V’zot HaBrachah 5782

Rashi on Deuteronomy 32:47

FOR IT IS NOT A VAIN THING FOR YOU — it is not for nothing that you are to occupy yourselves FOR IT IS YOUR LIFE (life is the כי הוא חייכם ,laboriously with it. because much reward depends on it i.e., apparently superfluous) word in the ריק) reward). Another explanation: There is not one empty that, if you properly expound it, has not a grant of reward attached to it for doing so.

Ramban on Deuteronomy 34:10

And by way of the Truth, [the mystic teachings of the Cabala], the verse here states that G-d knew face to face [to a degree that it was possible] to cleave to Him whenever the spirit316 came upon Moses our teacher. It was so at the time of the Giving of the Torah, but the people perceived only the Voice out of the midst of the fire.317 Thus Scripture explained that all prophecies of Moses were as on the day that the Torah was given, while the rest of the had the hand of the Eternal upon them.318 Understand this.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Only that shall happen Which has happened, only that occur which has occurred; there is nothing new beneath the sun!

Rashi on 1:9

That which has been is what will be, etc. In whatever he learns, in a matter that is an exchange for the sun, there is nothing new. He will see only that which already was, which was created in the six days of creation.34 But one who engages in the study of Torah constantly finds new insights therein

Bavli Bava Batra 75a

The elders of that generation said: The face of Moses was as bright as the face of the sun; the face of Joshua was like the face of the moon.

Bavli Batra 15a “And Moses the servant of the Lord died there” (Deuteronomy 34:5); is it possible that after Moses died, he himself wrote “And Moses died there”? Rather, Moses wrote the entire Torah until this point, and Joshua wrote from this point forward; this is the statement of Yehuda. And some say that Rabbi Neḥemya stated this opinion. 5Rabbi Shimon said to him: Is it possible that the Torah scroll was missing a single letter? But it is written: “Take this Torah scroll” (Deuteronomy 31:26), indicating that the Torah was complete as is and that nothing further would be added to it. Rather, until this point the Holy One, Blessed be He, dictated and Moses repeated after Him and wrote the text. From this point forward, with respect to Moses’ death, the Holy One, Blessed be He, dictated and Moses wrote with tears.

Rashi on Deuteronomy 34:12

[WHICH MOSES SHOWED] BEFORE THE EYES OF ALL ISRAEL — This refers to the fact that his heart inspired him to shatter the Tablets before their eyes, as it is said, (Deuteronomy 9:17) “And I broke them before your eyes” (Sifrei 357:45), and the opinion of the Holy One, blessed be He, regarding אשר שברת (this action agreed with his opinion, as it is stated that God said of the Tablets, (Exodus 34:1 an expression of thanks ;יישר) Which you have broken", [which implies] "May your strength be fitting" and congratulation) because you have broken them" (Yevamot 62a; Shabbat 87a).