[jyjj P"' T«tr Ptfirm ^HJu Th< Flit! lulf*^

The demand is terrific and the profits arc quick - PAR TUBES superior construction proves them tops in the field. A Musi for any golfer who wants to protect his grips the full bag length and obtain a trie t ion -proof bag with an individual compartment for each dub, PAR TUBES arc dropped into oval or round type bajts allowing a numerical arrangement ol clubs. PAR T UBES fit into and strengthen individual compartment bags, allowing full free use of EVERY compartment. PAR TUBES are Strong — Moistu reproof — They are endorsed by Pros and Amateurs alike as a great ide* for keeping grips tn fine condition and protect- ing clubs against marring by careless handling.

Packed in cartons of 42 and 144

Contact four Loco J DJstr/birfor or PAR TUBES »i In Ml- f id ua C.mpaTIFTiBDI Of Sl*t 1710 W. OAKIN sr., * TP* toft PAR TUBE CHICAGO 3J. lUINOIS Oval .' Vcvnd Irp.

Match may find Watrous facing one of his Laugh and Learn previous Ryder Cup opponents.

Pro Company Has New "Power Center" Golf Ball At a sales meeting In Florida, salesmen ol Professional Golf Co. of America bad an op port unity to work tip I he selling power they'll put into ilie company's newlv developed "I'ower Center" First Flight golf balls. A steel ball is used fur tlie ccnicr which is said to stabilize flight of lite ball while add- ing to airman and distance. 1'ro-only. Ihe Golf's Greatest Show Power Center First Mights are packaged in an attractive bo* featuring a t raw section Indoor & Outdoor Shows showing construction of the ball. For Booking Details Write: JOE KIRKWOOD 7059 W. Addison St. Chicago 34, ill.

Plans Made for International Seniors' Championship The fourth Teacher's International Trophy Match lot the Sen- ior professional go 11 title will he played over 36 holes at Pollok GC. Glasgow, Scot- land. June "H. AI Watrous, Birming- ham, Mich., the 1957 P.G.A. Seniors' cham- I'hoto shown, {1. to r.): Mike Brady, Hub lluffner, Hill Jelliffe, Jack tlaikim, I real.. pion will be the American representative Chandled Harper and Earle Schlax. Harry in the international match. Mis oppon- Paylor. Jim Fisher. Sieve Doctor, Jim Holder ent will he the winner of the Teacher's and Don Marlin of tbe sales staff were slill Senior Professional tournament being out on (be course testing. p laved at Fulwell GC near I,on do it. Apr. 10-(2. Shelf Builds Denver Plant Watrous, member of three Ryder Cup Shell Chemical Corp. is building ,i ntw teams and runner-up in the 1920 British unit at its Denver plant to produce methyl Open is already well-known in Scotland parathion, a phosphorous based insecticide, and the Teacher's International Trophy t he plant will be completed in early May. This Cushmon Is Loaded What's New

• Products and Personalities

Maffincfcrodf Disfribufes New Turf Disease Handbook \ new. illustrated Turf Disease Handbook, written especially to helfi the supt. combat turl disease, is being distributed by Mallinck rudt Chemical Works, St. Louis J, Mo. The Handbook contains keys to aid supts. in identifying common diseases and disease causing fungi; descriptions of the common turf diseases; suggested control measures; and Denton Hossell, Ferndole, Mich, manufacturer'* rep, a discussion of the conditions which favor (lie found a new vie for the Cuihman Golf Buggy. Ha growth of disease-inciting organisms. used it lo tronsporl Ihe 43.000 penniei he It is designed foi tjutck reference in reeog loved over the post 19 yean to Ihe bank Haiti II tilling, diagnosing and selertilig the propel felt the bonk a safer piece for the money ofter liuigicide for control of turf diseases. Thirteen thieves robbed hrs home but did noi take the coin diseases are covered and under each listing is Kiri which weigh 95 pound* apiece. Shown with a full-color photograph of an area infected hossell ore his wife, Naomi, and daughters Nancy with that disease as well as an enlarged draw 6, and OorJene, 13, ing of the disease-causing fungi. "I he Handliook contains specific iccomiiien dalions for the prevention and control of the various diseases. These recommendations are 1957 George A. Davis Catalog generally rccognliteil as the best current ad Is Now Available vice of researchers and supts. At the back of the book is .) discussion of the relationship <>f The 1957 catalog of George A, Davis. Inc.. tutf disease to climatic and cultural conditions, 54-10 Northwest Highway. Chicago SO, is off and to good turf management practice. the press and available for supts. The 48- pagc- book ill itsl rales all the products that can lie obtained from Davis including many Producf Engineering Mail Corf types of turf maintenance equipment, tools, fertilizers and grasses. The ratalog [mints out Wins favor with Postoffice Dept. that Davis specialists are alwavs on call to Product F.ngi nee ring Co., 4707 S.E. 17ih help supts. with maintenance problems, bi- ave., Portland, Ore.. scuit! in the book ate handy order forms. manufacturer of the Con -Vtiv golf cart, has Stops Hillside Erosion beeu accorded a vote of Literature sent out by Ciasslvn, PO Box thanks by the nation's 177, College Park, Md., discusses the potential xvstmen by taking (he ities of Penttgift Crown Vetch for preventing oad oft their backs and f or stopping hillside or slo]>e erosion. Crown shifting it to a mail vetch is lieiug used rather extensively through satchel cart. For the Ohio, Indiana and I'cimsvlvania lo stop ero- past two years. PF.C. has sion along highways. Fred V. Crau operates worked closely with ihe Grasslyn Postoffice dept. in de- veloping a cart that Gets Jocobsen Appointment readily absorbs shock and has a hand brake jacobseti Manufacturing Co., announces ap that holds on the steep- pointment of Don F- Homibrook as field serv- est grade. The new mail _ ice supervisor for the Southeastern states. satchel cart, an offspring Hornibrook aitended Michigan College of Min- of Ihe Con-Voy, apparently is the answ*er ing and Technology. He recently has been since the government has placed sizeable or- field service rep Tor Automotive Merchandis- ders for the model. ing of Canteen Co. of America. Protect your floors from spike holes with rugged Pneu-Mat Runners. Absolutely spike- resistant, they provide a comfortable walk- ing surface — improve the appearance of your club house. Woven of rubber-impregnated fabric, Pneu-Mat Runners are tougher than rubber runners. Reversible tor double wear. MONEY SACK TRIAL OFFER: Standard Wltflhl 20"-24".30" Order a trial section. Test 34"-4J"-4l~ it on an area which gets espe- trial Sections cially hard wear. Money back if 24"»«0" $10.00 not satisfied. 10">14" $4.00 Write today for Ulustrated folder. SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO.. INC.. 143 Woodland Ave., wmwood. N, 1.

Toro Offers Paris Trips Leads Them all—On It's Record! lit the largest power tnowcr industry pro- motion in liisiory. I'oro Manufacturing Corp., The Proven Minneapolis, is offering 16 free nips to Paris Automatic Tee and a chance for other contestants lo win one PAR-TEE ot more tliau 200 Toro power mowers offered as regional grain! prizes. No other The grand prize — the trips — will be went by t!u- public, Toro dealers, distributor go If tee salesmen and distributors — opening up the approaches contest lo all trade levels. Here is how the contest wilt work: A cuski- its 31 year iner will tegistet in a store "tagging" one of record of — the three Toro Units in view a 2(Hn. .Sport- lawn, the 18-iu, 'I'oro Whirlwind, or the Toro continuous, dependable service I'owcr Handle. The grand drawing will follow the closing For 31 years—mode, sold and serviced by PAR, Int. n( the com est on Juuc 16 and two contestants, For 31 years—hundreds of PAR-TEEs in continuous their two dealers, (he two distributor sales- use, and still the most modern tees, with lowest men who call on the winning dealers and upkeep and unfaltering performance. No other tee the two distributors — plus all their wises — hoi at many tees or years of use as the PAR-TEE. will win a TWA flight and a week in Paris. That's the record behind PAR-TEEs. Complete with Any winner who has purchased a Toro driving and standing mat — ready for ute in o mowr during the contesl will be awarded jiffy. Available Far rent ar for sale. the full purchase price. PAR-INC. Ordcrilli: Merchandise ' 860 East 75th Street • Chicago 19, III. t Iheek Ynur i\c*cd-i Against Telephone. Stewart 3-2400 list on Page 125

FOR BETTER FAIRWAY TURF .... ADAMS0N MOVING BASE SPRINKLERS For new installations, for problem foirwoys. For old systems with pipes post their prime, the Adamson Moving Base Sprinkler gives unbeatable woter dis- tribution with minimum outlets, pressure, ond labor. Tuo modeh at ail able • uik for complete literature uud uMpte piping print. ADAMSON SPRINKLER COMPANY, 2228 BARRY AVE., LOS ANGELES 64 etc., has been increased. tor more information, mite Sit-Vftcst Golf MacGregor's New Smoothies Hag Oi., 2400C W. Clvtioum. Milwaukee 3. Wis.

Spalding Issues New Golf Pro Catalog

Spalding lias issued its Sfl'iT (,olf Pmfession- al catalog which tea lures the complete Spa Id ing got! tine. Profusely illustrated, ihe 'its-page catalog lists gulf clubs, balls, bags, caddie

four unique, new "Smoothy" putieri hoys been odded to the 1957 line of Mot Greg or pullers. All are made with o convex foce. Thit ii said to pro- duce immediate overspin on the ball ond reduces chance of a (tubbed put!. The clubs ore ovoiloble at oil pra shops. For information .write The Mac Gregar Co., Cincinnati 32, O.

Sif-N-Resf Cart 609 carts, rainwear and sbocs and a full line of accessories. Is Improved For ihe first time Spalding offers clubs in the exclusive professional line bearing the Colters will find the 19j7 Sit-N-Rest "Couu- name of a lady golfer. These are autographed tr>' Club'" model tart bag asailable in a by Mary l.cua taulk, the lass who lecenlly gicater variety of colors and with wider seal shattered the LPGA record for .1 72-holc tour- straps to im- ^^ nament by clipping [ive strokes off the old p rove seating mark when site- shot a 279 lo win the St. comfort. Scat Petersburg Opot Hie t'ro catalog has been si raps serve a distributed to pro shops. Additional copies d 11 ,1 I pur|nise, j may be obtained from Spalding branches or also scning as by writing \ G. Spalding & Bios,, Ghicopee. t shoulder car- Mass. ry strap for car ry i n g the lightweight Cart Waldron Markets "Safety Plate" {tag where wheeling may Safetv conscious Lew Waldron of Columbia be tliff l eu It. I Chemical Co, 151 E, Erie St., Chicago 11, is Wheels are ball now marketing a rcflectur, "Safety Plalc," bearing. which is a real boon in night driving. License- Cart [lag's tea plate size it is enclosed lured "one-fin- with reflcctor tape, ger pull" is ob has two electric bulbs, tained by the inherent lightweight of Cart giving it two way it lUg iiself, plus an entirely different weight luminal ion. It can be distribution. Clubs are carried beads down, seen, Waldron savs, thereby keeping weight low. and entire unit is for at least 1/4 mile pulled in a near horizontal position. It is not at night, necessary In grip handle tightly, but just let Waldron. a former it rest lightly in your hand, or on one finger, pro. is putting a percentage of Ihe profits and Cart Bag follows wilhout any appreciable realized from the sale of "Safety Plate into pulling effort. a fund which will be given to the PGA to Irons are carried in long steevclike pockets build a new clubhouse at Dunedin. Fla. and woods arc placed in individual softly lined One of the country's leading chain stores pockets which rerve as covets. Storage is now marketing the Waldron creation in capacity of pockets for , balls, tees, iis automotive accessory dept. Goll Score Cards Get the BEST (roro "VESTAL" CHARGE CHECK BOOKS * For the FINEST, LONGEST- HANDICAP CARDS and PANELS WEARING and MOST ECONOM- BAG and GUEST TAOS ICAL Tee Mat on the Market! (WRITE TOR CATALOG) Nah'onaffy acc/aimed by go If •w clubs and ranges as the best buy. VESTAL-MONROE PRINTING CO. ESTABLISHED 1*13 * UNO TODAY FO« LOW MICIS TELEPHONE HARRISON 7-6314 Merchants Tire Co.. 27T0 Washington. St. Louis 3 70! S. LA SALLE ST. - CHICAGO S

DBA Develops New vidiug cool, dean and sanitary which requires just one short powder spray from Deodorizer and Sanitizer tbe push-button con tain CI before wearing. J he- DBA Products Co., Decrfield, III., recently principal ingredient is Hcxahorophcue, a introduced a new shoe deodorizer and sarii- proved bacterial-killer, germ-arrester anil de- ti/er, Aero-San. for sport shoes. It is recom odorant It does not discolor shoes or stockings.

West Po/nf Distributors Newest additions to West I'oint Products ( Dip's list of distributors include: Steve Regan Co.. Salt Lake City: /.aim Equipment Co., Jack- sonville, Ha.; ilnrgess Building fc Plumbing Supplies I.UL.. Calgary, Alia, Can.; and MYCIN Co., El Paso. Tex,

Mailt nek rod t Fungicide Sheets \incmg other publications, Mallinrkrodi Chemical Works, St. Louis 7. Mo,, has avail able information sheets on its turf luugicides. They can be obtained from Millinckmdt deal eis or by writing the company. mended as an easy, practical and safe answer to the problem of icmal shoe maintenance Nitro-Form Publication Available where extra protection is needed to guard Supts. are urged to write to Nitro-Fomt Ag- against infection. is currently being ricultural Chemicals. Inc., for copies of the used in bowling alleys, clubhouse locker rooms, new "Blue Chip — News of the Turf World" gymnasiums, schools anil athletic clubs. It is monthly that contains latest news of interest offered as a more convenient method of pro- lo turfmen. I( is edited by Fred V. Gtau.

Celebrating RYANS O.K. No. 4 SEEDER & SPREADER OUR 16th YEAR 4 Cu.Ft.(300 Lbs.) Capacity-3 Ft. Spread of SERVICE to No Holes to Clog. Quick Shut-off Lever I Golf Professionals Adjusting Gauge Screw On Hand!* Quality Awards Spreads Top Drilling Shipped Promptly Nitro-Humui, fttft. Commercial Manure Send (or Free Catalog t Other Material) Successfully. Sports Awards Co. Weighs Only U» 419 W. Superior St. Write Dept. "G" Chicago 10, III. DEAlfRS WRITE FOR OHN TERRITORIES Phone: SUperior 7-A0M H. & R. MFG. CO., Los Angeles 34, Colif. ATTENTION ^M - b ^^ u. X ' tht Uvttw, vV W Driving Range Opsrotors and Dis- tributors, We specialize in rebuild- r^l U* '•'•>» d — vd ing golf balls with strictly new ma- terials. Satisfaction guaranteed. pto-eitir cr> Wat ••»t*t


St. Claire Shores, Michigan

MacGregor Launches Big I he Golfer and many key newspapers in cities where weekly pro circuit tournaments are held. Advertising Program MasCrcgor Gi>if Co. ha* launched its largest golf advertising program, Breaking I his spring' m , and following in other Toro Sales Up 24 Per Cent In First Six Months of Fiscal Year Sales increased 24 per cent and earnings 196 per cent for ihe first six months of its fiscal scar, it Was announced recently bv Ioro Manufacturing tkirp,, Minneapolis. .Sales of power mowers lota led $6,136.62 L compared wish $4,950,570 for the previous six months period. In this period ending Jan 31, 1957, Toro earned J606.S20 before taxes, compared with $204,54© in 1955, 1). M, Lilly, president of Toro, predicted earnings for the lull fiscal year will not match the sharp first half increase, but will ap- proximate the steady growth pattern of the last font years. national media, is a series of ads showing Introduction of the Power Handle, portable MacGregnr Tourney clubs and balls in the source of power for 10 different units, has ha tuts of famous golfers. Featured will lie Jack Ijwii a spur to increased sales, the company Burke, Ted Kroll and other big winners hold reported. ing MacGregor Tourney equipment. Sales for Ihe last full fiscal vcar. which Publications on the 1957 MacGregor golf ended July 31. I9;>6, were fl5.16&6St, an in- schedule include GOLFING, Time, Sports crease of 2fi per cem. Net earnings were up Illustrated, t he Sporting News, Sport, Sports 30 per cent over the comparable 12-month Review. Golf Digest, Golf Life. Golf World period.

GOLF BALLS FOR PROS ONLY GOLF RANGES ALEX CAMPBELl. high compression, liquid center ALEX DUNCAN, medium compression, liquid MINIATURE GOLF c*nl*r EDINBURGH, tow compression COURSES Tho best medium priced pre tin* available, marked with our trarfe noma or pnvot* brand. Have a Complete Balls guaranteed. al Supplies Used nil v uncut balls taken in trad* or pur- Writ* for prices chased. ASTERN GOLF Custom repainting of your golf balls. Writ* Far prices. HUGH i. MCLAUGHLIN & SON Crown Point, Indiana LIQUID-LUSTRE GOLF BALL WASH LUMEX Coif i a i little at 2c pet wather per week! 3 - FORE - 1 • Kfrji, gt|| titllt SPARKLING WHITE] • Pfrtictly iifg r« »I*her» . , , GOLF CART either hard or Htt watar! . . fee ywr (altera wSe w*et • Will Nut tame RUSTINO! the fcwet. I4tlul> itunparlieeflt b*l o No ijucluiint od^r—Eypr: villi acieuor> wwkrti. '*rt and a Already uithutlillittlly tioept. teat in I n* iTiaH. nurily unit. Ail try eanstlttl g»ll«rt[ 12" Ballbiarlfll wheeli. ORDER VOL R SUPPLY T0DAY1 Olnrt Breed, blue, red IVr • i rule Mllulr M 75 •'» laMmi!, L ' earh sal. • 1:1 4.SO Write for information rrom your dealer at direct on all LI/MEX Gaff Initn UllA Hid ills driler • MB* Product! PRODUCTS CO., INC. LUMEX, INC. Deerfietd, 11 lino! t Stream, N Y.

Jocobsen Field Staff San Jose, Calif, and has the western |>art of Has 10th Anniversary Uie U, S.. including the West Coast, R L Martin lives in Ft, Wayne and handles Ohio, 11 Jacobscn Manufacturing Co. field serv- Indiana, Mich,. Kv., and W. Va. George J. ice staff organized 10 years ago wiili one man Efiemoff li\es in Plainfield, N. J. ami works now consists of 3 power lawn mower experts. New Kngland and North Atlantic Mates. D. F.. I loruihrook handles the nine Southeastern Mate* and has headquarters in Atlanta, Ca.

ft is. ™ * West Point Produces 'a in, Aerifier Spoon A 'A in. Aerifier Spoon is now hcing pro- duced b\ Wesl Point Products Corp.. West Point, Pa. The W in, spoon gently stirs the soil during Mf aerification and is especially valuable for use I I. al times when thorough Cultivation may be considered impractical. For present users of power-driven aerifiers. West Point is furnishing reels with the W in. spoons attached. With this convenience aerifier users can easily convert from and to the Vi> in. covering authorized service stations and frail- spoon assembly. diiseii dealers throughout the country, I he Wesl point hollow line "spoon family" J. W Eckhardt has headquarters in Racine now consists of the 1 in. Open Spoon, % in. and covers the field work in tin- Central Open, % | hatch, in. Open, ifi in. Stales. (;. H Culherlson has headquarters in (natch, in addition to the % in. Open.

~fftowioc Folding ATTENTION! ALL PRO SHOPS Increase your profits in tro- Direct Prices and phies, yet give your custom- ers more for their money. Discounts to Deal Direct with Trophy Mfr. Golf Clubs, Hotels, For Catalog and Discount Lodges, Churches and Write CUSTOM TROPHY Parks, All Organiiations MFG. CO. INC. MODEL 4777 IS" HEIGHT 3017 Exposition Blvd. NET PRICE 17 .SO Lot Angel*) 16. Calif. THt "HfotUOC COMPANY Trophies, Medals, Charms, Engraving » CHURCH STRUT CQLSAX, IOWA LOCKER NAMEPLATES f M GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT Wj. f. smith |

1505 Blackstone Write for sample and prices 1 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 1KIRSC H CARD SERVICE• BOX 426X, ELM HURST, ILL.

Davis Heads Miller Sales ning pair will be taken on a tour of leading courses in the islands plus other places of Charles C. Davis, Jr., lias been appointed interest. general sales mgr. of the Complete details can be obtained in pro Miller Brewing Co. tlavis shops throughout the country or by waiting has hccn with the Miller Tom Semans. organization for five years, the last three of which he has served as head of (he Jacobs, Boynfon Enroll with international sales dept. A native ot Indianapolis, and Wilson Advisory SfaM Marquette University grad- 1 wo recent addiI ions lo ihe pro ranks, Tom- uate. Davis belongs to the my Jacobs, Jr.. attcf Frank Reunion, Jr.. have Milwaukee World Trade joined Wilson Skirting Goods CoV advisory Club and served with the staff. Both are graduates of the Jayree tourna Navy for SVi vean during ments where they made enviable records in World War. 11. reccnt years. In pio competition, Jacobs made his best showing ratly this winter when he Penfofd Sponsors Slogan Contest finished third in the l.os Angeles Open. Bovn- ton, an extremely long hitter, hasn't done Thomas B. Semans. Jr.. 3! S. 17th st , Phita much on the pro rirrmii as yet, although he delphta, American rep for Tenfold balls, has recently beat Sam Snoad in an exhibition announced details ot a slogan contest, spon- sored by Pen fold, which begins Apr, I and r continues through Aug. I >. The pro. ffml a Tennessee Toro Moves member who assists him in crealing the liest slogan describing the quality or attributes of Tennessee Turf ft Toro Co. recently moved the Penfold ball, will lit- given a two-week, into larger quarters al 311 E. Jackson ave.. all-expense trip lo England tot the Ryder Cup Knoxville 2. Besides handling I'oro products. matches which will lie played eatlv in October. TT fc T Cn. is purchasing agency and ware- In addition lo seeing the matches, Ihe win bouser for the Parker Bros. Co,

AlWAirS DEPENDABLE , . FAIR WEATHER OR FOUtf Full datoilt In FREE CATALOG Writs to: The MUHDOCK Mfg. & Supply Co. Wm. F. Mitchell Ciminnati 2, Ohio (joIf Cauzie fLzchite_ct MURDOCK OUTDOOR NORTH SUTTON NEW HAMPSHIRE DRINKING FOUNTAINS HYDRANTS P.O. BOX 7 PHONE 4*1 LAWN HOSE BOXES U. S. Rubber Provides ROBERT TRENT JONES Pro Shop Sales Aids United Si a its Rubber Q>. is providing golf HtvWt II llBII hilwy •( Call Clint *nlilwli ptofessional shops with a number of practical sales aids, free of charge, designed to help build goodwill among members, players and Golf Course Committees, John W Sproul, sales mgr. of A rchitect golf hails, has announced. These can be obtained through company salesmen or the nearest district sales branch. 20 Vesey Street New this year is a clear plastic buck- Teh Rector 2-2258 et dispenser 10 help NEW YORK, N. Y. the pro sell more of the economically priced golf halls. V. S. Nobby and I . S. I iger. It holds il do/, golf balls and is d e si g ii e d for WILLIAM P. BELL & SON counter use. ALso new this year GOLF COURSE ARCHITECTS is a first lee tray or Member: American Society counter display for individual score cards, pencils and hall matt- of Golf Coerie Architect! • ers which the golfer needs before he tees off- It is made of tough Royalitc thermoplastic. A pocket-size booklet with the Nine Most 544 Sierra Viita Avenue Violated Rules and Etiquette Rules in car- Pasadena 10, California Sycamore 3-4044 Atlantic 7-2933


Registered Engineer

Water Supply • Pumping Plants loon style is available for distribution to Irrigation • Drainage golfers by the pro, A large 12-month '57 calendai with (?»i f Report! • Oesign! • Superviiion holidays arid weekends noted, helps the pro set up lesson dates and tournaments. 1B357 He me wood Ave., Home wood. III, Match and Medal play store cards can be Secured in large and small siies. The U. S. I lole-itt-one medals for men and pins foi ladies are available to all pros. Over r>."i,(MK) had been awarded up to January I, 1S57 Special prizes for ihe lady golfers, in the form of nosegays anil corsages with three I", S, Queen Royal golf balls, ran lie bought bv ALFRED H. TULL Ihe pros from l». S. Rubber at reasonable cost.

Borneft Wholesales Caddie Buttons Golf Course Architect Demand for caddie buttons has prompted Grant A, Harnett, 707 Main St., Buffalo 3, N. Y., to make arrangements with a metal Larchmont, New York arts company to produce not only identifica- tion buttons for caddies, but for club em- ployees and tournament officials, Compleie information concerning these items can be obtained by writing the Harnett firm. Worthinglon Designs Mower Unit for Use with Model G Tractor Worthing I <>ti Mower Gb., Strmtdsbiirg, Pa . William F. Gordon manufactuier of gang mowers and tractors for large area grass maintenance, has developed and David W. Gordon Golf Course Architects

Royletitown, Pennsylvania Fillmore 84243 ttMitori *«™rk*n Sttltlv (I Bell taunt Arahltacti

GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION a new three gang mowing unit for use with By CONTRACT its Model "G" I tailor known as the "Park- Over" attachment, the new mower is built as an integral part nf the tractor. The "Park-Over" consists of three 31) in., ice! 35 Years Experience ivjte mowers with either steel or pneumatic tired giound wheels, ll has a 7-rt. cutting swath. A hydraulic lift raises all cutting unit* for rapid transportation from one location to MADOOX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY another. The Park Over is Ideally suited for side-hilt mowing. It has been used successfully Phone 110 Rankin, III. on slopes as sleep as 25 deg, with excellent mowing results. What equipped with a hydraulic sickle hat . Lhe Mrxlc! G" tractor and Park-Over Attach mcnt can mow both -.hurt grass or tall weeds without changeover. The reel-type cutting uniis of ihc Park-Over ot the hydraulic sickic bat can be used at the same time or separately, as desiicd. Complete information is available ROBERT BRUCE HARRIS from Worthinglon dealers or the company.

Fsfte/mctn Golf Cor Goes <5 off <3cursc architect 36 Holes on Single Gallon uiuiii

Eshelmans Model 5.25 hp Golf Car is de- 644 M.MICHIGAN AVCNOt CHICAGO It • ILU scribed as being one of the lightest vehicles used on courses and as a result, causes no damage whatever to fairways. It is powered by a muffled air-cooled gas engine, has a 12- voll and generator and gets approxi "lately 36 holes t« a gal. Speeds range up to 20 mph. Engine paits for the F.shelman. manu- factured at 10!l Light st., Ba lii more 2, Mil., arc obtainable in 7.1100 national service sia James G. Harrison tions. Beside* the golf car. F.shelman produces a De t.uxe Sportabout and a child's sports cur. GOIF COURSE ARCHITECT Boynton Represents Scoggins Sioggins Golf Supply Co.. Douglas antl Stain MMMfc* I sis.. Dnnedin, Fla., has appointed Frank E. Ann-lain Sorlilj al Cell Courti ArrMtnti Boynlon, Sr., sales rep for the Eastern sealtoard states including Fla.. Ga.. S. C„ N. C., Va., W. Va. and Dist. of Cohinbia, A longtime golf 166 Harrison Rood Turtle Creek, Pa. sales rep, Boynton is ihe father ot an out- Volley 3-3444 Suburb of Pittsburgh standing young pro. Wilson Moves Info Big, New River Grove, III. Headquarters Completing another step in its polio1 of continually improving production, disiribu rion, .ind customer service, Co. recently opened new national head quarters in Kiier Grove, III., located north- west of the Chicago loop. (his completely new ultra-modern building joins a large network of sales branthes anil fat lories geared to speed the 7,000 products m Wilson's line lo customers throughout the nation, 'through the company's long range, nationwide planning and building program, most of the branch and factorv siies have al- ready been modernized or rebuilt. More (ban 3.0OO feet of a pneumatic tube system speed orders in a matter of seconds from the mail room and customer order dc par til tent t<> the factory or warehouse at River Grove. The entire process from receipt of an order tu shipment takes less than 24 hours on stock merchandise. Factory, warehouse and general offices are contained In three separate functional sections of the one-floor, modern structure to provide an effiticnl continual flow pattern from re- ceipt of raw materials to shipment ot finished goods. 1 .ocated on a 27 s J acre plot, the itew Wilson building stretches TOO feet from front to rear and is constructed lo permit expansion in anv of three direction*. The front end of the building, housing sales and general offices, is constructed of deep red Roman brick with distinctive Indiana limestone for architectural trim. F.xcent for a minimum of permanent execu- tive of/ices, the general office area Is com- Top lo bottom: Overall view of Wilton's new River Grove, 111., plant. Alt display rooms ore air-conditioned, evenly lighted. Soundproofing ts another lecture of dliploy rooms Order filling ond pocking deportment*. pletclv open. Rank type partitions used The super blade is forged of highest quality throughout tlic area provide itcceswrv privacy steel and tempered fm lasting edges and without intcifering with lighting and air con- long life. ditioning. \ new tilling blade (upper right) bteaks up Ample off-the strrct employee parking la to 2 to 3 ins. of compacted topsoil for sodding citities are provided, and a special parking lot is reserved for visitors. The warehouse occu- pies a strategic |Mtsitinn in the renter of Ihe building. Shipping and receiving docks, truck tralfir and other warehouse activities arc con fined to a restricted area on the opposite side of the building from customer and employee traffic areas. The manufacturing section, which includes the golf club and leather goods fac- tories, is located in (be rear of the building.

Do Pont Issues Manual on Fertilization Techniques A manual on latest turfgrass fertilization techniques covering everything from seed pro pagation lo Mint pie budgets has been issued by the Du Pont Poly chemicals Dept., manu- facturer of L'ramitc fertiliser compound. The manual, "Turfgrass Fertilization," was written in consultation with 2 agrouo mists. II I!. Musser of Pennsylvania Mate University, and W. 11. Daniel of Purdiic I'niversity. or seeding. The tiller also can tie used to Purpose of the manual is to help supts. destroy weeds lieiween row planted crops ami build a turfgrass fertilization program thai to work feniltzer into soil. produces the best results when combined An aerating blade (tower lefi) loosens and with other management practices — turf aerates compacted subsoil up to ins. deep renovation, clipping, weed and disease con- without damage to surface — paths up to trol. water managrment, etc. Ii ills, wide are loosened leaving only a narrow All fertilization programs, the manual point* slit in siwI fot penetration of water and fer- out, should he tailored to meet local climatic tilizer. antl soil conditions. Either excessive or in- Edging blade (lower right) ehitinates up in adequate fertilization, it warns, can be equally 90 pcrccnt of hand tabor involved in edging ineffective and wasteful. sand iraps, flower beds, driveways, etc. It cuts 'the manual includes information on turf- sharp edge 4 ins. wide and up to 3 ins. deep grass characteristics and their fertility re- Blades are available in 12, 15, 16. 18 and quirements. seed propagation, clipping prac- 21 in. sizes for all models of Rvan Sod Cutters. tices, drainage and irrigation problems, soil Blades and literature can be obtained from aeration, weed and disease control, turf evalu- Rian distributors in most principal cities or ation, etc. from (be company. Other chapien cover the necessary elements in turfgrass nutrition, properties of cornmcr Horton, Rep, ciallv available fertilizers including the im- portant role played by nilrngen, basic fertil- Gets Sales Award ization programs and sample fi-uilizcr btulwis Horace I Horton. Jr., Philadelphia area Supts may obtain copies of the manual b\ spurting goods sales rep of Dunlop Tire and ! contacting their local distributor for "t ra Rubber Cot p.. received a loonzc "Victor" - mite ' fertilizer compound, or by writing Potv award fot oil is landing salesmanship al the 4th chemicals Dept., Du Pnnt Co., Wilmington annual Distinguished Salesman award banquet Manor, Wilmington, Del. held recentIv in the Waldorf \sioria Hotel, New York. The banquet, sponsored bv ibt* New Attachments Available Sales Executive Club of New York, climaxed a week-long tribute to America's salesmen. for Ryan Sod Cutters Horton won ihe 195C Dunlop Balanced Sell- Four new blade attachment for lilting, ing Contest no ihc basis of sales of the cm ire aerating, edging antl Item sod cutting are now Dunlop sporting goods line. In addition to available for all Rvan Sod Cutters, manufac the Victor, Horion received a citation from tttred bv Rvan Landscaping F.tjiiipiitcni Co.. Dunlop vp, Vincent Richards. A golfer since 871 Edgerton St.. St, Paul I, Minn lie was nine years old, Horton ranked among A Super-Kul blade (upper left) is designed the top 10 amateur golfers in metropolitan for clean tuning through ihe finest bents or Philadelphia for many years, winning manv toughest grasses, without tearing or dogging. invitational and several pro-am at em events.