Imr Bond Drive for New Men Starts
TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1943 v/DL. 13— NO. 21 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS AT FLAGSTAFF. A R IZO N A IMR BOND DRIVE FOR NEW MEN STARTS Commander Horner Addresses Army Instructs Red Cross Workers V-12 TRAINEES ASKED Flagstaff High School Today! TO UPHOLD UNITS RECORD Yesterday afternoon at a special muster in Ashurst Audi Due io the Navy’s progress since#- torium, new trainees of the Marine and Navy Detachments Pearl Harbor, we now believe the United St alee Navy to be the heard Captain Kirt W. Norton, acting War Bond Officer for strongest in ihe world and current Child Development the Station, launch a new War Bond Drive. In his talk to experience gives credence to that ----------------*------------ fth e men he pointed to the record helief Ciumander R. B. Homer told stu.lonts of Flagstaff High Problems Studied showing made by the V-12 Unit School just two years after Delta Phi Alpha ^ had ° upho,d he °°* the bnmbniK at Pearl Harbor. last semester. Comniander Horner’s address By College Girls According to “Fighting Dollars," »as buiit around a report by Sec Presents Musical the official publication of the Of retary Navy Frank Knox on the The course in Child Develop fice of Coordinator for War Bonds, Sav>; phenomenal--- * gro'— wth since ment under the direction of Miss Navy Department, “All students the "dav that shall life ii infamy.” Byrd Burton, head of the depart Tomorrow INight will he encouraged to make sub ment of Home Economics at Ari- stantial allotments for Government viewing December 7 as a day to noza State Teachers College, has Delta Phi Alpha, honorary mus War Bonds, and for other syste- ceit‘braf< i«r rejoice, he advised taken for one of its major prob ical fraternity, will present its firs', mactic savings plans, as it is con them t>' resolve to avenge the lems this semester, practical prob musicale of the season tomorrow sidered desirable for them to in :r*ach.T<'U» attack by doing more lems in child care.
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