Climate Change, Food Security, and Socioeconomic Livelihood in Pacific Islands
Climate Change, Food Security, and Socioeconomic Livelihood in Pacific Islands This report assesses the impact of climate change on agriculture and fisheries in three Pacific Island countries, including the impacts on agricultural production, economic returns for major crops, and food security. Alternative adaption policies are examined in order to provide policy options that reduce the impact of climate change on food security. The overall intention is to provide a clear message for development practitioners and policymakers about how to cope with the threats, as well as understand the opportunities, surrounding ongoing climate change. Project countries include Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. About the Asian Development Bank ADB’s vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Despite the region’s many successes, it remains home to the majority of the world’s poor. ADB is committed to reducing poverty through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Based in Manila, ADB is owned by 67 members, including 48 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance. About the International Food Policy Research Institute The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), established in 1975, provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition. The Institute conducts research, communicates results, optimizes partnerships, and builds capacity to ensure sustainable food production, promote healthy food systems, improve markets and trade, transform agriculture, build resilience, and strengthen institutions and governance.
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