Leap of Faith - Part 1

Date: 2014-01-18 Author: Sudarshana dasi

Hare Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

I found some nice lessons in the episode of leaping over the ocean to find Mother which I would like to share with you.

1. Pray for other's success: When Hanuman, one of the dear most devotees of Lord declared that he will leap across the ocean and go to Lanka to find out the whereabouts of Sita, the other Vanaras including Angada and Jambavan rejoiced and said, "Our grief is now dispelled. We are depending on you, O Hanuman. We shall stand on one foot in yogic meditation here upon the seashore, praying for your success, until you return." This is a very nice lesson for us to learn. When someone is doing a service which we cannot do, instead of being jealous, we should at least pray for their success, if we are not able to do any other help to them.

2. Just do what you are ordered to do: Hanuman then asked them what he should do. Should he annihilate the entire horde and rescue Sita? Or should he single-handedly kill Ravana, uproot Lanka and carry it, along with Sita, back to Rama? Angada told him to first locate Sita and then report back, for that was order of Lord Rama and Sugriva. Hanuman bowed to that instruction and bounded to Mount Mahendra to leap over the ocean.

Here also we find an important lesson that we need to just obey whatever instruction, spiritual master or Krishna says and not try to over-do. In the exuberance of doing service, if we are too eager to do a lot more than what we are ordered to do, then that motive behind that service is our desire to get more name and fame for ourselves and not for pleasing our spiritual master. Our beloved spiritual master H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj once said, "Your capacity is what I say. If you do more than what I say, you will be puffed up. If you do less, you are lazy."

3. Accept wisdom from everyone: Also Hanumanji is so humble, that he bowed to the instruction of Angada. He did not think how can Angada, who is so younger than him, give advice. Maharaj would often repeat the Gujarati proverb, ' nāna te pachi levi cāturini bāt' - We should accept words of wisdom from a person, even if he is younger in age. Indeed Maharaj practiced what he spoke. Even though he was eldest, learned and most realized of all, still he would accept suggestions from people who are many years younger in age. That was his inconceivable humility, a hallmark of an exalted vaishnava.

Krishna willing we shall try to meditate more on this topic in the subsequent offerings.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 2

Date: 2014-01-19 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offering on this topic we learnt the following lessons.

1. Pray for others' success. 2. Just do what you are ordered to do. 3. Accept wisdom from everyone.

Now let us continue to meditate further on this topic.

4. Power of Holy Name: As Hanumanji stood on the summit of Mount Mahendra, getting ready to leap, the devatas and siddhas assembled in the sky above him, uttered benedictory hymns. They dropped celestial flowers and beat their drums. He increased his size to about 50 times his normal size and stretched his hands to the east and offered respects to , his father. He concentrated his mind and gazed south toward Lanka. Hanuman felt honored to have such an opportunity to render Rama a service. From his first meeting with the prince, he knew Rama to be his eternal master. He felt Rama's ring bound in his cloth. Sita would be overjoyed to receive that token and know that Rama would soon arrive to rescue Her. With a sense of elation Hanuman contemplated approaching Rama with news of Sita. He squatted down and prepared to jump. With a great cry of "Victory to Rama!", Hanuman sprang upwards with tremendous force, pressing the mountain deep into the earth. Animals rushed down the mountainside in all directions. The Rshis engaged in meditation in the mountain forests were startled and rose into the air. Great serpents moving about on the side of the mountain became furious and bit the rocks, which then glowed red from the serpents' virulent poison. All the trees shook and shed their blossoms, and the whole mountain appeared covered with flowers. Large fissures appeared in the mountain and different colored streams issued out. As Hanuman leapt upwards, Mount Mahendra presented a beautiful sight and the Vanaras gazed up in wonder and awe. Then they went down onto the beach to begin their wait for Hanuman's return.

Here we see how Hanumanji offered respects to Vayu, his father. Our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj always said that parents are our real well-wishers and it is very important to get their whole-hearted blessings, for such blessings leads to bliss and and all auspiciousness in life. After praying to his father, we find Hanumanji completely immersing himself in thoughts of Lord Ram. He genuinely feels happy to have got an opportunity to serve Lord. And then he utters, "Jai Sri Ram!" and makes his leap. The following are few lines from Hindi bhajan - 'Hari se badā hari ka nām', which is one of Maharaj's favourite bhajan and it very nicely brings out the power of Holy Name.

jis sāgar ko lāng sake nā binā pūlke rām kūd gaye hanuman usi ko leke hari kā nām

The same Indian ocean which Lord Ram could cross only by walking across the stone bridge, Hanuman was able to jump across simply by chanting Lord Ram's name.

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 3

Date: 2014-01-20 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offering on this topic we learnt the following lessons.

1. Pray for others' success.

2. Just do what you are ordered to do.

3. Accept wisdom from everyone.

4. Power of Holy Name.

Now let us continue to meditate on the power of Holy Name.

4. Power of Holy Name: When Hanumanji started flying over the ocean, trees, shrubs and flowers flew behind him in the wind raised by his movement, like relatives following a dear one setting out on a long journey. Hanumanji thought of Rama and what Sampati, the elder brother of Jatayu had told him about the servitors' of Lord Rama. When Sampati told them about the whereabouts of Sita to the Vanaras, he had mentioned - "O Vanaras, Chandrama rshi told me you would succeed in your mission. Indeed he said that the servants of Rama could easily cross the terrible ocean of birth and death; what then of this small sea? Take heart and go to the south. Cross the ocean and you will find Lanka, where Sita is held". In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 1.1.14, the sages of Naimisaranya say

āpannaḥ saṁsṛtiṁ ghorāṁ yan-nāma vivaśo gṛṇan tataḥ sadyo vimucyeta yad bibheti svayaṁ bhayam

Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krishna , which is feared by fear personified.

Even if unconscious chanting of Lord's holy name has such a potency, then what to speak of Lord's mercy upon His servitor's, who are constantly absorbed in His names, pastimes and service. Simply by remembering Rama's name at the end of life, anyone could cross the entire ocean of material suffering. These eight hundred miles were nothing. Hanuman felt confident of success as he soared toward Lanka.

Usually in the beginning of service, we will feel bit sincere and prayerful. Once we start doing it and are comfortable in it, we forget the Lord. And then as a result we get caught up in the material modes and feel anxious and depressed about completing the service and the results. But here we find Hanumanji constantly meditating on Lord Ram and he feels encouraged and enthused by power of Lord's names. Constant remembrance of Lord and the enthusiasm and encouragement derived from the same, will help us to continue with service in a steady manner.

Krishna willing, we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering. Thank you very much, Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 4

Date: 2014-01-22 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. We had seen 4 points so far. Now let us continue to meditate more on this topic.

5. Service Inspires Service: As Hanumanji was continuing his flight across the ocean towards Lanka in search of Mother Sita, with their wives rained flowers on him. Even the sun, honoring his service to Rama, did not scorch him. The wind-god raced with him, fanning him with a gentle breeze. The Devatas and Rshis extolled him, along with Nagas, and other celestial beings. The god of the ocean observed Hanuman flying above him. He considered how to render him a service, thereby pleasing Rama Himself. In his depths there was a large mountain named Mainaka. The ocean-god approached Mainaka and asked him to rise above the waters, offering his peaks to Hanuman as a resting place. The mountain assented and began to grow upwards. It emerged from the sea with a great roar, foaming billows falling with a crash on all sides. The golden-peaked mountain rose swiftly and shone beautifully.

Here we see how when a pure devotee is engaged in service of the Lord, everyone else gets inspired by him to serve the Lord, by serving the devotee. Ocean god could not directly help Hanumanji. But he was eager to render some service. So he went to the extend of requesting the mountain Mainaka to merge out. This is very important lesson for us. Many a time we find many exalted Vaishnavas doing very big services for the pleasure of Guru, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. We may not have the capacity or qualification to do what they are doing. In such instances we should at least pray for their success and try do serve them in such a manner, so that they can render service nicely. If we can't do any good, at least we should not disturb them. This will please Guru and Krishna. Ultimately the end result is just Their satisfaction. Whether we are direct instruments or indirect instruments, it doesn't matter. All we need to pray is just to be somehow instrumental in His service.

This pastime also reminds how when acharyas like Srila Prabhupada went on their mission, the demigods all helped them in whatever way they can. For instance when Srila Prabhupada was on-board the Jaladuta, the captain of the ship told that they had never such calmness of the Atlantic. His Divine Grace said it is Lord Krishna's mercy. In his Jaladuta diary Prabhupada writes that, "If Atlantic would have shown its usual face perhaps I would have died. But Lord Krishna has taken charge of the ship." Srila Prabhupada could reach Boston safely as the ocean god knew that a pure devotee of Lord is set out to US in-order to fulfill a very important mission of spreading the Holy names all over the world. Also in quite a few instances both in Rajkot as well as in Dwarka, Mother Nature and many others have helped our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj, inspired by his pure devotional service. Rajkot was initially very dry place, with no regular source of water. But as soon as Gurudev stepped in with desire to establish temple for Sri Sri Neel Madhav, rain-god never failed and ensured to provide sufficient water in that area.

In the purport to verse 1.19.18 of Srimad Bhagavatam wherein it is mentioned that demigods showered flowers to honour Parikshit Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada beautifully writes, "The demigods are more luxurious than human beings, but all of them are obedient to the orders of the Supreme Lord. There is no one in the heavenly planets who is an atheist or nonbeliever. Thus any devotee of the Lord on the surface of the earth is always praised by them, and in the case of Maharaja Parikshit they were greatly delighted and thus gave tokens of honor by scattering flowers over the earth and by beating celestial drums. A demigod takes pleasure in seeing someone go back to Godhead. He is always pleased with a devotee of the Lord, so much so that by his adhidaivic powers he may help the devotees in all respects. And by their actions, the Lord is pleased with them. There is an invisible chain of complete cooperation between the Lord, the demigods and the devotee of the Lord on earth ."

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 5

Date: 2014-01-23 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offering we saw how all devatas were eager to serve Hanumanji and Ocean god had requested Mainaka mountain to rise above the ocean and serve as resting place for Hanumanji. Now let us continue to meditate further.

6. Always be grateful and dutiful: Hanumanji saw the mountain Mainaka ahead of him filling the whole sky, and he thought it to be an obstruction. He prepared to strike it with his chest. Mainaka assumed a human form and informed Hanumanji that as per the request of ocean god who wishes to serve Rama, he had appeared to offer him shelter. The sea-god was formerly rendered a service by Rama's ancestor, Sagara, who filled the ocean when it had been dried up by the angry Agastya rshi. Mainaka was also indebted to Hanuman's father Vayu, who once saved him from . In a long past age, many mountains flew in the sky. Afraid of the mountains, the rshis asked Indra to cut their wings with his thunderbolt. Vayu had saved Mainaka from Indra.

The mountain therefore wished to repay his debt to Vayu by serving Hanuman. He asked Hanumanji to alight on his peaks and rest for a while. But Hanuman was not inclined to stop. He replied to Mainaka, "I am grateful and I thank you for your offer, but the time for resting has not yet arrived. My duty is not yet done. Please forgive me. You have already rendered me service by your kind words. Now please allow me to continue." Hanumanji respectfully touched the peak of the mountain and then rose still higher into the sky. The mountain and the sea-god both looked up at him and offered prayers and benedictions for his success.

Here we find how Mainaka and ocean god are very grateful for the help they had received in the past. Also when someone offers us some help while we are serving, we usually refuse it so abruptly, that it hurts the other person. It is very beautiful to notice how Hanumanji gracefully refused their service. He did not want to rest until he completes his service for Lord Ram. By kind words he expressed his gratitude for their good thought of service and respectfully touched the mountain. By their good behaviour, grateful nature and service attitude, Mainaka, Ocean god and Hanumanji pleased Supreme Lord. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 4.21.44, Prthu Maharaj prays,

guṇāyanaṁ śīla-dhanaṁ kṛta-jñaṁ vṛddhāśrayaṁ saṁvṛṇate ’nu sampadaḥ prasīdatāṁ -kulaṁ gavāṁ ca janārdanaḥ sānucaraś ca mahyam

Whoever acquires the brahminical qualifications, whose only wealth is good behavior, who is grateful and who takes shelter of experienced persons gets all the opulence of the world. I therefore wish that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His associates be pleased with the brahmana class, with the cows and with me.

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 6

Date: 2014-01-24 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Mother Sita. In previous offering we saw how all devatas were eager to serve Hanumanji and how Hanumanji gracefully refused to accept any service as he did not want to relax until he completes his service for Lord Ram. Now let us continue to meditate further.

7. Krishna gives intelligence: When Hanumanji is continuing his flight over the ocean towards Lanka, devatas like Indra were surprised by his power. They wanted to test him to see more of his prowess as they also knew that he will be greatly tested in Lanka. So with a desire to increase the fame of Hanumanji, Indra approached Surasa, the mother of Nagas and asked her to assume the form of Rakshasi and attack Hanumanji. Surasa at once appeared in front of Hanumanji in the form of a huge terrible Rakshasi and told him that devatas have asked her to eat him. She further said that Brahmaji had given her a boon that none who come before her can escape being eaten and then she opened her cavernous mouth which had fierce teeth.

It is very nice to notice how Hanumanji responded to her. Always steadfast in his service to Lord Ram, he smiled at her fearlessly and said, "I am on a mission to serve Rama, the lord of creation. You should not impede me. If I must be eaten by you, then pray wait here. Once I have completed my duty I shall doubtlessly return and you may devour me then as you please." But Surasa told him he would not be able to pass her by, for such was the boon given by Brahma. She expanded her mouth even more as Hanumanji came closer. Her jaws stretched for eight miles, but Hanumanji quickly grew to sixteen miles. She then expanded her mouth to twenty miles and Hanuman again exceeded that size with his body. As the Naga grew even further Hanumanji suddenly contracted himself down to the size of a thumb. Entering her mouth he went inside her throat and quickly came out again. He returned to his normal size and said, " I have honored Brahma's boon. Now let me pass and fulfill my mission. I wish you well." Surasa then assumed her original form and praised Hanumanji, blessing him success in his quest.

When we are engaged in any type of service, it requires certain ability, talent and intelligence to accomplish it. We might also face many challenges and obstacles while we are engaged in that service. But the potency of bhakti and Supreme Lord is such that even if we do not have the ability or talent or intelligence to accomplish a particular service, when we have sincere desire to serve the Lord and always render Him service with love, then the Lord empowers us to accomplish the service in a very nice manner. In verse 10.11, Lord Krishna says:

teṣām evānukampārtham aham ajñāna-jaṁ tamaḥ nāśayāmy ātma-bhāva-stho jñāna-dīpena bhāsvatā

To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 7

Date: 2014-01-25 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. Now let us continue to meditate further.

8. Secret of success: Hanuman moved on with the speed of Garuda. He saw many celestial chariots drawn by lions, tigers, elephants, birds and serpents as he coursed along the heavenly airways. Gandharvas, Yakshas, Vidhyadharas and other celestial beings were thronging the skys. Great heroes, who had lain down their lives in battle, rose upwards through the lofty region, their ethereal bodies shining like fire. As Hanuman shot through the sky he was seen from below by a Rakshasa woman called Simhika. She gazed hungrily upon the monkey’s enormous body. Desiring to devour him, she used her mystic power to suddenly seize his shadow as it sped over the water. Hanuman felt his progress arrested. He looked all around and saw beneath him Simhika's hideous form rising up from the sea, her terrific mouth open wide to swallow him. She thundered like a mass of clouds. Hanuman fearlessly entered her mouth. As he entered her body the Siddhas and gods cried out, "Alas! But Hanuman, whose body was as hard as a diamond, began to tear the demon's vital parts. He cleft her heart in two and burst out from the side of her body. The Rakshasi screamed and fell dead into the sea. Seeing Hanuman unscathed and flying onwards, the gods praised him saying, " Your success is certain. He who possesses firmness, vision, understanding and skill never fails in his undertakings."

From the journey of Hanuman we see that even when we are rendering service to Lord, there will be so many hurdles. Our tendency is that we get bogged down by the hurdles and stop our service. But like Hanumanji we should have firm determination, attachment to service, utilise the intelligence properly in tackling the hurdles and have complete faith in Guru and Krishna. Then our success is guaranteed. Let us offer our prayers to Hanumanji through the following sloka:

manojavaṁ māruta tulya vegaṁ jitendriyaṁ buddhimatāṁ variṣṭham vātātmajaṁ vānara yūtha mukhyaṁ śrī rāmadūtaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadye

Let me pray to the one who is swift as thought (manojavaṁ), the one who is more powerful than the wind (māruta tulya vegaṁ), the one who has conquered his senses (jitendriyaṁ), the one who is supreme among all intelligent beings, the son of the wind-god (vātātmajaṁ), the commander of the army of forest creatures (vānara yūtha mukhyaṁ), Let me find refuge in Lord Rama's Messenger, the incomparable Lord Hanuman. Please accept me and my prayers at your feet.

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 8

Date: 2014-01-27 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offering we saw how Hanumanji travelled, we could see that he got both praise, benedictions as well as troubles from demons. But he remained unshaken by all these. He did not become proud of his prowess, elated by fame nor was he fearful of demons. But simply continued his flight with his mind fixed on Lord Rama. Now let us continue to meditate further.

9. Live in the present: Hanumanji continued on, adored by the divine beings. Soon he saw the shore of Lanka skirted by forests and high mountains. He returned to his normal size, in order to avoid being seen. Flying over the island he came upon the city of Lanka, which was perched on the summit of Trikuta mountain. As he climbed down the mountainside he considered how to best enter the city. He made his way to the edge of the city, which was encircled by a wide, deep moat. Lanka, which had been constructed by the celestial architect , was inconceivably splendid and it awed his mind. He looked upon Lanka, which was guarded by innumerable gallant and terrible as one might view a cave full of venomous serpents. Before facing the opponent it is always beneficial to gauge their strength and weakness. So Hanumanji began to make perfect analysis on the whole city of Lanka, to decide upon the best way to enter it.

As he gazed up at the high wall and reflected. How would the Vanaras ever overpower this city? For a start, only he, Sugriva, Angada and Nila, the monkey general, could even cross the ocean and reach there. Then they would only be four against an uncountable horde of Rakshasas headed by the invincible Ravana himself. What would they do? Hanuman decided to first find Sita and ensure that She was safe. After all, those were his instructions. Then he could consider further action. He pondered deeply how to go about searching for the princess and yet not be discovered. Having taken such a great leap over the ocean, he did not want to fail now. It would be best to enter Lanka under the cover of darkness in an inconspicuous form. Hanuman decided to wait until sunset and enter the city as a small monkey. He decided to go house by house to locate Sita.

Here we see that although Hanumanji became a bit anxious for a moment about how their army will ever be able to cross over the ocean, he then decided to do first things first, follow the instruction of Rama now, without bothering about the future steps. He then began to concentrate on searching of Sita in Lanka. When we are performing a huge task, many times we get bogged down by the size of task and the future challenges in completing the task. Thinking too much about the future only leads to lot of anxiety. When we become anxious, we will not be able to do our present task properly. Our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj always quotes this following shloka from scriptures:

gate śoko na kartavyo bhaviṣyaṁ na cintayet vartamāneṣu kāleṣu pravartante vicakṣaṅāḥ

Those who are wise don't lament about the past - nor be anxious about the future. They live in the present and live it best.

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering. Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 9

Date: 2014-01-28 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offerings we saw how Hanumanji reached Lanka after facing so many challenges on the way.

10. Serving Lord without interruptions: At night when Hanumanji began to go near the entrance of Lanka, a demon goddess who guards Lakna appeared before him and fought with him. But he quickly over-powered her and proceeded his way. He assumed a form no bigger than a cat. Springing up, he climbed over the outer wall and began to penetrate the city. Then began the actual search. He went quickly from house to house in search of signs of Sita. He saw many demons engaged in amorous activities in their houses with damsels resembling . Within every house he saw many women, some embracing their partners, some adorning themselves with excellent dresses, some sleeping and others, angered out of love, hissing like serpents. All of the women were highly attractive. Although he saw innumerable women, he did not see Sita anywhere. He then entered Ravana's palace. Though he was awed by the opulence of the palace, he kept moving on without stopping, his mind intent on finding Sita.

Everywhere were powerful looking Rakshasas who held terrible weapons and looked alertly in all directions. By his powers of illusion Hanumanji kept himself invisible to all the guards. He then entered Ravana's personal bedchambers. He saw tables spread with every kind of food and drink placed in gold and crystal vessels. The odor of celestial foods reached Hanuman's nostrils, calling him like a loved one beckoning a dear relative. He felt all five senses being simultaneously attracted by the delights in Ravana's palace. He considered that he had entered the highest abode of paradise. He compared it only to Indra's palace or the abode of Brahma himself. Fixing his mind upon his purpose, like a consummate yogi meditating on the Supreme, Hanuman continued to search for Sita.

He continued searching Ravana's vast bedchamber. There were thousands of women lying everywhere. All of them were beautiful and adorned with blazing golden ornaments. But although he scrupulously examined every part of the room, he did not see Sita anywhere. As Hanuman looked upon the many semi-clad women, he felt a grave misgiving. Was this not sinful? To look upon the wives of others, especially in such a condition, was always condemned by scripture. Even looking upon the sinful Ravana who had stolen other's wives, was itself sinful. Hanuman felt disturbed, but he considered his mission. Where else could he find Sita? He had to look for her among Ravana's women. And he had not looked at them with even a slight tinge of lust. His mind was steady, firmly fixed on Rama's service. It was not possible that sin could overcome him in such circumstances. Feeling reassured but simultaneously despondent at not finding Sita, Hanuman came out of the bed chamber.

Here we see how searching for Sita is a real penance for Hanumanji. It is indeed a very uncomfortable and awkward position for Hanumanji to look for Sita among the women of Ravana. Due to his purity and sincere service attitude towards Lord Rama, he was able to render this difficult service, without getting into any entanglements. In Bhagavad Gita verse 5.10 Lord Krishna says,

brahmaṇy ādhāya karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā karoti yaḥ lipyate na sa pāpena padma-patram ivāmbhasā

One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water. Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 10

Date: 2014-01-29 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offerings we saw how Hanumanji reached Lanka after facing so many challenges on the way. He then began to search for Sita in every house in Lanka and also in Ravana's palace.

10. Lord's plans are inconceivable: When Hanumanji could not find Sita even in Ravana's palace, he felt despondent as to where else he could find Her. He was worried if Sita had already left Her body or whether the demons had devoured Her. He could not bear such thoughts. If he could not find Sita, then he would fast until death. Thinking in this way he went along the paths outside the palace and saw the palace gardens. They had not yet been searched. Hanuman prayed that he might at last succeed in finding Sita. He paused as he reached the gardens and thought of Rama. Thrilled at the prospect of finding the princess, he leapt up onto the top of the surrounding wall.

So herein again we see how it is natural to become little despondent when our attempts of service fails. Our tendency is to give up the service and become moroseful, when we face challenges or failures. But the secret of success lies in not giving up and at the same time to pray sincerely to the Lord to help us to do the service. As soon as he prayed, the good Lord showed him the palace gardens where Sita was held a captive amidst terrible Rakshasis.

Hanumanji climbed up on one of the trees in the garden and could see large grove of ashoka trees ahead. Those trees, with their thousands of bright red blossoms appearing in every season, seemed as though made entirely of flowers. Simply by looking upon those splendid trees, a man would feel his grief dispelled, true to their names. Their amidst the trees he saw Sita clad in soiled garments, but She was beautiful, like a diamond covered in dust. Her slender body was smeared with dirt. She lay repeatedly sighing and seemed distraught, Her face streaked with tears. Hanumanji felt his heart leap with joy, but it was agony to see Her in such a wretched condition, appearing in every way like the eclipsed moon. He recognized the celestial yellow garment he had seen waving in the breeze when Ravana had passed over the Rishyamukha. This was undoubtedly the lady seized by that demon. He gazed with sorrow at the princess. How powerful and inscrutable was destiny! Sita was the daughter of a king and the wife of an invincible hero, yet She was now suffering torment. She was gentle, kind and always virtuous, undeserving of any pain. How then had She been placed in such terrible circumstances? It was inconceivable. When Bhishmadev was lying in the bed of arrows Yudhishtir Maharaj and his brothers come to meet him. At that time Bhishmadev says in Srimad Bhagavatam verse 1.9.15,

yatra dharma-suto rājāgadā-pāṇir vṛkodaraḥ kṛṣṇo ’strī gāṇḍivaṁ cāpaṁ suhṛt kṛṣṇas tato vipat

O how wonderful is the influence of inevitable time. It is irreversible-otherwise, how can there be reverses in the presence of King Yudhishthira, the son of the demigod controlling religion; Bhima, the great fighter with a club; the great bowman with his mighty weapon Gandiva; and above all, the Lord, the direct well-wisher of the

In his wonderful purport to the above verse Srila Prabhupada says, "Despite the power of pious acts, the power of personalities, the power of expert management and the power of weapons under the direct supervision of Lord Krishna, the Pandavas suffered so many practical reverses, which can only be explained as due to the influence of kala, inevitable time. Kala is identical with the Lord Himself, and therefore the influence of kala indicates the inexplicable wish of the Lord Himself. There is nothing to be lamented when a matter is beyond the control of any human being ."

Similarly although Sita was daughter of great king Janaka and consort of Lord Rama, still she had to go through this tough situation, because of inexplicable will of Lord. As Bhishmadev again says in verse 1.9.17, the apparent sufferings undergone by pure devotees of the Lord and His associates are only 'daiva tantraṁ' - inconceivable plan of the Lord .

Krishna willing we shall continue to meditate further on this topic in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 11

Date: 2014-02-20 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offerings on this topic, we saw how Hanumanji reached Lanka after facing so many challenges on the way. He then began to search for Sita and found Her amidst Rakshasis in the Ashoka gardens.

9. Meeting of Sita: Hanumanji saw how Sita was being troubled by Ravana and the Rakshasis. He waited for an opportune moment to meet Sita and so hid himself on the top of a tree near Sita. He wanted to comfort Sita and give Her Rama's ring, but he was not sure how to approach Her. She would likely think him to be Ravana in disguise using sorcery to trick her. She might cry out and alert the Rakshasis. Then he could be killed or captured. How would Rama's purpose be served if that happened? Hanumanji thought carefully. He decided to remain in the tree and sing praises of Rama so that Sita could hear. The Rakshasis had moved away to a distance and would not notice.

Hanumanji started to speak out loud. "In the city of Ayodhya there lived a great ruler named Dasharatha. That lordly king begot a valiant son named Rama, who possesses every good quality. Going to the forest in obedience to His aged and pious father, Prince Rama slayed in battle many violent demons."Hanumanji related in brief Rama's history up until the time of Sita's abduction. He described what had happened to Rama in Her absence since then, leading up to his own leap across the ocean and arrival in the Ashoka grove. Sita was struck with wonder to hear the voice from the tree. She looked up and all around Her, feeling joy upon hearing Rama's activities described.

Here we find how Hanumanji simply by glorifying Lord Rama became successful in his attempt to meet and talk with Sita, without being noticed by the Rakshasis. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 3.13.49 Maitreya Muni says,

tasmin prasanne sakalāśiṣāṁ prabhau kiṁ durlabhaṁ tābhir alaṁ lavātmabhiḥ ananya-dṛṣṭyā bhajatāṁ guhāśayaḥ svayaṁ vidhatte sva-gatiṁ paraḥ parām

Nothing remains unachieved when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased with someone. By transcendental achievement one understands everything else to be insignificant. One who engages in transcendental loving service is elevated to the highest perfectional stage by the Lord Himself, who is seated in everyone's heart.

So however complex and difficult be the service, as soon as we lovingly serve Him, He gives us the right directions.

As Sita gazed into the boughs of the tree She saw among the leaves Hanuman. He sat humbly with his palms folded. Immediately She became afraid and wondered who he was and what was he doing in the tree? Hanumanji slipped down from the tree and bowed low before Sita with his joined palms raised above his head. He revealed his identity and told how along with His brother Lakshman, Rama waits in grief for some news of Her whereabouts. Sita felt overjoyed to hear of Rama, but She was still suspicious. What if this was Ravana? Nevertheless, upon seeing Hanumanji She was feeling a strange calm and peace of mind. Our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj also says that when Krishna is satisfied by our behaviour, He makes everyone remain peaceful.

Sita looked carefully at Hanumanji and asked, "How can I know that you are not Ravana?" Hanumanji reassured Her. He described the features of both Rama and Lakshman in great detail, telling Her everything he knew about the two princes. Hanumanji then told Her about himself and how he had come to meet with Rama. He spoke confidently. "Now that I have found You I will soon return to Rama. You will see Your Lord arrive here before long, marching at the head of an unlimited number of powerful monkeys and bears." Hanumanji showed Her the ring Rama had given him and She immediately recognized it. She was now convinced by Hanuman. Standing up in excitement She felt unlimited joy. Her eyes shed tears of happiness and Her face shone brightly. She praised Hanuman. "You have achieved a great feat in crossing the wide ocean and entering this fortified city. O noble one surely you are the foremost of Rama's servants."

Krishna willing we shall continue to learn more lessons from this pastime in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 12

Date: 2014-02-21 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offerings we saw how Hanumanji reached Lanka after facing so many challenges on the way. He then met Sita in Ashoka gardens and conveyed her the message of Lord Rama. Now we shall continue to meditate further.

10. As cool as Fire: Hanumanji after receiving Sita's message to Lord Rama took leave from her. Before leaving Lanka, he wanted to cause some havoc in Lanka, so that he can get an opportunity to assess the various places in the city as that would help them in the future attacks. So he started pulling down the trees in Ashoka groves. When Rakshasis saw him, they went and complained to Ravana who sent many demons to fight with Hanumanji. But Hanumanji killed everyone including Ravana's son Aksha. Then when Indrajit shot the brahmastra, Hanumanji understood that the brahmastra had overpowered him and considered the situation. He had been given a boon by Brahma that the brahmastra would only be effective upon him for a short while. He knew he would soon be released. But this was an opportunity for him to be taken before Ravana himself. That would be useful. He could deliver a stern ultimatum to the Rakshasa on Rama behalf and then make his escape.

Hanumanji reduced himself to normal size and allowed the Rakshasas to bind him and take him to Ravana. There he introduced himself as servant of Lord Rama and boldly asked Ravana to restore Sita back to Lord Rama or else he would be destroyed soon along with the whole Rakshasa clan. Annoyed by his words Ravana ordered his soldiers to kill him. But Vibishana, the younger brother of Ravana and a devotee of Lord Ram, intervened and advised Ravana that it is not appropriate to kill a messenger. But if Ravana wants he can consider some other method of punishment. Ravana then asked his soldiers to set fire on Hanumanji's tail. Even in this condition, within his mind Hanumanji thought only of Rama and how he could best serve Him now.

He grew in size and began to attack the demons with his fiery tail. Some of the Rakshasis reported to Sita that Hanuman was being paraded through the city with his tail alight. Upon hearing this news Sita felt aggrieved. She prayed mentally to the fire-god, , "If I possess any merit from service to My husband and if I am truly devoted to Rama, then please prove cool to Hanuman." At once Hanuman felt the fire on his tail to be cold. He understood that it was due to Rama's power and Mother Sita's mercy. The fire-god would certainly try to please those devoted to Their service. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 2.10.12 Sri Sukadeva Goswami says,

dravyaṁ karma ca kālaś ca svabhāvo jīva eva ca yad-anugrahataḥ santi na santi yad-upekṣayā

One should definitely know that all material ingredients, activities, time and modes, and the living entities who are meant to enjoy them all, exist by His mercy only, and as soon as He does not care for them, everything becomes nonexistent.

The nature of fire is to burn. But even the innate nature of fire can be changed if Supreme Lord wishes. So here we see that when Supreme Lord Rama and His internal potency saw how Hanumanji was eagerly meditating on how to serve Him, even when his tail was alighted, pleased by his devotion, They made the same fire to behave in an opposite manner. When devotee performs fiery devotional service, even fire becomes cool. Bhakta Hanuman ki Jai! Janaki Vallabha Raja Ram ki Jai! Krishna willing we shall continue to learn more lessons from this pastime in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 13

Date: 2014-02-23 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In previous offerings we saw how he reached Lanka after facing so many challenges on the way. After meeting Sita in Ashoka groves, Hanumanji fought with the demons and when they reported to Ravana, Ravana punished Hanumanji by alighting his tail. Now let us continue to meditate further.

11. Great souls are Grateful: Hanumanji by decreasing his size, became free from the ropes bound by the Rakshasas and then he continued to fly over various parts of Lanka and burnt many houses by using his fiery tail. After causing enough havoc in Lanka, he then took a leap over the ocean to go back and convey the news of Sita to Lord Rama and Sugriva. So he first reached Mount Mahendra and met Angada and his army. He shared the good news with them and then they all happily marched towards Lord Rama and Sugriva. Prostrating before Lord Rama and Sugriva, Hanumanji told them the good news of his meeting with Sita. With tears in His eyes, Lord Rama inquired about the well- being of Sita and Her message for Him. Hanumanji also gave Sita's jewel to Lord Rama. Rama said, "Even as a cow sheds milk upon seeing its calf, so My heart melts upon seeing this jewel. It originally belonged to Indra and was given to Sita by King Janaka. By seeing this brilliant gem I have directly gained sight of My noble father-in-law as well as My beloved wife Sita."

He was pained to learn of Her sorry plight and felt Her words to be His only consolation. Hanumanji narrated to Rama his entire conversation with Sita. When he stopped speaking Rama sat silently for some time absorbed in thoughts of Sita. At last He said to Hanuman, "You have accomplished a great deed, dear Hanuman. None but Garuda or the wind- god himself could have achieved this feat. Who could leap across the expansive ocean? Who, having once entered Lanka as an enemy, could ever hope to emerge alive? You are a first-class servant. You have achieved all that was asked of you and more." Praising Hanuman in various ways, Rama lamented that He could not repay him for the service he had rendered. All He could offer him was His embrace. "O Hanuman, that is all I can call My own at this time ," Rama said as He took hold of Hanuman and tightly hugged him.

This pastime shows the loving reciprocation of the Supreme Lord to His dear devotees. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 5.19.8 Hanumanji offers a beautiful prayer to Lord Ram. He says,

suro ’suro vāpy atha vānaro naraḥ sarvātmanā yaḥ sukṛtajñam uttamam bhajeta rāmaṁ manujākṛtiṁ hariṁ ya uttarān anayat kosalān divam iti

Therefore, whether one is a demigod or a demon, a man or a creature other than man, such as a beast or bird, everyone should worship Lord Ramachandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears on this earth just like a human being. There is no need of great austerities or penances to worship the Lord, for He accepts even a small service offered by His devotee. Thus He is satisfied, and as soon as He is satisfied, the devotee is successful. Indeed, Lord Sri Ramachandra brought all the devotees of Ayodhya back home, back to Godhead [Vaikunta].

In this verse Srila Prabhupada gives the meaning of sukṛtajñam as "easily made grateful". Being omniscient, Lord Rama could easily know the whereabouts of Sita and also could easily get back Sita on His own, without anyone's help. But due to His inconceivable mercy, He gives a chance to all to serve. He is also the source of knowledge, strength and ability to serve. But He is so kind and merciful that after the devotee completes the service, He expresses His whole- hearted thanks and genuinely feels grateful for the service rendered. While the Lord who is omnipotent and omniscient is being grateful then how much should we, who have no strength or knowledge on our own be grateful to the souls who help us. So by this pastime the Lord is teaching us by practice the importance of being grateful to others. Just like how charity begins at home, we should start being grateful to our family member, friends and all others who help us. If we are not grateful to people in this material world, then how can we dream of entry into spiritual world, wherein Supreme Lord Himself is embodiment of this jewel like quality?

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi. Leap of Faith - Part 14

Date: 2014-02-25 Author: Sudarshana devi dasi

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in conclusion of the previous topic, "Leap of Faith" wherein we were meditating on the pastime of Hanumanji leaping over the ocean to find out the whereabouts of Sita. In this beautiful pastime we saw the below points.

1. Pray for others' success.

2. Just do what you are ordered to do.

3. Accept wisdom from everyone.

4. Power of Holy Name.

5. Service inspires Service.

6. Always be grateful and dutiful.

7. Krishna gives intelligence.

8. Secret of Success.

9. Live in the present.

10. Serving Lord without Interruptions.

11. Lord's plans are inconceivable.

12. Meeting of Sita.

12. As cool as fire.

13. Great people are grateful.

In our day to day lives also many a times we face so many challenging situations either at home or at work and we are placed in a situation to do services either alone or as a team. In those situations when we remember the wonderful service done by Bhakta Hanumanji and the Vanaras and follow their footsteps then by the mercy of Guru and Krishna, we will also be successful in our attempts of service. Hanumanji and the other Vanaras were all successful in their mission of searching Sita because their goal was one and that was to serve Lord Rama. They were obedient to authorities and were always respectful to good advice of elders and well-wishers. They were non-envious and prayed for others' success. Because they were always grateful and dutiful and had faith in Holy Names and rendered uninterrupted service, Lord was pleased with them and empowered Hanumanji to make the giant leap across the ocean to reach Lanka. In Srimad Bhagavatam verse 3.5.51 the demigods also offer a very beautiful prayer to Lord which we can also offer before starting any service. tato vayaṁ mat-pramukhā yad-arthe babhūvimātman karavāma kiṁ te tvaṁ naḥ sva-cakṣuḥ paridehi śaktyā kriyārthe yad-anugrahāṇām

O Supreme Self, please give us, who are created in the beginning from the mahat-tattva, the total cosmic energy, Your kind directions on how we shall act. Kindly award us Your perfect knowledge and potency so that we can render You service in the different departments of subsequent creation.

Bhakta Sironmani Sri Hanumanji ki Jai! Bhakta vatsala Janaki Ram ki Jai! Srila Prabhupada ki Jai! Srila Gurudev ki Jai!

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Sudarshana devi dasi.