Phys. Rev. B 91, 214407 (2015) (corrected version)

Exponent relations at quantum phase transitions, with applications to metallic quantum ferromagnets

T. R. Kirkpatrick1, D. Belitz2,3 1 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, and Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA 2 Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA 3 Materials Science Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA

(Dated: September 3, 2015) Relations between critical exponents, or scaling laws, at both continuous and discontinuous quan- tum phase transitions are derived and discussed. In general there are multiple dynamical exponents at these transitions, which complicates the scaling description. Some rigorous inequalities are de- rived, and the conditions needed for these inequalities to be equalities are discussed. Scaling laws involving the specific-heat exponents that are specific to quantum phase transitions are derived and and contrasted with their counterparts at classical phase transitions. We also generalize the ideas of Fisher and Berker and others for applying (finite-size) scaling theory near a classical first-order transition to the quantum case. We then apply and illustrate all of these ideas by using the quan- tum ferromagnetic in metals as an explicit example. This transition is known to have multiple dynamical scaling exponents, and in general it is discontinuous in clean systems, but continuous in disordered ones. Furthermore, it displays many experimentally relevant crossover phenomena that can be described in terms of fixed points, originally discussed by Hertz, that ulti- mately become unstable asymptotically close to the transition and give way to the asymptotic fixed points. These fixed points provide a rich environment for illustrating the general scaling concepts and exponent relations. We also discuss the quantum-wing critical point at the tips of the tricritical wings associated with the discontinuous quantum ferromagnetic transition from a scaling point of view.

PACS numbers: 05.30.Rt; 05.70.Jk; 75.40.-s

I. INTRODUCTION from the critical Tc, r = T/Tc − 1. Then the specific heat C behaves as C ∝ |r|−α, the order pa- rameter m vanishes according to m(r → 0−) ∝ (−r)β, Classical or thermal phase transitions are special the order-parameter susceptibility χ diverges according points in parameter space where the free energy is not to χ(T ) ∝ |r|−γ , etc.7 α, β, and γ are examples of critical analytic as a consequence of strong thermal fluctua- exponents. Underlying all of these singularities is a di- tions, see, e.g., Refs. 1–4. It is customary to distin- verging length scale, the correlation length ξ. It measures guish between second-order or continuous phase tran- the distance over which order-parameter fluctuations are 5 sitions, where the order parameter (OP) goes to zero correlated, and diverges as ξ ∝ |r|−ν , which defines the continuously at the transition, and first-order or discon- exponent ν. Two other important critical exponents are tinuous ones, where the order parameter displays a dis- δ, which describes the behavior of the order parameter continuity. Classic examples for the former are the fer- as a function of its conjugate field h at criticality, m(r = romagnetic transition at the Curie temperature in zero 0, h) ∝ h1/δ, and the exponent η, which describes the magnetic field, or the liquid-gas transition at the criti- decay of the order-parameter correlation function at crit- cal point; for the latter, a ferromagnet below the Curie icality, G(r = 0, |x| → ∞) = hm(x) m(0)i ∝ 1/|x|d−2+η, temperature in a magnetic field, or the liquid-gas tran- where d is the spatial dimensionality. sition below the critical pressure. The nonanalytic free

arXiv:1503.04175v4 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 2 Sep 2015 energy translates into singular behavior of observables. The critical exponents are not all independent. At At a second-order transition, this usually takes the form most classical transitions, it turns out that specifying two of power laws, in which case the singularity is character- exponents determines all of the others. This was recog- ized by critical exponents. Let m be the order param- nized early on and put in the form of exponent relations eter (in the case of a ferromagnet, m is the magnetiza- (also referred to as “scaling relations”, or “scaling laws”; tion, in the case of a liquid-gas transition, the density the latter not to be confused with the homogeneity laws difference between the phases), h the external field con- that are often called “scaling laws”). For instance, the six jugate to the order parameter, and r the dimensionless exponents α, β, γ, δ, η, and ν are related by the four distance from the critical point for h = 0;6 at a thermal relations listed in Eqs. (B1). These were initially derived phase transition, r is usually chosen to be the distance from scaling assumptions, i.e., generalized homogeneity 2 laws for various observables near a critical point, and scale τξ scales with the diverging correlation length ξ: z later understood more deeply in terms of the renormal- τξ ∝ ξ . In the case of thermal phase transitions, the dy- ization group (RG), which allowed for a derivation of the namics are decoupled from the statics, and the static ex- homogeneity laws. Some of the exponent relations are ponents can be determined independently of z. At quan- more robust than others. For instance, for a φ4-theory tum phase transitions this is not true since the statics and in d > 4 spatial dimensions, the Widom, Fisher, and dynamics are intrinsically coupled. However, as we will Essam-Fisher scaling relations expressed in Eqs. (B1) re- show, at T = 0 there still are many exponent relations main valid, whereas the hyperscaling relation, Eq. (B1d), that involve the static exponents only. A further compli- fails. This is related to the notion of dangerous irrele- cation is the fact that multiple critical time scales, and vant variables (DIVs), i.e., coupling constants that flow hence multiple dynamical exponents z, which do occur at to zero under RG transformations but that some observ- classical transitions10 but are not common, are the rule ables depend on in a singular way. As a result, “strong rather than the exception at quantum phase transitions. scaling”, i.e., a simple homogeneity law for the free en- Interestingly, the same concepts can also be applied to ergy, breaks down. More generally, there are constraints first-order phase transitions. Fisher and Berker11 have on the critical exponents that take the form of inequali- developed a scaling description of classical first-order ties. They rely on much weaker assumptions than strong transitions and have shown that they can be understood scaling and in some cases are rigorous. Examples are the as a limiting case of second-order transitions or critical Rushbrooke inequality, Eq. (B5), and the lower bound for points. the correlation-length exponent ν in disordered systems The purpose of this paper is to thoroughly discuss these that is discussed in Appendix C. concepts in the context of quantum phase transitions. A quantum phase transition (QPT) occurs by defini- While scaling concepts have been used since the notion tion at zero temperature, T = 0, as a function of some of quantum phase transitions was invented, the issue of non-thermal control parameter such as pressure, compo- multiple dynamical exponents and its interplay with dan- sition, or an external magnetic field.8 The critical behav- gerous irrelevant variables has never been systematically ior at T = 0 is governed by quantum fluctuations rather discussed. Similarly, the importance of exponent rela- than thermal ones. The role of temperature is thus dif- tions has not been stressed in this context, and even ferent from that at a thermal transition, which neces- the distinction between r-exponents and T -exponents is sitates the introduction of additional critical exponents. not always clearly made. In the first part of the paper For instance, the order-parameter susceptibility will vary we discuss scaling concepts for quantum phase transi- as |r|−γ , with r the dimensionless distance at T = h = 0 tions in general, with an emphasis on which aspects can from the critical point, but as T −γT as a function of tem- be taken over from classical phase-transition theory and perature for r → 0, with γT in general different from which ones require modifications or new ideas. In par- γ. Similarly, we need to define exponents βT and νT ticular, we show that the specific-heat coefficient shows that describe the behavior of the order-parameter and scaling behavior that sets it apart from other observables the correlation length, respectively, as functions of the and is not in direct analogy to the classical case, and temperature in addition to r. we derive exponent relations that involve the specific- The case of the specific heat c is less straightforward heat exponents. Exponent relations have proven very since c vanishes at T = 0 even away from any critical useful in the classical context, since they provide strin- point. Related to this, in the thermodynamic identity gent checks for whether experiments are actually in the that underlies the Rushbrooke inequality the specific- asymptotic region. They are expected to be similarly heat coefficient γ = c/T appears. For the purpose of dis- useful for QPTs. We also generalized the scaling theory cussing quantum phase transitions it therefore is sensible for thermal first-order transitions by Fisher and Berker11 to define critical exponents α¯ and α¯T that describe the to the quantum case. In the second part of the paper we critical behavior of the specific-heat coefficient according apply all of these concepts to the problem of the quan- to γ(r, T = 0) ∝ |r|−α¯, and γ(r = 0,T → 0) ∝ T −α¯T . tum ferromagnetic transition in metals. This transition For thermal phase transitions, α¯ obviously coincides with is known to be generically first order in clean systems, the ordinary specific-heat exponent α. For QPTs, we de- and second order in disordered ones, and it has multi- fine α and αT in terms of the susceptibility χr given by ple dynamic critical exponents, which allows for an il- the second derivative of an appropriate free energy with lustration of all of the ideas developed in the first part. respect to r; the physical meaning of this susceptibility It also displays many crossover phenomena the under- depends on the nature of r. The definition of critical standing of which is crucial for the interpretation of ex- exponents discussed in this paper is summarized in Ap- periments. These crossovers can be phrased in terms of pendix A, and we will refer to the exponents α, α¯, β, fixed points, originally discussed by Hertz,8 that become etc. as the r-exponents, and to αT , α¯T , βT , etc. as the unstable asymptotically close to the transition. The ex- T -exponents. perimental relevance of Hertz’s fixed point in disordered The concepts of scaling, and exponent relations, also systems in particular is discussed here for the first time. carry over to dynamical .3,9 A dynam- This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we derive ical z is defined by how the critical time exponent relations for the quantum case, both for the 3 usual exponents and for those unique to QPTs, and we Here ν is the correlation length exponent, and ΦO is a generalize the notion of scaling at a first-order transition scaling function. Strong scaling thus leads to to the quantum case. In Sec. III we apply our results to the problem of the quantum ferromagnetic transition in ω = ν[O] . (2.1b) metals, and in Sec. IV we conclude with a general discus- sion. Definitions of common critical exponents are given This does not remain true if there is an irrelevant variable in Appendix A, and various classical exponent relations that is dangerous with respect to the r-dependence of are recalled in Appendix B. Appendix C summarizes the O. This changes the value of ω, but usually it does not change the fact that O obeys a homogeneity law. Weak Harris criterion and its generalization for the correlation- 13 length exponent in systems with quenched disorder. static scaling thus still holds in general, as expressed by

O(r, T = 0) = b−ω/ν Φ (r b1/ν ,T = 0) . (2.2) II. SCALING AT QUANTUM PHASE O TRANSITIONS The value of ω is now affected by the pertinent DIV and can no longer be determined by scaling arguments alone, A. General concepts for quantum phase transitions even if [O] and ν are known. So far we have just stated the usual concept of a In this section we discuss some very general points re- DIV,3,4 applied to the static scaling behavior at a quan- lated to the role of dangerous irrelevant variables and tum phase transition. Now consider the temperature multiple time scales in the context of quantum phase dependence of O and define a critical exponent ωT by transitions. O(r = 0,T ) ∝ T ωT . Let z be the dynamical exponent as obtained from the underlying field theory by power counting. (For now we assume there is only one such z, 1. Dangerous irrelevant variables and dynamical scaling we will generalize to the case of multiple dynamical expo- nents below.) Strong dynamical scaling then is expressed The classical exponent relations recalled in Appendix by a homogeneity law B fall into two distinct classes: The Widom, Essam- O(r, T ) = b−ω/ν Φ (r b1/ν , T bz) , (2.3a) Fisher, and Fisher relations hold quite generally, includ- O ing the case of systems above an upper critical dimension- which yields ality. By contrast, the hyperscaling relation, Eq. (B1d), holds only below an upper critical dimension, when no ωT = ω/νz . (2.3b) dangerous irrelevant variables (DIVs) are present. At quantum critical points the role of DIVs is more complex If an irrelevant variable is dangerous with respect to than in the classical case. A DIV can affect the temper- the temperature dependence of O, the relation (2.3b) no ature scaling of an observable, and it can do so with or longer holds. However, as in the static case we still have without also affecting the static scaling. We will refer to a homogeneity law as long as weak scaling holds. We the assumptions underlying scaling that can or cannot be write altered by DIVs as “strong” and “weak” scaling assump- −ω/ν 1/ν zO tions, respectively, and to the resulting scaling behavior O(r, T ) = b ΦO(r b , T b ) , (2.4a) as “weak scaling” and “strong scaling”. We will further distinguish between weak and strong static and dynamic where scaling as appropriate. With this nomenclature, hyper- z = ω/νω (2.4b) scaling in the usual sense is a special case of strong static O T scaling. (Note that weak scaling is more robust than with ω and ωT the physical exponents that include the strong scaling.) The DIV concept is more important for effects of the DIV. Equations (2.4) are valid as long as quantum phase transitions than for classical ones, since weak scaling holds. If in addition strong static and/or the latter are more likely to be above their upper critical dynamic scaling holds one also has the relations (2.1b) dimension and strong scaling is more often violated. and/or (2.3b) between exponents. To illustrate these points, consider an observable O. Now consider the free-energy density f as a function Let [O] be the scale dimension of O as determined by of r, T , and the field h conjugate to the order parameter. power counting within the framework of an appropriate Assuming strong scaling, we have field theory, and define a critical exponent ω by the crit- −(d+z) 1/ν [h] z ical behavior of O as a function of the dimensionless dis- f(r, h, T ) = b Φf (r b , h b , T b ) , (2.5) tance from criticality at T = 0, which we denote by r: O(r, T = 0) ∝ |r|ω. If strong static scaling holds, O where [h] is the power-counting scale dimension of h. We 12 obeys a homogeneity law define a “control-parameter susceptibility” χr as χr = 2 2 −∂ f/∂r . The physical meaning of χr depends on the −[O] 1/ν O(r, T = 0) = b ΦO(r b ,T = 0) . (2.1a) nature of the control parameter. For instance, if the QPT 4

d is triggered by hydrostatic pressure, χr will be propor- sity, s = ∂f/∂T , must vanish at least as fast as 1/ξ tional to the compressibility of the system. We further for ξ → ∞.15 For f and its derivatives with respect to r −α define a critical exponent α by χr(r, T = 0) ∝ |r| . and h the second term obviously yields the most singular Note that the such-defined α at a QPT has nothing to contribution. We thus can obtain homogeneity laws for do with the specific heat; however, at a thermal transi- the order parameter m = ∂f/∂h, the order-parameter 2 2 tion our definition makes χr the specific-heat coefficient, susceptibility χm = ∂ f/∂h , and the control-parameter 2 2 and α has its usual meaning. We can now incorporate susceptibility χr = ∂ f/∂r from a scaling part of the the effect of any DIVs by writing free-energy density

−(2−α)/ν 1/ν βδ/ν β/νβT (2) f(r, h, T ) = b Φ (r b , h b , T b ) , −(d+z2) 1/ν [h] z2 f f2(r, h, T ) = b Φf (r b , h b , T b ) . (2.9) (2.6) which is valid as long as weak scaling holds. For the specific-heat coefficient γ = c/T = −∂2f/∂T 2, on the other hand, the largest z yields the most singular contribution and we have 2. Multiple time scales z1−d 1/ν z1 z2 γ(r, T ) = b Φγ (r b , T b , T b ) . (2.10) So far we have assumed that there is a single underlying The leading temperature dependence at r = 0 is in gen- dynamical exponent z that may or may not be modified eral given by the first argument of the scaling function, by a DIV. An additional complication is that often more i.e., γ(r = 0,T ) ∝ T d/z1−1. than one dynamical exponent is present. This can hap- We emphasize again that all of the above relations as- pen at classical phase transitions,10 but it is much more sume strong scaling. See below for a discussion of the common at quantum phase transitions, chiefly because weaker statements that remain valid if strong scaling is there are more soft or massless modes at T = 0 than at violated. We also stress that Eq. (2.8), with its two addi- T > 0. For instance, at any quantum phase transition in tive scaling parts, is an ansatz. In the case of the quan- a metallic system the coupling of the order parameter to tum ferromagnetic transition discussed as our prime ex- the conduction electrons introduces a second time scale: ample in Sec. III it is known explicitly that the scaling a ballistic one (z = 1) in clean systems, or a diffusive one part of the free energy has this form. (z = 2) in disordered ones.14 This issue is independent of whether or not DIVs invalidate strong scaling, so for sim- plicity we will assume strong scaling in this subsection. B. Exponent relations at quantum critical points For definiteness, let as assume that there are two criti- cal time scales with dynamical exponents z1 and z2 < z1. We now use the concepts laid out above to derive var- The generalization of the homogeneity law (2.1a) for O ious relations between critical exponents. then reads

−[O] 1/ν z1 z2 O(r, T ) = b ΦO(r b , T b , T b ) . (2.7) 1. Exponent relations that rely on weak scaling Let us assume [O] > 0 (for [O] < 0 obvious modifica- tions of the following statements hold). Then the lead- Let the observable in question be the order parameter ing temperature dependence of O at r = 0 will be given m, let h be the field conjugate to the order parameter, by z1, i.e., ωT = [O]/z1. However, there is no guaran- and let χ = ∂m/∂h be the order-parameter susceptibility. tee that Φ(0, x, y) depends on x. If it does not, then As long as weak scaling holds, Eqs. (2.4), generalized to ωT = [O]/z2, and the singular T -dependence of O at allow for the dependence of m on h, will be valid with criticality is weaker than one would naively expect. We ω = β and ωT = βT : will see explicit examples of this in Sec. III. −β/ν 1/ν βδ/ν zm For the free energy, multiple dynamical exponents re- m(r, h, T ) = b Φm(r b , h b , T b ) , (2.11) sult in multiple scaling parts. Let us again consider the where zm = β/νβT is the dynamical exponent relevant case of two critical time scales with dynamical exponents for the order parameter. In the context of Eq. (2.8), zm z1 > z2. All of the following considerations can be triv- is z2, possibly modified by DIVs. Differentiating with ially simplified to the case z1 = z2, and they are easily respect to h we find a corresponding homogeneity law generalized to the case of more than two dynamical ex- for the order-parameter susceptibility: ponents. We generalize Eq. (2.5) to (δ−1)β/ν 1/ν zm χm(r, T ) = b Φχ(r b , T b ) . (2.12) −(d+z1) (1) 1/ν [h] z1 z2 f(r, h, T ) = b Φf (r b , h b , T b , T b ) With the definitions of the exponents γ and γT , Appendix −(d+z2) (2) 1/ν [h] z2 +b Φf (r b , h b , T b ) . A, this implies the (2.8) Widom equality: (2) γ = β(δ − 1) , (2.13a) Note that the scaling function Φf does not depend on z1 the argument T b . This is because the entropy den- γT = βT (δ − 1) , (2.13b) 5 which holds at a QPT for both the r-exponents and the which defines both the correlation length ξ and the crit- T -exponents as a consequence of weak scaling only. It is ical exponent η. One thus has not affected by the presence of multiple time scales. 2−η Next we consider, in addition to m, the order- χm ∝ ξ . (2.18) parameter susceptibility χm and the control-parameter An equivalent argument is to generalize the homogeneity susceptibility χr, which all are obtained from the scaling equation for the order-parameter susceptibility to include part f2 of the free-energy density, Eq. (2.9). Incorporat- the wave-number dependence: ing the effects of DIVs, if any, as in Sec. II A 1, we can γ/ν 1/ν zm write χm(r, T ; k) = b Φχ(r b , T b ; k b) . (2.19)

(βδ+α−2)/ν 1/ν βδ/ν zm m(r, h, T ) = b Φm(r b , h b , T b ) , With the definitions of the exponents ν and νT , Ap- (2.14a) pendix A, we obtain from either Eq. (2.18) or (2.19) the

(2βδ+α−2)/ν 1/ν zm χm(r, T ) = b Φχ(r b , T b ) , (2.14b)

α/ν 1/ν zm Fisher equality: χr(r, T ) = b Φr(r b , T b ) . (2.14c) γ = (2 − η)ν , (2.20a) From the definitions of the exponents β, γ, βT , γT , and γT = (2 − η)νT (2.20b) αT , and using Eq. (2.13a) we then obtain the Essam-Fisher equality: for both the r-exponents and the T -exponents. It de- pends on weak scaling only. α + 2β + γ = 2 , (2.15a) In summary, we have found three independent weak- scaling exponent relations for the r-exponents, viz. the for the r-exponents, and its analog Widom, Fisher, and Essam-Fisher equalities (2.13a), (2.15a), and (2.20a), and three corresponding relations α + 2β + γ = 2/νz (2.15b) T T T m for the T -exponents, Eqs. (2.13b), (2.15b), and (2.20b). for the T -exponents. Equation (2.15a) depends on weak scaling only. Note that α is not the specific-heat ex- ponent, but rather the control-parameter-susceptibility 2. A rigorous inequality exponent defined in Sec. II A 1 and Appendix A. Equa- tion (2.15a) is the natural extension of the classical Exponent relations that involve the specific-heat ex- Essam-Fisher equality to quantum phase transitions, ponent α¯ (see the Introduction and Appendix A for a even though it does not involve a specific-heat exponent. definition and discussion of α¯) fall into a different class, The simple relation between Eq. (2.15a) and (2.15b), since the critical behavior of the specific-heat coefficient which is consistent with Eq. (2.4b) with zO = zm, is due is in general governed by a scaling part of the free en- to the fact that the dominant dynamical exponent is the ergy that is different from the one that determines the same for all three observables m, χm, and χr. The latter exponents discussed so far, see Eq. (2.10) and the related can be guaranteed only in the presence of strong scaling, discussion. We start with the thermodynamic identity see the remarks after Eq. (2.8). However, while strong that underlies the classical Rushbrooke inequality1,16 scaling is sufficient for Eq. (2.15b), it is not necessary. 1 − γ /γ = (∂m/∂T )2  /χ γ . (2.21) Equation (2.14a) also implies −β = βδ + α − 2. To- m h h T h gether with the Essam-Fisher equality this allows us to Here γm and γh denote the specific-heat coefficient at express δ in terms of α and γ: fixed order parameter and fixed conjugate field, respec- 2 − α + γ tively, and χT is the isothermal OP susceptibility. Note δ = . (2.16) that, in order to apply this relation to QPTs, it is crucial 2 − α − γ to formulate it in terms of the specific-heat coefficients; This extends to QPTs another relation that is well known the usual formulation in terms of the specific heats leads for thermal phase transitions.1 Note that Eq. (2.16) is not to a factor of T on the right-hand side that makes the independent; it follows from a combination of the Widom T → 0 limit ill defined.17 With the T -exponents as de- and Essam-Fisher equalities. We also stress again that in fined in Appendix A this yields an exponent inequality the current context α is not the specific-heat coefficient. at a QPT in the form Now consider the order-parameter two-point correla- ∞ α¯T + 2βT + γT ≥ 2 . (2.22a) tion function G(x) = 0 dτ hm(x, τ) m(0, 0)i, with τ the imaginary-time variable.´ The spatial integral of This is rigorous, since it depends only on thermodynamic G(x) yields the order-parameter susceptibility, χm = stability arguments. If in addition we use weak scaling of dx G(x). It has the form the order parameter, Eq. (2.11), we find a corresponding ´ inequality for the r-exponents, e−|x|/ξ G(x) = , (2.17) |x|d−2+η α¯ + 2β + γ ≥ 2β/βT . (2.22b) 6

This follows since weak scaling of the OP implies Both of these equalities are consistent with Eqs. (2.22), β(1−1/βT ) (∂m/∂T )T =0,h=0 ∝ (−r) . Note that this is since zc ≥ zm always. Note that they are physically different from the classical Rushbrooke inequality, Eq. different from the Essam-Fisher equalities (2.15), which (B5). As for the latter, Eqs. (2.22) hold as equalities depend on weak scaling only. if γm/γh → 1 for T → 0 at r = 0, and for r → 0 at We can use Eq. (2.25a) together with Eq. (2.16) to T = 0, respectively, and as inequalities otherwise. In express δ in terms of α¯, γ, and the dynamical exponents, the classical limit, both of the Eqs. (2.22) turn into the ν(z + z ) − α¯ + γ the classical Rushbrooke inequality: The T -exponents co- δ = m c . (2.27) incide with the r-exponents, and α¯ coincides with the ν(zm + zc) − α¯ − γ classical specific-heat exponent α, see the discussion in We note that all of the above relations rely on strong Appendix A. scaling, even if they do not explicitly involve the dimen- sionality. 3. Hyperscaling relations Finally, the electrical conductivity is dimensionally an inverse length to the power (d − 2). A strong-scaling hypothesis thus implies that the scaling part ∆σ of the The exponent relations we derived and discussed so far conductivity obeys a homogeneity law depended at most on weak scaling (with the exception of Eq. (2.15b), which relies to some extent on a strong- −(d−2) 1/ν zc ∆σ(r, T ) = b Fσ(r b , T b ) . (2.28) scaling assumption). If strong scaling is valid we can derive additional constraints on the exponents. For this For the exponents s and sT defined in Eq. (A6) this im- purpose, we return to Eq. (2.8). As we discussed in this plies the context, z = z is the dynamical exponent for the or- 2 m Wegner equality: der parameter, the order-parameter susceptibility, and the control-parameter susceptibility, while z1 = zc ≥ zm s = ν(d − 2) , (2.29a) is the dynamical exponent for the specific-heat coeffi- sT = (d − 2)/zc . (2.29b) cient. In general zc could be z1 modified by DIVs, but the strong-scaling assumption means zc = z1. Strong These relations play an important role in the theory of scaling thus implies the quantum versions of the usual electron localization,19,20 but are much more generally hyperscaling relation (B1d), applicable. They do, however, depend on strong scaling α = 2 − ν(d + zm) , (2.23a) and are not valid if DIVs affect the conductivity. Note that in general, with DIVs taken into account, s and αT = 2/νzm − d/zm − 1 . (2.23b) sT can be either positive or negative in any dimension, The latter in agreement with Eq. (2.3b), and the former with negative values applying to either the clean limit or (for the case where there is only one dynamical criti- regimes where the residual resistivity is small compared cal exponent) with Ref. 18. We will refer to these as to the temperature-dependent part.21 the α-hyperscaling relations. Analogously, we find from the first term in Eq. (2.8) hyperscaling relations for the specific-heat exponents C. Scaling at quantum first-order transitions

α¯ = ν(zc − d) , (2.24a) α¯ = 1 − d/z , (2.24b) Fisher and Berker have shown how a classical first- T c order transition can be understood within a standard which we will refer to as the α¯-hyperscaling relations. scaling and RG framework.11 In a RG context, at a first- Equations (2.23) and (2.24) are two independent order transition all gradient-free operators in a Landau- strong-scaling relations. In conjunction with the weak- Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) theory are relevant and have scaling relations from Sec. II B 1 we can use them to de- the largest scale dimension that is thermodynamically rive additional relations that are not independent. For allowed, viz., d. This just follows from the fact that the instance, Eqs. (2.23) and (2.24) imply a relation between OP itself is dimensionless at a first-order transition, so the control-parameter exponent α and the specific-heat the operator dimensions must make up for the scale di- exponent α¯, mension of the spatial integration measure.22 In partic- ular, ν = 1/d. This is reconciled with the usual notion α¯ = α − 2 + ν(zm + zc) , (2.25a) of a finite correlation length at a first-order transition by α¯ = α − 2/νz + 2 + d(1/z − 1/z ) . (2.25b) T T m m c means of finite-size scaling considerations. A dimension- Combining these with the Essam-Fisher relations (2.15) less order parameter requires [h] = d, which is equivalent we find to β = 0, and the remaining classical exponent values follow readily: η = 2 − d, γ = 1, δ = ∞, and α = 1. All α¯ + 2β + γ = ν(z + z ) , (2.26a) m c scaling relations, Appendix B, are fulfilled, including the α¯T + 2βT + γT = 2 + d(1/zm − 1/zc) , hyperscaling relation. (Note that DIVs are not an issue (2.26b) in this case, since the suspect operators are relevant.) 7

The reasoning of Fisher and Berker can readily be ex- zero-temperature limit, where the size in the imaginary- tended to QPTs.23 For the case of making the logic clear, time direction becomes infinitely large. In this case argu- we first do so for a QPT with only one dynamical expo- ments identical to those used in classical finite-size scaling nent, and then generalize to the case of two dynamical theory25 lead to a time scale that scales as exponents. Consider again the homogeneity law for the d free energy, Eq. (2.5). In order for the order parameter τ ∼ e σL , (2.32) m = ∂f/∂h to be dimensionless we must have with σ a positive constant. In the classical case the analo- [h] = d + z . (2.30) gous result has led to a number of remarkable conclusions that have been confirmed experimentally.26 The physical A dimensionless OP in turn implies meaning of τ in the quantum case is the time it takes for a droplet of volume Ld containing a certain state to 1/ν = d + z , (2.31a) transform into a different state via a tunneling process.

24 Now we turn to the case of two different dynamical which generalizes the classical 1/ν = d. It further im- exponents for the OP and the specific heat, which we plies again denote by zm and zc, respectively. The imaginary- time integral in the mass term and the Zeeman term in η = 2 − d − z , δ = ∞ , β = 0 , β = 0 . T a LGW functional will then have a scale dimension of (2.31b) −z (taking the scale dimension of a length to be −1). Considering the OP susceptibility χ = ∂2f/∂h2, and m m Making the OP dimensionless thus requires using Eqs. (2.30) and (2.31a), we have

[h] = d + zm , (2.33a) γ = 1 , γT = (d + z)/z . (2.31c)

Similarly, we find from the homogeneity law for the and 2 2 control-parameter susceptibility χr = ∂ f/∂r the ex- ponents 1/ν = d + zm . (2.33b)

α = 1 , α = (d + z)/z . (2.31d) The OP is now dimensionless by construction, which im- T plies The value α = 1 implies that the first derivative of the free energy with respect to r is discontinuous, and the η = 2 − d − zm , δ = ∞ , β = 0 , βT = 0 . second derivative contains a delta-function. This is anal- (2.33c) ogous to the entropy being discontinuous, and the exis- From the OP susceptibility, χm = ∂m/∂h, we obtain tence of a latent heat, at a thermal phase transition. In the quantum case the physical interpretation of α = 1 γ = 1 , γT = (d + zm)/zm , (2.33d) depends on the nature of the control parameter; see the discussion in Sec. IV B 1. From the homogeneity law for and from the control-parameter susceptibility χr = 2 2 the specific-heat coefficient γ = ∂2f/∂T 2 we find ∂ f/∂r

z − d z − d α = 1 , αT = (d + zm)/zm . (2.33e) α¯ = , α¯ = . (2.31e) z + d T z Since the correlation length is entirely a property of the Finally, Eq. (2.2) holds in particular for the correlation- OP-OP correlation function, its temperature dependence length exponent, which yields is also governed by zm and Eq. (2.4b) holds for ω = ν with z = zm: νT = 1/z . (2.31f) νT = 1/zm . (2.33f) We see that all scaling relations discussed in Sec. II A hold, in analogy to the classical case. The specific-heat coefficient is governed by the dynamical In the above discussion we have assumed what is called exponent zc, and we thus have a block geometry in the finite-size scaling theory of classi- cal first order phase transitions. Physically it is realized zc − d α¯ = ν(zc − d) = , α¯T = 1 − d/zc . (2.33g) in a finite system whose linear sizes in all dimensions, in- zm + d cluding the imaginary-time or inverse temperature one, are comparable. Another choice is a cylinder geometry All of the scaling relations discussed in Sec. II A still hold. in which the linear size in one dimension is large com- We will see explicit examples for the general relations pared to the others. In the quantum case this is of spe- developed here in Sec. III, and we will further discuss the cial interest for a system with fixed finite volume in the underlying concepts and their consequences in Sec. IV. 8

III. APPLICATION TO QUANTUM statement is that there is a m4 ln(1/m) term in a general- FERROMAGNETS ized Landau theory for the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition.27 As a result, Hertz’s fixed point is not stable, The scaling theory developed in Sec. II is in general and the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition in clean quite complex because of the occurrence of multiple time metals is generically first order.32,33 However, depending scales at many quantum phase transitions. As an explicit on quantitative details involving the strength of the elec- illustration we now apply the theory to the quantum fer- tron correlations and the inevitable weak disorder, there romagnetic phase transitions in metallic systems. For can be a sizable regime where the critical behavior asso- a review of the ferromagnetic quantum phase transition ciated with Hertz’s fixed point is observable, even though problem, see Ref. 27. asymptotically close to the transition it crosses over to a first-order transition.27 In this subsection we therefore discuss, and include in Table I, the critical exponents A. Clean systems at Hertz’s fixed point, together with the exponents as- sociated with the ultimate first-order transition, and the The ferromagnetic transition in metals was one of the critical behavior at the termination point of the tricritical 34 earliest quantum phase transitions considered, and it wings that result from the first-order transition. was used as an example by Hertz in his seminal paper on a renormalization-group approach to quantum phase transitions.8 Hertz considered a ferromagnetic order pa- 1. Hertz’s fixed point rameter m coupled to conduction electrons. The latter lead to Landau damping of the magnetic fluctuations, Table I lists the critical exponents associated with and on general grounds, using symmetry arguments as Hertz’s fixed point. The values for the static expo- well as the known structure of the Fermi-liquid dynam- nents are straightforward generalizations of the results ics, one can write down an action obtained in Refs. 8,29. The value for the resistivity ex- 36 ponent sT is Mathon’s result generalized to d dimen- X  2  AHertz = − r + ak + c|Ωn|/|k| sions, and zc = 3 is Hertz’s value for the dynamical k,n critical exponent.8 There was no notion of a separate 4 ×m(k, Ωn) · m(k, −Ωn) + O(m ) , (3.1) dynamical exponent zm in the original work. However, this concept naturally arises if we take the point of view where we have written only the term quadratic in the or- expressed in Eqs. (2.4) and incorporate the effects of der parameter explicitly. Here Ωn is a bosonic Matsubara the DIVs in the homogeneity laws. Equation (2.4b) ap- frequency, and r, a, and c are parameters of the LGW plied to the order parameter then implies zm = β/νβT , functional. The term |Ωn|/|k| reflects the dynamics of which yields zm = 1/βT as listed in Table I. Alterna- the conduction electrons. This is the action considered tively, one can work with only one dynamical exponent, by Hertz, who explicitly derived it from a specific model. z = 3, and consider the DIV explicitly, as was done by From this he concluded that the dynamical critical ex- Millis,29 see also Ref. 27. This reasoning effectively leads 3 ponent is z = 3 (since Ω ∼ |k| for r = 0), and that the to zm = z/(1 + ν(d − 1)), which is the same result as + upper critical dimension is dc = 4 − z = 1. This in turn above. At the upper critical dimension d = 1 the effects led to the conclusion that the quantum phase transition of the DIVs disappear, and there is only one dynami- is second order and described by a simple Gaussian fixed cal exponent zm = zc = 3. Note that there is only one point, and that the static critical behavior is mean-field- fundamental time scale in Hertz’s theory, and the ap- like for all d ≥ 1 with logarithmic corrections to scaling pearance of a second dynamical exponent is solely due for d = 1.28 The behavior at finite temperature was con- to the fact that the fundamental z is modified by a DIV sidered in detail by Millis,29 and the results of the RG in some contexts, but not in others. This is very differ- treatment for d = 3 confirmed results obtained earlier by ent from the theories discussed in Secs. III A 2, III A 3, Moriya and co-workers by means of what is often called and III B 2, which intrinsically contain two time scales self-consistent spin-fluctuation theory.30 This combined of different physical origin. This is an indication that body of work is often referred to as Hertz-Millis-Moriya important physics related to the conduction electrons is theory. missing in Hertz’s theory; see Sec. IV B 2 for additional It was later shown that the above conclusions do not comments on this issue. hold due to properties of the conduction electrons that Since for d > 1 the system is above its upper critical di- are not captured in Hertz’s action. A careful analysis of mension, DIVs in general invalidate any scaling relations the soft fermionic modes coupling to the magnetization that rely on strong scaling as defined in Sec. II A, while shows that, in three-dimensional systems, the leading those that rely on weak scaling only will remain valid. wave-vector dependence in the Gaussian action is a term Indeed, considering the values in the table, we see that proportional to k2 ln(1/|k|) with a negative prefactor,31 the Widom equalities (2.13), the Essam-Fisher equalities and such a term is indeed generated under renormal- (2.15), the Fisher equalities (2.20), and the Rushbrooke ization if one starts with Hertz’s action. An equivalent inequalities (2.22) are satisfied for all d ≥ 1. The hyper- 9

Figure 1: Hertz-type scaling behavior as observed in Ni3Al1−xGa2. From left to right: Tc vs x phase diagram, inverse magnetic susceptibility vs. T 4/3 for the critical sample, magnetization squared vs. T 4/3 for various concentrations. Figure adapted from Ref. 35. scaling relations (2.23), on the other hand, do not hold. for T → 0 at fixed r 6= 0 the conductivity will cross over The hyperscaling relations (2.24) are a more complicated to the Fermi-liquid result, ∆σ(T ) ∝ T −2, and Eq. (3.2) case. The values of α¯ and α¯T listed in Table I reflect the yields the r-dependence of the prefactor: leading fluctuation contribution to the specific-heat coef- ficient, which do obey strong scaling. For 1 ≤ d < 3 they ∆σ(r 6= 0,T → 0) ∝ |r|(4−d)/2 T −2 . (3.3) dominate the constant mean-field contribution which vi- olates strong scaling, and as a result Eqs. (2.24) hold even As an illustration, we discuss an experiment on the though the system is above its upper critical dimension. ferromagnet Ni3Al1−xGax, which displays a QPT at 35 For d > 3 they are subleading compared to the mean-field x = xc ≈ 0.34. This system is only moderately dis- contribution, the specific-heat exponents lock into their ordered, and critical behavior associated with the clean mean-field values α¯ =α ¯T = 0, and hyperscaling breaks Hertz fixed point is expected to be observable in a siz- down. able transient regime.27 There are three experimental ob- The contribution to the resistivity ρ due to scatter- servations, from which four exponents can be deduced: 3/4 ing of electrons by critical fluctuations was calculated by (1) The critical temperature scales as Tc ∼ r , see 36 5/3 Mathon, who found ∆ρ(r = 0,T ) ∝ T in d = 3.A the first panel in Fig. 1. This implies νzm = νz/(1 + simple generalization to general d yields ∆ρ(r = 0,T ) ∝ 2ν) = 3/4, as can be seen, for instance, from Eq. (2.12): (d+2)/3 T , or sT = −(d + 2)/3 for the conductivity expo- The critical temperature is determined by χm diverging, nent sT defined in Appendix A. From a scaling point which must happen for a particular value of the argument νzm of view, this result can be made plausible as follows. x in Φχ(1, x). This in turn implies Tc/r = const. Consider the strong-scaling homogeneity law (2.28) for (2) At the critical concentration, the magnetic suscep- −4/3 the conductivity contribution ∆σ. In a clean system, tibility scales as χm ∼ T , see the second panel in the backscattering factor in the Boltzmann equation pro- Fig. 1. This implies γT = 4/3. Together with the first vides an additional factor of the hydrodynamic momen- observation, it also implies γ = 1, since r ∼ T 4/3 ∼ 1/χ. 2 4/3 4/3 tum squared, which is not captured by power counting. (3) The magnetization vanishes as m ∝ Tc −T , see This leads to a scale dimension of ∆σ that is effectively the third panel in Fig. 1. In addition to confirming the equal to d − 4 rather than d − 2. In addition, the DIV product νzm = 3/4 this yields β = 1/2, see the discussion u with scale dimension [u] = −(d − 1) affects ∆σ, and after Eq. (4.2). All of these results are in agreement with from Fermi’s golden rule it is plausible that ∆σ ∝ 1/u2. the theoretical results summarized in Table I, specialized Combining these arguments, we have to d = 3. The conductivity exponent sT = −5/3 has also

−(d−4) 2(d−1) 1/ν zc been observed in various materials, see, e.g., Ref. 30. ∆σ(r, T ) = b b Fσ(r b , T b )

(d+2) 1/ν zc = b Fσ(r b , T b ) , (3.2) 2. The first-order transition which yields sT = −(d+2)/zc as quoted above and listed in Table I. Note that the Wegner equality (2.29b) is vio- lated for two reasons: First, the conductivity, or the un- There are strong theoretical arguments for the quan- derlying relaxation rate, does not have its power-counting tum phase transition from a paramagnet to a homoge- scale dimension due to the backscattering factor in the neous ferromagnet to be first order,32,33 and this is in- Boltzmann equation. Second, the DIV further modifies deed the prevalent experimental observation.27 Here we the scale dimension and actually changes its sign for all discuss the exponent values, and the scaling relations, at dimensions. Finally, note that the exponent s as defined this particular first-order quantum phase transition as an in Eq. (A6) does not exist since σ(T = 0) = ∞. Rather, example of the general scaling theory in Sec. II C. 10

Table I: Static, dynamic, and transport critical exponents as defined in the text, and validity of exponent relations, at various fixed points for the quantum phase transition in metallic ferromagnets. The first two columns of values represent true asymptotic exponents (QWCP = quantum wing-critical point). The third and fourth columns of values refer to critical behavior that is asymptotically not represented by pure power laws, and the fifth and sixth columns of values represent power-law behavior that is observable only in a transient non-asymptotic regime. Strong-scaling relations for the T -exponents are not shown, they hold if an only if the corresponding relations for the r-exponents hold. See the text for additional explanation. N/A = not applicable.

Ferromagnetic Fixed Point True Critical Fixed Points Unstable Fixed Points clean clean dirty d dirty (pre- clean dirty (1st order)a (QWCP)b,c asymptotic) e (Hertz) c (Hertz) f

1 1 1 1 1 1 ν d+1 2 d−2 d−2+λ 2 2 d+1 1 1 d+1 d+2 νT 1 6 2 2+λ 6 8 1 2 2 1 1 β 0 2 d−2 d−2+λ 2 2 d+1 2 d+1 d+2 βT 0 6 1 2+λ 6 8 d d+λ δ ∞ 3 2 2 3 3 γ 1 1 1 1 1 1

d+1 d−2 d−2+λ d+1 d+2 static γT d + 1 3 2 2+λ 3 4 η 1 − d 0 4 − d 4 − d − λ 0 0

d−6 d−6+λ α 1 0 d−2 d−2+λ 0 0 d−6 d−6+λ Exponents αT d + 1 0 2 2+λ 0 0 3−d g λ 3−d g 4−d h α¯ 0 2 or 0 0 d−2+λ 2 or 0 2 or 0 3−d g λ 3−d g 4−d h α¯T 0 3 or 0 0 d+λ 3 or 0 4 or 0

6 6 8 zm 1 d+1 2 2 + λ d+1 d+2

zc d 3 d d + λ 3 4 dynamic

d−2 s N/A N/A 1 d−2+λ N/A N/A d+2 d−2 d−2 d+2 d+4 i sT N/A − 3 d d+λ − 3 (− 4 ) transport

Widom (yes) yes yes yes yes yes Essam-Fisher yes yes yes yes yes yes

weak Fisher yes yes yes yes yes yes

j j k

scaling α-hyperscaling yes no yes yes no no l l m

Exponent Relations α¯-hyperscaling yes (yes) yes yes (yes) (yes) n j j k

strong α¯ + 2β + γ = ν(zm + zc) yes no yes yes no no Wegner N/A no yes yes no no Chayes et al N/A N/A yes no o N/A no

a For d > 1. b This physical fixed point maps onto the unphysical (describing pre-asymptotic behavior only) clean Hertz fixed point. See the text for a discussion of what is observed if the critical point is approached along generic paths in the phase diagram. c For d ≥ 1. At the upper critical dimension d = 1 there are logarithmic corrections to scaling. d For 2 < d < 4. Values in this column equal values in the next column for λ = 0. The critical behavior consists of log- normal terms multiplying power laws with the exponents shown. e For 2 < d < 4. λ depends on the distance from criticality. In d = 3, λ ≈ 2/3 in a large region. f For d ≥ 0. At the upper critical dimension d = 0 there are logarithmic corrections to scaling. g For 1 ≤ d ≤ 3 and d > 3, respectively. h For 0 < d ≤ 4 and d > 4, respectively. i See Sec. III B 1 for the sense in which this result is valid. j Except for d = 1. k Except for d = 0. l For 1 ≤ d ≤ 3 only. m For 0 ≤ d ≤ 4 only. n Not an independent relation. o See the text for a discussion. 11

Let us first discuss the dynamical exponents. The soft Let H be the physical magnetic field, and for definiteness fermionic fluctuations that drive the transition first order let us assume that the control parameter is hydrostatic are of a ballistic nature with z = z2 = 1. Their coupling pressure p. In the three-dimensional T -p-H phase dia- to the order-parameter fluctuations lead to zm = 1. The gram, let the QWCP be located at (0,Hc, pc), and let static fermionic susceptibility in clean metals at T = 0 the magnetization at this point have the value mc. Then has a wave-number dependence χ(k → 0) ∝ const. + the conjugate field is given by h = 2mcδp − δH, where d−1 31 27,34 |k| . This plays against the |Ω|/|k| Landau-damping δp = p − pc, and δH = H − Hc. In order to observe term (see Eq. (3.1) with ak2 replaced by |k|d−1), which the exponent β, for instance, one therefore needs to ap- produces another dynamical exponent z1 = d. For d > 1 proach the QWCP on a curve given asymptotically by we thus have zc = z1 = d. β = βT = 0 and δ = ∞ δH = 2mcδp, see path (1) in Fig. 2. This is in exact anal- by the discontinuous nature of the transition. Also, the ogy to the case of a classical liquid-gas critical point in the fact that the order parameter is dimensionless enforces p -T plane, where an observation of β requires that the 4,37 ν = 1/(d + zm) = 1/(d + 1) and η = 2 − d − zm = 1 − d, critical point be approached on the critical isochore. as explained in Sec. II C, while νT = ν/νzm = 1. It Probing the QWCP along a generic path in the T = 0 further implies that the free-energy density scales linearly plane measures the exponent δ instead, e.g., with the control parameter, which implies α = 1 and 1/δ 1/3 m(p = pc,H,T = 0) ∝ |H−Hc| = |H−Hc| . (3.4) αT = α/νzm = d + 1. Finally, in a fermionic system the specific-heat coefficient must display a discontinuity This is the behavior predicted for the magnetization at a discontinuous phase transition, which implies α¯ = along path (2) in Fig. 2. A related complication oc- α¯T = 0. Note that, combined with the scaling result curs for the temperature dependence of observables at (2.33g), this implies that the dynamical exponent zc must the QWCP. Consider again the order parameter. The be equal to d. exponent βT is defined via the T -dependence of m at crit- All of these exponent values are displayed in Table I. icality in zero conjugate field, see Appendix A. Since pc is (d+1)/3 We see that all exponent relations, including those that temperature dependent, |pc(T ) − pc(T = 0)| ∝ T , rely on strong scaling, are valid as expected. The Widom see Sec. III A 1, this means that βT can be observed only equation is obviously fulfilled only in the sense that β(δ− on a particular surface in the three-dimensional parame- 1) → 1 as β → 0, δ → ∞. ter space spanned by T , p, and H. Along a generic path through the QWCP the temperature dependence of m is given by the exponent combination 2νT /δ. In particu- 3. The quantum wing-critical point lar, just raising the temperature from zero at the critical point (path (3) in Fig. 2) yields

Since the quantum ferromagnetic transition is first or- 1/δ 2νT /δ (d+1)/9 m(p = pc,H = Hc,T ) ∝ |h| = −T = −T . der, while the corresponding thermal transition is gener- (3.5a) ically second order, there necessarily is a tricritical point This is the result that was derived in Ref. 34, see also in the phase diagram if the Curie temperature is contin- Ref. 27. An observable that is easier to measure is the uously suppressed by means of some control parameter. magnetic susceptibility χm, which along the same path This in turn leads to the existence of tricritical wings, i.e., behaves as a pair of surfaces of first-order transitions that emanate 34 −γ/βδ −2(d+1)/9 from the coexistence curve in the h = 0 plane. These χm(p = pc,H = Hc,T ) ∝ |h| = T . wings are indeed commonly observed, see Fig. 2 for an (3.5b) example. They end in a pair of quantum critical points in the T = 0 plane. These quantum wing-critical points (QWCPs; in the literature they are often erroneously re- ferred to as quantum critical end points) correspond to a B. Disordered systems fixed point that maps onto Hertz’s fixed point; they thus are an example of a true quantum critical point that is Quenched disorder in metallic ferromagnets introduces correctly described by Hertz theory, and the critical be- many different effects. Some, such as the change of the havior is known exactly for all d > 1.34 The critical expo- conduction-electron dynamics from ballistic to diffusive, nents are thus the same as those discussed in Sec. III A 1, directly affect the behavior at the quantum phase transi- and the entries in Table I reflect this. However, the appli- tion. Others, such as rare-region effects that can lead to cation of these results for the prediction of experimental the appearance of a quantum Griffiths region in the para- observations must be handled with care, as we will now magnetic phase,27,39 are superimposed on critical singu- discuss. larities and may easily be confused with the latter. Dis- A crucial point to remember is that at the QWCP, in entangling these various effects is challenging from both a contrast to Hertz’s fixed point, the field h conjugate to theoretical and an experimental point of view, and many the order parameter is not the physical magnetic field, open questions remain. Here we ignore rare-region effects and h = 0 only on special paths in the phase diagram and discuss the effects of quenched disorder on the phase that are not natural paths to choose for an experiment. transition itself. 12

Figure 2: Tricritical wings observed in the temperature- Figure 3: Evolution of the phase diagram in temperature- pressure-magnetic field phase diagram of UGe by Kotegawa 2 control parameter-field (T -r-h) space with increasing disor- et al., Ref. 38. Data points are represented by squares, blue der. For weak disorder the phase diagram is a schematic planes are planes of first-order transitions, red solid lines are version of the experimentally observed one shown in Fig. 2. lines of second-order transitions, red points are the quantum Increasing disorder suppresses the tricritical point (TCP). At wing-critical points (QWCPs). Also shown is the tricritical a critical disorder the TCP merges with the quantum wing- point (TCP). Dotted green arrows labeled (1), (2), (3) are critical points (QWCPs), and a quantum critical point (QCP) three different paths through a QWCP; the critical behav- in zero field emerges. For disorder strengths close to the ior predicted for each path is discussed in the text. Figure threshold the asymptotic quantum critical behavior is con- adapted from Ref. 38. fined to a very small region (red circle), and the observable critical behavior (blue circle) is controlled by Hertz’s fixed point. With further increasing disorder the instability of This problem was also considered by Hertz,8 who ar- Hertz’s fixed point becomes apparent farther away from the gued that the only salient change compared to the clean transition, and the region controlled by the true critical fixed case is in the Landau-damping term in Eq. (3.1), which point grows. 2 now is |Ωn|/k due to the diffusive dynamics of the con- duction electrons. This obviously leads to a dynamical critical exponent z = 4, and to an upper critical dimen- 2 < d < 4, which leads to log-normal terms that multiply + the usual critical power laws.42–44 This modification of sion dc = 0. The finite-temperature behavior can be discussed in exact analogy to Millis’s treatment of the scaling mimics, in a sizable pre-asymptotic region, power clean case in Ref. 29. laws with effective exponents that are quite different from the asymptotic ones.45 Furthermore, the behavior associ- Hertz’s fixed point in the disordered case is again un- ated with Hertz’s unstable fixed point can be observable stable. The physics behind this instability is the same in substantial regimes in parameter space, as we will show as in the clean case, viz. the coupling of the magne- below. We therefore list in Table I, and discuss below, tization to fermionic soft modes, which now are diffu- the critical behavior at Hertz’s fixed point as well as that sive in nature at asymptotically small wave numbers. associated with the physical critical fixed point and its At larger wave numbers they cross over to the clean pre-asymptotic region. soft modes. For weak disorder, this crossover occurs at a very small wave number, and one expects the ef- fects to be small. This expectation is indeed borne out in practical terms: Even though strictly speaking there 1. Hertz’s fixed point cannot be a first-order transition with any amount of disorder,40 the smearing of the transition is very small As mentioned above, Hertz’s fixed point in the disor- and the observable effect is just a suppression of the tri- dered case is never a physical fixed point; it is unsta- critical temperature, with the quantum phase transition ble with respect to the same physical processes as in the remaining first order.41 However, for a threshold value of clean case, viz., coupling of the magnetization to soft the disorder strength the tricritical temperature reaches fermionic excitations. For disordered systems, the lat- zero, the quantum phase transition becomes second or- ter are diffusive, and their effects are small in the limit der, and above this threshold it remains second order, kF`  1, with kF the Fermi wave number and ` the elas- albeit with an unusual critical behavior. The evolution tic mean-free path. In addition, it is destabilized by a of the phase diagram is shown in Fig. 3. A renormalized random-mass term in the LGW theory for the magnetic mean-field theory leads to unusual critical exponents, and order parameter.42,43 This effect is small as long as the a renormalization-group analysis of the fluctuations re- fluctuations of the distance from criticality, δr, are small veals that there are marginal operators in all dimensions compared to r itself: δr ∝ (∆/ξd)1/2 ∝ (∆ rdν )1/2  r. 13

Here ∆ is the disorder strength, and we assume that the The disorder dependence of the temperature- fluctuation is proportional to the inverse square root of dependent conductivity can also be obtained from d a correlation volume ξ , with ξ the correlation length. scaling. Let us start from Eq. (3.2) with zc = 3. With mean-field exponents in d = 3, this condition be- Dropping the meaningless r-dependence, and adding the 2 comes ∆  r. With ∆ = 1/kF` this is a very weak dependence of ∆σ on the elastic mean-free path `, we constraint for small disorder, kF`  1, and Hertz’s mean- have field description remains valid in a large parameter range. d+2 3 −1 In d = 3, the condition becomes ξ  `. In Fig. 3, the ∆σ(T, `) = b Fσ(T b , ` b ) . (3.7) region controlled by Hertz’s fixed point is schematically The scaling function F now must have the following indicated by the blue region around the quantum criti- σ properties: (1) F (x, y → ∞) = F clean(x), so we recover cal point, and the asymptotic critical region by the red σ σ Eq. (3.2). (2) For `/b → 0 the prefactor must change circle inside the blue region. We conclude that in many from bd+2 to bd+4, and the temperature scale factor must systems one expects sizable regions in the phase diagram change from b3 to b4 in order to recover Eq. (3.6). This where Hertz’s fixed point yields the observable behavior, is achieved by F (x, y → 0) = F disordered(x/y)/y2. We and only very close to the quantum critical point does σ σ thus find the following generalization of Eq. (3.6): the behavior cross over to the asymptotic one. This ex- perimental relevance of Hertz’s fixed point in disordered d+4 −2 4 ∆σ(T ) = b ` Fσ((T/`) b ) . (3.8) systems has not been appreciated before, and we there- fore discuss it here. This yields Table I lists the critical exponents associated with −(4−d)/4 −(d+4)/4 Hertz’s fixed point in the presence of disorder. The static ∆σ(T ) ∝ ` T , (3.9) exponents have their mean-field values for all d > 0, and which yields the disorder dependence of the prefactor in the dynamical exponent zc = 4 results from the diffusive dynamics of the conduction electrons, see above. The addition to the exponent sT . We have checked this result temperature dependence of the observables, expressed by means of an explicit calculation based on the Kubo by the T -exponents, is obtained by repeating Millis’s formula for the conductivity, and have found agreement. analysis with obvious modifications; the most important The above results for the conductivity depend on var- one being that the scale dimension of the DIV is now ious assumptions that limit their regime of validity and [u] = −d, rather than [u] = −(d − 1) in the clean case. require a discussion. Firstly, we have assumed diffu- The system is above its upper critical dimensionality sive electron dynamics, which requires T τ < 1, with for all d > 0, and the exponent relations that depend τ = `/vF the elastic mean-free time. Secondly, we have assumed that the contribution from Eq. (3.9), ∆ρ ∝ on strong scaling therefore break down, while those that (4−d)/4 (d+4)/4 rely only on weak scaling hold, in perfect analogy to the ` T , which is the contribution from small clean case in d > 1. The discussion of the exponents wave numbers in any transport theory, is larger than the clean contribution, ∆ρ ∝ T (d+2)/3. Thirdly, we have as- α¯ and α¯ in Sec. III A 1 also carries over with obvious T sumed that the backscattering factor is still present. This modifications. At the upper critical dimension d+ = 0 c requires that the residual resistivity ρ be small compared hyperscaling holds as expected, and there is only one 0 to the temperature-dependent contribution ρ(T ). The dynamical exponent, z = z = 4, as is the case in clean m c last two assumptions both imply that the temperature systems in d = 1. An important exponent relation that must be large compared to a disorder-dependent energy has no clean analog is the rigorous inequality ν > 2/d.46 scale, and the result (3.9) will thus be valid only in a tem- This is violated for all d < 4, which by itself implies that perature window. In a simple model for a metallic ferro- the fixed point cannot be stable. magnet, where the Fermi energy is the only microscopic We next consider the temperature dependence of the energy scale, this window does not exist, since the last conductivity. The arguments that led to Eq. (3.2) are requirement leads to an unrealistically large lower bound easily modified to apply to the disordered case. Since the scale dimension of the DIV is now [u] = −d, the for the temperature. This is misleading, however. In any effective scale dimension of ∆σ is [∆σ] = −(d + 4). In real ferromagnetic material a complicated band struc- ture leads to multiple microscopic energy scales, some addition, the dynamical exponent is now zc = 4, which yields of which are strongly renormalized downward from the Fermi energy of a nearly-free-electron model. This is es- d+4 1/ν 4 ∆σ(r, T ) = b Fσ(r b , T b ) . (3.6) pecially true for the low-Curie-temperature ferromagnets that are good candidates for observing a quantum ferro- This immediately yields sT = −(d + 4)/4 as shown in magnetic transition. Different factors of the temperature Table I. Here we have assumed that the backscattering in the above arguments will be normalized by different factor is still present, which requires that the residual re- microscopic scales, and generically one expects the rele- sistivity is small compared to the temperature-dependent vant temperature window to exist. This is certainly true part; see the discussion below. The exponent s does not empirically, as the temperature-dependent resistivity is exist in this regime for the same reason as in the clean observed to dominate the residual resistivity for all but case. the lowest in many materials.47 14

In the regime discussed above the exponent s as de- fined in Eq. (A6) does not exist for the same reason as in the clean case, and the low-temperature behavior of the conductivity away from criticality is again given by Eq. (3.3). Remarkably, the r-dependence of the prefactor of the T −2 dependence is the same in the clean and dirty cases.

2. The physical fixed point

Asymptotically close to the quantum critical point the behavior is described by a Gaussian fixed point with 43,44 marginal operators in all dimensions 2 < d < 4, and Figure 4: The inverse of the specific-heat coefficient γ nor- with increasing disorder the region in parameter space malized by the Fermi-liquid value γ0 as a function of r in the that is controlled by this fixed point grows. The marginal ordered phase for d = 3. The inset demonstrates the effec- operators result in critical behavior that is not given by tive power law γ ∝ |r|−α¯ with α¯ = λ/(1 + λ) ≈ 0.4. Figure pure power laws. For example, the magnetization at adapted from Ref. 45. T = 0 in d = 3 asymptotically behaves as

2 2 m(r, T = 0) ∝ (−r) [g(ln(−1/r))] . (3.10a) the scaling behavior of observables with respect to tem- perature, which is independent from the scaling behav- Here the function g is asymptotically log-normal, ior with respect to the control parameter. The expo- 2 g(x → ∞) ∝ e c x , (3.10b) nents describing the latter (“r-exponents”) are related to the ones describing the former (“T -exponents”) by means with c a constant; see Ref. 44 for details. In a large of a dynamical critical exponent; however, care must be pre-asymptotic region these multiplicative corrections to taken since at many quantum phase transitions there is scaling mimic power laws that span several decades in r more than one dynamical exponent. We have shown that or T .45 For instance, the magnetization obeys an effective the Widom and Fisher equalities hold for both the r- homogeneity law exponents and the T -exponents under weak assumptions that are fulfilled at most quantum (and classical) phase −2 d−2+λ 2+λ d+λ m(r, T, h) = b Fm(r b , T b , h b ) . (3.11) transitions. The same is true for the Essam-Fisher equal- ity relating the r-exponents. Additional relations, which λ is an effective exponent that depends on d and r and are akin to the classical hyperscaling relation between the goes to zero for r → 0; however, it is approximately correlation-length exponent ν and the specific-heat expo- constant over a large r-range. For d = 3, λ ≈ 2/3 for nent α, require stronger assumptions that break down if 0.001 . |r| . 0.1. As an example, we show in Fig. 4 the system is above an upper critical dimension. We the divergence of the specific-heat coefficient, 1/γ(r, T = have also generalized the rigorous Rushbrooke inequality 0) ∝ |r|α¯. The asymptotic value λ = 0 needs to be inter- to the quantum case, and we have shown that at quan- preted as signaling the presence of the log-normal terms. tum phase transitions it is crucial to distinguish between The resulting power laws are listed in the two middle exponents describing the critical behavior of the specific- columns in Table I. Since the system is below an upper heat coefficient, which we denote by α¯ and α¯T , and the critical dimension for 2 < d < 4, all exponent relations exponents α and αT that govern the control-parameter hold, including the hyperscaling relations. This holds susceptibility; at a classical transition, α¯ and α are the even for the pre-asymptotic effective exponents, with the same. We have also discussed Wegner’s equality that re- exception of the generalized Harris criterion, Eq. (C1), lates critical exponents for the electrical conductivity and which holds only asymptotically. the correlation-length exponent ν, and have discussed the conditions under which it is valid. Second, we have generalized the concepts of Fisher and IV. SUMMARY, AND DISCUSSION Berker related to scaling at classical first-order transi- tions to quantum phase transitions. The scaling concepts A. Summary all carry over, with the temperature playing the role of additional dimensions. Again, the presence of multiple In summary, we have presented two conceptual ad- time scales leads to complications that need to be dealt vances for quantum phase transitions: First, we have an- with carefully. With the proper choice of dynamical ex- alyzed relations between critical exponents, also known ponents all scaling relations, including the hyperscaling as scaling relations. Compared to classical transitions, ones, hold under very weak assumptions. This reflects there are additional exponents to consider that describe the fact that at a first-order transition there are no dan- 15 gerous irrelevant variables. which defines the exponent βT . Note that Φm(x, 1) has a We then have applied these concepts to the case of the zero for some value x = xc < 0 that determines the phase ferromagnetic quantum phase transition as a specific ex- boundary, and that Φm(x > xc, 1) ≡ 0. For the temper- ample. This transition is well suited for this purpose, ature derivative of the order parameter this implies since it shows very different behavior in the presence or dm βT −1 βT /β absence of quenched disorder, respectively, and in either (r, t) = T Φ˜ m(r/T , 1) , (4.2) case there are interesting and experimentally relevant dT crossover phenomena that are governed by different fixed where Φ˜ (x, y) = ∂ Φ (x, y). This has been used to points, some of which are above and some of which are m y m derive Eq. (2.22a) from (2.21). at their upper critical dimension in the physically most As an illustration, consider the third panel of Fig. 1 interesting dimensions d = 2, 3. again. The data imply m2 ∝ const. − T 4/3, where the constant depends on r, but the prefactor of the T 4/3 does not. When interpreted by means of Eq. (4.1b) this im- B. Discussion plies β = 1/2 and βT /β = 4/3. The latter ratio is equal to 1/νzm, which is consistent with the observed shape of We conclude with some discussion points that augment the phase boundary in the first panel of the figure. All of remarks already made in the body of the paper. this is consistent with the discussion in Sec. III A 1. An- other way to measure βT is to observe the T -dependence of the susceptibility at criticality, which yields γT , see the 1. General points second panel in the figure, and use Eq. (2.13b) in conjunc- tion with an independent determination of the exponent δ. We finally mention that for asymptotically small m at Number of independent exponents: There are seven any nonzero temperature one crosses over to the classical r-exponents for thermodynamic quantities: α, α¯, β, γ, critical behavior characterized by the classical value of δ, η, and ν. These are related by three independent the exponent β. weak-scaling exponent relations (Widom, Eq. (2.13a), Coupling of statics and dynamics: Even though the Essam-Fisher, Eq. (2.15a), and Fisher, Eq. (2.20a)), statics and the dynamics are coupled in quantum statis- and two independent strong-scaling ones (α-hyperscaling, tical mechanics, the Widom, Essam-Fisher, and Fisher Eq. (2.23a), and α¯ hyperscaling, Eq. (2.24a). In the pres- exponent equalities do not involve the dynamical expo- ence of strong scaling one thus has two independent static nents. Even at T = 0 there thus are exponents relations r-exponents. In addition, there are five T -exponents: α , T that do not reflect this coupling. α¯ , β , and γ that are constrained by two indepen- T T T Relevance of quenched disorder: Since the generalized dent weak-scaling exponent relations (Eqs. (2.13b, 2.20b) Harris criterion by Chayes et al., Eq. (C1), is rigorous plus three independent strong-scaling ones (Eqs. (2.15b, it provides a necessary condition for the stability of a 2.23b, 2.24b). In the presence of strong scaling, we thus critical fixed point in the presence of quenched disorder. have two independent static exponents, plus the dynamic For instance, it immediately tells us that Hertz’s fixed ones. In the absence of strong scaling, there are ei- point in disordered systems with its mean-field value ν = ther four or five independent static exponents plus the 1/2 cannot be stable for d < 4, although it does not dynamic ones, depending on whether the Essam-Fisher provide any hints as to what the fixed point is unstable equality for the T -exponents holds. against, or what replaces it asymptotically. Similarly, Observability of the exponent βT The order parame- it shows that a first-order transition is strictly speaking ter is nonzero only in the ordered phase, i.e., for −r > impossible in a disordered system, since it would result T 1/νzm (ignoring constant proportionality factors). For in a correlation-length exponent ν = 1/(d + zm) < 2/d. 1/νzm −r  T one observes static scaling with small tem- Significance of α = 1 at a first-order QPT: A first- 1/νzm perature corrections, and for −r < T the scaling order classical phase transition is characterized by the function vanishes identically. The exponent βT therefore appearance of a latent heat, i.e., a discontinuity of the en- cannot be observed via the T -dependence of m at r = 0. tropy as a function of the temperature, and a δ-function Instead, consider the general weak-scaling homogeneity contribution to the specific heat. The corresponding law for m physical phenomenon at a first-order QPT is a discon- tinuity of the derivative of the free energy with respect −β/ν 1/ν β/νβT m(r, T ) = b Φm(r b , T b ) , (4.1a) to the control parameter, and a δ-function contribution to the second derivative. As an example, consider a QPT which follows, e.g., by differentiating Eq. (2.6) with re- where the control parameter is the hydrostatic pressure p. spect to h and using Eqs. (2.13a) and (2.15a). This can With g the Gibbs free energy density, the compressibility be written κ = −∂2g/∂p2 will thus have a δ-function contribution. That is, at any pressure-driven QPT the system will dis- βT βT /β m(r, T ) = T Φm(r/T , 1) play a “latent-volume” effect, i.e., the system volume will β β/βT = r Φm(1, T/r ) , (4.1b) change spontaneously and discontinuously at the critical 16 pressure. present in the clean theory, it would be smaller than the Choice of the control parameter: While deriving a zm = 6/(d + 1) in Hertz-Millis theory, and thus would LGW theory, the easiest choice for the control parameter play the role of zm according the arguments in the con- or mass term r may be a linear combination of some non- text of Eqs. (2.8, 2.11). This is another indication that thermal parameter and the temperature, or some power Hertz’s fixed point cannot be stable. of the temperature. This is not a good choice for r for Numerical values of exponents: The values of the at least two reasons: (1) In order to measure, e.g., the commonly measure exponents α¯T , γT , and βT are rather exponent β it is necessary to keep T = 0 in addition to similar at the clean and dirty Hertz fixed points, respec- keeping the conjugate field equal to zero. Moving on a tively, in d = 3. The same is true for the scaling of the path that is not in the T = 0 plane is akin to deviating Curie temperature with the control parameter, which is 3/4 4/5 from the critical isochore at a classical liquid-gas tran- TC ∝ r in the clean case, and TC ∝ r in the dis- sition. (2) The such-obtained temperature dependence ordered one. This needs to be kept in mind when inter- of the phase diagram may not be the leading one due preting experiments. to DIVs. This is what happens, for instance, in Hertz Also of interest is the value of the conductivity expo- theory. nent sT = −7/4 at the disordered Hertz fixed point in Applicability of scaling theory: We have restricted d = 3. This result is a good candidate for explaining the ourselves to phase transitions for which a local order pa- fact that the resistivity is commonly observed to vary rameter exists. We note, however, that the existence or as T x with x > 1 near a ferromagnetic quantum critical otherwise of a local order parameter can be a matter of point, as the crossover to the asymptotic critical behavior how the theory is formulated. In the case of the fer- is expected to occur only at very low temperatures. romagnetic quantum phase transition in metals that we have used as an example in Sec. III it is crucial that one treats the fermionic soft modes that couple to the order 3. Points related to the physical quantum ferromagnetic parameter explicitly, as in Ref. 43; if one integrates them fixed point out to formulate a theory entirely in terms of the order parameter a local description is not possible.42 We also Significance of zc = d: In Sec. III A 2 we showed that note that some theories of “exotic” quantum phase tran- zc = d follows from the first-order nature of the quan- sitions that cannot be cast into the language of a simple tum phase transition. Combined with the origin of the Landau theory are structurally very similar to the ferro- dynamical exponent in a LGW theory, where zc arises magnetic quantum phase transition problem in that they from a combination of the Landau-damping term with couple an order-parameter field to a gauge field,48 or to 49 the spin susceptibility in the paramagnetic phase, this fermions. implies that in a clean Fermi liquid the leading non- More generally, we note that the scaling arguments we analytic wave-number dependence must scale as kd−1. have employed are extremely general and hinge only on The connection between these seemingly unrelated re- the existence of a phase transition with power-law critical sults is scaling, see Sec. III A 2 and Ref. 50. behavior. Given this, the free energy will obey a general- In this context we also note that at any first-order ized homogeneity law irrespective of whether or not the quantum phase transition in a fermionic system one ex- transition allows for a traditional Landau description or pects the specific-heat coefficient to be discontinuous. is of a more exotic nature. This implies α¯ =α ¯T = 0, which in turn requires zc = d, see Eq. (2.33g). Scale dimension of the conjugate field: We saw in 2. Points related to Hertz’s fixed point Sec. II C that a dimensionless order parameter implies a scale dimension [h] = d + zm for the conjugate field. Multiple time scales in Hertz theory: We come back to This illustrates the fact that in general it is not possible the identification of the dynamical critical exponent zm to simply relate the scaling of h to the scaling of the en- at the beginning of Sec. III A 1. It is important to dis- ergy or temperature. For instance, one might argue that tinguish between theories that truly have multiple time the scale dimension of h should be equal to zc, since h scales that belong to different types of excitations, and determines the Zeeman energy. While this is sometimes theories where a single time scale may or may not get true (for instance, at the disordered critical fixed point), modified by the effects of DIVs, depending on the context, it is not true in general. In this context we also note that which effectively leads to multiple time scales. Hertz’s the Rushbrooke inequalities, Eqs. (2.22), do not depend theory, both for the clean and the disordered case, be- on [h], as [h] cancels between the contributions 2βT and longs to the latter category. The time scale with zm = 1 γT (or 2β and γ), respectively, on the left-hand side. in the clean case, or zm = 2 in the disordered one, at the Logarithmic corrections to scaling in a range of dimen- physical fixed point (see Table I) is missing in Hertz the- sions: The theory of Refs. 43,44 yields logarithmic cor- ory, and the effective zm listed for Hertz’s fixed point in rections to scaling (in the sense of log-normal terms mul- Table I is due to a DIV modifying the sole critical z = 3 tiplying power laws) in an entire range of dimensions, (clean) or z = 4 (disordered). Note that if a z = 1 were 2 < d < 4. This is unusual; more commonly logarith- 17 mic corrections to scaling occur only in a specific dimen- the control parameter.) We define critical exponents at sion. This can be understood within Wegner’s51 classifi- a quantum phase transition as follows. cation of logarithmic corrections, as has been discussed Correlation length: in Ref. 44. The dynamical critical exponent zc = d leads to operators that are marginal in a range of dimensions, ξ(r → 0,T = 0) ∝ |r|−ν , ξ(r = 0,T → 0) ∝ T −νT . and this in turn causes the logarithmic terms. We also (A1) note that the mathematical problem of determining the Order parameter: critical behavior for the theory of Refs. 43,44 was solved exactly in Ref. 52, although the physical interpretation m(r → 0,T = 0, h = 0) ∝ (−r)β , was unclear at that time. See also Ref. 53. m(r = 0,T = 0, h → 0) ∝ h1/δ , Scaling of the Grüneisen parameter The Grüneisen βT parameter Γ = (−∂s/∂p)/T (∂s/∂T ), with s the entropy m(r = 0,T → 0, h = 0) ∝ T . (A2) density, is defined as the ratio of the thermal expansion The last definition is purely formal: Since the magneti- coefficient (∂V/∂T ) /V = −(∂s/∂p) and the spe- p,N T,N zation is nonzero only in the ordered phase, the T βT in cific heat c = T ∂s/∂T . It was shown in Ref. 54 that the last line has a zero prefactor. See the discussion in at a pressure-tuned QPT with a single dynamical expo- Sec. IV B 1 of how to interpret the exponent β . nent z the Grüneisen parameter diverges as Γ ∝ T −1/νz; T this is readily confirmed by using Eq. (2.5). With two Order-parameter susceptibility: dynamical exponents z1 > z2 we find from Eq. (2.8) −γ Γ ∝ T −1/νz1 . In particular, at the physical fixed point in χm(r → 0,T = 0; k = 0) ∝ |r| , −1/3 −γT disordered metallic ferromagnets we have Γ ∝ T in χm(r = 0,T → 0; k = 0) ∝ T , 2−η d = 3. Another useful observation is that, according to χm(r = 0,T = 0, k → 0) ∝ 1/k . (A3) its definition, Γ scales as Γ ∼ 1/p ∼ 1/r at a pressure- tuned QPT. Since r ∼ T 1/νz at a critical point, this is Specific-heat coefficient: equivalent to the result given above. At the first-order −α¯ −α¯ transition in clean systems, Γ ∼ 1/r reflects the same γ(r → 0,T = 0) ∝ |r| , γ(r = 0,T → 0) ∝ T T . δ-function contribution that was discussed for the com- (A4) pressibility in Sec. IV B 1. This is also apparent from Control-parameter susceptiblity the fact that s ∼ γT , and hence Γ ∼ ∂γ/∂p, and the χ (r → 0,T = 0) ∝ |r|−α , χ (r = 0,T → 0) ∝ T −αT . specific-heat coefficient γ has a discontinuity across the r r (A5) first-order transition. ν, β, γ, δ, and η are defined in analogy to the corre- The behavior at the clean Hertz fixed point has been sponding exponents at a classical phase transition.1 In discussed in Ref. 54. Up to logarithmic corrections, Γ ∼ the main text we refer to these exponents, and also to α¯ r−1 ∼ T −2/3 in agreement with the above arguments and and α, as the r-exponents. The definition of α¯ deviates ν = 1/2, z = 3 from Table I. At the disordered Hertz c from the one of the classical exponent customarily de- fixed point the corresponding result is Γ ∼ r−1 ∼ T −1/2. noted by α, which is defined in terms of the specific heat rather than the specific-heat coefficient. This is necessary in order to factor out the factor of T in the relation be- Acknowledgments tween the specific heat and the specific-heat coefficient,17 which makes no difference at a thermal phase transition, This work was supported by the NSF under Grants but goes to zero at a QCP. For instance, the thermody- No. DMR-1401410 and No. DMR-1401449. namic identity that underlies the Rushbrooke inequality, Eq. (B5), has no explicit T -dependence only if it is for- mulated in terms of specific-heat coefficients rather than Appendix A: Definitions of critical exponents the specific heats. At a classical phase transition, α¯ coin- cides with α. Our definition of α at a QPT is analogous Let T be the temperature, h the field conjugate to to the definition of the classical exponent α from a scal- the order parameter, r the control parameter, i.e., the ing point of view. However, the physical interpretation of dimensionless distance from criticality at T = h = 0, and α and the susceptibility χr depends on the nature of the f a suitable free-energy density. Consider the correlation control parameter. For instance, if the control parame- length ξ, the order parameter m = ∂f/∂h, the order- ter is hydrostatic pressure, and f is the Gibbs free energy 2 2 parameter susceptibility χm = ∂ f/∂h , and the specific- density, then χr is proportional to the compressibility of 2 2 heat coefficient γ = c/T = −∂ f/∂T as functions of r, the system. At a thermal transition, where r ∝ T − Tc, T , and h, and the susceptibility also as a function of the χr is identical with the specific-heat coefficient γ, and α wave number k. Further consider the susceptibility χr = has its usual meaning. αT , α¯T , νT , βT , and γT reflect the −∂2f/∂r2, which we refer to as the control-parameter fact that a QPT can be approached either in the T = 0 susceptibility. (More precisely, χr is the susceptibility plane, or from T > 0. These exponents are referred to as of the thermodynamic quantity whose conjugate field is the T -exponents in the main text. 18

We finally define exponents s and sT that describe the order-parameter susceptibility, behavior of the electrical conductivity σ at the QPT. γ/ν 1/ν With ∆σ the scaling part of σ, these are defined as fol- χ(r, k) = b Φχ(r b , k b) , (B3) lows: and put r = 0 we obtain Eq. (B1c). The hyperscaling re- Electrical conductivity: lation requires yet another assumption,4 which is a strong

s sT scaling assumption in the sense of Sec. II A and which is ∆σ(r → 0,T = 0) ∝ |r| , ∆σ(r = 0,T → 0) ∝ T . equivalent to saying that the scale dimension of the free (A6) energy density is equal to d: The exponent s obviously makes sense only in systems with quenched disorder. −d 1/ν βδ/ν f(r, h) = b Φf (r b , h b ) . (B4)

If hyperscaling holds, the six exponents α, β, γ, δ, η, and Appendix B: Classical scaling relations ν are constrained by the four relations in Eqs. (B1), and only two of the exponents are independent. For the convenience of the reader we recall some well- We also list the Rushbrooke inequality known classical exponent relations (see, e.g., Refs. 1,4): α + 2β + γ ≥ 2 , (B5)

γ = β(δ − 1) (Widom) (B1a) which holds rigorously, as it only depends on thermody- α + 2β + γ = 2 (Essam-Fisher) (B1b) namic stability conditions. There are other inequalities 1 γ = (2 − η) ν (Fisher) (B1c) that depend on various assumptions. Appendix C: The Harris criterion ν d = 2 − α (“hyperscaling”) (B1d) where α is the ordinary specific-heat exponent. The first Harris considered the effects of quenched disorder on two equalities follow from a weak scaling assumption, in classical critical points. He found that the fixed point de- the sense of Sec. II A, for the singular part f of the free- scribing the transition in the clean system is stable with energy density. This has the effects of dangerous irrel- respect to disorder, i.e., the critical behavior is unaffected evant variables, if any, built in and can be written, for by the disorder, as long as the specific-heat exponent is 55 instance, as negative, α < 0. This statement is referred to as the Harris criterion. Chayes et al46 generalized Harris’s ar- −(2−α)/ν 1/ν βδ/ν f(r, h) = b Φf (r b , h b ) , (B2) gument and made it rigorous to show that, under very general conditions, the correlation-length exponent at a with Φf a scaling function. The Fisher scaling rela- critical point in a disordered system, classical or quan- tion, Eq. (B1c), requires an additional (weak) scaling tum, must obey assumption,4 namely, that scaling works for correlation functions as well as for thermodynamic quantities. If we ν ≥ 2/d (Chayes-Chayes-Fisher-Spencer) . (C1) use a homogeneity law for the wave-number dependent

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