會訊會訊 QTSAQTSA NEWSNEWS Quarter�|�第二季 nd� ��2 2017 協會透視 QTSA PERSPECTIVE 睿智之言 THE INSIGHT 優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 邵家輝議員 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & The Hon Peter Shiu Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony Comments from the Legislative Council Member, 新春國際匯演之夜 Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency International Chinese New Year Night Parade 「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會 業界掠影 INDUSTRY EXPRESS Sharing of Business Elite 2017 香港龍舟嘉年華 委員專訪: 謝淑敏女士 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival Meet Governing Council Member: Ms Connie Tse 「 優 質 營 商 在 香 港 」宣 傳 日 會員透視 MEMBER PERSPECTIVE Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong 會員專訪: 裕華 「前線人員:調適壓力與情緒」研討會 Interview with Yue Hwa “Managing Stress and Emotions for Frontline Staff” Seminar 零售/飲食業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 會員專訪: 香港賽馬會百勝廳 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail / Catering Interview with Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing 零售/飲食業實用英語會話一天精讀課程 Restaurant Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering 新會員登場 New Members Highlight 編者的話 Editor’s Note 協會一直十分關注業界的發展,並於本季度提供了不同的渠道和平台予會員,讓會員有更多機會與業界交流、品牌宣傳及員 工培訓。協會將會聯同香港旅遊發展局舉辦「優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮」,為 會員提供一個與業界互相交流的平台,亦同時會頒授「優質商戶及員工服務獎項」及「15年或10年資深優質商戶嘉許」予得 獎商戶和員工,以鼓勵業界繼續保持服務質素。 QTSA is invested in the development of the industry and continues to provide different channels and platforms where members can cooperate with other industry players, promote their brand and provide training for their staff. QTSA, in cooperation with the Hong Kong Tourism Board, presents the “QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony”. Accredited merchants and staff will be awarded “QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards” and “15-year or 10-year QTS Merchant Recognition” in order to encourage industry to maintain high quality services while providing them with an opportunity to network with their peers. 目錄 Content [協會透視 QTSA Perspective] 優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 1 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony 新春國際匯演之夜 2-4 International Chinese New Year Night Parade 「翹楚匯2017」經驗分享會 5 Sharing of Business Elite 2017 委員專訪: 謝淑敏女士 6-7 Meet Governing Council Member: Ms Connie Tse 「優質營商在香港」宣傳日 8-9 Best Trade Practices In Hong Kong 「前線人員:調適壓力與情緒」研討會 10 “Managing Stress and Emotions for Frontline Staff” Seminar 零售/飲食業實用普通話會話一天精讀課程 11 Customer Service Intensive Putonghua for Retail / Catering 零售/飲食業實用英語會話一天精讀課程 Customer Service Intensive English for Retail / Catering [睿智之言 The Insights] 邵家輝議員 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 12 The Hon Peter Shiu Comments from the Legislative Council Member, Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency [業界掠影 Industry Express] 香港龍舟嘉年華 13 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival [會員透視 Member Perspective] 會員專訪: 裕華 14 Interview with Yue Hwa 會員專訪: 香港賽馬會百勝廳 15 Interview with Hong Kong Jockey Club Pak Sing Restaurant 新會員登場 16-17 New Members Highlight 優質旅遊服務協會23周年晚宴暨 2017優質商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮 QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony 為增進會員之間的聯繫並加強與各政府機構之溝通,及慶祝協會踏入第廿三年,本年度的周年晚宴將於2017年5月9日 (星期二)假香港會議展覽中心會議廳舉行,並聯同香港旅遊發展局舉行「優質旅遊服務協會 23 周年晚宴暨2017優質 商戶及員工服務獎頒獎典禮」。 周年晚宴是協會一年一度觸目的盛會,屆時將特別邀請政府主要官員出席晚宴及擔任主禮嘉賓,為會員商戶提供一 個與政府和業界的交流平台。晚宴特設精彩表演及幸運抽獎,獎品豐富,希望各會員有一個開心而又難忘的晚上。 誠盼各會員把握是次交流機會,踴躍參加,聚首一堂,支持是次盛會! QTSA celebrates its 23rd year in serving the industry. To help strengthen communication between members and Government organisations, the QTSA cordially invites members to attend the QTSA 23rd Anniversary Annual Dinner cum 2017 Outstanding QTS Merchant & Service Staff Awards Presentation Ceremony, which co-organised with the Hong Kong Torism Board, to be held at the Convention Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on Tuesday, 9 May 2017. The annual dinner is an important event on the QTSA calendar. Government ofcials will be invited to ofciate at the event giving members the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with government and industry leaders. The delightful dinner will be accompanied by stage shows and lucky draws to make the event even more enjoyable. , We sincerely invite all QTSA members to attend this annual event and have a great evening with us. 1 國際匯演之夜國際匯演之夜 InternationalInternational ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear NightNight ParadeParade 「優質服務 百花綻放」 “The Blooming of Quality Services” 雞年新春花車巡遊於大年初一2017年1月28日晚上於舉行,當晚 尖沙咀化身成派對的大舞台,與全球各地的旅客和香港市民一起 慶賀新歲。來自世界各地的表演隊伍及多架花車為這個晚上營造 歡樂的嘉年華氣氛。 On 28 January 2017, to mark the rst day of the Year of Rooster, the International Chinese New Year Night Parade was staged at Tsim Sha Tsui for both tourists and locals. There were a lot of performances and spectators joined in the street party along the parade route. 2 優質旅遊服務協會第八度參與此項世界盛事,並聯同十家「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證商戶,包括家得路美 國天然健康食品、昌興醇酒坊、周生生集團國際有限公司、香港空氣淨化器中心有限公司、奇華餅家有限 公司、六福珠寶、莎莎、太興飲食集團、謝瑞麟珠寶(國際)有限公司及位元堂(零售)有限公司組合新春 賀 歲 花 車,與 市 民 共 渡 新 歲。 花車匯聚了「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可商戶的貨品及美食,以展示香港多元化的購物和美食選擇,帶領旅 客和觀眾體驗一個包羅萬有的購物、餐飲之旅,同時寄望旅客在香港有一個開心而又難忘的回憶,感受香 港 作 為「 亞 洲 國 際 城 市 」的 魅 力。 This was the 8th consecutive year that QTSA has participated in the Parade. QTSA teamed up with ten Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme - accredited merchants – Catalo Natural Health Foods, Cheong Hing Vinsac, Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited, Hong Kong Air Purier Center Limited, Kee Wah Bakery Limited, Lukfook Jewellery, Sa Sa, Tai Hing Catering Group, Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International) Co Ltd and Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited – to create a glittering oat. A dazzling array of QTS-accredited merchants’ products and delicacies were featured on the oat, reecting the diverse shopping and dining opportunities Hong Kong offers for visitors to enjoy a full shopping and dining experience. We hope that all visitors have a happy and unforgettable time in Hong Kong and fully experience its charms as ‘Asia's World City’. 3 為延續歡愉的節慶氣氛,花車在巡遊完結後便移施至大埔林 村,予市民近距離欣賞百花綻放般的優質花車。 新春國際匯演之夜是最受歡迎的賀歲節目之一,協會十分榮幸 參與此項世界盛事,透過電子媒界將祝福傳送給全球的觀眾 並展示了協會及會員全力支持和促進香港旅遊業的發展。 After the parade, the QTSA oat was displayed in Lam Tsuen, offering visitors and locals a perfect opportunity to get up close to it. The International Chinese New Year Night Parade is one of the best-loved events of the entire Chinese New Year celebrations. The QTSA was delighted to join the festival, send greetings to people around the world through various media and have the opportunity to support the tourism industry of Hong Kong. 4 「翹楚匯2017」經 驗 分 享 會 Sharing of Business Elites 2017 協會每年的重點項目之一「翹楚匯2017」經驗分 The Sharing of Business Elites 2017, one of the highlight events on 享會將於6月2日(星期五)假香港會議展覽中心演 the QTSA calendar, will take place at Theater 1, Hong Kong 講 廳1舉 行。 Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, 2 June 2017. 每年協會透過「翹楚匯」邀請業界傑出精英交流 QTSA invites outstanding business leaders to be guest speakers at 和分享營商心得,為會員提供寶貴的觀摩和與業 this annual event. Guests share their experiences in providing quality 界交流的機會。精彩的主題及具豐富經驗的演講 services and expertise in business management to inspire QTSA 嘉賓,定能為參加者帶來無窮啟發。 members that attend the event. 今年分享會以「創新轉型」為題,嘉賓們將會分享 The theme for this year is “Innovative Transformation,” with guests 如何在經濟不明朗的環境下,帶領公司成功轉型, tackling how to adapt and succeed during an economic downturn, 拓闊目標市場,發揮香港人永不放棄的精神。 an issue that is doubtless relevant to QTSA members and other business practitioners in Hong Kong. 5 Meet Governing Council Member 委員專訪 Ms Connie謝淑敏 Tse 女士 恒宇仁龍拳由宗師黑帶十段區悅誠先生於1981年創立。它是傳統中國功夫和現代武術技術的結合,適合成人、兒童和 家庭。 恆宇仁龍拳的理念總結為: Heng Yue Yen Long Kwon (HYYLK) is a modern Chinese Martial Arts school founded in 1981 by Grandmaster AU Yuet-sing, Black Belt 10th Dan. It is a combination of traditional Chinese kung fu and modern ghting techniques for adults, children and the whole family. Our philosophy can be summarised by the ve characters in our name: 是 代 表 恒 心,包 括 努力、毅 力、堅 定 和 耐 心。 「恒」「恒」 Perseverance. This embodies unceasing endeavour, resoluteness, and patience. Heng 是 代 表 宇 宙、智 慧 和 知 識。 「宇」「宇」 Universe. This stands for boundlessness. It also symbolises wisdom and knowledge. Yue 「仁」 是仁愛、同情、關心、去私及和平的實踐。 「仁」Yen Benevolence. This is the embodiment of kindness, care and sympathy. 是天地間的正氣、至尊,是代表君子,亦代表中國。 「龍」「龍」 Righteousness. To be the best, as well as noble in action. It is also the symbol of China. Long 是拳術,是技巧、智慧、勇氣和力量的結合。 「拳」「拳」 Martial arts. It is a combination of skills, wisdom and body strength. Kwon 6 謝女士於1981年開始跟隨宗師學習武術,自始對功 Ms Tse started learning martial arts under Grandmaster AU in 1981. 夫有濃厚的興趣,她十分享受教授功夫所帶給自己 Martial arts have always been in her blood, and particularly enjoyed 及學生的成就感。恒宇仁龍拳的級段制度推動學員 the sense of accomplishment in teaching kung fu. In fact, HYYLK’s belt grading system always pushes their students to try harder as 積極學習和嘗試新技術,學員每通過一個考試,可學 there is always more to learn after passing one exam and moving on to 習到更深層次的理論和武術技能。她印象最為深刻 another level. In 1992, when Ms Tse was teaching HYYLK in Canada, 的是1992年在加拿大教授恒宇仁龍拳時,有很多當 there were so many Canadians who had very limited knowledge about 地的青少年和成人到來學習,他們雖然不懂中文,但 Chinese who joined our classes. Ms Tse was impressed by the level of 對中國武術卻充滿熱情。 passion towards Chinese martial arts that those teenagers showed. While HYYLK’s students are from all over the world, they all come for 恒宇仁龍拳已成為一個跨越民族和語言的平台,學 one common interest: to learn Chinese martial arts. HYYLK easily 員來自世界各地,為著同一個目的:學習中國武術。 crosses the bounds of nationalities and languages. This is exactly 這也正是宗師區悅誠先生創立恒宇仁龍拳的願景: what underlined Grandmaster Au’s philosophy when he created 推廣中國武術和中國文化到世界各地。 HYYLK, with the aim of promoting Chinese martial arts and Chinese
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