DIRECTORY. 89 NORTH NEWNTON. [WILTS.) ' NOB.TH NBWNTON, or NEWTON, is a township, incumbent. The church, an ancient structure, with a small village, and parish in the Hundred of Swan borough, square tower, has lately undergone repairs. The area of Union, situate on the river Avon, 8 miles the parish is 1,381 acres, and the population 364. south-east from , and 4 south-west from Pewsey. HILCOTT is a tithing, with a church, school-room The living is a vicarage, value £176; patron, the Rev. S. licensed for service, and a chapel for Primitive Methodists. Stockwell. The Rev. William Radcliffe is the t HA INSCOMBE is a tithing. R:ldcliffe Rev. Alston William Lvicar], Dnrnford George, butcher, Martin George, ':Sun,' & shopkeeper, H ilcutt . El lis J obn, tailor, H ilcott Bottlesford Rogers Francis~Newman, esq. Rains- Grant John, farmer, Rainscombe Simper Josepb, farmer combe house Hancock William, farmer, Rainscombe \Veils Josepb, • Woodbridge,' & farmer Bauniug Daniel, tailor Keepence Henry, shoemaker, Hilcott Wild Robert, la11d surveyor, Hilcott Clift Job, farmer, Hilcott Keepence Joha, bricklayer, Bottlestord Letters received through Pew~ey, Davis Thomas, farmer, Hilcott Keepence Wm. stonemaRon, Bottlesford which is also the nearest money order Dowse J ames, shopkeeper, Hilcott I Martin John, gardener, Bottlesford office 1\T:BW'TON TONEY, a township, pari8h, and village, new edifice in the decorated sty le, was consecrated in 4 miles from Amesbury east, and 9 from Salisbury north­ 1844. In the neighbourhood is Wilbury House and Park, east, in the Hundred and Union of Amesbury, South the seat of Sir A lex. :M:alet. In 1851, the population was Wilt~, and diocese of Salisbury. The living i~ a rectory, 316; the acreage, 2,365. Sir Alexander 1\I•det is lord of value £441, and 40 acres of glebe, in the gift of Queen's the manor. College, Cambridge; the Rev. John Newton Peill, B.n., TOWER HILL is 2 miles south-east. is the incumbent. The church of St. Andrew, an entirely Fuller ton George A. esq. Wilbury house' Cooke Robert, baker & grocer Rose George, 'Malet'sArms,' & carpntr Peill Rev. John Newton, B.D. Rectory Edwards Enoch Thomas, farmer Scott William Stephenson, farmer TRADERS. El ton William, baker & grocer Trnckle W illiam, boot & 8hoe maker Barnes J ames, tailor Hollow ay Robert, blacksmil h L'.!tters through Cholderton. The .Brown William, butcher Holloway Thos. beer retailer & maltster nearest money order office is at Ames- Budge Thomat!, farmer Kendle Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer bury CARRIERS TO SALISBURY-William Eltob, tuesday &. saturday; Robert Cooke, tuesday; Henry Poole, tuesduy & Saturday Assessor, Enoch Thomas Edwards 1\TOBTON BAV41\TT, a township and parish in the of Salisbury, and in the patronage of the Crown; the Rev. Hundred and Union of Warmint!ter, South Wilts, 3 miles Edward Eliot, M. A., is the present incumbent. The church south-east fmm Warminster station, 117 from London, is dedicated to All Saints. Population, in 1851, 284; and 1 north-west from Heytesbury•. The living is a area in acres, 2,161; and rateable value, £2,477. vicarage, value £160, in the archdeaconry and diocese BuTLERSCOMBE is a farm. GENTRY. Flower Isaac, farmer, Butlerscombe Silvey Ann (Mr11.), schoolmistress Bennett Miss Foreman Frederick, silversmith Smith Sidney, farmer & millrr Eliot Rev. Edward, M. A. Knight James, farmer Snelgrove Ctuules, shopkeeper TRADERS. Ml!-rtin Henry, parish clerk Letters through Warminster. The Carpenter Samuel, miller, 1\'Iarsh mill Miller Josepb, police officer nearest money order office is at Heytes- Coles Robert, farmer Milsom William, farmer bury NOR.TON COLEP..a.RLE, a small village and parish, the diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, and the gift of J oseph situated on the lower Avon, 4 miles south-west from Necld, Esq., who is lord of this manor; the Rev. John Malmesbury, and about 8 north-west from Chippenham, Edward Jackson is the incumbent. The parish church is in the Hundred and Union of Malmesbury,Cricklade parlia- I small, and of considerable antiquity •. The area is 1,050 mentary borough, North Wilts. The living is a vicarage, in acres, and the population 123. Bennett John D. G. farmer, Maidford '!Dyer William, farmer I Letters through Malmesbury, which Compton E. furmer Kilminster -;::• farmer is also the nearest money order office

1\TUNTON, a township and parish in the Hundred of incumbent. NEw HALL1 in this parish, is the seat of Major­ Down ton and Alderbury Union, South Wilts, distant 3~ General Buckley. Here is a place of worship for Baptists, miles south-east-by-south from Salisbury, and 98~ from and a small National school. Population, in 1851,276. London. The living is a perpetual curacy, united with BoDENHA.M is united with Nunton township. that of Bodenham; the Rev. Richard Payne, B.c.L., is the Buckley Major-Gen. Edward,Newhallj Stratton Mr. John, Bodenham Newham Anne (Mrs.), baker, shop- Cook Mr. Henry,Bodenham TRADERS. keeper & beer retailer ~Iontgomery .Mrs IMoore William, farm steward to Major- Read George, farmer Patient Ambros, esq. Bodenham General Buckley, New ball Read John, farmer PosT 0PPICE.-Mr8. Mary Ann Cookman, receiver., patched at 9 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Letters received from Salisbury at i past 5 a.m.; dis- Salil'lbury OAKSEY is a township, village, anu parish, distant 6 6 bells, nave, south aisle, and chancel, in which is some miles south-west from Cirencester, 2 south from Tetbury handsome stained glass; it is lighted by clerestory win­ junction station, 93 from Londou, and 5 north-east from dows. The Primitive Methodists have a small chapel. Malmesbury, in the Hundred and parliamentary borough The population, in 1851, was 487; the area in acres, 1 ,800. of Cricklade, Malmesbury Union, North Wilts. The living Mrs. Salisbury, of Salisbury, is the lady of the manor~ is a rectory, in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev. FLINTHAM is 1 mile south-west; Sodoms, half a mile Edward Rydcr, M. A.; net value £500 per annum, including nortll-ea!!t; Kemble Wick, g miles north; Clattingar, or the glebe. The church is a handsome fabric in the early Clotinger, 2 miles east.~ Park, Dame, Woodside, and Eoglish style; it consists of an embattled tower, containing Church are the names of farms. Ryder Rev. Edward, M.A. [rector] Hayes Wm.Orchard,farmer, Damefrm Liddington John, grocer TRADERS. Hiscock Joseph, farmer, Park farm Norton Philip, farmer Baker John,' Wheatsheof' Hitchings Richard, fanner R11tcliffe Charles, veterinary surgeon Baker Robert, shopkeeper Holtham John, farmer Ricketts Thomas, carpenter Burgess John, shopkeeper Howes Reuben, blacksmith Rogers Racbel (Mrs.), farmer& baker Clark Dabiel, parish clerk Jaques & Shurin, threshing machine Shurin Howell, farmer, \Voodside Cole A bel, farmer & butcher proprietors Stone Ralph, farmer, Clotinger Dicks John, wheelwright Jones William, bricklayer West William, boot maker Dicks Joseph, wheelwright Lamb John, postmaster & bootmaker Warner Edward P. farmer, Clmrch frm H11rding John, farmer, Sodom farm Lewis John, farmer Wallis Henry, farmer PosT 0PPICE.-John Lamb, receiver. Letters arrive from Church, Rev. Edward Ryder, M.A. rector Cirencester at IQ a. m. ; dispatched at 4 p.m. The nearest Primitive Methodist Chapel, ministers various money order offices are at Malmesbury &. Cirencester