iiiiiiiiiiii, I. 0C-tv ELE-VIEWS 111" IIBF-tv

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PROGRA MS LISTED FOR MARCH 1st 7th- something NEW in television


The Bert Parks Show with


2:30 - 3:00 p.m. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY W OC-TV channel 5

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: Get Facts About Low-Cost of Announcements Adjacent to This Popular Show. Call WOC-TV Sales Department-3-3661. Mail Hag

TV Schedules:

Thursday P. 5 Friday p. 6 Editor: Saturday P. 7 Can you please tell me the number Sunday P. 8 of television sets in the Quad-City Monday p. 17 area? Tuesday p. 18 East Moline J.R. Wednesday p. 19 (The last count of receivers an- Features: nounced on Feb. 1st listed 44,668 sets Sports Bowl p. 11 for the immediate area. This was Caesar and Coca p. 12 a gain of 6,202 sets since Jan. 1st.).

TV Review p. 21 * * * News: Editor: Tele-Views Contest p. 4 Congratulations on a fine magazine. Pulitzer Playhouse p. 14 We were very unhappy to see "Toast Tribute to Rodgers p. 22 of the Town" dropped from the W HBF- TV schedule. Hope other viewers are complaining too. Iowa City Robert A. Gettin COVER STAR (They are.)

* * * Roxanne, curvacious television star. Editor: appears regularly on the "Beat the Can the subscribers to Tele-Views Clock" show on station WHBF-TV. help you choose the "cover star?" I'd Considered one of New York's finest like to nominate Arthur Godfrey. models, the blonde Davenport A Subscriber beauty, has quickly risen to stellar (Go right ahead and let us know heights. Last year, your choice for the cover picture. Roxanne was chosen Arthur will adorn Tele-Views in the by the nation's lead- near future.) i n g photographers

as the "most photo- Tele-Views is a weekly digest of schedules, genic television news, features and pictures of television pro- grams and stars appearing on stations W HEW- starlet." TV and W OC-TV.

One look at her Business Office - and anyone can plainly see why she 1029 West Second Street, Davenport, Iowa was given that honor. Edward E. Janov Publisher The show on which she appears, Herbert L. Weinberg Editor Kenneth A. DeBarr Associate Editor "Beat the Clock," features Bud Collyer Ernest G. Bauwens Production as emcee and is now seen on Tuesday Lewis R. Keane Advertising Earl L. Edwards Business Manager evenings. Rex A. Vance Circulation Manager Al Andich Newsstand Circulation Entered as Third Class Matter at the Post Published Weekly by Office, Rock Island, Ill. Tele-Views News Co. Application for Entry as Second Class Matter Box 350 Rock Island. III. is Pending. Subscribers when requesting change of ad- Printed by dress should give old as well as new address. Tr- City Review Publishing Co. Member of TV Forecast News Se:vice. 311 - 21st Street Rock Island, IL Algell* Subscription Rates: I Yecr—S5.00 2 Years--$8.00

[ 3 1 411 expefrided. Paid!

A weekend in ! As guests of Tele-Views

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Write in 25 words or less "Why I'd Like to see a Network Television Show?" accompanied with coupon appearing on this page.

Send as many entries as you wish, but each entry must be accom- panied by separate coupon. Coupons will appear weekly in Tele-Views.

Deadline is midnight, March 22nd. Decision of judges is final. All entries become the property of The Tele-Views News Co., Rock Island, Ill.

CONTEST EDITOR, TELE-VIE WS, Box :150. Rock Island, Ill.

Enclosed find my entry to your "Week-end in Chicago" contest.


Address .

City State

Entries must be postmarked by midnight, March 22, 1951.

For Further Details See Story on Page 19

[ 4 J MARCH 1st

VI ['BF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV —Ch. 5 (Programs Subjerl to Chringe)

2:00 5 VACATION W ONDERLAND An interesting travelogue. 2:30 5 REMEMBER THIS DATE- -with Bill Stern. 3:00 5 KATE SMITH SHO W A . 4:00 4 MARY HARTLINE SHO W Juve- nil° program. 5 TELECO MICS- Serials for children. 4:15 4 CHUCK WA GON PLAYHOUSE - with Sheriff Bob Dixon. 5 PANHANDLE PETE & JENNIFER - Tall tales of the Southwest. • 4:30 5 HO WDY DOODY - - Bob Smith's LOVELY r.;ARION MORGAN vocal- puppets in new antics. 5:00 5 CACTUS JIM — Western Feature. ist, is an eyeful as well as an earful on the full hour television program. "Stop 5:30 5 CO WBOY KEN — Guitarist and singer of American folk songs. the Music. - Thursday nights at 7:011 5:45 4 DAILY NEWSREEL — Roundup of p.m over 11"Ii1W-TV. current news. TV 5 MR. WEATHER WISE —Brief puppet NO EFFORT show giving weather outlook. At one point in the "Pulitzer Prize 5:52 5 W OC TV NEWSROO M News Playhouse" presentation of "The Silver Iron' near and far. Cord," star Judith Anderson was called 6:00 4 CAPTAIN VIDEO 20th Century upon to cry, which she did with a cop- adventures. ious supply of tears. After the show, 5 KUKLA, FRAN & OLLIE- For kids director Frank Telford was compli- and adults. menting her upon her realism. "It's 6:30 4 LONE RANGER Familiar western nothing on television," replied Miss 5 LITTLE SHO W A musical show Anderson, who was making her video with John Conte, Honeydreamers. debut with this performance. "Most of 6:45 5 NEWS CARAVAN - with John the time I was so scared that I had Cameron Swayze. trouble keeping my eyes dry." 7:00 4 STOP THE MUSIC Bert Parks em- TV cees with lots of music & prizes. LITTLE TOPPER 5 YOU BET YOUR LIFE— Quick.wit- ted Groucho Marx ad libs. Bill "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd is do- nating a white pony, "Little Topper," 7:30 5 YOU ASKED FOR IT--A novelty show. Ars Baker is emcee. as a door prize at the Grand National 8:00 4 HOLIDAY HOTEL — is Livestock Exposition in San Francisco manager; Betty Brewer, vocalist; this March. June Graham. dancers: Don Craig chorus: Bernie Green's orchestra. 5 FORD STAR REVUE Jack Haley 10:00 4 FAYE EMERSON SHO W —An in- with Mindy Carson, vocalist, and formal visit with Mrs. Skitch Hen- guests. Carl Hoff's orchestra. derson as she plays hostess to guests. 8:30 4 STRANGE ADVENTURE- Just that. 5 W O MEN IN THE NE WS. 9:00 4 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES — 10:15 4 CRUSADE IN EUROPE —The grip- Ralph Edwards conducts the pro- ping real story of World W ar II ceedings. 5 FILM SUBJECT. 5 MARTIN KANE, PRIVATE EYE — 10:30 5 MUSICAL MOODS - with Marjorie Bill Gargan plays the sleuth. Meinert at the piano and organ. 9:30 4 A1RFLYTE THEATRE —Dennis 10:35 4 STORK CLUB -- with Sherman O'Keefe stars in "Scandalous Billingsley. Conduct." 11:00 5 BROAD WAY OPEN HOUSE — 5 W AYNE KING SHO W — Musical Jerry Lester frolics with Dagmcrr show. and Milton DeLugg.

f 5 1 • F riday Yollr Nash Dealer present M ARC H 2nd W H BF-TV —Ch. 4 IVOC-TV —Ch. 5 (Prc F ' 's Ch

2:00 5 VACATION W ONDERLAND — An interesting travelogue. 2:30 5 BERT PARKS SHO W — Musical variety. 3:00 5 KATE SMITH SHO W — A variety show. 4:00 4 MARY HARTLINE SHO W — Juve- nilo program. 5 TEA TIME —Features outstanding trio. Keith Greko, piano: Ward Irwin, bass; Ernie Vosikis, drums. Tear. Crume, vocalist. 4:15 4 CHUCK WAGON PLAYHOUSE — with Sheriff Bob Dixon. 5 GABBY HAYES SHO W —Enjoy a tale about one of your Western heroes. 4:30 5 HO WDY DOODY — Bob Smith's wrestling puppets in new antics. 5:00 5 UNC & ANDY —For kids. 5:15 5 FILM SUBJECT. from 5:30 4 SPACE CADET —Adventures with Tom Corbett. 5 BACON'S BANDSTAND — Music. hollywood" 5:45 4 DAILY NEWSREEL — Roundup of current news. Each Friday Nite 5 MR. WEATHER WISE —Brief puppet at 9A5 P.M. on show giving weather outlook. 5:52 5 W OC-TV NEWSROO M — News W OC-TV from near and far—Bob Redeen. 6:00 4 CAPTAIN VIDEO — 20th Century PIGGOTT MOTORS, INC. adventures. . . • • 1 5 KUKLA, FRAN & OLLIE —The fam- ily will enjoy it. BLASER'S AUTO SALES 6:30 4 ART LINKLETTER SHO W —Com- 1500 Fourth Ave., Moline edy and domestic skits with Art. DAVENPORT NASH, INC. 5 SHO WROOM —Roberta Quinlan. 320 Ripley St., Davenport 6:45 5 NEWS CARAVAN — with John Cameron Swayze. 7:00 4 "MA MA" —Stories taken from the 9:00 4 PENTHOUSE PARTY — Variety book "I Remember Mama." show with Betty Furness as emcee 5 QUIZ KIDS —Joe Kelly tosses stick- and guests. lers a; the smart kids. 5 BOXING —Bouts brought to you 7:30 4 MAN AGAINST CRIME — Ralph direct from New York. Bellamy is private eye Mike Bar- Harry Matthews vs. Bob Murphy, nett. lightweights, 10 rounds. 5 PLAY OR PAY —George Sontag. 9:30 4 SOMERSET MAUGHA M THEATRE Meinert or Jean Strume have to —Tales from the pen of Maugham play or sing the musical title you dramatized. send in, or you get paid in prizes. 9:45 5 W RESTLING —Grunt-and-groan an- Jean Parker and John Beal co-star tics from Hollywood. in Marc Connelly's play, "The 10:00 4 PLAINCLOTHESMAN —A detective Wisdom Tooth." thriller. written by Maxwell Anderson. 10:30 4 SHO W —Fontaine 5 HENRY MORGAN SHO W —A tal- Sisters and Mitchell Ayres orches. ent hunt by Henry and his side- 11:00 5 BROAD WAY OPEN HOUSE — kick. Gerard. Jerry Lester. emcee, Dagmar, Ray 8:30 5 BIG STORY —True drama of news- Malone, Dave Street and Milton paper stories. DeLugg. r 6 1 Saturday

M ARC H 3rd

W H BF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV —Ch. 5

(Prs ; S ._11 ••• tO C h U n i e)

10:30 4 GRAND CHANCE ROUNDUP. 11:00 4 BIG TOP—A circus show with Jack Sterling as ringmaster. 12:00 4 TWO GIRLS NAMED SMITH. 12:30 4 I COVER TIMES SQUARE —Stories of a newspaperman on Broadway played by actor Harold Huber. 1:15 4 COLLEGE BASKETBALL— Army at Navy with Vin Scully describing from Annapolis. 2:30 5 MOTOROLA FAMILY THEATRE— Films covering a variety of sub- "I COVER TIMES SQU ARE" starring jects for young and old. Harold Huber. formerly telecast on 4:30 5 THE NATURE OF THINGS—A na- ture study. Thursday night, has moved to Satur- 4:45 5 ON THE LINE with Bob Considine day at 12:30 p.m. The move is part of — News report and interviews. 111111F-TV's iniiov,tion in television 5:00 5 WESTERN FILM. program ming. "Two Girls Named 6:00 4 SAM LEVENSON SHO W —Comedy Smith." starring Peggy Ann Garner, monologues concerning the bring- ing up a family. is seen preceding this show. 5 VICTOR BORGE SHO W —Stars the TV witty Dane who is a whiz at the piano keyboard. ------6:30 4 TROUBLE WITH FATHER — Stu Erwin is papa in this delightul family scene. 5 ONE MAN'S FAMILY — Domestic drama starring Bert Lyle11 and Marjorie Gateson. 7:00 4 KEN MURRAY SHO W —Regulars are Darla Hood, Betty Lou Wal- ters, Johnny Johnston, Oswald and the Glamourlovelies. invites you 5 SATURDAY NIGHT REVUE—Vari- ety-comedy show starring Jack to play Carter—Guests. 8:00 4 FORD THEATRE—Top-notch erama with fine cast. 5 SHO W OF SHO WS—Variety with "SWIa m aeriitainsi" , Imogene Coca, Mar- guerite Piazza, Robert Merrill. Hamilton dancers, Billy Williams Quartet. WEDNESDAY NIGHT ; 9:00 4 FAYE EMERSON —Interviews. 9:15 4 STORK CLUB — Stars Virginia Peine, Sherman Billingsley and guests. AT 10:30 P.M. 9:30 4 WRESTLING —front Marigold Gar- dens in Chicago. 5 YOUR HIT PARADE —Snooky Lan. on WOO-TV son. Eileen Wilson and Dorothy Collins, vocalists; the Hit Paraders and Raymond Scott's orchestra. 10:00 5 SHEILA GRAHA M —Movie Gossip --t

[ 7 1 Plans Are Revealed To Increase TV Radius

MARCH 4th Television's viewing radius is being IVIIBF-TV —Ch. 0 W OC-TV —Ch. 5 increased from a limit of 40 miles to (Prog urns Sub)ect to Change) 60 miles by a new measurement basis 1:45 5 KIERAN'S KALEIDOSCOPE — John used by NBC for coverage maps for the Kieran gives a lesson on nature. network and individual stations. 2:00 5 W ESTERN THEATRE- John The new coverage concept also has W ayne in an exciting horse-opera. been adopted by CBS, with ABC and 3:00 5 MEET THE PRESS — Celebrities DuMont believed ready to go along. face the barrage of questions The revised figures are based on hurled by a group of expert a .1 millivolt per meter contour, instead newspaper people. 3:30 4 M ORTON DO WNEY SHO W — Vari- of the .05 mv/m basis used until now. ety and music. Result is a basic change in TV coverage 5 ZOO PARADE —Excellent animal estimates of retail sales areas, effec- study brought from Chicago's Lin- tive buying income, food and drug coln Park. sales, etc. 4:00 4 SUPER CIRCUS — Arts in three The data has been in preparation rings with clown Cliff Soubier, since June, and the change was induced Mary Hartline's circus band, by such factors as TV's heavy mail Claude Kirchner. 5 GABBY HAYES SHO W —The old- response from viewers outside the timer spins another dramatized former arbitrary 40-mile limit, recep- yarn. tion measurement reports, and use of 4:30 5 MAGIC SLATE- -Something for the TV advertising by retailers attributing whole family. A dramatization of sales to families usually regarded as well-known fairy tales. unreachable. 5:00 4 TED MACK FAMILY HOUR -- A According to the revised yardstick, full hour of enjoyable entertain- ment with Mr. M. television now is within range of 62 5 HOPALONG CASSIDY— Bill Boyd per cent of the natino's population, rider: again. instead of the 53 per cent previously 6:00 4 PAUL W HITEMAN SHO W — Musi- reckoned. U.S. population, as of Jan- cal and variety program. uary 1, 1950, was estimated at 149,- 5 NBC NE WS. 000,000. 6:15 5 FILM SCRAPBOOK. The new contour yardstick also has 6:30 4 THIS IS SHO W BUSINESS— Guests video reaching areas comprising 66 per appear before advisory board composed of Clifton Fadiman, Abe cent of the national retail sales. 68 Burrows and George S. Kaufman. percent of effective buying income. 68 5 THE ALDRICH FAMILY -Comical percent of drug sales and 66 per cent goings on of a couple of high of food sales. school kids. 7:00 4 THE SHO W GOES ON --Robert Q. Lewis emcees an audition pro- 9:00 4 CELEBRITY TIME —Conrad Nagel gram. conducts quiz with panelists Kyle 5 COMEDY THEATRE —Singer Tony McDonnell, Herman Hickman and Martin is emcee— Guests include guests. Milton Berle and the Andrews 5 GARRO WAY AT LARGE —A vari- Sisters. ety show with Dave at the helm. 7:30 4 BURNS AND ALLEN -George and 9:30 4 W HAT'S MY LINE?—A quiz with Gracie in some comical situations panelists Arlene Francis, Dorothy along with Bill Goodman and John Kilgallen, Louis Untermeyer and Brown. Hal Block. 8:00 4 FRED WARING SHO W — Musical. 5 SOIREE WITH SONTA G - Song- 5 TELEVISION PLAYHOUSE —Salute and-piano patter with George Son. tc Richard Rodgers—A star-stud- tag. ded cast will honoi the famed 10:00 4 W EEKLY NE WSREEL--Review of American compose i with a full- the week's events. hour review of his musical career. 5 FILM SUBJECT. Guests inH,Ide Mary Martin, Cel- 10:15 5 SYLVANIA THEATRE. este Holm, June Havoc, Zorina. 10:30 4 YOUTH ON THE MARCH-- Mixed Ray Bolger. Patrice Munsel and chorus— Men's Glee Club- Sermon Alfred Drake. by Rev. Percy Crawford. RALPH ED WARDS, star and producer of "Truth or Conse- quences." is faced with a pleasant in- terruption while working in his home as his wife Barbara Jean. serves up a snack.


Recent time buying activities by the Colgate's most expensive entry is its major soap companies indicate that three-times-a-month support of NBC- they will shortly be moving into TV to TV Comedy Hour on Sunday nights, a the same dominant extent they now weekly time and talent expenditure of occupy in radio, and have occupied around $75,000. It also is sponsoring for years. Howdy Doody three times weekly. Latest moves are Colgate's tentative commitment to the Susan Peters show Lever Brothers has been the last of on the National Broadcasting Company; the major soap accounts to get into TV. a conditional order, placed with the Network execs declared this week same network, by Lever Brothers and that they believe that several factors the purchase of an additional 30 min- account for this new spurt of activity. utes on NBC by Procter & Gamble. One is the competitive situation; an- P&G will also sponsor a new TV other is the tax structure, and a third soap opera by Elaine Stern Carrington is the likelihood of peak consumption shortly, altho no time has been bought due to the U.S. expansion in war e yet. economy. Procter & Gamble recently bought TV the last open spot on Kukla, Fran and FULL HOUSE EXPECTED 011ie on NBC. This account now bankrolls Musical Comedy Time and With three boys and a girl already five quarter hours of the Kate Smith tearing in and out of the new Larch- show on NBC-TV, and First 100 Years, mont, N.Y., home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil on CBS-TV, this being the first com- Sharpe, a fifth youngster is scheduled mercial soap opera in TV. It is also a to add to the domestic din this sum mer. consistent spot announcement buyer in Daddy is a writer on "The Aldrich TV. Family."

[ 9 ] The Andrews Sisters will make their TV debut as guest stars of host d Tony Martin o n " Colgate Comedy Hour" on Sunday, March 4 over W OC-TV. Mil- ton Berle will be the roman- tic singer's special guest star on the show.

.24 a ?lea HIT 1 BLIND DATE?


Davenport 2-4684 or Rock Island 6-2343

1029 W. 2nd Street Belle Mind and Drapery House —SP ORTS BO WL — "Either you have a great president," said Robert Hutchens, "or you have a great football team." Honest-to-gosh "amateur" athletics certainly is no less filled with spectator-thrills than is psuedo-amateur and professional ath- By GAD letics. And it's healthier in all aspects. Thirdly was the fight between In case you haven't had time to sit Paddy Young and Eugene Hairston. back at eventide—as the wife badgers It was in this scrap that Young hit you first into washing dishes and later the padding six times in less than into a game of canasta and the young two completed rounds to the chorus one pleas mightily for the family car— of some highly-critical and dubious you might not have had time to assim- rasberries. ilate some recent developments in the Now the question was, did or did not sports field which have great applica- Young throw the fight? Afterward, tion to television. Paddy said a wallop in the kidneys Let's take them in order. shattered him in the first round. He First of all, there was that classic denied taking a dive. fight where immovable Jake LaMotta About 30,000,000 TV fans were right surrendered his middleweight title to there at ringside, judging along with irresistable Ray Robinson. Conserva- the best of them. tively speaking, millions saw the fight The important thing here, it appears over the media of television. Now to us, it not that each viewer had the what, exactly, did this do to the box opportunity to make a decision—but office? that untold persons were learning Very little! Exactly 14 802 persons something about the fight game—for- paid S180.619 to get into Chicago merly restricted to cash-carrying fans. stadium and make the match the This is put one application of know- most successful promotion in the his- ledge being broadcast by TV. tory of the International Boxing club. This, it seems to one small mind, thoroughly proves that if the sports event is good enough, people men prefer the will come to watch it. Notre Dame's athletic office didn't lose any rubles last fall—and every one of their home games was televised. Syndicate Clothing Co. Secondly, there was the blast made by Dick Larkins. athletic director at Ohio State university. Larkins swung 222 W. Second St. an oral sledge-ham mer against college Davenport athletics, calling the present collegiate picture "rotten through and through." More than any one sport, he blamed football as shoving the emphasis away from the "play-for-sport" angle to the "play-for-bigger-crowds" corner. Larkins suggested that TV might make schools realize the true nature of college athletics—that being the provi- sion of athletic training and competi- tion for the entire student body as contrasted with recruiting 11 gorillas to give 60,000 bottle-lugging fans thrills on Saturday afternoon. We for for all their clothing one, like this thinking. We concur with the former president of Chicago needs university who outlined the two meth- ods of having a great university. [ 11 Tie A1411,4

Only 28 Years Old, Sid Caesar

Is Considered a Top TV Comic

to be the comedian of the Coast Guard Sid Caesar, star of "Your Show of show, "Tars and Spars," it was the Shows" the second portion of "Satur- first time he had ever appeared as a day Night Revue," is a young man of visual entertainer. Then he made the 28 of nimble wit with a flair for satir- movie version of the aforementioned ical and experimental humor. show and wowed audiences with his remarkable airplane routine. It was He was at one time a very young the first time he had ever appeared be- man with serious musical intentions, fore the cameras. who made a failure out of trying to make the saxophone as legitimate and When he realized his career was in classical an instrument as the violin the direction of comedy, Caesar con- and the piano. centrated along those lines. His choice was justified in his first Broadway But. his failure along thc long- legitimate appearance in "Make Mine hair Fries is making him a fortune Manhattan." Just seven years before and has already made him one of the he had appeared at the New York brightest cowedy stars on the Broad- Capitol Theatre—as a doorman! way stage and television. In his first season in TV, Caesar, Caesar has a winning type of humor who in appearance is a cross between which pokes fun at American idio- the late John Barrymore and Danny syncrasies, and jests with phases of Kaye, starred on the "Broadway Re- our group culture. His satirizations of vue" over NBC Television. On Sept. Hollywood movies and incidents from 9th, he started his second season as our individual lives is strictly "Caesar." the star of NBC-TV's "Your Show of Added to this material-gathering tech- Shows." nique are realistic sounds and novel "Humor should know no bounda- methods of presentation. ries," declares Caesar. "It is universal, Caesar studied music seriously at like music. When people start looking Juilliard, with intentions of furthering for political implications in good clean his music career at the Paris Conserv- humor, then it is time for those people atory and then discovered that he had to analyze themselves more thorough- to make some money. That's when he by-passed long-hair and began That he may have discovered a new playing the sax in such salary-making trend in comedy, is Caesar's belief. bands as , Claude His is certainly different from the us- Thornhill and Shep Fields. ual noisy, wise-cracking material. He His musical pursuits were halted avoids "blue" comedy. He holds that when he joined the U.S. Coast Guard a comedian should deliver a sane at the age of 19. When he was selected message as well as make people laugh. [ 12 ] a4 0.44 4 Coca!

Satirist Imogene Coca Began To

Entertain When Only 8 yrs. Old 47 004 ,


Trying to keep warm backstage she doned Henry Fonda's polo coat and did Imogene Coca, the satirical comedi- a fan dance. The director came along enne and partner of Sid Caesar was and said he needed three little spots to discovered by New Yorkers when she break up the show. Imogene did her was featured in "New Faces" and then fan dance with the polo coat on and "Straw Hat Review," two smart Broad- the director said he'd try it. It was put way revues. Then night clubs claimed into the show and people laughed. her, and quite a few East Side spas She scored again in "Fools Rush In." featured her comedy before her rise in video circles. From the classes to Imogene's mother was Sadie Brady the masses was just a matter of taking who worked with the magician Thurs- a cab a few blocks towards the West Side here she opened at the Paramount ton and at sixteen was floating around Theatre. stages like ectoplasm. Sadie married Joe Coca, orchestra leader of There she proved that smart material the Chestnut Street Opera House in and comedy showmanship can click Philadelphia. with all audiences as her satire on Phil Spitalny's All-Girl Orchestra "I'm In New York City, the comedienne Slush Pump Annie, The Girl with a has been seen often at Cafe Society Mean ") and her impudent Uptown, Cafe Society Downtown and joshing of I. J. Fox, the late furrier Le Ruban Bleu. The Palmer House king registered belly laughs, from even in Chicago and the Park Plaza in St. Fox himself. Louis also acquired her talents in the past. She also appeared in Billy Rose's Imogene's family name is Spanish "Concert Varieties." and at one time extended to the This past Summer, before returning length of Fernandez de Coca, but a to NBC television and "Your Show of great-grandfather cropped it down to Shows" she scored a smash hit in the plain Coca for business reasons. Chevy Chase Sum mer Theatre and was given an ovation by capacity crowds. She went into vaudeville at eight, The result: the show was booked two doing tap and ballet dancing, contort- weeks rather than the usual one— ing a little and doing straight things ample proof tha ther TV appearances that got meager applause and never a laugh. She became a comedienne in were primarily responsible for the sell- "New Faces" by accident. out audiences there! [ 13 Marc Connelly Comedy Slated for Pulitzer Show

Jean Parker and John Beal will co- er, the fairy queen Lalita, his boyhood star in "The Wisdom Tooth," a fan- playmates, and the boy, "Skeeter," that tastic comedy by Pulitzer Prize-winner he was, apear to recreate childhood Marc Connelly, on "Pulitzer Prize events. Playhouse," Friday, March 2, over Bemis, recognizing that he has W HBF-TV. changed far from the decisive lad he While Marc Connelly won the Pulit- was then, finds the courage to loose zer Award for his drama "The Green his job but regain his individuality — Pastures," special permission has been and love. granted to present "The Wisdom Tooth." "The Wisdom Tooth" was first pre- John Beal plays the part of "Bemis," sented at New York's Little Theatre by a young man who has enjoyed a con- John Golden. Opening February 15, tented existence, saving the money he 1926, this comedy starred Thomas earns as a clerk in a New York office. Mitchell in the role of the vacillating "Bemis." He is shocked one night to dis- cover that his lack of convictions has In supporting roles are 13-year-old cost him the respect of his friends. Junie Keegan as a childhood girl Although Sally (Jean Parker), the friend, "Mildred," and Bobby Nick as newspaperwoman whom he loves, the boy "Skeeter," with Howard Free- sees his dormant potentialities, she man, Jonathan Harris, Helen Donald- tells him that he is becoming a car- son, Gilda Oakley, Ben Lackland, Bob bon copy instead of an individual. Lieb, Bobbie Trelease, Graham Velsey and Buzzy Martin. Alone in the living room of his boarding house that night, he picks up "The Wisdom Tooth," produced by an old book of fairy tales and falls into Edgar Peterson, will be directed by a phantasy of his boyhood days. The Bill Brown. The television adaptation spirits of his grandmother, grandfath- is by Joseph Schrank. • •


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[ 14 1 Show Goes On

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Jack Haley was stricken with a kid- ney ailment during the dress rehearsal of the "Ford Star Revue" television show recently, a little more than an labor review hour before the program went on the air. Haley was rushed to his home, where he is now resting under his doctor's care. Haley's sudden illness might have caused a cancellation of the show but for the versatility of show people. Mindy Carson, featured vocalist on the program, immediately took over some of Haley's emcee chores. Printers • Publishers Among those in the theater watching the rehearsal was vocalist Bob Haymes, brother of singer Dick quality craftsmanship Haymes. priced reasonably Bob was asked, and agreed. to sing the songs Haley had scheduled. 311 - 21st St. Phone Miss Carson, Haymes and Albertson did some rapid study and cooperated to Rock Island 6-6439 present a polished performance with the featured guests, Grace and Paul Hartman, satirical dancing team, and Printers of 'Tele-Views' Frank "Sugar Chile" Robinson, young boogie-woogie piano prodigy.


The likelihood thct Congress will and other industry witnesses, testified become a battleground for the educa- recently against the educators' demands tional TV allocations issue pending a for permanent reservation of a portion verdict from the Federal Com munica- of the very high frequency spectrum tions Com mission was broadly hinted for non-com mercial educational TV recently in a blistering climax to a stations. week-long hearing on the issue. Taylor's question to Miller on the The hint went on the hearing record congressional aspect is viewed as a when Telford Taylor, chief counsel for tip-off that the stage will shift to Cap- the Joint Com mittee on Educational itol Hill after current formalities are Television, asked President Justin Mil- concluded. Several congressmen have. ler, of the National Association of already sounded off in favor of the Broadcasters, whether he would have educators, and the word is that there any objection to Congress's speaking will be more of the same while the out on the subject of reserving educa- FCC is deliberating a verdict. tional TV channels. Miller answered: Industry witnesses held the stand "... I think it might be a good thing." since early in the hearing after the Taylor's interrogation came during educators unleashed findings of a mon- lengthy cross-examination of Miller, itoring survey which, the educators who, along with Columbia Broadcast- contend, show excesses in com mercials ing System President Frank Stanton and inadequacies in educational TV.

JOANNE W HEAT- LEY, featured bal- lad singer on the `Fred Waring Show.' originally, had far different career ple.ns. A Phi Beta Kappa in her college days, she went on to receive a master's degree in sociology before her interests turned to singing.

[ 16 ] New 'Tea Time' Show Stars Local Artists

MARCH 5th A last moving, highly entertaining musical show titled "Tea Time," is a W HBF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV —Ch. 5 (Proci.crms Subject to Change) new addition to station WOC-TV's af- ternoon schedule. Sowing Mondays 2:00 5 VACATION W ONDERLAND — An and Fridays at 4 p.m., the program interesting travelogue. features the Keith Greko instrumental 2:30 5 BERT PARKS SHO W Musical trio, and interviews with representa- variety. tives of the various women's organiza- 3:00 5 KATE SMITH SHO W - A variety tions in the Quad-City area. show. With Mr. Greko at the piano; Ward 4:00 4 MARY HARTLINE SHO W Juve- Irwin. bass; Ernie Vosikis, drums; and nile program. songstress Jeanne Crume, the group 5 TEA TIME —Features outstanding features its own interpretations of pop- trio. Keith Greko, piano: Ward ular music. Irwin, bass: Ernie Vosikis, drums. Jean Crume. vocalist. Each women's club member is inter- viewed about her organization, its his- 4:15 4 CHUCK WAGON PLAYHOUSE — with Sheriff Bob Dixon. tory and its place in the community. 5 GABBY HAYES SHO W- Western TV tale as told by the veteran story- teller. 4:30 5 HO WDY DOODY -- Bob Smith's puppets in new antics. 5:00 5 CACTUS JIM Western Feature. 5:30 4 SPACE CADET - A pseudo-scien- ific serial. 5 COMIC CUT-UPS- Features a pup- pet and a drawing board. 5:45 4 DAILY NE WSREEL - Roundup of current news. 5 MR. WEATHER WISE- Brief puppet show giving weather outlook. 5:52 5 W OC-TV NEWSROO M -- News from near and far. 6:00 4 CAPTAIN VIDEO 20th Century adventures. "Don't stop me —I've lost my Tele- 5 KUKLA. FRAN & OLLIE- The fam- Vie ws —life isn't worth living.". ily will enjoy this visit. 6:30 4 HOLLY WOOD SCREEN TEST - - 8:30 4 SHO WTIME, U.S.A.—Variety musical. Neil Hamilton emcees. 5 MUSICAL CO MEDY THEATRE - 5 SHO WROO M —Roberta Quinlan. Another delightful musical show 6:45 5 NE WS CARAVAN — with John with star-studded cast. Cameron Swcryze. 9:00 4 STUDIO ONE —One of the finest 7:00 4 CAN YOU TOP THIS?- Tall tales dramatic shows on TV. club with members Senator Ford, 9:30 5 W HO SAID THAT?--Quiz stars Harry Hershfield, Joe Laurie, Jr., newspeople Bob Trout and John and Ward Wilson. Cameron Swayze — Guests. 5 PAUL WINCHELL-JERRY MAHON- 10:00 4 AT HO ME PARTY —Variety. EY SHO W —Versatile ventriloquist 5 STARS OVER HOLLY WOOD. in funny scenes. 10:15 4 PERRY COMO SHO W —Fontaine 7:30 4 GODFREY TALENT SCOUTS -- Sisters and Mitchell Ayres orches. Variety talent on professional 10:30 4 OLD FASHIONED MEETING— Re- piano with Arthur. ligious program —Hymns. 5 VOICE OF FIRESTONE Musical 5 FILM SUBJECT. concert with Howard Barlow's or- 11:00 4 THE CIRCUIT RIDER -New series chestra. based on efforts of clergymen to 8:00 4 HORACE HEIDT SHO W- Musical teach Christian doctrines in the with outstanding talent of all types U.S. following the Revolution. 5 LIGHTS OUT- A real chiller- 5 BROAD WAY OPEN HOUSE Vari- drama. ety show with Lenny Kent, emcee.

I 17 1 H O ME WOR K Tuesday Being a gentleman farmer isn't as easy as it might sound. Last Thurs- day night after "The Aldrich Family" M ARC H 6th broadcast, Ezra "Henry Aldrich" Stone W HBF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV--Ch. 5 arrived home at his Bucks County (Programs Subject to Chringe) (Pa.) farm to discover one of his prize cows dying. After an all night vigil, 2:00 5 VACATION WONDERLAND — An during which he saved the animal's interesting travelogue. life, Stone finally went to bed at five 2:30 5 SEWING LESSONS—This is for a.m. the women. TV 3:00 5 KATE SMITH SHO W — A variety show. PASS THE BUTTON H OO K 4:00 4 MARY HARTLINE SHO W — Juve- Last week Arthur Godfrey added nile program. another dubious talent to the list he 5 4-H CLUB GIRLS—Something of ascribes to Archie Bleyer, conductor interest to all young girls. of the "Talent Scouts" orchestra. Said 4:15 4 CHUCK WAGON PLAYHOUSE — Godfrey, "Archie is a talented man with Sheriff Bob Dixon. with the needle and thread. He sews 5 PANHANDLE PETE & JENNIFER — all the buttons on his shoes." Fairy tales and cartoons. 4:30 5 HO WDY DOODY —An enjoyable visit with Bob Smith and his pup- 9:00 4 STAR TIME—Stars Frances Lang- pet friends. ford and Lew Parker in the com- 5:00 5 CACTUS JIM — Western Feature. edy sketch "." Reg- 5:30 5 CO WBOY KEN —Tells about his inald Gardiner and John Conte al- new club for small fry. so on hand. 5:45 4 DAILY NEWSREEL — Roundup of 5 ORIGINAL AMATEUR HOUR —Tjn- current news. der the direction of Ted Mack, all 5 MR. WEATHER WISE—Brief puppet kinds of talent sparkle on this show giving weather outlook. show. 5:52 5 W OC-TV NEWSROOM — News 10:00 4 FAYE EMERSON —Lovely Faye in- from near and far. terviews interesting folks from all walks of life. 6:00 4 CAPTAIN VIDEO — 20th Century 5 FIRESIDE THEATRE — Dramatic adventures. show. 5 KUKLA, FRAN & OLLIE — Burr 10:30 5 STAR TIME—Just that. Tillstrom's uncanny friends chat with lovely Fran Allison. 11:00 5 BROAD WAY OPEN HOUSE—Jerry 6:30 4 BEULAH —Stars Ethel Waters in a Lester stars with Daqmar, Millon comical adventure. DeLugg, Ray Malone and Mello 5 LITTLE SHO W —John Conte em- Larks on hand for this informal cee's this musical program. comedy show.

6:45 5 NEWS CARAVAN — with John ./..1•-••-••••-•41• W I ,11...• Cameron Swayze. — SEE - 7:00 4 LIFE BEGINS AT 80—Fun with the Old Folks. "SHO W BOAT" 5 STAR THEATRE —Uncle Miltie pro- O n W OC-TV vides the laughs with guest stars. Every Tuesday, 8 to 8:30 p.m. 7:30 4 VAUGHN MONROE —The maestro conducts this musical show. Sponsored by 8:30 4 BEAT THE CLOCK —Bud Collyer is emcee—Curvacious Roxanne is al- so present. STATE FURNITURE 5 DIXIE SHO WBOAT—Variety show COMPANY presented with the spirit of a real °Mime showboat cast. 317 W. Second St. 8:30 4 HOLLY WOOD THEATRE —Drama- Davenport tic presentation. 118 E. Second St. 5 CIRCLE THEATRE —Dramatic pre- Muscatine sentation. [ 18 1 Chicago Trip Offered ftednesday In New TV Contest

M ARCh 7(11 An opportunity to see a network IVIIBF-TV —Ch. 4 W O('-TV--Ch. 5 progra m directly fro m Chicago is now (Prigrams Subject :c h being offered by Tele-Views magazine. And the beauty of it is—two persons 2:00 5 VACATION W ONDERLAND — An can see the sho w during a weekend interesting travelogue. trip into Chicago with all expenses 2:30 5 BERT PARKS SHO W — Musical paid! variety. Tele-Views is the sponsor of a con- 3:00 5 KATE SMITH SHO W — A variety test for teevee viewers in the local area show. who want to spend the glorious week- 4:00 4 MARY HARTLINE SHO W — Juve- end of March 31st in Chicago. nile program. There are no wrappers to send, no 5 NBC COMICS —Animated cartoons products to buy —the contestants don't 4:15 4 CHUCK WAGON PLAYHOUSE — with Sheriff Bob Dixon. even have to be regular Tele-Views 5 GABBY HAYES SHO W — Western subscribers. tale told by the oldtimer. All that has to be done is to ans- 4:30 5 HO WDY DOODY — Bob Smith's wer in 25 words or less —" Why I'd puppets in new antics. like to see a television network pro- 5:00 4 MUSICAL INTERLUDE. gra m." Each entry must be accom- 5 CACTUS JIM — Western Feature. panied by the contest coupon appear- 5:15 4 DAILY NEWS. ing Tele-Views this week on Page 5:30 4 gPACE CADET —Adventure thriller Four. fo7 kids. 5 AT HO ME WITH MARY LOUISE The coupon will appear in every is- MARSHALL — Interview program sue until March 22nd. Contestants may with a local personality. send in as many entries as they wish. 5:45 4 MEET YOUR COMMUNITY —Local The contest deadline is midnight, Mar. program featuring people you 22nd. know. The winner may choose a guest 5 MR. WEATHER WISE —Brief puppet to make the trip expense free. A show giving weather outlook. suite at the Sherman hotel will be 5:52 5 W OC-TV NEWSROOM — News reserved. The two lucky persons from near and far. will have transportation paid to, in 6:00 4 CAPTAIN VIDEO — 20th Century and fro m Chicago. as well as all adventures. 5 KUKLA, FRAN & OLLIE —Relaxing meals. program for both youngsters and T wo tickets to a top-notch play will grownups. be included —and of course, Sunday 6:30 4 CHANCE OF A LIFETIME — John breakfast will be served in the hotel Reed King emcee, Dick Collier, room. comedian, Russell Arms and Liza Palmer, song and dance team. 5 SHO WROOM —Roberta Quinlan. 5 BREAK THE BANK — Quiz show 6:45 5 NEWS CARAVAN — with John with Bert Parks as m.c. Cameron Swayze. 7:00 4 ARTHUR GODFREY SHO W —Mu- 9:30 5 TWO FOR THE SHO W — Musical sical variety with Arthur and all program with George Sontag and his Friends. Marjorie Meinert. 5 FOUR-STAR REVUE — Comedy 9:45 5 FILM SUBJECT. hour with top-notch comedians. 10:00 4 BIG TOWN —The dramatic adven- Music and variety. tures of news reporters. 8:00 4 DON McNEILL'S TV CLUB —Fes- 18:30 4 PERRY COMO SHO W — Musical tive session with Don, Johnny numbers. Desmond, Patsy Lee, Sam Cowling 5 SCRA MBLEGRA MS — Top quiz and guests. show with personable Ran Jensen. 5 TELEVISION THEATRE — One of Contestants are local folks you the better dramatic programs. might know. Assisting Ran is Ezzard Charles vs. Jersey Joe Wal- W OC-TV's gilt to sweet feminine- cott for the heavyweight champ- hood "Dagmar" Duffy. ionship of the world direct from 11:00 5 BROAD WAY OPEN HOUSE —Va- -15 rounds or less. riety show with Lenny Kent, m.c.

[ 19 1 FRANK STANTON. left, president of the Columbia Br oad- casting System, and James B. Conkling. new president o f Columbia Records, Inc., at reception welcoming Mr. Con- kling into the offi- cial CBS family.

Durante plus Thomas plus Carson plus Wynn

"Each of the '' shcm s "His program is situation comedy, is differently designed, but it's doubtful with a complete new story every time, that anyone really designs a Durante the same characters running through show, not even the Schnozz himself. all. Jack, as the central character, is His is a case of spontaneous combus- the big, well-meaning guy who gets tion." into as much trouble as if he went out So says the current issue of Radio looking for it." Television Mirror in a special eight- TV page salute to NBC's quartet of Wed- SIMPLE EXPLANATION nesday night jesters, Jim my Durante, Someone asked Bill Boyd why he , and Jack didn't wear a cowboy outfit in private Carson who rotate on the "Four Star life inasmuch as he played Hopalong Revue." Cassidy on radio and television. "Well," Opposite exclusive color photos of laughingly answered Boyd, "why not the four stars, the magazine continues ask Robert Taylor why he doesn't wear chronicling the major differences be- a Roman toga around Hollywood. Af- tween the program formats. ter all he just finished the lead in "Quo Vadis." "The Wynn humor is built on 'sight' TV gags, bizarre inventions and intimate W HOA BOY! delivery that let the audience in on the In recognition of his boundless en- jokes," says writer Frances Kish. ergy, the star of the "Bert Parks "Danny Thomas mingles story-tell- Show," has just been made an honou- ing, comedy sketches and musical num- ary member of the Oglala Sioux Indian bers with sentimentalizing and philoso- Tribe of South Dakota. Brave Bert's phizing," while , a Holly- new monicker is "Cloud Horse," in- wood actor, thinks in terms of screen herited from a famed Indian warrior treatment. of the last century. [ 20 1 Critic Favors the Garroway-Type of Program

By LUCIA CARTER into 1,elevision with them. Some have TV Editor, Moline Dispatch adapted their material to video, but have retained the outward devices of That the television audience is an the theater, unaware apparently that audience of individuals sounds like a the home viewer can make up his own fundamental principle. It should be mind without any irritaling assists obvious that people watch TV in living from a studio audience. Others have rooms not theaters. But the intimacy simply transferred stage shows to an- of the medium sometimes seems to be other medium. a secret between the viewers and a Garroway, on the other hand, took handful of performers who have won his basic training in radio, which like success by playing to the easy chair , television plays to the individual. His next to the TV set instead of the last approach is casual and quiet and his row of the balcony. show is a semi-private affair between Outstanding among those stars alert you a,. home and the cast in the studio. to the true nature of the television The variety label does not quite fit audience is Dave Garroway, whose the program, though program originates in Chicago,. where, it offers some of the more than in other network-centers, cleverest co me dy the producers seem to be conscious of and some of the best the home viewers. music a n d dance Garroway's smooth, easy style pre- numbers of any TV sents a refreshing show. The star him- contrast t o the self has turned this working habits of telecast into some- some of his col- thing unique. There leagues, w h o, i n is the remarkable their efforts to over- use of studio equip- whelm you, some- ment. There's the times drive you a- magnetic charm of way instead. And the man himself. he knows apparently And there's the re- Lucia Carter that although his laxed approach. show is seen by mil- Garroway stands in contrast not only Dave Ga m ma,- lions, he must reach to the stylized stage performers but to • them one at a time such heralds of informality as Jerry The television performer ideally Lester, who gets a little too boisterous comes into your home as a privileged for the average American living room. guest. In return for a bit of enter- The informal show is essentially a tainment, you permit him to extol the personality show, as I pointed out in merits of some product or other. But last week's review of the Jerry Lester if he proves unmannerly, you needn't program, and the Garroway personality invite him back. meets the most exacting standards of the home viewer. The Garroway pro- Yelling and leaping around are 1,1n- gram is casual, but not sloppy. necessary. The living room is, after all, comparatively small. And he I never watch Celebrity Time, which should not demand applause. The W HBF-TV carries at 9 Sunday nights viewer does not sit in his own home, while WOC-TV shows Garroway. Cel- self-consciously clapping his hands. ebrity Time is one of the better pro- The parted curtain, the breathless grams but the Garroway show is one of emcee and the applauding studio the best. Similarly, I would never go crowd are unforutnate fixtures of TV out of my way to obtain a piece of today. Too many stars who spent their pie, a dessert of which I am moderately formative years on the stage have fond, if I had handy a piece of choco- brought the trappings of the theater late cake, a goody I find irresistable. [ 21 1 "Penthouse Party." starring Betty Fur- ness, is a Friday night (WHBF-TV) television attraction. Miss Furness, lovely screen and TV ac- tress, offers a spark- ling variety program and interviews well- known guests.

Lavish Show Planned For Tribute To Richard Rodgers

Richard Rodgers. whose 25 extraord- Drake of "Kiss Me Kate," who created inary years in show business have en- the role of Curley in "Oklahoma;" riched America with some of its great- Ray Bolger of "Where's Charley?"; est music, will be honored during a John Riatt, who played the lead in special one-hour television production "Carousel," Patrice Munsel of the Met- with many of the theater's outstanding ropolitan Opera and Dick Haymes of stars joining in tribute performance Hallywood and radio. over the full NBC television network Sunday, March 4. TV The show: "America Applauds, An Evening for Richard Rodgers." Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians, doing a Scotch song recently, called in ele- The lavish show will span the com- vator starter "Scotty" Mullen as tutor poser's musical career from the "Man- in the Highland burr. hattan" number of the "Garrick Gaiet- ies" of 1925, first of the great Rodgers TV and Hart hits. to "I'm in love with a Wonderful Guy" from "South Pacific," latest and biggest of the Rodgers and Ham mer ein wonders. Be Right! Feel Right! A dozen top Broadway stars have Priced Right! indicated their plans to take part in the TV tribute. Among the first to be signed are Mary Martin, currently COATS, SUITS, FURS starring in "South Pacific:" Celeste Holm, who plays the leading role in "Affairs of State:" June Havoc, a MAX KOCHER leading light of Hollywood as well as 119 W. 3rd St. Broadway, and Zorina, famous baller- ina. Others expected to join in honor- Davenport, Ia. ing the famous composer are Alfred [ 22 1 C


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