ 2 2 i.e. Fourier series expansion: rn(t ) = sin( ), n = 1, 2, . . . , n = ( ) ω t t −

∞ ∞  −1/2 −1/2 Y Y nπ 2 det ∂2 ω2 = −1/2 = ω2 t n t − − n=1 n=1 −

. For V = 0, G = Gfree known — use to eliminate constant prefactor J

∞ " 2#−1/2 G(0, 0; t) Y  ωt   m 1/2 G(0, 0; t) = G (0, 0; t) = 1 Θ(t) G (0, 0; t) free nπ 2πi t free n=1 − ~

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VIII 32

Applying identity Q∞ [1 ( x )2]−1 = x n=1 − nπ sin x

r mω G(0, 0; t) Θ(t) ' 2πi~ sin(ωt) (exact for harmonic oscillator)

Singular behaviour is a feature of ladder-like states of harmonic oscillator leading to periodic coherent superposition and dynamical echo (see PS3).

Double Well: Tunneling and Instantons

How can QM tunneling be described by path integral? No semi-classical expansion!

. E.g transition amplitude in double well: G(a, a; t) a e−iHt/ˆ ~ a − ≡ h | | − i V


. Feynman PI:

Z q(t)=a  i Z t m  G(a, a; t) = Dq exp dt0 q˙2 V (q) − q(0)=−a ~ 0 2 −

Stationary phase analysis: classical e.o.m. mq¨ = ∂qV only singular (high energy) solutions− Switch to alternative formulation... 7→ . Imaginary (Euclidean) time PI: Wick rotation t = iτ − N.B. (relative) sign change! “V V ” → − Z q(τ)=a  1 Z τ m  G(a, a; τ) = Dq exp dτ 0 q˙2 + V (q) − q(0)=−a −~ 0 2

Saddle-point analysis: classical e.o.m. mq¨ = +V 0(q) in inverted potential! solutions depend on b.c. (1) G(a, a; τ) ; qcl(τ) = a (2) G( a, a; τ) ; qcl(τ) = a − − − (3) G(a, a; τ) ; qcl : rolls from a to a − − Combined with small fluctuations, (1) and (2) recover propagator for single well

(3) accounts for tunneling – known as “instanton” (or “kink”)

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VIII 33

q V -a a a q t

-a ω –1

. Instanton: classically forbidden trajectory connecting two degenerate minima — i.e. topological, and therefore particle-like

2 τ→∞ For τ large,q ˙cl 0 (evident), i.e. “first integral” mq˙cl /2 V (qcl) =  0 ' precise− value of  fixed→ by b.c. (i.e. τ) Saddle-point action (cf. WKB R dqp(q)) Z τ Z τ Z a Z a 0 m 2  0 2 1/2 Sinst. = dτ q˙cl + V (qcl) dτ mq˙cl = dqclmq˙cl = dqcl(2mV (qcl)) 0 2 ' 0 −a −a

1 2 2 τ→∞ Structure of instanton: For q a, V (q) = mω (q a) + , i.e.q ˙cl ω(qcl a) ' 2 − ··· ' − τ→∞ −τω −1 qcl(τ) = a e , i.e. temporal extension set by ω τ −  Imples existence of approximate saddle-point solutions involving many instantons (and anti-instantons): instanton gas

q a

τ5 τ4 τ 3 τ 2 τ 1 τ –a

. Accounting for fluctuations around n-instanton configuration

An,cl.An,qu. Z τ Z τ1 Z τn−1 X n z }| { G(a, a; τ) K dτ1 dτ2 dτn An(τ1, . . . , τn), ± ' ··· n even / odd 0 0 0 constant K set by normalisation

−nS / An,cl. = e inst. ~ — ‘classical’ contribution

1 An,qu. — quantum fluctuations (cf. single well): Gs.w.(0, 0; t) √ ∼ sin ωt

n 1 n Y Y −ω(τi+1−τi)/2 −ωτ/2 An,qu. p e e ∼ sin( iω(τi+1 τi)) ∼ ∼ i − − i τ n/n!

zZ τ Z τ1 }| Z τn−1 { X n −nSinst./~ −ωτ/2 G(a, a; τ) K e e dτ1 dτ2 dτn ± ' ··· n even / odd 0 0 0

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture VIII 34

X 1  n = e−ωτ/2 τKe−Sinst./~ n! n even / odd x P∞ n Using e = n=0 x /n!, N.B. non-perturbative in ~!     G(a, a; τ) Ce−ωτ/2 cosh τKe−Sinst./~ ,G(a, a; τ) Ce−ωτ/2 sinh τKe−Sinst./~ ' − ' Consistency check: main contribution from P nXn/n! n −Sinst./~ n¯ = n P n = X = τKe h i ≡ n X /n! no. per unit time,n/τ ¯ exponentially small, and indep. of τ, i.e. dilute gas


A S ψ q


. Physical interpretation: For infinite barrier, oscillators independent, coupling splits degeneracy – symmetric/antisymmetric

G(a, a; τ) a S e−S τ/~ S a + a A e−Aτ/~ A a ± ' h | i h | ± i h | i h | ± i ∆ 2 C 2 Setting A/S = ~ω/2 , and noting a S = a S S a = = a A = a A A a ± 2 |h | i| h | ih | − i 2 |h | i| −h | ih | − i C    cosh(∆τ/ ) G(a, a; τ) e−(~ω−∆)τ/2~ e−(~ω+∆)τ/2~ = Ce−ωτ/2 ~ . ± ' 2 ± sinh(∆τ/~) . Remarks:

2 (i) Legitimacy? How do (neglected) terms O(~ ) compare to ∆? In fact, such corrections are bigger but act equally on S and A −S / | i | i i.e. ∆ = ~Ke inst. ~ is dominant contribution to splitting

V –V q

qq q m τ q m

(ii) Unstable States and Bounces: survival probability: G(0, 0; t)? No even/odd effect:   h i τ=it Γ G(0, 0; τ) = Ce−ωτ/2 exp τKe−Sinst/~ = Ce−iωt/2 exp t − 2

True decay rate has additional factor of 2: Γ K e−Sinst/~ (i.e. K imaginary) ∼ | | see Coleman for details

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IX 35

Lecture IX: Coherent States

Generalisation of PI to many-body systems problematic due to particle indistinguishabil- ity. Can second quantisation help? automatically respects particle statistics

Require complete basis on Fock space to construct PI i.e. analogue of R dq dp q q p p = id. | ih | ih | Such eigenstates exist and are known as... reference: Negele and Orland

. Coherent States (Bosons)

† † What are eigenstates of Fock space operators: ai and ai with [ai, aj] = δij?

As a state of the Fock space, an eigenstate φ can be expanded as | i

† n1 † n2 X (a1) (a2) φ = Cn1,n2,··· 0 | i √n1 √n2 · · · | i n1,n2,···

N.B. notation 0 for vacuum state! | i † † (i) ai φ = φi φ ? — clearly, eigenstate of ai can not exist: | i | i † if minimum occupation of φ is n0, minimum of a φ is n0 + 1 | i i | i P † (ii) ai φ = φi φ ? — can exist and given by: φ exp[ φia ] 0 i.e. φ φi | i | i | i ≡ i i | i ≡ { } † Proof: since ai commutes with all a for j = i — focus on one element i j 6 ∞ n ∞ n † † X φ X nφ aeφa 0 = [a, eφa ] 0 = [a, (a†)n] 0 = (a†)n−1 0 = φ exp(φa†) 0 n! n! | i | i n=0 | i n=1 | i | i

a(a†)n = aa†(a†)n−1 = (1 + a†a)(a†)n−1 = (a†)n−1 + a†a(a†)n−1 = n(a†)n−1 + (a†)na

i.e. φ is eigenstate of all ai with eigenvalue φi | i . Properties of coherent state φ | i Hermitian conjugation: • † i : φ a = φ φ¯i ∀ h | i h |

φ¯i is complex conjugate of φi

By direct application of ∂φ (and operator commutativity): • i † i : a φ = ∂φ φ ∀ i | i i | i

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IX 36

† P θ¯ a Overlap: with θ = θ = 0 e i i i • h | | i h | " # P P θ¯iai θ¯iφi X θ φ = 0 e i φ = e i 0 φ = exp θ¯iφi h | i h | | i h | i i i.e. states are not orthogonal! operators not Hermitian " # X Norm: φ φ = exp φ¯iφi • h | i i Completeness — resolution of id. (for proof see notes) • Z ¯ Y dφidφi − P φ¯ φ e i i i φ φ = 1 π F i | ih |

where dφ¯idφi = dRe φidIm φi

. Coherent States (Fermions)

Following bosonic case, seek state η s.t. | i

ai η = ηi η , η = ηi | i | i { }

But anticommutativity [ai, aj]+ = 0 (i = j) demands that aiaj η = ajai η 6 | i − | i i.e. eigenvalues ηi must anticommute!!

ηiηj = ηjηi −

ηi can not be ordinary numbers — in fact, they obey...

. Grassmann Algebra

In addition to anticommutativity, defining properties:

2 (i) η = 0 (cf. fermions) but note: these are not operators, i.e. [ηi, η¯i]+ = 1 i 6 (ii) Elements ηi can be added to, and multiplied, by ordinary complex numbers

c + ciηi + cjηj, ci, cj ∈ C (iii) Grassmann numbers anticommute with fermionic creation/annihilation operators [ηi, aj]+ = 0

. Calculus of Grassmann variables:

(iv) Differentiation: ∂ηi ηj = δij N.B. ordering matters ∂η ηjηi = ηj∂η ηi = ηj for i = j i − i − 6 R R (v) Integration: dηi = 0, dηiηi = 1 i.e. differentiation and integration have the same effect!!

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture IX 37

. Gaussian integration: Z Z Z Z dηdη¯ e−ηaη¯ = dηdη¯ (1 ηaη¯ ) = a dη¯η¯ dηη = a − Z Y −η¯T Aη dη¯idηi e = detA (exercise) i cf. ordinary complex variables

. Functions of Grassmann variables:

Taylor expansion terminates at low order since η2 = 0, e.g. F (η) = F (0) + ηF 0(0)

Using rules Z Z 0 0 dηF (η) = dη [F (0) + ηF (0)] = F (0) ∂ηF [η] ≡ i.e. differentiation and integration have same effect on F [η]!

Usually, one has a function of many variables F [η], say η = η1, ηN { ··· } ∞ X 1 ∂nF (0) F (η) = ηj ηi n! ∂ηi ∂ηj ··· n=0 ··· but series must terminate at n = N with these preliminaries we are in a position to introduce the

P † . Fermionic coherent state: η = exp[ ηia ] 0 i.e. η = ηi | i − i i | i { } Proof (cf. bosonic case) a exp( ηa†) 0 = a(1 ηa†) 0 = ηaa† 0 = η 0 = η exp( ηa†) 0 − | i − | i | i | i − | i Other defining properties mirror bosonic CS — problem set

. Differences: P P − aiη¯i η¯iai (i) Adjoint: η = 0 e i 0 e i but N.B.η ¯i not related to ηi! h | h | ≡ h | Z (ii) Gaussian integration: dηdη¯ e−ηη¯ = 1 N.B. no π’s

Completeness relation

Z P Y − η¯iηi dη¯idηie i η η = 1F i | ih |

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture X 38

Lecture X: Many-body (Coherent State) Path Integral

Having obtained a complete coherent state basis for the creation and annihilation op- erators, we could proceed by constructing path integral for the quantum time evolution operator. However, since we will be interested in application involving a phase transition, it is more convenient to begin with the quantum partition function.

. Quantum partition function

X −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) = n e n ,F = kBT ln Z h | | i − Z {n}∈Fock Space

β = 1 , µ — chemical potential kBT In coherent state basis Z − P ψ¯ ψ X −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) = d[ψ,¯ ψ]e i i i n ψ ψ e n Z n h | ih | | i Elimination of n requires identity: n ψ ψ n = ζψ n n ψ | i h | ih | i h | ih | i Proof: for, e.g., n = a†a† a† 0 | i 1 2 ··· n| i

n ψ = 0 an a2a1 ψ = ψn ψ2ψ1 0 ψ = ψn ψ2ψ1 h | i h | ··· | i ··· h | i ··· ψ n = ψ¯1ψ¯2 ψ¯n h | i ··· n ψ ψ n = ψn ψ2ψ1ψ¯1ψ¯2 ψ¯n = ψ1ψ¯1ψ2ψ¯2 ψnψ¯n h | ih | i ··· ··· ··· = (ζψ¯1ψ1)(ζψ¯2ψ2) (ζψ¯nψn) = ζψ n n ψ ··· h | ih | i Note that Hˆ and Nˆ even in operators allowing matrix element to be commuted through Z − P ψ¯ ψ −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) = d[ψ,¯ ψ]e i i i ζψ e ψ Z h | | i

. Coherent State Path Integral

Applied to many-body Hamiltonian of fermions or bosons ˆ ˆ X † X † † H µN = (hij µδij)ai aj + Vij ai ajajai − ij − ij

N.B. operators are normal ordered

Follow general strategy of Feynman:

(i) Divide ‘time’ interval, β, into N segments of length ∆β = β/N

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ζψ e−β(H−µN) ψ = ζψ e−∆β(H−µN) e−∆β(H−µN) e−∆β(H−µN) ψ h | | i h | ∧ ∧ ··· | i

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture X 39

(ii) At each position ‘ ’ insert resolution of id. ∧ Z −ψ¯n·ψn 1F = d[ψ¯n, ψn]e ψn ψn | ih |

i.e. N-independent sets N.B. each ψn is a vector with elements ψi n { } (iii) Expand exponent in ∆β

ˆ ˆ h i ψ0 e−∆β(H−µN) ψ = ψ0 1 ∆β(Hˆ µNˆ) ψ + O(∆β)2 h | | i h | − − | i = ψ0 ψ ∆β ψ0 (Hˆ µNˆ) ψ + O(∆β)2 h | i − h | − | i = ψ0 ψ [1 ∆β (H(ψ0, ψ) µN(ψ0, ψ))] + O(∆β)2 h 0 | i − 0 0 − eψ ·ψe−∆β(H(ψ ,ψ)−µN(ψ ,ψ)) ' 0 ˆ 0 ψ H ψ X 0 X 0 0 with H(ψ , ψ) = h | | i = hijψ¯ ψj + Vijψ¯ ψ¯ ψjψi ψ0 ψ i i j h | i ij ij similarly N(ψ0, ψ) N.B. ψ0 ψ bilinear in ψ, i.e. commutes with everything h | i N Z PN ¯ ¯ ¯ Y − n=1[ψn·(ψn−ψn−1)+∆β(H(ψn,ψn−1)−µN(ψn,ψn−1))] = d[ψ¯n, ψn]e Z n=0 ¯ ¯ ψN =ζψ0,ψN =ζψ0 Continuum limit N → ∞ N Z β N X ψn ψn−1 Y ∆β dτ, − ∂τ ψ , d[ψ¯n, ψn] D(ψ,¯ ψ) ∆β τ=n∆β n=0 → 0 → n=0 → comment on “small” Grassmann nos.

Z Z β −S[ψ,ψ¯ ]  = D(ψ,¯ ψ)e ,S[ψ,¯ ψ] = dτ ψ¯ ∂τ ψ + H(ψ,¯ ψ) µN(ψ,¯ ψ) Z ψ¯(β)=ζψ¯(0) · − ψ(β)=ζψ(0) 0

With particular example: " # Z β X X S[ψ,¯ ψ] = dτ ψ¯i(τ) [(∂τ µ)δij + hij] ψj(τ) + Vij ψ¯i(τ)ψ¯j(τ)ψj(τ)ψi(τ) 0 ij − ij

quantum partition function expressed as path integral over fields ψi(τ)

. Matsubara frequency representation

Often convenient to express path integral in frequency domain Z β 1 X −iωnτ 1 iωnτ ψ(τ) = ψne , ψωn = dτ ψ(τ)e √β √β 0 ωn

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture X 40

where, since ψ(τ) = ζψ(τ + β)

 2nπ/β, bosons, ωn = , n (2n + 1)π/β, fermions ∈ Z

ωn are known as Matsubara frequencies

Z β 1 i(ωn−ωm)τ Using dτ e = δωnωm β 0 X S[ψ,¯ ψ] = ψ¯iω [( iωn µ) δij + hij] ψjω + n − − n ijωn 1 X X + Vijψ¯iω ψ¯jω ψjω ψiω δω +ω ,ω +ω β n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 ij ωn1 ωn2 ωn3 ωn4 ˆ P † e.g. Harmonic chain: H = k ~ωk(akak + 1/2) Z β X ¯ S = dτ ψk(∂τ + ~ωk µ)ψk − 0 k

ˆ P R † pˆ2 P R 0 † † 0 e2 0 e.g. Electron gas: H = dr c (r) cσ(r) 0 dr dr c (r)c 0 (r ) 0 cσ0 (r )cσ(r) σ σ 2m − σσ σ σ |r−r | Z β X Z pˆ2 S = dτ drψ¯ (r, τ)(∂ + µ)ψ (r, τ) σ τ 2m σ 0 σ − Z β Z 2 X 0 0 e 0 dτ dr dr ψ¯σ(r, τ)ψ¯σ0 (r , τ) ψσ0 (r , τ)ψσ(r, τ) − r r0 0 σ,σ0 | − |

. Connection between coherent state and Feynman Path integral

† † e.g. QHO: Hˆ = ~ω(a a + 1/2), [a, a ] = 1, i.e. bosons! e−β~ω/2 in D(ψ,¯ ψ) Z  Z β  −βHˆ ¯ ¯ = tr e = D(ψ, ψ) exp dτ ψ(∂τ + ~ω)ψ Z ψ(β)=ψ(0) − 0

β β 1/2 Z Z Setting ψ(τ) = mω  [q(τ)+ i p(τ)], with p, q real, and noting dτ qp˙ = dτ pq˙ 2~ mω 0 − 0

Z  Z β  p2 1 ipq˙ = D(p, q) exp dτ + mω2q2 Z p.b.c − 0 2m 2 − ~ i i i ∂q ∂q cf. (Euclidean time) FPI; β = t, τ = t0, = ~ ~ ~ ∂τ ∂t0 Z  i Z t  = D(p, q) exp dt0 (pq˙ H(p, q)) Z ~ 0 −

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture X 41

. Evaluation of from field integral Z † (i) ‘Bosonic’ oscillator: Hˆ = ~ω(a a + 1/2)

−1 J det(∂τ + ~ω) z }| { Z  Z β  Z Y P ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ − n ψωn (−iωn+~ω)ψωn B = D(ψ, ψ) exp dτ ψ (∂τ + ~ω) ψ = ( dψωn dψωn ) e Z − 0 n −1 ∞ 0 ∞ "  2# Y −1 J Y  2 2−1 J Y ~ωβ = J [β( iωn + ~ω)] = (~ωβ) + (2nπ) = 1 + − ωβ ωβ 2πn ωn ~ n=1 ~ n=1 ∞ −1 J 0 Y   x 2 x = where 1 + = 2 sinh( ωβ/2) πn sinh x ~ n=1

−β~ω/2 Normalisation: as T 0, B dominated by g.s., i.e. limβ→∞ B = e → Z Z

0 1 i.e.J = 1, B = Z 2 sinh(~βω/2)

ˆ † † (ii) ‘Fermionic’ oscillator: H = ~ω(a a + 1/2), [a, a ]+ = 1 Gaussian Grassmann integration

∞ Y Y  2 2 F = J det(∂τ + ~ω) = J [β( iωn + ~ω)] = J (~ωβ) + ((2n + 1)π) Z − ωn n=0 ∞ "  2# ∞ "  2# 0 Y ~ωβ 0 Y x = J 1 + = J cosh(~ωβ/2), 1 + = cosh(x/2) (2n + 1)π π(2n + 1) n=1 n=1

−β~ω/2 Using normalisation: limβ→∞ F = e Z 0 −β~ω −β~ω J = 2e F = 2e cosh(~βω/2). Z

−β~ω/2 P∞ −nβ~ω −β~ω/2 P1 −nβ~ω cf. direct computation: B = e e , F = e e . Z n=0 Z n=0 Note that normalising prefactor J 0 involves only a constant offset of free energy, F = 1 ln statistical correlations encoded in content of functional integral − β Z

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XI 42

Lecture XI: Matsubara frequency summations

. Quantum partition function of ideal (i.e. non-interacting) gas (from coherent states)

Useful for “normalisation” of interacting theories

ˆ X † e.g. (1) Fermions: H = αaαaα α As a warm-up, in coherent state representation:

Z P −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) X −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) − ψ¯αψα −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) 0 = tr e = n e n = d(ψ,¯ ψ)e α ψ e ψ Z n h | | i h− | | i Using identity

P † −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) −β (α−µ)aαaα Y −β(α−µ)ˆnα Y  −β(α−µ)   e = e α = e = 1 + e 1 nˆα α α −

ψ ψ h− | i Z P n z }| { o − ψ¯αψα Y −ψ¯αψα  −β(α−µ)   0 = d(ψ,¯ ψ)e α e 1 + e 1 ( ψ¯αψα) Z α − −

1 2ψ¯αψα Z z− }| { Y −2ψ¯αψα  −β(α−µ)   = dψ¯αdψα e 1 + e 1 ( ψ¯αψα) α − − Z Y  −β(α−µ)   = dψ¯αdψα 1 2ψ¯αψα e 1 ψ¯αψα α − − − Z Y  −β(α−µ)  = dψ¯αdψα ψ¯αψα(1 + e ) α − Y = 1 + e−β(α−µ) i.e. Fermi Dirac distribution α − Exercise: show (using CS) that in Bosonic case

∞ −1 Y X −nβ(α−µ) Y  −β(α−µ) 0 = e = 1 e i.e. Bose Einstein distribution Z α n=0 α − − What about field integral...?

. Quantum partition function of ideal gas: " # Z Z β X 0 = D(ψ,¯ ψ) exp dτ ψ¯α(∂τ + α µ)ψα Z b.c. − 0 α − Z " # X Y −ζ = D(ψ,¯ ψ) exp ψ¯α,ω ( iωn + α µ)ψα,ω = J [β( iωn + α µ)] − n − − n − − α,ωn α,ωn

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XI 43

where J absorbs constant prefactors

−β(Hˆ −µNˆ) From 0 = tr e we can obtain thermal occupation number: Z 1 −β(Hˆ −µNˆ) 1 1 ζ X 1 n(T ) tr[Nˆ e ] = ∂µ 0 = ∂µ ln 0 ∂µF = ≡ 0 β 0 Z β Z ≡ − −β iωn α + µ Z Z α,ωn − P . To perform summations of the form, I = ωn h(ωn), helpful to introduce complex auxiliary function g(z) with simple poles at z = iωn  β  , bosons  exp(βz) 1 e.g. g(z) = β −  , fermions exp(βz) + 1

In bosonic case: poles when βz = 2πin, i.e. z = iωn; close to pole, β β 1 = eβ(iωn+δz) 1 eβ δz 1 ' δz − − noting that g(z) has simple poles with residue ζ,

ζ I X I = dz g(z)h( iz) = ζ Res [g(z)h( iz)] z=iωn 2πi γ − − | 1 ωn where contour encircles poles

γ ω γ ω 1 2

As long as we don’t to cross singularities of g(z)h( iz), we are free to distort contour − If g(z)h( iz) decays sufficiently fast at z (i.e. faster than z−1), useful to ‘inflate’− contour to infinite circle when| | integral → ∞ along outer perimeter vanishes and N.B. ζ I X I = h( iz)g(z) =z}|{ ζ Res [h( iz)g(z)] 2πi − − − |z=zk γ2 k For problem at hand, ζ X 1 ζ X 1 h(ωn) = ,h ( iz) = −β iωn α + µ − −β z α + µ α − α − Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XI 44

Although h( iz) seems to scale as 1/z at infinity, − (ψm+1 ψm) this reflects failure of continuum limit of the action: ψ¯m − ψ∂¯ τ ψ ∆β 7→ Integral made convergent by including infinitesimal + −iωn0 (iωn α + µ) (iωne α + µ) − 7→ −

Since h( iz) involves simple poles at z = α µ, − −  X X 1 X nB(α), bosons, n(T ) = ζ Res [g(z)h( iz)] z= −µ = = − − | α eβ(α−µ) ζ nF(α), fermions α α − α

where nF/B are Fermi/Bose distribution functions

. Applications of Field Integral:

In remaining lectures we will address two case studies which exhibit phase transition to non-trivial ground state at low temperatures

Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity •

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XI 45

Bose-Einstein condensation from field integral Although we could start our analysis of application of the field integral with the weakly interacting electron gas, we would find that correlation effects could be considered per- turbatively. Our analysis of the field integral would not engage any non-trivial field con- figurations of the action: the platform of the non-interacting electron system remains adiabatically connected to that of the weakly interacting system. In the following we will explore a problem in which the development of a non-trivial ground state — the Bose- Einstein condensate — is accompanied by the appearance of collective modes absent in the non-interacting system.

. Consider Bose gas subject to weak short-ranged repulsive contact interaction: Z g Z Hˆ = ddr a†(r)Hˆ a(r) + ddr a†(r)a†(r)a(r)a(r) 0 2 . Expressed as field integral: = tr e−β(Hˆ −µNˆ) = R D(ψ,¯ ψ) e−S[ψ,ψ¯ ], where Z ψ(β)=ψ(0)

Z β Z d h g 2i S = dτ d r ψ¯(∂τ + Hˆ0 µ)ψ + (ψψ¯ ) 0 − 2

As a warm-up exercise, consider first the...

. Non-interacting Bose gas (g = 0) Z − P ψ¯ (−iω + −µ)ψ Y 1 ¯ a,ωn a,ωn n a a,ωn 0 = D(ψ, ψ) e = J Z ≡ Z g=0 ψ(β)=ψ(0) β( iωn + a µ) a,ωn − −

where eigenvalues of Hˆ0, a 0 and 0 = 0 ≥ P While stability requires µ 0, precise value fixed by condition N = nB(a) ≤ a . Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)

µ Tc 0 T

As T reduced, µ increases until, at T = Tc, µ = 0 • For T < Tc, µ remains zero and a macroscopic number of particles, N0 = N N1, • condense into ground state:− BEC X i.e. for T < Tc, nB(a) N1 < N µ=0 a ≡

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XI 46

. How can this phenomenon be incorporated into path integral?

Although condensate characterised by g.s. component ψ0 ψa=0,ω =0, for T < Tc, ≡ n fluctuations seemingly unbound (i.e. µ = 0 = 0 and action for ψ0 vanishes!)

In this case, we must treat ψ0 as a Lagrange multiplier which fixes particle number below Tc: X0 S0 − = β ψ¯0µψ0 + ψ¯aω ( iωn + a µ) ψaω |µ=0 − n − − n a,ωn 0 β ψ¯0µψ0 Y 1 0 = e J Z × β( iωn + a µ) a,ωn − − 1 1 X0 1 i.e.N = ∂µ ln 0 µ=0− = ψ¯0ψ0 = ψ¯0ψ0 + N1 β Z | − β iωn a a,ωn −

i.e. ψ¯0ψ0 = N0 translates to no. of particles in condensate

. Weakly Interacting Bose Gas

2 Bosons confined to box of size L with p.b.c. and Hˆ0 = pˆ /2m described by action

Z β Z  2  d pˆ g 2 S = dτ d r ψ¯(∂τ + µ)ψ + (ψψ¯ ) 0 2m − 2 Since field integral intractable, turn to mean-field theory (a.k.a. “saddle-point” approximation – Landau theory) valid for T Tc  Variation of action w.r.t. ψ¯ obtains the saddle-point equation:  pˆ2  ∂τ + µ + gψψ¯ ψ = 0 2m −

1 P ik·r ψ0 solved by constant ψ(r, τ) e ψk(τ) = ≡ Ld/2 k Ld/2 where ψ0 minimises saddle-point action

1 g 2  g  S[ψ¯0, ψ0] = µψ¯0ψ0 + (ψ¯0ψ0) , i.e. µ + ψ¯0ψ0 ψ0 = 0 β − 2Ld − Ld

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For µ < 0, only trivial solution ψ0 = 0 – no condensate • p d For µ 0, s.p.e. solved by any configuration with ψ0 = γ µL /g • ≥ | | ≡

d N.B. interaction allows µ > 0; ψ¯0ψ0 L reflects macroscopic population of g.s. ∝ Condensation of Bose gas is example of a continuous phase transition, i.e. “order parameter” • ψ0 grows continuously from zero

saddle-point solution is “continuously degenerate”, ψ0 = γ exp(iφ), φ [0, 2π] • ∈ One ground state chosen ; spontaneous symmetry breaking – Goldstone’s theorem: • expect branch of gapless excitations

Taking into account fluctuations, we may address the phenomenon of superfluidity...

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Lecture XII: Superfluidity

Previously, we have seen that, when treated in a mean-field or saddle-point approximation, the field theory of the weakly interacting Bose gas shows a transition to a Bose-Einstein condensed phase when µ = 0 where the order parameter, the complex condensate wave- p d function ψ0 acquires a non-zero expectation value, ψ0 = γ µL /g. The spontaneous breaking of the continuous symmetry associated with| the| phase≡ of the order parameter is accompanied by the appearance of massless collective phase fluctuations. In the following, we will explore the properties of these fluctuations and their role in the phenomenon of superfluidity.

. Starting with the model action for a Bose system, (~ = 1) Z β Z   2   d ∂ g 2 S[ψ,¯ ψ] = dτ d r ψ¯ ∂τ µ ψ + (ψψ¯ ) 0 − 2m − 2 saddle-point analysis revealed that, for µ > 0, ψ d 1/2 acquires a non-zero expectation value: ψ0 = (µL /g) | |

Phase transition accompanied by spontaneous symmetry breaking (of U(1) field associated with phase of global ψ)

To investigate consequence of transition, must explore role of fluctuations

To do so, it is convenient to parameterise ψ(r, τ) = [ρ(r, τ)]1/2eiφ(r,τ)

Z β β 1 1/2 1/2 ρ dτ ∂τ (ρ ρ ) = = 0 2 0 −2 0 z }| { Z β Z β Z β 1/2 1/2 Using 1. dτ ψ∂¯ τ ψ = dτρ ∂τ ρ + dτ iρ∂τ φ 0 0 0  1  2. ∂(ρ1/2eiφ) = eiφ ∂ρ + iρ1/2∂φ 2ρ1/2 Z β Z β Z β  1  3. dτ ψ∂¯ 2ψ = dτ ∂ψ¯ ∂ψ = dτ (∂ρ)2 + ρ(∂φ)2 0 − 0 · − 0 4ρ

Z β Z    2  d 1 1 2 2 gρ S[ρ, φ] = dτ d r iρ∂τ φ + (∂ρ) + ρ(∂φ) µρ + 0 2m 4ρ − 2

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iφ(r,τ) Expansion of action around saddle-point: ρ(r, τ) = (ρ0 + δρ(r, τ)) e ,

Z β Z  2 d g(ρ0 + δρ) S[δρ, φ] = dτ d r µ(ρ0 + δρ) + 0 − 2   1 1 2 2 +i(ρ0 + δρ)∂τ φ + (∂(δρ)) + (ρ0 + δρ)(∂φ) 2m 4(ρ0 + δρ) = 0 Z β Z 2 d n z }| { gδρ = S0[ρ0] + dτ d r ( µ + gρ0) δρ + 0 − 2 0   z7→}| { 1 1 2 2 o 3 + iρ0∂τ φ +iδρ∂τ φ + (∂(δρ)) + ρ0(∂φ) + O(δρ , δρ, ∂φ) 2m 4ρ0 Finally, discarding gradient terms involving massive fluctuations δρ, Z β Z d h g 2 ρ0 2i S[δρ, φ] S0[ρ0] + dτ d r iδρ ∂τ φ + δρ + (∂φ) ' 0 2 2m

First term has canonical structure ‘momentum ∂τ (coordinate)’, cf. “pq˙” • × Second term describes “massive” fluctuations in “Mexican hat” potential • Third term measures energy cost of spatially varying massless phase flucutations: • i.e. φ is a Goldstone mode

Gaussian integration over δρ:

g  i 2 (∂ φ)2 δρ + ∂ φ + τ 2 g τ 2g Z Z β Z z }| 2 {  Z β Z 2  h d gδρ i d (∂τ φ) D(δρ) exp dτ d r iδρ ∂τ φ + = const. exp dτ d r − 0 2 × − 0 2g ; effective action for low-energy degrees of freedom, φ, Z β Z   1 d 1 2 ρ0 2 S[φ] S0 + dτ d r (∂τ φ) + (∂φ) . ' 2 0 g m cf. Lagrangian formulation of harmonic chain (or massless Klein-Gordon field) Z Z   Z d m 2 1 2 2 µ S = dt d r φ˙ ksa (∂φ) = dx ∂ φ∂µφ 2 − 2

gρ0 i.e. low-energy excitations involve collective phase fluctuations with a spectrum ωk = k m | | However, action differs from harmonic chain in that phase field φ is periodic on 2π – i.e. the space is not simply connected

This means that it can support topologically non-trivial field configurations involving windings – i.e. vortices

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. Physical ramifications: current density 1  pˆ  pˆ   ˆj(r, τ) = a†(r, τ) a(r, τ) a†(r, τ) a(r, τ) 2 m − m fun. int i ρ (∂ψ¯(r, τ))ψ(r, τ) ψ¯(r, τ)∂ψ(r, τ) 0 ∂φ(r, τ) −→ 2m − ' m i.e. ∂φ is measure of (super)current flow Variation of action S[δρ, φ] ;

ρ0 2 i∂τ φ = gδρ, i∂τ δρ = ∂ φ = ∂ j − m · First equation: system adjusts to fluctuations of density • by dynamical phase fluctuation Second equation ; continuity equation (conservation of mass) • Crucially, s.p.e. possess steady state solutions with non-vanishing ρ current flow: if φ independent of τ, δρ = 0 and 0 ∂2φ = ∂ j = 0 m ·

For T < Tc, a configuration with a uniform density profile can support a steady state divergenceless (super)flow

ρ(r) Superflow imposed by boundary conditions, cf. Coulomb: ∂2φ = − 

2 2 e.g. φ(r) φ0 ln x + y translates to a line vortex ' − | | 2 Notice that a ‘mass term’ in the phase action (viz. mφφ ) would spoil this property, i.e. the phenomenon of superflow is intimately linked to the Goldstone mode

. Steady state current flow in normal environments is prevented by the mechanism of energy dissipation, i.e. particles scatter off imperfections inside the system and thereby convert part of their energy into the creation of elementary excitations

How can dissipative loss of energy be avoided?

Trivially, no energy can be exchanged if there are no elementary excitations to create

In reality, this means that the excitations of the system should be energetically inaccessible (k.e. of carriers too small to create excitations)

But this is not the case here! there is no energy gap (ωk = vs k ) | | However, there is an ingenuous argument due to Landau (see notes) showing that a linear excitation spectrum can stabilize dissipationless transport for v < vs

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Cooper instability of electron gas

In the final section of the course, we will explore a pairing instability of the electron gas which leads to condensate formation and the phenomenon of superconductivity.

. History:

1911 discovery of superconductivity (Onnes) • 1950 Development of (correct) phenomenology (Ginzburg-Landau) • 1951 “isotope effect” — clue to (conventional) mechanism • 1957 BCS theory of conventional superconductivity (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) • 1976 Discovery of “unconventional” superconductivity (Steglich) • 1986 Discovery of high temperature superconductivity in cuprates (Bednorz-M¨uller) • ???? awaiting theory? • . (Conventional) mechanism: exchange of phonons induces non-local electron interaction

2 ˆ 0 ˆ X Mq ~ωq † † H = H0 + | | 2 2 ck−qσck0+qσ0 ck0σ0 ckσ 0 (k k−q) (~ωq) kk q − − Electrons can lower their energy by sharing lattice polarisation

As a result electrons can condense as pairs into state with energy gap to excitations

. Cooper instability

Consider two electrons above filled Fermi sea: Is weak pair interaction V (r1 r2) sufficient to create bound state? − Consider variational state

spin singlet spatial symm. gk = g−k z }| { z }| { 1 X ik·(r1−r2) ψ(r1, r2) = ( 1 2 2 1 ) gk e √2 | ↑ i ⊗ | ↓ i − | ↑ i ⊗ | ↓ i |k|≥kF

Applied to (spin-independent) Schr¨odingerequation: Hψˆ = Eψ

X ik·(r1−r2) X ik·(r1−r2) gk [2 k + V (r1 r2)] e = E gke − k k

0 1 R L d −ik ·(r1−r2) Fourier transforming equation: d d (r1 r2)e × L 0 − Z X 1 d i(k−k0)·r Vk−k0 gk0 = (E 2k)gk,Vk−k0 = d r V (r)e − Ld k0

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XII 52

 V d k F , k0 F < ωD If we assume Vk−k0 = L 0− {| otherwise− | | − |} V X V X 1 X X V X 1 0 0 d gk = (E 2k)gk d gk = gk d = 1 −L − 7→ −L E 2k 7→ −L E 2k k0 k − k0 k k − 1 X Z ddk Z Z 1 Using d = d = ν() d ν(F ) d, where ν() = is DoS L (2π) ∼ ∂kk k | | Z F +ωD   V X 1 d ν(F )V E 2F 2ωD d ν(F )V = ln − − = 1 −L E 2k ' − E 2 2 E 2F k − F − −

In limit of “weak coupling”, i.e. ν(F )V 1  2 − ν( )V E 2F 2ωDe F ' − i.e. pair forms a bound state (no matter how small interaction!) •

energy of bound state is non-perturbative in ν(F )V •

P ik·r . Radius of pair wavefunction: g(r) = k gke ,

1 ∂k ∂ ∂ Using gk = const., ∂k = = v , and 2k−E × ∂k ∂k ∂k δ(r r0) − Z z }| { Z 1 X 2 d d 0 0 1 X ik·(r−r0) ∗ 0 d 2 2 ∂kgk = d r d r r r e g(r)g (r ) = d r r g(r) , Ld | | · Ld | | k k  +ω 2 R d 2 2 P 2 R F D 2 ∂ 1  d r r g(r) ∂kgk d ν() v r2 = | | = k | | = F ∂ 2−E R d 2 P 2 R F +ωD 1 h i d r g(r) k gk d ν() 2 | | | | F (2−E)  +ω 2 R F D 4d 2 vF  (2−E)4 4 v F = F R F +ωD d 2 ' 2 3 (2F E) F (2−E) − 8 2 1/2 4 if binding energy 2F E kBTc, Tc 10K, vF 10 cm/s, ξ0 = r 10 A˚, − ∼ ∼ i.e.∼ other electronsh musti be∼ important

. BCS wavefunction

Two electrons in a paired state has wavefunction 1 φ(r1 r2) = ( 1 2 1 2 )g(r1 r2) − √2 | ↑ i ⊗ | ↓ i − | ↓ i ⊗ | ↑ i −

Drawing analogy with Bose condensate, consider variational state

N/2 Y ψ(r1 r2N ) = φ(r2n−1 r2n) ··· N n=1 −

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Is ψ compatible with Pauli principle? For a single pair, Z L Z L 1 d d † † φ = d d r1 d r2 g(r1 r2)c↑(r1)c↓(r2) Ω | i L 0 0 − | i δk+k0,0 gk z L L }| { Z Z 0 X 1 d d ik·r1 ik ·r2 † † X † † = d r1 d r2 g(r1 r2)e e c c 0 Ω = gkc c Ω L2d − k↑ k ↓| i k↑ −k↓| i k,k0 0 0 k

1 R d ik·r where gk = Ld d r g(r)e Then, of the terms in the expansion of

N " # Y X † † ψ = gk c c Ω | i n kn↑ −kn↓ | i n=1 kn

those with all kns different survive

Generally, more convenient to work in grand canonical ensemble where one allows for (small) fluctuations in the total particle number, viz.

cf. coherent state of pairs z " }| # { Y † † X † † ψ = (uk + vkc c ) Ω exp gkc c Ω | i k↑ −k↓ | i ∼ k↑ −k↓ | i k k

2 2 where normalisation demands uk + vk = 1 (exercise)  1 k < kF In non-interacting electron gas vk = | | 0 k > kF | |

In interacting system, to determine the variational parameters, (uk, vk), one can use a variational principle, i.e. to minimise ψ Hˆ F Nˆ ψ h | − | i . BCS Hamiltonian

However, since we are interested in both the g.s. energy and spectrum of excitations, we will follow a different route and explore the model Hamiltonian

X † V X † † Hˆ = kc ckσ c 0 c 0 c−k↓ck↑ kσ − Ld k ↑ −k ↓ k kk0

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Lecture XIII: BCS theory of Superconductivity

. From Cooper argument, two electrons above Fermi sea can form a bound state Z L Z L 1 d d † † φ = d d r1 d r2 g(r1 r2)c↑(r1)c↓(r2) Ω | i L 0 0 − | i δk+k0,0 gk z L L }| { Z Z 0 X 1 d d ik·r1 ik ·r2 † † X † † = d r1 d r2 g(r1 r2)e e c c 0 Ω = gkc c Ω L2d − k↑ k ↓| i k↑ −k↓| i k,k0 0 0 k

1 R d ik·r where gk = Ld d r g(r)e denotes pair wavefunction To develop insight into the many-body system, consider effective theory involving only interaction between pairs: BCS Hamiltonian

X † V X † † Hˆ = kc ckσ c 0 c 0 c−k↓ck↑ kσ − Ld k ↑ −k ↓ k kk0 Transition to condensate signalled by development of “anomalous average” † † ¯bk = g.s. c c g.s. , i.e. g.s. is not an eigenstate of particle number! h | k↑ −k↓| i | i

Since we expect quantum fluctuations of ¯bk to be small, we may set small † † z† † }| { c c = ¯bk+ c c ¯bk k↑ −k↓ k↑ −k↓ − † (cf. approach to BEC where a0 replaced by a C-number) so that

ξk X z }| { † V X † † Hˆ µNˆ = (k µ) c ckσ c 0 c 0 c−k↓ck↑, − − kσ − Ld k ↑ −k ↓ kσ kk0

X † V X  † †  2 ξkc c ¯bkc 0 c 0 + bk0 c c ¯bkbk0 + O(small) ' kσ kσ − Ld −k ↓ k ↑ k↑ −k↓ − kσ kk0 V X Setting bk ∆, obtain the “Bogoliubov-de Gennes” or “Gor’kov” Hamiltonian Ld ≡ k

d 2 X † X  † †  L ∆ Hˆ µNˆ = ξkc c ∆¯ c 0 c 0 + ∆c c + | | − kσ kσ − −k ↓ k ↑ k↑ −k↓ V kσ k     d 2 X  †  ξk ∆ ck↑ X L ∆ = ck↑ c−k↓ − † + ξk + | | ∆¯ ξk c V k − − −k↓ k For simplicity, let us for now assume that ∆ is real (soon we will see that global phase is arbitrary...)

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Bilinear in fermion operators, Hˆ µNˆ diagonalised by transformation − OT   z }| {   ck↑ uk vk γk↑ † = † c vk uk γ −k↓ − −k↓ where anticommutation relations require OT O = 1, 2 2 i.e. uk + vk = 1 (orthogonal transformations)

Substituting, transformed Hamiltonian OHOT diagonalised if (Ex.)

2 2 2ξkukvk + ∆(v u ) = 0 k − k

i.e. setting uk = sin θk and vk = cos θk,

∆ ∆ ξk tan 2θk = , sin 2θk = , cos 2θk = p 2 2 p 2 2 −ξk ξk + ∆ − ξk + ∆

iφ iφ (N.B. for complex ∆ = ∆ e , vk = e cos θk) | | As a result,

d 2  2 2 1/2    X L ∆ X  †  (ξk + ∆ ) γk↑ Hˆ µNˆ = ξk + + γ γ † − V k↑ −k↓ (ξ2 + ∆2)1/2 γ k k − k −k↓ d 2 X 2 2 1/2 L ∆ X 2 2 1/2 † = (ξk (ξ + ∆ ) ) + + (ξ + ∆ ) γ γkσ − k V k kσ k kσ

† Quasi-particle excitations, created by γkσ, have minimum energy ∆

g.s. identified as state annihilated by all the quasi-particle operators γkσ, i.e.

Y Y † † g.s. γ γ Ω = (ukc−k↓ + vkc )(ukck↑ vkc ) Ω | i ≡ −k↓ k↑| i k↑ − −k↓ | i k k Y † † † Y † † = vk(ukc−k↓c + vkc c ) Ω = const. (uk + vkc c ) Ω −k↓ k↑ −k↓ | i × k↑ −k↓ | i k k in fact, const. = 1

Note that global phase of ∆ is arbitrary, i.e. g.s. continuously degenerate (cf. BEC) | i . Self-consistency condition: BCS gap equation

V X V X † † V X ∆ ¯bk = g.s. c c g.s. = ukvk ≡ Ld Ld h | k↑ −k↓| i Ld k k k V X V X ∆ = sin 2θk = 2Ld 2Ld p 2 2 k k ξk + ∆

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Z ωD V X 1 V ν(µ) 1 −1 i.e. 1 = = dξ = V ν(µ) sinh (ωD/∆) 2Ld p 2 2 2 p 2 2 k ξk + ∆ −ωD ξ + ∆

− 1 if ωD ∆, ∆ 2ωDe ν(µ)V  ' ! 2 2 1 1 ξk . In limit ∆ 0, v = cos θk = (cos 2θ + 1) = 1 θ(µ k), k p 2 2 → 2 2 − ξk + ∆ 7→ − and g.s. collapses to filled Fermi sea with chemical potential µ | i For ∆ = 0, states in vicinity of µ rearrange into condensate of Cooper pairs 6 p 2 2 . Spectrum of quasi-particle excitations ξk + ∆ shows rigid energy gap ∆

. Density of quasi-particle states: 1 X q Z p ρ() = δ( ξ2 + ∆2) = dξν(ξ)δ( ξ2 + ∆2) Ld − k − kσ ∞ 2 2 1/2 X Z δ ξ s( ∆ )  ν(µ) dξ − − = 2ν(µ)Θ( ∆) 2 2 1/2 ≈ −∞ ∂ 2 2 1/2 − ( ∆ ) s=±1 ∂ξ (ξ + ∆ ) −

i.e. spectral weight transferred from Fermi surface to interval [∆, ] ∞

. Field Theory of Superconductivity

Starting point is Hamiltonian for local (contact) pairing interaction: " # Z X pˆ2 Hˆ = ddr c† (r) c (r) V c†(r)c†(r)c (r)c (r) σ 2m σ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ σ −

ˆ ˆ . Quantum partition function: = tr e−β(H−µN) Z x≡(τ,r) R dx z }| { Z n Z β Z L h X  pˆ2  io = D(ψ,¯ ψ) exp dτ ddr ψ¯ ∂ + µ ψ V ψ¯ ψ¯ ψ ψ σ τ 2m σ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ Z ψ(β)=−ψ(0) − 0 0 σ − −

where ψσ(r, τ) denote Grassmann (anticommuting) fields

Options for analysis:

perturbative expansion in V ? No — transition to condensate non-perturbative in V • Mean-field (saddle-point) analysis • To prepare for s.p. analysis, it is useful to trade Grassmann fields for “slow fields” that parameterise the low-energy fluctuations of condensed phase

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This is achieved by a general technique known as...

. Hubbard-Stratonovich decoupling:

Introduce complex commuting field ∆(r, τ) whose expectation value translates to that of “anomalous average” c†c† h ↑ ↓i 1 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ V (∆+V ψ↑ψ↓)(∆+V ψ↓ψ↑)−V ψ↑ψ↓ψ↓ψ↑ z 2 }| { R ¯ ¯ Z n Z h r i o V dx ψ↑ψ↓ψ↓ψ↑ ∆( , τ) e = D(∆¯ , ∆) exp dx | | + (∆¯ ψ↓ψ↑ + ∆ψ¯↑ψ¯↓) − V R β R β R β Using identity dτ ψ¯↓∂τ ψ↓ = (∂τ ψ¯↓)ψ↓ = ψ↓∂τ ψ¯↓ 0 − 0 0 ˆ(p) −1 ˆ(h) −1 [G0 ] [G0 ] Z β Z L z }|2 2 { Z β Z L z }|2 2 { d ~ ∂ d ~ ∂ dτ d r ψ¯↓ ∂τ µ ψ↓ = dτ d r ψ↓ ∂τ + + µ ψ¯↓ 0 0 − 2m − 0 0 2m ˆ(p/h) where G0 denotes GF or propagator of free particle/hole Hamiltonian,

Z Z 2 − R dx |∆| = D(ψ,¯ ψ) D(∆¯ , ∆)e g Z Gorkov Hamiltonian Gˆ−1 Nambu spinor Ψ¯ z }| { h Z z }| {  [Gˆ(p)]−1 ∆   ψ  i exp dx ( ψ¯ ψ ) 0 ↑ ↑ ↓ ¯ ˆ(h) −1 ¯ × − ∆ [G0 ] ψ↓ Z Z |∆|2  Z  − R dx −1 = D(ψ,¯ ψ) D(∆¯ , ∆)e g exp dx Ψ¯ ˆ Ψ − G Using Gaussian Grassmann field integral: " # Z X D(Ψ¯ , Ψ) exp Ψ¯ iAijΨj = det A = exp[ln det A] = exp[tr ln A] − ij

Effective action S[∆] z }| { Z h Z ∆ 2 i = D(∆¯ , ∆) exp dx| | + tr ln ˆ−1[∆] Z − V G meaning of trace

i.e. expressed as functional field integral over complex scalar field ∆(x) Z Formal expression is exact; but to proceed, we must invoke some approximation:

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. Examples of Hubbard-Stratonovich decoupling

ˆ ˆ Z ¯ e.g. (1) weakly interacting electron gas: tr e−β(H−µN) = D(ψ,¯ ψ)e−S[ψ,ψ] Z ≡ ψ¯(0)=−ψ¯(β) ψ(0)=−ψ(β) " Z β Z X  pˆ2  S = dτ ddr ψ¯ (r, τ) ∂ + µ ψ (r, τ) σ τ 2m σ 0 σ − Z 2 # 1 d d 0 X 0 e 0 + d rd r ψ¯ (r, τ)ψ¯ 0 (r , τ) ψ 0 (r , τ)ψ (r, τ) 2 σ σ r r0 σ σ σ,σ0 | − | Z Z Coulomb interaction decoupled by scalar field, = D(ψ,¯ ψ) Dφ e−Seff Z " # Z β Z X  pˆ2  1 S = dτ ddr ψ¯ (r, τ) ∂ + µ + ieφ ψ (r, τ) + (∂φ)2 eff σ τ 2m σ 8π 0 σ − Physically: φ represents bosonic photon field that mediates Coulomb interaction

e.g. (2) itinerant ferromagnetism in Hubbard model

2 2Sm Z X Z X z −}| { S = dτ ψ¯kσ(∂τ + k µ)ψkσ + 3U dτ ψ¯m↑ψ¯m↓ψm↓ψm↑ − kσ m 1 P ¯ where Sm = 2 αβ ψmασαβψmβ (cf. electron spin operator) Z Z Hubbard interaction decoupled by vector field, = D(ψ,¯ ψ) DM e−Seff Z

Z Z " 2 # X X Mm X Seff = dτ ψ¯kσ(∂τ + k µ)ψkσ + dτ ψ¯mαMm σαβψmβ − 2U − · kσ m αβ

Physically: M~ represents bosonic magnetisation field

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Lecture XIV: Field Theory of Superconductivity

Recap: Cast as field integral

R ˆ(p) −1 x≡(τ,r) dx [G0 ] z }| { z }| { Z n Z β Z L h X  pˆ2  io = D(ψ,¯ ψ) exp dτ ddr ψ¯ ∂ + µ ψ V ψ¯ ψ¯ ψ ψ σ τ 2m σ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ Z ψ(β)=−ψ(0) − 0 0 σ − − local pair interaction may be decoupled by Hubbard-Stratonovich field, ∆(x) Z −S[∆] Integrating over the Grassmann fields, ψ¯σ, and ψσ, = D(∆¯ , ∆)e with Z

Z  2  −1 p/h −1 + pˆ dx x tr2 ln ˆ [∆] x [Gˆ ] = ∂τ /− µ h | G | i 0 2m − Z ∆ 2 z }| {  [Gˆ(p)]−1 ∆  S[∆] = dx | | tr ln ˆ−1[∆] , ˆ−1 = 0 ¯ ˆ(h) −1 V − G G ∆ [G0 ] To proceed further, it was necessary to invoke some approximation

. I. Mean-field theory: far from critical temperature, Tc, we expect field integral to be dominated by saddle-point: Z 1 δS S[∆ + δ∆] S[∆] = dx (∆¯ δ∆ + δ∆¯ ∆ + δ∆ 2) ≡ − V | |   0 δ∆  h i tr ln ˆ−1 + + tr ln ˆ−1 − G δ∆¯ 0 G   0 δ∆  = ( ) tr ln 1 + ˆ ··· − G δ∆¯ 0 Z 1   0 δ∆  = dx (∆¯ δ∆ + δ∆¯ ∆) tr ˆ + O( δ∆ 2) V − G δ∆¯ 0 | | Z  2 = ( ) dx 21(x, x)δ∆(x) + 12(x, x)δ∆(¯ x) + O( δ∆ ) ··· − G G | | Z Z where tr[ ˆ21δ∆] = dx x ˆ21δ∆ x = dx 21(x, x)δ∆(x) G h |G | i G δS ∆(x) i.e. ∆(x) obeys the saddle-point condition: = 12(x, x) = 0 δ∆¯ V − G

With the Ansatz ∆(x) = ∆ const., ˆ k = (k) k , with k ωn, k and G| i G | i | i ≡ | i   2 2 −1 iωn + ξk ∆ ~ k (k) = − , ξk = µ G ∆¯ iωn ξk 2m − − −  1 iωn ξk ∆ (k) = 2 2 2 − − − G ω ξ ∆ ∆¯ iωn + ξk − n − k − | | − −

Lecture Notes October 2006 Lecture XIV 60

i.e. ∆ obeys the gap equation: p e−ik·x/ βLd/2 ∆ ˆ X z }| { 1 X 1 X ∆ = x 12 x = x k 12(k) k x = d 12(k) = d 2 2 V h |G | i h | i G h | i βL G βL ωn + Ek k k ωn,k

p 2 2 with Ek = ξ + ∆ and k x = ωnτ k r k | | · − · Using (fermionic) Matsubara frequency summation

X X  β  h(ωn) = Res h( iz) − eβz + 1 ωn p z=zp 1 1 with h( iz) = , zp = Ek with residue h(zp) = and − (z Ek)( z Ek) ± ±2Ek − − − ∆ 1 X  1 1  ∆ 1 X ∆ = d −βE βE = d tanh(βEk/2) V L e k + 1 − e k + 1 2Ek L 2Ek k k For T = 0, β , → ∞ Z Z ~ωD   1 1 X 1 dξν(ξ) ν(0) dξ −1 ~ωD = = = ν(0) sinh , d p 2 2 p 2 2 V L 2Ek 2 ξ + ∆ ' 2 − ω ξ + ∆ ∆ k | | ~ D | | | |  1  i.e. ∆ 2~ωD exp | | ' −ν(0)V For T = Tc, ∆ = 0,

Z ~ωD   1 tanh(βcξ/2) 1 ν(0) dξ ν(0) ln(1.14βc~ωD), kBTc 1.14~ωD exp V ' −~ωD 2ξ ' ' −ν(0)V

. II. Ginzburg-Landau theory: since ∆ develops continuously from zero, close to Tc, we may develop perturbative expansion in (small) ∆(x)    −1 −1 0 ∆ Noting : ˆ [∆] = ˆ 1 + ˆ0 , ˆ0 ˆ(∆ = 0) G G0 G ∆¯ 0 G ≡ G

  2 ∞ n −1 −1 1 0 ∆ X ( z) tr ln ˆ [∆] = tr ln ˆ tr ˆ0 + , ln(1 + z) = − 0 2 ∆¯ 0 n G G − G ··· − n=1

tr ln Gˆ−1 −1 Zeroth order term in ∆ ; ‘free particle’ contribution, viz. 0 = e 0 = det ˆ • Z G0 First (and all odd) order term(s) absent •

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Second order term: • (p/h) ωn, k G0 (k) | i z }| { ˆ(p/h) z}|{ 2 2 −1 Noting G0 k =( iωn + (~ k /2m µ)) k | i − − | i Z X 1 −ik·x and using id. = k k , ∆k = dx e ∆(x) | ih | p d k βL

d ∆k0−k/√βL (p) (h) X (p) z }| { (h) tr[Gˆ ∆Gˆ ∆]¯ = G (k) k ∆ k0 G (k0) k0 ∆¯ k 0 0 0 h | | i 0 h | | i kk0 pairing susceptibility Π(q) z }| { q=k0−k X 1 X (p) (h) = ∆ ∆¯ G (k)G (k + q) q q βLd 0 0 q k

1 X 1 1 ~2k2 i.e. Π(ωm, q) = d , ξk = µ βL iωn + ξk i(ωn + ωm) ξk+q 2m − ωn,k − − −

Combined with bare term,

X  1  S[∆] = + Π(q) ∆¯ ∆ + O( ∆ 4) V q q q | |

In principle, one can evaluate Π(q) explicitly; however we can proceed more simply by considering a...

. ‘Gradient expansion’:

1 2 Kδαβ,K = ∂ Π(0) τ = 0 d q z }| { z }| { z 2 }| { ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ 2 4 Π(q, ωm) = Π(0) + iωm Π(0) +qα Π(0) + qαqβ Π(0) +O(ωm, q ) ∂(iωm) ∂qα 2 ∂qα∂qβ K = Π(0) + iω τ + q2 + O(ω2 , q4) m 2 m

At large enough temperatures, kBTc 1/τ, dynamics may be neglected altogether (viz. ∆(x) ∆(r)) and one obtains ≡ . Ginzburg-Landau action

Z β X  t  S[∆] = dτ + Kq2 ∆¯ ∆ + O( ∆ 4) 2 q q 0 q | | Z  t K  = β ddr ∆ 2 + ∂∆ 2 + u ∆ 4 + 2| | 2 | | | | ···

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t 1 where = + Π(0), and K, u > 0 (cf. weakly interacting Bose gas) 2 V . Landau Theory: If we assume that dominant contribution to = e−βF arises from minumum action, i.e. spatially homogeneousZ ∆ that minimises S[∆] t = ∆ 2 + u ∆ 4 βLd 2| | | |

 0 t > 0 one obtains ∆ t + 4u ∆ 2 = 0, ∆ = p | | | | | | t/4u t < 0 − i.e. for t < 0, spontaneous breaking of continuous U(1) symmetry associated with phase ; gapless fluctuations — Goldstone modes

S[!] |!|

Im [!] Re [!] Tc

t 1 With Π(0) ν(0) ln(1.14β~ωD) (as before), Tc fixed by condition + Π(0) T =Tc = 0, ' − 2 ≡ V | 1 i.e. = ν(0) ln(1.14βc~ωD) V Therefore         t 1 βc T T Tc T Tc = + Π(0,T ) = ν(0) ln = ν(0) ln = ν(0) ln 1 + − ν(0) − 2 V β Tc Tc ' Tc i.e. physically t is a ‘reduced temperature’

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Lecture XV: Superconductivity and Gauge Invariance

. Recall: Starting with Hamiltonian for electrons with local (contact) pairing interaction: " # Z X pˆ2 Hˆ = ddr c† (r) c (r) V c†(r)c†(r)c (r)c (r) σ 2m σ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ σ − quantum partition function can be expressed as field integral involving complex field Z   ¯ X 1 = D[∆¯ , ∆]e−S[∆,∆],S = + Π(q) ∆ 2 + O(∆4) V q Z q | |

where pair susceptibility

1 X (p) (h) (p/h) 1 Π(q) = d G0 (k)G0 (k + q),G0 (k) = + 2 2 βL iωn /−(~ k /2m µ) k − − Gradient expansion of action ; Ginzburg-Landau theory Z  t K  S[∆] = β ddr ∆ 2 + ∂∆ 2 + u ∆ 4 + 2| | 2 | | | | ···

t 1 T Tc where = + Π(0) ν(0) − , and constants K, u > 0 2 V ' Tc . What about the physical properties of the condensed phase?

To establish origin of perfect diamagnetism (and zero resistance), one must accommodate electromagnetic field in Ginzburg-Landau action

. Inclusion of EM field into action requires minimal substitution: pˆ pˆ eA → − 2 and addition of action for photon field (~ = 1, c = 1, 4π0 = 1, µ0 = 1/0c = 4π.) Z 1 µν SEM = dx FµνF ,Fµν = ∂µAν ∂νAµ − 4µ0 − Repitition of field theory in presence of vector field obtains Z Z generalised Ginzburg-Landau theory: = DA D[∆, ∆]¯ e−S Z

LEM z }| { Z h t K 1 i S = β ddr ∆ 2 + (∂ i2eA)∆ 2 + u ∆ 4+ (∂ A)2 2| | 2 | − | | | 8π × Factor of 2 due to pairing (focusing only on spatial fluctuations of A)

. Gauge Invariance: Action invariant under local gauge transformation

A A0 = A ∂φ(r), ∆ ∆0 = e−2ieφ(r)∆ 7→ − 7→

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(∂ i2eA)∆ (∂ i2e(A ∂φ))e−2ieφ(r)∆ = e−2ieφ(r)(∂ i2eA)∆ − 7→ − − − i.e. (∂ i2eA)∆ 2 (as well as ∂ A) invariant | − | × . “Anderson-”: phase of complex order parameter ∆ = ∆ e−2ieφ(r) can be absorbed into A A| 0 |= A ∂φ(r) 7→ − Z  t K m2 1  S = β ddr ∆ 2 + (∂ ∆ )2 + ν A2 + u ∆ 4 + (∂ A)2 2| | 2 | | 2 | | 8π × where m2 = 4e2K ∆ 2 ν | | i.e. massless phase degree of freedom φ(r) has disappeared and photon field A has acquired a ‘mass’!

Example of a general principle:

“Below Tc, Goldstone bosons (φ) and gauge field A conspire to create massive excitations, and massless excitations are unobservable”, cf. electroweak theory p Coherence (healing) length ξ = K/t describes scale over which fluctuations are correlated – diverges on approaching transition

. Meissner effect: minimisation of action w.r.t. A B 1 z }| { ∂ (∂ A) m2A = 0 (∂2 4πm2)B = 0 4π × × − ν 7→ − ν B = 0 is the only constant uniform solution ; perfect diamagnetism

1/mν provides the length scale (London penetration depth), over which a magnetic field can penetrates the superconductor at the boundary

Free energy of superconductor first proposed on phenomenological grounds — how? ...& why is crude gradient expansion so successful?

. Statistical Field Theory

Superconducting transition is an example of a “critical phenomena”

Close to critical point Tc, the thermodynamic properties of a system are dictated by “universal” characteristics

To understand why, consider a simpler prototype: the classical Ising (i.e. one-component) ferromagnet: X X H = J SzSz + B Sz,Sz = 1 − i j i i ± hiji i

Equilibrium Phase diagram?

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2 T Tc H

What happens in the vicinity of critical point?

1. 1st order transition — order parameter (magnetisation) changes discontinuously; correlation length (scale over which fluctuations correlated) remains finite

2. 2nd order transition — order parameter changes continuously; correlation length diverges (ξ 1/t1/2) ∼ ...motivates consideration of “hydrodynamic” theory which surrenders information about microscopic length scales and involves a coarse-grained order parameter field Z = e−βF = DS(r) e−βHeff [S(r)] Z

with βHeff [S] constrained (only) by fundamental symmetry (translation, rotation, etc.) Z   d t 2 K 2 4 βHeff [S(r)] = d r S + (∂S) + uS + + BS 2 2 ··· cf. Ginzburg-Landau Theory

. Landau theory: S(r) = S const.

βF min  t  = S S2 + uS4 , etc. Ld 2

. Continuous phase transitions separate into Universality classes with the same characteristic critical behaviour

E.g. (1) Ising model – liquid/gas: S density ρ, B pressure P → → 0 00 E.g. (2) Superconductivity – classical XY ferromagnet: ∆ + i∆ (Sx,Sy) →

Lecture Notes October 2006