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協會透視 QTSA PERSPECTIVE 睿智之言 THE INSIGHT 優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 邵家輝議員 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & The Hon Peter Shiu Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony Comments from the Legislative Council Member, 新春國際匯演之夜 Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency International Chinese New Year Night Parade 「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會 業界掠影 INDUSTRY EXPRESS Sharing of Business Elite 2017 香港龍舟嘉年華 委員專訪: 謝淑敏女士 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival Meet Governing Council Member: Ms Connie Tse 「 優 質 營 商 在 香 港 」宣 傳 日 會員透視 MEMBER PERSPECTIVE Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong 會員專訪: 裕華 「前線人員:調適壓力與情緒」研討會 Interview with Yue Hwa “Managing Stress and Emotions for Frontline Staff” Seminar 零售/飲食業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 會員專訪: 香港賽馬會百勝廳 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail / Catering Interview with Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing 零售/飲食業實用英語會話一天精讀課程 Restaurant Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering 新會員登場 New Members Highlight 編者的話 Editor’s Note 協會一直十分關注業界的發展,並於本季度提供了不同的渠道和平台予會員,讓會員有更多機會與業界交流、品牌宣傳及員 工培訓。協會將會聯同香港旅遊發展局舉辦「優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮」,為 會員提供一個與業界互相交流的平台,亦同時會頒授「優質商戶及員工服務獎項」及「15年或10年資深優質商戶嘉許」予得 獎商戶和員工,以鼓勵業界繼續保持服務質素。

QTSA is invested in the development of the industry and continues to provide different channels and platforms where members can cooperate with other industry players, promote their brand and provide training for their staff. QTSA, in cooperation with the Hong Kong Tourism Board, presents the “QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony”. Accredited merchants and staff will be awarded “QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards” and “15-year or 10-year QTS Merchant Recognition” in order to encourage industry to maintain high quality services while providing them with an opportunity to network with their peers.

目錄 Content

[協會透視 QTSA Perspective] 優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 1 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony

新春國際匯演之夜 2-4 International Chinese New Year Night Parade

「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會 5 Sharing of Business Elite 2017

委員專訪: 謝淑敏女士 6-7 Meet Governing Council Member: Ms Connie Tse

「優質營商在香港」宣傳日 8-9 Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong

「前線人員:調適壓力與情緒」研討會 10 “Managing Stress and Emotions for Frontline Staff” Seminar

零售/飲食業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 11 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail / Catering 零售/飲食業實用英語會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering

[睿智之言 The Insights] 邵家輝議員 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 12 The Hon Peter Shiu Comments from the Legislative Council Member, Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency

[業界掠影 Industry Express] 香港龍舟嘉年華 13 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival

[會員透視 Member Perspective] 會員專訪: 裕華 14 Interview with Yue Hwa

會員專訪: 香港賽馬會百勝廳 15 Interview with Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant

新會員登場 16-17 New Members Highlight 優質旅遊服務協會23周年晚宴暨 2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony

為增進會員之間的聯繫並加強與各政府機構之溝通,及慶祝協會踏入第廿三年,本年度的周年晚宴將於2017年5月9日 (星期二)假香港會議展覽中心會議廳舉行,並聯同香港旅遊發展局舉行「優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質 商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮」。

周年晚宴是協會一年一度觸目的盛會,屆時將特別邀請政府主要官員出席晚宴及擔任主禮嘉賓,為會員商戶提供一 個與政府和業界的交流平台。晚宴特設精彩表演及幸運抽獎,獎品豐富,希望各會員有一個開心而又難忘的晚上。 誠盼各會員把握是次交流機會,踴躍參加,聚首一堂,支持是次盛會!

QTSA celebrates its 23rd year in serving the industry. To help strengthen communication between members and Government organisations, the QTSA cordially invites members to attend the QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony, which co-organised with the Hong Kong Torism Board, to be held at the Convention Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on Tuesday, 9 May 2017.

The annual dinner is an important event on the QTSA calendar. Government of cials will be invited to of ciate at the event giving members the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with government and industry leaders. The delightful dinner will be accompanied by stage shows and lucky draws to make the event even more enjoyable. , We sincerely invite all QTSA members to attend this annual event and have a great evening with us.

1 國際匯演之夜國際匯演之夜 InternationalInternational ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear NightNight ParadeParade 「優質服務 百花綻放」 “The Blooming of Quality Services”

雞年新春花車巡遊於大年初一2017年1月28日晚上於舉行,當晚 尖沙咀化身成派對的大舞台,與全球各地的旅客和香港市民一起 慶賀新歲。來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車為這個晚上營造 歡樂的嘉年華氣氛。

On 28 January 2017, to mark the rst day of the Year of Rooster, the International Chinese New Year Night Parade was staged at Tsim Sha Tsui for both tourists and locals. There were a lot of performances and spectators joined in the street party along the parade route.

2 優質旅遊服務協會第八度參與此項世界盛事,並聯同十家「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶,包括家得路美 國天然健康食品、昌興醇酒坊、周生生集團國際有限公司、香港空氣淨化器中心有限公司、奇華餅家有限 公司、六福珠寶、莎莎、太興飲食集團、謝瑞麟珠寶(國際)有限公司及位元堂(零售)有限公司組合新春 賀 歲 花 車,與 市 民 共 渡 新 歲。

花車匯聚了「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,以展示香港多元化的購物和美食選擇,帶領旅 客和觀眾體驗一個包羅萬有的購物、餐飲之旅,同時寄望旅客在香港有一個開心而又難忘的回憶,感受香 港 作 為「 亞 洲 國 際 城 市 」的 魅 力。

This was the 8th consecutive year that QTSA has participated in the Parade. QTSA teamed up with ten Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme - accredited merchants – Catalo Natural Health Foods, Cheong Hing Vinsac, Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited, Hong Kong Air Puri er Center Limited, Kee Wah Bakery Limited, Lukfook Jewellery, Sa Sa, Tai Hing Catering Group, Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International) Co Ltd and Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited – to create a glittering oat.

A dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies were featured on the oat, reecting the diverse shopping and dining opportunities Hong Kong offers for visitors to enjoy a full shopping and dining experience. We hope that all visitors have a happy and unforgettable time in Hong Kong and fully experience its charms as ‘Asia's World City’.

3 為延續歡愉的節慶氣氛,花車在巡遊完結後便移施至大埔林 村,予市民近距離欣賞百花綻放般的優質花車。

新春國際匯演之夜是最受歡迎的賀歲節目之一,協會十分榮幸 參與此項世界盛事,透過電子媒界將祝福傳送給全球的觀眾 並展示了協會及會員全力支持和促進香港旅遊業的發展。

After the parade, the QTSA oat was displayed in Lam Tsuen, offering visitors and locals a perfect opportunity to get up close to it.

The International Chinese New Year Night Parade is one of the best-loved events of the entire Chinese New Year celebrations. The QTSA was delighted to join the festival, send greetings to people around the world through various media and have the opportunity to support the tourism industry of Hong Kong.

4 「翹楚匯2017」經 驗 分 享 會 Sharing of Business Elites 2017

協會每年的重點項目之一「翹楚匯2017」經驗分 The Sharing of Business Elites 2017, one of the highlight events on 享會將於6月2日(星期五)假香港會議展覽中心演 the QTSA calendar, will take place at Theater 1, Hong Kong 講 廳1舉 行。 Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, 2 June 2017.

每年協會透過「翹楚匯」邀請業界傑出精英交流 QTSA invites outstanding business leaders to be guest speakers at 和分享營商心得,為會員提供寶貴的觀摩和與業 this annual event. Guests share their experiences in providing quality 界交流的機會。精彩的主題及具豐富經驗的演講 services and expertise in business management to inspire QTSA 嘉賓,定能為參加者帶來無窮啟發。 members that attend the event.

今年分享會以「創新轉型」為題,嘉賓們將會分享 The theme for this year is “Innovative Transformation,” with guests 如何在經濟不明朗的環境下,帶領公司成功轉型, tackling how to adapt and succeed during an economic downturn, 拓闊目標市場,發揮香港人永不放棄的精神。 an issue that is doubtless relevant to QTSA members and other business practitioners in Hong Kong.

5 Meet Governing Council Member 委員專訪

Ms Connie謝淑敏 Tse 女士

恒宇仁龍拳由宗師黑帶十段區悅誠先生於1981年創立。它是傳統中國功夫和現代武術技術的結合,適合成人、兒童和 家庭。 恆宇仁龍拳的理念總結為:

Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon (HYYLK) is a modern Chinese Martial Arts school founded in 1981 by Grandmaster AU Yuet-sing, Black Belt 10th Dan. It is a combination of traditional Chinese kung fu and modern ghting techniques for adults, children and the whole family. Our philosophy can be summarised by the ve characters in our name:

是 代 表 恒 心,包 括 努力、毅 力、堅 定 和 耐 心。 「恒」「恒」 Perseverance. This embodies unceasing endeavour, resoluteness, and patience. Heng

是 代 表 宇 宙、智 慧 和 知 識。 「宇」「宇」 Universe. This stands for boundlessness. It also symbolises wisdom and knowledge. Yue

「仁」 是仁愛、同情、關心、去私及和平的實踐。 「仁」Yen Benevolence. This is the embodiment of kindness, care and sympathy.

是天地間的正氣、至尊,是代表君子,亦代表中國。 「龍」「龍」 Righteousness. To be the best, as well as noble in action. It is also the symbol of China. Long

是拳術,是技巧、智慧、勇氣和力量的結合。 「拳」「拳」 Martial arts. It is a combination of skills, wisdom and body strength. Kwon

6 謝女士於1981年開始跟隨宗師學習武術,自始對功 Ms Tse started learning martial arts under Grandmaster AU in 1981. 夫有濃厚的興趣,她十分享受教授功夫所帶給自己 Martial arts have always been in her blood, and particularly enjoyed 及學生的成就感。恒宇仁龍拳的級段制度推動學員 the sense of accomplishment in teaching kung fu. In fact, HYYLK’s belt grading system always pushes their students to try harder as 積極學習和嘗試新技術,學員每通過一個考試,可學 there is always more to learn after passing one exam and moving on to 習到更深層次的理論和武術技能。她印象最為深刻 another level. In 1992, when Ms Tse was teaching HYYLK in Canada, 的是1992年在加拿大教授恒宇仁龍拳時,有很多當 there were so many Canadians who had very limited knowledge about 地的青少年和成人到來學習,他們雖然不懂中文,但 Chinese who joined our classes. Ms Tse was impressed by the level of 對中國武術卻充滿熱情。 passion towards Chinese martial arts that those teenagers showed.

While HYYLK’s students are from all over the world, they all come for 恒宇仁龍拳已成為一個跨越民族和語言的平台,學 one common interest: to learn Chinese martial arts. HYYLK easily 員來自世界各地,為著同一個目的:學習中國武術。 crosses the bounds of nationalities and languages. This is exactly 這也正是宗師區悅誠先生創立恒宇仁龍拳的願景: what underlined Grandmaster Au’s philosophy when he created 推廣中國武術和中國文化到世界各地。 HYYLK, with the aim of promoting Chinese martial arts and Chinese culture to people all over the world.

恒宇仁龍拳創立36年來貫徹其教學理念,鼓勵學員 As there are many different martial arts for people to learn in Hong 持之以恆,努力學習和探索,以學習到更高層次的武 Kong, HYYLK is strict on its philosophy and the teaching. Teachers 術技巧和智慧。恒宇仁龍拳在灣仔總校和銅鑼灣分 remind students that it is a long voyage to discover the many modern 校外,更提供度身訂制恆宇仁龍拳太極及自衛術等 ghting techniques and reach greater skills and techniques. Today, 課程予國際學校、私人會所及企業員工,課程加入 HYYLK hold classes at most international schools, private clubs and associations. The course includes elements of health and tness so 養生及健身的元素,使學員在學習中國武術文化的 that students can be healthier through learning Chinese martial arts. 同時 更 可 強 身 健 體。 HYYLK also offer tailor-made courses from self-defence classes to Tai Chi techniques for associations and corporations. 香港是一個國際化都會及旅遊勝地,有著頻繁商業 活動,恒宇仁龍拳的業務發展與香港的發展息息相 The prosperity of Hong Kong hinges on its international image both as 關,而優質旅遊服務協會是本港最具規模的商會之 a vibrant place to conduct business and as a tourism destination. HYYLK’s business development is linked to the ongoing development 一,給予會員的商業資訊至為重要。謝女士感謝協 of Hong Kong. QTSA is one of the leading trade associations in Hong 會提供了一個予業界直接交流的平台,宣揚願景和 Kong, and the insight it provides within the industry is important to our 目標。謝女士指出,他們在展示優質旅遊服務協會 operations. QTSA provides a platform whereby we are able to network 的標誌和談及如何成為協會的一份子時,也帶著一 and meet many business professionals face-to-face, to explain the 份自豪 感。 vision and purpose of our association. HYYLK are proud to display QTSA’s logo at our studios and talk about how we are part of QTSA.

香港為亞洲和全球獨一無二的旅遊目的地,故業界 Putting Hong Kong uniquely on the map in Asia and globally means 前線員工需要提供高質素服務予旅客。現今,旅客 that we need to excel in our services. If we provide poor experiences 可透過社交媒體立即分享他們的經歷給其他人,促 at these front line services, then this will reect negatively on Hong 使參差的服務不能瞞天過海。因此,建議協會未來 Kong. Social media means that visitors report and share their 的工作,可著重於令會員更認識如何利用社交媒體 experiences so there is no hiding from poor performance. QTSA should focus on supporting its members by developing social media 及相關流動電話應用程式,以提升服務質素。 platforms and apps to enhance quality services.

7 「優質營商在香港」宣傳日 Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong

為提倡優質營商手法、鞏固香港服務業的誠信形象, Co-organised by the QTSA, (Yau Tsim 優 質 旅 遊 服務協會、香 港 警 務處 油 尖 警 區、香 港 海 關 District), Customs & Excise Department and Yau Tsim Mong District 及油尖旺區撲滅罪行委員會攜手於2017年3月15日舉 Fight Crime Committee, and supported by the Consumer Council, the “Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong” campaign held on 15 March 2017 辦「優質營商在香港」宣傳日,並得到消費者委員會 aims to advocate best trade practices and reinforce the reputation of 的大力支持。協會希望透過是次活動達到以下目標: Hong Kong’s tourism services industry. The QTSA hopes to achieve the following objectives through this event: 1. 團結「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶,共同提倡 優質營商手法 1. Unite Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme - accredited merchants to promote best trade practices 2 . 打 擊 售 賣 冒 牌 貨 品、舉 報 非 法 招 徠 2. Compact and report on the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods 3. 加強推廣商品說明條例,打擊不良營商手法 and illegal touting. 4. 提高旅客消費信心,營造良好購物環境 3. Strengthen the promotion of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance 5. 加強協作,締造香港誠信旅遊形象 and combat unfair trade practices. 4. Enhance consumer con dence and sustain a healthy shopping environment 5. Strengthen the collaboration among different sectors and reinforce the reputation of Hong Kong’s tourism services industry

8 優質旅遊服務協會主席郭少明博士, BBS, 太平紳士、 Dr Simon Kwok, BBS, JP Chairman of QTSA, The Hon Peter Shiu, Mrs 立法會邵家輝議員、優質旅遊服務協會名譽顧問周梁 , GBS, OBE, JP, Honorary Adviser of QTSA, Mr Ken Chan, 淑怡女士, GBS, OBE, 太平紳士、優質旅遊服務協會 Vice-Chairman of QTSA, Mr Homer Yu, MH, Chairman of Better Business Environment Committee, Mr Manu Melwani, MH, JP, 副主席陳永安先生、營商環境關注委員會主席余壽寧 Chairman of Best Trade Practices in Hong Kong Campaign Organising 先生, MH、優質營商在香港宣傳日籌委會主席Manu Committee, Mr Chan Yun-kam, Assistant Divisional Commander Melwani先生, MH, 太平紳士,聯同香港警務處尖沙 (Operations) of Hong Kong Police Force Tsim Sha Tsui Division, Ms 咀分區助理指揮官(行動)陳潤金先生、商品說明調查 Josephine H C Au, Deputy Head (Trade Descriptions Division 3), Trade 科商品說明課(三)總貿易管制主任歐行莊女士、油尖 Descriptions Investigation Bureau of Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Ms CHAN Heung-lin, Committee Chairman of Yau Tsim 旺區撲滅罪行委員會主席陳香蓮女士及消費者委員 Mong District Fight Crime Committee and Dr HUNG Tim-yau, Principal 會策劃及商營手法事務部首席主任熊天佑博士,於尖 Planning and Trade Practices Of cer of Consumer Council were the 沙咀太子集團中心門外主持啟動儀式。啟動儀式完畢 of ciating guests of the launch ceremony held outside Prince Tower in 後,一眾嘉賓與協會執行委員會委員、會員商戶代表 Tsim Sha Tsui. Following the ceremony, the QTSA Governing Council 及油尖旺區滅罪會委員沿北京道及彌敦道向商戶及 Members distribute leaets to merchants and consumers along 消費者派發宣傳單張,期望業界各方透過是次活動, Peking and Nathan Roads. A networking gathering was held after to enhance the communication ow between the industry and 發揮強大的夥伴合作優勢。協會委員與各界代表於派 government departments. 發宣傳單張後,進行交流聚會,借此增強業界與政府 執意部門的溝通。 We are pleased to have had Hong Kong Police Force (Yau Tsim District), Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Consumer 是次活動得以順利舉行,實有賴香港警務處油尖警 Council and Prince Jewellery & Watch Co. Ltd. support the Best Trade Practices in Hong Kong event. This shows the collaboration between 區、香港海關、消費者委員會及太子珠寶鐘錶有限公 the QTSA and different partners are extremely bene cial. Dr Simon 司等單位的鼎力協助和配合,充分展現協會與各相 Kwok, BBS, JP Chairman of QTSA pointed out that QTSA has always 關夥伴合作的優勢。協會主席郭少明博士BBS,太平 championed the rights of consumers. As one of the leading trade 紳士表示,協會一直十分重視消費者的權益,作為零 associations in Hong Kong, QTSA will continue to enhance the quality 售、飲食及旅遊相關業界代表,協會致力提升香港 of service in Hong Kong's tourism industry and promote best trade 旅遊服務業的服務質素及宣揚優質營商手法,並呼 practices. All QTSA members and industry partners are enjoined to continue to uphold the principle of quality service and contribute to the 籲協會會員和業界繼續堅守優質服務嘅原則,共同 development of a healthy shopping environment. 努力,為業界穩健嘅發展作出貢獻。

9 「 前 線 人 員 : 調 適 壓 力 與 情 緒 」研 討 會 “Managing Stress and Emotions for Frontline Staff” Seminar

現今顧客的要求不斷轉變和提高,加上在現時消費市道疲弱的影響下,前線人員壓力越來越大,情緒難免受到影響。為 了讓會員能夠有效處理負面情緒外和掌握減壓技巧,協會邀請思能智培訓中心資深培訓及策略顧問卞偉東先生,於 2017年3月7日假香港生產力大樓4樓會議廳作研討會講者,向會員分享處理負面情緒技巧。

High customers’ expectation and weak consumer sentiment may create stress and negative emotions for frontline staff in the retail, catering and other service sectors. To help our members learn practical techniques for handling negative emotions and stress, the QTSA invited Mr Danny Pin, Director of Synergy Training Centre to share some practical techniques on 7 March 2017 at the Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building.

研討會重點 Seminar Hightlights 二大負面情緒 Two main negative emotions

失去�Fear�of�loss 他人�Anger�towards�others 害怕 失敗�Fear�of�failure� 憤怒 自己�Anger�towards�self Fear 被拒絕�Fear�of�rejection Anger 天�Anger�at�the�situation

負面情緒起源 處理負面情緒四步曲 Source of negative emotions 4 steps to handle negative emotions 違反信念�Against�belief 面對�Face�it 接受�Accept�it 違反價值�Against�values 處理�Handle�it� 放下 �Let�it�go 違反規條�Against�rules

建立高EQ團隊 Establish a high EQ team 尋找和發揮自己個人正面獨特優點�Find�and�develop�signature�strengths 幫助下屬尋找個人正面獨特優點�Help�subordinates�to�find�their�signature�strengths 建立信任及支援氣氛�Establish�trust�and�supportive�atmosphere 鼓勵創意�Encourage�creativity

研討會內卞先生讓參與者學會簡單舒緩壓力的方法,並認識有關處理負面情緒外和掌握減壓的技巧。參加 會員表示期望協會舉辦有關前線員工時間管理、適應新轉變及應對新世代客人反應等課題的研討會。

During the seminar, Mr Danny Pin helped participants learn how to relieve stress and acquire the skills to deal with negative emotions and stress. The participants were impressed with the seminar and asked QTSA to organise more courses to help frontline staff learn better time management, adapt to environment changes and handle new generation customers’ reactions. 10 零售/飲食業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail / Catering

內地旅客為香港旅遊業增長的主要動力,為加強針對內地旅客的培訓項目,協會特別為零售/餐飲業前線員工度身設計 實用普通話一天課程,務求學員能於短時間內提升普通話語言能力水平和知識,推動學員持續學習。参加者十分滿意課 程,內容可配合工作需要,活學活用。

Mainland Chinese visitors are the main drivers of the growth of Hong Kong’s tourism industry. To improve the training of staff serving Mainland visitors and to foster self-learning, QTSA is offering a tailor-made Customer Service Putonghua course for Retail / Restaurant’s frontline staff. Participants who have taken the course have said that the content will help them provide a better customer service experience to their Mainland customers.

零售/飲食業實用英語會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering

優質旅遊服務協會特別聯同專業培訓顧問「商务坊」舉辦一天英語會話訓練課程。為零售/餐飲業前線員工提供英語應 對和處境的語言訓練,提升學員英語語言能力,從而提供更優質的服務給予國際旅客。参加者表示,課程內容實用,並 會繼續參加協會所舉辦的語言訓練課程。

With the aim of improving the English level of service staff and to provide quality services to overseas tourists, QTSA cooperated with the Commercial Development and Training Institute Ltd. to organise the Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering. With focus on situations speci c to the retail and catering sectors, the course provided participants with practical lessons and tips that have made them eager to continue other language training courses organised for their employers by QTSA.

11 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 Comments from the Legislative Council Member, Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency

邵家輝議員 | The Hon Peter Shiu 促進旅 遊業‧帶動周邊行業 Driving the economy by energizing tourism

這一兩年,香港的零售市道可謂一直處 In these past two years, Hong Kong's retail market can be described as seeing 於嚴冬,零售業總銷貨值截至今年1月, a harsh winter. The total sales value of retail trade, as of January this year, has 已經連跌23個月。零售業不景氣,固然 been down for 23 months. The downturn, of course, involves various factors, 涉 及不 同 因 素,包 括 網 購 興 起、旅 客人 數 including the rise of online shopping, reduction in both number and 和消費減少、港元匯率持續強勢、有些 consumption of visitors, strong Hong Kong dollar, unwelcome attitude from 市民不歡迎國內遊客、有人指香港景點 some local people towards mainland visitors and insufficient scenic spots as 不夠多等,而當中旅遊業所帶動的作用 perceived by some tourists. There is no doubt that tourism could plays a 無 疑 舉 足 輕 重。故 此,對 於 今 年 施 政 報 significant role in changing this situation. Therefore, I have expressed support for 告和財政預算案提出的各項發展旅遊業 the measures on development of tourism proposed in the Policy Address and 措施,我均表示支持,還敦促政府要加 Budget of this year, and even urged the Government to strengthen them and 大 力 度,加 快 落 實。 speed up their implementation. 近期在社會上鬧得熱哄哄的香港故宮文 化博物館計劃,其實不僅可讓香港市民 The development of the Hong Kong Palace Museum which has aroused heated 觀賞更多國寶,而且對於香港旅遊業的 discussions in different sectors of society will not only allow Hong Kong people 長遠發展,這類景點是相當重要的。如 to view more national treasures, but also benefit our tourism’s long term 香港拒絕接受,我很相信澳門或國內其 development. In case Hong Kong refuses to proceed with the project, I believe 他省市倒會極力爭取在自己地方落實。 Macau or other mainland provinces will strive to get it built in their own locale. 故特區政府必須堅持到底,把故宮文化 Given this precious opportunity, the SAR government should persist to build 帶到西九當中。 the Palace Museum in West Kowloon.

至於另一景點香港迪士尼樂園的擴建計 As for the expansion plan of Hong Kong Disneyland, although some LegCo 劃,雖然遭一些議員質疑費用太高,但 members have concerns about the cost, I think we cannot just look at the 我認為不能只看樂園收費、每年賺多少 admission fee and how much the park earns each year, but realise that it is one of 錢,因 為 它是 本 港 旅 遊 景 點 之一,可 吸引 the most popular attractions in Hong Kong for tourists from abroad. It can help 不同地方的遊客來港,從而帶動周邊零 boost other related industries as retail, catering and transportation, among others. 售、飲 食、運 輸 等 行 業。 In line with this, I have to talk about the development of the exhibition and 提到帶動周邊行業,就不得不談會展業發 convention industry, because MICE visitors (i.e. for Meetings, Incentive travels, 展,因 為 會 展 旅 客 一 般 消 費 力 較 高,帶 動 Conventions and Exhibitions) generally have higher consumption levels and so 作用更大。然而,香港會議展覽場地不足, provide a greater boosting impact to allied industries. However, the venues for 到2028年更欠缺達13萬平方米地方,而 convention and exhibition in HK are inadequate, and there may be a shortage 澳門、新加坡、深圳等地正大力發展會展 of 130,000 square meters by 2028. Macau, Singapore and Shenzhen are 業,若 香 港 故 步 自 封,肯 定 會 落 後 於 人。 政 府擬把灣仔運動場作為擴大會展之用,確 developing the industry vigorously. If Hong Kong sticks to our old ways, we will 有實際需要。雖然有人擔心運動場地不足 certainly lag behind. Thus, there is a practical need for the Government to make 問 題,但 我 深 信 會 展 業 跟 體 育 運 動,並 非 use of the Wan Chai Sports Ground as a convention and exhibition venue. 一場零和遊戲,只要加快改善其他運動場 Although some people are worried about how this will impact sporting events, 地作替補,問題是可解決的。 I firmly believe that the industry and sports are not a zero-sum game, and that problems can be solved as long as improvement works on other sports venues 除此之外,隨著邊境購物城等設施陸續 in replacement of the Sports Ground are expedited. 啟用,旅客將有較好分流,給市民帶來的 不便將減少,政府亦可隨之考慮逐步增 In addition, it is anticipated that the flow of tourists will be improved and the 加自由行城市,引入更多遠方的自由行 inconvenience caused to local residents minimised after new ancillary facilities 旅客。 for tourism, including shopping centres near the boundary, are made available. The government can then study ways to catch the interest of more tourists, by 所 謂 「 牽 一 髮 而 動 全 身 」, 我 相 信 通 過 多 offering incentives such as widening the scope of the Individual Visit Scheme 管齊下,增加外來客源,讓旅遊業先動 to include other Mainland cities. 起來,可望周邊不同行業也會一同受惠, 對 經 濟、民 生 均 有 裨 益。 As the Chinese saying goes, a slight change will affect everything else, I believe that energising our tourism first through this multi-pronged approach to open up new visitor sources will be conducive to related industries. Our economy and our people's livelihood will ultimately be benefited.

12 海上賽事激烈,岸上狂歡盡興!一連三天在維多利亞港,「香港龍舟嘉年華」為炎炎夏日掀開熱情序幕!


今年的「香港龍舟嘉年華」再度於中環海濱舉行,帶來更精采的比賽、更熱鬧的派對氣氛!您可以在建行(亞洲)香港國 際龍舟邀請賽期間觀賞連場激鬥,為健兒們吶喊打氣;或者到生力啤酒節,暢享源源不絕的冰凍啤酒,跟隨人氣歌手、 樂隊勁歌熱舞。此外,別錯過首次登場的美食車盛會,各色各樣的道地美食,定能讓您大飽口福!互動遊戲及流動表演 更 讓 大 家 樂 而 忘 返!

Follow the lead of and make a party out of an ancient Chinese festival under the modern skyline of Victoria Harbour. Enjoy boats, beers and the cheers of hundreds of thousands of spectators — it’s the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival!

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the 2017 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival will take an even bigger stage at Central Harbourfront, with Hong Kong’s iconic skyline as the backdrop.

Watch thousands of the world’s top dragon boat athletes battle it out at the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races — three days of intense racing that will fill the harbour with heart-pounding action, a profusion of colour and the sounds of drummers and fans urging paddlers on to the finish line. Come time to wind down, join athletes and spectators alike at the San Miguel BeerFest for ice-cold beer and rocking live music and sample an array of delicacies at Food Trucks Gala. Bringing kids? Don’t miss various interactive activities and roving entertainment.

So dive in and chill out at this year’s Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival!

Catch colourful dragon boat races Date 日期 2–4 June 2017 / 2017年6月2至4日 against the stunning skyline of Hong Kong, Venue 地點 Central Harbourfront / 中環海濱 Admission 入場 Free / 免費 complete with a beer festival and food trucks! Please check for details 詳情請參閱 參與「香港龍舟嘉年華」,欣賞激烈賽事、 www.DiscoverHongKong.com/dragonboat 暢享冰凍啤酒、品嚐道地美食,同時欣賞精采表演!

13 會員專訪: 裕華 Interview with Yue Hwa

裕華是一家專營國貨的公司,1959年開業以來,服 Mr Andrew Yu, Director of Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium 務大眾快將六十年。裕華國產百貨有限公司董事總 Limited hopes to promote Chinese products through its culture and 監余偉傑先生希望以中國文化推動商品,以商品推 promote the Chinese culture through its products. He hopes to see Yue Hwa, which was established in 1959, as “a world famous Chinese 動中國文化,把裕華締造成中國文化匯聚的地方, lifestyle department store”. 成 為「 世 界 知 名 的 中 式 生 活 百 貨 」。 Yue Hwa offers a variety of Chinese products, such as Chinese painting 裕華擁有多樣中國文化產品,而產品亦主要圍繞著 and calligraphy supplies, traditional Chinese medicine as well as arts and 生活文化,如文房四寶、中藥保健品、工藝產品等。 crafts products. With the change of generation, Chinese cultural products retail landscape has also changed. In recent years, there has been a 隨 著 時 代 的 變 遷,中 國 文化 產 品 亦 隨 之 改 變,近 年 revival of the qipao. To take advantage of this trend, Yue Hwa co-operated 市場上旗袍有復興的跡象,於是裕華與本地設計師 with local designers to present a modern qipao fashion show along with 合作,舉辦加入現代元素的旗袍展和旗袍製作班。 DIY classes. In order to attract young customers and rebrand Yue Hwa as 另外,為了吸引年輕客群及打造一個年輕化的裕華 a company that caters to young people, the company launched new 品牌,裕華加入了「So Good Family」成為吉祥物。 mascots – the "So Good Family" –four panda characters, each with a 吉祥物為熊貓一家四口,每位角色有不同的性格, different personality that promote Yue Hwa’s products and services on social media platforms. 定期於社交媒體推介貨品和服務。 At the same time, Yue Hwa supports the needs of an aging population, 裕 華 一直 重 視 養 生 文 化,隨 著 人 口日 益 老 化,對 健 engaging a special team to research and purchase high quality herbs 康和養生的藥材有一定的需求,故裕華有一個隊伍 and traditional Chinese medicine in Mainland China. This is consistent 定期到內地搜購地道優質藥材。此外,裕華亦與中 with the company’s vision to promote health, through seminars on different topics held regularly by Chinese medicine practitioners, 醫、營養師、脊醫等專業人士舉辦健康養生講座。 nutritionists and chiropractors. Backed by the strong support of its 悠久的歷史為消費者的信心標誌,公司亦開始陸續 customers, Yue Hwa launched their own brand of health care products 推出自家保健產品,拓闊目標市場。 to better reach its target market.

香港零售業市道目前亦未見樂觀,余先生認為其主 Hong Kong's retail industry might still face a downturn this year, which Mr 要原因是周邊國家匯率低,使到遊客來港消費意欲 Yu attributes to the low exchange rate in neighbouring countries, reducing the desire of tourists to visit. Another reason is the fast development of 減少。另一方面,消費者透過大型網上購物平台訂 online shopping platforms, which consumers might nd more effective 購貨品,其方便的程度亦大大減低消費者到實體店 than visiting brick and mortar stores. To meet this growing demand and to 消費的意欲。為配合網上購物的潮流和吸引海外消 attract more overseas customers, Yue Hwa will launch a new online 費者,裕華正進行資訊科技的提升,推出全新網上 shopping website.“This will provide another channel where Yue Hwa can 購物平台,讓客人即時知道貨品的存貨、運送情況 continue to provide a high quality of service to our customers. The online store will highlight our unique product offerings that customers can 及網上即時付款服務。余先生指裕華會保持及提升 access from wherever they are.” Mr. Yu said. 服務質素,繼續提供獨特的貨品予客人。 Yue Hwa has been accredited as a Quality Tourism Services (QTS) 裕華連續15年成為「香港旅遊發展局認可優質商 Scheme-accredited merchant for 15 consecutive years. Authenticated by 戶」,認為此計畫得到第三方的認證,有助提升公 a third party, this accreditation helps enhance the company's brand image 司品牌形象,成為客人的一個信心標誌。協會經常 and is a sign of consumer con dence. The QTSA organises various types of activities such as seminars and experience sharing. Mr Yu thinks that 舉辦各類型的活動如研討會、經驗分享會等,余先 these activities are bene cial to staff training, helping them gain a better 生認為這對員工培訓有一定的幫助,員工可透過協 understanding of market changes. 會活動接觸業界,進一步認識市場變化。

14 會員專訪: 香港賽馬會百勝廳 Interview with Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant

香港賽馬會成立超過一百三十年,一直為香港市 For more than 130 years, The Hong Kong Jockey Club has been a 民和遊客提供世界級賽馬及馬場娛樂,至今已發 well-known brand in Asia, providing world-class racing and racecourse 展為亞洲知名品牌。香港賽馬會有多個餐廳,包 entertainment to tourists and residents. The Club has many well-known restaurants, with the Pak Sing Restaurant at Sha Tin Racecourse being 括 開 放予 公眾 的百 勝 廳。 one of the most popular with the racegoing public.

總廚師長林雲輝先生表示,香港賽馬會每年都會 The Club organises multiple local and international races each year to 舉 辦 不 同 大小 的 本 地 及 國 際 賽 事,吸引不 同 國 籍 attract racegoers of different nationalities, explains Mr. Lam Wan-fai, 人士入場,為應付客人不同的口味和市場的需要, Executive Chef. To cater for the needs of these customers and changing demand within the market, the Club has implemented a number of policies 香港賽馬會採納多項政策以維持餐廳的競爭優 to help maintain its restaurants’ competitive advantage. For example, 勢。透過「客席廚師交流計劃」,馬會邀請海外 through its “Guest Chef Promotion” programme, the Club invites 及內地知名廚師到香港進行交流,同時亦會派出 renowned chefs from overseas and the Mainland to demonstrate and 員工到內地受訓,以了解其他省份菜式的烹調方 share techniques with its in-house chefs. Staff members are in turn sent to 法。每位新入職的員工必須接受食品品質和食品 the Mainland for training to learn more about dishes from other provinces. 安全的培訓,考試評核中,員工亦必須取得百分 Each new employee is trained in food quality and food safety and must score over 90% in an examination and evaluation. An online learning 之九十以上的分數。另外,公司亦設有網上學習 platform is also provided so that employees can learn about the different 平台,供員工學習不同階段的服務流程。馬會每 stages of the service process. Each year, the Club invites international 年亦會邀請國際顧問進行評估,為轄下餐廳的營 consultants to conduct annual assessments and provide professional 運和政策提供專業建議。 advice on its restaurant operations and policies.

In line with the Club’s customer-centric approach, the Pak Sing Restaurant 貫徹馬會以客為尊的待客之道,百勝廳十分重視 pays a great deal of attention to the views of its customers. The food and 客人對菜式的意見,餐飲團隊根據客人意見調整 beverage team often adjusts dishes based on customer feedback. Hong 菜式,香港地道下午茶就是回應客人需求而設。 Kong-style afternoon tea, for example, was offered after guests requested 林先生認為,現時香港飲食業均面對勞動人力需 this service. Mr Lam believes Hong Kong’s catering industry is facing much 求的壓力,而香港賽馬會投放大量資源於員工培 pressure in maintaining its labour force. Fortunately, the Club invests a lot 訓和發展,讓有潛能的員工有機會與外界交流、 of resources into staff training and development so that potential employees are able to compare techniques, earn professional certi cation 取得專業認證及參加比賽,從而增加員工自信, and participate in competitions. This not only helps employees increase 故能成功留住人才。 their self-con dence but also the Club to retain its talent.

香港賽馬會百勝廳一直秉承「沒有最好,只有更 The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Pak Sing Restaurant has always adhered to 好」的理念,連續15年成為「香港旅遊發展局認 the concept of "There is no best, only better". It has been recognised as a Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme-accredited merchant for the past 可優質商戶」,對員工有一個很大的肯定及鼓舞, 15 years, giving the staff a great incentive to continue striving for 推動他們繼續精益求精。另一方面,對客人來說 excellence and ensuring the continued patronage of its many customers. 是一個信心的標誌,繼續光臨百勝廳。展望未來, Mr. Lam hopes the industry will organise a series of events or training 林先生希望業界多舉辦菜式交流會及培訓活動, programmes on cooking techniques for members of the catering industry, 從而不斷提升餐飲從業員的相關技巧及知識。 so that food and beverage practitioners can continue to improve their skills and knowledge.

15 新會員登場 New Members Highlight

偉高模型 Waigo Hobby

偉 高 模 型 自 1 9 7 6 年 成 立,始 著 力 於 銷 售 高質素的搖控電子及模型相關產品,業務 包括零售及批發。 Waigo Hobby started its business in 1976, selling high quality R/C, scale models and related products. The business focuses on retail and wholesale in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.

Eminent Luggage

Eminent 擁有30多年行李箱製造經驗。 通 過 產 品 創 新 為 旅 客 提 供 尖 端、高 品 質 和 可 靠 的 旅 行用 品。 Eminent Luggage has over 30 years of luggage manufacturing experience. It strives to provide cutting-edge, high quality and reliable travel goods to travelers through product innovation.

Chailie Ho

Chailie Ho以精緻的印花、優雅的剪裁、 柔美的氣息、高雅的品味,展示著獨特的 浪 漫 之 美。 Inspired by love, chailie conveys her belief in the beauty of feminine grace with romantic sartorial details and soft hand-drawn watercolour prints in her own design. Together with a strong emphasis on fluidity, her refined, sleek and unconventional collection glows with a gentle timeless elegance.

16 優質旅遊服務協會是本地主要商會之一,現時擁有近1,300名會員。協會歡迎更多商戶加 入 我 們 的 行 列,攜 手 提 升本 港 零 售、餐飲及服務行業的質素。以下公司簡介由最近加入本 會 的 商 戶 提 供: With nearly 1,300 members, the QTSA is one of the major trade associations in Hong Kong. We welcome merchants to join us to help improve Hong Kong’s service quality. The following profiles have been provided by new members:

安南 An Nam

優雅佈置充滿異國風情,提供優質越南 菜,包括多款南北越地道美食及坊間較少 見 的 順 化 菜 式。 Set in an environment with French colonial interior designs, An Nam features the best of authentic Vietnamese cuisine, particularly Hue-style dishes in an elegant setting.

Mango Tree

傳 承 優 良傳 統,對 食 物、環 境 和 服 務 均 一 絲 不 苟。以 現 代 手 法 演 繹 泰 菜,透 過 優 質 食材及香料把泰菜精髓發揮極致。 Dedicated to maintaining authenticity and sophistication through our cuisine, environment and service. By only using the best and freshest ingredients, along with organic herbs and spices, we offer our guests the true essence of Thai cuisine.

和牛燒肉純 Japanese Wagyu Yakiniku Pure

「和牛燒肉純」是由JA全農直屬經營,身 兼本港和牛批發,乃首家海外分店。新鮮 和 牛 屠 宰 至 運 抵 香 港,只 需 十 日,貸 源 新 鮮又有保 証。 “Japanese Wagyu Yakiniku Pure” is the first overseas branch operated by JA ZEN-NON. Fresh and guaranteed Wagyu beef only take ten days to arrive in Hong Kong from Japan.

17 會訊 NEWS QTSA2017��2nd�Quarter�|�第二季

優質旅遊服務協會熱線 QTSA Hotline 2807 6280 www.qtsa.com

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