■■> I 1 ■•'_- " vol. L Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va., Tuesday, April 30, 1974 No. 51 J If these students didn't already know It from Art 200, they found out last Thursday on the quad — Art CAN be fun. (More on page 8.) Photo by Morgan Interdisciplinary Program American Studies Offered Owen Sets Plans Beginning next fall Madison the kinds of courses he or she many different professions For Summer Race will offer a new inter-dlscipl- desires. So far, 11 depart- such as museum and curat- Barry Owen, an outspoken Faced with an all Demo- inary degree in American Stu- ments are Involved In the pro- orial work, and more Indir- senior political science ma- cratic council that has govern- ] dies. The degree is under joint gram and 13 faculty members ect application to such fields jor, plans to run for an at- ed Glassboro for the last four sponsorship of the History and will be teaching courses appli- as Journalism, law, and libra- large city council seat this years, Owen hopes to expose English Departments, and will cable towards the degree. Five ry science. A minor in Amer- summer In his hometown of a local pornography issue with j at first offer only a minor deg- of the faculty members Dr. ican Studies nicely complim- Glassboro, New Jersey. He a truthful but aggressive cam- ree in the discipline. Sidney Bland, Dr. Cameron ents a major In English, His- Is one of two Republican can- paign. In reference to the While American Studies is a Nickels, Dr. Francis Adams tory, Philosophy, or any nu- didates on the June 6 primary problems that other local Re- new field of study at Madison Dr. Thomas Arthur, and Dr. mber of other disciplines. ticket and feels that he will be publican candidates have ex- College, it has been a popular Clark Kimball hold doctoral Hopefully, if student response able to advance to the election perienced in recent times, and widely accepted course of degrees In American Studies. is significant, the CoUegewill In November with little diffi- he alms to keep this election I study for over 25 years. Cur- The field of American Stud- be able to offer a major In 1975 culty. as local as possible because rently several other Virginia ies has direct application to or 1976. " B eing endorsed by the local the national issues have noth- institutions offer degrees In Republican party that I have ing to do with local politics. American Studies, including Graduation Speaker maintained community rela- Owen feels that this is a George Mason University In tions while in college should good time for the career poli- Fairfax, Mary Washington Co- for commencement. A record help me In November," stated tician to get into office because llege In Fredericksburg, and Dr. Donald N. Dedmon, the 1,000 students are expected to Owen. the businessmen and influence Lynchburg College. All three president of Radford College for the past two years, has receive degrees. Glassboro Is a city of about seekers are taking a back seat schools now offer the major been named as the graduation 13,000 people with six council amisdt the Watergate trials. degree in the subject after ea- He has published numer- seats elected at large through- The Republican party Is In a rlier Initiating the minor deg>- speaker commencement on May 11. ous articles in his field of oral out the city. In January Owen weak period and now is the ree. In addition, an organiza- Commencement will be held communications and has co- was approached by the local time to get in on the ground tion called The American St- at 10 a.m. in front of Wilson nducted seminars and served Republican party to run for a floor of a rebuilding program udies Association serves to as a consultant for more than seat this summer. He has been that is soom to come. He coordinate and advise schools Hall, preceded by the traditio- nal faculty procession up the 200 Industrial and profess- active with the party for al- hopes to attend law school this on their individual programs. ional groups throughout the most six years. fall and to serve the city at The purpose of the Amer- college mall. In the event of rain, Godwin Hall will be used country. the same time. ican Studies program Is to ex- amine and understand the Am- erican culture through study of its various components. The Dr. Bhatt Lectures On Anglo-Indian Literature student will select courses fr- been slowing down since the om various fields such as lit- Dr. Punlta Bhatt spoke here Dr. Bhatt began her talk life through a Western lang- Bangladesh War." Living In erature, history, philosophy, recently about the unique phe- with a brief history of the 100 uage. foreign countries they were religion, speech and drama, nomenon of Anglo-Indian Lit- year old literature. The Bri- "Since all of these writers "constantly asked to explain and art. Included will be sem- erature: literature written tish, after almost 200 years are bilingual and possibly even themselves and their culture inars In which the diverse ele- by Indians in the English lan- as the ruling power in India more fluent In their mother and were forced to search for ments will be tied together into guage. Dr. Bhatt's backgrou- decided in 1930 to devote ev- tongues - why do they choose their own Identities between a coherent whole. Of particu- nd is especially well suited erything they had to teaching to write in English?" Ans- their affinities for both West- lar Interest is the Melvyn Dou- for an understanding of this Indians Enllsh. English be- wering her own question Dr. ern and Eastern ways. Many glas seminar on cinema to be mix of East and West. Born came a unifying language in Bhatt launched an explanation held next fall (see THE BRE- in Gujarat, India, Indlrla Gha- a country of seventeen or ei- which began with background. early authors wrote about an Indian going abroad only to EZE, April 26.) ndi's native state, she obtain- ghteen languages and two thou- The average author has had return and rediscover India. The minor degree is avail- ed her BA, MA, and LLD sand dialects, each with their an extremely Anglicized educ- Examples are "Too Long in able to all students enrolled from Gujarat University. Wh- own literature and culture. So ation. He/she is often of the the West" and "The Foreign- in any BA or BS program. It en she came to this country each "writer In English" al- upper-*niddle class and trav- er." will consist of 24 hours drawn seven years ago she continued most represents a different els abroad for higher educa- from at least three different study at Catholic University in state. However, they all share tion. Early In the 1900's Eng- India Is complex and mys- departments. Within certain Washington, D.C., recievlng a the problem of communicating land was favored for study a- tical. Life In India isn't as other requirements, the stud- doctorate in English Litera- the flavor and feel of Indian broad. After England It was neat and easily dissected as ent is relatively free to choose ture. the U.S., but "travel here has life here. \ Page 2, THE BREEZE, Tuesday, April 30, 1974 ImpeachmentRationale "Jgjy ^y // y by Koger Grooms ,-*» Wlth the vote on Impeach- strongholds were lost to the LA'/ING Democrats. These results TAXPAYERS ment coming near, the ration- «—p- ——I ality of certain Congressmen have sent a fright Into Re- is to be questioned. Both Re- publican ranks, with more than publicans and Democrats, in one elephant running for his some quarters of the House of political hide. It Is a good Representatives, have already possibility that these elections made their Judgement based on could influence votes on the public opinion polls, personal- President's impeachment. ities and partisanship. Others Presuming that relevent have even gone so far as to materials which have been / > t proclaim the innocence or subpeonaed will be forth co- guilt of the President. ming, it almost certain that the In a time when misjudge- president's fate will be deci- ment or miscalculation could ded by these materials. bring dlsasterous consequen- If the evidence Is as con- ces, the only proper rationale clusive as White House Spo- in the crucial matter of Im- kesman Dean Burch says and peachment Is to: (1) proceed exonerates the President, z expeditlously In seeking all skeptical public's suspicions relevant materials; (2) eval- will be relieved. uate it with constitutional ex- But conversely, If the evi- »» pertise; (3) look for contra- dence is Inconclusive and i '"Don't overlook the bird on the end this time. dictions and evidence of wrong complete, with crucial cc doing; (4) ask for Mr. Nixon versations missing the Pres- to comment by written Int- ident faces almost certain de - errogation on any dlscrepen- thrownment. ••••••••••****•••• Opinions expressed In THE cles; (5) convene members of But whatever the outcome BREEZE reflect those of the- the House for a vote on the the proper rationale should be ir authors and do not nec- impeachment resolution. followed, for the president who cessarlly reflect those of the The arguments presented is not above the law is cer- Editorial And editors or staff of the news- by Impeachment advocates are tainly not beneath It and is paper or Madison College. Un- certainly premature or falla- entitled to due process. poges 2,3 Opinion Page signed editorials are the ex- cious. They are based on pressed opinions of the Edi- suspicion and not on concrete torial Board of THE BREEZE.
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