Gross~ Pointe Ews 30 Cents 38 Pages VOL, 45-No 29 Grosse Pointe, Michigan Thursday, July 19, 1984 Voters to Settle Liquor Issue M• City
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... e _ Gross~ Pointe ews 30 cents 38 Pages VOL, 45-No 29 Grosse POinte, MichIgan Thursday, July 19, 1984 Voters to Settle Liquor Issue m• City .. available licenses If the referen. sentmg Jacobson's Inc Andrew ~\\ers to the commISSIOn not the so we're the ones" By Harriet, r\olan durn Is approved Moqull1, co-o\\ner of the' l\lerry cIty," ~dld RIchard Hmks,. cIty ~1oquln, of the Merry Mo~e's CItizens m Grosse Pomte City "I don't \\ant anyone to fe~1 Mouse's Cafe Le Chat. and VIto attorney Cafe Le Chat, feels pnonty consid- Will get to decide If they want beer they have a right to a license Just DePalma owner of the ClalrpOlnte eration should be gIVen to local es- B1~ GNeawoOd-"""" and \\me, or hquor sold by the because they helped With the petl- Restaura~t asked council for But another Important question tablished merchants "We've been glass m their commumty Tom tlon drive," bald Youngblood "The tavern llce'nses to bell beer and subtl) llegan to :,urface dUflng faithful In serving the commumty Kressbach, city manager, told only questIOn right now IS WIll 11- wille by the gla~s Later Steve these council diSCUSSIOn:. \\ 110 and while I think we all reahze no What's in a name? council at its July ~6 meetmg that quor be served or not, not who gets Scandajls, of the Rams Horn, ]om- sho~ld get the licenses? "Per~aps one \\ as guaranteed anythmg. I It's a fact Michigan has more 1,167 registered \oters had re- the licenses or how many of the ed the petltJonmg group d \\orld-famous re~taurant \\ould think the public certainly made It turned more than the reqUIred 956 four \\'111be ISSUed" like to come hert'," saId Jeanette registered pleasure boats than sIgnatures needed to put the ques- Smce then, counCil has gmgerly Duffield. counCilwoman clear through these pehtlOns that any state m the nahon And they we should have It and the business tlOn on the November election bal- However, not everyone shares dIscussed the ramifications of such P 1 f th CI t :.l! ~:. ...?e :':.~~e~ S0!'!'~ of thnr;:p n """,,,,,,",1,, ,,: .... h,nti ;t QQ OPT- lot hiS and the rest ot counCIl s ap- a mov~, WUII u:u U\'t::1 Lilt:: Cl<'y'" f' :l ma 0 ~ alrOOll1e. names are wild and wonderful, prehenSIOn as to who Will get the loss of control once the I\-lIchlgan ~ays he realizes It s a tough de- ~~~i:;'-he said . reflectmg the ribald and Witty However, It appears that only coveted hcen!:>es, especIally the State Liquor Control CommiSSIOn ClSlOn for counCil, but that hIS Moquin said one wa)' to solve nature of their owners group who spearheaded and or- gets mto the act group pltche<l m on the petitIOn half the problem ISsolved Council- "Whv not gIve the licenses to all of the problem would be to let voters Others are dreamy and/or man John Youngblood said he is al- gamZe d the petitIOn dr Ive "Once a license is issued, the us at the bame lime and be done mdlcate theIr preference!. as to mystical, leadmg a viewer mto ready begmning to feel the heat from people campaigmng for who Last September, the Clty's holder has a vested Interest 111 the With It," says DePalma "No one (Continued Oft Page 2<\) believing the owners are hope- former mayor John Kmg, repre. commumt~ has rights and don- else came .tbo.ud to work with us less romantics cast upon the should get one or more of the four waves A third vanety appear to have been dr~med up or dredg- ed up while their owners were In a somewhat, ub, altered state SOC finth new I got to wondermg just how some of these vessels were nam- ed, so I wandered down to the Farms Pier Park one hot after. home at Ferry noon last week in search of answers and a story By Susan McDonald I had plenty of boats to choose The wide-ranging progranuJ of SOC, lnc (servICeS for from. Tethered in the harbor Older Citlzenslwill finally gather under one roof next were pleasure craft with names fall The Board of Education agreed eacher Uus month like "High Marks," "Good to make a suite of rooms at Ferrr, Elementary School Grief," "Yuransen" ('?) and "aw on Roslyn Road in the Woods aV81Uible for SOCs Food Betts," and Friendship, Meals on Wheels, Minor Home Repair There were also colorful boats and Senior Citizen Information hotline. with names to match, The "Hob- SOC officials, while glad to centralize their operation, bitt" sported a forest green hull, accepted the offer with some worry, The space is while "FranklY Scarlett" brought guaranteed available only for one year and the group in memones of Clark as Rhett is afraid that another costly move in a year could swing with its bright red hull. its precarious budget into the red One sailor I met, who Wisely wished to remam anonymous, Started in 1977. lD the Grosse Pomte Woods said Farms Chief of Police Presbyterian Church, SOC has grown substantially in Robert Ferber's boat, (which recent years as the number of senior citizens hving in has sunk three times), has spent the Pointes has risen to more than 20 percent of the more time under the water than population on top of it, hence its name the "Yellow Submarine" SOC's Food and FrIendship partlclpanta meet daily for federally-funded meals and SOCial acUvlbes at I saw a lot of other boats Brownell :vtlddle School. From the same location, pre- bobbing up and down that day packaged meals are distributed by a network of There was "Windpointe," "Vag. volunteers to invalids in their horne. through the Meals abond," "Tranquility" and on Wheels proJeCt MInor home replin, also federally. "Miss Used," Another that funded through municipahbel, are perfonned. by .uor caught my eye was "MW'phy's cltnens tor other seniors in their bomeI. ADd 1be SenIor Law."ltS owners weren't avail- anlW«Sque8tiOOl' ",",,0 by Tom O,"eo*ood CIt1zen InfonnatlOO hot.hne (812.9800) able for questioning, but I'm and makes referrals to other agencies that can help. sure they had a tale to tell. Some might blame the full moon that Sam Cardella observed that all the street mght or the fact that it was also Friday the signs along Ridge Road from Flbher to Ven- A school admirnstrator said the move to "'ert). was To be honest, there were a lot of 13th. But mostly Farms police blame Rich- dome had been knocked down and run over suggested because the Food and Friendatup program boats to choose from, but few ard John Benoit, of UniverSIty Road He then receIved a radio report that a car had outgrown Ita location at BrowMII Middle School. owners to talk to They were all was seen knockmg over a stop sIgn at He recommended the board make aval~ble five rool1l5 busy working to make pay- BenOit, 22, was arrested by police early Fisher Road and CharlevOIX, The car was at Ferry, located at 748 Roslyn Road Audrey Burchett, ments, I guess I did, however, Friday mormng and charged WIth mali- seen leaving the mterseclion and was stop Ferry's principal, is "anxicx.w to incotporate the seruors run mto the owner of the "Easea cious destructlon of property over $100 ped at Fisher and Mack by City officers mto school activities there," the administrator slud I," Edward Alexander Suzor, One down, when he allegedly ran over 11 street and Denms VanDale and Lyle Reese Jr. and hiS father stop signs m the city AccordlO8 to reports, the front of Benoit's Frances Schonenberg, presIdent of SOC. said "we arc dehghted WIth our new quarters .. But she a~ed "How did I come to name It Accordmg to reports, BenOIt told Farms car, an Oldsmobile statIOn wagon, had sus. ten to go offlcers he was commg home from a bar tamed heavy damage and the car was leak- the board to consider ~vmg the group a three-year com- the 'Easea I'?' Simple," said mitment because it w111cost the group several thousand Suzor. "It's not a cute way to say and lIstenmg to a "really good tape" m hiS mg flUIds and had to be towed away 'Easy One.' It's made up of the car, when he overshot his street and ran BenOit was arraigned before Farms dollars to make the move mltlals of my father and myself over a stop sign BenOIt allegedly told Mumclpal Judge Robert H Pytel! on Satur- day, July 14, and was released on $3,000 Board members said they would consider her pr0- He's Edward Alexander Suzor police that it seemed like "fun," so he ran posal, but noted that the admmistrat!oo must constantly the first I'm a jUOlor So it be- over 10more signs before he was arrested personal bond Damage to the sIgns was put at more than $400 mom tor enrollment trenck to keep its options open on came 'E-A-S-E-A number I ' " Pollee caught on to him when Farms Sgt specific bUIldmgs Sitting With the Suzors was Harry Echlin, Farms CounCIl- man and owner of the "Pell. can " Two vie for Republican "1 called It the 'Pelican' be- Book reveals post cause it's a Flonda flshmg boat," said Echhn "Makes 14th District notnination sense to me " war Nazi- U.S.