To Whom It May Concern:

Please see attached my documents for entry into the 2019 Student Book-Collecting Contest.

Title: A Rosetta Stone

Submitted by:

Sean McAllister Graduate student

Thank you.


Sean McAllister A Harry Potter Rosetta Stone

In 1997, Joanne Rowling published the first novel of her seven part series about the adventures of a young wizard, Harry Potter. Since that time, the series has been authorized for publication in 75 other languages and been printed in over 500 million copies worldwide (see article1), with these numbers continuing to grow. I first read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in 1999, at 13 years of age, and have loved and leaned on the series since that time. In 2003, I began my collecting adventure, and present here the 442 authorized books that can be found in my collection in addition to book illustrations. The purpose of my collection has changed over time. However, reading the series and my collecting journey has nurtured my love of reading and printed material.

What Harry Potter means to me

It would be difficult to understand why I have such a sizable collection without first understanding what the series means to me. I was gifted the first Harry Potter book midyear in 1999 (30th printing) (Figure 1), a present from my cousin. I put the book aside, because, at that point, I wasn’t a huge fan of reading new books – I tend to reread old favorites. But by Christmas, I had the time and read that first book…and the second and third books. At that point, I had to wait a year for the next release, which seemed like an eternity. My parents saw the lag in publications of the series and wondered if I really wanted to get into it, since I would be in college before the final book was released. I was unperturbed. I am glad I kept going.

1 Accessed May 10th, 2019.

1 In college, I spent the summer between Freshmen and Sophomore years at a field camp based out of Dillingham, Alaska. Mid-way through the season, which was spent fishing and performing surgery on Salvelinus malma (Dolly Varden char), I had an opportunity to read the sixth book. When I arrived at the final act, I was deeply moved. Dumbledore’s death – sorry, spoiler warnings don’t apply 14 years later – coincided with the deaths of two of my own personal mentors. Scott Powell, counselor at Boy Scout Camp Gorsuch, was an excellent mentor to me as I attended the camp over several years growing up. Scott died suddenly by an electrical incident, though he was doing what he loved, helping out others at a Boy Scout event. Ed Loescher was a teacher of mine in high school (pre-calculus), and had also recently passed in a motorcycle accident. So, I deeply empathized with what Harry felt in that moment, and this marked the start of me using the series as a means to ground myself in emotional situations. When I felt lonely or lost, Harry Potter was there to find escape and comfort.

Collecting the Harry Potter books

The first Harry Potter book I collected was the Spanish translation of Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (HP1) in 2003 (Figure 2). This was a natural place to start, since I was taking Spanish in high school at the time, and my parent’s decided to gift me something on which I could practice my reading. From that moment, an idea sparked that initiated further collecting. In 196 BC, King Ptolemy V issued a tax decree, inscribed and copied on slabs of stone in two languages used in his domain: Ancient Egyptian (hieroglyphic and Demotic scripts) and Ancient Greek (Parkinson, 19992). This simple text, discovered nearly 2000 years later, proved to be the key to deciphering Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, which could be accomplished through direct comparisons of the nearly identical texts (Bianchi, 20013). Being a fan of post-apocalyptica, it seemed to me that a library of identical texts featuring the world’s languages would be both interesting to collect and potentially useful. Harry Potter is currently in the top 20 most translated books in history, the bible clearly at the top overall (see wikipedia article4). Thus started my collection, which I’ve titled A Harry Potter Rosetta Stone.

2 Parkinson, R.B., W. Diffie, and R.S. Simpson (1999). Cracking codes: the Rosetta stone and decipherment. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-22306-6. 3 Bianchi, R.S. (2001). "Champollion Jean-François". In Redford, D.B. (ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Volume 1. Oxford University Press. pp. 260–261. ISBN 978-0-19-510234-5. 4 Accessed May 10th, 2019.

2 Contents of my collection

As a modern Rosetta stone, my collection centers on translations. Initially, I collected only translations of HP1, which has the most language translations. To identify these, I relied heavily on the work of linguist and enthusiast Potterglot (potterglot.net5), who has reviewed the Harry Potter books currently available to determine if they represent a novel translation and if they are authorized for publication. This led to the number presented at the top of the essay (75 languages validly published in addition to the original English). However, the total count of unique languages does not take into account several variations that may exist for each language (Figure 3): 1) multiple translations, 2) multiple scripts, 3) regional adaptations and variants. For example, the initial Turkish translation, initially translated as Harry Potter Büyülü Taş (entry 422), was re-released as Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı (entry 423), to improve on the original translation. Similar new translations have been released for Simplified Chinese (entries 39-40), Italian (entries 293-294), Mongolian (entries 339 and 341), Romanian (entries 354-355), and Russian (entries 364-365). Additionally, languages like Serbian have been transliterated into both latin and cyrillic scripts (entries 379-381). Adaptations are also widespread: Catalan (entries 22) was adapted into a regional variant, Valencian (entry 432); Spanish and Portuguese have also been adapted into regional variants, divided between the

5 Accessed May 10th, 2019.


4 continents (European vs. Latin America) (entries 385-405, 350-353). Even our own publication in America was adapted for our region, with American English (entries 84- 90, 92-118) replacing common U.K. English (entries 119-122, 133-186) words and phrases, most evident with the title change of HP1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I also have several transliterations of English in Braille at different grade levels (not in bibliography). Given this amount of variation, there are at least 97 different translations of Harry Potter that have been authorized by J. K. Rowling.

On the other side of this discussion are unauthorized translations. These translations have not been granted authorization for publication and distribution (and as such are not listed in my bibliography). However, these languages should be represented all the same. Unique languages that have only been published in an unauthorized format are Uighur ( , published 2012) and Esperanto (Hari Potter kaj la Ŝtono de la Saĝuloj, published in 2004). Uighur is spoken by the Uighur muslims, currently on the news for their repression in the Xinjiang autonomous region of China. Esperanto is a constructed language designed to be a flexible international language. In addition to these languages, many authorized translations started as unauthorized translations that served a particular need from their community. Nepali speakers searching for texts to improve literacy, published the first three Harry Potter books before gaining authorization (entry 345) (Figure 4). Similar patterns occurred for the Armenian, Mongolian, Farsi, Sinhala, and Urdu translations.

As I added more HP1 translations to my collection, I naturally was drawn to the variation in cover art (Figure 5). Many languages were represented by unique art that reflected interesting cultural preferences. These unique covers inspired me to expand my collection to include all unique cover art variants. Alvaro Tapia, illustrator of the Swedish Harry Potter books, has a unique detail and vibrancy in his cover art (Figure 5A; entries 406-413). Some cover art, like the art from the Catalan 2nd Editions (entries 22-25) and Occitan (entries 347-348), appear slightly comical and light (it is a young adult series after all) (Figure 5B). Others are dark and foreboding, like the black Russian Gift edition (Figure 5C; 367-373). These unique cover illustrations have also inspired me to add original sketches and commissioned artwork from Harry Potter illustrators to my collection. Giles Greenfield, illustrator of the Bloomsbury U.K. publication of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (entry 136) was kind enough to produce lovely pencil illustrations of all seven books, based only on an emotional prompt I suggested (Figure 6). I also commissioned a stunning pen sketch of Dumbledore during his fight with Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic (HP5) (Figure 7), completed by the illustrator of the new Indonesian edition, Nicholas Chandrawienata (entries 285-291) (Figure 5D).

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7 Next page:

8 9 The final component of my collection contains unauthorized parodies/bootlegs. The most common bootlegs and parodies come from China and Russia. From China, Harry Potter and the Leopard-Walk-Up-To Dragon features a Harry Potter that quickly finds himself morphing into a hobbit and fighting with Smaug (Tolkien’s The Hobbit). Harry Potter and the Porcelain Doll, Harry Potter and the Big Funnel, and Harry Potter and the Chinese Overseas Students at School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all feature alternate storylines full of interesting characters from Asia, come to save the day and Harry Potter. From Russia, Tonya Grotter finds herself in much the same situation as Harry Potter (at least in HP1). This clear copyright infringement spawned a complete series of 14 books, most of which are a completely unique story, which are widely popular in Russia. Of course, the most entertaining aspect of these bootlegs and parodies are the covers (Figure 8).

10 Collection development

My collection journey has progressed through three phases. At the beginning, I mostly collected books that pertained to my life, whether that be books related to my language studies, books gifted to me by friends and family, or books collected in my travels abroad for research collection and conferences. It was during one of these trips abroad that I attempted to find a book – and failed. In that moment, I decided to begin collecting in earnest so that I could complete my collection (someday), and not miss out on books that are only available for a short period of time.

With this realization I began phase two, where I actively searched for rare books online and through forums so that I could whittle down the books I still needed to complete my collection. As with any satisfying collecting adventure, there are books that are easy to find (available on for instance), and books that are extremely difficult. It was in my initial searches that I found the incredibly helpful information presented by Potterglot and Peter Kenneth (a.k.a. ThePotterCollector). Through “The List,” estimates of difficulty, and helpful lists of ISBN numbers, I was able to work on my collection with confidence. That is when I heard about the “Big Six,” a group of six Harry Potter books that are nearly impossible to find. Of course, I did not think I would ever own any of these books, but now five of the six are in my collection (Figure 9).

The “Big Six” impossible to find Harry Potter translations are: Asturian (entry 5), Gujarati (entry 277), Kalaallisut (West Greenlandic) (entry 326), Macedonian (entry 336), Malayalam (want list #1), and Nepali (entry 345). These books are rare due to a combination of being out of print, part of a limited print run, and/or produced by a now bankrupt/out of business publisher. I’ve been told that the south Asia books (Gujarati, Malayalam, and Nepali) were not popular due to comical translations (including strict translations of spells) and the lack of desire to read non-English texts (unfortunate for their written tradition). Each book that I found was an interesting adventure. The first of the big six that I found was the Kalaallisut translation, the only translation written in an indigenous language. I had spent many weeks searching for this book, even contacting the author of an interesting article reconstructing the indigenous language’s tenseless grammar from a Harry Potter book (Bittner, 20056) – to no avail. Then, by chance, I contacted a bookstore in Greenland, which reached out to a network of booksellers, and found me my first copy of the “Big Six.” Asturian and Nepali were easy to find by comparison, though their discovery was either random (again, on or through a good friend. It was during these searches that I started to develop a network of

6 Bittner, Maria (2005). Future discourse in a tenseless language. Journal of Semantics 22:339- 387.


12 friends in other countries that were willing to look for me. I found Macedonian through a post and reply on reddit, after which my contact was willing to continue looking for other Potter community members. Gujarati was the combined work of myself and friend Prasanna, where a simple post on Facebook led to a reply from a friendly used bookseller in India willing to deal with the difficulties of shipping internationally. Malayalam: this book is the very last of the books I need to have every translation in HP1. I have to this point tried unsuccessfully to purchase this book twice from irreputable dealers, and may have to resort to traveling to Kerala (India) to finish this collection, which sounds quite fun.

Through my collecting journey, I would now classify myself as an “expert.” There aren’t any editions that I can’t recognize or know their value. I also have a modest network of friends in other countries that are willing to continue the search for rare translations in their language. Because of this, I have entered phase three of my collecting adventure, where I primarily have been acting to aide in expanding others collections, particularly of rare and those nearly impossible to find books. It is this phase that has been the most rewarding, because the Harry Potter collecting community is supportive and continues to grow. I have shared my collection with others on Instagram (@mcallister_alaskagrown), and will continue collecting and joining in community events.

The Want List

There are many Harry Potter books left out there, but only a few that will fill holes in my collection, as I define it (all HP1 translations, all unique cover art). Of course, I have also decided to collect art from the various Harry Potter illustrators, though this is a longer journey.

1. Rowling, Joanne. ഹാരിേപാട്ടർ രസായനക്കല്ല് (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788186775943. Translated into Malayalam by Radhika C. Nair, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House. This book will complete my collection of HP1 translations. 2. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die heiligtümer des todes (Book 7). Alternate cover ed. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag. Books #2 and #3 will complete my unique cover illustration collection. 3. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 7) [part 2]. 1st ed., ISBN 9789648944396. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2007. I already own part 1, but part 2 (with #2) will complete my

unique cover illustration collection. 4. Ghosh, Uttam. Harry Potter in Calcutta. Unauthorized ed. Written in Bengali. As far as I know, this is the only unauthorized parody published outside of Russia and China, and is a well thought out plot exploring Indian folklore expressed in a modern setting. 5. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone. Advanced Reader’s Copy ed. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1998. This advance reader’s copy was the first ever Harry Potter publication in America, and will complete my collection from this edition (entries 92-93). 6. Illustrations: Mary GrandPré (American illustrator), Andrew Davidson (U.K. Adult 3rd edition illustrator), Jim Kay (illustrated edition illustrator), Dan Schlesinger (Japanese illustrator). Adding sketches or original commissions from these artists would enhance my collection with intricate, colorful, and global interpretations of Harry Potter. Since I grew up with the American illustrations, artwork by Mary GrandPré is a must, but may be difficult due to copyright restrictions. 7. J.K. Rowling signature. Many signatures are on the market, but I would like to attend an event in person so that I can obtain the signature of this remarkable author, who has changed so many lives for the better.

14 A Harry Potter Rosetta Stone, Annotated Bibliography

1. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en die towenaar se steen (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 0798140232. Translated into Afrikaans by Janie Oosthuysen, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Human & Rousseau, 2000. 2. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dhe guri filozofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9992747633. Translated into Albanian by Amik Kasoruho, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Publishing House Dituria, 2002.

3. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789771418818. Translated into Arabic by Muhammad Ibrahim, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Nahdet Misr, 2008. 4. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789939684642. Translated into Armenian by Alvard Jivanyan, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Zangak, 2016. 5. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788480535496. Translated into Asturian by Xesús González Rato, Illustrated by Samuel Castro González, Trabe, 2009. One of the members of the “Big Six” hardest to find Harry Potter translations. Trabe has suggested they might reprint this edition soon, due to the high collector demand. 6. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşı (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789952261790. Translated into Azerbaijani, Qanun, 2011. 7. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və sirli otaq (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9789952261813. Translated into Azerbaijani by Kifayət Haqverdiyeva, Qanun, 2011. 8. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşı (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789952265774. Translated into Azerbaijani by Fəxrəddin Ağazadə, Qanun, 2013. 9. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və sirlər otağı (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789952265439. Translated into Azerbaijani by Kifayət Haqverdiyeva, Qanun, 2013. 10. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və Azkaban məhbusu (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789952268508. Translated into Azerbaijani by Fərid Hüseynli, Qanun, 2014. 11. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və alov qədəhi (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789952361698. Translated into Azerbaijani by Gülmira Fətullayeva, Qanun, 2016. 12. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter və simurq ordeni (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9789952364187. Translated into Azerbaijani by Nərmin İskəndər, Qanun, 2017. 13. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter eta sorgin harria (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788483317037. Translated into Basque by Iñaki Mendiguren, Illustrated by

15 Dolores Avendaño, Elkarlanean, 2000. 14. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., হ্যারি পটার এন্ড দ্য ফিলোসফার্স স্টোন ISBN 9844640911. Translated into Bengali by Sohrab Hasan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Ankur Prakashani, 2003. 15. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i kamen mudrosti (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789958301063. Translated into Bosnian by Mirjana Evtov, Illustrated by Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Buybook, 2011. This book illustrates the need in the Potter collecting world to get books as they are available. Currently, Bosnian HP1 is very difficult to find because it is out of print, while I found it easily less than a year ago on the publisher’s website. 16. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i odaja tajni (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9789958301056. Translated into Bosnian by Mirjana Evtov, Illustrated by Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Buybook, 2011. 17. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i zatvorenik Azkabana (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789958302442. Translated into Bosnian by Mirjana Evtov, Illustrated by Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Buybook, 2015. 18. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i plameni pehar (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789958302879. Translated into Bosnian by Mirjana Evtov, Illustrated by Aleksandra Nina Knežević, Buybook, 2016. 19. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ha maen ar furien (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9782363120083. Translated into Breton by Mark Kerrain, An Amzer, 2012. 20. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ha kambr ar sekredoù (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9782363120533. Translated into Breton by Mark Kerrain, An Amzer, 2017. 21. Rowling, Joanne. Хари Потър и Философският камък (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789544464684. Translated into Bulgarian by Teodora Dzhebarova, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Egmont Group, 2016. 22. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8475966411. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Enric Jardí, Editorial Empúries, 1999. A unique cover, since Editorial Empúries simply used a stock photo of an “old wizard.” This rare book came into my possession through an interesting trade: a box of purple washable glue sticks in exchange for the book. 23. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 8475966411. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Enric Jardí, Editorial Empúries, 2000. 24. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la cambra secreta (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 8475966993. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Enric Jardí, Editorial Empúries, 2000. 25. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 847596723X. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez,

16 Illustrated by Enric Jardí, Editorial Empúries, 2000. 26. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 3rd ed., ISBN 8475966411. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Editorial Empúries, 2001. 27. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la cambra secreta (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 8475966993. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Editorial Empúries, 2001. 28. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 847596723X. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Editorial Empúries, 2001. 29. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el calze de foc (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 8475968821. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Editorial Empúries, 2001. 30. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 4th ed., ISBN 8475967744. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Editorial Empúries, 2001. 31. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 5th ed., ISBN 9788416367801. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. Catalan publisher has been prolific in producing new editions. This illustrated cover is only available on Kindle editions in the U.S., so I was glad to see it somewhere in print form. 32. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la cambra secreta (Book 2). 4th ed., ISBN 9788416367818. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. 33. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban (Book 3). 4th ed., ISBN 9788416367825. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. 34. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el calze de foc (Book 4). 3rd ed., ISBN 9788416367832. Translated into Catalan by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. 35. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i l'orde del fènix (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788416367849. Translated into Catalan by Xavier Pàmies, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. 36. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i el misteri del príncep (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788416367856. Translated into Catalan by Xavier Pàmies, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016. 37. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i les relíquies de la mort (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788416367863. Translated into Catalan by Xavier Pàmies, Illustrated by Olly Moss, Editorial Empúries, 2016.

17 38. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789573317241. Translated into Traditional Chinese by Peng Chien-Wen, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Crown Publishing Company Ltd, 2016.

39. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9787020033430. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Su Nong, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, People's Literature Publishing House, 2000. 40. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9787020103294. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Su Nong, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, People's Literature Publishing House, 2014.

41. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Su Nong, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008. This rare special edition is the only publication from China to feature unique cover art. 42. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 2). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Ma Aixin, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008. 43. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 3). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Zheng Xumi, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008.

44. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 4). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Ma Aixin, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008.

45. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 5). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese by Ma Ainong, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008.

46. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 6). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008.

47. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 7). Special ed., ISBN 9787020068388. Translated into Simplified Chinese, Illustrated by Liu Jing, People's Literature Publishing House, 2008. 48. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i kamen mudraca (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789533167787. Translated into Croatian by Zlatko Crnković, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Algoritam, 2014. 49. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter a kámen mudrců (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8000007886. Translated into Czech by Vladimír Medek, Illustrated by Galina Miklínová, Albatros, 2000. 50. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter a kámen mudrců (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN

18 8000010402. Translated into Czech by Vladimír Medek, Illustrated by Galina Miklínová, Albatros, 2002. 51. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og de vises sten (Book 1). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 9788700398368. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2012. 52. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og hemmelighedernes kammer (Book 2). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 8700459941. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2001. 53. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og fangen fra Azkaban (Book 3). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 8700470465. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2001. 54. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og flammernes pokal (Book 4). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 8702002809. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2001. 55. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og føniksordenen (Book 5). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 9788702029444. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2007. 56. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og halvblodsprinsen (Book 6). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 9788702048513. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2006. 57. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og dødsregalierne (Book 7). Children's HC 1st ed., ISBN 9788702069990. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2007. 58. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og føniksordenen (Book 5). Children's PB 1st ed., ISBN 8703000044. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Per Jørgensen, Gyldendal, 2004. 59. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og de vises sten (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 8702027690. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2004. 60. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og hemmelighedernes kammer (Book 2). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 8702027704. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2005. 61. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og fangen fra Azkaban (Book 3). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 8702027712. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2004. 62. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og flammernes pokal (Book 4). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 8702027720. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2005. 63. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og de vises sten (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702113990. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by

19 Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 64. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og hemmelighedernes kammer (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114331. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 65. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og fangen fra Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114348. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 66. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og flammernes pokal (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114362. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 67. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og føniksordenen (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114393. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 68. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og halvblodsprinsen (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114423. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2015. 69. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og dødsregalierne (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788702114430. Translated into Danish by Hanna Lützen, Illustrated by Harvey Macaulay, Gyldendal, 2016. 70. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de steen der wijzen (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789076174082. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 71. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de geheime kamer (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9076174121. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2002. 72. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de gevangene van Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789076174143. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2015. 73. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de vuurbeker (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789076174198. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2015. 74. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de orde van de feniks (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 906169700X. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2003. 75. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de halfbloed prins (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9789061699811. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2011. 76. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de relieken van de dood (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9789022322338. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2007.

20 77. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de steen der wijzen (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699767. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 78. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de geheime kamer (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699774. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 79. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de gevangene van Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699781. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 80. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de vuurbeker (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699798. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2011. 81. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de orde van de feniks (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699804. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2011. 82. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de halfbloed prins (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061699811. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 83. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de relieken van de dood (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789061698319. Translated into Dutch by Wiebe Buddingh, Illustrated by Erik Kriek, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2016. 84. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 0590353403. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1998. This is the first Harry Potter book I ever owned, thanks to my cousin Ethan. 85. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 0439064864. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. 86. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 0439136350. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. 87. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 0439139597. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2000. 88. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 043935806X. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2003. 89. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 0439784549. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2005. 90. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN

21 9780545010221. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2007. 91. Rowling, Joanne, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne. Harry Potter and the cursed child (Book 8). 1st ed., ISBN 9781338099133. Written in English, Illustrated by Charles Kreloff and David Saylor, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2016. 92. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Advanced Reader's Copy ed., ISBN 0439064864. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. 93. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Advanced Reader's Copy ed., ISBN 0439136350. Adapted into American English, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. 94. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). 10 year Anniversary ed., ISBN 9780545069670. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2008. 95. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). School Market ed., ISBN 9780545124508. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2008. 96. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). Mass Market PB ed., ISBN 043936213X. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 1998. 97. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Mass Market PB ed., ISBN 0439420105. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2002. 98. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Mass Market PB ed., ISBN 043965548X. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2004. 99. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). Collector's ed., ISBN 043920352X. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2000. 100. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Collector's ed., ISBN 0439203538. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2002. 101. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Book Expo of America PB ed., ISBN 0439358078. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2004. 102. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Deluxe ed., ISBN 0439567629. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2003. 103. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Deluxe ed., ISBN 0439791324. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary

22 GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2005. 104. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Deluxe ed., ISBN 9780545029377. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2007. 105. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582889. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 106. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582926. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 107. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582933. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 108. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582957. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 109. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582971. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 110. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545582995. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 111. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9780545583008. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. 112. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299144. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 113. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299151. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 114. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299168. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 115. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299175. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 116. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299182. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018.

23 117. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299199. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 118. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). 3rd ed., ISBN 9781338299205. Adapted into American English, Illustrated by Brian Selznick, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 119. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone (Book 1). Illustrated ed., ISBN 9780545790352. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jim Kay, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2015. 120. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Illustrated ed., ISBN 9780545791328. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jim Kay, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2016. 121. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Deluxe Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781338119862. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jim Kay, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2016. 122. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Illustrated ed., ISBN 9780545791342. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jim Kay, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2017. 123. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter's school books: Fantastic beasts and where to find them. 1st ed., ISBN 0439295017. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2001. 124. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter's school books: Quidditch through the ages. 1st ed., ISBN 0439295025. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2001. 125. Rowling, Joanne. The tales of Beedle the bard. 1st ed., ISBN 9780545128285. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Children's High Level Group, 2008. 126. Rowling, Joanne. Fantastic beasts and where to find them (screenplay). 1st ed., ISBN 9781338109061. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by MinaLima, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2016. 127. Rowling, Joanne. Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781338216790. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Olivia Lomenech Gill, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2017. 128. Rowling, Joanne. Fantastic beasts: The crimes of Grindelwald (screenplay). 1st ed., ISBN 9781338263893. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by MinaLima, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 129. Rowling, Joanne. Hogwarts library: Fantastic beasts and where to find them. 2nd ed., ISBN 9781338132311. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Lumos, 2017. 130. Rowling, Joanne. Hogwarts library: Quidditch through the ages. 2nd ed., ISBN 9781338125740. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Lumos,

24 2017. 131. Rowling, Joanne. Hogwarts library: The tales of Beedle the bard. 2nd ed., ISBN 9781338125689. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Lumos, 2017. 132. Rowling, Joanne. The tales of Beedle the bard. Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781338262186. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger, Scholastic Inc./Arthur A. Levine Books, 2018. 133. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 0747532745. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Bloomsbury, 1997. 134. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 1856136124. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Cliff Wright, Bloomsbury, 1998. 135. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 1856136175. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Cliff Wright, Bloomsbury, 1999. 136. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 074754624X. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Giles Greenfield, Bloomsbury, 2000. 137. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 0747551006. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jason Cockcroft, Bloomsbury, 2003. 138. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 0747581088. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jason Cockcroft, Bloomsbury, 2005. 139. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9780747591054. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jason Cockcroft, Bloomsbury, 2007. 140. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 0747542988. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by O Winston Link, Bloomsbury, 1998. 141. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 0747544077. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 1999. 142. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 0747546347. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2000. 143. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 0747550794. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2001. 144. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Adult 2nd ed., ISBN 0747573603. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2004. 145. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Adult 2nd

25 ed., ISBN 9780747573616. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Michael Wildsmith, Bloomsbury, 2004. 146. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Adult 2nd ed., ISBN 9780747573623. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Michael Wildsmith, Bloomsbury, 2004. 147. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Adult 2nd ed., ISBN 9780747573630. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Michael Wildsmith, Bloomsbury, 2004. 148. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 0747569401. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2003. 149. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 074758110X. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2005. 150. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9780747591061. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Michael Wildsmith, Bloomsbury, 2007. 151. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855652. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 152. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855669. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 153. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855676. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 154. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855683. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 155. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855690. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 156. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855706. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 157. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408855713. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014. 158. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810545. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 159. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Signature

26 ed., ISBN 9781408810552. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 160. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810569. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 161. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810576. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 162. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810590. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 163. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810583. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 164. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Signature ed., ISBN 9781408810606. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Bloomsbury, 2010. 165. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Adult PB 3rd ed., ISBN 9781408834961. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2013. 166. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Adult HC 3rd ed., ISBN 9781408865279. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 167. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Adult HC 3rd ed., ISBN 9781408865408. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 168. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Adult HC 3rd ed., ISBN 9781408865415. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 169. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (Book 4). Adult HC 3rd ed., ISBN 9781408865422. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 170. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (Book 5). Adult HC 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408865439. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 171. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (Book 6). Adult HC 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408865446. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 172. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (Book 7). Adult HC 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408865453. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Andrew

27 Davidson, Bloomsbury, 2015. 173. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Bloomsbury 21st Anniversary ed., ISBN 9780747589945. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Bloomsbury, 2007. 174. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Gift ed., ISBN 9781408865262. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2015. 175. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Illustrated PB ed., ISBN 9781526602381. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Jim Kay, Bloomsbury, 2018. 176. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Gryffindor HC ed., ISBN 9781408883747. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 177. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Gryffindor PB ed., ISBN 9781408883730. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 178. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Ravenclaw HC ed., ISBN 9781408883785. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 179. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Ravenclaw PB ed., ISBN 9781408883778. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 180. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Slytherin HC ed., ISBN 9781408883761. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 181. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Slytherin PB ed., ISBN 9781408883754. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 182. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Hufflepuff HC ed., ISBN 9781408883808. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 183. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). 20th Anniversary Hufflepuff PB ed., ISBN 9781408883792. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Levi Pinfold, Bloomsbury, 2017. 184. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (Book 1). Magic Adventure Begins ed., ISBN 9781408849927. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2013. 185. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (Book 2). Magic Adventure Begins ed., ISBN 9781408849934. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2013.

28 186. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3). Magic Adventure Begins ed., ISBN 9781408849941. Written in U.K. English, Bloomsbury, 2013. 187. Rowling, Joanne. Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Deluxe Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781408890288. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Olivia Lomenech Gill, Bloomsbury, 2017. 188. Rowling, Joanne. Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781408885260. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Olivia Lomenech Gill, Bloomsbury, 2017. 189. Rowling, Joanne. The tales of Beedle the bard. 1st ed., ISBN 9780747599876. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Children's High Level Group, 2008. 190. Rowling, Joanne. The tales of Beedle the bard. Illustrated ed., ISBN 9781408898673. Written in U.K. English, Illustrated by Chris Riddell, Bloomsbury, 2018. 191. Errington, Philip W. J.K. Rowling: A bibliography 1997-2013. 1st ed., ISBN 9781849669740. Written in English, Bloomsbury, 2015. 192. Errington, Philip W. J.K. Rowling: A bibliography, fully updated version. 2nd ed., ISBN 9781474297257. Written in English, Bloomsbury, 2017. A book about J.K. Rowling books, including valuable information about print runs and rarity. This book (and 191), though only covering the English Harry Potter publications, is a valuable bibliographic resource. 193. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stane (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9781785301544. Translated into Scots English by Matthew Fitt, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Black & White Publishing - Itchy Coo, 2017. One of the only translations that I can actually read, since Scots English is close enough that most words are the same. A great Christmas gift! 194. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja tarkade kivi (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789985335123. Translated into Estonian by Kaisa Kaer and Krista Kaer, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Varrak Publishers, 2016. 195. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og vitramannasteinurin (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789997202574. Translated into Faroese by Gunnar Hoydal, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags, 2016. 196. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789645757029. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2013. 197. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9645757045. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2001. 198. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9645757010. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2005. 199. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9645757053,

29 9645757061. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2005. A rather comical representation of a dragon is included on this cover: a fire- breathing…T-rex. 200. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9645757711, 9645757738, 9645757746. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2004. 201. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9648944008, 9648944016. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2008. 202. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9789648944396. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2007. I only own part one of this two part book, so am not quite complete with the Farsi/Persian translations. 203. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786005757029. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 204. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789645757043. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 205. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789645757012. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 206. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789645757050, 9789645757067. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 207. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789645757715, 9789645757739, 9789645757746. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 208. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789648944008, 9789648944013. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 209. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786001822124, 978600182402. Translated into Farsi by Vida Eslamiyeh, Tandis Books, 2015. 210. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone: The Filipino Edition (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789715187398. Translated into Filipino by Becky Bravo, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Lampara Books, 2013. 211. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513111465. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 1997. 212. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja salaisuuksien kammio (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513114725. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by

30 Mika Launis, Tammi, 1998. 213. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja Azkabanin vanki (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513117375. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 1999. 214. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja liekehtivä pikari (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513120382. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 2000. 215. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja feeniksin kilta (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513129071. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 2003. 216. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja puoliverinen prinssi (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513135072. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 2005. 217. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9789513140045. Translated into Finnish by Jaana Kapari-Jatta, Illustrated by Mika Launis, Tammi, 2007. 218. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (Book 1). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9782070518425. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 1998. 219. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Book 2). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9782070524556. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 1999. 220. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban (Book 3). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 2070528189. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2000. 221. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu (Book 4). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9782070543519. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2001. 222. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (Book 1). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 2070541274. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2003. 223. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Book 2). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 2070541290. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2003. 224. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban (Book 3). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 2070541304. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2003. 225. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu (Book 4). Children's 2nd ed., ISBN 2070543587. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2003.

31 226. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et l'ordre du phénix (Book 5). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 2070556859. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2003. 227. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prince de sang-mêlé (Book 6). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9782070572670. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2005. 228. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort (Book 7). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9782070615360. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2007. 229. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643028. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2007. 230. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Book 2). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643035. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2016. 231. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban (Book 3). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643042. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2013. 232. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu (Book 4). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643059. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2016. 233. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et l'ordre du phénix (Book 5). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643066. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2011. 234. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prince de sang-mêlé (Book 6). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643073. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2016. 235. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort (Book 7). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9782070643080. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Firmin Didot, Éditions Gallimard, 2016. 236. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (Book 1). Bibliothèque Jeunesse ed., ISBN 9782070649693. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Dominique Guillaumin, Éditions Gallimard, 2012. 237. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers (Book 1). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 238. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Book 2). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 239. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban (Book 3). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard,

32 Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 240. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et la coupe de feu (Book 4). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 241. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et l'ordre du phénix (Book 5). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 242. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et le prince de sang-mêlé (Book 6). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 243. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort (Book 7). Special ed., ISBN 9782070621989. Translated into French by Jean-François Ménard, Illustrated by Jean-Claude Götting, Éditions Gallimard, 2008. 244. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter en de stien fan 'e wizen (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789056151553. Translated into West Frisian by Jetske Bilker, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Uitgeverij Bornmeer, 2007. 245. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8482884964. Translated into Galician by Marilar Aleixandre, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Editorial Galaxia, 2002. 246. Rowling, Joanne. ჰარი პოტერი და ფილოსოფიური ქვა (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789941233548. Translated into Georgian by Manana Antadze, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Bakur Sulakauri Publishing, 2016. 247. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354013. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2000. 248. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die kammer des schreckens (Book 2). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354020. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2006. 249. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der gefangene von Askaban (Book 3). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354037. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2007. 250. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der feuerkelch (Book 4). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354044. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2008. 251. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der orden des phönix (Book 5). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354051. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2009. 252. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der halbblutprinz (Book 6). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354068. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2010.

33 253. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die heiligtümer des todes (Book 7). Children's 1st ed., ISBN 9783551354075. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2011. 254. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 3551552002. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 1998. 255. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die kammer des schreckens (Book 2). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 3551552096. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 1999. 256. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der gefangene von Askaban (Book 3). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 355155210X. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 2001. 257. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der feuerkelch (Book 4). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 3551552533. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 2001. 258. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der orden des phönix (Book 5). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 3551552975. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 2004. 259. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der halbblutprinz (Book 6). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9783551556004. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 2005. 260. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die heiligtümer des todes (Book 7). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9783551557001. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Barbara Hanke, Carlsen Verlag, 2007. 261. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). Book Club ed., ISBN 054866. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Rüdiger Trebels, Carlsen Verlag, 2000. 262. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). Large Format ed., ISBN 9783800092499. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Jennifer Kennard, Ueberreuter, 2007. 263. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die kammer des schreckens (Book 2). Large Format ed., ISBN 9783800092772. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Jupiter Images, Ueberreuter, 2007. 264. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der gefangene von Askaban (Book 3). Large Format ed., ISBN 9783800092802. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Corbis/Marc Garanger, Ueberreuter, 2008. 265. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313119. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 266. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die kammer des schreckens (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313126. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated

34 by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 267. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der gefangene von Askaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313133. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 268. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der feuerkelch (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313140. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 269. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der orden des phönix (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313157. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 270. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der halbblutprinz (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313164. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 271. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und die heiligtümer des todes (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9783551313171. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by formlabor, Carlsen Verlag, 2013. 272. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der halbblutprinz (Book 6). Special Alternate Cover ed., ISBN 9783551566669. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2005. 273. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter und der stein der weisen (Book 1). Special ed., ISBN 9783551315120. Translated into German by Klaus Fritz, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Carlsen Verlag, 2016. 274. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter un de wunnersteen (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 3898820122. Translated into Low German by Hartmut Cyriacks, Illustrated by Sabine Wilharm, Verlag Michael Jung, 2004. 275. Rowling, Joanne. Ο Χάρι Πότερ και η Φιλοσοφική Λίθος (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789604533084. Translated into Modern Greek by Máia Roútsou, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Psichogios Publications, 2016. 276. Rowling, Joanne. Ἅρειος Ποτὴρ καὶ ἡ τοῦ φιλοσόφου λίθος (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9780747568971. Translated into Ancient Greek by Andrew Wilson, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Bloomsbury, 2004.

277. Rowling, Joanne. હેરી પોટર અને પારસમણિ (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8186775862. Translated into Gujarati by Harish Nayak & Jagruti Trivedi, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House, 2004. Another of the “Big Six” near impossible to find books. This one entered my collection for the price in Figure 9, which was a huge shock to me. 278. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter a me ka pōhaku akeakamai (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9781782012061. Translated into Hawaiian by R Keao Nesmith, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Evertype, 2018. The newest Harry Potter translation, Hawaiian is only the second indigenous language Harry Potter

35 has been translated into. .Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9655110281) הארי פוטר ואבן החכמים .Rowling, Joanne .279 Translated into Hebrew by Gili Bar-Hillel, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Miskal/Books in the Attic, 2001.

280. Rowling, Joanne. हैरी पॉटर और पारस पत्थर (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8186775609. Translated into Hindi by Sudhir Dixit, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House, 2003. 281. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter és a bölcsek köve (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9638386770. Translated into Hungarian by Tóth Tamás Boldizsár, Illustrated by Elek Lívia and Beleznai Kornél, Animus Publishing, 1999. 282. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter és a bölcsek köve (Book 1). Special ed., ISBN 963956379X. Translated into Hungarian by Tóth Tamás Boldizsár, Animus Publishing, 2004. 283. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og viskusteinninn (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9979865555. Translated into Icelandic by Helga Haraldsdóttir, Illustrated by Guðjón Ketilsson, Bjartur, 1999. 284. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og viskusteinninn (Book 1). 4th ed., ISBN 997986589X. Translated into Icelandic by Helga Haraldsdóttir, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Bjartur, 2014. 285. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan batu bertuah (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020337647. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 286. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan kamar rahasia (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020339184. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 287. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan tawanan Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020342733. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 288. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan piala api (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020342726. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 289. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan orde phoenix (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020361314. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 290. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan pangeran berdarah-campuran (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020377414. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2017. 291. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dan relikui kematian (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786020379791. Translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti, Illustrated by

36 Nicholas F. Chandrawienata, Kompas Gramedia Group, 2018. 292. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter agus an órchloch (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9780747571667. Translated into Irish by Máire Nic Mhaoláin, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Bloomsbury, 2004. 293. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8877827025. Translated into Italian by Marina Astrologo, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 1998. 294. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (Book 1). 3rd ed., ISBN 9788867158126. Translated into Italian by Stefano Bartezzaghi, Illustrated by Ien van Laanen, Adriano Salani Editore, 2016. Translation was redone for improvements. 295. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 8877827025. Translated into Italian by Marina Astrologo, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2001. 296. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la camera dei segreti (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 8877827033. Translated into Italian by Marina Astrologo, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2002. 297. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 8877828528. Translated into Italian by Beatrice Masini, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2000. 298. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 888451049X. Translated into Italian by Beatrice Masini, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2001. 299. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e l'ordine della fenice (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 8884513448. Translated into Italian by Beatrice Masini, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2003. 300. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 8884516374. Translated into Italian by Beatrice Masini, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2006. 301. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e i doni della morte (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9788884518781. Translated into Italian by Beatrice Masini, Illustrated by Serena Riglietti, Adriano Salani Editore, 2008. 302. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 (Book 1). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512371. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 1999. 303. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 (Book 2). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512398. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2000. 304. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人 (Book 3). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512401. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka,

37 Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2001. 305. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット (Book 4). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512452. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2002. 306. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団 (Book 5). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512517. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2004. 307. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと謎のプリンス (Book 6). HC 1st ed., ISBN 4915512576. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2006. 308. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 (Book 7). HC 1st ed., ISBN 9784915512636. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2008. 309. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 (Book 1). PB 1st ed., ISBN 4915512495. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 1999. 310. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 (Book 2). PB 1st ed., ISBN 9784915512544. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2000. 311. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人 (Book 3). PB 1st ed., ISBN 491551255X. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2001. 312. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 (Book 1). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892309, 9784863892316. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 313. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 (Book 2). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892323, 9784863892330. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 314. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人 (Book 3). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892347, 9784863892354. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 315. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット (Book 4). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892361, 9784863892378, 9784863892385. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 316. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団 (Book 5). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892392, 9784863892408, 9784863892415, 9784863892422. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by

38 Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 317. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと謎のプリンス (Book 6). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892439, 9784863892446, 9784863892453. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 318. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 (Book 7). Large PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863892460, 9784863892477, 9784863892484, 9784863892491. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Illustrated by Dan Schlesinger, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2014. 319. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 (Book 1). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891609, 9784863891616. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 320. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 (Book 2). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891623, 9784863891630. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 321. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人 (Book 3). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891647, 9784863891654. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 322. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット (Book 4). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891661, 9784863891678, 9784863891685. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 323. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと不死鳥の騎士団 (Book 5). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891692, 9784863891708, 9784863891715, 9784863891722. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 324. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと謎のプリンス (Book 6). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891739, 9784863891746, 9784863891753. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 325. Rowling, Joanne. ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 (Book 7). Small PB Serial ed., ISBN 9784863891760, 9784863891777, 9784863891784. Translated into Japanese by Yuko Matsuoka, Say-zan-sha Publications, 2012. 326. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ujarallu inuunartoq (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8755817688. Translated into Kalaallisut (West Greenlandic) by Stephen Hammeken, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Atuakkiorfik Greenland Publishers, 2002. With the translator passed and the publisher bankrupt, I thought I would never find this member of the “Big Six.” 327. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN NA. ហេរី ផោតធ័រ និង សិលាទេព Translated into Khmer by Un Tim, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Cambodia Daily Press, 2000.

39 328. Rowling, Joanne. 해리 포터와 마법사의 돌 (Book 1). PB 2nd ed., ISBN 9788983925541. Translated into Korean by Kim Hye-won, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Moonhak Soochup Publishing, 2014. 329. Rowling, Joanne. 해리 포터와 마법사의 돌 (Book 1). HC 2nd ed., ISBN 9788983925558. Translated into Korean by Kim Hye-won, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Moonhak Soochup Publishing, 2014. 330. Rowling, Joanne. Harrius Potter et philosophi lapis (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9781582348254. Translated into Latin by Peter Needham, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Bloomsbury, 2003. One of only two dead languages (with Ancient Greek) represented in the Harry Potter translation collection. 331. Rowling, Joanne. Harrius Potter et camera secretorum (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9781599900674. Translated into Latin by Peter Needham, Illustrated by Cliff Wright, Bloomsbury, 2007. 332. Rowling, Joanne. Harijs Poters un filozofu akmens (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9984053857. Translated into Latvian by Ingus Josts, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Jumava, 2001. 333. Rowling, Joanne. Haris Poteris ir Išminties akmuo (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789986029199. Translated into Lithuanian by Zita Marienė, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Alma littera, 2000. 334. Rowling, Joanne. Den Harry Potter an den alchimistesteen (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9782919771189. Translated into Luxembourgish by Florence Berg, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Kairos Edition, 2014. 335. Rowling, Joanne. Den Harry Potter an dem salazar säi sall (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9782919771196. Translated into Luxembourgish by Florence Berg and Guy Berg, Illustrated by Cliff Wright, Kairos Edition, 2014. 336. Rowling, Joanne. Хари Потер и Каменот на мудроста (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9989322724. Translated into Macedonian by Blagorodna Bogeska-Ančevska, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Publishing House Kultura, 2002. Rumor has it that the Macedonian government is trying to round up as many of these books as possible for use in primary school teaching of the Macedonian language. I would suggest they should reprint, since this is one of the “Big Six” rare books. 337. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter dengan batu hikmat (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9830001768. Translated into Malay, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Pelangi Books, 2002. 338. Rowling, Joanne. हॅरी पॉटर आणि परीस (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788186775974. Translated into Marathi by Bal Urdhwareshe, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House, 2010. 339. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Шидэт Чулуу (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 978999296118X. Translated into Mongolian by Д.Аюуш & Д.Батбаяр,

40 Illustrated by ARU, Nepko Publishing, 2009. 340. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Нууц Өрөө (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9789996266119. Translated into Mongolian by Д.Аюуш & Д.Батбаяр, Illustrated by ARU, Nepko Publishing, 2011. 341. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Философийн Чулуу (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789997314574. Translated into Mongolian by Н. Энхнаран, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Monsudar, 2017. 342. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Нууц Өрөө (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789997314994. Translated into Mongolian by Н. Энхнаран, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Monsudar, 2017. 343. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Азкабаны Хоригдол (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789997316028. Translated into Mongolian by Н. Энхнаран, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Monsudar, 2018. 344. Rowling, Joanne. Харри Поттер ба Галт Цом (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789997316707. Translated into Mongolian by Н. Энхнаран, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Monsudar, 2018.

345. Rowling, Joanne. ह्यारी पोटर र पारसमणि (Book 1). 1st Authorized ed., ISBN 9789937813709. Translated into Nepali by Shlesha Thapaliya & Bijaya Adhikari, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Sunbird Publishing House, 2009. Another of the “Big Six,” acquired the old fashioned way: bargaining. 346. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter og de vises stein (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788202086600. Translated into Norwegian by Torstein Bugge Høverstad, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, N. W. Damm & Søn, 2013. 347. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la pèira filosofau (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9782868660695. Translated into Occitan by Karina Richard Bòrdanava, Illustrated by Kalou, Per Noste Edicions, 2009. 348. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e la crampa deus secrets (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9782868660862. Translated into Occitan by Patric Guilhemjoan, Illustrated by Kalou, Per Noste Edicions, 2011. 349. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i kamień filozoficzny (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788372780119. Translated into Polish by Andrzej Polkowski, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Media Rodzina, 2000. 350. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9722325337. Translated into European Portuguese by Isabel Fraga, Illustrated by Teresa Cruz Pinho, Editorial Presença, 1999. 351. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e a câmara dos segredos (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9722325698. Translated into European Portuguese by Isabel Fraga, Illustrated by Teresa Cruz Pinho, Editorial Presença, 2000. 352. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 9789722325332. Translated into European Portuguese by Isabel Fraga,

41 Editorial Presença, 2011. 353. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8532511015. Translated into Brazilian Portuguese by Lia Wyler, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Editora Rocco, 2000. 354. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi piatra filozofală (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9735833131. Translated into Romanian by Ioana Iepureanu, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Egmont Romania, 2003. 355. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi piatra filozofală (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9786068620732. Translated into Romanian by Florin Bacin, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2015. 356. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi piatra filozofală (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786067884029. Translated into Romanian by Florin Bacin, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2018. 357. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi camera secretelor (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9786067880045. Translated into Romanian by Tatiana Dragomir, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2016. 358. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi prizonierul din Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9786067880267. Translated into Romanian by Radu Paraschivescu, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2016. 359. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi pocalul de foc (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9786067881714. Translated into Romanian by Florin Bacin, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2017. 360. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi ordinul phoenix (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9786067882544. Translated into Romanian by Tatiana Dragomir, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2017. 361. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi prințul semisânge (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9786068620749. Translated into Romanian by Alex Moldovan, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2018. 362. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter şi talismanele morții (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9786068620749. Translated into Romanian by Tatiana Dragomir, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Arthur, 2018. 363. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). Advanced Reader's Copy ed., ISBN 5845105129. Translated into Russian by Igor W. Oranskij, Rosman Publishing, 2000. 364. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 535300308X. Translated into Russian by Igor W. Oranskij, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Rosman Publishing, 2001. 365. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9785389074354. Translated into Russian by Maria Spivak, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Azbooka-Atticus: Machaon, 2014. This book is a “1st edition”

42 because the publisher of the series changed. According to Russian speakers, the quality of the new translation is much worse than the old translation. 366. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). Deluxe ed., ISBN 5353013395. Translated into Russian by Igor W. Oranskij, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Rosman Publishing, 2003. 367. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031703. Translated into Russian by Igor W. Oranskij, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 368. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (Book 2). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031710. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 369. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (Book 3). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031727. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 370. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (Book 4). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031734. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 371. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (Book 5). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031741. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 372. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (Book 6). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031758. Translated into Russian by Sergei Iljin, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 373. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Дары Cмерти (Book 7). Gift ed., ISBN 9785353031765. Translated into Russian by Maya Lahuti, Rosman Publishing, 2008. 374. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и философский камень (Book 1). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 5353016815. Translated into Russian by Igor W. Oranskij, Rosman Publishing, 2004. 375. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (Book 2). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 5353016823. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2004. 376. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (Book 3). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 5353016831. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2004. 377. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (Book 4). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 535301684X. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman Publishing, 2004. 378. Rowling, Joanne. Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (Book 5). Adult 1st ed., ISBN 5353016858. Translated into Russian by Marina D. Litvinova, Rosman

43 Publishing, 2004. 379. Rowling, Joanne. Hari Poter i kamen mudrosti (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788674704561. Translated into Serbian (Montenegrin) by Draško Roganović & Vesna Stamenković Roganović, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Nova Knjiga, 2013. 380. Rowling, Joanne. Хари Потер и Камен мудрости (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN N.A.. Translated into Serbian (Cyrillic) by Draško Roganović & Vesna Stamenković Roganović, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Narodna Knjiga , 2000. 381. Rowling, Joanne. Hari Poter i Kamen mudrosti (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788650509463. Translated into Serbian (Latin) by Draško Roganović & Vesna Stamenković Roganović, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Evro Giunti, 2016. 382. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789555734844. Translated into Sinhala by Abhaya Hewawasam, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Sarasavi Publishers, 2004. 383. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter a kameň mudrcov (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788055143071. Translated into Slovak by Jana Petrikovičová, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Ikar, 2015. 384. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter in kamen modrosti (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789610118381. Translated into Slovene by Jakob J. Kenda, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Mladinska knjiga, 2008. 385. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8478886540. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2003. 386. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 8478886567. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2001. 387. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9788478886555. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2007. 388. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 847888646X. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2004. 389. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la orden del fénix (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 8478888845. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2004. 390. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 8478889965. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma

44 Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2006. 391. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9788498381467. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Dolores Avendaño, Ediciones Salamandra, 2008. 392. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386943. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2015. 393. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386950. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2016. 394. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (Book 3). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386967. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2016. 395. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego (Book 4). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386974. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2017. 396. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la orden del fénix (Book 5). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386981. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2017. 397. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe (Book 6). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386998. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2017. 398. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (Book 7). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498387001. Translated into Spanish (Latin America) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2017. 399. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8422679876. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Illustrated by Inno Maza and Juanjo Calvo, Ediciones Salamandra, 1999. 400. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la cámara secreta (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 8422682214. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Inno Maza and Juanjo Calvo, Ediciones Salamandra, 1999. 401. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 8422685221. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Adolfo Muñoz García and Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Inno Maza and Juanjo Calvo, Ediciones Salamandra, 2000. 402. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 8422690950. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Adolfo Muñoz García and

45 Nieves Martín Azofra, Illustrated by Inno Maza and Juanjo Calvo, Ediciones Salamandra, 2001. 403. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la orden del fénix (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 8467205962. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Gemma Rovira Ortega, Illustrated by Inno Maza and Juanjo Calvo, Ediciones Salamandra, 2004. 404. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386318. Translated into Spanish (Europe) by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2014. 405. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9788498386561. Translated into Spanish (Southern Cone) by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Illustrated by Tiago da Silva, Ediciones Salamandra, 2015. 406. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och de vises sten (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9188876659. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2000. 407. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och de vises sten (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789129675351. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2015. 408. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och hemligheternas kammare (Book 2). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789129675559. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2015. 409. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9789129675566. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2016. 410. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789129672329. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2015. 411. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och fenixorden (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9789129680126. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2016. 412. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och halvblodsprinsen (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9789129687927. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2016. 413. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9789129697506. Translated into Swedish by Lena Fries-Gedin, Illustrated by Alvaro Tapia, Tiden Young Books/Rabén & Sjögren, 2016.

414. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788183223744. Translated into Tamil by PSV Kumarasamy, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House, 2013.

415. Rowling, Joanne. !"# !ట# ప"స$% (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9788183224215. Translated into Telugu by M. S. B. P. N. V. Rama Sundari,

46 Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Manjul Publishing House, 2014. 416. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9744723629. Translated into Thai by Sumalee Bumrungsuk, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Nanmee Books, 2000. 417. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786160439225. Translated into Thai by Sumalee Bumrungsuk, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Nanmee Books, 2015. 418. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 5). Special ed., ISBN 9789748327280. Translated into Thai by Sumalee Bumrungsuk, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Nanmee Books, 2003.

419. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9787223022583. Translated into Tibetan by Nor dkyil Bu chung rgyal, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2007.

420. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9787223026246. Translated into Tibetan by Nor dkyil Bu chung rgyal, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2009.

421. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9787223057943. Translated into Tibetan by Bde skyid Bzang mo, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 2018. 422. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ve büyülü taş (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9757501956. Translated into Turkish by Mustafa Bayındır, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Dost Kitabevi, 1999. 423. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter ve felsefe taşı (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9789750802942. Translated into Turkish by Ülkü Tamer, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık, 2015. 424. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і філософський камінь (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047399. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2015. 425. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і Таємна кімната (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047344. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2000. 426. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN 9667047369. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2002. 427. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і Келих вогню (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047405. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2000. 428. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і Орден Фенікса (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047429. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by

47 Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2014. 429. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і Напівкровний Принц (Book 6). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047290. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2005. 430. Rowling, Joanne. Гаррі Поттер і Смертельні Реліквії (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN 9789667047702. Translated into Ukrainian by Victor Morozov, Illustrated by Vladyslav Erko, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2007.

431. Rowling, Joanne. (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 0195798589. Translated into Urdu by Darakhshanda Asghar Khokhar, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Oxford University Press, 2002. 432. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN 8481312770. Translated into Valencian by Laura Escorihuela Martínez, Illustrated by Thomas Taylor, Tàndem Edicions, 2001. 433. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter serials. 61 volumes. (Books 1-5). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Trí Đức, Youth Publishing House, 2000-2003. The Youth Publishing House initially published Harry Potter books 1-5 as a monthly serial, containing only a few chapters. HP1 consisted of seven volumes. 434. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Hòn Đá Phù Thủy (Book 1). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Youth Publishing House, 2003. 435. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Hòn Đá Phù Thủy (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9786041100909. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi, Youth Publishing House, 2017. 436. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Phòng Chứa Bí Mật (Book 2). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Youth Publishing House, 2002. 437. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Tên Tù Nhân Ngục Azkaban (Book 3). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Trí Đức, Youth Publishing House, 2002. 438. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Chiếc Cốc Lửa (Book 4). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Youth Publishing House, 2002. 439. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Hội Phượng Hoàng (Book 5). 1st ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Youth Publishing House, 2004. 440. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Hoàng Tử Lai (Book 6). Signature ed., ISBN NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Clare Melinsky, Youth Publishing House, 2010. 441. Rowling, Joanne. Harry Potter và Bảo Bối Tử Thần (Book 7). 1st ed., ISBN

48 NA. Translated into Vietnamese by Lý Lan, Illustrated by Mary GrandPré, Youth Publishing House, 2007. 442. Rowling, Joanne. Harri Potter a maen yr athronydd (Book 1). 2nd ed., ISBN 9781408871591. Translated into Welsh by Emily Huws, Illustrated by Jonny Duddle, Bloomsbury, 2014.