
SUGGESTED STUDENT OUTCOMES FOR CORE COURSES I Prepared for The Academic Affairs Sub-Committee, Texas Association of Schools of Art September, 2000 (revised 2002)

A. Digital Art I (TCCN ARTS 2348 ) Prerequisite: The freshman transfer curriculum(Drawing I, Drawing II and Design I). Digital Art I is a studio course which explores the potential of the hardware and software medium for their visual, conceptual, and practical uses in the visual arts.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Information CIB # 50.0402.5126


1. COURSE PURPOSE: The purpose of Digital Art I is to introduce students to the computer and graphics software emphasizing visual and conceptual problem solving.

2. COURSE GOALS: Digital Art I - By the end of the semester, each student will: a. have developed a strong understanding of computer terminology, computer/artist interface, operating systems and equipment. b. have developed a comprehension of the varying applications and differences between various graphics software. c. will be able to apply art, design and computer knowledge in solving visual and conceptual problems.

C. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - Expected student outcomes by domain:

1. COGNITIVE: (Development of critical thinking skills, conceptual constructs, specialized vocabulary and art history.) a. Each student will be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of compared to traditional media. b. Each student will be able to understand the role of computer graphics and their application to the diverse disciplines of the fine arts. c. Each student will be able to understand artistic and design legal issues. d. Each student will be able to understand artistic concepts. e. Each student will be able to understand computer color theory. f. Each student will be able to understand computer operation steps. g. Each student will be able to understand basic . h. Each student will be able to understand disk/file management. i. Each student will be able to understand computer input/output devices. j. Each student will be able to understand desktop computer operating systems. k. Each student will be able to understand printing and production techniques. SUGGESTED STUDENT OUTCOMES FOR CORE COURSES * Digital Art I, page 2 l. Each student will be able to understand computer graphics terms and definitions as they relate to the application taught. m. Each student will be able to understand image modes. n. Each student will be able to understand the concept and mechanics of bit depth. o. Each student will be able to understand spatial resolution. p. Each student will be able to understand file formats and sizes. q. Each student will be able to understand output resolution. r. Each student will demonstrate interest in the generation of computer art by seeking design information from a variety of sources such as books, periodicals, exhibitions, museums, etc. s. Each student will demonstrate a capacity for synthesis by creating computer art, which incorporates and unifies disparate elements, processes, motifs and concepts. t. Each student will be able to use vocabulary specific to the computer art processes.

2. PSYCHOMOTOR: (Development of manipulative, work-oriented skills; demonstration of specific process skills). By the end of the semester: a. The student will develop technical and craftsmanship skills through hands-on work with current computer graphic programs. b. The student will demonstrate flexibility and adaptability by using a variety of technical and conceptual strategies in resolving image-making problems. c. Use imaging software: hand-mouse-eye coordination, freehand rendering. d. Use photo manipulation software: composing, retouching, correcting, effect filters. e. Use input/output hardware: scanners, b/w and color printers. f. The student will be able to create computer art forms, which explore design concepts. g. Produce projects that are technically, aesthetically and conceptually sophisticated. h. The student will be able to understand studio and safety i. The student will be able to present his or her designs for ideal contextual viewing. j. The student will be able to orally critique computer art forms. k. The student will demonstrate respect for computer artwork by presenting neat, clean, well-crafted projects.

3. AFFECTIVE: (Development of behavioral skills which help the student acquire a positive attitude toward self, other students, faculty, facilities and equipment, housekeeping in the work area, and the ability to carry out directions, meet deadlines, meet attendance requirements, etc.) a. The student will demonstrate interest in computer art by regular and punctual class attendance. SUGGESTED STUDENT OUTCOMES FOR CORE COURSES * Digital Art I, page 3 b. The student will demonstrate the ability to follow task instructions as well as intrinsic motivation by persistence in staying on task and frequently exceeding the production requirements set by the instructor. c. The student will demonstrate courage and tenacity by persistence in resolving computer art problems and completing assignments in a timely manner - by repeated attempts to resolve or improve upon solutions to computer design problems, especially in the face of risk taking and failure. d. The student will demonstrate resistance to premature closure and openness to discovery by allowing technical and conceptual processes to evolve and by permitting and even seeking a variety of sources and processes to generate design ideas and products. e. Each student will demonstrate the ability to self initiate tasks. f. Each student will develop initiative, self-reliance and a drive to reach full potential. g. The student will demonstrate awareness by producing computer art in which nuance is evident (nuance in form, nuance in content). h. The student will demonstrate independence of judgement (and resistance to peer sanctions) by producing artworks which are personally unique or unusual in character. i. The student will demonstrate confidence by his or her willingness to attempt difficult or complex computer art problems. j. The student will demonstrate persistence in working on computer design problems in which neither the problem or the solution is clearly evident or defined. k. The student will observe safe studio and shop practices. l. The student will demonstrate the ability to contribute to the studio working environment. m. The student will demonstrate an ability to analyze by verbally identifying and articulating the salient elements in particular computer artworks. n. Each student will demonstrate the ability to display a positive and professional attitude in class. o. The student will demonstrate the ability to tolerate diverse views. p. Each student will demonstrate the ability to focus on personal and group objectives. q. The student will demonstrate the ability to offer, receive and act on constructive criticism. r. The student will demonstrate the ability to participate in class discussion and demonstrate critical thinking skills. s. Each student will demonstrate the ability to dialogue effectively. t. The student will demonstrate interest in computer art by asking relevant questions and by participating, without prompting, in group and individual critiques. u. The student will demonstrate the ability to prepare adequately for examinations. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>