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Space Weather and Solar Activity ©2014 National Geographic Society

Space Weather and Solar Activity ©2014 National Geographic Society


Level High Grades 9-12

Space Weather and Solar Activity ©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 Brown of FEI and Lola courtesy Photo

ACTIVITY: AND SOLAR ACTIVITY Big Idea Students learn how activity is monitored and examine the impact the has on space weather and systems.

Guiding Question How do scientists monitor solar activity? What impact does solar activity have on space weather and the living and technological systems of Earth?

TIP: Review the Solar Activity Graph and practice the solar activity internal calculation before your classroom visit.

Materials 1. Calculators 2. Pencils 3. Rulers 4. Computer and projector and internet connection (if available) 5. Print one copy of handout for each student in the class 6. Project or print enough copies of this for small groups of students to share: Sunspot images: • http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/images/ssn_predict_l.gif • http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/synoptic/sunspots_earth/mdi_sunspots_1024.jpg • http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/hmi_igr/512/ • http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdomission/6830537079/ • “Impacts of Space Weather Illustration”: http://education.nationalgeographic.com/media/photos/000/285/28580.jpg • SDO Image National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory: . http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/mission/spacecraft.php

Set Up Arrange the desks so students can alternate between small-group work and all-class discussions and demonstrations. Student groups will need access to power outlets for their microscopes.

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 1 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

Introduction Teacher introduces the engineer/classroom visitor

Setting the Stage • Show the introductory video. • Tell them who you are, what you do, and what it’s like to work in your career.

©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 • Tell them a story about how you got interested in engineering/your career or something that happened in your work that was really exciting—something that truly made a difference in your life. • Show the activity PowerPoint presentation, as appropriate.

Hands-on Activity Solar Activity Graph Have students view the Solar Activity Graph and make observations. Ask: What do the data in the graph represent? Do you notice any patterns, trends, or interesting data points? If so, which ones? Students should realize that although they may not know much about solar activity, sunspots, or the details of the data, they are able to draw some conclusions about the graph. Help them determine that it is a time series graph showing time (years) along the x-axis and sunspot number along the y-axis. They should be able to see a cyclical pattern in the data. Explain that the activity will teach them more about solar activity, how these data were collected, and why it is important to us on Earth.

Solar Monitoring: Sunspots and SDO Show students images of sunspots and ask them if they know what the images are showing. Explain that sunspots are dark, cooler areas on the surface of the sun that can move, change, and disappear over time. Sunspots are caused by solar activity, occurring in areas with intense energy and magnetic activity. Sunspot images like these provide the data for the Solar Activity Graph. Tell students that the sun is about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from Earth. Ask: Why do you think we care about what’s going on with the sun and its sunspots? Emphasize that solar activity results in interactions between the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth. This can impact Earth’s living and technological systems.

Ask: How do we know that the sun’s activity and can impact us on Earth? How do we learn about the sun if it is so far away? Explain that until recently, we could not see much beyond small sections of the sun’s surface (photosphere). But now, new spacecraft, cameras, and instruments provide highly detailed data that allow us to “see” all the way through the sun.

Introduce students to the mission and monitoring instruments of the Space Dynamics Observatory. Project or share the image, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory: Spacecraft. Read or paraphrase the following description: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission collects images and video of the sun’s interior and exterior to better understand features of space weather—sunspots, , solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CME), and . Solar storms result in interactions between the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth.

Measuring Solar Activity Divide students into teams of 3-4. Explain to them that just like the scientists and engineers working on the SDO mission, they are going to work together to calculate the average (mean) interval of solar activity they observed on the Solar Activity Graph. Explain that on the graph the sunspot numbers are used to gauge the level of solar activity occurring on the sun at a given time. Explain that there is a correlation between the number of sunspots and solar activity. Ask: What does it mean for two things (types of data, or variables) to be correlated? Explain that there are positive correlations and negative correlations. Provide teams with the Solar Activity Graph handout, pencils, rulers, and calculators. Each team must decide on the best, accurate method they can use to calculate the average interval of solar activity. They should discuss and note sources of error that may affect their calculations. Give students 10 minutes to complete their calculations.

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 2 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

NOTE: Students may try to overcomplicate the task. Remind them that 10 minutes is plenty of time for them to calculate and double check their solar activity cycle estimate. Some groups may require additional guidance and prompting. The idea is that students will see the cyclical of the graph in the peaks and valleys of the sunspot number (y-axis) over time (x-axis). To calculate the average (mean) interval of solar activity, students can simply divide the graph’s total number of years (approximately 265) by the number of peaks or valleys (approximately 24). Their results will range from 10 to 12 years with an average of approximately 11 years per cycle.

©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 Wrap-Up Discuss solar activity calculations and findings Discuss student results and findings. Address any misconceptions and questions. Ask teams to share the intervals of solar activity they calculated from the Solar Activity Graph. Optional: Record each team’s result on the board and calculate an overall class average (mean) that can be compared to the actual cycle of approximately 11 years. Ask: How did your team decide on its method? What were sources of error you needed to consider? Sources of error could be related to accuracy and precision of student measurements and calculations. Human error could also be a factor. Students could decrease error by working together, deciding on a precise method, and performing the calculations multiple times.

Ask students if they think the number of sunspots and solar activity are positively or negatively correlated. The data show a positive correlation because as the number of sunspots increases, solar activity increases. Likewise, as the number of sunspots decreases, solar activity decreases. Ask: Are we currently in an interval of high or low solar activity? Based on what they learned in the activity, ask students to brainstorm ways space weather and solar activity could impact Earth’s living and technological systems. Project the “Impacts of Space Weather Illustration” to aid the discussion. Examples include global climate, navigation (GPS), communications (radio transmitters), electricity transmissions (power grids), and spacecraft and beyond the atmosphere. Ask students if they think SDO and other missions, including sunspot monitoring, could help predict solar activity and its influence on Earth. In what ways?

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 3 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

SUPPORT MATERIALS—FOR THE CLASSROOM VISITOR Background Information Space weather results from solar activity that creates ever-changing conditions in space. Magnetic energy drives the sun’s activity, which is correlated to the occurrence of sunspots on the sun’s surface, or photosphere. Sunspots are dark, cooler areas on the surface of the sun that can move, change, and disappear over time. Sunspots are caused by solar activity, occurring in areas with intense energy and magnetic activity. With at least 250 years of data, sunspots became the first means of measuring and monitoring solar activity, the driver of space weather. NASA’s Solar Dynamics ©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 Observatory (SDO) mission collects images and video of the sun’s interior and exterior to better understand features of space weather: sunspots, solar wind, solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CME), and auroras.

SDO includes three primary instruments: HMI, EVE, and AIA. HMI (Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager) records and maps where the magnetic field of the sun comes from and how it is converted to space weather.

EVE (Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment) measures extreme UV solar irradiance. Solar irradiance is the energy that hits the Earth from the sun. Extreme UV is deadly and can interfere with people, electronics, radio communications, and navigation in space.

AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) takes images of the solar atmosphere in multiple wavelengths to locate different magnetic fields so their movements and energy can be tracked. Solar activity and storms result in interactions between the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth. As a result, many of Earth’s living and technological systems are impacted, including global climate, navigation (GPS), communications (radio transmitters), electricity transmissions (power grids), and spacecraft and satellites beyond the atmosphere.

The eventual goal of SDO and other solar monitoring programs is to be able to predict solar activity and its influence on Earth.

National Standards Alignment • National Science Education Standard: (9-12) Standard A-1: Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • National Science Education Standard: (9-12) Standard B-6: Interactions of energy and matter • National Science Education Standard: (9-12) Standard E-1: Abilities of technological design • National Science Education Standard: (9-12) Standard E-2: Understandings about science and technology • Math Standard: Data analysis and probability: (9-12) Standard 3: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data • Math Standard: Algebra: (9-12) Standard 4: Analyze change in various contexts

Preparation For Your Classroom Visit Once a classroom visit has been established, check in with the host educator to make sure students are prepared and have some prior knowledge about the topic you have selected to share with the class.

An educator guide has been created for you to share with the host educator before your classroom visit. This guide includes pre- and post-visit resources and suggested activities that support the content you will be presenting during your classroom visit. Some of the information in the educator guide has been provided in the “Support Materials— For the Educator” section at the end of this document. Share the educator guide for this activity with the classroom educator as soon as you have a date for your visit. The educator guide can be found in the educator version of the Engineers in the Classroom website (www.classroomengineers.org).

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 4 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

Prior Knowledge Students should be somewhat familiar with the sun and how to interpret basic graphical data.

Familiarize yourself and the educator with the following terminology: auroras, average (mean), corona, coronal mass ejections (CME), correlation, global positioning system (GPS), magnetism, photosphere, satellites, solar activity, solar flares, solar wind, space weather, sunspots, time series graph

©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 Other Resources To Explore National Geographic Education: Wildest Weather http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/program/wildest-weather-solar-system/?ar_a=1

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory: Auroras—What Causes Them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mz2laHjVoQ

National Geographic: How’s the Weather Up There? http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/news/hows-weather-there/?ar_a=1&ar_r=3

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Mission Pages—Sun-Earth http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/index.html#.UrCoa6XdHZc

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Goddard Space Flight Center—Solar Dynamics Observatory http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the European Space Agency: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/home.html

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory: SDO Science Overview http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_science.mov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Marshall Space Flight Center: Solar Physics—The Sunspot Cycle http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/SunspotCycle.shtml

NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory: The Science of the Sun—Secondary Learning Unit http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/docs/UnitPlanSecondary.pdf

The Royal Observatory—Greenwich: Stormwatch http://www.solarstormwatch.com

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 5 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

Classroom Management Tips 1. Consult the teacher prior to the class period so your classroom management approach aligns with the management plan, routines, and procedures the teacher already has in place. When relevant, discuss learning needs or behavioral challenges of specific students. 2. Establishing a culture of mutual respect and trust is key. At the beginning of the class period, tell students about yourself and why you are there. Discuss a clear and concise set of expectations that are phrased positively. 3. Complete any necessary setup prior to the start of the class period. Be well-prepared and organized so you can

©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 keep things moving. “Down time” can lead to a loss of student attention and respect for your authority. 4. Help yourself stay on track with the activity and its objectives by using a timing device and notecard to guide you. The notecard could include a brief outline of the activity, key concepts/vocabulary, and questions to facilitate discussion. 5. In preparing for the activity, think about why the content is interesting and important. Then you can communicate that to the students, thereby creating more buy-in from them and increasing their willingness to learn and engage in the activity. 6. Moving around the classroom, varying the tone and volume of your voice, enlisting volunteers to assist you, using non-verbal communication, and calling on students to answer questions and share their ideas can help keep students engaged and focused. Avoid lecturing and talking at students without any interaction, especially for more than a few minutes at a time. 7. Seek teacher assistance in grouping students. Groups could be pre-determined based on specific criteria, i.e. student learning and communication styles, ability to self-direct, and collaboration skills. During group work be sure to circulate around the room, engage students with questions, and use proximity control to keep students on track. 8. Be yourself and have fun! If you are enjoying yourself and engaging with the students and the activity, they will do the same.

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 6 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

SUPPORT MATERIALS—FOR THE EDUCATOR Tips • Additional relevant concepts that could be presented before/after the activity include auroras, coronal mass ejections (CME), global positioning system (GPS), magnetism, , , solar flares, and solar wind. • Reviewing the Solar Activity Graph and practicing the solar activity interval calculation ahead of time will aid in facilitating students.

©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 • Educators can make use of the activity’s recommended resources to provide supplemental background info as well as pre-visit resources to engage and pre-teach students. Resources of particular interest include: • Article: National Geographic: How’s the Weather Up There? http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/news/hows-weather-there/?ar_a=1&ar_r=3 • Website: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Marshall Space Flight Center: Solar Physics—­ The Sunspot Cycle http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/SunspotCycle.shtml • Video: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory: Auroras—What Causes Them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mz2laHjVoQ

Pre-Visit Resources and Activities • View the NASA SDO video, “Auroras—What Causes Them?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mz2laHjVoQ • View the NASA SDO Overview video: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_science.mov • Use the National Geographic Wildest Weather collection (http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/program/wildest-weather-solar-system/?ar_a=1) to engage students and provide some context and relevant background information: • National Geographic: How’s the Weather Up There? http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/news/hows-weather-there/?ar_a=1&ar_r=3 • National Geographic: Sun Struck http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/06/solar-storms/ferris-text • Use NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory Flickr image gallery to engage students and provide context: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sdomission • Pre-teach relevant vocabulary: corona, correlation, Earth, photosphere, solar activity, space weather, sun, sunspot, time series graph

Post-Visit Resources and Activities • Review relevant vocabulary/concepts: corona, correlation, Earth, photosphere, solar activity, space weather, sun, sunspot, time series graph • Possible extensions: • Introduce additional vocabulary/concepts relevant to space weather: auroras, coronal mass ejections (CME), global positioning system (GPS), magnetism, magnetosphere, satellite, solar flares, solar wind. • Students could further research SDO and its mission, partners, and instruments. SDO Website and reference information for images and descriptions: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/mission/about.php SDO Overview Video: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_science.mov

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 7 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

• The 3 SDO monitoring instruments include: • HMI (Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager) records and maps where the magnetic field of the sun comes from and how it is converted to space weather. http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_hmi.mov • EVE (Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment) measures extreme UV solar irradiance, which is deadly and can interfere with people, electronics, radio communications, and navigation in space. http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_eve.mp4 • AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) takes images of the solar atmosphere in multiple wavelengths to locate ©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 different magnetic fields so their movements and energy can be tracked. http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/gallery/movies/sdo_aia.mov • Students could further research the impacts of space weather and present their findings. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/media/photos/000/285/28580.jpg http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/news/hows-weather-there/?ar_a=1&ar_r=3 • Students could practice monitoring solar activity using the website: The Royal Observatory—Greenwich Stormwatch: http://www.solarstormwatch.com • Use the National Geographic Wildest Weather collection http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/program/wildest-weather-solar-system/?ar_a=1 for post-visit and extension activities: • National Geographic: Our Active Sun http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/activity/our-active-sun/?ar_a=1&ar_r=999

FOR FURTHER EXPLORATION: • For additional resources and background information, refer to the Resources/For Further Exploration section of the activity template. • Extension Activity: Stanford Solar Center: Magnetism and the Sun http://solar-center.stanford.edu/magnetism/index.html • Extension Activities: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory: The Science of the Sun—Secondary Learning Unit http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/docs/UnitPlanSecondary.pdf • Extension Activity: NOVA: The Sun Lab http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/lab/sun/ • Extension Activity: The Royal Observatory—Greenwich Stormwatch http://www.solarstormwatch.com

For the complete activity and www.classroomengineers.org Page 8 of 9 media resources, please visit: Level High Grades 9-12 +

Space Weather and Solar Activity

Sunspot Number 200 100 150 125 175 50 25 75 0 1750 Adapted from NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center Historical Sunspot Graph: ©2014 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved. Society. Geographic National ©2014 1800 Graph of Historical Sunspots Solar Cycles 1-23 1850 Year http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/images/ssn_yearly.jpg 1900 1950


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