Annual Report 2013-14 NCRTC Size

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Annual Report 2013-14 NCRTC Size ual Report 2013-20 Ann 14 National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited Registered Office: National Capital Region Planning Board, Core-IV B, First Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,New Delhi 110003 NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION Phone No.-011-24642285 CIN NO. U60200DL2013GOI256716 TRANSPORT CORPORATION LIMITED jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM Printed & Designing by : SANGAM PRINTER & PROVIDER Bawana, Delhi-110039 M: 9811131484, 9891366207 fo"k; lwph CONTENTS funs'kd cksMZ 3 funs'kdksa dk fjiksVZ 5&17 okf"kZd ys[kk 19&43 Board of Directors 4 lkafof/kd ys[kk ijh{kd dk fjiksVZ 45&53 Director’s Report 6-18 ys[kk ijh{kd dk fjiksVZ 55&56 Annual Accounts 20-44 lkafof/kd ys[kk ijh{kd Auditor’s Report 46-54 ,e@,l lkfj;k xqIrk & dEiuh pkVZM vdkamVsaV CAG Report/Comments 55-56 ubZ fnYyh Statutory Auditors M/s Saria Gupta &Co. Chartered Accountants iath—r dk;kZy;% New Delhi jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ;kstuk ifj"kn] dksj& C a { —V lsUVj] Registered Office: HIJ Ę National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited yksnh jksM] ubZ fnYyh&221114 National Capital Region Planning Board, Core-IV B, First Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110003 nwjHkk"k la[;k% 122% 35753396 Phone No.011-24642285 CIN NO. U60200DL2013GOI256716 lhvkbZ,u ua- Į ЛР НТ О 1 2 funs'kd cksMZ Jh 'kadj vxzoky v/;{k] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa Board of Directors lfpo ¼'kgjh fodkl½] 'kgjh fodkl ea=ky;] fuekZ.k Hkou] Shri Shankar Aggarwal Chairman, NCRTC Ltd. & Secretary (UD), MoUD ubZ fnYyh&221122 Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011. Jh Mh,e liksfy;k funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa eq[; lfpo] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh ljdkj] ubZ Shri D.M. Spolia Director, NCRTC Ltd. & Chief Secretary, GNCTD, New Delhi-110002. fnYyh&221113 Smt. Naini Jayaseelan Director, NCRTC Ltd. & Member Secretary, Jherh uSuh t;klhyu funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa National Capital Region Planning Board, India lnL; lfpo] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ;kstuk cksMZ] bafM;k Habitat Centre, New DELHI-110003. gSfcVsV lsUVj] ubZ fnYyh&221114 Shri C.K. Khaitan Managing Director, NCRTC Ltd. & Joint Secretary (UT), MoUD, Nirman Bhawan New Jh lhds [ksrku izcU/k funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe Delhi- 110011. fyfeVsM ,oa l;qä lfpo ¼la?kh; {ks=½] 'kgjh fodkl ea=ky;] fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&221122 Sh. C. S. Rajan Director, NCRTC Ltd. & Chief Secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan. Jh lh,l jktu funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa eq[; lfpo] jktLFkku ljdkj Shri Praveen Kumar Gupta Director NCRTC Ltd. & Chief Secretary, Govt. Of Haryana. Shri Alok Ranjan Director NCRTC Ltd., Chief Secretary, Govt. Of Jh çohu dqekj xqIrk funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa Uttar Pradesh. eq[; lfpo] gj;k.kk ljdkj Shri K.K. Aggarwal Director NCRTC Ltd., Executive Director, Jh vkyksd jatu funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM ,oa Works/Planning, Ministry of Railways, Railway eq[; lfpo] mÙkj çns'k ljdkj Board. Jh dsds vxzoky funs'kd] jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM] dk;Zdkjh funs'kd] fuekZ.k/;kstuk] jsy ea=ky;] jsyos cksMZ 3 4 funs'kdksa dh fjiksVZ 'ks;j/kkjd DIRECTORS’ REPORT jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ifjogu fuxe fyfeVsM To The Shareholders vkids funs'kdksa dks 42 ekpZ] 3125 dks lekIr vo/kh ds fy, igyh okf"kZd fjiksVZ National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited ,oa fuxe ds ys[kk ifjf{kr ys[kk fooj.k çLrqr djus esa [kq'kh gks jgh gSA Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the First Annual Report and the Audited fofÙk; çn'kZu Statement of Accounts of the Corporation for the period ended 31st March, 2014. vkids fuxe dks vHkh Hkh O;kikj 'kq# djuk gSA blds 42 ekpZ] 3125 dks lekIr FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE vo/kh ds fy, fofÙk; fu"iknu fuEukuqlkj gS%& Your Corporation is yet to Commence Business. Its financial performance for the period ended 31st March 2014 is as under: jkf'k ¼#i;k yk[kksa esa½ Amount (Rs. in lakhs) . : : 75.96 Income from Interest on Fixed Deposit 64.85 O;; Expenditure 78.56 (including proportionate pre incorporation expenses) 67.45 ¼vuqikfrd iwoZ lekos'k O;; lfgr½ Profit before Tax (2.61) ¼3.72 It is pertinent to mention here that the income is from interest on investment of surplus funds and not from operations of the Corporation. ;gk¡ ;g mYys[k djuk çklafxd gS fd vk; fuxe ds lapkyu ls ugha oju vf/k'ks"k /ku Furthermore In terms of provisions of Companies Act entire pre-incorporation expenses are to be written off, hence accounts denotes a loss in terms of income. For Income Tax ds fuos'k ij C;kt ls gSA purpose, a proportion of pre-incorporation expenses can be written off and calculation for same reveals profits as aforesaid. Members may consider same accordingly. blds vykok dEiuh vf/kfu;e ds çko/kkuksa ds lanHkZ esa iwoZ lekos'k ds lHkh O;; dks fy[kk tk jgk gS] blhfy, vk; ds ekeys esa ys[kk ?kkVs dks Hkh n'kkZrk gSA vk;dj ds CAPITAL STRUCTURE ç;kstu ds fy, iwoZ lekos'k O;; dk vuqikr fy[kk tk ldrk gS vkSj mijksä rjhds ls During the period under review, the Corporation was incorporated with an authorized capital x.kuk dj ykHk dk irk pyrk gSA lnL; rnuqlkj fopkj dj ldrs gSaA of Rs.100 crore divided into 1,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100/- each. The Corporation was incorporated with an initial subscribed capital of Rs. 5.50 Lakhs i.e 5500 equity shares iwóth dh lajpuk of Rs. 1000/- each. MoR is yet to tender its share of Subscription money. The Shareholding Pattern of the Corporation and the subscription amount received and the amount due as on 31.03.2014 is as under: leh{kk/khu vo/kh ds nkSjku] fuxe 211 djksM+ #i;s dh vf/k—r iw¡th dks 211 #i;s ds 211B11B111 bDohVh 'ks;j esa foHkkftr dj fuxfer fd;k x;k FkkA fuxe us 5 6 çkjafHkd #i ls yh xbZ lnL;rk dh 6.61 yk[k #i;s dks 'kkfey fd;k Fkk tSls 211 #i;s dh 6611 bDohVh 'ks;jA vius 'ks;j dh lnL;rk jkf'k fufonk ds fy, vHkh rd vkSj Hkh gSA fuxe dk 'ks;j gksfYMax iSVuZ ,oa çIr lnL;rk jkf'k vkSj 42 ekpZ] 3125 rd cdk;k jkf'k fuEukuqlkj gS%& (Amount Rs. in lakhs) % Total Amount Amount ¼jkf'k yk[k #i;ksa esa½ Amount Received Due çfr'kr dqy jkf'k çkIr jkf'k cdk;k jkf'k Central Government Ministry of Urban Development 22.50 2250.00 1750.00 500.00 dsUÒ ljdkj Ministry of Railways 22.50 2250.00 - 2250.00 National Capital Region Planning Board 5.00 500.00 500.00 - Board 'kgjh fodkl ea=ky; 33.61 3361.11 2861.11 611.11 State Governments National Capital Territory of Delhi 12.50 1250.00 1250.00 - jsy ea=ky; & 33.61 3361.11 3361.11 Haryana 12.50 1250.00 1250.00 - jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ;kstuk % Rajasthan 12.50 1250.00 1250.00 - 6.11 611.11 611.11 Uttar Pradesh 12.50 1250.00 1250.00 - cksMZ DIVIDEND As the Corporation is yet to Commence Business, no dividend is recommended for the year 2013-14. jkT; ljdkj APPROPRIATION TO GENERAL RESERVE jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh 23.61 2361.11 2361.11 & As the Corporation is yet to Commence Business, NIL amount is recommended for transfer to General Reserve gfj;k.kk 23.61 2361.11 2361.11 & for the year 2013-14. jktLFkku & 23.61 2361.11 2361.11 STATUS OF THE PROJECT fnYyh 23.61 2361.11 2361.11 & Your Board is pursuing the matter pertaining to initial preliminary work related to RRTs and are to state that draft of DPR’s stands received for Delhi Panipat (date of receiving 28.11.2014) and Delhi Meerut (date of receiving 3.12.2014) RRT’s from respective consultants. Presently your Company has no technical strength so with a view ykHkka'k to augment its resources it was considered prudent to send draft of DPR’s to DMRC for technical tSlk fd fuxe dks vHkh Hkh O;kikj 'kq# djuk gS] o"kZ 3124% 3125 dks fy, fdlh Hkh çdkj dh ykHkka'k dh flQkfj'k ugha dh xbZ gSA lkekU; vkjf{kr fofu;ksx 7 8 evaluation purpose and the issues raised, if any, by DMRC shall thereafter be apprised to tSlk fd fuxe dks vHkh Hkh O;kikj 'kq# djuk gS] o"kZ 3124% 3125 ds fy, lkekU; respective consultant for incorporating same in draft DPR’s. The issue of DMRC being vkjf{kr gLrkarj.k dh flQkfj'k 'kwU; jkf'k dh gSA nominated as Consultant is also being considered whereby the issue as aforesaid and to be arising at a lateral stage can be taken up instantly. ifj;kstuk dh fLFkfr It is expected that the implementation of RRT’s shall assume momentum after meeting of Secretaries which was originally scheduled to be held on 14th November, 2014 and vkidk cksMZ Ī Ī İ Œ ls lEcfU/kr çkjafHkd çkFkfed dk;Z ds ckjs esa fc"k;oLrq dks vkxs rescheduled for 18th December, 2014 takes place. tkjh j[krk gS vkSj Li"V djrk gS fd lEcfU/kr lykgdkj ls Ī Ī İ Œ fnYyh ikuhir ¼çkIr djus dh rkjh[k 39.
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    RNI No.2016/1957, REGD NO. SSP/LW/NP-34/2019-21 Follow us on: @TheDailyPioneer Established 1864 OPINION 8 Published From WORLD 11 SPORT 16 DELHI LUCKNOW BHOPAL ALZEIMERISH TERESA MAY WINS TRUST VOTE SHARAPOVA SETS UP BHUBANESWAR RANCHI RAIPUR CHINA BUT LOSES ON BREXIT DEAL WOZNIACKI CLASH CHANDIGARH DEHRADUN Late City Vol. 155 Issue 16 *Air Surcharge Extra if Applicable LUCKNOW, THURSDAY JANUARY 17, 2019; PAGES 16 `3 BHUMI ISOLATED HERSELF FOR SON} CHIRIYA } 14 VIVACITY Sankranti fails to break cold spell SP may give RLD 3 incidents reportedly claimed Condition to prevail for over 800 lives from different parts of the country, including northern, northeastern, central seats in UP alliance 3 days in north India and peninsular parts during PNS n LUCKNOW pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. mid speculation that RAJESH KUMAR n NEW DELHI from the atmosphere thus rais- Uttar Pradesh saw 158 ASamajwadi Party chief ing the night temperatures as deaths due to flood and heavy Akhilesh Yadav is ready to old wave conditions will well. However, this has not hap- rainfall, 166 deaths due to walk extra mile to accommo- Ccontinue to prevail over pened as yet. thunderstorm, lightning (39 date the Rashtriya Lok Dal in north India, particularly in Delhi witnessed a cold day deaths), dust storm (92 deaths) the BSP-SP alliance, (RLD) Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, as the minimum was recorded and cold wave took 135 lives. vice-president Jayant north-west Rajasthan, north- at 4.5 degrees Celsius, three According to the IMD, Chaudhary on Wednesday met east Madhya Pradesh and notches below normal, while India has experienced 167 Akhilesh and held discussion north Chhattisgarh.
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