Did You Know? • WMU's Largest Total Enroll- Ment Was Recorded During the Fall Semester of 1991, When 27,90 I Students Enrolled at the Univer- Sity
WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSllY Volume 25, Number 2 www.wmich.edu/wmu/news September 17, 1998 President Floyd pledges support for faculty efforts Board to meet Friday President Floyd pledged a presidency goal that is attainable with the dedication student advisory board. The Board of Trustees wiU meet of vigor, vision and passion in his first and commitment of our faculty, students "It is important for me to keep my finger at 10:45 a.m. Friday, Sept. 18, in the remarks to the Faculty Senate Sept. 10, and staff. We are fortunate that WMU's on the pulse of this institution," he said. "I Connable Board Room of the declaring that he will support the work of situation is not one of exigency, but of want to have open, frank and active dia- Bernhard Center. the faculty and the primacy of the aspiration. logue about the critical issues facing the Agenda items will include gift, University's academic mission. "The University is fiscally sound, and University." grant and personnel reports as well "Yes, there are challenges before us," with the continuing commitment of the Floyd then addressed a series of mat- as consideration of an investment he told senators, who had warmly wel- Legislature, our situation will improve as ters, including: policy for annuity and life income comed him to the podium in Kirsch Audi- we seek additional resources to support our funds. torium of the Fetzer Center with an ex- emerging Research I status," Floyd said. MLKDay Committee meeting will precede tended round of applause. He assumed the "In doing so, we will not abandon our He applauded past efforts of the Uni- the full board meeting in 204 presidency Aug.
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