Worsham Challenges General Belief It's Another Hogan Open JEbemng Jsto ppofls Champ 'Can Be Had/ Tats Send Art Sleater Joyce, Allison Qualify Washington, D. C., Saturday, June 14, 1952-A-10 ** Playing Partner Says; \gainst «l 1 J n Houtteman, ;ln NCAA Track Trials; | Shows Signs of Tiring Did Detroit Nemesis Four Marks Broken By Merrell Whittlesey By the Associated Press Stor Stoff Correspondent By Burton Hawkins jl ~ya Star Staff Correspondent BERKELEY. Calif., June 14- DALLAS, June 14.—Many here JIB -1 Four new meet records were al- I DETROIT, June 14.—The Nats | today had only two questions in meet the Tigers today in the ready in the books as an Olympic minds: many year crop | their By how strokes opener of a three-game series, but of the Nation's top col- & will win the National legiate track and field ' —^ :the Washington club has learned athletes i Open golf into || championship and will to respect the downtrodden. :went the finals of the Na- he tie or break his own record of Detroit carried string tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- .