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Gross~ Pointe ews 30 cents 38 Pages VOL, 45-No 29 Grosse POinte, MichIgan Thursday, July 19, 1984 Voters to Settle Liquor Issue m• City .. available licenses If the referen. sentmg Jacobson's Inc Andrew ~\\ers to the commISSIOn not the so we're the ones" By Harriet, r\olan durn Is approved Moqull1, co-o\\ner of the' l\lerry cIty," ~dld RIchard Hmks,. cIty ~1oquln, of the Merry ~e's CItizens m Grosse Pomte City "I don't \\ant anyone to fe~1 Mouse's Cafe Le Chat. and VIto attorney Cafe Le Chat, feels pnonty consid- Will get to decide If they want beer they have a right to a license Just DePalma owner of the ClalrpOlnte eration should be gIVen to local es- B1~ GNeawoOd-"""" and \\me, or hquor sold by the because they helped With the petl- Restaura~t asked council for But another Important question tablished merchants "We've been glass m their commumty Tom tlon drive," bald Youngblood "The tavern llce'nses to bell beer and subtl) llegan to :,urface dUflng faithful In serving the commumty Kressbach, city manager, told only questIOn right now IS WIll 11- wille by the gla~s Later Steve these council diSCUSSIOn:. \\ 110 and while I think we all reahze no What's in a name? council at its July ~6 meetmg that quor be served or not, not who gets Scandajls, of the Rams Horn, ]om- sho~ld get the licenses? "Per~aps one \\ as guaranteed anythmg. I It's a fact Michigan has more 1,167 registered \oters had re- the licenses or how many of the ed the petltJonmg group d \\orld-famous re~taurant \\ould think the public certainly made It turned more than the reqUIred 956 four \\'111be ISSUed" like to come hert'," saId Jeanette registered pleasure boats than sIgnatures needed to put the ques- Smce then, counCil has gmgerly Duffield. counCilwoman clear through these pehtlOns that any state m the nahon And they we should have It and the business tlOn on the November election bal- However, not everyone shares dIscussed the ramifications of such P 1 f th CI t :.l! ~:. ...?e :':.~~e~ S0!'!'~ of thnr;:p n """,,,,,,",1,, ,,: .... h,nti ;t QQ OPT- lot hiS and the rest ot counCIl s ap- a mov~, WUII u:u U\'t::1 Lilt:: Cl<'y'" f' :l ma 0 ~ alrOOll1e. names are wild and wonderful, prehenSIOn as to who Will get the loss of control once the I\-lIchlgan ~ays he realizes It s a tough de- ~~~i:;'-he said . reflectmg the ribald and Witty However, It appears that only coveted hcen!:>es, especIally the State Liquor Control CommiSSIOn ClSlOn for counCil, but that hIS Moquin said one wa)' to solve nature of their owners group who spearheaded and or- gets mto the act group pltchelonal seat next month are Joan RashId and John Boat Club, sponsors of thIS Erhard Dabnnghaus looks and Amenca Lauve, both of the Woods weekend's annual Farms Re- sounds hke a professor ementus of Barbie was the German Intelli- gatta, "Well, our boat IS named German language and cultural hiS' KLAUS ~b Rashid, ,n, recently rl'turned (rom a flve-Y~8r stint 111 Washington gence Chief for Counter Intelli- In the JW>t1~ 'Fluffy'," said MarCia, glVlng us tory, subjects he taught at Wayne gence III Lyon from 1942to 1944and wh<>reshe began her career as a para-legal Department of a5 affaIrs an I-know-lt's-a-wlmpy-name Slate Ul1Iverslty for 30 years before was personally Involved In more Anti Tru~t DIVISIOn Most recently she 't\-orked government ad- look hiS retirement last year than 4,300deaths and shlppmg 8,000 VI'iOrWith the l>epmtment of State She"IS baSIng her campaign on that He doesn't look like the former c),pcnencp which she says allowed her to see and live pohtlcs on a dally "It's named after a rabbIt people to concentration camp:., ac- BARBIE control officer, the "handler" as he baSIS we used to have," she said cordll1g to Dabrmghaus puts It, for Klaus Barbie, "The But- In 1947, Barbie wa" recruIted by "That rabbIt 'Was the only pet cher of Lyon," dunng eight of the John Lau\t', 1:1, ha' neen Il1\ol\ed 111 commuOIt) pohhN SUlCe he we've eyer owned and after we Kurt Merk, an associate from rpturnf'd from !>('rvll1gIlItht: Army In Vlttnam He bas run unauccHS{Ull) 6O-oddmonths Barbie was employ- L)on, to work for Allied Intelli- ate It (Just kidding), \\ e bought ed by the U S Counter Intf'JlIgence for public office fIve tImes Slllce the early 19701 while boldine a JOb as the boat whIch became our cur- gence For the next four years, the t-ngll1('('1 v.lth Gt'neral :\{otor!>C'orporatllm Corps (eIf') 10 post.v. ar Europe t\~Ompn workfti together as part of frtwd Oabr'MlPMI .. rent pet So we named It after __ .. I _ .. ...,.. .4~ ",,_ :"Jor does he look IIke the man Th" D,'mocr"11C lI)('umbt'nl DenniS H~rtt"1, remallls unoppo6e'd at thIS the bunny" Pet('r~en ;-;etwork gathering In- v.ho \\'rote d book deta... teillgenc{' on ,H'tlvltleb 111 Soviet tnnp P'll k r~ldent Hov.ard Shorr ""as IS candIdate unlll JWM' -n ",'hen Uh huh "BeSIdes, when )OU !>()ClatlOl1WIth BarbIe durlllg 194!l ou'uplPd h'rn lone:. mlt their gUll! Mille World War II the Board of :-'l:lte Caml'l!>scr:o.dlsqunllhed hIm and 18other DemflCrats, race a lot like we do. you'd bet. and 1949 and BartHe'!> !>ubs('quent Dabrmgh"u!> was empJoyC'r! bv and the 1"1 ('nch h:1\e to adnllt their reporlpdl) f{JlI(Jwl'r~of Lyndon LaRouche. Jr , a former leader ot 1M ex- ter be sure you Win If your boat escaf>(' to BoliVia aided hy thp Umt- the CIL 10 1948 and l.lnl(' to \\ork gUll! that they ('olJahoratf'd wllh trt'l11l~1 U S I.abor Party IS named .Fluffy'." added ed ~tat("', <'Io'wly .... Harbl(' dnd for th('m Ith :\lerk TIll' bOJ.rr1rult'"d that a ldfge numl*r of the Mgnatures v.ere invalid, MarCia D In that tlm(', hE' "If lht'~ don't do It, th{'n th('y 1(',lVlI1g the l',ll1cllddt('~ 1)t'lo\\ the minimum number requI~ to Win a BarbIe, ' ha~ bM'n on bCJOk.,hel\e:. !parned of Barbie'!> v.uIlllne ac \\on I gpi thl'lf ('.,!I'('m or hOllof "Actually m) fa\ontf' nanH' for fm,t pnnl JOgof 1') 000 ">pur from hIS "upel'lor'i about them herO('., 'Ill' add" there," saId Marcia, pomtlOg to ~horr "dld tll"t ""hlh' the I!>!>UCI!>":.llll In the courl:l, I expect the out- red b) the .!Ulhor l'> ,1 ppt'aran('e~ In 19S1 the Alhe" Iwlf>('d Barhle The hook ,11.,0 tell'> 1111' I .., 'oJf' ('onw to 1* fa\orablt' " a shp about 50 fef't av. ay I v.alk. acro..,., the < ount ry HI' dldn t \\ rite !I-ave Europe for BoliVIa Durlllg cd over "ThiS onp'>" I ...alo Hnl! tl'dl he.... hl.,tor) L:<.l 11,1Ih thp hook to rndkf' mcm") Ddbnng- hI" )l'dr., With ClC, Bal hll' Wd .. p ~IX month" dpdlldted to said 'Why 'Would!nyone name Barbl(' ....<1 ... IWI( to ... entpnc"c! to \\ Ilh IJn, onlrlllll'ft "1'M'IH!lnKand I m proudof" ....y!> Joall JU5hHi, Cdm theIr boat after a soft drmk'> (;abnpi and [)dnwl m" gr Hnd tlwlr IlllprilolonE'd In L)on, Fr.lncp, .lV.tllt Inside ~I "1',11 old {'lIj1(llI('t'r 'A Ilh (,ellt'raJ rt>plolce I>t'nms Hf'rtf'1 tht' lll~'urn- gr,mdfallwr did JJahnnghdu'> IO~ trial for crime... clF(amst ('r£>al 'vIlth hI" fath('r l)(>c()tnmg'a cltl7en trldl :.houJd I*gln either at the f'lId t'{'all1rl' I'd~W loB Hppubilldll nOffilllatlOn ~n what the workll\ll art' on name IS 'Dr Pekker 'vIlth the thrf"f' H'ar,> Jalpr of Ihl'> yellr or carly next yrar, (;ro<>.,e POlt1t,. I{t'dl Capitol HIli. ftlel 8trontly aboulthls A "'lIniiolf llid four }t-Ilrh a~o I'nd k's lookm~ a lot like p's Thf' truth, a('(ordln~ to 1),1 Da hI mghall ... say!> E..lal,' t-:XI h,llIgl- hB Mrt"alitnd want to ~PN'leflt t~ ~ I'd 111 dl'll'd 1 TIlt' v.lI1llt'r In that pit" ...... hnnj2;hdu~, ,... Ihal Ihe (IC knf'v, Allhough almo't 4() yC',ll'" h,lVl' Lt'llcr., to ..: ~d" dnn !ltlll protf><'ted pd'>!>ed the tria I II> nf>Ce"..,rtry thl' owns It I~ a urologlst Obltuan~ lOA talk ..,how hO!>t HI WJRK TV ('a '1'he Wortr.lncs she refers to.~ the him from pro:lle('ullOn finally he'lp author -.ays ' There art' !>tillFrt>n. 1 'iH ~lely pulo Ihrn lo..t 10 IHamocrat DenniS I< rtYe ye .... &he spent employed I'll never drll1k Dr Pepper 109 him to e..ca~ Europe In 1951 lhmen allvl' v.ho collabordted wllh 1, l, 14(' Sport~ In both ttwo prlYlle and ,overnment agam through lht' ' Mona:o.terj Roule or Barbie,' Dalmnghauro. '>dy!:>'\'.m lIertt'] an attorney and thrf'e term l C.U.HlIII _ Pa•• IU) Rat Line b) whIch thousands of Sf'e, we've al>ked the Germana to ad rContinued on I'a •• 121\)

\ ,\ "'/ "- 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19. 1984 Page Two-A . AllY db i U.S.-Nazi links detailed can", 10:Q0..6:00 USED ORIROKEN AnnouncIng CIIIaIl ...., .. IIIIIllIJ GOlD OR SILVER

'f'&'a1__ "". '"'*01 S,l_ eMJ'.ql:.-....-:.~""" "Francis Hyland and Geraint Wyn [)avic~ 0..,... ci __ 3e1Tltollt give deeply moving performan(e~ that I I Iandthe Lion'::~~ ,,~ n..... ~OOIMF.""" would bring gasps of admiration in any I Ik'\ r". _ ""_GOO';_ I I <'P{}NV>~f[, 11'1 "I~ CANAOoII ~ theatre in the world." 1 ,r .... ~""""'''' ...... -''''' ___ .J M~~_IlI"'"," I _OlIooollO" i'" T~ ARTISTIC 10 am 9 pm CQlR:C"lOI. A/IIO ~ST Monday IhtolJgh ')lJnday MlEIlIT& ~ "" ...... ,. DIRECTOR (416) W!

I "', , Page Three-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1984

'I I iLj fli'l 11 II Two teens L J I I by cars \~tH GL in the Woods 111' i, i I Two teenagers received minor "1 lrt ,," 1 0:I mjurles last week m the Woods Yl ,";, I \1 when they were hit by cars while !+l\ L-l I nding theIr bicycles I, ' ,-'" ' j A 16-year-old Harper Wood!>girl . .~ l . and her parents came to the Woods !.~ ~~ .police station to report the girl had ,I ~t} This drawing show. the :JI...... '-1., been hit by a car Tuesday mormng, propoeed loceUon for Bon ..... July 10 She was ndmg her bike on 1,1 the sidewalk at the driveway of a Secour. and the Detroit .;-i r-~ r-- gas statlOn at Mack and Lancaster Institute of Ophthalmol- ogy'a medlc8l complex on " Accordmg to reports, a Grosse 1 Pomte Woods driver was pulhng Jefferson Avenue before t, IJ out of the statIOn when she struck traffic on Somerset was t--- - the gIrL causmg m1l10r scrapes to rerouted. The city also • the teen's left leg and totalhng the has proposed building a bike, a 26-mch Ross gIrls' 10speed boulevard on ea.t Jeffer. The drIver was ticketed by pohce son and more parking and for eXltmg a driveway wIthout due landscaping. The dl'lwlng care or cautIOn, accordmg to -,:----- ..- was IHovlded by the ar. - ...... _-----_ .. - :"cp::--ts ...... l.. _ The next day, Officer Patnck chltectural firm Smith, Fagan, while on patrol, spotted a Hinchman and Grylla. large crowd gathered at the drive- way of Farmer Jack's on Mack When he stopped to look, he found ....--- - the crowd gathered around a • lS-year-old Grosse Pomte Park girl who was bleedmg from a cut on her :-~--tfD:::::::::~~:c;;~ leg The girl told Fagan she had been hit by a car while ridmg her 26-mch Schwmn bicycle south on the SIde- walk past the drIveway of the supermarket r-~ ~ Another Park resident identified himself as the driver of the car in- volved, a 1984 gray Mercury four- door Neighbors take stand against medical complex According to reports, there are conflicting stories about the accI- who Is a Park employe, were in dent. Witnesses and the girl said she By Harriet Nolan the $5 million medical complex to people in the parking lot at night, bors' objections to the plan and be built at the corner of Not- knocking them down and stealing then approved the variance and a favor of the whole plan as pre- was nding across the driveway Residents living on Somerset sented to council. when struck by the car, which fail- Road, near the proposed Bon Se- tingham and Jefferson. their money? request by the hospital and 010 to cours Hospital and the Detroit In- close Nottingham Road north of ed to yield when leaving the parking He looks out his home onto the "Why cause all this trouble for The majority expressed dIS- stitute of Ophthalmology (DIm Jefferson, subject to site plan lot The driver said he had stopped qUiet, tree-lined street which, he people who have lived here for 30 appointment about the way council at the driveway before eXiting the medical h~ilding, are signing peti- approval. says, is home to mostly WIdows. and 40 years," he adds allegedly ran roughshod over their tions objecting to the 12 foot height lot when the girl rode her bicycle in- The women who are eager to be Residents asked if another plan wishes, especially the mayor and to the right side of his car variance Park council granted at interviewed, but hesitant their The 45,000 square foot structure could be drawn, one that would be councllperson Patricia Fonter, Its July 9 meetmg, names be used, fearing calls and that has thIS group up in arms will consistent with the recently who initiated voUnt on both issues. uninvited visits from people who house the 010, Bon Secours Am- adopted zoning ordinance which re- "Why did they have an open bulatory Surgery Center, physician meeting if they've already decided Thieves hit So far about 40 people have sign- would then know who lives alone stricts maximum height to 30 feet. why call us down?" asked Phil ed the petition drafted by Myer and is vulnerable. offices for Opthalmic Surgeons, They also asked if the former DIO it, P.C., and other prIvate physician Rubin, an attorney who has lived at building which mysteriously caved Haddad. St. John lots "This building will depreciate offices. A mechanical equipment the corner of Jefferson and Somer- in last August could be remodeled The second car in three weeks was property values," says Myrtle room is slated to be put on top and All except one said they had set for 15 years, and being cir- and used instead reported stolen from the parking Latimer. She says she's spent 35 of voted for Park Mayor Palmer culated by Anton Andrulis, an residents are concerned about lots at St John Hospital. her 71 years in the same house and However, David Benfer. chief Heenan. MOlt said they wouldn't n-year resIdent noise emiSSion, even thou~h ar- A Sterling Heights woman report- is sick about the plans. chitects insist it will be mInimal executive officer of Bon Setours, again, "unless he's the lesser of ed her 1984 blue Buick Electra Es- and in operation only during the said "We can't proceed with the two evils," tate station wagon missmg Wednes- "ThiS petition isn't intended "The building is too high and so day. project at the old D10 building and pnmarily for legal action, merely is the fence," says Peter Bolos. "We don't have any John Paul day night, July 11, to Woods pollee the project wouldn't continue with- Jones' on the council," said An- The woman said she parked the to brIng pressure u~n the official "How are they (police) gOIng to At the meeting last week, council out the varIance." drulis. "When Bon Secours tellJ the car four rows west of the hospital body In the Park,' said Rubin stop people from waiting for old members hstened pohtely to neigh- council to kneel, they do." emergency entrance near the mam "Thmgs seemed to be cut and dry He did say that architects could drive into the lot at about 4 p m She In advance and we want council to make entrances all off of Jefferson. Andrulil says he plans to present told police she last saw her car at 9 know that the people, who are the Village shops take to streets And Ted Sutherland, an archit~t the petitions to council and the p.m. When she came out of the hos- victims, very muclt object." from Smith, Hinchman and Grylls planning commwion at their next pital at 11:40 pm the car was miss- Merchants in the Village will be for new fall merchandise. Associates, Inc., verified July 16 meetings out on the streets and sidewalks Kercheval Avenue will be closed ing. "I feel they're doing this to us be- that revised plans have eliminated r The statIOn wagon, which the WIth clearance items, overbuys, on Friday, July 'Z7, from 6 to 10 all entering and exiting to the com- cause most of the people here are owner said was locked, contamed a elderly and won't fight back," says off-season merchandise and other p.m. The Standard Five will per- plex from Somerset child's car seat The vehicle regIs- bargains the weekend of July 'Z7 form in front of Kresge's from 7 to Correction Andrulis, his eyes flashing. "I feel Most of the resIdents living on I tration and proof of msurance were like I'm living a nightmare." and 28. 8'30 P m The July 12page 1Astory "Fourth The "Friday Night Live and On Saturday, July 28, Kercheval Somerset who were mtervlewed in the car's glovebox, reports said. sa- of July crash claims Park youth, turday Too" promotion will bring will again open to vehicular traffic were evenly spilt between not Three weeks ago, a 1984 Buick Andrulis is worried. WorrIed 18," should have said it toot offICials live mUSIC, balloons and food but the sales Will continue on the wanting the building and favoring Rlveria was stolen from the north that the tranquility he and his about 20 mmutes to free the vlcllm, neighbors have enjoyed will be stands to Kercheval Avenue in the sidewalk it if traffIC could be rerouted Only parking lot at the hospital That car Edward M. Sullivan, not more than shattered by the influx of patients, City as merchants reduce prices In case of ram, the event will be one reSIdent, a woman who works was found later that day by DetrOIt a hour as reported. staff and delivery men servicing from 20 to 80 percent to make room held on Aug. 3 and 4 mstead at Bon Secours, and her husband, police. It had been stnpped ------~------


From (,ro')')(' Pi >mteWoO<.hto Woodhaven, HuntlOgwn Woods to Harper Wood." folk~ arc dlscovcflng thc cxClting dining avallahle at The ~lIrnmit Restaurant & Lounge. They love the view from 1he top of the world\ talle"t hotel And they enjoy Loans for tones, our excIting entree", famou'l Sunday hrunch and fahulous ')peualty cocktail .. If you haven't discovered us yet, It\ time to recreation, home decoration or a vacation in Hawaii. hranch out and call i)6H-H600 for your Summit reservatIons now' I The NBD Loan Zone extends Iar and wide with loans for l any good reason. I SUMM\lli I For more Information. Just visit I 11 IHI I any NBD ofnce. I

~ THE WFSTIN HoTEL R.rn.'IM"'rK~ <.~ rMroil j Thursday. July 19, 1984 PIQe Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS " Esquire hosts GOP nantes Bryant outstanding legislator a free movie State House Repub1i<:an Leader' opi.te Republican legislators In his supporting letter, Busch tel' saad Bryant deserves the honor. Emeritus William R. BryaDt bas choIeo from more than 3,000 in aU saiq Bryant WIB "a creative and 10- Milliken gave his "enthuswtlc The award-wmning fIlm "On been named one of 10 Outstanding 50 states for their leadership and novative" legislator who consis- secoodmg," saying Bryant's work Go1deD Pond" will be shown for bas been "extraordinary." area seniors as of an afternoon State Le:gi.slaton of the Year by the accompllsbments teuUy balanced the interests and part Natiooal Repubhcan Legislators Former President Gerald Ford, roles of his leadership posibons to First elected in 1970, Bryant of free entertamment, July 19, in Asaociatioo. former governor William Mllliken, proVIde solutlODS during cnses and served as Floor Leader (rom 1975 the Esquire Theater, on East Jef- '!'be 13th District lawmaker, now stale Republican CbaJ.n1W1 Spen- on controversial lSSUeS to 1m and Republican Leader ferson in Grosse Pointe Park from 1979 to 1982 He 15 currently IeI"Ving his seventh term in the cer Abraham, state Rep. Ruth Bryant was lauded for creating The MlchCon RetlJ'ees' Club IS House, will receive the honor at the McNamee, R.Bmningham, and the Legislative Education and De- Vlce-chainnan of the House Taxa- tIOn Committee and serves on the sponsoring the program 10 aSSOCIa- annual 1\YRLAluncheon Monday, House Republ1can Leader J velopment Workshop program 10 tion with the Neighborhood Club July 23, in Boston, Mass The MIchael Busch all endorsed Bryant 1983 L E.A D is the fIrSt contInU- Educatlon and Urban AffaIrs committees and the Esqwre Thea ter. The pro- awards are bemg gIven to ree. for the award ing education program for state gram will begm at 1.30 p m leglSlators in the country, and of- A 1963graduate of the Umverslty fers skills enhancement workshops of Michigan Law School, Bryant Vocabst "Fat" Bob Taylor and Businessman's car is stolen for legislators aDd staff graduated with honors from "A Touch or Magic," a female Princeton Umversity m 1960 A Beverly HIlls, MICh , busmess- the Manchester lot at about 9 p m Former President Ford In hIS let- quartet, also WIll prOVIde enter- tamment Refreshments Will man was the VIctIm of an auto theft and went into a nearby restaurant be early Tuesday mormng, JulY' 10, When he came out at 12: 30 a m the Library will sell books on Wednesday served while eating at a restaurant in the car was mlSSlDg AdmissIon IS free TIckets, how- On Wednesday, July 25, from 10 records, cassettes and art prmts Woods Inside the car was a set 0( golf ever, should be obtamed m ad- a.m. to 8 P m the Grosse Pomte Items WIll sell for from 10 cents to 'n1e 39-year-old waved down a clubs III a leather bag The golf bag William Bryant, the Republican vance since seatmg capacity IS 450 patrolling Woods offlCel' at Mack was worth _ to $300, the man said Pubbc Library will hold a lL~ $5 State Representative rrom Grosse For tiCkets or additIOnal mforma- ... -...... " ...._ ~'L _~ ..... _.~ .-.''1 +L...... ,~...." ..._ \0. .. ,.. " l("'n C"O"I"'~ 1 ..,~~.... M A,,6(fl.C'c:-..: hnnIf Cl,.l... ~ t thf> C'A"ntra 1 Branch In- ... .. -. ~. , ...... ".a4IU.""""'~ ""' ...... - -~-- ...... ---, -_._._.r------...... :.,..--;:---- rOlD1.e, WltZO p't.:Aeu lUll . ~~vu,~~~ t.";,~~:.:~':~:=-~ccdC!~b 3! cluded in the sale will be adult and Central LIbrary IS located at 10 white 1982 Cadillac Eldorado two- and a key to ius Beverly .t1lUS hair. honors. 885-4600, between 8:30 a.m and door had been stolen styling shop were in the car's glove- children's fiction and non-fIction Kercheval Avenue, corner of 4.30 p.m., weekdays. The man said be parted the car III box. ~, magazmes, long playIng Fisher Road.

Keep your cool!... i !", 'I,

1-, choose super summer values at " Eastland Center's 1i1~i I 51- Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday .....,19 daly20 daIy 21 duly 22

.: BoB'..... EastIaacI Ceater'... citing ..IaIv eveatsl ftIw 19-22 .. fatland Center inuitea you to our SUPER SAVINGS SIDEWALK SALE! Don't mia this spectacular Sa'e Euent ... throughout the mall tIaIp 23-29 Cheer on your favonte H 0 racing driver (P S no pit stops allowed) The National H. O. Pro Racing Association presents the 10th Annual miniature auto racing competition .JC Penney South Court ...., 27.29 .EnviSIon yourself In the dnver's seat of this famous R. J. Reynolds, Winston Cup Racing Car on dIsplay in Penney s South Court "1IIv 27 Bnng the family relax and enjoy the Tommy Baldwin Orchestra 7.00 pm, Grand Court "WIly za.~9 Treehouse Club - Actors Trunk presents the Rumpelstiltskinjantasy Sat 11 00 am, 1 00 pm, 3.00 pm - Sun 1 00 pm and 3.00 pm. Grand Court


Eight Mile and KeUy Road in Harper Woods ... Open Daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m ., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p.m . Page Five-A'~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1984 At War MenwriJJl Play portrays Detroit's ntental health ghetto ~ 1Y.J~~9!'1-~~ The Detroit Chamber of Com- of us directly or mdlrectly, and If we merce was stunned, playwnght do nothmg else, John Kosik wants Village Food Market has satisfied Its regular customers for over 28 years and we plan to do an even better John Kosik told Metro Times re- us to thlOk through how these peo- , porter Paul Bator last May Koslk pie flOd themselves emotionally In job In the future. we are remodeling and with that comes largeraisles tArger selecti~ns and different varieties. was refernng to their reachon to the hospital one day, cut off from we are In your neighborhood with ample parking. If you haven't shopped Village Food Market yet, please his one-act play "Mmd-Fmders" everythlOg they know, released, which Will be performed at the unable to go back home, Isolated stop by, you will be pleasantly surprised how convenient we are. Grosse POinte War Memonal on hke lepers, and shunned by society Friday, July 27, at 8 30 P m 'Mlnd-Fmders' forces the audience The play portrays the problems to thmk and feel about the faced by formerly hospltahzed themes" • mental patients as they try to ad- Tickets to the play performed by fine just to hfe on the outside, often The Arts Centre Players are $5, VILLAGE.MARKET without fnends, family, Jobs or $250 for students and semor Clt- wines skills They are often Victims of a Izens Immediately followmg Will 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms system that unwlttmgly remforces be an afterglow in the Fnes Ball- • their dependency room at the War Memoflal For - plesent- liquor The War Memonal, along With more mformatlOn call 881-7511 .- the Mental Health Pertormmg Arts .. AssociatIOn and the Adult Service "THiS WEEK:) BELL RiNGERS" Centers, Inc, are co-sponsonng English choir PAl c•• IN .FFECT JULY 18th, 20th AND 21.t the event through a grant from the CLOSED SUNDAY AND CLOSED WEDNESDAY. AT 1 P.M. Mlchlgan CounCil for the Arts will sing at - . ~, Although the characters are fic- , tlonal, accordmg to mental health - profeSSIOnals, their problems and Christ Church BONELESS ROLLED personalities reflect reahty The The ChOlf of Christ Church Ca- scene IS an achvlty center where thedral, Oxford, England, Will be- PORK ROAST patlents, once released from the gm Its first North Amencan tour With a concert at 8 p m Tuesday, 98 hospital, go for therapy, soclahza- $1 LB tlOn and recreatIOn The location IS July 24, in Christ Church, Grosse Pomte EXCELLENT WHEN Detroit's mental health ghetto, M"R1NA TED WITH East Grand Boulevard The program of anthems and mo- T"R1"KI SAUCE Psychologist Dr Gall Parker, tets, directed by Francis Gner, GINGER, SAL.T & Channel 7 TV feature reporter Will mclude works by Bach, Pales- PEPPER "ND GARLIC says, "The theater company, trma, Purcell, Britten, Elgar, Byrd under the directIOn of Garry Cox, and Hams Organist Timothy By- ram-WigfIeld will perform works FRESH HORMEL manages to capture the tragedy of FULLY COOKED the situatlon Without overwhelm- by Bach and Vierne PORK BONELESS ing the audience. KOSik's intent IS Formed III 1546 under Kmg not to depress, but to raise our con- Henry VIII, the chOir mamtains Its TENDERLOINS CURE 81 HAMS FRESH sciousness to the plight of the so- Tudor configuration of 16 boys and GREAr WITH 4 L.B AVG. 13 men Today it IS noted fOf more ORANGE SAUCE ALASKAN SOCKEYE called ex-mental patient FOR THE GRilL. than two dozen recordmgs in addi- $4~ "Mental Illness has touched each SALMON STEAKS tion to European tours and radio 89 ...... and television appearances. $298LB. $2 LB - Music awards given Its role IS to perform dally ser- VICes in the Cathedral at Oxford, SOLE FLORINTINE at South High where the choir also gives frequent FRESH - COUNTRY STYL:.E with Spinach cheese $1 South High School's Instru- concerts and Herbs. Tickets, at $8, are available at 19 69 mental Music Department held its READY TO COOK e ~. poftlon MCh Christ Church, Grosse Pointe $ LB. annual dmner banquet on May 30 at 1 us ...... -... .. ~ .... Patron tickets at $17 50 mclude a PORK RIBS the Grosse Pointe War Memorial reception at the Edsel & Eleanor More than 200students and parents Ford House. For ticket informa- CRAB THERMIDOR enJoyed a prime rib dinner, follow- JONES DAIRY FARM ed by dancmg to the live music of lIOn, call 885-4841. Grants from the Ford Motor CRAB MEAT WITH Avitar 98C Company and Manufacturers Han- BREAKFAST LINKS CHEESE AND SPICES .-ch Student officers for the 1984-85 over CorporatIon, in association band and orchestra executive HEAT & SERVE $11lGE 3 oz. pottton WIth the British Council, are assist- board are Laura Gushee, pres- 109 the ChOir's tour, which con- Ident, Scott Evans and Curt West, tinues to Indianapolis, Buffalo, BAYS vice-presidents, Tony Cross, sec- JONES DAIRY FARM Toronto, Montreal, New York City, retary, Paul Rabbideau, treasur- ENGLISH MUFFINS Washmgton, D C I and Richmond, 29 er, and Adele DiNatale, pubhcity Va. LB chairman PORK SAUSAGE LINKS $2 6 "paCk Outstandmg Musicianship 690 Awards, along with a check for $25 Parkinson group were presented to Tony Cross, ALEXANDER & HORNUNG GERMAN STYLE MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY Laura Gushee, Effie Papadakis, meets Wednesday WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Wendy Wheatley, Katherine Hem, The next meetmg of the North- 98 LB Elisabeth Remick, Jeff Kline, east Parkinson Support Group Will ,KNOCKWURST $1 00 Tammy Tedesco, Carrie Krogh, be held at 2 p m. Wednesday, July 2-1 LB LOAVESS1 Julie Parker, Elizabeth Miller, 25 at Calvary Semor Center, 4950 Amy Gaskm, Heather McMillin, Gateshead, just west of Mack and ALEXANDER & HORNUNG Mary B~th HiCks, Jenmfer Ward, three blocks south of Moross. The 7 up - Regular & Diet Scott Miller, George Ghazal, speaker, speech pathologist 29 Michael Ward, Steve Reynolds and Maureen Walsh, Will discuss $2 LB ORANGE CRUSH Kristm Kelly "Communication Abilities " BRATWURST The Rotary Club Band Award All Parkmson patlents are In- CANADA DRY GINGER ALE went to Scott MIller, a graduating vited, and a family member or senior friend Will also be welcome For 6 more mformatlOn call Walter FRESH The highlight of the evemng was FRESH PACK 49 the announcement that the sym- Nugent at 886-{)815or the Michigan FRYING + Dep phomc band and symphony orches- Parkinson Foundation at 494-8916 CANS 81 tra were selected by the Michigan SHRIMP CHICKEN School Band and Orchestra AS!>Q- SALAD LEG clatlon to present a Jomt concert Boat burglarized QUARTERS next January at the Midwestern 1J~f!

' , " w' ,,i .. Page Six.A Opinions & letters Thursday, July 19, 1984 It was about time ------= ------There are several wavs to look at the chOIce of president but as president For vice presIdents a woman for the DemoCratic nomination for vice are only a heart beat away from the presidency, ------~ president One way 15 to regard Walter Mondale as the natIOn has learned over the years. Rep. as showing unusual courage in makmg the decl- Ferraro brings to her candidacy her experience sion. Another way is to maintain that the Demo- as a three-term congresswoman from a working crats were so far behmd in the polls that they class district m Kew York, as a lawyer, as a legal 'needed somethmg unusual to wm more support secretary, as a Wife and mother But Republi- for their ticket. And another way is to slmply say cans already are beginning to CIte her presumed that it was about time that a woman was put on lack of experience in foreign affairs and national the presidential ticket of a major political party. SecurIty matters Yet surely she is as well qualified as and per- EVER SISCE WORLD WAR II, women have h","" hPtt",r nUll HfiPt'l th~n O;:P\1E"ralrN'E'nt ('rOP "'--r- - - ~ lbeen movmg m rncrea~m~ IlUlllUt:l ~ lIltu ~l!c vice presidential nomInees, such as Rep . ..work place outside of the home Yet pohtically William Miller, who ran W1th Sen Barry Gold- ~tbey have not made equal strides. A few have water, and Gov. Spiro Agnew, who was Richard de it to Congress. Several have become NiXon's choice. Even NlXon himself did not have I vernon 00 their own, not just as replacements wide WashIngton experience when Ihvight ~or tbeir husbands, but women are still heavily ..eoutnumbered in the state legislatures of the Eisenhower and the Republicans nominated him : country. And yet they have moved mto city coun- for vice president. ~ci1s and school boards in increasing numbers, in- MOI"'DALE'S A!\'I"'OUNCEMENT left little to ~ here in the Pointes. be decided at san FranciSCO. Even before the ~ Traditionally, vice presidents have been delegates arrived the ticket was in place. But the ~da~.oCJ8eIl-inpart to "balance the ticket." Now there Republicans have the same problem. Their r1s a new element in that balancing act: a woman ticket was known months ago. The national con. ;_ the ticket. Rep. Geraldine Ferraro also brings ventions have become merely gigantic political : otber balancing elements. She is a Roman rallies to arouse enthusiasm among the dele- ~. • Patholic, Mondale is a Protestant. She IS a New gates and interest among the voters . Yarker and thus an Easterner, Minnesotan Mon- Whatever happens in the 1984 campaign, how- &de is a midwesterner. She is of Italian birth, he ever, it already bas put one achievement in the IIa N«wegian. Both belong to the liberal wing of history books. At long last women are fully en- Liquor license will enhance War Memorial the Democratic Party but neither is an franchised. Since they won the vote only in 1920, extremist. - they have come a long way in a short time. And To the Editor: The fact that drinks are often fullest potential, the ability to now Geraldine Ferraro carries them to new Your report about the War present mak~ an~ther point. It o~fer. a complete ~verag~ ser- r In the end, of course, what really will count is Memorial's desire to have a li. 15 a clear indication of the de- Vtce m keepmg WIth the kind ,metber the American people will regard Rep. heights just by being nominated for vice presi- of ..'" Ferraro as qualified to serve not just as vice dent. quor license and the efforts to sire of groups using ~ center events that are. presented mount a petition drive against to have a glass of wme or a seems very appropnate. Iknow it, brings out an important cocktail as a I;'8rt. of an ~yent. many people who a~. Af~ point. Alcoholic beverages are Alter all a drink 15 traditional all, our War MemonallS a um- • A cultural pork barrel? already consumed legally at on many 'occasions. ~e a lot ~f que community fa~ty. We the War Memorial on many social customs, this one 15 ~~d be able to use It and e~- TIle ink was hardly dry on the agreement that Escanaba, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, occasions. sometimes abused but more JOy 1t to the fullest extent m finally settled the income tax rollback and state Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Only the management often it is used with modera- ways that ~tch the lifestyle of budget disputes last week when legislators OWosso, Pontiac, Port Huron, Saginaw, Sault doesn't have control over it in tion, adding to the pleasure of a our commumty. began finding fault with parts of the Ste. Marie and Traverse City. Supposedly those two out of three cases. One is special time. For my own .part, after 28 :- eompromise. cities will be subject to the same criteria used to when a group gets its own .., years of attending and some-- • _ TIle mast surprising disagreement was ex- allocate cultural development funds to Detroit. 24-hour license. The other is I cannot unagme our Ylen- times helping to prOduce events 1 jreued by Rep. Gary Owen, Democratic speaker The criteria earmark the funds for cultural in- when individuals bring their nese B8;ll at the. center twice a at the center, 1am very confi- : t.."f. the Boule. Who earlier bad put out a statement stitutions, libraries, historical projects, zoo or own. year Without wme and cham- ~nt that having a li~ense tbere Mark Weber (War Memorial pagne. And I know that patrons ~ enhance peopl~ s opportu- ~-~. "Both tbe taxpayers and the state are win- convention centers, and require the locality to : •. inthe tax rollback and budget adopted by the contract with the state for each project. executive) makes a very good of pre-theater buffets an~ other mty to use and enJOY tIie War ill .... " We are inclined to agree with Rep. Busch's argument that if the center dinner events. would like. to Memorial and will also dimi. :: ' JOINED GOP HOUSE Leader Michael point that the new outstate aid fund could grow to were licensed, its catering staff ~ve ~ cocktail before or WIne nish the potential for misuse of : .' in asking Gov. James Blanchard to veto more than $100 million or more in the future but would be the only source of ser- WIth dinner. alcohol there. whether the governor should veto the current ap- in "equity aid" approved by the vice and would then be able to In order for the center .to ~ex Suczek ~"E''::~ioo propriation for the equity package is ques. enf«X'Ce aUJdesind eontrols. serve the co~unity. tQ Its "'. G~06Se Pom~ Farms "1-' fer aattural iastitutions in 18 outstate d . Both said the .am plan discriminated tionable. 'lbat could upeet leIi&lators who. m- sisted on the outsta te aid as a price for their SUt t' t smaller state cities, including Detroit's • --,E*- , which are ineligible for any money port for continued appropriations for Detroit s 'Downtown'" is already costing the Park money _~.u.1l... equity package. To the Editor: no person shall permit any side-- If you start counting from t'• the 5~'es :... !..tOwen wants the Legislature to tackle the pro- Yet as currently expressed, the guidelines It was interesting to read walk ... to be unsafe." Aug. 1, 1983, through July 13, blem again and work out a strict and fair for- merely appear to justify a kind of a cultural pork about the new "Downtown De- Article XI, section 102, item 1984, nearly ~ days have pass. mula for allocating the money. Busch said he barrel for 18 outstate cities. They no doubt can velopment Authority" in the 4, states that "... should a ed. Now multiply the above by thought some kind of a revenue sharing formula use the money but do their cultural institutions in last issue of the News. structure be destroyed by any 350. Irritating, isn't it~ And to hued OIl population would be better than the all cases serve as resources for all of the state in It did come as a surprise to means to an extent of more my knowledge, our City man- ~Jjnes in the new law. the way that the Detroit Institute of Arts, the me that the five or six blocks of than 60 percent of its market ager has yet to notify the gOQd Tbose guidelines limit aid to a city of at least Detroit Public Library and the other benefi- Jefferson constitute our down- value established by the city doctors that they're in violation package 12,000 but no more than 200,000 if it 15 the largest ciaries of the Detroit equity do~ We town area. All this time t assessor based on c~nt of even one ordinance. . city in its county, if at least 6 percent of the coun- doubt it. thought we were a suburban assess~ent ~011s exclUSIve of .At even $60,000 per year, It ty's PQPUlatioD earned incomes below the pover- UNDER THE CmCUMSTANCES, it might residential community. foundations, 1t shall be recon- will take 10 years or more to ty level in 1980 and if the county's population in- serve taxpayers' interests better if the Legisla- Just think. After everyone structed only in conformity make up for what we already (ireased between 1970 and 1980 while the city's ture in September rewrote the guidelines to limit else takes their share of the with the provisions of this or- have lost. Add to that the fact IMJPUlatioo increased or stayed the same. the equity package to outstate cities having loot, Grosse Pointe Park will dinance." . !l!e 010 director c~d face iail - 1'bose guidelines currently limit aid to Alpena. cultural resources that appeal to all Michigan net $30,000 to $60,000. Thus Lest I bore y~ wlth more for the next .345.2 years or Battle Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, residents. quoth (city manager John) charter obfuscatIon, let me say more. Just think doctor, you Crawford. that the allowable fine i~ $500 might miss the next 350 "Down- Well if he did his job as spec- each count, per daf' starting 30 town Park Days." ified u1 the Park city code, the days after o.fficia notification The charter: so far so good city would already have netted or - get this - 90 days each David White at least $174,000 in fines. It's count, per day (article XXI). Grosse Pointe Park In the fll'St 18 months of operation under the to $18 millIon a year drain on their resources and DeW charter, Wayne County government has yet continued care for the county indigent would ;;:r.~~~d~~em~n ~~ Keep the coat, return the pin still be guaranteed. made substantial strides toward solvlDg its ma- ssessed. weeks before facing the truth jor That is the opinion of county Com- . County Executive William Lucas deserves Where do these numbers To the Editor: problems. that it was deliberate. missioner John Hertel, whose district includes credit for working out the tentative agreement come from, you ask? A review On June 10, a lovely Sunday evening, I forgot a navy blue the Grosse Pointes. It is also the opinion of thIS for the sale or lease of the hospital but the Board of the Park city code and zoning The jacket was not valuable. newspaper. of County Commissioners also deserves credit ordinances reveals that the De- blazer 10 the downstairs It can surely be replaced. Idid Tbe recent tentative agreement for the lease for ratifying the proposal It is no secret that troit Institute of Ophthal- powder room of the Grosse ha ve an antique bar pin on the Pointe War Memorial. It was or' sale of Wayne County General HOSpItal in many of the commisslOners have not seen eye to mology (DIO) is m violation of lapel given to be by an aunt, during the first act of "South WestlaDd to the privately-owned Southwest eye with Lucas but on this issue the board ap- at least four (that's assuming now deceased. I cannot replace General Hospital is a case in point Whether the proved the tentatIve agreement by a 12 to 3 mar- their recently granted "var- PacifiC" that I re)Ilembered it it. county hospital is leased or sold. the county gin iance" didn't absolve them) and, not wanting to dIsturb the To whoever needed the would be relieved of a deficit which currently is Commissioner Hertel, who had sald earlier Section 21-26 states that" audience, I waited until inter- jacket, please keep it. My busi- nmning at about $1.5 million per month. That that the county ought to sell or shut the hospital, All openings, excavations and mission to retrieve it. It was ness cards were in the pocket. certainly would be a major accomphshment. now believes that the proposed sale or lease to obstructions shall be properly gone Is it too much to request that True, Southwest General will have to negotIate Southwest General might be a better solution. It and mbstantlally barricaded I reported it immediately, as- you mail my pin to me at my of. its own contract WIth the county h~pital's Union would guarantee the mdIgent treatment that and railed off and at night shall summg someone turned it in to fice? by Aug. 1S to put the agreement into forcp. Yet might be difflcult to get elsewhere if the hospital be provlded with red warmng the box offIce or wherever. No such luck. I made phone calls Mary Ann Bucci there are strong mcentlves to the umon to work were closed and it would preserve the jobs of the lights," etc Warren out a new contract In the fIrst place, It would hospItal employes. SectIon 21-50 states that " ... the next day and waited two euarantee that the hospItal would remam open, Hertel pomted out, however, that Wayne Gene- jthile a failure of the pi:.! for Southwest General ral has not provided much servlce to eastern to take over the county hospItal would mcrease Wayne County In the last fIscal year, he sald, the prospects that the county InstitutIOn would the hospital served on])"seven constltuents in hIS cloee. In the second place, Tom Turner, presl- east-slde district wlth the majonty commg from dent of the Metropobtan AFL..cIO, has supported DetrOIt and the near western suburbs Grosse Pointe News the Southwest General agreement as the best HER TEL BELIEVES THE county is makmg PIlM..... 'Weftl,., " ..... PwIItiIlMn NEWS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY plan for savmg the hospItal employes' lObs and progress on two other fronts. In combattmg "KERCHEVAL AVE. ~ IIWMO 1I1--35It that endorsement raISeS hopes for !>uccess CrIme and in elimmat10g the Wayne County Grosse Poi. Farms. Michi~an 4823C SUSI.N MctJOl'oI"'LD ~ws ED1T~ JOM~N£ If the agreement goes through. on a rental Road CommISSlon By opening the new county ~ a_ p..... P.... lit ~ ...... u.e.... (1!1""'~ ...SSISTM~T TO I'IJ.LrMiE. basis, Southwest General Will make a S50.000 Jail last week, the county added space for ano- and CLASSIFIED "''''N'''Oell l"NtL M1JELl.U "...T lau.l.AlJ down payment to the county, pay rent of $500,000 ther 500 pnsoners and With approval of the PEA ruu SO( I£TY El)1T~ Ml.2S I't.0'«l'Tl0N • year for five years, and increase the rent to hIli 'lELL RrV"RD -bunkmg could house an addltlonal3S0 A'<"IE MII.HERIN I aNIAM1!'f OU!PfU .,000 for the Sixth through the tenth year Hf"rtel ~eE'S opE'nmg of the new faclhty as an anti. I'J'OGY 0 C'ON'NOll COREE" '>I .... 'I/EC ltOOft MMIIS However. the MIKE ...1'ltlIt1.f.JC1Yk fRAil. RM'HA RIlN~ KlLLI811 county agreed to pay Southwest crlme measure because lt ends the early release MAureT i"IOJ. ...N n'<. MAIllE flvRU.R J"'l'e II SIMOM General S

, I Page seven-A iI.=~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Opinions & letters Thursday, July 19, 1864 Choice of words was 'sickening' of a socially prominent family To the Editor: the Grosse Pointe News con- The Edward Sullivan family cerning Ed Sullivan's death - or a member of your own family - I don't think you is even more depressed after was written in poor taste. would have written in the same reading the account of Ed's ac- Ed was a fellow classmate, so callous, unfeeling tone. Shame cident and death as written by his death hit particularly close your reporter, Harriet Nolan. to home. As teenagers, we real- 'on you. ize your need to inform the Suzanne F. Steiger- We are particularly sarlttened public of the dangers of drink- Grosse Pointe Park because the reader is mistaken- 109 and driving. However, the ly left with a poor impression of way in which you presented this To the Editor: Ed. Will people believe us now material showed a supreme Before I even had a chance to when we say he was a fine son lack of sensitivity with regard read the Grosse Pointe News and brother - a good boy? Ed to friends and family. last Thursday, my 13-year-old !!H~nfloa mistake. and paid Wlth You:- ~hr:l~ing ~! th~ 5':'"- ~nn hAnrlPd mE' the oaoor and his life. We will miss -him des- tence, "Police say he also had a said, llMom, this article is sick perately. belly full of booze . . ." is not and the editor should be asham- We don't dispute the facts of only insensitive and unpolished ed." drinking and speeding or the but also serves to defame him. I therefore sat down and read freedom of the press. We do The word "most" in the state- the article on the accident and cringe at the choice of some ment, "From all accounts Ed- death of Edward Sullivan. words and the harsh specifics. ward M. Sullivan, 18, was a I am appalled that such an There are more sensitive ways hard worker and a friend who article written with much of reporting such things unless could be relied upon when need- carelessness passed your eyes the writer is aiming for sensa- ed ... " indicates negative re- and better judgement. The tionalism and shock value. Do sponses from some interview- wording throughout the entire we need a local National En- ed. It is not necessary to imply article was crude, thoughtless quirer? unfavorable responses regard- What do you believe was ac- and unnecessary. ing a death. Survivors must My son proceeded to tell me complisbed by the use of cer- deal with the tragedy and need that no one should have to read tain phrases in the story? not be subjected to such callow such disrespectful accounts of a We've heard from quite a num- reporting. very tragic loss. ber of people, some that we In the future, it is our hope Our hearts go out to the Sulli~ , don't even know, and it appears that such unfortunate events van family. And as my son ~ that your readers were not only will be handled with more waited jl&tienUy while I finish- surprLc;ed but also sickened by Show us the good things teens do 1- dignity. ed reading your article, I look- 1 the writer's insensitivity. You Jenifer Owen ed up and he said, llMom, pictures so that the future " owe your community better Janice MacMichael To the Editor: ceiving their diplomas, I have doesn't this person have any It seems deplorable to me one. If you would like some can- seniors will have a 8~ to shoot ~ than that. Grosse Pointe Park for. Or are thef rilbt, is that : We hope that it's ever nec- feelings? " and to many of my friends that did shots as 300 seniors enjoyed if I couldn't have said it betterl the only way theY can make u essary to report a similar trag- the photographer of the Grosse the all-night party srnsored by To the Editor: OUr deepest sympathy to the Pointe News continually shows the parents club, have five headlines? :. edy :S we don't use our proceuilll I firmly believe Woods resi- as a "leader" to draw you mto the stc,rt' Your procelltll\8 bulm .. • dents are jointly paying thou- I as our livelihood. We do your picture'S better because we want your buamea! Chlon IS a new coordUlated casual hne With up-to- sands of dollars in "hidden" I the-mmute styling at Bayberry Hill ClaSSICS, 115Kercheval taxes in the form to increased Great trans-season fabrK: for pants and jaCKets With the new- auto msurance premiums Our I _wrnt COUPON ONLY er cut In black, khakJ and washed demm SkIrts have a longer ag~ncy has looked at a large length and jackets are loncer Willi big pockets They come number of driving records over 110 In 1tha1tl and wa.!lhed denun. see the entire collection ' DO~BJ&,J!.~J!l~;!!J~I!~ the years and in many, many I II or 128 color print film negaltves for reprt.f\ta and we'il • cases a speedmg ticket or two 1 \I make a second set of each negative you order • Your Face deserves good care Bnng new freshness from Grosse Pointe Woods I • reprint of ABSOI,UTi':ty t~RI<:":! Willi a mlnl-factal by Anna at the GreenhouJe and a newer shows up • l ThlIo "....., ~ ho ...", .. _ .. ,It. ~ at PerSnickety Pedlar regardmg the Issuance of MIX and Match your favonte colors for a necklase $,5 a tickets are costing Woods rell- strand and up dents a lot of money. I won't • even mention the famous La Strega Boutlque 11haVing Ita Annual End Of The Woods meter nunda and park. Season SALE All swnmer futuor.s are ~ Off Baaaonova mg ticketl and the many people Mansa Chriltlnl. Albert Nlpot'l and many mort Don't mIU woo won't shop in the WOods due (one block south eX the Pancake HOUle) the sale Ih off and mort lJ1 our lower le'Vel, 83 Kercheval to the aggravation. in the Colonial Federal Build1tc Donald K Pierce \ Grosse Pointl' Woods Groue Pomte Farms ------$ Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ..:Page Eight-A I

Jjl • "I never know what will happen Men give $275,000 LUTFY PHARMACY while I'm gone." The Men's GUild of St John Hos- Awards were presented by PROFESSIONAL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Is DlGiUl!O, gmld president, and 1 \ pital presented a check for $275,000 21571 KELLY, E. DETROIT, MI. 48021 \ • • "t can't check on him every day . to the hospital at Its recent annual Sister Verenice McQuade, SSJ, • meeting and cruise at the Grosse vlce.prestdent of patlent and com- • I don't know if he's eating." mumty servtces at 5t John, to • Hallmark Cards This Pomte Yacht Club • Convalescent Supply'S The presentation of the check other members who were mstru- • "If I just had some relief, was followed by the re-election of mental 10 the success of the gUild's • Drugs & Cosmetics I could cope." the present gUild officers for a one- largest fund.ralSer, tts annual stag • Precious Moments Collectables You? Dmner Party Recipients were & year term The officers mclude • Unique Music Boxes ~ifts James H Scott, chaU"man. Benja- • "I can't give her the care Waller DIGIUho, MD, of Grosse ...----.. • Delivery & 24 Hour Service mm W Capp and Regmald Zlehn- Pomte Shores, president, Kenneth she needs." ski, DDS, co-<:hairmen; Anthony 10% I ArlIe!, of Grosse Pomte Shores, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL GlOrglO, Vernon Glendemng, \ Ice president, Gennaro DIMaso, I 11 MD. of St ClaIr Shores, secretary, Simon Thomas, Kenneth Adler, OFF CALVARY ADULT DAY CA..RE CENTER Donald Mattes, Joseph McCloskey SELECTED I 772.5200 Calvary Aduh and Robert LeFevre, of Grosse l { A supervised program tor the elcle'ly Pomte Woods, treasurer and StE>veFlemlOn Others mcluded MUSIC BOXES I, Arthur A. Corker Jr. RPh. Day Care Sponsored by Bon 5ecoors Hospital and Chfford Carpenter, Robert Vahce, , Directors elected to serve a W/AO Center Lutheran Social Services of Michigan three-year term were Richard DDS, RIchard Flhppe1h, Robert 4950--Gateshead, DetroIt, M! 48236 Flhppelh, Anthony GlOrglO, Ver- LeFevre, Charles E Stumb, Jr ; can help. renc'e M Scott, Tymon Totte, non Glendemng Alphonse Santmo, La..... 313/881.3374 DDS Gennaro DIMaso, MD and MD, La"renc'e M Scott and MI- George Cueter ( "n

HOME GROWN ELDORADO MUSHROOMS II CARROTSC PWMS '1~.' 59 eu 79' La ~ ~ ~40' W Big Beaver STANDARD Troy, MI 48084 FEDERAL SAVINGS (313) 643.9600 ----

Page Nine-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1984 Mrs. Hanpeter wins another tenn as president BEA

By Susan McDonald Joan Hanpeter was pltked for PARALEGAL her second consecutive year of school board leadership last Mon- EVENING CLASSES HELD AT day at the school system's annual orgamzational meetmg With GROSSE POINTE NORTH H.S. unanimous votes the trustees also elected Jon Gandelot vice-pres. Classes Begin September 24 ident, Ernest Buechler secretary and Vmcent LoCicero treasurer for Taught by Attorneys the 1984-85year Co-Sponsored by Mrs Hanpeter Will Sit In the Depl 01 Community EducatIOn G P Public Schoois preSident's chair as she begms her fourth, four-year term on the Fo, 8l"OCltur. C.II: school board The Grosse POinte Park resident was first elected to the board m 1972 and served as 961.-3744 preSIdent ill 1974 as well as last : Am~ric.n Insiitute year She also Sits on the board of (8 the Wayne County IntermedIate , I-"or Paralelal Studie" Inc. . School DIstrIct 820 BUHL BLDG. DETRO'T. MI 4822€ ~~~ H="r"'tpr ,mn npw('omf>r to the board, Fred Adams, were sworn In at the board's July 9 meeting by Woods Mumcipal XEROX Judge PatricIa Schneider Both Xerox trustees won their seats m the an- nual school election held June 11, Mrs Hanpeter with 7,599 votes and takes for the Adams with 5,951 There was a off held of five candidates and 12,574 votes were cast ill total .Jii summer: __ IKl ~~ .. Adams, of Grosse Pointe CIty, IS a retired automotive and federal Woods Municipal Judge Patricia Schneider administered the oath of office July 9 to Fred Adams and Joan government executive who also Hanpeter who won election to the school board last month. ~-- serves on the board of trustees of .. admlnlstratlon bUilding on June 11 Western MIchigan Umversity ill the firm announced it would raise who process checks Kalamazoo. and Central LIbrary on July 8 M ~ Its rates from $84 50 to $91 an hour A schedule of meetings for the II~' -' Those regular monthly meetmgs As part of its annual organiza- A $500,000 treasurer's surety commg year was also established - $69S - $1;295 - $895 .,- $2;fJ95 \) tional duties, the school board also Meetmgs Will begm at B p m at are usually preceded by an infor- bond assigned to LoCicero was also mal working sessIOn on the llrst appointed a law firm to represent approved to protect him from expo- Central Library on Aug 13, ad. -~~ -!1~~ -~ -!!,,~ It, approved fidelity and treas- mmistration buildmg on Sept 10, Monday of the month at 8 p m at c...-- ~ CoNIIIlONd C-.od sure and risk involved in dauy the administration bUildmg urer's bonds for staff members and transactions In addItion, $500,000 South High on Oct. 8, Pierce Middle \'bu won't find a better vulue fCt)PlIlg elllm: page:> estabhshed bank accounts and a SChool on Nov 12, Brownell Middle fidelity bonds were approved for The school board tentallvely set than a Xcro:< u!lCd coplC:r or ll!lCO • Store addn...... -.."..'"and otll:n-ll~'d schedule of meetmg dates for the the supenntendent, deputy super- School on Dec 10, Mason Elemen- Mel1l0rYMJter tYJX'Wntef phm~"l> tary on Jan. 14, Defer Elementary Aug 30 as the date for Its annual coming year intendent and business manager; Becausewhat made them grc,lt • UpgmJc ,b \\ Illf Ilc:t.'l.b dl,lflgl: on Feb 11, administration buildmg "truth In taxation" public hearing, The board voted to retam its cur. $200,000bond for the supervisor of at which the property tax rate Will when they werc new IS still mak- Alllllachm~.~ CIH1'll: \\11h i1 data processing, his assistant, a on March 11, Kerby Elementary on rent law flfm, Hul, Lewis, Adams, be discussed. Ill!,!.lhcm great. 30-da},11IIlIlCd warr.\lII} ,IIKI fmance assistant and three clerks April 15, North High on May 13, GoodrIch and Talt, despIte the fact OUf usedcopiers can arc eligible for Xcrt \'1( 'A:n'1<..~ • Cop) 011plam, ordlllary papcr plan' • Rcdlk.~ Sohum do" 11 Or c.llI &Xl- Physician works with NASA on space program, • Handle OVt.'f\IIC JO(..'tIl11Cnts ~7-7811 In :'-ic\\ \brf.. Sl,IIC 1.,111 Data denved from the team's • Give you 20 COpll..'S per mll1utc I.H(XH~4 7-7&10 Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Baylor -.c.'C .I :\crtl\ ll~J The effects of space flight on as- studIes IS expected to benefit not Our used Xerox 610 Mcmory- And \\11\ Medical Schools, Georgetown Uni- wnter tYPC\Hitcr let'! you' <.knl" pr\)I'4,oh IX'III:r tll,1n Ihl.' tronauts' bones, and particularly verslty, Sloan-Kettering Cancer only the space program but medl- re\'I~'ons mslmltlv WIthout uc,lb \\lU'rc hl. bone loss, have been an ongoing Center and Massachusetts Instltu. cme In general • Make u...ctl concern of the National Aeronau- te of Technology "It is certamly an honor to even Bring in this adand get $50 to $100off.* tics and Space Administration As a part of the team, he has re- be Invited to join the NASA team, II (NASA). Boy Frame M D, head of ceIved data accumulated from past said Frame "I look forward to fu- For 4 days at these locations: Henry Ford Hospital's Division of shuttle flights and SovIet space ture meellngs WIth the group m Bone and Mineral Metabolism, and miSSIOns For example, astronauts Washillgton, at Cape Canaveral Hol~lnn HolldIty Inn Holtday Inn a Park reSident, has been asked to 26SU ~ Ad :12035 ViII\ O¥tle In and at the NASA faCility in Houston 2537 RochMt« C1 the Sky lab program have ex- SoultIfIeld. MI 41034 't"lWfton Ml 4tOt3 }om NASA's Llfe SCiences AdVI- perienced signifIcant bone loss due as efforts are made to make 'I'oy. MI 4I0Io4 sory Committee to study this and (313) ... 7500 (313)353 7700 (313)M4-0100 to calcium deplehon Smce women space-station habitation safe, com- T~ July 11 w.es JLIIv tI rn..n July 19 other problems associated With Fri July 20 have more bone loss than men, and fortable and educational" 10 IMlHI pm 10 lam II pm 10 IftHl pm prolonged space flights. are now flying space missions, The Life SCIence AdVIsory Com- Such problems include impaired their bone loss is a senous prob- mIttee recently met In Washmgton, Xerox Used. A great deal gets better. balance, weight loss, drop in blood lem. What to do to prevent this loss D C Some future meetings are pressure, dIsturbance in heart Not appllCllbic With dn\ lither CIlupon or I.h'oCountoffcr 15 among the committee's con- planned to COinCIdeWith the launch rhythm and a reduced concentra- • Basc:d on L'optCr 'lCb.1l'L1, Mcmof) 'MIII.'f 11ll{ IIlLiu~k'\l cerns and recovery of space shuttles ~11tIl~\.~ ..., ..." .....~~~I ..h.....,ff"I:l~ •• ~ ,j~ilf'l.\ll*~."'ll ... tion of red blood cells. The group Dr, Boy Frame will focus on these and other prob- lems which may affect astronauts State of the Umon address, com- who remain In the enclosed en- mitted the U.S. to a manned space vironment of a space station for ex- station by 1992 tended perIOds whlle performmg at Frame's colleagues on the com- physically and mtellectually hIgh mIttee are SCientists and phySI- levels President Reagan, ill hiS cians from mstitutlOns mcludIng We're Turni

.O.lIIIIl Robb sentencing pushed back ".... • De 11 .,.., .... . The clerk for Federal Judge In pnson under a plea agreement .IRI1IIIIIeII worked out in federal court last ...... Interest Rates Horace Gilmore said DaVid Robb's month The former mayor of • AI .... sentencing date has been pushed to .. TV Friday, Aug 3 The clerk had saId Grosse Pomte CIty confessed to la~t week that he expected Robb, a embezzlmg money from the ac. Grosse Pomte attorney who pled counts of FinanCial House, a bank- :le- rupt secUrities fIrm of whIch Robb aN, ~ It. 1011' MI'•• ' '.HI gUilty to embeuhng $196,249, to be It. aelr"'" m.6Ut sentenced on Friday, July 13 had been appomted trustee Robb could face up to 30 months iN

Annual 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 881 8210 12 MONTH Rate OPEN: MONDAY.SATURDAY, 9-10, SUNDAY 10-6 • ALWAYS LOW PRICES EVERYDAY I BAN ULJM ULrRA One pair FREE! ROLL-ON BAN BAN Reg Fresh ROLl.ON saUD In each No nonsense~ Unscented Reg & 201 2 5 oz 8 04 ---j $181. __. 2 p

AMMENS T1CKl£ ~- \nelll 1t-,t"llil< 1""11111, .... '1"1111., Irlll ....lI-, MEDICATED Floral EXCEDfliH tXTRI, STAEr.G1H \\tld ....,~ lp'" lC11 CllJ'\\.11 .I)O(~IJlfle Idlr .....lr.ir".11 uc.HI1\tllltHIl~I;,dll"I" • .,',.,' hu 11t'l,""'t4 POVv'DEA IC Fresh ~'7 1.,1.,,,111,,1<,11 Illou\o 1",1,1'"1'1''''' ""","1 11 OZ :.-~ Herbal ~ ~.'<; LU~n' "" '~lllllld hf III r \/1 frl\ f~;r \c \]f II.ud, HIll It,fill 11K r. l\ ."'.....'I ..lol ~ "'"'" IlL,"" ""\ t~lil"" .. cI 11.. ,rh~(..~ ...\",. I U1 ,1)1"'" 'l,l'U ,,,.. l~ II' L~ '-""illS" ~ \ ?oz _ II I ljl~ \lJl,II'ldH lo.l\ r, ~'llj't tUM OIUt. tt Ill(tfl ~I r,....ul .... Il,t( tl uncJ'll~ Ih, (f'U .../ (flItJp,'tOnl ,o~111 ( III (~f( r \-1IIi 1111<1.11,\",11. n ,I ... 45 • V" h ... , .... tI,. \11) ,,11'.1( I,\'( 11(\ ,,,"I ""'01/1.1'1,111 90 11K lI ..tln IIIHl~ l' ( \}hlill II ~t"'...., ~ll'\ I 'fll EXCEDRIN ~X1R" STRENGTH 1'\' ,trlt. "I "PIK,r1UllIll/" ."onll ....wl I" kll ..... n",n' ~ $2 $1 '" 1~1It. ,1,,, .. 1 ,I"~.,, .... KU ,'.J 11\' MId ...tW'u' dt,,)ut ALWAYS LOW PRICES EVERYDAY 82141-,() co"ol \0" ,11<'1' Come in today... see what we mean. CLEA NEWADVIL AdvInUd SUNLIGHT, (~,,'t ...... 11 w(KJO~ ,~'"'"'~ ..... ~ DISHWI'SHIN Medicine .....r_' ~.,..., , LIQUID For Pain ...... OI'nkJlT I' " __ .. , ..... 1*.\' PITIOlt 1.. >1 ~ ...... I _,.m .CMMo.V~.~I_'''' ....,fllI i ~ I) 8165 HOW IN NON .. PRESCRIPTJON --,ST (\AHl ,*-,.\ ."'-"'1 tWfW' ...... ,~ "'""'" '" "•• l SUNLIGHT ". ~ IlUCJ STRENGTH 1,,, ... ptHi' ','w\l", ~~ __ DtSH"*'SHER 1"'_1'1 ...... """' .. -. ~JllI ~ "'- DETERGENT ~ --,...... ,.. ALW I LOW PRICES 100 97 ' """'-- 1_...... ALWAVS LOW PRICES 8299 $4 '0. __..- """~ _ ....-...... EVERVDA Y II ClR' LOW P1ICB EVERYDAY EVERYDAY count - AIJIMYS

, > '" , I t ,J

, Thursday, July 19, 1984 PIlQ8 Ten-A 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS

~~~~ Obituaries " one tAat- ~ &c ~ I ..Jek« j1OW" Patrick Brady He is SurvIVed by his wlfe of 63 .~~ .J'-'t~~ years, Marion; two daughters, Memorial services for Mr. Barbara Rowan and Joyce Haigh; 6>lJatUHl !hom 0'iir.0wau :ROd~ Brady, 54, of Muir Road, were held two SOlIS, Roger and Randy, 12 Thursday, July 19, at the Ver- • '1I-Wded ~ '11~ • Jka rcftk ./Vi ~rl S'.II-,:;:!??f? Chrysler He is survived by his wife, Christie. Mrs. Alice N. Hallead Memorial contributions may be Memor181 services for Mrs CAR TALK made to the Michigan Heart Hallead, 86, of Roslyn Road in Association. ~ Grosse POInte Woods, were held From RAY LAETHEM Mr. Brady was murned in St Monday, July 2, at Grosse POlnte PontiaC, GMC, Truck Paul's columbarlum. Woods Presbyterian church, She cbed Friday, June 29, In St. BY RAY LAETHEM M. Bernice Zilly Mary's Nursmg Home. Services for Mrs. Zilly, 79, of the Mrs. Hallead was the Widow of CHECKING YOUR nRES Farms, were held Wednesday, July the late Edgar G The Halleads Do \ICll.l a- b IIUl'8 .. of yQUf ... Hew CIo )Ql e:t'oec* lor tr..a waIf'I If ~ hIM 18. at the Verheyden Funeral Home moved to Lochmoor Boulevard In .... \0 be ~ " )'011 ..,'t -- • tIaICI apol ". 11m. 10 ''- "'" "'. II,..... and St. Paul's Church. 1927. Mrs Hallead was a charter d hIM all tfMd SllClc. LlIlCClln'. hMClpen- wllI'Ioul IooIUn;. )'011'" ptObIlbIy arTlllrl8 the She died Friday, July 13, m Bon member of Woods Presbyterian huncIra of Ihol.-ldI CII ~ NICtl )'Ml' ny. uplllOUlClWfl, li'iio Ihe lI'Md If IN 1Ilp aI Un wtlo .-Y pIWIIIum prioII tor on-tI\eofOId coin', hMCl shoM, )'QU don't halle enough Secours Hospital. and a member of the Elizabeth ~ A Ihort monIhIv IrIlII*lIOn 01 ~ ... tlMCl Bom in Peoria, m., she was a Cass Chapter of the Daughters of can kap)'QU up \0 dill on IMw _ and may graduate of the University of D- the Amencan Revolution. even ~ otMr pI'OtlIIma wn.n )'OO.i think Ponttac - t'unlt RA Y linois and obtained a master's in She is survived by a daughter, Uw • pocUl type ., ~ gauge ancl LAETHEM PONTIAC wllere you a check Iol' pnlPer .nflatlOn of 1"- t,res ,t1 education from Wayne State Uni- Norma Kocher; a son, James; four ,ood deal plWl a ,reat dfoal more We pndt UndennftatlOo'l OCCUI"I >II one CIUI 01 IoYr eat$ versity. Mrs. Zilly taught in Detroit grandchildren and two "chosen" and can c..- bllIIMMI W. _ and IXlrNl'olft lJ\ olffl.nrtl the Io_,t pnce!. max" IInll", trgdc allowance, low co.t financmg and was a past president of the grandchildren, two women to danganlua ~ Cl'llICk lor cum Of emoedCI- GIld quality .erYICe American Association of Univer- whom Mrs. Hallead acted as eel otljecta e- -11\~.....,.,. can _lmtlIIIMce. nwaIIgiWlIlllt, or incor. RAY"L.AETHEM sity Women. grandmother. rect lnftIlloft Mr 01 tIlMe can cc.t )IOU rl'IOlWy PONTIAC GMC TRUCK She was a member of the Grosse Contributions may be made to In ~ ~ IIIld lIlCl'..-l~ 17677 MACK Pointe Women's Republican Club Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyter- COI1IUIftpIIOl1 -"1700 and was active in 14th District ian politics for many years. Mrs. Zilly Interment was in White Chapel was a founding member and form- Cemetery. er president of Keep Detroit Beau- tiful and was in her second year serving as president of the Pointe Idell Lowe Carey chapter of the American Associa- A Memorial Mass for Mrs. tion of Retired Persons. Carey, 79, formerly of the Pointe, Mrs. Zilly was a past member of lately of Mountain View, Cahf., the parish council of St. Paul's, was was held Monday, July 16, at 81. •• OF GROSSE POINTE an Extraordinary Minister of St. Lucy's Church, S1. Clair Shores, WOODS Paul's and was also a blood team Graveside services for Mrs. volunteer at St. Paul's. Carey were held on Saturday, July Mrs. Zilly was the widow of the 14, at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. later G. Samuel Zilly and is sur- Born in New York, she was the GOOD VALUESI vived by a son, Thomas; a widow of the late Matthew Carey, daughter, Mrs. Barbara Heck; one and is survived by two daughters, WOODEN NICKEL BURGER PLATE sister and seven grandchildren. Idell C. Donnelly, Mary Carey Mrs. Zilly was inurned in the St SChaefer and three grandchildren. OUr ChoIce Burger with Lettuce & Tomato, Paul's columbarium. Memorial contributions may be French F...... Cole Slaw made to 81. Anthony's Dining Ferris H. Fitch Room, San Francisco. WI N $10,000 IN PRIZES ONLvS3.50 Memorial services for Mr. Fitch, 91, of the Farms, were held Tues- day, July 17, at Christ Church, CAPUCHIN FISH SPECIALS DAILY Grosse Pointe. He died Friday, July 13, at his CSS looks for SOUPER SUMMER FRESH PICKEREl FRESH SMELT home. DINNER DINNER A resident of the Farms for more foster homes CELEBRAliON FRENCH FRIES .. COLE ILAW FAEJIICH FM8 .. COLE SLAW than 50 years, Mr. Fitch was a cap- tain in the U.S. Army in France m catholic Social Services of Drawing - July 2q. 7984 at 1918 and 1919 and be earned the Le- Wayne County needs foster parents ONLY ONLY 4M 3" gion of Honor from the French to temporarily care for abused government. He was graduated and/or neglected children. Homes 7 DIFFERENT HOMEMADE RELISHES from the University of Michigan are most seriously needed for with a degree in law in 1917. black children in the bl.rth to SlX WI-nt EVERY SANDWICH OR MEAL TliiiI....._MIl .. C-E",n.. SER'lfD Mr. Fitch served as lieutenant year age range, black family governor in 1932 and 1933 under groups of all ages, and black 'tit I"rizr. Ladles Of Gents H4 carat brilliant diamond 14 karat gold nng (valued al "1 I Co...... C...., OUt .. ,.;Ice Michigan governor William Com- teenagers. $S,ooQ.OO1 edmund t AHEE J~lry co Homes are also needed for whIte 2nd pnze: Gem Quality Stone Collection - ll71. \.. $1 ".. ... \ ' , t ~*i.t DAIL Y SPECIAL TY SANDWICHES Hot Crab Meat Croissant...... 8395 Broccoli and Swiss Cheese 8aIad .8275 SouvIaId ~ ~ 8525 Groesbeck Chapel of Orange Roughy Almandine $675 The Wm. R. , COCKTAILS 2 FOR 1 Hamilton Co. BEER AND WINE v. OFF fU'liLRAl DfRtL"TORS 3... WEEKDAYS E..'~lslwd 1~51 226 CROCkER BLVD. MOMI ae.ns 41063 ~7i Will. R. HIMthotl II PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT 1... 3-1911 FEATURING BILL LDNG De\IW M. HanUttOfl Jotl. W. lIroct .. n ..... D. HeduulllI Uoyd R. MOIItqw THURS, FRI, SAT A.IeoriIlw Dtftdon • Akmtwr by l"vltfltlOfl S Open: Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Sun &.12 • NarIOMl SttI«t«J Mor/lt;lQrIS

~ I pege EIeWft-A: GROSSE POINTE NEWS fhursday, July 19, 1984 DeHaven conducts 'Wonderland' comes to Center' Music festival goes Baroque The War Memorial ~ will' be transformed into • dalIdrWI', Frederic DeHaven, musIc direc- soloISts Marcy Chanteau, assIStant hon to dlredmg at Christ Church, wonderland of fun and frolic •. he is a professor of organ at Oak- tor of Christ Church in Grosse prmclpal celhst, and Donald Sunday, July 22, from 1 to 4 p•. pomte Farms, will conduct the Baker, pnnclpal oboist, both of the land University, and musIc direc- tor of the Rackham Symphony The event, deaiped for ~ Baroque Chamber Orchestra on DSO 8 years old and younp. wW iD- ChOir Wednesday, July 25, at the War Other members of the orchestra elude pony ridel, bayfidll dra- Memonal The auditOrium con. Remammg concerts mclude a mclude harpsichordist Michele Cabaret evemng starring PhIl Mar- by a horse team. iDOdbWalt. cert, which Willbegin at 8 pm, Will Gramehn, flutist Ervm Munroe hehum balloons. and • kkIdIe be the fourth of the seven-concert cus Esser and Barbara Bredlus on Tbere and vlohmst Jo!>eph Goldman All July 30, the Russian Balalaika Or- merry-go-round. wiD bllUD., Summer MUSIC FestlVal senes together the orchestra Will play chestra on Aug 6, and the Grosse pie games of Jkill aDd c:IIuce TIckets are $9 OptIOnal piCniCsup- Bach's Brandenburg Concerto 10 D donated by the Detroit WaJdaI'f. pers are available for $6 upon ad- Pointe Symphony Pops conducted School and two clowDI, Happy . major, and Handel's The Water by Feltx Resnick on Aug 13, fol- vance reservatIOn MusIc, Concerto Grosso No 25 lowed by a gala flreworks display Hank and Wendy, to bn,btefttM The orchestra, made up of mem- day bers of the DetrOit Symphony Or- DeHaven's reputatIOn as master over Lake St Clair Another hlghhght. sure to deli&bt chestra and the Renaissance City Ticket mformatlOn may be ob- conductor of choral and orchestral tamed by calling 881-7511 [)mall children, Will be the Pocbt Chamber Orchestra, \\ III feature \\urk IS known natlOnwlue In addi- Lady, who Will ~ander arouDd, pockets bulgmg With tnnkeb CbIIt: htlle hands can reach lOto to .. a. Cinema League announces fall line-up surprise There Will alto be • Pamted Faces Lady who will apply The Gros!>e POlnte Cmema Lea- Delp, co-chairmen of hospltahty. Program chairman Joseph T ..... ~ .. , _ ...._..... "1 1...-.." ~~,,<',,~ ....~ h..,,, .,.... "nap nlt;aUl.I"«;l ;,.at. u" ...5\.- U.L..... • - AdmiSSion LS $iO for c:b1Jdre.: new preSIdent, J Ross Bush, to for- Ander!>on, Marilyn and Roger i~~~~i.p~~g~a~.s' t~ be presented mulate plans for the coming Bacon. Dorothea Bush, Lily Coury, for the balance of 1984 The season which covers all events aDd aUOWI' season Other new officers of the George Fullerton, Betty Lee, Will open on Sept 17, With 35mm a chIld unlimited use of • ride .. group are Joseph Messana, first MathlVet, Sidney and Dor- color slides of "Vlva Mexico!" by game he or she particu.Larly cJo1I: vice-president; Harold Lee, second othy Newhouse, Gerry and Beverly Joseph Messana. "Tounng Tum- All children must be lceom~ Pearsall, (badges), Esther Peters, sla," a super-8mm movie by Ester by an adult and food .nd ielJ ..... vice. president , secretary, lnge ments Willbe avallable at a Vmcent; George Coury, treasurer, Roy and Margaret Scharfenberg, Porter will be shown on Oct 1, fol- nom, , Elfneda Palmentler. hIstOrian and Alfred and Marybelle Taylor, and lowed on Nov 12 by "Islands cost There are a limited amouDt at Rediscovered," a 16mm movie by tickets, so advance reservatiooll are pubhcity, SIV Casper and Irene George C Vincent Fern and Rip Zwickey. suggested For ticket iDformatioll On Nov 26, a slide program, call 881.7511. "Germany: Munich to Bremen" Christ Church music director Frederic DeHa\ en ------Galli's Itleothou5 will be presented by Esther Peters By now you rMy have beard at On Dec 10, Jerry Pearsall Will the lead balloon that reaUy can fly. show 35mm slides on "Cruising On- Rontan fete ends ULS Latin class Sclenhsts at Arthur 0 Utt1e, I~ -~~GMt~ ~~l~ tario's Historic Canals." David in Cambridge. Mass , built it. ~~ v~, thru SATURDAY zaremba will present a 16mm Eighth grade Latin students at grade year at ULS where all eighth foil. helium filled, the sbt..foot Parking If) Rt'Q( movie titled "The Popcorn Man" on Umverslty Liggett School wound graders are required to lake one floater drifted off toward FraDI:e. 1,19005 J 811<. S. of Moross ) Dee 17. up theU' year of study With a mock year of Latin a od nobody ha 5 set"fl It IUICe, MACK All programs, which take place consular electlOn set m the year 62 m the War Memonal's Fries Aud- B C LUCIUSLlclmus !\1urena, Beth ------MeatSpeclob------Itonum, are open to the pubhc A $1 Blrgbauer. was elected consul admission fee will be charged to after heated debate With her op- DINNER FOR TWO non-Cinema League members. The ponent Servius Suphclus Rufus, Fl~;n9 RIp_ 5115.10 VIllI • IGHG.UNO CHUCK 10 LB. BAG $1.29 LB.I league welcomes new members, David Lombard / 'Machine 1M IS.• especially those interested in film- CHOICE OF: Round Bone ENGLISH or ing super ammo or 16mm mOVies, Before the actual electIOn, sup- porters of the two candidates, ,. eta. T-110M • • ...... , BONELESS POT ROAST •••••••••• '1.69 LB. dressed in togas, gathered for a • ShrimP wtd'I a...... Fre.h, Homemade POLISH. sacrifice to the gods ~rformed by INCLUOU X-rays now sent CHOICE 0fI POTATO ITALIAN or HUNGARIAN SAUSAGE. '1.69 LB. their priest and prIestess, Tom 19818 Kelly SALAD Homemade SHISH KABOB ••••••• 11.99 EA. via telephone Vallone and Meredith Jones, who Harper Woods, Michigan AND OINNIJ' IIQ.La said the "omens" proved favorable 371.1707 EXP'tRa ,~,~ ·DDJ. JJ(l.I(,1OU8 First Care of Michigan (formerly for an election. Eastside Emergency Center) now Later, the consul-elect presided OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON.THURS 11 AM.IAM FRt-sAT 11.2AW :~ has the equipment to have x-rays SUN 2.12 PM read by radiologISts in other loca- over election day feshvitles, m- Hot Pepper. Caraway or tions, according to Pamela Collier, cludmg short plays m the COUPON VALID ANYTIME Pimento CHEESE ••..••••••••••• '2.19 LB. theatrum, auditOrium, and charlot MD. races m the Circus Maximus, gym Gr•• t Luncheons DeHr Hoffmann'. HARD SALAMI ••••••• '2.99 L.B. The x-ray is transmitted via a Food, Spirits & Entertainment computer after the picture is taken Accordmg to Latm teachers Susan Bernstem and Katie Rob- --Produce Specials-- with a television camera, can be • Mile sent in less than three minutes and inson, the victors of the chariot Extr. Large HEAD LETTUCE ••••.•• 490 EA. diagnostically read for the cost of a competition displayed both athletiC Stlt. Fair speed and expertise In Latin PLUMS, PEACHES, NECTARINES •.•• 590 LB. normal phone call. To insure the computer's ac- declenSions, Wmners were Sanders **********************.*******.* ••**-- curacy, x-rays are compared Chae, Jeff Gouda and Greg DaV1S. 1 MIle :~" ..-.-..J ..... _..:... ~ _.~ $2 : The Roman election ISan annual " • Polish Ham • American Cheese 25 weekly by radIOlogists against the ~ ~ 1\.1 e.' Corned Beef • SWISS Chees.e It reading done over the phone event at the close of the eighth ~ T'" r ~"~ .Tur.ef Breasts • Potato Salad per" ~ C"1 ...." • Hard Salam, • Cole Slaw It : ~ T' .L,"er Sausage • Fresl1 Bakery Bread person ... **.*********************************~ ~~/e_ltems Expire 7.26-84 NEW YORKAIR To BOSTON IE 17


Onl~ ~""I.'\\ 'IOrl-. '\11 (llkl" Ihl Ilml.,r ,11lL! .\nd l Ilh tlH!hl h,\, pkn!\ III c\!t,1 kptl\)m

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• Eal, Nose and Throat DOOor on Staff • Free Hearing - AudiOlogist on Staff • Repair all hearmg aids - no more than $3500 • UAW PrOViders - Blue Cross Blue Shield 3 YEAR GUARANTEE 6NEW YORK AIR 1l-IE AIRUNE nIAT WORKS RlR YOUR BUSINESS.'l!:l1!;8It.l\Ul'.'... II __ :.IIN' _

I Thursday, July 19, 1984 Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS

FENCES TOM'S Donovan sparks GOP fundraiser ~I ADD I PRIVACY A capacIty crowd of 300, mclu

~ 7505-Z 557H 3331L uTo Meet Your Health Needs ... Height Height ,~ Height 33'h" 271/2" i( 52" ... We Cover The Pointes. " ~ HARKNE" PARK ~ MFG. Sq. STAY AND PLAY PACKAGE PHARMACY DEYONIHIRE PHARMACY 203'5 MACK 1532<4 E .Jefferson MfGi1~ Lilt MFGi~ Lilt MFG.~ List DRUG. '3~5" 184-3100 18003 MACK 822::..2580 SALE PRICE SAU PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE S65!!!on 881-~77 $13500 $17500 $23500 $199°0;: Double Occupancy Expenence the subtle grandeur that IS Nor- thern Michigan at Hidden valley Club and SALE ENDS AUGUST 4, 1984 Resort In the heart of Michigan s Alpine UM/TfD QUANTITIES. Country Packages beginning at $65 00 per person, double occupancy, Include lodglOg LOIll It Sanclly'l and 18 holes of golf With a shared cart on 7.15-14 Del ...... our Championship PGA Golf Course Ten- Exwog Electric Co. hIItrI !oI' $1 D GO nis courts, sWimming pool, nature hikes and Mtgr ..... ,...i.lad ... (~."r,."an" .";upp,ir. fresh water flshmg In a pnvate lake are also Bf'IWffn 7 & 8 Mile H~rper Woods HtU HlJlI1- avaIlable 202J l Ii'\HP~,H A' t. P 0 8o11 556, GtlVlord. Mlctll9l1'l 41135 QaItet'y Houri": Mon .• $8t. 1-5 p.m. Frl. till , p.m. RESERVATIONS (517) 732.5183


"''''+ ,L - ..------~-...,.,..~

page~ Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ; . What'8 on Cable o Jim Riehl's ROSEVILLE • <9hris e. 'Panagos (IYDS A hst of local programs aval.1a~ on Grosse-Pomte Cable FAMIL.Y DENTISTRY Tbtltld.y, JIII~ It CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTH CURROTl Y ACCEPTING NEW PAnENTS .5 30 pm - "The Job Show. from MESC (5) .6 P m - "Wlthout Warntng" - An Informative film about the work of saturday & Evening AppOintments Available OFFERS OUTSTANDING the heart. role of blood pn!SSUre, and cU'Culabon of the blood (6) 24 Hour Emergency service .6 30 P m -"Hank Luks vs Cnme" (6) • 7 P m - "n.e Savlltg Word " - Weekly me(iltatlOtlS and musIc (rom the OPPORTUNIT¥~=====IJ scnptures (8) 18501 Meek Ave. .7 P m - "People With Erv SteU'ler" - Guests to be announced (6) Grosse POinte Farms 882-9729 • 7 30 P m -"Sports View Today" - With hosts by Ron Cameron and Bob Page (6) .7 30 pm - "DetroIt Round.Up" - What's happemng around DetrOit (21) .8 pm - "Some Semblance of Sanity" With host Gary Thl~on (6) 10 (6) II .830 pm - "The Personal Computer Show" - Part 2 the senes I.r~ ~~~ PAINTING Monday, July 23 .4 P m - "The ?ersonal Computer Show" - Part 3 10 the selles (6) II .. ~ ..-._ . Residential & Cautrelll . GOLD KEY LEASE _ . __._~===--====~ .430 P m -"\\a)ne County A New Perspective" - Wlth.Wayne COUllt~ I SpecialIzing In ExecL't!ve Bill Lucas (6) Pnvate Estates .4 30 P m -Amencan Catholic (8) .5 pm - Faith 20 (8) Free Estimate. • 5 P m - "Health Talks" - Guests mclude phYSICian's aS~lstant Karen LEASE A BRAND NEW Interior & Exterior Kotch (6) Professional WorkmanshIp .5 30 P m -"Sports VIew Toda)' " (6) 30 yesrs In Grosse Pomte Area .6 P m - "Detroit Curtam Call" - An up-elose look at DetrOit's enter PLYMOUTH VOYAGER tamment (6) .7 P m - "people WIth t:rv ::>temer - uue::.t to t>e dllnUUlll:t:U II>I BUTLER'S PAINTING SERVICE .7 30 P m -"Russ Glbb at Random" - Guest IS Dr Jot' Camp, from Com 867-8685 871.7318 puter Camps (6) .7 30 P m -"DetrOlt Round-Up" (21) FOR ONLY $230!~: • 8 p.m - "Back.Porch Video" - nus new program IS co-hosled by WLBS BRAND NEW 1984 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER Auto- DJ's and features home-made musIc Videos (6) Fully eqUipped as follows: trans, pIs, p/b, elee r/w defroster, dual mirrors. air Tues4tay. July 20l conditIoner, deluxe Insulation package, gauge alert .5 P m - "The Personal Computer Show" - Part 4 In the senes (6) SEAFOOD EXTRAVAGANZA .530 P m -"The Job Show, from MESC" (61 paCkage, deluxe Wipers, 20 gal fuel lank, AMIFM Every Tuesday & Wednesday NIght • 6 P m - "1 Am Joe's Hearl" - thiS film portrays an average American stereo, conventional spare, and more Stock who IS a candidate for a heart attack (6) #41175 YOUR CHOICE • 6 30 P m -"Hank Luks vs Crime" (6) LIVE MAINE LOBSTER • 7 P m - "The SaVing Word" (8) OR • 7 pm - "People WIth Erv Steiner" (6) * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • 7 30 pm -"Sports View Today" (6) 95No OlSCOUf1r • 7 30 P m -"DetrOit Round-Up" (20 Closed-end lease. Walk away. cards honored ALASKAN CRAB LEGS * $9 (6) • 8 P m - "Some Semblance of Saruty" With Gary Thlson BotIl C()IH willi ~ ~ LJlIlly PI.no Bar Enter- Wei!uesda), July 25 * Hurry for best selection tainment Wed through .4:30 p m -"Wayne County: A New PerspectIve" (6) 54ft. NIghts. • 4 30 P m -Amencan Catholic (Ii) * Umlted number available .Spm - Faith 20 (8) Open Tues"SlIt. • 5 P m - "HeaIUt Talks" (6) .***** Jim Riehl's Famous 5-star service Lunc~ iIld Dinner • 5:30 p.rn -"Sports VIew Today" (6) 11 1m 10 pm • 6 p.rn - "DetrOit Curtatn Call .. (6) No down payment Fri IIld 811 1111 mldnlghl * • 7 pm - "People WIth Erv SteIner" (6) l.oInIte open un 2 a m • 7'30 P m -"Russ Glbb at Random" (6) * We lease all makes and models 15482 Maek, corn/'r of 'W1tmghllm m-the.P.rk • 7:30 p m -"DetrOit Round-Up" (21) 'AI only $23062 per month. 48 monthly payments at $230 62 per month lotaling $11,06976 NO DOWN PAY. • 8 pm - "The Personal Computer-Show" Repeat of Monday's show (6) MENT $200 00 refundable &eel/llty deposll and $230 62 Ii'st month In advMce 881-0550 - 8 30 P m -"Back Porch VIdeo" (6) Hurry in for your Best Selection City man wins literary award Limited Time Only for Woods bus ticket article REMEMBER • • • "For Your Best Deal" It's City resident James J Curto was the parkmg melers along Mack, honored by the Michigan State Nu. the tickets had already been print- m1Smatlc Society at the group's ed using "Mack Avenue Loop spring conventIOn at the Amway Bus" Up to '1,000,000 protection when you need Grand In Grand Rapids Another unusual happenmg was It mea Curto received the Roethke Lit- durmg the time the tickets were us. ROSEVILLE [CHRYSLER] • Between JObs or out of worK erary Award from the organization ed, a volunteer Santa at times rode for his article titled "A Most Un. • Fmlshed with school the bus passmg out candy to 25800 GRATIOT 772.0800 Plti' 110 II f! r • RetIred early GokienRule usual Bus Ticket" that appeared m chIldren Unusual too, was that the setween 10 & 10Vt Mile Rd. • waltmg for other caller age "Paper Money Society," the na- Santa was Adele Ryder, a Lady ttOnal bl-monthly pubhcatlOn of the Santa well known for her actlVlltes FOR FULL DETAILS CALL nunusmatlc society. whose memo With semor cihzen groups 10 the gecll a(~ ln4erested m th~ colledlOn Powles, I feel certain bhe passed l VERBtEST INSUR~AGEN(jlV I'." , , I of currency. out candy also to the semors as well 773-6110 Curto's article follows the devel. as the children NO COST OR OBLIGATION opment and nammg of the Mack Iregret to add many of the unus- Avenue Loop Bus, the "Meter ed tickets were eventually discard- Beater," and its free tickets avail- ed and locatmg one IS no easy task able durmg the 1981 Chnstmas sea. The research for the story of thIS son The Meter Beater was revive4 unusual, Interestmg and attracttve by the business association for the bus ticket was most pleasant for "Get to the Pomtes" promotIOn me I wish to express my thanks I • last year and appreciation to both Jerry Curto's article IS repnnted McNamara. assIstant city admm. INSTAllATION AND bf>low istrator of Grosse Pomte Woods • • • and Sharon Degfleck, vIce-pres- 24 HR. MONITORING FOR: Durmg the Chnstmas holiday ident of the Grosse POInte Busmess • Home Burglar Alarms season of 1981, Grosse Pomte and t>rofesslOnal ASSOCIation, who • Business Alarm Systems Woods, concerned With the effect really did all the work economiC condittons had on both Its Lastly. I extend congratulaltons • Hold-up Alarms • • Medical Emergency Systems bus mess and pnvate citizens. did to the Citizens of Grosse Pomte ... take actIOn In a wonderful and Woods for having such a thoughtful \ SECURING HOMES IN THE POINTES FOfl 14 YEARS most unusual way and concerned Cily admInlstralton, ___u)d{I.a:~~l m To promote busmess by makmg also a most unusual one For Quality and DependabIlity. call It eaSier for its citizens to shop duro mg the season, It sponsored a bus to Fresh 3 Las. FOR I '&tr.P- GROSSE POINTE ALARM. run on the mam street, Mack Ave. Betty retires GROUND CHUCK •••••••••••• 13•• INC. nue, from one end of the bUSiness Spring, American LEQ-O-LAMB ••••••••••••• '1." lB. ~A'~.!~,~~~~ dlstnct to the other and ISSUedfree after 17 years t '-'~.~ . ....:~...-J Gr~~'~'r' POlOW P.lU, M= ':h;'iC tickets to CItizens to use for bus Lean, Meaty Country-St,le RIBS . . . . . • .•• $1.78 LB. Its H) I\1ar\ha Keant> fare through Chnstmas ~lh IlIgh The sponsorshIp was aided b) the Hickory Smoked Sliced BACON •••.•.••.•••• '1". lB. South High School's secretary to full cooperation of the Gros~e Center Cut 80nel••• CHUCK ROAST ••••••• lB. POinte BUSiness and ProfesSIOnal the prmclpal, Betty Knaggb, reo 't." ASSOCiatIOnThe bus was called the cently rettred after more than 17 Fresh BAY SCALLOPS ~_-!-~~ .". • -!_~_~_ • .! !_~ • ._~'2.'-'_L•. Mack Avenue Loop Bu!>and ran the years of !>ervlce With the lochool looking for a enhre length of the bus mess Ms Knaggs began her <:are(>rat Borden's dlstnct from Moross Road at one Soulh alo st"Crelary to the ~UJdance YORKSHIRE'S Fresh \t&/ue.s end to Old Eight ~hle at the other, coutll>elor, a JOb that was eventual V2o/0 Boarding School? a distance of 2 2 miles, stopping at Iy phased out She then v.orked for Fancy Cherry Tomatoes •.••.. 4•• pC. More than twenty years professional every block to load or discharge Howard Case, then a~~l..,tant pnn- Lo..Fat Cucumbers or experience In the se,ecllon a'ld placement passengers A one-way run v.as clpal From tht>re, l'he l>ecatn<> :>c<: of primary and secondary grade studenlS about 15 minutes It operated from ret.ary to tht' PilOClpal and remain MILK Green Peppers ...... 5 101' .. Recommendations are ba5ed upon private 9 a m to 6 p m Monda} through ed 10 that position until her retire interviews with both parents and student J Sweet Georgia Peaches .. Fnday and from 9 a m to 10 p m metlt at the ('nd of the flr!>t !>emes- $1.39 gal. !b-=_-_ _ _ __ -. and directed toward -neetl'lg the -=--=- -_~~_ --- on Saturday ter thiS year speCifiC needs of each Individual Large 14 Inch b" 21 II1ch red on NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER yello....posten. were placed In the M s K nagg!>, !>*'crf't.1fI31Joll III FLORENCEB. STROU ....lndows of cooperating ~tort'S and duded many ta!>k<, ~~ catNed to SPLIT PEA WITH HAM or CIUII ~1~,p~\ dll,ltn( \ot 1al \l. ork bu.,mcss~ rt>admg In l.. rgf' It>tlers, the prm('lpal'!> need!>, kept rf'corrb, SOUPS OF SPINACH •..•• JUST 1J' EACH \\(mh< r 1-1,1< r~11I. III I dill ,Ii I ( II" I " ,I,,," Illif I F'ree Bus Tlcketl> &. &'hedulf"S In t~ ped lettc'rs and rf'port!'o. arranged i'lde f'or Mf'tcr Beater ~pon:-ored coverage 01 (la!>M~, 3l>l'"!1:nt'd ~ubl>, Cltv of GrO'>!>€ POInte \\ooupervJl>t'd the clerlcal "t.lff ,wo C'"::~~~:~~(313) 647.2382 Gro.,se POinte Busmess & Prafes- dt-aU With employe atlt'ndance ~lonaJ A!>~latlOn" As mdny t Ickf't~ a~ ....antt'd y, ere dlc;lnbut(>(l In her vt'arll at ~ulh, \1... fr~ to re.ldent!> al Cltv Hall and at K1lli~s .,-ay, man~ dlffNI'nl an) partl('lpalln~ storr or hUlotlne!>s !'otudf'nt!\, all()""lll~ ht'l to "N' ho.... Thf' fart' for Uhlng ttw hilS Ydthout a kid., change ....Ith the t,m!"" ticket \\ a~ 10 cents "Wht>n I flrst ('amI' to ~)lIlh Flft.,. thousand II('keL" v, fOre THESE PRICES ARE A REAL tl'tere ....(.re d Jot of r,ldllah, but :16 POP PICNICI printed h) thp Sout!lpa.,t MI( hlgan nov.. mm-t of the l>ludenl!'oarl' ITId Tran~porta lIon -\uthonl.; 'SEM lure and vt'ry goal-orlf'nted .,he TA I at a «,.,1 of $100 l>3Ys The tlcket~ v..t>rt prml(O(\ In red PEPSI ~- DIET PEPSI 11 DR. PEPPER. on ) cllov. <:3rdhoard 10 strip" r.f 10 'lludf>ntll tln'n't thp onl\ Onf'., 1\1'- tlckf'ls With 11 !ootnp" to a book The KnaAAt'> hu" '>ft'n (om(' ,lilt! jl!0 hCiCk thp front ,'a<.h of lht'm hdd dlfh'rf'nt lA,tY" of i: MOUNTAIN DEW I: '1.69 re,admg SEMTA fb Good for one r1Cl~ on tra. \iack to prohlf"m" "Thf'Y mack> It all AvenlM' Loop Bw- which runs he very lntf"r~tmg. ~hf'~ays I $5 49 II "Me tWf't"n MorOl\s and l'';lght MIle In Iii • 11 1 laTER Grosse Pomt" Wood... !'lion nego !>unnl; 11M' rf't Irf'mt'nl \1" t~blf', 0&47 ' KnaU!I y, III ~t"t a eM ncl' tv ,,~'nd ,I ~~1~~4 II ~ ----~ A conlest for nBmlOg th(' bu~ to more tlm!" ""lth her famlh loome CAU US FREE OF CHARGE 1..1people know aboul tht> bu~ t'XI~ thlnl(!lM ~y., ~he ha!'J....an'lt'd to do II BOTTLES Ii FREE r,C!"f1(d'J r ~ tt"nCe, wa~ promot(O(\ by the bus I for a long hmE' ~he "ay!> lohe ....111 - \1\ + DEPOsn ~ FRIDAY AI ), lTr .~ llC!S4l miss South all she !lab !>penl much 1-800-461-0243 and prola lilonlll ~"'>Of'laIlOn li.:. ======-====,=.:_.=:::::;:;:;==.- =~ Port St8nton. Ontano POE 1LO WhIle the name chosen for the bus of her 11ft workmg there, and South wat "Meter Bealer," referrIng lo IS sure to miss ht'r, too , Thursday, July 19, 1984 Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS You tell us They're glad to see woman on ticket U _.

Repubhcans and Democrats

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J LAIKON CAFE MDmve .. • DowmDwn DIIrIh • 913-7051 Authentic Greek Cooking Buy or f, Liquor • Beer • Wine

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Wouldn't you rather have your Mercedes.Benz collected from and delivered to you, when it needs routine servicing? A hot sutIltner People who say "I Wood!" do. Every owner of a Wood Motors stopper. · - Mercedes-Benz is automatically enrolled in our Pick-Up and Deitvery Let SUPREME Serv1ce. When your Mercedes-Benz is • Heating install scheduled for servicing, we will collect • • 2.tons of central it from you. at your residence or office. And we will deliver it to your door, when r:Jl air conditioning the service is complete. We offer vou this senrlce no matter where for as low as in the metiopoUtan area you reside. can us today. if your Wood Motors Mercedes-Benz is scheduled for maintenance attention. Or if you wish to 1 Include!l purchase a Mercedes-Benz that carries ~ • ( ement Slah t1us extraordmary benefit. : . • Line Set • Thf'rmostat \Ne're giving you 100%. • Condensing Unit • Evaporator COIl 1. 5 Year Warranty WOOD ~ ' I on Compres!lor .Y1__ MOTORS.c -.. 153!1 Gratiot at 8 Mlk • Detroit. Mlchl~n 48205 SUPREME Heating ~ (313} 312.2800 & Supply Company Section B The Second Section Thursday, July 19, 1984

New York's MetropolItan Museum of Art has Curator Diana Vreeland and the current exhIbit of the Creations of Yves Samt Laurent. The DetrOit Committee of the Archives of American Art has Chairman Diane Schoenith and the next Archives benefit, "Just Desserts with Saint Laurent - rive gauche," to take place Tuesday, Aug 7, at The Roos- tertail The prevIew of Samt Laurent's .F'all/Wmter 1984Collec- tIon IS presented by the ArchIves and Jacobson's Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will precede the fashion show segment of the evening. A buffet of desserts by noted community .. _1_ t.... -,1 £' ... 11 4- 1J"""'i) \,..UC.1,.':) ",Ul J.VUV H .. Mrs VIctor Wertz ISco-chairmg the benefit. Workmg with Lucille to bring 38, rue du Faubourg, Saint Honore, Paris to the DetrOlt riverfront is a committee including fellow Pointers Mrs. Bogdan Baynert, Mrs. Frank Germack, Mrs. Richard Manoogian, Mrs Charles Fisher III, Mrs Richard Doerer and William Dahling AdmiSSiondonatIon is $50per person. The fun begms at 7:30 p.m. Mrs Abbott Schlain is Lucille Wertz' co-chalr- person Sue Ann Kendall, Midwest Regional director for the ArchIves, wIll work with the Detroit Committee to assure "just desserts" for all concerned. This is the 30th anniversary year of the Archives of American Art, a bureau of the Smithsoman InstItution. The Archives were born in DetrOIt, and the Detroit Committee of the Midwest Region has always been successful in rais- ing funds to support projects to preserve the history of American Art. ph(!to D, Ed ~. Today, the Archives contain over eight million items, in- cludmg some 400,000photographs and 3,000oral history and To lead Council of Sponsors video recordings. This body of material forms the world's Members of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Council of Spon- of $10, War Memorial Sponsors receive direct mailings oullining largest manuscript collection documenting the history of the sors elected officers for 1984-85at their June meeting. Left to right each upcoming program and a,1 discount on all tickets purchased visual arts in America. above are WANDA LINCOLN. secretary-treasurer, AUDREY for Council-sponsored events. New members' discounts would apply PLATT, vice-chairperson, APHIE ROUMELL, membership beginning this fall, when Diane RavUch. a scholar and writer on Fashions, Fragrance at Meadow Brook chairperson, and MARGOT KESSLER, general chairperson, \\ho, the Crisis in American Education, speaks at the PointE' War along with the other volunteers of the Council, invite area residents Memorial. Other upcomin~ pro~rams include lectures by Pat Another fashionable date to circle on next month's calen- to become sustaining members of their group which works to bring Roessle l\laterka. author of "Time In. Time Out, Time Enough," dar is Wednesday, Aug. 15. The Meadow Brook Music outstanding personalities and special series to the War Memorial. and Marilynn G. Rusche. whose topic will be "Starting Over - Be- Festival-8aks Fifth Avenue Fashion Extravaganza and Fra- "With added revenue from sustaining members," Aphie explains, coming Single." Sherwin Wine returns to address the issue' of grance Fair was a near-sellfout last year, and this year should "we can continue and expand our programming." In the past year, Politics and Power. Leonard Woodcock will speak on foreign af~ repeat 1983'ssuccess Revillon furs are a main attraction Council events have included lectures by Gail Sheehy, Sherwin fairs, and the Council's series on Ethics in the Professions will touch of the fashion show at 1:30 p m. in Baldwin Pavilion. Wine. Nickie McWhirter, Professor Michael Farrell and Dr. An- on lu\\, politics and the press. Additional information on the ('oun- nette Rickel. Professors from the University of Michigan have cil of Sponsor~ or an)' of its t'\'ents may be obtained b~' calling But there's more ... ensembles by Beene and Blass, spoken on world affairs. Best-selling authors hun appeared at the 8In-75t!. Klein, Lauren, Adolfo, Nipon and McFadden taking center annual Book & Author Luncheon. For an annual membership fee stage at the pavilion on the festival grounds at Oakland of ~Ir.llnd :\Irs. Stanlf'\ Prndiltt'k. Umversity, and the Fragrance Fair following at 2:30 p.m Participants In Samt Mary's Col- loria ;\tar) !\lcBrien, daughter 01 Shores, Bachelor of FlOe Arts • • • of Woo

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ANl HONY W (Ol F fl H....IR I ....SHtON DIHF(;TOR

, Thursday, July 19, 1984 eTwo-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS ) , Start the week New Arrivals with a chuckle I I • read Mr. and Mrs. George Christensen, Tom Greenwood's of Kerby Road, alUlOWlCe the birth of thelT third child, a daughter, FYI Liadsay Keri, July 3 Mrs Chnstensen 18 the former Tanya on Page 1 Rinra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Section A Reder Esnilda Rivera, of Hon- '1.'.' duras, Central America Paternal each week grandmother is Dolores Christen- in the Grosse seD, of Baltimore, Md. Older brother George III IS 7, big slSter Usa is 5 Pointe News ...... Mr. and Mrs. Gary Abud, of Somerset Road, announce the bIrth t;" of thelT fIrst chtld, a son, Gary . , t George Jr., June 15 Mrs. Abud IS '1 ., " the former Paulette Barker, ~ I ~ 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul :''- i. ,k ~ white Barker, of The Park Paternal 1 grandmother IS Mrs. Josephine , t "%' ~. ~ 4- ~ Abud, of The Woods ('\ ., ~ ~ ...... )df! J .~ - f' I sale Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moceri, of t " _l u,... ~ ..,'" .."n~,..n fhn h, t'h '"' ~tti;;;..f~;:;t-~hiid~-;~~~ghi~;: F Maureea Elizabeth, May 25. Mrs Moceri is the former Kathleen HogaD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hogan, of Renaud Road Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moceri, of 8t Clair Shores Cottage will host A fine day for a fine party "If You Seek a Beautiful Peninsula, Look Around You" is the motto of our state, and "If You Seek WHITE EYELET ENSEMBLE babysitting class a Beautiful Community

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tt ~_~_. __ ~ _..__ Jt .. l Page Thr ... B Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Short Pair exchange Operation LINe and to vows in April The Pointe Grosse Pomte Memorial Church "Tennis, Anyone?" is what not fit the needs of LINC's par- tlclpatmg agencies Among Eastern MI- wa the settmg for the spring wed- Detroit area youth will hear at the chigan Umverslty stu- ding of Deborah Lynne McKmley, Parkside Center, a Detroit Depart- These goods are put aSide for dents who received daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy E ment of Parks and Recreation pro- Bachelors degrees at Barbier, of Rose Terrace, and gram, thanks to 1,000 tenms balls LINC's annual fund ral~ing garage sale, to be held thiS year on Satur- sprmg commencement Mark Charles SIlva, son of Mr and receiVed from a LINe donor. This IS ceremomes April 28 Now a Mrs. John W. Sliva, of South Just one example of the more day, sept 8, from 10 a m to 4 p m at First Enghsh Evangehcal were Gernoll\doU Joa. Hamllton, Mass. Wlusualltems offered through LINC chim, of Hawthorne .. Lutheran Church, located on Ver- The Reverend David B Antonson for distribution to agencies serving Road, Bachelor of 6'T1ae"orb" mer Road III the Woods presided at the 4 o'clock ceremony the Wayne County area Busmess Admmlstra- 16900 Kercheval A"cDul: Saturday, April 14 A reception Garage sale Items Will mclude tlon, and Theresa followed at the Grosse Pomte Our office staff and volunteers 'larie Bilkodc, of Yacht Club, after which the newly- have placed many commonly used collectible antique gla::.sware, Jewelry, baskets, luggage and Bn's Drlve, Glenn An- weds left to vacation m Puerto Items, such as furmture, clothing dre~ Mome\'er, of Vallarta, MexIco and appliances, but dIstributIOn of decorative household accessones If you have any spring cleamng Moorland Drive, and The newlyweds both hold BUSI- some of the uncommon Items Carolyn :\tarie Wise. of ness AdmmlstratlOn degrees from among the more than $200,000worth "throw-outs" on hand, give the LINC office a call All Items not Calv1l1 Avenue, Bache- Babson College, Wellesley, Mass ptlOIO b)l Ttwence K Carmichael of goods donated each year requires lor of SCience They hav£> recently been trans- some imagmatlon - and a great needed by agencies Will be placed 111 Mrs. Mark C. Silva deal of perseverance the garage sale • • • ferred to Atlanta, Ga . where the Among Ferfls State • DtKouated Price. ou top ~c braa.: bridegroom IS employed by Wang nolly, of Boston, Mass William College students m. TaU. Top S~ed. Quaataa, "UiIOll. .• LaboratOries Anderson, of Seattle, Wash, Doug- When two commercial Ice cream • • .. 'r'Oo...... ,.., ...... eluded on the aca- It. l:'.:; ~~_, ...... _, ., Till:: tUI U1~1 MI::>::> i~h:Klllj~y, ~::>- ld:> 1\ LUl.I\~, UI n t:lIl1alll, 'u .. ",,,, , jJ;.:h ..h~~w\; ere b~"~~to r..!~:C(L:r~~ 1'.:achyear. LIl\L nows a numuer aemlc nonor:, lI::.l lOr .. - r- -.....-. . corted down the aisle by her twm and John S Wnght, of San Diego, mg IndiViduals to Needs m the Com' of fund ralsm~ projects to under- the spflng quarter, • DU'alD Beck Roo .. brother, Wilham F McKmley, a Calif, seated the guests mUnlty), the staff, through careful write ItS activltles and operatlOns 1983, were Erik C. research, found a need for them at student at Fuqua GrClduate School The mother of the bnde wore a LINC's operating budget must cover Moin, of the Park, 4 0, • Golf Apparel of Business, Duke Umverslty, Dur- street length dress of multi-pastel the Career Development Center a rent, telephones, msurance, office Robert McPherson. ham, N C, wore her mother's ribbon Silk The brldegroom's mo- vocatIOnal trade and techmcal supplies, postage, professional fees Paul A. Metzler and weddmg gown of Ivory peau de SOle ther's blue Silk chiffon dress was school which offers traming in the for an accountant and an attorney, Michael C. Radoiu. of accented WIth handmade Alencon styled With a lace bodICe and culmary arts, clerical and electrical eqUipment repair, dues and mem- The Woods lace, fashIOned with a tapered, self- sleeves Two orchids formed each work and nutntlon berships In professlOnal orgamza- scalloped torso and a cathedral mother's corsage hons and the sa lanes of one full- tram Speclai guests mcluded the The Career Development Center time and one part-hme employe, Her veil was ivory silk illusion. bride's maternal grandmother, also has an auditorium WhICh who handle the dally operations of White roses and baby's-breath Mrs Wilham H Wiechmann, of presents fund raising productions, the LINC office Comfortable 'Forecast formed her bouquet. Fort Lauderdale, Fla, and the such as talent shows and plays. The She was Attended by honor maid bridegroom's paternal grandmo- ice cream machmes are used at a Sources for operating funds In. Mariana Salazar, of New York CI- ther, Mrs. John D SIlva, of Staten theater concession stand, as an ad- elude grants from private organiza- ty, and bridesmaid Carolyn Gray, Island, NY ditional fund raiser tIOns, Friends of LINC and cor- for 'Fall. . . of The Farms. Their floor length Out-of-town guests also included porate fundmg - but the fund dresses of raspberry Ice silk moire the bridegroom's brother and sis- • • • raisers are very necessary to com- taffeta featured puffed sleeves and ter-In-law, Mr and 1\Irs John W pletely cover operatmg costs. bows at the shoulder They carried Silva Jr , of Concord, N H , and hIS Not many people have much use arrangements of pink Sweetheart brothers.Jn.law and Sisters, Mr for a 1970 school bus, with no seats In the past, these fund raIsers roses, baby's-breath and stephano- and Mrs. Scott D. Barror, of Ro- and in need of repalr. However, as have mcluded an Art and Hors tis. chester, N.H., and Mr and Mrs another example of LINC's deter. d'Oeuvres Party, a Night 10 Monte Best man was P Timothy Con- Paul R Cutler, of Beverly, Mass minatlon, volunteers managed to Carlo, polllSettia and trash bag sales Hooper Knits fmd a grateful recipient The Wayne and the LINC City Fair, a giant Metropolitan Community service rummage sale, now held in Grosse Agency wlll use the bus for its food Pointe, which has evolved into a nea 'BlouStS Mark Weitzel distribution program. market for antique dealers and ar- 'Blazers, Skirts, Slacks plus cccrJinating tisans. LINC appreciates the com- anJ Sweaters in new basic cclo,s. Sizes 4 to 18. to claim bride Wayne Metro is a commumty ac. munity's past support We look for- tlOn agency which a ttempts to ward to seeing our friends at the Mr and Mrs Corn!!lis C. alleviate conditions of poverty garage sale Sept 8. Geerken, of Concord, N C , are an- withm the county excluding DetrOIt, nouncmg the engagement of their which has its own service agencies. daughter, Eileen Margaret, to • • Wayne Metro includes a work ex- Along with unusual donations, Mark C. WeItzel, son of Mrs. Meta penence program, energy assis. C Weitzel and the late C Charles the LINC office also receives tance and mformation about energy unusual requests Currently, there Weitzel, of Harbor Court A late conservation. It currently maintains December wedding IS planned. is a need for an automatic page a volunteer network of 138 sites in turner for an mdlvldual suffering MISS Geerken, a semor at the the district; one site is 5t Ambrose from Lou Gehrig's dIsease, who has Umverslty of Michigan workmg to- in Grosse Pomte Park. ward a Bachelor of SCience degree lost the use of his hands. Another disabled person needs a rechning In Natural SCiences, Will be attend- Volunteers from each location Becky Jo Bentzen wheelchair. Please call if you can Jng IllinOIS College of Optometry pick up the food from the Wayne thiS fall Metro warehouse, then distribute help. Her fiance, a University Liggett from their own facilities Kay Farrar-Bentzen graduate, expects to receIVe a Valdez, manager of the agency's The most requested items during the summer are working refriger- July Independence Celebration Bachelor of Science degree In Busi. Commumty servIce Department, ators and canning jars. Agencies troth revealed ness from the Umverslty of Michi- explams that the school bus will be gan in December He IS currently have a constant need to help their Mr and Mrs. DonaldW. Bentzen, used fur emergencies, in the event clients process and store fOOdpro- employed by DetrOit Federal Sav- that a local dlstnbutlon site has a of Anita Avenue, have announced mgs & Loan duced 10 backyard gardens the engagement of their daughter, problem plckmg up the food. Wayne Metro would then transport the Becky Jo, to James L. Farrar Jr., boxes to the site On occasion, unex- LINC has been 10 a transltlon son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Far- pected donations occur; Wayne phase durmg the past month, chang- rar, of Naugatuck, Conn A mid. ing to its 1984-85 officers. In her fmal Plan to wed Metro would also use the bus to pICk September wedding is planned letter to the membership, Outgomg up food from donors. MISS Bentzen, a Grosse Pomte PreSident Erica Lindow expressed High School alumna, holds a in November her pleasure in the success of the Since October, Wayne Metro has Bachelor of Science degree from Mr and Mrs Wilham F past year "I enjoyed my year as Alma College, where she affiliated distnbuted over 10million pounds of Schroeder, of Whlttler Road, are food In addition to USDA com. president," she wrote, "and am ex- With Alpha Zeta Tau soronty and tremely appreclatlve of all the sup- announcing the engagement of modlttes, donations have come from with Beta Beta Beta bIOlogy port from members and the com. their daughter, Terese Mane, to private mdivlduals, corporations honorary, and a Master of Busmess Robert A Elsimmger Jr., son of such as the AAA Market Basket mUnlty" Administration degree from Anna Mr and Mrs Robert A Elslm- Program, the Boy Scouts of Maria College, Paxton, Mass. Lookmg ahead, Mary Matvlas, mger, of Canton A mid-November Amenca and the DetrOIt Chamber She is currently Production Con. weddmg IS planned LINC's new president, and all of the of Commerce trol Manager for Waters Asso- MISS Schroeder and her ftance new board hope Ulat people m. ciates, MJlford, Mass Her fiance IS terested III volunteer work Will con- are both Eastern Michigan Univer- EVidence of the ongomg need for National Technical Support Mana- SIty graduates She holds a Bache- food in the Wayne County area is a sider Operation LINC as It contmues ger, Acumeter Labs, Marlboro, lor of Science degree In Therapeu- servmg agencies 10 the Wayne hne of 5OO-plus people standmg III Mass He was graduated from tic Recreation, and ISa member of the hot sun at the recently opened County commumty Avon Old Farms Prep School, the National Recreation and Park Avon, Conn, and holds a Bachelor Lmcoln Park food dlstnbutlon site ASSOCiation The DetrOit Edison strike has • • of Arts degree from Bowdom Col- He holds a Bachelor of SC1ence created an addilional need for food LINC column space I!>prOVided lege, Brunswick, Me He IS a two- degree III PhySical EducatlOn, and dlstnbutlon assistance If anyone each month by the Grosse Pomte time 0975, 1976) All-AmerIcan IS a member of Alpha ~I~ma Phi can help, please call the LINC of- NEWS all a commumty service SWimmer fratermt) fice, 331-6700 OperatIOn LlNC needs your generous contnbutlOns and your • • time We are a non-profit, volunteer organization which helps numerous In addition to tenms balls, Ice Wayne ('ounty agencies and cream machmes and se

00 SUITS O"g 398 to 425 NOW 149 COATS Silks and Wools ,r Qng values 398 to 425 NOW 16900 BLOUSES 95 SUMMER DRESSES Orig 98 to 135 NOW 49 Sport'wear & acces'N"ow 500/0 0 FF

Mon -Sat. 'Ie 98 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe Farms 9:30.5:30 882.6230

I, ~ ~ Thursday. July 19, 1984 ,A:.:..1-_ GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~Four-8 :. Joan extends Another good season for Braille Volunteers Falthful supporters prOV1de fman- on the production of needed The Brallle Volunteers of Grosse texts for tugh school and college • cl&1 contrlbunons to cover these matenals "Wlthout ttus finanCIal comnntments Pomte and thelf guests celebrated students costs, freeIng the Volunteers from assistance," she emphasized. "our the end of another good se&&Oll in Ruth McNamara, the Volunteers' output would probably be much tradItl0nai fashlon, gathenng at the fund ralsmg tasks to devote them- ,to Red Cross presldent, reported that more than selves solely to braille transcnpt10n lower" Grosse POinte War MemorIal early 5,000 pages of braille had been A ne'Wclass In braille transcrip- Joan B. Warren, of The Farms, a In June for the Volunteers' 16th an- transcnbed by members durlllg the The Volunteers are deeply 10- hon is fOTITung and will meet week . . member of the natIonal board of nualluncheon past year, and several requests for debted to Mrs Earl Peeler, MISS ly at the Grosse POlOte War governors of the American Red Each year, the luncheon honors materlal are currently m the pro- Memorial, startmg ID September. Cross. has been elected chairman those from the prIor class who have Helms, Mr and Mrs George San- cess of belllg prepared toro, Mrs Sue Baumgartner, Mrs Anyone Wishing more mformation of the board's Blood servIces Com- been worlong- toward Certlhcation on thiS very challengmg, very re- _ mittee, the group responslble for by the LIbrary of Congress and The Volunteers prOVide their ser- Cathenne Glbbons and Preceptor v. Alpha Eta soronty for theU' support wardmg opportunity to help others ~ recommendatIons on pohcy, ad- those v.ho completed the Volun. vIce free of charge to mdl\'lduals IS mVlted to contact M.rs ministration and budget for the 57 teers 3D-week transcnptlOn class In and organlZa t10ns requestmg Thls ISespecIally appreclated, Mrs Mcl';amara stressed, Since lt McNamara at 881.9566 "You are ,Red Cross blood regions III the the current year The Mesdames material, but ever-mcreasmg costs needed," she says - and means It United States and Puerto RICO John Leonard, Frank Smith and of paper and bmdmg must be met enables the members to concentrate . The commlttee lS also respons- Jack Younke are among this group _ ible for policy makmg deciSions Members of the 1983-84 class are . regarding tissue and organ bank- ~llss Edlth Edv.ards, !\Irs VIVIan Professional women join to 'network' ing, a new servICe of the Red Cross Bayless, Mrs Harold Nobel, Mrs formatlOn at dmner meetings, m the metropohtan area busmess Mrs. Warren also has been elect- The Mlchlgan ProfessIOnal James ~elson, M1SS Grace SIm- Women's Net'Work IS a ne ....orgam- through a monthly newsletter commumty Long range plans in- ,ed to the ll.member Executl\'e mons, Mrs Robert Shugert and zabon, estabhshed In March of 1981 ("The Network ActIOn News") and clude stateWide afflhated net. . Committee of the board of gover. Joan \\ arren ~frs Dale Stelger who, Wlth MlSS by SIX metropolitan area bus mess by sponsormg semmars works, a VOlce m the pohtical nors and serves on the Flnance and when the Joan B \\ arren Scholar Ethel Osborne, asslsted Mrs John and profeSSIOnal women to recrUlt arena, f10ancIal support for women f't,...... t .... 'PAl"t."...." ('''",",Itt_ "I-"n F1\ni1 " I,\.hwh nrnvHif>' flmn, ...."....,'1.... "' l ..,.'t.,..,f'tt'hr.W"Il.., ...... 'l~t"".,.. Speakers at the monthly MPWN ....,.. \..1~ ~ ",...,-C" "" ,4 ,.,rI." ... -~r'-' -.--- _._.. -- Jo'",",""" 'Iltolo t"'- "'tI - "'-"'~"J _-- ...... >~..., ...... ;"....." ~ _...... - .... ~ .... The board of governors, highest amlual!v to send volunteers to lead- female leaders to share loeas, meetmgs cover tOPiCS rangmg 45 Volunteers and guests Skllls and expenence tional programs for women rismg 'body of the nahonal organizatIOn, ershIp tramlng conferences, was The program began, as always, from Improvmg bus mess relation. in busmess ranks, who are eager to Nancy Crayne, flrst MPWN pre- ships to mvestments, from taxes to formulates policlE!Sfor the develop- inItiated WIth an mvocahon, given by Mrs be pioneers In their fIelds ment and management of more Among her many other honors sldent, explains "The mam m- runmng for political office George Betzmg Special guests were terest of the MPWN membership IS Membership and meetmg infor- -. than 3,000 Red Cross chapters and for volunteer service IS a Heart at Harflet Helms, retired Chl1dren's MPWN looks forward to con. helping each other learn how to mation may be obtained by con- ,the 57 blood reglons Joan was Gold from the Umted Foundation Libranan at the Grosse Pomte solidatIng relatlOnshlps with other succeed We are learmng that we tacting President Russell at 851- : elected to a three-year term on the for outstandmg commumt) ser- Pubhc Library, and Lucy Papa, career-oriented organizations It can benefit from Joimng together" 9441 " board in 1982 vIce She was recenth honored as sIster of guest speaker Anne hopes to become a leader/educator .:-' She has been a Red Cross volun- the CF's Fund RaiSing Volunteer Lmda Russell, one of the anginal 'W"heatleywho talked, from personal SIXorgamzers and the group's cur- ;< ,teer at the Southeastern Mlchlgan of the Year She has also been experience, on the lffiportance of ('AMI .fiLL." r..Chapter for more than 25 years and honored by the Grosse Pomte rent presIdent, agrees' "Women braille material to the blind. are lOSIngtheir fear of handmg out LA \.\1" ~ \111 \.1£1 f.,f) _< member of the chapter's board of Board of Education a Mrs. Wheatley, a natlVe Detroiter a business card and saying, 'I can .~~,directors since 1957 She has served In addltlon to her extensive Red I. Net :91:'0 and a graduate of Mlchlgan's State do a good job for you' " II seerno' It} e only yes'erdsy 'I. in key chapter leadershtp roles, In Cross Involvement, Joan serves on School for the Blmd m Lansmg, is an Network members estabhsh lndl fire eJ'labluJ. ed l.~e company ,J' 1!r72, she led the fund dnve to ralse the boards of trustees of Children's active volunteer wlth varlOUS ~ $3.2 million for a new Red Cross HospItal of MIChigan, the Umted business contacts from diverse The CAt1PBLLLS contmue church groups working with the areas, provide support for dally Lampsnade3 newly made. cl~a!led. '. building. She served as chapter Foundation, the RehabllitatlOn In- mentally retarded. She enjoys NURSING ~. cball'llUln m1!r79 and 1980, the !lrst stitute, the DetrOlt HistOrical career concerns and share execu- and rl1slorrd 10 their onglnalbeau/y. listenmg to music and partlClpatI."lg sJkJ and shantungs and fabu{ou.s woman to hold thlS positlOn SocIety and the newh -formed tive/owner/entrepreneur know- HOME in vocal mUS1Cgroups, kmttmg com. how The orgamzation strives to Inmmznss ~ her term as chalrman, Communlty Foundation for phcated patterns, cookmg and :-- Joan again led the chapter's build- Southeastern Mlchlgan She IS an educate its members by sharmg In- 804S Lamps tepalred Dr your obleets bakmg ma.rie inlo aUraclrve lam os W/(h Shade elder of Grosse POInte Memorial • ing expansIOn program, ralsing She stressed the fact that brallle EAST JEFFERSOl\ de.nsned 10!z 1 (Ill; fan or Sophie' funds for an addition and remodel- Church G La lS an mvaluable tool for the bllDd, y 922 5510 ; ing of the Southeastern Mlchlgan Mrs Warren holds a Bachelor of reen to p DETROIT. MICH. servmg in a way cassettes and talk- or 'I.SIt 011' sludlOs- : Region Blood services facIl1hes Arts degree from Ohvet College mg books never can "It serves as Jeaffllfl!1l at D'" A SClmr: address since 1946 " Under her leadership, $3 6 million and a Masters degree from the my pencil and notepad for jotting NN ~/:I 821-3525 :- was successfully ralSed for the Uruverslty of MIchigan She and )32 GRA ND DOULEVARu, [ down shoppmg lIsts, phone numbers Trumpeter Russell Green will QUALITY • building program. her husband, Gerald, a semor vice- and reminders," she said. "I bring his qumtet to the Detroit In- NURSING CARE DrTRoIT She was honored in 1981 by the president at National Bank of couldn't get along WlthOut it." stitute of Arts' Jazz at the Institute • Soutbeastern Michigan Chapter for Detroit. are the parents of four She remmdedthe members of her senes for performances at 7 and • outstanding service in fund ~a16ing, children audlence that they could pick up any 9:30 pm. tomorrow, Fnday, July book or magazine that appeals to 20, in the DIA's air-conditioned in. them. "My chOlces are limited by door garden, Kresge Court Cottage trains for the future companson," she noted. "Brallle T1ckets at $6 per person are Private Duty Nursing Care • A group of ~ Pointe North at Cottage and the Cottage-Bel- helps expand those limIts." available in advance through the serving the Grosse Pointe. and South IliIh School students, moot Nursing Center Durmg the luncheon, a special DIA ticket office (832-2730 during coasideriDg . future careen in They work under the direction of Certificate of ApprecIation was regular business hours) and at the and the Tri..Counties : bealth care, are C\II'ftIltly enrolled Pat Gaskell, R.N , and Ann Diehl, awarded to Mrs William Gentz for door. Wme, beer, soft drmks and • in a five-week training session at R.N., members of Cottage's Edu. her 10 years of transcribmg over snacks are offered at small addi- :_ Cottage Hospital, receiving both cation Section, and will graduate 11,642 pages of braille: everything tional cost at all Jazz at the Insti- : cladroom and clinical experience as aides and orderlies with training from children's books to SpanlSh rute concerts, - useful both in an institutlonal setting ~Bo · d lub and for home care Jeffery Putnam, of Moving, Engaged, New Baby? . : D881 8tu Y C Some of their activities mclude The Woods, attended S. I · will t Jul 23 the usual work of a nurse's aide, the United States Getting settled Made Imp e Space camp at the Ala- New Town dilemmas fade after a WELCOME WAGON Private Homes, Hospitals or Nursing Homes \ N':sboWd be ~t to ~~~ :~"t~in~~"e~:: bama Space and call • 24 Hour Service. 7 Days a Week t the Bomai Keokyu Kai of Macomb are providmg direct patient care, Rocket Center 10 As WELCOME WAGON Representative It s my Jobto ~ (study club) meeting this Monday, and each student spends a day Huntsville. He is a stu- help you make the most of your new neighborhood • Full Time or Part Time Coverage dent at Parcells School Shopping Areas Community opportUnities SpeCial at- • July 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the East vieWing surgery In the operating tractions Lots of tiPS to save you time and money • Bonded and Insured • Detroit Community center on East room. .. " .. Plus a baskel of gifts for your family III be listening l • N'me Mile Road, nine blocks east of The students are KeVin Grosse POlnter lor your call By RN's, LPN's, Nurse Aides, and Live in Companions • Gratiot. Aardema, Debra Jeanette Addy, Laura Meyers IS a HILPFUL HINTS for Wedding. 8ftd En._ ... Visitors are welcome at the pro- Lynn Armbruster, Elizabeth Ann member of the Ferns ...... ts t_1 gram, which will feature a discus- Barton, Katherine Buccmna, Ste- State College Concert ~:sty~=.~~lthem-' ven Butala. Darby Dettlinger, Mi- ChOlr which per- 263.0580 _~ vles chele Gryzenia, Sandra Klers, formed throughout Ml- 1f(im1t~~o~ m Gfoos .. Pointe 1.M18 be chigan on Its annual I formatioD may obtained by con- Martha Kolojeski, Steven Kos- Community Professional Nursing Service spring tour May 3 and IL Ctatr 1M 881.2221 o taeting the club's secretary, Bar- tecke, Colleen MacDougall, Nancy N_ , ••••••. , • 822-G819 bara Forgiel, at 574-9662. Pillsbury and Susan Stroebe 4 I :... CC« ...... CC...CC ~NAIL CONNECTIO I ~I ! .~\: i ~• ~~ Qbn/u£ • ~ .... -:--- ,...,.. I =- ".. I ~• • e5tencilers' WORSHIP SERVICES i. &c:- • : • Specializing in walls, furniture and • Located In Grosse Pointe Woods t • floors. Classes a.nd all stenciling • N"w VIsions Of You Firat Engllah 21028 ~ack Ave GROSSE POINTE ; • supphes. In-home 'p~ies featuring • I Grosse POlnle Woods ~~~ Ev. Lutheran PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : country gift Items. . 884.0330 Church MEMORIAL CHURCH 19950 Mack Avenue ~... 725-4692 725.1727 ., Presbyterian .j 1111, ~ ~ Wedgewood Drive 10 a.m. Summer Worship ; ••••••••••••• Grosse POinte Woods Crib-ThddJer Care 884.5040 "THE MAlloi'WITH THE YOKE" 10:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP Church <,chool 9 10 a m Church'" orkshop 9 311a m Dr Wilham R. Philhppe Nursery and Children's Class Provided Pa..1F K.p"r. PI.lor 16 Lakeshore Drive 882-5330 w.. ~ __ y ... t' "lIlor Grosse Pomte Farms 24 HOURS COME GROW WITH l:S GROSSE POINTE St. James ! > Christ the King BAPTIST CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH Lutheran Church Lutheran Church 2133tl 'lacK A\ l'nlll' j ~ ~ 20331 IlIIKk. GPW "on The Hill" (,ronl' POint!' "ood~ '1r\1IIlAn AI Krrrhp\.1 61 Grosse POlnle Blvd 884-5090 II!H.O'ill '~~.~~ '."~ . , "1"*' SCMi\fER WORKSHIP - ~~j'- 'iunda~ 'ichoo! G a m SCHEDVLE Family VIoNhlp 9 d m .lul) 1Sept ,2 'iumml'r \\or ..hlp Schedule &1010am Sundavs 9 :lOa m Thursdays 7 30 P m PrinCIpal ~en Ice .lo,*,ph P Fabry Pa~tor Pr .... tor r ~or~c \1 'c hf"llC r 10 15a m Hol~ Euthanst Rite II i 1st .lrd & 5th) I'~.l"r nnh< rl , Rim!>" Edwdrd BrUning Vlulr :'I1ornmg Prayer I 2nd and 41h) '\ur ..er} care a\allable) Keep in Touch St. Paul Ev. Redeemer Other ServIces Hol} Euchanst v. Lutheran United 8 (10a m ~unda\ SUBSCRIBE TODAY . ~uIIln«dalt Puk American Baptist 2 YEARS EARTH (.rn.. " pgj~ ~OO'II. Chur~h $24 N ....ME AA4.4!\20 HARPER WOODS k (~ • rr 'ir. \ ~I,. ~.n't 3 YE.ARS SoTREET--- -- BAPTIST CHURCH 9 10" IT< Blhl,. <'l..d~ HI a m ....und .. \ S34 ...Ilr....r) A,'hlllr,le> ~ or"hlp ~rvlcr DIAL MEETING AT W '11'•• m (('no room a\unda~ <,c hool A 12 P M ~"n')ay SC~o{) '4l'1"1t(ja~ ~:\Jrh.ltlllt -- ST,o,TE -- - liP q )lJ II m T~da) "PRAYER" < 1 30 A W Sonaa, WO'8r, p '1 )I) ~ A\IlLY \\OR ....IIIP !l A \'I ST. MARK PRAYER Pa8lo' Char!M Wallor &... ( Ht RCH 1;)( I!OOL FlR">T "..ATl ftDA Y 2: 1.12 pr,one 68' 9113 Nl RSERY (ARE ~~E'll..tly r If 5-(0\ k Hul01f'(;n ),OOlllllfl; ~ or ~ r Ifndll/llP 882.SnO k~ Id(k ~ "l<'Ifo< SOUTHERN BAPTIST Dr Robert \\- Bok', and BI~ tearlllng~ CONVENTION Rev Jack MannltChreck

• I 1 Ptge FIveo8 Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS CAR, DAR & SAR Concert Band From Another Pointe renew Allegiance plays tonight Children of the American The Detroit Coacert Bod. Dr. Of View Revolution, Daughters of the Leonard B. Smith. mUlie diNetar, (Continued from Page IS) American Revolution and Sons of will give a free, ~tbe-pubUc the American Revolution gathered concert tonight, 1'6unday, July II, Lauder and Oscar de la Renta, are sending representatives. recently at the First Presbyterian at 7:30 ~ m. at the Graue Pointe T~ ~fternoon is a bargain at $12.50 per person general ad- Church of Detroit, oldest Protes- North High SChool Plaza. Imoteae mlSSlon - but for the best pavilion seats, we recommend tant church in the city, for the fifth Bird, soprano, and Earle L. benefactor ($50) or patron ($25) tickets. Reservation infor- celebration of the Pledge of Aile. Louder, euphoniumlSt, are fea- mation may be obtained by calling 377-3316. giance to the Umted States tured performers in a procram in- The program featured Dr Ken. c1udmg works by Sousa, Bizet and Fashions in Costume, on-the-Alsle neth V Kettle\\ ell. pastor of the Johann Strauss church, dressed III Ius seal'let kilt, The concert is male ~bje by relating the history of the phrase funds supplied by ColonlAl Federal The month after next, fashions are again III the spotlight "one nation under God 'It ofhcl, . Savmgs & Loan AssocaaUOO and at Meadow Brook, but not at Baldwin Pavilion. Meadow ly became part of the Pledge 01 momes supphed b)' the Record1DI Brook Theatre Guild will hold its annual Luncheon-on-the- Allegiance durmg the preSidency Compames of the Umted Statee ana Aisle at noon Friday, Sept. 28, and among the afternoon's of DWight D EISenho\H'r. but Canada through the MUlic Perlor- scheduled activities is a presentation by Mary Crum, onglllated III Lmcoln \ Gett) <;burg mdncc Trust Fund - a pubhc aer- costumer for the theatre on the campus. Address "One nahan under God IS vice organization created under the pledge that gUides us lllto the agreements wlth the American She will relate some of the trials and tricks of her trade: future" FederatIOn of MUSICians a very important one, for much of the glamour of theatre Patty Parker, state preSIdent 01 lies in its costuming. Guild members will model elegant ex- C!~__...... r ""'...-...... -...... 1.:,....1".C' .....~ C' lr. T the CAR. ~ave the responsl\ e MptronoHtan ROAe amples of the costumer's craft, from Meadow Brook t..:n.gJIIU va.tt.t.« "e~..l"O up O.J.~' readll1g Robert Lessa. of the :,AH, .. Theatre's wardrobe gave the greetmg Dorothy Brown, Society clinic date The fourth annual Sigma Gamma Association Fireworks Picnic of the DAR's LoUisa St Clalr Chap The Metropohtan Rose Society to benefit the Detroit Institute for Children drew a record cro\\d tel', read the sCripture lesson the Terence Kilburn, general director of the theatre (a Will hold Its summer rose chnic, ot more than 1,200 to the Stroh Bre\\ ery Company lawn Julv 2, in- 133rd Psalm Orgalllst was Joseph cultural program of Oakland University), wlll discuss the "Everythmg You Ever Wanted to cluding JONATHAN the CLOWN, flanked above bv BETSY' CUrs. Jackson opening play of Meadow Brook's 1984-85season, "Sherlock William H.) DANCE. president of the Institute's board of trustees, Know about Roses but Were AfraId Dmner followed. after \\ hlch Dr tt) Ask." thiS Sunday. July 22. from Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and William Gillette. at left, and BETH OIl'S. C. Ho\\ard II) CRANE. at right, \\ho co- Actors will perform scenes in rehearsaL Kettlewell led the group on a bus 1 30 to 5 P In at the Dearborn chaired the picnic \\ith Susan C\lr!il. Richard L.) :\leaselle. Also on tnp to Elmwood Cemetery. slop- HeIghts home of Bill Wtld \24108 hand to welcome guests to an evening of entertainment that in- . In addition to hearing about backstage details involved pmg at the graves 01 Le\\ ll> Casso Richardson I The program is free cluded a jazz band, break dancers, kiddie rides, clowns and first governor of :\hchlgan. and open to the public A staff 01 m produ~i~g a play, the audience will enjoy a hearty English mimes, in addition to a spectacular vie\\ of the Freedom Festival Charles Larned. dlde de camp to Consulttng Hosarlans wlll be 012 lunch, slml1ar to High Tea, at high noon. Admission is $13 Fireworks, was Barrie C\lrs. David K.l FitzSimons, Sigma Gam- George Washmglull, and George hand to answer questIons on rOle per ~rson, including lunch, with a discount for groups of ma Association president. Duffield, who \Hote the hymn growmg. fertiliZing, sprayinJ, 25or more. All seats are reserved. Deadline for reservations "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jeslls" III growmg roses from cuttings .... in is Sept. 15. The numbers to call for tickets or information honor of a fnend who dIed after hiS shon. "Everythmg You Ever are 377-3316and 375-9248. Pointers play at Blue Lake robe was caught 111 a corn picker Wanted to Know about Roses .. And at , It's Art Time Among local students who at- daughter of Mr and Mrs John tended Blue Lake Fme Arts Camp Ross. Is Your Student Reaching Academic Potential? Before we leave the Meadow Brook complex, we'd like during Its first summer seSS1On, Band majors mcluded Alexander Is there a loss of self-esteem and confidence? to report on one more activity taking place there in the near which ran June 26 through July 8, Lltteli, son of Mr and Mrs Michael Where do you go? What do you do? future. Art at Meadow Brook, the eighth annual invitational were Orchestra majors Jeannette LIttell, Doug Tobbe, son of Gerald exhibit and sale of fine arts and crafts, will run from 10a.m. Gillenklrk, daughter of Jacqueline Tobbe; Michael SChrage, son of the WHEN YOUR STUDENT NEEDS HELP to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 18 and 19, at Meadow Gillenklrk, Heldl Kvale, daughter Richard SChrages: SCott Clem, son • Our Professional staff offers a successful Brook Hall on Oakland's East Campus. of Mr and Mrs Paul Kvale, Shan- of Karen Clein; Roxanne Varzl, educational plan, K-Adult non May, daughter of Mr and Mrs daughter of the Massoud Varzis; Patrick May; and Heather Ross. Dunrie Greiling. daughter of Fran. • Individualized prescriptive tutoring In an Booths and works of over 100artists from Michigan, Ohio, z!ska Greiling; Jennifer Cruthis, Illinois and New York will line the circle drive and court- academic envIronment daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James • Learning disabilites-Special education yard of the l{)Q-room Tudor mansion, home of the late Cruthis; Celia Calista, daughter of Matilda Dodge Wilson, now operated as a cultural and con- Make Phase I the Feliciano Collstas; Kristin Bar- • Specialized Program for K-4 ference center of Oakland University. Media ranges from bour, daughter of the David Bar- listening skills, readina and math fiber and quilting to hard and soft sculpture, photography, bowling date bours; David Morinelli, son of the painting and glass. Phase I, the organization for Dominic Morinellis; Dino Markus, GROSSE POINTE LEARNINCi CEIfI"EII single, young adults, ages 2(} son of Mary Markus; Brian Wilson, • Psychotherapy son of the J. Roland Wilsons; • Educational Services Admission to the exhibit sponsored by the Creative Coun- through 39, which suspends regular • Hypnotherapy • Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist cil, founded at Meadow Brook in 1968 to encourage and in- Sunday evening program meetings Michael Metz, son of Mr. and Mrs. at Grosse Pointe MemOrial Church GAlien Metz; BradIord VanTlem, 343-0838 63 Kerch.vlIl Grone PM. Fe,..., III form women in art, is free. Refreshments will be available son of the Phillip VanTiems. and outdoors, and the Hall's Tea Room will be open for those each summer, has a bowling date for 7 p.m next Thursday, July 26, Jonathan York, son of the Steven attending the show. Yorks. at Lake Shore Lanes, 13 Mile Road THE STYLISTS AT \ Joseph. Mario • Patti and J eCferson Avenue. On-time ar- Jenmfer Hage, daughter of Rosemary Hage, and Genevieve JOSEPH'S OF ~ Tommy. Joan • Marclo Back to The Pointe: A Special Request rival is necessary to keep the lanes GROSSE POINTE " reserved Cor the group Dwaihy, dau~hter of the John FEATURE THE ~ ~ Joanne • Debb1e • Tom Back home again, in The Pointe, we've received a request ' Dwalhys. majored In Theatre at LATEST ~. Nino • Renate • Alleene from the Michigan Cancer Foundation to publicize the fact the camp, located 15 miles north of HAIRSTYLES _.~ ,...... \ Marllna that MCF is without branch office space here and has a First Society Muskegon in the Manistee National great need to re-establish its services to Pointe area patients. Forest It is one of the largest sum- .~ .~ Lindo Complete mer schools of the arts In the .,. NOli service "Our closest local office is in Warren, difficult to reach raises funds Umted States, WIth nearly 8,000 Porcelain Nalls for many patients," says KarenAnne Kopeikin Berry, Proceeds from The First Society students enrolling each year 10 one and Pedicures MCF's Community Relations chairman. "A DetrOIt-East of DetrOIt's June 10 beneflt at the or more programs Branch would provide a convenient location for storage and Blrmmgham Country Club, m the The fIrst two-week summer ses- .e amount of $3,500. were presented on sion is prlmarily for jumor high ~ ' distribution of dressmgs, medIcal supplies and small loan 2Q school students who choose one .. June to the F .A.R Conserva tory. closet equipment (walkers, commodes, wheelchairs, quad a gymnastic, art and mUSlCschool major activIty' Art. Band, ChOIr, ~ canes, etcJ for cancer patIents for phySically and emotIOnally Dance, Jazz, Orchestra, Plano or handicapped chIldren. Approx- Theatre Electives. recreation and Joseph's of Grosse Pointe NEXXUS "It would also provide storage for cellulose used by sew- Imately 350 persons attended the tradltlonal camp acti vllles com- 20951 Mock Avenue • Grosse PoInte HAIR CENTER ing groups as well as storage for the dressmgs they prod- socIety's quarterly beneht plete the students' daily schedule 882.2240 OR 882"2238 uce, and it would provide a local area for processing memorial contributions and greeting card sales." The MCF would provide its own telephone, but office space must be donated. "Our budget does not allow for rent for a branch offIce," Ms. Berr>, explains. "A first floor of- fice would be the most convement for our patients and our sewmg groups The only delivery to such an office, other than our own to transport supplies, would be a truck dehvery REVERSE of cellulose (used to make cancer pads) about once every other month" The offlce needs are: about 300 square feet of space; ac- STRIPESJ

cess to rest rooms; parkmg for both volunteers and patients. CONvERT 10 a lOW The ofhce would operate three days a week, on Monday, VOl I age Go' elfin GIO yardll~"1 now Wednesday and Friday, from 10 a m to 4 p.m MCF car- • C05' ~ 0'''' a!Xl vi rles habihty msurance covering each of Its Service Centers 90l a r""'lo'",lh 10 'un • "'1",lr$ tsed 0"\ a' and branches .105'- rll~I

  • Violet Oi slJgar plum If vou can't bf>therp \0 ('an', Profefisional WIH) wrllte Sizes 4 to 6); \1f>dJ('al Service!'! is the next bf'st thing. UClml' ( arf' 'ursInI( f'rl\ all' BUI\ 'ur\lnll Ilnmf'mdklnli: "'l'r\ 11'1''' rr I'd (d" hl'll' \ OIl ...llto }(Iur rTlll1l( ,11ur p('r~on,,1 ("re lJil d ~{' (d II

    -4- 343~4357 .ftp M S I'ro!f'!o\ll1nlt I '\o1ed I( Iii Sf'n 1f'I" ZOOtl1Ivlll Rd llarPf'r ~ooch. \1'1 4!lU'. MIII,.I.d Will; 51 ~I Jo,~r H(,.p".1

    Till'. PROf- E~MO~ALS ~HIO ( ARE w. w.lcom. J.cob,on', Ch.rge Clrd or Th. Am.ricln bpr •• ,' Cn.

    Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 P rTI We Will validate your ~l1ung tICket. Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS



    199i'OXORTO:,\ COt.:RT - OPE~ SlJ~"'DA Y 2.5- 581FISHER - L \IQlE OPPORTl.\IT\ - Ttus 884-6200 PRICE REDt.:CED - Immaculate Coloma I ....lth J bt:.droom 2 _ QUseP01nte (. it: \\ ,th large faIml~ room and ~P.\CE TraditIOnal 3 bedroom, 1 2 bath custom bath French Colomal on large lot Features fami- and more a reall"tlc. pnce ' bwlt Colomal ....lth SPACE In front, back and ly room and library, cent alf, sprmkler system LOC-HIO:,\ PRICE FE.\Tl RES at the SideS of the 60 ft wide lot Also, extra and IS mcely landscaped Excellent home for Fieet\\ood $ 71,900 SImple a"sumptlO!1 mCltga~e updated kitchen fam rm SpaCIO~ screened terracE.' and upper deck Up- entertammg and family hYing Sho ....n by LexlIlgton 87900 \'en appeahng ....ell bUllt hO'1le rec rm \\ ...et bar da led kItchen wlt.hduung room & fee room Stove, appomtment Lakepomte 58 900-64 900 3 Bnd., Income propertIes II. all un'ts OCCUpIed sep utll refngerator, all wlOdo....treatments & carpetlOg Huntmgton 118,000 4'l1~ A nev. kltcnen, Drlght Flando. rm den \\ \\ et bar &. more Included $89,900 WedgeYiood 159,900 :> 21~ Custom bUIll Coloma I !dchen ~\ olt inS ldm !m '" f1repla(e V,lllther 115,000 311l~_1: Charm ana character Paneled hbran LentrallllI and more PARK WhJtuer 118,500 4 212 Great famll~ home' F:;mll\ rm '" t 'fE'place terrlhc floor plan BERKSHIRE _4 bedroom, 3'2 bath Tudor m pnme area Large rooms, rear service stairs and ....ood 54,000 4/2 Brick Tudor large room" natural fireplace Call for detaIls ~o~tJngham .... __ ...... I. .t r ~ .. __ ~ ~ _ tiN'k Mueh more for family enjoyment . , , • ~o .~~\ .. ~'" ....."""'",,nn ""~\"'I\)u.,:, oJ.,} J..lIt.lllr,.-A. a..J Vl.U\. \'\ ~\.-~ U"J.JJ.~"~':> ~u '-v .... ."ell J..J.;:',:1VV .,{~ BISHOP - Very Impressive 6 bedroom, JI2 batn \"OlOmclly,1111d III L4HIl"U," W ...... ~ ••••• ~ ._-~._- -c> 0 \\ oodbndge 76,900 2/2'2 AttractJ.' e condo gooa ~17ea f"'MIl: room and patIO pool screened terrace + patlO and gas gnll Perfect for your entf"rtammg and great family hvmg Kenmore 58,900 211 Charmtng bungalo\, ,n pnl1'e \\ oods locatIOn Call for detaIls Call for details' d VenuerRoad 102,000 3/11-:; For sale or lease'" optIOn Colomal \\ central air LAKEPOlto.'T . INCOME LIve m the lower umt and enJoy hvmg room wlnat fireplace, mmg room, ClaJr,'lelll Ct E 106,000 3/112 Immaculate &. SpaCIOUS,updated kItchen &. more modem kItchen, a bedroom sUlte plUSanother bedroom Supplement your pa}ment by rentlOg upper S Duval 183,000 4/2', O.JStom bwlt Colomal tam rm v. ....et bar central .. Ir umt Many Improvements. call for detaIls I CITY CADIEUX _Short ",alk to Village from thIS 2 bedroom ranch Features vestibule, lIvmg rm w/nat fireplace, Youngblood dlrung rm kitchen (no v. floor), cent air, 2 car garage .. RIVARD. Ne'lloEngland 4 bedroom Coloma I WIth updated kitchen and .'top of the Ime apphances m- FIRST OFFERING - HARPER WOODS - Im- RcaUW1nc. c1udlng Side by Side Amana refngerator, family rm , newly carpeted and pamted thru-out Great maculate 2 bedroom Bungalow Call for all financmg' Owner anxious' Only $85,900 detatls' SHORES 1 DUVAL _ Quality constructIOn, pnme locatIOn, fast occupancy 4 bedrooms, 2 '2 baths, formal dlrung: kttehen complete wlblt-m apphanees all for fme fanuly hVIng and attracbvely pnced Call to see today OTHER AREAS BENJAMIN Canal property 3 bedrooms dov.n - studio apartment on 2nd floor l LOUISE - 3 bedroom ranch With Flonda rm , modern kItchen close to lake" dehghtful ~~C\\~£r RAUSCH - Tn-level 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen w/pantry move-m conditIOn )im £aro:Q Inc.. ST CLAIR, MICH .'Exceptlonal condo, fantasl.1c amemhes, 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths Located nght on 17108 MACK the 5t ClaIr RIver For Sale or Lease 886-9030 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 53 Hawthorne - Move mto tlus 3 bedroom, 11'2 bath SHORES bungalow m time for new school term Has hbrary, modem kitchen w/eatmg space Immaculate At.tractlve terms 446Lexington _Tastefully decorated, lotchen w/eatmg area and appliances, new famIly rm , formal dm- mg 2 bedrooms 11'2 baths beautiful landscapmg and great locahon. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1151 S Renaud - Lac'ahon and ~t.tract1Veness are key features Large 2 bedroom center entrance ranch 1323 KENSINGTON plus den, FlOrida rm , large modern kItchen, 2"':!car attached garage Many extras and tastefully decorated 2 natural fIreplaces, SpaCIOUSfamlly room, \Htn 1750 Venuer, Apt 24. Except.lonal CONDO 1 bedroom. Ill! baths Sharp modern kItchen With all ap- sky hghts and shdlng glass doors, leadmg to a pliances large rooms mcludIng l1vmg rm (dlrung end) plus covered carport and pool beautiful bnck patIO .6Jso, Imme

    1334BUCKINGH.Ui - Great 3 bedroom, 21'2 bath Tudor, stone carved fireplace, family room, fl11lshed OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 basement WIth wet bar. beautiful built-In pool, L/C $45-50 000 do ....n' Only ~145,OOO 50 N DEEPLANDS - Custom bUIlt Colorual m one of the Shores' mcest areas Great famIly home With 15231WLl'oIDMll..LPOINTE - Gorgeous 5 bedroom EnglJsh Tudor, bUIll ....Ith old world qualJty but With all the amerutles that the dlscnmmatmg buyer would desrre modern day featW"es such as central alr, fImshed recreatIOn room 2 natural Ups 412 baths $239,000' 70 LAKESHORE - LIVing on the water With an acre and a balf of property makes you feel you're hvmg SHOWN 'BY "AFPOINTMENT up North Eng1Jsh country house With beautiful panehng and plenty of hVlDg space 19259LINVILLE - SUperb 3 bedroom Colorual, featunng Parquet floor m famtly room, 112 baths, 2 natural BY APPOINTMENT ... fu-eplaces, master bedroom 23 x 13, assume LIC \\')th 5 years remal11ll'lgonly $81,000 Owners anxJous' , FIRST OFFERING GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Best price m Grosse Pomte \\ oods Where can you by a 3 bedroom tn- 4.23 HILLCREST - Attracbve story and a hali m the Farms Beautifully decorated and mamtamed three level WIth 2lh baths, fanuly room, covered patIO, basement and 2 car garage m mmt conditIOn for bedroom, family room, newer kItchen, dmmg room. Assumable mortgage $'IJ9,OOO??can to find out where Notre Dame - Great "City" locatlon Attractive wood and shIngle bungalow, three bedrooms, large hv- 1757ALINE - 2 natural fireplaces m thIS beautIful 3 bedroom bnck ranch, full basement, 2 car garage Ing room, duung room and Mutschler kItchen WIth breakfast nook Under $70,000 ExceptIOnal value at only $73,900 Nme room Enghsh Tudor condo ill lovely landscaped settmg With Its own private fenced patiO Land Con- 1689BROADSTONE - A sleeper I , 4 bedroom Colol1lallocated on tree lmed Grosse Pomte Woods street Attached garage, ~ bedroom floor expansIOn, extra lot - reduced to $94,900" tract terms - Rent With optIOn to buy.

    41 LOCHMooR - A nl...... offenng on thIs Grosse Pomte Shores contemporary Fabulous grounds, 5 Comfortable condo ill the City, SpaC10USlIvmg room, dining room, good kltchen,large master bedroom, bedrooms, 41'2 baths, '>erv'lce statrs, attached. garage, alarm system Call for numerous features' 3 more bedrooms, 3 baths, atbc storage

    728 CA.vrERBURY COURT - Bw1t In pool and fabulous patiO area are Just a fe\li of the features ill thJs Perfectly mamtamed, beautIfully located house With VIews of the lake, family room, hbrary, modern bouse made for entertailhng 4 bedrooms, 212 baths, hbral) famll) room and finished recreatIOn kitchen, mam floor laundry, master sUite WIth lots of closets, three more bedrooms, beautiful room all make thIS house a cI:ream come true' , bathrooms, secluded wlldflower garden 21450 LI'M'LESTONE - Harper Woods next to Grosse Pomte spaclOus and comfortable brick ranch, 2 bedrooms,large fanuly room, modern klt.::ben central air eas~ hvmg' $68,500' ClaSSICColomal In the beart of the Farms, high ceilmgs, exceptIOnal detall, lIvmg room, hbrary, dlmng room Y.'lthbay, garden room overlooking terrace and secluded pool, master suite and enough bedrooms for a famIly Well bUilt EnglISh - big fooms, new furnace, all new upstairs carpetmg, on a very deSirable street m the Farms Great family home between Kercheval and Grosse POInte Blvd convement to schools, shoppmg and HOT SUMMER SPECIALS' transportatIOn 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs plus garden room and bbrary Circular drJVe KEEP COOL IN THESE A(R'-CONDITIONED OFFERINGS! BEDFORD - AIr coodIooned, beautlfuJ shade trees and bacl,,) ani ~l ;!>"the perfect tOmbmatlOIl to soothe PEMBERTON - Center hall Colomal V.lth 3 bedroms, 2' 2 baths, bbral') Flonda room, updated kitchen the sIZZle m tIus super 3 bedroom Semi-Ranch \lilth eatmg space, central aIr, alarm system and a great ~ard BEDFORD - Cool breezes from the lake, a lovely park In jour o....ro back,ard add to the pleasure of ttus beaUl1ful4 bedroom Colomal Rrv ARD - Three bedroom Colomal, hvmg room, formal dJmng room, updated kItchen WIth breakfast area BERKSHIRE - Comfortable 6 bedroom Amencan ({llomal ....Ith large faml]) room and enclosed brli'ez 1 way EnJOY pnvate plCD1CSIn your large) ard eqUIpped \\ Ith double gas grill Custom built In 1978, 4 bedrooms, 2 , baths den and family room Convement Farms locatIOn PE>\R TREE - Further pnce reduction makes thIS cool Ranch a hot number for a SlJ111mermove ~ bedrooms, 2 baths, family room SpaCIOUS home m the Park With loads of charm Three bedrooms up and t\liO dO\lin OWNER TIJORNTREE - Breeze through soarlOg temperatures In thiS spac10us '5eml Ranch Large fIrst floor TRANSFERRED master bedroom suIte Wlth deluxe full bath 1 WESTCHESTER - Sunshme all year round In thiS Immaculatt- room} 3 b<'droom 2 bath Colomal A.t A well mamtalned four bedroom home on Putnam Place features 4 bedrooms, 2 '2 baths, first floor utlh- tractive study plus [amlly room Large fenced :ard ty room BeautIfully landscaped Grosse POinte Shores for the active family' Beautifully eqUIpped kitchen famIly room overlooks a screened NEW OFFERING porch, 42 foot pool and pool house Other features mclude a paneled hbrary greenhouse and SpaCIOW. GROSSE POINTE PARK bedrooms and baths EXqUISIte Engllsh Cotswold cottage attractively nested mto a'-'full) land.<,UJpedgarden.<, Tasteful Lovely nelghbtJrhood convcment to schools and shoppmg - very sharp 1'2 story home on Falrholme In furmshmgs enhance the lovely mtenor ntghhghted by hdnd"ome p.lrqueted floors charmmg Gros~ Pmntc Woods Please call for detaIls screened porch delightful nook" and alcoves T....0 fldl b"th- awl four bedrooms or threE' ....Ith optional family room Contemporary ranch h"mg BeautIful wstom bUIlt home Four hedrooms 31, baths family room, den, exceptional kitchen, first floor laundry, well deSigned entertamment area III basement With bar and GOOD TERMS OFFEREDI full kitchen 'I,OTTI '1,& HA'" - 1..0", Prlcto on a good bu~ 5 'OTHJ- TJ ,'\n - !Jon trill.,., d gredt opporlum bt-droorns modern klt{:ben large In lIlg room I: on 1hl' tharm,ng 4 bedroom Engh"h cot FIrst fioor ma~ter bedroom famll) room hbrar~ or fourth bedroom er.clo!>ed terrdce are Just 'lome of doy,.1'llltalrsand sltt.mg room up Immaculate td~! I ,edmom E.ngh~h ASSuMABLE LA1\;n CO'\TRACT - (Jrosse Pomte Shore~ Flr,t fhor master bedroom two bedroom!> 2-Famlly ....Ith extra 2BR SUite on 1rd floor 3 1 udr'f ....I.h all th( ae ('ountremenL- 13ramed up large updated kitchen and breakfast area faml!~ room and beaultful detail throughout BR 2 baths &< hbral) In 1st floor hUlte 3 BR (('llmg, j(,\eJ~ fin'pla( (.., \,c ....klt(hen ney, 2 baths In upper Plus !>Ide lot d! (or Exceptionally wr.1l mamtamed ranch ..,t~le home featuring 'llarge hedroom<;, breakfast room paneled BERKSHiRE - SpaCIOU!>5 bedroom 2', bath \1 \In I \" U - tJ> (([I!'rt ,nlOm( properl~ In family room \\ lth fIreplace and central air bnck Colomal urtdn $lIO,ooo Den and famll~ greclt ('Jndlt:OI, \pv" roof and ~ldlnl''' Offer I) room Features leaded glas<; and pe\\atllc lrll': Land ( nnlr,H't [('rm., 2 tlf'droom, In each BARRI'I,GTO!\ - C1Iarmmg !'':nghsh Tudor offt'r" 3 large bedrooms J l bath" formal dlllrng room and tile deep) ard unJi den rn 000 KE' 'IORf: - C'heerful '~bt-droom l ,b"th (,{)) 'OTTI'(,II \ \1- [{Wi"'\ ~ j , TPiI\ In mml(ondl c omal Lastefull) decorau' \\I'll maintained dltlon DlnlOg room has bullt In corner flr"plo(!." PrJmr n'nt;" t floor master ,ulte fam'l, room tn~round pool gret'nhou"e, four se cond floor t>edroom~ remodE']eo kltthen gue<,t apartment ...-----OPEN HOUSES 2-5-----,

    23ft '\ic'\iILL\' - :H~H.J • h"th' (,rrh~' f'(IIn'r r "rm' i36 BtJHt Of{() - 4RR 2 l h"tfl" (,r(l~~f f'oHit( I'"r~ THOROlJGH COVERAGE OF 647 ~E!ilT(,Hl:STF:R - ",BH 2 bath~ (.r()'~r P'),n!' t'drk GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES Ab(f Bo)f'! ,-c.hulte!> ( 'fl' 'l,d j\"rv. In \tldlf'''' drd A HOUSE CALL ( borll" Troy, hrrdge Peggy Hume 7'0 NOTRE DAME 885.7000 Page Seven-8 I Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE,OINTE NEWS

    S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE M"""""'- Grosse Pomte Woods SUPER OFFERING-949 BAL- \.\-l1en )OU h,t lour home \\>Ith 1517 HOLl.YWooD - Beautiful [E:-"IUR\ 21 LOCHMOOR we face brick Colomal mG P Woods LANTYNE OUTSTANDING 4 g,~,~~" ;l!!e4~ place a pldwe ('r jour re.>ldellce :'Ilewer roof aluminum trim, fin bedroom 2 5 bath center entrance Colomal In a beauhfulloc of G P ((1/(/ In the Macomb M L S book as \\>1'11 b.lsement and m ImmedIate move- "n 1lf'rf~.....(llf,." f'rif'lu/." lff' U(H/f'" 886-8710 Shores Convement floor plan, 1st as In tile Gru"C POinte E.\change In condition Call for details Floor LaWldry, marvelous kItchen book You l an dot. ole your home" & much more Great t>lmple BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ('XDO,lire hI llstlrlg It \\Ith us' assumptIOn Land Contract Tenns

    Sl PERB I\CO\IE 1-1258 ::\lARYL-\ \D-PosltI\ e cdsh flo" "hen) ou assume the outstanding balance on Ihl" G P Park 1\10 famll) Income Completel) updated & redecorated Call for details'

    42 ~ on \1.. ::'Pl.E;,\OID 4 bedroom. 3 J baths Cape Cod Colomal "lth famtl) room, hbrary. Jenn AIr i::.land &. II hlrlpool In ma::.ter bedroom Excellent Land Contract Terms I ,

    \ICE OFFERING-1265 BISHOP-Elegant center entrance Coloma I10 a qUiet locatIOn of The Park J bedrooms 1 5 baths large kitchen formal !l\'lng room and dmlllg room Recently Reduced

    CH-\Rl\ll\G BU\GALOW-20932 \ ERNIER ThiS one o"ner home IS In move In condition, 3 good size ,~ l...,nrnnm ... 1 h:Jlh Gro<;<;e Pte schools & attracllvel~ finished basement, central all' ~~',"",T'""" , ...... ''r'rl ~~", l~,rl T"",",,,,,,., .. <:'t~.,... """U"11P"" I<<;'l (,I\NTJ.'HRlIRY - Imml'dlilte lXll>M.'""IOIlno ..:>.ll't..l...., .... .i. ,"~" ...... o..J,. ,. &...... "".1""" ..... - ...... --- mam hall entry I~ an lIltroduetlOn to till!> elegant- pallltlllg 01' rt'lth flr::.t floor I.IUII located In G P Shores thiS 7 bedroom and 5' ~ bathrooms reSidence IS perfect for the large famIly desirability. a t~ 0 bedl oom carnage house over dr) 2' J baths For the connol:>t>eur ,I hr'lOd nt'11 a four Clil garage Presentl) bemg rented at kitchen wllh ccrdmlC tile floor. :'Ill'" rool lIel\ ATTR A.CTI\'E RESIDENCE-1470 TORREY -SPACIOUS SemI-Ranch 111 an excellent location of G P $375 ()() Other featuret> mclude 7 bedrooms, plus gdrage door large ::'Itlmg room of[ the m, five bedrooms In total 3 full baths and one half bath Family room Central all'

    2014 Vermer Rd - Duplex Each Side Identical Two bedrooms, family room, b.1!Wment Sepal ale garage'S PURDY and STRONGMAN ASSOCIATES and utlhtles SUpel area Cor the 11l1'e!>tor Stove and refrigerator mcluded 16840 KERCHEVAL "IN-THE-VILLAGE" 23306 S COLONIAL CT - SI Clair Shores, bordermg Grosse Pomte Woods SpaCIOUS four bedroom Col. 881-0800 omal on a qUIet cul-de.sac court 21" baths FamIly room apphance:, Included BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 WILLOW TREE - Tucked a\lray on II qUiet cul- VAN ANTWERP - NOTIIlNG TO DO BUT de-sac I 4 bedroom Colomal, 21~ baths, flrsl MOVE IN' Pride of owncnohlp IS ohnou., III 675 RIVARD - Don't miss thIS outstandmg this very charming bungalow 1\10 bedrooms English Tudor Features 3 bedrooms. famIly floor laundry, family room, kitchen updated 6 years ago Custom bUIlt for present owner with expansion area Flmshed ba!>enJent Roof room, lovely screened terrace and (1l11shed base- 4 years old, ment with recreation room The roof, storms and In 1964 screens, dnveway and hVlng room carpetmg are LAKESHORE - Grosse POinte Shores A SUNNING DALE - Center enlrance 5 bedroom all new The kitchen ISupdated Move In condltlon beautiful view of the lake ISoffered In thiS well Colonial Flonda room. hbrllr). rlresslllg room cared for Colomal Master bedroom on fIrst and fireplace In master bedroom Large 101 or second floor FamIly room 5 bedrooms In I50X 195/200 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT total Sharp decor through out ('all for more TWO SPACIOUS BEDROOMS FOR OPEJIemcnt. 112 ear ed air heat Move 111 condition garage Pl'lced under $50,()()(1 PRIVATE ENTRANCE OFF MASTER BEDROOM makes thIS four bedroom ranch extremely dellrable House has a full bath, plus two half baths ThE' 14' X 22' family room has a fireplace and the base. Harper Woods Ranch 2 Bedrm Family Room Great starter home 112 car !lllrage ment IS flmshed. complete WIth recreation room Harper Woods Condo 2 Bdrm ProfE'sslOnally decorated Appliances mcluded LAND CONTRACT POSSIBLE on thIS well mamtamed Bungalow Just everything has been done 1bere's Harper Woods Condo 1 Bedrm Super location Large hvmg room. Washer &I Dryer facilitles a hmshed basement With recreation room and office The second floor has large bedroom and slUmg room The first floor has two bedrooms and modern kitchen All carpet1l1g and custom made drapes are Included Call for exciting details ANOTHER :'\ICE BUNGALOW With 2 bedrooms do"n and 13' x 25' bedroom up House has new roof and all \\ Indo" s have Pol) -Guard The kitchen floor has been replaced and there's a recreation room Much more here ~Edgar 6~ William J. Champion & Company 11-4KERCHEVAL 886-6010


    OPEN SUNDAY.2 00 TO 500 - BEST BUY ON FIRST OFFERING - IF WHERE YOU LIVE IS THE MARKET - STOP BY 710 RIVARD to see Uus IMPORT A\'T. thiS mVltmg New England Colomal quamt EnglISh cottage 11lere are three bedrooms, on Lincoln Road offers the perfect blend of Size, updated kitchen, wood deck overlooking deep lot ~t) Ie location and economy ThIS handsome house and GREAT TERMS' Land contract or has tpree bedrooms three full baths den, kItchen assumable mortgage ImmedIate occupancy Charming 4 bedroom English m the Farms Im- o HAS BEEN REC NTl.Y , . II avaIlable Priced m the 70's Ith eating area charmmg covered terrace ad- maculately cared for, fCJturmg new kitchen wilh jatent to the formal dmmg room, walk-Up attiC, DATED Very altrllct!., cl\ decordled "' breakfat>t room, ne~ roof and gutterll Lovely Bedroom!>, 21~ bathlliind II l garalle One of three fireplaces mcludmg one m the master car scr~ned porch ovcrlookmg hrtck pallo the mO!ot det>Jrllble Wllts III complex bedroom and much more OPEN SUl'\OA Y-2 00 TO 5 00 - 807 PEMBER. TON - SIMPLY OUTSTANDING three OPE\ ~L '\ DA Y 2 ()(J TO 5 OIl - 1030 Al'\ITA bedroom, 21"2 bath center entrance Colomal PRICE REDUCED :llAKE LIFE EASIER m thiS beautiful mam- With a large famIly room, separate breakfast tamed three bearoom brick ranch With den, room, rich natural woodwork. copper plumb- modern kitchen "llh eallng area, alummum Ing newer effiCient furnace and central aIr tnm central air attached 2 car garage, newer ()v,'ners Will consIder land contract terms furna<.e and roof 10\\1 heat bills and lovely new de<.or' All thiS for on I) $8'l/IOO NOW THIS IS A CONDO' This mcel)' decorated VOL LL BE PIWLD TO PI. \ Y HOST m thiS four bedroom, t....0 and one ha If bath town. hdnd,ome!1 decoral(>(J three bedroom thre<' house offers a modem kitchen. neower furnace, dnd one hdlf bath Colomal m the !,'arm!> convement location In the City, 10..... Perfect for the empt~ nest('r thl::' 101eiy hou!>e maultenance f~ and super ma:.ter bedroom offel' d :>unn, faml!; room \\ Ith adjacent ('JJ~"I(, .,1<1.. f'nlrdnCI' ('01,101011With 04 tlt'l1room:. II lth JacuzzI' $99,900 de<.k nev,l'r ~"l'h"n .!Itached garage, central and ,I tl. Pdrk Thl' hdnc'.bOme fll e lllC'droom three dnd famll~ room, formal dlmng room and loecUrl- onl' h,df balh Colomal offen. a hbrary. garden ty sy!>tem Call for details '~r :'1 room modrrn kllchen and m:....!y paled drl\l'\\;l) ,

    Exn: loNAL SOUTltJo:lP" CoLoMAI, Lo( lill"d Of! 11 very prlv0111 lor n,.;1 .tIIl! Inform ..1 l'nll'rldlnlnw ('HARMI'(. ('APt: (011 wllh ~Ihll both up ..nd c1mlon "llh .. \l'n ptlV..tl' Ilr'll flnor m,,~It'r tlt'dmum .. , on ,11l111l1l ruum '" Ilh .1 llrl'pl"l r ... 10Irll,,,.t., I I...... III ... h ••• I.. llnc1 ttw loOk .. A VlA<,J( lot, ( Jl h--.... madt lh,,, huu"," heaull u LOOK MO\l -';0 ,,>n:Pl'l' Thl'> clean thrl'f' I'( ("iiI< I (,nOII'on mdll"" I' nOI' of !hl' III'dronm oll' ... 1Id0f1(' half ranch III pnme St ClaIr ... I11OT!' ml !TJnr"l!l( off, rlr1!/:' In th(' f drm., on \'pn '>h(Jrl'~ 1lf'I!o:hborhooc1 of{t'n. IIIl"lor,da room for d'lml' r,nl"r1dullng" d J'l\ \oIlth ttlf' \I'l"'>dtM floor jl,rf'al ,>umml'rtlme ('nJoyment and a low price for pldn Th( thrc (' hNlroom" I'a( h IIdl!' oJ pfl\'ltt' yf'ar lonli( rcm('mbrance $(>4,000 : . Ii,Jlh ,\ IIW,pl< 'I Ii-I 01 all th<' maJoT 1m prm (Jrt' '1" " ,J\dll,,')!(' r.\ I()) 1111 (I n l'AHK ••r,cJ h,,\1 the t,('"11 to '\L/\H <'1 (I AIB '>( IllJOL lhl~ l()vl'l~ l t)(.r!rII'ml 1', IMlh ",njl,ll~h hd~ a kll( h{'n "Ilh r)1, II (w ,1"lIdI1lHr, 11\ Inj.( oll"T' Ih,d fre .. Ilml' bill \01 Ih 'rut(' our onl jJ()()r urnl h.t, 1\010 h",n~ TII>Y mov,. rl~ht In and,lu5t alntl' ftl'1I1 1':..t .. I(' ":llchange M' I'omtf' (,0011 Term., oi vIIIllllhle r c:' " '. '

    GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, JUly 19, 1984 Page Eight-B

    1ST OFFERING - Harbor 1W1 Cul-de-sac off PROVENCAL ROAD - EXqUISite locatlon on SINE REALTY ~o Horns - No HullabaJoo - No Flags - No Flight to the Moon - No Frills Attached' Lakeshore Road In the Fanns 5 bedrooms &. prl\'ate !>treet ModerniZed EnglISh residence . , . IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME 3 baths (3 bedrooms 2 baths on 1st) 17 foot With central aIT &. bea utdul kitchen Paneled Just plam old fashioned honesty and knowledge and human understandmg TO CALL SINE, , . of IhE' C('ntuf) We are here to sell your house for the top price and make you bbrarv Rec room Central aIT 212 car attach- hbrarv "Ith fireplace Master bedroom has happy Do call us' ed garage 100 foot lot fireplace 3 add!tlonal family bedrooms, each "Ith bath Apartment over attached garage GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1ST OFFERING" Han'arcl Road Attractive 3 Flm!>hed basement 100 >.. 54llot bedroom center entrance ('olonlal Screenf'd ). ORKTO\\ N - 1\1 ;\RTER - WESTBROOK CT ~ol)hman,. porch 2 car garage Priced at only $79,900 RE\~UD ROAD 3rd door from Lakeshore Road 5 bedroom 1,\ Ith dt'n and fdmlly room o\t- 3Jo~n'. 4 bedroom .llz bath French st)led Coloma I tached 2 car garage Ree room - Extra large Computerized - Mulrlllsted 1ST OFFERING Attracuve center hall Colomal Gum paneled ltbrar~ V.lth fIreplace 'rl foot lot - Covered patiO' Idt'al for large family 93 KERCHEVAL 886.3060 GROSSE POINTE In !.hedesU'ed 1st block.of Memv.ea!.her Road famlh room With mdrble floor &. bar Prl\'ate near Grosse POinte Blvd CheerfuJl)' ) drQ "ISmcel) lands<.aped With pcltlO area 2 HARPER WOODS Established 1957 dec{Jrated throughout Paneled llbrSI garage ble short term L (' Immediate po<;:>e!>slon OLTSTA~DIi\G VALUES - GREAT BUYS MUST SEE 1ST OFFERING Adjacent to the Countn Club GI os~e POInte Park 9&H6 BEACONSFIELDLlvmg rm , dmmg rm ,kitchen of DetrOit fall'WayS on a llOX279 lot 3 SINE REALTY J bedrooms 1 bath Flonda rm .2 furnaces, good IIlvestment Land Con- bedroom 2'2 bath" ranch on Moros:> Road \ll L1ILbl ~EH\11..1 ti Jct terms Both UllIts rented Llbran or 4th bedroom E\tra SpaCIOUSfaml 1\ room Rec room With fITep1 throughout 2 car room 11\mg room \\ Ith natural fireplace, dUllng-L, 2 bedrooms, 1l'2 baths, 1 attacl,ed garage y, Ith Circle drive paneled ree room central air, 2 2 car attached garage, beaulifuJ lot Call for appomtment 1ST OFF""', 0I Sunmngcb I. -De m the ~SO~ .:lm 3', \ SO~ Llbran 5. •.:\1 terrace Atla _ e,drage GROSSE POINTE WOODS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 RO~t.Do\LE St Clair ShOles Charmmg 3 EXCELLENT FINANCIAL MORTGAGE TERMS! A!'I!TA Lovely ranch near Yo edgel,\ ood Slate en bedrov'TI residence on 50 x 135 lot Paneled ree A!':ITA-Mmt ConditIOn 3 bedroom, l' z bdth Col •• ~"''''. 11,,11 ~ hP,h'""m" c;,,,r_nM ooT"h ~",.,rn .. I,,~ m ha"l"ment 2 car garage $55,500 ""...... 1 no ...... ,p"tr~l 61,r P<.:thn 1)1.., ('~r (1~r~P'P !IIEI\R THE FARMS PIER -IT'S BIGGER THAN IT LOOKS o\:erlookmg rueely landscaped ) ard - Rec ...,... Aii-Ull~pi~-I,be~al Land Contract terms- J72lUJ)(.E,\lOvr Sharp brick 11z story WIth 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. a new room & la\ With shower In basement 60 foot modern kitchen, rec room With wet bar, new carpetmg QUick lot $79,500 posseSSIOn Walk to Kerby and Brownell schools $76,500 GROSSE POINTE WOODS REDUCED BEDFORD - Coloma I near St Paul t'pdated kit- chen FamLly room 4 bedrooms on 2nd & 1 on KI;'l/GS CT -SpacIOus 3 bedroom ranch Famll\ 456-SHELBOURNE 3rd 3 car attached garage $110.000 room Large Kitchen Centrdl all Land Con- - J bedroom 2 bath Cox & Baker ranch m the Farms on extra large tract a\'allabll:' lot Flonda room recentlv redecorated, new carpetmg throughout, CLOVERLY ROAD - Custom bUIlt French st} led Immediate occupanc) Land Contract ottered resldenetl on beautuully landscaped lot 1 GROSSE POINTE WOODS bedrooms 21:! baths Central air Attached FLEETWOOD-Nell' kitchen 10 thiS 3 bedloom g¥age Coloma 1 Finished basement Excellent can dltlOn $69,900 ST. CLAIR SHORES DEEPLANDS ROAD - 2nd house off Lakeshore AUDUBON ROAD. Handsome residence on 116 Road 4 bedroom 2l,.z bath center hall Coklrual x 157 foot lot near St Clare Church Paneled GROSSE POINTE PARK 21616 ENGLEHARDT Large kitchen Famll~' room With fueplace hbrar) Family room Rec room With fireplace Bonus actlV1ues room over 3 car attached & bar 4 t""m size bedrooms & 2'2 baths WAYBURN-3 bedroom alwnmum home Formal Cozv bnck ranch 2 or 3 bedrooms, family room, paneled rec room, large 2 garage Immediate possession dmmg room car bnck detached garage $62,500 \\ ILLL-\l\ISBURG - Eastland Ro" CondomlIl1ums HAMPTON ROAD - In the Shores Just a short 2 bedroom 1l~ bath Townhouse Central aIr dIStance to lakefront park & Yacht Club 4 Immediate occupancy $65000 bedroom 2~ bath Colowal Family room With DETROIT LISTINGS adJOlmng actJV1bes room Laundr) facilities EXCELLENT DETROIT PROPERTIES in lotchen area Fuushed basement 2 car att 3H6-?8 Ha\erhill- Bnck flat 6-6 $38,()(}{)will consider LIC to qualuled buyer garage ALTER ROAD - 3 family each With It!:. own fur- nace & utilities 2 ranch uruts & 1 townhouse iqil Han ard -Sharp bnck Colomal, 3 bedrooms, 112 baths. modern kitchen JEFFERSON APARTMEfII'TS - Lovely 1st floor 3 car garage $59,900 condommiwn apartment LIVing room has $42,500 wet bar Den With parquet floor 2 large BISHOP 3 bedroom bungalol,\ Florida room 2 bedrooms 6: 2 baths. car garage Newer roof LAKESHORE ROAD - Excellent family horne m BISHOP. Cape Cod 1st floor den or bedroom 2 I>al111S. prime locabon overlooking Lake St Clair bedrooms on 2nd l' 2 baths Covered porch Heated pool Family room With bar. plus a o\'erlooks lovely yard Rec room WIth nttCen deliabtful bbrary, 5 bedrooms" 5":1 baths plus fireplace ~ REALTORS 1st floor mauls room Many other amerubes including over 2 acns of land & a 4 car attach- HAR\'ARD . 3 bedroom )l':! bath Colonlal Glass ed 6: beBted garage Pnce reduced enclosed porch Rec room With fireplace 2 17646 MACK 886-4444 car garage

    FIRST OFFERINGS -t ,.,. .. ,... -t::i#/ LEWISTON - Completely redecorated" renovated ,.", ... cbamung residence High eellmgs Moderruzed COURVILLE" 3 bedrooms & ll~ baths Den Bnck It1tebefl With fu-eplace, 4 bedrooms" 3lf.l baths At- patio Screened porch on 2nd floor Rec room tached garage CIrcular dnve New landscapmg New storms & screens 2 car garage A good buy , in front Spnnkler system Immed1a te possessIOn at $37,900 \, ,I _' \- , - .,~ .. t "l' \\ l .. <,,- \ h 976 BARRINGTON - 4 b r , 2 bath, den $74,900 Julle Waterfall 1 $107,500 John E Mendenhall MGBIE with imagination" _I) 385 MOROSS - 4 b I' , 2 :< bath, fam rm. llb Martha Sattley Moray Wmmfred Weyhmg 1.'i:.:'iiDEPOSl'f 750 U1'\IIVERSITY - 2-3 b r , 2'12 bath, fam rm $112,000 Beverly Pack Bernard Whitley 813 TROMBLEY - 5 b r , 31'2 bath, lib porch $164,900 Inc. Dorothy Whitty You'll never have to Walt 1126 HARVARD - 3 b r , 212 bath, den. Fla rm $138,500 Lenore Pasqwnelll MAXON for your money. .- MANY, MANY MORE BY APPOINTMENT FIVE FIRST OFFERINGS BORLA"iD ASSOCIATES OE- FIRST OFFERING - CH<\RMING :'\EW OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 E'\oGLA'\D COLO!'.IAL m the "City of trees' OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Center entrance, 3 bedroom home "'Ith plea- ~t sant screened porch Brand oe\\. 1m. EARL KEIM provements mclude drlvev.a)', landscaping, bnck patio and stockade pnvaCj fence REALTY.

    OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 THE FULL SERVICE PEOPLE 20647 MACK AVENUE 395 FISHER ROAD OPPo!llte Parcells MIddle School OpposIte G P South High 884~6400 EXECUTIVE HOME - GracIous English Tudor 886.3800 With lovel~ paneled hbrary and decorative carv- ~LATE ROOF Enghsh near lake 3 bedroom .. 2 mgs, pewablc tile fountain In sun room and man~ baths on second floor bedroom &. bath on thlrd other CU!lwm featurel. IngrounO pool Pnce reduc- floor slate roof copper gutters and do ....nspouts ed, owner transferred 946 Balfour attached garage 726 ~e<;lthe.,ter

    FIRST OFFERISG - 3 bedroom ColoOlallocated FIRST OFFERI'I;G HAWTHOR\"E pmed In the near Wlndmill Pomte Spec181 features mclude mid 7n s th" 3 bedroom Coloma1 feature<; nev. country kitchen and family room \\-Ith wet bar carpetmg and custom draperies along .....Ith Ii and door to II wood deck Seldom aVlIllable op- DI.:SIG\'ERS CHOICE \ewer 4 bedroom ('01 foot family room The chIldren w111love the porturuty, pnced to sell qUickly Open Sunday omal 2 • baths large famllj room With fireplace, yard area With a 60 x 133 lot Immt'dlate 870 Bamngton "paclous kitchen and ~eparate eating area occupancy sprlOkler sy!>tem attached garage Reduced SJ Jf, (I{IO CONDOM INJUM - OnE> bedroom forties prlcr for r-.EAR THE LAKE bUilt In J!l76 for the pre'f'nl a popular Condommlum at Gros~ POinte OY> ner thiS 4 bedroom homr I"located Ju,t ont Villa Walk to shops and enJo), mamtenance HILL( REST 4 bedroom~ 2 lull bath~ ....Ith faml- block from the lake SpeCial feature .. Include fret'lifestyle Heat and AIC Included With S87 1\ room dnd n1cel\ finIshed basement Freqh a 2nd floor launrlry bl level ma~ter bt>droom monthly fee and /illrdctIVe decor throughout Hedurt>d for sUite v,lth adJBcrnt ~Ittmg loom rountr\ Kit qUlCh <;alr chen and famJl} mom "'ltl1 ...lidln~ door .. lrl a KENSI~GTO\ Enghsh 'carnagE' hou.~ I'.lth H largf' "'ood deck ~ldom avallablr opportum bedrooms 3 batlu. and Impeccable condltlOn tv, jlflced to sell qUlckl) Inside and out Large, recent price reduction from motivated Seller \\ ELU;\oC,TO\ E.nJoy tht' ne\!, 10\1, pml and ldrge m()rtga~f' balanct' on thl' 4 bNlroom WASHJ~GTO'l; 4l>edrooms, 3 full bath". den and ....Ith d flr<;t floor launrlry and IdrgE fdmll\ Mut...chler kItchen (,reat famll) homt> ....lth room not to mE'nllOn th(' dttached ~dl dgl plent} of appeallflsldr and Ollt Priced (om BUIlt 10 thE' f}(J!>and locatt'd nf'

    FIRST OFPERI'I,(; Grl('~""fo_ POI\ n f AH:\!"l Yo OOIl~ 4 \)('droom ,pntC'r 1'1lIr,lO(( (010111,,1 \\ Ith RA ....CH 'I hef1room .. or 2 bl>droom & fplacc LothmOllr "I \\ pdgf'w()(!d both UOIL..


    • Well tramed prof~lOnal sales slaff • ~'requent e~e-ecltchmg rl'adable lldverh:.mg Ichweltzer.~Bett~es. • Bright altrach\ e lay, n sign::. Real E/tote,ln<. I I W H .md Gardens • Regular Well-planned open hou::.es • Excellent buyer pre quallfll'atlOn • Thoroughly documenled market anal~sls 1wo names you can trust • Comprehen::.I\'e knoy, ledge of area • In-depth famlhanty "'lth current fmanclng optIOns • 7~ays a y,eek dccesslbl1lh ROSL v:\' qUiet street sets off tim, .l bdrm LAKELAND-GROSSE POINTE CITY Graceful • Convement exp.llldmg offIce Ranch \e\\ solallum floor 111 updated kit family 11\ mg 1I1 thIS \\ ell decorateo 4 bdrm , (hen, np\\ el carpetlOg, ne\\ er updated bath 2' _ bath Colomal SpacIous family rm & brk \\ ell mamtalned \e\\ 01f('nng' I G 592) 886 FP, heated Flonda I'm ,dmmg rm ,efficIent 4200 kit, 2 car all garage, new furnace, cenlral all' & much more New offenng (G-601 l CHARMIl'\G, COl!'\'TRY SIZE COLONIAL m the 886-4200 heart of the Farms Four bedrooms, famll~ rO()m ~nrlllnrl;>tPrlI(\"'hpn ~rf'!l m('llloP

    LAKEPOINTE-GROSSE PTE PARK Pleasant OVERLOOK COU!I.'TRY CLUB & golf course from home near schools and transportatIOn Low .. thIS beautiful French Colomal In Grosse Pre mamtenance exterior w lalummum Sl

    TY. 0 GHO&:>E POl!\:TE I~C()l\1l':,) 10 pnme loca tlOll.. on RI\ard Both charmmg IInd '\l.elJ maintained TI.\() raml!\ Intome!> w/2+1 b<. ~luded 174/ 150' Farmll!olte WIth lob o( room for ~:~hlih ,I)-lot' f'ololU81 III 10 mu\t' In oondIlQ\ with ntlrd(llve I', !>lon, 3 bedroom 2 bath hom£' children 10 romp' 4 bedroom!> + pl.nroom or 5th Jot, of OI( l' upd!. r('(' room ..nd h.wlf bAth ....ou un't SAC Lge prl\dle lanrJ.,c;Jp<'d lot pro\',des a ~p8ce Loveh rami!) horn£' for $95000 POSSI- ldundry and 110 txcrJlent value' Immf"dullt oc ~lIt the Prlcto fi9,WO' ~t 6JOO pnviledged "l'ttll1g lor !hl" ('xu pt londl re~ld('nce ble Lano Conlrad terms (F.4\17) 886 5llOO cupancy 8M 0600 ~tnkmgl\ fPdr(Ordt ..d homE' \\ Ilh 11':(' ultr,lnCe hall 4 bdrm" gfJurm('l I-.I! C07\ farnll\ rm OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 LARGf:K PAKK ('OLONI.4,L With Ii OOnWi' Thill allra( 11\I" 4 tlf'droom hllm~ no !>P.(,ltNll wll!lIlalldKaped !loran &. (']I'l',ml b\ mp fl11 IS. dwmg rm I>C"lgn 144 l'ol/lle fo'"rm~ ::'111'lncllJ~ Ii 2.3 hbf-"ry Vtllh f1rt"pla<(' nlu'h flnl!>ht'd t>ai\t>lTlt'nl vrry \'Omplt'C1! attac:hed ed to Pr'In1(' Farms ~ room office SUllf' pt'r(ret for IIll1UraOCf' manufllclu",r, rt"Jl doctM, lkonll.1 or HI)' COOVf'f'1UOI'\to (G 54'1 I 886 4200 10'j) (aou'ux (,rf)',<,(' POInIl' Park M'JI ('ontalllf'd In Jaw apartm"nl' All thlll at 1h4> unllOl'lif'uhlf' prIce of $107 000' 114-41800 9'l4 LpOlnl(' (,rOl>"e POJnIt' Park 21'>8 !knnon GrO!>'>t' 1'01111e.....ooa~ A Rf>:AL "11(1\\ PLA( I 1 2m I ....or'l\<')(j(J Grel'>st' POInte 'Woods pdllO" g(' '" Indo\\ In (OMPI..El ":LY IUWE( ORAn:O 2 ramll)' bn('k mIlle PlHk ha~ 2 btodroom!> and n.atural h~l" In 2u24 \'anAnh\('rp (;rOl'>"t' POInl .. Woods (hnlO~ rm :nt!'n om .,\ o,trm Ihi" ouL..Uin ellch umt 'Well mllOtallled /1M In mov(' in ('OndlllOn $62 !OJ toilnd cootrall \'OMIdc~ Hunt (,ub lI.JrpN VIood .. dlOg \~ ood" hOTlw offer", It dll $109 9Ohorf'S L2627 I- ~dnf I' ~t (lair ..,florE'S - - -. FOR All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY 9 a m -9 p m and 9,30-530 SAT and SUH ---- . GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINrE FARMS OFFICE KERCHEVAL.ON.THE.HIU OfFICE 886.4200 a86.SICJO 115-2010 OUT-Of-AREA, CAll TOLl FREE Fonntrty 'TG'" 1M Aatc ,.8OG-247.5200 elll 33 (!) Seventeen Offic•• in Four Counti.. ~ GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK m~OSSE POINTE WOOD3 "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" 1$2Kercheval 884.0600 16610 Mack 881.~200 19790 Mack 88 1.6300

    \ ------~-- - ~ ~

    Page Ten-B Feature Thursday, July 19, 1984 flJ,m,lzte Elegant Counter Points Eating By Pat Rousseau A selection of recipes from the forthcoming low-calorie, lo~- cholesterol - and penny-wise - nettle CREEk Semi- cookbook b)' Thyra Grey Ho~ ard Annual Sale begms July 22 It's a great op- ~ and Helena DeWitt Roth featuring, portunity to save 30% off everything Net- this week, the FRUITS of tle Creek manufactures The sale includes SUMMER. special orders Slop by 17110 Kercheval '" '" '" Open Thursday until 9 p.m. STRAWBERRY ANGEL PIE . ... '" 3 egg whites ..-#iit ~. ~ ~. - . . 1 tso vanilla '-'IV~~-VL't VJ ':'UITlIrtt:1 lipJJUIt<:1 • In- i tSp. cream of tartar cluding pants, tops, sweaters and dre~ses at 2 1 cup super fine sugar dratically reduced prices ... The Margaret 1pkg. (3 oz.) low-cal strawberry DIamond Shop, 377 Fisher Road gelatin ~ . . '" The White Sale Continues . thru the 11/4 cups boiling water end of Jul) at the Bed, Bath & Lmens Store. 1 cup sliced fresh strawberrIes Sa\ e on selected merchandise both in stock or and ~pecial order at 1690i Kercheval. Open 1 pkg (10 oz.) frozen sliced Thun.days and Fridavs until 9 p.m. 881. 9890. strawberries, thawed and • • drained 2 cups whipping toppmg ...~"l"0... Bag In A Box. . Wines come in five liter Meringue Shell: Have egg whites ~-~ boxes Choose Chablis or Rhine at the Vint- at room temperature, Add vanilla '.' age Pointe. They are perfect for picnics, con- and cream of tartar. Beat until certs and boating. Kercheval at Notre Dame. frothy. Gradually add sugar, a tea- Open seven days a week, evenings too. spoon at a time, beating until very ~ Delivery available ... 885-0800. stiff peaks form and sugar is '" '" ... thoroughly dissolved. Spoon into lightly-greased 9-inch pie plate and Scent Special Shalimar 1~ ounce cologne shape into a shell, swirling sides spray is now specially priced $10.50 at the Notre Dame high. Bake in preheated 2750 oven 1 Pharmacy. hour. Turn off heat and let dry in • • oven (door closed) at least 2 hours. '" Filling: Dissolve gelatin in boiling Tnveltng To Sew York! ... Want to lee a Broad- ~ water: chill until mixture is the con- way 8~ or Off-Broadway Ibow~ Yotl can now get ad- sistency of unbeaten egg white. Fold l'aDCe tickets for aoy Broadway 01' orf-Broad"'ay in strawberries and whipped top- theau-r, concert, etc. through the Tr&\'elGalerie. Have ping. Chill until mixture mounds the IeCUJit~'of ucketi in halld with reserved sutl and Enjoying a 'Day for The Hall~ slightly when spooned. Pile into dalefi. (8en'ice charge will apply.> Can Travel Galerie. 8H-Olll, Kercbeval at Notre Dame, Enjoying "A Day for The Hall," part of Orchestra Hall's 65th anniversary celebrations, are (left meringue shell. Chill 4 to 6 hours, or '" . . to right> BETSEY CALDWELL, honorary chairperson, MARY EVELYN SELF, Grosse Pointe Sym- overnight. Garnish with additional phony Women's Association president, in Ladybird Johnson's inaugural gown, and PAT YOUNG, co- whipped topping and strawberries. COLOR MAGIC .. Learn which colors compli- ordinator of yesterday's activities. The July 18 program began with cocktails and a noon luncheon Cut into 5 or 6 sections. Calories for each of 6 servings ment you most. Color analysis, cosmetics and swatches at the Detroit Athletic Club, after which it was on by bus to Orchestra Hall itself, for a tour and a by Karen Hewitt, 885--6663. about 161. little light music, then over to the David Whitney House for a champagne tea before a late afternoon Cholesterol O • ... .1" '. Summer Clearance'" '" Sale .... at The return to the DAC. Caroline Torley, representing the American Society of Interior Designers, liaisoned '" ... '" ft.;i Pointe Fashions offers 30% to 50% off all with the Orchestra Hall Associates to plan the Day, which included a fashion show of First Ladies' OLD TYME CHERRY ~ ~ summer fashions ... 15112 Kercheval, inaugural gowns modelled by "fIrSt ladies" of local organizations, including Caroline Roulier, co-chair. COBBLER person of the Associates, Jo Kessler, Mary Pardee, Dottie Phaff, Marilyn Lundy. Mary Evelyn and <,. ~ ) 822-2818. 1 cup all purpose flour "".;. ....' .. .. others, Senator Jack Faxon acted as commentator. Donald M.D. Thurber offered a few words of con- 2 Tbsp. sugar gratulations. Frank D. Stella and Lee Hanson escorted the models. 1% Trivial Pnnllit ... aDdSports Edition are IIOW avall- ~ tsp. baking powder able at the Scbool Bell, 17tM Mack Avenue. Pinch of salt '" " '" 1f4 cup unsalted margarine I>uring The Super Summer 1 slightly beaten egg Sale ... wnich endS July 31 you 1__ -_S_h_o_r_t_a_n_d_t_o_Th__ e_~_o_in_te 1 1/4 cup skim milk can save 30% to 40% off Filling everything at Bijouterie. This in- Charles V. Hicks Jr., of Lake- Honors ConvocatlOn ceremomes at Jennifer Dillman, daughter of Mr. 4 cups fresh or frozen tart red cludes all watches, mountings crest Lane, receIved a Bachelor of the College of St Thomas, where and Mrs. Aaron Drucker, of Cook cherries, thawed Science degree from the Ithaca she IS a sophomore French and Road, Dana Farber Cancer In- % cup sugar and jewelry for men and stitute, Boston, Mass, David women. Think ahead to birth- College of BUSIness, where he ma- quantitative methods major % cup water Jored In management .. '" .. Farina, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Tbsp. quick cookmg tapioca days and holidays ... buy now Leonard Farina, of Moorland Drive, '" Frank and Mildred Anderson, 1Tbsp. unsalted margarine and save at 20445Mack Avenue. Pomter Thomas'" A. Gaitley'" re- Grosse POlOte residents for over 50 Research and Consultmg, Flint; and Open Tuesdays thrugh Satur- Few drops almond extract ceived a Bachelor of SCIence de- years, celebrated their 60th weddmg Janet Hachen, daughter of Mr. and (optional) days, 10 a.m.-S p.m., 886--2050, gree In geology from MIchigan anOlversary with a July 15celebra- Mrs. Robert Hachen, of Country ...... Club Dnve, Library of Congress, To prepare rilling: Combine cher- '" TechnologIcal UnIversIty at May 19 tion at the Warren home of one of ries, ~iI cup sugar, 1'3 cup water and Washmgton, DC commencement ceremomes theIr eIght grandchildren The the tapioca. Let stand 15 minutes, Get rid of unwanted hair - leg, bikir.i line, facial, '" '" Andersons, who were marned July '" .. '" etc Waxing done at Francesco's Salon. 882-2550. .. Thomasina Krysia Tedesco, stirring occasionally. Cook and stir Catherine Carr, of Chalfonte 19, 1924, also have four great- until slightly thickened and bubblv. Avenue, was named to the AlblOn grandchildren. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore '" '" '" Tedesco, of The Park, was a fmalist Stir in 1Tbsp. unsalted margarine, College Dean's LIst for the sprmg, '" . . and almond extract, if desired. Set Save ... 111" to 110" off during Fabricworks Annual Summer 1984 semester She was graduated Grosse POInter Alex Manoogian, in the 12th annual MISS Michigan Sale at 16980 Kercheval NatiOnal Teenager Pageant 10 aside, and keep warm. 10 May and received a teachIng founder of the Maseo CorporatiOn For biscuit topping: Stir together " '" '" certifICate and Armeruan commumty leader, IS Plymouth June 8 through 10. Thomasma, who Will attend 8t flour, ~gar, baking powder and Calico Corners ... has received a new shIpment . '" . one of the flrst mductees to the In- salt. Cut in unsalted margarine Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind , of a wide variety of fabrics for your decorating needs. Among students who recetved ternatiOnal Hentage Hall of Fame until mixture resembles coarse diplomas at Kenyon College's 156th He was honored at the InternatiOnal in the fall, was sponsored by St These are designer fabrics at a fraction of the price. Maron's Youth Group, Grosse crumbs. Combine egg and milk; add Be sure to stop at 21431 Mack Avenue, Free Parking commencement ceremomes held Instttute's 65th anniversary dmner all at once to flour mixture, Stir just May 20 were Virginia A. Berr) , of June 5 He has been a'Warded the Pomte South Key Club, the Kmghts in front. Open Mondays until 8 p.m., 775-0078 of Columbus, family and fnends to moisten. Lakeland Court, magna cum laude, Cross of St Gregory the Illumm- Turn warm filling into 11'2 quart '" '" ... highest honors, economiCS, Julie ator. first degree, by Holiness Her hobbles mclude playmg the plano, playmg the cello m the South casserole; immediately spoon on Before You Buy.. an area rug, you owe it to 0\. Kozlo~ ski, of North Oxford Vas ken 1, the Cathohcos of All biscuit topping in 8 mounds. Bake in Road, economiCS, Jacqueline Armemans, the FIrst Degree Order Htgh Symphony Orchestra, sym- yourself to see the fabulous selection at Ed. Malis. preheated 4000 oven about 20 Lesesne, of Fair Acres DrIve, of the Cedars of the PreSident of chronIzed sWlmmmg, dIvmg and zewskt, 21435 Mack A venue Included are rugs from private nursmg minutes. Makes 8 servings. economICS alld French, Ed~ ard Lebanon, the Cross of St James by Calories per serving about 262. MC'inland China, plus Perstans, Turkish Anadolian W Caulkins, of Willow Lane, HIS BeatItude the Patnarch of . '" '" Killms, handmade Russian Sumacks and domestic Anne P. Cavazos, daughter of Dr. Cholesterol O. polltlCal SCience Mar~ C. Jerusalem, and the 50th anmver. FRESH PEACH COBBLER area rugs Free parking in front. DeHa\ en, of LaSalle Place. sary medal by the Pnme MtnIster and 'irs. Filiberto Cavazos, of Combine i.z cup packed brown '" " political SCience, and <\my C. Rent- of Armema Hampton Road, received a Bachelor . sugar, 4 tsp. cornstarch and 14 tsp. schler. of North Oxford Road, of Arts degree May 20 from Frank- ground nutmeg. Stir in Ii;! cup water. Sao.e 20lJD to 59'b off. • most lamps at Wright's Gift and Lamp bIOlogy '" • hn and Marshall College She ma- Shop during the Jul) Lamp Sale Wright's II the convenient place .. .. William Kimball Bradfield, of Jored 10 geology at Franklin and Cook and stir until thickened and &0 bring your lamps for rf'Pair. ~ost can be done whileyou wait. Free Warner Road. receIved a Bachelor Marshall. and was a member and bubbl). Stir in 4 cups sliced, peeled Ste\en '\atelborg, son of :\:tr. and parking next tv the bUildIng. 18650 Mack Avenue. of Arts degree from Bov.dom Col- secretary to the GeologIcal Society rresh peaches, I Tbsp. lemon jUice "Ire; John 'atelborg, of Not- " . . lege on May 26 A graduate of A Cmverslty Ltggett School grad- and 1 Tbsp. unsalted margarine; tingham Road, has been named to Gro<;se Pomte South High School. heat through. Set aside and keep O~LY ONE DAY LEFT. . to enter the drawing the Dean's List at the DeVry In- uate, she plans summer employ- Bradfield majored 10 biOchemlstr) ment at the Lav,rence Ltvermore warm ""hile preparing biscuits. at the Premier Center, July 20 The valuable prizes stitute of Technology 10 Atlanta, and was a Dean's List student He !\atlOnal Laboratory m LIvermore, Makes 8 servings. total $10,000 FIrst prize WIll be a carat and a quarter Ga , where he IS a student at the also earned four varslt~ letters as a Calorif's per serving about 257. Computer SCIence for Busmess Calif dIamond rmg donated by edmund t, AHEE member of the S\\ 1m team Cholesterol 0 program '" jewelry co. It's a benefit for the Capuchin Soup KIt- .. .. . '" '" Among :.tudents who rt>celved . '" '" chen You need not be present to wm. TIckets are avaIl- • Grosse Pomte f arm'- resldenl degrees from Miami Cmverslt\ at S\:PER DUPER SHORTCAKE able at 20139 Mack at Oxford To make a donation to Among students who recel\ed :\ilchael Kaplan, 'I D , ho~ted the Ma~ 13 wmmencement ceremonIes 2 cups Sifted flour degrees from SkIdmore College at first annual meetmg of the Indepen- the Capuchm Soup KItchen call 264-1111durmg bUSI- are Beth Ann Jalokollokl, of North 4 tsp. bakmg powder Ma) 20 commencement cere. dent Organ Procurement Agenclec; ness hours You can even charge It to your VISa or Mas- Oxford Road, Bachelor of Arts, l/. tsp salt mOnies was .\nnettE' \ anO ..dol, of on June 7 Kap;an IS preSident of the LOUI'l(,F. Sno~ of HIllcrest Road, 13 cup sugar tercard Lakeshore Road, Bachelor of Arts Independent Organ Procurement Bachelor of SCIence Arthur 12 cup unsalted margarme '" '" • In Engll~h. AgenCies and pre~ldenl of the \\llliam 'fot'sta of !'\orth Oxford 14 cup water Tra nsplanla tlon Soclet\ of :'.11Ch Road, Bachelor of SCIence In BUSI- FULL CA TERING SERVICE now ThE' Park .. Pf."tf."rEcklund wac; ac Igan He ISchief, ~ectlOl1and Trans nes.. and C'hri'itme Truhol. of Col- 12 cup hea~y whlppmg cream. avaIlable in your home or at the Merry cepled to spend the summer as an plant and Vascular ~urgery at Onial Road Bacnelor of SCience 10 "If sour cream i" l'iub'itituted, add e"chdnge student In Fmland as part J ~ Mouse/Cafe Le Chat, Kercheval at Notre Hutzel Hospital Busmess tloP bakanjlt !>odaand reduce bak. of thE' Youth for l'nderstandlOg pro mil; po~df'r to 2 t'iP Dame Stop tn or phone, 884-9077 '" • • • gram He is one of two btate wmners Jame<;M Kf'nnan III. <;onof Dr Sift dr) in~redif'nt .. and mix ",ith of the scholarship ( aroh nAnn!' Danahf'r of Clover. and '\11'''' .Jam .." Kf'nnan .Jr. of l~ Road rP<'cl,ed a Bachelor of Arts mar~annf' until cooM'u-no' of eorn- ITIYI'I ~ mnl '\dd v.atfr and en'am rapld- ~tn'%%'Y." ' ,. ""~ .. thr SIDE"ALK Moran Road, received a Bachdor of degree from Bo.....dplO College at h, ..tlrrmg briskl)' Drop In IIrake" SALE is 00\\ in progrefis thru ~aturda). The bargains makes \ndf'r .. J ~odf'rberg, c;on of \Ir ArL<;df'gree from Hol) (ro<;" College Mav 26 commencement cere- on rookif' !ihf'f't Bab in preheated it v.orth the drive to Mack AHnUf' one block south or 9 Mile and 'lrc; B\ ron.J 'Iehol .. Jr . of at lL" 138lh commencpmpnt on Mav rnOl1l~~ A graduatE' of UniversIty 450C OHn 10 Road ;'\.1errtv.eathpr fwad will enter the 25 Kennar~. a gradudte of Hatch Llgg{.t! ~chool. '!he majored 10 mlnutf'S. Rf'move rrom 0\ f'n and hrf'ak - do not cut - open '" • '" Air Force In \.()\ember sc; part of kl~~ School majored m economlcc; gO\ ernment a t Eo....dam, where she the del a yed en lIstment progra m at Holy Cross \~a c;a dean s h~t student Bru"h libM'allv With mf'ltf'd margar- Jul) Ciearance At \\o'hlte's Old House every- He \\as to graduate from Grobse . ~ . . Inp and sprf'ad with sv.erif'ned fruit . thmg mcludmg pictures, lamps, wall accessorIes, Pomte South HIgh S{ hoo! 111 JunE' ~ Kalamau){) (ollf'gl' ~\u '\1aria EIJlaht'th &lIbfort, daughter Rf'JIlacf' top, spread "'ith morf' fruit rockers, sofas, maple dmmg room, brass beds Sale is . . . dents partlupa t IlIg 111the college s of Elh~ \ nand oJ ohanna (.llhfort, of and top With • S'l'r Irl of sweetened on Ooor stock TAKE IT WITH YOU AND SAVE I Trrf''oa \pplrgatf', daughter of Career DE'velopmenl Intern Pro LnlH'r<,lly Place receIved a v.hlpped crnm. 26717 Little Mack, 776-6230 Closed Mondays Open Tf'rn and ''1an,""n \pplrgatf', of gram thiS spnng .....ere \o1ar) Baehr-lor of Arts degr/"(' In Mass This shortcakt is wonderful with Thursdays and Fridays until 9 p.rn Buckmgham Hoad. was mducted Rmat,co, daughter of Mr and Mr .. Mf'd18 ('ommllmcatlOn~ from Olivet str a 'l'r bf'rries, r llIp bf'rries, blue- mto Pl J)plta Phi. thE' national .lamp!> " Ra ..a'ico, of York"hlre College In May She IS a 1980Gro~se berTies. frf'!ih !ilke«l peaches or FrE'nch honor :-,oclety, at May I Road. Pontiac Motor DI\'I!>lOn,GM, Pomte South High School graduate plums. Sectio" C Sports & classifieds Thursday, July 19, 1984 Babe Ruth Park's All-Starswin district championship Grosse Pointe Park's 14 and 15 Shaheen's homer Shaheen also ~1Lke Paull and Sean Bruce col. second and only one out Catcher year-old All-Stars collected 50 runs added a tnple and Marcus Wysocki lected t\~O hit,> each Paulllossed out a runner ....ho tned on 56 hits on the way to four notched two hlL,>and two RBI Shaheen, \~hu canl(' on III reller of tu advance to third on a ptruck out the next Ruth distrIct tournament cham- 20 hits 10 drubblllg L'Anse Creuse the deCISion He pitched hllle:.s, batler to end'the threat plOnshlp at North High last week- • North, 19-5 Shaheen went four.for. :.hutout b.lsebali for four 1l11ll1lg!>, Shdheen honwr<>d agaJrl In the .,~ 0'C1...... end four and had SIX RBI Lucas, Jay regl:.tcnng [Ive :.tnkcout:. ~llk<> fifth tor ~~hat proved to be the The champIOnship quahfled the Henze and Dave Feys had three Coffe} hUlled the hnd! 1I111lllg, game.\~mnmg run WyMK.kl. Park for the State tournament hits each, r'eys' hits Included a :.tnkllig out t\\ 0 Luca~, llt.'nle, rev:. ,md Bruce col which WIll be held thIS weekend at solo homer, a double and two RBI In the Sunda} cha.rnplOn~lllp let!ed the Pdfk ~:other hit::. Of Johnny Jeter and Joltin' Joe ... Kerby FIeld The Park Will play Its Bnan Aardema drove m three runs game, the Pdrk Jumped out to a 4.1 • hrst game at9 a m Saturday, July \\>Ith two doubles and Marty saad lead In the thll'd mnmg, then held On Jul) II), the Park Dodgers .!.he Xan~~ ~!lpP;yr, Joe !?~~I~~,~~:V:.~~1~~~in,~,~~;or;~~ls 21 ~ltamst an undetermmed 0000- also collected two hits and two RBI off a last 1000ng I"al/\ to bedl the bJe\~ a 4 1 M'~ enth Inlllng lead to I aL ~a::>LJ.auu It'.LdU UJ 11'-1.1~.L ,,. ~ lQ.,,, yt ...... ""'''"'''"U ...... 1''' u_ ... '"o.,J;_ ...... Wood~, 5.4 The Woods outhlt the arop J :>''1 C1e<:l~lOnto Wt' to arms. nent-The Park, the host team from for the wmners ed by on Sunday afternoon, there were about 150 people in lme the Farms and seven other cities Feys also registered the victory Park, 12-6. but good defenSIve play City TIger~ III the fll:.1 all.Pomtes at the autograph table. That made me feel good, because I'd will participate in the tournament on the mound He YIelded eight proved to be the marglll of victor) champLOll!>hlp game :-'Ilke Paull, been worried that not many people would show up to see a ball- hits, struck out seven and walked who ....as tagged \\Ith the lo!>s.ga ..e player who retired more than 30 years ago and who was more In last Friday's opemng game, fOUf in gomg the dIstance Starting pIlcher Lucas, who gave up only fl\'e hIts and fl\'C unearned famous in recent years for peddling coffee machines or wind- the Park defeated L'Anse Creuse, way to Feys With one out 111 the runs. scored on four Dodger errors ing up in a lme or two of a Simon and Garfunkel song. 7-2 Al Shaheen blasted a 360-foot Clmtondale was a 19-6 vichm for seventh, got the Win He scattered Paull a Iso collected thrf'e hits homer with two on to prOVide all wm number three, as the Park mne hits and two runs In 1115 !>tl11tOil and two RB I for the 10:lt'l!> Chad ~fcDamel and Doug Luca!> tnplt"d Then I saw that they were chargmg $5 for people to line up the runs the Park needed as pitcher racked up 19 more hits Dave Ar- the mound. but wa!>tough With men on base After three Woods' hlt~, In- .llld Dilve Arnold had t....o hlts for for DiMaggio's autograph and I felt even better. "Wow," I said Doug Lucas scattered five hits, nold was three.for.three, mcludmg a , two triples and five c1udmg a home run by rlhke the Dodgers Tim Fellows' bases. to myself. "These people really remember Joe D1Maggio." struck out seven and dIdn't walk a man Lucas aided his own cause RBI Feys had three hils and two Mourad m the seventh, Feys was loaded slOgle drive home the tymg with a smgle; he also scored on RBI; Wysocki, Lucas. Shaheen, brought III With runners on first and and wlnlllng runs Like the excited-looking grandfather who steered hiS 8 or 9 year-old grandson up near the rope barriers around the auto- graph table to get a better (and cheaper) look at DiMaggio. The k1d, who wasn't even old enough to remember DiMaggio's Park crowns World Series champions Mr. Coffee commercials, looked on in awe as his grandpa ex- tolled the praises of the still-slender, but white-haired Di- Maggio. Just then, a man in his 305 came up and spoke to the The Cardmals defeated the Yankees In two straight to win the grandfather. Grosse Pointe Park Majors World series last week It marks the se- "Who's this guy? Oh yeah, DiMaggio. Didn't he play for the cond year in a row that the Car- Yankess or sometlung?" dinals have taken the Park series. The Cards were led by manager Sort of. All DiMaggio did was grace the Yankee outfield Pat Coffey and coach Larry Har- with his smooth fielding ability, hit a ton of homers and ding The much-improved Yankee set a major league mark by hitting in 56 consecutive squad was coached by Dick Nelson games. But he ended up being more famous for marry- and managed by Marty McMillan, ing Marilyn Monroe and selling coffee makers. Figure that GAME ONE one out, The opemng game was a close one until the Cardinals broke loose The autograph sessions were held in conjunction with the in the last inning with a three-run appearance of the Chevrolet Traveling Baseball Hall of Fame homer from Mike Rentz and a two- and a baseball collectors' show at the mall, Funny thing, run shot from Mike Montagne to though, I didn't see anybody ask DiMaggio to autograph a Joe take a 9-2 win DiMaggio baseball card. Baseballs or photographs, yes, but Montagne pitched for the Cards no cards. and got excellent rehef help from Rentz and Lance DeBets Ed Dor- da (two hits) continued hIS clutch That's probably because everybody I saw at the show was hitting as did Jim Pote, Brian in the same boat as I'm in: nobody has any Joe DiMaggio baSP.- Rauch, Craig Kostecke and Pat bali cards. Oh sure, I could probably buy one from a collector O'Donoghue The Cards' defense - at $5 or $6 or even higher, depending upon the year and the featured fme play from Dan Cum. conchtion. But where's the fun In that? The best part of buy- mms, Dan Com mer and Mark ing baseball cards is ripping the pack open, eating the gum 3choenegge. Rich Nelson pitched a t and thumbing through the cards to see who you got. gutsy game for the Yanks Tom ~.... ,..•.....,r ... -.. \: Moellering, Andy Shaffer, Matt The World S.rl •• champion cardinal. of the ParteMI/OI'8 Included. from I.ft to right, (front row) C...1g K~tec:k., I know. I used to collect baseball cards, on and Ha\'ern Johnny Jeter. Now, Freehan was great in his own right, but fourth inmng turned thmgs around and defenSive battle until Cardinal doubles b} Lulls, Bramlage and played well on delcll:>c for MSL" back the 60S, every kid had at least a dozen Freehans and for Michigan State 10 thiS 12.4 MSU in MIke Rentz hit a late-Inning home John Daudhn Bailey faced thrf'e PI.1Ylng for the champIOn MiChl' he was no Joe DiMaggio. Nobody but me had Johnny Jeter run to give the Cards a 7-2 WIO and wm Notre Dame players and got thE' 19l1nState team were J.lson Bailey. KevlIl Rauch started the game cards. Jeter was a so-so outfielder for the a Series championship, DeBets and wm by strlkmg out the lnst batter Mlchdel Rutllgherl, "'nIl COHO, for Notre Dame and pitched two In the mid-60S, He probably had a .270 lifetime average and Rentz hurled for the Cards, Wy- Dann} I\1lOadeo pItched the flr:.t Donny DeSeranoo, Jim Gfl~m, scoreless 1000n85 Brendan Shaw never made It to the World Series. socki was on the mound for the two mmngs for MSU, allOWing Darren Havern, Chnl> Keros, Dan, took over 10 lhe third and Andrew Yankees Cards Cummins and lhree smgles and stnklng out ny Mlnadeo. ('tllP Tom Bramlage came on 10 the fourth Peterson, Rauch made superb catches of three DeSerranno pitched the rest IWJt, Jeff Schmidt. ('harles Yet, every time I bought a pack of cards, I got at least one Donny De8eranno had thn.'e RBI Yankee hne drives; Com mer and of regulatIOn play and ~truck out Severn, Bruct' Shaffer and Ba:k .. Johnny Jeter 10 the bunch Once I even got three in one pack. WIth a third mnmg double and O'Donoghue also turned m defen. fIve He also arldt>d two tnples, one W~'!>ockl ~lanagt"r \10 all DICk. You would have thought he was the most popular player in the homered 10 the fourth for MSU sive gems HBI, scored tWice and was on ba!>c ~hnadt.'O and HIll Coyro CO. stnkmg out eight tee up Bailey pitched two scoreless Illn. I've stlll got my Johnny Jeter cards; In fact, I keep them 10 and Safadl had key Yankee hits A pall' of Gros!>c SYSTEMS lOgs and allowed only two hits a shoebox all their own I've also got cards of Johnny Bench, Bedsworth, Moellermg, Peters- POinie golfers par Scott Lupo tagged out two al .'\..owMt '"* ~Ity SeMel < (;onllnued on Page 2C) marck, Shaffer, and Wysocki were tlClp8teJ In 1Ill' 67th home for Notre Dame and ~econd l.1' Name brIM Mann Systtml outstandmg on defense for the Western JUlllor Golf Yankees baseman Lulls and first ba"eman Chhlp at Lone More Kyle Hoye made good defenSive Palm Golf Clull In Grosse Pointe ~ play~ for the Irish CUSTOM VAN ENTERPRISES Sports Park Minors l..akcl.ll1d, rIa, Juh 17 League-leader Michigan State Ginn: TWO John Mal'L('od. IH,of 20932 HARPER • BETWEEN B &: 9 MILE • NEW AND USED on won the Mmor League World The sE'<.ond game of the SNles lh(\ ('lt~ and Tom \\ 11. 886-8755 t ••,..... ' .•, l'-4 GUN SALES .,on, 16, of th(' ~horc!> Back Page SerIes WIth two VictOries over se. went 1010 extra mnmgs hrst, but Woods.Shores came back with three runs on six walks in the bottom of the inning The champs put the game away In the thIrd with seven runs on hits from Laskarides, PhtlJp Shefferly, John Guibord, Mike Retherford, Pat Hopper and Jeff Joboro. Greg Grockenberg pitched for the Farms-City. In the first game, the Woods- Short><; ~Ilt thf> P;lrk '-1 II" r ~,,- karldes got the pitching win. Bill DeLease pitched for the Park. In game two, Paul Kesman got the Win as the Woods-Shores beat the The runner-up VankeM Induded, from left to light, (front row) Peter Griem, Richard Nelson, Matt Wy.c>cjd, Sean Farms-elty and pitcher Tom Lil. Byrne, Eddie Saffldl; (second ro.) coedl DicIc Mellon. Andy Shafter, Jason Bedsworth, George Petersmar1l:, Mike lenslek, 6-2. And in thE> third game Johnson, Tom Moellering, manager Ibrty 1IctII ..... Rob MeLlI...., 8nd Chad Hawkins were not pictured, played on July 15, the Farms-City beat the Woods.Shores, 7-5. Lilien. slek got the win; Joboro took the The Wood .. Shor .. AIl-American team won the Babe Ruth All-Stars tour. Park crowns champions loss. nIIMnt Iut week thanks to the efforts of, from left to right, (first row) John GuIbord, Philip Shetterty, John Lalkarldel, Mike Retherford; (second row) (Continued from Page tC) the bottom of the sixth. shared the pltchmg duties for Mike 5capim and BIll Bakeman MIke Kretah, Pat Hoppet, Jim Glanunzlo, Keith Boro10; (third row) Paul Managing runner-up Notre San Hawaii. Keith had two strikeouts, the For Antonio, Mike Bell pitch. coached Woods-Shores team. Keaman, George Deeb, Bob Reinhard: (top) Jeff Joboro, Rob Allaer, Paul Dame was John Hoye; Michael the innings, and Kinnaird had four Dan Wim- ed first recording Team members included shortstop Bakeman. Shaw was.coach. Team members seven stnk:eouts. Steve Bednarchlk satt went two-for-two and exhibited Pat Hopper, first baseman Philip included Shane Aubuchon, Mat- pitched two and oOe-thirds innings, some fast base running Tommy Shefferly, catcher Paul Bakeman, \' thew Bentley, Andrew Bramlage, recording four strikeouts. Jim Davis banged a triple and Kinnaird outfielder Bob Reinhard, pitcher- ;" John Daudlin, Kyle Hoye, Brandon Bellanca PItched the final two- doubled. Steve Keating also hIt second baseman Jeff Joboro, out- f. Lulls, Scott Lupo, Tom Murphy, thirds of the sixth and struck out safely. fIelders J1ffi Gianunzio, John liTE SIVE CARE >c' David Ownby, Kevm Rauch, Dan- one. San Antonio's offense was led Guibord and Make Retherford, CAPT. C RLIE 'CIt'f PEYTON r,t" ny Roarty and Brendan Shaw. ~ Jim Bel1aDca's triple and the pinch hitter George Deeb, second ~ hittmg of John Bednarchik, Joel baseman Rob Allaer, pitcher- " Farms-City AAA Peterson, Aarron Romine, Jake It's Farms shortstop John Laskarides, pitcher- r On the July 2 playoff game, Den- !..ewis and Billy Statts. third baseman Paul Kesman, and fr ver beat finst place San Antonio The underdog Denver team beat Regatta time outfielders Keith Borolo and Mike i- 11-7. Dave Auld pitched four inn. Hawaii, 12-5, to capture the AAA The Farms Regatta will kick off Kretsch. ings for Denver, getting three ?' cbampioDship 00 July 5. Pitching with the annual Regatta parade on ~; strikeouts and allowing seven nms for Denver was Bonnani who went Saturday, July 21. The parade will E on six hits and gIving up eight four inniDgs, allowing five runs and begin at 11 a.m. at Kerby and to walks. Mark BoDnani pitched the Hunt Club four hits with six stnkeouts and ChaHonte, pass through the Hill !i;, last two innings, getting three three walks. Jeff Wolf closed the shopping area and is scheduled to ~, strikeouts, allowing no runs on ODe door in the last two innings with 4 arrive at the Pier Park at 11:45 a.m. plans benefit t: hit and no walks. strikeouts. Denver's hitting attack '- At the plate the attack was led b)r was led by BoDnani, who hit a pair . The Grosse Pointe Hunt Club will ~ Bonnani who bad two doubles and of triples and Matt Suberati, with Officers and directors of the host an exhibition to benefit the ~\ Matt Snyder who went two-for- two doubles. Jay Auld hIt a two- Fanns Boat Club, which presents Detroit Institute for Children on .' three including a triple Auld bang. bagger and timely hits by Jeff the Regatta, will participate in the Saturday, July 28, beginning at 6 ) , ed a double. Also contributing key Wolf, Matt Snyder and Auld aided parade, as will Farms mayor James p.m. at the club, 655 Cook Road. ... bits were Ken Barfleld. Mike the cause. Mike McLaughlin play- Dingeman and councll members. ~, McLauglin, Jay Auld and Matt ed a good defensive game at second There will also be antlque vehicles, The exhibition includes a dressage --! Carmichael. R.J. Albert made a for Denver. owned and maintained by Fanns Show featuring Mari Zdunic, Ellen {~~ spectacular center field catch in Keith Baer and Ed Kinnaird residents, in the event. The parade Rees with her national champion "..... launches the two-day Regatta - a Morgan, Kelly Sacksleder doing }"-' picnic for all Farms residents. gymnasl1cs on horseback, the Detroit Mounted Police, Detroit Sports Week Games for adults and children Firemen Clowns and more. (Continued from Page IC> will be held on Saturday and Sun- Admission is $5, $2 50 for children day, with lots of prizes for parti. 12 and under; children under 5 will Pete Rose, Luis Aparacio, Roberto Clemeste - all the big cipants. Live music - including a players of the 60s. And I'm going to hold on to them, even be admitted for free. Tickets are German band - will be provided on available at the gate. Further infor. though a collector at last SUndats show told me that cards both days. mation may be obtained by calling like that are getting pretty ~ now (with the exception 884-9090 of Jeter, but then that goes WIthout saying). Further information may be ob- tamed by calling Walter Klem at The Detroit Institute for Children And that wasn't the only thing I found out at the mall last 886-3630. offers programs and services de- Sunday - I also learned that kids still collect baseball cards signed to aid every aspect of a ("they sure do," said a harried-looking mother as she watch. child's development and family in- edber three SODS paw over the cards on the $5 and up table); Little League play volvement. It is located at 5447 and that not everybody will pay $5 for a Joe DiMaggio Woodward Avenue in Detroit. autograph. in the City The Fanns-City Little League Like the guy who glanced at the long line, took a look at will host the Distnct 6 tournament Farms-City DiMaggio and said, "DiMaggio's great, but I'd still rather see from Saturday, July 21 through Ted Williams." Saturday, July 28, at Elworthy Me, I just want their baseball cards. I think 400Johnny Jeter FIeld at Charlevoix Avenue and hosts tourney cards is a fair price for at least one DiMaggio or Williams. Neff Road. The district tournament The Fanns-Clty will host the is the ftrst step toward the Little state Babe Ruth tournament for 15 League World 8enes In Williams- And I'll even throw in shoebox. year~lds at Kerby Field Friday, Ph"1" by TWin Pho'o the Pa port, July 20 through Thursday, July 26. TNit 161f.z pound sailfish was the catch entered by Harold Westcott, of It is the first time smce 1978 that Games will be played at 9:30 Lothrop Road, In the Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament this the Farms-Clty is the host league to spring. W .. tcott, the smiling angler on the right, above, caught the sailfish Pt;fiIN Woods boaters a.m., noon, 2'30p.m., and5p.m on the state tournament. Saturday and Sunday, and at 4 and off Islamorada. He was fishing on the "7 Carate," captained by leonard celebrate 4th Doolittle. PAVILION 6 p m. on weekdays. The finals Will Making up the Fanns-City teams The Grosse POinte be played on July 28 Woods Boat Club cele- are Mark Belanger, Andre Bielski, brated the Fourth of Ju- The opening day matchups are' Jim Dara, Ted Kolp, Jason Cole- grove, Tun Nugent, Dave Fellows, Sundown Series sails on ly with all-day festivi- Grosse Pointe Park vs. Clintondale lOR: Velero VI, D Wake, DISrup- ties in the Woods' Lake- at noon, Grosse Pomte Farms-Clty Tom Fellows, Chns Krogh, Rick tune, Stlll Crazy, R RIchards, front Park vs. Shelby-Utica Americans at 2.30 Leonard, Alex DLllon, John Johet, tion, L. Oswaid, Boomerang, C Pocahontas. H Mlstele p m., the Woods-Shores Nationals Brady Kraushaar, Cliff Grabow- Tomplnns PHRF.C: Boadlcea, R Higgins, The day began WIth a vs the Harper Woods Nationals at ski, Jeff Lefabvre and Scott PHRF.A: Great Whisper, W second place tie, Booma, D SmIth is 9 a m pancake break- 2 30 pm and the Woods-Shores Tucker John Hoben team man- Jones and Flymg Dutchman, L KJaasen fast and after several Americans vs the Harper Woods ager Mike Johnson, Phil Dara and PHRF-B: Mystique, R SChappe, I\LL OTHERS: TranqUlhzer, D hours of soclallzmg and Americans at 5 p m Jeff VonSchwarz are coaches. Serendipity, G Morlan, No Name, Wetzel, a second place lie, Liebe. a brief buslOes!>meet- O'Bryne straum. D Steiger and Alryn, 109, members enjoyed ETCHELL: ViCtOry, W Thorpe, LanglOIS a roast beef dmner Norsemen go Eagle, Martin/E ~mmm , JIB i\:\J) ;\tAl'\': Cygnet, Rich- Games and fun follow- St. Paul needs KImber II, C Kelly ardson, Jabberwocky, A Sperlmg, ed the meal internationa I MORGAN 27: The James Gang, Yankee, Krletsch RAM'I HORN \lORC: Aqua Vlte, W l\fargohn, The Woods Boat Club coaching help A paIr of North High School track J Kordas, Rapid TranMt, T .11' AU•• '" KlIdebrandt, CIrruS, Solak PEF, Franks. Coyole, D Cotter .. 1801 15 open to boaters and team members, senior Steve St Paul Grade School needs Salgh, of East Ida Lane, and JUnior CJ\L lO: La Cal, W Wtlhamson, 17410MACK Af Sf ClAIR non-boaters and has coaches for the upcommg fall CAL 25: GIddy-Up, W Parker. No r-;ame, Scavarda planned many more Brian Bergeron, of Lennon ..... y Dlt. SA sports season Coaches are Caliber, G Dunn, Draco, J E'\'SIG1\. Wmnf>rgreen, Thiem, evenu. for thiS summer, Avenue, partiCipated In the 19th an . Shenstone ..-.cIALa. needed for fIfth and SiXth grade nual InternatIOnal Freedom C F PIckle, H Schmidt, Go.Pher. THE including a Labor Day boys' soccer and the fifth and CRESCE"'iT. Air Force, P For- It. R S..:hrage Rendezvous In Lexing- Festival Track and FIeld Meet at GREEN SiXth or seventh and eighth the University of Windsor Stadium 11 I.3.•.II .••11 p.•. ..., ton Further mforma- grade cheer leading squads dur- ROOM June 30 tlOn on the club may be 109 basketball season Volleyball season ends HO."AD. IS NOW obtained by calling Salgh placed fIfth In the 100 .cHIP DAILY meter run and Bergeron was first WE ARE FAMOUS OPEN/ Commodore Jerry Hen- Interested persons should con. The Nelghhorhood Cluh's straight gdrnc", and the titlE" son at 88,')-6'789 tact Mr Wachter at 44S-039O In the dl&CUSand thIrd In the shot women's volleyball leagues ended In Dlvlslon II ~)mmon In<;urance for OUR DESSERTS' put tournament play In Apnl In all and Y :"lot lJ6 tIed \I, Ith 7.1 records, UP hunting, thr~ diviSiOns of play With a total v.hile \1et rol Co 1\\ Impy '" Bar of 27 teams competmg for the tltle~. flnl<;hed al f)-2 [n the tournamrnt, fishing beckons the compc>htlOn v.as "tiff r~ach Melrol/Wlmp} <, rlefl'aled Y-:'iot (Js 1 PUBUC NOTICE /11'1 REPAIR SPECIALISTS Over SIX mllIJon t~.am pla)ed eIght league game!> m the quarterfmab '>endlngJt to the \~'ENGINES, OUTDRIVES,OUTBOARDS, acres. 4,300 inl.nd before entering the double ellmma- )O'icr "bracket Simmon In<;urance Men'! shoe sale ~ MARINE TRANSMISSIONS lakes 12,000 miles of hon tournament The champIon thpn knf)('k('d \1elrol Into thl' lo,>er'!> Our final men's dearance streams and the shores ships were oetprmmed by tourna- brack(,t V.hNC Mf'tro! md Y Not COMPLETE PARTS IIVEIlORY of three of the Grea t ment pla~ onl} t'e., and ....on d~:lIn In tp(' rhamplnn sale is on today FOR Lakes compnse MiChl' DIVISion I tt-am" playf'(j (,n '10n <'~IlP garnr :\1"troICflnlmu('(J IL'i Win- gan's Upper PentnIU1a, day evenln~!1 and mcludf'd ~om(' of nln~ ....av" d('f('dlmg ~Immon's SAVE MONEY ON MercrUiser • UMC • a year-round par.dLse thf>str~er team" ~weet Ft>f,tdnd tv.Ice. 1 2,.lnd 10, for the trophlt'!1 Mercury Outboards for the fllherman and Pacemakers lied With 7 I r!'Cord" In The TuevJay Dlvl"lon (('atured ALLEN Volvo • Paragon . hunter ~r sea~on play In the lourna Ihfl onlv und('fE"a1('dtE"am111 regular Stern Power A new brochure, just menl, they met In t.h<- openmg round ..,('a"'onpJ:Jy Dutch Trf'at Too at IHI ",,£ EDMONDS Pacemakt-rs laking thf' VIC. Sor Warner - ~ released by Mlctugan's with Thfl tram <, domrnanu' In the l('ague Upper Penmsula tory, and sendmg Sweel reel Into rarrH'd ov('r to thc' tournament a<;It IlIcnnl ATST CUll GIGISI POrITI Travel • RecrNtJoo the loser'~ brackf'l P y,.rnllhrou~h IIw winner It hrdcket made It the finals and Sweet f#~l (¥- 1'htr'tMr) ,. ' .... 1". Auocsahon (UPTRA), to undefeated In the fmab Dutch 11/ 9 Of! MICHIGAN MARINE GEAR hlghhghtl hunttng and fought back through lht' loser'" Treat Too defC'ated Captain Two, •• a w'o flShtng hotapoU. Cau bracket to also reach the fmals In '~-2 After a 4-4 record In league play, - . """ 20610 S1EPIIIS ST. CLAIR SHORES MI m-5556 906-774-5480 for infor- the champIOnshIp game, Captam Two had some bIg VIctories mation Pacemakers prevailed takmg three to reach the finals

    I 1 Page Three-C Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS


    multi award winning miniseries about FRt, JUlY]7 at San Quentin prison an .nstltutlon 1:15PM.? NBC (12 'SCen' ,Mev" l With a male population 01 more than BASEBALL Ooublel'6"Oel Pn a Blackthorne a shipwrecked English 8-11PM NBC (7 CentraVMountaln) navigator who finds love and ad"en 3000 COnviCts delphia Prwlles at A'IB'1'a Bra.a, FRI., JULY 20 ture In the fascinating often terrify JAMES MacARTHUR lUES. JUl V 31 followed by Los Aru;w es QOOl;er~ ii' I l'1g world 01 17th century Japan $1 LQI.,IS Card nal<; 9.11PM I\B,~ (8 Cpnlr a IMountaln) DESI ARNAl, JR. 8-11PM CBS i8CenlraUMountam) ~PM CBS 13Cer'ra 1,l(."A'd '" LESLIE NIELSEN BRAD DAVIS BASKETBALL Bcoo, p<. t;" s LJ 5 THE BARBARA RUSH KAREN ALLEN I Olymp c team c'1a erg"'s d' ',8" {. SHOGUN RICHARD GILLILAND JAMESON PARKER Star tearr, RICHARD SUN JUlY 11 HAUIITIII& EVE PLUMB A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS A ) I 1OAM,1PM ABC (9AM l-er' Mov'!, : .Bce.aM CHAMBERLAlN CHAR FONTANf= Silly Ilt~'e~dra~a o~.I~~e_~~,.~a~~t.~~ ______I .._---_.. YOKO SHIMADA GREGORY SIERRA p;~s;~~~;;rc;~;u~ I;;e ~~d;;;I~tlca-I I TOSHIO MIFUNE THE NIGHT THE BRIDGE FELL tumult strain and change relation I TUES., JULY 24 DOWN ships A knowledgeable WED AUG 1 The 8"t15n Open ,...e E'nglneer IS 8-11'M CBS (8 CentraVMountam) lIA~'IMi IAIJ6HlMi MICKEY ROONEY

    ANNE JACKSON r 2.5:3OPM NBC (1 Cel't aL .,tou '1 'il -l I h RED BUTIONS AUTO RACING L'"e cove'ag", <,' I '" JANE SEYMOUR called to the rescue of a group 01 se<:on<:lleg of the CART/Ind'. Ca-!>YJ I GERALD McRANEY motorists trapped on a collapsl'lQ m,le If.ple crown brrdge caused by shltt,ng sands IrorT' I THE HAUNTING PASSION A wo MOI\l JUl Y n a nearby fault Furthl'r terror stalks man faces a deadly seduction as ner the vlclims wren tt1eydiscover lhat a .,III.? ABC (7Cer'r8,'-,I.>J"8 '1j I husband struggles to keep their mar GirnOl '0 be unseen but sensual ghost mau radlng SAT, JUlV 18 NBC (7 '5ce~' VO\.~t \ 1helr beach house 8.30-11PM CBS (7 30 Cent rMount) 1:11PM., .AIfIYll Game to t:l@ o)r,'1Qo"r<;1!d SAT., JULY 21 I III JUlY.'; 8:30-11PM CBS (7 30Cent/Mount) IPM,? ABC fec.nlrlvMounlaln) J 9-11:29PM ABC (a Central/Mountain) WED. JUlV 2!) THE ROSE 9-11PM ABC (8 CentrallMountaln) LEAVE 'EM LAUGHtNG Micky turns IATHENS TO LAJ GENEVIEVE BUJOLD on the JUices as Jack Thum In a ••••••••••••••••••••• GBlBIOTS MIDNIGHT touching drama based on a true story CHAD EVERETI 01 a Chicago clown a,1(j hiS oevoted XXIII OLYMPIAD MISTRESS OF PARADISE A beautl EXPRESS Wife who cared for dozens of h0me- QAIID OF THE XXIII OlYMPIAD IRE ful northern heiress weds a southern I less k.ds while he struggled 10 make or Live Irem Los ""Oeles Ca' fo''',. plantatIOn owner only to discover an ends meel and lace some jOltl~ BRAD DAVIS ,,1\, JUIY.'8 awful secret threa'er>lnq Ihelr love I news I :t1,"".' NBC (lISee'll ,VO\J'Irl I JOHN HURT 8-11PM CBS (8 CenfrallMounlaln) POI' "IS 'OR~ POSI H I\N',\\t ,: ELIZABETh MONTGOMERY IAIIULL Ga-ne 01 me i¥MII (J1fTNJ5 MICAJtnur J mom II nof'It1 ICrrHr MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Powerful dra- New York VlnlIees al Ct1,ca90 While Ht>n France afld the glory of God and the other as B TOWN A Southern spinster !IdS dE' DEBBIE ALLEN Spa.n on tape from Pdfl') Fraf'<:t! defense against bigotry but each voled her i1fe 10 caring for her elderly Noon.2PM ABC (t1AMCenI/Mt) 4:»tPM CBS (3 30Cenl MO<..~tl With a steely determination to win falher AHer hiS death she real zes AMY STEELE GOLF The 1131h Brllish Open live GOlF Sammy Dalf.s j, I Grealer SUN., JULY 22 that 11ever she IS gomg to recharge YAPHET KOTIO WOMEN OF SAN QUENTIN Tale 01 lrom the appropriately named Old Harlford OPen !,nal round 9-11:30PM NBC (8CentraIiMountatn) her IIle and baltelles the Illne I~ now an elite conttngent 01 lemale guardS Course al SI Andrews Scolland 0 e.~ c~ QONOV .... A$.SO<.,"l~ -""- SHOGUN Theatrical verSion 01 the or never PROGRAMS liSTED ARE CHOSEN AT THE SOLE DISCRETiON Of CORNEllllS DONOVAN "'SSOClAlES INC S NEIL FUJITA DESIGN

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    " Call 882.6900

    Page Four.C Classified ads Thursdp" Julv 19. 1984 lEI!IIImm __ 1A+PEASMiICs 1A-PERSONAL.S 1A-PERSONALS 3-LOST AND ~- ! FOUND M~ AND carnage rental VALUABLE ASSETS video MRS JOSEPH McCl'ed Hap- NOVENA TO ST JUDE RESUMES BY Lvnn Profes Add a "Royal Touch" to taped for your protection !INDEX 1'0CLASSIFIED OFFERED 1 slOnallj compOst'sor of all \\ ho In\ oke ) ou T WO ROl.'~D tnp tlcket~ to female Free to good home DEBT DOCTOR helps heal t\'EEDED reasonably pnced to use ~our great God given Lo!>Angeles Thanksgl\ mg 886.3835 or 882-2300 THAlIo'K YOU Hol) SPll"lt for 1 Legal Notice 120 Lake and RI'(er Property ) our hnanclal v.ounds photographer and D J for po\\ eL to did me In m) WIShes granted N J 1A Personals 12E Commercial Property "eek $550 H5 1180 alter 6 FOUND - bldck and v.hlte Debts made workable Pro- No"ember lOth ~eddmg urgent petitIOn In relUl n I 18 Secretonal ServICe 12F Northern Property pm Sprmger Spamel, one non gram mW\'ldualh designed Call Dana 882-3531 promise to make your name 1C PkJbl,c Sale 13 Real Estate de!>cendent testIcle If For appomtment i74-1708 I-.nown PI a\ for u~ ~ ho ask rt.:STOM \\ ood\'>ork QUdl!t) you ve lost ammals please 10 Obltvartes 13A Lois for Sale for) our aid" St Jude, Sa~ J carpentn Illlh a personal EXPERIENCED NOVENA 10 ST JUDE contact Anti Cruelty Apostle and Martyr great In 2 Enterlamment 138 Cemelery Property Our Fdther!o J Hall Marys, touch Urnamental \Iood- TECHNICIAI\IS 891-7188 13569Jos Campau vlrture, rich m mLracles, 2A MUSICEducation 13C Land Contrads ,{Glor.as ThiS :-.l0\ ena has \\ ark, home Impro\ ement IFormer Bell Employees \ DetrOit kmsman of Chnst, mter. 28 TkJtorlng and Education 130 For Sale ar Lease never been kno\\ n to fall kltthen deslgmng In \\ood 01 Phone InstallatIOn and 2C Hobby Instruction 14 Real Estale Wonted LOST 2 male kittens, Puppy Slttmg ServIce sessor of all who Invoke you Say Novena for 9 da)S My formlca PortfolIo samples Repa LrWork Done 2D Camps 14A lals Wanted and references avaIlable Hampton-Morrungslde area Reasonably to use your great God gLven request ~as granted 2E AthletIC Instruction 14B Vocatlan or Suburban upon request Free estl Orange color, kIds pets 881 Don Palmer Hank Mable) power to aid me In my M :'It CUSTOM LAMPSHADE urgent petItIon In return I 2F 5choois Property Wanted mate!> Bruno Trentacost 2138 8S4-2Il28 57:HJ9?..5 THA "\K YOll St, J.ude for rt F '" NT1'I1r. '" I\,lT) ~_ ...... ("'n ...... ,~:r'lo ..... ,.- ""''''''O''T'b ?c; Convalescent Core 14C Real Estate Excnange ..,~t1 ~:;{\Q T """C"'T" 1111" 1 '"' C" _ .... I '-'Vo.J 4 '" oj '"'.>\" lel vor~ gl dlllt:U .VI ~ RENOVATION k;;;:;';~-P;~~'f~;~; h~~~k 3 Lost and Found 15 BUSiness Opportunities ans\', ers to Slndbad Neff 922-3510 YOUR HOME for your ald', St Jude, Sa~ 3 4 Help Wanted GtJneral 16 Pets for Sale - PRA YER TO THE 1B-SECRETARIAL A WORK OF ART CharlevoIX area Cluld's pet 382 GR ....ND BOULE VARD Fathers, 3 Hall Marys, 4A Help Wanled DomestIC 16A Horses for Sale HOLY SPIRIT SERVICE Framed, Pen and Ink Oui Reward 882-3015 DETROIT 4ll207 3 Glorlas ThIS Novena has 48 Se,v,ces to Exchange 168 Pet Groamlng Holy Spmt, you ~ ho make me Watercolor of Your Home, FOUND PUppy - Balfour/ never been known to fali 4C House Srt1It'lg ServIces 16C Pet Soordlng see everythmg and who Complete BUSiness or Boal By Essex area Brown With Sa) Novena for 9 days 5 511uotlon Wonted 160 Adopt A Pet shows me the wa, to re.ach Vi ORD PROCESSING CAROL A SINCLAIR black markmgs 821.9218 Do you know the colors My request was granted 5A Sttuahon DomestIC 19 Prlnhns and Engrovlng my Ideal You who gl\e me Reports that loot best 011 you' 886-8468 MPD 5B Employment Agency 20 General ServICe the DIVIne Gift to forgive Repetitive Letters - Complemental) profes- 5C Coterlng 20A Cor~t Laylrlg and forget the v.rong that IS Em elopes 4-HELP WANTED PRA YER TO THE sional color drapmg and BONDED LOCKSMITH 6 For Rent Unfurnished 208 Refrigeration and Air done to me and YOU who are DIssertatIOns GENERAL faew "QUALITY" HOLY SPIRIT . 6A For Rei'll Furnished ConditiOning Repair m all instanceS of my hfe ManUSCript;, Holy Splrlt, you who make me GROSSE POINTE area dr) - Coordlnated makeup SCHLAGE DEADBOLT 6B R09m. for Rei'll 20C Chimney and Fireplace \\ Ith me I, In thIS short Techmcal EquatiOns see everythmg and who cleaners, lookmg for full with application IW/STRIKE REINFORCING 6C Of!>ce fOl Rent Repair dIalogue ",ant to thank you Tables shows me the way to reach hme, part time experienced techniques KIT 6D Vacation Rentals 200 Loclumlths for everyth10g and confIrm WORDSINUMBERS my Ideal You who gIve me help Counter work and sort- - Swateh books $4780 6E Garage for Rent 20E lnwlotlan once more that I never want PROCESSING CORP the DlVlne Gift to forgIve mg JObs avaIlable Call 372. - Wardrobe TJ.ps CHELSEA LOCK CO 6F Shore LIVing QkJarters 20f Wosher and Dryer Repair to be separated from you no 831-9860 and forget the wrong that IS 1208 For lDformatlOn call GROSSE POItIo'TE PARK 6G Slore Lease 200 Glass - Mirror Service matter how great the mater. 884-WORD 882.2274 after 5 p.m 343-9144 done to me and you who are 6H For Rent or Sale 20M Floor Sandlrlg lal desrres may be I want to ARTIST - part.tune m-362Q 10 all instances of my life 6J HaUs for Rent 21 MOVing be With )OU and my loved RESUMES, theses, term CANV ASSERS for Grosse "",th me I, In thIS short 6K Ston;lge Space 21A P,ano Service ones m your perpetual glory papers, reports, repetItive POinte area, $2.50 per hour BALLOONS dIalogue want to thank you 7 Wanted to Rent 218 Sewing Modune Amen letters \\ ORD PROCESS- 881.8603 for everytlung and confLrnl ING Competltl, e pnces! HIGH FLYING HELIUM BAU.OON BOUQUETS 7A Room Wonted 21C Electncal Service Thank you for your love to- BABYSITTER wanted once more that I never want 7B Room and Boord Wanted 21D TV and RadiO Repair qua1Jty ~ ork 521-3300 For all occaslODS for as httle as $lG-dellvery available wards me and my loved Mature woman to babySIt ID to be separated from you no 7C Garage Wonted 21E Storms and Screens ODes Pray thIS prayer 3 con- TYPING WORD processmg, Buy a daten or buy a gross A GREAT way to celebrate matter how great the mater. my St ClaIr Shores home 2 7D Storage Space Wanted 21F Home Improvement secutive days WIthout askmg resumes, $3 50 a page, 35(: children Call after 6, 777. ial desires may be I want to B Articles for Sole 21G Roofing ServICe your \\ Ish, after thIrd day addJtlOnalongmals Notary 882-4968 3746 be Wlll} you and m) loved BA MkJslcal Instruments 21 H Carpet Cl8O"IOg your wISh v.ill be granted, no S C S i72-2809 ones ill your perpetual glory 88 Anllques for Sale 21.1 PatntlO9, Decorating matter how dIfficult It may BABYSITTER needed to Amen TYPING/word processmg come to my home Monday- Ie Office EqUipment 21J Wall Washlrlg be Then promIse to pubhsh resumes term papers, PENDOLINO'S CHIMNEY SCREEN Thank you for your love to- 9 ArtICles Wonted 21K Window WashinS Uus prayer as soon as your Fnday,6 30 am -3:30 pm SERVICE wards me and my loved reports, repetitive letters 2 children, 216 and 6months 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21L Tile Work favor has been granted Reasonable AvaIlable 7 GET READY FOR FALL! I ones Pray this prayer 3 con- lOA Motorcycles for Sale 21M Sewer Service MK old Must have transporta. Bring your bouse secutive days WIthout asking days a week 8&2.5541 tlOn Call before 4 p.m 882- 108 Trucks for Sole 21 N Asphalt Work PRAYER TO ST RAPHAEL up to code and your WISh, after tlurd day 11 Cars for Sale 210 Cement and Brick Wark WILL DO yoIII' t)'pmg and 1144 your WIShwill be granted, no ANGEL OF THE SICK keep UDWanted 11A Car Repair 21P Waterproofing light bookkeep1Og Call Dar- EXPERIENCED babySItter ammals out matter how difficult It may May the Angel Raphael , lene after 5 00 - 822.9135 118 Car. Wanted to Buy 21 Q Plaster Work Ph)'slclan 10 care of our and housekeeper needed to FREE ESTIMATES be Then promIse to pubhsh 11 C Boats and Motors 21 R FkJrrlllure Repair before 5 00 - 964.5173 th.IS prayer as soon as your health come down from care for 10fant In my home 881.2.177 886-S87D ~ 11D Boat Repair 215 Carpenter fulltlme Own transporta. fevor has been granted heaven to cure all who are 2-ENTERT AINMENT *WE $5 WITH THIS AD* r..-.. Thank you for favors recelV. 11 E Boot Dockage and 21T Plumbing and Heating Sick and to solve the dtfflcult tlon References 884-6595 Storage 21 U Jonltor Service problems of hfe after 6 p m BRICK WORK, CROWNS, A.I''ID FLULINERS ed A.B LIGHT-HEARTED llF Trailers and Campers 21V 5ilverplaring Be WIth us, 0 Archangel, call . PART-TIME experienced THANK YOU St Jude for 1 1G Mobile Homes 21W Dressmalung and ENTERTAINMENT ed the Medtcme of God , MAGICIAN sales lady Call 881-6567 favors receIved P M L llH Airplanes Tailonng drIve away dIseases of the 12 Surburban Acreage 21X Draperies FINANCIAL PLANNING PERSONAL Checkbook bal- body and bring good health ROBERT COOPER 12A Surbur6'an Rome 21 Y Swimming Pools ALL AGES OCCASIONS College graduate or prIor anCIng, small busmess or to our mmds bUSiness salespersOlIS pre- 128 Vocation Property 21 Z Landscoplng 885-4210 personal bookkeepmg Free - From the proper hymns m ferred to investigate the ,2C Farms for Sale 0f IIUtla1 consultation, delJvery the Dlv10e OffIce, Feast MAGIC SHOWS-A\'aLlable specIalized fIeld of fmanclal 1ntormatlOn or appomtment St Raphael (authoflzed for bIrthday parties, ban. and estate planning This translatIOn) m-l382 1A-PERSONALS 1A-pERSONALS quets, your SOCial affairs career opportunity offers ex- Call Jlm Shannon, 885-66~ tensive techmcal and skills PSYCHlC PRAYER TO THE VIC TANNY lifetime trans- St Gregory calls Raphael "the trammg to quahfled in- HOLY SPIRIT ferable membershIp, leav- MedJcme of God" Heavenly 2A-MUSIC dividuals Please call Rose MRS. HARRIS PhySICIan, Angehc Healer , Gtfted reader and adVISOr mg the state Must sell, in- EDUCATION Portaro, 64So3250 Holy SPlflt, you who make me God's Remedy, are not man has helped thousands, see everythmg and ~ ho cludes racquet ball $1,000 gIven titles, they are sImp- EXPERIENCED legal secre- why not you? All readings shows me the v.ay to reach 886-6454 WOODS MUSIC ly eqUIvalents of the nam e tary. Full-hme position for prlvalc and conflClentlal my Ideal You who give me PRAYER TO THE God HImself revealed , STUDIO suburban general practice Appomtment only 521- the Dlvme Gift to forgIVe HOLY SPIRIT Raphael the Archangel With GUITAR, PIANO, THEORY law firm Good shorthand 1244 Parties and home and forget the wrong that IS Holy SPirit, you who make me a mandate to cure the bod! HOME or STUDIO and typmg skIlls reqUIred HALF PRICE done to me and yo~ who are see everyth10g and who ly mental and spU"ltual af 20943 Mack IBM word processor expen- WITH THIS AD m all Instances 01 my hfe shows me the way to reach - fhctlOllS of men Call weekdays ence necessary Salary With me I, In thIS short my Ideal You who give me 881-2920 881-5880 negotiable Call Judy or dIalogue want to thank you the DIVine Gift to forgive PM YER TO THE PIANO teacher WIth degree Dons for 10terview m-5300, for ever) thmg and confIrm and forget the wrong that IS COLOR CODING HOLY SPIRIT has opemngs for beglnnmg So5 for once more lhat I never want done to me and you who are Holy SPU"lt,you who make me or advanced students Ex- FUN Al\tD FASHION to be separaled from you no m all Instances of my hfe see ever:. thmg and who perienced Ln claSSIcal, pop, BOOKKEEPER matter how great the mater- WIth me I, In tlus short shows me the way to reach ragtime, and Jazz 343-9314 Temporary accounts payable • Cost $25 mcludes Ial desires mav be I want to dIalogue want to thank you my Ideal You who gl\'e me posltLOn IS available • ProfesSIonal drapmg be With you and my loved for everytbmg and confirm the Dlvme Gift to forgIve 28- TUTORING AND General accountrng skills - Make-up analysl!> ones In your perpetual glory once more thal I never want and forget the wrong that IS EDUCATION are necessary Hours are - Color swatches Amen to be separated from you no done to me and you who are negotiable for the nght-ap- Thank you for your love to- matter how great the mater. m all 10stances of my hfe TUTORING pllcant Send resume or call CALL 371-9432 wards me and my loved Ial desLres may be I want to WIth me I, m thIS short Walton PIerce Co, 16828 ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con. be WIth you and my loved dialogue want to thank you ALL SUBJECTS For Appomtment GRADES 1 THRU 12 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte, secutlve days Without askmg ones m your perpetual glory for everythmg and confIrm PROFESSIO:\,AL FAClJLTY MI 48230 884-1330 your WIsh. after third day Amen once more that I never want ANYONE CAN earn money - your Wish 'WIllbe granted, no WE CAN HELP DO YOU KNOW Thallk you for your love to- to be separated from you no challengmg, easy, tram10g matter ho\\ diffIcult It may wards me and my loved matter hay, great the mater- GROSSE POIl\lTE THE COLORS THAT Sell Avon Call Cindy be Then promise to publish ones Pray thIS prayer 3con. Ial de.lres ma, be 1want to LEARNlt-.:G CENTER ENHANCE YOUR BEAUTY 886-4239 AND WHY OR HOW? thIS prayer as soon as your secut.Jve days WIthout askmg be WIth you and my loved 63 Kercheval on the Hill favor nas been granted your Wish, after thIrd day ones m your perpetual glory 343-0836 343 0836 LEGAL SECRETARY You Will feel more lovel)' HIghly motivated secretary m the colors that work DTM&MLM your WIShwill be granted, no Amen MATHEMATICS AJ\D com. ------matter how dIffICult It may Thank you ior your love to- WIth pr.oven skIlls and legal for you ORIENTAL RUGS puter tutonng b~ an ex be Then promIse to publIsh wards me and mv loved penenced englDeerlllg stu experIence wanted for small $:I{) With thiS ad but growlllg DetrOIt law CF.RTIFIED COLOR WANTED thIS prayer as soon as your ones Pra:. thIS prayer 3 con. dent References i78-8252 fIrm IBM DlsplaywTlter or A~ALYST one or man)' favor has been granted secutlve da)S WIthout asking Private collector Will pay any Thank you for favors receIV. your WIsh, after thIrd day 2D-CAMPS other word processing ex- Will do penence helpful Salary and .Color anal)'sls reasonable prICe ed JG :your WIshW'JIbe granted, no CAMP ARBUTUS-Pm ate benefits negotIable Call .Analyze your current 644-i312 I WILL pay $20-$40 toward matter hoy, dlfilCUit It may girls camp Grand Tra\erse 568-1700(ask for Debbie) or makeup your VIC Tanny member- be Then promIse to publIsh TE\;~IS LE~NS on private area June 24th-July 21st, send resume Lo Damm & -Teach applicatIOn of shIp Maryann 294-26,,0, thIS prayer as soon as your court b} expenenced tennis July 22nd-August 18th Call SmIth P C 400 Ren Cell, correct makeup colors days favor has been granted profes~lOnal mstructLOn, MM 881.9442 Wnte Mayfield, SUite 3800,DetrOIt, MI 48243 -PrOVIde swatchbook &. drlll~ or match pia} to learn PRAYER TO THE MichIgan 49666 HANDYMAN /Pamter - part- shoppmg lno;tructlOn or Improl e lour game Pn HOL\- SPIRIT lNVOCATlO;\ TO THE 882 5596 ',aU or semi prIvate 884- Holj Splnt ~ou who make me HOLY SPIRIT 3-l0ST AND time $340 per hour 821. X;l!l see everythmg and who Come Hoh SPlrlt fIll the FOUND 5448 shows me the '" aj to reach hearts of :rour f<hful and PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC In my Ideal Yw who gIve me kmdle In thPm the fire 0f FOUJ\D "oman;, g~d Grosse Pomte area needs The Classified the DIVIne GIft to forgl\,e ,"our dlvme love bra<.elel \!'atch Girard Pene part time receptIOnist l:o and forget the wrong that IS when you send forth )OU l' Craux Between Lmcoln and work 2 3 evemngs per week, word tor today is done to me and you who are ~plnt, they are cr€aled And Fisher on 1,Uaterloo 885-4551 and posSibly some day lime In to be separated from you no the hght of the Halj Spmt MichIgan, 22151Moross #322 under the lOsp,rallOn of the nculered malf' \ en fflend DetrOit MI 48236 tIone or .. done 8WtfttJ. matleT hov. great the mater I} Area of 5t Clall: and St lal desIres ma)' be J ",ant to !>ame ~Plrlt gll t u~ a tasle Paul 88fJ5121 or 8P.l2.'m t-.:EED APPEALING, dm Whether you're bUying or for", hat I~ nght and true be With yoo and my lovPd afler '; p m bltlOU<; young man In and II cl)ntlnum~ ~en!-eof hi sellln9, you'll get qUIcker ones 10 your perpetual gloD ~ tcrested In bUlldmg trade JO} bnn~mg pre~en('e and FOl \D J\Idll' \Tdlamutr results In the Classlfleds. Amen Appl~ 21719 Harper, 5t Clair Thank you for your lo\!> to- power lhrough Jc<-us( hrlo;t rwutercd grd\ I\~hilt 891 ~hore~ You're bOund to find It or sell ....ards me and m) lovPrl Our Lord Amen 71118 HARBER ~PACE available It faster In the place where ones Pra) thIS prayer:l con LE.AR\ HO\\' lo pla\ Ix'tte r IF ) OL haw' lo!!t an animal Si"CUtlve day<; Without asklllp; for barber styllSl WIth millions shop golf and hdH man fun dct- pl('d ..e contact follOWing After 7 pm 881 your ....I<;h. after third da} Anti ( rur It, fl'd 7l POX Buy .. and Htten meet mg It by U,tn~ our ~y~l('m to Will yoor ~l .. h Will hto granted no chart your ~(ormg progres~ I j16'1 Jo~ (dmpau Detr'1I1 ~ery day In the CI ass Iheds, matter he....difficult It may r or our (omplete package r - --~ BAR) ~ITTF:R WA\TED be Then promIse to publIsh where value and quality al- hgmOlni( Augusl TI II 30 ",'\11 \LL D(J{, 'lllm~ nrl( o\er d m 4 p m ~da)h a week and place your ad today Angeleli AU~lI!\1 15 28 $250 12 pound~ portallon refer hour (qulrpd m 71506 A STARI" rcfprpn( (" fill', 1111'1 "BE IH_'>PONSIFll.!': woman Hav!" \ our ....f"ddmg ceTt'mOnj TAKi'_ 1\ HALl'! I()\ RJDf'':' y,a nt('r! Tue!>dll v and Grosse Pointe ana reception Videotaped In ~'e Ilff from a full color aM c;ound ""N1neTAII\,,...;[) (,LAfo,S- v,mdo ....~ (Jff('r~ Chdlnpelgnp Fhghls lmpro\( ment Co '>f'ekmg 882-6900 lamps mlTror~ bevel .. O\!'r "'orthf>rn exper,cns nev. con Macomb <. ounty umo;lructlon '>Resume structlOn and repaln CALL 776-4626 POBox &14, Mr Grande, References 382-4112 r: Dt,trOlt MI 48021 - --,-:------

    Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five.C

    SA-SITUATION 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP wANTeD 4-HELP WANTED 4-AELp WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 5-SlTUA llONS i=F6R Rim , GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL WANTED DOMESTIC UNFURNISHER LADY WISHES general PARK-Maryland, Mack 4 WAITRESSES with ex- EXPERIENCED Insurance A GOLDEN Opportunity With ATTENTION REGISTERED nurses now HOUSE A MESS? penence 18431 Mack Ave, person for St ClaIr Shores FRIENDLY HOME PART- accepting appltcatlOns 11-7, housecleamng, o",n trans room upper, $200 Includes No Time? Call portatlon, references Call9 Grosse POinte Farina's area, 3 days a week Contact IES Opemngs CorManagers part time, Cottage Belmont heat 296-6475, 6-8 P m am -4 pm 778-8159 Granary C Myers 774~ and Dealers Sell the largest SKIERS Nursmg Center, 19840 THE GROSSE POINTE Farms - 3 ./>PPLICATIONS are now be- "LIVE-IN" 10 care for elder lme of Gifts, Toys and Home Bavanan Village ski shops has Harper 881-9556 HOUSE.KE. TEERS FAMILY SERVICE cleamng bedroom, livmg room, dIn- Ing taken for part time or ly couple 835.2933 Decor m Party Plan Earn openlOJl:s Cor graduates Ski EXPERIENCED bartender Let Our Crew Come In & Do for all your cleanmg needs mg room, porch, II'l baths, and skiwear sales POSitIOns light or hea vy Bonded and 2 car garage Available full lime, stock help and DEII.'TALASSISTANT - part High Dealer Rebate plus wm and barmaid wanted for All of Your General Cleamng Seasonal, July 2O-F'ebruary InsUred S35-1804 September 1 $700 per cashiers must be 18years or time posltlon, chalrslde free triPS and cash No cash part time, apply al Your Wmdows Ie Ovens Too" mvestment, delivering or 15 30-50 hours Opemngs at month older Apply at Yorkshire aSSistant, fllmg, expenence Place Lounge, 17326 Ea!.l Excellent Re{erences GERMAN lady desires de,in- Food Market, 16711 Mack collectmg Parly Plan ex- Easl DetrOit and Mt Warren Gift Certlflcate Available log and comparnon for elder- preferred Please call 711- Clemens stores Michigan's GROSSE POINn: t'arml> - 4 2225, 9-5 Monday through perience helpful Car and RETAIL SALES - Expen- Call ChriS ly lady 9-Mlle Jefferson PRINTER apprentice needed phone necessary Call ~l- fmest ski shops Send bedroom ranch, 21'1 bathll, Friday enced III Artists matenals area 778-8841 for advertising company lect 518-489-8395or 518489- qualifications or stop In to. 565-4300 lovely streel Available Good pay and ILberal hours preferred Ideal 01' SUitable EXPERIENCED woman, stu SECRETARY/ 4429 Bavanan Village SkI ~'hop, "CARING & DOING' August 1 $WO per month 7767774 RECEPTIONIST 22301 Kelly, East !)etrolt, for male 714-9759 dent wants day ~ork, MATURE non.smokmg IS OUR MOTTO DILLON PROPERTIES U S Mutual Financial Corp, a MI, 48021, or 1216S Gratiot, m:NTAL HYGIENIST Gros!>e Pomte reference CHILDCARE and light ~ oman to care for mfant 5 881-4147 natlomHde real estate m- Mt Clemens, MI, 48043 Experienced - (or Thur:.da)~ • LIVE INS 579-{)WJ housekeepmg 40lsh profes- davs a week for school vestment services firm, plus one other day Call Lm • AIDES GENERAL cleamng service CLEA~ A~D eOl) upper SIOnalcouple, residing m CI teacher References and ex- NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB apheat ag;}-3~5 woman \\hose family has graduate With at leasl1 year clude experience managmg time c1nd (ully experienced At Its Besl Call 725-482'7 contractor part time 882- grown, to care for our child- general office expenence athletic acllvltles, ability to only Ideal 'Aorkmg condi- MED-STAFF EXpt:Ra-:~n:D, reliable Dl':\'O:-';SHIRE - Grosse ren Monda) -Fnday full Who has the ability to type 00 4113 commumcale effectIVelY, tIOns 8224H70 ....oman de~lres all around POlllte Park ranch 3 days Drivers license re- wpm possess excellent GR1LL COOK and dIshwasher and desIre to provide leader- 557-2505 domestiC help ho\C>cclean bedroom, 111 bath fdmll) qUired Please send resume phone skills and IS familier needed at Grosse Pomte fme shIp for youth sports pro- 4A-HELp WANTED mg, runmng errands soop- room, II\Jng dlnlllg room With word processmg, RETIRED HANDYMAN kitchen ,"llh large !>cparale and letter e....plalnlng why dlmng restaurant 881-ttpr tn 11 ~ Mllhllll ... " ...... , I _ t ...._~ .... h", "" h anu :...t:>il ,-VI U ~vu ....."\,.\.u'"u,, .""."'.'" ~ POBox 430Il9-DJ, DetrOit, 00 pets S695 per month Call for someone \\ ho's practical- Experience preferred Ex- educational experience replaced, etc Real>onable 772.l748 885 1797 ly perfect In everyway 48243 EMPLOYMENT afler 4 p m fl85 6523 cellent skl11s requIred Con- which has resulted In References 882~759 HOl'SECLEANING Grosse Grosse Pomte News, 99 Ker- LEGAL SECRETARY WIth 5 understandmg the phYSical, AGENCY FOR LEASE Beillutlfully tact Sw.an O'Keefe at 961- EXPERIENCED NURSES Pomte. Harper Woods area cheval, Grosse Pomte years expenence m medical SOCial, and psychological pamled 2 bedroom duplex. 2 0425 885.4576 aides available Reasonable 9'25 !lO9O Farms, 48236 malpractice, and product aspects of athletics College car garage $300 a month MATURE BABYSITTER for 50 years reliable service rales Fraser Agency Slate habllltv ,",ork for Downtown degree required Call 839 2465 FULL TIME secretanal! my 2 year old Lakeshore/ Needs experienced Cooks, licensed and bonded 5C-CATERING firm, typmg 80 wpm Send SECRETARY Full bme POSi- clerical "'orker ",anted Ex- Vermer area 2-4 days a Nanmes, Maids, Housekeep- 293-1717 GROSSE POINTE near Jef perienced Apply 10 person resume to Grosse Pornte tion as secreatary to recrea- LET-~RPO~~ ASSOCiates" week Referencec; and ers, Gardeners, Chauffeurs, TWO MATURE v.omen desire ferson one. two bedroom on or after July 23, at Ed- News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse tion director ReqUires m<1ke )our party ul1lque transportatIOn reqUired Butlers. Couples, Nurse housecleaning Excellent apartmel1t~ Carpel ap mund Ahee Jewelers, 20139 Pornte Farms, MI 48236 Box above average typmg skills Illth our special!) hors Call after 6 p m 886-3834 Aides, Comparuons and Day Grosse Pomte references pllances, parlong 824 31H9 Mack, Grosse Pornte Woods B-34 or work processmg experi- Workers for prIVate homes d'oeuvres Fret! menu and WANTED babySitter for tod- ence, proven ability to work 715-6451 consultation 882 7149 NEFr - Very SpaClQUS 2 POWNTOWN LAW firm seeks 18514 Mack Avenue FREE dler In our home FleXible WIth others, excellent bedroom upper Ui~ 11\11l1 secretary -Intelhgence, ex- Grosse Pomte Farms TRAINING hours a must, mdtng placement for data-entry, to CHANGING cianI.!>,live-Ins Screened and time work III exchange for Good dnvmg record Will 822-8102 after 5 JO P m stairway Available Sc!p. typmg, secretarial, book- train Excellent money DEBORAH OSBORNE CAREERS? bonded 24 hour servICe Blue Cross coverage keepmg and marketmg POSi- LIKE NEW 6 room lower, tember lit $1,300prr monlh makmg potential Apply tn CAMPBELL EWALD CO READY FOR Licensed nurses for Ill' 46IH162l,772.5767 tions Call 9 3, :>12-7102 surance case!> stove, refrigerator, sarafe InCludes t.wn m&mteNInce person WARREN,MI48093 SUCCESS? EXPERIENCED lady deSires WORD PROCESSING Xerox 15501 Mack Ave POINTE AREA NURSES A\allable Immediate) 779-1323 COSMETIC clerk needed JOIn us at a free houseclea nlllg POSItlon 860 expenenced operator. TtJ OHIO $300 714 5398 MUIR ROAD - III Thefo'anns, SECRETARY for do",ntown Part-time nights and career semmar Reierences 822-9263 part time or full time GROSSE POINTE Pllrk 1167 small bUI Yer~ nice 2 law fIrm Intelligence, ex. '" eekends for a busy EXPERIENCED lady Will MAI,I': nurse aide want!> "COUNSELING IN Wayburn LlVlllg, dilling, bfodroom IIpper ~t, ap- 779-7680 cellem typmg and spellmg cosmetic department Call care for the elderly Ex- pravale dUly Experienced, kitchen, ~oom. bath, sun- phant'f'S. he~l furm~, no EXPERIENCED help \\anted e!>sentlal Legal experience 884-5031ask for Jan Equal REAL ESTATE" cellenl references &46-4500 references, rea~onable Opportumty Employer Sal, Jul~ 21 at 10 ,10 a m Room 217 porch $250 plus utilities pelS $375 plus if'CUrlly care for elderly and children helpful Call MISSGalbraith rate!> Mr Rowland 893-7605 lUl1320 A..allable- Augull 15th at 961-4700 Sch", eltzer School 247-()283 CONTINGENT and part time GROSSE POINTE teacher COLLEGE student .....111 POSitiOnsavailable for nun.e of Real Ec;tate With house slttmg ex- CADlto:UX Chllndlt'r Park 11121_ l55:i E 14 Mile Road babv!llt, houst>dean, own arelt Thre-e bedroom houu LAKIo:SlI()HE \,ll.L ..\t;E ApplicatIOns no,," bemg accepted at - aides experienced In work- perience and references, transportallon, reasonable THE MERRY MOVSE/ 109 With the elderly btwn Ryan & Dequmdre seeks long term hou.'iC Sit apphltnc~. ruB basement, 2 condonllnlum, .! bNtrooms, Sterling Helghl.!> rales LH;a. 312.{132'6 CAFE LeCHAT Mlmmum requirement IS lmg SItuatIon In exchange car gauge Stocurll~, r...fer unUlluIIIl, mel' l"~ unll For resen at IOns & Kercheval c1nd Notre Dame In Grosse Pomte Village one ~ear successful employ- for servIC(~ lind/or minimal f'RA~K ~ Handyman ~rvlce enet'S needed J-tOOamonth ~1'I!rcl air clIfllC'lIllfl and ment In a nursmg home or mformallon rent AvaLlable now Eve- Wallpapt'flng, pamlll1g and ('all 3.1465ll5 draJ)('rlt'!o ....a..hf'r llnd 884-9071 for a home health care agen- Ccill Chn:. it t 268 1000 mngs, 823....292 mlscellaneoul> r«'palrs ItAHPER 't\O()()~ 2he-ctroom dr}t'f $47~ pt'f monlh lllW cy Call 822-3374to arrange S<-h"'eltzer Hl'al f:slatc TIJ .l12J RESPONSIBLt: South student bungdlo.", 'l;1('t' !lx-allon iH5 Of 771 ItIl.lO (or an mtervlew Heller Homes & l,arden;, Full time :.ales per~on "'Ith kno'" ledge of gourmet foods Will do odd lObs Scotl, 886- SI':HVln:~ A Freelance $415 per month llll.') A262 9 \11U: lInei jC'ft~f~.n~ Home Health C~re ServICes Inc or PART TIME *<:r('tarlal and 8579 v.flter i71lU91 FAIUUS nf'llr lb \tIle lAl\l'ly :-,...... h (rdrcllUlt'd 3 Whittier To~ers RRtlrement Busboy wlLh experience, hours 10-4throughout th(' year light bookkeepmg for local 1 bedroom horn!' t.unken tl.'compamon/ SA-sltUltloN dt"n With fo'ranJwn ..lov«, llild fl'lrLlte-fah>r $400 per open Reply to Box ('-14 DOMESTIC bcl~t'menl, aUdetit'd ~drllge _~~!~J:..~_I_"_\f _ GIFT SHOP GrO!>liePOInte News, 99 Ker- aide No housekeepmg per- ~onal care and meal $6j() "'~ IT," {.r~ POlOt ... " ,.. b MANAGER cheval, Grosse POlllte A YOUNG 11Id~, ""I'll {'X prt>parallon only 756-5078 lAJIWfT:'. nll.lfN ,kon ~iar., Farm~ MI 48236 pt'nen( ('{! "' III do ('(fIt !l'nl Speclltlty hospItal In Dt>ttOll IS Call 10 a m ~ p m _ FAIHCI~t:~T Ilt'p<>n<;lbliltyfor the dally III ) our home Befert'nce!> 1Il1'~",I~1 on n" lInlt'r all food handling posItIOns on Fnday, July 27th from lIandv.nlf' rephl'l> 10 tOllplr $21"> \1anl&od I1aI kM_" '\(1 0r*ratlOn of the 'ihop, In II R S 1992 Oxford, Gros!>e !Wi '>878 9am-4pm \;l :-JL~"~houst.k~~p;r- J:~t\; prh no 1.1111.11.... IllI 011 pph dudlng fl!.Cal plannlllR pur There 1<; In excess o( 100 part time po.,ltlons a\allable POlllt(' 48216 EXPERIENCED wuman ddY'I IIr fl\f' IIIght!> (M(' of {'all La V(m , Hl'nlal i'nd .ux-...... ~ munlh 1 month Cha.,lllg and 'IUpt'rvlslon of Employment dup 10 begin early August Hous('", IVes wanl" oay work 881 S261 eldt>rly 101011 ('arl' nod {(Jolt Propt'r1\ \1 II NI Itf'nw III dl'pi"11 ll\lnlt dlnltlll voluntN'r :.1.aH The preff"r DTREC"TOR for AS'iumptlo; and colle~e .,tuden(£, are encouraged 10 apply t:asl Pmnle Nursery ~hool ( all aftpr 6 pm _'.nl5 ~h:!~:.r!'n,-~__.w'.:;'22', ___ _ -,i-.! 21U', ('Arpt'lrct lilarlll'" A\lul.bk (Located on Ihe 1<;1floor 100 Tower) rf"d cand.date ....ill have Gift i.. Qt' ~hop manageml'nl expen le] Toddlf'r {'t'nler Must Ai.I"'lf:lJ-nUr~i,::-cll(t;-- Mlnll!' It d,Hij(hirr dr.nHl~ Tho Thn ... hrc1nll.lCIl hou.'l4' A~ll') ( ...U.ftC"f 1': noon hB\(' b.t(helor degree III ear dll:- .. or lIH' 11\ lI24-4.179 enr'e and hdve dlreeted the tl'oI m v. III (I('dn ynllr honll' I'lr.-plall' rlnJ!o~1 hp1w. Utilitfel Oat In (.I'lJlS">C' POlnlC' Putt For InformatIOn ('all paC'kajSp IndudlDl( p.i rklllg Chlldr('n (ull or pari t1mr rt'(rrf'n, f'" JIlAnn IlIrJ lIlI24 Klf2111'tl IIIU on'> ~1'1 pluto UIII!!I~ _11111 ~'lI~ ~ nlHilll in our .,tru( ture 1'1 provldfod ------118l 4219 I", '1111\\ to-HIIlII--I; Itort' III lI(',u"'!, or d)mlln .....ork - v.11l elf-lln II II 1j(I'ralor 'um(' lllcludm~ saJan re olrll'r Salt's eX~rJf'nc(' IliIM'm('nlll, jl;llrllIW'I. (ani "')''illry Apply wlthan \olrd~ pl( PamtlO!t Ilnd III 1111 II'" I«,.r ''1(1' S .1\(1 01 POSition availa!)lp tor ,nclI'vldual wllh (,r(J!l..o,f' Pomte II,r'Ws, 99 k.er PIC A Pearl ";a811and Illlrlor fl'p.llr .. Ask for ( or Il\onth \,111' ,1..\ .... 11 f',lI,t, ~r_~1 (,/{o...... t- 1'111 \ 1 to' .'.uto. above average ~~llIs TYPing ot 65- 70 (,('nter (heva I (. ro'l'lC Pomte lll'lIU~ KIW'l/i'd Il!'.\ ll ...... \1 .. , k ( I"~II"> l..lkt'~lllltl' !lC'!H I ..UI""'('lF\ WPM !>horlhand 80-100 WPM Excel ------~~-- - - "m.. 1-'<1rmb M I 4IIL16 IU.I.IABL": mlitUrf' r*r<;on I 'klm IIppC" (.r 0". 1'lIlnll' I ).-111\ Ill" 'd' p.otC'l1 t .... o lenl medlcallermlnology baCkground --~ - Nt',}< D "oMt:'1 HI ....(. 1Il11\l'IP MI',1)1( AI, Ir('rPlices wilntf"d to .111'.1 " •• ",,1\ d'-lt (my homp I 7 EXPNI( Il( I'd onl)! Must movl' (lr fl'nJO\ f" 114 r~.- or • ,II ,~tl'{l $l!l, pill" ut"lllI"~ KI« h!"n 111\Judln" IIppli A M \I A M Call f>v('nlngli "I {ur)l~ dl'po'lll i{('If" un...... Idtolll lor 'l"lit!.- Pl'i kno.... "urj(H "I II" wI'li It!> 'lm .. 1l qu.mll! II'lI of Iurmlur t', ~IH11/,)fI(JSf'!/".' .. m I'd I( "I Ito rm Ino)ogy, homf> 7H Rtl56 apphancM. plan(~ or .",hlll l'nl'M ''10 I)f'(, 1IIt'l'II (or 'ltn 5lla plu. U1l111u', lIlIb !II))!l ,. f " or off I( (. 77476l1O Movt:R drlveor-orJvf>r 5 1111\ l' you (lill (or fr .... ('1Itl adull~ KI\:t ~."O ) K - htolper, mu.,t bf' !>Irong, mdl(' 'HI 04111 ('f Il'l24 ..01 oInd your ------')f.'! (,<,f ~, )lr,H EXPt'.HIt',II,( }<,[) pert.on (or r(-hable hont'St, experwne PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS opllcal dl"penf,m~ Pari or }<:l'l{(W~A \' vrr;r;:::~(~nal 15'8 KereMv.1 A • ."ue f'd and Wllhr\K to work Ide1Il Jf'(f("l'1>Ollat (,reu«' POInt. CIty limit 4 ilot) ekovator full 11mI' Inqulnet. .tnd li/,ardt'rwr III 0011' IIpt'r II. ork Oroel. Point. Farm., MI41231 (or (lean cut dependable tlUllc1m~ ....11h llir!Cl' room'l ont' and Iv. 0 bedrnomli rf'll,um~ 10 GrOfoJte }'fJlnte Lng Perrenlllill Blannual~. 313-aM-MOO .lI:t ~450 man 822 4400 Reff'r ...n<~ and Sf'curlty requll't'<1 Nt'wh, !19 Kercheval, Grosse Annualll Ros('!>, tr ..('I. EquII Opportunlly Employer POinte Fum!l, Michigan Bfo,AUTICIAN hoothll (or rent shrubs, tnmmmg. prunnmg WALKEH ALKIRE RIo:ALTY 48236 Box lI(}-42 716-4]26 775-7751 mamtenance 534-0571 888-0820

    ) I J k I . \ 1 Thursday. July 19, 1984 Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS a::lRTRUi If);~ .... i-FOR &-FOR RENT 8D-VACA'ri6N a=lRtiCld l-lMtiES ----1 RENT tc-OFFICE FOR FOR SALE FOB SALE -t>-" -,p., UNFYRNISHED UNFURNISHED RENT RENTALS FOR SALE g; ..~~ - S.C S. F S.C Precision Team DISNEY WORLD-Epcot - BLOCK sale 0Cl Chatsworth OOLL APPRAISALS 4r"i~aOuSTON.WHITTIER GROSS E POlNTE Woods 3 HA VERHtLL - upper, 1 bed. ATTRACTIVE offIce, 18184 Saturday aDd Sunday. Bet. Garqe sale. 1984. National ranch, ceatral air room, appllances, garage, Daytona Beach area New 2 ANTIQUES OR t :-_.~ ODe bedroom, air. bedroom Mack Ave. Secretanal ser- ween Mack aDd Breman COLLECI'IBLES bronze wmnen 0Cl Wednes- .~t<,.... appliaDc:es, launcl11' $259 wtth dmlll& room and 2 basement $200 ,175-4901 Vl<:e and Xerox avaIlable bedroom, 2 bath condo day, AUIUllt 1, and thurs- ces, large kItchen, 882-1232 BALFOUR BLOCK CLUB SUSAN'S DOLL MUSEUM n i '~1\ aHat. hrepla 885-3960 * * 757-5568 day, AUIUllt 2, from 1()'S, at "'" d..: ~NGLISHCOTT""AC-:G~E~{:-or-ren-tIUceIy decorated $6SO plus SA-FOR RENT HARBOR SPRINGS condo C1vic Arena, 20000 Stephens, ty 885.()980 FURNISHER eo-VACATION Ide.\llocatlon m town across TrH ANNUAL GIGANTIC LARGE SELECI'ION o{ reo Sl Clall'Shore . ;, .~':: - 2 bedroom, 111 batil. boose secun lII'EIGHBORHOOD GARAGE cond1tloned SCHWINN bI- SE POINTE Park RENTALS from water Sleeps 6, 212 .' "," with piDe-paneled den and 2 GROS ATTEf\710N EXECUTIVES SALES cycles Reasonable prices SLEEPER SOFA - Slearns "t.. ' ." car garage Near Kerb)' Man:land, 2 bedroom lower, baths, air 852-3139 One or 2 bedroom apartments, LAKEs OF THE NORTH Balfour Road between East Village Cyclery, 7774)357 and Foster, Kemnore double "~ sc:booI $625/month. ODe year app bances, heat, $375 short lease Lmens, cook. CHALET RE!\'T ALS SCHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalet, Warren and Mack (7 oven, king wlute wicker lease and Imme(:r on lllclu per flat on Tromble)' Road • R1IDng stable CHALET ON lake near solld oak, Thomasvllle, clr. Grayton bet", een Mack and n..:::/\ W AIr conal- Three bedrooms. 2 baths, • Tenrus CharlevOIX, boat, available ca 1930's Grandma took real Warren Beautifully "'=v 'HITTIER 11\ Illg room, dmmg, kll. large !l\ mg room, formal • Clubhouse one week startmg July 28th good care of It A real RAINBOW ESTATE SALES decorated with natural UOll, dln1l1groom, well eqUlPped • Indoor Pool 77lH05O, 88-l4i31 treasure for only $1,200 Servmg the Greater Grosse Pointe area fireplace, carpetlOg In. cbahe!C, onen bedroom, bath om Includes ne", stO\ e kitchen $850 unfurmshed or • FIreplace, hot tubs & sauna 885-3684 Estate and Household Llqwdatlons eludes' Flonda room lI\tng $1.200 furnIShed Units avaIlable Complete Service Re(erences room and dmmg room $350 refn gerator, heat Ofi street 6E-GARAGE MOVING SALE Furniture, $.325 month pIll:> \\"1 J CH.U1P[Qi'\ &. CO SHERI KIMBERLY FOR RENT a month References reo park 109 884 5iOO (616\ ~100 carpetmg, dIShes, odds and 885-<)826 qwred 882.2865 secu nt~ depoSit 823-5838 LARGE SOLID 2 double barn ends Saturday only 1680 :-.IORTH OXFORD - 4 bed- DETROIT /Gro-s-se-P-o-lO-t-e-1 FIRST FLOOR flat 2 BY DAY, week or month, doors, hIgh ceiling, qUIet Fall'court, off Mack room, 2 ba th center entrance beautiful, modern, 4 bed- Ashland and Jefferson bedr oom.largeh\IRg room, locatIOn Near 8 :\Ille/I.\H ANDERSEN Alummum wm- ng room garage space FURNJSHED Colomal WIth room, 21-: bath beach-front Secure, furrushed 2 or 31 IDOl $95per mO'lth 886-9722, 445- dows White, 5'X7', 5'X7~', ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED tles mcluded $305 per famIly room QUIck oc- home on Lake Huron near 0352 bl-rlmorn l1l"lOf'r t1at 2 bllths lJtlh ..., _ ... -...... " ... 16""JC"O tQ:;O .. ~~ ('I ... -... -~ .... "' .... very reasonable LIke new AlAR'S GALLERY U1 pH.!:> Ul:VU"1l '-" .....,.- ...... ' .. J -_ .. ----- .. - L.c:A.U.'6"""""' ... ftJ..'u ...... u..ao' ~. sunporch, balcony garage, mon :w,. 1 881-3655 month &81-4200 lng, fiShl~ llghted tennIs NICE 2 " car garage - near 9 One of the large seleeU.ons of Oriental rugs carpeted, drapes ClO5e to tLngham at Mack, DetrOIt 576 JOHNSTO~'E & JOHNSfONE court, ch1l en's playhouse Mlle/JefCerson Allor part A LARGE seleetlOn - Like at mlrnmum pnces transportation $225 plus 624-5 and swmgset Several golf 886--5128, 775-4756. new SchWInn bicycles, 251 E MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM utilities, secunty No pets CA.\fDEN ~EAR Harper. 2 A GOOD MOVE bedroom upper, furmshed courses nearby Ideal for 886-1968 822-4130 644.7311 Set up (or students or room. nicely Ideal for smgle or one, two, or three famlllcs iF-SHARE LIViNG ANTIQUE-Garage Sale mates. 82+6399 IS TO ....orkmg couple Call Comfortably sleeps 12, all QUARTERS Clocks, leaded doors, copper - -- ... ------_.- PARK - 15112St Paul '1\1,0 HAV E YOUR RENTAL laVon's Rental and Proper- amenitles T V., washer, boller, brass hghts. oak 1 bedroom townhouse. den, YOUNG MAN lookmg for PRO PERTY MANAGED ty Management m.2Q35 dryer, mIcrowave, dIsh- roommate to share Park table and Chairs, hcense Household suitable for non smoker No BY washer, garbage dlS- apartment 823.2072 plates, ~lodel A parts, brass dop. $360 plus ul1l.lues Fri- 6B-ROOMSFOR =1,firepJace, etc Call886- cash regISter July 20, 21, 9 I day, 6-7, Saturday, 11-12 DILLON RENT 70 ROOMMATE wanted (or 2 am 29904Blossom, Warren, Estate Sales HARPER WOODS on pROPERTIES BOYNE COUl'a'TRY Com. bedroom home In Grosse 12 Common Road west of WORKING person "must" be Pomte Park. $150 plus lrl KeDoIba. 2 and 3 bedroom 831-4147 pletely funushed, all elee. Hayes). bouses. For more lDfonna. elean Sleeping room Over tnc, 2-ber Chalet. Upper ul1hlles, concessIons {or 35 7 minutes from St John domesllc responsibilities, FRIGIDAIRE electric range CONDUCTED IY tioo ea1l La Voo's Rental and LAKES HORE ROAD Grosse tier, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, POIn te Shores' All the Hospital 885-3039 have dog Everung 822-9818 -4 burners,large oven and Property Management 173- lutchen, hYing room WIth Answenng maclune. 331- tuner Call 881-1823 2035. charm and pnvacy of a llt. fireplace Lower her 3 bed. LILLY M. AND COMPANY tlehouse m the coontry Tlus 6C-OFF1CE FOR rooms, 2 baths, kitchen, llv- 5130 MOVING Sale - Sunday, Ju- GROSSE POINTE Woods two bedroom, two bath ly22nd. 1H - W Harcourt Two bedroom bllngalow RENT 109 room WIth fLreplace. FEMALE ROOMMATE 562-1387 569-2929 bome, set back on a large 3 Road, Grosse Pomte Park, Z" with family room. Newly TIers may be mterconneeted wanted to share bedroom seel ueed lot has large !lvmg GROSSE POINTE Clubhouse. home In quiet Eastside near the lake Antique fur- """'. remodeled, g&raJe Lease, If desired room , family room, pnvate sWlmmUl$otpool, spring-fed neighborhood Call 343.9237 niture including pine. security required. No pets stud y AvaIlable now at PARK cherry, mahogany and ..... lakelet, j,r1vate puttlng or 882~12 j\vailable now $4&0 per $1,200 a month 882-9806;J 15318MACK walnut Patio table and ." green a jacent to golf lnonth. tGlH621. chairs Lamps Paintings HOUSEHOLD E POINTE Woods - Only $125-$150 course 425-3933 ROOMMATE needed to share 103Z0 BERKSHIRE, three GROSS INCLUDING: . 3 bedroom home with 32 Oriental rugs. China and ted OIl coort 3 bedroom, and loca SHANT-Y Creek., Bellaire, -year old female. $175 per household goods • bedroom home, 2 car fully carpeted and draped, • All utllltles prase, $335 moathly plus .. Attractive, carpeted, pnvate MIchIgan Contemporary mODth plus half utilitIes Dog ftre place, central all', 2 car GOOD, Better. best garage ESTATE SALES : -:- sec:uritl deposit 8524J98 office house," bedrooms, 3 baths, welcome 343-m57 perslS- sale - Saturday, July 21st gar age, park pnvlleges beautlfully APPRAISALS .... ONE BEDROOM apartment, • Air coodltloned and sauna, !ently. and Sunday, July 22nd, 1()"'5 Secunty deposit, lease $i5O decorated. Indoor and out ANTIQUES PURCHASED Gratiot-7 Mile area, $22S per month plus utllities 881- • Copymg machu1e FEMALE WISHES to share 433 Moross Road, Grosse per • Secretanal service door swunDung, golf, tennis, 1DClIlIh. can 1I3HZlJ7. 3517 flat/rooms with femaJe(s) in POinte Farms. Park in • Off.street parking beach, fishing and boating St John Hospital area. call Sears/Kroger parking lot 771-1170 ~ HARPER/Dickersoo.. Verv bedroom apartment m • Pleasant atmosphere 776-2949,331-8255,evernngs TWO persistently 5'15-10'00, &81. FURNITURE, dining or game ,. clean, uewl)' redecorated, Grosse Pomte Park WIth • Conference room L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES ~o bedroom fiats, carpet, MICHA WAYE -7 Miles south 4116 table (slate), witb four dlrung room, Iivmg room, DILLON PROPERTIES of Gaylord. Golf, tennIs. 1111 I ~.t drapes, refrigerator, stove, kitche n Available June 5th, ROOMMATE needed to share chaIrs Oeather-captain}, garage. Uppe!' $215, lower clubhouse, pool, pIaygrowxl, $375j dining-bar cabmet, $300 881-4147 3 lakes, sailboats, paddle- 2 bedroom apartment 10 • > ~ $Z35. Refereooes, sec:unty Grosse Pomte Park Ik $125, end table, $50, hangmg DILLON PROPERTIES SEWLY RE~OVATED boats, much more Beautiful lamp, $30 Call US.l000 i'J)~- ~ lI85- 5142 OFFICES FOR RE~'T 4 bedroom home, sleeps 12, utilities, 112 rent 331-1759. .. ra: KELLY /WHITTIER area 881-4147 Monday.Friday, 9-5. Ask for 1-3OFFICES on Mack Ave 10 2 baths. fully eqwpped Jut- Debbie FRIENDLY "' "Sj Latp, weU.maintamed 2 ROOM upper income, a Grosse Pomte Woods pro- cben WIth dIShwasher, fire- Sd-StORE , . bedroom fiat, $265 FOUR 1i8rtz~ PROFESSIONAL garage. fessional builchng, available LEASE GARAGE SALE. July 19, Household Sales Haverhill, large bedroom, place, T. V , stereo. 1185-3211 SERVICE • manIb pluI security deposit hvmg room, dining room, mdlvldually or as a SUIte 20, 21, 9:30-4 p.m. Ap- 'l..: .....6_ -.. """" GROSSE POINTE area - hen and bath, stove, Reasonable rent Includes re- SARASOTA FIonda Meadows pliances, air conditioners, • _,h' ~-_.--- kltc Condo 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, Mack 900 square foot, reo household items, clothing. SUSAN HARU .i!l FIVE ROOM upper, apph- gerator, carpet, beat m- ception and conference YOUR SPECIAL refn pool, golf and tennIS. Call modeled, $255 per month m- 2263 Stanhope, Grosse ~'3 uees. suitable for responsi- duded, no pets $280 a rooms, modern telephone eluding utili ties 822-1645 POSSESSIONS 886-8982 system, utlllties. Jamtoral 882.2287. Pomte Woods ble married couple. $325, ~ mon th 88&-8236 20917 KELLY, East DetrOIt: ARE MY Grosse Pointe City "l..~ beat. 1112-41153 serVIce, and secretarial GOLF HARBOR 1,200square feet 178-4990or WINDOW aIr conditioner, SPECIAL CONCERN -.'"' ------WHITT IER/HARPER - 2 space Shared receptlOnist/ 12,000 BTU. 5Z7~1. • ":c..J'IVE ROOM bouse, 1m. bedr oom, 2 car, $320,secur- secretary, l:OIpler, off street SPRINGS 1186-1727 ~,~" ~ ~~ occuplDCY. .. DOG HOUSES - large, in' tty depo6lt reqwred. Eve- Beautiful: 2lfz story chalet, 21131 MACK, {;rosse Pointe parking, «nd mraJIY other Sulated, wa"TI to wan carpet, ~--1ZIOIrtbly phis HeUrtty rungs ,731-0&44 baths. Woods, 1,200 square feet. -. ;. depoIPt required. Harper- amemtles aval1able July sleeps 6 21,2 Special $SO. 331-41986, 822-3956 occupancy. summer pnce ~a week or 886-1727evenmgs .~~ WbiItier area. 824-8260 1443 HAMPTON, Woods 2 SOFA BED for sale - brown -;,. $150 weekends. Call now ,-' ------ATl'RACTIVE two bedroom bedr ooms. (ully carpeted, CALL SHELLY GILLETTE 885-5529, 881-4200, ask for 6H-FOR RENT and beige plaid Like new ~talker & ~005, 3'n,. back porcb, apo fIre place and garage $525 AT 884-1234 SylV18 OR SALE Pnce $200. Telephone: -~C.tb per month 881-8321 881--6441 ~;.~ and beat included. ONE LARGE room storefront HARBOR SPRINGS - 3 bed- Appraisers, Auctioneers ~'Jl.,. pets, $375 1182-5861 after BEDFORD/MACK - War- COZY 5 room house/garage on Harper sen-Ice dflve, 5 room, 21'2 baths, beautifully ALEXANDER'S LARGE ._ 5 p.m. ren 2 bedrooms, den, Hi:! House sales for rent 8 Mlle-Schoenher.. blocks south of VernIer 881- eqUipped condo, accom. bath, 11,.~ car garage, fench- THIRD ANNUAL 2 BLOCK BEACONSFIELD near area Call m.oo91 1857 modates 8 AvaIlable week ed, apphances, carpels, SALE Appr8Jsal for Insurance, Estate Tax. ., .J • Harper, aoe bedroom upper, 2.400SQUARE feet warehouse- of August 18 626-7538 more Good neighborhood. July 21, 22 9 a m -5 pm 4 Family DIstribution, Liquidation. '. anappiiaDC"l iDcluded. $200 EVAN'STaN - BeaconsfIeld blocks south of 11 Mile. St. or shop Harper service LAKESHORE SWISS Chalet Lease or purchase. Attrac- Sales of Personal Property: "i~ a month plus ublities, one 5 roo m lower mcludes heat, ClaIr Shores dnve, 5 blocks south of Ver- near Cadillac Custom kll' tive terms 773-0837. • G month security deposit hot water, refrigerator, Tag sales at the Home mer B81-1857 chen, dIShwasher, fIreplace FLEA MARKET - Saturday, "! "1932 or 372-76!18 stov e and carpet $295 plus 7-WANTED JUly 21st. 9 am-1 pm or by Auction at our Galleries secun ty 777-1436after 5'30 MARYLAND, Just off Jeffer- etc Sleeps 8 After 6 pm, -. A SHARP S room upper nat, 7 263-6616 TO RENT Redeemer's United ,(.: lIUe/Scboenherr area Call pm son, across from Grosse MethodIst Church, 20571 280 North Woodward Avenue 372-5820 after 6 p m RENT TO OWN POInte Park muruclpal of- MARCO Island "sea Wmds" WRITER SEEKING room to Vernier Road, Harper Birmingham, Michigan 48011 fices, heated Two room Gulf front, 2 bedrooms Call rent with house privileges in 3 ....", CADIEUX Warren upper 2 Your own home Good areas- Woods. (313) 646-4560 suburbs and DetroIt Small storefront, zoned for offIce for brochures 881~, 882. Grosse Pomte 88>-3887 ol,. "'~"7-{. bedroom, stove, refrigerator GARAGE Sale. 919Lochmoor or service use, approxunate- 4593 $300 plus security Home down Working people pre. NEED HOME to rent, $400 to Blvd Stereo tape recorder, ferr ed Iy 440square feet, restroom, TRAVERSE CITY - Charm. $450 a month rental to be ..;. mmen~ 714-0033 $220 per month plus secunty Colds pot frostless 18 HA~-nLOS 882-7300 mg beachfronl resort, East paid Need 4 or 5 bedrooms, refngerator, set Harvard , .i;t TWO BEDROOM duplex in deposit 882.5892 Bay $250-$350 weekly near lake St Clall' Shores o~ ".: Harper Woods central all', THRE E BEDROOM upper ClaSSICS books, set of Brochures (616) 938-1740 Grosse Pomte Woods Need HlStory of Nations books, PRICED HOUSE SALE garage, fenced yard $350 LIV1 ng room, dmlDg room, OFFICE, store (or lease, new. gara ge, pnvate basement, CONDO - Harbor Spnngs carpeting and drapes InClud- uprightvacuum,~,hun~ plus aecunty and all utility Iy carpeted and decorated ed - partIally or fully furn- PRESENTED BY . : bUk. 83H252 or 8:&5125 rem odeled kitchen, ap . 19603Mack, Grosse Pointe area Three bedroom, air mg and flSlung c10Uung plus nces $350 a month plus IShed hne Mother wIUl 3 lots more books and assort- HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION SALES 1 pha Woods call 881.36(Wl cond1t1oned townhouse, ~, '; '" TWO BEDROOM, 1 1 baths secun ty 886-3164 lighted tennlS courts Ive boys ages 19,20and 31 Must ed artIcles Friday and ON SATURDAY, JULY 21ST , duplex in Detrolt near Mack FISHER ROAD-Large four- minutes from golf and move 8-2--84 Call Beverly, Saturday, 9 a m -4 30 pm 10 AM -4 P M. and Cadieux $375 plus GROSSE POINTE room SUlte,private lav, wm- beaches Weekly or weekend 176-0018 No pre-sales. 270 GROSSE POINTE BLVD cJesx-it. 25H555, 882.2iC)2 MOVI!!\'GAI'.'DSTORAGE CO dows on 3 sides, )Sn ser- rates Call 517-323-7307 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL (across from Vendome) Reasonable Rates VIce, UtII mcluded -Chp and Save- 817BEACONSFIELD, Grosse LAKEF,ROl\,7 COTTAGE con. couple WIShes to rent m Poiqte Park, 2 bedroom. Reliable servIce Grosse Pomte, St Clair Why Go To Canada? Many fuxunous Items, mcludlng some fme contemporary Free Estunates Corner of Maumee - small veruent to Interlochen, Trav- V.rhyOrder OUt of State? fw'mture and beautl(ul accessorIes new kitclien !loor, $290 plus erse CIty, SleepIng Bear Shores area 293-5574 utilities and security 3434481 822-4400 SUIte,pnvate lav, wmdows CHINA - SILVER Sleeps 5 Good fishing, PROFESSIONAL couple CRYSTAL Available 8-1~ No pets, Ct;TE AND clean 2 bedroom SWImming 885-6916 even- deSIre 2, 3 bedroom 422-3365. EAST DETROIT-Kelly/BI~ .. We Will Better Any PrIce' Absolutely no prIor sales numbers gIven at 9 00 a m 10....er $300 plus utllltles by MIle - MedIcal offiCes; mgs SpaCIOUS,well kept rental m Most All Brands NORTHEAST DetrOIt, Bal duck Park No pets Call 1,225ft . Just decorated HARBOR SPRINGS, new Grosse Pomte area WIth FINE ARTS 886-9284 SALE CONDUCTED BY Haverhill, 04 room lower, afte r 6 30 pm, 885-8495 home, -\ bedrooms, "'ooded reasonable rent Days Charles Klingensmith encloRd sunporch, full base- Retail or office, one room setllng convenient to golf 323-154'3evenings 274-5330 ment. apphances, garage SO~E RSET - lJpper one Ask (or Susan Jill Williams S250 a month plus utilities 18X24ft and water, $550 weekly bedr oom large IIvmg room VIrgInia S Jeffnes B82- HARPER - 8 \Ide Road 2 AT1)-tlmefor information Lovely ~heratrm sofa, 273 Rid8emont Open Salur- BEAC SUites $(2) and $150 Of( \10\R( 0 ISl.A "in 1FlOrIda Conducted hy "K" tx><;k, lJ84.1743 hlghrlse pool tennis, dock'! med late occupal'lC)' Located STIEBER REALTY 8i!H)200 3i,) 1~ FRI SAT 'SC\f Oakland and Chmese painted 5errelary , UPPER - 3 bedroom, garage mDe trOlt ll84--4818 775-4900 Macomh Coontle!> VIctorian servIng plf"Ce, DOI'dl. fireplace, basement :XCI.LSIVE APART\1ENT GARAGE Sale - household Handsome dmeHe set BEAC O\fSFJELD - t",o In Pompano &'ach Avail Items Saturday, July 21, 9 Kay 247-0361 Jiack/Devonshlre 53251 11,\RPER \~ OOD'S Oval French Gal/Ny tabl!' IMarble lop}, bNlr oom 10"'('( $275 per able for lea~ 811~HJ924 a rn ~ p m HJ275 Balfour utilities lJ85..86In Kf:1.L Y RO \f) Ann 771-0197 And much, much more mon th Completl" v.lth ap .... (1 pre,'ales 12IJ<,(j ft $ri'; ~r month m DEVONSHIRE/Mack - De pllan ce'i Immediate (,( HIGGI"$" LAK£-C()ttage 3 trolt. Lower. kitchen com rtC) Located In DetrOit (1ude!' heat eIe Park nice 885-{) 122 chenware, IInen'!, _ DEVONSHIRE ~1ad De HARRIWILLE BEACHFRO ....T COTI'AGE tahlE''i, chairs mat Hours TUf>sdilYand Thursday 11,\"'l"PTO\ ~QCARE SEClxm,D ~V\1MER HIDE A\I;AY' 10 00 a m to 4 00 P m troIt Three bedroom IlWoer RClLDI'\G tn"i'!es. tool~, rubber , ~ fireplace, hardwood floor"! raft good clothing 22811 Mack ,hop Call u.. al 33t 'WalldunnR bU'iI~s hours to arrange for , ' $350 Secunt) and lease reo FOR Beautiful sand beach on Lake HurOfl 'YJ miles south of books, mlSC, etc Alpena Sleeps 6 With 3 bedrooms Large lounge llnd '!pKlal dppolntments "" quired 881 2653 CONCOL R,';E EAST CLASSIFIED kitchen phJll17 gIassed-screened porch Complete WE WILL 81': (L()~Ell THE MO'rn OF' AUGUST FllILDl:'loG root THUk..'ilJAY, FRIDAY. EXECUTIVE HO:-U:.. Jro tht Iy carpeted and fuml~hed except llT1ens Available at ADS 2061l Kell~ Rd SATURDAY FOR VACATlO' Rt:OPI':II"INGTUE~ ,SEPT. 4TH Woods. ne"ly de

    • 0

    ,. ... be • PC • •

    ,.3 Thursday, July 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-e

    '] I-ARTICLES 8-lRTiClES i-ARftaEs 1-INfia!1 8=lIWiCLiS 8=lMflClEi 8-mrm:~1 8-ARftaiS FOR SALE fOR SALE fOB SALE FOR SAbE fOR SALE fOR NbE FOR SALE . FOB IAbE E DRYER, $45; boys bunk AMERICAN antique Side ZENITH color TV - 25", ex. •r' FURNiTuRE Wholesale Dis. MULTI COLOR brown, celery REPUCA G<>-CART - 3 h p., G &reen carpetmg, drapes. ESTATE SALE MEN'S EXTRA lona 4e-48 bed Nt W1U!. cb!lferobe and board, Ice cream table and celJent condition. 'leIS 8ll6- 'l tributor'S of Michigan, AM with Mercury LN7. matlreue8, Colonial sofa chairs, pmg pong table set, _0079 _ $200 zeroth 19" color $175 smart summer greeen 'WOO1e&a1eDirect 1'0 You"! blazer, three piece suits, Ftberglus body, tirea and Se1hnl all new mercbandlse 772.7893 27 HAWTHORNE rima 14"camaro sport rims, With chain and tables, $80, ~~~~~~t=n~~e~~lall ESTATE LIQUiDATION GROSSE POINTE SHORES London Fog, sweaters, etc. in ori&inal cartons 2 piece CANVAS PATIO awning - 371-1939, with 0 W L General red oval rnnge Ni, 6x9, $25, ------Sarouk (Karutanl Oriental mattress Sl:ts, tWin $59, full 21'X14', in excellent condi- Saturday & Sunday radials, $175 Call after 8 beiinner organ With bench, CB MOBIL, $25, hand CB. S20, rug, ix12, antique French $79, queen $99, sofa sleepers tion $350. Includes all 10 a.m.-4 p.m. FURNITURE SALE, Friday pm, 824-8652 $50, deluxe Treadmaster telephone answerIng sefa (French Chippendale ~, bunk beds complete $88 necessary supports and pip- and Saturday, 10-4 pm, j~er with rollers, $50, machine, $35, wet and dry Victorian mirrors), Art There are over 30 pieces of everything must go, every. GARAGE SALE - Saturday. 12 x3' round pool With filter vacuum, $50, rug and floor Deco bedroom MIf round 7 piece hVlng rooms $239, Ing ALSO decorative smok- 9 a m S984 Kel\SlDlton KIds ') decorative lamps from ed Glass Mirror, 6'x5', $90 quahty, well cared for thmg in excellent condltlon and ladder, $40 Friday. 3 shampooer-pohsher, $15 dresser! mirror and double 4.ple<:e cherry bedroom. 2- toys, clothes, mlSC house. $20 $1488, 5 piece wood dmettes 882~15 furmture pm -! p m 16690 Fairmont black and white TV. 21", bed. secreu.ry, mahogany ThiS beautiful fUJ1Uture m- piece antlque walnut hold Items 881-2619 $159, $lkXl pits OO'A $375 Open ELECTRIC dryer, boy's 10 TOP RATED Whirlpool RATI'A"'." PORCH furmture end tAbles, drop INf dirong to the public, dealers and m- cludes a 10piece Baker din- bedroom, 1930's Spamsh BEDROOM SET - 7 pieces washer, $125 G E 17"'~ room tab~andchall'S. other speed, furOlture, typewriter mg room set, just refinished, 9-piece dining room, solid cost $1,300 Seillng for $650 shtutlonal sales welcome and plants 882.1i054 black/whIle TV and stAnd, With couch, chair tv.o carpets and rugs 2 sets or Name brands, Serta, etc and a Baker secretary, both brass andirons, screen, Gas range, $240 mlSC 817 $35 7" dISC sander, $25 tables $75 round redv.ood old duna, cr)stAl, carved 6O"x47" DINING table With 5 traditional mahogany. tools, vinyl chair, RCA 19" Beaconsfield 822.3963 824-8474 plCruCUible, $8, mIant dress. Duncan Phyfe sofa 9451Buffalo, Hamtramck (l color TV, end tables, Chlll8, block north of Holbrook, 1 leaves tapeted fluted legs, 0ther Pieces Include a sofa, CHROME contemporary dm- MONOLTA XGA 35mmJ5Omm mg table, $15. small v.oodcn Sheraton buffet and chlna painted frUltwood tone various lIvlIlg room Chairs glasses, linens, etc 21236 Ing room set 42" square . II bo dresser $'>..5, brov. n palOted cabmet, Queen Anne dJruna block east of Conant), Bnerstone 881-1875 both 875-7166Telegraph {2 blocks finish $175 886-1758after 6 and side tables, a 7 piece WIth leaf 4 chairs 885.5014 lens. new, stl In x, fIle cabmet, $20, antIque room tablE' and chairs. French Provmclal bedroom $80 823-3806 pIn South of 6 Mile>, 532-4060 -p-m SECTIONAL. rust, With ac. non-electnc ball Queen Anne chest on cht>5t set and two ornate wall HOUSEHOLD SALE G E HEAVY duty electrIC mar.1ulle B8l 2570 -\iter -l 30 882 5622 Monday through Saturday, DINING ROOM table and Mahogany baby grand plano, cent pillows, good Condition 10-8, Sunday, 12-5 14460 Chairs. 6O"x45", 6 legged mirrors .....asher. dr)er, sold as ~tH pm GARAGE SALE 856 Haw. We also have many decorative 4 poster double bed, Shoreclub apartmenls, 9 Gratiot (2 blocks north of 7 table, antIque gold flmsh, mahogany desk, Duncan Mlle and Jefferson Best of- only, $2ro 823 3808 A \. T:~t:E \\ CODE\ and ~33 thorne Fnday lH, Satur' Mile Rd ) 521.3500 Monday grooved and turned legs, 4 items from Japan. Ctuna, HANGING WALL mlfror mod slo\e comblnat!On dlOlOg da;. 10-2 Air condlt,oner England and Delfts from Phrfe dlmng room set, old fer 469-4900 before 5 pm through Saturday IG-8, 10909 high back oak chairs, OrIgInal cost $200, !>elhng room set, ta ole chlOa rocker, lamps. radiOS. Holland. FlOe lace table ChIppendale camel back 776-7955 after 6 pm. and Grand River (corner of Oak. Similar style $275 886-1758 sofa (needs reupholstenng), weekends Ask for Sue $100, gas stove, 30", white, cabinet, buffet, eight <'twill'S glass ....are man) 934-6900 Monday after 6 pm llllens too A Iso (or sale is a Kawasaki 75, mahogany chest, china GAS STOVE - Taopan 30" !1~1.:~!!.l.i~~a.:~~:..~~~yffilsceUaneous 882 i779 -~"""I.-~'OO--w-,a-lt-cond1--u-ooe-r-S6,;- t:.u.~6il Sc.,"tA.da)t l\i--'; ';:'73 H~AU l'11"ULgreen plant ana a flannel hoed car cover, CaDlne[/SeCr~L¥ry, timer, wtute, $100 MatchIng ...._,J~NV ..... ¥¥ ..... ,.--. ALAtlA:,tt.tt laDle Il~mp - 1l86-9793 Dooe Hwy, Waterford Town- Silk flower sale. Friday and mahogany game table, Tlf. vamty-dresser. Three teleV1SIOO,Zemth, 25". color, 44' high, excellent condJ ------and a 2x2 refrigerator. space command. 1984 tlOn. $125 "63 9003 KE~MORE 16 cubIC feet ship (3 miles west of Tele- Saturday. 856 Hawthorne, fany lamp Drexel vanity French doors, unbeveled, graph) 674-4121 Monday Other mIsc. Items Include model, With phone, com. upright (reeur, ltke new, Grosse POinte Woods some beautiful wall clocks, and dresser, fireplace set, unleaded Dishwasher, $25 through Saturday 10-8 Sun- Victorian plaUorm rocker puter, VSH, and other game ~WVIXG SALE - 518 Sooth call 82+-2512 10'30-5 dressers, and some outdoor WhIte lroI1Stonedmnerware connechons, S8OO,portable Rosedale ~Ien's clothing -rv.-O-B-E-IG-E-loung--e-cha-tn-, day 12-5. Credit cards and 882-5622. checks accepted Delivery MOVING SALE - Thursday- furmture. Call Thursday and next VHS recorder and camera, (medIum). ladle's 38 to oW one .. tute bedroom ~wte week. 884-3736. Saturday, 1-6 pm. 1798 All items fairly and MOVING OUT of State Sale 1984model, $1.200. full size large assortment Jul) 20, \It Ith gold tnm, box spnng available reasonably priced by Susan Stanhope, Grosse POlOte 1149 Wayburn - between ENGLISH PRAM (baby box SPring and mattress. 21, 8-5 pm and mattress U1~ dreuer ATI'IC CLEANING Woods Hartz Kercheval and St Paul Fn- buggy) Like new $250 or YARD SALE brand new, extra firm. $75. 0" DIA~lETER hanging and t~o rught slands "lIil G E REFRIGERATOR- day, 9-3, Saturday, 9-2 Fur. best offer 88&-5739 dInette table, wood, ex. lamp - excellent conditIOn gl.us lOps and mlrron One Country collectibles, fur- For detal.1s call mture and lots of other freezer, good condJtlon, $75 EVERYTHING for baby celJent cond! 110n , $50. t","o $100 ~-9003 ctu.lrsIer With tools, household mlSCellane- elf"Ctrlc t)'pe'Il'rlter. lJu pul I-up chair. . 't' .. I",,, b d for everyone 18903 Rolan- 2907 HUMMEL, DALTON pnmllves, ..... er rea, towel rack, $250. NJlhtstand, ous. pallo set, cluldren's barbe-cue, carpets, sola. dale across from Balduck BICYCLE -10ipeed, mlScel. ' appliances, etc., too much to DINING ROOM set - cherry. $150. Loveseat. orange! clothllli 2-5 ) ears, mill. eMir, many more ItftJU edall Park. 9-4 Friday, Saturday. laneous items. Call 885-1049 figurInes, rose m Ion mention Sale starts Friday, round table with 21eav~, 6 behce floral print. $350 stoles AU thlllis clean and Graue Polnte WoodI, ooe No Presales. pierced bowl, plates, cups, June 2O-Sunday, July 22, 10 Chairs, chma cabinet with lean to greenhouse, $500! good qualIly No pre-s.ales mile DOrth 00 MOC'1llQPide A'M'ENTION gun collectorsl buffet, Sideboard Call 293- GARAGE SALE 1409 Kens. saucers. 4 snuff bottles, jade a.m.-6 p.m Informatlon- best orrer Call 884-5419 TOY SALE The kid:. an" off Verruer Iffi to LC Smith, 12 gauge double tops, 4-piece sterling 375-1540 9241 m s Ington; Thursday, Friday, barrel. 774-62&4. MOVING sALE - 2 couches, gro" 10& up and "Ill unload _R_D!i«d&1__ e_Q _ demItasse set AIR CONDITIONER, $50, an. SaturdaY,9-5 Large sale CAMERA & DARKROOM ac. LADIES DALTON all-wool larle Onental rug, fine their vast collectIOn of L-\RGE G"R."GE .... , snoYt' TWO SINGLE beds, two dress tlque white :3 burner gas MAPLE DINING room set, forms. poker table top 881. ceSSOrIes 60x6() screen. beige sport jacket, new. glassware, children's childhood treasures -\L~o, blo"n, (url1ltu~. 2 stove, perfect for cottage, clothing, mlsc July 20, 21 waler sand lable $60. Sllliboats SYo'UII set. au' COD- drop leaf table, buffet. 6 8347 slide boxes, fOCUSingSIght French doors, all new, fitror Chairs $150 88&-9036 for enlarger; Norwood ex a mansion Several Dr's $30 286-4890 22600 Statler, near 10 tughl..'Nur$S, t.abk"ltndchlllr d1tlOnt"rs, clot.ha, and k1c.5 at AIR CONDITIONER, 11,500 posure meter, Ansel medical books Pair eleganl STEVEN McQUEEN: Suits Mile/Jefferson m-922S set $5 Fnda) and S8turda)', mISe Items Fwuy. FULL SIZE studio bed, studio BTU, $as 371-3937 Steve McQueen wore in the YARD SALE July20/21,l0-4 ~CIO\'tlf'b' Saturday, July 20-21, , couch bed, wtute wrought Adams, Lootens on new crystal !adds. Antique , THREE GIRLS 20" bikes, two darkroom techniques, shawls Butcher block Step •'Thomas Crown Affair' DlSSton hedge trImmer, $40 CLEAN M.1tt~ ~t - Slfms a m ~ pm 1401Hat-v&rd. Iron porch funuture, vinyl Authentlclly venfLable Any settee and 2 chairs, metal of- child carriers for adult miscellaneous items ladders New gents aU.wool Craftsman CMII\ saw, $75 and FOiter, super fIrm, like Groue Poulte Part reaJOIWI ble offer C'OIlSIdered, fice desk, other misc fur- bikes, one portable humilli. 1521 Edmundton, near longjohn underwf'.ar, ideal Yardman lawnmower, $100 lWW. $200 77,H, aIr cut pattern, Sat\lrday, 8-12 Furniture, china cablflet, good conll62 cm :172.8IM poctoery, Blue ~lllO"lll dlshto$ 110\ ::..~unl.ll lAnd ~1I.Tllif' .. 1e Sa tW'da \ 10-. .. "..... INSTA:-.ITCOPIES 21st, 22nd 10 a m women'" clothing Much old wall ~ctUff'll display mlllr.,'ant pt>l ho.-U, ~:(I\'e ~d ANKER IE'WIn. machine , WINDOW air condItIOner - SCRATCH P" DS 65' 1.8 GARAGE SALE Frldll)' more July 21, 102 424 IMII,!'I'Cords plano musil', 1,)I,l!> lIPilrln1l'nl lias ,l.l\~ • 'OUSEHOLO I!l...A.LE elN'tnc JS() UlM! SlI'4lf!f 13,000BTU'!; Two girl" 20" WEDDI~G INVITATIONS Saturday, 9 a m 5 pm II2ll WllI\hlngton. 886-~13 ran IUltar outdoor 1It.t1\M'2!'On turmlurl' ~llnlt" d,l(hn I'h' I" ~ Schwmn bikes, $25-$60 Kf:YLINING MlddlelW'x, liOUthof Jefrer GARAGf~SALE Movi~ rrom atLachmenll, table II'" 1UP crel potl ~f'&r5 ('arpt"t I dl~ Ilr lIllllqUf':l TthlNollll\ Ii tlf"MlnUll c-al'\-.dkl'WN loa- $15() , I 1l85~193 PHOTOST ATS, NEGS 'Ion In Park Garden equip tI bedrooms to 3 KltC'hen molor Gas mo .. er ItHm clftolk"f PO" fr l.l" n IhrnUllh 'u".1.l) ~:. ...~~ ~ c-ot1.. l.ItMe St\lblln., BENCH AND weights, $75, RUBBER STAMPS mf'nt, canning jars, 1(00<11. furniture. blkea YArdman ~I type '1~ mower ~a~ InmOlf'r Cadlcowl 1)f'lr,)1I htht flstW'f t)nM.a1 aRb. OPEN MONDAY THRlJ lI84 4lJ02 braIded oval rug, gold tones. por~latn bath waah bowl. clothe5 art\li ork , ca rpt'll , ScaCta ~ k'lU 0( mil(' B 1 i""'f"~ V):""l \ .... -r ." I\ coI q,* m.a~ btdI 'OCIIIl SATURnA Y 9.5 P \1 some 1In1lqlrell. II few never tooll, lOOOItS fo'rldlY and MOVING Sale {itlUb!.,111lI1e like new approXimately 9X7. ~~~)', .. 12 1211lNorth rhUldl "'( lIl\pt1rtl" hurllt'r , IW'lfclelln, noth In slC'~m r1"af'lf'r MS 2Mll TO\'.A~.H)-n()Ll:-l-alf' - Hampton I"!WI Wuhl,.nav., ltarpl't IIIUml1\l Irll' .nJ r.dl., mahollnv l'f\l~ 1l«M .. :: KaleldO'lcop<' 1 V /,)(c"l1l"nl condition G....RAC,E SALE 111127 antlqut' ('olll"('tlble m:AI,11 [i'/<.,l KA\( fo: rtfrlj(l'rator frol\t rrl'e f:lIubt'th. July 20, 21, II-e l Woodl ,,"-1.1 and roll.lllf'n ... I~ i\lueftUl 'oN Karpel' ... , . ~h(MrOom IAIIatlon dMlrabW, m lnt GAt(A(.": movlO. 'ale ule C1othInCltlI'tveryone, Drive, G~ Pointe Woodl ------.- -.---- .. ----- . (, E HE~\\ dut~ II powd TOP $$$ F'ATD three family rurOiturt' ap toys. tooll, household ltf'ms, GARAGE SALE 20411I.&n Aln'I.T Schwinn 3 whI't'l,.l waaMr' like ftni 11... 884 47'iO lOa m 2 p m M**Ia~ calter, Harper WoodI, July 'PfIf'd blk.. $2."lO M2~, call 0079 ' for Color TV.. aIr condit I' plla n<'f'lI , childr"na

    1~ ,.

    Thursday, July 19, 1984 Page Eight-e GROSSE POINTE NEWS 11-CARS 11::cxRS ~c i8=1NTi&JES 9-ARTtCLES 11-cARS 11::ClRS 11::ClAS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOA WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE SALE FOR SALE FOfl SALE 1973 MERCEDES ~L - 1982 MAZDA 626. all'. stereo, TRANSPORTATION special MATERLUS t:NUMITED 1981 BUICK Skylark. burgun- Whtle, 63,000 mues Special 9 CUBIC foot chest deep EASTSIDE boot.. seller cb.tres 1981 CHRYSLER LeBaron - automatic, low mIleage ex. 1971 Plymouth Satelhte dy, 4 door, aIr. AM/FM, \'-6, features, as new $16,950 freeze, $150 &23..0953 >.Igned hmlted editiOns, fllle 4 door, power steenng, cellent eondlhon ~ AM/FM cassette, regular DeaJers 01 one 01 the largest tn- lJlU>.trated c.hlldrefl s litera. extra clean One o.....ner 979-3287 MOVING SALE - Funuture, po...er brakes AM/FM gas $GOO/bestoffer 1182-1139 \'entones of restOl"ed Ar- ture. drt photograph\ Ne\l, radial $4,900 Arter 6 191k) BLUE Cordoba Crown VB stereo, cnllse aU' very good 1geC RED Ford PInto, excel- 1900CHEVE'ITE 4 door,load. applia.nceS, la...m~ clutectural AntIQues In the ~merlcana DetrOIt Cn'll pm lI8& 9633 28,000 mtles, excellent coodt- etc Saturda}. }. 10 ml~est FeahmIlg a vast condltlon 527 7038 days. lion, $5,600 After 7 p m 881- lent condition. no rust, ed, low miles, very clean, \\ ar (J,::cult ~ \ ante Garde 1978 TRANS AM - 4 speed, a.m .20719 Marter Road, coUechoo of authentic anll- 885-8150e ...emngs stereo. tape deck, $3,000 very economIcal. must sell Lit mlht"l) count) hl:'- 400, ongInal owner Sharp Z736 Grosse Pomte Woods que stamed beve~, Jewel- 1978 FAIRMONT statIOn. $3.600 882..cl44 IOrles philosoph, and condlhon call evenings 1979UNCOLN Mark V Collec. 821-8722 B86-4228 ed glass doors, entrY ....a\ s v.agon. 4 C)IInder 4 speed, 1984 BLACK Corvette. loaded, MOVING SALE - SmgIe bed v.orth'ol hlle boo~ for collec. tor Senes, loaded, Flonda TRA!IIS AM, 1982, 4 speed, and WIndows, flreplace vel') clean $1.900 823-5529 774-6895 445 1180 after 6 p m _ Wlth custom made head- tlons In ,,11 categories Cdsh car, ml(iIllght blue, $9,500 Performance package, board complete 2 redl1ung mantels bars, back bars CHRYSLER-Nev. port, 1~75, 4 1974 MERCURY Monteray - many extras 886-8621, paId and Immedltae excellent condition, air. 824-1178 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle, chaIrs, 1 bar .....Ith 2 stools, 1 brass chandeliers and ar- remu\al door 55.000 miles, extras, 222-5887 good condItion Call compact refrigerator. 1 chItectural components stereo, $700 777-5572 Call 1979 GRAf'I,'D PRIX - 43,000 excellent condltlOn $1,595 1981CHEVETTE - 4 speed, 4 weekdays 9-5, 779-5900 2-chaU' whIte dInette set 1 Located at GRUB STREET after 5 mIles, one owner/excellent 886-3269 door AM/FM stereo, rear stereo "Hth record pla} er 2 W Mlchlgan Ave 1976CHEVY Moma, good con- car, $4,500 886-2246 1969NOVA - new shocks, bat. A BOOKERY 1S73 \iERCEDES, Benz 2..?O- defroster, ongmal owner and speakers m ex- Open 10 a m -5 p m ditIOn, po ....er steer- 1!r78LINCOL:\'. 4 door tnple tery, voltage regulator, muf- .w exceptIOnal car onl) 43,000 cellent condatlOn can be tMon-Sun) 17194 Ea"t \\arren / black IAlre wheels, Florida 885-8534 £ler, AM/FM cassette $350 miles Lots of tender lovmg IIlg brakes, air. AM/FM seen at 21953 Shorepolllte (1) 483-6980 nedr C~1 r . ~:-~!f~"'n2-l':;Q7 ~ftpr7 r m J::",&",-euc:ut "'VSAU~V-l.'" ....-.- I,.JVU, CU.U::" u}' U! ~ 'v., C&"'J..~ • .- ,.. •• - ClI .,,\R PAID SS 839-.. • 0neDt&l rugs. art and 1974 SUZCKI GT750-famng. 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Super 1974 TRIlJMPH TR6 $1,300 0079 774-9615 red Wlth tan top and mtenor, 1956 CHRYSLER 77,000miles, accessones trunk plus extras, $950, or Beetle, like new 527-4367 4 door hardtop, no rust, TOP $ $ $ $ AUTOMOBILE OW~'ERSt As 1981 RIVIERA, stIver, diesel, automatic, stereo, 22,000 • rme CJ")'Stal- Stueben and best offer After 5 p m 1!r76 CHRYSLER Newport. nules, 1 owner, excellent power brakes. power wm- low as $70 quarterl) for' Hawbs I 88tHl269 power steering, power clean, loaded, ongtoal Paid For Your Junk or condition $6,500 - 885-2869. dows and seat $3,945 Call Prolic uabihty Canp'ebeo- • FiDe chma. Royal Crown 1975 HO~'DA i50-excellent brakes, aIr. good condltlOn, owner $8.000 1185-5471 Thursday 2.7, 263-9249 Unwanted Car, sive, Colhs1On and Road Se£- 1980VW RabbIt - 4 door, ex. Derby. Viedg\liiood and conditIOn Adult owned clean $1,300 firm 776--5588 1982 ESCORT GL mmt condt- 1geC DODGE St RegiS. aU', BULL AUTO PARTS \'}Ce. 881-23i6 cellent condItion Must sell • St.erfiDILerJoL sUver teasels and Must see $950 Days 1!r72 VOLVO 164, runs good, tlOn, 4 speed, excellent $3,200 389-1699 power steennglbrakes, mag 894-4488 KENMORE 30" ~ f3DSe flatware.. I 343-2046, everungs 3Z7-6881 looks great $1,250 1185-8388 MPG, aU', stereo 884-7944. wheels, rear defroster, 1981 OLDS Regency 98 - 2 "With seIf-cleamng oven. es- RENAULT, 1981 - 181silver, crUise, Jensen R200 • lIabapcy dimng set WIth 1978HO~'DA 750K, f\i11dress after 6 door.fullyloaded,excellent I WANT your beat up car Bill, , ceDent coodibon. ms &- cm10 extras, excellent condltlOn, 1980 MONZA, 4 cylinder, stereo, air standard cassette, $3,700/best offer condlt1on, $7,900 or best of. 372-9684 00i9. transmISSIon. asklng $4,300 ll8frll569after 5 p.m . fer ~1699 JUNKED or wrecked cars : ~te jewelry .1~'~~~r;:~;;tha:~,~~~~~t:~lfo~ A~lle~~:F: 774-1693 1976CHEVROLET Impala 4 wanted Paymg up $1,000 eA MUSICAL 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron .Miro and Sam Fra.ncts Lttha; llke IJe'W, 300 mUes, 882-3740 cellent condltlon $3,100 or 1982 PONTIAC Grand Pnx, door, V8. power, aIr, one 368-1682 INSTRUIIEHTS Medallion - 6O/4 2tlth century lamps door, retired physICians car, days cassette, air, crwse, power 1982 TOYOTA Supra L type condition, AM/FM, auto- 'J 32.000 actual mIles, mmt 2366 Uprights • CotlsoJes - Gnods and llgbt f1xtures Phone condlboo loaded exc.-ept.lOn- 1984 DODGE Colt and Monte everytrung $1,500 Before 9 Terra-cotta red aIr. all matic, $2,200 or best offer ABBEY Plo\..~O CO power. 5speed manual, elec. 24 FOOT FIberglass tWill 120 John m-25(lO al value S9 9!..(J '1185-9409 Carlo Best offer both 52&- pm, 886-2787 885-9085 ROYAL OAK - 541~16 . --24 tMC sun roof, stereo, 36.000 1I0's, all eqwpped m the 1982JEEP Cherokee wagon, 8 iiC:::oFFiCE 1969 CA~l-\RO Ralh Sport I ;);) miles, rustproof. excellent 1980LTD Crown Victoria .lIr water 882-4474 PIANOS WANTED convertIble mmt conditIOn 1977T.BIRD Excellent condl- c)hnder, AM/FM cassette/ Crul~ control. cloth s~ts' F?"P"fNT condltlon $11,200 after 6 CANOE 17' Alummum Sea TOP CASH PAID' mostl} new $8,(0) 463-4i 17, tlOn La\;\, mileage AII' con- CB, CruIse control. aU', bur loaded $5,200 881-6435 ' pm 882-91Z7 Nymph, $350 886-5090 1'14 MAR~ guitar, D 13S, ADLER 1005 t}-pewnter ...... , TRA ....S AU t t dltlOnmg pDU .~ m, rea - op. $1 900 885-6962 package. 4 \;\,heel drIve SAILBOAT Super Snark, 11' -~,~... automatic cassette ' wagon Loaded excellent lion. my owner IJkes me but llllS-505CJ $8,950 779-3939 center board. $200 886-5090 521-1644 ffiuahzer full pov.er 11.000 1978 TOYOTA FIve speed condItion, S5,OOO886-0535 I don't like him, please ADLER SE 1,000 - 3 years m'lles, Sl1 (1)0 886-2574 \er~ good conditIOn 1981MALiBU statlonwagon - release me, $3.250or best of. 1979 21 century 4,000 Cutty SPINET PIA.'O and benc:b 1975 FlREBIRD, CalIforma good c(indltion, S4500 c*1. excellent oond1tIoo S550 Ct'TLA. c<': \' ood AM-FM stereo, all' 882 excellent condItion low fer 882-6492or 882-8268 cabin 0 M C stern dnve '--t ~f .....,~ 1977 - J >.J,., g 0136 car ongmal owner, 400 four BM-S8)6 en mileage Best wagon m all LeCAR 1979 - sunroof, rear Model 250 Mmt conditIOn ""'" ... er ...... ".,.,., conchtlon All' po'" er steer- tbe "POintE'S" $3,995 barrel, power steer- Llcensed through 1986 A..Vl1QCE DARK ()Qk player OFFICE Furnlture-desks, Ing po.....er brakes rear-de- 1!r7!lHO!\DA Ac.cord LX 2 mg! brakes Keyston£' wiper 35 000 miles, stereo, lIM-8739 excellent conditIOn many, Meets all Coast Guard re- pwlO $800 or best offer chaIrs Must sell' CaUl fagger $1 950 88H.7'3.1 door hatchback, 5 speed, aU', ClaSSICma~ radIals. L-1l8, qUIrements Inspecllon 1979 MCSTA~G loaded excel many extras $2,895 Call for Evtmngs ~188e 1Ja!).2I(J1 1983PLY)'lOt:"fH Tunsmo 22 AM/FM cassette Excellent flberglaf>s bood new pamt, made on board All life pre. lent conditIOn $4.100 after 6 detalls 774-3251 FOt:R DRA't\'ER fUe cabInet, 24 [)ljl) m\l~ excelle'1t c.rmdJ co1KlltlOn :'I.ev. exhaust and very !>harp mu."! ~-e, $4 995 servers, lines, anchors, and PIANOS WANTED letter SLU Call 775-7404 tlOn Loaded S6.95(J or best battery $1600 823-6215 pm 885.2192 or best 885.2400 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 GRA....TJS 5pmeu Coosooles addItional equipment In' offer 371- pow£'r steer '71 twtDI. 4 door automatiC, 2 tone paint, automatic. overdnve Ex DENLEY'S bi.: ~tv.ecn 1!r7f,~1AZDl\ Sport R\ model F~ digital stere-o $7,I5Q EQUIPMENT ______~", rn-; .I;4(JI"J I S~peed f'~1 ~t.erec cassette, '7'1 ~ • Light blue, automatic power before S p m 259-{)111 , after HOBIE If, .....lth tr.lller ex IlllF, ')225 cE'lIent c(mdltlOn, extras, PT-..j() I'?7fj - p0'4('T , To .....n - .Odd 15175 E. JEFFERSON In Po/me Plrtc A '"Ii f \1 q('f{'(, Ladle • car I $1 6,',1, 468..(Jflfj1 ""'ONe ed 10\1,mll~ excellent con SAILBOAT - () Day 12 ('x .2000 Open Mon .. Thur. ce]lent (Ondlllo'n vdth FltEf. W--Jd ('f>T1rj'!KIf)',(~ toapprf (HE\ ETTE 197fl 4 door 821 Tll i pm dIllOn Ptwter, $lO,fJOO or bf'~t 284 2211, j1 'i P m 1railer $1 200 fl86.1!rl9 Rt>und tnp "n;ll.herf> CI"lt B:':" 7'ft automatiC deluxe ml.ennr ?.P.2~ljl after I; p m Eastern Air LlOe~, Ole" 197- (A.TJTLLJ\( v\tll, - "Ir Iov. ml)f'..age re.;r6efng ~EAR.o\ Y )478 24 Cutty In the contmental L '; ...... ('r.~lr)(' IOJ 'i1ilf",,~e IItr $220(/ 8812221 "fter S I ICJf.6 ))()rx..r~Ihlr1 Rrldy and ( d hi n 22!l Mer( depth ml(j'1,~rll "Jiu' iull p'J ....H I f' m I f'ni'(J~ eY(f'llf'nt (Ondltlon founder "hip to !>hore I (Jffer i\aI13l:>If' ""It~ a pur ~(J-(,Ij ((,r,d I fir, $4 i(JI' Il'ff'Ii-P--I\-T-(-)-r-1fM-e-r-<;-te-~'-rl-n-g I Musl !>ell $lOf.(, 81149716 (..all ()ul~tandlnJi( wnd,tlnn and j (hao..e of a Xerox \1em(1) R2l 42->4 Col, "r..-"me I v,,,,cr fJr likes aIr rear aftE'r 'i '¥) P m "u~r (>(jUlpmf"nt $13 900 i714326 ' wnter 1'j7" yv. '> ro<' (, - a r I rJ('fr,j/ Zieba rt (j/;'an I PIck Up ami Rftam flato ~l;>,!o(l "hH h .... mile .. , i'.f'!, fll]p"t!" 4' J h P outboard w;th k~t :'>ul (,0'1' p.f'le C (,an'()Q r,' 353-2930 (HE\ RJ,! ~:7 \10T'7.d hal( h 2;; (~lil md"., (rfxJfl uX"K.lillon • ""'","I' Ira alf'r $2 O(JO882.(..4()4or I ___ I"'~.::t~_f,.t,...r,(,r s....,~oo I RAY I f",r k J"7i " ~ flllt"J m, 1('<, I S I ,,,,, \I, 111 l>ho..... Sunday &.2 2~2-1 r.,-. r •~ ~fH., ,,...~ ~ ri(',,~"'l Or d,,' 1)(1 ~r~;;zl-;Q~ $: ';'1', (,r t...... : r,fl(r P,?,l 51l J I ~L P.f:L 21'11': , d" i J ,. -:. r/l"f E' -.N'*alt'e-r 6()!j ~a" ar.1 p.(.Jo/ l' tCJUf c,:r I CAMPISE 11A-CAR 'II." ...,,.l:"~ Q~"~" I,r '!)r' i-ARTICLES I ~9--:'A"'R"fl!'!l!C"!'"'lE"S---- REPAIR __ W_A_N_T_ED I WANTED • s.,..r .M,. '""1" (t",,,, y""" "~"ller, GuarM,leel DRUMMY 1------• "-t",*"""t ,",-t Trlre(. 'f.-a' Nrol',-r. Guarantee) $70 rJG' EASTSIDE ---slJOlS7USED AND RARE 'S01tl1J1e1f. (.I ..ar'n" r,f pur~ 1(A'" Ul!N, UI ~JlI!leO rnlerlf')r~"ld ='1t~"0f dl.)rJ,l"..Jf"lar $1500 OLDS TRAISMISSION f'Stat& a 1110 def;1Tt"d ITJ I'lomt: ~ u1tatlons It ,ollr ''''''''D,0 16'101 MACK at 'I MIU: ell.",... r. _ ••",Ie", ", JOHN KING (VTLA<.,."fo>"> 1'\ ",rOCK f'IU:fo: ROAI> TE'!T IN CHDMe "eMMet 1« 0- • Oeeede . 961-0622 n2-2200 WORK GUARANTEED • Cbp and save this art • ISMile" (Jr ..tlot ....H5I


    -""'...... -...... ~ + Page Nme.O Thursday. July 19, 1984 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS

    11c=iOlTS INb 12E~I.7~ 13 REAL ESTATE 13 RUt ESTItE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13=tiUl MItE 13=RElt ESTATE MOTORS PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR S6L.E FOR SALE ST CLAIR Shores, 2 bedroom LAKESHORE VILLAGE. WINDSURFER,l!l82, Enduro EXCELLENT traditional KINGSVILLE (across from bed- GROSSE POinte Shores, GROSSE POINTE Park two- BY OWNER - large 4 condo Utlhty room, carport, Townhouse Immediate oc- MK II, excellent cond!lIon, commerCial bUIlding on two aU aluminum fiat For- Harper Woods) UDtqUe 2 room Colomal In Grosse Shoreham, 2 bedroom fanch $400 Call 882-7304 1 plus den or 3rd bedroom carpetmg, Whirlpool ap- cupancy, l3314 Edsel Ford "The Hill " Approx 2SOOsq mal dining room, large hv- beltrom custom bnck ranch, POinte Woods 2 , baths, Llvmg room 'l\ Ilh fireplace, phances, air conditioning, Ct $4J,900 \\Ithl2 ,%fLxed 1968 OWENS, 28' cabin ft, gas central air, 25xlOO ing room, separate base- attached 2 car garage, cen- family room With fIreplace, tral air, alwmnum tnm, na. dmmg room, !,'lorida room, OI'lVate entrance By ap mortgage avaLlablt> For ap- crwser, excellent condlhon, foot lot ments Shown by apPOint- den, first floor laundry, cen ~lntment $44,900 758-~411 tural fireplace Gillen 1\, baths plus full bath In pOlntment da) time CdII 327 C\l Sleeps 6 371-4749 DANAHER, BAER, ment $36,900 Cooventlonal tral air. many extras a [Ler 5 p m 88l Jb57 WILSON & STROH 886-3665 8847859 ba.,ement, rec room With N A 40 Esplrltu - 1983 Time Realty, 939-7400 fireplace wet bolr, pool CLEAN, cheerful, 2 bedroom 885-7000 HARPER WOODS - lovely 3 carriage house condo With 10% DO\\':" lO% Illter(>!tt Ir Mackmac winner Many CONDO Meadowbndge - GROSSE POI:-JTE PARK tdble, etc 2 car plaslered custom optlons, excellentlD BUSINESS AND 24088 Harper and IS"'z Mile bedroom, new country oak Redecorated three bedrooms, air condltlomn~ and ap- purchdM>d "as '" (,1 ~se kitChen, ftmsbed basement, gdrdge \\Ih automatic open pliances Convemently ventory 294-9500 1l\'VESTMENT 2 bedroom ranch, attached natural hreplace, stamed er Air conditioned. lawn POlnle P.trk Wa\ burn 2 asking $44,500 371-5008 located to I 94 79'28573 [,111111\ rials llll6 0657 CHRISCRAFT Conme 1969, PROPERTIES garage, air 792~99 glas \\ lI1do\\s, appliances sprmklers, $ll9,OOO 886 stay, lots of extras, $35,500 36', flymgbndge, 6 5 genera. Exclusl\'ely DELIGHTFUL COLONIAL GOOD EastSide area, 3 bed- 1998, after 5 30 pm room brick, fireplace. alu- Call Marlene, Real Estate OPEi\ Sl"UA Y !-5 tor, tWin327's Loaded Must SALES - LEASES 3 bedrooms, basement, ga- 41\85 KENSINGTO:'>i, 5/5 mmum tnm, garage, as- One 979-5660 20148EAST BALLAl'OTYNI-:C1' see - A-I condition, sacri- EXCHANGES rage, aluminum tnm, LMge rooms, \.\Ithm 200 feet fice. $24.000 881-3254 $14,000 down, Land Con- sumable 10% mortage $JOO HARPER WOODS Condo -- 1 ! of tran"porlatlOn CU!ttom \'lrgmla S Jeffnes Realtor per month mcludmg taxes Attractive J bedroom, 2 full hdth ranch on d wdu<.1l'd tourl tract Call Unity Real Es- bedroom, apphances. car- bUilt IllterlOr mu~t be seen 882-«199 $27,500 By owner 881-2649 m the WOLJdl, Fanla~tlc lloor plan ...llh cl tOntern 11F- TRAILERS AND tate 286-5J10 petmg, 10\\ malOtenance. to be apprec1rlck ~dch unit It) Imme11111 1"1\ e 1,lrg('IJot.>rlookmg elaboratl'l} land~('.lped. METAMORA, 10 acres in Hunt Year-round home on 200' of pool With deck Must sell 1355 Hampton Rd Center very pr1vQtebaCkYdrd, With heatt"li 20 x-lo' !-\\ Imming Country Sale b~ 0\\ ner 545- Mullett Lake, hVlng room, pool Milch more $J65 000 2078 (Pleasant RIdge) 20466 Fleetwood Open Sa. entrance Colomal, .l bed. faml1y room, dlmng room, turday, Sunday 1-5 pm or rooms, l';e baths, updated 1530 BlAIRMOOR COURT kitchen, den, walkout rec by appointment ~54 kitchen With breakfast area, 882-8614 12B-VACATION room and three car garage GROSSE POINTE WOODS PROPERTY GROSSE POI!I."rE Woods - 2 all weather, paneled family Offered. by ov.ner Phone room, mce sized patio In 2 story -- 4 bedrooms, 21',/ baths, excellent condition Over AVAILABLE Immediately (616) 625-2645_ bedroom, 21/2 bath ranch, 2,000square feet Family room, fireplace, air con h\llIg sports, musIc Walk to flllest Sale by owner. 881-7623 or kitchen and breakfast nook LIVing room and dining home With at~ched breeze- 286-1005 Or 881~5 after 6 p m room With natural fireplace. large upd.lled klldll'n. restaurants and shops Ac- way, 2 car garage and wood room 886'()146 family room, dlnll1(!room, flnl:lolK-dIec room III Ilh \\ l'1 commodates 10 (313) shed Gas furnace and wood OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 bar, central air, gas ~aL. !opllnkl~r ~)stt'm ,l' ~ Cdr 665-8505 furnace $60,000. Will take 1008 BUCKINGHAM 10% ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE garage. 2,550 square feel corner lot, beautiful" land SCHUSS Mountam chalet, 4 Land Contract, 6% With 1'2 BY OWNER Outstand!ng Enghsh Tudor .. bedrooms and seaped, circular dn~e, 3 !>chools \\ Ilhtn '" mill: Land 12 down, 10% with 16 down Charming decorator-d by olllner Call 881-7344after 6 PM and weekl)' rental. 616-429-8207. baths, fJreplace, double ga- weekends rage With workshop Also GROSSE POINTE FARMS 12D-LAKE ANb RIVER storage shed Excellent con- Custom bwlt French style Coloma I, near Lakeshore PROPERTY dition Immediate posses- Large pnvate landscaped lot, secluded garden, en- GROSSE POINTE WOODS COLONIAL sion $49,900 (616) 548-5515. trance hall, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, powder room, for- 3 bedrooms, 1I! baths. bUilt In 1971 2l7-1 Lennon VIcrORIAN COTTAG"£ With mal dmmg room, famlly room, IIvmg room With na. MamtE'nance free extenor. professionally landscaped, water nghts and terrifiC ONE ACRE wooded lot at custom drdpes lhroughout, SpaCIOUScountry k.Jtchen Schuss Mountain ElectrIC turalrlreplace, lots of closets and storage space 2 car water view Completely up- garage, immediate possession Under $200,000 \\ Ith bUilt-In apphances mcludlng microwave, fami. dated Owner offering fan- utlhty Installed Land baron ly room With Andersen bay wmdow overlookmg tastic terms HARSENS priVileges mcluded Close to 884-5806FOR APPOINTMENT pm'ate back ~ard, ct'ntrlll .ur With humidifier and ISLAND golf course and ski runs NO BROKERS PLEASE electrOniC air pUrifier, flOlshed ba!.ement \\ Ith addl' m-6234 after 5 p m hornsl bathroom and shower, separate laundry room, WATERFRONT GIFT SHOP-. C-USTOM Chalet, at Schuss 1168 THREE MILE DRIVE 2 car ~arage WIth elt'Ctromc door opener Pnce plus two apartments great Mountain, 3 bedrooms, 2 GROSSE POINTE PARK $79,900 Please call 886.():l33ror appomtment potential for reSident owner baths, sleeps 10, fully fur. Beautifully mamtamed claSSIC Colomal, Circular drive or Investor Located on nlShed and eqUIPped, laun- With mature trees on lOOX240 lot Superb house for freighter channel of Lake St dry, huge stone ftreplace, at. family and entertamm~ Includm~ hV!l\P;and dminll 'l1 WAVERLY l.ANE, GROSSE POl~'Tl': FAHMS Clair 45 minutes from tached garage With expan- rooms, kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, library, DetrOit sion area, rental manage. sunroom, Flonda room, and (''enter hall With Circular OutstandU18 Wilberdlllg buIlt house In \m~cable ~Oodl ment available 884-2133 staircase Five bedrooms, 31'2 bath With maid's t100 bemg o{{~ by owner l"eillure. master MUtl' R G EDGAR & ASSOCIATES quarters wUh \arle IlllIrlI room and IIe1*rale lull and Iwn ba\h 886-fJ010 HARBOR SPRINGS 1984, DeW p1U1lWO addlllooal bedroonui each willi baths, bbf"liU') home, 4 bedroom, profes. PRICE $195,000 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ST CLAIR ON NO AGENTS PLEASE 882-4385 and liVing room With tll'e~Ia(.~ yellr around garc.len slonally decorated and fur- room Has all the amenities' (."entral Illt. burglar THE LAKE rushed on 2 wooded acres, ExceptIOnal condominIUm alann, hardwood floors, professIonal IllnmC4lplng, Ideal location to golf, Ski, 16812 CRANFORD LANE recently decorated By appointment unl) lIlll ~ With beautiful view of lake and water 1,750square feet GROSSE POINTE CITY $360,000 Llvmg room With fireplace $125,000 651.7494 SpaCIOUS2,400sq ft condomllJJum Withnatural fireplace, and two doorwalls to pnvate 10 ft ceilings, hardwood floors, 3 full baths, carport i paho, kitchen WIth eatmg 13-REAL ESTATE 1 and much more, located on peaceful shaded Side of } space, three bedrooms, 2% FOR SAlE street OFFERED BY OWNER < , baths, finished basement, and attached garage are LAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE ",,~f ,,. • > ONLY I In I featured $110,000 (G 5(9) SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Charmllll!l Farm Coloma on desirable tree-hned street J 1 Ask for Nlkloe Andrus 886- $44,900 M A GERNAY REAL ESTATE Grosse Pomte Wood~ ThiS home has bedrooms, 11~ J..' 4200 Schweitzer Real 3.l1-8408 baths, den and famllY-~lzed kitchen Natural fireplace In For thIS SpaCIOUS3 bedroom hVll1groom and b\llIH:orncr chma cdbmet In dmlllg room Estate/Better Homes and brick ranch m Grosse Pomte Gardens PRICED REDUCED Professionally de<..'OratedMove-Jn COndIUon!All ol the ex. school district Featurmg terlOr alummum Sided ..nd a new roof! Must seel LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for new carpet throughout, re- 1620FORD cr , GROSSE POINTE WOODS sale Lexington, Michigan modeled kitchen and bath, PRICED REDUCED TO $89,500 100 x 250 3 bedrooms, hvmg, attached garage Large lot 1852 BHOADSTONE kitchen, dlnmg roolru. Front with greenhouse Seller Will 1185~ and back screened porches look at offers Garage Gas heat, fireplace $65,000 822-7967 EARL KEIM BELL/SHORES LAKE HURON - north of 884-2520 Port Huron 3 bedroom BY OWNER 71 Willison, house, furmshed, fireplace, Grosse POInte Shores screened room, IDce beach Prime location ExclUSive 1 327-6255 resldenC'e near Lakeshore 3 WATER FRONT sho\lplace bedroom, 21.~baths, formal home on Lake Michigan, dining room and handsome Mam~l1que 100 feet sandy family room $155,000 Lot ClaSSICC~pe Cod With center ChlmrJl'y on ver) desirable beach, 3 bedrooms v.lth 100';<140' No Land Can. cul-de-sac Easy walkmg to parks, transportation, tract No brokers 886-7576or ....alkout basement. h~mg schools and shopping LIVIng room With bUill-In booK- room v.llh flreplace and 961-7970for appomtment shelves, three bedrooms, 1'~ bathE, fmlshed (amlly cathedral ce,lIng $75,000 WHY NOT room rJf'W gas furnace and largt deLachf'd l car garage (906) a:: 33:>6 after 6 pm CONSIDER By appointment only Under MO 000 118&-5178 12E-COMMERCIAL RENTING YOUR PROPERTY? PROPERTY AND GROSSE POJ!"TE PARK HAVE IT MANAGED tlb~ D!':\'(}N~III RI-: Investment opportunity - IT'S A GOOD MOVE' (;Ho~~I-,l'ol ....n: P,\HK Prime JOtatlOn next to 01'1-:\ '>1'D,\'\' 1. 5 Sparky Herberts Jte.taurant DILl.ON PROPERTIES ('Jd''''t bnck ('fjlclm.ll, l.lrioW IiVUII! f{Hlrn I4llh fln-plllee and across from ne.... Bon UH14i Secours faClhllel> Bul1dmg ,lI1d 1>t',IUll[ull; ,If( h"11 \I Indo'." f)lnllI~ loom lIoood p.u\('ll'd hhr,)r~ hl\',lk[,1'1 rOllrn klt('hen \\Ilh botH In CO\ en. three lolJi, fourth lot IIpp!lIlIlC"" IM!.:I' boll k ponh -I ldf~1" I~o()mll, .. full ummproved except for pa v 20:;0 HAMPTO:-' l),tlll., '21 I hall'" flnl .. lli.. KIll 4110-1 dl.,h\.\ a<;twr 1I1IIl fan fl PRIME WOODS I~O{,ATIO!\' HHO JEfo'n;HS(\N n,<;hl-d ha.,,-mtont ~ara~(' Medical sUlle "" Ith flV(' ex A HOME 0' LAKE ~1 CLAIR amlmng ro()m~ and I~O of \.\ Ith door (;pent'r $69!1OO Totall) cu-lom I Thl. nubtqUdTf fH"( 4 ht>droom" , 1'. hath .. flr"l Iiour I.wn 10 olfff All "...lr. larlc- mOll\!o 1.1\ 11\1 rU~lln .. ,n, I'\o'Itur411 Yo .,f' OJX'n :-'unda~ I 4 pm or flu'" Ith J.lr.'!('off)({' or, dr~ (cnl r,tl d I r toOOlllllfllOg hurfl:lar IIJllfm ~} "I"m hy appomtnll'nt rlrtpl.,....!"orm.l dmmll rOClm 1'lNlNnl ,un ruom Inlb lOnd floor Lo<,dled on Mack Llhrdr}' [.lmlly room fom\Oll dlnu~ f(K,m kltrht-n ....llh lS!l24(Y!7 (Inlll OW JWI110IInl'1 rock lllnwnlI Kf\'I?.llllCln ",'om Iii • arv1 'fdlr('OI.lJ1 Call1od1~1I I~ I .....0 HHlIKEH'-, I,,"t .mf'f1alnmrnl llrt'. Ith .. M l141l\Iltl.lral corn J" on th un I(ar .. jtt- Lnl "Ill' III "Wl $2'011(J(~ 1..1II~1(Mtnc' I flnopU!t,. refltr.' .lr ;, Ar ll"rlAll" (Ill! I'll .. prl\ llle' qUf' (Ifflr(' f11010 I 88,'; :WOO Hf'l-,df-rn .. 29'1 il.27" H1I'>1 rw-., 7.... 121111 ~(hllot'llll'r Itt-al fo:"latr( U)T PN"'llIIl;IOUS 10(1.1100, aMwllll Bt'tter Hom~' and Garden .. d(1M' to Lochmoor and Lake 1«1; lfi6 at.k fM GROSSE POINTE PARK HI'IWI ~G - ('(lMMERC1M. Jim Pf'rry Gro-.!te J'olDlt- V,llodK 1 72:' (undo - lownhou'«' 'ityle "quare ((.,-t plu'> h....'.m'.nl (In",' 10 E .... IJlInd Budt h~ In~ur;1n(' 1'(hiJ~~:,::lI,nT Prim': (~ra<;..,' POI nil' WIIOdlo 1u..1 drr d prof, '~Ion.d "ILl!' h .. l,o(J IJfWk]1 ,>If,ry I huJlaln~ AllprOXlfTJ"l, I" bt"lr(",m rountr} 101 !II (Ilj(, <,(jU" fl' " ...1 l, ,,11,( , (tlf'n "pt'"" I" fMOily .,uilM> Allr .., I'H'I) dI..,,I/,T' .. rw! dlrtlrl~ rO()fT, !>Implf> ,"(j ""'toll m.ilrl .. lf'If'(l 1.Idt' --....~¥..~ <.IlUtum pllon <.II J J %, aslt quatl" pilrll:lO~ ... X( f'llrnl 10 t(1T I';d Krill. tn o~"t:k ~y (okm ... 1 ('f'l'ltl'f' f'1ItralVlf l"IIStom bwlt ~ r(1t' fI ( 1I1.1I\IAL IWAI) COffi(' !'\oo hrofr-t-f'I plf'aM" (,r~ POIOI~ ('Ily JUlt bulAdPr Four llf!drooml With filth ~oom l'IfJ third 7TI ¥N, {.I< 0..."..: 1'0I~n:"llot<':''I Ilslt'd "",.Ilmlg dlllUoncl' Ooor Twn fuJlllltltu. 2 1_, balm tJrl"ltkflllll room dID lo VIIIa~f', 1 ht'dT'oom Il~'dlltltul whllf' hn('k ~lUlhrrn« ~lflu.1 "lf1l-nt Ia"'ap- HlR "ALE U.A"I-.PoACK 10K room 11\ lOR rO'm} WIth nalural tlrl"r.'1I1"t' I1l"n I>rJ('k ran< h low 11010 1Il~ 14,Ih \11-"'" III !tw !llkc' ""'hod flc,,)fl< lhrqhoot ThrN' ",ulte mf"dl( <.II hud" nil l,.~m~t flHTlily room WIth OIClurlll f1rf>p .Cf' 'I1Jrj>f: ()pf'n ~undoi~ 2') (all ~r"U11f1fll"" 4 tMoOruCtnJr. I' t...th~ f.mdy NXm} and IIn ~lItk AH' 10 (,ro'llo(' (ltr lI.raR/, 20% down IllJIlnl/"tf'l-t l.orllllf'rm ('(If) Ed Hrmk • lil.r ..ry flr,l lie." lliundr) room (,""fllrllllllr, llprlrdr.kor trill" J>nt't' JU:. (j(.:J I Q Kt1UIll'IIltoo (,rf*Mo POInt .. POlntf' (;fW~))J:.: PO INTfo: "y"Il'm No hroil~r~ plfoalit' SJ3!';TAll~" Park Busll'leu 1822414(lII&-47~ home Nfl broken ~IIOWI'. BY APPOINTMJo:NT OM.Y ALDRIDGE & ASSOCIATES LAMBJ{f;CHT ('0 REAL ESTATE CO, p6NJe' lII2.(JQ87 ISIl6 11789 884-6960 964-4522 -, Page Ten-e GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1984

    1 15=AEAL mATE 13 REAL ESTATE 13 REAL ESTATE 13 REAL ESTITE iAtiL ESTATE 1i=PiTS 20F-WASAER AND 21C ElECTRICAL FOR SALE FOR SAlE FOR SALE FOB 'ALl WANTED FOR SALE DRV£A REPAIR SERVICE CLINTON TOWNSHIP, 17 SOUTHCOTT PINES - GROSSE Pointe Woods. shanl ST CLAIR Sbons, Immediate ATTENTION' Brokers, ADORABLE kitten . short L ELECTRICAL WORK Mile-Hayes, cU$tom :I 1,800 square fet't English 3 bedroom bungalow, newer occupancy Land Contract Bankers, Owners, lnvestors, halr, black, female, 6 weeks ET 'GEORGE DO'IT Res.ident1a1 - CommerCial 1 $8,000 down, 3 bedroom bedroom ranch, 2 '1 bath, styie, large size formal lIv. plush carpet.mg, updated kit- ete We buy All cash Was abandoned With Sisler Washer, dryer, d1ahwasber Free Esllmates bnck ranch, garage, fuush- central all', large deck IllIl'OOOl1ll11hbt'amedcell- chen, 1IIIth Kitchen-aid Detroit eastside properties 00 !ugh",ay SIster kIlled b)' and ranges repall'ed All L1censed , Insured $134,500 Weekdays after 6 mg aDd f1repldce. dmmg dlshlllasher and ~uman ed basement, 10 MIIe/I-94 ImmedUlte c10smgs Call car No... this reall)' lonely 881.9751 77H216 makes NO SERVICf p.m,I-286-1365 area, family ro',m, kitchen floor FmlShe-d basement 886-9116 Eastland Rt>-alt) over affectionate kitten CHARGE If repalre BEAUTIFUL three bedroom slldmg glass doors to patios, with fireplace, bnck front GROSSE Pointe Woods By Co, 16325 Harper Ave, needs desperately a lOVing RETIRED MASTER electn- Guaranteed !:rts and 5ef'. cian Licensed VIOlatIOns Colonial. Natural wood, three large Ix> L!rooms, full garage Great area 1 $65,900 0Vr ner Mint cond1tlon quad, DetrOIt, Michigan 48224 borne m-2441 evemngs vice SpecIA u1r m GE, servIces Increased Also fll'ePlace, dm1nI room, two basement 111 Ith rec room, CHAMBERLAIN 771-8900 4 bedrooms, large famll)' SUlCe 1946 Realtor Kenmore and hlrlpool LI\B PUPS - yellow, A K C , small JObs TU 5-2966 car garage Mid 20's double garage on a lo\ely CLEAN, cheerful 2 bedroom room With fireplace and wet products Somerset/ChandJer Park treed lot $111,000 l' S carnage house condo 111 Ith bar, dmmg room, central GUARANTEED SALE o FA, wormed, shots, dews LIst your home With us, If It PERsoNALIZED Dnve 881~1 eqwvalent all' condltlorung and ap- air, 2 car attached garage removed, sho\li , hunt or pet SERVICE SINCE 1965 21D-TV AND and much more $119,500 doesn t sell 774.2209 RADIO REPAIR GROSSE POINTE WOODS phances Con\emently "We Will Buy It " George Stults Bnck hnftt'ralo". 3 bedrooms Inground pool stone, bnck located to 1-94 792-8573 886.5871 885-1762 ...... '6 wood three beoroom four BELGIA!': Shepherd needs COLOR TV, HI-FI, STEREO on first floor, potentlal split master "ulte large FAIRMOUNT beNeen Queen ADl'L T CO~IlDO No pets, STIEBER REAL TV S~I~ 7754~ 10\ Ing home, excellent WASHER/ Dryer repairs 885~ bedroom second floor, ne-w foyer, lIvmg room dmmg and Hayes Bnck bungalov/, three bedroom, two baths, watch OOg, good tempera. Repair your quahty bullt ANTENNAS kitchen 111 lth bUilt-in room, ground floor laundr.\ 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, flmsh- overlooking St Clalf RIver 15-8USlNESS ment Female 886-5361 automatic machmes. ser- d1sbwasher, nN roof, fur- ed basement WIth kitchen _(amll~ room \\ lth corner D b kf $75,000 terms 25% dOllln OPPORTUNITIES \'Ice call $15 Guaranteed 21E-sfoRMS AND nace, alununum trim and f lreplace, largf- ree room mmgk room rea ast 10% Land Contract By CHOCOLATE lab retriever and accountable RIchard SCREENS dnveway, natural 1IIood. Beauttfulh decorated and noo , 2 car garage, very (J\\ner Call for appoilltment OWN A beautiful CJu1dren's puppies AKC registered, 5T1-8067 work and Colomal doors, landscape'd m South(ott special Immediate posses 1-765-5301 shop Offenng the latest III $300 Call Pres or Dale FREE ESTIMATES fireplace, ven. ~~ base- sIan Priced to sell 526-4139 fashions .Health Tex .Izod Hunters Greek Club Kaufmann and Tropp aluml. 1 ....) PlOes $102 000 C S 542 CADIEUX Charming 2OH-FLOOR ment 1 2 car alummum eqwvalent THE ~EW CHARM: OF OLD 1-664-4307 three bedroom. 2 bath con- -LeVl.Lee .Jordache oChlc SANDING num doors and wmdows, garage VeT) clean house Most of these 3re located GROSSE POINTE' .Buster Brown and many screens repaired do $87,000 Land Contract 20-GENERAL ?need Ul the mId $6Q s v.ltlun a 10 mmute .....alk of Ho\\ about a home With terms Earl Ketm MIdwest more Furmture and ac. KELM FRED'S STORM Owners allXlOl1'! to sell 1874 the nd be h f Lak e\ erythmg ne.... plus an Ask for Mr Glbblngs cessones by Gerber and SERVICE

    ..- ' __ ~_~.~.L...... -....._ ~ __ ~ ~ _ . " Thursday, July 19, 1984 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E~S Page Eleven-C

    21F-HOIIE 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 21G-ROOF1NG 21G-RooFiNG 21.I-PAJNTING, 21-I-PAINTING, 21K-WiN66W IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERVICE SERVICE DECORATING DECORATING _ WASHItG o WINDOW CLEANING co . HANDYMAN-Speclallzmg 10 ALUMINUM/VINyL sidmg INTERIORS HADLEY HOME ROOFING SALE WALLPAPERING storms and screenI, aluau. fuushed basements, carpen- and trim, gutters, stor'U B.T, Renew or Repaired First 500 BY DON &: LYNN try, formlca work. drywall windows/doors, awmngs. IMPROVEMENT The Best Paperhanger .Husband-Wlfe Tham nurn and JUttert cleaned WHOLESALE, INC. square fE'et Installed $199 free estimate. Lowetlt and pamtmg No JOb too shutters roofmg and roofing complete Based on 1,000 10 Town 'Wallpaperlng INC. priCes In the POInte& small 882-4827 vents Free eshmatL'S Joe 29181 CALAHAN square teet to'lats or "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS .Pamtln~ COMPLETE REMODELING (12 Mile - Groes~k area) HANG PAPER" 773~ 7'T7 .l32t Maples 886 2186 SERVICE shmgles Aillypes of gutters •Mellculous FENCE'- ProfesSIOnal In- Custom Gutters Run To Your done Sa\e 245-«lO7anytime • 15 Years 10 the busmess • Insured A-OK WINDOW CLEANERS ' stallation or repair of wood Kitchens-Baths Length While You Walt Call Ron HIli for yoU! MODERNIZATION Additions-Porches 'Over 20 Years Expetlence Service on stroms and JCfteIII and cham-hnk Gates made Dimensional Bwldlllg Co , KIt- WHOLESALE - RETAIL 21H-CARPET ProfrsslOnal E&tlmate Also domestic houIe dan- any S1Ze custom v.olmaruzed Athc/Rec Rooms REYNOLDS VINYL 527-5560 chens. Baths, Basements Alummum Sldmg/Trim CLEANING 497-5766 109 Free estimates Mon- fence on your request Steve, AdditIOns Licensed. 772- & ALUMINUM SIDING Gutters/Do"n Spouts thly rates 77~t690 or T13- 881.9470 4176 DELIVERY AVAILABLE GROSSE POINTE 9839 Storm Wmdows/Doors 77.2-6124 K.CARPET PAINTING Roofmg/Shmgles/Hot Tar CONTRACTORS G OUU~ CLEANING Exlenor Alummum Siding and ROOF GUTTERS COMPANY CL:STO:-'IPAI\'Tl~G A"I:D WI'-jDOW CLEA~ISG - RUDDER CONSTRUCTION- Gutter Cleanmg and SERVICE CLEANED CARPET Irtenor \\ALLPAPERI:\G RESIDENTIAl - COMMeRCIAl Fences/Repairs of all kmds EXPERT A:-iTI~t.:ING FREE ESTI~\ATES Licensed and Insured Flushed and roofs m~pected SPECIALISTS STRICTLY \\ E ARE INSURED MW CO"JSTRUCTION MODERNIZA liON 8< REPAIRS • Steam ExtractIOn PROi"ESSIONAL FROM lHE ROOF TO THE DRiVEWAY 886-{)520 Free e'itunates 885-8155 882-4968 • Shampoo 15 Years Expenence 372-3022 884-7410 • Spot and Stam Removal Free E:.tJmates FRl-:I': EYII\\ATES BARKER I!'\SL HED ~REE ESTI'VIATES ucef)$ed - In$ured CONTRACTORS • l:pholstery Cledmng ('all Ron HIli D-\LE Barr \\ ~ clNIU!C ROOFS and DECKS • at affordable prices Michael Satmar~ Jr carpet cleamng. upholstery ModermzatlOn • AlteratIOns • GUTTERS and 497-5766 STEVE S PAI'\1 I!'\G cleaning 2nd Gent"rallon Additions' Famlh' Room!>• DOWNSPOUTS 882-0688 527 810:; Free EstImate KItchens & RecreatIOn Interior & Extl'nor Gutters cleaned and Flushed Gutter c1eanmg hard ...ClOd , Area" Ne\\ and Repair Work SPECIAL WOOD REFINISHING Pdtchmg &I Plastenng JAMES BARKER \\allp.1pt'nntl WlOdo\l, floors pasle v. axed Licensed and Insured 2 ROOMS cleaned. 3rd room STRIP STAIN VARl';ISH SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES AA'; :;(144 .. T"'ro'." ..... ,....,. "' .... ,." r',. ,.,.,.....,...... ,...... , ...... ,-, " ~ r""4 ~ 'h (") ... Plill \ m>' Call1kinl/ ,....,..." I ....,...,.. r "1..iJ ,.. ,""1"11 '-' I' .. " ... " , .~ .... " 'v&...l uu.t-"'~""""'""" .L.o ~.,) I.b .. I . v...., ...... ~ ...... cledneo r 1\1:.1:. 17319East Warren Colors to :-'lalch Good Work --Free Estimates "NEEDS K BUILDING CO. D. CARPET Reasonable Ptlce. \\ INDOW CLEANERS 884-9512 Kitchen cabmet.>, bathroom Guaranteed ser.lce, lo.. est SINCE D C KELLY BUILDING vaOllles rec-fclmlly room Semor Citizens 10% Off • Quahty Remodehng CLEANING CO. Call Steve anytime prices around For free 1909" ROOFING AND repairs Alu- panehng, doors, tnm and esllmates • Anderson Replacement minum ttlm, Siding. and SHAMPOO & steam extrac- moldings 365.5635 FENCING Wmdows & Doors lIOn, spot & stam removal, 82" J5.I6 RUSTIC STOCKADE gutters Bob. Dale Isham Licensed Insured • AdditIOns of all types free estimates, 10\\ esl prices K-WINDOW cleanu" com 921-6282 CHAIN LINK - VINYL 526-0666 References Free Esllmates QUALITY PAINTING • Custom Garages 10 the Pomtes pan> Storm~ screens, gut COLORED-GAL VANIZED PRESTIGE PAIl'\TING CO SERVICE EXPERT REPAIRS 773-0525 777-1329 DAVID ROLEW!CZ lers. alummum cleaned In- COMMERCIAL - 882-3463 INTERIOR- sured Free ~tlmates RESIDENTIAL LICENSED & INSURED GUTTERS PROFESSIONAL CARPET 296-7386 778 5025 PET PENS and Upholstery c1eamng at EXTERIOR 882-0688 SNOW FENCE THOME CONT, ROOFING BUCHANAN & CO. 20 years professIOnal ~I~ reasonable rates us 109 the GROSSE POI!llTE hreman I~ Von SChrader method Call expenence We Do All Home Maintenance SMALL JOBS GROSSE POINTERS ....111 do ....lndOW wuhUIi Tom Barrese MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - 10403 HARPER From The Roof Down. InSide 774.9651 SERVING THE POINTES MATI FLETCHER 821-2984 & Out Grosse Pomte 839-5155 SII'\CE 1972 4151 Buckingham 886~102 WINDOW'Wastun& - SpruII References Free Estimate MINOR HOME SHORESIDE Carpet Clean- • Wall {lCIperand removal PAINTER WHO IS reliable • Pamtmg (lOt and Ext) and (all chan,e S.at. 882.5836 109, profeSSIOnal carpet and dependable IS Interested REPAIRS cleanmg Work guaranteed • Stammg and varmshmg relIAble 5e1"\1C'e Rderences SULLIVAN POWER WASHING In mtenor house painting BrIAn - 882~ 21G-RooFING roofmg, gutters, bnck work, Full~ Insured Free Esti- • Plaster repair Unhcensed Rates are ~a . • Clean Alummum Sldmg SERVICE chimneys, all carpentr)' mates Call 775-3450. 24 • Texture ceilings and "'ails s(lnable 885-2628 SPRING Chao,e-O"er LICENSED INSURED Storms storect wmdow. • Clean Fungus on PatIO or Stonework hours 526-7647 886-4374 EXPERIENCED ProfessIOnal cleaned Ins1de and out Call PYRAMID ROOFING LOOK - 30 years experience pamter With references Greg 882-8188 • Remove Loose Pamt PROFESSIONAL gutter ser- steam cleanmg carpet and Re-Roofmg vice Sldmg and tnm. roof Plaster dry\l, all repair Call • Remove Grafflttl Tear Orfs furmture By Wilbur, Doug MICHAEL'S ~hke at 88t-8148 CRYS1'AL clear home and repaIrs Reasonable Reh- and Glenn Carter Call 778. Window RepaIr PAINTING R & R PAINTING clf!antlti IS' chao • Clean Boat Bottoms able I do m> own work & count References aVa1UIt* VentIlation 1680 STUDENT WITH 6 LICENSED & INSURED REFINISHING 755-70ge • Adjustable Water Pressure Cleans Without Damage \ Skylight Specialists DALE Barr, carPet Cleamng, YEARS EXPERIENCE Area references Semor cltu.en JOHN WILLIAMS • sandlWater MIXture for Tougher Products upholstery clearung, ...:mdo\', Intenor-Extenor Sen'lce EXTERIOR-INTERIOR 21L-TILE discount Free estimates 885-5813 cleamng 2nd GeneratIon Pamtmg Profes~ilonal at ver)' ~asona- • Chemical MIXtures Also Available Licensed and Insured We antlqumg and varOlshmg, WORK ALL ROOF LEAKS 52Hll05 Free Estimates ble prices Grosse Pomte w1ll beat any contractors Gutter cleaning, hardwood strlppmg and stammg references Free esllmate. CERAMIC TILE - :\l!'Io" and ptlce ReSidential & CommerCial Complete Kitchen reflmshmg Robb1O Roddewig 881-7518 FREE ESTIMATES MIKE SULLIVAN shmgles & Flat roofs Ooors paste waxed mnodelula Free stunalel Free Estimates - 885-3230 after 7 p m 882-{)249 881-9173 Licensed-Gutters, $2 fl 10- 1.Jcensed Vtrv rea.sooable, RILEY & DUFFY CONST stalled C E G Roofmg 21.I-PAINTiNG, GIOVANNI SACCO PAINTER All types o( pam. m-3%93 (Tony 1 DECORATING serVICing All Your 757-7232 DECORATING SERVICE t10g Prefer custom work CErtUltCl'lD: - New AM Roofmg Needs Pamtmg, wallpapermg stam- ProfesSIOnal, reliable, and ~model1nl Bathil. kltcbeol ROOFING/Gutters, roof I~, wallpaper removal, pat- reasonable With decorators Speclal1zmg In Roof Repair vents, alummwn and Vinyl and rO)'tn, 5how« plUII LICENSED INSURED B&D chmg, caulking Insured and touch Free estlmates Ron FERLITO sid 109, custom tnm, storm repaired Call Rick at licensed CONSTRUCTION CO. Call after 6 30 775-6909 S21-3434 885-5189 331.1716 doors and wmdows, shutters PAINTING Itahan Journeyman All types of cement work Additions and awnmgs! Free esti- 264-7579 978-2448 YOUNG'S * * ROOF LEAK repair specIal- mates Joe 886-2186 • INTERIOR PAINTING SERVICE 21 N-ASPHAL T * Drlvcv.'ays * Kitchens ISts See our dtsplay ads Quality Palnllng &I Wallpaper- _ WORK * Patios * Garages • EXTERIOR WHITEY'S below for mformal1on 882- JOHN D. SIMON 109 Plaster & Drywall -- ~AS))HALT . * Bnck & Block work * Roofmg 5539 Repair References, Free 778.1028-773-6986 • WALLPAPER • Wall Papermg PAVING COMP"'",",' PROFESSIONAL BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Roofmg, Caulkmg. • Intenor Palntlng Estimates Insured HADLEY HOME REMOVAL • Reasonable Pnce& Call an)tlme Pavln&, sealcoat1nc and ft. WE STOP LEAKS, GUARANTEED Weatherstrlppmg, Repairs ca\'allon ResldentUl! and IMPROVEMENT LrCENSED-INSURED • Good Work Jim Young 372-4365 QUALITY WORK.REASONABLE PRICES EQUAL TO THE BEST, • Call - no Job too small commtrclal Gllranteed RAINBOW Pamtmg Interior qua Ill)' '" orlu"anal",. at t • JNC. BUT COST LESS COMPLETE CASHAN ROOFING BRENT 882~94 774.0414 and ex terlor II- ork reasonable ratel Licensed • Bonded • Insured guaranteed 20 years ex- ST..\TE LICE:-lSED A:W CALL US NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ROOFING SERVICE MELrN'S Pallltmg - mtenor. COMMERCIAL & HOT ROOFS PAINTERS penence !\fllee n3-58:U, Don INSURED REFEREt'ICES RESIDENTIAL Commerclal-Resldenllal exterior, patchmg, plaster- 755-9225 281 0{)626 291-351t Year-round service SERVED EUROPEAN mg. stucco varnishing, Win- !loA .... - 885-1798 Tear-off APPRENTICESHIP C .. J ASPHAl. T Reshmgle Shmgles and Repairs dow glazmg and caulkmg. PETER'S PAINTING Financing Available Work Guaranteed Intenor-Extenor Speclahzmg wallpaper Free eStlmates, PavlIli Inc Hot Tar In repaltlng damaged pias- Inlenor-exterlor Profe:ssIOOlll CommerCial parkin. lots. Roll Roofmg Insured 886-3245 reasonable pnce. Call any pamter Wallpapenlli, pa,s. ter, dry-wall and cracks, time Melin 759-5099 repaIr. 5ealcoatlnl and Vents peehng pamt, wmdow putty- terlng, wmdow puttyilli and slrlPPln' Rt.ldenual Gutters 109 and caulkmg, wallpaper- COMPLETE PAINTING I caulking Free estimates drlvewa)'s ~Mt/Super. ENERGY EFFICIENT Repairs PAQUIN 109 All work and material AND DECORATING Call 365 U52 ~nY~I~ V!SOl' Frff estlmales Licensed and Insured INTERIOR - EXTERIOR guaranteed Reasonable EXTERIOR-INTERIOR C..o\LL ;\ 'i\"TIME AddJuons, KItchens, BathrOl:/.lllS, Dormers, Rec fun, 886-0520 ROOFING Semor cItizens discount Wallpapering - Reasonable. m-d7 Woodwormg, Cabmet Mahng, Reslorallon, AtnUlllS, Grosse Pomte references REFERENCES PAINTING 21F-HOME SPECIALISTS IN RALPH ROTH 886-8248 Besl r"terences, cabmC!t~Ialll- PENDOLINOS , Compuler Room, Complete Job StaI110FJDJ.Sh - Large FLAT ROOFS Free Estlmales Call John ASPHALT SEALCOATING IMPROVEMENT anytil!'e, 776-9439 mg. plaslerlllg, fast sen Ice, or Small, Insulatlon, Sldmg, Roohng LICENSED INSURED WALLPAPER licensed, rree eSllmates, Residential dnnwars Free 839.7534 MIKE'S PAINTING C E G Palllttn& 757-7232 eltinulel Get ready for faU Replacement Windows & Doors E.C.K. BUILDING CO. InterIOr. exterior, wallpaper- REMOVAL 881 un 116-5870 LICENSED RESIDENTIAL mg, mlllor repairs, patchmg, BY JEFF HANDYMAN - Palntlll& AU BUILDER pla!ltermg Free esllmates prepare .....ark done - in. • The First and Ongmal terlor/exterlor SatlSractlon 21Q--CDtINT AND I Reasonable and honest Ref- COMPLETE HOME I • " • • Full Time not Part Time guarllnteoed G~8 882.8188 BRICK WORK R.D. PRIEST MODERNIZATION erences Call anytJme Euro- pean 777.8081 • 16 '~ars Expenence PAINTING - Interior, ex. • Loy, Rates terlOr. plaster repair. tex. TESOLIN BROS, BUILDERS, INC. AddlllOns - Dormers - SPARTAN CO. • Insured, Free elllimates Decks - Kltchens- tured ct'lhngs, paper hana' CEMENT CONT. INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR Also offering custom paml Lngand remo\ al 88:t~ Complel.o."S1" Garages - Attics - WE DO lULL 109 mtenor and extenor S.rW'Ke Basements PAINTING SPECIALIST Driveways. basement and 881-8019 "lGI IIIfm. n95235 7752927 I!'>TERWR AND exterIor We Will beat your 10....est rea- aaralf (loors. ratwalla, MASTER Rt~LERS • RESIDENTiAl. COMMERCiAl tAIftInI'r AL~ pallltmg ilnd paperhangln& FULLY INSURED .- sonable bid by 10%. 15% SUPERIOR PAINTING AN'Ir (OOtinal, pauGS. railin. ED KENNY 521.7249 ,.. ReaS<>l\able ratf'!!, 30 )'eanl ... IUmM WInl IlDCIF .. senior Cllizen rate PLASTERING COMPANY ,a riles Fl'e! ellImates. expent'ncc Ray Bal'l'XM~Y, ..~" Years In Bualneu GUTTERS Intenor, extenor, v. mdow 3722392 6 after pm 777~ or 'm.Q63 PLUMBI NG/ELECTRICAL glaslnR and caulkLng, ce REMODELING? ment stucco rrpalr Grosse i~AINTI:-iG - Interlor/n- c.£ G CONITftUCTION DHYWALL POlnie References Frcoe tenor. ',\,all ~allohllii and MIKE GEISER rODE WORK Estimates Free gutter dome:.tlc ell'a IIIng Free CEMENT THINK PRICE. - FEr-.CES cleamng WIth full exterior eSllmate, Call Thom 822.6384 Job Tom 885 6lI!l1 881 i210 CONTRACTOR THINK QUALlT't': ~: : I WATERPROOFING GROSSE POINTE ('OLLEGE !lludf'nt, e"pt'rJ<"llC Po\It'."flNG arid~J1pllpmna. : I I : ,- ed p3lOter, 7 yea"" 10 the qu"ht) \l, ark reasonable DHI\'EWA'S. PATIOS. THINK LETO BLDG. CO. PAINTER'S INC Gro!lse POInte "rell In ratC5. free t'lItlmlllf'S Bob W ..u.KS ~-n:ps I • I Palnltng InterIOr ('xt('nor, terlOr lex tl'nor, rree 881 73.l3 or Bob------1\82~1I17 Tl'CK PH1:-o.'Tl ... G Why wait? Call now. paper C'hdnglng and panel esllmates Pat Slllll\an 1'.\1 \' fI\(. Inll"rlUr to:xter ...0 JOB 'Y'()O SMAIJ.. 885-8060 ,. , I I. hng Free esllmates clu't'r lor Fr.'t' e-llmalt'l' r('(t'r FREE ESTIMATES ADDITIONS • DORMERS fully given Llcenlled and rnu'.. ('d \I dM !:I2"2 Bill I 881-6000 Insured A HAMPSON Fl'h..r REC ROOMS • KITCHENS B8:l 9214 I I' HESl[)fo;\,TIAL Cl)'lTO!\l "G.TI:'R'OR"'-'IC'Mtlr 1">\ l M ...... ROOFING AND SIDING I I.lL:ALITV n"n:HIOH/I':£ 1''\ 1\ T1....(, studt'nl " \l'af', t')llW'rl~rn:e deal direct With , , n:HIOH p.llllt:n~ ~allpa- Init'lior f'lttt'nor \l, Ilh pro(t"~lIlnlll Jf'rt , pcrmg, carpenlry ,md rt' PliperhllnKlng l'elt'r'Ol\ !Il\'> l\,H~ , I I father &. son owned l>81r Eltperlrllcc'd f(,al' fo:ltllt'lll'nc(' 1911 Illl2 OWl) frl'f' E,tlmlltt'll Heal ..Ill, pm'l" "".lIpapt>r CAll 882.3222 BUilDING CO I too" (O\ldrlllllN"<1 !IS:! ~ ('1111to:\t-nlng, -- ....-._------11Q-ROOFING I ~t (llm '>hort.... 771 ~i' Jl\\ ~ \\ \1 1.1'A I'ld-U'(, SERylCE pilI- lll<)f!' onto \our >4.111 THI,'oJKING OF • I rot II..... rrt'f< ..,tlm.le 77 J. ~71tI

    I ('Il'lom I II 21J-WAlL • I ~ REMODELING? !'IIIOlIIIII ~ '\ \1 WASHING ,~ ~ \( I DON'T SETILE FOR For 28 years, "" ,II J 1'<1 pt>r\ \\~ ;!"> ... \1-\. [\ n.\ '\1 .. < IIII>" 11\ SECOND BEST! Specialists In: Ilanglllil &. 'I ~IIII .....J'hll.1l floor. leamni ~~ 0\\ ••~~' Rl'mo\1l1 111)(1\I, n '''Ill Fn..,. f'$llmatN CItstIMmft OtteR AdofOOlS • DOIMRS ~ 8a.2.06~ ~ FERLITO n.e WIly lilt ..: : .'.: \ r~H (ST'/lilAl(\ !'Ia ~lt'rHl'pd Ir' Me'" ~... :;.- ~ -'-"" ('()N~'TRl'(,.l()S cu - '>lLK'1 U WMtt ...... CUS1IM IlI'1tEIS & ;1 (,H()'>"'~ 1'(11\1" flr ..mln .. All l)'t- at CflMnt ...... semce • lrxlllr .... ¥ton II "\11 no \lilll ....Il'tlln~ lfll fI [)flVftW.>, • .... ,tats • semce /~4 ...... ~s '800f~LEAK fl PallOl • v.e. fir ,.., IIwnttMttt .. s."mt"flt VI .'...-proolll ... ~~s \\AII. Vlll,hlllj( 'If'1oI1 l' .hl" • • • • Brick. BIO\." Wn RffUCDEIla. REPA.I\ SPEQAW.D wnllf' K"."'ll\~hll" r.l.... (2e1 r~w ,rllla~ and <;u(Jt.t,IJ" DI~o\ler why 1'111frf"t' f",tlnHI18 W~'\411 nume'ou~ lam,1 es hl"e ~Iettfld u~ ICJdo more _EpRI lInw, AOO' ",l'AIA. WAI\Al\lT:.,l12 ~l A1.ITY WOR)( "~S'Df,..rlM "'Nn fOto4"'U\C'''' (i()Oll PRI<'I:S than ()rtl'J maJOOWNSPOUTS • CMlMNt:YS AfPAIAfD ~---_ .... _- ~------~------ASD ADDmONS pit> YQ.\! KIoIO'lf~ USUAllY ....( 0," IXIOW TH[ UH Of '1'00" "00+ ' 1.l('f'I\Md.Boftded. tllAr'ed BY MAllY ytA,,~ OY I"oOfHSIOl'lAl "['AlII. FlUtE tsT1MAra .laok D. To"y (,l/llfU! (ON'.A( '0' •••••• 3... 885-1798 P'INANCtNQ AVAILA1II..& Thursday, July 19, 1984 Page 1Wetve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS

    2t~AND 21u::&1dAf lNb 21 Q:-PLASTEA I 21S=CliHNtiA 21W-DRESSIIAKING ~ BRICK WORK IRICK WOAIS WORK I QUALITY Carpeotr) and For- NIP TAILORING "SEAVER'S LANDSCAp. JOHN'SSHRUB~- D LANDSCAPING mica wort:, new or reraeed, TIRED OF Your fit' Excellent ING"lawn mamtenaDCe- and bed deli,u, free 1 HAROLD • THOME Coostrucboo All ee:. clean-ups. power ralung, "tunatn, rea.ouble. COMPANY ~ ",'on doDe No too PLAST'ERING And Oryv. all Commercl.lll • ResIdential alterations and seVlIn! JOb Before S pm call 886-1fl2 bed ~tJon, fertl1i1lM. Before 5pm, .41 .. • Spnnc Clean-Up CHAUVIN small Guaranteed 882.5836 rep&U'S TextUl'Ul8 and stuc- Store hxtures, displays alS() pruntni Experienced, re&- co Insured ~e Taornuna, counters, k:1tchens, vanthes, STOM Made wrap sk1rts - • Cuttllli CEMENT CONTR.\CTOR C'U sonable 882-0000 TRIMMING, removal. .. ay' • H~e Tnmmmg -t69-296i rec rooms, ha ng doors All With or Without trim Short .. ALL TYPE OF CHAS. F, JEFFREY Inc, f~ aod stump re- ." and long 88S-3S:W - Pa t UNDSCAPING, DeslglUl\8 moval himat" • Edging CEMENT WORK PUSTERI:\G and Dryv.'all repaIrs and flmsh work 115 Free lMwest Pnces Around MASOS eO:\iRACTOR years expenence Free esti- and Construction Reslden. C«n~ tree service Call • Walks • Dnves • Porcl\es UCESSED-IXSL'RED Sell Squlres 757.qm "SMAll Alteraboas " Rush F\erriing Tree Service. Tl4- • Free Estimates • mates Vito 5.aplema i74- )Obi a speC181ty Quahty tlal, Commercll1 Tree and • PabOl5 • Waterproo(.Lng • Bnclt • Block • Stone M60 m-l329 PALMER PL~RI:\G and 8933 wort Grosse POinte Park Shrubs 5355 North Gratiot • Pre-ealt Steps • Cemen t Worlt dryv.all, 20 ) ears expenence, • Tuck POUlUn8 • Waterprooflng So Job too small Free CARPE~'TR\' SERVICE - 8ti-2106 .~) RepaU' all repairs and small Jobs ALTERATIONS and restora. • Tuck POllltlllg estunates. reasonable All CITY OF '" ark reasonable include quotes for the following activities: CEME;\i eOSTRACTOR-- sured Grosse POl1lte Refer claltles lOclude rec rooms, m.a.scnr) . bnclt ""ater pnr prICes \\ Ide selectIOns of CEME;\'T - BRICK - STO.'\'E :w enees Free estimates Tom decks adQJtlOns, k.lt~llS, aCmg!"epaU'S Spec.allZlllg J.n 885-6991 fatmc~ DIScounts on rods, Imtlal Contact With Applicant; PaUOIS, 'oloalks porches, tuelt pomung and small }Ubs commercial '" ork, free shades shutters and blinds Inspection of Property and Preparation of Inspectlon estimates 882-3255 steps.dnv~ays Lll~ensed Insured Hildeg.ard sa-;.2610,978-2691 Report; Flagstone repa1l' PLASTERING Reasonabie Free est:un.ates Free estImates 10"" rates 21T -PLUMBiNG AND CALL SO:\Y A for too oualltv Code VlOlahon ReVIew with Applicant; Tuck poLDlu:lg, pa tclung 881-0505, 882 .31Xl6 Aspbalt p8tctung and seahng Paul !I!clntyre HEATING dratlf'1' and curtalllS - an~ Secure Necessary Documentation; C A.~1770 CON ST dAl;.O?47 TO!'!Y st\'le 15 years expenence Prepare Bid Documents; S?EC~:'.~!!!~!G!~! Reasonable pl"Ices, tree Pre.bld COnsu1taUon Wltn ApplIcant; SMALL JOBS QCALITY WORK PL.\STERI~G A~'D drv\\all The ~!aster Plumber estimate ~9-4098 Bid Processmg; All Types Of Cement. Bnd. repair Free estlm'ates, ,Son of Emu) Ct.:~TlJM DraperIes - by Loan Appl1cation Process; FREE Esn.\L\ TES Block WO!"k Garages RaiS- re!ere~ Call 884-92-t2 :\0 jOb too small ~ew an< UC£."iSED repaIrs, noiahons ~larIa Free estlInates, free Pre-closing Consultation with Applicant; ed. Se't Do'lo'Yl On Se~ Rat. Bill FlSher installatIOn Reasonable TU 2"()717 'olo'alJ • Floor 293-3181 Prepare Closing Documents; PL.\STER, DRYW ALL pat- rJ,.nees UCE.1'\SED ISSCRED 1381 977-2472 Post-Closing Documentation; c.lu!lg, taPlDg spray tex- B08 DUBE R.R. CODDENS Construction Monitoring; TONY 885-0612 tures Free estimates PLD1BI~G and HEATI:"G 21Z-LANDscII5'ING Case Closeout. CEMENT Frank Storm 29:Hl143 LIcensed Master Plwnber BRICK stooe. block, concrete. SEWER CLEA."lI:"G. NATt.:RAL LA:'\"DSCAPING Proposals will be accepted until 3: 00 p,m, on July 30, 1984,at the City CONTRACTOR brd panos. ~"S. fU"e- 21 R-FURNITURE SPRI:-lKLER REPAIR, ETC - Alternative w chemical placfs DeSender, 822-1201, Grosse POInte Woods of Grosse Pointe Woods, Municipal BuildiD&, 20025 Mack Avenue, Family BIIN..,.. for 60 )'elll'S REPAIR 886-3897 landscapmg, mulches, I repa1l' If DO ans. ~, call evenmgs Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 48236.For information, call 343-2452. • New aDd Yt'Crl ground covers, SOl1 unprove- BOB'S UPHOLSTER\, - 25% JACK PLUMBING REPAIRS menl, prumng. vegetable • No P! too small wtl..LlA..\tS off already Joy, pna!S Local Chester E. Petersen • 1>r'iYeWa)'S aDd porches GE.~'ERAL CO~croR & =.a aid Expenenced, G P N 7-19-34 City Adminlstrator-elerk eM' specialty references' Hours - 9 to 9. ble Seaver's 882. COSCRETE " BRICK WORK Monda)' thru Saturdays SEWER eLEA~I!\G • Patiol • DRIVEWAYS. PORCHES 0000 • CI:IiJDDeoys 772-9326, Bob McVey Reasonable Rates For All • PATIOS. STEPS • ETC Mtke Potter - wc . WHITE SNOW REMOVAL • Wa~ FLrt.....1TL'RE refimsbed, re- ~ 882-1558 • Roto TillIng CITY OF <6rnss£ "l1lmt "ICH1GAN • VlOIatioaS repa.tl'el1 paired, stripped, any type of • La,,'lI Cuttmg CALL A.''l'1UlE 21P-WAT~ canmg Free estimates • Top Sou NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ELECTION 1 470H953 or 34.5-Q58. • Fertl!lZlng 886-5565 FRANK R. In accordance WIth requirements of Section 56 of The Michigan Li- JACK WILLIAMS EXPERT ANTIQUE repalrs, • EdgIng quor Control Act (MCL 436.1, et seq';,MSA 18.981, et seqJ, ~tice IS WATERPROOFING refimslung, re-gluemg, "By WEIR • Power RaklDg R.L. S~EMERSCH • Log Sphttmg hereby given that Referendum Petition signed by 1,167 regIStered Tooy Sertich" 521-1998 PLUMBING, HEATING, and WALL REPAIR • Estabhshed 1976 and qualified electors of the City of Grosse Pointe (which number CE:JlIm\'T CO~"TRACTOR SEWERS AND DRAINS Cemeat STRIPPL"iG • LIcensed 6: Insured of signatures is not less than 35% of the total number.of vo~ cast .. PROPER METHODS OF REFL"iISHlNG Dnveways WATER PROOFING O~'LY BOILER SPECIALISTS • Free estunates for all candidates for the office of secretary of state m the Clty of Pabol REUPHOlSTERING m-owl .. BUCKLED BASEMENT REPAIRS SPRI!'to1U.ER REPAIRS Grosse Pointe at the last general election held for that ~), re- Brickwort WALLS REPAIRED, DEPENDABLE college stu- questing the submission of the 9uestion of sale of spll'its for con. Basemrat Waterproofmg STRAIGHTENRD AND FORESTATION FlJR ..~TRE 885-7711 dent cater to all of your sumption on the premises, in addition to beer and wine, has been fil- BRACED SERVICE 1andscapmg needs I have ed with City Clerk, which Referendum Petition provides that the 'I'ul:'k~Dt1D1 .. NO INJURY TO LAW~S ~lKERCHEVAL,FARMS my own equlpment aDd No job too smaIl 18301 r-.lNE MILE RD Smce 1925 following question coneerning the sale of spirits for consumption on ANI> SHRUBS 776-5341 transportation. I do quality Free Estimates *' AU. TYPES OF CON- Keith DarueIson the premises, in addition to beer and wiDe, will be submitted to the Licensed Master Plumber work at a affordable pnce electors of the City of Grosse Pointe at the regular State election to SPEClALlZJNG IN CRETE AA'D BRICK QL'ALITY Cl'aft.stnan Serving For free estunate call Chns Grosse Pomte area m bome be held m the City of Graue Pointe on November 6, 1984, by ballot REPAIR DECKARD at 884-0479 DRIVEWAYS AND '* 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE rep8U'S and restoratIons in substantially the following form: BASEMENT IN POL"lTES Free estlmates Call even- PLUMBING CO. MAC'S mgs J Gamble B23-6428 WATERPROOFING '* ALL WORK GUARA.~. • • Bathrooms Remodeled SPRING CLEAN-UP "Shall the sale of spirits in addition to beer and wine be TEED (WRITTEN FREE • Vlolabons Corrected permitted for consumption on tile premises within the 21 S=ClRPENTER Complete yard work, laVIn, 884-7139 ESTIMATES) • All ~ of Installations City of Grosse Poitlte UDcIei' t!Je provisions of the law SEJMCE shfub arid tree tnmm~, 885-0602 .~~tes etc Reasonable rates, governing same'!" F'RAJ."iK B WIU.IAMS, LJ.- m - GRAZIO If no answer call after 3' 00 • All Wark Guaranteed ~ servlce Call Tom, 6- CONSTRUCTION censed bwkler' Specialmng MASTER Lie INSURED or 882-0195 At its July 16, 1984 meeting, the Grosse Pointe City Councl1 also CHARLES F JEFFREY m home up-dabng and all STEVE 88S-G4OIl • Cemeat drive, floors, patiOS 882.11JlO mmor and maJOr repairs LANDSCAPE authorized submission of the followinl companion question to the '.. • Okl pnps raised aDd • BASEMENT Wate!"prOOf.Lng Porch enclosures, doors ad- EMIL THE GARDENING electors of the City of Grosse Pointe at the regular State election to '" reuewed. • Uoderpm footmgs Justed, boobbe1ves install . PLUMBER be held in the City of Grosse Pointe on November 6, 1984, by ballot • Cracked or caved in walls ed., paoelmg, DeW eountef' Des~trucbOO, ~tlDg, in substantially the foUowiDl form: ;...:. • New praet doors aDd SPEClALIZlNG IN P NG, maID nance, ~ ....-'.a. .It,...~ t-or-, vamues. Code V1Ola- Graue N.nte Resident .• '! • t ., • ; r..,,~, - ...... • New prqes buLlt Ucensed Insured tians corrected For cour- • KitcheDs • Bathrooms INSURED . "If the sale of spirits (Liquor) for consumption on the '.. Family operated since 1962 teous expert assIStance In • Laundrv room and vwlatiorJ< .- • Old and new work. ROBERT NEVEUX 884-0536 premises is not approved by a majority of the electors 1..ic;onIed and Insured CAPIZZO CONST. unprovmg your home In any Free EstImates voting at the November 6, 1984 election, then shall the area Please call me at 774-3020 772.1771 BASEMENT Bill, Master Plumber HOWARDS sale of beer and wine (exclusive of spirits) be permitted 881-a790 WATERPROOFING (Son of Emul TREE SERVICE for consumption on the premises within the City of JACK wn.LlAMS DONE RIGHT ALTERATIONS - Moderru. 882-0029 • tree removal Grosse Pointe under the provisioas of the law governing GENERAL CONTRACTOR 10 YEAR GUARANTEE zanoo, all bwldmg needs • stump removal same?" .. CONCRETE 6: BRICK WORK UCENSED INSURED rough tc flOlSh m all trades • trunmmg ~. • DRIVEWAYS. PORCHES CLEMENS SCHUETT THOMAS W. KRESS BACH TONY 885-Q612 GUY DE BOER MASTER HEATING MAN • W~wng • • PATIOS • STEPS • ETC 'ca Ing GPN 7-19-34 CITY CLERK .- ~ LICENSED Heating & Coolmg • storm aamage R.L. STREMERSCH PlumbIng Repall' Fully Insured, free estimates D 6: L MASON Contractors - 885-4624 772-3446 Sewer Clearung 758-6949 : : brick and block, fLreplace BASEMEST Free Estunates CITY OF MICHIGAN ,...... and repall'. Tl4-9032 WATERPROOFII"G ALBERT D. THOMAS 7 da)'s a week- C&r08S£lJoiutr J1arms Walls RepaIred INC . No overtune charge ..: CALANDRA StraIghtened ~ 7'75-{)102 SOD SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES .l. Replaced CONTRACTORS. II"C GREEN THUMB JULY 9t 1984 CONSTRUCTION LEAKY TOILETS aDd faucets All Work Guaranteed We are general contractors • Garage taislDi 6: framing 884-7139 repaired. smk: cleaning Average Lavm $215 And Up The Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m .: • Cemeftt driveways One call takes care of all Weekly Lawn Care your bwldlng-remodebng Work: hunted to above only Present on Roll Call' Mayor James H. Dinpman. Councl1man Joseph L • Pon:bes, truck pOlDtmg J.W. KLEINER 1.Jcensed master plumber Fromm, Bruce M Rockwell, Nancy J. W~n, Harry T Echhn Gall . ' problems, large or small 839-7033 365-7129 , Quality m matenal and 884-2824 Kaess and Mary Anne Ghesquiere. ' worbnansb1p Basement WaterproofIng TU 2-Q628 , Those Absent Were. None ~.Insured All Work: guaranteed HANDYMAN Speclahzmg In REASONABLE TREE KITCHEN Cabmets and Fur- and Also Present Mrs Kathleen Gallagher Lew1.&, Counsel, Mr Charles Ham- JOSEPH LICENSED light plumhmg home STUMP REMOVAL TU 2-0717 roture Custom made In sobd repaIrs No muumum fee mond, ASSOCiate Counsel, Messrs, Andrew Bremer, Jr, City Manager. 468--7069 oak, cherry, or walDut, re- Fred, 881-4357 SERVICE. CALL RIchard G Solak, City Clerk: and Robert K. Ferber, Cluef of Police ferences, portfoho, free est: Mayor Dingeman presllied at the Meetmg. 21 U-JANITOn DOMINIC LUGI-F A.R. CODDENS mates, quality workman. EST ABLlSHED 1924 shlp Ken 521.1637 527-9282 SERVICE 882-5204 The Ml1lUles of the Regular Meeung whlch was held on June 18, 1984, were CEMENT WORK All types of basement wateT- approved as corrected CARPEl'I.TER - small and prooflng 15 years guara ntee CRYSTAL clear home and The OlunCll. acting as a Zotung Board of Appeals, approved the MlOUtes of large Jobs, 32 years ex- MAC'S TREE AND Good wort on ngbt pnce References 886-5565 l\,ndov. c1earung 15% dis- the Publlc Heanng held 00 June 18, l!lll4, and further granted the appeal of penence Free estimates SHRUB TRIMMING New and RepaU' Work count References available Mr & Mrs Richard Russell, ownen of the pren111e& located at Lots ~93 Drive prage RaISing A.\{ERICA.'l Water - Proof- LIcensed 527-6656 7»-7098 COMPLETE \\ORK mg, seven year guarantee Newberry Place SubchV1S1OI1,thereby grantu!I a varwJce from the proVUilonS Walb • SU!pS • Porebes • R.easonahle rates ~~ ser of the Zomng Ordmance wtuch requires a minimwn lot WIdth of 100 feet In Free estimates LIcensed 21T -PLUMBiNG 21T-PLUMBiNG & Vlce Call Tom or Free Farm Patio a R-I-M One Farmly ResidenlJal IhslrJet, as defined In Article XlH, Section Cootractor Dlgglng done by AND HEATING HEATING lEHll9S and color 1300, and further granted the appeal of Mr Robert Knopf, owner of the hand Call 372-4927 Tuck Pamtmg, 6: Ctumney WEEDBUSTERS premISeS located at Lots 94-102 Newberry Place SubdiViSion, thereby gran- BatemeDt WaterprooClDg VALENTE'S Expenenci!d In bed beau ting a vanance from the prOVISions of the Zoruac Ordmance whlch requires Free Estlmates W.I,.TERPROOFISG AJIi'D tzflcallon A great Job at a muumum lot WIdth of 100 feet In an R-l-AA One Faml1y Resldentl81 DlStnct 294-6449 771-9796 BASEMEJIi"T REPAIR ANDERSEN a reasnnable pnce as defmed In Article XIII, sectIon 1300 ' We dig. won guaranteed PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING Hedge tnmmlng, SOil The CouncIl, acting as a Zoru"i Board of Appeal£, approved the request of Licemed • Booded LICENSED A!'to'DI~SlJRED SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUST preparatIOn, etc No the Grosse Pomte War Memonal Aaocl&bon, owner of the premISeS located 18 years expenence 881..()5(J5 lawns please 881-7209 PORCHES, PATIClS-Sev. or j at 32 Lakeshore Dnve, thereby authonzu1Il1a11nce of a pemllt for the renova- = 372-0580 l tIon of the second floor area of the camaae howe ad)leent to the Alger house rebUilt, tuck p'I:'\G & the COnstructIon of an addillon to the front ofber exIJtlfl8 property was a

    I 111."...... _ ...... ,...... 4



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    i' ••, GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, July 19, 1984 Page, Fourteen-e University Liggett School athletes earn awards Most Improved Player \ MIP) ~tVP to Becky lngall and MIP to Hlrt won for 11th grade, and Amy gall and Kara Van Dellen for 11th, her sports, her teammates and ULS In two separate ceremorues, ULS Brian DaVid was the MVP for recently honored Its leading Sophomore Paula Rodnguez ,",as Stefame Sables Raslmas was the 12grade recipient and Laura Stefanski and Amy Ot13. given the MVP award from Track Coach SmIth then presented The ne\\ members of the Athlehc way [or 12th Andra Hlrt will be boy's baseball, whl1e Dale Werkema athletes On May 24, Gll'ls' Athletic collected MI? honors In boys' Director Munel Brock hosted the and FIeld coach Cathy Schnlldt President S Council on PhySical Flt- Honor Society were also announced president Girls' Sprmg Awards Banquet, Schrmdtawarded MIP to the entire ness Awards to Wood. Kheloklan Debby Lubera, MerrItt Meade, The Class of 1974's Joyce M lacrosse the MV? was Jamie novIce team for thell' regular achl- and Suzannah ~laycock The Muriel Wmdy White. Susan Edwards, Lisa Tolleson :\lemonal Award was pre- McMIllan MIP \\ as Allen Carter while Boy's Athletic D1n!Ctor Bob BTlan Hunt collected the Tenms Wood chaired the Father-Son evement of "personal bests ,. E Brock Splnt Cup went to the Van DelleQ. Laurie Evans. Thena sented to semor Laur.le Evans 10 Softball coach Juhe Granger gave Class of 1987 Cherpes and Barbara Roman memory of!\irs Tolleson, former MVP award, as KIrk Haggarty pick- Awards Banquet on May 29. ed up MIP In track and field Jim Girls' soccer coach Candy MVP honors to Mar)' Hoyos Sam Class Athletic cups were pres en- :\lembers must have played on two ULS trustee, parent and sports en. BOUs- Kitchen was awarded MV?, and quet spht her award for Most DeSmet was MIP ~erntt Meade ted on the baSIS of le.adershlp. different varslt~ teams for at least thuslast The award IS gIven annual- Chip DaVid, the MIP Valuable Player (MVP) between was Lacrosse's MY? Lacrosse sportsmanship and athletic talent t\\O consecutive years each I) to a 12th grade girl who shows semor Dan Bowen took home the two talented freshmen, Laura coach Mehnda Reuter gave ~np to For mnth grade the winner v.as ~e\\ members of the 198~-85 SPlflt and humor durmg her skillful , C Club .Most Valuable Athlete , Khelokian and Kun Wood '!bell' Ann Claffone J\' lacrosse coach Wood while Kara Van Dellen took ~thletlc Councll are Cath\ Bianchi and unseltlSh partiCipation In sports A\\ard I classmate, Sr.elly T1bblttS, was the Karen Smith also made a\\ards home the lOth grade a\\ard Andra and \\ood. for 10th grade. Becj.,~ In- She must be dedJcated and loyal to II ,I

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