No Concerts 'No One's Touring Now' While the Who Sell out 2 Seattle Dates

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No Concerts 'No One's Touring Now' While the Who Sell out 2 Seattle Dates Daily You only became what we made you MOSTL Y CLOUDY with increas- ing chance of showers this after- noon. Gusty winds at times. High, 54; low, 35. Chance of mea- veT Teen surable precipitation, 50 percent today and tonight. Pullman, Washington Vol. LXXXVI, No_88 Established 1894 Thursday. March 20.1980 C9uncilfaced with budget, goal woes ASWSU Executive CITY - Following laughter and handshakes at the confirmation of the new finance director, the City Council took heat from library personnel and criticism from City Election Results Supervisor Larry Larse and each other at Tuesday night's meeting. New City Finance Director Jack Tonkovich, a former Coeur d'Alene banker, was confirmed unanimously by the council in a five-minute special session, which was then adjourned for the new director to meet city officials. A budget controversy followed the opening of the regular council meeting when Neill Public Library personnel and directors asked the council for' $9,000 in additional remodeling funds. Roberta Armstrong, library chairman of the board, described conditions at the library as "something that would be wildly comic if you were in a Marx Brothers movie." . Armstrong estimated remodeling expenses at around $19,000. The library has approximately $10,000 with which to remodel and needs $9,000 fr-om the council, said Armstrong. "Then there's no problem," said Councilman Ron Wachter, "because we don't have any money." , The library discussion was followed with one on council goal-setting and communi- cations. The issue was sparked by confusion and public concern on whether Larse 'would be replaced or the position would be discontinued. counci~man Bill Gaskins said a consensus of the council was to refill the position. Larse said some concern has been caused by a Lewiston Morning Tribune article that the councrl was dISCUSSingthe issue, and no position had publicly been taken by the eouncu. THE PRESIDENTIAL WINNERS, John Winkler and Josh Preece "Goal setting is not the be-all or end-all of city government" said Larse but without teamwork, '-,we're not going to get anywhere." ' , MUc~ of the planning problem had to do with continuity, said Larse. The Planning comm.lss_'on. has. a 33-35 percent turnover per year, though a position on the commISSIOn ISa six-year apporntment. "It's not working very well," said Larse. Hanon/Morgan 1192 '- Q) N oo Morris/ Howell 416 er/ reece No concerts 'No one's touring now' while the Who sell out 2 Seattle dates BY MEGAN SKINNER cheaper way to bring in quality entertain- Evergreen Staff ment," Schmidt said. Instead of using the whole coliseum, Financial confines are not the reason only the theater portion of the building, for the lack of concerts here this semes- which seats 2,500, is used 'for a mini- ter, said Performing Arts Chairwoman concert. Karla Schmidt. However, Schmidt said the mini-concert . 'Every place is just as dry, when it does not seem to sell as well with the comes to concerts," Schmidt said. students as a "big" concert. "There are just not any groups on tour Students see the word mini-concert and right now." are turned off, she said. There is also a trend for big name The committee has brought in some groups now to do two small concerts in the quality shows this year, but the students same city instead of one big one. The just did not go, she said. smaller concerts sell better and are less , 'Students have to realize that just expensive to put on, she said. because a group is not rock and roll or in the Top 40, it does not mean it is not good However, Pullman loses out because instead of doing one concert here and one en tertainment." in a larger city such as ·Seattle or Spokane, Last semester the Karla Bonoff'/Steve as groups have done in-the past, they do Forbert, and Tom ScottiKalapana con- both shows in the larger city, Schmidt certs, on which the show's promoter took said. financial risks, Schmidt said, all lost mon- ey . • 'Pullman is not a major market like The Little River Band, also here last Spokane and Seattle," Schmidt said -.It is semester, did a little better than breaking not easy to bring groups into Pullman if even, she said. they have other offers from Hawaii or Lake Tahoe. Schmidt said the poor attendance records at concerts is a deterrent to , The Dionne Warwick concert, which promoters thinking about bringing shows had been tentatively scheduled for to Pullman. Mother's Weekend this year, was lost However,' she said, it is the general because Warwick received another offer tendency across the country for concerts to do a concert in Hawaai the same not to sell. weekend, Schmidt said. ~st year not only the PAC lost money Schmidt said a new guideline passed by on Its concerts, but most concert tours the assembly this year to minimize con- nation-wide lost money Schmidt said. cert money losses has not been a deterrent The committee is tentatively planning a to the committee in bringing shows here. "Wheatstock" concert festival to be in The guideline stipulates the committee Martin Stadium, where a number of bands LADDER TRUCK NO- 1 hoists a student firefighter a get assembly approval for any non- would be brought in. few score feet above campus yesterday in a training promoter concerts where the committee Schmidt said it is possible the festival "speculates" and might lose money. maneuver. Aerial ladder training is held periodically would be big enough to attract attention The committee has been using a "mini- throughout the Northwest, and not just be throughout the year_ concert" format this year because' 'it is a a university event. God's many forms Voters approve levy all one Being CITY - Pullman voters Tuesday approved School District SUperintendent Ray Smith a $1.1 million levy which will provide the said no Pullman levy has ever failed. All the different religions of within the rangr of human exper- school district with 20 percent of its budget The other 80 percent of school district the world worship only one God, ience, for next year. money comes from the state's Basic Educa- Professor of Theology John Hick With 2.151 of the ballots tallied yesterday, God as humans experience-him tion Act, which pushes a gradual decrease of said in a guest lecture Tuesday 1.577. or 1J.3 percent, were "yes" votes. is an "image" of the reality of levy limits state-wide. night presented by the Depart- God, Hick said, such as Jesus Washington law requires 60 percent approval. ment of Philosophy. Christ or Buddha. God manifests Passage means Pullman residents will pay Voters in Colton, Colfax and Palouse school One cannot say "the God of himself in these images to aid $3.95 per $1,000 of their assessed property districts also passed their special levies, one's own religion is real and 'a1/ humans in gaining a concept of value. Last year's was $4.49 per $1,000. totalling $397,324. the others either illusory or per- Him. God has created such a haps non-divine demonic great number of images because beasts," Hick said. Religious ex- of the varying circumstances of perience in the different tradi- cultures and people. tions and cultures is too similar Many religions conceive of God for that to be realistic, he said. as male-He is referred to a's Instead, Hick said, one God man- Third version is heard of Father, King, Lord, etc.sbut that ifests himself in a1/ religion. image is to help conceptualize God has two parts, Hick said. God. "Surely we do not believe The first is an "ultimate divine God is alarger or even an infinite reality," that part of God which man as distinguished from Pullman school guidelines cannot be comprehended by the woman." God can be thought of human mind. The second is a equally in male and in female CITY - School board members between board members and tHe ing marijuana and drinking beer. "finite experience," that part of terms, Most likely, Hick said, heard the third version of a gui- audience followed the reading. God which humans can under God transcends sexuality, but deline for student publications in Sentiments ranged from a total In other action the board swore stand; the finite experience is that idea is hard for humans to the school system, at Tuesday's crackdown on publications, to in Richard Wilbourn to fill the religious awareness. Religion is understand. board meeting. removal of all guidelines. remainder of Dan Boone's terlYl, the way in which God presents Religion helps "to filter' out Boone resigned after being elect_ himself to humans, Hick said. the infinite divine reality," and This was the first reading of The issue started last spring ed as a county commissioner. God cannot be known in all of to reduce it to form with which the revised set of guidelines. The when two pages of the Pullman His/Her reality recause "the we can cope, Hick said. A resolution was also paSsed board will have the option of high school year book were cen- requiring teachers to report an" greatness would overwhelm us," adopting the guidelines in 30 he said. "The different forms of reli- sored. The pages contained suspicions of child abuse or neg_ gious awareness are not neces- days, but board member Dennis staged pictures of students srnok- lect. The dist motion between the Morrison said there was a strong "reality" of God and the God sarily competitive," Hick said, but are different experiences of possibility the guidelines would humans experience is best ex· be revised again.
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