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September 1-7, 2014B3F POGRADEC 2014 Fourth Edition, Pogradec www.balkan3f.com




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B3F POGRADEC 2014 Kopertina Title Action Artist Ilir Bala Painting Oil On Canvas Dimensions 110 x 80 www.balkan3f.com




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& F o o d Fes tival B3F POGRADEC 2014 www.balkan3f.com




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& F o Piro Milkani od F 4 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 Presidenti nderi i festivalit vitet 1999 ­ 2003 Ambasador i Shqipërisë në Republiken Çeke. Aktualisht është drej- tor i “Forumit të Mbrojtjes së Autorit dhe Audiovizualit”!

Disa nga titujt e filmave të realizuar prej tij si regjisor. Piro Milkani ka lindur në • 1967 Ngadhnjim mbi Korçë në 5 Janar 1939. vdekjen, bashkeregjisor Shkollën e mesme e kreu Gëzim Erebara në Korçë dhe më pas në • 1969 Përse bie kjo daulle Pragë në vitin 1960, në Akademine e Arteve, në • 1971 Kur zbardhi një ditë degën e kinematografisë. • 1974 Shtigje lufte Pas kthimit në Shqipëri, • 1975 Çifti i lumtur aktivizohet në Kinostu- • 1976 Zonja nga qyteti dion “Shqipëria e Re” dhe • 1977 Shembja e idhujve punon në fillim si kam- 1979 Ballë për ballë, eraman i dokumentarit e • filmit artistik. Vite më vonë bashkeregjisor Kujtim do të punojë si regjisor Çashku dhe do të realizojë doku- • 1981 Në kufi të dy mentarë e filma artistikë. legjendave Gjithashtu është skenarist • 1982 Besa e kuqe i disa filmave artistikë e • 1983 Fraktura më pas organizator i disa • 1985 Në prag të jetës festivaleve dhe drejtues programesh në televizion. • 1988 Pranvera s’erdhi Për punën e tij krijuese dhe vetëm karrierën artistike është •1990 Ngjyrat e moshës vlerësuar me titullin “Artist • 2008 Trishtimi i Zonjës i Popullit”. Përkrah karrierës Shnajder, bashkëregjisor profesionale ka qenë në Eno Milkani




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& F o Artan Shkembi od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 5 Kryetari i Bashkisë, Pogradec këmbyer vlerat, që ata kanë krijuar kohët e fundit dhe, duke bërë këtë, edhe duke u njohur më mirë me njëri-tjetrin dhe pra edhe me vendet prej nga vijnë.

Këtë vit festivali do të ketë edhe një risi tjetër; do përbëjë edhe një atelie të hapur për të rinjtë, që do të drejtohen nga krijues e producentë me përvojë. Ndaj freskia e “gjolit” do të bëhet bashkë me atë rinore.

“B3F” do të thotë njëkohësisht edhe festival i ushqimit. Organizatorët e tij Mirësevini! që në fillim u kujtuan për atë shprehjen e vjetër që thuhet në të gjitha gjuhët e Në Shqipëri, por edhe në vendet Ballkanit: “E kam mik! Kam ngrënë bukë rreth e rrotull, Pogradeci, është i me të”. Pjesa e kulinarisë e këtij aktiviteti njohur për mikpritjen, bukurinë që është mbase pjesa më e ngrohtë, në plot i vjen nga liqeni, njerëzit e qeshur kuptimin e fjalës. Unë besoj se mjeshtrat dhe të qetë, për gatimet tradicionale e afruar nga festivali këtë vit do t’ju dhe pijet e mira, për koranin, për gatuajnë gjellë të cilat me siguri do t’ju klimën e mbarë, për… plot gjëra. kujtojnë aromat e kuzhinave të gjysheve Por unë mendoj se bukuria më e tuaja anë e kënd Ballkanit. thellë e qytetit buron nga dashuria e qytetarëve të saj për artin, kulturën, Puna ma ka dashur të marr pjesë në dijen. mjaft aktivitete. Jam ndjerë mirë, shpesh i mbërthyer me kostum e Pikërisht prandaj, kur këtu e tre vjet kollare, më është dashur të përballoj më parë, tre miqtë e mi Eno Milkani, edhe protokolle hijerëndë. “B3F” është Gerta Qurku dhe Fatos Baxhaku më ndryshe. Ai është një festival që ka lindur folën entuziastë për një ide të tyre mes miqsh e shokësh. Prandaj, miqësia u bëra menjëherë pjestar i grupit dhe thjeshtësia dhe jo pompoziteti, organizator dhe i ndihmova me e qeshura dhe jo serioziteti i tepruar të gjitha mundësitë e mija dhe të përbëjnë thelbin e tij. Aq e vërtetë është bashkisë. kjo saqë ndokush e ka quajtur edhe “festivali i pantallonave të shkurtëra”. Në Pogradec bëhen disa aktivitete kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare, Le të kalojmë pra bashkë një javë mes porse ideja e “Balkan Film Food miqsh. Le t’i japim gjallëri qytetit tonë të Festival” mu duk krejt e veçantë. mrekullueshëm. Le të flasim për mijëra Më e para nga të gjitha ky festival gjërat që na lidhin të gjithëve bashkë bën bashkë krijues nga të gjitha nën emrin e madh Ballkan. Të jeni të vendet e Ballkanit. Të rinj e të sigurtë se pogradecarët do jenë pranë vjetër, përfaqësues të kulturave e jush në çdo hap. tendencave të ndryshme qëndrojnë bashkë krejt në anë të “gjolit” duke Faleminderit dhe Mirësevini!




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& F o Organizatorëto e B3F d F 6 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 B3F POGRADEC 2014

Eno Milkani Gerta Qurku Fatos Baxhaku

A janë shumë tre vjet? kenë përballë një Pogradec dhe një Shqipëri të ndryshuar. Për ndokënd tre vjet nuk janë asgjë në jetë. Por për një vend të etur Në pranverën e 2011, teksa B3F (Balkan Film & Food Festival) për progres si ky i yni, në tre vjet mund të bëhen plot e plot gjëra. hidhte hapat e parë të ndrojtur, as që do na e priste mëndja Miqtë tanë të parë, veteranët e festivalit, ata që nuk i ndahen se festivali, nga një takim i thjeshtë mes miqsh shqiptarë dhe Pogradecit dhe festivalit në asnjë shtator, do to të mund t’jua ballkanikë do të shndërrohej në një ngjarje të rëndësishme shpjegojnë më mirë ndryshmet që ka pësuar vendi dhe bashkë kulturore jo vetëm për Pogradecin, por për Shqipërinë dhe më me të edhe festivali në vetëm tre vjet. tej, për gjithë krijuesit ballkanikë, sidomos për të rinjtë. Sot është shndërruar në sipërmarrje të vështirë, por fort të bukur. Ne besojmë se një shprehje e vjetër shqiptare që thotë - “e kam mik për kokë, kam ngrënë bukë me të” - funksionon në të gjithë Tani jemi në edicionin e katërt. Tre vjet kanë kaluar që nga i pari. Ballkanin. Ja përse një nga pikat e forta të B3F është pjesa e Shumë ngjarje kanë ndodhur në këto anët tona që prej shtatorit të ushqimit. Duke qëndruar bashkë ndër tryezat e Pogradecit, 2011. Asokohe një pjesë e shtypit e emërtoi B3F me dashamirësi si duke shijuar bashkë gatimet e njëri-tjetrit, pse jo duke e hedhur “festivali i pantallonave të shkurtëra”. Tani, më e para nga të gjitha, edhe ndonjë kupë vere a rakie të vendit, do të bëhemi edhe më ka ndryshuar mosha dhe përvoja jonë dhe pantallonat ndoshta na të afërt. Duke dëgjuar njëri-tjetrin do të bëhemi më të aftë të janë zgjatur ca. Pastaj kanë ndodhur shumë ngjarje, shumë vetë kuptojmë artin, filmin, krijimin e secilit. janë inatosur e sharë, të tjerë janë gëzuar. Kriza ekonomike që kaloi në Ballkan e bëri edhe më të vështirë jetën dhe punën e krijuesve të Edicioni i katërt i festivalit do të ketë në gjirin e tij sivjet edhe shumtë. Ndokush u detyrua të bëjë punë të tjera për të mbijetuar, më shumë të rinj, të cilët do kenë mundësi të punojnë përgjatë të tjerë u strukën në vetminë e tyre duke pritur që vendet tona të Ballkanit ta marrin veten. Por vetëm shumë pak u dorëzuan, mes një jave nën drejtimin e ekepertëve të njohur të filmit. Ja pra mijra vështirësive ekonomike, paragjykimeve, injorancave fetare, ky do të jetë festivali: konkurimi i filmave nga krejt Ballkani të politike, etnike, zemra e fortë e Ballkanit vazhdoi të rrahë fort dhe gjykuar nga një juri joballkanike, shijimi i Ballkanit edhe për nga të pulsojë gjakun që s’mpikset kurrë ndër djemtë e vajzat e saj. Ja guzhina, freskia e liqenit të njohur e bashkuar me freskinë e pse vit pas viti, deri në këtë edicion, punët e miqve tanë krijues nga prezencës rinore. i gjithë Ballkani, që marrin pjesë në këtë festival, kanë ardhur duke u shtuar, por edhe duke u pjekur artistikisht. Tani e ndjejmë veten më Ne të tre jemi dakord: tre vjet nuk janë shumë, por në tre vjet shumë bashkë dhe me më shumë gjëra për të folur me njëri-tjetrin. mund të bëhet shumë. B3F do t’ju provojë këtë.

Ne jemi të bindur se miqtë, që do të mirëpresim sivjet, do të Nga zemra, mirëserdhët! Pogradec, gusht 2014




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 7

Reklame raiffeisen sic eshte ne faqen e katalogut te vjeter




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& F o Jury o d F 8 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 B3F POGRADEC 2014

Aleksander Manic Petra Behlke-Campos Eric Velthuis Thomas Logoreci

After studying at the 1955: born in Iserlohn/ DEMARRAGE (working title) direction Thomas Logoreci produced Philosophical Faculty of Germany Arno Kranenborg. and co-edited Caveh Zahedi’s A portrait of 6 cycle friends, 5 years and the Cologne University, 1973-1978: studies of older. Every week they cycle a route IFC Films critically-acclaimed he moved to Prague to German, English and French of 125 till 150 km. What’s left in your 2005 comedy feature, I attend FAMU, the renowned language and literature, live when society doesn’t ask you to AM A SEX ADDICT, which film and TV academy. pedagogics and philosophy participate anymore? played at over thirty festivals YAMAL (working title) direction Jeroen There he directed a short at the Universities of Heidel- Toirkens. worldwide and won the New called Astropolitan, berg and Münster/Germany The first film made by the internationally York Gotham Award for ‘Best which premiered at the first state exam acclaimed photographer Jeroen Film Not Playing at a Theatre International Belgrade 1981: second state exam, Toirkens, about the longist and oldest Near You’. Thomas recently nomadic route in the world. Film Festival and earned graduating as a teacher TRAVELLERS OF EUROPE – Director and co-wrote the feature length Mani success early in his 1982-1987: teaching research. About Albanians who try to essay doc, HERE BE DRAGONS, career. While working experience at colleges and travel to Europe in order to find work. with acclaimed Irish filmmaker language institutes THROUGH THE EYES OF ROBBY Mark Cousins, which had a as a translator for Emir MULLER (working title) direction Claire Kusturica’s Underground, 1987- now….: work at the Pijman European premiere at the BFI documentary on Kusturica Goethe-Institutes in several Portrait of the worl famous Dutch d.o.p. London Film Festival and a called Shooting Days, which countries: Buenos Aires/ Robby Müller. North American premiere at AS PRODUCER/KVFILMS: has won critical acclaim Argentina, Chennai/India, KILLING TIME 2013 | 54 min. Director the Telluride film festival. In and has been distributed in Bremen/Germany, Mexico Jaap van Hoewijk. (producing, concept 2014, along with Iris Elezi, many countries. City/Mexico, Lima/Peru, and research) Thomas Logoreci co-directed, /Albania A documentary about the city of Hunt- co-wrote and co-produced sville, Texas, during an execution day. Awards: VPRO with support from MEDIAFONDS. the Albanian-Italian-Kosovar 2011: receiving the Willi Special Mention on festivals in Gdansk dramatic feature BOTA which Brandt-medal for Excellent and Krakow, the Golden Remi Worldfest had its premiere at the Karlovy cultural work in Lima, Peru Houston 2014, Dutch representation for Vary film festival. the Emmy Award Documentary 2014.




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Index Films • Documentaries Albanian Public Television 8-9 • Albania 16-19 • Central State Archive of Film, Tirana 20 • Maqedonia 21 • Kosovo 22-23 • Moldavia, Georgia 23 • Serbia 24-26 • Bulgaria 35 • Romania 36-37 • Turkey 38-41 • Greece 42-44 • Slovenia 44 • Croatia 45-46 • European Mish Mash 47-52




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& F o Workshops o d F 10 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 B3F POGRADEC 2014

Shota Bukoshi Esat Mysliu Ana Grgic

Ana Grgic, PhD student Shota Bukoshi will held Film Director Esat Mysliu and researcher in film, a three day workshop Professor at the Tirana Art will attend the Balkan in Pogradec during the Institute will work with a Film Food Festival in festival. Shota works as group of students in mak- September in Pogradec. an actor in Germany and ing short film and docu- Ana is willing to give a she will join the festival mentaries during the days lecture on Balkan Cin- thanks to the Goethe’s of the festival. The films ema for film students Institute in Tirana. Petra will be screened before and guests. She will be Behlke-Campos, the di- the closing ceremony of most welcomed in this rector of Goethe’s Insti- the Festival. event. Last year in Cetate tute in Tirana intention Romania, at Divan Film is to bring an experience festival Ana presented from abroad in native a study in Balkan Com- language for young peo- edy. One of the film she ple who wants to know took in analysis was the about the mechanisms of Albanian film “Concert in contractual employment 1936” directed by Saimir in the EU countries. Kumbaro. These workshops are supported by UNFPA




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 11

“Hako” është themeluar në vitin 1994.

Ne jemi rritur dhe zhvilluar falë kërkesave dhe sugjeri- meve të konsumatorëve duke i konsideruar ata partnerë të rëndësishëm të biznesit. Jemi prezent në familjet shqiptare, çdo ditë e më tepër. Përpiqemi të këna- qim kërkesat. shijet dhe të përmbushim misionin tonë: standart, korrektësi, shër- bim cilësor për klientin.




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& F o culinary o d F 12 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 B3F POGRADEC 2014

INTERVTSTA/ Flet Ahmet Dursun, Kryemjeshtri i Kuzhinës në B3F

Mendon se nuk i është dhënë rëndësia e duhur kulinarisë? Aspak! Edhe sot madje vazhdon e njejta gjë. A e di pse? Sepse kulinaria nuk pranon fashizëm, racizëm fetar apo jo fetar. Eshtë e vetmja fushë e veprimtarisë njerëzore së cilës nuk mund t’i vendosësh kufij. A mund ta konsiderojmë kuzhinën si art? Eshtë art, madje mbi të gjitha artet. Mendoj se qëllimi i artit është të heqë kufijtë. Një pjatë e mirë është e mirë për të gjithë pa dallim. Eshte e mirë për syrin, qiellzën, stomakun, frymëzim për të bërë gjëra të bukura. Histo- rianët nuk merren dhe nuk lejojnë të merresh me kulinarinë sepse ngelin Ahmet Dursun pa punë, pa ndikim, pa luftë. Po atëherë? Dy shtete para se të hyjnë në luftë, secili prej krerëve le t’i gatuajë armikut tre nga pjatat e tij më të mira. Jam i bindur se do të heqin dorë nga lufta. Historia në pjatë Pra asnjë art tjetër s’e bën dot këtë gjë e pale pastaj “gatimi” i historianëve.. Si pranove të kontribuosh në B3F në Pogradec? Çdo të thotë të jesh kuzhinier? Do ta bëj me shumë kënaqësi. Unë besoj se artistët e arteve të tjera, Në çastin që e mendojmë kuzhinierin vetëm si një njeri që di të bëjë ndoshta pa e ditur, kanë qenë njerëz që të paktën një herë kanë tentuar disa gjellëra, sallata apo ëmbëlsira bëjmë gabimin më të madh. Ku- të bëhen kuzhinierë, por nuk ia kanë dalë dot. Njësoj si kuzhina artistët zhinier është ai që di të përgatisë disa gjëra duke i përzierë me disa pjesmarrrës në B3F kanë zgjedhur filmin për të treguar se sa ndarje pa gjëra të tjera dhe ti i fut në trup fizikisht ato. Kjo gjë të sjell gjallëri, të kuptim janë kufijtë, sidomos në Ballkan. kuron, të ndihmon të kuptosh vlerën e natyrës. A mund të flasim për një kuzhinë të vërtetë shqiptare? Po kështu i bie që edhe farmacistët të jenë kuzhinierë?! Në Shqipëri ka gatime etnike pa dyshim, dhe ato janë boza, kukureci, tava Sigurisht që po. Jo vetëm një shkencëtar apo një farmacist, por edhe e Elbasanit dhe gatimet me mëlçi. Në Jug, dhe sidomos në bregdet, duket ai apo ajo, që bën limonatë është një kuzhinier gjithashtu, por ka një ndikimi i Mesdheut. Sapo kalon malet e para shfaqet një kuzhinë krejt diferencë. Për shembull çdo kush mund të bëjë kafe turke por pak kontinentale. kush e bën si kafen siç e bënte Maria e Milotit. Si po trajtohet kjo pasuri kombëtare? Ku dallon pra një “përzierës” i mirë nga një i keq? Kjo pasuri nuk po trajtohet fare! Ku ta gjesh të trajtohej, qoftë edhe keq. Te shpirti. Duhet të ketë një shpirt të paqtë. Të krijojë çdo mëngjes Mostrajtimi është më tmerr. Në trevat shqiptare për kulturën kombëtare një botë të bukur. Pastaj i duhet një zemër e guximshme dhe të ketë në tërësi ka një inferiroret idiot. Ndërsa, nga njëra anë, thuhet jemi populli bindur veten se asnjë ligësi nuk e mund dot. Prandaj shumë prej më i vjetër, apo një nga më të vjetrit e Europës, nuk themi se çfarë kanë nesh kemi kujtime të paharrueshme nga gatimet e gjysheve tona. ngrënë shqiptarët ndër shekuj. Apo mos vallë kanë agjëruar?! Por edhe nje njeri, i cili ka shpikur një ilaç, koktejl me pije alkoolike Çfarë do të sillte njohja e kuzhinës shqiptare? apo pije freskuese, pa dyshim ka patur mirësinë e gjysheve tona. Epo luftra nuk do të sillte. Në radhë të parë, patjetër do të na bënte Sa ka ndikuar globalizmi në kulinari? të kuptonim ndikimin e perandorive romake, bizantine apo otomane, Për mendimin tim globalizmi ka filluar me “agjencinë e parë të udhë- sllavëve, ushtrive të tjera që kanë kaluar këndej. Veç kësaj shqiptarët s’e timeve”, që drejtohej nga Aleksandri i Madh. Pikërisht në atë kohë kanë kuptuar ende mirë rëndësinë e rrugës antike Egnatia, e cila mbarte kuzhinierët e tij në kthim e sipër në shkretëtirat e Industanit për të fara të perimeve, frutave, luleve, erëzat nga Lindja në Perëndim dhe patur sa më pak humbje në ushtri, pasi rrugëtimi ishte aq i gjatë dhe anasjelltas. Në çastin që zbërthehet kjo e vërtetë asnjë s’të dërgon dot i mundimshëm. Kështu u shpikën jufkat. Pas kësaj edhe makaro- për luftë, se rituali i ngrënies është 3 herë në dite, më i përsërituri në jetën nat. Kjo mënyrë e thjeshtë ka mbijetuar deri në Italinë e pas Luftës e njeriut pas frymëmarjes e përplasjes së qepallave. Shpresoj se një ditë së Dytë Botërore. Sot ky lloj ushqimi përdoret nga miliarda njerëz. do t’ia dal mbanë të bëj një libër mbi kuzhinën shqiptare. Do jetë nga ato Mirëpo, çfarë ndodh? Bëhen me mijra studime mbi Aleksandrin e punë që ndikojnë që Ballkani të bëhet vend i lavdive, shpresës dhe lumtur- madh, por askush nuk e përmend këtë aspekt të veprimtarisë së tij. isë dhe jo sikurse thuhet në titullin e një filmi turk “toka hekur, qielli bakër”.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 13

Në një nga lagjet më të vjetra të kryeqytetit të Shqipërisë, mes rrugicash të ngushta, në një shtëpi shekullore, ka zënë vend kuzhina etnike e shqiptarëve.

Gatime që vijnë nga periudha Romake, Bizantine, Otomane, receta të harruara që shenjuan edhe vetë kuzhinat perandorake.

.... diell mesdhetar e mal të lartë kontinental që mahnitshëm shkrihen në të njëjtën pjatë, gurgullimë verërash mbarëshqiptare, do t’i gjeni thjeshtësisht në këtë shtëpi qytetase tirane që Ju mirëpret.

“Etnik” e ardhmja perqafon traditen dhe shkrihen se bashku duke formuar nje “mrekulli” ne te gjithe kuptimet e saj..

Dashamir Elezi, Ahmet Dursun

Rruga: Vllazën Huta, Mbrapa Ministrisë së Jashtme, pranë Rajonit të Policisë Nr.1, Tiranë




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& F o Documentarieso d F 14 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011 B3F POGRADEC 2014

Identitet në telajo Pogradeci

Gusht, 2014 2010

Producent: Ferdinand Sula Idea dhe realizimi: Tefta Radi

Idea dhe realizimi: Klodiana Kadillari Kamera: Agim Kuri

Kamera: Agim Kuri Montazhi: Gjergj Pano

Montazhi: Ilvis Çeku Miksazhi: Ermal Bardhi

Miksazhi: Ermal Bardhi Producent: Ferdinand Sula




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& F o doku histori o d F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 15 B3F POGRADEC 2014

”Lasgush Poradeci” “Përmes kujtimeve të mija”

42 minuta; 1999 43 minuta; 2014

Skenari - Petro Lati Skenari - Engjëll Ndocaj

Realizimi - Petro Lati Regjia - Engjëll Ndocaj

Kamera - Ilir Kasneci Kamera - Arben Ametlli

Montazhi - Aida Zepishta, Fedra Rama Montazhi - Endrit Xibri

Është një udhëtim nëpër labirintet ku Një çerek shekulli më parë, emri i kaloi jeta e poetit të njohur, ku padyshim Lukovës lidhej me brezaret e rinisë. vendin kryesor e zë krijimtaria e tij poetike. Një grup studentësh gjatë praktikës Veç të tjerave, dokumentari merr përsipër mësimore në vitin 1987 ishin dhe realizon me sukses edhe një vleresim personazhet e një dokumentari të të ri që i bëhet këtij poeti, krijimtaria e realizuar nga TVSH. Gjatë muajit korrik të cilit shpesh pati pikëpyetje nga më të një tjetër dokumentar, i cili e ka parë ndryshmet. Autorët kanë përdorur, me fshatin tashmë të njohur edhe për shumë finesëe edhe dukuritë e vendlindjes vlera të tjera me syrin krahasimtar së poetit, njerëzit që e kanë rrethuar, e nxjer në pah anën deri më tash të kombinuar kjo edhe me materialet e arkivit panjohur të Lukovës sidomos në të TVSH dhe të AQSHF. fushën e turizmit.




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& F o od F 16 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Albania B3F POGRADEC 2014

4-TH FLOOR ARDIT MARGARITA ROCK Genre: fiction Country of Origin: Albania Regjia: Kujtim Gjonaj Production Year: 2013 Genre: Drama Running Time: 10:51 Production Year: 2014 Running time 55 min Director Name: Enxhi Rista Running Time: 17 min Script: Enxhi Rista Director Name: Lorina Beci Producer: Cinefier 2013 Director Awards: Bela Pazar Email/Website: [email protected] Script: Lorina Beci Music: Gerti Druga Phone: 0693154678 Producer: Dritan Huqi /OnFilm production Address: rruga sami frasheri, pall agimi Email/Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Dritan Huqi Phone: 35544819793

A teenage girl between Një grua e re jeton vetëm me A documnetary about the well the love and rock music. djalin. E martuar që në moshë të known actress Margarita Xhepa Conflictes happen in her family. re dhe e ndarë nga burri , i duhet Grandfathers doesnt like her ti mbijetojë në një realitet të preference and her new style, egër dhe pse e përkushtuar ndaj her rock style. They tried to djalit ajo gjykohet gjithmonë nga keep her away from this style of opinioni publik. Nuk është vetëm living but was too late! She was gruaja e re që duhet të mbijetojë just a free rock girl. por edhe djali i vogël që shumë gjëra nuk i kupton nga mosha që SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS ka. Ai e vuan shumë mungesën SYNOPSIS e të atit deri sa një ditë një njëri i thjeshtë gjendet pranë tyre. Not in competition




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 17 ALBANIA

Bitter The willow and The Outlaw coffee the pumpkin Albania (student, in competition) Albania (animation, in Competition) Director : ALDI KARAJ Director: Ilir Harxhi Director: BERTRAND SHIJAKU [email protected] [email protected] Original Title: Kafe e hidhur Original Title: SHELGU DHE KUNGULLI Original Title: i Jashtligjshmi Country of Origin: Albania Country of Origin: ALBANIA Country of Origin: Albania Genre: Short Genre: ANIMATION Genre: Short / COMEDY Running Time: 9 min Producer: Idea Film Production Year: 2013 Running Time: 20:00 Running Time: 11’10’’ Script: ALDI KARAJ Script: KUJTIM GJONAJ Music: ELTON KOCI Music: DJ PIKO Producer: AK FILMWORK Producer: BOTA SHQIPTARE

A couple with age difference Once upon a time there was a You know that nice feeling when drink coffee together. Something willow that grew near a quiet you get the news from your wife happens between them. big river,but he was very upset that she is pregnant? What if at because he never put up its head the same time the door rings, held high. That’s why he was very before you is a 3 years old child, upset. One day he saw a pumpkin at that moment you understand at the end of the flax-field and that hi is your son?! How would decided to cooperate with him to you react?!! extend up to the sky. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS




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& F o od F 18 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Albania B3F POGRADEC 2014

NARTA WEEKEND SkaNdal Original Title: SkaNdal Runnig time: 14 min Country of Origin: Albania A documentary about Narta Country of Origin: Albania Genre: Documentary Not in competition Production Year: 2013 Production Year: 2014 Running Time: 19 minutes Running Time: 63 minutes Director: Ergys Lubonja Director Name: Elton Baxhaku, Eriona Cami Director Awards: Weekend - first movie Elton Baxhaku’s Filmography: Script: Pushkin Lubonja, Ergys Lubonja Script: Kristi Pinderi Xheni Karaj Music: unoun Music: Arranged by Elton Baxhaku & Xheni Karaj Producer: Ilir Kaso for Pik Studios Producer: Plain Thinking Production, Alliance Address: Against Discrimination, ProLGBT (Producers: Email/Website: [email protected] Xheni Karaj, Kristi Pinderi) Contact Person: Ergys Lubonja Phone: 0692065041 The experience of smart and courageous people who started the LGBT movement and of those An old man lives alone after the who found and dedicated their WHEN I SUDDENTLY SANK death of his wife, her portrait lives to this movement. A tribute THROUGH THE CLOUDS his only solace in the long days to those LGBT people who were and nights. His daughter left persecuted, destroyed and never for Italy, and the son lives in a Gerdi Petanaj lived a life under communism and [email protected] gated house. Ashamed of the an open call for those who are still Category: Shorts demeaning failings of his body, he afraid. SKA NDAL - two words in

Runtime: 7:00 contemplates the sad state of his SYNOPSIS Albanian for the documentary that Country of Origin: ALBANIA existence on a deserted beach at challenges two different worlds... the end of a long, lonely weekend. A journey through loneliness SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS The thoughts of the author merges with the soul city.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 19 Albania


Original Title: DARKA Film Title in English: The Theater Country of Origin: Albania Original Title: Teatri Original Title: Trace (Gjurmë) Genre: Drama Country of Origin: Albania Country of Origin: Albania Production Year: 2014 Genre: Documentary Genre: Dokumentar Running Time: 15’20” Production Year: 2013 Production Year: 2014 Director Name: Suela BAKO Running Time: 9 Running Time: 3 min Script: Suela BAKO Director Name: Gentian Koci Director Name: Zhani Terpini Script: Gentian Koci Music: Andi Kongo Script: Zhani Terpini Producer: On Film Production Music: Benet Brojaj Producer: Romir Zalla Email/Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Suela Bako, Romir Zalla Producer: Zhani Terpini Contact Person: Dritan Huqi Address: Tirane Phone: 044804008, 00355 68 50 91 586, 00355 Phone: 35544819793 68 20 54 729 Email/Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Zhani Terpini; 0682023768

Diana is 16yrs old and she lives Skopje is one of the few capitals in the world in The brilliance of nature, nothing with her younger sister and which there are two national theatres; national stays in place, summary nature theatre of Skopje and Albanian theatre of their father. Their mother died Skopje. Our camera will move from one stage sounds, movement, growing, a few years ago...One day their to the other. where each of us be a part finds father invited for dinner at The attempt to dicover more about the three his own room. How we use this their house his brother and his dimensionality of each of the scenic stages will be kind? Forcing suits us? pursued parrallely by the artistic curosity towards wife accompanied by a young what is called the forth dimmension of the women... theatre; the audience. Daily attitudes of the two theatres, the individuality of their institutional and artistic history of communication between the two stages, the focus on personal histories of 2 acotrs who have touched one of the stages of SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Skopje respectively, the audience who has filled both halls over the years only a few meters apart and the scenic art in two languages, will be the subject of this documentary.




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& F o od F 20 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Old Albanian Films, made in Pogradec B3F POGRADEC 2014

Mëngjese Zonja nga Duaje emrin Lufte Qyteti tënd

1971 1976 1984 Regjia: Kristaq Dhamo Regjia: Piro Milkani Regjia: Kristaq Mitro, Ibrahim Muça Skenari: Dhimitër Xhvani Skenari: Ruzhdi Pulaha Skenari: Nasi Lera Muzika: Robert Radoja Muzika: Agim Krajka Muzika: Thoma Simak Aktorë: Sandër Prosi, Pandi Raidhi, Demir Aktorë: , Pandi Raidhi, Yllka Aktorë: Rajmonda Bulku, Ndriçim Xhepa, Hyskja, Rauf Pojani, Franc Gashi, Fatmir Dibra Mujo, Vasilllaq Vangjeli, Rajmonda Bulku, Kristaq Skrami, Nertila Koka, Dhimitër Trajçe, Stavri Shkurti, Sotiraq Bratko, Petraq Kita. Fadil Kujovska, Pandi Raidhi, Frederik Zhilla.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 21 Maqedonia

Bale Face Pursuit

Submitted By Aleksandar Zikov of luck Nikola Popovski Submitted By [email protected] [email protected] +3897-830-9988 +3897-832-5991 Kozjak 9a Skopje 1000 Orce Nikolov 109 Vladimir Stojcevski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Skopje 1000 [email protected] Runtime: 24:16 Macedonia +389 78 318083; Kosturski Heroi 2a Skopje 1000 Runtime: 14:45 Category: Documentary Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Runtime: 1:06:00 Category: Documentary Vetka is forty year old woman, single mother without a permanent job. Along with her 14 year old son Simcho, lives in Bale is a middle-aged man who poor cabin. Eight single men, full of hope, got blind when he was a child. They wash car windows, collect old departed on a long journey to things, and barely feed them selfs. After a while, his mother was sent Moscow to pursue the luck. How Besides the misery and poverty a new strong is their faith that the to a psychiatric hospital along threat is hanging over their lives. salvation could be in a woman? with his brother. His two sisters The land on which their cabin is, a new And what could a woman do for got married and they left as well. complex of buildings is planned to be build. love? The Pursuit of Luck is a Excavator comes, literally crumbling away, documentary film consisting of 3 He stayed with his father, but not and they remain on the streets again. Simcho that grows and matures, has stories (Hope, Faith and Love) in for long. His father passed away SYNOPSIS which the destinies of the main and Bale was left alone. chosen delinquents path to social justice. One night he breaks into a exchange protagonists intertwine in their SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS office … but he is caught and sent efforts to find happiness. to a correctional facility for juvenile delinquents.




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& F o od F 22 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Kosovo B3F POGRADEC 2014

Amel Silence City of black Kosovo (short, in Competition) Kosovo ( short, in Competition) Original Title: QYTETI I ZI Director: More Raca Kosovo (short, in Competition) Country of Origin: KOSOVE Country of Origin: Kosovo Director Name: Bekim Guri Genre: Short fiction Genre: Fiction Original Title: Heshtje Running Time: 20 MIN. Production Year: 2013 Country of Origin: Kosove Director: Dibran Fylli Running Time: 13 Running Time: 5 minuta Script: Dibran Fylli Script: More Raca Script: Bekim Guri Music: Ilir Shaqiri Music: Oktaj Raca Producer: Bekim Guri Producer: Produksioni Filmik “Dardaniafilm” Producer: Arena Stone Production Email/Website: [email protected] & [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

“Black City” tells a story that takes place after the war Valon main character, a former Amel is an actress who seeks Kosovo 1999. During deportations member of the Kosovo Liberation for her destiny in an audition of civilians during the war, a father Army, which during the war, the organized by a foreign production. found in extraordinary situation Serbian military police forces Finally she gets announced that must choose between life or death have killed his wife, and a Serbian she got a part in the movie. Amel , to save her daughter from the paramilitary took his daughter is lucky, however, is she going to horror. Fitore.He gets a call that his have the same luck also in the daughter is alive and must meet

world of movies? Her path towards SYNOPSIS with the person at the railway an acting career will be difficult. station of the Black City! SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 23 Special Sreenings Kosovo Moldavia & Georgia

The Loot Broken What a wonderful Kososvo (short, in Competition) Kosovo (student, in Competition) Director: Nart Zeqiraj world [email protected] Director: Bashkim Myftari Category Shorts [email protected] Running time: 5:11 Runtime 8:00 Country of Origin: KOSOVO Moldavia Country of Origin Kosovo Albanian Premiere Website: https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Palaqkitja Running Time: 76 min watch?v=82pbsA4JHgI Directed by :Anatol Durbala, Full length debut Produced by: Sergiu Cumatrenco Jr. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS A clown, a robbery, a chase, a flower. D is 25 years old and he is corrupted, He did some bad jobs too... This film is inspired by actual events that occurred during Albanian Premiere - Georgia controversial protests in April Director: Alexandre Baevi 2009 in Chisinau, where dozens of [email protected] young people were arrested and Run-time: 30:00 mistreated. Category: Documentary

There is a flea market, which known as “Barakholka” (junk market in translation from Russian) located in 10 km from the center of the

Tbilisi, Georgia. In this diverse and at the same SYNOPSIS time emptiness space everyone is trying to sell at least something, some bagatelle to earn money for their miserable living. Observation focuses on Once upon the family consisting of six members, who live on another time the territory of the market in a 15 sq.m barrack...




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& F o od F 24 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Serbia B3F POGRADEC 2014

A fine day for Aladdin and At least Bananafish the magic bin we’ve met Serbia (short, in Competition) Serbia (documentary, in Competition) Serbia (documentary, in Competition) Director: Stefan Malešević Director: Zikica Jovanovic Director: Marko Grba Singh Original Title: Divan dan za bananaribe [email protected] Original Title: Kasno smo se sreli Country of Origin: Serbia Runtime 6:27 Country of Origin: Serbia Genre: Drama Country of Origin: Serbia Genre: Short documentary Running Time: 25 min Running Time: 15min Script: Stefan Malešević Script: Marko Grba Singh Music: Dejan Spasović Producer: Marko Grba Singh Producer: Aleksandra Cvijetić [email protected] [email protected]

Zoran lives on the streets of Sima Lenović, a man from Serbia More than 20 years,every morning Belgrade. At night, he roams from in his thirties, is a war veteran Aladdin is cleaning his city. With one place to another, looking for from the 90s Kosovo war. the help of his broom and a bin a warm spot, a cigarette, a drink. After returning from the battles he which are magical he cleans the Zoran looks exactly like your suffers from PTSD and is having garbage and does not feel tired. average homeless guy. But take a hard time fitting back to his The film aims to rise awareness a closer look and you will learn life. He’s changed, sees things about the environment. a story that has never been told differently and even his closest before. ones label him as a damaged

person, which makes the return to SYNOPSIS ‘normal’ even harder. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 25 Serbia

Danube Falling Girl Goran

Floating Free Serbia (animation, in Competition) Serbia (documentary, in Competition) Serbia (documentary, in Competition) Marko Kacanski Director:Roberto Santaguida Director: Sasa Peric [email protected] [email protected] Country of Origin: Serbia Runtime: 8:00 Title (in english): Goran Genre: Documentary Country of Origin: Serbia Country of production: Serbia Running Time: 78 min. http://www.markokacanski.com Running time: 11:00 minutes Script: Sasa Peric, Dragan Simeunovic Producer: IGNIS [email protected], http://danube- floating-free.weebly.com/

The short documentary film “Danube Floating Free” is a Falling girl based on the same “Goran” takes an intimate look road-movie documentary about name story by Dino Buzzati Girl at the despair and joy, the hope independent art scenes in the jumps from the top of skyscraper. and pride in achievement as it is cities on Danube River. We While slowly fall she better constructed out by Goran Gostojić traveled from Serbia to Danube’s understands the world and the of Novi Sad. source in Germany, filming in eight people around her. Everything different cities. is as usual. Day and night are shifting, people enjoy at parties in apartments she’s falling by. From

her perspective everything looks SYNOPSIS better, marvelous. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS




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& F o od F 26 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Serbia B3F POGRADEC 2014

IMG_0048 Perfect She is! Serbia (student, in Competition) Serbia (short, in Competition) Serbia (student, in Competition) Director: Aleksandar Tokin Original Title: IMG_0048 Director: Milica Stojsic [email protected] Country of Origin: Serbia [email protected] Category: Shorts Genre: Drama; Running Time: 17’ Country of Origin: Serbia Runtime: 9:17 minutes Director Name: Nenad Tesla Running time: 12:26 minutes Country of Origin: Serbia Script: Nenad Tesla; Producer: FDU Email/Website: [email protected] SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Based upon a short story by J.D. Salinger, Perfect The film is inspired by love verses SYNOPSIS investigates alienation as well as boundaries from the poem „The Gardener“ by After a long time, David woke up next to of romantic love and mutual understanding. Rabindranath Tagore. Ana again. Unfortunately those moments of Idealization is a necessary part of romantic happiness are always brief. relationship, but the truth is never black and white.

Skile Serbia (student, in Competition) Director: Sara Markovic SYNOPSIS Original Title: Skile Country of Origin: Serbia My father thought he could change the Genre: Documentary world - by making music and writing Running Time: 19 minutes novels. But in the end he only grew Script: Sara Markovic more frustration and disappointment. Music: Karamazov brothers Finally he realized he should change Producer: Academy of Arts Belgrade himself, instead of others. And through [email protected] changing himself he’s witnessed a Contact Person: Dejan Markovic miracle that the world around him is changing as well.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 27 Folk performances B3F POGRADEC 2014

nsambli Folklorik “Tirana” është themeluar në vitin 1978 Adhe përbëhet nga grupi i instrumentistëve, këngëtarëve dhe ai i valleve. Repertori i këtij ansambli Ansambli mbështetet në muzikën tradicionale shqiptare me këngët, vallet, pjesët orkestrale si dhe ritet e lojrat e ndryshme popullore kryesisht të Tiranës dhe rrethinave të saj. Ansambli Folklorik Folklorik “Tirana” “Tirana”, përfshin herë pas here në repertorin e vet koncertal numra muzikorë tradicionalë edhe nga pjesë të tjera të Shqipërisë dhe Kosovës, duke krijuar kështu një bazë më të gjerë dhe më të larmishme të përfaqësimit të trashëgimisë sonë kulturore kombëtare.

Në prezantimet e veta skenike, ansambli paraqitet jo vetëm me kostumet karakteristike të trevës së Tiranës, por edhe me kostumet tradicionale të krahinave të tjera shqiptare. E njëjta gjë mund të thuhet edhe për instrumentat popullorë.

Ansambli Folklorik “Tirana” është anëtar i CIOFF-it prej vitit 1994 dhe ka marrë pjesë në aktivitetet folklorike ndërkombëtare të organizuara prej saj në shtete të ndryshme si: Francë, Belgjikë, Gjermani, Republika Çeke, Sllovaki, Kroaci, Turqi, Greqi, Itali, Poloni, Bosnjë-Hercegovinë, Maqedoni, etj.

Ndërsa në aktivitetet brenda vendit, përvec shfaqjeve në qytete të ndryshme, Ansambli ka marrë pjesë në FFK të Gjirokastrës në vitet 2000 dhe 2004 ku është nderuar edhe me cmime, në Festivalin Mesdhetar të Vlorës ne vitin 2008, në FFTK të Valles në Lushnje në vitin 2012, në FFTK të Këngës Qytetare në Elbasan, etj.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 29 Folk performances

Fyejt e Gramshit “Miqësia”, nga nsambli i Qendrës Kulturore Gramsh ka një histori 50 vjeçare duke debutuar ne skenë qysh në FFK të Gjirokastrës në vitin Ura Vajgurore A1968, por me formacion të plotë në trajtën e një ansambli të mirëfilltë me 20 instrumentistë, grupi doli në skenën e FFK të Gjirokastrës të vitit 1973. Prej këtij viti, “Grupi i Fyejve të Gramshit” rupi folklorik “Miqësia” ka në radhët e veta gjithsej 22 fitoi një njohje të gjerë jo vetëm kombëtare por edhe ndërkombëtare. anëtarë të cilët janë këngëtarë, valltarë e instrumentistë. GGrupi është themeluar në vitin 1984 me iniciativën e Tematika dhe interpretimi I folklorit të rrethit të Gramshit është mjaft këngëtarit dhe valltarit Trifon Qyli. Deri në vitin 2009 është i larmishëm si në zhanrin lirik, ashtu edhe në atë epik. Vec muzikës drejtuar nga Isa Pire dhe aktualisht drejtohet nga Trifon Qyli. Iniciativa dhe përkushtimi i anëtareve të grupit është mbështetur me fyejt karakteristikë, gjejmë aty edhe këngën polifonike toske që në fillim nga Bashkia dhe drejtuesit e saj të zgjedhur, të cilët kanë me 3 zëra, vallen karekteristike dyshe, muzikën me instrumenta afruar vullnetin e tyre duke e mbështetur grupin folklorik përmes si tambura, qemenxhe, pipëz, bilbil, gajde, etj. si dhe lojërat, ritet, ndihmave financiare në përballimin e shpenzimeve për shfaqjet këngët dhe vallet humoristike brenda dhe jashtë vendit. Këto karakteristika dhe kjo pasuri folklorike, origjinaliteti, timbrika dhe tingwllimi instrumental në përgjithësi, kanë tërhequr interesin e Grupi Folklorik “Miqësia” ka një aktivitet një aktivitet të dendur muzikologëve vendas e të huaj deri në atë masë sa “Grupi i Fyejve të artistik që fillon prej vitit 1988 me pjesëmarrjen në FFK të Gjirokastrës Gramshit” është cilësuar prej tyre si “Simfoni” e muzikës popullore ku u vlerësua me çmim të tretë. Në vitin 2003 merr pjesë në Festivalin Ndërkombëtar në qytetin Veliko Tërnovo në Bullgari ku vlerësohet shqiptare. me çmim të dytë. Po këtë vit merr pjesë në Festivalin Ndërkombëtar që u zhvillua në Stamboll të Turqisë dhe vlerësohet me Diplomën e Grupi ka marrë pjesë në mjaft aktivitete kombëtare si FFK i Festivalit. Grupi “Miqësia” ka marrë pjesë në aktivitete folklorike të Gjirokastrës, FFTK të organizuara nga QKVF si dhe në evenimente zhvilluara në Kosovë, Maqedoni, Mali i Zi, Turqi, Bullgari, Greqi, etj. të ndryshme të trashëgimisë sonë shpirtërore. Përsa i përket Grupi “Miqësia” është pjesëmarrës në disa prej FFTK të organizuara përfaqësimit në veprimtaritw ndërkombëtare, Grupi folklorik i nga QKVF ku grupi folklorik dhe individë të veçantë janë nderuar edhe Gramshit me fyejt e vet të njohur ka marrë pjesë në takime folklorike me çmime e diploma të ndryshme. në Francë, Zvicër, Mali i Zi, Kosovë, Greqi, Turqi, Maqedoni, etj. në të Këto grupe folklorike do të These folk groups will perform cilat është vlerësuar me cmime e diploma. performojnë, në ceremoninë e at the opening ceremony date, hapjes dt., 1.09.2014 - ora 20:00 1.09.2014 - 20:00




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& F o od F 30 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Albanian culinary B3F POGRADEC 2014

“Çomlek” Byrek with milk Ballakume

Ingredients for 4 (Traditional Albanian pie from Tirana) (Traditional Summer day’s cookies) 300 gr veal cut in cubes Ingredients for 6 Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot 10 phillo pastry sheets baked 6 large eggs 1 onion 1 ½ lt milk 1 kg powdered sugar 3 potatoes 5 large eggs 450-500 gr butter 2 ripe tomatoes Olive oil Sifted Corn Flour* 3 cloves onion rosemary Preparation: Preparation: sage salt Mix the milk, eggs and olive oil in a blender 1 glass red wine Melt the butter in low heat and let it rest for 10 Bake the philo pastry in the oven until golden minutes 100 gr black olives brown 1 glass water Mix the sugar and melted butter and beat until the Moist the baked pastry sheets in the mixture sugar melts. and place them one by one in a baking pan Add the eggs one by one beating continuosly for Preparation: creating layers. about 35-40 minuta (from the start). The mixture Let it rest for 10 minutes in the oven without should have increased in volume Sauté the meat in olive oil turning it on. Add the sifted corn flour and continue mixing In another pan sauté the carrot, onion and spices Turn on the oven and bake for about 45-60 Coat the baking pan with butter (or place a baking Combine the meat and the vegetables and add the minutes in the oven at 200º C. sheet) wine Cut bits of the dough and stpread them with your After the wine has evaporated add the water until the hand on the baking pan (they don’t have to be meat and vegetables are covered exactely the same size) Let them cook for almost one hour at low heat Bake them for about 45 minutes in 150º C until golden Add the tomatoes and the potatoes and let them cook brown for about 15 minutes. * The sifted flour that remains after the sifting of 5 Serve the meat with mashed potatoes or polenta kg of regular corn flour. The volume of the remaining sifted corn flour should match the volume of the sugar.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 31 The first Albanian magazine entirely focused on food, culinary and health. Address: Rr. “Brigada VIII”, Pll. Teknoprojekt 2001, Kati V, Ap.31, Tirana, Albania Tel.: +355 42 251 686 Mob.: +355 69 90 79 792 e-mail: [email protected] www.shije.al




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& F o od F 32 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011




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& F o od F 34 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Pogradeci, liqeni i zemrës së thellë

Pogradeci, the lake of the deep heart




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 35

Films Bulgaria B3F POGRADEC 2014

Cake Story Because of Mum Puddle

Bulgaria (in Competition) Mina Mileva [email protected] Director: Vera Doneva Director: Milko Yovchev Category - Animation Shorts ; Runtime: 12:17 Genre: Animation Country of Origin: Bulgaria Running time: 6 minutes Website: Country of Origin: Bulgaria SYNOPSIS http://activist38.com/because_of_mum_bg_.html 1997. New Year’s Eve. A man braves the cold SYNOPSIS winter night in order to bring a friend of his SYNOPSIS Every child is a dreamer, dreaming of new worlds. a cake as a gift. The cake never makes it to Still, children are always children in their wishes. the receiver because it ends up in front of the A poetic animated reflection about memories, child- hood and upbringing. A girl’s message to her Mother. Adults would give anything to go back in their door of a poor gipsy’s family. childhood, feel free and do something childish... Running life Tasty Summer SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Two teenagers escape How do summer life by roaming the taste? streets of a big city. They struggle to find reason in a loved one’s death as they depend on each other for survival and face the challenge of an Director: Iliyan iliev unknown future. Director: Milena Stoykova Musageniza-98W/B/56 [email protected] [email protected] Runtime: 2:22 Run-time: 11:00 0035989-729-6377 Category: Shorts Category: Shorts




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Films Romania B3F POGRADEC 2014

1969 I’m not famous, Dim Light because I am aromanian Romania (short, in Competition) Director: Ispas Alexandru Romania (drama, in Competition) Director: Florina Dumitrache Original Title: 1969 Director: Toma Enanche Original Title: Lumina Firava Country of Origin: Romania Original Title: Nu hiu faimos ama hiu arman Country of Origin: România Genre: Comedy-Drama Country of Origin: Romani Genre: fiction Running Time: 21:47 Genre: Drama, Romantic comedy Running Time: 14:30 Script: Anca Istudor and Alexandru Ispas Running Time: 108 minutes Script: Bogdan Drumea Music: Ioan Filip Script: Toma Enanche / Carmen Dirvariu/ Music: Alexandru-Petru Badelita Producer: Sebastian Condurache / UNATC Adrian Conerth Producer: Bogdan Drumea and Florina BUCHAREST Music: Marius Leftarache / Ovidiu Lipan Dumitrache (independent film) Address: Matei Voievod 75-77 Tandarica Email/Website: http://florinadumitrache.ro/ Email/Website: [email protected] / Producer: “LA STEAUA” FILM STUDIO www.unatc.ro Email/Website: toma_enache@ yahoo.com Contact Person: Simona Mantarlian /www.lasteaua.ro SYNOPSIS Contact Person: Toma Enache In an old fashioned apartment, Victor SYNOPSIS and Marta are waiting for the end of 1969 - A small community of people prepare SYNOPSIS the world. Around them, the lights for the most extraordinary event of their are turning off and the atmosphere is lives Toni Caramușat, a famous film director, is overwhelming. fascinated by the idea of finding the 13th fundamental truth about the Aromanians. According to a myth, this truth is held by Armanamea, the last descendant of this people. Toni goes on dates with young women from all over the world, in hope of finding both the truth and his soul mate. Will he ever find them and, if so, at what cost?




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Iulian Idle Claudiu & Romania (student, in competition) Romania (student, in Competition) Director: ALEX MIRONESCU Director: Raia Al Souliman the fish Original Title: IULIAN. Country of Origin: Romania Country of Origin: ROMANIA Genre: fiction Director: Andrei Tanase Genre: Documentary Running Time: 24 min Original Title: Claudiu si crapii Running Time: 9min Script: Raia Al Souliman Country of Origin: Romania/Germany Music: BĂLĂNESCU QUARTET Music: Thomas Hofer Genre: fiction / comedy Producer: ALEX MIRONESCU / UNATC Film Producer: UNATC - The Natonal University Running Time: 16 min Email/Website: [email protected] of Theatre and Film “I.L.Caragiale” Script: Andrei Tanase Bucharest Producer: Deutsche Exotik / Libra Film Email/Website: [email protected] Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Simona Mantarlian SYNOPSIS

THE PORTRAYAL OF A ROOTLESS MAN’S EXISTENCE A short documentary film about the life of IULIAN BADEA, a real man of the street. SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Iulian talks about the horrid years he In a world ruled by boredom and apathy, a spent at an orphanage, in which he found Claudiu, who works at the fresh fish boy and a girl meet for the first time. himself at the age of ten. All his teenager department of a supermarket, spends his days life he will keep asking the orphanage watching the live carps struggling to move and staff to help him to find his family, but breathe in their small, over-packed aquarium. unfortunately nobody will do anything. After one of them starts acting strange, the young man decides to take action.




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Films Turkey B3F POGRADEC 2014

190107 Wise Man Daydream Turkey (animation, in Competition) Turkey (short, in Competition) Turkey (short, in Competition) Director: Necmi Deniz Akinci Director: Sadik Demiroz Director:Berkant Erdem [email protected] Run-time: 15:00 [email protected] Category: Animation Shorts [email protected] Country of Origin: Turkey Runtime: 6:11 minutes Website: www.sadikdemiroz.com Runtime: 4:30 minutes Country of Origin: Turkey Title (in original language): Bilge Adam Category: Shorts Country of production: Turkey

SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS In 19 January 2007, Hrant Dink was Time past fast while growing wise. When Daydreaming is okay, even better if murdered by a teenage boy with a white an elderly man start misses the time he was you can make some lasting memory beanie who is 17 years old. After police carefree, he realize that he is old.... Loneliness out of it. forces caught him, he said that he wasn’t and his longing for the best part of his life, his regret and it was his decision to kill Hrant. childhood, that is narrated by emphasizing So this movie is questioning that is that time... decision realy his decision or not.

Turkey (animation, in Competition) SYNOPSIS Death Ilhami Tunç Gençer [email protected] Surreal dreams, that anyone can dream and interpret as he wants. will Category:Shorts Runtime: 02:00 minutes be my Country of Origin: Turkey bride




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Four leaf clover Garbage & Random to hug Turkey (short, in Competition) HAKAN BERBER Dogs the wind [email protected] Runtime: 13:45 Turkey (short, in Competition) Turkey (documentary, in Competition) Country of Origin: Turkey Director: Alper Kocatepe Director: Hüseyin Bulut http://www.hakanberber.com.tr Original Title: Çöpler & Köpekler Original Title: Rastgele Orsa Country of Origin: Turkey [email protected] Genre: Short Film Category: Documentary Running Time: 21:44 Running time: 30:00 minutes Script: Ulaş Temur Country of Origin: Turkey Music: Bülent Ünal Producer: Ulaş Temur [email protected] / www. SYNOPSIS sinemakavram.com

Four Leaf Clover; is the fantastic and poetical story of a little girl , who SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS questions her life after she is forced to marry with her rapist. All apartment dweller gathered in front of Our seas have been contaminated for many the Aunt Muteber’s door. Commissioner years. Though that contamination doesn’t Fuat and his deputy were standing in front of catch our eyes, fishermen are witnesses for them. Aunt Muteber hasn’t seen by anybody this, moreover they catch the contamination for a long time and eventually the police with their fishnets. were called. This is a story of the corrupted urban life and a lonely old woman.




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Films Turkey B3F POGRADEC 2014

Refusing Solo The little girl

Turkey (documentary, in Competition) Turkey (animation, in Competition) to choose Director: Önder M. Ozdem Director: HAKAN BERBER [email protected] [email protected] Turkey (short, in competition) Run- time: 23 00 Runtime: 4:40 minutes Director:Ilker saglamer Country: Turkey Country of Origin: Turkey [email protected] Film’s General Information http://www.hakanberber.com.tr Category: Short Country of production: Turkey Runtime: 6:47 Other Countries of Production: Germany Country of Origin: Turkey Category: Documentary


Based on a True Story -Home trapped What this old radio tells, is the stories of This Movie describes that last minutes of a beautiful daughter and son, and a loving migrant musicians, who chose to go away little girl who died in war,by enriching with caring mum who has to make a choice with their notes, rather than stay. Nazım Hikmet’s poem, named “Kız Çocuğu”, between her two kids. Who would you with the different point of view in abstract choose? situation SYNOPSIS Head The Head is the story of an “other”. Nuri is one of those people who can keep their heads Turkey (animation, in Competition) straight up only with the help of the rope on Director: Koray Sevindi their heads. After an incident, Nuri’s rope gets [email protected] loose, now he is different from other people. Run-time: 9 min. Although he tries to get accustomed to the Country: Turkey new situation, he gets lonelier each day.




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The Village The Uncle Waves and Turkey (documentary, in Competition) Turkey (short, in Competition) Director: Ahmet Yamak Director: Mehmet Yamak freedom Original Title: Köy Original Title: Dayı Country of Origin: Turkey Country of Origin: Turkey Turkey (documentary, in Competition) Genre: Fiction Genre: Fiction Director: Ilker saglamer Running Time: 06’33’’ Running Time: 11’32’’ [email protected] Script/Producer: Mehmet Yamak Script: Yılmaz YÜCEL Runtime: 25:53 [email protected] Music: Ezginin Günlüğü (our Old Days - Category: Documentary Black Eyes) Producer: Mootlak Film Design [email protected] SYNOPSIS

Villages are outdated now. Just like the people who live in. The streets are lonely, SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS bored waiting for the elders to go forward to the mosque to pray. Wind, at the foot Lost all their relatives, a retired man who Exhilarating ambiance of spaciousness and of a wall of death, hum footsteps tell the lives alone in the Hereafter, his preparations tranquility of sea . . away from the hustle story of people who have lost the magic for the journey, and Gönül’s nephew, a and bustle of the city . . Dancing with free of life. tragicomic story about the involvement of waves, friendship with seagulls . . Irresistible these preparations recklessly. attraction to sail away since the beginning of the time . .Being at Sea is like being at home. Once you experience it, the land could no longer satisfy you




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& F o od F 42 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Greece B3F POGRADEC 2014

Ascending Diminished Drag Me

Greece (in Competition) An urban music tale - Greece (in Competition) Downwards Director: Konstantina Palli Director: Nikos Kellis Original Title: Ελάχιστη [email protected] Greece (student in Competition) Country of Origin: Greece Runtime:5 minutes 41 seconds Director: Stavros Ladikos Genre: Drama Country of Origin:Greece E-mail: [email protected] Running Time: 29’58’’ Writers: Nikos KEllis Country: Greece Script: Konstantina Palli Producers:GAB productions Title (in original language): Ανεβαίνοντας Music: Yannis Vardas Κάτω Producer: Studio Rosso Akmi Metropolitan College (AMC) Email/Website: [email protected] Country of production: Greece Contact Person: Konstantina Palli SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS DRAG ME is a story about a “deadly” girl Film “Diminished” talks about the economic with a “slightly” violent and disturbed “...then it’ll be up to us to not ever get old...” crisis and the homeless people. response to the paranoia and alienation Zarko Petan The heroine of the film, a young beautiful that the “concrete jungle” can generate. This short film is about childhood naivety. woman, who’s a former classical dancer, The set is the sleazy backstreets of A kid watches animation movies in a living losts her job and her house, and she’s totally Athens.The outcome is DRAG ME: An room while suddenly something drawing its helpless. Urban Music Tale. attention. Nearby there are the Stairs. Up the The only way out, is to leave Greece, and to Stairs there is a child’s toy. The kid wants it. start a new life abroad.




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Fear Maria Mother Greece (in Competition) Greece (short, in Competition) Director: NIKOS KOUROU Director: Thanassis Sarantos Queen [email protected] Original Title: Μαρία Runtime: 17:25 Country of Origin: Greece Greece (short, in Competition) Short fiction Genre: Short fiction Artemis Anastasiadou Country of Origin: Greece Running Time: 27 min [email protected] Website: Script: Thanassis Sarantos Runtime: 11:28 http://stofovo.blogspot.gr/ Music:Yannis Tsampanakis Country of Origin Greece Producer/Production Company: http://www.motherqueentheshortfilm.com Thanassis Sarantos/ ITHIKON ACMEOTATOΝ, ERT S.A, Thanassis Sarantos Address:Korai 18, 15344 Athens, Greece Email/Website: SYNOPSIS [email protected] http:// ithikon-akmeotaton.blogspot.gr/ Two men, raised together and friends since childhood, face personal conflict SYNOPSIS when their ideologies clash, and each must pursue his own path. When these SYNOPSIS Mother Queen is throwing a party for her two paths cross, friendship turns into son’s birthday. She has prepared everything The story of a young shepherdess, Maria, enmity, and brothers become the hunter in detail in order to create the perfect party. and is set in the autumn of 1522 on Tilos, and the prey. She controls the games the children play, a small and far-flung isle in the southern the way they behave, what they eat, how Aegean plagued by Saracen raids. they dance. She is the Master, she is the Queen. But can she always have things her way? A short allegory on political power and its dubious ways...




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Films Greece & Slovenia B3F POGRADEC 2014

Runaway Day The Dinner The Man Who – Greece (feature, in Competition) Greece (short in Competition) Fed His Shadow Director: Dimitris Bavellas Director: Dimitris Argyriou Country of Origin: Greece Genres:drama Greece (Short, in Competition) Genre: Fiction, Drama Runtime:10 minutes 56 seconds Director: Mario Garefo Production Year: 2013 Writers:Dimitris Argyriou Country of Origin: Greece Running Time: 86 min Producers:Dimitris Argyriou Running Time: 18 minutes Script: Dimitris Bavellas [email protected] Script: Mario Garefo Music: The Mongrelettes, The Smoking Music: Christos Serenes Barrels, George Ginis George Boussounis ect. Producer: Filiki Eteria Producer: Gina Petropoulou, Sotiris Mitsios SYNOPSIS Address: Limnou 6, 14127 Melissia, Athens Email/Website: [email protected] Email/Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Patra Spanou A couple who seemingly has it all, have Contact Person: Mario Garefo dinner at a luxury restaurant. During the dinner, the man announces to his wife that SYNOPSIS he wants some changes in his life... but is it SYNOPSIS still time for changes? Maria and Loukas decide at the same time and for A man intrudes into rich people’s dinners no apparent reason to respectively run away from claiming that he can collect the food from their homes. Each of them has to deal with their their table and feed his shadow which, personal problems: Maria is stuck in a wealthy curiously enough, is a female figure. marriage with Dimitris while raising their two children. Loukas is unemployed and full of debts.

Slovenija (short, in Competition) SYNOPSIS Director: Simon Intihar [email protected] A man, who caused a tragedy which hurt his Runtime: 15:00 minutes and his family’s lives, wants only one thing: Country of Origin: Slovenia That the people he cares most about give him Diving-In one last chance. Film Slovenia




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 45 Croatia

Chained Colours Sleepers’ issue Yellow parasol

Croatia (student in Competition) Croatia (student in Competition) Production Year: 2014 Director: Leo Vitasovic Director: Luka Curcic Running Time: 21’14 [email protected] [email protected] Director Name: Ana Opačić Category Student Film Running time 7:00 Script: Ana Opačić Runtime 12:33 Country of Origin:Croatia Music: Thomas Hatcher Country of Origin Croatia Producer: Tibor Keser Producer: Ana Opačić / ESRA Website Address: Zvonimirova 121, 21210 Solin, Croatia http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3096512/ Email/Website: [email protected] Contact Person: Ana Opačić Phone: 0038521211741

SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS A mute erotic-love story about how In a summer atmosphere of a seaside town, a Attempt to find out the way to avoid real-life probl- beginnings look from their endings, and ems through the eyes of one teenager. Movie follows girl and a nanny spend their last day together. the tale full of emotions and memories with elements vice-versa: endings which we already see at Unexpected event changes a girl’s life because of well-known corrupt nowadays which is being the beginning. she has discovered something that is not recognized and solved by denial with pretentious allowed and her childhood of innocence is over. lecturing. Is it really mistake to live your own life? To reborn and live it your way? Is it wrong to be happy?




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& F o od F 46 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Films Croatia B3F POGRADEC 2014

Thresholds Little darling Shame On Croatia (in Competition) Croatia (short, in Competition) Directed by Dijana Mlađenović Director:Igor Mirkovic You Original Title: Pragovi Running Time 16:44 Short fiction Contact Person: Tanja Prpic Croatia (short, in Competition) Run-time:13 [email protected] Student in competition Production company: Kinematograf Original title: BALAVICA Director: Daria Blažević info[a]kinematograf.hr Running Time: 10:00 min Contact Person: Daria Blažević Email: [email protected] Original title: SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS

It is 1992. A war is raging in Croatia. The new Two kids at the top of a skyscraper. A view of government is forcefully evicting politically the sea. He is Tom Sawyer and she is Alice in unsuitable persons from their apartments. In a Wonderland. They walk along the edge of the sudden eviction, Ivan and Vesna find themselves roof, doing everything they’re not supposed SYNOPSIS on the opposite sides. This is a film about the to. In that hot summer, left under the care of silent and passive majority. And about civil her grandma, she will feel love for the first A revenge story about an ambiguous decision courage. time. At the top of the skyscraper there are no that crossed the mind of every parent whose hidden thoughts, it’s sunny and warm. Little child was bullied. Short, precise and told in Darling spends days with Zane, the boy she a single breath, with the conclusion that is likes. The days seem to be like an idyl until deliberately left outside of the closing credits. two older girls appear and start to occupy Mother knows best! Zane’s attention.




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Open Air Cinema Europian Mish Mash

The Dandelion Goodman On the ropes Sophie-Clémentine Dubois Director: Anna Yanovskaya Director: Andrea Simonetti [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Runtime: 14:05 Category: Shorts Runtime: 24:05 Country of Origin: Belgium Run-time: 15:56 Country of Origin: Italy Country of Origin:Russian Federation The Dandelion, or How to save Cosimo is a boy of twenty-seven. He lives in a a restaurant with a hedgehog, A police major imposes himself into the working class neighborhood in southern Italy a singing fish and a little bit of strange world of young people. They have with his father Giuseppe, a fisherman with serious imagination... one major advantage - they are free. And economic problems due to gambling. He works as they are ready to defend their freedom. a factory worker at ‘ILVA’, the largest iron and steel plant in Europe, in order to support himself and to pay monthly his father’s debts. But he is a talented - boxer and he dreams of becoming a professional Next to The Indigo one in order to redeem his and Giuseppe’s life. Director: Paul Jerndal Cinema Street [email protected] Director:Ricardo Guerreiro Run-time: 19:20 [email protected] Country of Origin:Sweden Volunteer Run-time: 6:30 http://indigo-film.com Category: Shorts Director: Javier Marco Portugal Indigo is a dramatic short film about alienation on the inside. Two young, lost souls in New [email protected] Run-time: 3:52 Documentary which captures York City share a common struggle - they are a part of the rural living in the stuck in lives they do not feel they belong. She Country of Origin: Spain Alentejo area of Portugal. is an adored actress and he, a bike messenger. http://www.javiermarco.com Both of them make a decision that will bring Jaime wants to go to Hollywood. His them back to their true selves and in turn, parents want him to go a bit further. closer to each other.

Peace of Mind La belleza y Yo Captain fish Alex Vignes Spain France [email protected] Director: Román Reyes Director: Guillaume Fesquet Category: music clip [email protected] [email protected] Runtime: 5:45 Title in English: The beauty and me Run-time 7:20 Country of Origin: Ireland Run-time: 2:50 Category: Animation Country of Origin: Spain Music video for The Barley Mob What happens when a little girl decides to save tackling the ever spinning cycle of The present is to be breathed. the food she refused to eat. addiction and how to break that cycle.




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European Mish Mash B3F POGRADEC 2014

The Transmission Pao Eighteenth birthday Director: Marco Lledó Escartín Portugal Marta Prus [email protected] Director: Mário Lopes [email protected] [email protected] Student Film Original Title: La Transmisión Runtime:14:55 Run-time: 19:30 Country of Origin: Spain Category: Shorts Country of Origin: Poland Genre: Drama / War / Sci-fi Production Year: 2014 A family gathering around what The day before her eighteenth birthday, Goska Running Time: 23’ used to be an everyday activity. leaves the campus of the Lodz Youth Educational Script: Nacho Carratalá and Marco Center to go back home. Her biggest wish is Lledó Escartín to organize a birthday party together with her Music: David and Manuel Ortega boyfriend and her friends. However, the first meeting with her mother ends up in a heated Producer: Cooperative Project argument. The first angel sounded his trumpet, Bzz and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down Luca Fattore -Italy upon the earth. A third of the earth [email protected] Runtime:1:26 was burned up, a third of the trees Dark shadows were burned up, and all the green The story of two flies dealing with a Director: Paula Morales Plaza grass was burned up. spider web. [email protected] The cuts and the animation are Category: Animation synchronized to a piece of classical Run-time: 1:30 music by Rimsky Korsakov. Country of Origin: Spain Mrs Aylwood http://animacionplastilina.wordpress.com/ A wreck writer who write about a wreck

won’t die LITTLE SECRETS detective Director: Johann G. Louis [email protected] Remo Kaufmann Run-time: 25:00 [email protected] Runtime: 20:00 Country of Origin:France Dream Shreds - Category: Shorts Country of Origin: Germany

In an old villa overhanging the sea, Tim accompanies his girlfriend Ann to a birthday party, only to realize Director: Hein Van Dijk Susan Aylwood, an octogenarian and [email protected] versatile actress, lives with her discreet that he knew the host, Julien, years ago. Trying to conceal old secrets, Run-time 2:54 housekeeper Caroline. Surrounded by her Country of Origin: Netherlands memories of glory, Mrs. Aylwood seems things are on the verge of getting out to lead her entourage to the stick. of hand as the evening progresses. And then there’s also Marie... The appearance of a bird during a girl’s sleep brings about strange dream shreds.




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Open Air Cinema Mish Mash

Espero Salami! The Age of Curious Director: Simone Giampaolo Vojta Zak Country of Origin: UK Duration: 4’ [email protected] Genre: animation Country of production: United Kingdom Category: Shorts Running Time: 7;40 Original Language: Esperanto Student Film Director Name: Luca Toth Category: Animation Runtime: 1:07 Script: Luca Toth Short synopsis: Country of Origin: Czech Republic Music: Zuzia Ziolkowska Website: http://vojtazak.cz/en/salami/ Producer: Royal College of Art ESPERO? (HOPE?) is a humorous, www.fakt13.com entertaining but also educational When the salami meats diet… animated comedy which sarcastically A surreal growing of age story about three young shows how Gaia, our planet Earth, met teenagers, who face with their inner wildness humankind years and years ago, and all through the dream-like path. the problems which followed. A criticism of our modern society and of th

Zio Ninuccio Princesha e kulturës Lasgush Poradeci Noriko Sugiura 42 minuta; 1999 [email protected] europiane Category:Documentary Albania Skenari dhe realizimi Petro Lati Run-time:16:00 54 minuta; prodhim i vitit 2012 Kamera Ilir Kasneci Country of Origin: Italy skenari Rajna Kovaçi Montazhi Aida Zepishta, Fedra Rama http://zioninuccio.com regjia Engjell Ndocaj kamera Gasper Shllaku Eshte nje udhetim neper labirinthet ku kaloi Carmine Ametrano is one of the montazhi Lulzim Sula jeta e poetit tone te njohur, ku padyshim few remaining farmer practicing vendin kryesor e ze krijimtaria e tij poetike. traditional wine-making on the slopes Ky film dokumentar eshte nje frymezim nga Vec te tjerave, dokumentari merr persiper dhe of Mt. Vesuvius in southern Italy. It’s a jeta dhe vepra e shkrimtares dhe studjueses realizon me sukses edhe nje vleresim te ri qe technique that goes back to the ancient Dora d’Istria (Elena Gjika). Nje personash i i behet ketij poeti, krijimtaria e te cilit shpesh civilisation of Pompeii. Carmine is just njohur ne kultures europiane ne shekullin XIX pati pikepyetje nga me te ndryshmet. Autoret a one craftsman whose tradition is in dhe fillimin XX. Ky personalitet i letrave, jo kane perdorur me shume finace edhe dukurite danger of disappearing. This film will vetem qe nuk e harroi per asnje cast origjinen e vendlindjes se poetit, njerezit qe e kane act as a representation of all dying e saj shqiptare po dhe eshte cilesuar si nje rrethuar, e kombinuar kjo edhe me materialet traditions across the world. pararendese e Pavaresise se Shqiperise. I e arkivit te TVSH dhe te atij Qendror te Filmit. xhiruar ne Shqiperi dhe Itali, filmi na njeh me kontributin e cmuar te nje gruaje ne letersi, histori dhe linguistike, cka e beri qe ta njohe dhe respektoje e gjithe Europa.




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& F o od F 50 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

European Mish Mash B3F POGRADEC 2014

HERE Guys Girls Mr. Illic Spain France Spain Director: Marcos Carrasco Original Title: Mecs Meufs Gabriela martinez Runtime: 2: 50 Country of Origin: France [email protected] Genre: Comedy. Short. Run-time: 4:08 “Ten years from now, twenty years [email protected] Category: animation from now, you will see: oil will bring Running Time: 13 min. us Ruin… Oil is the Devil’s excrement.” Director Name: Liam Engle An old puppet master nostalgically Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso (Venezuelan Script: Liam Engle recalls the past and the woman diplomat, politician and lawyer Music: Vivien Villani he loved, these memories primarily responsible for the inception Producer: David Hourregue / Affreux, Sales accompanied by the places of his and Creation of OPEC.) Based on this et Méchants youth, the fields and the sea. apocalyptic quote by Juan Pablo Pérez Contact Person: Liam Engle Alfonso “HERE” is a surrealistic portrait of war Bob doesn’t understand why French girls for Oil. never hit on guys... What if men were actually the “weaker sex”?

Rose Susurro Post Scriptum Norway Portugal Spain Director: Espen Olsen Director: Fernando Cabral Director: Santiago Parres [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Runtime:4:09 Country of production: Portugal Run-time 8:28 Running time: 15 Country of Origin Spain This is the story of a man, which Category: Fiction can’t stand that his girl left him. Just Title (in english): Whisper Nobody understood the Prophets seeing her with another person, Film made at a Universidade Da Beira Interior when talked about them. They especially a girl, makes him angry... are unshakeable witnesses of full and crazy, really crazy. This is the Life is made of wishes and fears. In the life of moon and destruction, of arts story of a man that can’t stop his a mother and her little daughter, Ingrid, fear and tides. They know our past emotions and jealousy. meet desire, as they face the pane of absence. glories and our present miseries. Together, they roam in this journey in which, They behold us and stay hidden in from small gestures, stories and whispers, the crowd... most time. They are they find strength intangible, and nevertheless they look so real.




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Open Air Cinema Mish mash

You’ll never be Ready for War Në bjeshkët Alex Vignes lost when you’ve [email protected] e Martinajve Category: music clip Albania got music Runtime: 4:11 25 minuta; 2013 Country of Origin: Ireland Alex Vignes skenari dhe realizimi Ilir Buçpapaj [email protected] kamera Ilir Buçpapaj Sammy Dozens thinks about montazhi Andon Beqari Category: music clip whether he should move on or not. Run time: 4:15 Country of Origin: Ireland Bjeshket tona te veriut, me begatine e tyre natyrore nuk jane vetem sinonimi i traditave te The powerful message of a twelve year malsorit kreshnik por edhe trualli ku historia dhe old boy given to his brother before traditat ruhen me fanatizem. Bashke me to dhe tragically dying of cancer mbrojtja e vendlindjes dhe e dinjitetit te shqiptarit perballe furise se fqinjeve.

Dream Hotel How to Catch a Kaldi

Director: Sammy Hossenny Director: André Kirchner [email protected] Bird [email protected] Run-time: 16 The Netherlands Student Film www.hossenny.com Director:Vera van Wolferen Run-time: 3:00 Title (in original language): A Peu [email protected] Country of Origin: Germany De Chose Près Run-time 4:30 http://visuellebiotope.de Country of production: France Country of Origin Netherlands Genre: Comedy Standing still means death: Smoke How To Catch a Bird is a stop motion short signals from Iceland. A film about A prestigious hotel, its clients and based on a childhood memory. When I hide and seek, natural and artificial staff. All these people pass each was eight, my dad taught me how to fish. creations, the useful and the other regularly, although they’ve He told me to take the worm off the hook waste. never met, except for the chief after fishing, but I had no idea why. After receptionist who knows them all fishing I forgot about the worm and left by heart. it dangling on the hook. If I only knew then what the consequence of this action would be.




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& F o od F 52 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

European Mish Mash B3F POGRADEC 2014

Boombox Eryri THE Bye Bye Ireland CURRYBONARA Blackbird Ezio Maisto Dierctor: Gaia Bonsignore Title: Boombox Eryri [email protected] [email protected] Duration: 10:45 Run-time - 15:00 Run-time:15:00 Location: Wales. UK Country of Origin: Italy Date: 2013 “Once, there was a mask, looking for Producers: MIgratIons Both ROBIN and OLGA have left their Eastern her real face. When the mask finally Concept: Ely Kim homelands to seek their fortunes in the Far found her perfect face, they both knew Director/Editor: EIIIr PIerce West. But the desolate promised land they their dreams become immortal. They worked so hard to conquer is constantly both realized that if they wanted to, 100 People, 100 Songs, 100 Places, 100 Dances. threatened by MARINA, a dangerous local. they could become a mechanism, able Boombox Eryri is a film produced bu Migrations to produce pure energy. That discovery , inspired by New York based performer and art was to them only comparable to the director Ely Kim’s Boombox and recreated with one of fire or poetry, between the the people of North Wales. The Singer massive columns of ancient temples”. Director: Rafael Navarro Miñón Ode to Bali Original Title: La cantante Country of Origin: Spain Genre: Drama Running Time: 22 min Alex Vignes Script: Rafael Navarro UNEXPECTEDLY [email protected] Producer: David Pantaleón Category: music clip [email protected] Run-time: 3:00 Demetra Englezou on May 23, 2014 Country of Origin: Ireland [email protected] Pepa and Rafael are married for Runtime: 2:05 40 years. Beautiful Bali with music by Nylon Country of Origin: Cyprus Primate Website: http://www.demiemotion.com

For the last two years Cyprus has been at Captain fish- the epicentre of a cruel, economic, political and social crisis. The people experience Director: Guillaume Fesquet the effects of the crisis in their everyday [email protected] Sinestesia life. But, as i said, the crisis cannot conquer Run-time 7:20 the air, the sea, the sun, even more, the Category: Animation Director: Román Reyes expansive light of our country and we are Captain Fish [email protected] working towards better days without losing Run-time: 1:26 our hope and our humor... What happens when a little girl Category: Shorts decides to save the food she refused to eat. Love reduced to an exhalation.




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 53 Index

Piro Milkani Central State Archive

Honorary President of the festival...... 4 of Film, Tirana ...... 20

Artan Shkembi Maqedonia ...... 21

Mayer of Pogradec ...... 5 Kosovo ...... 22-23

Eno Milkani Moldavia ...... 23

Gerta Qurku Serbia ...... 24-26

Fatos Baxhaku Folk performances ...... 28-29

Organizers of the Festival ...... 6 Albanian culinary ...... 30

Jury of the festival...... 8 Bulgaria...... 35

Index Films...... 9 Romania ...... 36-37

Workshops ...... 10 Turkey ...... 38-41

Balcan Culinary ...... 12-13 Greece...... 42-44

Albanin Public Television Slovenia ...... 44

Documentaries...... 14-15 Croatia ...... 45-46

Films Albania ...... 16-19 European Mish Mash ...... 47-52




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& F o od F 54 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011

Festival B3F Planimetria e pogradecit




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Special Thanks - Falenderime të posaçme

Ahmet Dursun. Alda Bardhyli. Alfred Dalipi. Alketa Basha. Altin Bamllari. Ana Grgiç. Anita Stojçevska. Artan Shkëmbi. Astrit Hat- ellari. Athinta Papa. Aurora Daka. Balina Bodinaku. Bendis Pus- tina. Benet Koleka. Bledar Gila. Bledar Lame. Bledar Zaganjori. Braziliana Memushaj. Dashamir Balla. Dashamir Elezi Dashamir Shehi. Dritan Çela. Dritan Hamzallari. Dritan Huqi. Edlira Nuri. Edmond Laçi. Eglantina Gjermeni. Elert Yzeiri. Elvira Diamanti. Ema Andrea. Engjëll Ndocaj. Enkel Joti. Esat Musliu. Eva Pulaj. Faik Basha. Flobens Dilaveri. Gerhard Pregapuca Gjergj Xhuvani. Hektor Pustina. Igli Hasani. Ilir Bala. Ilir Butka. Iris Luarasi. Julinda Dhamo. Kadri Morina. Kamber Velaj. Klevis Miho. Klodian Deda. Klodiana Kapo. Kujtim Kacadej Leon Çika. Lorina Mixha. Mario Kozina. Martin Leka Mentor Kikia. Meri Kume. Milena Selimi. Mimi Kodheli. Mimoza Shuli. Mimoza-Enrijeta Papadhimitri. Mirela Kumbaro Mirush Kabashi. Nevila Zeneli. Nikolin Jaku. Olsi Angjellari Ornela Gaçe. Piro Milkani. Pjerin Kolnikaj. Reard Gjermeni Shota Bukoshi. Silvana Draçini. Soela Zani. Sofokli Koci. Taifun Kalkan. Vjollca Dako. Vjollca Hoxha. Vladimir Myrtezai-Grosha




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Bashkia Pogradec




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 59 Partnerë Mediatikë

Dritan Hoxha FondacionDritan Mediatik Hoxha Fondacion Mediatik

Dritan Hoxha Fondacion Mediatik




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& F o od F 60 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011




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& F o od F est ival B3F POGRADEC 2011 63 Balkan emotionS Serendiville

Hotel Perla Cel: 0684019494; 0682090106 e-mail [email protected] www.hotelperla.al

Taverna Konak - Zgjani Cel: 0693245500 Adresa: Shëtitorja e qytetit Pogradec




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& F o od F 64 esti val B3F POGRADEC 2011