Benny Goodman's Band As Opening C Fit Are Russell Smith, Joe Keyes, Miller Band Opened a Week Ago Bassist
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orsey Launches Brain Trust! Four Bands, On the Cover Abe Most, the very fine fe« Three Chirps Brown clarinet man. just couldn't mm up ’he cornfield which uf- 608 S, Dearborn, Chicago, IK feted thi» wonderful opportunity Entered as «cwwrf Hom matter October 6.1939. at the poet oHice at Chicano. tllinou, under the Act of March 3, 1379. Copyright 1941 Taken Over for shucking. Lovely gal io Betty Bn Down Beat I’ubliAing Co., Ine. Janney, the Brown band'* chirp New York—With the open anil rumored fiancee of Most. ing of his penthouse offices Artene Pie- on Broadway and the estab VOL. 0. NO. 20 CHICAGO, OCTOBER 15, 1941 15 CENTS' lishment of his own personal management bureau, headed by Leonard Vannerson and Phil Borut, Tommy Dorsey JaeÆ Clint Brewer This Leader's Double Won Five Bucks becomes one of the most im portant figures in the band In Slash Murder business. Dorsey’s office has taken New York—The mutilated body of a mother of two chil- over Harry James’ band as Iren, found in a Harlem apartment house, sent police in nine well as the orks of Dean Hud lates on a search for Clinton P. Brewer last week. Brewer is son, Alex Bartha and Harold ihe Negro composer-arranger who was granted a parole from Aloma, leader of small “Hawaiian” style combo. In Addi the New Jersey State Penitentiary last summer after he com tion. Dorsey now is playing father posed and arranged Stampede in G-Minor, which Count to three music publishing houses, the Embassy, Seneca and Mohawk Ie’s band recorded. keeping company. They suspected firms. His Sun firm being Because he had been a model Brewer because they found Down dropped. irisoner, serving 19 years of a life Beat and other clippings concern Band at Meadowbrook tretch foi slaying his wife when ing Brewer in the apartment in ie was a youngster, Brewer was which Mrs. Washington was carved Meanwhile, the younger of two uiroled in the custody of the coi to death with a knife. A new song, famous brothers Dorsey continues ned author Richard (Native Son) composed by Brewer, also was to lead his own band, currently at bright Basie had been helping found on the apartment floor, only the Meadowbrook, and keep ab jrewer with his music and wide a few feet from the closet in which normally active rehearsing, -ecord wblicity was given the ex-convict’s Mrs. Washington’s body rested fc Which one of these »pectuclcd gents i« Kay Kyser? To keep you ing und broadcasting. And he’s still please from a cell two days before it was discovered. from being fooled any longer, the man on the left is Kyser and the playing trombone. Dmtn Beat Clip» a Clue Brewer bad not been appre other is Paul Henry, of 8746 Dauphin St., Chicago, who was paid five Dorsey’s Brill Building quarters are the most ornate arid expansive But Wright, as well as Basie and hended a week after the murder dollars by Dmcn Dent for being Kyser’s double. Henry once came fact was committed. Mrs. Washington, to face with Kyser ut the Blackhawk and Kay said, “My God! Whut in all New York. “Everything but colored, was from Boston. Her sons you look like!” If you bear a resemblance to any name band leader, a swimming pool,” says Tommy, said she had been friendly with send in your photograph to Down Heat. The editors will pay five dol nroudly, pointing to the luxurious Brewer. When police were called lars to every person whose photograph is printed alongside his name furn;shings, soundproof studios, in they searched Brewer’s Harlem leader double. and various offices for members of home and uncovered evidence the Dorsey “bram trust.” which, they said, indicated the ex Dorsey calls his management un convict had made a frantic retreat. dertaking “Personal Management, Inc.” It is headed by Vannerson, ‘Now I'm Even Happier’ ‘Some Band Managers serving as president, and Borut, The Down Beat clips found in Tommy’s attorney, as vice-prexy. the apartment, amid b’ood, wen In addition to the orks, the office from the Aug. 15 issue One of manages Frank Sinatra, Connie them, a story written by Eddie Know Strictly from Nothing’ Haines and Martha Tilton. Tilton, Beaumonte of the Beat's Chicago staff, concluded with this para (.Modulate to Page 20) graph: “The parole board felt that Guest Editorial Brewer had made every effort to adjust himself inside and they be lieved he would du even better out i^OME BAND MANAGERS are about the dumbest people side. And so do we. Best of luck, on earth. By that 1 don’t mean they can’t read or write, or Clinton Brewer, best of luck.” A quote from the same story: make money, or fall in love and get married. I mean simply Clinton Brewer “Man,” said Brewer, “I was the that they lack the necessary intelli hanniest guy in the world but now Band Managers gence to do a good job of managing £1 uemberr» of his band, were as I'm even happier 1 not only Need a band. * o ounded when police informed them get to step nut into freedom but 1« Irewcr was being -¡ought in con into an arranging chair with one Common Sense The greatest formula for success , icction with the s’asb slaying of of the finest bands in the world. I for a band manager can be put • 1rs. Wilhelmina Washington, col don’t know if I can stand it . briefly in two words—“common sense,” just plain common - red, with whom Brewer had been You know, I’ve got a lot of catch sense. But with band managers common sense isn’t common. ing up to do. Why, I don’t know nothing about jitterbugs and solid To be a success in the band business, a manager first of all cats and what’s cookin’ around . has to get rid of the idea that music is an art. It is a business, idly Set for But I’ll learn.” Offiea anA the trouble with too many bands is Little Joe Eldridge Eld Brewer is 36 years old. Down t that they don’t i egard it as such. Dent emphas'zes that he has not IS the The only and the greatest critic, and ridge, brother of the trumpet- Months as yet been proved guilty of the latest biastin^ Roy, plays hoi alto— the only and the greatest friend of the and a helluva lot of it—with crime, but only suspected. And as Onlv Friend’ 41_ I___ _ mu —L New York police pointed out, a Zutty Singleton's jam band on haw Singer man is innocent until proven guilty means every conceivable angle in this business of pleasing New York's West 52nd «treet. by a fair and unbiased court. Here he’s shown on the blues. the masses must be carefully and constantly considered by New York—Paula Kelly is set -by Dave Dexter, Jr. Joe uses u mouthpiece which ith Artie Shaw’3 band as vocal- the band manager. Jimmy Dorsey gave him in 1931 t, replacing Bonnie Lake, for nt The product which the manager and the band sells is, un —10 year» ago—and swears lie Mt three months. Miss Kelly’? fortunately, an ephemeral one. The demand for the product wouldn't pari with it for any freemenit with Artie carries until amount of loot. He’s a killer un tn. 1st, with Artie having the (Modulate Io Page 10) his horn! Rht to continue with her if he Belen Forrest, rumored to ba Jee Bishop out hing Shaw, will not. Stev< Lipkins is not leaving the Gf the Hospital Truck Crask Injures nd, although it is expected that Saranac Lake, N. ■mipeter Billy Butterfield will Bishop, after one year as a patient ’n join the Shaw crew. Butter- at the Will Rogers Memorial Hos Id now is with Benny Goodman pital here, last week was released Two Herbeck Men the New Yorker Hotel. and is living in a private home in Chicago — Bob Olson and Tom ••’ere picked up and driven into Continuing to roll up amazing this town. The foi-mer composer, Taddonio, drummer and bassist in Morengo where a doctor was found k-oJici* marks on his extended arranger and flugelhorn ace for the Ray Herbeck band, narrowly to take care of Olson. «-night tour, Artie and gang the Woody Herman herd is recov escaped serious injury when the The rest of the Herbeck band, nv to make at least six new rcc- ering nicely from a serious illness. truck in which they were riding traveling by private cars, were i side? for Victor this month, His wife and child are with him skidded off the highway just out of unaware of the accident until the dy two of the band's last batch again. Joe is doing a little arrang Harmony, Ill., turning over four following day when Olson and Tad v* been released so far. ing for Herman, and will increase times. donio were brought into Chicago. This is Phyllis Now .he re... his output as his strength returns. The accident occured early Another truck was sent back for section of the Gus Arnheim out Thursday morning, Sept. 25, as the the instruments some of which iHling to Marsala fit. 18-ycar-okl Phyllis is band was jumping from Freeport were badly smashed. a native of Rockford, III. Her Sands with Chester to Chicago to play a convention The band opened the Oh Henry ew York—Georgi* Wettling left real name it Tritz unci she sang Now York — Jimmy Sands has dat»* here at the Steven ■ hotel.