SELL PAR TUBES NOW! - WHY WAIT? [jyjj P"' T«tr Ptfirm ^HJu Th< Flit! lulf*^ The demand is terrific and the profits arc quick - PAR TUBES superior construction proves them tops in the field. A Musi for any golfer who wants to protect his grips the full bag length and obtain a trie t ion -proof bag with an individual compartment for each dub, PAR TUBES arc dropped into oval or round type bajts allowing a numerical arrangement ol clubs. PAR T UBES fit into and strengthen individual compartment bags, allowing full free use of EVERY compartment. PAR TUBES are Strong — Moistu reproof — They are endorsed by Pros and Amateurs alike as a great ide* for keeping grips tn fine condition and protect- ing clubs against marring by careless handling. Packed in cartons of 42 and 144 Contact four Loco J DJstr/birfor or PAR TUBES »i In Ml- f id ua C.mpaTIFTiBDI Of Sl*t 1710 W. OAKIN sr., * TP* toft PAR TUBE CHICAGO 3J. lUINOIS Oval .' Vcvnd Irp. Match may find Watrous facing one of his Laugh and Learn previous Ryder Cup opponents. Pro Golf Company Has New "Power Center" Golf Ball At a sales meeting In Florida, salesmen ol Professional Golf Co. of America bad an op port unity to work tip I he selling power they'll put into ilie company's newlv developed "I'ower Center" First Flight golf balls. A steel ball is used fur tlie ccnicr which is said to stabilize flight of lite ball while add- ing to airman and distance. 1'ro-only. Ihe Golf's Greatest Show Power Center First Mights are packaged in an attractive bo* featuring a t raw section Indoor & Outdoor Shows showing construction of the ball. For Booking Details Write: JOE KIRKWOOD 7059 W. Addison St. Chicago 34, ill. Plans Made for International Seniors' Championship The fourth Teacher's International Trophy Match lot the Inteiiiation.il Sen- ior professional go 11 title will he played over 36 holes at Pollok GC. Glasgow, Scot- land. on June "H. AI Watrous, Birming- ham, Mich., the 1957 P.G.A. Seniors' cham- I'hoto shown, {1. to r.): Mike Brady, Hub lluffner, Hill Jelliffe, Jack tlaikim, I real.. pion will be the American representative Chandled Harper and Earle Schlax. Harry in the international match. Mis oppon- Paylor. Jim Fisher. Sieve Doctor, Jim Holder ent will he the winner of the Teacher's and Don Marlin of tbe sales staff were slill Senior Professional tournament being out on (be course testing. p laved at Fulwell GC near I,on do it. Apr. 10-(2. Shelf Builds Denver Plant Watrous, member of three Ryder Cup Shell Chemical Corp. is building ,i ntw teams and runner-up in the 1920 British unit at its Denver plant to produce methyl Open is already well-known in Scotland parathion, a phosphorous based insecticide, and the Teacher's International Trophy t he plant will be completed in early May. This Cushmon Is Loaded What's New • Products and Personalities Maffincfcrodf Disfribufes New Turf Disease Handbook \ new. illustrated Turf Disease Handbook, written especially to helfi the supt. combat turl disease, is being distributed by Mallinck rudt Chemical Works, St. Louis J, Mo. The Handbook contains keys to aid supts. in identifying common diseases and disease causing fungi; descriptions of the common turf diseases; suggested control measures; and Denton Hossell, Ferndole, Mich, manufacturer'* rep, a discussion of the conditions which favor (lie found a new vie for the Cuihman Golf Buggy. Ha growth of disease-inciting organisms. used it lo tronsporl Ihe 43.000 penniei he hat It is designed foi tjutck reference in reeog loved over the post 19 yean to Ihe bank Haiti II tilling, diagnosing and selertilig the propel felt the bonk a safer piece for the money ofter liuigicide for control of turf diseases. Thirteen thieves robbed hrs home but did noi take the coin diseases are covered and under each listing is Kiri which weigh 95 pound* apiece. Shown with a full-color photograph of an area infected hossell ore his wife, Naomi, and daughters Nancy with that disease as well as an enlarged draw 6, and OorJene, 13, ing of the disease-causing fungi. "I he Handliook contains specific iccomiiien dalions for the prevention and control of the various diseases. These recommendations are 1957 George A. Davis Catalog generally rccognliteil as the best current ad Is Now Available vice of researchers and supts. At the back of the book is .) discussion of the relationship <>f The 1957 catalog of George A, Davis. Inc.. tutf disease to climatic and cultural conditions, 54-10 Northwest Highway. Chicago SO, is off and to good turf management practice. the press and available for supts. The 48- pagc- book ill itsl rales all the products that can lie obtained from Davis including many Producf Engineering Mail Corf types of turf maintenance equipment, tools, fertilizers and grasses. The ratalog [mints out Wins favor with Postoffice Dept. that Davis specialists are alwavs on call to Product F.ngi nee ring Co., 4707 S.E. 17ih help supts. with maintenance problems, bi- ave., Portland, Ore.. scuit! in the book ate handy order forms. manufacturer of the Con -Vtiv golf cart, has Stops Hillside Erosion beeu accorded a vote of Literature sent out by Ciasslvn, PO Box thanks by the nation's 177, College Park, Md., discusses the potential xvstmen by taking (he ities of Penttgift Crown Vetch for preventing oad oft their backs and f or stopping hillside or slo]>e erosion. Crown shifting it to a mail vetch is lieiug used rather extensively through satchel cart. For the Ohio, Indiana and I'cimsvlvania lo stop ero- past two years. PF.C. has sion along highways. Fred V. Crau operates worked closely with ihe Grasslyn Postoffice dept. in de- veloping a cart that Gets Jocobsen Appointment readily absorbs shock and has a hand brake jacobseti Manufacturing Co., announces ap that holds on the steep- pointment of Don F- Homibrook as field serv- est grade. The new mail _ ice supervisor for the Southeastern states. satchel cart, an offspring Hornibrook aitended Michigan College of Min- of Ihe Con-Voy, apparently is the answ*er ing and Technology. He recently has been since the government has placed sizeable or- field service rep Tor Automotive Merchandis- ders for the model. ing of Canteen Co. of America. Protect your floors from spike holes with rugged Pneu-Mat Runners. Absolutely spike- resistant, they provide a comfortable walk- ing surface — improve the appearance of your club house. Woven of rubber-impregnated fabric, Pneu-Mat Runners are tougher than rubber runners. Reversible tor double wear. MONEY SACK TRIAL OFFER: Standard Wltflhl 20"-24".30" Order a trial section. Test 34"-4J"-4l~ it on an area which gets espe- trial Sections cially hard wear. Money back if 24"»«0" $10.00 not satisfied. 10">14" $4.00 Write today for Ulustrated folder. SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO.. INC.. 143 Woodland Ave., wmwood. N, 1. Toro Offers Paris Trips Leads Them all—On It's Record! lit the largest power tnowcr industry pro- motion in liisiory. I'oro Manufacturing Corp., The Proven Minneapolis, is offering 16 free nips to Paris Automatic Tee and a chance for other contestants lo win one PAR-TEE ot more tliau 200 Toro power mowers offered as regional grain! prizes. No other The grand prize — the trips — will be went by t!u- public, Toro dealers, distributor go If tee salesmen and distributors — opening up the approaches contest lo all trade levels. Here is how the contest wilt work: A cuski- its 31 year iner will tegistet in a store "tagging" one of record of — the three Toro Units in view a 2(Hn. .Sport- lawn, the 18-iu, 'I'oro Whirlwind, or the Toro continuous, dependable service I'owcr Handle. The grand drawing will follow the closing For 31 years—mode, sold and serviced by PAR, Int. n( the com est on Juuc 16 and two contestants, For 31 years—hundreds of PAR-TEEs in continuous their two dealers, (he two distributor sales- use, and still the most modern tees, with lowest men who call on the winning dealers and upkeep and unfaltering performance. No other tee the two distributors — plus all their wises — hoi at many tees or years of use as the PAR-TEE. will win a TWA flight and a week in Paris. That's the record behind PAR-TEEs. Complete with Any winner who has purchased a Toro driving and standing mat — ready for ute in o mowr during the contesl will be awarded jiffy. Available Far rent ar for sale. the full purchase price. PAR-INC. Ordcrilli: Merchandise ' 860 East 75th Street • Chicago 19, III. t Iheek Ynur i\c*cd-i Against Telephone. Stewart 3-2400 list on Page 125 FOR BETTER FAIRWAY TURF .... ADAMS0N MOVING BASE SPRINKLERS For new installations, for problem foirwoys. For old systems with pipes post their prime, the Adamson Moving Base Sprinkler gives unbeatable woter dis- tribution with minimum outlets, pressure, ond labor. Tuo modeh at ail able • uik for complete literature uud uMpte piping print. ADAMSON SPRINKLER COMPANY, 2228 BARRY AVE., LOS ANGELES 64 etc., has been increased. tor more information, mite Sit-Vftcst Golf MacGregor's New Smoothies Hag Oi., 2400C W. Clvtioum. Milwaukee 3. Wis. Spalding Issues New Golf Pro Catalog Spalding lias issued its Sfl'iT (,olf Pmfession- al catalog which tea lures the complete Spa Id ing got! tine. Profusely illustrated, ihe 'its-page catalog lists gulf clubs, balls, bags, caddie four unique, new "Smoothy" putieri hoys been odded to the 1957 line of Mot Greg or pullers.
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