Prepared for submission to JHEP Thermodynamics of hairy black holes in Lovelock gravity Robie A. Hennigar,a Erickson Tjoab;a and Robert B. Manna aDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1 bDivision of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 637371 E-mail:
[email protected],
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[email protected] Abstract: We perform a thorough study of the thermodynamic properties of a class of Lovelock black holes with conformal scalar hair arising from coupling of a real scalar field to the dimensionally extended Euler densities. We study the linearized equations of motion of the theory and describe constraints under which the theory is free from ghosts/tachyons. We then consider, within the context of black hole chemistry, the thermodynamics of the hairy black holes in the Gauss-Bonnet and cubic Lovelock theories. We clarify the con- nection between isolated critical points and thermodynamic singularities, finding a one parameter family of these critical points which occur for well-defined thermodynamic pa- rameters. We also report on a number of novel results, including `virtual triple points' and the first example of a `λ-line'|a line of second order phase transitions|in black hole thermodynamics. arXiv:1612.06852v3 [hep-th] 21 Feb 2017 Contents 1 Introduction1 2 Exact Solution & Thermodynamics3 3 Equations of motion and ghosts7 3.1 Einstein case8 3.2 Gauss-Bonnet and Cubic Lovelock