Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of

Cymorth chwilio | Finding Aid - Street Baptist Church, , Records, (GB 0210 WREXBAP)

Cynhyrchir gan Access to Memory (AtoM) 2.3.0 Generated by Access to Memory (AtoM) 2.3.0 Argraffwyd: Mai 06, 2017 Printed: May 06, 2017 Wrth lunio'r disgrifiad hwn dilynwyd canllawiau ANW a seiliwyd ar ISAD(G) Ail Argraffiad; rheolau AACR2; ac LCSH Description follows ANW guidelines based on ISAD(G) 2nd ed.; AACR2; and LCSH https://archifau.llyfrgell.cymru/index.php/chester-street-baptist-church-wrexham- records-2 archives.library .wales/index.php/chester-street-baptist-church-wrexham-records-2

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Allt Penglais Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3BU

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www.llgc.org.uk Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records,

Tabl cynnwys | Table of contents

Gwybodaeth grynodeb | Summary information ...... 3 Hanes gweinyddol / Braslun bywgraffyddol | Administrative history | Biographical sketch ...... 3 Natur a chynnwys | Scope and content ...... 3 Trefniant | Arrangement ...... 4 Nodiadau | Notes ...... 4 Pwyntiau mynediad | Access points ...... 4 Disgrifiad cyfres | Series descriptions ...... 5 1-20. vtls005022871 ISYSARCHB50, Chester Street Church Manuscripts and Documents,, 1708-1922...... 5 21-41. vtls005022891 ISYSARCHB50, Holt Baptist Church Manuscripts and Documents,, 1802-1943...... 6

- Tudalen | Page 2 - GB 0210 WREXBAP Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records,

Gwybodaeth grynodeb | Summary information

Lleoliad | Repository: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Teitl | Title: Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records, ID: GB 0210 WREXBAP Virtua system control vtls003844928 number [alternative]: Project identifier ANW [alternative]: Dyddiad | Date: 1708-1943 / (dyddiad creu | date of creation) Disgrifiad ffisegol | (41 items) Physical description: Lleoliad ffisegol | ARCH/MSS (GB0210) Physical location: Dyddiadau creu, golygu a dileu | Dates of creation, revision and deletion: Nodyn | Note Title supplied from content of part of fonds. [generalNote]:

Hanes gweinyddol / Braslun bywgraffyddol | Administrative history | Biographical sketch

Nodyn | Note Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, , was in existence by 1708. Holt Baptist Church, Holt, Denbighshire, was founded before 1828.

Natur a chynnwys | Scope and content

Accounts and other papers relating to Chester Street Baptist Church, 1708-1922; deeds relating to Chester Street, Wrexham, 1749-1883; collecting book, accounts, deeds and trustees documents of Holt Baptist Church, 1802-1943.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 3 GB 0210 WREXBAP Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records,

Nodiadau | Notes

Nodiadau teitl | Title notes

Ffynhonnell | Immediate source of acquisition Deposited by the Chester Street Baptist Church per G. Vernon Price, Marford, Wrexham, 1961.

Trefniant | Arrangement Arranged into the following: Chester Street Baptist Church; and Holt Baptist Church.

Cyfyngiadau ar fynediad | Restrictions on access Readers consulting modern papers in the National Library of Wales are required to sign the 'Modern papers - data protection' form.

Amodau rheoli defnydd | Conditions governing use Usual copyright regulations apply.

Rhestrau cymorth | Finding aids A hard copy of the catalogue is available at the National Library of Wales.

Nodiadau eraill | Other notes • Statws cyhoeddiad | Publication status: Published • Dynodwr sefydliad | Institution identifier: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales

Pwyntiau mynediad | Access points

• Holt Baptist Church (Holt, Wales) • Baptists -- Wales -- Holt. (pwnc) | (subject) • Baptists -- Wales -- Wrexham. (pwnc) | (subject) • Religious institutions -- Wales -- Holt. (pwnc) | (subject) • Religious institutions -- Wales -- Wrexham. (pwnc) | (subject) • Holt (Wales) (pwnc) | (subject) • Wrexham (Wales) (pwnc) | (subject) • Wales (lle) | (place) • Holt. (lle) | (place) • Wrexham. (lle) | (place) • Holt (Wales) (lle) | (place) Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 4 GB 0210 WREXBAP Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records, • Wrexham (Wales) (lle) | (place)

Disgrifiad cyfres | Series descriptions

Cyfres | Series 1-20. vtls005022871 ISYSARCHB50: Chester Street Church Manuscripts and Documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1708-1922. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation) Lleoliad ffisegol | Physical location: ARCH/MSS (GB0210) Nodyn | Note: Preferred citation: 1-20.

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container 1. vtls005022872 File - Treasurer's Book, 1708-1819. 1. ISYSARCHB50 2. vtls005022873 File - Treasurer's Book, 1856-1912. 2. ISYSARCHB50 3. vtls005022874 File - A copy of the entries of births [1784x1857]. 3. ISYSARCHB50 and deaths, 1784-1794, in the old register belonging to the Chester Street Church ..., 4. vtls005022875 File - Abstract of title of the trustees 1749-66. 4. ISYSARCHB50 of the Old Meeting House to certain properties in Chester Street, Wrexham, 5. vtls005022876 File - Attested Copy of the Declaration of 1749, Nov. 14. 5. ISYSARCHB50 Trust, 6. vtls005022877 File - Release of properties situate in 1749, Nov. 17. 6. ISYSARCHB50 Chester Street, Wrexham, co. Denb. Attested copy, 7. vtls005022878 File - Deed respecting the renewal of 1758, Dec. 19. 7. ISYSARCHB50 trust of properties in Chester Street, Wrexham, belonging to the Old Meeting House, 8. vtls005022879 File - Lease of property in Chester Street, 1766, June 17. 8. ISYSARCHB50 Wrexham, co. Denb, 9-10. vtls005022880 File - Lease And Release of the edifice 1778, March 9-10. ISYSARCHB50 or building and appurtenances in Chester 3-4. Street, Wrexham, upon trust to be used as ..., 11. vtls005022881 File - Release of all that field, close, or 1779, Aug. 4. 11. ISYSARCHB50 part of land, cemetery, or burying ground in Wrexham Regis, called by the ..., 12. vtls005022882 File - Deed Of Appointment of new 1820, Feb. 19. 12. ISYSARCHB50 trustees of the Chapel situate in Chester

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 5 GB 0210 WREXBAP Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records, Street, Wrexham, used for divine worship by Protestant ..., 13. vtls005022883 File - Feoffment of a piece of ground for 1826, Dec. 15. 13. ISYSARCHB50 the convenience of the Baptist Meeting house and dwelling-house in Wrexham, co. Denb ..., 14. vtls005022884 File - Release of two cottages or small 1829, April 20. 14. ISYSARCHB50 dwelling houses with their respective appurtenances in Chester Street, Wrexham, co. Denb, 15. vtls005022885 File - Certificate of registration of the 1837, Dec. 1. 15. ISYSARCHB50 Old Meeting or Baptist Chapel, Chester Street, Wrexham for the solemnization of marriages, 16. vtls005022886 File - Case, and opinion of John Rolt of 1847, Feb. 16. 16. ISYSARCHB50 Lincolns Inn, with regard to the position and liabilities of Trustees, 17. vtls005022887 File - Certificate of registration of the 1867, Sept. 29. 17. ISYSARCHB50 Old Meeting or Baptist Chapel, Chester Street, Wrexham, co. Denb., as a place of meeting ..., 18. vtls005022888 File - Certificate of registration of the 1876, Oct. 5. 18. ISYSARCHB50 Old Meeting or Baptist Chapel, Chester Street, Wrexham (substituted for the registered building now disused) ..., 19. vtls005022889 File - Agreement relating to the boundary 1883, Oct. 30. 19. ISYSARCHB50 wall of the burial ground; together with a plan attached, 20. vtls005022890 File - Memorandum of the appointment 1922, Sept. 26. 20. ISYSARCHB50 of new trustees of the Baptist Chapel or Meeting House in Chester Street, Wrexham, co. Denb ..., Cyfres | Series 21-41. vtls005022891 ISYSARCHB50: Holt Baptist Church Manuscripts and Documents, Dyddiad | Date: 1802-1943. (dyddiad creu) | (date of creation) Lleoliad ffisegol | Physical location: ARCH/MSS (GB0210) Nodyn | Note: Preferred citation: 21-41.

Ffeil / rhestr eitemau | File / item list Cod cyfeirnod | Ref Teitl | Title Dyddiadau | Statws mynediad | Cynhwysydd | code Dates Access status Container 21. vtls005022892 File - Collecting Book towards clearing 1828-44. 21. ISYSARCHB50 the debt on the chapel at Holt, together with a brief account of the beginning of ..., 22. vtls005022893 File - Copy of No. 21, [1828]-[44]. 22. ISYSARCHB50

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 6 GB 0210 WREXBAP Chester Street Baptist Church, Wrexham, Records, 23. vtls005022894 File - Abstract Of Accounts relating to 1827-41. 23. ISYSARCHB50 Holt Chapel and premises, 1827-41, and accounts of anniversaries and of the cottage rents, 1829-41 ..., 24. vtls005022895 File - Conveyance of two houses in Holt, 1802, Oct. 14. 24. ISYSARCHB50 25-26. vtls005022896 File - Probate of the will of John 1810, Oct. 1. 25-26. ISYSARCHB50 Parsonage of bor. Holt, co. Denb., deceased, and an extract of the will. Will ..., 27. vtls005022897 File - Receipt for the sum of £20 received 1827, Oct. 29. 27. ISYSARCHB50 from Charles Rowe towards the erection of a place of worship in the ..., 28. vtls005022898 File - Letter from Samuel Watson, 1894, May 4. 28. ISYSARCHB50 London to L. Jones, Wrexham, 29. vtls005022899 File - Agreement for the sale of two 1906, March 10. 29. ISYSARCHB50 cottages adjoining the Baptist Chapel, Holt, 30. vtls005022900 File - Statutory Declaration of Mrs 1906, May 3. 30. ISYSARCHB50 Elizabeth Davies in support of title, 31. vtls005022901 File - Memorandum of appointment of 1943, May 4. 31. ISYSARCHB50 new trustees of the chapel or meeting house at Holt, co. Denb, 32-34. vtls005022902 File - Insurance Policies (5) for the 1897-1906. 32-34. ISYSARCHB50 Baptist Chapel, Holt, 35. vtls005022903 File - Bill And Receipt for professional 1906, April- 35. ISYSARCHB50 charges in relation to the appointment of June. new trustees and conveyance of the m's and ..., 36-39. vtls005022904 File - Four Plans. 36-39. ISYSARCHB50 40. vtls005022905 File - List of deeds and documents 40. ISYSARCHB50 relating to the Baptist Chapel and land at Holt, co. Denb. 41. vtls005022906 File - Memorandum of the appointment 26 July 1869. 41. ISYSARCHB50 of new trustees for Holt Chapel,

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru = The National Library of Wales Tudalen | Page 7