Alumni Magazine Vol. 2 No. 2
Western Michigan University Alumni Magazine (1938-1942) Western Michigan University Year 1939 Alumni Magazine Vol. 2 No. 2 Western State Teachers College Western Michigan University This paper is posted at ScholarWorks at WMU. magazine/14 The Alumni Magazine Western State Teachers College Entered as second-class matter A pril 7, 1938, at the post office at Kalamazoo, Michigan, under the A ct of March 3, 1879. Volume 2 Quarterly Publication-July, 1939 Number 2 Commencement Time . in 1939 Tuesday, May 16-Senior Swing Out Tu esday, June 6-Senior C lass Day Saturday, June I 0-June Breakfa st Saturday, June 17-Alumni Day 12:00 A lumn i Luncheon-Ballroom, Un ion Bui lding (Th is is the one time of the year when alumni, faculty members, and members of the Senior Class may be together.) 2:30 P. M. A lumni vs. Varsi ty Ba se- ball Game at the Hyames Field (Last year more alumni, fo rmer base- ball men, we re in unifo rm than on any p revious occasion . Th ere were mo re spectators in the bleachers, too, than eve r before.) " 5:00 P. M. Group Gatherings (Places to be announced.) 9:00 ·P. M. Annual Alumni Party (G raduates of Western! This number of the Magazine is a personal invitation to you to be present.) Sunday, June 18-Baccalaureate Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, Dean of the Un iversi ty Chapel, University of Chicago, will gi_ve the Baccalaur- eate Address. Monday, June 19-Commencement Dr. Lester K. Ade, State Commis- sio ner of Education, Harrisburg, Pen nsylvania, will deliver th~ Com- men ce ment Address .
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