Bar Association Campus Reservations to Talk at Reminds of Monday Recognizes Santa
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«mihi ; . M|i.niMMiMtuniiiiiHM»iin'iii'miMtiim'HtiiiM[miMinMmmMllli» tttHMHiii. inn ■ itn iiP'.m Hiliuii ti'f nn iiiimiltil i>miii' in -. ■ Clubs Elect Officers S. C. Receives Honor Law College Every Here Becomes Support Necessary to Sixth Accredited School Office Holder for California Campus Spirit In * ii. .'.'i in Mint.iMiilftlMHHHumuhminimi :tim riHUHnn 'inniuiinht cen; SantaTHURSDAY, Clara20, price 10 The CLARA, CALIFORNIA, OL. 16 NO. 32 SANTA MAY 1937 Cullen Named To Arrange Hall J. Barrett Fr. Rudolph Bar Association Campus Reservations To Talk At Reminds Of Monday Recognizes Santa _. _— _ _ _— Succeed Clark As Next j Bills Past Due Comber peservations for rooms Graduation Announcements issued 1 for the 1937-1938 term today from the presi- Law School Editor Of Paper will begin o n Monday, dent's office remind stu- Clara It is asserted by critics that according to word re- San Francisco Barrister dents that: »rof. McKenna has the most i : ceived from Rev. Will Deliver Address Students eligible for - today )rofessional amateur pro- Only Five Other Law R. Beaumont, Meagher, \ John P. O'Connell, S. J., To Graduating degrees must pay their Law Dean luctions in these parts . The Editor vice-president of the uni- $lO.OO diploma fee and Colleges In State sampus awaits the fate of the Bay ley Have New i Students | versity. the $5.00 cap, gown, and veek-day choir when Director Accredited By graduates—take over, E. Staff Posts The present juniors Father B. M. Blank to Say hood rental fee before May 31, at the treasurer's Committee Francis . A regular half- For Term will have the opportunity Baccalaureate Mass, Nobili o.fice. lour radio program is a pos- to select rooms in Give Sermon No student is entitled iibility for next year—it would hall first, after which the Staff, Library Exceed a y apply to take any semester ex- ieed campus support and a Four Seniors Receive sophomores m John J. Barrett, '94, promin- Last amination o r receive a Requisites For >articularly capable "advisor" for Nobili opace. ent San lawyer and 'rag" Service Awards reservations to be ac- Francisco diploma or degree, or be .. Staff members of this alumnus, it was announced of the furnished with a record New Honor vere deeply hurt to find that At banquet cepted will oe those today, will address the gradu- oi credits while any bills journalism freshmen, applying f o r he class visited .;! the class of '37, at San- By GEORGE C. CLARK By JOE TOWN hall. due to the university re- he Mercury to find out how a rooms in O'Connor Clara's 37th New honors were given the ' add- ta commencement main unpaid. »per is run If the round- Appointment oi Franklin W. Father O'Connell on June 5. in the university 3 tnta Clara college of law this he expects an ov- ip dance is permanently off (Juuen, 38, as editor-in-chief ed tha>t auditorium. -.vcelc when word was received to oi ine Santa Clara for classes in lie books, we suggest a jig, next er-lapping pi , .Jdwin J. Owens, dean, that FRANKLIN CULLEN year, The dean's office also offic- >egin the year, sponsored by j ear oy the Publications coun- all the halls next the Br.r Association :.'. :y c'.c-losea that the Bacca- American cil, was announced the press with a lew .sophomores in 'Ham' Writes .... Crowley, at ilumni Father sermon will be deliv- cc.nmittee on Lezal Education with The Red- banquet last Monday evening. Kenna and several jun- laureate vhen presented ered this year by Rev. B. M. recognized the college as Sanctuary society Cunen, who lias served as Hubbard iors in O'Connor. wood on the Fr. Blank, of the Dominican Or- Prize Essay an accredited school of law. he would like to managing edutor this year, will rrulse, said der. At the colorful com- iiii.s committee has recog- his of Santa succeed ueorge C. (June, who nrrite memoirs Honored At mencement exercises, during Wagstaffe, Ex-Editor. Wins d only five law schools in they be graduates next month. The [Jlara, if could printed Radunich To which several new customs In State Contest C ;!iiornia previous to the hon- . Artz new wnose home ; in . George contacted editor, is will be introduced, approxim- ghren Santa Clara. Its operator in (Jiiroy, is registered in the col- MarqUette U. in amateur radio ately sixty students will re- Gerard Wagstaffe. junior k. of approval distinguish- and conveyed a short- lege of business adminLstra- Become 'Pro' radio Hawaii ceive diplomas from the three artsman and amateur e. not only the school but Zaulig's uon and is very active in stu- Doctor of Science Degree Is against wave message to John colleges of the university. enthusiast, competing those who are on the teaching cent Famed Missions and El Paso Teams :amily for him .... The grow- affairs, being a member Conferred on radio technicians throughout staff. • Pitching The college of arts and sci- and rep makes tne Clay M. Cireene Players Jesuit Explorer Like "Nick's" the of the ng enrollment o| ence-- heado the list with thir- Caifornia and rest EDWIN J. OWENS Certain qualifications are greater the need of a .separate ana tne Sanctuary society. Pacific coast, won first prize in are.correct, Nick ty-three graduates; eleven will necessary. A minimum of law school. Other new members uf the Milwaukee, Wis., May 19—Be- If rumors essay sponsored by juilding for the rc-c! ive degrees in engineering. an contest three regular professors which fore students, faculty Radunich, senior Bronco base- must ... will find staff, will practically 3,000 and Kaufman. Inc., ra- Exam-crammers of the and nine will get degrees from Heintz be on the law faculty. li- - remain the same, Robert members, and guests of hon- ball and hoop main-stay A :ompetition this week end are: (iic college of business dio manufacturers. Elks, Alumni university, the 1937 season, will follow the admin- brary of at least 7,500 recog- artth the noise of the newly- Beaumont, '3a, managing ed- or of Marquette ■ Wagstaffe's original essay call up- istration. nized volumes must be had irrived carnival, and the fire- iu>r; Norman Bayiey, '39, news Ftev. Bernard Hubbard, head professional baseball was written on the construc- n graduation on June 5. l'':ve men will be graduated and the requirements for ad- S. S. fiesta. editor; Jack McUinty, '4O, of the geology department at on tion and of trans- Hold Meet In works of the E. the from the college of law and operation mi sion to the law school copy Arthur Santa Clara university, was Radunich, ace-hurler on must . for short-wave . Father Shipsey pointed editor; Meagher, mitting tubes Clara diamond squad three from the science depart- be in conformity with the )ut at recent banquet that the jy, assistant news editor, ana granted the degree of doctor Santa broadcasting. The award pre- Capitol City years, is ex- ment. standards set by the commit- United States is the only coun- t rank* Miraglia, 40, assistant o! science by tne university for the past two sented to the successful San- contract with- Mass will be celebrated at tee. Sa»nta Clara exceeds all that finds it copy editor. today. pected to sign a was try in the world - Claran a large-sized Shaw Portrays Scenes Nick, at •eu*y'ciock. to the axei ta •IJuck" (Continued on pg. 4) uraduating the in the next few days. transmitting necessary to give a literacy members of The conferring of the degree .•!-(•-;. Gammatron tube From New Year's Day present is considering offers and the presentation of to college men .... George stall include: Don C. Brown, was part of the all-university valued at 540.00. and known to Game in South test the San Francisco Mis- i.jma.s and special awards 2. Clark's first unofficial act Robert O'Brien, Tom Carroll, student convocation observing from radio technicians as the HK- sions of the Pacific coast cir- tor the past year will be?in a* is was to accuse ana William Gaspar. the tercentenary of the birth -345-C Gammatron. Northern California mem- Norm Burke ex-editor cuit, and the El Paso team of pne-tfUrty. Franklin Cullen of being late Clark, Brown, Carroll and of Father Jacques Marquette, Ti-.e winner, former editor bers of the Santa Clara alum- the Texas league, a New York with his editorial .... Our O'Brien received awards as Jesuit explorer and mission- of the monthly literary mag- ni association were hosts to Yankee farm. Is DSA Head literary supplement has seven recognition lor outstanding aiy after whom Marquette kzine;, The Owl, has held for members of the university fac- Coast club, Kane Edits Last worK publications Another league 3. a /ery un-literary blunders on on while at university is named. * some ye&rs a U. government ulty and coaching staff at sports have it, is also ! Norman Burke, '3B, was el- the editorial page alone, three tne university. circles iicense for amateur transmis- dinner meeting held at the •Marquette university wish- bidding for Nick's services. Owl For Year; ected president o f t h e Day which are in the paragraph de- sion, and is registered with the Eik.s Temple in Sacramento, >f es to confer the honorary The collegiate moundsman Scholars' association at a re- hurls at this colum; we apol- Unchanged call letters W6NIR, Burlin- on Tuesday, May 18. William t gree of doctor of science upon out for three days with Staff cent meeting held in Seifert Jglze.