
Key words: Western worldfullofviolenceandGothic horrors. tokeeptheirhumanityandachieve wholenessinawhite-dominatedpatriarchalstruggle the eugenicists’ inhumaneapproach to“undesirable” AfricanAmericans,sheopposestheir of whitedoctorsonblackwomen,whowere experimentedonwithouttheirconsent. To esteem theracistsocietyinstillsinblackindividuals.Morrison unveils theeugenicprocedures racial oppression oftheU.S.Public Health System, aswell astheself-loathingandlow self- the Gothic scientist-villainfigure andthevulnerableinnocentmaiden,whoepitomizes the resorts toGothic tropes todepictthevictim-victimizer relationship between Abstract Palabras clave: por blancos,llenodeviolenciayhorrores góticos. humanidad yconseguirunaidentidadplenaenunmundooccidentalpatriarcal, dominado eugenésica hacia los “indeseables” afro-americanos, ella contrapone su lucha por mantener su que fueron objetodeexperimentación sinsuconsentimiento. Alaperspectiva inhumana Morrison desvela losprocedimientos eugenésicosdedoctores blancosen mujeres negras, sociedad racista inculca la en los individuos que negros. autoestima baja la y desprecio que simbolizalaopresión racialdelsistemapúblicodesanidadamericano,asícomoel zador entre lasfigurasgóticasdelcientíficovillanoyladoncellainocentevulnerable, Toni Morrison recurre atropos góticosparatratarlarelación delavíctimayelvictimi Resumen MAGGIE KILGOUR,“Dr. Meets Dr. Freud”. and remake itinabetterformtoo oftenturnsintoaFrankesteinian nightmare. theworldinterest todeconstruct [...]thedream oreven theory ofusingart are dark andsinister, weighted withpower, Oedipal strife,propelled by self- that layclaimtoaestheticdetachment,disinterest, orscientificobjectivity, current deepsuspicionthatallmotives, includingourown andespeciallyany [...] themadscientist[ofGothic] isourdark doublewhoreveals our GOTHIC TROPESINMORRISON’S TONI Morrison, Gothic genre, black,scientist-,maiden. Revista deFilología Morrison, género gótico,negro, científico-villano,doncella. THE FIGURE SCIENTIST-VILLAIN AND THE MAIDEN IN DISTRESS IES AltoPalancia, Segorbe, Castellón Manuela Ramírez López , 33;enero 2015,pp. 119-132;ISSN:0212-4130 HOME



REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 119 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 120 restraint buttocontrol itfully;and hisessentialcrime[...]is[…]theSatanic not inthenameofpleasure butofknowledge; he seeksnottotastelifewithout unlimited knowledge: “Faust challengesthelimitationssetuponexperience and Goethe’s Faust, whomakesapactwiththeDevil, exchanging hissoulfor seeker afterforbiddenknowledge, associatedwiththelegendofPrometheus The scientist-villaincharacterderives from aromantic andGothic symbol,the ordealsbrutal sciencehasputblackindividualsthrough inAmericanhistory. rationalism andscience.By meansofherscientistfigures, Morrison explores the the scientificdiscourseispredicated andtheabhorrent aftermathof Western for truth. Through the Gothic, Morrison reveals the assumptions on which the ethical purpose of science and unraveling questionable facets of the scientist’s had already villain, schoolteacher, dealt with a true showing her concern with attain self-definition,albeitthere are notmanyscientists. In are fullofyoung womenoppressed inawhiteracialized society, to whostruggle complexpersonality.and victim,are thetwosidesofabinary Morrison’s books persecuted principleofsalvation” (Fiedler 1966:128).Bothofthem,victimizer cuting principleofdamnation”, while the innocentdamselisregarded as villain, wholiesoftenatthecenterofplot,hasbeendepictedas“the perse the Gothic genre, thescientist-villainandmaidenindistress. The Gothic the narratives ofnationalself-construction” (Savoy 1998:18). theunderside,Otherness,and “likeallgothic,ithaltinglybringsforward of as AfricanAmericans. allowed appallingregular medicalexperimentationonvulnerableindividuals,such to describetheatrocious practicesoftheU.S.Public Health System, whichhas eugenics that defines blacks as inferior. Morrison deploys Gothic conventions and historicalpast.In Gothic overtones, sheunmaskstherationalized worldof Morrison’s narrative shows horrors that have their source in the repressed factual against blacks.AsKimHyejin contends, the rationalistdiscoursethatenforces andlegitimizes racismanddiscrimination black individuals in the Western patriarchal order, aswell as toquestion and reverse 152). Morrison deploys Gothic imagestoexplore theunspeakableexperiencesof as ausefulmodeinwhichtoresurrect andresist America’s racialhistory” (1997: are definedassub-humans,becausetheGothic, as Teresa Goddu argues,“hasserved and contestthemaster-narrative ofracialoppression inwhichAfricanAmericans subordinating humanbeingstohisscientificpursuits, thustransgressing all of divinepower, thescientist-villaincares more forsciencethanmankind, bargain: tosellone’s soultotheDevil” (Fiedler 1966:133).In hisFaustian sense In hermostrecent , Morrison revisits twocentralcharactersof hegemonic discourse.(2007:3) thebroken voicearticulate ofsufferingandpain,butalsotoproduce acounter- against themaindiscourse[...].In thissense,theGothic opensaspacenotonlyto Gothic strategiesallow writersfrom therepressed class,race,orgendertotransgress In her novel Home Home ,Toni Morrison uses Gothic tropes to expose, deconstruct tackles the harrowing about these experiments, truth , Morrison “the - free healthcare from theUSgovernment. gression of untreated syphilis. Rural black men were deceived into believing that they were receiving black racewasthemostdegraded of allhumanraces. of their different genetic and inherited skull sizes and sex organs. George Cuvier sustained thatthe “genetically unfit” sterilizationand citizens, fosteringlawstopromote compulsory ican eugenicsprogram, disguisedas“respectable” science,intended to eliminate itself, as inthe Tuskegee syphilisexperiment. therapeutic purposes,butotherswere fortheadvancement ofscience performed dence andambition. Some oftheclinical treatments eugenicists implemented had experimentation onblackpeoplehasbeentheoutcome ofscientists’ racistcre not onlyhumanphysicalfeatures are heritable,butalsointellectualones.Medical Galton, who appliedDarwin’s ofevolution tohumans.He theory postulatedthat ment” (called“racial hygiene” inGermany), wasoriginallydeveloped by Francis and theexpression ofthenaturalorder eugenics). Eugenicists believed thatsocialinequalitywastheresult ofevolution eugenics) andreducing thatofthoseindividualswithundesired traits(negative gene poolby promoting thereproduction of people withdesired traits(positive required orwere easilyexperimentedonwithoutit. procedures; blacksdidnothave rightsasresearch subjects:theirconsentwasnot and theircheapworkhorses; whiteshadtobeshieldedfrom perilousexperimental medical trialssince,amongotherreasons, theywere considered inferiortowhites institutionalized, etc.Blacks were involved inespeciallydangerous inhumane was conductedconsistentlyonvulnerablegroups, suchaschildren, thepoor, the untilandthroughout the20 American sciencehistory medical experimentationonAfro-Americans, whichwasacommonpracticein men” (Shea 2012:online). Through Dr. Beau, Morrison delves intoeugenics of [eugenicpractitioners]preying onblackwomen,thesyphilistrials the “time oftheMcCarthy thelicense hearingsandalotofmedicalapartheid, Morrison writesaboutthe50s,aperiodofracialviolenceinAmericanhistory, in tovalidate theinstitutionofslavery.and empiricalobservation Nevertheless, unveils themostcontroversial aspectsof Western science,theuseofreason “scientifically” theirinferiorityandanimal-likecondition.Hence, Morrison measurements oftheSweet Home slaves withthepurposeofsubstantiating teacher, astherepresentative ofthescientificproject, systematicallydocuments grounds tojustifyracismandthelucrative slave trade. The slaveholder, school he becomesademon” (McPherson 1987:221-222). thescientistworks againstratherthanformankindmoral boundaries:“When Home In In 2 1 Eugenics endorsestheimprovement ofthegeneticqualitysociety’s , thescientist-villainfigure isapproached from adifferent perspective.

Biologists likeCharles White statedthatblacksandwhiteswere different speciesbecause This clinicalstudywasconducted between 1932 and1972toinvestigate thenaturalpro Beloved , Morrison discloseshow scienceprovided theobjective 1 .Eugenics, asthescienceof“race improve 2 The predominantly negative Amer th century. Clinicalresearch - - - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 121 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 122 ported the compulsory sterilizationofmothersonwelfare withthree thecompulsory ported illegitimatechildren (2008:213,211). doctors whowoulddeliver theirbabieswithoutconsentingtosterilization,and94 percentofthemsup before theNazi sterilizationlawof1933 incomplete ornotkept(Black 2003:398). 1900-1970, even thoughitisimpossibletoknow theexactquantitybecausemanyrecords were strong eugenicsprogram; and of“Nordicracism, where heexpoundsatheory superiority” andadvocates fora Passing oftheGreat Race by Hermann Muller, afamous American geneticist and proponent of eugenics; crowded shelves andsaw several paramount eugenic titles: When onedayCeeentered hisoffice,shehadalookatthemedicalbookson the causesofthings” (Shelley 1990:28).Dr. Beau isapractitionerofeugenics Walton saysabout , hehasthecapacityfor“penetration into experiments” important tor; heisascientistandconductsvery (60) ved ittobe basedonreal science,andnotonracism,prejudice orwhitesupremacy. most precious attribute.Eugenics’ successispredicated onthefactthatpeoplebelie Paradoxically enough,blackwomen’s procreative potentialwas,underslavery, their the growing numberofblacks receiving publicassistance” (Roberts 2000:online). 1970s [...]statelegislatorsconsidered arashofpunitive sterilization billsaimedat unleashed sexualdrives, ergo,anunusually prolific breeding can femalesonthegrounds ofracialstereotypes, themashaving whichportrayed sterilization wassystematicallyusedtocontrol welfare spendingonAfricanAmeri 1958-1974, theNorth Carolina eugenicsprogram targetedblackwomen.Coercive defects”, were 2005:178) conductedin31Americanstates(Joseph programs, whichaimedatdebarringthereproduction ofthose“carriers ofgenetic anti-miscegenation. support Americans From Colonial Times tothePresent Harriet Washington’sbook, be identifiedby thepagenumberincludedinparentheses inthetext). 7 6 5 4 3 Dr. Beauregard callsDr. Scott,whoeverybody Beau, “ismore thanadoc On accountofthoseprograms, thousands ofAmericanswere sterilized. From and restrain tendencyofBlack thiscorrupting motherhood.(Roberts 1997:8) and despair. Apersistentobjective ofAmericansocialpolicyhasbeentomonitor children thatdoomseachsucceedinggenerationtoalifeofpoverty, delinquency, impairment, itisbelieved thatBlack motherstransferadeviantlifestyletotheir traits thatmarked themasinferiortoanywhiteperson.Alongwiththisbiological centuries, Black mothershave beenthoughttopassdown totheiroffspringthe America hasalwaysviewedunregulated Black reproduction asdangerous. For three

Toni Morrison ( Simone Caron writes that there is evidence that black females on welfare to find struggled According toBobMinzeshelmer, Dr. Beau’s unethicalsurgicaloperations are inspired by As Jay Joseph pointsout,“eugenic sterilizationwaslegallysanctionedintheUSAlong It isestimatedthataround 70,000peoplewere sterilized againsttheirwillbetween Medical Apartheid: The Dark ofMedical History Experimentation onBlack 2012) , AmericaneugenicistMadison Grant’s bookofscientific . 3 In thefirsthalfof20 Home Heredity, andSociety Race ” (2005:178). . London: Chatto& Windus (2012:online). th century, forced sterilization , writtenby aprominent (allsubsequentquotationswill Out oftheNigh 5 :“During the1960sand 4 : 6 . AsRobert t, written The 7 - - - - . Schoolteacher’s andDr. Beau’s scientific softdescriptionsalikeclashwiththeircruel with hispatients,respecting theirprivacy anddonatingmoneyforfuneralexpenses. him welcoming, ation of Gothic , experience” (1999:online) morally-committed, and even passionate testimony that derives from [...] lived to the“distanced and‘objective’ ofscience”, view she opposesamore “personal, of the scientized to the minor white characters” world view (1999: online).Hence, maternal body” (Goldner 1999:online).In of thescientificdiscourse,linkedtoLaw-of-the-Father, as“itissetagainstthe andsexuality.birth In fact,bothscientistspersonifythedisembodiedperspective boundaries of science, venturing into the maternal body and its related secrets of search proves. He analliancewiththedevilwhenhetrespasses hasstruck theethical have notbeen afforded theprivilegetonegotiaterights’ (Sampson 2012:96). ogies, Dr. Sims’ experimentsandeugenicsterilizationrespectively, blackwomen clinical trials,Morrison discloseshow “In bothmomentsofreproductive technol and Dr. Beau vindicatesAfro-American females’ inferiorcondition. Through his experiment atwill.Dr. Sims upheldthefoundationsofsouthernslave system doctors “acquired” blackfemales,whobecamesilentmedical subjectsonwhomto trol over black women’s sexual or reproductive activity in the medical field. Both Beau theracialized contextofhisresearch. They systematicallyused“violent” con cure wealthy whitefemaleswiththehelpofanesthesia.Dr. Sims shares withDr. techniqueswerehis polemicalexperimentationbecauseperfected laterusedto southern medicinedistinctive” (2006:229).Dr. Sims through wonfameandfortune ofblackwomenintheSouth,economic definitionandworth astrategythatmade As Marie claims,“Surgeons Schwartz worked withslaveholders tomaintainthe black slaves toDr. Sims sothathemightrestore theirfullreproductive capability. in order tofindacure foraterribledisease,vesicovaginal fistula.Slave owners sent powerless femaleslaves (who couldnotgive voluntarily consent)withoutanesthesia the majorscientificbreakthroughs heachieved conductingsurgicalprocedures on Marion Sims, toutedastheAmericanfoundingfatherofgynecologyby reason of is known forhis10-year insensitive research onamanwithgastricfistulaandDr. American physiology, ofexperimentaltreatments theimportance and whoasserted may bedrawnfrom Dr. William Beaumont, (with similarsurnames),thefatherof the onset of slavery, practices which have persisted in recent years. His are linkedtotheforced sterilizationsmanyblackwomenhave undergonesince find timetoread more andunderstand“eugenics” (65).Dr. Beau’s eugenicbeliefs sician’s knowledge andfeelssmall.Ironically, shepromises herselfthat“she would signatories ofaeugenicsmanifestoin1939.Ceecanonlywonderaboutthephy biologist geneticist andevolutionary Theodosius Dobzhansky, whowasamongthe 8 Like schoolteacher in

Ellen Goldner’s words refer to “a small man with lots of silver hair”. Dr. Beau is extremely careful “is very gentlemanly”.“is very When he first interviews 8 . Liketheslaveholder, Dr. imperson Beau, asthetrue Beloved Beloved , Dr. Beau is an evil character, as his racial re . Home , Morrison also“limitsthescope Cee, she finds - - - - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 123 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 124 dislocated intheconfrontation, is alwaysofpaternaldominance.Cee’s entrapment the fatherrole andhisbondwiththevulnerabledamsel,whosesexual identityis the Oedipal dynamicsofthe“family romance”, asFreud callsit.Dr. Beau plays ‘father’ has become monstrous to ‘daughter’ (qtd. in Gross 1989: 42). of amok:a singleand specific family romance run early gothic usually tells the story scientist-.the heartless AsJames Twitchell writesin her self which leadstotheviolationofherphysicalintegrityand completedissolutionof his power over thehelplessmaiden,Cee,whofallsvictimtohisexperimentation, tionship that singularizes Gothic narratives. As a tyrannical villain, Dr. Beau exerts ducing itsgenderdynamics,thedomination-subversion inthemale-femalerela damsel isequatedwith“a specialized formof‘innerspace’” (1983:209). scalpel, thephallicsymbolofpenetrationintofemalebody. Danger forthe on them” (2012:online). The doctoractuallyoperatesontheyoung girlwithhis likes tohire childlessyoung blackwomeninorder sexualexperiments toperform carries outonher(1983:209).AsM.H.Miller says,Dr. Beau is“a eugenicistwho the earlyGothic romance, whichparallelsthemedicalprocedures theevilscientist implications, hinting attheinnocent maiden’s metaphorical “”, key element in situation, a young damsel threatened in a secret room by avillain,has overtly sexual towards hersexuality. In Gothic ,as Cynthia Wolff notes,thisrecurrent menace towards theblack woman’s body, whichisabhorrently on,and performed Dr. Beau’s laboratory, the Gothic secret room, symbolizes the Western patriarchal cause, noteven consideringthat,atthetime,blackswere regarded assub-humans. justify scientific their heartless research on the female black body, the suffering they to cure sexually-related illnesses.However, thenoble endstheymayhave cannot tive ofimproving theworldby learningmore aboutwomen’s physiologyandhow alike are Frankensteinian scientistswhoseinvestigation, apparently, hastheobjec tist-villain endupstealingwomen’s capacityofcreation. Dr. Sims andDr. Beau whether voluntarily oraccidentally, themonstrous actionsoftheGothic scien matter” life. anddoesnotwanttomasterthemysteriesofforgingnew boundaries. He doesnotcreate lifeby new bestowing figure, despitehiswife’s denial,whoseexperimentsgobeyond moral andethical 83) materialized inhisghastlyeugenicexperimentation. villain. Under hiscordial appearance,Dr. Beau conceals hisinherently evil nature, approach toblacks.Hypocrisy features isoneofthemostimportant oftheGothic tified andtheirsubjectivitydenied. Gothic linkstothesocialviolencethrough which“undesirable” femalesare objec 9 , Home 10 10 9 Home While .Morrison depictsthedebasementandtorture oftheinnocent womanby

Ellen Moers’ words. Dr. Beau playsavampiric role: he“feeds” onCee,suckingherlife.In is a horror story of“sterilization”. isahorror story Dr. Beau isanironic Frankensteinian isanarrative ofwomenvictimizationinapatriarchal society, repro Frankenstein is “a of maternity” horror story ( “animation uponlifeless Dreadful Pleasures qtd. in Fleenor 1983: Home Conversely, Home reflects , “The , “The , the - - - - - “Go”, andifyou didn’t, you’d getkilled. There wasamigration—a forced migration that lookedatthecountieswere “cleansed.” Alotwere in Texas. It waslikethePalestinians. They’d justsay, up andmove—with orwithoutshoes” (9). badges butalwayswithgunscouldforce you, your family, your neighborstopack could beinside,livinginourown houseforyears, andstill,menwithorwithout Frank hasalwaysbeenhauntedby recollections oftheirfamily’s expulsion: ty, Texas. They have tofleeandmove inwithsomerelatives inLotus,Georgia Like otherblackhouseholds,theyare expelledfrom theirhomeinBandera Coun lives. Luther andIda Money, Ceeandherbrother Frank’s parents, are noexception. (Nichols 1983:32).In thepostcolonialtimes,AfricanAmericansledreally rough (or hashad)awickedstepmother, abadaunt,demandingandselfishmother” unloved, andlonely. She isshyandinexperienced[...][who]sometimesshehas damsel thatare connectedtoher“abnormal” family:she is“young, orphaned, to themaiden’s shattered self. Ceeshares othertypicalfeatures withtheGothic to behisassistant. The damselindistress doesnothave control over herown fate. Dr. Beau’s fiendishintentions, Cee isdeceived intobelievingthatsheisonlygoing blacks’ trialsandtribulations.Unaware ofthethreatening forces thatmenace herlife, and,withal,sheisill-prepared ofthestory a submissivefor behaviorformostpart intellectually ill-trained” (1983:94).Due toherdamagedpersonality, Ceedisplays the earlyGothic heroine who,asSyndy Congerwrites,is“emotionally passive and 2007: 20).Cee,astheultimatevictim,shows someofthemostdistinctive traitsof 123). As Pecola in of selfasmonster—isassociatedwithnarratives offemaleexperience” (Stein 1983: confused insightsintoherown self. Questioning identity, andespecially“the concept her communityandthesocietyasaresult ofherself-disgust.She hastroubled and female identity” asayoung (1983:25).Ceeisportrayed girlatoddswithherself, 7) terrors lurking forwomenwithinpatriarchal socialarrangements” 1995: (Williams defenseless againstthewhitedoctor’s “rape”. statutory Morrison addresses truly “the self, oftheAmerican Western culture andsociety. victim, Ceeemergesastheperfect ences inher harsh life. The blackfemale is themostpowerful “other”, thealienated stem from a self-worth fractured identity, sequel of the racial oppression she experi victims of a dominant white Western patriarchal order. Her self-contempt and low which isnotonlyherprison,butitmightbecometomb. Radcliffean heroines, thedamselindistress isconfinedwithintheGothic home, encounter, theFaustian physicianmanagestocastratethepowerless woman.Like overbearing father-likefigure andthefemalebodyitself. In themaiden-villain in theGothic house,Dr. Beau’s, expresses theOedipal conflictthatenmeshesthe 11 . As Juliann Fleenor argues, “At the center of the Gothic is the over 12 11 The dysfunctional familyisatthecore ofthe Gothic novel andit is central Morrison’s version of the Gothic maiden epitomizes African Americans as

As Morrison claimsaboutblackcitizens’ exile: Ann Williams istalkingaboutthesuccessful1960sGothic formula. , she “becomes the abject of the abject” ( “ The Moneys cannotlookproperly It wasaregular thing.Ihave aninteresting book ” (Bollen2013:online). Hyejin “You “You 12 - - .

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 125 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 126 is that I got very interested in theideaofwhenaman’sis thatIgotvery relationship withawomanispure—unsul who cannotcopewiththetrialsofAfricanAmericans’ severe life. can onlyengenderadependentandforsakenfemalewith areally poorself-esteem, her Faustian “father” leadCeetoself-destruction. Thus, thepatriarchal paradigm grandmother’s contempt,hergrandfather’s passivityandthescientificpursuits of romance isattheroot ofthemaiden’s woefuldrama:Frank’s mollycoddling, her tutelage shatterheralready low self-confidence. succeedintakingcaredoes nottruly ofCee.Actually, hisoverzealous attentionand writes tohim:“Yours truly Your sister” (53).Notwithstanding Frank hisefforts, (54). Cee’s overreliance onherbrother isstressed inthecapitallettersofanoteshe she were “ (47). When Frank leaves theirhometown, Ceecannotlive withouthim.It isasif because ofherbigbrother, Frank. The boys shewasoff-limitsbecauseofhim” knew talkingaboutboys, andstarted shewaspreventedfourteen from anyreal flirtation other girls reached Cee and a few keep all possible suitors away from her: “When balm” (51). However, his sheltering suppresses Cee’s sensual energies, since he would from a molester and, afterwards, consoles her with his healing hands, which are “like she hasnotreceived from herparents. Being justaboy, Frank even protects her utterly idealized paternal figure, a surrogate father who provides the and care has toactouttheadultrole, assumingresponsibility forhisforlorn sister. He is an female protectors. Lenore instillsself-hatred inthelittleblackgirl. surrogate “mother”, parallelstheRadcliffeanorphans’ plightatthehandsoftheir infant life”worthless (44)and,repeatedly, andberatesher, undervalues callingtheblack envisages hergranddaughter’s onthestreet birth asanomen,“a prelude toasinful, the hatefultreatment ofherstep-grandchildren, especiallythelittlegirl.Lenore loss oftraditionalmoralvalues intheblackcommunity, whichshemanifestsin of femalemodels.Her step-grandmother, Lenore, awickedwitch,exemplifies the neglect oreven abusethem.Hence, Ceeiswell nighraisedlikeanorphan,bereft to leave theirchildren, Frank andCee,under thecare oftheirgrandparents, who for longhoursis after theirchildren becausetheywork alldaylong. Their affectionaftertoiling the sort ofHansel andGretelthe sort aspectreally fascinatedme be abrother andasister. It couldbemasculine andprotective without thebaggageofsexuality. So there’s alwaysanotherlayer there. The onlyrelationship Ithoughtthatwouldbe minusthatwould lied, notfraught.If it’s hisrelationship withhismotherorgirlfriendwife daughter, rosexual relation inasmuchastheirselves are extremely damaged bond isareflection oftheirincapacitytofindlove andbuildamature caringhete Despite Morrison’s choiceofsiblings,asanasexualrelationship, thebrother-sister self. Ceeexperiencesextreme devotion tothehero-“lover”, herown brother Frank. ter hangsover theentire narrative, anditsrole intheannihilationofheroine’s “gutter child”. Home 13

broken. Not broken upbutbroken down, down intoherseparateparts” In an interview with ChristopherIn Bollen, Morrison an interview says that explores theGothic themeofthebrother-sister “incest”, whosespec “like arazor—sharp, andthin” short, (53). Cee’s suffering under the care of her step-grandmother, her The patriarchal familyoftheGothic ” (2013:online). “ Another reason for 13 The Moneys have .As achild,Frank Home - - - white eugenicistsassumetheGod-like power ofcontrolling anddecidingaboutfemalereproduction. mothers. In aworldwhere ofwomanhoodisgrounded inherreproductive the socialconstruct abilities, to dilateitforexamination. where herbrother hadbeen,shenodefense” (48).She falls forthefirstman who in Lotus,Ceeisoff-limitsandwhenhejoinsthearmy, shefeels “adrift inthespace hand, sheneedslove andtofleefrom thehorrors ofherhousehold. When Frank is only weds Ceetogethergrandfather’s car, andthenheabandons her. On theother Atlanta. Nevertheless, tales.He heisjusttheopposite ofprincecharminginfairy and protector. Prince, nameisPrincipal, whosetrue is agood-lookingmanfrom represented by Prince, whomshemarries,andthechastelover, herown brother the ethnicwoman,whosebodyiscolonized by patriarchy. patriarchal system. The evilphysicianepitomizes theobjectifyinganddissectionof which mirrors thefragmented Black Self ofmotherhoodby the andthedisruption of the Frankensteinian scientist, the dismemberment and amputation of her body, melons isapremonition ofwhattheyoung femaleisgoingtoexperienceatthehands case, sheishis“guinea pig”, anexpendable“undesirable” female.Sarah’s cuttingof may bethepurposeandnotjustoutcomeofdoctor’s operations. tries to get patents for them. As his eugenic inclinations intimate, Cee’s infertility in hisclinicaltrials.Sarah, hishousekeeper, informsCeethatheinvents thingsand the “Sims speculum” purpose istheadvancement ofgynecological research. LikeDr. Sims, whocreated conducts ontheyoung blackwomandonothave anytherapeuticintent.Its sole operated tocure vesicovaginal fistulapatients,themedicalprocedures Dr. Beau she may not even be aware on. Moreover, of being performed unlike Dr. Sims, who Faustian physicianapparently experiments onCeewithout her informedconsent, body andlife,takingadvantage ofherbenightednessandlackself-regard. The Cee.Asslaveholders didbefore her upon therightsofhisservant, him,herules seems tousedestitutefemalesforhismedicalprocedures. and girls, he treats, many more than the well-to-do ones. Dr. Beau, like Dr. Sims, tofeeladmiration forhimwhensheseesthepoorpeople,especiallywomen starts tohelpotherpeople.Shedisabled. Ceebelieves thatiswhythephysiciantrying (63). Ironically, Dr. Beau, who is interested in eugenics, has twodaughters that are tells herthatthedoctorhastwodaughters with “cephalitis” (encephalitis)inahome the wages, Along with who lookedlike“the queenofsomethingwhobelongedinthemovies” (60),etc. more beautifulthanamovie theater, velvet furniture, awifewithsoftmusicalvoice housewithachurch-neat lawn,alivingroom able neighborhood,hislargetwo-story Because ofherdifficultupbringing,Ceeisimpressed by Dr. Beau’s respect 14 As in Gothic romances, the heroine is caught between the “demonic” lover, As anautocraticGothic villain,Dr. Beau useshispositiontoencroach 15

Dr. Beau’s experimentation may have as an objective to prevent “unfit” females to become The Sims speculum,stillcommonlyusedingynecology, intothevagina isinserted “never astheysometimeswere skippedorshort atBobby’s” (65). “the beautifulhouse” and“the kinddoctor”, 14 , Dr. Beau makesimprovements heuses ontheinstruments Cee loves herwork and 15 In any Sarah -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 127 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 128 know thattheunfledgedfemalesuffersnotonlyfrom bodilyinjures, butalso matriarchal figuressense ofcommunityandancientwisdom,thesenurturing ancestral remedial thatnurseCeetolifewithroot properties medicine. In their Frank’s] lives, andforwhatever, whoever elseneededthem” (123). They have engage in. These “seen-it-all eyes” women take“responsibility fortheir[Ceeand soothing andcuringoftheselfbodyblackfemales ofthecommunity hideous patriarchal medicalprocedures withouttherapeuticobjectives tothe against herblackancestors’ healingpowers. She contraststhewickedscientist’s and insteadupholdingcommunity” (Britton 1995:8). quest for self-affirmation. In and emotional scars inflicted by the patriarchal system. Thereupon, is on her she truly women ofhercommunitycure herdeep physicalwounds,aswell asthepsychological a fullerwomanhoodisnow unstoppable.Ceeisreborn whenEthel and theblack young femaletoaself-sufficientone.Hertransition from asubservient passageto rite, brimmingwithphysicalandsexualviolence. The maidenindistress beginsthe identity withthehelpofcommunity. Ceehasundergoneahorrifyinginitiation self-loathing at the hands of her step-grandmother, awakens to ferret out her new Morrison recreates theclassicCinderella :theheroine, whohasinternalized away from the runs Frankensteinian physician and, finally, life. a new starts Then flight from themenacingpatriarchal figure. Through herbrother’s agency, Cee escaping andgettingcaughtby thevillain.Nonetheless, shedescribesthedamsel’s “overthrow” thepatriarchal tyrant, freeing thewretched maiden. he finallymanagestosalvage Ceewithout theuseofphysicalforce. His heroic acts . Andyet, Dr. Beau threatens himwithagun.Frank feelsproud because he facestheFaustian doctor. He standscalmandmanly, contradictingtheblack of theblackindividualasabarbaricbeast.Frank doesnotresort toviolencewhen to stealhere!” (110). Thusly, Dr. Beau believes inthe Western stereotypical image brother, whomheimmediatelymistakesforathief, exclaiming: “There’s nothing civility andwhitesupremacy. The physicianfeelsjeopardized whenheseesCee’s cowardly conditionandthe Western culturalfearoftheblackmale,questioning once more. The brawlbetween theGothic villainandthehero highlightsDr. Beau’s dying atthehandsofFaustian doctor with thewords rescuer-“lover”, Frank, who defies theGothic scientist to save her. He receives a letter she islookingfor. The damselindistress isfinallyfreed from theevilvillainby the Prince ismore likea“Frog”, orasCeecallshim,a“rat”. He isnotthehero-lover comes totown anddoesnotlooklikeapeasant.As Thelma, Cee’s friend,comments, as aresult ofthescientist’s research onthe woman’s womb (113). Cee withkindnessandsaves herwhenshecalls Cee’s brother. She doesnotknow thereal danger sheisexposedto 16 By means of Dr. Beau, Morrison criticizes Western science, which she sets Morrison doesnotreproduce entirely theearlyGothic narrative patternof

Sisterhood isaclassicGothic theme.LikeAmyin “She be dead” from thegood-willedSarah, whocanseehow Ceeis Home , Morrison refuses again “to accept isolationism 16 . Frank hastoreturn torescue hissister Beloved , Thelma andSarah help Cee.Sarah treats ‘self-fashioning’” (2001:34). are asrepressedunearthed, memoriesare atthecore ofpersonalandnational trauma. anditsaftermath. of slavery To mendtheirsplitselves, theburiedpastmustbe necessity to pay homage to ancestors, who suffered the appalling consequences healing withunmaskingthedisremembered ofracialoppression and the history gests the need to lay the haunting ghosts of the past to rest. She correlates blacks’ and society. unspeakable crimesinherent inthestructure ofthe Western patriarchal culture ward; thepastisitsbeginningandend” (1989:23).Gothic oftendisclose her outofthereach ofwickedpredacious ,suchasDr. Beau. patriarchalher lifeuntilthen.Cee’s system that has ruled image, connectswithDr. Frankenstein to stitchthedismembered ofherself. parts Hence, patchwork, asametaphorical psychological wounds.Ceecommencesaquilt,whichsignifiesherdetermination cured from herphysicalscarsandnow healingherprofound shehastostart her, butshepusheshishandawayandembraceshersuffering.She isalready (129).AfterCeeconfessesherbarrenness, Frank triestoassuageandcomfort self” believed herself worthless” (129).She has“to betheonewhorescued herown She wascategorized asa“gutter child”, and “she hadagreed withthelabeland Cee finallyseeshow upbringinghasimpededheridentityformation. herrugged community are andacumen. completelyilliterate,andyet, theypossessfortitude dumbness, asshebelieved, whichmakesherpowerless. The matriarchs ofher and self-respect. Ceeunderstandsthatitisnotherschooldeprivation orher in distress sheusedtobe.During hercurative process, shegainsself-assertion the witch-step-grandmother. Ceeisnolongertheinnocentanddefenselessdamsel The hero-rescuer defeatsthewickedFaustian villainandthemaidencircumvents order. Theirs isacounter-narrative offemaleempowerment andcommunalsolidarity. These healingagentssymbolize women’s revolt againstthedominantpatriarchal [her brother’s] handover hereyes orhisarmstostophermurmuring bones” (128). They aidCeeinbecomingaself-reliant womanwho“would never againneedhis forself-definition: self-esteem, encouraginghertostruggle from emotionalandpsychological trauma. togive aboosttoCee’sThey try low “ reworked through culturallytraditionalfemininetropes andstitching,aformof ofsewing As LouisGross aptlycontends,“Gothic narrative hasalwayslookedback Gothic stories depictthetriumphofgoodnessandinnocenceover evil. person I’m talkingabout.Locate her andletdosomegoodintheworld.(126) devil doctordecidewhoyou are. That’s slavery. Somewhere insideyou isthatfree but you a person too. Don’t letLenore orsometriflingboyfriend no andcertainly See your own land. You young and awomanandthere’s seriouslimitationinboth, Look to yourself. You free. Nothing and nobody is obliged to save you but you. 17

Ann Sonser claims, referring to In In Home , i n acyclic return to theoutsetofstory, Beloved, 17 .The young womancannow resist the that both Morrison’s and Shelley’s texts Bildungsroman Morrison sug leads - -

REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119-132 129 REVISTA DE FILOLOGÍA, 33; 2015, PP. 119 -132 130 deprivation of parental love andcare, iseasilypreyed on.Morrison unravels how – acutelyharshmaterialconditions,theinnocentvulnerable maiden icans underwent profoundly fragmentedblackfemaleself. In thepostcolonialera,whenAfro-Amer by theghostofracismagainstCee’s moving andhumanestory, whichunveils the victim. and bodyoftheeasilyassailableblackwoman,histrue scientistfigure,the heartless andthethreat heimposesontheintegrityof self medical experimentation.Morrison depictsharrowing imagesofGothic villainry, 1998:130). to beheard Through theGothic, Morrison allows “for thevoice oftheculturallyrepressed” cans’ victimization by the U.S. Public Health System, thus reclaiming their past. andculture, withaspecialfocusonAfricanAmeri the racistAmericanhistory novel” (Booher2001:125) remarkable power tobringtheunspeakable from alienation andidentityannihilationtowholeness. journeys from traumatoempowerment. They cancompletetheirmetamorphosis terms. Those individualseugenicsbrandsas“unfit” cansuccessfullyconcludetheir of a community,and be part home. their true They can live their lives on their own conventional marriageandoffspring.CeeFrank canformanon-typicalfamily the prevailing normsoffemininity. The maiden’s riteofpassagedoesnotleadto formation surpassesthetraditionalsocially-sanctionedfemalegenderidentity, early Gothic romance, in the hauntingpasttogrow up andachieve self-actualization.Conversely tothe questioning andchallengingoftraditionalgenderculturalroles; retrieval of humanity; oppositionofancestralvalues tothoseofthedominant Western system; threatening patriarchal forces, whichdelegitimizes them,bolsteringthevictims’ toovercomeneed support thevictimized position;pacifistconfrontation with copingwithrealstructive life;fellowship andsenseofcommunity, asthevictims subconscious hastobepurgedofthedemonspast. reconciliation withtheirtraumatic memories exemplifies how African Americans’ ceremony epitomizes the need to come to terms with the dreadful past. The siblings’ their shroud,identityreconstruction. whichistheemblemofhernew The burial in order tobestow himdignityandhumanity, arrangingtheminsideCee’s quilt, could save hisown life.Brother andsistercelebratearitual toentombhisbones death between blacks. The inhumedmanhadbeenkilledby hissonsothathe male. At thattime which hastroubled themever since. They sawwhitemeninterringadeadblack When Frank and Cee were just little children, they witnessed a luridsituation, group” (Hwangbo 2004: 12). In the Western white-dominated society, the damsel’s internalization of the insidiously colonizing, denigrating rhetoric of the hegemonic “social damaged” identities’ are the “result of their continuous exposure to and a representative of African Americans Morrison juxtaposesDr. Beau’s barbariccoldscientificdiscoursehaunted In conclusion,in Home She resurrects suppressed elementsofnationalexperience,eugenics “and henceactoutaresistance tothedominantculture” (Martin unfolds sundry ways out of victimization: awareness unfolds sundry and active con whitesorganized “men-treated-like-dog fights” (138)tothe Home Home – to light,create analternative narrative tothatof , Morrison deploys Gothic conventions, withtheir , the heroine’s of development and self-trans story – , who has internalized self-hatred due to – “the overriding Gothic themeofevery - - - - Hyejin Goldner Goddu Fleenor Fiedler Conger Caron Hwangbo Gross Britton Booher Black redefinition oftheAfricanAmericans’ identityandexperience. into anawareness ofblacks’ victimizationand,withal,sheprovides uswitharadical from thetrap ofvictimization” (Hwangbo2004:12).Morrison shocksherreaders ofsubjugationandhelpthemtoextricatethemselves unsettle thecumulative history patriarchal masternarrative, Morrison opposesthefemale“counter story” thatcan to the symbolic throughor paternal order” disruptions (2001: 23). 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