Abstracts Development of Lead Mining in the Northern Os- Cura Mountains

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Abstracts Development of Lead Mining in the Northern Os- Cura Mountains --] a copper mine. That was followed in 1916by the Abstracts development of lead mining in the northern Os- cura Mountains. The original copper mine, located New Mexico Mineral Symposium 6 miles west of the lead mine in the Jornada del The 8th annual Mineral Svmposium was held Muerto, ceased production in 1917, and for the November 14-15. 1987, at New Mexico Institute next 6 decadesmining activity was focusedon lead of Mining and Technology, Socorro. Following are (with minor silver) and barite production. From a abstracts from talks given at the meeting that con- mining perspective thesedecades must be viewed cern New Mexico. The numbers in parentheses _1,,\ as marginally successfulat best. refer to locations on the map. In April 1987the mineral-producing areasof the C;irr s I MacNgsrorgnrutE, HEMATITE/AND orHER MTNERALS Hansonburg mining district entered a new era' rnov Olo Honss SpruNcs, CarnoN Coururv, NEw The unpatented claims previously held by mining was as- MEXIco, by Peter l. Modreski and lames C. Rntt6, companies were abandoned, and control U.S. Geological Survey, Box 25M6, MS 922, sumid by a Broup of individuals whose primary (1) motivation was the recovery of minerals as spec- Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 ^6,7 An unusual suite of ferric iron-bearing minerals imens. occurs in xenoliths within a dacite pumice breccia. Recent activity at the Blanchard mine has cen- The 33-m.y.-old dacite pumice and ash flow, part tered on the Sunshine #1 tunnel that had gained of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, crops out along instant notoriety in 1980for yielding world-class NM-12 approximately 1.5 mi (2.4 km) west of Old linarite crystals. Most recently, a pocket in this Horse Springs. The flow is as much as 200 m thick tunnel has produced two-inch lavender cubes of and crops out sporadically within a north-south fluorite that rival the best that the Blanchardmine belt up to 5 km wide and 20 km long. produced. Additionally, some specimens of the Xenoliths of pre-Tertiarv sedimentarv rock and cavities in metasedimentary and monzonite nod- newly approved polymorph of PbOz,scrutinyite cognate(?) inciusions of-coarse-grained quartz ules. Commonly present in cavities with diopside (J. Taggart,pers. comm.), have been found. The monzonite are concentrated in the upper part of is pseudobrookite, Fe*] TiO., as small (about 0.2 Sunshine #1 tunnel of the Blanchard mine is the the pumice breccia. The most common xenoliths mm long) prismatic to bladed crystals. X-ray dif' tvoe location for this mineral. Also of interest has are of limestone altered to a red, iron-rich jaspe- fraction and scanning electron microscopy show be-enthe confirmation of the mineral caledonite, roid. These silicified nodules, from a few centi- that some pseudobrookite prisms are coated with which had been reported previously but not ob- meters to as much as 0.3 m in size, consist of an irregulai layer of titanite. Forsteritic olivine oc- served for more than 30 years, and the recovery variable amounts of quartz, iron oxides, and cal- curs as inclusions in hematite crystals; it contains of large selenitecrystals more than 40cm in length. cite. Many xenoliths show concentric banding of about 1.8 wt 7o total iron expressed as FeO. How- A rare opportunity to visit the Hansonburg cop- layers rich in quartz and iron-oxide minerals; some ever, bright-red cathodoluminescence of this for- per mine on October 2, 7987,was made possible are composed of nearly solid masses of iron ox- sterite suggests that only ferric iron is present in by Jim Eckles, Public Affairs Officer for White Sands ides. Many xenoliths are surrounded by a skarn- it, leading to the formula MgzmFe*3*SLs:Or; the Missile Range. Specimenscollected on this visit like reaction zone a few centimeters thick com- mineral shows a consistent excess of Mg and de- confirm that the Primary ore mineral at this mine posed largely of green diopside with or without ficienry of Si. was tennantite as reported by SamuelG' Lasky andraditic garnet, phlogopite, and clay minerals. Mineral assemblages in the jasperoid xenoliths (1932, The ore deposits of Socorro County, New Other iron-bearing minerals occur in fractures in are unusual for their highly oxidized state-all iron Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral '- xenoliths of argillaceous or calcareous sandstone in the oxide minerals appears to exist as Fe Resources,Bulletin 8). More recent reports had and in miarolitic vugs within quartz-monzonite and the presence of zinc in the oxides. Bulk com- refuted the occurrenceof tennantite at the Han- inclusions. position of the nodules ranges up to 10,000 ppm sonburg copper mine, but these determinations Hematite is the most obvious of the oxide min- ([Vo) Zn, and anomalous amounts of Mn, Cu, V were made without the benefit of sampleanalysis. erals; it forms black, lustrous, platy crystals typi- Ni, and Pb are also present. A probable sequence Secondarycopper arsenates along with azuritewere cally 1 mm or less in diameter. A variety of spinel- of events for the nodules was 1) silicification of also found, and preliminary analysis(microprobe) group minerals are present in the xenoliths. Mag- limestone beds to form iron- and zinc-bearing jas- indicates that olivenite and conichalcite are the nesioferrite occurs as minute octahedral crystals peroid; 2) stoping of silicified limestone blocks into predominant minerals. about 0.5 to 200 pm in size, usually embedded in the intruding dacite magma; 3) reaction of lime- The recent discovery of superb smoky quartz fibrous, spheroidal-textured chalcedonic quartz. stone xenoliths with the enclosing magma to form crystals with chrysocolla and lustrous bright-green Magnesioferrite, ideally MgFe *lOa, is transparent calc-silicate skarn rims (at least part of this reaction microcrystalsof antlerite has stimulated the search to translucent in thin section and oranqe brown appears to have occurred after eruption because for new species and attractive specimens' The to blood red in color; the red color of most fine- the skarn minerals surround the nodules as an Blanchard mine has a long history of producing grained jasperoid is due to magnesioferrite rather undisturbed zone extending into the host dacite); excellent mineral specimens. Today the mine is than hematite. The magnesioferrite is slightly zinc 4) oxidation and recrvstallization within the xen- open to collectors on a fee basis for the surface bearing, ranging from about 0.1 to 4.0 wt VoZnO; oliths to produce the present assemblage of hem- areas(no underground collecting permitted), and a typical formula (for magnesioferrite with 0.49% atite and zincian magnesioferrite, probably after in the foreseeablefuture the present owners in- ZnO) is: eruption of the pumice breccia and contemPora- tend that this rich collectingaria will remainopen *l (Mg".rZn" rCa" uXFe. i.oAL.zrMn nuMgoou)Or.rr. neously with (3); and 5) retrograde (deuteric) de- for the enjoyment of all mineral collectors. Less abundant is aluminous spinel, brownish-yel- velopment of phlogopite and montmorillonite in low in thin section, containing several percent ZnO; the skarn rims by reaction with water vapor in the Hansonburg mining district chronology a typical formula (for spinel with 1.07o ZnO) is: cooling pumice flow. 1872-First attracted attention of prospec- *| (M& rlno d(Al1.pFe*fl 'Mn n'Mgn.noSLn1)O: n. tors. Apparently discoveredby PatHiggins. Very fine grained (one to a few pm in size) zinc- MtNtttc DEVELoPMENTAND MINERALSoF THE Received name from old prospector Han- rich spinels, detected only with the microprobe, HANSoNBURG MTNTNGDrsrzucr, Soconno, NEw son. have a complex composition approaching frank- Mrxtco, by Rnmon S. DeMark,6509 Dodd Place 1885-1901-Copper deposits were worked linite. One analysis of a specimen contairing2T.MTo NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 (2) at freouent intervals. ZnO gives the following formula: (Zno*Ivlgou The Hansonburg mining district,which is lo- l9Ol-Hansonburg copPer mine property Ca6sr)(Fe*l nrAlnrrMn*fl 37Mg6rssig 01)03 el, corre- cated in southeastern Socorro Countv. New Mex- developed by AlcazarCopper Company. One sponding to end-member proportions of 5\% ico, is bounded on the west by the large desert carload of ore shipped. franklinite, 2I% gahnite, and 28% other compo- valley known as the Jornada del Muerto, and in- 1916-WesternMineruI ProductsComTnny took nen$. cludes the northern portion of the Oscura Moun- over Hansonburg lead mine and erected a Diopside in the skarn rims is zoned, ranging tains as an eastern boundary. Remote from 5Gton dry mill on property to extractSalena. from about 4 to l1.Vo FeO. Green to brown an- population centers and isolated from development 1916-17-Fifteen carloads of ore shipped dradite gamet, often in euhedral dodecahedra about by lack of water and location on the northern ex- from the Hansonburgcopper mine. 1 mm across, ranges in cornposition from about tension of White Sands Missile Range, the Han- 1917-Several carloadsof lead concentrates Andradite*Grossulars to Andradite6Grossular, with sonburg mining district has gained notoriety shipped from Hansonburg lead mine. the balance in other components. Diopside also primarilv because of the occurrence of rare and 1917-33-Hansonburs district inactive. forms free-growing transparent yellow-green ittractivb minerals. 193&-Louis& Hatsteadshipped a small,un- prisms a few tenths of a millimeter in length in The district was developed initially in 1901 from known amount of lead-silver ore. F NewMexico Geology February 1988 1939-Globe Mining Company shipped nine covered from Sunshine #1 tunnel of the ences, University of Texas (El Paso) El Paso, TX tons of lead-silver ore. Blanchard mine. 79968 (4\ 1943-F. L. Blanchard of Roswell assumed 1983-Wayne Thompson and Delma Perry The Organ district has long been known to con- ownership of six unpatented claims in area under contract from Western General Re- tain tellurium mineralization associated with base- of Hansonburg lead mine.
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